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Education Faculty/Staff Publications Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education


BEGIN Partnership: Using Problem-Based Learning to Teach

Genetics & Bioethics
Dina G. Markowitz

Michael J. Dupre

Susan Holt

Shaw-Ree Chen

Michael Wischnowski
Saint John Fisher University, [email protected]

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Publication Information
Markowitz, Dina G.; Dupre, Michael J.; Holt, Susan; Chen, Shaw-Ree; and Wischnowski, Michael (2008).
"BEGIN Partnership: Using Problem-Based Learning to Teach Genetics & Bioethics." American Biology
Teacher 70.7, 421-425.
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BEGIN Partnership: Using Problem-Based Learning to Teach Genetics & Bioethics

A science education center at a university medical school had grant funding to develop a genetics
curriculum unit, but needed a dissemination plan. A statewide science teacher organization that provided
professional development training was facing decreased funding. These two groups combined their
efforts, and created a unique partnership, called BEGIN (Biotechnology, Ethics and Genetics Instructional
Network) that has brought together university medical and science faculty and high school biology
teachers. The main goal of this partnership is to provide high school biology teachers with new
instructional tools to face the challenges of teaching genetics and bioethics in a manner that is content-
rich, research and standards-based, and relevant to students' lives. This article describes the BEGIN
partnership and summarizes the tiered approach used for designing, pilot-testing, and disseminating a
new problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum module on the bioethics of DNA testing for Huntington's
disease. The article also provides some preliminary data on the effectiveness of this approach in
transforming teacher practice.


Published as Markowitz, D.G., Dupre, M.J., Holt, S., Chen, S.R. & Wischnowski, M. (2008). BEGIN
Partnership: Using Problem-Based Learning to Teach Genetics & Bioethics. American Biology
Teacher,70(7), 421-425. © 2008 the Regents of the University of California. Copying and permissions
notice: Authorization to copy this content beyond fair use (as specified in Sections 107 and 108 of the U.
S. Copyright Law) for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted
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This article is available at Fisher Digital Publications:

BEGIN Partnership:

i n q u i ry & i n v e s t i g at i o n
Using Problem-Based Learning
To Teach Genetics & Bioethics

D i n a G . M a r k o w i t z M i c h a e l J . D u p r é S u s a n H o lt

S h aw - R e e C h e n M i c h a e l W i s c h n o ws k i

science education center at a university medi- courses based on the New York State Living Environment core
cal school had grant funding to develop a genetics curriculum curriculum (NYSED).
unit but needed a dissemination plan. A statewide science
In order to increase the likelihood that teachers will
teacher organization that provided professional develop-
adopt new curricula and instructional practices, BEGIN
ment training was facing decreased funding. These two
uses an ongoing, multi-year process of curriculum develop-
groups combined their efforts, and created a unique part-
ment and professional development with teachers from the
nership, called BEGIN (Biotechnology, Ethics and Genetics
New York State Biology-Chemistry Professional Development
Instructional Network) that has brought together university
Network. The process introduces PBL and other instructional
medical and science faculty and high school biology teachers.
strategies that are based on current educational research on
The main goal of this partnership is to provide high school
effective, best practices.
biology teachers with new instructional tools to face the chal-
lenges of teaching genetics and bioethics in a manner that is The centerpiece of the BEGIN partnership is a five-part
content-rich, research and standards-based, and relevant to PBL curriculum module called Family Secrets (Markowitz et
students’ lives. al., 2006). This module engages students in constructing
knowledge about DNA testing, Huntington’s disease, and the
This article describes the BEGIN partnership and sum-
bioethics of genetic testing. Using PBL strategies, students
marizes the tiered approach used for designing, pilot-testing,
access and interpret relevant scientific information and data,
and disseminating a new problem-based learning (PBL)
collaborate with other students, and develop ownership of
curriculum module on the bioethics of DNA testing for
their “solution” to a real-life problem. These skills are all
Huntington’s disease. The article also provides some prelimi-
key characteristics of science inquiry, and correlate with
nary data on the effectiveness of this approach in transform-
the inquiry skills found in the National Science Education
ing teacher practice.
Standards (NRC, 1996).
Family Secrets is the result of a three-year process of cur-
BEGIN: A Unique Partnership riculum development, statewide pilot-testing, dissemination,
Between University Faculty & Science and feedback. Family Secrets was created by a Development
Team of master teachers from the New York State Biology-
Teachers Chemistry Professional Development Network, and scientists,
BEGIN was launched in 2003 using grant funding a pediatric geneticist, and a bioethicist from the University
from the National Institutes of Health’s National Human of Rochester. A group of ten biology Pilot Mentors from
Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). This collaborative part- throughout New York State pilot-tested the initial version
nership brings together faculty and staff of the Life Sciences of Family Secrets in their classrooms, and provided year-long
Learning Center (a hands-on science education laboratory feedback to the Development Team. A revised version of
located at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Family Secrets was then introduced to 62 statewide Biology
Dentistry) and science educators from the New York State Mentors at a four-day summer institute at the University of
Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network. The Rochester Medical Center. Mentors field-tested the revised
goal of this project is to develop and disseminate PBL-based curriculum, and provided the Development Team with pre-
activities that introduce high school students to the ethical, liminary evaluation data to assess the impact of Family Secrets
legal, and social implications (ELSI) of genetic testing. BEGIN and the PBL process on classroom instruction and student
focuses on curriculum and professional development, work- learning. Mentors currently use the final version of Family
ing primarily with high school teachers who teach biology Secrets, and provide the Development Team with data to
study the impact of this PBL module on teacher instruction
Dina G. Markowitz, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Environmental and student content knowledge.
Medicine, and Director of the Center for Science Education and
Outreach, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14642; e-mail: Statewide Mentor Network for
[email protected]. Michael J. Dupré and Susan
Holt are Coordinating Mentors, New York State Biology-Chemistry Professional Development
Professional Development Network, Center for Science Education
The Biology-Chemistry Professional Development
and Outreach, University of Rochester. Shaw-Ree Chen, Ph.D.,
Network is a statewide organization of approximately 60
is Assistant Director, Life Sciences Learning Center, University of
Rochester. Michael Wischnowski, Ph.D., is Associate Professor, biology and 35 chemistry teachers called “Mentors.” Created
Ralph C. Wilson School of Education, St. John Fisher College, in 1991, the Network has been developing educational
Rochester, NY 14618. resources and providing high school science teachers and

BEGIN Partnership 421

The Biology-Chemistry Professional Development Network
Figure 1. Correlation of Family Secrets with has embraced the use of student-centered, inquiry-based instruc-
National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996). tional strategies such as PBL. Materials produced and used by
the Mentors are designed to meet the needs of students with
Family Secrets addresses the following Science diverse backgrounds and ability levels. The instructional materi-
Teaching Standards: als are teacher-ready and can be embedded directly into school
Teachers of science should … curricula and professional development plans.
A. Plan an inquiry based program that nurtures
Family Secrets: A Problem-Based Learning
a community of learners (pages 31-32).
Module on the Bioethics of Genetic Testing
B. Guide and facilitate learning to orchestrate
Problem-based learning (PBL) is a complex, collaborative,
discourse among students (page 36).
inquiry-based, student-centered teaching and learning strategy.
C. Engage in ongoing assessment that guides In PBL, learners work in collaborative groups to identify prob-
students in self-assessment (page 42). lems, formulate questions and hypotheses, and then to gather
and synthesize information to arrive at “best fit” solutions (Torp
D. Guide and manage learning environments & Sage, 2002). The Family Secrets curriculum uses a progressive
and structure time to engage students in disclosure PBL model in which instruction is organized around
extended investigations (page 44). a carefully-designed “ill-structured” (or incompletely structured)
series of problem scenarios that mirror real-world issues in medi-
E. Develop communities of science learners to
cine and life sciences (Figure 2). The Family Secrets scenarios are
nurture collaboration among students (page presented as read-aloud scripts. They provide “hooks” as relevant
50). and motivating contexts to engage students in the scientific and
ELSI content that will emerge from each script.
Family Secrets addresses the following grade 9-12
Content Standards: In the Family Secrets PBL sessions, students work first
individually and then in teams of four to list what they know
• The Cell (pages 185-185) (the “facts”) about the scenario, and then to develop questions
• Molecular Basis of Heredity (page 185) they think are important to ask. This question-generating activ-
ity allows students to organize and scaffold the knowledge that
they are constructing. The process of listing “facts” and creating
administrators throughout New York with strategies and sus- “questions” is especially helpful for students who need more
tained support for their implementation of instructional, cur- structured learning environments to process new knowledge
ricular, and assessment reforms. and practice new skills required for collaborative and inde-
pendent inquiry. Students next select questions of importance
The Network uses a tiered structure, with a small group to them and use print and Web-based resources to research
of 20 biology and chemistry Coordinating Mentors training a answers to their questions. They then report the results of
larger group of 80 Regional Mentors. Coordinating Mentors their research to their PBL team and/or the whole class as part
receive approximately 50 hours of train- of this problem-solving process. As
ing each year from national and state the Family Secrets scenarios unfold,
experts in pedagogical techniques and Figure 2. Progressive Disclosure
additional information is given, and
science content. They use this train- PBL Model. new and more complex questions
ing to create classroom and workshop- are created.
ready professional development mate-
Real Life Problem One of the goals of the BEGIN
rials that model how research-based
instructional strategies can be integrat- partnership is to develop methods to
ed with standards-based science cur- help teachers overcome their hesita-
riculum. Coordinating Mentors then Form teams tion about teaching ethical issues in
provide training to Regional Mentors at Identify facts and questions science. Mentors have indicated that
an annual, three-day fall institute and at Decide on research task they feel more comfortable delving
regional two-day spring meetings. These Conduct research into bioethics when their students
training sessions support Regional Report findings engage first in factual learning about
Mentors in incorporating the new con- a topic before they are asked to make
tent and strategies in their own class- an ethical decision related to that
rooms. Regional Mentors also receive topic. Family Secrets provides teach-
training in how to present professional ers with tools for teaching bioethics
development programs for local teach- Receive More within the context of a content-rich
ers. Regional Mentors in turn provide Information PBL module. Students first learn
ongoing training to local teachers and about and then search for more
support these teachers in incorporating information on Huntington’s disease
the new content and instructional prac- and genetic testing before they are
tices. Regional Mentors also provide Develop asked to consider the question of
feedback to the Coordinating Mentors Solutions and whether or not “Jenny” (the main
about new content, strategies, and top- Reflect character in Family Secrets) should
ics important to local teachers. undergo genetic testing.

422 The American Biology Teacher, Volume 70, No. 7, SEPTEMBER 2008
In Part 1, A Family Disease, and Part 2, The Dilemma, students they need to be given the opportunity to experience the instruc-
learn about Huntington’s disease (HD) and issues involving tional method from a learner’s perspective (Shreffler, 2002).
genetic counseling, DNA testing, and informed consent. Students Professional development is especially necessary when teachers
work in teams to identify facts and then research questions based are using new instructional materials in their classrooms (Kreuger
on real-life scenarios about teen-aged Jenny, as she and her family & Sutton, 2001). For most high school science teachers in New
are faced with decisions related to DNA testing for HD. York State, PBL is a radically different approach to instruction,
one that requires ongoing encouragement and support if it is to
In Part 3, A Difficult Choice, students read the script about
be effectively incorporated into teacher practice. BEGIN created
Jenny, who is now a young adult, as she contemplates having
genetic testing. They use an eight-step, ethical decision-making
model to learn about major concepts, principles, and values in
the fields of ethics and bioethics and struggle with the question,
“If you were Jenny, would you get tested?” The Family Secrets ethi-
cal decision-making model was modified from a similar model
used by bioethicists at the University of Rochester Medical
NABT welcomes
Center. Teachers are provided with methods for introducing
their students to the four major ethical principles of autono-
the following
my, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence (Beauchamp & new BioClubs:
Childress, 2001). Students also learn about ethical values such
as confidentiality and privacy, honesty, fidelity, and integrity. As Belleville East High School, Belleville, IL 62221
student teams progress though the Family Secrets decision-mak-
ing model, they are guided to weigh the ethical principles, val- Desert Vista High School, Phoenix, AZ 85048
ues, risks, and benefits of each possible course of action. Then,
Douglas High School, Douglas, AL 35964
students work individually to select a course of action and create
a written position statement to support their selection. Dryden High School, Dryden, Ontario, Canada, P8N 2H4
In Part 4, Testing for the HD Gene, students take on the roles East Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill, NC 27524
of laboratory technicians to perform a hands-on, agarose gel
electrophoresis laboratory activity in which they test simulated Gann Academy, Waltham, MA 02452
DNA samples from Jenny, her father, and her brother for the John F. Kennedy High School, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Huntington’s gene. They then write technical reports. In Part 5,
Making Decisions, students contemplate additional ethical, legal, Incarnate Word Academy, Houston, TX 77002
and social implications (ELSI) and questions the family may Lake Highland Preparatory School, Orlando, FL 3280
face after it learns the results of the tests. Teachers are provided
with ten alternative assessment options which could be used as Martin Luther King Science Magnet, Nashville, TN 37203
culminating activities for the Family Secrets PBL module. Marysville High School, Marysville, KS 66508
Family Secrets is accompanied by a teacher instructional Monmouth Roseville High School, Monmouth, IL 61462
guide that includes a wide selection of print- and Web-based
instructional resources on human genetic disorders, genetic test- Mundelein High School, Mundelein, IL 60060
ing, and ELSI, as well as instructional, assessment, and group-
Northridge High School, Middlebury, IN 46540
processing resources. The BEGIN Development Team created
Family Secrets for teachers with no prior expertise in genetics Roosevelt High School, an Antonio, TX 78218
and bioethics. The teacher’s role is to provide students with the
Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA 98027
resources needed to answer the questions that his/her students
select to research. Therefore, rather than relying on the teacher Tiffin Columbian High School, Tiffin, OH 44883
to tell them information, students engage in collaborative infor-
mation-gathering as part of the PBL process of discovery. The
University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, Chicago, IL 60637
Family Secrets teacher’s guide also contains background informa- Ware Shoals High School, Ware Shoals, SC 29696
tion and suggestions on how to facilitate PBL, detailed lesson
plans, classroom-ready handouts, and laboratory preparation Wooster High School, Reno, NV 89502
The mission of the NABT BioClub is to recruit, support, nurture, and pro-
To support students’ understanding of complex genetics mote students who have an interest in biological sciences for personal
concepts and laboratory procedures, BEGIN also developed reasons, academic preparation, the betterment of society, and possible
a “Virtual DNA Testing Lab” on CD. This CD illustrates and career opportunities by providing guidance, resources, and activities to
explains essential background information on genetic disease meet these goals.
and genetic testing. It also provides an interactive computer
Look for the BioClub logo to indicate recommended articles for NABT
simulation of the HD genetic testing laboratory procedure that BioClub members. If you are interested in forming a chapter of the
is completed during Part 4 of Family Secrets. NABT BioClub, contact George Sellers at [email protected].

Three-Part Peer-Led Professional

Development Sponsored by
Research has indicated that before teachers can effectively
use a new instructional method such as PBL in their classrooms,

BEGIN Partnership 423

a peer-mentored, supportive and sustained approach to intro- Transforming Teacher Practice
duce teachers to the PBL process. This approach uses a series
of professional development workshops to involve Mentors in To evaluate the effectiveness of the Family Secrets module
experiencing the PBL strategies guided along by experienced and professional development, the BEGIN Development Team
PBL facilitators. used qualitative and quantitative data collected from surveys and
interviews. Evaluation data collected from Family Secrets teacher
In BEGIN’s three-year PBL professional development model, workshops indicate enthusiastic praise for both the Family
Mentors first assume the role of “students” as they learn to use Secrets PBL curriculum and for the Mentor-led workshop pro-
PBL. Then, in their role as “teachers,” Mentors implement PBL gram. These workshops have been so successful that Mentors
in their classrooms. Finally as “Mentors,” they are trained to have received requests to present additional Family Secrets work-
share their knowledge and experience with other teachers. This shops beyond the three-year grant period.
three-part approach allows Mentors to better understand PBL As a person, who in a “past life” used to organize and pres-
strategies and their roles as PBL “coaches,” and to more effec- ent teachers’ workshops, I can appreciate all the long hours
tively adapt the student-centered PBL approach into their own you put into making the workshop run without a hitch. You
professional practices. made it look effortless and a lot of fun. I have been reading
the program booklet and perusing the CD and can’t wait to
In Year 1 of the BEGIN partnership, Mentors were intro-
use it with my kids.
duced to PBL through use of a simple “training” PBL called
Penguin Peril which describes a fictitious species of hot-headed, —High school biology teacher and Family Secrets
Penguin-eating moles living under the polar ice cap. Penguin workshop participant
Peril is modified from a PBL activity created by Harold White of Evaluation data collected from surveys and interviews of
the University of Delaware, and is based on an article published Mentors and teachers who are using Family Secrets in their biol-
in the 1995 April Fools Day issue of Discover magazine (Pazzo, ogy classrooms indicates that this PBL module is a successful
1995). The purpose for using this training PBL was to engage vehicle for transforming teacher practice. Through the training
Mentors in the use of PBL strategies and tools. An example of and technical assistance provided by Mentors, teachers report a
these tools is students using a three-column, “PBL chart” to first boost in self-confidence in terms of implementing PBL strategies,
list the facts presented in the scenario (“What do you know?”), addressing the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetic
then to form hypotheses (“What do you think is going on and testing, and conducting an agarose gel electrophoresis lab.
why?”), and finally to create questions that arise from the scenar-
io (“What additional information would you like to have?”). The “I appreciated the excellent directions,” stated one teacher
Penguin Peril training PBL also introduced Mentors to the use of about the module and the training. “The students worked well
team problem-solving tools such as brainstorming. Mentors also [playing] their roles in the teams, generating a lot of questions.
used a second training PBL, High Energy Battery Company, that Students were generally very intrigued by the story, and con-
presents a fictitious (but potentially real-life) scenario of lead poi- stantly asked when we would get back to it since I broke up
soning of children living near a battery factory. This more con- the different parts between other genetic lessons. The ethics
tent-rich PBL engaged Mentors in learning about additional PBL and bioethical discussion was excellent, perhaps due to the
instructional skills such as categorizing and prioritizing ques- Terry Schiavo [right-to-die] controversy occurring at the same
tions, using print and Internet sources to search for biomedical time. It was very different from what we normally do.” Teachers
information, collecting data, presenting individual information also indicated that their students feel empowered by their new
to the PBL team, and presenting PBL team information to the knowledge. “My students see how their knowledge of genetics
class. Mentors were encouraged to use at least one of these train- can help them to make important decisions,” commented a
ing PBLs with their students prior to using Family Secrets. teacher from New York City.
Feedback from Mentors praised the PBL process for improv-
In Year 2 of the BEGIN partnership, Mentors experienced ing student engagement, providing real-world applications, and
Family Secrets, initially as “students” as they attended a four-day promoting discussion of bioethics. Mentors indicated how much
summer institute at the University of Rochester, and then as they like using PBL, and have asked for additional PBL modules
“teachers” as they used Family Secrets in their own classrooms. that they could incorporate into other parts of their curriculum.
Also during Year 2, Mentors led “Introduction to PBL” work- Due to an overwhelming request from Mentors, the BEGIN
shops for other science teachers in their local regions using the Development Team provided Mentors with instruction on how
Penguin Peril and High Energy Battery Company training PBLs. In to write their own PBLs. To date, Mentors have written at least
Year 3, Mentors again used Family Secrets in their classrooms, 100 new PBLs on topics ranging from toxic environments, to
and then conducted Family Secrets workshops for local science evolution, to genetic engineering. Some Mentors have conducted
teachers. action research projects that focus on collecting quantitative and
qualitative data to study the impact of PBLs on student learning.
Mentors continue to lead day-long Family Secrets workshops
Some of these projects include error analysis of New York State’s
for teachers in their local regions throughout the state. Almost
Living Environment standardized test data and tracking student
1,000 teachers attended Family Secrets workshops during the
performance on items related to genetics.
2004-2005 through 2006-2007 school years. Workshop partici-
pants receive the Family Secrets teaching materials in print and on Results of student performance on the June, 2005 Living
CD. As part of the NHGRI grant, each Biology Mentor received a Environment exam provided direct measurable evidence of the
classroom set of electrophoresis laboratory equipment and sup- impact of Family Secrets and PBL on student learning. Students
plies. Mentors use the equipment for their own classrooms, for of Mentors who used Family Secrets during the 2004-2005 school
their Family Secrets workshops, and for a loan program to local year scored significantly higher on three of the exam questions
teachers who attend their workshops. related to DNA testing using gel electrophoresis, when compared

424 The American Biology Teacher, Volume 70, No. 7, SEPTEMBER 2008
to a control group of high school biology students whose teach- Acknowledgments
ers did not use Family Secrets.
This work was supported by grant HG002756 from the
• 96.7% of Family Secrets students could identity a diagram National Human Genome Research Institute. Information about
of DNA gel electrophoresis versus 72.8% of the control the Family Secrets curriculum module can be found online at
• 50.5% of Family Secrets students understood the process
of DNA movement during gel electrophoresis versus
39.5% of the control students.
Beauchamp, T. & Childress, J.F. (2001). Principles of Biomedical
• 62% of Family Secrets students could describe how DNA Ethics, 5th Ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
was treated with restriction enzymes prior to gel electro-
phoresis versus 26% of the control students. Krueger, A. & Sutton, J. (2001). EDThoughts: What We Know About
Science Teaching and Learning. Aurora, CO: Mid-Continent
Research for Education and Learning.
Conclusion Markowitz, D., DuPré, M., Holt, S, Chen, S. & Wischnowski, M.
The BEGIN project is an example of the power of a suc- (2006). Family secrets: The bioethics of genetic testing. The
cessful collaborative partnership between university scientists Science Teacher, 73(8), 28-32.
and master teachers to create and disseminate new curricula National Human Genome Research Institute. Retrieved from the
and instructional methods. Throughout this project, the BEGIN WWW on 7/25/08.
Development Team continually solicited and incorporated feed- National Research Council (NRC). (1996). National Science Education
back from the Mentors. The ten Pilot Mentors provided feedback Standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
from their initial use of the first version of Family Secrets. They
New York State Biology-Chemistry Professional Development
then assisted in making revisions to the Family Secrets curriculum
Network. Retrieved from the WWW on 7/25/08.
and support materials. Pilot Mentors also assisted in designing
and leading the four-day Family Secrets summer institute at the
University of Rochester. The trained Mentors then field-tested New York State Education Department (NYSED). The Living
the final version of the Family Secrets PBL in their classrooms and Environment Core Curriculum. Retrieved from the WWW on
provided formative and summative evaluation data. 7/25/08.
Problem-based learning through the Family Secrets mod-
Pazzo, A. (1995). Hotheads: ice borer, new species of mammals dis-
ule is an innovative approach to teaching genetics through the covered in Antarctica. Discover, 16(4), 14-15.
power of real-life storytelling, using, as one teacher describes,
“the progressive disclosure format—revealing the parts in stages Shreffler, M. (2002). Learning every day from everyday problems.
with ‘thinking time’ in between.” Maybe the greatest lesson ENC Focus, 9(2), 47-48.
learned, as stated by a teacher, is that “… genetics has real-world Torp, L. & Sage, S. (2002). Problems as Possibilities: Problem-Based
applications. Students can learn first-hand that genetic disease Learning for K-16 Education. Alexandria, VA: Association for
has an impact not only on the family involved, but also on soci- Supervision and Curriculum Development.
ety as a whole.” BEGIN has demonstrated through Family Secrets, University of Rochester Life Sciences Learning Center. Retrieved
and a university faculty and science teacher partnership, that from the WWW on 7/25/08.
PBL holds great promise for teaching about bioethical issues in
high school science classrooms. As summed up by one teacher, White, H.B. Hot-Headed Moles in Antarctica. (1997). University of
“Family Secrets really tied together a lot of aspects of genetics and Delaware. Retrieved from the WWW on 7/25/08.
made students think about ethics in a new way.”

BEGIN Partnership 425

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