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Senior High School

Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Food & Beverage Services (NCII) – Senior High School
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Promote Food and Beverage Products
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

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Published by the Department of Education – Region XI

Regional Director: Allan G. Farnazo
Assistant Regional Director: Maria Ines C. Asuncion

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Meiloza C. De Leon

Layout Artist:
Management Team:
Allan G. Farnazo Josephine L. Fadul
Mary Jeanne B. Aldeguer Christine C. Bagacay
Analiza C. Almazan Lorna C. Ragos
Pedelina O. Huevos Alpha D. Palconit

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Food and
Services NC II
Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Promote Food and Beverage
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our
dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at
home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and
discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide
you step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson
prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on
lessons in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on
completing this module or if you need to ask your facilitator or
your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson.
At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to
self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher
are also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and
reminders on how they can best help you on your home-based
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks
on any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in
answering the exercises and tests. And read the instructions
carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in
answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

Let Us Learn!

This Module is a specialized course which leads you to Food & Beverage
Services National Certificate Level II (NC II).

This module is prepared to help you achieve the required Learning Outcome,
Promote Food and Beverage Products. This will be the source of information that will
enable you to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in this trade independently at
your own pace or with minimum supervision or help from your instructor.

- Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the training of
this unit. Read through the learning guide carefully. It is divided into
sections which cover all the skills and knowledge you need to successfully
complete this module.
- Use the self-check questions at the end of each lessons to test your own
- When you have completed this module (or several modules) and feel
confident that you have had sufficient practice, your trainer will arrange an
appointment with you to assess you. The result of your assessment will be

This module contains the following Performance Standards:

- Update oneself on the current food menus, and service trends.

- Identify possible food sources based on acceptable cultural norms and
- Demonstrate appreciation for new trends in food and beverage service.

Let Us Try!

How well do you know about the topic? Let’s try to find out by answering the
following questions. After answering this, you may check the answers at the last part of
this module.

Directions: Write the word Fact if the statement is true and write the word Bluff if the
statement is false. Write your answer in your FBS notebook.

____________ 1. The menu is a list of all spoon, fork, glass, and plate that is offered to be
used in an establishment such as restaurant, café, and bar.

____________ 2. The purpose of studying and making the menu is to improve customer
relations and build the image of a certain restaurant.

____________ 3. Arranging the list of items in the menu in a particular order is significant
in making the menu.

____________ 4. An appetizer is a typically sweet course that concludes an evening meal.

The course usually consists of sweet foods, but may include other items

____________ 5. There are two different types of Menu for different establishments and
events: the A’ la Carté and the Table d’ Hôte.

____________ 6. Salads can be based around a wide variety of foods including vegetables,
fruits, and cooked meat, eggs, and grains.

____________ 7. A’ la Carté is a French word and means “Table of the Host” In this, the
meal is provided at a fixed price and the customer has to pay for the complete meal no
matter him/her consuming the whole meal or not.

____________ 8. Table d’ Hôte is a French word and means “According to the Card or
Customer’s Order” It’s a list of all the dishes available in a particular restaurant.

____________ 9. There are ten (10) groups of food categories that are listed in the menu
where the guests can choose from the variety of foods they want.

____________10. The two (2) types of selling techniques are the Upselling and Suggestive
Let Us Study

Way to go! Let us level up!

Promoting Food and Beverage Products
Do you know what are the products of Food and Beverage that need to be
promoted? What did you think are the ways of promoting it?

The menu is a list of all food and drink that is offered in a restaurant. Why do we
need to study the menu? To improve customer relations and build the image of the
restaurant. It may change in terms of variety of foods or prices especially on items listed
but are out of stock and items that are not listed but are available; To have knowledge of
your products for sale and help service staff, suggest additional side orders and answer
questions tactfully; To enable you to help those customers who usually do not read the
fine prints on the menu and may request information from the server; and To help
waiters make suggestions to those guests on a diet and on a budget.

Menu is a list of all food and drink offered in an establishment (e.g. restaurant,
café, bar) during its operation and is arranged in a particular order. In a restaurant, a
menu is a presentation of food and beverage offerings.

Types of Menu

1. À la Carte = This is a French word and means “According to the Card or

Customer’s Order” It’s a list of all the dishes available in a particular
restaurant. In this menu, the guests may select separately to compile his or her
menu and is required to pay only for the food or beverage items ordered.
2. Table d’hôte = This is a French word and means “Table of the Host” In this, the
meal is provided at a fixed price and the customer has to pay for the complete
meal no matter him/her consuming the whole meal or not. A limited choice
may be given to the customer for each course or between courses.

This type of menu is available in:

1. Banquets
2. Restaurants where buffet lunch and dinner are available.
3. Guest houses
4. Flight catering
5. Institutional catering
6. Welfare catering.
7. “Combo Meals” in fast food outlets.
Source: Meiloza C. De Leon
Source: Meiloza C. De Leon
Source: Meiloza C. De Leon
Source: Meiloza C. De Leon
Source: Meiloza C. De Leon
Source: Meiloza C. De Leon
Kinds of Menu

1. Breakfast menu – Containing breakfast items

2. Lunch and Dinner menu – Containing lunch and dinner items for appetizer,
soup, salad, main entrées, desserts, and drinks.

3. Room Service Menu – Containing food items for in-rooming dinning for hotel

Contents of the Menu

The foods are group into categories (in order)

1. Appetizers - are finger foods usually served prior to a meal, or in between mealtimes,
and are also called hors d’oeuvres, antipasti, or starters. They may range from the very
simple to the very complex, depending on the occasion and the time devoted to making
them. Appetizers are a common accompaniment to aperitifs, cocktails served prior to a

Bauer, Elise. "Easy Steak Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe." Simply Recipes. Accessed January 30,

2. Soups - is a primarily liquid food, generally served warm (but may be cool or cold),
that is made by combining ingredients such as meat and vegetables with stock, juice,
water, or another liquid. Hot soups are additionally characterized by boiling solid
ingredients in liquids in a pot until the flavors are extracted, forming a broth.
Traditionally, soups are classified into two main groups: clear soups and thick
soups. The established French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consommé.
Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used: purées are
vegetable soups thickened with starch; bisques are made from puréed shellfish or
vegetables thickened with cream; cream soups may be thickened with béchamel sauce;
and veloutés are thickened with eggs, butter, and cream. Other ingredients commonly
used to thicken soups and broths include egg, rice, lentils, flour, and grains; many
popular soups also include carrots and potatoes.

"$name." McAlisters. Accessed January 30, 2021.

3. Salads - salad is a dish consisting of small pieces of raw or cooked food mixed with a
sauce and almost always served cold. Salads can be based around a wide variety of
foods including vegetables, fruits, and cooked meat, eggs, and grains. Garden salads use
a base of leafy greens; they are common enough that the word salad alone often refers
specifically to garden salads. Other types include bean salad, tuna salad, fattoush,
Greek salad, and somen salad. The sauce used to a flavor a salad is commonly called a
salad dressing; well-known types include ranch, Thousand Island, and vinaigrette.
Milisa. "Easy Green Salad {Tossed Garden Salad}." Miss in the Kitchen. March 10, 2020.
Accessed January 30, 2021.

4. Main Entrees/Main Course – is the featured or primary in a meal consisting of

several courses. The main dish is usually the heaviest, heartiest, and most complex or
substantive dish on a menu.
In culinary terms, a vegetable is an edible plant or its part, intended for cooking or
eating raw.
"$name." McAlisters. Accessed January 30, 2021.

Vegetable classifications:

Vegetables are classified according to which part of the plant is eaten. Some vegetables
fit into more than one category when several different parts of the plant are edible, e.g.
both the roots and leaves of beetroot can be eaten.
1. Bulbs- Usually grows just below the surface of the ground and produce a fleshy, leafy
shoot above ground. Bulbs usually consist of layers, or clustered segments. e. g. fennel,
garlic, leek, onion, shallot, spring onion.

2. Flowers- The edible flowers of certain vegetables. e.g. artichoke (globe), broccoli flower,
cauliflower, broccoli, choi sum, courgette or other squash flowers, gai lan (Chinese
sprouting broccoli).

3. Fruits- Vegetable fruit are fleshy and contain seeds. e.g. bitter melon, chilli,
cucumber, eggplant, and squash.

4. Fungi- When referring to vegetables, fungi are commonly known as mushrooms.

5. Leaves- The edible leaves of plants. e. g. cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and other leafy

6. Roots- Usually a long or round-shaped taproot. e. g. carrot, radish, and singkamas.

7. Seeds- (Legumes) apart from sweetcorn, seeds grow in pods which are sometimes
eaten along with the seed. e. g. bean (green, pea, snow pea, sweetcorn).

8. Stems- The edible stalks of plants when the stalk is the main part of the vegetable.
e. g. asparagus, celery.
9. Tubers- Vegetables which grow underground on the root of a plant.
e. g., potato, yam.

Seafood is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans. Seafood prominently
includes fish and shellfish. Shellfish include various species of mollusks, crustaceans,
and echinoderms. Fish, oysters, clams, lobsters, and calamari are all seafood and are
served at many different types of seafood restaurants. Raw bar and oyster bars serve
shellfish straight from the sea, while a fish grill offers up meatier fish specialties cooked
over hot coals.

Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food. Meat is mainly composed of water and protein
and is usually eaten together with other food. It is edible raw but is normally eaten after
it has been cooked and seasoned or processed in a variety of ways. Animals that are
commonly domesticated for meat are cows, bulls, goats, sheep, pigs, etc. Certain animals,
like camels and kangaroos, are raised in specific geographic locations only. Even wild
animals like wild boar are killed and their flesh is used for human consumption. The
flesh of animals hunted (not domesticated) for meat is called game meat. While beef is the
meat of cow, flesh of calves is called veal. Lamb is the meat of young sheep, whereas
mutton is the flesh of adult sheep. The meat of deer is referred to as venison. Meat is
available in different types and cuts too. Meat like beef, pork, mutton, etc., comes under
the category of red meat that is said to be unhealthy, if consumed in large amounts. The
term poultry refers to those birds that are domesticated for their eggs and meat. They
include chicken, duck, goose, pigeon, turkey, guinea fowl, emu, ostrich, etc. When
compared to red meat, poultry is said to be healthier. As in case of mammalian meat,
poultry too is available in different cuts, like breast meat, drumsticks, wingette, thigh,
etc. Apart from the domesticated ones, wild birds are also hunted for consumption.

5. Desserts - it is a typically sweet course that concludes an evening meal. The course
usually consists of sweet foods but may include other items.
There is a wide variety of desserts in the world’s cultures including cakes, tarts, cookies,
biscuits, gelatins, pastries, ice creams, pies, puddings, custards, sweet soups, and
candies. Fruit is also commonly found in dessert courses because of its naturally
occurring sweetness.
"Dessert." Fine Dining Lovers. Accessed January 30, 2021.

6. Beverages - drinks, or beverages, are liquids specifically prepared for human

consumption. In addition to basic needs, beverages form part of the culture of human
society. Although most beverages, including juice, soft drinks, and carbonated drinks,
have some form of water in them, water itself is often not classified as a beverage, and
the word beverage has been recurrently defined as not referring to water.

"Food and Beverage Services - Beverages." Tutorialspoint. Accessed January 30, 2021.
Methods of Foods Preparations

The food preparation methods as follows:

Baked – Cooked by heat in an oven

Boiled – Cooked in liquid at the boiling temperature of 212 F sea level so that bubbles
rise to the surface and break.
Braised – Browned in a small amount of fat, then cooked in a little liquid in a covered
Broiled – Cooked by direct heat, either under the source of heat, or a grill.
Fried – Cooked in a hot fat in a pan.
Grilled – Cooked over direct heat, usually hot coals.
Pan broiled – Cooked in heavy frying pan over direct heat using little or no fat.
Poached – Immersed in enough liquid to cover the food.
Roasted – Cooked uncovered without water added usually in an oven.
Sautéed – Browned/cooked in small amount of hot fat.
Steamed – Cooked in steam with or without pressure.
Stewed – Simmer slowly is enough liquid to cover the food.
Simmered – Cooked gently in a liquid over low heat just below the boiling

Food Preparation Time:

Preparation time is the time it takes to cook up a food item on the menu. The time
it takes to cook an item will depend on the equipment in the kitchen, the efficiency of the
chef and the number of orders placed by the service staff. Preparation time can best be
learned from experience. Once you know them you will be able to time your orders

Some of the most common food preparation time as follows:

Eggs (hard boiled) 10 minutes
Eggs (soft boiled) 5 minutes
Fish (fried/boiled) 10-15 minutes
Liver 15 minutes

Chateaubriand (large steak grilled or broiled served w/ sauce (bernaise)

Lamb Chops 20 minutes
Pork Chops 15-20 minutes
Game 30-40 minutes
Fried Chicken 10-20 minutes
Soufflé 35 minutes
Steak (1 inch thick)
Rare 10 minutes
Med 15 minutes
Well done 20 minutes

Meal Accompaniments:

Meal accompaniments are condiments, decorative garnish and food that may
compliment the entrée. Part of the responsibility of the serving staff is to bring the
condiments to the table to complete the order after adding the garnishes and
complimentary food or side dish to an entrée prepared by the chef. Make sure the
garnishes look attractive and that condiment containers are clean. Some
accompaniments may be kept at the side stand or station for convenience.

Examples of meal accompaniments are as follows:

Fish with lemon wedge, Fried Fish with tartar sauce, Hamburger with pickles and
catsup, Steak with steak sauce, Hotdogs with mustard, Potato Pancakes in apple sauce,
Pancakes with syrup, Salads with dressing, Bread and rolls with butter, Soup with
crackers or bread, Grilled lobster with lemon butter sauce, Parsley to add color to an
entrée, Coffee with cream and sugar, Tea with lemon and sugar, etc.

Food Allergens

Allergic reactions are often mild, but they can sometimes be very serious. In young
children, common food allergies include milk and eggs. In adults, allergies to fruit and
vegetables are more common. Nut allergies, including peanuts, are relatively common in
both school-age children and adults. Symptoms of a food allergy can affect different
areas of the body at the same time.

The difference between food allergy and food tolerance:

Food allergies and food intolerances can have similar symptoms but are very
different conditions. Intolerances, such as lactose intolerance and celiac disease, can
cause someone to feel ill. Food allergies not only can make someone feel ill, but also can
cause a life-threatening reaction.
Presenting the menu

The proper way of presenting the menu:

1. Present the menu when the guests are already seated.

2. The menu should be presented right side up on the right side of the guest using
the right-hand cover face-up. Ladies first! If the menu is multi-folded menu, this
should be presented closed. If it is single fold menu, this should be given open.
3. Hand the menu to the guest with politeness and a smile (say May I present to you
our menu for your food selection) accompanied with some introductory suggestive
4. After a few minutes (say May I take your orders sir/ma’am).
5. Apply selling techniques.

Two Types of Selling Techniques:

1. Upselling (sometimes "up-selling") - is a sales technique whereby a seller induces

the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons to
make a more profitable sale. Up selling usually involves marketing more profitable
services or products but can be simply exposing the customer to other options
that were perhaps not considered.

2. Suggestive selling - the act of giving suggestions and ideas to increase the dining
guests’ original orders. A selling technique that introduces to the customer items
that not familiar to the customer. For instance, the customer did not order an
appetizer, the waiter may suggest. It could also be a cup of coffee to end the meal.
It is another way of increasing profit of the restaurant also.

Food pairing is a method for identifying which foods go well together. The method
is based on the principle that foods combine well with one another when they share key
flavor components. Food pairing is a relatively new method and is often confused with
wine and food matching.

"The Best Burger and Fries in Every State." The Definitive Website for Food, Recipes and Reviews. Accessed
January 29, 2021.
Burger and Fries
Bauer, Elise. "Easy Steak Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe." Simply Recipes. Accessed
January 30, 2021.
Stake and Salad

"Pan Seared Filet of Beef with Red Wine Pan Sauce Roasted Asparagus Garlic Mash." Have Her Over For Dinner.
Accessed January 30, 2021.
Stake and Mashed Potato

Wallpaper Cheese and Coffee, Dessert 1920x1200 HD Picture, Image. Accessed January 30, 2021.
Dessert and Coffee
Bauer, Elise. "Easy Steak Salad
with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe." Simply Recipes. Accessed January 30, 2021.

Let Us Practice

Awesome! You've made this far! Let's keep going!

After answering this honestly. You may want to check your answer in the Answer Key

ACTIVITY 1.1 – Make an A la Carte Menu!

Directions: Based on the given example create you own a la carte menu. Write your answers in
your FBS notebook.

Content: 10 points
Organization of Food: 5 points
Description of Food: 5 points

Let Us Practice More

Very good! You made it this far. Let us continue rolling!
Activity 2.2 Independent Practice (script writing)

Directions: Make a script in presenting the menu, taking food and beverage orders
applying the suggestive and upselling. Write your answers in your FBS notebook.

Content: 15 points
Organization of Thoughts: 10 points
Structure & Mechanics: 10 points
(grammar, punctuation, capitalization)

Let Us Remember

Awesome! Now, let us gather what you have learned.

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answers in your FBS notebook.

1. What is the difference between a la carte menu and table d’hôte menu?

2. What is upselling and suggestive selling?

3. Why we need to familiarize the menu?

Content: 5 points
Organization of Thoughts: 3 points
Structure & Mechanics: 2 points
(grammar, punctuation, capitalization)
Let Us Assess
Awesome! Now, let us sum up what we have learned.
Multiple Choices!

Directions: Read the following test items carefully and choose the correct answer from
the given choices. Write the choice that best completes the statement or answers the
question in your answers in your FBS notebook.
1. Which among the following Methods of Food Preparations are defined accurately?
A. Poached – Cooked in steam with or without pressure.
B. Sautéed – Browned/cooked in small amount of hot fat.
C. Steamed – Immersed in enough liquid to cover the food.
D. Boiled – Cooked uncovered without water added usually in an oven.

2. Soups are traditionally classified into two groups:

A. Clear Soup & Thick Soup
B. Thick Soup & Cream Soup
C. Cream Soup & Broth Soup
D. Vegetable Soup & Puree Soup

3. Which of the following animals is NOT commonly domesticated for meat?

A. Pigs
B. Cows
C. Dogs
D. Bulls

4. Which of the following is NOT a kind of Menu?

A. Breakfast Menu
B. Home Service Menu
C. Room Service Menu
D. Lunch and Dinner Menu

5. Which of the following statements best describes the main course?

A. The course is served before anything else.
B. The course usually consists of sweet foods but may include other items.
C. It is usually the heaviest, heartiest, and most complex or substantive dish on a
D. It is additionally characterized by boiling solid ingredients in liquids in a pot
until the flavors are extracted, forming a broth.

6. Which of the following statements about food pairing is correct?

A. Desserts pair best with wine and a burger that is rich and creamy.
B. The general rule in pairing food with wine: white meat complement with white
C. The idea of steak and burger is a well-known meal because the two foods are so
delicious together.
D. Served with a simple coffee, a steak can be a lean, nutritious supper, while
adding puddles of sauce and mountains of fries makes the whole thing much more

7. The following are vegetable classifications, except for one:

A. Trees C. bulbs
B. Seeds D. flowers

8. “In young children, common food allergies include milk and eggs. In adults,
allergies to seafoods are more common.”
The statement is…
A. Maybe
B. Correct, because both sentences are accurate.
C. Wrong, because adults’ allergies to meat is more common.
D. Wrong, because children’s allergies to green leafy vegetables are more common.

9. Fruit is also commonly found in dessert courses because of its naturally occurring
sweetness. There is a wide variety of desserts in the world’s cultures includes the
following, except for one:

A. cakes
B. custard
C. candies
D. champagne
10. The following shows the correct definition of food preparation, except for one:
A. Baked – Cooked by heat in an oven
B. Broiled – Cooked by direct heat, either under the source of heat, or a grill.
C. Braised – Browned in a small amount of fat, then cooked in a little liquid in a
covered pan.
D. Grilled – Cooked in liquid at the boiling temperature of 212 F sea level so
that bubbles rise to the surface and break.

Let Us Enhance
Awesome! Now, let us sum up what we have learned.

Directions: Read each statement carefully and fill in the blanks with the appropriate
word to complete the ideas. Write your answers in your FBS notebook.

Intolerance such as 1. _______________ intolerance and celiac disease, can cause

someone to feel ill. ___________________2 not only can make someone feel ill, but also can
cause a life-threatening reaction.

Present the menu when the guests are already _________________3.

The menu should be presented ____________4 side up on the right side of the guest using
the right-hand cover face-up. Ladies first! If the menu is multi-folded menu, this should
be presented ___________5. If it is single fold menu, this should be given ______________6.

___________________________7 are condiments, decorative garnish and food that may

__________________8 the entrée. Part of the responsibility of the serving staff is to bring
the condiments to the table to complete the order after adding the ________________9 and
complimentary food or side dish to an entrée prepared by the _____________10.

Let Us Reflect

Congratulations! Might what to share your deep thought on this!

your answers in your FBS notebook.


Content: 10 points
Organization of Thoughts: 5 points
Structure & Mechanics: 5 points
(grammar, punctuation, capitalization)
Answer key to Activities

Promoting Food & Beverage Products


1. Bluff


4. Bluff Make an a la carte
5. Fact
Note: Teacher will Teacher will check the
6. Fact Note: Teacher will
check the answers check the answers answers based on the
7. Bluff based on the rubrics rubrics presented.
based on the rubrics
8. Bluff presented.
9. Bluff
10. Fact


1. Lactose
1. C 2. Food allergies
2. B 3. Seated
3. D 4. Right LET US REFLECT
4. B 5. Closed
5. A 6. Open
Teacher will check the
C MORE 7. Meal answer based on the
7. A accompaniments rubrics presented.
8. C 8. Compliment
9. Teacher
D will check 9. Garnishes
the answers based on the
10. B 10. Chef
rubrics presented.

Cristeta M. Arcos, Evangeline V. Yu, Jelly M. Flores. Food & Beverage Services Manual.
Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR).

Food and Beverage Services (NCII), Competency Based Learning Material (CBLM).
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

Photograph and Images:

Bauer, Elise. "Easy Steak Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe." Simply Recipes.
Accessed January 30, 2021.

"The Best Burger and Fries in Every State." The Definitive Website for Food, Recipes and
Reviews. Accessed January 29, 2021.

Bauer, Elise. "Easy Steak Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe." Simply Recipes.
Accessed January 30, 2021.

"Pan Seared Filet of Beef with Red Wine Pan Sauce Roasted Asparagus Garlic Mash."
Have Her Over For Dinner. Accessed January 30, 2021.

Bauer, Elise. "Easy Steak Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe." Simply Recipes.
Accessed January 30, 2021.

Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe." Simply Recipes. Accessed January 30, 2021.

Wallpaper Cheese and Coffee, Dessert 1920x1200 HD Picture, Image. Accessed January
30, 2021.
Milisa. "Easy Green Salad {Tossed Garden Salad}." Miss in the Kitchen. March 10, 2020.
Accessed January 30, 2021.

"$name." McAlisters. Accessed January 30, 2021.
"Dessert." Fine Dining Lovers. Accessed January 30, 2021.
"Food and Beverage Services - Beverages." Tutorialspoint. Accessed January 30, 2021.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Region XI (DepEd- XI)

F. Torres St., Davao City

Telefax: (082) 291-1665; (082) 221-6147

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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