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Study On the Influence of Family of Origin on Children's Growth

In this paper, I want to discuss and study how much influence the family of origin has

on the growth of children, what kind of factors will affect the growth of children, and how to

improve the impact of children in the family of origin.

Family of origin refers to the environment in which a person grows up, including

parents, brothers and sisters, family culture, family values, etc. Psychologists and sociologists

have conducted a lot of research and discussion to understand better and deal with this effect.

Although the results are not always consistent, most studies show that the quality and

environment of the family of origin have a long-term and profound impact on the

development of a person's personality, character, emotions, and behavior.

A person's family environment of origin may positively or negatively influence them.

Positive influences include the provision of good parental relationships, support and

encouragement, emotional security, etc., factors that may help cultivate a person's positive

qualities and behaviors. Negative influences include negative experiences such as abuse,

alienation, apathy, and family conflict, which can have a negative impact on an individual's

physical and mental health and self-development.

Some psychologists believe that negative experiences and events in the family of

origin have a profound impact on an individual's emotional and behavioral development,

especially during childhood. For example, some studies have shown that children are more

likely to develop mental health problems in adulthood, such as depression, anxiety disorders,

etc., after experiencing negative experiences such as domestic violence or abuse. In addition,

the existence of negative relationships and conflicts within the family of origin may also have

a long-term impact on an individual's personal relationships and communication styles.


Therefore, I think it is always an important research topic to study the influence of

family of origin on the development of children. I also found four related articles for this

research topic.

Of the articles I cited, the first article, “The influence of parenting style on adolescent

competence and substance us”, the author mainly discusses the influence of different

parenting styles adopted by parents and their effect on child development. The author hopes

that readers can understand the impact of different parenting styles on children and develop

better parenting styles based on this. The article begins by citing multiple studies to show that

parenting style matters.

In the article, the author uses many research results and statistics to support his

argument. For example, he cites the results of long-term studies to illustrate the negative

effects of harsh parenting styles on children and the positive impact of supportive parenting

styles on children.

In the second article, "The Impact of Family Formation Change on the Cognitive,

Social, and Emotional Well-Being of the Next Generation," Author Paul R. Amato explores

the impact of family changes (e.g., divorce, remarriage, single-parent families, etc.) on the

cognitive, social, and emotional well-being of the next generation.

In this article, the author's main appeal is to make readers realize that the impact of

family changes on the next generation is very important and needs more research and

attention. The article begins with a report from the National Institute of Child Health and

Human Development, highlighting the urgency of the problem.

In order to make his point more convincing, the author uses a lot of research results

and statistics to support his argument. For example, he cites the results of long-term studies to

show that the effects of divorce on children are long-lasting. In addition, he used comparative

analysis to compare the impact of different types of family changes.


In this article, with more research and attention to the next generation, the author is

able to find better ways to help those children affected by family changes. At the same time,

he put forward some policy suggestions, such as increasing divorce education and raising the

income of divorced parents, to help these children better adapt to family changes.

The third article I quoted was "Children's Adjustment in Conflicted Marriage and

Divorce: A Decade Review of Research." A decade review of research." A decade review of

research on the effects of marital conflict and divorce on child adjustment. After reading the

article, I learned that the impact of divorce on children also depends on the family

environment and other factors after divorce. In addition, the authors suggest some directions

for future research and suggestions for practice to help improve children's ability to adjust in

such situations.

I think there are a lot of similarities with the second article. Similar to the second

article, the third article also focuses on the influence of family structure on children's growth,

which is the author's main appeal. In addition, both pieces use some research results and

statistics to support their arguments, which is their joint strategy. In addition, both articles put

forward policy recommendations, hoping to help children better adapt to family changes and

achieve better growth and development by changing social policies.

The fourth article, "Maternal and paternal parenting styles in adolescents:

Associations with self-esteem, depression and life-satisfaction." was a long-term study that

examined the impact of maternal parenting practices on adolescent depression. The authors

assessed maternal parenting behavior and depressive symptoms in 180 13-year-olds who

were followed four times. The results showed that mothers' supportive parenting behaviors

were negatively correlated with depressive symptoms in adolescents, while mothers'

controlling parenting behaviors were positively correlated with depressive symptoms.

Moreover, the relationship is continuous in time, meaning that it becomes more significant

over time. These findings have important implications for understanding the impact of the

home environment on adolescent mental health, as well as some practical recommendations

for parents and clinicians.

Through the analysis of the above four articles on the influence of family of origin on

children's growth, it can be found that the effect of family changes on the cognitive, social,

and emotional well-being of the next generation is very complex. In particular, the behavior

of parents and the family situation can affect children's physical and mental health, social

adjustment, and academic achievement. These views have given me great inspiration and

reflection. While there are some feasible policy recommendations in the article, more

research is needed to explore how to help children affected by family changes adapt better.

First of all, I became more aware of the importance of the family environment to

children. Not only a simple family framework or personality but a warm and harmonious

family environment is also very important.

Secondly, I realize that the family environment is not only the direct education of

parents to children but also includes many factors such as the relationship between parents,

the economic situation of the family, the cultural traditions of the family, and so on.

Finally, I think the influence of family environment on children should arouse the

wide concern of society. The government should increase the policy support for family

education and provide more family education services and support. Educators should also pay

attention to the influence of family environment on children, pay attention to the integration

of family education and family environment in education, and promote the all-around

development of children.

But in the course of my research, I also came to realize that although the influence of

the family of origin is profound and complex, it does not necessarily determine a person's

fate. In fact, it is possible for a person to overcome the negative influence of the family of

origin and achieve self-growth and positive change in adulthood through self-exploration,

learning, therapy, and other appropriate interventions. Therefore, we need to be mindful of

the impact of our family of origin, as well as provide ourselves and others with the support

and assistance necessary to achieve mental health and well-being.

Therefore, reconsidering the issue at hand, I believe that we need to explore more

deeply the influence of the family of origin on the development of children and provide more

comprehensive support and help. We need to pay more attention to communication,

interaction, and support within families to ensure that children can grow up in a safe, stable,

and supportive environment. At the same time, we also need to raise public awareness and

awareness of the issue to promote more research and policy reforms.


1. Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and

substance use. Journal of Early Adolescence, 11(1), 56-95.

2. Amato, Paul R. "The Impact of Family Formation Change on the Cognitive, Social,
and Emotional Well-Being of the Next Generation." The Future of Children, vol. 15, no. 2,
2005, pp. 75-96.

3. Kelly, John B., and Rebecca J. Erickson. "Children's Adjustment in Conflicted Mar-
riage and Divorce: A Decade Review of Research." Journal of the American Academy of
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 44, no. 4, 2005, pp. 408-26.

4. Milevsky, Avidan, et al. "Maternal and paternal parenting styles in adolescents: Asso-
ciations with self-esteem, depression and life-satisfaction." Journal of child and family stud-
ies 16 (2007): 39-47.

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