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Table of Contents
Digital Finance......................................................................................2
Description of the problem.........................................................5
Stablecoin that can be used............................................................6
Real value behind assets.................................................................7
Getting in front of the general public...........................................9
BlockBen Platform........................................................................10
BlockNote (BNO) - Stablecoin (Digital Gold)..........................11
Benefits for customers....................................................................11
Benefits for merchants...................................................................12
How does it work?............................................................................12
BlockNoteX (BNOX) - Digital Gold on Ethereum..................13
Characteristics of BNOX................................................................13
Token info.............................................................................................14
BlockStock (BSO) – Unlimited Growth Potential..................14
BlockBenPay Payment Methods................................................17
Payment Process..............................................................................19
BlockBenPay Wallet........................................................................20
Asset Platform...................................................................................21
Other white label services.............................................................21
The Team............................................................................................26
Exclusion of liability..........................................................................35
Legal and Compliance....................................................................36
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Digital Finance

„We believe that blockchain

technology can make life better for
everyone in 21st century. We help
assets and asset-based blockchain
projects to get to the general public
by providing liquidity and financial
solutions through our own platform.”
We believe in digital finances, may it be gold or the latest payment solution. We create
opportunity, think outside the box and simplify finances. How? Obviously on blockchain. We
innovate and keep moving forward using the latest technologies, so we can provide you the
best services on fair prices.

Virtual currencies
We aim to help these digital assets with raising their everyday usability and liquidity
to the level of conventional money, by integrating the sustainable value of gold into the
21st century environment of digital currencies. We are opening the gates to creating an
independent, trustworthy and stable payment system and work as a bridge between the
digital world and traditional financial systems.
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BlockBen (trading as BlockBen Financial Services OÜ) was founded in 2018 with the aim of
developing an enterprise privileged blockchain platform for assets. Our current products are
the gold-backed BlockStock and BlockNote digital assets. Due to their gold-backing, these
assets do not suffer from the instability and volatility that has plagued the digital currency
market, regardless of asset transaction type.

Our company was founded by professional leaders with a wide range of experience in the
fintech sector and in project-based organisations.

We believe that blockchain technology can make life better for everyone in 21st century.
We help assets and asset-based blockchain projects to get to the general public by
providing liquidity and financial solutions through our own platform.
of the problem
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Many digital assets exist in an unregulated environment that gives space for misleading
market behaviour, and enables the misuse of information discrepancies on the market.

We change that by providing a regulated environment for asset transactions by ensuring

all transactions and assets on our platform are fully regulated.

Stablecoin that can be used

Stablecoins are going to be the focal point of 2020 but their usage is still limited to avoid
market volatility. Unfortunately, since they can only be used by existing crypto users, their
real-life use-case is limited.

We aim to change that through our own payment system, including our stablecoin
BlockNote that can be used by anyone with ease, in part thanks to our BlockBenPay
Wallet which is simple to use.

Stablecoin 3.0
03 BNO (BlockNote): Stablecoin
+ Payment Solution = daily usage

Stablecoin 2.0
02 PAX, USDC, EURS (GBP, JPY, etc.) - no real usage,
but improved in governance, issuance, compliance

Stablecoin 1.0
01 Tether USDT
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Real value behind assets

Many digital assets don’t have real value behind them. Most of the time a price change is
created by pure speculations, which keeps the digital asset space very volatile. In a certain
way the lack of value, or the devaluation of the value is also true for stablecoins, since they
are pegged to a Fiat currencies (increasing debts behind national currencies make their
real value diminish on a yearly basis), and in the case of a financial crisis these coins can
severely depreciate in a matter of days.

We change that by pegging BlockNote to gold. Every coin issued is 100% backed by gold
and carefully audited. Giving it a stable foundation makes it a secure investment.

20 Mil

18 Mil

16 Mil

14 Mil
Millions of Dollars

11 Mil

10 Mil

8 Mil

6 Mil

4 Mil

2 Mil

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015


Federal Debt: Total Public Dept

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2019 and 2020 were full of scandals that hit the digital asset space time and again, like lost
private keys, hacks and coding problems that caused loss of millions.

Public chains, exchanges, and wallets have all been the targets for computer hackers, as
their public nature made them a good target for those with bad intentions.

We aim to change that by developing our own enterprise blockchain platform that puts
security at its core and we minimise possible risks by not publishing our architecture on
public channels.


USD Value at the time of the hack




01 02 02 04 05 06 05 06 07 08 09

01 Coincheck (Jan 2018) 02 Mt Gox (Feb 2014) 03 BitGrail (Feb 2018) 04 Bifinex (2016 Aug 05 Zaif (Sep 2018)
06 Binance (May 2019) 07 Coinrail (Jun 2018) 08 oubit (Dec 2017) 09 Bithumb (Mar 2019) 10 Bithumb (Jun 2018)
11 Bancor (Jul 2018)

10 largest cryptocurrency exchange hacks

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Getting in front of the general

Most blockchain projects have been used by a very small number of people. This narrow
circle of users does not give any use case that’s relevant for everyday people. They are
either too theoretical or not focused on a key problem that could create value for the general
public. 2019 and 2020 have had some promising initiatives, but the breakthrough is still

We aim to change that by creating a platform and assets that are easily convertible to
fiat currencies and a payment system that any user can utilize in their everyday life.
BlockBen platform
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BlockNote (BNO)
- Stablecoin (Digital Gold)
In order to revolutionize gold-based transactions, we created a physically gold-backed
stablecoin, BlockNote. This digital asset works as a medium of gold-exchange, using
cryptography for:

• securing its transactions

• making gold a moveable asset

• paying out while the Client’s money is invested in gold

• webshop / online payments

• on-site payment method at shops

• serving as digital gold investment

• executing fast transactions

Each BlockNote represents 0.01 gram of real gold, materially and legally ensured by
international gold traders. That keeps the value of the digital asset dependent on the rate
of the gold market, financially bullet-proof for investments and various other economic

Benefits for customers

• Customers obtain a digital currency with 100% physical gold-backing, which is
independent from the currency of any given country.

• This digital asset is an alternative currency, allowing intermediate transactions and

payments from all over the world.

• Customers can buy gold at world market price, even if they purchase just a small
quantity of BNO.

• It can be converted into EUR anytime.

• Ideal for investment diversification.

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Benefits for merchants

• It attracts new customers.

• BlockNote can prevent chargebacks.

• Immediate transactions.

• Income arrives in a 100% physically gold-backed stablecoin.

• Transaction fees are lowered compared to credit card purchases and other wallet

For further information about the legal structure behind BlockNote, please read our general
terms and conditions on our website.

How does it work?

Buy, sell, transfer / pay with digital gold and convert it to EUR anytime.

Customers have a digital wallet (BlockBenPay Wallet) where they can manage their
purchased BlockNote, make payments via BlockBenPay community, execute transfers
between wallets, convert BlockNote to traditional fiat currency, and initiate EUR transfers to
their own bank accounts.

This secure wallet serves as the digital representation of ownership of assets and is linked
to customers’ dedicated investment gold deposit account.

BlockNote also powers our GoldBack reward program, where participating vendors accept
payments in BNO and can offer real-time refunds - GoldBack - to their customers.

You can find more information on

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BlockNoteX (BNOX)
- Digital Gold on Ethereum
BlockNoteX (BNOX) is digital asset with a 100% gold deposit on the Ethereum blockchain,
which is regulated within the European Union. The regularly audited gold deposit is stored
in 0.9999 fine investment gold. Physically it is stored and insured in Zurich. A 100 BNOX is
equal to 1 gram of gold.

Due to our unique Client Protection Principles (CPP) there is a possibility for damage control
in case of compromised Ethereum wallets and lost digital keys. Besides the gold deposit is
registered under the name of the owner.

BNOX is fully integrated into the BlockBen platform, thus EUR based FIAT gateway is

Characteristics of BNOX
• BNOX is a 100% gold-backed digital asset with regular audit, and it’s regulated within
the European Union

• 100 BNOX/BNO = 1 gram of gold

• The gold deposit is registered under the name of the owner as a part of our Client
Protection Principles (CPP)

• Possibility for damage control if the Ethereum wallet gets compromised or the digital
key necessary for login is lost

• Receiving and transferring back EUR to the Client’s bank account through BlockBenPay

• In order to keep, send or receive BNOX in any Ethereum Wallet, completing a KYC pro-
cess is mandatory (whitelisting).
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Token info
• Token type: Ethereum ERC20

• Ticker Symbol: BNOX

• Established: 2020

• Total Supply: BNOX is not a pre-mined coin, new coins will be generated everytime
there is an issuance.

• Issuance: Minting

• Transfer fee: 0,1%. (0.06% BlockStock Gold Pool and 0.04% platform fee)

For more information, please visit, or check our function

specification on GitHub:

BlockStock (BSO)
– Unlimited Growth Potential
BlockStock is BlockBen’s technical digital asset responsible for every transaction validation
that occurs on the BlockBen platform.

The role of BlockStock

The primary function of BlockStock is the execution of asset transactions operating on the
BlockBen platform (currently BlockNote is the only one, but additional assets are in the
pipeline). In other words, BlockStock is the technical digital asset used for maintaining and
operating our blockchain system. BlockStock has a key role in transaction validation: every
single transaction executed in our blockchain system is validated by two, randomly selected

Advantages of BlockStock

• 10% initial physical gold-backing

• unlimited growth potential – BlockStock benefits from all transactions made on the
BlockBen platform

• limited availability – pre-mined with only 1.500.000 available for sale

• simple access and secure trading

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Unlimited Growth Potential

• More than just a digital asset

• BlockStock receives a certain amount of commission from the fees of every approved
transaction on the BlockBen platform.

• The system credits commission in gold and places it into a common gold pool, which
will be divided equally among BlockStocks.

BlockStock is more than just a speculative digital asset. BlockStock is a crucial element and
the primary beneficiary of all BlockBen products and services due to its permanent growth

Thanks to these, its initial 10% gold deposit has the potential to continuously increase.

You can find more information on

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BlockBenPay provides QR code payment options for both users and merchants. It is
designed to support multi-asset handling, which means users can store their assets in
different forms in their own wallets (such as EUR, BlockNote, later HUF, USD and other

The system provides users real-time transactions and immediate payment processing with
BlockBen’s own gold-backed digital asset, BlockNote. Users can make exchanges between
their own assets anytime, buy

BlockNote with EUR and vice-versa. Later other currencies will also be available.

Pay Out EUR EUR Top Up

Transfer Pay



BNO Goldback


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BlockBenPay Payment Methods

BlockBenPay provides different types of QR code payments with different technical
solutions. Merchants can choose the best option for their own, unique business needs and

A. BlockBenPay in-Store - static:

Static payment method at the physical place of purchase while there is no need for a
POS terminal.

The user reads the shop QR code and types the required amount. Then the payment is
processed – ideal for payments defined by the customer, giving tips, sponsor support,
donation, or any other type of remote money collection, even at unmanned point of sales

B. BlockBenPay – in-Store - dynamic:

Dynamic payment method at the physical place of purchase.

The customer’s BlockBenPay app generates a dynamic QR code. The merchant enters the
required amount to be paid and then reads the customer’s QR code. The customer approves
the transaction and the payment gets processed.
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C. BlockBenPay Online – dynamic:

Online payment method for purchases made on the internet.

At the payment step during the online purchase, a dynamic QR code is generated, the
customer reads it, approves the amount and the payment gets processed. This payment
method is ideal for online purchases at webshops, collecting subscription fees online and
sending other dynamic payment requests.
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Payment Process



Joint enterprise, Private person, joint enterprise,

self-employed person self-employed person

BNO arrives to wallet, there is an Cashback Payment starts in BNO but is

option to automatically exchange it. charged on the chosen balance’s
currency (internal exchange)

(x% if the merchant

chooses to provide)

setting of own currency at the customer sets the balance type on

point of registration (HUF/EUR) that the payments will be charged

the payment is denominated the amount of payment

in the chosen currency is exchanged to BNO

it is exchanged to BNO at the the transferred

moment of transaction amount is in BNO

= BNO 100% gold deposited cryptocurrency

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BlockBenPay Wallet
BlockBenPay is the multi-asset payment and digital wallet service of the BlockBen platform.
Our customers can access and manage their assets in various currencies, transfer, top-up or
pay-out anytime.

Current accepted assets are EUR and BlockNote (BNO), our 100% gold-back digital asset.


• Secure customer identification (KYC) made fast and simple

• Opening an account with your scanned documents and a selfie.

• Transactions based on our blockchain platform


• Our platform works with real-time transactions and instant processing.


• Top-up your wallet and buy BlockNote or convert it to other currencies.

Send gold!

• Transfer BlockNote to anyone, settle outstanding bills or share expenses.

From gold to EUR

• Convert BlockNote to EUR and pay-out to your bank account.


• Open new wallets and manage your finances separately.

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Asset Platform
The BlockBen platform is an asset-based platform built to issue different digitized assets
in a regulated EU compliant environment. At the moment, you can use BlockNote (BNO)
and BlockStock (BSO), but it was designed to be able to hold “endless” number of different
assets on its platform. Our licenses provide a fully regulated environment for any metal-
based asset issuance.

BlockBen is looking for projects that are planning to digitize their assets on a fast, reliable,
safe and secure platform. We can support them with our legal channels to help them to
obtain the necessary licenses needed by the government.

We can only cooperate with projects that are fully licensed and follow all the applicable
laws and regulations.

Current Phase After Expansion

Trusted Trusted
01 Future Asset 01 Future Asset 02

Trusted Trusted
02 Future Asset 04
Future Asset 03


• Database • Validation
04 • Blockchain • Wallet
Own Platform • Infrastructure • Smart Contact

Other white label services

Due to the unique features of BlockBen, our business partners can integrate their own
business processes and transactions into our safe network, even so far as creating their
own cryptocurrencies.
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What do we provide exactly?

• Product Development
Market analysis, focus group test sales, and project specific conceptualisation, all the
way through to issuance.

• Regulated, fully compliant structure

New clients can utilise our existing structures or we are happy to build new structures
for specific requirements if necessary.

• Technological background
We can add an unlimited number of new assets to our privileged enterprise blockchain
in a way that the digital asset owner may be financially rewarded from the transaction
fees associated with the asset. We can operate and maintain the necessary IT

• Sales Management
Based on the specifics of a digital asset, we can either build up new sales channels or
provide our existing ones.

• Program / Project Management

Managing of all the above fields, building specific project plans and providing thorough
management services.

• Legal
We create your own environment, licensing and legal structure to ensure your
processes can run in a strictly controlled environment, all backed by our platform. We
apply comprehensive KYC, AML and CTF and we may also expand them to meet your
unique requirements.

Thanks to our platform, there are two different ways to make use of our technology:

• Trusted Partnership cooperation:

As a Trusted Partner, there is an extensive cooperation opportunity that could cover
diverse fields of your IT needs, providing you with the freedom of shaping the future of
your success.

• Licensing:
In the form of licensing agreements, as an on-premise solution, you have the option of
using our technology.
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The Natrix Platform aims to provide a modern and easy to use toolset for building secure,
yet fast applications in the finance industry. Each component is well-defined, tested &
documented, and may be used as a standalone package or as a platform, fully supporting a
microservice architecture and scalability.

The combination of the blockchain technology and various cryptography solutions allow us
to develop auditable & nearly trustless and legally binded systems where the integrity of the
database is always verifiable, even by third parties, while still keeping the data secure and
confidential for each member of the consortium.

We always have control over what is shared, whether it is fully private to keep our network
completely closed from the outside, or semi-open to allow third parties to verify, or even
read some of our databases. At the same time, we keep the system fast on its feet, as Natrix
can process thousands of transactions within milliseconds.

• Strong, passwordless customer authentication and authorization based on

cryptography with mandatory Two-Factor Authentication & device verification.

• Strict permission and ownership model with digital signatures.

• Auditable, all current and up-to-date data is present in the blockchain.

• Transaction based communication, everything can be traced, each user request must
have a valid digital signature from a device.

• Encrypted by default, the blockchain’s integrity can be verified by anyone without

revealing anything about its content.

• Secure group-based sharing, only those who have the right cryptographic keys can
read the actual content. The data models can be carefully annotated so everyone can
read only what they need to. Access can be granted post factum.

• With zero-knowledge verification, we can prove a given record is present in our

database, without revealing anything about it. We may also allow others to address
this data and send transactions to it securely.

• Easy to use and fast key-value store interface for interacting with the blockchain.

• Powerful and secure smart-contract execution runtime. We run the custom code from
the blockchain through a carefully designed API, giving you the best of both worlds:
secure & trusted code execution combined with hassle-free, easy development.
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• Active & passive validation. Smart-contracts are guaranteed to be trustworthy, hashes

are stored and regularly verified in the blockchain, ownership is guaranteed with digital

• Multi-tenant by design. Run multiple, connected blockchain clusters, optionally share

data, manage your own smart-contract runtimes.

• Support for Authority groups. These groups allow certain members of the consortium
(or for a central/government authority) to read pre-determined parts of the database,
and/or put the blockchain into a read-only mode.
The Team
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Our Estonia registered company is constituted of a professional team with wide range of
experience and competencies. We work in an international environment that challenges
our teams to break the glass ceiling. Our professionals have valuable references in the fi-
eld of IT, finance and fintech development, marketing and in innovative and complex pro-
ject management as well. BlockBen is a project-based organisation, where departments
work in close cooperation to create an innovative environment in order to reach the best
possible outcome.

Product Team
The Product Team is responsible for design, visualization and the process of acquiring and
integrating new products to various platform.All related management activities belong to
the department, as well as analyzing user behavior, mapping customer journey and making
suggestions to increase Client engagement towards BlockBen’s products.

Working closely with stakeholders is key for our professionals, as the team has to identify
both business needs and Client requirements, and transform them into new, innovative
products. The Product Team’s goal is to provide satisfactory solutions for our Clients, while
focusing on business initiatives.

IT Department
The Team is responsible for all IT operations, such as security, efficient IT development and
related management processes. Daily tasks involve blockchain and financial system devel-
opment and the aiding of the finance and support departments.

The IT professionals maintain a close relationship with the business development mana-
gement, the marketing team and external IT contractors in order to specify and implement
optimal solutions for both ourselves and our Clients.

Our high-skilled senior team members along with competent junior colleagues have deep
technical knowledge and business acumen.
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Compliance Team
The main goal of BlockBen’s Compliance Team is that both external and internal activities
of BlockBen Financial Services OÜ comply with all legislative, regulatory and organizational

Marketing Department
The Marketing Team takes care of the organization of various events and travels, the
support of the sales teams and covers the full spectrum of marketing activities related to
BlockBen’s products and services. Several external teams contribute to the success of the
marketing division, which allows the department to take under control various and complex
projects, including national campaigns, social media management, public relations and on-
line/offline events.

Both experienced seniors and ambitious juniors constitute the team, who consider marke-
ting as their common calling.

Finance Department
BlockBen’s Finance Team executes the company’s financial operations. Generally these pro-
cesses are related to incoming and outgoing transfers of our Clients and Business Partners.
Colleagues in the team not only audit the legality of financial processes, but also contribute
to the work of BlockBen’s accountants and auditors by providing all necessary documenta-
tion and reports.

Support Department
The Support Team’s main duties cover productive processing and replying to different in-
coming requests, questions and observations from our Clients. As requests come in a wide
range, the team actively cooperates with other departments (such as IT and Finance) in or-
der to efficiently meet Client expectations.

Both teams include highly qualified experts and devoted junior colleagues, all committed to
professionalism and hard work.
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The HR ensures the organization’s and employees’ cultural fit and the continuous expansion
of our teams. The department creates various processes in order to achieve an efficient and
smooth workflow for colleagues. Proactive approach, surveying worker’s needs and execu-
ting necessary actions are top priority for our company.

Senior Management:
The Senior Management determines the direction of the company’s progress. Their goal is
to maintain the innovative system, and to continuously seek for new possibilities. The team
regularly reviews ongoing projects, and determines action plans focusing on efficiency on a
company level. The Senior Management is made of highly skilled individuals with a remar-
kable experience in their field of expertise.

Along with the HR Team, the Management is also responsible for maintaining an innovative
and diverse cultural environment where BlockBen’s colleagues have the opportunity to grow
and perform on the maximum level possible.
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– Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer

– Co-Founder and Head of Business Development

– Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer

– Co-Founder, Head of Sales

– Marketing Manager

– Operations Manager
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2017 Q4 2019 Jan

Idea Born Account managament
system major upgrade
2018 Jan Integrating parallel accounting.
We decided to develop our own
blockchain system which can
be integrated with financial
2018 Feb functions like account closure,
account balance, etc. These
Company 2018 Nov
functions were not presented
Establishment on other blockchain platforms.
Wallet is live
Blockben (trading as BlockBen
BlockStock sales was integrated
Financial Services OÜ) was
into our blockchain platform.
founded in 2018 with the aim of
developing a privileged enterprise
blockchain platform for digital
2018 March
Licenses 2018 Oct
Providing services of Wallet testing
exchanging a virtual currency started
against fiat currency
BlockNote launch
BlockNote is a digital asset with
Providing a virtual currency
a 100% gold deposit. BlockNote
wallet service (FRK000069)
2018 May Buying up and wholesale of
runs on blockchain and (it) is

BlockStock was precious metals and precious

regulated within the European
Union. BlockBenPay concept born
pre-launched stones (FVV000196)
The idea of a QR code-based
Blockstock We created our financial model
payment system with multi-asset
and accounting structure.
sales started Our blockchain platform is
support is born.

BlockStock is a unique asset launched.

that comprises all the relevant
advantages of both Utility and
2018 Sept
Security cryptocurrencies.
Account managament system Wallet planning and
development development started
It was adjusted to our existing
blockchain platform. The platform
2018 August Our Wallet is the digital shelf for
all possessed digital assets.
was upgraded with the necessary BlockBen’s
New KYC process
account keeping operations like BlockStock Gained KYC process has been put on a
conversion module, ledger module, Innovative Product new footing with a specialized
reporting module, authorization
2018 Award at a provider and bank-level
module and authentic file storage
CryptoCurrency identification.
became available in the system.
Expoin Singapore.
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2020 Q4
Launching our self-developed
stock exchange platform

2019 April 2020 Q2

Wallet Mobile BNO/BNOX market
application was expansion
Acquiring new exhange partners,
increasing number of external
partnerspopular exchange partner

2019 Summer BlockBenPay online

Compliance process payment launch
enhancement started Our QR Code based payment
solution will be available for online
A fully EU compliant and
regulated financial account
system development started BlockBen platform
Wallet backend/frontend licensing for
BlockBenPay merchant
onboarding started

2020 March
2019 Nov BNOX Launch
BlockBenPay market
BNOX is available in BlockBenPay
entry Wallet and in one of the most popu-
BlockBenPay online social media/ lar exchange partner
marketing campaign started on
multiple online platforms

Blockchain 2.0 2020 Jan

development started Security
System will allow to
Two-factor authentication launched
- publish data from blockchain
on Wallet (mobile and desktop)
storage without breaching bank
secrecy BNOX business and accounting
planning started
- run third party smart
contract securely Combine advantages between
public and consortium blockchains
with BlockNote (BlockNoteX)
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Exclusion of liability
This Whitepaper provides general information and materials about our BlockBen platform.
Information in the Whitepaper does not constitute legal and business advice or any other
advice. The content of the Whitepaper is only to be relied upon at your own risk. Before
making a decision, it is advisable to take independent qualified financial advice in the
relevant jurisdiction.

The Whitepaper owners and other associated parties are not responsible for the actions,
decisions or other behaviour taken or not taken by you in reliance upon the Whitepaper.
Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with a high risk and may result in losing the investment.

Only invest that amount of money which you are prepared to lose and does not have
an impact on your standard of living. Information published in the Whitepaper does not
guarantee that financial losses may be avoided by cryptocurrency investors. Neither the
Whitepaper owner nor the associated parties are responsible for such damages. The
schedule in the Whitepaper is only indicative.

The seller reserves the right to change the content of the whitepaper and other related
documents in its own discretion without having to provide notification. All terms and
conditions are as per General Terms and Conditions.

BlockBen Financial Services OÜ operates in accordance with the following registrations:

„virtual currency wallet service”, „buying up and wholesale of precious metals and precious
stones”, and „services of exchanging a virtual currency against a fiat currency” These
registrations are provided by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications,
Republic of Estonia” (registration numbers: FRK000069, FVV000196, FVR000383).
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Legal and Compliance

• Company Name: BlockBen Financial Services OÜ

• Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Harju tn 6, 10130 Estonia

• Established: 2018

• Company Registration Number: 14424711

• VAT Number: EE 102065011

• Virtual Currency Wallet Service Registration Number: FRK000069

• Buying up and wholesale of Precious Metal and Precious

Stones Registration Number: FVV000000196

• Services of Exchanging a Virtual Currency against a FIAT

Currency Registration Number: FVR000383

The company fully complies with all legal and regulatory laws of the operating country.

All of our future clients must go through BlockBen’s KYC / KYB procedure for selling and
buying BlockStock and BlockNote.

Any citizen or resident (tax or otherwise) of the following countries is excluded from the
purchase of BlockStock: Afghanistan, Algeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, DPRK North Korea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine,
Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda,
Vanuatu, Yemen, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, USA, Singapore.

BlockBen Financial Services OÜ
Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Harju tn 6, 10130 Estonia

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