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H O R R O R A T A S T A T E LY H O M E !

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Mysteries of the Manor
Horror at a Stately Home!

Welcome to Section M: Priority Missions, smaller one-shot missions and

mission brief and full colour map to help you run a shorter one-shot
session, plus a set of seeds to provide inspiration for further adventures.

Strange events are occurring at Raynethorpe Hall in East Anglia, where

Lord Edward Dowling, a renowned collector of antiquities, his family and
staff have been captured by a Black Sun strike team.

With the Black Sun forces barricaded in and ransacking the house
for the powerful ancient Tome of Mephisto, agents are dispatched to
free the lord, release his staff and prevent a dangerous Black Sun Canon
accomplishing their mission.

Mysteries of the Manor is a covert insertion mission requiring cunning

and daring, where the main aim is to rescue innocents caught up in the battle
for the ancient stately home. However, as All Hallows Eve approaches, a bunch
of Halloween Horrors are ready to be unleashed on the sleepy East Anglian
countryside, and things are about to take a turn for the decidedly more deadly!


• A ready made scenario featuring a classic stately home mystery

• DetailedlocationsandacolourGMmaptoaddatmosphereandflavour

• Blank player map for desktop or digital play

• Adventure seeds and inspirations for extending the experience with

the Halloween Horrors!

Requires the Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 core books to play.

Section M Files: Priority Missions
Section M: Priority Missions Mysteries of the Manor

Mysteries of the
In Mysteries of the Manor, Section M has received reports Section M are concerned that Lord Dowling might have
that a Black Sun aircraft successfully dropped a number stumbled upon something of interest to the Black Sun, and
of covert operatives into the East Anglian countryside, not as such, the Nazi occultists have covertly seized control of
far from the village of Raynethorpe. What’s more, Lord Raynethorpe Hall. Agents are to infiltrate the manor, put a
Edward Dowling – the renowned eccentric and antiquarian stop to whatever it is the Black Sun are up to, and rescue
who owns Raynethorpe Hall, a sixteenth-century country the lord and his household – if possible.
house attached to the village – has not been heard from
for a few days.

Mission Briefing & Goals

Section M has received reports that the Black Sun Agents are tasked to infiltrate the manor under the cover
may have infiltrated an English manor house called of darkness, eliminate the Black Sun threat, remove what-
Raynethorpe Hall. Intel suggests that its owner, the ever artefact it is the Black Sun are after, and rescue Lord
eccentric collector of antiquities and historical oddities Dowling, his family, and his serving staff – if possible.
Lord Edward Dowling, may have an object of interest to
the Nazi occult in one of his many collections. There is
also concern that something may have happened to its
residents: the lord himself, his wife Susanna, daughter
Beatrice, and their household.

s o m e t h ing
b l e d u pon
h a v e s tum u n...
i g h t
g m to the Bl a c k S
o w l i n
Lord D of interest rd C h r i s t i a nsen,
L e o n a
C a p t ain S e c t i o nM


Section M: Priority Missions Mysteries of the Manor

Located in the heart of the East Anglian countryside, the KITCHENS.
picturesque village of Raynethorpe is largely untouched
The kitchens are empty aside from the corpse of a middle-
by the second world war. Far from falling bombs of the
aged man wearing a cook’s apron, who lies slumped
Blitzkrieg and surrounded by a patchwork of green and
against a counter with a spray of bullets arcing across the
gold fields, the village – which has existed for several
wall around him – and across his chest. All the cupboards
hundred years – is built along the bank of a clear-run-
have obviously been ransacked, and there’s very little
ning river and is home to a number of farming and
to find.
labouring families.

Raynethorpe Hall, which was originally built in 1596, THE SERVANT’S QUARTERS.
has grown over the hundreds of years it has stood as
Made up of a number of beds separated by screens, as well
generations of Dowlings have extended and altered it to
as dressers and tables for both individual and communal
suit their needs and vanities. Nestled in a small stretch
use, the Servant’s Quarters have been turned into a tempo-
of private woodland, it is now a sprawling and gran-
rary prison. Four servants are being kept in the quarters
diose country house built of red brick, tile, and timber.
under the guard of four Black Sun Troopers.
Surrounded on all sides by ornate walled gardens and
tipped with dozens of chimneys, it is a magnificent
For 1 Threat, as the group are making their way through
building that stands as true testament to bygone glories
the eastern wing, another Black Sun Trooper can emerge
of English aristocratic history.
from the bathroom to the sound of a flushing toilet.


Officially, the hall is approached via a 27 yard (24m) gravel
The long dining table that stretches down the centre of
driveway. However, it is possible to approach the building
the Grand Hall has been piled high with tomes, portraits,
from any side, going first through woodland and then
cases, chests, statues and all sorts of other paraphernalia.
through the hall’s gardens. There are a number of ways in:
The place settings that once topped the table have been
tossed aside, and the floor of the chamber is covered in
Via the main doors, up the southern driveway. These
? shards of ceramic and discarded cutlery, making the room
doors are locked, but a Coordination + Engineering
difficult to traverse quietly. A pair of Black Sun Troopers
skill test at difficulty 1 will open the way into the
occasionally enter and exit the Grand Hall via a set of
Entrance Hall, which is a stone-floored foyer decorated
stairs in the south-west corner of the room, carrying oddi-
with ornamental suits of armour. The Dowling family
ties and dumping them on the table. A Black Sun Master
crest – an oak tree upon a white shield – hangs over an
(Gamemaster’s Guide p. 188) pores over the pile, utterly
archway that leads into the Grand Hall.
engrossed in their task. A successful difficulty 0 Insight
Via a set of French doors on the rear, north-facing
? + Observation test reveals the Black Sun Master is
patio. Should agents choose to approach the hall from clearly looking for something in particular – but is having
the rear, they will come upon a patio with tables and no luck.
chairs set out, and behind them a wide set of French
doors that open onto the Grand Hall. A Coordination
+ Engineering skill test at difficulty 1 will open
these doors, but they are quite old and may make a lot The western dining room, drawing room and bedroom
of noise. have been turned into a makeshift barracks for the
Black Sun troops, with bedding, pillows and cushions
Via the Servant’s Entrance and Courtyard on the
? tossed over the floors. There are currently 3 Black Sun
eastern side of the house. This approach is much
Troopers sitting at the dining table in the middle of the
quieter and less obvious – it is also how the Black
dining room, playing cards and grumbling to each other.
Sun got in. Agents that approach from the east will
Following a successful difficulty 1 Insight + Observation
see the hall’s stables and an Insight + Observation
test, the agents can overhear the Nazis grousing about
test at difficulty 1 will reveal that the three stabled
how their mission has gone wrong: they were supposed to
horses appear to be very hungry as they have no food
be in and out quickly, but instead they’ve been stuck for
– indicative that the servants have not been attending
several days as their leader, Sturmbannführer Vogel, can’t
to them. Agents can access the house via the unlocked
find the “Tome of Mephisto”. If the Black Sun are alerted
door to the Kitchens.
to the agents’ presence, these three Black Sun Troopers
have flipped the table and are planning to ambush the
As the agents are deciding on a way in, for 1 Threat a pair
agents from behind it (1 Cover).
of Black Sun Troopers (Gamemaster’s Guide p. 187) can
appear, taking a slow patrol in the agents’ direction.

Section M: Priority Missions Mysteries of the Manor


Section M: Priority Missions Mysteries of the Manor

ROOM. Sturmbannführer Vogel, a Black Sun Canon
(Gamemaster’s Guide p. 188) and 2 Black Sun Troopers
Once a beautiful lounge overlooking the northern gardens,
have Lord Edward Dowling tied to a chair in the centre of
the First-floor Drawing Room is now host to the corpses
the dusty, junk-filled attic and are beating him senseless. A
of two servants. They appear to have had their hands
successful difficulty 0 Insight + Observation test reveals
tied and been executed. A Black Sun Trooper is currently
the Sturmbannführer yelling “Where is the book?” again
tossing books off shelves and into a nearby fireplace.
and again between strikes with a riding crop. Following
a successful difficulty 2 Insight + Observation test, the
THE FIRST-FLOOR BEDROOMS. agents can identify a fake panel in the south-side attic
wall. This can be opened via a switch hidden beneath a
The Bedroom Corridor is surprisingly heavily guarded,
pile of rubbish on the floor, and leads into the observatory
with a further four Black Sun Troopers idling or patrolling
– where Lord Dowling keeps a telescope and the Tome
back and forth. This is because in two of the bedrooms
of Mephisto in a heavily and intricately padlocked chest.
are Lord Dowling’s wife, Beatrice, and daughter, Susanna.
Agents can open this chest if they found the key in the
If they are rescued, both Beatrice and Susanna are able
bedroom, can break it open with a difficulty 2 Brawn +
to inform the agents that they overheard the “Nazi
Athletics test (which will make loads of noise), or pick
Leader” dragging Lord Edward from a separate adjoining
the intricate lock with a difficulty 3 Coordination +
bedchamber and up to the attic a few hours ago. They also
Engineering skill test.
know the “Nazi Leader” is after an old book Lord Edward
has in his collections. Called the Tome of Mephisto, they
can describe it as an old tome full of mumbo-jumbo they The Tome of Mephisto
can’t read, but that Lord Edward kept it hidden in his
observatory in the attic. A successful difficulty 3 Insight The likelihood is that someone is going to get their
+ Observation test will unearth a key hidden behind a hands on the Tome of Mephisto sooner or later – be
wall panel in one of the rooms – this key opens a chest it the players or Sturmbannführer Vogel. The book,
hidden in the observatory. Lady Beatrice, if rescued, will an ancient tome wrapped in leather that reeks of dust
also be able to provide the location of this key. and decay, is brimming with volatile magics – so much
so that if anyone handles it without extreme care, its
For 1 Threat, another Black Sun Trooper can emerge from unstable magics can summon all manner of horrifying
the first-floor bathroom as the agents are trying to enter or creatures.
exit one of the bedrooms.
Make sure you have a copy of the Halloween Horrors

THE GREAT LIBRARY 2023 supplement handy, roll a D6 and consult the table
below to see what creatures appear! Just remember –
AND COLLECTIONS. just because Vogel may get his hands on the Tome first
doesn’t mean that the summoned monsters have to
What was clearly once Lord Edward Dowling’s pride and
accept him as their master!
joy, the Great Library and Collections have been dese-
crated by the Nazis. Four Black Sun Troopers are breaking
into glass-fronted display cabinets to loot the trinkets and SUMMONED HALLOWEEN HORROR
antiques within, are pulling books off shelves and tossing
them aside, tipping over display cases filled with historical 1 1 x Djinni
rarities, and generally tearing the place apart.
1 x Flying Polyp (increase this number
by 1 for 3 Threat)
If the Black Sun are alerted to the agents’ presence, these
Black Sun Troopers have formed a makeshift barricade 3 1 x Grand-Mère Chérie
behind the Great Library’s doors that can only be opened
with a difficulty 1 Brawn + Athletics test. They have also 1 x Kelpie (increase this number by 1
prepared an ambush, and have piled a number of book- for 3 Threat)
cases and cabinets up in the centre of the room to use as 5 1 x Redcap
cover (1 Cover).
6 Roll again

Encounter Escalation Options
Section M: Priority Missions Mysteries of the Manor


If the agents take too long in their search, In an attempt to get more information out of the surviving
Sturmbannführer Vogel manages to get the information he servants, the Nazis guarding the servants begin violently
needs out of Lord Edward Dowling. He recovers the Tome interrogating them. The cries from the servants put the
of Mephisto and gains a +2 to his Reason, making him a other Black Sun operatives on edge, and they become
formidable challenge in a fight (provided you don’t decide more vigilant.
to have him killed by his own summoned monsters).

A knock on the front door of the manor mid-mission alerts
the Black Sun Troopers to the arrival of a farmer with
several sacks of grain intended for the kitchens. If the
THE AGENTS WILL NEED TO CONSIDER Black Sun find them there, they will certainly kill them.
The agents will need to consider carefully what they do.

Profiles for these troops can be found on pages 187-188 of 1 Black Sun Canon. Sturmbannführer Friedrich Vogel
the Gamemaster’s Guide is leading the incursion into Raynethorpe Hall in
search of the Tome of Mephisto – however, what was
22 Black Sun Troopers. These include all the
? supposed to be a quick in-and-out mission has ground
operatives currently patrolling, guarding, and to a halt, making him frantic and unpredictable.
searching Raynethorpe Hall for the Tome of Mephisto.
If you have more experienced agents or wish to up the
1 Black Sun Master. Sturmbannführer Vogel’s
? ante even further you can add additional Black Sun rein-
lieutenant, the Black Sun Master is keeping a weather
forcements in the form of Chosen, Dämonenbändiger plus a
eye out for any other items that may be of use to the
captive horror or two, or even assign a pair of Die Toten
Black Sun whilst his senior focusses on his mission.
to Vogel as his bodyguards.

Adventure Seeds

Section M: Priority Missions Mysteries of the Manor

The following adventure seeds can be used to develop Under the Thumb. The agents arrive at Raynethorpe
your adventures in and around Raynethorpe Hall. Use Hall but find everyone as normal – yet something
them as standalone follow-up Priority Missions or as seems wrong. Have the Black Sun found whatever it
secondary objectives! was they were looking for and taken control of the
Dowling household using eldritch mind-control magic?
The Village. Some of the Black Sun operatives have
? Cursed: Lord Dowling’s obsession with the occult has
made their way down to Raynethorpe Village, putting
led him to neglecting his wife and daughter and their
the local residents at risk. Who knows what havoc they
anguish has attracted the attention of a Redcap. When
might wreak if they are left to their own devices?
Lady Dowling is discovered dead, the agents must
Escape! Sturmbannführer Friedrich Vogel can become
? investigate and hunt down this supernatural threat
a recurring villain in your games by escaping from before it can claim another victim.
the agents during their confrontation – either with or
Ride the Wild Horse: A Kelpie, drawn by the mystical
without the Tome of Mephisto.
energies contained in the manor’s artefacts has taken
Into the Woods. The Black Sun become aware of the
? up residence in the lake. One servant has disappeared
agents. In a desperate act to buy themselves some and another is found drowned. The agents are assigned
time, they round up all their surviving prisoners to find out what’s going on.
as hostages and disappear into the woods around
Message in a Bottle: While delving into artefacts
Raynethorpe Hall.
acquired by his ancestors, Lord Dowling discovers a
Country Roads, Take Me Home. Three of the Black
? Djinni’s phylactery and makes an unholy bargain with
Sun Operatives jump into one of Lord Dowling’s cars the creature. With time running out, can the agents
and make a break for it, screaming off through the help the errant Lord escape the Djinni’s vengeance?
winding dirt roads of the East Anglian countryside. The
agents can commandeer another car and give chase
(use the stats for Mercedes-Benz 770K, found on page
131 of the Player’s Guide). The two passengers will
fire upon the agents that give chase.

Dammit, now you've stirred

up a hornet's nest!
- Captain Leonard Christiansen,
Section M

Appendix Player Map

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