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An analysis of municipal renovation

permitting across Canada

Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Introduction Case Study: Converting a powder room into a full bathroom.

Project requirements: Taking down a wall (structural
The family is growing. The in-laws are moving in. An adult child change), new plumbing and fixtures (e.g., bath and shower),
and some electrical work (e.g., ventilation).
and their family are staying with their parents until they save a
down payment for a place of their own. These are just a few of Other notes: Non-historical home from the 1980s.
many reasons a homeowner might want or need to renovate their All within existing square footage.
home so that it meets their evolving needs.
Construction value: $20,000

This report reviews the permitting costs and requirements

associated with converting a simple powder room into a full application, which can take weeks if not months to obtain
bathroom in 12 municipalities1 across Canada (see appendix for approval. Ultimately, while it should be simple, it is far from.
results). The proposed renovation requires the removal of a non-
load-bearing wall, the addition of a shower bath, structural If there are that many hurdles for a bathroom conversion, imagine
changes to the existing plumbing, and electrical work. The trying to build a secondary suite, something the Canada Mortgage
estimated cost of the project is $20,000. 2 Housing Corporation (CMHC) has previously showcased as being a
way for homeowners to help offset housing costs. Secondary suites,
While one might think, “It’s just a bathroom extension!” even coach homes, lane way homes, etc. can also allow individual
before a wall is brought down or a shower is added, homeowners homeowners to add to Canada’s housing stock. However, as new
face numerous hurdles and costs. Good luck trying to figure it all research has found, “high construction and permitting costs and
out. This report seeks to uncover these costs and requirements. It extensive building requirements play a dissuading role.”4
examines what is required for a homeowner to convert a powder
room3 into a full bath, within the existing square footage of a With cities across Canada facing a serious shortage-of-housing
home, across Canada’s major cities. Beyond upfront permit costs crisis, all orders of government must work together to create an
that are based on the value of a project, homeowners may need to efficient system to ensure the stock Canada requires to keep rent
obtain and pay fees for various documents to support their and housing costs affordable can be realized.5 The report highlights

1 The 12 municipalities examined are Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, closet, bidet, makeup station, and/or a double sink. A powder room or half-bath is defined as
Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, Moncton, Charlottetown, and St. John’s. having only two of the four main bathroom components, typically a toilet and sink.
2 Permitting costs, that is costs related to building permits and relevant trade permits 4 Jean, Jimmy, Randall Bartlett and Kari Norman, “Global Housing Supply Success Stories: A

(plumbing, electrical, HVAC), are usually calculated based on the construction value or How-To for Boosting Home Construction in Canada,” Desjardins Economic Studies, August 22,
estimated cost of the project, and are an additional cost. The estimated cost of the project is 2023. boost-home-construction-canada-august-22-2023.pdf (
based on the cost of the renovation which may include materials and equipment related to 5 Canadian human rights commission, Advocating for change: The housing crisis in Canada, 2023.

architecture, structure, building mechanicals and electricity, professional fees, foundation
excavation and backfilling fees, taxes, and in some instances fees for plans and specifications. archived.html?url=
3 A full bathroom is defined as having four key fixtures: a toilet, sink, bathtub, and shower or 2023-eng.pdf
shower-bath combo. Other popular but not necessary features in a full bath include a linen

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

best practices in a selection of Canadian municipalities which could maximize the use of their property, municipalities must review the
be adopted across the country to increase efficiency and relevance, application, and administration of existing
transparency around the permitting process, and identifies areas requirements, simplify, and even automate certain processes, and
for improvement. For example, to encourage homeowners to lower administrative costs and time lost for all.

Simple projects, serious red tape

If Canada is to meet its need for an additional 3.45 million homes, Out of the 12 municipalities examined, the average combined cost
over and above the base level of 2.2 million homes by 2030, it will of acquiring all permits required for a simple bathroom renovation
take innovative solutions and improved processes across all levels across Canada was $506.25, mainly fuelled by the high permitting
of government.6 According to CMHC, increasing supply from existing costs in Vancouver. The combined cost associated with permitting
units can play a significant role in addressing the current housing required for a simple renovation (such as building, plumbing, and
shortage, as CMHC suggests a large portion of seniors will opt for electrical permits) ranges from $180 in Charlottetown to $2,029 in
aging in place, rather than putting their current houses on the Vancouver (see Figure 1).
market.7 However, onerous permitting processes across Canada’s
municipalities must be addressed if governments hope to capitalize All municipalities examined require documents, which include
on this possible solution. forms, such as site plans, floor plans, and construction plans, and
permits, such as building and trade (plumbing, electrical, and gas)
Renovating a bathroom could be one of several steps a homeowner permits, to be submitted for a bathroom renovation, ranging from
would need to create a new unit in their existing household. With five in Edmonton, Calgary, and Charlottetown, to eleven in
rising interest rates, and higher costs of materials and labour, Vancouver. On average, seven documents are required for a
construction projects of all sizes in Canada are becoming more and $20,000 bathroom renovation project. These documents can be
more costly. The added permitting process costs, in time and considerable sources of red tape, with some municipalities
money, can be a significant pain point, adding lengthy delays requiring forms that necessitate the services of an engineer or
(anywhere between 24 hours and 4 months or more) or even other professionals, adding to the overall cost of the application.
thousands of dollars to the overall project cost.

6CMHC, “Housing Shortages in Canada: Updating How Much Housing We Need by 2030”, 7CMHC, “Housing Market Insight: Canadian Metropolitan Areas”,

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

FIGURE 1 – Bathroom renovation document requirements and permitting costs in major cities across Canada
Vancouver and Toronto have the highest permitting costs and document requirements, Charlottetown the lowest

Source: Data was collected from relevant municipal and city government websites.
See appendices for more information.
Note: *In Montreal, plumbing and electrical permits are not listed as separate direct
costs, thus not included in the overall calculation, as they are typically covered
under the contractor’s licensing fees. This figure will most likely be higher than

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

A recent CFIB survey8 of small business owners found that more process business permits and/or licences to be accountable (80%),
than two in five find it difficult to obtain permits and licences as well as make clear and expected timeframes for processing
overall. This difficulty is even more pronounced among small applications for business permits and or licences public (79%).
businesses in the construction sector, with 53% agreeing that
obtaining or renewing permits and/or licences is a major challenge These results show the need for serious reform at the municipal
for their business. Generally, an overwhelming majority of level to cut unnecessary red tape in their permitting and
businesses (80%) agree that governments of all levels should make application process, for homeowners and contractors, to ensure
it a high priority to review all business permits and licences (i.e., projects of all sizes can be completed as efficiently as possible in
getting rid of unnecessary permits and licences and improving terms of time and cost.
accountability), track and publish the actual time it takes to

Feeding frustration: Municipalities with the largest red tape burden

Expanding existing housing stock through secondary suites can help even a review by an architect and engineer which could add
in getting more affordable units online faster. However, the anywhere from five to twenty percent of the construction cost,9
process to create these units must be financially viable and simple depending in which municipality the renovation takes place, on top
to execute. If the simple task of expanding a bathroom is too of the permitting costs10 and the $20,000 budgeted for the
difficult as a result of the associated administrative burden, it renovation. These document requirements do not just add time and
could make the prospect of undertaking a larger project possibly lengthy delays to the renovation process, but also
impractical. significant cost. If tackling small bathroom renovations is already
proving to be challenging, one can only envision the time and
Out of the 12 municipalities studied, the renovation processes in expenses involved in more extensive projects like adding a
Toronto and Vancouver were the most burdensome in terms of secondary suite or putting in a new build. Members have shared
documents (forms and permits) required in an application. For with us feedback on similar issues they have experienced when
example, for a simple bathroom renovation in Toronto, an building, renovating, or retrofitting commercial spaces.
applicant would be required to have ten documents before they
can even begin renovations. Required documents include forms In terms of costs, Vancouver was by far the most expensive of all
such as floor plans, an application to construct or demolish, and municipalities reviewed. A simple bathroom renovation in

8 CFIB, Your Voice – February 2023 survey, February 8–28, 2023, final results, n = 2,656 to 2,670. expenses related to hiring specialized professionals, such as engineers, energy advisers,
Question: “Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following architects, and similar experts, as well as inspection costs. These excluded costs are considered
statements regarding business permits and/or licences?” (Select one for each line) additional expenditures that should be accounted for separately from the figures presented.
9 Home Guide, Architect Costs, These costs may range significantly across Canada as well as within cities, therefore for the sake
10 Total permitting cost refers to the total cost for a building permit and relevant trade permit of consistency across different provinces, we have omitted these expenses from the total costs.
for a bathroom renovation according to the case study. In our cost analysis, we have excluded See the Methodology in Appendix A for more information.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Vancouver would cost a staggering $2,029 in permitting on top of there have been some positive announcements made this year in
the cost of actually performing the renovation as well as the Vancouver (see Appendix B for more information), results are yet
application costs associated with hiring professionals (i.e., to be determined. The city of Toronto has not made any recent
architect, engineer, etc.). The added $2,029 in combined permit announcements regarding this issue, and the most recent Toronto
expenses in Vancouver would result in a 10% increase on top of the Building Program Review was initiated four years ago in 2019.
$20,000 renovation project costs. In comparison, in Toronto the
cost associated with permitting is just $296, or 1.5% of the cost of While Vancouver and Toronto were the worst offenders in terms of
the project. Vancouver’s permitting costs are about 7 times higher the amount of red tape associated with their permitting process, a
than Toronto’s. handful of smaller cities also have room to improve their
permitting and approval process. Edmonton ($673) and St. John’s
In a recent CFIB survey of permit and licensing requirements, some ($579) both charged above the national average of $506.25.
small business owners shared feedback on the costs and amount of Compared to Vancouver and Toronto, the municipalities that
time lost they faced as a result of permit requirements and require the most documents before work can begin are Moncton,
processing in the Vancouver and Toronto area (Figure 2). While Montreal, and Winnipeg, that all require 7 documents.

FIGURE 2 – Comments on permitting from small business owners

Small business owners’ frustrations surrounding permits that have negatively impacted their business

“When we opened 8 years ago, we had to pay $3,000 for overtime for a City of Vancouver planner to review our building permit
application over the weekend. It was four hours of work. Had we not paid this, we were told it would take 3–6 months to review
our permit, while we were paying commercial rent the whole time.”
— Personal Services Business Owner, Vancouver, British Columbia

“... they [Fraser Valley Regional District] just don't realize we are in a housing crisis. I want to build a small coach house on my
3 acres at the river and I need to jump through hoop after hoop. It has been nearly 3 years and it’s still at a crawl. Costs now
will be incurred based on new interest rates, etc., and I could have already had the coach house complete.”
— Natural Resources Business Owner, Chilliwack, British Columbia

“Building and planning permit times are unacceptable in the GTA, causing huge lag on the entire local economy.”
— Professional Services Business Owner, Toronto, Ontario
Source: CFIB, Your Voice – February 2023 survey, February 8–28, 2023, final results, n = 2,656 to 2,670.
Question: “Are there any specific licences and/or permits that your business needs that are negatively impacting your business (e.g., causing frustration, creating uncertainty)?
Please let us know which ones they are, how they are affecting your business, and whether you think the problem is specific to businesses in your industry or widespread.”

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Feeding frustration part II: Impacts on the small business construction sector
While there are multiple possible solutions to address the housing resources available to weather the administrative storm or navigate
crisis, it is clear that small businesses have a role to play. The the red tape quagmire at City Hall, resulting in a disproportionate
construction contributes approximately 7% to Canada’s GDP, with impact on small entrepreneurs compared to larger businesses in the
82% of construction businesses being small and mid-sized industry. The substantial administrative burden associated with the
enterprises (1 to 499 employees). Notably, these SMEs play a permitting process in some municipalities can also result in
crucial role in employing 85% of the construction workforce.11 unintended consequences. Having unreasonable and excessive
requirements for even the simplest projects can create barriers to
Currently, municipal processes are making it harder for these small compliance and possibly drive some to do the work underground.
businesses to get involved. To effectively address housing needs By having permitting requirements that are accessible and
and support small businesses in the construction sector, straightforward, municipalities can ensure projects are up to code
municipalities must find ways to reduce both time and cost by while also being less costly.
streamlining operations and finding ways to become more efficient.
The time and financial costs associated with excessive Further, a self-employed or small-sized electrician, plumber, or
administrative burden add to an already overstressed sector. contractor, for example, must face the financial implications
Almost half of small businesses in the construction sector (45%)12 imposed on them by municipal processing delays head-on. Delayed
are below their normal revenue levels and are carrying an average approvals result in delayed projects. This often means delayed
of $108,928 in pandemic-related debt.13 On top of these realities, compensation, as small businesses in the construction sector must
six in 10 are negatively impacted by current interest rates.14 By wait until their work is complete to get their full payment. Some
optimizing processes and minimizing financial constraints for these small businesses may have to turn to personal savings to keep
businesses, municipalities can contribute to meeting housing projects going and to keep their business afloat. Many are left
demands while fostering a resilient and sustainable construction having to pay interest on lines of credit or loans, all while dealing
with lower revenues. Onerous permitting requirements and lengthy
or delayed approval processes come with financial costs. Improving
The administrative burden associated with even the most basic
the regulatory environment of Canada's municipalities will not only
construction permitting and approval processes can place
make it easier to build, but it will also help homeowners and small
significant additional pressure and costs on small businesses. Unlike
their larger counterparts, small businesses do not have many businesses in the sector meet their full potential and play a key

11 CFIB, The Main Street Quarterly, Sectoral Profile: Construction. 13 CFIB, Your Voice – December 2023, December 7-19, 2023, n = 1,746. Question: "Are you in a position to tell us roughly how much additional debt due to the pandemic your business is still
12 CFIB, Your Voice – May 2023, May 4-25, 2023, n = 1,688 to 2,273. Question: “Compared to the holding?" (Please enter approximate amount)
normal levels for your business at this time of year, at what levels are the following currently?" 14 CFIB, Your Voice – September 2023, September 7-21, 2023, n = 2,539. Question: “How have

rising interest rates impacted your business so far?” (Select one)

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

role in meeting the demand for upgrades and new builds in our

Promising new developments and leveraging best practices

While the realities associated with the housing shortages are For example, the City of Richmond has developed an online
concerning, several municipalities are introducing new and business licensing service called “My Business,”16 that allows for
innovative ways to improve their permitting and approval real-time tracking of permit applications, eventually aiming to
processes, cutting the time and costs placed on building projects. auto-approve simple permits. This innovative approach enhances
Championing these best practices can help some of the most transparency by allowing applicants to monitor their applications’
burdensome municipalities improve their results for businesses and status in real time.
projects of all sizes thereby helping Canada collectively chip away
at the millions of housing units needed by 2030. Meanwhile, another BC municipality, Kelowna, is working with
Microsoft to develop a chatbot that will answer questions, provide
Best practice #1: Automation and digital practices information and, eventually, process some planning and
development permits. These initiatives are still in their testing
Municipalities across the country are actively exploring new and phase.
best practices to optimize their permit application processes and
enhance municipal services. Some are digitizing processes and Best practice #2: Ease of access to information on the
introducing new self-service tools, which can significantly reduce website and by phone
the need for in-person queries and human resource involvement.
These tools should be accessible around the clock and mobile- While new technologies have a lot of promise, municipalities across
friendly, offering applicants the convenience of tracking their Canada could also draw and learn from each other’s existing best
application status in real time. practices. Many municipalities require building permit applicants to
click through from one page to the next and back to get a sense of
all the requirements and then try to discern what could apply to
them. This can be time consuming and confusing.

15Canadian human rights commission, Advocating for change: The housing crisis in Canada, archived.html?url=
2023. 2023-eng.pdf
16 Login (

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Edmonton has implemented a Residential Permit Guide, which asks In Calgary, the agent committed to enquire into our question, and
preliminary questions to guide users and provides a summary of then sent us a written email response that same day.
necessary permits, application guidance, and estimated fees,
ensuring a smooth transition into the application process. Best practice #3: Service standards and processing times

Moncton has developed an easy to print, step-by-step check list in Service standards17 or permit processing times were not always
a PDF. Clear information and tools can significantly reduce the easy to find where they did exist, and few municipalities reported
need for in-person queries and human resource involvement. on results (i.e., whether the service standards were met). Setting
service standards and reporting against them is a way to set
As good as a website or portal may be, private individuals and even expectations, provide transparency, and enable city administrators
professionals may have questions regarding permit requirements to monitor workload and progress. Despite the city of Vancouver
and costs. Online services and information need to be having the highest document requirements and greatest costs, they
complemented with the ability to speak to an actual person, offer service standards in terms of the percentage in which they
whether it be on the phone or in person, in a timely manner. successfully met their target processing times during the last three
Multiple channels of service delivery are a best practice in terms of months for plumbing, gas, and electrical permits.18 While
client service. While it was found that many municipalities had commendable, they do not offer service standards for building
phone lines, not all were staffed during their posted hours of permits (see Appendix B). All municipalities should consider
operation. Municipalities were asked to confirm our understanding adopting similar reporting practices, potentially in a format that
of the publicly accessible information on their website and to seek facilitates historical analysis. These best practices provide a
information that was unavailable. At times, when a municipal roadmap for municipalities looking to modernize their permit
employee was reached, they were not always sure of the response. application processes and municipal services. By embracing
So of course, it is not only about offering the service, but also digitization, offering self-service tools, providing clear information
about ensuring that the service is of quality, adds value, and and good customer service, and setting service standards and
provides reliable information. reporting on their compliance, cities can enhance efficiency,
accessibility, and transparency, ultimately leading to improved
In Ottawa, and likely the rest of Ontario, one can call the citizen and business satisfaction. These practices are fundamental
Electrical Safety Authority (ESA), who will issue the permit by as municipalities continue to evolve their public services.
telephone immediately.

17 Defined as “a public commitment to a measurable level of performance that clients can 20circumstances. They are based on the presence of processing time information (online) and
expect under normal circumstances.” Source: Department of Justice Canada. public disclosure of whether these timelines are adhered to, which includes the setting of targets and their attainment.
fina/service.html#:~:text=A%20service%20standard%20is%20a,can%20expect%20under%20normal% 18

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

The City of Winnipeg provides bimonthly reports of processing Edmonton publishes target processing time and actual processing
time dating back to 2014, organized and determined depending on times within the last 3 months for building and trade permits.19 For
the scope of the project. Their reports outline the City’s target building permits, Halifax publishes the historical average of the
time, and the actual values of meeting these targets (see Figure 3). time it takes for approvals and has an open data portal.

FIGURE 3 – Residential permit application processing times (January–February 2023)

City of Winnipeg residential permit application processing times and targets

Source: City of Winnipeg, Residential permit application processing times.


© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Availability of housing, including affordable housing, is an issue. To processes, and lower administrative costs and time lost for all.
encourage homeowners to maximize the use of their property, When considering e-permitting, e-services, or similar measures;
while ensuring public health and safety, municipalities should processes, requirements, and dedicated resources should be
review the relevance, application, and administration of existing reviewed, so that an arduous process is not simply made electronic
requirements, seek to simplify and even automate certain without generating any real-time savings.

Municipalities Federal and/or provincial governments

 Launch a review of the permitting and approval process,  Tie some future funding for housing and infrastructure to
including a review of the relevance and scope of existing requirements for low administrative burden.
requirements, with a view of reducing them.  Where permit processing service standards are set provincially,
 Establish, publicly available, service standards for permit ensure reporting requirements are too.
processing and publicly report against them monthly, if not  Champion best practices.
weekly or daily.
 Improve the ease of access to information on building permit
 Digitize the permit application and review processes. Consider
following Kelowna’s lead and look at the adoption of AI where
risks are low.
 Ensure adequate resource allocation to effectively reduce
processing times.
 Reduce permitting cost for individuals and businesses.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Appendix A

This analysis was primarily conducted as a case study by reviewing including websites, emails, and phone numbers, are provided in the
information available through municipal and provincial government appendix.
resources as well as relevant third parties, such as the appropriate
electrical, plumbing, or gas authority on the requirements for Total number of documents: This is calculated as the total
permitting a bathroom renovation. Data is accurate as of number of forms and permits required for a bathroom renovation
December 8, 2023. according to the case study. These documents include permits
(e.g., building permits, trade permits for plumbing, gas, electrical)
Case study: Converting a powder room (otherwise known as a half- and forms (e.g., schedules, architectural drawing, energy reports).
bath or guest bath, which consists of two fixtures, a toilet and a These do not include any inspection forms required throughout the
sink) into a full bathroom (consisting of four fixtures at a minimum, various inspection stages.
namely a toilet, sink, and shower and bath or shower bath).
Total permitting costs: This is calculated as the total cost for a
Project requirements: Taking down a wall (structural change),
building permit and relevant trade permit for a bathroom
new plumbing and fixtures (e.g., shower and bath), and some
renovation according to the case study. We have excluded from the
electrical work (e.g., ventilation).
cost analysis expenses related to hiring specialized professionals,
Other notes: Non-historical home from the 1980s. Renovation to be such as engineers, energy advisers, architects, and similar experts,
completed within existing square footage. as well as inspection costs. These excluded costs are considered
additional expenditures and should be accounted for separately
Construction value: $20,000
from the figures presented. They may range significantly across
The documents required were taken from the relevant city and Canada as well as within cities. Therefore, for the sake of
municipal websites and verified by speaking to a representative consistency across different provinces, we have omitted these
over the phone or by email whenever possible. Data sources, expenses from the total costs.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Appendix B

Jurisdictional Scan

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada


Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time

Building application
Survey plan21
Site plan
Renovation drawings22
Renovation Energy
Forms Upgrade Proposal 23
Owner’s Undertaking
(Schedule E-124)
Structural engineer
schedule (Schedule B)25
Technical Data
Building permit27 $362.0028 N/A29
Permits Plumbing permit $353.0030 5 business days for simple projects, and 25 business days for other plumbing
permits requiring plan review 31
Electrical permit $1,314.0032 5 business days33
Total number of
documents and 11 $2,029.00
permitting costs

22 Including floor plans, elevations, and cross sections:
23 Prepared by an Energy Adviser. Required for Building Permits for all proposals where the estimated cost of work is $20,000 or greater.

26 (Zoning analysis) - Provide project statistics to show compliance with the applicable District schedule and/or guidelines.
28 Approximation received by the City of Vancouver email (Case reference 201000889690).
29 Not readily available on the website. It is only available through open data. See:
30 Fees dependent upon installation of fixtures alteration of plumbing pipes – between $240 ($75.60 for each additional) and $353. 2023 Schedule of fees for development and building related permits

31 Plumbing and gas permits | City of Vancouver
32 $946 + an additional $36.80 for every $1,000 of work above $10,000. p. 19
33 Electrical permit | City of Vancouver

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Service standards publicly available: Yes. However, information for building permits is only available through their open data portal and is not
readily available on their website.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Yes, for plumbing and electrical permits. Not for building permits.

Notes on red tape: Obtaining information via phone from the City of Vancouver was challenging. One must complete a website form to receive
more information, with an expected response time of approximately 10 days.34 The city’s website provides transparency for plumbing permits
by disclosing the percentage of times that they have met their target processing times over the last three months.35 However, they do not
offer approximate processing times for building permits. As per the information available on their open data portal, the average processing
time for issuing a building permit for lower-complexity residential construction projects involving additions, alterations, or renovations for
2023 is approximately 60 days.36

These processing times vary greatly across Vancouver’s regions,37 offering opportunities for municipalities with longer processing times to learn
best practices from others. Vancouver’s City Council took significant steps in June 2023 by officially implementing the 3-3-3-1 Permit Approval
Framework.38 These initiatives represent a commendable and forward-looking approach, provided that the service standards are transparent
and readily accessible to the public.

Best practices and other notable initiatives: To support homeowners, the City of Vancouver offers the Residential Renovation Fast Track39
stream which issues permits within a week for simple residential renovation projects under $95,000. Projects eligible for these Fast Track
permits include simple kitchen or bathroom alterations, solar panels, plumbing or electrical updates, restoration work, and some accessibility
upgrades. These expedited permits now account for 20% of all renovation applications. The city is planning to remove a further 78 engineering

38 City Council formally adopted the 3-3-3-1 Permit Approval Framework to help eliminate the housing construction backlog, increase the supply of market, non-market, and supportive housing, with

these permit approval timeline targets: 3 days to approve home renovation permits (including renovations to accommodate mobility and accessibility-related challenges), 3 weeks to approve single-
family home and townhouse permits, 3 months to approve permits for professionally designed multi-family and mid-rise projects where existing zoning is already in place, 1 year to approve permits
for a high-rise or large-scale project. Council meeting minutes - June 13, 2023 (


© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

conditions, in addition to the 89 removed earlier this year, to further simplify the application process and reduce staff’s initial review time.40
These are great initiatives that must be backed by publicly available service standards and recourse in cases where they are not met.

Government source for data verification:

Phone number, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 604-873-7000, online chat and email:


© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time
Floor plan42
Structural and engineering documents43

Building permit44 $394.2045 Simple projects – 25 days; Regular

projects – 40 days46
Permits Plumbing permit47 $116.5048 3 days49

Electrical permit50 $161.9651 3 days52

Total number of documents and

5 $672.66
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: Yes, for all permits.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Yes, for all permits.53

41 (Click on access the guide)

42 Sample Basement Floor Plan (
43 Engineering stamped drawings are required if you are making changes to the structure of the house such as: beams, posts supporting beams, load-bearing walls, floors, wall opening enlargement, or new
opening in foundation walls.
44 Home Renovations and Basements | City of Edmonton Building permit fee for construction value between $10,001-$50,000.
45 $379.60 (Building permit) + $14.60 (Building Safety Codes)
46 Processing times are actual processing times as of April-June 2023.
47 2023 Building and Trade Permit Fee Schedule ( Over the phone: she quoted me $119.6 – online it says $116.5.
48 $112.00 (Plumbing permit) + $4.50 (Plumbing safety code)
49 Plumbing and Gas permits: 95% within target, 2-day average.
50 Home Renovations and Basements | City of Edmonton Electrical permit fee for construction value between $0-$24,000.
51 $156.00 to install new wiring + $5.96 (Electrical Safety codes)
52 94% within target, 1-day average.
53 The city aims to meet the target processing times 75% of the time or more. For April-June 2023, 89% of permits for simple projects were issued within the target time. It is 78% for regular projects.

Development and Construction Application Processing Times | City of Edmonton

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Notes on red tape: It is not too difficult to reach the City of Edmonton’s support staff by phone, and their website is very user-friendly.
However, while they have publicly available target and actual processing times by permit type, they lack established standards or avenues for
public or citizen redress when processing times are not adhered to.

Best practices and other notable initiatives: Edmonton has implemented a commendable best practice in simplifying the residential permit
process. By offering a user-friendly platform and the Residential Permit Guide,54 they have made it easy for individuals to determine the
necessary permits and estimate fees before starting their application. This comprehensive yet user-friendly guide, requiring just a few
questions and minimal navigation (about 10 clicks), streamlines the process. It provides a tailored summary for each project, outlining specific
design and documentation requirements, along with an estimate of the total project cost and required permits. Furthermore, Edmonton’s
approach encourages efficiency and user-friendliness. Should you decide to proceed with your project, you can seamlessly transition to the
permit application stage by creating an account. This best practice ensures a smooth and convenient experience from start to finish, setting an
excellent example for others to follow.

Government source for data verification:

Phone number: In Edmonton - 311, Outside Edmonton - 780-442-5311.


© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time
Floor plans55
Forms Home improvement Service Application
Building permit57 $205.9258 Within 7 days for basic improvements.
Permits Within 42 days for complex
Plumbing permit59 $116.50 Within 24 hours after application
Electrical permit $116.50 N/A
Total number of documents and
5 $438.92
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: Yes, for building permits. However, information for building permit processing times is only available
through their open data portal and is not readily available on their website. For plumbing permits, information was available by phone but
unavailable through the website. Service standards were not available for electrical permits.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Not available.

Notes on red tape: Securing plumbing and electrical permits in Calgary can be a cumbersome experience due to the decentralized nature of
the process. Regrettably, there is no online resource for tracking the processing times of these permits. While they claim to issue plumbing
permits within 24 hours over the phone, the lack of publicly accessible service standards and a clear procedure for addressing delays can make
this process frustrating and uncertain. Nonetheless, reaching municipal officials by phone was relatively easy and they even sent an email with
all the necessary information shortly after the call. Furthermore, while service standards are not available for building and trade permits,

55 Also include as one file in the digital application: Electrical plans (Electrical layout), Mechanical plans (Mechanical layout), Plumbing and gas plans (Plumbing and gas layout), Structural plans (Wall
details, foundation plans, floor and roof framing layouts).
56; Can also apply online.
58; - fixed price, does

not increase based on renovation costs.

59 These fees are for Homeowner permits – Contractor trade permit fees will vary.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Calgary offers processing times and performance targets on their website for development, building safety, and business licensing approvals as
well as inspection bookings.60

Best practices and other notable initiatives: Calgary offers a unique advantage in its building permit system, as it features a fixed fee
structure that remains constant regardless of the scale or cost of your renovation or construction project. This stability can be an asset for
housing development initiatives within the city. Additionally, Calgary provides a user-friendly Estimate trade permit fees calculator61
empowering the public to easily estimate the total fees involved in projects such as bathroom renovations. Calgary also has an online system
(VISTA) to track the progress of an application and a live chat function.

Government source for data verification: Planning Services Centre 403-268-5311 (8 a.m.-4:15 p.m.), Trade permit centre: 403-268-1488.

61 Estimate trade permit fees calculator

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time
Floor plan62

Forms Permit application

Construction drawings for alterations
to structural elements63
Building permit64 $16265 5 days66
Permits Plumbing permit $13067 N/A
Electrical permit68 $3569 N/A
Total number of documents and
6 $327.00
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: Yes, for building permits, not for plumbing and electrical permits.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Yes, for building permits, not for plumbing and electrical permits.

Notes on red tape: In Saskatoon, a centralized system for applying for and obtaining all necessary permits and associated information is
notably absent. When it comes to securing electrical and plumbing permits, applicants must independently contact the relevant utility
companies. Additionally, there is no publicly available information regarding processing times for these permits.

Best practices and other notable initiatives: Saskatoon offers an online permitting system ( that aims to simplify
the application process. They assert that “ePermitting allows you to monitor all permit and inspection activities from the initial application to

62 Includes floor plans, construction information (the checklist) and construction drawings alerations_to_dwellings (
63 This includes beams, columns, floor joists, bearing walls.
64 Building Permits |
65 Minimum fee. Building Permit Fees |
67 Plumbing |; The Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan is responsible for plumbing inspections and permits. There are four different fee ranges based on the number of connected

fixtures: 0-6 fixtures - $130; 7-16 Fixtures - $185; 17-29 Fixtures - $350; 30+ Fixtures - $575
68 Must call individual utility company for permit and inspection information. Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan is responsible for electrical permits.
69; Up to $125

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

completion, renewal, or expiration.”70 However, the website’s user-friendliness is a point of concern, as it may require a precise understanding
of the necessary permits and their corresponding codes to navigate effectively.

Government source for data verification: Phone number: 306-975-2645.


© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time
Alterations – single/two-family dwelling
building permit application form72
Site plan73
Building plans74
Professional designer’s certificate for

Building permit76 $174 10 days

Plumbing permit77 $8878 N/A
Electrical permit79 $8880 N/A
Total number of documents and
7 $380
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: Yes, for building permits, not for plumbing and electrical permits.81

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Yes, for building permits, not for plumbing and electrical permits.82

Notes on red tape: The city does not have a centralized information centre for permits. Citizens must reach out to different departments to
obtain information about each permit: one person for the building permit, another for the business permit. There should be a centralized
number where someone could give information on all housing-related permits.

71 We did not include application forms, such as the housing electrical permit application form, the homeowner electrical permit declaration, and the plumbing permit application form. Electrical
installations - Planning, Property & Development Department - City of Winnipeg
72 Home renovations - Planning, Property & Development Department - City of Winnipeg
73 ibid
74 ibid
75 ibid
76 Planning-Development-and-Building-Fees-and-Charges.pdf (
77 ibid
78 Minimum fee
79 Planning-Development-and-Building-Fees-and-Charges.pdf (
80 Minimum fee
81 Residential permit application processing times - Planning, Property and Development - City of Winnipeg
82 ibid

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Best practices and notable initiatives: The City of Winnipeg provides archives of processing time every two months, since 2014. It
differentiates the time depending on the scope of the project. It gives the city target time and median and 75th percentile of the actual value.
Target and actual times are generally similar. It should be noted that the processing time is notably faster, compared to other cities.

Government source for data verification: Phone number: 204-986-5140.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time
Floor plans83
Construction details & notes85
Forms Application to construct or demolish
Designer Information Form87
Commitment to general review by
architect and engineer88
Building permit89 $198.5990 5 days to check the documents,
Permits then 4 to 6 weeks to issue the
Plumbing permit92 $093 N/A
Related mechanical (HVAC) permit94 $095 N/A
Electrical permit96 $9797 Within 24 hours
Total number of documents and
10 $295.59
permitting costs

83 Interior Alterations – City of Toronto

84 ibid
85 ibid
86 ibid
87 ibid
88 ibid
89 Building Permit Fees – City of Toronto
90 Minimum fee
91 The Ontario Building Code requires that a municipality review a complete permit application within a certain timeframe where the application meets the criteria set out in the Code, it’s 10 days for a

house. In October 2023, the processing time for the city to review and verify the documents is 5 days. If everything is complete, the customer pays, and the city takes between 4 and 6 weeks to issue a
92 Plumbing data sheet Interior Alterations – City of Toronto
93 There is no additional fee for the plumbing permit if it is submitted with a building permit.
94 Mechanical System Layout, Mechanical Details Related Mechanical (HVAC) Permit – City of Toronto
95 There is no additional fee for the HVAC permit if it is submitted with a building permit.
96 2023-Fees-Residential-at-a-glance.pdf (
97 Minimum fees, fees vary according to the size of the project. Electrical permits are handled by the Electricity Safety Authority. These are the residential fees for alterations with service work.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Service standards publicly available: For Toronto and Ottawa, the Building Code requires that a municipality review a complete permit
application within a certain timeframe where the application meets the criteria set out in the Code. Once the city confirms the presence of all
required documents, the issuance of the permit is at the discretion of the municipality, without a specified timeframe. Data is not available
for plumbing and HVAC permits. Electrical permits were confirmed over the phone but not available on their website.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Not available for plumbing, HVAC and electrical permits.

Notes on red tape: A citizen or business has to deal with several entities when conducting a bathroom renovation within Toronto. The City of
Toronto handles building, plumbing, and HVAC permits, while the Electrical Safety Agency (ESA) issues electrical permits in Ontario. This adds
a layer of complexity to the process. Furthermore, the processing time for building permits is rather long (4 to 6 weeks).

Best practices and notable initiatives: One great cost-saving advantage is that plumbing and HVAC permit fees are included in the building
permit. Furthermore, the Ontario Building Code requires that a municipality review a complete permit application within a certain timeframe,
provided the application meets the criteria set out in the Code. Regarding the electrical permit, if you hire a professional to carry out the
work, he or she will apply to the ESA for the permit, thus reducing the workload for private individuals. If you decide to do the work yourself,
simply call the ESA, who will issue the permit by telephone immediately.

Government source for data verification: Phone number: 416-397-5330.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time
Building application form98
Building plan99
Property survey or site plan100
Septic plan (where applicable)101
Building permit102 $220103 N/A
Permits Electrical permit104 $97105 Within 24 hours
Total number of documents and
6 $317
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: For Toronto and Ottawa, the Building Code requires that a municipality review a complete permit
application within a specified timeframe106 where the application meets the criteria set out in the Code. Once the city confirms the presence
of all required documents, the issuance of the permit is at the discretion of the municipality, without a specified timeframe. Electrical permits
were confirmed over the phone but not available on their website.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Not available.

Notes on red tape: A customer has to deal with several entities. The City of Ottawa handles building permits, which includes construction
works, plumbing, and HVAC, while the Electrical Safety Agency (ESA) issues electrical permits in Ontario. In calling the City of Ottawa’s
Building Code Service phone number, we were unable to reach anyone. In communicating with the Building Code Services team via email, we

98 Building permit approval process | City of Ottawa;

99 ibid
100 ibid
101 ibid
102 Forms, applications and fees | City of Ottawa
103 $11 per $1,000 of construction value. The building permit fee includes plumbing work.
104 2023-Fees-Residential-at-a-glance.pdf (
105 Minimum fees, fees vary according to the size of the project. Electrical permits are handled by the Electricity Safety Authority.
106 Targets for the first review of a complete submission are as follows: Small Homeowner project: 5 business days Council approved timeline (i.e., Deck/Porch/Shed/Garage); House: 10 business days (i.e.,

detached, semi-detached, row house). For more information, see:


© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

received a response within 24 hours. Furthermore, there are no service standards relating to processing times available online for building

Best practices and notable initiatives: The Ontario Building Code requires that a municipality review a complete permit application within a
specified timeframe when the application meets the criteria set out in the Code. Regarding the electrical permit, if you hire a professional to
carry out the work, they will apply to the ESA for the permit, thus reducing the workload for private individuals. If you decide to do the work
yourself, simply call the ESA, who will issue the permit by telephone immediately.

Government source for data verification: Phone number: 866-261-9799 then press 9 to dial this number: 29312.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada


Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time

Certificate of location107
Building specification sheet108
Professional-quality scale plans that
show the current situation as well as
projected work109
Bid or cost estimate for the work110
Structure plans signed and sealed by an
Plans, illustrations, and/or cuts that
show the projected development112
Renovation permit113 $353114 Yes – The processing times vary by
Permits borough.

Total number of documents and

7 $353
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: Yes, for renovation permits, processing times vary by borough, not available for all other permit types.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Not available.

Notes on red tape: A citizen cannot do the work by themselves and apply for a plumbing or electrical permit unless one is a licensed
contractor from the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ). The boroughs are responsible for the renovation permit. This has a significant impact
on our cost analysis. Plumbing and electrical permits are not listed as separate direct costs in Montreal, thus they are not included in the

107 Renovate the interior of a building | Ville de Montréal (

108 ibid
109 Ibid
110 ibid
111 ibid
112 ibid
113 The cost of a renovation permit | Ville de Montréal (
114 Minimum fee is $157, plus $9.80 per $1,000.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

overall calculation, as they are typically covered under the contractor’s licensing fees. Greater transparency with permitting costs would be

Best practices and notable initiatives: The City of Montreal is very accessible and will provide all information that is asked whether it is over
the phone or by email.

Government source for data verification: City of Montreal phone number: 514-872-0311; RBQ phone number: 800-361-0761.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time
Detailed scope of work
A complete set of construction
Forms drawings115
Foundation plans
Floor plan
Building permit116 $160117 5 days118
Permits Plumbing permit119 $70120 1 day
Wiring permit121 $0 2 business days122
Total number of documents and
7 $230
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: Yes, for all permit types.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Not available.

Notes on red tape: The application process for New Brunswick power is more red tape intensive and would most likely require a professional to
fill out the application.

Best practices and notable initiatives: The website is very user-friendly and permit information is easily accessible. All the necessary
resources like forms, fees, or site plan examples are located on the same webpage. The city also provides a step-by-step checklist in a PDF

115 These drawings must be legible and drawn to scale with detailed notes and dimensions. (Elevation, Relevant cross section, window sizes) 9 - Checklist - Addition and-or Renovation - Single, Two-Unit or
Semi-Detached Dwelling (
116 Building Permits | City of Moncton The building, wiring, and plumbing inspections are included in the permit fee.
117 $8 per $1,000 of construction value of the work (minimum $25) Building Permits | City of Moncton
118 No public timeline but you can track your application’s process. Following a call with the city (these are the processing times that were given: 24 hours for a plumbing permit; 5-day review for a building

119 Signed by a licensed plumber.
120 $50 + (# of new fixtures * 20) (1 new fixture for adding a shower) Building Permits | City of Moncton
121 Only required for electrical construction involving more than (10) outlets or five (5) kw of load.
122 Can only schedule inspections via phone or email – permit has to go through NB power.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

format which can limit submission of incomplete permit applications. Moncton also enhances transparency in the application process through
its application tracking feature.

Government source for data verification: Phone Number: 506-856-4375.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada


Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time

Sample site plan
Forms Building plan
Construction plan123
Building permit124 $31.25 17 days historical three-month
Permits average/28-day historical rolling year
Plumbing permit126 $25 N/A
Wiring (Electrical) permit127 $216128 N/A
Total number of documents and
6 $272.25
permitting costs
Service standards publicly available: Yes, for building permits, not available for plumbing or wiring permit.129

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Not available.

Notes on red tape: There have been serious delays with Nova Scotia Power. The Atlantic Team has been advocating for the improvement of
their permitting and inspection system. The municipality does not provide service standards, making it impossible to gauge Halifax’s
performance in delivering these permits.

Best practices and notable initiatives: For building permits, the municipality publishes historical average (3-month average and rolling year)
of the time it takes for approvals and has an open data portal.130

Government source for data verification: Phone Number: 902-490-5650.

123 Includes samples cross section, floor plan, sample elevation drawing.
124 Building permit fee is $6.88 per $1,000 of the estimated value of construction with a minimum fee of $31.25.
126 For renovation type work, including structural alterations and repairs.
127 Wiring permit (for simple electrical work) – based on the Installed value (see fee schedule on the last page). Estimating $0 to $2,000 amount of work: $69.

128 $69 (Wiring permit) + $115 (Plans examination) + $32 (Letter of acceptance)
129 Wiring permits facing extensive delays

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time
Floor plans131
Forms Project description

Building permit132 $110 N/A

Permits Plumbing permit133 $50 "permit will be issued when
payment is successfully processed"
Electrical permit134 $20 N/A
Total number of documents and
5 $180
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: Not available (except for plumbing permits, which will be issued upon successful payment processing).

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Not available.

Notes on red tape: The City of Charlottetown includes plumbing and building inspections costs in the permit costs. Plumbing permits are
handled by the Province of Prince Edward Island, introducing another stakeholder to contact when trying to renovate a bathroom.

Best practices and notable initiatives: Navigation of the website is relatively straightforward, with most application information available in
PDF format. However, the fee schedule and the applications themselves are located on a different webpage.

Government source for data verification: Phone Number: 902-629-4158.

131 Showing lay-out of all floor levels, indicating all work being done. DownloadFileByUrl.aspx (
132 $5.50 per $1,000 work.
133 $50 (after three fixtures, the applicant is charged an extra $20). Request a Plumbing Permit | Government of Prince Edward Island
134 $1.50 per outlet, minimum fee $20. Minimum used. $40 per each half hour for plan review and inspection. One half hour used.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
St. John’s

Indicator Form/Permit required Permitting cost Permit processing time

Structural details and sections
Forms Survey plan
Floor layout135
Building permit136 $180 Only timeline provided is for small
Permits repairs (2–5 business days). As this
would be considered a larger project
than repairs, it would be at least
5+ days.
Plumbing permit137 $126.72 N/A
Electrical permit138 $273 N/A
Total number of documents and
6 $579.32
permitting costs

Service standards publicly available: Yes, for building permits; not available for plumbing and electrical permits.

Service standards met or publicly reported against: Not available.

Notes on red tape: The city lacks established service standards. While they mention specific renovation stages, this information is only
accessible “on the back of the permit,” and thus, it is only available once the building permit is processed, making it challenging to plan and

Best practices and notable initiatives: The website is user-friendly, with all necessary information, including applications, fees, and
application requirements, conveniently located on a single webpage. When applying for plumbing and electrical permits, one only needs an

136 For projects with a value under $100,000, applicants pay $9 per $1,000 ($50 minimum).
137 Applicants must pay $42.24 for a renovation permit plus $18.48 per new fixture. $66 water turn off may apply. The city will only provide a permit to a licensed plumber; however, the homeowner must
make sure a permit is in place and that the work is completed by a licensed plumber.
138 Applied for by the plumber. For renovation - $72.60 + 1% of estimated cost. A permit will only be provided to a licensed electrician; however, the homeowner is responsible for ensuring a permit is in

place and there is a licensed electrician to do the work. Requires an inspection:


© Canadian Federation of Independent Business

Flushing out the nonsense: An analysis of municipal renovation permitting across Canada

application, no additional documents are required. This streamlined process allows renovation applicants to quickly access the information
they need.

Government source for data verification: Phone Number: 709-576-8565.

© Canadian Federation of Independent Business
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CFIB is a non-partisan organization Francesca Basta

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of 97,000 small and medium-sized
businesses in Canada. CFIB’s
research capacity is second-to-none Juliette Nicolaÿ
because it is able to gather timely Bilingual policy analyst
and concrete information from
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affect their day-to-day operation Senior policy analyst
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CFIB is an excellent source of
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