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You must hand in these documents with your application for a residence

permit (Immigration Regulations section 9-7 first paragraph letter d)

Checklist for family immigration for full siblings

under the age of 18

The applicant is a citizen of : Afghanistan


DUF number/date of birth:

How to use the checklist

Underneath is a list of the documents you need to submit when you apply for family
immigration. Some of the documents you the applicant have to get and others the reference
person need to get.

Print the list.

Mark every submitted document in the check list
Sign the last page.
You as the applicant should then submit this checklist, the questionnaire and copies of
all the relevant documents in person. You must also bring the original documents.

On this page, we use the words 'reference person' and 'applicant'

The reference person = the family member living in Norway.

The applicant = the person who wants to move to Norway or continue living here and
who needs a residence permit

Application documents
signed cover letter from the Application portal (or application form)

The cover letter is the attachment you received via email when you registered your
application online. Please print it and bring it with you. If you are handing in your
application at a Danish embassy, please bring a filled-out application form instead.

two new/recent passport size photos with white background

if you want to give your family member, or another person in Norway, permission to act
on your behalf in connection with your application: filled-in Power of attorney form

You can use this form Form for granting Power of Attorney, pdf, 710 kB (pdf, 677 kB)
( or the form you received by email when you registered your
application in the Application Portal.

UDI's checklist, filled out and signed (this list)

Identity documents for the applicant

passport and copy of all used pages in the passport
If you hand in your application in Norway, you normally only need to show your
passport and hand in the copies.
If you hand in your application abroad, you must normally hand in both your
passport and the copies. If you need your passport back before you receive an
answer to your application, please contact the place where you hand in the

Birth certificate / Tazkeera

if the applicant lives in Pakistan: Proof of Registration (POR) card

if the applicant lives in Iran: Amayesh proof of registration card

for an applicant who is a refugee staying in another country than the one he or she is a
citizen of: registration card from UNHCR or equivalent card/letter from the authorities in
the country of residence confirming that the applicant is a refugee or asylum seeker.

If applicable a document confirming that the applicant is granted asylum in the country.
if relevant, a written explanation as to why you cannot present one or more of the
documents mentioned above

Documents about your family

copy of the reference person’s passport – all used pages

birth certificate for the reference person

documentation which can substantiate that the applicant does not have his/ her parents
or any other care provider in the country of origin or the country in which he or she is

Completely filled in family forms for parents and parents-in-law's- and own family

You will find the family forms on the website of the Norwegian embassy in Pakistan

if relevant, a written explanation as to why you cannot present one or more of the
documents mentioned above

Documentation of the income of the reference person

(please choose the cathegory which is relevant for the
reference person)
You must document that the reference person has an income of at least NOK 287 278 per
year pre-tax now. In addition, the reference person’s income last year must have been at
about the same level. The reference person cannot have received any financial assistance
from NAV (økonomisk sosialhjelp) during the last 12 months. Please check the income
requirements, what kind of income that counts and whether you can be exempted from any
of the requirements at

Financial guarantee from the reference person's spouse or

As a general rule the reference person in Norway must meet the income requirement. If the
reference person does not have sufficient income, the reference person's spouse or
cohabitant may fulfil the requirement instead.

In such cases the reference person's spouse or cohabitant must have an income of at least
NOK 287 278 per year pre-tax . Please check the requirements for the person providing an
financial guarantee at
guarantee form for residence in a family immigration case

The spouse or cohabitant must fill in the Guarantee form for residence in a family
immigration case (pdf, 677 kB) to confirm that he or she will support the applicant.

contract of employment or a confirmation from the employer

In the contract/confirmation it must be clear how long the employment will last and the
scope (full time or part-time) of the employment. If your work is temporary, you should
enclose a confirmation from your employer if it is possible to prolong your contract.

the latest tax assessment notice

the three most recent payslips

Documents you must hand in if the reference person works

contract of employment or a confirmation from the employer

In the contract/confirmation it must be clear how long the employment will last and the
scope (full time or part-time) of the employment. If your work is temporary, you should
enclose a confirmation from your employer if it is possible to prolong your contract.

if the reference person had an income below NOK 300 000 before tax the last tax year:
a written statement from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV) which
states that the reference person has not received social security benefits in the last 12

if the reference person had an income above NOK 300 000 before tax the last tax year:
Self-declaration which states that the reference person has not received social security
benefits from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV) in the last 12

Self declaration which states that you have not received social security benefits from the
Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV), pdf, 705 kB)

if the reference person has been a student at the university or university college level,
please enclose documentation of the reference person having accumulated at least 60
credits (or the equivalent) in the year of the latest tax assessment notice . If the sponsor
has been a vocational tertiary student (i.e. student above secondary/high school), please
enclose a written confirmation that the education was completed within the prescribed
time in the year of the latest tax settlement notice.

if the reference person has completed their national military service in the year of the
previous tax assessment notice, please hand in documentation which shows this.

if relevant, a written explanation as to why you cannot present one or more of the
documents mentioned above

Documents you must hand in if the reference person receives

benefits from NAV

decision from NAV which includes information regarding the size and duration of the

if the reference person had an income below NOK 300 000 before tax the last tax year:
a written statement from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV) which
states that the reference person has not received social security benefits in the last 12

if the reference person had an income above NOK 300 000 before tax the last tax year:
Self-declaration which states that the reference person has not received social security
benefits from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV) in the last 12

Self declaration which states that you have not received social security benefits from the
Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV), pdf, 705 kB)


if the reference person has been a student at the university or university college level,
please enclose documentation of the reference person having accumulated at least 60
credits (or the equivalent) in the year of the latest tax assessment notice . If the sponsor
has been a vocational tertiary student (i.e. student above secondary/high school), please
enclose a written confirmation that the education was completed within the prescribed
time in the year of the latest tax settlement notice.
if relevant, a written explanation as to why you cannot present one or more of the
documents mentioned above

Documents you must hand in if the reference person is self-


a confirmation that your firm is properly registered in Norway

a confirmation from your accountant that shows your monthly salary in the last three

tax return with all the necessary supporting documents (income statement etc.)

if the reference person had an income below NOK 300 000 before tax the last tax year:
a written statement from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV) which
states that the reference person has not received social security benefits in the last 12

if the reference person had an income above NOK 300 000 before tax the last tax year:
Self-declaration which states that the reference person has not received social security
benefits from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV) in the last 12

Self declaration which states that you have not received social security benefits from the
Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation (NAV), pdf, 705 kB)


if the reference person has been a student at the university or university college level,
please enclose documentation of the reference person having accumulated at least 60
credits (or the equivalent) in the year of the latest tax assessment notice . If the sponsor
has been a vocational tertiary student (i.e. student above secondary/high school), please
enclose a written confirmation that the education was completed within the prescribed
time in the year of the latest tax settlement notice.

if the reference person has completed their national military service in the year of the
previous tax assessment notice, please hand in documentation which shows this.

if relevant, a written explanation as to why you cannot present one or more of the
documents mentioned above
Documents you must hand in if they apply to the reference
person’s current situation

documentation on fixed periodic income, such as insurance payments, private pension

schemes or rental income

confirmation of participation in the introduction programme, and information about the

duration of the introduction programme.

decision regarding loans and/or grants received in connection with studies. It should be
documented which period is covered by the payments (the entire school year or parts

documentation on income abroad if the reference person is a Norwegian citizen, a

citizen of one of the Nordic countries, or holds a permanent residence permit (settlement
permit) in Norway and has worked abroad
The reference person must have earned at least NOK 287 278 per year pre-tax .

if relevant, a written explanation as to why you cannot present one or more of the
documents mentioned above

Housing documentation
the lease or the deeds (in Norwegian: 'skjøte' or 'grunnboksutskrift') for the

Originals and copies of the documents

Requirements for documents from Norway
You do not need to bring originals of documents from Norwegian authorities. You are only to
hand in a copy of the document. The copy does not need to be stamped.

Requirements for documents from other countries than Norway

You must bring the original documents and your passport. If you apply from Norway, you
must present the original documents and your passport. If you apply from abroad, you
must submit the original documents and your passport. These documents will be
checked by the embassy and will be returned to you at the same place as you submitted
the application.
The original documents from your home country must be legalised by the foreign
authority. You can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or equivalent in your home
country to get information about how to get your documents legalised. No legalisation of
your passport is required.
You must also bring copies of all the documents and your passport.
If you hand in your application abroad, the copies must be stamped by the
authorities in your country, or by a notarius publicus.
If you hand in your application to the police in Norway you do not need to have
the copies stamped (neither the copies of your documents, nor the copies of your
If your documents are in a different language than Norwegian or English, they must be
translated to Norwegian or English by an authorised/certified translator. It must be stated
on the translation who translated the document and when.
You must also hand in a copy of the translations. If you hand in your application abroad,
the copy of the translation must be stamped by the authorities in your country, or a
notarius publicus.
Do you have documents from different countries? Check at what you
need to do to get documents from different countries certified.

Application questionnaire to be filled out by the applicant (not the

reference person in Norway)
The UDI will look at your answers when we process your application. It is therefore important
that you fill in this questionnaire as accurately as possible, even if not all the questions are
relevant to your situation.

Information about you

1. Address (present and previous):

2. Education:

3. Work:

Information about the reference person (the person living in Norway)

4. Have you and the reference person ever lived together? If yes, Where and for how long?

5. Do you have the same mother and father?

6. Where are your parents?

7. When did you and the reference person last see each other? How and how often do you
keep in touch?

8. How and when did you become separated from the reference person?

9. How did you find out that the reference person was in Norway?

10. Who has had responsibility for you after the reference person left?

11. Where and with whom do you live now? How long have you been living there? Who
takes care of you?
12. Do you get money/food from anyone? If yes, from whom? How do you receive the

13. Are you married/engaged/divorced? If yes, please list name, age, place of birth and
place of residence of spouse

14. Will you live together with your brother/sister in Norway?

Information about your grandparents and siblings

15. Name:

16. Address (present and previous)

Date/place: Signature:

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