Partner Agreement

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Last updated 07/06/2023

Table of Contents
General provisions....................................................................................................................................3
Types of Affiliate programmes................................................................ ................................................3
Interaction of the Parties........................... ..................................................... ....... ....... ....... ….............3
The Partner’s Rights and Responsibilities…............................................................................................4
The Company’s Rights and Responsibilities................................................................. ....... ... ..............6
Settlement Procedure................................................................................................................................7
Settlement of claims and disputes...........................................................................................................10
Force Majeure.........................................................................................................................................10
Final provisions.......................................................................................................................................10
Terms and Interpretation.........................................................................................................................11

RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
1. General provisions

1.1 This Agreement is made between RoboForex Ltd, hereafter mentioned as the Company, and a party,
hereafter mentioned as the Partner, either an individual or a company, that holds a partner account with the
1.2 The Company and the Partner undertake coordinated obligations directly connected with the attraction
of clients for performing trade operations involving trading instruments as offered by the Company.
1.3 The Parties shall comply with the provisions of this Agreement, except as otherwise provided in
additional agreements.
1.4 The place of the Agreement is agreed to be the registered location of the Company.
1.5 The official language of all Company documents is English. Translations of documents into other
languages are provided for informative purposes only.
2. Types of Affiliate programmes

2.1 The Partner has the right to participate in the "VIP" and "Expert" Affiliate programmes.
2.2 The Partner can be provided with the "Expert" Affiliate programme upon request via a ticket to the
Affiliate Department.

2.3 For all the Affiliate programmes, a multi-level partner commission system is available.
2.4 To register as a Partner, an individual has to fill in the registration form on the Company’s website at or in the Members Area on
2.5 The Partner may request a change to their Affiliate Plan by emailing the Affiliate department at
[email protected].
2.6 Partners are eligible to add their verified Web resources to their programme.
2.6.1 The Partner can add one or several websites for moderation in their Members Area. These websites
shall contain a referral link to any page of the Company’s websites or Members Area.
2.6.2 Upon successful automatic moderation, the status of the Web resource will be changed to "New".
2.6.3 New Web resources will not be verified, and existing resources will lose their "Verified" status if
they do not bear any relevance to the Financial markets.
3. Interaction of the Parties
3.1 A client shall be considered attracted by the Partner provided they have registered as the Company’s
client for the first time and taking into account compliance with one of the following conditions:
3.1.1 A client shall specify their Partner’s AgentID when registering a trading account.
3.1.2 A client reached the Company’s website through a banner or a specified referral link listed on the
Partner’s Web resource.
3.1.3 A client reached the Company’s website from the Partner’s Web resource, which has the status
RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
"Verified". In this case, the referrer header of the HTTP request will be analysed, and the Partner’s AgentID
will be logged into the cookie file of the client's web browser.
3.2 Partners' IDs are stored in the browser cookies for at least 30 days unless the client clears the cache of
the specific browser.
3.3 The Company reserves the right to register a client as attracted by the Partner given that the Partner can
provide evidence of the client’s involvement and substantiate the reason why the client was not registered
according to section 3.1 of this Agreement.
3.4 In case a client is acknowledged to be attracted by the Partner, all trading accounts opened by this client
in the future will be automatically included in the Partner’s affiliate group, unless when opening a new
account the client specifies an AgentID that differs from the Partner’s AgentID.
3.5 If the client, who is a part of an existing Partner's group, opens a new trading account, specifying a new
AgentID, all future trading accounts opened by this client without specifying the exact Partner's AgentID
will not be included in the original Partner's affiliate group.
3.6 In case a client visits the Company's website using a link from any company advertisement posted in
Search Engine systems (Google Adwords, AdChoices, Bing Ads, etc.), the AgentID stored in the cookies
file of the client’s browser will be deleted.
3.7 The Company has the right to organise promotional campaigns for its clients who have not made any
transactions for more than two months. A client’s trading account that is taking part in the promotional
campaign, as well as all accounts opened by a client without specifying an AgentID after the promotional
campaign, will not be included in the Partner’s affiliate group.
3.8 The Partner, as well as their relatives and other affiliated persons, cannot be a client of the Partner. If
there is any coincidence of the Partner’s data and a client’s data (such as passport data, address, telephone,
email, IP address, payment details, etc.), the client’s accounts shall be excluded from the Partner’s affiliate
group along with the cancellation of the credited Partner's commission. The commission credited for such
accounts before they were acknowledged as affiliated ones cannot be withdrawn from the Partner’s trading
or partner accounts and will be cancelled.
4. The Partner’s rights and responsibilities
4.1 The Partner is fully responsible for the legal compliance of their activity and also shall:
4.1.1 Follow all articles of this Agreement.
4.1.2 Inform new clients about the scope of activity and services of the Company, about the competitive
advantage of the Company, as well as provide all necessary information, including addresses and contact
details of the Company.
4.1.3 Introduce new clients to the Company website and describe its structure, refer
to the documents and information listed on the site, and explain them.
4.1.4 Inform the Company immediately about any external interference in their activity.
4.1.5 Inform the Company about any known circumstances, which may affect or prevent them from
fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement or involve any risks for the Company.
4.1.6 In their activity, obey the laws of their resident country or the country where their promotional
campaigns for attracting clients are taking place.

RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
4.1.7 In response to the Company’s inquiry, provide a detailed report about the fulfillment of their
obligations under this Agreement and on the progress and results of services rendered by the Partner.
4.1.8 The Partner shall keep the information about the Company and its services posted on the affiliate
website up to date. If unreliable or irrelevant information has been posted on the Partner’s website, the
Company is entitled to ask the Partner to remove or update the website information, whereas the Partner is
obliged to fulfill the requirement within seven days of the Company’s request.
4.2 The Partner is not allowed to:
4.2.1 Use the Company’s site design and any of its elements besides the Company’s logo, including full or
partial copying.
4.2.2 Enter into monetary relations with the Company clients (including but not limited to cash assets, cash
cards, bank cards, etc.).
4.2.3 Use trademarks, service marks, and other intellectual activity products, to which the sole rights are
possessed by the Company, without the Company’s preliminary written consent.
4.2.4 Offer advice to Clients concerning deals under the Client Agreement.
4.2.5 Attract Clients with the help of inadmissible means and methods, such as fraud, deception, provision
of insufficient information about risks involved in investments in financial instruments, and other illegal
4.2.6 Use any types of improper advertising for promotion of their activity, particularly it is forbidden to
a) active promotion systems.
b) immoral (including pornographic) sites advertising.
c) advertising with deliberate misrepresentation of the offered services description, as well as deliberate
nondisclosure to Clients of risks and information on services to be offered.
d) all other types of improper advertising.
4.2.7 The Partner is strictly prohibited to use direct links to the Company’s website in the PayPerClick
advertising systems (Google Adwords, AdChoices, Bing Ads, Yandex.Direct, etc).
4.2.8 The Partner is strictly prohibited to place advertisements in the PayPerClick advertising systems
(Google AdWords, AdChoices, Bing Ads, Yandex.Direct, etc.), banner networks, online directories, etc.
using the keyword in the name of the Company ("RoboForex") or the names of any of the services provided
by the company (CopyFX, ContestFX, etc.), as well as the use of any options for their writing, including
using similar-sounding words in any language.
4.2.9 When registering a company or a domain, creating their own products, or providing their own
services, the Partner has no right to use any names or titles that are similar (in spelling or pronunciation) to
the Company’s name, its website, or its products and services.
4.2.10 As RoboForex Ltd does not target EU/EEA/UK clients, and clients residing in these countries can be
onboarded on their own initiative only - the Partner is strictly prohibited to use any EU/EEA/UK local
language/sources promotion to attract Clients residing in any EU/EEA countries and the UK.
4.2.11 The Partner is strictly prohibited to conduct any promotions in the US, Canada, Japan, Australia,
Bonaire, Brazil, Curaçao, East Timor, Indonesia, Iran, Liberia, Saipan, Russia, Sint Eustatius, Tahiti,

RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
Turkey, Guinea-Bissau, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, South Sudan, and
other restricted countries, as the company does not onboard clients from these jurisdictions.
4.2.12 The Partner is strictly prohibited to make any online media promotions of the main brand of the
company and related brands mentioned in this document in circumvention of local legal requirements.
Moreover, the Company has a right to oblige the Partner with additional requirements regarding its
promotions according to the internal compliance policies of the Company.
4.3 The Partner has the right to participate in one Affiliate programme only.
4.4 The Partner has the right to plan and organise marketing and advertising campaigns independently after
coordination with the Company.
4.5 To attract clients to the Partner, the Company gives the Partner the right to use banners with the
company's logo, referral links, as well as informers available in the Partner's Members Area.
4.6 All the Partner’s activity should be fully in compliance with all local laws applying to the partner's
jurisdiction, its activity jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction of its clients and/or sub-partners. The Partner is
fully responsible for all legal proceedings concerning all the Partner's activity. The Partner is also fully
responsible for any damage to the Company and/or its clients caused by a violation of any of the local laws,
including but not limited to:
● Violation of any laws applying to the promotion of the Company’s services in any region of the partner’s
● Any misleading information about potential risks, returns et cetera provided to clients
● Non-authorised investment advice and/or portfolio management that is done by the partner or its related
5. The Company’s rights and responsibilities

5.1 The Company’s rights:

5.1.1 The Company has the right to control the Partner’s activity concerning the implementation of the
Partner’s functions and responsibilities under this Agreement.
5.1.2 The Company has the right to request a detailed report on the discharge of the Partner’s obligations
under this Agreement and on the progress and results of the services offered by the Partner.
5.1.3 The Company has the right to change the type and the amount of the Affiliate programme and
commission in case the Partner fails to fulfill the conditions of this Agreement.
5.1.4 The Company reserves the right to cancel this Agreement unilaterally in the extrajudicial procedure.
5.1.5 The Company has the right to amend this Agreement, as well as change the amount of the partner
commission; and the notice about this is to be sent to the Partner by the terminal’s inner messages, email,
posting, or by an announcement on the Company’s site on this link three business days before the
amendments come into effect.
5.1.6 In case of any actions that are against the Company’s interests or might have a negative influence on
the Company’s reputation or activity, or might be the reason to doubt the Partner’s work ethics, the
Company has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally.
5.1.7 The Company may require the Partner to identify themselves (pass the complete verification
RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
procedure) through the provision of identification documents of the Partner, as well as confirming their
actual place of residence.
5.1.8 The Company has the right to provide partners with special terms and conditions that differ from
those described in this Agreement only upon receiving the Partner's written consent sent by Ticket.
5.1.9 The Company retains the right to mandate that the Partner disclose all websites and/or alternative
channels utilised to attract clients. The Company may require pre-approval of these channels in order to
comply with Company's internal policies.
5.1.10 The Company, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to require the Partner to immediately correct
or delete marketing materials and/or other information posted on Partner's Web resources if such
information is incorrect, misleading, or detrimental to the Company's reputation, business interests, or
regulatory compliance.
5.1.11 The Partner acknowledges and agrees that the Company has the right to monitor and review all
information posted by the Partner on its Web resources. The Partner shall in turn comply with any requests
from the Company to correct or remove non-compliant information and shall indemnify and hold the
Company harmless from any losses, damages, or liabilities arising from non-compliant information posted
by the Partner. The Partner understands that the failure to comply with these obligations may result in the
termination of the Partner Agreement.
5.1.12 In case the Partner does not comply with the Company’s internal policies, the Company may, at its
sole discretion, restrict the payout of the partner commission, terminate this Agreement and the Partner’s
Client Agreement with forced closure of open positions, if applicable. The Partner acknowledges and
agrees that the Company shall have no liability or responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from
such closure.
5.2 The Company’s responsibilities:
5.2.1 As part of the Client Agreement, the Company is responsible for opening trading accounts for Clients
attracted by the Partner under certain special conditions.
5.2.2 The Company takes responsibility to keep the Partner informed of all amendments to the Partner
Agreement by means of the Company’s website at the following address:
5.2.3 The Company takes responsibility to pay the Partner a partner commission in the order thereby set
5.3 Any Partner’s actions beyond the limits of powers provided by the Company.
5.3.1 Any damage caused by the Partner to any third person.
6. Settlement Procedure
6.1 The Partner commission is to be calculated once a day, only for complete transactions made by the
Partner's attracted clients according to the requirements of this Agreement.
6.2 The partner commission depends on the type and level of the Affiliate Programme and is calculated as a
percentage of the broker revenue for a transaction. Rates of the partner rewards are listed at
6.3 The affiliate commission is not paid if the Affiliate programme is deactivated. The affiliate commission,
which has not been paid during the period while the affiliate programme was inactive, will not be paid after
RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
its activation.
6.4 The Company has the right to amend the terms of calculation and payment of the partner commission
6.5 In case of increased costs associated with hedging the trades of a client or group of clients attracted by
the Partner, the Сompany is entitled to reduce the size of affiliate payments on such customers.
6.6 When calculating the commission, the Company has the right to disregard Clients' transactions made
due to the trading platform's shortcomings.
6.7 In case a dispute arises concerning an order for which a commission was paid, the Company reserves
the right to cancel the commission received for the transaction.
6.8 The Parties independently and on their own execute their tax and other duties with respect to third
6.9 The commission for the multi-level Partner programme is calculated as a percentage of the fixed
remuneration rate of the Partner:
● For direct clients on the 1st level, it is 35% of the Company's revenue
● 20% from the 2nd Level Affiliates Commission
● 15% from the 3rd Level Affiliates Commission
● 12.50% from the 4th Level Affiliates Commission
● 10% from the 5th Level Affiliates Commission
Level 1 is the payment of compensation for clients located directly in the affiliate group of the Partner.
Levels 2 - 5 are customers who are in the sub-partner groups.
Within this plan, the top Affiliate, hereby referred to as Level 1, will earn a 35% revenue share from their
direct clients. Hence if a client generates for the company 100$ in commission, the top affiliate will receive
Within Level 2, the Master Affiliate will receive 20% of the commission of their Level 2 affiliates. Hence if
their Level 2 affiliates accumulate a total 100$ in commission, the Partner will receive 20$ from this sum.
Within Level 3, the Master Affiliate will receive 15% of the commission of their Level 3 affiliates. Hence if
their Level 3 affiliates accumulate a total of 100$ in commission, the Partner will receive 15$ from this
Within Level 4, the Master Affiliate will receive 12.50% of the commission of their Level 4 affiliates.
Hence if their Level 4 affiliates accumulate a total 100$ in commission, the Partner will receive
12.50$ from this sum.
Within Level 5, the Master Affiliate will receive 10% of the commission of their Level 5 affiliates. Hence if
their Level 5 affiliates accumulate a total of 100$ in commission, the Partner will receive 10$ from this
6.9.1 The Affiliate commission for the "VIP" affiliate programme is calculated based on a fixed rate:
For clients of the 1st level, it is up to 70% of the Company's revenue.
For clients of the 2nd level, it is 10% of the sub-partner's commission.
RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
Level 1 compensation is paid to clients whose affiliate groups fall directly under the Partner. Level 2
commissions are paid based on the commissions of the sub-partner groups.
6.10 The Company reserves the right to disconnect any partner account from the multi-level commission
system if:
6.10.1 The client of the Partner is their affiliated person.
6.11 When processing a withdrawal request from the partner account, the Company shall use its internal
currency rates as of the time of the request processing.
6.12 The withdrawal and transfer of funds from an affiliate account are available only after the complete
verification of the Partner.
6.13 The Partner who has passed full verification shall be entitled to withdraw funds in any payment system
available in the "Withdrawal" section of their Members Area.
6.14 Partners are charged for all costs associated with withdrawing funds from affiliate accounts unless the
withdrawal is made on specific days when the company can allow free withdrawals with limitations for
eligible clients.
6.15 The Partner bears full responsibility for the adequacy of all the information set out in their application
for the fund withdrawal.
6.16 The withdrawal of funds from the Partner account is accomplished within 2 business days from the
time a relevant application for the withdrawal of such funds has been confirmed in the Members Area.
6.17 In case the payment system stops operating for some time, the Company has the right to postpone the
date of withdrawal until the payment system resumes working.
6.18 The company reserves the right to ask the partner provide with reliable data about their full name and
the details of their Passport or ID when withdrawing funds.
6.19 The Company undertakes to take any and all expedient actions to preclude any illegal financial
operations and money laundering with the employment of the Company’s resources.
6.20 The Partner is to share a part of their Affiliate commission based on the trading turnover in the
accounts of the specific clients that the Partner attracted in accordance with the terms of the "Rebates for
client" service.
In this case, the client's account will be credited with the amount set by the Partner on the Members Area
And the Partner's commission, in this case, will be credited to their account in the generated amount minus
the sum of the client's part of the commission.
6.21 The Partner is to share a part of their Affiliate commission based on the trading turnover in the
accounts of the specific clients that their sub-partner attracted in accordance with the terms of the "Rebates
to sub-partner" service, and the Multi-level Partner Commission System.
In this case, the sub-partner's account will be credited with the amount set by the Partner on the Members
Area page
And the Partner's commission, in this case, will be credited to their account in the generated amount minus
the sum of the sub-partner's part of the commission.

RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
6.22 The Company may postpone crediting the affiliate commission to the Partner's account in case of the
absence of identification of their attracted clients. In this case, attracted clients have to identify themselves
(pass the complete verification procedure) through the provision of identification documents, as well as
confirm their actual place of residence and payment requisites (if necessary). The affiliate commission,
which has not been paid for such attracted clients during this period, will be paid after their successful
identification. Loyalty payments will be affected if successful verification is not completed within the
transacted month.
7. Settlement of claims and disputes
7.1 In case there is any dispute arising out of or in connection with the fulfillment of this Agreement, the
Parties shall do their best to settle such situations by means of negotiations.
7.2 In any case, before an action can be instituted in the court, the Parties shall undertake to respect the
mandatory claimant’s procedure. The claim shall be delivered by the claimant Party within five days from
the time this Party knew or should have known of the fact that its rights were violated.
7.3 Claims in respect of lost profit shall not be considered.
7.4 All claims shall be sent via the following means: email to the address: [email protected], ticket in
their Members Area (
7.5 The Partner’s claim shall be considered within no more than ten business days.
7.6 Should the disputable case not be described thereby, the Company will pronounce judgment as it finds
fit, according to the judicial practice.
7.7 The Partner acknowledges and agrees that the programme will operate in accordance with the
specifications set forth in the Partner Agreement. The Partner further acknowledges and agrees that any
features or functions not expressly described in the Partner Agreement shall not form the basis for a claim
or cause of action against the Company.
8. Force Majeure
8.1 Neither of the Parties shall be liable for full or partial non-execution of any obligations if such non-
execution results from the following contingencies: flood, fire, earthquake, and other elements; and also
wars and military actions of any kind, blockade, decrees issued by governmental authorities, and other
emergencies and unavoidable circumstances beyond the Parties’ control.
8.2 The Party for whom obligations have become impossible to fulfill shall inform the other Party in
writing of the circumstances as above (occurrence, expected duration, and termination) without any delay,
and within 5 banking days at the latest from their occurrence and termination.
8.3 Should the Parties not be in a position to fulfill their obligations fully or partially for more than 3
months, this Agreement shall automatically be cancelled.
9. Final provisions
9.1 To contact the Partner, the Company uses the following means of communication:
● email
● telephone
● post
RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.
● other electronic means of communication provided by the Company
9.2 The Partner agrees that their contact details, e.g. address, email, etc., which the Partner provided for the
purpose of registration, will be used by the Company when sending written communication (letters and/or
other information) to the Partner.


An Active Client is a client from the Partner’s affiliate group, who has made at least one transaction that
meets the requirements of the affiliate commission payments over the last 30 days.

A Banner is a graphical ad block with a hyperlink to the Company’s website, which is placed by the Partner
on different Web resources with the purpose of attracting new clients.
The Company is RoboForex Ltd.
A Lot is a unit to measure the amount (volume) of the order.
Members Area is the Partner’s personal page on the Company’s website.
The Multi-level Partner Commission System is a system, in which the Partner is paid a commission for
the trades of clients attracted by their sub-partners.
Sub-Partners are the Partners, who are registered in the Company and are included in another senior
Partner’s affiliate group.
A Partner is an individual or a legal entity that is attracting new clients to the Company and acting pursuant
to this Agreement on behalf of the Company.
An Affiliate Group is a group of clients and sub-partners attracted by the Partner.
Promotion Campaign is the Company’s activities to create and maintain the interest of clients of the
Redirect is an automatic redirection of a user from the web page they are on to another web page or website.
A Referral Link is a link to the Company’s website, which contains the Partner’s AgentID, and is placed
by the Partner for the purpose of attracting clients. A static link should be in the HTML code of the website
and have the class="AgentID" attribute. Links that are generated on the web page dynamically with the help
of JavaScript, Flash, or similar technologies, do not meet the definition of a static link.
The Company’s Website is and other official websites of the Company.
The AgentID is the Partner’s unique identification code provided by the Company to register clients
attracted by the Partner.
Verified Partner – there is a procedure for documenting the personal data of the Partner. The Partner is
considered fully verified if they passed the passport and address verification, after which the status will be
changed to "Verified" in the relevant sections of the Members Area on

RoboForex Ltd
2118 Guava Street, Belama T: +593 964 256 286 E: [email protected]
Phase 1, Belize City, Belize W:

RoboForex Ltd is a financial brokerage company regulated by the FSC, license No. 000138/437.

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