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Mass Production, Supply, and Delivery of Science and

Mathematics Equipment Packages to Public
Elementary for Grades 1 to 3 & Grades 4 to 6, Public
Junior High Schools for Grades 7 to 10, and Public
Senior High Schools for Grades 11 to 12 (CORE &


Government of the Republic of the Philippines

Bureau of Education Assessment - Education Assessment

Division (BEA-EAD)

November 2023


Sixth Edition
October 2020

Table of Contents

Glossary of Acronyms, Terms, and Abbreviations .... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section I. Invitation to Bid............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section II. Instructions to Bidders ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Scope of Bid ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Funding Information ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Bidding Requirements .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive, and Coercive Practices .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. Eligible Bidders ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
6. Origin of Goods ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
7. Subcontracts .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
8. Pre-Bid Conference ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
9. Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
10. Documents comprising the Bid: Eligibility and Technical ComponentsError! Bookmark not
11. Documents comprising the Bid: Financial Component.......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
12. Bid Prices................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
13. Bid and Payment Currencies .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
14. Bid Security ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
15. Sealing and Marking of Bids .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
16. Deadline for Submission of Bids ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
17. Opening and Preliminary Examination of Bids...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
18. Domestic Preference ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
19. Detailed Evaluation and Comparison of Bids ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
20. Post-Qualification.................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
21. Signing of the Contract ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section III. Bid Data Sheet ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section IV. General Conditions of Contract ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Scope of Contract ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Advance Payment and Terms of Payment................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Performance Security ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Inspection and Tests .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. Warranty .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6. Liability of the Supplier............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section V. Special Conditions of Contract .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section VI. Schedule of Requirements ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section VII. Technical Specifications .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Section VIII. Checklist of Technical and Financial DocumentsError! Bookmark not

Glossary of Acronyms, Terms, and

ABC – Approved Budget for the Contract.

BAC – Bids and Awards Committee.

Bid – A signed offer or proposal to undertake a contract submitted by a bidder in response

to and in consonance with the requirements of the bidding documents. Also referred to as
Proposal and Tender. (2016 revised IRR, Section 5[c])

Bidder – Refers to a contractor, manufacturer, supplier, distributor and/or consultant

who submits a bid in response to the requirements of the Bidding Documents. (2016
revised IRR, Section 5[d])

Bidding Documents – The documents issued by the Procuring Entity as the bases for
bids, furnishing all information necessary for a prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the
Goods, Infrastructure Projects, and/or Consulting Services required by the Procuring
Entity. (2016 revised IRR, Section 5[e])

BIR – Bureau of Internal Revenue.

BSP – Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

Consulting Services – Refer to services for Infrastructure Projects and other types of
projects or activities of the GOP requiring adequate external technical and professional
expertise that are beyond the capability and/or capacity of the GOP to undertake such as,
but not limited to: (i) advisory and review services; (ii) pre- investment or feasibility studies;
(iii) design; (iv) construction supervision; (v) management and related services; and (vi)
other technical services or special studies. (2016 revised IRR, Section 5[i])

CDA - Cooperative Development Authority.

Contract – Refers to the agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the
Supplier or Manufacturer or Distributor or Service Provider for procurement of Goods and
Services; Contractor for Procurement of Infrastructure Projects; or Consultant or
Consulting Firm for Procurement of Consulting Services; as the case may be, as recorded
in the Contract Form signed by the parties, including all attachments and appendices
thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein.

CIF – Cost Insurance and Freight.

CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid.

CPI – Consumer Price Index.

DDP – Refers to the quoted price of the Goods, which means “delivered duty paid.”
DTI – Department of Trade and Industry.

EXW – Ex works.

FCA – “Free Carrier” shipping point.

FOB – “Free on Board” shipping point.

Foreign-funded Procurement or Foreign-Assisted Project– Refers to procurement

whose funding source is from a foreign government, foreign or international financing
institution as specified in the Treaty or International or Executive Agreement. (2016
revised IRR, Section 5[b]).

Framework Agreement – Refers to a written agreement between a procuring entity and a

supplier or service provider that identifies the terms and conditions, under which specific
purchases, otherwise known as “Call-Offs,” are made for the duration of the agreement. It
is in the nature of an option contract between the procuring entity and the bidder(s)
granting the procuring entity the option to either place an order for any of the goods or
services identified in the Framework Agreement List or not buy at all, within a minimum
period of one (1) year to a maximum period of three
(3) years. (GPPB Resolution No. 27-2019)

GFI – Government Financial Institution.

GOCC – Government-owned and/or –controlled corporation.

Goods – Refer to all items, supplies, materials and general support services, except
Consulting Services and Infrastructure Projects, which may be needed in the transaction
of public businesses or in the pursuit of any government undertaking, project or activity,
whether in the nature of equipment, furniture, stationery, materials for construction, or
personal property of any kind, including non-personal or contractual services such as the
repair and maintenance of equipment and furniture, as well as trucking, hauling,
janitorial, security, and related or analogous services, as well as procurement of materials
and supplies provided by the Procuring Entity for such services. The term “related” or
“analogous services” shall include, but is not limited to, lease or purchase of office space,
media advertisements, health maintenance services, and other services essential to the
operation of the Procuring Entity. (2016 revised IRR, Section 5[r])

GOP – Government of the Philippines.

GPPB – Government Procurement Policy Board.

INCOTERMS – International Commercial Terms.

Infrastructure Projects – Include the construction, improvement, rehabilitation,

demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of roads and bridges, railways, airports,
seaports, communication facilities, civil works components of information technology
projects, irrigation, flood control and drainage, water supply, sanitation, sewerage and
solid waste management systems, shore protection, energy/power and electrification
facilities, national buildings, school buildings, hospital buildings, and other related
construction projects of the government. Also referred to as civil works or works. (2016
revised IRR, Section 5[u])
LGUs – Local Government Units.

NFCC – Net Financial Contracting Capacity.

NGA – National Government Agency.

PhilGEPS - Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System.

Procurement Project – refers to a specific or identified procurement covering goods,

infrastructure project or consulting services. A Procurement Project shall be described,
detailed, and scheduled in the Project Procurement Management Plan prepared by the
agency which shall be consolidated in the procuring entity's Annual Procurement Plan.
(GPPB Circular No. 06-2019 dated 17 July 2019)

PSA – Philippine Statistics Authority.

SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission.

SLCC – Single Largest Completed Contract.

Supplier – refers to a citizen, or any corporate body or commercial company duly organized
and registered under the laws where it is established, habitually established in business
and engaged in the manufacture or sale of the merchandise or performance of the general
services covered by his bid. (Item 3.8 of GPPB Resolution No. 13-2019, dated 23 May
2019). Supplier as used in these Bidding Documents may likewise refer to a distributor,
manufacturer, contractor, or consultant.

UN – United Nations.

Section I. Invitation to Bid

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Bids and Awards Committee VI

PROJECT NO. 2024-BLR4(002)-BVI-CB-003


Mass Production, Supply, and Delivery of Science and Mathematics Equipment Packages
to Public Elementary for Grades 1 to 3 & Grades 4 to 6, Public Junior High Schools for
Grades 7 to 10, and Public Senior High Schools for Grades 11 to 12 (CORE & STEM)

(Early Procurement Activity)

1. The Department of Education (DepEd), based on the FY 2024 National Expenditures

Program (NEP) and shall be funded upon the approval and effectivity of the FY 2024
General Appropriations Act (GAA), intends to apply the sum of Philippine Pesos Two
Billion, Seventy-Three Million, Twenty-Four Thousand, Four Hundred Forty-Four and
04/100 (Php2,073,024,444.04) being the total Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to
payment under the contract for the above project, broken down as follows:

Lot Description Items Approved ABC (in

No. Php)
I. Mass Production Items
1 Developed Basic 41 items specified in 146,887,225.77
Scikit Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
2 Developed Science 11 items specified in 199,415,461.33
and Mathematics Section VII (Technical
Equipment Specifications) of this
(Elementary, Junior Bidding Documents
High School, and
Senior High School)
3 Developed Storage 1 item specified in 164,123,399.75
Cabinets Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
II. Market Items
4 Chemicals 16 items specified in 14,695,348.21
Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
5 Glassware and Lab 30 items specified in 87,632,867.16
Tools Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
6 Science Devices, 15 items specified in 237,719,335.42
Instruments, and Section VII (Technical
Measuring Tools - Specifications) of this
Matter Bidding Documents
7 Science Devices, 23 items specified in 250,108,848.79
Instruments, and Section VII (Technical
Measuring Tools – Specifications) of this
Earth & Space and Bidding Documents
Living Things
8 Mathematical 19 items specified in 282,167,773.45
Manipulatives Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
9 Mathematical Tools 14 items specified in 185,034,568.90
and Instrument Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
10 Models: Earth and 11 items specified in 133,430,560.95
Other Heavenly Section VII (Technical
Bodies Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
11 Models: The Human 10 items specified in 108,367,272.90
Anatomy Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
12 Models: Other 9 items specified in 32,467,754.76
Biological Section VII (Technical
Structures and Specifications) of this
Species Bidding Documents
13 Models: Molecular 6 items specified in 62,985,467.16
Geometry Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
14 Force, Motion, and 48 items specified in 167,988,559.49
Energy Kits Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
Total ABC Amount 2,073,024,444.04

Bids received in excess of the ABC for the project shall be automatically rejected at bid

2. The DepEd, through the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) VI, now invites bids for the
Early Procurement Activity (EPA) of the above project in accordance with the guidelines
stipulated in the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Circular No. 06-2019.1

1 Issued through GPPB Resolution No. 14-2019 dated July 17, 2019
Expected completion of deliveries of the goods/services of the project is indicated in
Section VI. Schedule of Requirements of this Bidding Documents.

Bidders should have completed, within a period of ten (10) years immediately preceding
the deadline for submission of bids, Single Largest Completed Contract (SLCC) similar to
the contracts to be bid and the values of which are adjusted by the Bidders to current
prices using the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)’s Consumer Price Index (CPI). The
SLCC must be at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC of the package to be bid for; OR at
least two (2) similar contracts and the total of the aggregated contract amount should
be equivalent to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC of the package to be bid for; and
the largest of these similar contracts must be equivalent to at least twenty-five percent
(25%%) of the ABC of the package to be bid.

3. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a

nondiscretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the 2016 revised IRR of RA No. 9184.

Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or

organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock
belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to citizens or organizations of a country the
laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to Filipino citizens, pursuant
to RA No. 5183.

4. Prospective Bidders may obtain further information from DepEd Procurement

Management Service at Telephone Nos. 8636-6542 or 8633- 9343 and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.

5. For those who are interested to purchase the Bidding Documents, two (2) options are made
available, to wit:

a. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be acquired by interested Bidders from the
DepEd Procurement Management Service, Room M-511, 5th Floor, Mabini
Building, DepEd Central Office Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, upon
accomplishing a bidder’s information sheet and payment of a non-refundable fee for
the Bidding Documents to the DepEd Cashier.

Payment in checks should be made payable to DECS OSEC Trust.

b. Interested Bidders may signify their intent to purchase the Bidding Documents
through email at [email protected] by accomplishing a
Bidder’s Information Sheet (Attached as Annex “A” in the Bidding Documents).
Upon receipt of the Bidder’s Information Sheet, the BAC Secretariat Division will send
through email the details of the DECS OSEC Trust Fund Account for payment. Upon
payment, Bidders may send through email the proof of payment before the deadline
for submission of bids. Upon receipt of proof of payment, the BAC Secretariat will send
the electronic copy of the Bidding Documents.

Amount of Bidding Documents shall be as follows:

Lot No. Amount (in Php)

1 5,314.24
2 7,214.66
3 5,937.82
4 531.66
5 3,170.47
6 8,600.45
7 9,048.69
8 10,208.55
9 6,694.37
10 4,827.39
11 3,920.62
12 1,174.65
13 2,278.75
14 6,077.66
Total Bidding
Documents 75,000.00

6. The DepEd will hold a Pre-Bid Conference for this Project on December 7, 2023, 9:30
a.m. at the Office of the Undersecretary for Procurement Conference Room,
Ground Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City,
which shall be open to prospective bidders.

7. Bids must be duly received by the BAC Secretariat on or before 9:00 a.m. of December
19, 2023 at the Office of the Undersecretary for Procurement Conference Room,
Ground Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City.

Late bids shall not be accepted.

8. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in
the amount stated in ITB Clause 14.

9. Bid opening shall be on December 19, 2023, 9:30 a.m. at Office of the
Undersecretary for Procurement Conference Room, Ground Floor, Bonifacio
Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. Bids will be opened in the
presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend the activity.

Only two (2) representatives per bidder will be allowed to enter inside the venue.

For the purpose of constituting a quorum, both the physical and virtual presence of
the BAC members shall be considered pursuant to GPPB Resolution No. 09-2020.

10. Bidders are hereby informed that if the allocated amounts for the mentioned
projects are withdrawn or if the authorized amount in the GAA is lower than the
contract amounts, the DepEd shall not proceed with the award for any of these
projects. Additionally, the DepEd retains the right to reject any and all bids, declare a
failure of bidding, or not award the contract at any time before the contract award in
accordance with Sections 35.6 and 41 of the 2016 revised IRR of RA No. 9184, without
incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

11. For further information, please refer to:


Technical Assistant II

Procurement Management Service - BAC Secretariat Division
Rm. M-511, 5th Floor, Mabini Bldg.
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
Telephone Nos. 8636-6542 or 8633-9343
Email address: [email protected]

12. You may visit the following websites:

For downloading of Bidding Documents:

Date of Issuance of Bidding Documents: November 30, 2023

Director IV and Chairperson

Section II. Instructions to Bidders

1. Scope of Bid

The DepEd, through its Bureau of Learning Resources-Cebu, wishes to receive

Bids for the EPA of the Mass Production, Supply, and Delivery of Science and
Mathematics Equipment Packages to Public Elementary for Grades 1 to 3 &
Grades 4 to 6, Public Junior High Schools for Grades 7 to 10, and Public Senior
High Schools for Grades 11 to 12 (CORE & STEM), with project identification
number 2024-BLR4(002)-BVI-CB-003.

The Procurement Project (referred to herein as “Project”) is composed of fourteen

(14) lots as described in Section I. (Invitation to Bid), Section VI. (Schedule of
Requirements), and Section VII. (Technical Specifications).

2. Funding Information

2.1. The GOP, based on the FY 2024 NEP, in the amount of Philippine Pesos Two
Billion, Seventy-Three Million, Twenty-Four Thousand, Four Hundred
Forty-Four and 04/100 (Php2,073,024,444.04).

2.2. The source of funding is based on the FY 2024 National Expenditure Program
but the funding shall only take effect upon the approval and effectivity
of the FY 2024 GAA. In accordance with GPPB Circular No. 06-2019,
agencies may only proceed with the issuance of the Notice of Award upon
approval or enactment of their respective appropriations and issuance of
budget authorization document and based on the amount authorized therein.

3. Bidding Requirements

The Bidding for the Projects shall be governed by all the provisions of RA No. 9184
and its 2016 revised IRR, including its Generic Procurement Manuals and
associated policies, rules and regulations as the primary source thereof, while the
herein clauses shall serve as the secondary source thereof.

Any amendments made to the IRR and other GPPB issuances shall be applicable
only to the ongoing posting, advertisement, or IB by the BAC through the issuance
of a supplemental or bid bulletin.

The Bidder, by the act of submitting its Bid, shall be deemed to have verified and
accepted the general requirements of this Project, including other factors that may
affect the cost, duration and execution or implementation of the contract, project,
or work and examine all instructions, forms, terms, and project requirements in
the Bidding Documents.

4. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive, and Coercive Practices

The Procuring Entity, as well as the Bidders and Suppliers, shall observe the
highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of the contract.
They or through an agent shall not engage in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
coercive, and obstructive practices defined under Annex “I” of the 2016 revised IRR
of RA No. 9184 or other integrity violations in competing for the Project.

5. Eligible Bidders

5.1. Only Bids of Bidders found to be legally, technically, and financially capable
will be evaluated.

5.2. Foreign ownership exceeding those allowed under the rules may participate
pursuant to:

i. When a Treaty or International or Executive Agreement as

provided in Section 4 of the RA No. 9184 and its 2016 revised
IRR allow foreign bidders to participate;

ii. Citizens, corporations, or associations of a country, included in

the list issued by the GPPB, the laws or regulations of which
grant reciprocal rights or privileges to citizens, corporations, or
associations of the Philippines;

iii. When the Goods sought to be procured are not available from
local suppliers; or

iv. When there is a need to prevent situations that defeat

competition or restrain trade.

5.3. Pursuant to Section of the 2016 revised IRR of RA No.9184, the
Bidder should have an SLCC that is at least one (1) contract similar to the
Project to be bid and the value of which is adjusted by the Bidders to current
prices using the PSA’s CPI, must be at least fifty (50%) of the ABC of the
lot bid for; OR at least two (2) similar contracts, the aggregate amount of
which should be equivalent to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC of the
bid for and the largest of these similar contracts must be equivalent to at
least twenty-five percent (25%) of the ABC as required.

5.4. The Bidders shall comply with the eligibility criteria under Section 23.4.1 of
the 2016 IRR of RA No. 9184.

6. Origin of Goods

There is no restriction on the origin of goods other than those prohibited by a

decision of the UN Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the
UN, subject to Domestic Preference requirements under ITB Clause 18.

7. Subcontracts

7.1. The Bidder may subcontract portions of the Projects to the extent allowed by
the Procuring Entity as stated herein, but in no case more than twenty
percent (20%) of the Projects.

The Procuring Entity has prescribed that:

a. Subcontracting is not allowed.

8. Pre-Bid Conference

The Procuring Entity will hold a pre-bid conference for this Project on the specified
date and time and either at its physical address and/or through
videoconferencing/webcasting as indicated in paragraph 6 of the IB.

9. Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents

Prospective bidders may request for clarification on and/or interpretation of any

part of the Bidding Documents. Such requests must be in writing and received by
the Procuring Entity, either at its given address or through electronic mail indicated
in the IB, at least ten (10) calendar days before the deadline set for the submission
and receipt of Bids.

10. Documents comprising the Bid: Eligibility and Technical Components

10.1. The first envelope shall contain the eligibility and technical documents of the
Bid as specified in Section VIII (Checklist of Technical and Financial

10.2. The Bidder’s SLCC as indicated in ITB Clause 5.3 should have been completed
within a period of ten (10) years prior to the deadline for the submission and
receipt of bids.

10.3. If the eligibility requirements or statements, the bids, and all other documents
for submission to the BAC are in foreign language other than English, it must
be accompanied by a translation in English, which shall be authenticated by
the appropriate Philippine foreign service establishment, post, or the
equivalent office having jurisdiction over the foreign bidder’s affairs in the
Philippines. Similar to the required authentication above, for Contracting
Parties to the Apostille Convention, only the translated documents shall be
authenticated through an apostille pursuant to GPPB Resolution No. 13-
2019 dated
23 May 2019. The English translation shall govern, for purposes of
interpretation of the bid.

11. Documents comprising the Bid: Financial Component

11.1. The second bid envelope shall contain the financial documents for the Bid as
specified in Section VIII (Checklist of Technical and Financial
11.2. If the Bidder claims preference as a Domestic Bidder or Domestic Entity, a
certification issued by DTI shall be provided by the Bidder in accordance with
Section 43.1.3 of the 2016 revised IRR of RA No. 9184.

11.3. Any bid exceeding the ABC indicated in paragraph 1 of the IB shall not be

11.4. For Foreign-funded Procurement, a ceiling may be applied to bid prices

provided the conditions are met under Section 31.2 of the 2016 revised IRR
of RA No. 9184.
12. Bid Prices

12.1. Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall be entered separately in the
following manner:

a. For Goods offered from within the Procuring Entity’s country:

i. The price of the Goods quoted EXW (ex-works, ex-factory, ex-

warehouse, ex-showroom, or off-the-shelf, as applicable);

ii. The cost of all customs duties and sales and other taxes already
paid or payable;

iii. The cost of transportation, insurance, and other costs incidental

to delivery of the Goods to their final destination; and

iv. The price of other (incidental) services, if any, listed in the BDS.

b. For Goods offered from abroad:

i. Unless otherwise stated in the BDS, the price of the Goods shall
be quoted delivered duty paid (DDP) with the place of destination
in the Philippines as specified in the BDS. In quoting the price,
the Bidder shall be free to use transportation through carriers
registered in any eligible country. Similarly, the Bidder may
obtain insurance services from any eligible source country.

ii. The price of other (incidental) services, if any, as listed in Section

VII (Technical Specifications).

13. Bid and Payment Currencies

13.1. For Goods that the Bidder will supply from outside the Philippines, the
bid prices may be quoted in the local currency or tradeable currency accepted
by the BSP at the discretion of the Bidder. However, for purposes of bid
evaluation, Bids denominated in foreign currencies, shall be converted to
Philippine currency based on the exchange rate as published in the BSP
reference rate bulletin on the day of the bid opening.

13.2. Payment of the contract price shall be made in:

a. Philippine Pesos.

14. Bid Security

14.1. The Bidder shall submit a Bid Securing Declaration or any form of Bid
Security in the amount indicated in the BDS, which shall not be less than
the percentage of the ABC in accordance with the schedule in the BDS.

14.2. The Bid and bid security shall be valid for one hundred twenty (120) calendar
days reckoned from the date of the opening of bids. Any Bid not accompanied
by an acceptable bid security shall be rejected by the Procuring Entity as
non- responsive.

a. In the case of EPA, the Procuring Entity may request the bidders to
extend the validity of their bid securities beyond one hundred twenty
(120) calendar days, prior to their expiration, if the funding source for
the Procurement Project has yet to be approved and made effective.

A change in the form of the bid security is allowed if this is made prior
to the expiration of the bid validity sought to be extended.

If the bidder refuses to extend the bid validity, the Procuring

Entity shall reject the bid submitted by said bidder.

15. Sealing and Marking of Bids

Each Bidder shall submit one copy of the first and second components of its Bid.

The Procuring Entity may request additional hard copies of the Bid and/or
electronic copies. However, failure of the Bidders to comply with the said request
shall not be a ground for disqualification.

16. Deadline for Submission of Bids

16.1. The Bidders shall submit on the specified date and time at its physical address
indicated in paragraph 7 of the IB.

17. Opening and Preliminary Examination of Bids

17.1. The BAC shall open the Bids in public at the time, on the date, and at the
place specified in paragraph 9 of the IB. The Bidders’ representatives who are
present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. In case
videoconferencing, webcasting or other similar technologies will be used,
attendance of participants shall likewise be recorded by the BAC Secretariat.

In case the Bids cannot be opened as scheduled due to justifiable reasons,

the rescheduling requirements under Section 29 of the 2016 revised IRR of
RA No. 9184 shall prevail.

17.2. The preliminary examination of bids shall be governed by Section 30 of the

2016 revised IRR of RA No. 9184.

18. Domestic Preference

18.1. The Procuring Entity will grant a margin of preference for the purpose of
comparison of Bids in accordance with Section 43.1.2 of the 2016 revised
IRR of RA No. 9184.

19. Detailed Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

19.1. The Procuring Entity’s BAC shall immediately conduct a detailed evaluation
of all Bids rated “passed,” using non-discretionary pass/fail criteria. The BAC
shall consider the conditions in the evaluation of Bids under Section 32.2 of
the 2016 revised IRR of RA No. 9184.

19.2. If the Project allows partial bids, bidders may submit a proposal on any of the
packages, and evaluation will be undertaken on a per package basis, as the
case maybe. In this case, the Bid Security as required by ITB Clause 14 shall
be submitted for each package separately.

19.3. The descriptions of the packages shall be indicated in Section VII (Technical
Specifications), although the ABCs of these packages are indicated in the
BDS for purposes of the NFCC computation pursuant to Section of
the 2016 revised IRR of RA No. 9184. The NFCC must be sufficient for the
total of the ABC for all the packages participated in by the prospective Bidder.

19.4. The Projects shall be awarded as separate contracts per package.

19.5. Except for bidders submitting a committed Line of Credit from a Universal or
Commercial Bank in lieu of its NFCC computation, all Bids must include the
NFCC computation pursuant to Section of the 2016 revised IRR of
RA No. 9184, which must be sufficient for the total of the ABC for the
packages participated in by the prospective Bidder. For bidders submitting
the committed Line of Credit, it must be at least equal to ten percent (10%)
of the ABC for the line item participated in by the prospective Bidder.

20. Post-Qualification

20.1. Within a non-extendible period of five (5) calendar days from receipt by the
Bidder of the notice from the BAC that it submitted the Lowest Calculated
Bid, the Bidder shall submit its latest income and business tax returns filed
and paid through the BIR Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) and
other appropriate licenses and permits required by law and stated in the

21. Signing of the Contract

21.1. The documents required in Section 37.2 of the 2016 revised IRR of RA No.
9184 shall form part of the Contract. Additional Contract documents are
indicated in the BDS.

Section III. Bid Data Sheet

Bid Data Sheet
2 The source of funding is based on the FY 2024 National Expenditure
Program but the funding shall only take effect upon the approval and
effectivity of the FY 2024 GAA.

In accordance with GPPB Circular No. 06-2019, agencies may only

proceed with the issuance of the Notice of Award upon approval or
enactment of their respective appropriations and issuance of budget
authorization document and based on the amount authorized therein.
Thus, if the allocated amounts for the mentioned projects are
withdrawn or if the authorized amount in the GAA is lower than the
contract amounts, the DepEd shall not proceed with the award for
any of these projects.

5.3 For this purpose, contracts similar to the projects shall be:

a. For Mass Production Items (LOT 3: DEVELOPED STORAGE

CABINETS): "Manufacture and Supply and Delivery of Metal

For Market Items (LOTS 1, 2, 4 to 14): "Supply and Delivery of

Science and/or Mathematics Equipment"

b. completed within ten (10) years immediately prior to the deadline

for the submission and receipt of bids.
7.1b Subcontract

Subcontracting shall not be allowed.

9 Request for clarifications for an interpretation must be in writing and

submitted at least ten (10) calendar days before the deadline set for the
submission and receipt of bids.

The Procuring Entity’s address is:

Dir. Resty C. Osias

Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) VI
c/o Procurement Management Service-BAC Secretariat Division
Rm. M-511, 5th Floor, Mabini Bldg.
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
Telephone Nos. 8636-6542 or 8633-9343
Email address: [email protected]

Consistent with Section 22.5.3 of the revised IRR of RA No. 9184, posting
on the PhilGEPS and the Procuring Entity’s website of any supplemental/
bid bulletin shall be considered sufficient notice to all bidders or parties

10 Documents comprising the Bid: Technical Component

The first bid envelope shall contain the technical documents as specified in
Section VIII (Checklist of Technical and Financial Documents)

Original copies of the Class “A” Eligibility Legal Documents, such as the
SEC, DTI, or the CDA registration certificate and the Mayor’s Permit, may
not be submitted on the date and the time of the bid submission. However,
the bidder must be able to present such original copies during post-
qualification on demand by the BAC or its authorized representative(s) for

11 Documents comprising the Bid: Financial Component

The second bid envelope shall contain the financial documents for the Bid,
and the Bid Form and Price Schedule shall be per lot as prescribed in the
forms provided herein.

Post-qualification documents may also be submitted during the bidding

but this does not disqualify bidders who will not submit post-qualification
documents during bid submission.

12 The price of the Goods shall be quoted (Designated Public Elementary,

Junior High, and Senior High Schools) or the applicable International
Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS) for this Project.

Bid prices should be written in two (2) decimal places only. Bid prices that
are written in more than two (2) decimal places shall be rounded off.

Results of bid evaluation that will exceed the ABC shall be a ground for
rejection of the bid(s).
14.1 The bid security shall be in the form of a Bid Securing Declaration, or any
of the following forms and amounts indicated as follows:

Bid Security Form & Amount

Cost Breakdown 2% of ABC (if Bid 5% of ABC (if
of the ABC Security is in Cash, Bid Security
Lot Cashier’s/Manager’s is in Surety
No. check, Bank Bond)
Draft/Guarantee or
Irrevocable Letter
of Credit)
I. Mass Production Items Bid
1 146,887,225.77 2,937,744.52 7,344,361.29 Securing
2 199,415,461.33 3,988,309.23 9,970,773.07 Declaration
3 164,123,399.75 3,282,468.00 8,206,169.99 (no
II. Market Items percentage
4 14,695,348.21 293,906.96 734,767.41 required)
5 87,632,867.16 1,752,657.34 4,381,643.36
6 237,719,335.42 4,754,386.71 11,885,966.77
7 250,108,848.79 5,002,176.98 12,505,442.44
8 282,167,773.45 5,643,355.47 14,108,388.67
9 185,034,568.90 3,700,691.38 9,251,728.45
10 133,430,560.95 2,668,611.22 6,671,528.05
11 108,367,272.90 2,167,345.46 5,418,363.65
12 32,467,754.76 649,355.10 1,623,387.74

13 62,985,467.16 1,259,709.34 3,149,273.36
14 167,988,559.49 3,359,771.19 8,399,427.97
Total 2,073,024,444.04 41,460,488.88 103,651,222.20

14.2 In the case of EPA, the Procuring Entity may request the bidders to extend
the validity of their bid securities beyond one hundred twenty (120) calendar
days, prior to their expiration, if the funding source for the Procurement
Project has yet to be approved and made effective.

A change in the form of the bid security is allowed if this is made prior to
the expiration of the bid validity sought to be extended.

If the bidder refuses to extend the bid validity, the Procuring Entity
shall reject the bid submitted by said bidder.
15 Prospective bidders shall enclose their original eligibility and technical
documents in a sealed envelope marked as “ORIGINAL – TECHNICAL

Copies thereof shall be similarly sealed in envelopes marked as “COPY NO.


In addition, the USB Flash Drive containing the soft copy of the original
eligibility and technical documents shall be marked as “USB Flash Drive.”
The said envelopes containing the original and the copies, and the flash drive
shall then be enclosed in one single envelope marked as “TECHNICAL

On the other hand, the original financial documents shall be enclosed in

another sealed envelope marked as “ORIGINAL – FINANCIAL PROPOSAL.”
Copies thereof shall be similarly sealed in envelopes marked as “COPY NO.
The USB Flash Drive containing the soft copy of the original financial
documents shall be marked as “USB Flash Drive.” The said envelopes
containing the original and the copies, and the flash drive shall then be
enclosed in one single envelope marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL.”
Further, the envelopes marked as “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” and
“FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” shall be enclosed and/or sealed in an outer
envelope marked as “MOTHER ENVELOPE.” (See Illustration 1 of this
Bidding Documents).

To facilitate the receipt and classification of bid envelopes, mother
envelope shall be RED, the inner envelope containing Technical
Proposal shall be Blue, the inner envelope containing Financial
Proposal shall be Green, and the Post-Qualification Documents shall be

Post-qualification documents may be submitted during the bidding but

this does not disqualify bidders who will not submit post-qualification
documents during bid submission.

Note: Each Bidder shall submit three (3) paper copies

(one (1) original and two (2) copies) of its bid and two (2) USB Flash
Drive electronic copies (one Technical Component and one Financial
Component). The E-copy of the Price Schedule must be in the form of
Excel and PDF.

Unsealed or unmarked bid envelopes, shall be rejected. However, bid

envelopes that are not properly sealed and marked as required in the
Bidding Documents, shall be accepted, provided that the bidder or its duly
authorized representative shall acknowledge such condition of the bid as
submitted. The BAC shall assume no responsibility for the misplacement
of the contents of the improperly sealed or marked bid, or for its premature

Online submission of bids is not allowed.

19.3 The Project shall be awarded by lot, detailed as follows:

Lot No. Description Items Approved ABC (in

I. Mass Production Items
1 Developed Basic 41 items specified in 146,887,225.77
Scikit Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
2 Developed Science 11 items specified in 199,415,461.33
and Mathematics Section VII (Technical
Equipment Specifications) of this
(Elementary, Bidding Documents
Junior High
School, and Senior
High School)
3 Developed Storage 1 item specified in 164,123,399.75
Cabinets Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
II. Market Items
4 Chemicals 16 items specified in 14,695,348.21
Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
5 Glassware and Lab 30 items specified in 87,632,867.16
Tools Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
6 Science Devices, 15 items specified in 237,719,335.42
Instruments, and Section VII (Technical

Measuring Tools - Specifications) of this
Matter Bidding Documents
7 Science Devices, 23 items specified in 250,108,848.79
Instruments, and Section VII (Technical
Measuring Tools – Specifications) of this
Earth & Space and Bidding Documents
Living Things
8 Mathematical 19 items specified in 282,167,773.45
Manipulatives Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
9 Mathematical Tools 14 items specified in 185,034,568.90
and Instrument Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
10 Models: Earth and 11 items specified in 133,430,560.95
Other Heavenly Section VII (Technical
Bodies Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
11 Models: The 10 items specified in 108,367,272.90
Human Anatomy Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
12 Models: Other 9 items specified in 32,467,754.76
Biological Section VII (Technical
Structures and Specifications) of this
Species Bidding Documents
13 Models: Molecular 6 items specified in 62,985,467.16
Geometry Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
14 Force, Motion, and 48 items specified in 167,988,559.49
Energy Kits Section VII (Technical
Specifications) of this
Bidding Documents
Total ABC Amount 2,073,024,444.04

The bidder shall be required to submit bids for all items in the lot. In the
event of any incomplete bids for the items in the lot, the bidder will be

19.5 The computation of a prospective bidder’s NFCC must be at least equal to
the ABC to be bid, calculated as follows:

NFCC – [(Current assets minus current liabilities) (15)] minus the

value of all outstanding or uncompleted portions of the projects
under ongoing contracts, including awarded contracts yet to be
started, coinciding with the lot or aggregate of lots bid for.

The values of the domestic bidder’s current assets and current liabilities
shall be based on the latest Audited Financial Statements submitted to the

For purposes of computing the foreign bidders’ NFCC, the value of the
current assets and current liabilities shall be based on their Audited
Financial Statements prepared in accordance with international financial
reporting standards. (

If the prospective bidder submits a committed Line of Credit, it must be at

least equal to ten (10%) of the ABC of the lot/s bid for: Provided, that if the
same is issued by a foreign Universal or Commercial Bank, it shall be
confirmed or authenticated by a local Universal or Commercial Bank.

In case the bidder bids for two or more lots, the bidder shall indicate
the lots bid for in the order of priority or preference, following the form
prescribed in this bidding documents.

The computation of NFCC shall take into account the lots bid for. The
number of lots bid for shall also consider the committed line of credit.
The bid shall be allowed only to the extent (i.e. number of lots) as the
NFCC or the committed line of credit shall cover.

In any case, the NFCC computation or committed line of credit, as well

as the SLCC, must be sufficient for all the lots or contracts bid for. The
NFCC computation shall be in accordance with the prescribed form.

In case of a bid involving two or more lots, the bidder shall indicate in
the NFCC form the lots bid for, in their order of priorities or
preferences. The first lot in the order shall follow the following

NFCC = [(current assets minus current liabilities) x (15)] - value of

all outstanding or uncompleted portions of the projects under
ongoing contracts, including awarded contracts yet to be started
For subsequent lots, the formula shall be as follows:

NFCC = [(current assets — current liabilities) x (15)] - [value of all

outstanding or uncompleted portions of the projects under
ongoing contracts, including awarded contracts yet to be started
+ value of the prior lot/s bid for]

In case of a joint venture, the NFCC shall be computed based on the Audited

Financial Statement of the LOCAL LEAD PARTNER, unless it is shown by
clear proof that the other partners to the joint venture have infused capital
investment to support the operation of the local lead partner to ensure
compliance with the obligations under the contracts in this project, in which
case the NFCC of the foreign joint venture or the minority partner of the
joint venture shall be computed.

For this purpose, the local lead partner shall be that

person/organization/company identified in the Joint Venture Agreement or
in the Letters of Intents (for potential JV partners) shown to have the
controlling stakes in the JV, and who must be registered as a Filipino
(Domestic) company or business entity.

For easier reference, participating JVs or prospective JV partners must

indicate in their JVAs or Letters of Intent the local lead partner appointed
by them.
20.1 I. Within a non-extendible period of five (5) calendar days from receipt by
the bidder of the notice from the BAC that it submitted the LCB, the Bidder
shall submit the following requirements:

a. Latest income and business tax returns: Printed copies of the

Electronically filed Income Tax and Business Tax Returns with
copies of their respective Payment Confirmation Forms for the
immediately preceding calendar/tax year from the authorized agent

Only tax returns filed and taxes paid through the BIR Electronic
Filing and Payment System (EFPS) shall be accepted.

NOTE: The latest income and business tax returns are those within the
last six months preceding the date of bid submission.

b. Additional documentary requirements:

• Manufacturer’s Certificate on the availability of the
submitted/approved samples for the next five (5) years;
• For items requiring specific material either by design or
functionality specifications, the Bidder shall submit the
Manufacturer’s Certification that the material of the samples
submitted conform with the prescribed technical specifications;
• Training videos, user manuals, activity sheets, and key cards.

c. To ensure the safety, efficacy, or quality of products and if the law

requires that a certain product shall pass the requirements of the
regulatory body, bidders shall submit certificates, licenses, or other
documents issued by such regulatory agency or other accredited
certifying body, such as but not limited to, FDA certificate for food
and drugs, NTC for electronics equipment and the like.

II. During post-qualification, upon demand by the BAC or its
representative(s), a bidder with the lowest calculated bid shall be able
to present/submit:

a. Documents to verify or support its Statement of On-going and/ or

Statement identifying its Single Largest Completed Contract which
may consist of the following: appropriate and clear duly signed
contracts, purchase orders, agreements, notices of award, job
orders, or notices to proceed, with the corresponding duly signed
certificate of completion, delivery receipts, inspection and
acceptance reports, certificates of final acceptance or official

b. For validation purposes, original copies Class “A” Eligibility


c. Certified true copy documents as issued by the

certifying/authorized agencies.

During post-qualification, compliance of the goods offered with the

requirements specified in this bidding document shall be determined,
including the following:

i. As per Section 34.3, b.ii, item a, of the IRR of R.A. 9184,

verification of availability and commitment, and/or inspection and
testing for the required capacities and operating conditions, of
equipment units to be owned/leased/under purchase by the bidder
for use in the contract under bidding, as well as checking the
performance of the bidder in its ongoing government and private
contracts, if any of these ongoing contracts shows:

a. Negative slippage of at least fifteen percent (15%) in any one project

or a negative slippage of at least ten percent (10%) in each of two
(2) or more contracts;

ii. As per Section 34.3, b.iii, item a to c, of the IRR of R.A. 9184,
verification and/or inspection and testing of the goods/product,
aftersales and/or maintenance capabilities, in applicable cases, as
well as checking the following:

a. Delay in the partial delivery of goods amounting to ten

percent (10%) of the contract price in its ongoing government
and private contracts;

b. If any of these contracts shows the bidder’s failure to deliver

or perform any or all of the goods or services within the
period(s) specified in the contract or within any extension
thereof granted by the Procuring Entity pursuant to a request
made by the supplier prior to the delay, and such failure
amounts to at least ten percent (10%) of the contract price;

c. Unsatisfactory performance of the supplier’s obligations as

per contract terms and conditions at the time of inspection.

If the BAC verifies any of these deficiencies to be due to the bidder's fault
or negligence, the BAC shall disqualify the bidder from the award, for the
procurement of goods.

In case of foreign bidders, a Certificate of Authentication from the

Department of Foreign Affairs shall be required for each document
submitted, i.e. the Class “A” documents or its equivalent that are written
in foreign language, translated to English, and duly authenticated by the
appropriate Philippine foreign service establishment/post or the
equivalent office having jurisdiction over the foreign bidder’s affairs in the

To facilitate post-qualification, the bidder at its option may submit in

advance, i.e., on the deadline for submission and receipt of bids, above
requirements and other documents required in Section II. ITB 20.1.

The envelope shall be placed in a brown envelope and marked:

ITB 20.1 Documents

Name of Project:
Bid Opening Date:
Name of Bidder:

Failure to submit above requirements within the required timeframe or a

finding against the veracity of any such documents or other documents
submitted for the project shall be a ground for disqualification of the bidder
for the award and the enforcement of the bid securing declaration.

III. Submission of Samples (for Market Items Lots 4 to 14):1

In addition to the documentary requirements to be submitted during post-

qualification as provided under ITB Clause 20.1, the bidder(s) with the
Lowest Calculated Bid(s) for Lots 4 to 14 shall submit ONE sample
item/unit for all the items within the lot(s) bid for, consistent with
their actual offer as indicated in their bid.

However, the bidder may provide a sample of better or superior quality,

which, if accepted, shall be the reference for award, contract, prospection
and eventual delivery. In case the item will be manufactured from abroad,
the bidder may submit its list of equipment and a video showing the
manufacturer’s plant and equipment from abroad to prove the bidder’s
capability to manufacture the item.

These samples shall be subjected to evaluation during post-qualification, in

which the Technical Working Group (TWG) shall evaluate the said samples
to determine compliance with the required technical specifications, subject
to the approval of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC). Please refer to
Annex “C” for the Inspection and Test Protocol.

1For Mass Production Items (Lots 1 to 3), please refer to the provision on “Inspection” in Section
V. Special Conditions of the Contract of this Bidding Documents.
In case of failed samples, the Supplier is allowed to replace samples within
three (3) calendar days from the Notice of Replacement. If the Bidder still
fails to submit samples with the minimum DepEd technical specifications,
it shall be a ground for disqualification.

Section IV. General Conditions of

1. Scope of Contract

This Contract shall include all such items, although not specifically mentioned, that
can be reasonably inferred as being required for its completion as if such items were
expressly mentioned herein. All the provisions of RA No. 9184 and its 2016 revised
IRR, including the Generic Procurement Manual, and associated issuances,
constitute the primary source for the terms and conditions of the Contract, and
thus, applicable in contract implementation. Herein clauses shall serve as the
secondary source for the terms and conditions of the Contract.

This is without prejudice to Sections 74.1 and 74.2 of the 2016 revised IRR of RA
No. 9184 allowing the GPPB to amend the IRR, which shall be applied to all
procurement activities, the advertisement, posting, or invitation of which were
issued after the effectivity of the said amendment.

Additional requirements for the completion of this Contract are provided in the
Special Conditions of Contract (SCC).

2. Advance Payment and Terms of Payment

2.1. Advance payment of the contract amount is provided under Annex “D” of the
revised 2016 IRR of RA No. 9184.

2.2. The Procuring Entity is allowed to determine the terms of payment on the partial
or staggered delivery of the Goods procured, provided such partial payment
shall correspond to the value of the goods delivered and accepted in
accordance with prevailing accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
The terms of payment are indicated in the SCC.

3. Performance Security

Within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the Notice of Award by the Bidder from
the Procuring Entity but in no case later than prior to the signing of the Contract
by both parties, the successful Bidder shall furnish the performance security in any
of the forms prescribed in Section 39 of the 2016 revised IRR of RA No. 9184.

4. Inspection and Tests

The Procuring Entity or its representative shall have the right to inspect and/or to
test the Goods to confirm their conformity to the Project specifications at no extra
cost to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the Generic Procurement Manual.
In addition to tests in the SCC, Section VII (Technical Specifications) shall specify
what inspections and/or tests the Procuring Entity requires, and where they are to
be conducted. The Procuring Entity shall notify the Supplier in writing, in a timely
manner, of the identity of any representatives retained for these purposes.

All reasonable facilities and assistance for the inspection and testing of Goods,
including access to drawings and production data, shall be provided by the Supplier
to the authorized inspectors at no charge to the Procuring Entity.

5. Warranty

5.1. In order to assure that manufacturing defects shall be corrected by the Supplier,
a warranty shall be required from the Supplier as provided under Section
62.1 of the 2016 revised IRR of RA No. 9184.

5.2. The Procuring Entity shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claims
arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall,
repair or replace the defective Goods or parts thereof without cost to the
Procuring Entity, pursuant to the Generic Procurement Manual.

6. Liability of the Supplier

The Supplier’s liability under this Contract shall be as provided by the laws of
the Republic of the Philippines.

If the Supplier is a joint venture, all partners to the joint venture shall be jointly and
severally liable to the Procuring Entity.

Section V. Special Conditions of

Special Conditions of Contract

1 Delivery and Documents –

For purposes of the Contract, “EXW,” “FOB,” “FCA,” “CIF,” “CIP,”

“DDP” and other trade terms used to describe the obligations of the
parties shall have the meanings assigned to them by the current
edition of INCOTERMS published by the International Chamber of
Commerce, Paris. The Delivery terms of this Contract shall be as

The delivery terms applicable under this Contract shall be DDP

(Duties Delivered Paid) in accordance with INCOTERMS. Risk and
title to the goods shall pass from the Supplier to DepEd upon receipt
and final acceptance of the goods at the designated delivery site
(Designated Public Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High
Schools specified in the Allocation List [Annex “D”] of this
Bidding Documents).

The goods to be delivered by the Supplier must be in accordance with

Section VI. Schedule of Requirements and Section VII. Technical
Specifications and other requirements indicated in the Bidding
Documents, and/or as may be reasonably deemed necessary to effect
the full and timely delivery of the goods.

For purposes of this Clause, the representative of the Department of

Education (DepEd) at the delivery Site shall be the Authorized
Representative (School Head) and the designated Inspectorate

Upon delivery of the goods to the delivery site, the Supplier shall notify
DepEd and present the following documents:

1. Original and four copies of the Supplier’s invoice showing goods’

description, quantity, unit price, and total amount;
2. Original and four copies of the Manufacturer’s and/or Supplier’s
Warranty Certificate, where applicable;
3. Original (white copy) and scanned copy stored in CD/DVD/Flash
Drive of the pre-numbered Inspection and Acceptance Report
(IAR) and Delivery Receipt (DR) detailing number and description
of goods received and duly signed and dated by the ARP.

In case the Supplier encounters conditions impeding timely delivery of

the goods, it must promptly notify DepEd in writing within five (5)
calendar days from notice of such conditions, and any request for
work suspension and/or contract period extension shall be promptly
done in writing as soon as circumstances for such requests have
become apparent. The Supplier must provide sufficient proof to
support any request for work suspension and/or contract period

Incidental Services –

The Supplier is required to provide all of the following services,

including additional services, if any, as follows:

a. Performance or supervision of on-site assembly and/or start-up of

the supplied Goods;

b. Furnishing of a detailed operations and maintenance manual for

each appropriate unit of the supplied goods;

c. Performance, supervision, maintenance and/or repair of the

supplied goods for a period of time agreed by the parties, provided that
this service shall not relieve the supplier of any warranty obligation;

d. Provision of training video for various items with training


However, assembly, installation, start-up and/or commissioning of

items, in cases where they are necessary, shall remain to be the
responsibility and for the account of the supplier notwithstanding
inspection and acceptance at its premises. In case of failure of Supplier
to do this/these, DepEd may call upon the Supplier’s warranty so that
the assembly, installation, start-up and/or commissioning shall be
undertaken by DepEd. In any case, the Supplier shall provide written
manuals and tutorial videos for installation, commissioning, start-up,
assembly, use and maintenance of the items delivered.

Spare Parts –

The Supplier is required to provide all of the following materials,

notifications, and information pertaining to spare parts manufactured
or distributed by the Supplier:

a. such spare parts as the DepEd may elect to purchase from the
Supplier, provided that this election shall not relieve the Supplier of
any warranty obligations under this Contract;

b. in the event of termination of production of the spare parts:

i. advance notification to the DepEd of the pending termination, in

sufficient time to permit the Procuring Entity to procure needed
requirements; and

ii. following such termination, furnishing at no cost, to the DepEd,

the blueprints, drawings, and specifications of the spare parts, if

Packaging –

As may be applicable for goods to be delivered, the Supplier shall

provide such packaging as is required to prevent their damage or

deterioration during transit to their final destination, as indicated in
this Contract. The packaging shall be sufficient to withstand, without
limitation, rough handling during transit and exposure to extreme
temperatures, salt, and precipitation during transit, and open storage.
Packaging case size and weights shall take into consideration, where
appropriate, the remoteness of the goods’ final destination and the
absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit.

The packaging, marking, and documentation within and outside the

packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall
be expressly provided, including additional requirements, if any,
specified below, and in any subsequent instructions ordered by

Additional Instructions for Packaging:

1. Packaging should be according to school and as per Key Stage (see

Allocation List).
2. The following will appear on the exterior of the packages/boxes:
- DepEd Logo
- Project Name
- Items inside (name, general description, quantity)
- Supplier’s Name and Contact Details
3. Other provisions on the packaging, please refer to DepEd DO 41, s.

For the Mass Production of Cabinets, the Supplier must ensure that
the items are properly sealed, complete, and properly packaged (i.e.,
disassembled), suitable for easier hauling, transport and storage,
upon delivery to the designated area to perform the formal acceptance
of the items by the recipient school, as the case may be.

Insurance –

The goods under this Contract shall be fully insured by the Supplier
in a freely convertible currency against loss or damage incidental to
manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage, and delivery. The
goods remain at the risk and title of the Supplier until their final
acceptance by DepEd.

Transportation –

Transport of the goods shall be arranged by the Supplier, and related

costs shall be included in the contract price.

DepEd accepts no liability for the damage of goods during transit. Risk
and title to the goods will not be deemed to have passed to DepEd until
its receipt and final acceptance at the final destination, through its
authorized receiving personnel.

Intellectual Property Rights –

The Supplier shall indemnify DepEd against all third-party claims of

infringement of copyright arising from use of the Goods or any part
2.2 Schedule of Payment

The method and conditions of payment to be made to the Supplier

through the Government disbursement procedure within sixty (60)
days after the date of acceptance of Goods at the project Site and upon
submission of documents under this contract shall be as follows:

Advance Payment
An advance payment not to exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the
contract amount shall be allowed and paid within 60 calendar days
from the signing of the contract. An irrevocable letter of credit or bank
guarantee of an equivalent amount must be submitted and shall
remain valid until the goods are delivered, and accompanied by a claim
for advance payment.

Progress Payment
For the progress payment, the Supplier shall be paid upon delivery to
at least 25% of the recipient schools with complete goods and
acceptance of the same by an authorized representative of DepEd.

The Supplier may submit a request for payment based on progress

reports which shall be attached to the progress billing and include the
1. quantity of goods delivered based on the schedule of delivery and
other relevant terms and conditions of the contract;
2. duly signed Delivery Receipts;
3. duly signed Inspection and Acceptance Reports, including
certification by Supplier, as approved by the duly authorized DepEd
representative (School Head), that the goods have been delivered
and/or properly installed and commissioned in accordance with the
Other documents in support of a request for payment may be required
by DepEd pursuant to existing disbursement, accounting and
auditing rules and procedures.
(NOTE: The Supplier must furnish a copy of the above-mentioned
documents to DepEd Accounting and the End-user [Bureau of
Learning Resources - Cebu (BLR-Cebu)] and the Contract
Management Division of the Procurement Service, Central Office).

Payments shall be subject to the Warranty provision in the form of

either retention money in an amount equivalent to three percent (3%)
of every progress payment, or a special bank guarantee in the amount
equivalent to three percent (3%) of the Contract Price as provided
under Section 62.1 of R.A. 9184 and its Revised IRR.

Final Payment

Final payment shall consist of the full and final payment of the unpaid
inspected and accepted goods, subject to the submission of the
required documents under the Bidding Documents.

Release of retention money shall be at the expiration of the warranty

period, or the remaining amount in case it has been utilized pursuant
to the warranty provision.
3 Performance Security

The Performance Security shall be posted in favor of DepEd, and shall

be forfeited in the event it is established that the Supplier is in default
of any of its obligation under the contract. The Supplier shall be
responsible for the extension of its performance security and/or
renewal of its performance security whenever necessary and/ without
need of prior notice or instruction from DepEd, to ensure that it is in
force and effect for the whole duration of the contract delivery period
and until a Certificate of Final Acceptance is duly issued.

Performance Security shall not contain any deletion, crossing-out,

expunction, or any form of correction. Otherwise, DepEd may reject
such security if any such intercalation, superimposition, or alteration
affects any material information, or feature of the document.
4 Inspection

I. The samples for the Mass Production Items (Lots 1 to 3) must be

submitted by the Supplier during the inspection or pre-delivery
inspection (PDI), subject to the evaluation of the duly designated
Inspectorate Team. In case of failed samples, the Supplier is allowed to
replace samples within three (3) calendar days from the Notice of

II. Pursuant to DO 041, s. 2021, inspection or PDI, where applicable

for goods to be delivered, shall be conducted by DepEd through the
duly designated Inspectorate Team. The inspection or PDI shall be
made upon notice to the DepEd of the readiness of the goods for

In case the inspection of goods will be conducted by the designated

Inspectorate Team of the DepEd Central Office, the Supplier shall
coordinate with DepEd, through the Procurement Management
Service-Contract Management Division (ProcMS-CMD), on the
conduct of inspection or pre-delivery inspection (PDI). Any request for
inspection or PDI shall be done in writing, and contain the following
a. Project Title and Contract Number;
b. Specific goods for inspection;
c. Quantity of goods for inspection;
d. Venue/Address of inspection site; and
e. Proposed schedule of inspection which must be at least ten (10)
calendar days from the submission of the letter request.

The request for inspection or PDI shall be addressed to ProcMS-CMD,
and must be submitted through email at [email protected].

Prior to and for purposes of inspection, the Supplier shall ensure

convenient access to the goods for inspection. The Supplier shall
assign personnel to undertake the handling, unpacking, assembly,
commissioning, disassembly, repacking, resealing, and sorting of the
goods prior to, during, and after the inspection.

DepEd shall have the right to visit and inspect the Supplier’s premises
covered by the Contract, at any time or stage of contract
implementation, to monitor and assess the Supplier’s capacity to
discharge its contractual obligations.

Goods with defects or non-compliant with the required technical

specifications upon delivery shall be rejected, orally or in writing, by
DepEd and replaced by the Supplier in accordance with the warranty
provision of this bidding document. The Supplier shall replace all
rejected goods within five (5) calendar days from its receipt of the Notice
of Rejection from the recipient schools. The replacement goods shall be
subject to re-inspection.

Goods are considered defective when they are unfit for the use for
which it is intended or its fitness for such use is diminished to such
an extent that, had DepEd been aware thereof, it would not have
acquired it or would have given a lower price for it.

Defects in the goods can either be patent or latent. A patent defect is

one that is apparent to the buyer or normal observation. It is an
apparent or obvious defect. On the other hand, a latent defect is one
that is not apparent to the buyer by reasonable observation. A latent
defect is hidden or one that is not immediately determinable.
5 Warranty

A one-year comprehensive warranty for the non-expendable goods, and

three months for the expendable goods will be applied. The said
warranty period shall reckon from the date of issuance of the
Certificate of Final Acceptance by the DepEd that the delivered Goods
have been duly inspected and accepted (i.e. final acceptance).

Payments shall be subject to the Warranty provision in the form of

either retention money in an amount equivalent to three percent (3%)
of every progress payment, or a special bank guarantee in the amount
equivalent to three percent (3%) of the Contract Price as provided
under Section 62.1 of R.A. 9184 and its Revised IRR.

Replacement and/or repair of the goods may be requested within 360

calendar days for non-expendable goods, and 90 calendar days for
expendable goods, from the date of acceptance of goods by DepEd.
Replacement and/or repair of the goods shall be made within 30
calendar days upon claim or request therefor.

In case the Supplier opts for retention money, the amount shall only
be released after the lapse of the entire warranty period, unless during
the remainder of the warranty period, the retention money is
substituted with a special bank guarantee as prescribed above.

The Special Bank Guarantee shall not contain any deletion, crossing-
out, expunction, or any form of correction. Otherwise, DepEd may
reject such security if any such intercalation, superimposition, or
alteration affects any material information, or feature of the document.

Section VI. Schedule of Requirements

A. List/Description of Goods /Services

The delivery schedule expressed below stipulates the date of delivery to the project site.

➢ For Lots 1 to 3 (I. Mass Production Items): Within Two Hundred Forty (240)
calendar days from the Supplier’s receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

➢ For Lots 4 to 14 (II. Market Items): Within One Hundred Ninety (190) calendar
days from the Supplier’s receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

Unit of
Item Description Quantity
Basic Scikit: Rail 22,570 lh
Basic Scikit: Ring with stem 42,185 pc
Basic Scikit: Test Tube Rack 42,185 pc
Basic Scikit: Wire Gauze 42,185 pc
Basic Scikit: Ø 12.7mm x 1000mm long Stand
11,285 pc
Basic Scikit: Ø 9.5mm x 250mm long Stand Rod 84,370 pc
Basic Scikit: Ø 9.5mm x 500mm long Stand Rod 168,740 pc
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
11,285 unit
Cart-spring loaded
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
11,285 unit
Cart-with counterweight
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
56,425 pc
Cylindrical Mass, 50-gram
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
56,425 pc
Driving Mass, 3-gram
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
11,285 assy
Leveling Pad Assembly
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
11,285 bar
Modelling Clay, 1 bar/set
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
11,285 pc
Plastic Hammer
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
SCIKIT MECHANICS Storage Case 002 (With 11,285 pc
Cover and Base Sheathing)
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
11,285 assy
Stopper-Fork Assembly
Dynamics Carts-Rail System (Mechanics 002):
11,285 ball
String (thin), 1 ball/set
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Ball Case
13,630 pc
(with Cover and foam)
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Digital
13,630 assy
Timer Assembly (Digital Stopwatch)
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Metertape
13,630 assy
with hooks and plastic pointer
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Pad Switch
13,630 assy
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): SCIKIT
MECHANICS Storage Case 001 (With Cover and 13,630 pc
Base Sheathing)
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Solenoid
13,630 assy
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Synchro
13,630 assy
Box Assembly

Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Ǿ 12.7mm
27,260 pc
Steel Spherical Ball
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Ǿ 25mm
27,260 pc
Plastic Spherical Ball with metal screw
Free Fall Apparatus (Mechanics 001): Ǿ 25mm
27,260 pc
Steel Spherical Ball
8,437 pc
001 (With Cover and Base Sheathing)
SCIKIT BASIC 001: Stand Base 84,370 assy
SCIKIT BASIC 001: Stand Support 168,740 pc
SCIKIT BASIC 002: Multiclamp 210,925 assy
8,437 pc
002 (With Cover and Base Sheathing)
SCIKIT BASIC 002: Test Tube Holder 42,185 pc
8,437 pc
003 (With Cover and Base Sheathing
SCIKIT BASIC 003: Universal Bosshead 84,370 assy
SCIKIT BASIC 003: Universal Clamp 101,244 assy
SCIKIT MECHANICS 003: 10-Newton Spring
44,530 assy
SCIKIT MECHANICS 003: Friction Block and
35,210 set
Friction Board
SCIKIT MECHANICS 003: Leveling Hose 13,630 lh
Experiment Module (SCIKIT MECHANICS) 8,437 pc
User's Manual (SCIKIT MECHANICS) 8,437 pc
Sub-Total 1,621,229
Blackboard Compass 6,180 pc
Blackboard Protractor 16,545 pc
Fresh Water Aquarium with Stand 6,180 pc
Heat Conductivity Apparatus 44,530 pc
Light Source (Single Slit) 11,285 pc
Set of Coils (Transformer) 13,630 set
Variable Power Supply with 5 pcs. Terminal Board 13,630 set
Fraction Set 73,405 set
Linear Pair/Angle Demonstrator 40,220 pc
Number Blocks 42,505 set
Place Value Chart with decimal pockets 6,180 pc
Sub-Total 274,290
Benedict's Solution, 100 mL/bottle 3,050 bottle
Boric Acid, 100 grams/bottle 3,050 bottle
Bromothymol Blue 2,275 bottle
Calcium Chloride, 100 grams / bottle 3,050 bottle
Copper Sulfate, CuSO4, 100 grams/bottle 3,050 bottle
Gentian Violet, 100 ml / bottle 2,275 bottle
Iodine Solution, 100 ml / bottle 2,341 bottle
Magnesium Ribbon, 25 grams, 1 roll 3,050 roll
Manganese Dioxide, 50 grams / bottle 3,050 bottle
Microscope's Immersion Oil, 100mL/bot 2,275 bottle
Phenolphthalein, 100 grams/bottle 3,050 bottle
Potassium Chloride, 100 grams / bottle 3,050 bottle
Potassium Iodide, 100 grams / bottle 3,050 bottle
Sodium Hydroxide (Lye), 250 grams/bottle 3,050 bottle
Zinc Chloride, 100 grams / bottle 3,050 bottle
Zinc metal, pellets/mossy, 100 grams / bottle 3,050 bottle
Sub-Total 45,766
Beaker, borosilicate, 250 mL 178,000 pc
Beaker, borosilicate, 50 mL 89,000 pc
Burette, 10 mL capacity (acid) 13,630 pc
Burette, 10 mL capacity (base) 13,630 pc
Burner, Alcohol, glass, 150 mL Capacity 89,000 pc
Burner, Bunsen 15,595 pc
Cork Stopper # 5 (for Ø 16mm test tube) 15,595 pc
Crucible with lid/cover 15,595 pc
Dish, Evaporating, 75 mL 46,495 pc
Distillation set-up: Condenser, Liebig-type 4,310 pc
Distillation set-up: Distilling Flask, borosilicate,
4,310 pc
Double burette clamp/holder 4,310 pc
Electrolysis Apparatus, student-type (Brownlee) 15,595 pc
Flask, Erlenmeyer, borosilicate, narrow-mouth,
173,690 pc
250 mL
Funnel, borosilicate, fluted 89,000 pc
Glass Tubing, Ø 6 mm x Ø 4 mm x 1500 mm long 15,595 pc
Manometer, Open U-tube 4,310 pc
Mortar and Pestle, porcelain, 150 mL. 46,495 pc
Osmosis Apparatus 4,310 pc
Reagent Bottle, narrow-mouth, amber,
15,595 pc
borosilicate, 250 mL
Reagent Bottle, wide-mouth, transparent,
15,595 pc
borosilicate, 250 mL
Rubber Stopper # 0 (for Ø 16mm test tube) 15,595 pc
Spatula, spoon, porcelain and glazed 89,000 pc
Stirring Rod, Ǿ 6 mm x 250 mm long 89,000 pc
Test Tube, borosilicate, Ǿ 16 mm x 150 mm long 399,175 pc
Test tube brush 89,000 pc
Tong, Crucible 15,595 pc
Vial, screw-neck, 25 ml. (with screw-type plastic
359,990 pc
Vial, screw-neck, 50 mL. (with screw-type plastic
359,990 pc
Watch Glass, Ø 90 mm 89,000 pc
Sub-Total 2,376,000
Balance, Toploading, Electronic 15,595 pc
Balance, Triple Beam, with tare, 2610-gram 15,595 pc

Calorimeter 4,310 pc
Centrifuge 2,586 pc
Electrical Conductivity (Conductivity of Solutions)
13,630 pc
Filter Paper, crepe, 580mm x 580 mm sheet,
46,495 sheet
Grade 0905
Gloves, Hand, super nitrile 89,000 pair
Graduated Cylinder, borosilicate, 10 mL 46,495 pc
Graduated Cylinder, borosilicate, 100 mL 46,495 pc
Graduated pipette with rubber pipettor,
15,595 pc
borosilicate, 10 mL
Hydrometer for heavy liquids 15,595 pc
Hydrometer for light liquids 15,595 pc
Laboratory Hot Plate with magnetic stirrer 15,595 pc
Safety Goggles, polycarbonate 89,000 pair
Thermometer, Laboratory type, Alcohol, -20⁰C to
89,000 pc
Sub-Total 520,581
Anemometer with Wind Vane, Cup type 29,362 unit
Anemometer, Simple 14,681 set
Aneroid Barometer Set (Demonstration Type) 82,725 unit
Aneroid Barometer, wall-mount 16,545 unit
Compass, Magnetic 40,220 pc
Dissecting Set with pan 4,310 set
Gloves, Surgical 8,620 pair
Hand Lens, 10x magnification 1,965 pc
Hand Lens, 5x magnification 77,715 pc
Lens Paper, 50's/pack 9,320 pack
Microscope, Compound with 4 Objectives 37,280 unit
Microscope, Digital 862 unit
Pipette, Beral, 1 mL 136,300 pc
Prepared Slide Set, Microscope, 25 pieces 1,864 set
Prepared Slide Set, Mitosis and Meiosis 1,864 set
Reaction Plates with 6 Wells 11,285 pc
Sedimentator Tube 1,965 pc
Sling Psychrometer 30,900 unit
Soil pH, Moisture, Sunlight Meter 1,965 unit
Soil/Test Sieve 6,180 set
Thermometer, Classroom, wall-mount 6,180 pc
Tong, Beaker 4,310 pc
Wash Bottle, plastic, 250 mL 13,630 pc
Sub-Total 540,048
Algebra Tile Set, plastic 1,864 set
Base Ten Blocks 73,405 set
Beads, Ø16mm 8,501 set
Circle Area Demonstrator 6,180 pc
Compass, Drawing, student type 247,200 pc
Cuisenaire Rods, 250 pcs/set 8,501 set
Elapsed Time (Clock) Set 8,501 pc
Geoboard, 11 x 11 80,440 pc
Geoboard, 5 x 5 85,010 pc
Geostrips 73,405 set
Ghost Grid Whiteboard, Mobile Magnetic, 72-inch
16,938 pc
x 40-inch
Linking Cubes 73,405 set
Model, Basic 3D Geometrical Collapsible 30,900 set
Model, Basic 3D Geometrical Solids 8,044 set
Pattern Blocks, 250 pcs/set 29,362 set
Pentominoes 73,405 set
Plastic Two-colored Counters, 1-inch diameter,
51,825 set
200 pcs/set
Probability Kit 10,365 set
Tangrams, set of 30 6,180 set
Sub-Total 893,431
Balance, Double-pan, 500-gram 42,505 pc
Blackboard Triangle, 30⁰ x 60⁰ and 45⁰ x 45⁰ 1,864 set
Calculator, Graphing, non-projectable 11,285 pc
Calculator, Scientific 90,280 pc
Digital Clock, tabletop 6,180 pc
Measuring Kit (Volume) 8,501 set
Meterstick, plastic 330,900 pc
Protractor (for student) 661,800 pc
Ruler, Plastic, 12 inches or 30 cm 661,800 pc
Scale, Spring, Hanging type 8,501 pc
Scale, Weighing, analog, 10 kg. capacity 8,501 pc
Scale, Weighing, bathroom-type 8,501 pc
Tape Measure, 1.5 meters 330,900 pc
Template, shapes 42,505 pc
Sub-Total 2,214,023
Globe, Celestial 42,185 unit
Globe, Terrestrial 40,220 unit
Landform Demonstration Kit 11,285 kit
Model, Earth Internal Structure, 1/4 part
2,257 unit
Model, Seismograph 9,320 unit
Model, Solar System 393 unit
Model, Sun-Earth-Moon 42,185 unit
Model, Tectonics Demonstrator 2,257 kit
Model, Volcano, cross section 11,285 unit
Rock Samples, 24 pcs/set, (minerals of 3 rock
786 set
Telescope, Astronomical (Reflecting) 393 unit
Sub-Total 162,566
Model, Human Circulatory System 6,180 unit
Model, Human Endocrine System 1,864 unit
Model, Human Nervous System 1,864 unit
Model, Human Nose (Nasal-Throat Anatomy) 8,501 unit
Model, Human Skeleton 6,180 unit
Model, Human Torso 6,573 unit
Model, Lung Demonstration 6,180 unit
Model, Pumping Heart 6,180 unit
Model, Reproductive System, Female (Pelvic
6,180 unit
Model, Reproductive System, Male 6,180 unit
Sub-Total 55,882
Model, Animal Cell 2,726 pc
Model, Animal Meiosis 2,726 set
Model, Animal Mitosis 2,726 set
Model, Chloroplast 2,726 unit
Model, DNA 1,864 unit
Model, Invertebrates 6,180 set
Model, Mitochondrion 2,726 unit
Model, Plant Cell 2,726 unit
Model, Vertebrates 6,180 set
Sub-Total 30,580
Model, Atomic Orbital, 82-pc 15,595 set
Model, Biochemistry Molecular, (262 atom parts) 15,595 set
Model, Crystal Structures Set (Graphite, diamond,
15,595 set
sodium chloride, carbon dioxide)
Model, Molecular, Inorganic/Organic (307-pc) 15,595 pc
Model, Sublevel Orbitals of the Atom (Quantum) 15,595 pc
Model, VSEPR, 14 shapes (50-pc) 15,595 pc
Sub-Total 93,570
Advanced Electromagnetism Kit 330 kit
Air Blower 66 pc
Archimedes Principle Set 330 set
Basic Electronics Kit 330 kit
Basic Lens Set, acrylic 13,630 pc
Coefficient of Linear Expansion 4,310 pc
Connector, Black (# 18 copper, AWG stranded)
with alligator clip on one end and banana plug on 98,505 pc
the other end
Connector, Red (# 18 copper, AWG stranded) with
alligator clip on one end and banana plug on the 98,505 pc
other end
Connector, Yellow (# 18 copper, AWG stranded)
with alligator clip on one end and banana plug on 42,270 pc
the other end
DC Ammeter 11,705 unit
DC String Vibrator, string included 3,545 pc

DC Voltmeter 11,705 unit
Diffraction slits & Diffraction grating Set 9,320 set
Digital Geiger-Muller Counter with radioisotopes
66 pc
Dry Cell Holder (size D) 121,800 pc
Dry Cell, 1.5 volts, size D 121,800 pc
Engine Model (Internal Combustion) 4,310 pc
Flask, Florence, glass, 500 mL 4,310 pc
Force Table 4,310 pc
Fuse Holder w/ Fuse 11,705 pc
Galvanometer 11,705 unit
Helical Spring 13,630 pc
Iron Core Rod (non-corrugated) 9,415 pc
Laser Light 11,285 pc
Long Nose Pliers, 6-inch, 1 pair/set 12,360 pc
Magnet Wire 8,316 spool
Manometer, Open U-tube with Nakamura-type
4,310 pc
Water Pressure Apparatus
Miniature Light Bulb 91,350 pc
Miniature Light Bulb Holder 91,350 assy
Mirror Set, acrylic 13,630 set
Motor-Generator Model Experiment Set 11,705 set
Multimeter, digital 660 pc
Optical Bench Set 13,630 set
Pair of Bar Magnets 15,797 pair
Prism Set 11,285 set
Resistance Board 4,310 pc
Ring and Ball Apparatus 330 unit
Ripple Tank Set 330 set
Slinky Coil, metal 13,630 unit
Sound Resonance Set: Loud Speaker 330 pc
Sound Resonance Set: Resonance Tube, close-
330 pc
Sound Resonance Set: Tone Generator 330 pc
Strobe Light 1,965 pc
Switch, Knife type, Single Pole Single Throw 30,450 pc
Ticker Timer Set 9,320 set
Toy Car, non-friction, non-battery 42,505 pc
Tuning Fork Set 330 pc
Vacuum Tube and Manual Vacuum Pump 1,965 set
Sub-Total 989,405
Grand-Total 1,128,983

B. Delivery Sites

The goods shall be delivered Door-to-Door and inspected at the Recipient Schools
as specified in the Allocation List attached as Annex “D” of this Bidding

Statement of Compliance

I/We have read and understood the requirements/scope of service/terms

of reference and conditions stipulated herein and shall therefore comply to the
conditions set forth in the Contract with respect to this Section VI. Schedule
of Requirements, if our bid is considered for award.

Name and Signature of Bidder’s Authorized Representative

Section VII. Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications
Item Specification Statement of Compliance

[Bidders must state here either “Comply” or “Not Comply”

against each of the individual parameters of each
Specification stating the corresponding performance
parameter of the equipment offered. Statements of “Comply”
or “Not Comply” must be supported by evidence in a Bidders
Bid and cross-referenced to that evidence. Evidence shall be
in the form of manufacturer’s un-amended sales literature,
unconditional statements of specification and compliance
issued by the manufacturer, samples, independent test
data etc., as appropriate. A statement that is not supported
by evidence or is subsequently found to be contradicted by
the evidence presented will render the Bid under evaluation
liable for rejection. A statement either in the Bidder’s
statement of compliance or the supporting evidence that is
found to be false either during Bid evaluation, post-
qualification or the execution of the Contract may be
regarded as fraudulent and render the Bidder or supplier
liable for prosecution subject to the applicable laws and

I. General Specifications

Item Description ACTUAL
Comply or
Not Comply)
All equipment and components must be of
the required level of technology, new,
compliant with the requested specifications,
responding to current quality standards in
international markets, manufactured by
reputable and consolidated international
brands, reliable and fully adequate for the
intended purpose.
All equipment markings, user manuals and
electronic copies must be in English.
All equipment shall conform and operate on
the standard electric supply in the Philippines
(220Vac, 50/60 Hz power, type A & B power
All equipment must be able to operate in the
environmental conditions of the different
locations in The Philippines, especially
4 considering humid environments at
temperatures ranging from 8°C to 45°C,
dusty and moisty environments and
frequently salty air.
All connections between components shall be
ready to operate, once installation is finalized.
All necessary cables, adaptors and
connections must be included and clearly
marked, in order to facilitate rapid and
accurate assembly.
Bidder should execute an Undertaking that
the spare parts are available nationwide for a
7 minimum period of five (5) years and that the
original brand of the spare parts are made
available to DepEd.
Imported products should pass international
quality control product standards and have
international quality control product
markings such as CE, ISO, ASTM, ASQC,
AFCIQ, ASQ, DGQ, EOQC, IQA, and the likes,
while locally made products (Philippine-made)
should pass the local quality control product
standards and bear the PS mark.
The items must be branded and permanently
marked on the items, good quality, must be
free from toxic materials, and must be
properly packed.
The equipment and tools can be utilized by
male and female learners.

II. Detailed Specifications

Item Description Technical Specifications ACTUAL
Comply or
Not Comply)
LOT 1:
1 Basic Scikit: Functional Specifications:
Ø 9.5mm x used to interconnect stand
250mm long base to stand supports; used
Stand Rod for suspending pulleys, meter

Performance Specifications:
should effectively interconnect
stand base-stand support
systems; suspend single
pulleys, meter tapes

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
2 Basic Scikit: Functional Specifications:
Ø 9.5mm x used to interconnect stand
500mm long base to stand supports in
Stand Rod heavier setups

Performance Specifications:
should effectively interconnect
stand base-stand support
systems in heavier setups

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
3 Basic Scikit: Functional Specifications:
Ø 12.7mm x used as vertical support for
1000mm long free fall setup; horizontal
Stand Rod support for suspending
multiple pulley systems

Performance Specifications:
should be able to support
vertically free fall setup;
horizontal support for
suspending multiple pulley

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
4 Basic Scikit: Functional Specifications:
Rail used as path rail for motorized
and dynamics carts

Performance Specifications:
should be able to serve as path
rail for motorized and
dynamics carts

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
5 Basic Scikit: Functional Specifications:
Ring with used to support glassware in
stem heating activities

Performance Specifications:
should be stable in supporting

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
6 Basic Scikit: Functional Specifications:
Test Tube used for resting racks for test
Rack tubes both for specimen
viewing and storage

Performance Specifications:
should be able to keep test
tubes in place used for resting
racks for test tubes both for
specimen viewing and storage

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
7 Basic Scikit: Functional Specifications:
Wire Gauze used to diffuse open flame in
activities that involve heating

Performance Specifications:
should be able to diffuse open
flame in activities that involve

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
8 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications:
001: Stand used as base support of
Base activity equipment setups

Performance Specifications:
should be stable in supporting
equipment setups

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
9 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications:
001: Stand used to support stand base
Support assembly

Performance Specifications:
should provide sturdy support
for stand base assembly

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
10 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications:
001: SCIKIT used as storage for stand
BASIC bases
Storage Case
001 (With
Cover and

Performance Specifications:
should be able to store free fall
apparatus set components

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
11 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications:
002: used as for interconnecting
Multiclamp rods perpendicularly

Performance Specifications:
should be sturdy in
interconnecting rods

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
12 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications: is
002: Test used for holding heated test
Tube Holder tubes

Performance Specifications:
should be stable in holding
heated test tubes

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
13 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications:
002: SCIKIT Used as storage of
BASIC multiclamps and test tube
Storage Case holders
002 (With
Cover and

Performance Specifications:
should be able to store 25
pieces multiclamp and 5
pieces test tube holders

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
14 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications: is
003: used for securing heated
Universal beakers and flasks in place

Performance Specifications:
should be stable in holding
heated glassware

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding

15 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications: for
003: interconnecting rods to
Universal increase overall length as
Bosshead activity requirement; can also
be used to perpendicularly
interconnect rods for lighter

Performance Specifications:
should be sturdy in
interconnecting rods

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
16 SCIKIT BASIC Functional Specifications:
003: SCIKIT used as storage for clamps and
BASIC bossheads
Storage Case
003 (With
Cover and

Performance Specifications:
should be able to store 12
pieces universal clamp and 10
universal bosshead

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
17 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used storage case for the metal
(Mechanics balls and metal embedded
001): Ball plastic ball
Case (with
Cover and

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
18 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used to determine time of fall
(Mechanics of metal balls or metal
001): Digital embedded plastic ball in free
Timer fall activity
Performance Specifications:
should be able to determine
time of fall of metal balls or
metal embedded plastic ball in
free fall activity

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
19 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used to measure the height of
(Mechanics fall of falling objects in free fall
001): activity
with hooks
and plastic

Performance Specifications:
should be able to measure the
height of fall of falling objects
in free fall activity

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
20 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used as free fall object in free
(Mechanics fall activity
001): Ǿ
12.7mm Steel
Spherical Ball

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
21 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used as free fall object in free
(Mechanics fall activity
001): Ǿ 25mm
Spherical Ball
with metal

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding

22 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used as free fall object in free
(Mechanics fall activity
001): Ǿ 25mm
Spherical Ball

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
23 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used as second switch to stop
(Mechanics the stopwatch in free fall
001): Pad activity

Performance Specifications:
should be able to stop the
stopwatch in free fall activity

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
24 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used as electromagnet to
(Mechanics temporarily suspend the metal
001): Solenoid balls or the metal imbedded
Assembly plastic ball in free fall activity

Performance Specifications:
should be able to provide
electromagnetism to
temporarily suspend the metal
balls or the metal imbedded
plastic ball in free fall activity

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
25 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used to simultaneously start
(Mechanics the stopwatch and cut-off
001): Synchro current to the solenoid
Box Assembly

Performance Specifications:
should be able to
simultaneously start the

stopwatch and cut-off current
to the solenoid

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
26 Free Fall Functional Specifications:
Apparatus used as storage case for free
(Mechanics fall apparatus set
001): SCIKIT
Storage Case
001 (With
Cover and

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
27 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used as source of action force
System in Newton's 3rd law of Motion
(Mechanics Experiment
002): Cart-
spring loaded

Performance Specifications:
should be able to provide
action force in Newton's 3rd
law of Motion Experiment

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
28 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used as source of reaction
System force in Newton's 3rd law of
(Mechanics Motion Experiment
002): Cart-

Performance Specifications:
should be able to provide
reaction force in Newton's 3rd
law of Motion Experiment

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in

Annex “E” of this Bidding
29 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used for loading into each
System dynamics cart for newton's
(Mechanics 2nd Law of Motion experiment
Mass, 50-

Performance Specifications:
should be able to load into
each dynamics cart for
newton's 2nd Law of Motion

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
30 Dynamics Functional Specifications: use
Carts-Rail to provide the 'net' force in
System newton's 2nd Law of Motion
(Mechanics experiment
002): Driving
Mass, 3-gram

Performance Specifications:
should be able to provide the
'net' force in newton's 2nd Law
of Motion experiment

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
31 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used as bottom support of
System rails
002): Leveling
Pad Assembly

Performance Specifications:
should be able to support rails

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding

32 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used to strike the push rod to
System release spring in spring-loaded
(Mechanics dynamics cart
002): Plastic

Performance Specifications:
should be able to make push
rod release spring in spring-
loaded dynamics cart

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
33 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used as storage case for
System dynamics carts and
(Mechanics accessories set
Clay, 1

Design Specifications:
1. Any color
2. Minimum weight: 150 gram
bar, individually packed
3. Non-drying, non-hardening
4. Brand must be permanently
marked in its packaging.
34 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used as low inertia string
System guide in Newton's 2nd Law of
(Mechanics Motion Experiment
002): Stopper-

Performance Specifications:
should be able to provide low
inertia string guide in
Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding

35 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used to transmit net force from
System weight of 3-gram driving
(Mechanics masses to pull dynamics carts
002): String along rail
(thin), 1

Performance Specifications:
should be able to transmit net
force from weight of 3-gram
driving masses to pull
dynamics carts along rail

Design Specifications:
1. Ball of cotton string, crochet
size 8 thread type
2. Ball is 50 grams
3. Any color
36 Dynamics Functional Specifications:
Carts-Rail used as storage case for
System Dynamics Carts-Rail System
(Mechanics (Mechanics 002) and
002): SCIKIT accessories
Storage Case
002 (With
Cover and

Performance Specifications:
must store the items for
Dynamics Carts-Rail System

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
37 SCIKIT Functional Specifications:
MECHANICS used to measure forces with
003: 10- magnitudes equivalent up to
Newton the weight of 1 kilogram mass

Performance Specifications:
should be able to measure
forces with magnitudes
equivalent up to the weight of
1 kilogram mass

Design Specifications: please
see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
38 SCIKIT Functional Specifications:
MECHANICS Used to validate factors
003: Friction affecting friction force
Block and

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to validate
factors affecting friction force

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
39 SCIKIT Functional Specifications:
MECHANICS used to check horizontal
003: Leveling levelness of surfaces where the
Hose rail will be placed

Performance Specifications:
should be able to check
horizontal levelness of surfaces
where the rail will be placed

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
40 User's Manual Functional Specifications:
(SCIKIT used as reference guide on
MECHANICS) assembly of mechanics items

Design Specifications: please

see MECHANICS Manual

See Cover and Inside Pages

41 Experiment Functional Specifications:
Module used as guides to perform
(SCIKIT mechanics activities

Design Specifications: please


See Cover and Inside Pages


1 Blackboard Functional Specifications:
Compass used to aid teacher in
constructing/drawing circles
on board

Performance Specifications:
should be able to draw
visible/large circles on board

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
2 Blackboard Functional Specifications:
Protractor used to aid teacher in
constructing/drawing angles,
arcs, and circles on board

Performance Specifications:
should be able to draw
visible/large angles, arcs, and
circles on board

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
3 Heat Functional Specifications:
Conductivity Used to demonstrate the
Apparatus different thermal (heat)
conductivities of five (5)
different metals

Performance Specifications:
must be able to demonstrate
the different thermal (heat)
conductivities of five (5)
different metals, with copper
as the first metal, followed by
aluminum, brass, mild steel
and stainless steel.

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
4 Light Source Functional Specifications:
(Single Slit) Used to produce a defined
beam of light

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to produce a
defined beam of light

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
5 Set of Coils Functional Specifications:
(Transformer) used to demonstrate
transformer principle

Performance Specifications:
should be able to demonstrate
transformer principle

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
6 Variable Power Functional Specifications:
Supply with 5 used to provide variable AC
pcs. Terminal and DC voltages for student
Board group work

Performance Specifications:
should be able to provide
variable AC and DC voltages
for student group work

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
7 Fresh Water Functional Specifications:
Aquarium with Used to keep aquatic plants
Stand and animals

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate
interaction among plants and
animals in a marine-like

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
8 Fraction Set Functional Specifications:
used to demonstrate part-to-
whole concept using shapes

Performance Specifications:
must be able to demonstrate
fraction as a concept using
whole and fractional part of a
circle and square

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
9 Linear Functional Specifications:
Pair/Angle used to demonstrate kinds of
Demonstrator angles and some angle

Performance Specifications:
must be able to demonstrate
acute, obtuse, and right angle
and deduct the said angles'

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
10 Number Functional Specifications:
Blocks used in number recognition
and fundamental operation

Performance Specifications:
must be sturdy when thrown
and show specific number
and/or operation; be able to
perform like dice

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding
11 Place Value Functional Specifications:
Chart with used to visualize whole and
decimal decimal numbers' place value

Performance Specifications:
must be able to hold number
cards and some base ten

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in

Annex “E” of this Bidding
1 Storage Functional Specifications:
Cabinet Used for storage of science
and mathematics equipment

Design Specifications: please

see Technical Drawing in
Annex “E” of this Bidding

1 Benedict's Functional Specifications:
Solution, 100 Used to test for levels/ traces
mL/bottle of simple reducing sugars

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to test for the
presence (levels of traces) of
reducing sugars such as
A positive test with Benedict's
reagent is shown by a color
change from clear blue to:
a) blue solution - 0 g % (no
trace of simple reducing
b) green precipitate- 0.5 to 1.0
g % (traces of simple reducing
c) yellow precipitate- 1.0-1.5 g
% (low simple reducing sugar)
d) orange precipitate - 1.5 to
2.0 g % (moderate simple
reducing sugar)
e) brick-red precipitate -
greater than 2.0 g % (high
presence of simple reducing

Design Specifications:
1. Features an aqua blue
2. Chemical Formula:
CuSO4•5H2O + Na2CO3 +
3. Capacity: 100 mL
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
threaded chemical seal pack
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard

6. With manufacturing and

expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
9. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new
2 Boric Acid, 100 Functional Specifications:
grams/bottle Used as a substrate in Flame
test to visually identify boron
or its specific unknown
metalloid ion based on the
characteristic color it emits on
the Bunsen flame.

Performance Specifications:
Must be used as a substrate
in Flame test to visually
identify boron, or its ion based
on the characteristic color it
emits on the Bunsen flame.
Boric acid emits a bright
green color which indicates
the presence of boron or its

Design Specifications:
1. Features a colorless or
white, odorless and crystalline
2. Chemical formula : H3BO3
3. Mass/bottle : 100 g
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
threaded chemical seal pack
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer

and with appropriate hazard

6. With manufacturing and

expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS( Safety Data Sheet)
9. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new
3 Bromothymol Functional Specifications:
Blue Used as an indicator of
dissolved Carbon dioxide.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the
effect of changes in abiotic
factors on the ecosystem.

Design Specifications:
1. Color: Dark Blue/blue-
2. Concentration range :
0.01% - 0.04% aqueous
solution (as indicated in the
product label)
3. Capacity: 100 mL
4. With Safety Data Sheet
5. The chemical must be in
original plastic packing with
threaded chemical seal pack
6. Properly labeled with the
chemical name, concentration,
name of the manufacturer,
manufacturing and expiry
date. Expiration shall be at
least two years.
7. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
printed on the product label.
4 Calcium Functional Specifications:
Chloride, 100 Used as a substrate in Flame
grams / bottle test to visually identify
calcium or its ion based on the
characteristic color it emits on
the Bunsen flame.

Performance Specifications:
Used as a substrate in Flame
test to visually identify
calcium element, or an
unknown metalloid ion based
on the characteristic color the
chemical emits on the Bunsen
flame. Calcium chloride emits
an orange red/yellowish red
color which indicates the
presence of the calcium ion

Design Specifications:
1. Features a white powder,
crystals or granules
2. Chemical Formula : CaCl2
3. Mass per bottle : 100 grams
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
chemical seal pack bottle.
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard
6. With manufacturing and
expiry date, chemical assay,
other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
with SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
9. With brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new
5 Copper Sulfate, Functional Specifications:
CuSO4, 100 Used as : a) an oxidizing agent
grams/bottle or oxidant and is reduced in a
spontaneous [chemical (redox)
reaction decreasing its
oxidation state with metals
above it, like zinc, in the
Activity Series of Metals]
b) a substrate in Flame test to
visually identify copper or its
ion based on the characteristic

color it emits on the Bunsen
flame .
Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
a) oxidize the other reactant of
a spontaneous redox reaction
by gaining electrons reducing
its oxidation state with metals
above it, like zinc, in the
Activity Series of Metals,
resulting in copper in the free
state and the salt of the metal
being displaced.
b) a substrate in Flame test to
visually identify copper or its
ion based on the characteristic
color it emits on the Bunsen
flame. Copper sulfate emits
blue green color on the
Bunsen flame.

Design Specifications:
1. Features a blue, odorless
crystalline solid
2. Chemical formula : CuSO4
3. Mass per bottle : 100 g
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
chemical seal pack bottle.
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard

6. With manufacturing and

expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
9. With brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new
6 Functional Specifications:
Gentian Violet,
Used in microscopy as
100 ml / bottle
biological stain.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to enhance
animal cell image as to
presence or absence of some

Design Specifications:
1. Capacity (minimum): 100
mL per bottle
2. Color: Blue-violet/dark
3. With Safety Data Sheet
4. The chemical must be in
original plastic packing with
threaded chemical seal pack
5. Properly labeled with
chemical name, name of the
manufacturer, manufacturing
and expiry date. Expiration
shall be at least two years.
6. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
printed on the product label.
7 Functional Specifications:
Iodine Solution,
Used in microscopy as
100 ml / bottle
biological stain.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to enhance plant
cells as to presence or absence
of some organelles.

Design Specifications:
1. Capacity: 100 mL per bottle
2. Color: Light orange-brown
3. Alternate name: Lugol's
4. With Safety Data Sheet
5. The chemical must be in
original plastic packing with
threaded chemical seal pack
6. Properly labeled with
chemical name, name of the
manufacturer, manufacturing
and expiry date. Expiration
shall be at least two years.
7. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
printed on the product label.

8 Magnesium Functional Specifications:
Ribbon, 25 Used as a reactant and is
grams, 1 roll ignited over a flame to
demonstrate a highly
exothermic combustion

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to produce a
highly exothermic combustion
reaction resulting in a
blinding white light and
intense heat when ignited over
a flame. A white powdery
solid, magnesium oxide is

Design Specifications:
1. Features a relatively soft,
lightweight solid metal
2. Color : Shiny silvery gray--
3. Chemical formula : Mg
4. Form : Solid (ribbon)
5. Mass per roll : 25-27 g
6. Number of roll : 1 roll
7. Comes in original plastic
8. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard
9. With manufacturing and
expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
10. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
11. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
12. Comes with a brand
printed permanently on the
product label
13. Must be brand new
9 Manganese Functional Specifications:
Dioxide, 50 Used as a catalyst to
grams / bottle demonstrate decomposition
reaction of hydrogen peroxide
and observe its effect on the
rate of chemical reaction
Performance Specifications:
Must be used as a catalyst
and to undergo a spontaneous
chemical reaction in the
decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide to produce bubbles of
oxygen gas and water and to
demonstrate its effect on the
rate of chemical reaction

Design Specifications:
1. Form: Solid powder
2. Color : Brown-black solid/
blackish or brown solid
3. Chemical formula : MnO2
4. Mass per bottle : 50 g
5.Comes in original screw type
plastic packing with threaded
chemical seal pack bottle.
6. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard
7. With manufacturing and
expiry date, chemical assay,
other useful information
regarding the product.
8. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
9. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
10. Comes with a brand
printed permanently on the
product label
11. Must be brand new
10 Microscope's Functional Specifications:
Immersion Oil, Used to increase the resolving
100mL/bot power of the microscope's
100x objective.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to give a clear
and very distinct image of the

Design Specifications:
1. Capacity: 100 mL/bottle

2. Non-drying, clear and
3. With Refractive index: 1.515
- 1.518 (as indicated in SDS,
product label or certificate)
4. With Safety Data Sheet
5. The chemical must be in
original plastic packing with
threaded chemical seal pack
6. Properly labeled with
chemical name, name of the
manufacturer, manufacturing
and expiry date. Expiration
shall be at least two years.
7. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
printed on the product label.
11 Phenolphthalein, Functional Specifications:
100 Used as an indicator to effect
grams/bottle a color change to distinguish
an acid from a base and in
performing acid base titration

Performance Specifications:
Must be used as an indicator
to distinguish and acid from a
base and in performing acid
base titration, as it indicates
the change in pH by changing
its color, the results vary:
a) For a base, it gives a pink
b) For an acid, it is colorless
Design Specifications:

1. Features a white to cream,

odorless solid powder
2. Chemical formula :
3. Mass per bottle : 100 g
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
chemical seal pack bottle.
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard
6. With manufacturing and
expiry date, chemical assay,

and other useful information
regarding the product.
7.Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
9. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new
12 Potassium Functional Specifications:
Chloride, 100 Used as a substrate in Flame
grams / bottle test to visually identify a
specific element or an
unknown metalloid ion based
on the characteristic color it
emits on the Bunsen flame.

Performance Specifications:
Must be used as :
a) a substrate in Flame test to
visually identify potassium
element, or its ion based on
the characteristic color it
emits on the Bunsen flame.
Potassium chloride emits a
light lilac color which
indicates the presence of the
potassium ion
b) as a catalyst and to
undergo a spontaneous
chemical reaction in the
decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide to produce bubbles of
oxygen gas and water to
demonstrate the effect of
catalyst on the rate of
chemical reaction

Design Specifications:
1. Features a white crystalline
2. Chemical formula : KCl
3. Mass per bottle: 100 g
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
chemical seal pack bottle.
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer

and with appropriate hazard

6. With manufacturing and

expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
9. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new
13 Potassium Functional Specifications:
Iodide, 100 Used as :
grams / bottle a) a substrate in Flame test to
visually identify potassium or
its ion
based on the characteristic
color it emits on the Bunsen
b) a catalyst to demonstrate
decomposition reaction of
hydrogen peroxide to form
water and oxygen
Performance Specifications:
Must be :
a) used as a substrate in
Flame test to visually identify
potassium, or its ion based on
the characteristic color the
chemical emits on the Bunsen
Potassium iodide emits a lilac
color which indicates the
presence of the potassium ion
b) able to undergo a
spontaneous decomposition of
hydrogen peroxide into
bubbles of oxygen gas and

Design Specifications:
1. Features white granules
and crystals solid
2. Chemical formula: KI
3. Mass per bottle: 100 g
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
chemical seal pack bottle.
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard
6. With manufacturing and
expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
9. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new
14 Sodium Functional Specifications:
Hydroxide (Lye), Used :
a) to differentiate an acid from
a base
b) as a titrant added from a
base burette in acid base

Performance Specifications:
a) Must turn pink when added
with drop/s of
phenolphthalein and be able
to neutralize an acid to form
salt and water
b) In acid-base titration, the
sodium hydroxide is used as a
titrant added from a base
buret to a known quantity of
the analyte (the unknown
solution) until the reaction is
Knowing the volume of titrant
added allows the
of the concentration of the
unknown using the formula :
c) pH value : pH 13-14

Design Specifications:
1. Features a white semi-
transparent odorless
hygroscopic solid
2. Chemical formula : NaOH
3. Mass per bottle : 250 grams
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
chemical seal pack bottle.
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard
6. With manufacturing and
expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS ( Safety
Data Sheet)
9. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new
15 Zinc Chloride, Functional Specifications:
100 grams / Used as a substrate in Flame
bottle test to visually identify zinc or
its ion based on the
characteristic color it emits on
the Bunsen flame.

Performance Specifications:
Must be used as a substrate
in Flame test to visually
identify zinc element or its ion
based on the characteristic
color it emits on the Bunsen
flame. Zinc chloride emits a
blue green to pale
green/colorless color which
indicates the presence of the
zinc ion

Design Specifications:
1. Features a white
crystalline/granular solid
2. Chemical Formula : ZnCl2
3. Mass per plastic bottle: 100

4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing with
chemical seal pack bottle.
5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard
6. With manufacturing and
expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
9. Comes with a brand
marked permanently on the
product label
10. Must be brand new
16 Zinc metal, Functional Specifications:
pellets/mossy, Used as a reducing agent to
100 grams / reduce the other reactant of a
bottle single displacement ( redox
reaction) with metals above it
in the Activity Series of Metals

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to reduce the
other reactant of a single
displacement (redox) reaction
with metals above it in the
Activity Series of Metals, , like
zinc, to produce salt and the
displaced metal in its free

Design Specifications:
1. Features a bluish white, or
as a grey
powder/pellets/mossy solid

2. Chemical Formula : Zn
3. Mass per plastic bottle :
100 grams
4. Comes in original screw
type plastic packing, with
chemical seal pack bottle.

5. Properly labeled with full
chemical name, chemical
formula, the name and
address of the manufacturer
and with appropriate hazard
6. With manufacturing and
expiry date, chemical assay,
and other useful information
regarding the product.
7. Expiration dates should be
at least two years
8. Accompanied with
Certificate of Analysis and
SDS (Safety Data Sheet)
9. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the product
10. Must be brand new


1 Beaker, Functional Specifications: Used
borosilicate, to contain/hold/prepare solids
250 mL and liquids during chemical
reaction and to heat them over
a Bunsen burner's flame up to
more than 100°C for normal,
standard use service

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to contain/hold
/prepare solids and liquids
during chemical reaction and
heats them over a Bunsen
burner's flame up to more than
100°C for normal, standard use

Design Specifications:
1. Features a cylindrical
container with straight sides, a
flat bottom, with a beaded rim
and with a small spout (or
"beak") to aid in pouring.
2. Material: Borosilicate, clear,
smooth, and transparent
bubble-free glass with the
following dimensions:
Outside diameter: 68-70mm
Height: 90-92mm
Thickness: 1.5mm to 2.0mm
3. Type: Griffin, low form
4. Features an easy-pour spout
5. With permanent colored
graduations of approximate
volumes, large colored easy to
read block letters, numbers
and inscriptions/markings
enamelled onto the glass, which
includes the following:
a) Capacity: 250 mL
b) Manufacturer's name or
c) With large white marking
d) With double graduated
metric scale
d1) With marking
graduation to fill: starts at 25
mL in 25mL increments
d2) With marking
graduation to empty: starts at 0
mL in 200 mL increments
d3) Graduation interval:
d4) Graduation range:
25mL to 200 mL
6. Must be able to stand
solidly/is stable when placed on
a level surface
7. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims, sharp
edges, striae, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
8. Must be able to withstand
heating of water up to 150
degrees Celsius
9. Wrapped in paper, enclosed
in bubble wrap and packed
individually in a
compartmentalized box
10. Comes with a brand
enamelled permanently onto
the glass
11. Must be brand new
2 Beaker, Functional Specifications: Used
borosilicate, to contain/hold/prepare solids
50 mL and liquids during chemical
reaction and to heat them over
a Bunsen burner's flame up to
more than 100 °C

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to contain/hold
/prepare solids and liquids
during chemical reaction and
heats them over a Bunsen
burner's flame up to more than
100 °C

Design Specifications:
1. Features a cylindrical
container with straight sides, a
flat bottom with a beaded rim
and a small spout (or "beak") to
aid in pouring
2. Material: Borosilicate, clear,
smooth, and transparent
bubble-free glass with the
following dimensions:
Outer diameter: 40-42 mm
Height: 55-57 mm
Thickness: 1.5 to 2.0 mm
3. Type: Griffin, low form
4. Features an easy-pour spout
5. With permanent colored
graduations of approximate
volumes, large colored easy to
read block letters, numbers and
inscriptions/ markings
enamelled onto the glass, which
includes the following:
a) Capacity: 50mL
b) Manufacturer's name or
c) With large white marking
d) With single graduated
metric scale
d1)With marking
graduation to fill: starts at 10
mL in 10mL increments
d2) Graduation interval:
d3) Graduation range:
10mL to 40mL
6. Must be able to stand
solidly/is stable when placed on
a level surface
7. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims, sharp
edges, striae, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein

8. Must be able to withstand
heating up water up to 150°C
9. Wrapped in paper, enclosed
in bubble wrap and packed
individually in
compartmentalized box.
10. Comes with a brand
enamelled permanently onto
the glass
11. Must be brand new
3 Burette, 10 mL Functional Specifications: Used
capacity (acid) to hold/contain the acid up to
10 mL capacity as a titrant to
be delivered/ dispensed to
titrate the base in acid-base
titration to determine unknown
concentration of base

Performance Specifications:
Must hold/contain the acid up
to 10 mL capacity as a titrant to
be delivered/ dispensed to
titrate the base (with color
change from pink to colorless
when end point is reached) in
acid-base titration to determine
unknown concentration of base

Design Specifications:
1. Features a long, vertical
cylindrical glass tube with a
volumetric graduation on its
full length, with a leak-free
plastic stopcock at its lower end
and a tapered capillary tube at
the stopcock's outlet.
2. Material : Clear, transparent,
smooth, bubble-free high
quality borosilicate glass, with
the following dimensions:
Length of burette: 510-
3. Fitted with grease-free
interchangeable with 1.5 to 2
mm bore plastic leak-free
stopcock plug.
Material of stopcock: PTFE key
4. With permanent, durable
colored markings in fine, clear,
continuous, sharp, of uniform
width, distinct colored
graduation lines of approximate
volumes, clearly legible and
indelible block letters,
inscriptions/ markings under
normal conditions of use of the
burettes, and large, easy-to-
read numbers every 0.5 mL
enamelled permanently onto
the glass before the first
graduation line which includes
the following:
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) Capacity: 10 mL
c) Sub. Div. : 0.05 ml
d)Tolerance: ± 0.02-±0.03 mL
e) Class: A
f) Unit of volume: mL
g) Ex
h) Reference Temp: 20°C-
5. With Statement of Accuracy
/Certificate of Accuracy) latest
issued by the concerned
institution which must conform
to the authoritative standards
appropriate to the goods’
country of origin
6. Marked with an individual
serial number (Serially
7. Individually placed in bubble
wrap, enclosed in a polystyrene
and packed in a padded sturdy
8. Must be free from breakage,
leaks, cracks, scratches,
chipped rims, sharp edges,
striae, surface irregularities
including all other defects not
stated herein.
9. Includes Operations Manual
in English,
10. With Activity
Sheets/Teacher's Manual in
11. Comes with a brand
enamelled permanently onto
the glass
12. Must be brand new
4 Burette, 10 mL Functional Specifications: Used
capacity (base) to hold/contain the base as a
titrant to be delivered/
dispensed to titrate an acid up
to 10 mL capacity in acid-base

titration to determine unknown
concentration of acid

Performance Specifications:
Must hold/contain the base as
a titrant to be delivered/
dispensed to titrate an acid up
to 10 mL capacity (with color
change from colorless to very
faint pink when end point is
reached) in acid-base titration
to determine unknown
concentration of acid

Design Specifications:
1. Features a long, graduated
glass tube, with a leakage-free
stopcock at its lower end and a
tapered capillary tube at the
screw type stopcock's outlet.
2. Material : Clear, transparent,
bubble-free, smooth borosilicate
glass, with the following
a) Length of burette: 444.5-
520 mm
3. With PTFE (screw-thread
type/needle valve-Rotaflow
leak-proof plastic) stopcock
4. With permanent, durable
colored markings in fine, clear,
continuous, sharp, of uniform
width, distinct colored
graduation lines of approximate
volumes, clearly legible and
indelible block letters and
inscriptions with large, easy-to-
read numbers every 0.5-1.0 mL
subdivisions enamelled
permanently onto the glass,
before the first graduation line,
which includes the following:
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) Capacity: 10 mL
c) Sub. Div. : 0.05 ml
d) Tolerance: 0.05 mL
d) Class: B
e) Unit of volume: mL
f) Ex
g) Reference Temp: 20°C-27°C

5. With machine Jet flow
control which is made from
thick walled capillary tubing
which forms an integral part of
the burette shall have no cavity
at the join likely to trap air
6. With Statement of Accuracy
/Certificate of Accuracy) latest
issued by the concerned
institution which must conform
to the authoritative standards
appropriate to the goods’
country of origin
7. Marked with an individual
serial number (Serially
8. Individually placed in bubble
wrap, enclosed in polystyrene
and packed in a padded sturdy
9. Must be free from breakage,
leaks, cracks, scratches,
chipped rims, sharp edges,
striae, surface irregularities
including all other defects
not stated herein.
10. Includes Operations
Manual in English,
11. With Activity
Sheets/Teacher's Manual in
12. Comes with a brand
enamelled permanently onto
the glass
13. Must be brand new
5 Burner, Functional Specifications: Used
Alcohol, glass, to produce hot, consistent open
150 mL flame for slow/gentle heating of
Capacity glassware and substances

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to produce hot,
consistent open flame
a)for slow/gentle heating of
glassware and substances
b)can withstand prolonged
heating without breaking
c) visually determine the
identity of an unknown metal or
metalloid ion based on the
characteristic color the
chemical/salt emits on the
Bunsen flame to investigate

reactions of ions and apply
these in qualitative analysis
through an activity, on Flame

d) bend a glass tubing

e) heat to sterilize, to accelerate,
and to trigger chemical
f) for combustion purposes and

Design Specifications:
1. Features a globe-shaped
body and flat base (bottom)
with threaded mouth
2. Material : Sturdy, heavy
walled, clear, transparent,
smooth, bubble-free glass
3. Capacity : 150 mL
4. With rust/corrosive-free wick
holder permanently attached to
a threaded base
a) Material of wick holder
and cover/caps : Nickel- plated

b) Type of wick holder :

5. With one (1) pc cotton
fiber/strand braided wick
perfectly fitted to the wick tube
a) Material of wick : Cotton
b)Type of wick: Braided
c)Length of wick : 178-179
d)Diameter : 5-6 mm
6. With shiny, smooth, and
corrosion-free metal
snuff/snap-on cover/
7 With ten (10) pc replacement
braided cotton fiber/strand
8. Wrapped in paper, enclosed
in bubble wrap and packed in a
compartmentalized box
9. Must be free from rust,
breakage, cracks, scratches,
chipped rims, sharp edges,
striae, surface irregularities

including all other defects not
stated herein.

10. Comes with a brand printed

permanently onto the box
11. Must be brand new
6 Burner, Functional Specifications: Used
Bunsen to :
a) produce single, hot,
continuous, consistent open
blue flame
b) for slow/gentle heating of
glassware and substances,
c) rapidly heat high-boiling
liquids with low flammability
like water
d) heat, sterilize/accelerate/
trigger chemical reactions,
e) for combustion purposes

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to produce a
single, hot, continuous,
consistent open blue flame to:
a) visually determine the hottest
part of the Bunsen flame
b) visually determine the
identity of an unknown metal or
metalloid ion based on the
characteristic color the
chemical/salt emits on the
Bunsen flame to investigate
reactions of ions and apply
these in qualitative analysis
through an activity, on Flame
c) bend a glass tubing
d) used as a heating medium to
demonstrate distillation, as one
of the simple separation
e) slow/gentle heating of
glassware and substances
f) rapidly heat high-boiling
liquids with low flammability
like water
g) heat,to sterilize, to accelerate,
and to trigger chemical
h) for combustion purposes and

Design Specifications:

1.Type : Gas type with
2. Features a long, hollow
burner tube with stabilizer top
and serrated inlet tube
3. Material for burner tube :
Aluminum, with the following
a) Diameter of burner tube: 11-
12 mm diameter
b) Over-all height: 152-
4. With flame stabilizer
5.With threaded gas needle
valve (located opposite to
serrated inlet tube)
6. Material of base: Nickel-
plated zinc-alloy
7. Must be able to stand
solidly/is stable when placed on
a level surface
8. Individually packed in a
sturdy box
9. With User's Manual and
Operations Guide in English
10. Comes with Activity Sheets
with Teacher's Manual in
11. For numbers #9 to 10; the
technical specifications (a-e)
must be followed:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, in sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) In 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
keycard that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name:
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm

ii) Font : Times New
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
12. Must be free from rust,
cracks, chipped rims and sharp
edges, surface irregularities and
all other defects not stated
13. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the box
14. Must be brand new
7 Cork Stopper # Functional Specifications: Used
5 (for Ø 16mm to seal the openings of 16 mm
test tube) diameter test tubes and other
laboratory glassware to prevent
leaks, hazards and
contamination to yield positive
results during chemical

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to seal the
openings of 16 x 150 mm test
tubes and other laboratory
glassware and to prevent leaks,
hazards and contamination to
yield positive results during
chemical reactions

Design Specifications:
1. Features an extra Select
Grade cylindrical with a tapered
bottom end with fewer
lenticels (crevices)
2. Material of cork : Elastic and
near impermeable with the
following dimensions:
a) Height : 22-22.5 mm
b) Top Ǿ : 15-15.5 mm
c) Bottom Ǿ: 13-13.5 mm
3. Number of cork stopper: #5
4. Must perfectly fit the 16 x
150 mm test tube
5. Must be free from defect of
discontinuities in the cork
tissue such as "lung",
exfoliation, and insect,
ant/worm galleries and all
other defects not stated herein.

6. Packed in a resealable plastic

7. With brand printed
permanently on the resealable
plastic bag
8. Must be brand new
8 Crucible with Functional Specifications: Used
lid/cover as a container to heat metals or
other substances may be
melted or subjected to very high

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to contain
elements, compounds, metals,
organic compounds or other
substances to be melted or
subjected to very high
temperatures to determine
mass relationship in a chemical

Design Specifications:
1. Features a high/tall form
cylindrical crucible
2. Capacity : 30 mL
3. Material : Porcelain, with
the following dimensions:
a) Height : 43-50 mm
b) Base diameter: 24-26 mm
c) Top diameter: 33-40 mm
4. Glazed inside and out, except
outside bottom and rim.
5. With crucible cover
completely glazed except for
6.Must be able to stand solidly
flat/is stable when placed on a
level surface
7.Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims and
sharp edges, surface
irregularities and all other
defects not stated herein
8. Comes with a brand printed
permanently in the
compartmentalized sturdy box
9. Must be brand new

9 Dish, Functional Specifications: Used
Evaporating, to contain/hold substances and
75 mL to heat chemical solutions
gradually, driving off the water
to leave residual chemical

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to contain/hold
substances and to demonstrate
evaporation, as one of the
techniques in separating
mixtures, by heating chemical
solutions gradually, driving off
the water to leave residual
chemical solute

Design Specifications:
1. Features a deep form, broad,
and wider at the top, with
round bottom
2. Material : Porcelain, with the
following dimensions:
a) Diameter: 80-82 mm
b) Height/depth: 30-35 mm
3. Capacity: 75 mL
4. With pouring lip/spout
5. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims and sharp
edges, other surface
irregularities and other defects
not stated herein.
6.Must be able to contain the
salt solution for an experiment
on evaporation
7. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped
rims, sharp edges, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein.
8. Each dish is individually
packed, wrapped in paper, and
packed in a sturdy box
9. Comes with a brand printed
permanently in the sturdy box
10. Must be brand new
10 Distillation Functional Specifications: Used
set-up: to condense the water vapor
Condenser, into its liquid state producing a
Liebig-type distillate

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to condense the
water vapor into its liquid state
producing a distillate, used in
distillation, as one of the simple
separation techniques

Design Specifications:
1. Features two concentric
straight glass tubes, the inner
one being longer and
protruding at both extremities,
surrounded by a water jacket
with sealed inner tube and
outer tube of an inner straight
tube surrounded by an outer
jacket tube, the cool water flows
through the outer jacket to
condense the vapor in the inner
tube, having a better cooling
performance than air
2. Material : Transparent,
smooth, clear, bubble-free
borosilicate glass, with the
following dimensions:
a) Tubulation OD: 9-15 mm
b)Jacket OD : 40- 43 mm
c)Jacket length : 300-301
d)Over-all Length: 458-460
3. With the following permanent
inscriptions and numbers
permanently enamelled onto
the glass:
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) Ground cone and socket
joint: 24/40
4. With sealed inner tube
5. With Standard Taper Outer
and Inner Joints permanently
enamelled onto the glass the
5. With a drip tip at the bottom
6. Accessories:
a) One (1) pc rubber stopper
that will fit upper (inlet) tube
i) Number of rubber
stopper : #3
ii) Number of hole : One
(1) hole

iii) Diameter of hole :
5.0-5.5 mm
iv) Hardness : 40-45
b) Rubber tube
Material of rubber Hose :
Non-tacky, Latex rubber tube
with the following dimensions:
ii) Inner diameter : Ø
8.0-8.5 mm
iii) Outer diameter : Ø
12.0-12.5 mm
iv) Length : 3000-3005
mm long
v) Color of rubber tube :
7. The glass is wrapped in
bubble wrap, enclosed in a
polystyrene and packed in a
sturdy box while the rubber
stopper /tube is placed in a
resealable plastic bag.
8. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims and sharp
edges, striae, surface
irregularities and all other
defects not stated herein
9. Must be able to produce a
distillate during experiment on
Distillation using this item as
part of the whole set
10. Must have User's Manual in
English on the installation, use
and care, proper storage with
repair and maintenance
11. With Activity
Sheets/Teacher's Manual in
12. For numbers #10 to 11; the
technical specifications (a-e)
must be followed:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, in sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not

d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
keycard that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name:
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times New
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
13. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped
rims, sharp edges, striae,
surface irregularities including
all other defects not stated
14. Must have a brand
enamelled permanently onto
the glass
15. Must be brand new
11 Distillation Functional Specifications: Used
set-up: to hold/ contain the liquid to be
Distilling distilled in distillation, as one of
Flask, the simple separation technique

Performance Specifications:
Must be used to hold/ contain
the liquid to be distilled in
distillation, as one of the simple
separation technique

Design Specifications:
1. Features a long neck, a side
arm that facilitates
condensation, and a round
bottom for uniform heating .
2. Material : Clear, transparent,
bubble-free borosilicate glass
with a beaded rim with the
following dimensions:
a) Flask Height : 240-250
b) Side Arm Length: 129-130
c) Side arm : 76 to 78 mm
below the top of the neck
3. With the following permanent
inscriptions and numbers
permanently enamelled onto
the glass:
a) Capacity: 250 mL
b) Manufacturer's name or
c) With permanent large
white marking spot
4. Supplied with an accessory
a) rubber stopper that fits
the mouth of the distilling flask
i) Hardness: 40-45 Duro
ii) Number of hole : One
iii) Diameter of hole: 5-
5.5 mm
5. Wrapped in bubble wrap,
enclosed in a polystyrene and
packed in a padded sturdy box
6. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims and sharp
edges, striae, surface
irregularities and all other
defects not stated herein
7. Must be able to produce a
distillate during an experiment
on Distillation using this item
as a part of the distillation
8. Must have a brand
enamelled permanently onto
the glass
9. Must be brand new
12 Double burette Functional Specifications: Used
clamp/holder to hold and secure
two burettes on a stand, so that
each burette is fixed and more
convenient for the experiment.

Performance Specifications:
Must be used to hold and
secure two burettes
simultaneously on a stand, so
that the burettes are fixed and
more convenient to perform
acid-base titration experiment
to determine concentration of

Design Specifications:
1. Features a double Y-shaped
or butterfly-shaped items which
have spring action clamps.
2. Material of body: Die cast
aluminum with chemical
resistant white enamel finish
with the following dimensions:
Length range : 245-262 mm
Width range : 120-127 mm
Mounting hole diameter ( ):
15-36 mm
3. Color of body : White
4. Material of
sleeves/jaws/grips : Vinyl or
rubber for excellent grip
5. Color of sleeves/jaws/grips :
Distance between
sleeves/jaws/grips : 85 -120
6. With 4 spring action clamps,
2 on each opening
7. With two separate adjusting
knobs or squeeze clamping
8. Color of adjusting knobs :
9. Mounts directly to standard
support rod with built in hook
10. The dual metal burette
clamp supports burettes from
10-100 mL (10-100 cc).
11. They can be attached to
support stand rods from16 mm
to 17 mm diameter
12. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped
rims, sharp edges, striae,
surface irregularities including
all other defects not stated
13. Comes with a brand
marked permanently onto the
14. Must be brand new
13 Electrolysis Functional Specifications: Used
Apparatus, to demonstrate and describe
student-type the decomposition reactions at
(Brownlee) the electrodes during the
electrolysis of water, producing
1:2 ratio of hydrogen & oxygen
gases respectively, by passing
DC current through water.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate
and describe the decomposition
reactions at the electrodes
during the electrolysis of water,
producing 1:2 ratio of hydrogen
& oxygen gases respectively, by
passing DC current through
water. Positive results occur:
a) When an ember in a stick is
introduced onto the test tube
with hydrogen gas, it pops.
b) If the gas is oxygen, the
ember must glow more

Design Specifications:
1. Shape of Jar : Cylindrical
container with a flat bottom,
with a wide mouth and a small
turned-out lip for pouring
2. Material of jar: Clear,
transparent, smooth, and
bubble-free borosilicate glass,
with the following dimensions:
a) Diameter : 114-130 mm
b) Height : 127-160 mm
3. Capacity: 1000 mL
4. Comes with two (2)
a) Material of two electrodes:
b) Submission of the original
copy of the Test certificate/s
issued by the testing unit, like
DOST material testing facilities
or at any DOST-accredited
testing institution attesting that
the material of the electrodes, is
platinum, to validate the
conformity of the material to
the technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during
preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to
testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier.

5. Comes with an acid-proof
insulating support to hold the
two binding posts (one red, one
6. Holder of two test tubes :
Two (2) spring clips
7. With two (2) reusable test
tubes with graduations
a) rimless
b) graduated from its bottom
to top. Zero starts at bottom
and 25- 27 mL on top/mouth of
test tube
c) Material of test tubes :
Borosilicate , clear, smooth,
transparent and bubble-free
reusable glass, free from
breakage, cracks, scratches,
chipped rims, sharp edges,
striae, surface irregularities
including all other defects not
stated herein, with the following
c1) Diameter: 18 mm
c2) Length : 150-151
mm long
c3) Capacity : 25-27 mL
d) With heavy uniform wall
thickness, excellent heat
resistance, round bottom glass
e) With permanent
graduation lines of approx.
volume and inscriptions in high
contrast fine, clean, continuous
and of uniform width, and in
colored enamel.
f) With Certification from
the manufacturer that the test
tubes are reusable and not
8. Comes with power source:
220 V -240 V AC input)/ (0-12
V) DC output, and with switch
9. Comes with 9 V battery with
one (1) battery snap
10. Comes with two (2)
connecting wires (1 red, 1
a) Length : 304-305 mm
b) Type of wire : Stranded
c) Gauge no. : 20 - can be
seen printed on the insulation
of the wire
d) Comes with alligator clip
soldered on one end of the
wires with banana plugs
soldered on the other end of
each wire (1 red, 1 black)
12. Comes with two (2)
replacement graduated test
a) rimless
b) graduated from its
bottom to top. Zero starts at
c) Material of test tubes :
Borosilicate , clear, transparent
and bubble-free-glass, with the
following dimensions:
d)Diameter :18.0-18.5 mm
e) Length :150-151mm long
f) Capacity : 25 mL
g) With heavy uniform wall
thickness, excellent heat
resistance, round bottom glass
h) With permanent
graduation of approx. volume
and inscriptions in high
contrast white enamel.
i) With brand
etched/printed permanently
onto the item
13. Comes with two (2) solid
rubber stoppers to fit perfectly
the two (18 x 150 mL) test
14. Must be able to separate
water into its elements
producing two gases (hydrogen
and oxygen) with a 2:1 ratio,
a) 2 mL hydrogen: 1 mL oxygen;
b) 4 mL hydrogen: 2 mL oxygen,
c) 6 mL hydrogen: 3 mL oxygen,
d) 8 mL hydrogen: 4 mL oxygen,
e) 10 mL hydrogen: 5 mL
oxygen, and so on
until 6-8 mL of the has been
collected for hydrogen gas,
during the Electrolysis of Water
experiment, and then test for
the gases. Testing for each of
the gases:
a) For the gas collected at the
negative electrode, a popping
sound must be produced -
Hydrogen gas
b) For the gas collected at the

positive electrode, the ember
must glow more - Oxygen gas
supports combustion
15.With a well written
Operations Manual and
Assembly Guide in English
16.With sample Activity
Sheets/Teacher's Manual in
17. With Detailed instructions
18. For numbers 15-17, the
following technical
specifications from (a-e) must
be followed:
a) For List of materials, In
Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Teacher's Guide, Student
Worksheets, Instruction
Sheets/ Assembly Guides, In
sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic keycard that
shall contain the actual colored
picture of the model including
the name: labeled with the
required parts with details as
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times New
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Orientation: Portrait
v) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
vi) Line with arrow head
of 1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being

19. Comes with a training
video that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation in a USB and shall
contain the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
"a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
"a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
20. Placed in bubble wrap,
enclosed in polystyrene and
comes complete with a padded
box with storage slots for each
item to help prevent glass
21. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims and sharp
edges surface irregularities and
other defects not stated herein

22. Comes with a brand
etched/enamelled permanently
onto the glass
23. Must be brand new
14 Flask,
Functional Specifications: Used
to :
250 mL
a) contain/hold a small
chemical reaction,
b) mix solids and liquids,
c) heat substances over a
Bunsen/alcohol burner's flame
up to over 100 °C or
d) collect them in a
titration/distillation experiment

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to:
a) contain/hold a small
chemical reaction,
b) mixes solids and liquids
during chemical reaction,
c) heats substances up to
100°C over a Bunsen burner's
flame up to 250 mL, or
d) serves as a reaction vessel in
a titration experiment, and to
collect distillate during

Design Specifications:
1. Features a conical body, a
cylindrical short neck , narrow
mouth, with sloping sides,
beaded rim, and with a flat
2. Material : Clear, and
transparent bubble-free,
smooth, borosilicate, glass with
the following dimensions:
a) Outside diameter: 80-82
b)Height: 130-132 mm
c) Thickness: 1.5 to 2.0mm
b) Neck inside diameter
range : 28 to 30 mm
3. With uniform wall thickness
4. With narrow mouth, heavy
duty beaded rim, graduated
5. With easy pour spout

6. With permanent durable
white enamel graduations of
approximate volumes, large
white block letters, numbers
and easy to read inscriptions
enamelled onto the glass, which
includes the following:
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) Capacity: 250 mL
c) With large white marking
d) With single graduated
metric scale
d1) Graduation range : 50
-200 mL
d2) Graduation interval:
25 mL
d3) Graduation starts at:
50 mL in 25 mL increments
e) Tolerance: ±6% and other
inscriptions enamelled onto the
7. Wrapped in paper and
individually packed in a
compartmentalized box
8. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped
rims, sharp edges, striae,
surface irregularities including
all other defects not stated
9. Must be able to withstand
heating of water up to 150
degrees Celsius
10. Placed in bubble wrap and
packed in a sturdy box to help
prevent glass breakage.
11. Comes with a brand
enamelled permanently onto
the glass
12. Must have a brand printed
permanently on the glass
13. Must be brand new
15 Funnel, Functional Specifications: Used
borosilicate, to direct the smooth flow of the
fluted liquid or fine-grained
substances into another
container to prevent spills

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to direct the
smooth flow of the liquid or
fine-grained substances into

another container to prevent

Design Specifications:
1.Type : 60 ° angle, Fluted
short stem funnel
2. Shape: A wide, inverted
conical top with narrow short
circular tube at the bottom,
with depressed inside flutings
in 60° angle
3. Material: Borosilicate, clear,
transparent, bubble-free glass,
with the following dimensions:
a) Top outside diameter: 75-
76 mm
b) Stem outer diameter : 8-
8.5 mm
c) Stem length : 75-76 mm
d) Total Height : 139-140
4. With heavy beaded rim/edge
and heavy uniform wall for
5. With slanted fire polished tip,
filter angle (angled 60°) and
depressed inside fluting help
reduce filtering time
6. Wrapped in paper, enclosed
in bubble wrap, and
individually packed in a sturdy
7. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped
rims, sharp edges, striae,
surface irregularities including
all other defects not stated
8. Comes with a brand and 60°
embossed permanently onto the
9. Must be brand new
16 Glass Tubing, Functional Specifications: Used
Ø 6 mm x Ø 4 to contain/hold/mix liquids or
mm x 1500 gases during chemical reactions
mm long and to connect other pieces of
equipment/glassware to a gas
or liquid assembly

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to:

a) be bent to connect other
pieces of equipment/glassware
to a gas or liquid assembly like
in the activity " Flowing Up" and
connect Florence flask to the
Liebig condenser as a
substitute for distilling flask for
Distillation set up
b) contain/hold/mix liquids or
gases during chemical
reactions, to relate the rate of
gas effusion with molar mass
and demonstrate Graham’s law
of effusion in an experiment
where a white ring mass is

Design Specifications:
1. Shape : Long slender hollow
2. Material : Soda lime, clear,
transparent, bubble-free glass
tubing, with the following
a) Outside diameter : 6.0-6.5
b) Wall thickness : 1.0-1.2
c)Length: 1219-1500 mm
3. With fire polished ends
4. Individually wrapped in used
newspaper, enclosed in a
bubble wrap, and packed in a
sturdy box
5. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped
rims, sharp edges, striae,
surface irregularities including
all other defects not stated
6. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on its packaging
7. Must be brand new
17 Manometer, Functional Specifications: Used
Open U-tube to indicate the difference in the
heights of the manometric
liquid to measure pressure

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to indicate the
difference in the heights of the
manometric liquid to measure
pressure by getting the
pressure difference
Design Specifications:
1. Type : Differential pressure
2. Shape : U-shaped glass tube
partially filled with liquid, with
no moving parts and requires
no calibration
3. Material : Glass
4. With a 50-52 cm arm with
funnel top on one arm and 4.5-
5.5 cm bent (90°) with 15-16
mm rifted tip on another arm
for easy connection
5. U-tube is mounted on a
board, fixed on a wooden stand
for vertical mounting using
metal clips
a) Material of stand : Wooden
b) Dimensions of back plate
i) Length : 540-542 mm
ii) Width : 90-102 mm
6. A millimeter scale is fitted
between the arms of the tube.
a) Scale having graduation
range: 0-50 cm
b) Graduation increment:
1mm, with 0 at the bottom
7. Accessories:
a) With latex tubing, glass
wall 2 mm thickness, 7.5-8.0
mm inner diameter.
i) Material of rubber
tubing: Non-toxic non-tacky
latex rubber tubing for the
laboratory activity.
ii)Length of rubber tube:
3000-3300 mm
8. Stand with glass tube placed
in bubble wrap, enclosed in
bubble wrap and packed
individually in a sturdy box
9. Accessories enclosed in
resealable plastic bag
10. With User's Manual in
11. With Assembly Guides and
Activity Sheets
12. For numbers #10 and 11;
they must be:
a) In Table form for List of
materials, in A4 size, glossy
paper, laminated
b) In sentences format for
instruction sheets/assembly
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c)Printed in original copy, not
d) In colored
e) in 0.3 minimum thickness
plastic laminated keycard that
shall contain the actual colored
picture of the model including
the name labeled with the
required parts with details as
i) Paper Size: A4 size, 80
ii) Font: Times New Roman
iii) Font size: 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
13. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
14. Individually packed in a
sturdy box
15. Comes with a brand
printed permanently onto the
wooden stand
16. Must be brand new
18 Mortar and Functional Specifications: Used
Pestle, to pulverize/mash/grind and to
porcelain, 150 mix materials in a mortar using
mL a pestle

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
pulverize/mash/grind and
mixes materials in a mortar
using a pestle to demonstrate
how particle size affects
solubility and the rate of
chemical reaction.

Decreasing the size of the
particles increases the rate of
dissolving and speeds up the
rate of reaction because the
surface area of the reactant has
been increased.

Design Specifications:
A. Mortar
1. Shape of mortar : Deep form,
bowl shape, with wide mouth,
and with deeply molded,
smooth rounded bottom

2. Material for mortar and

pestle: Porcelain, with the
following dimensions:
a) Outside diameter : 130-
132 mm
b) Height/Depth : 65-85mm
3. Capacity: 150 mL
4. With pouring lip
5. With unglazed grinding
surface (interior) and uniformly
glazed exterior
B. Pestle:
6. Shape of pestle: Cylindrical
with bulbous bottom, with the
following dimensions:
a) Length range : 133-160
mm and
b) Diameter range: 28-40
mm diameter at its widest
7. Material of pestle: A heavy
bat-shaped porcelain
8. Uniformly glazed on its
handle and rough on opposite
9. The set is individually
wrapped, enclosed in a bubble
wrap and packed in a sturdy
10. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
11. Comes with a brand
marked permanently on the
12. Must be brand new

19 Osmosis Functional Specifications: Used
Apparatus to show that water passes
through a semi-permeable
membrane causing a rise in the
level of water in the thistle tube

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show that water
passes through a semi-
permeable membrane causing a
rise in the level of water in the
thistle tube, to
describe/demonstrate the effect
of concentration on one of the
colligative properties (osmotic
pressure) of solutions

Design Specifications:
1. Features a long shaft of tube
with a reservoir and a funnel
like/flared rim section at the
top and at the bottom. The
shaft is designed to allow
insertion through a small hole
present in a Y-shaped support
stand giving way for the tube
to be inserted into a container.
2. Comes as a complete set,
which is composed of the
following items:
a) With one (1) pc battery jar
= 600-605 mL cap
b) With one (1) pc double
thistle tube with brand name
etched onto the glass
b1) Shape of double
thistle tube: A long shaft of
tube that ends in a reservoir
bulb with a funnel
shaped/flared rim at the top
and bottom part
b2) Material of double
thistle tube and jar : Smooth,
clear, transparent free from
bubbles, striae, or other
imperfections borosilicate glass,
with the following dimensions:
Length of double
thistle tube : 405-410 mm
Diameter of each
thistle tube (top and bottom):
29-30 mm
Diameter of glass
tube: 14-15 mm

c) With one (1) pc stable Y-
shaped metal support stand,
safe to use, and absence/free
of all sharp edges, all surface
imperfections/irregularities and
all other defects not stated
c1) Shape of metal support
stand: Y-shaped support stand
c2) Material of support
stand: Aluminum
c3) With a black plastic
adjusting screw at the rear end
with the red adjusting screw
near the center of the Y-support
stand used to adjust the
opening of the stand when the
double thistle tube is mounted
vertically in place
d) Comes with ten (10) pc
semi-permeable membrane
3. Each item is individually
placed in a snap fit organizer
shaped into each item and
packed as a complete set in a
padded sturdy polystyrene box
4. With Instruction Manual
and Activity Sheets
5. With a well written User's
Manual (Assembly guides) and
Activity Sheets in American
English, with technical
specifications details(a-e) as
a) original print
b) A4 size copy paper (80
c) With colored pictures,
d)Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides: with 2 point width border
e) Lay out orientation :
f) Title: OSMOSIS
APPARATUS shall be placed on
the top center
i) Font style: Times New
ii) Font size: 36
iv) BOLD
g) Labels

i) Font style : Times
New Roman
ii)Font size: 14.
iii) First letter of the
label is capitalized
iv) Line with arrowhead
of 1.25 width shall point to the
specific part being labeled
h) Sentences must be
grammatically correct and with
correct spelling, punctuations
and terminologies
i) with colored illustrations
and drawings
j) with 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated in
thick plastic
6. Must be free from rust and
dirt, breakage, cracks , chipped
rims, sharp edges, other
surface irregularities and all
other defects not stated herein
7. Placed in bubble wrap, with
storage slots for each item
enclosed in polystyrene and
packed as a set in a padded box
to help prevent glass breakage.
8. Comes with a brand
permanently etched onto the
double thistle tube and in the
9. Must be brand new
20 Reagent Functional Specifications: Used
Bottle, narrow- to contain/store and to provide
mouth, amber, UV protection of prepared light
borosilicate, sensitive solutions/substances
250 mL to prevent change/alteration in
the composition of their
Performance Specifications:
Must be able to contains/store
and to provide UV protection for
the prepared light sensitive
solutions/substances to
prevent change/alteration in
the composition of their
Design Specifications:
1. Shape : Cylindrical narrow-
mouth bottle
2. Material : Borosilicate,
smooth, bubble-free glass with
the following dimensions:

a) Bottle diameter range: 66-
72 mm
b) Neck I.D. range : 23-28
c) Over-all height: 130 to 150
3. Color: Amber
4. With approximate volumes,
capacity, and other markings
are in permanent white enamel
which resists aggressive
washing solutions
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) 250 mL
c) white marking field/spot
in permanent white enamel
5. With octagonal plastic
Socket size: 19/26 that fits
the mouth well
6. With a white marking
field/spot in permanent white
a) logo/brand name
b) 250 mL
7.Wrapped in paper, enclosed
in bubble wrap and packed
individually in a padded sturdy
8. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, striae, all surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
9. Comes with a brand
enamelled permanently onto
the glass
10. Must be brand new
21 Reagent Functional Specifications: Used
Bottle, wide- to hold/ contain/store prepared
mouth, solutions/ substances
250 mL

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
hold/contain/store prepared

Design Specifications:

1. Shape: Cylindrical wide-
mouth bottle
2. Material: Borosilicate, clear,
smooth, transparent and
bubble-free glass, with the
following dimensions:
a) Bottle diameter : 69 mm to
73 mm
b) Mouth diameter: 34 mm to
44 mm
c) Height : 129 mm to 142
3. Features no-drip pour lip
4. With ground-in glass stopper
5. With air tight seal
6. With approximate volumes,
capacity, and other markings
are in permanent white
enamel/stain which resists
aggressive washing solutions
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) 250 mL
c) white marking field/spot
in permanent white enamel
7. Wrapped in paper, enclosed
in bubble wrap and packed
individually in a sturdy box
8. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
9. Comes with a brand
enamelled onto the glass
10. Must be brand new
22 Rubber Functional Specifications: Used
Stopper # 0 to seal the openings of 16 mm
(for Ø 16mm diameter test tubes and other
test tube) laboratory glassware that
require a tighter seal or a
greater degree of chemical prevent leaks,
hazards and contamination

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to seal the
openings of 16 x 150 mm test
tubes and other laboratory
glassware that require a tighter
seal or a greater degree of
chemical prevent

leaks, hazards and

Design Specifications:
1. Shape: Cylindrical with a
tapered bottom end
2. Material : Rubber compound
with the following dimensions:
a) Height : 25-25.5 mm
b) Top Ǿ : 17-17.50 mm
c) Bottom Ǿ : 13-13.5 mm
3. Hardness : 40-45 Duro
4. Packed in resealable plastic
5. With no. 0 embossed onto
the rubber stopper
6. Must be free from cracks,
sharp edges, and all other
surface imperfections including
all other defects not stated
7. Comes with a brand marked
permanently in the bag
8. Must be brand new
23 Spatula, spoon, Functional Specifications: Used
porcelain and to hold/contain and transfer
glazed solids and liquids from one
container to the other

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to hold/contain
and transfers solids and liquids
from one container to the other

Design Specifications:
1. Features a white, broad, flat,
flexible blade (spatula) on one
end and a spoon on the other
2. Material : Uniformly glazed
smooth finish porcelain
a) Capacity: 0.3 mL
b) Overall Length : 121-142
3. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped edges and all
other defects not stated herein
4. Wrapped in paper, enclosed
in bubble wrap and packed in a
sturdy box.
5. Must be free from cracks,
sharp edges, and all other

surface imperfections including
all other defects not stated
6. Comes with a brand marked
permanently in the box
7. Must be brand new
24 Stirring Rod, Ǿ Functional Specifications: Used
6 mm x 250 to mix liquids and solids
mm long

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to mix liquids and
solids well to speed up the
dissolving process and
increases the rate of reaction

Design Specifications:
1. Features a long, slender
cylindrical solid glass, with the
same thickness and slightly
longer than a drinking straw
and with rounded fire polished
2. Material: Clear, transparent
bubble-free stir stick solid
borosilicate glass with the
following dimensions:
a) Diameter( Ø) : 6-6.3 mm
b) Length: 250-254 mm long
3. With rounded and fire
polished ends
4. Wrapped in paper, enclosed
in bubble wrap and packed in a
sturdy box
5. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped unpolished
ends, all other surface
imperfections including all
other defects not stated herein
6. Comes with a brand marked
permanently in the box
7. Must be brand new
25 Test tube Functional Specifications: Used
brush to clean test tubes and other
small sized glassware

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to clean test tubes
and other small-sized glassware
with densely filled radial tip and
head brush to make complete
contact with walls, corners and
Design Specifications:
1. Features a radial tufted tip
white nylon bristles and brush
head lined against a rather
sturdy wire handle with a
looped end to make complete
contact with walls, corners and
bottom to clean test tubes and
other small sized glassware.
2. Material of bristles : Medium
stiff nylon with the following
a) Diameter of bristle
section: 18-19 mm
b) Length of bristle section :
82-102 mm
c) Over-all length: 228 -229
3. Material of handle:
Galvanized steel wire
4. Type of wire handle :
Common loop twisted wire
5. With circular wire loop for
6. Packed in a resealable plastic
7. Must be free from rust, sharp
edges, all other surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
8. Comes with a brand marked
permanently in the box
9. Must be brand new
26 Test Tube, Functional Specifications: Used
borosilicate, Ǿ to contain/hold a small
16 mm x 150 chemical reaction , to mix small
mm long quantities of solids and liquids,
and to heat small quantities of

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to contain/hold a
small chemical reaction and ,
mixes solids and liquids, heats
small quantity of substances up
to more than 100°C over a
Bunsen burner's flame

Design Specifications:
1. Features a finger-like length
of glass tubing, open at the top,
usually with a rounded lip at

the top, and a rounded 'U'
shaped bottom

2. Material of test tube:

Borosilicate , clear, transparent
bubble-free, reusable glass,
with rim, with the following
a) Outside Diameter: 15.8-
16.0 mm
b) Thickness: 1.3 -1.4 mm
c) Length: 150-152 mm
d) Comes with a certification
from the manufacturer that the
test tube is reusable and not
3. Capacity: 20 mL
4. With heavy uniform wall
thickness, excellent heat
5. With large, white enamel
marking spot
6. Test tubes must be reusable
(not disposable)
7. Wrapped individually in
tissue paper, enclosed in
bubble wrap and packed in
compartmentalized box
8. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims, surface
irregularities and all other
defects not stated herein
9. Comes with a brand
enamelled permanently in the
10. Must be brand new
27 Tong, Crucible Functional Specifications: Used
to lift and hold crucibles,
remove the lids from crucibles,
transfer evaporating dishes or
picking small objects out of a
reaction container

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to lift and
hold crucibles, remove the lids
from crucibles, transfer
evaporating dishes or picking
small objects out of a reaction

Design Specifications:

1. Features a scissor-like and a
long bent neck tongs, with two
anti-skid pincers or pieces of
metals that concave together,
which allow the users to grasp
a hot crucible, flasks,
evaporating dishes, or even
small beakers
2. Material : Stainless steel,
durable, stable, rust and heat
a) Color: Silver
b) Finish: Smooth
c) Overall Length: 228 -229
3. With riveted joints
4. With serrated tips.
5. Enclosed in resealable bag
and packed in a sturdy box
6. Must be free from rust, dirt,
cracks, chipped and sharp
edges and surface irregularities
including all other defects not
stated herein
7. Comes with a brand marked
permanently in a box
8. Must be brand new
28 Vial, screw- Functional Specifications: Used
neck, 25 ml. to hold/contain/store/mix
(with screw- small quantities of samples/
type plastic solutions/substances up to 25
cap) mL

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
hold/contain/store/mix small
quantities of samples up to 25

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Threaded Screw cap
2. Shape : Bottle-like shape
with a threaded neck, solid
plastic closure and with a flat
3. Material : Borosilicate clear,
transparent, and bubble-free
glass, with the following
a) Outside Diameter : 25-30
b) Length: 60-80 mm

4. With screw- type solid plastic
5. Shape of neck : Cylindrical,
6. Neck finish : Continuous
7. Cap Color: Colored
8. Cap Attached: No
9. Cap Material : Plastic
10. Closure style : Solid top,
screw thread cap
11. Material: Plastic
a)Diameter : 25-30 mm
b) Length: 60-80 mm
12. Capacity: 25 mL
13. Packed individually in a
14. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped and sharp
edges and surface irregularities
including all other defects not
stated herein
15. Comes with a brand
marked permanently on the box
16. Must be brand new
29 Vial, screw- Functional Specifications: Used
neck, 50 mL to hold/contain/store/mix
(with screw- small quantities of samples/
type plastic solutions/substances up to 50
cap) mL

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
up to 50 mL

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Threaded Screw cap
2. Features a bottle-like shape
with a threaded neck, screw
cap plastic closure and with a
flat bottom
3. Material : Borosilicate, clear,
transparent, and bubble-free
glass with the following
a) Outside Diameter : 25-50
b) Length : 100-108 mm
4. Capacity: 50 mL
5. Shape of neck: Cylindrical,
6. Neck finish: Continuous
7. Cap Color: Colored
8. Cap Attached: No
9. Cap Material: Plastic
10. Closure style: Solid top,
screw thread cap
11. Material: Plastic
a) Diameter : 24-26 mm
11. Packed individually in a
compartmentalized box
12. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped and sharp
edges and surface irregularities
including all other defects not
stated herein
13. Comes with a brand
marked permanently on the box
14. Must be brand new
30 Watch Glass, Ø Functional Specifications: Used
90 mm to:
a) cover glassware like beakers
b) evaporates solvents in a
sample and
c) holds/contains liquids and
solids prior to heating.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to:
a) cover glassware like beakers
b) evaporate solvents in a
sample and
c) hold/contain liquids and
solids prior to heating.

Design Specifications:
1.Shape : Circular concave
2. Material : Borosilicate, clear,
transparent, and bubble-free
glass with the following
a) Diameter : 90-91 mm
b) Thickness range : 1.5 mm
to 2 mm
3. Fire-polished rims/edges
4. Individually wrapped in used
newspaper, enclosed in a
bubble wrap, and packed in a
sturdy box

5. Must have fire polished
edges/rims, be free from
breakage, cracks, chipped and
sharp edges, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
6. Comes with a brand marked
permanently in the box
7. Must be brand new


1 Balance, Functional Specifications: Used
Toploading, to measure an object's mass up
Electronic to 500 g capacity accurate up to
0.01 g readability

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure an
object's mass up to 500 g
capacity accurate up to 0.01 g
readability to determine mass
relationship in a chemical

Design Specifications:
1. Type: Digital
2. Shape of pan: Rectangular
3. Material of pan: Stainless
4. Removable high strength
stainless steel weighing
5. Load/Capacity: 500 g
6. Readability/Accuracy: 0.01 g
7. Repeatability: 0.01 g
8. Comes with 500 g span
calibration mass
9. Power Supply : 220-240V/
10. With large Liquid crystal
display (LCD) with backlight
11. With multiple weighing
units and overload protection
12. With automatic calibration
13. With standard RS 232
14. Parts counting and
percentage weighing
15. With accessories, such as:
a) the power cord,
b) AC Adapter and

c) 4 AA batteries
d) draft shield
16. With Statement of
Accuracy/ Certification of
Accuracy latest issued by the
concerned institution which
must conform to the
authoritative standards
appropriate to the goods’
country of origin
17. Comes with a training
video that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation in a USB and shall
contain the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable subtitle
(font style & size: Arial, 22 Bold)
in English that is grammatically
error-free and with correct
spelling and punctuation marks
and in sync with a
voiceover/narration. There is an
ON/OFF option for subtitle.
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video

18. Must be rust-free, free from
dirt and breakage, cracks,
chipped and sharp edges, other
surface irregularities including
all other defects not stated
19. Comes with a brand marked
permanently onto the item
20. Must be brand new
2 Balance, Triple Functional Specifications: To
Beam, with tare, measure mass of solids, liquids
2610-gram and gases accurate up to 0.1 g

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure mass
of solids and liquids accurate
up to 0.1 g readability to
determine mass relationship in
a chemical reaction

Design Specifications:
1. Features three graduated-tier
beam with pan
2. Display: Easy to-read deep-
notched, tiered beams and dial
3. Material of weighing pan:
Stainless Steel
4. Shape of weighing pan:
5. Pan size diameter : 150-151
6. Material of base : Cast metal
with corrosion resistant smooth
7. With spring, loaded zero-
adjust compensator
8. With self-aligning agate
bearings, precision ground
steel knife edges
9. With magnetic dampening to
minimize oscillation and speed
10. With adjustment knob for
11. With iron stand assembly
(stand rod and C clamp) for
fastening on the table and
suspending the triple beam
balance on air for specific
gravity determination
12. Maximum Capacity : 2610
13. Accuracy : 0.10 gram
14. With three beam
a) Rear beam : 100 g X 10 g
b) Center beam : 500 g X
100 g
c) Front beam : 10 g X 0.1 g
15. Equipped with three
a) 2 pc 1,000 grams counter
b) 1-pc 500 grams counter
16. With Statement of Accuracy
(Certificate of Traceability)
indicating accuracy traceable to
standards of the country of
17. With English User's manual
that contains Operation guide
and also indicates formula and
procedure in determining
specific gravity and taring.
18. Comes with a training
video that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation in a USB and shall
contain the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:

a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable subtitle
(font style & size: Arial, 22 Bold)
in English that is grammatically
error-free and with correct
spelling and punctuation marks
and in sync with a
voiceover/narration. There is an
ON/OFF option for subtitle.
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
19. Must be free from rust and
dirt, breakage, cracks, chipped
and sharp edges, other surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
20. Enclosed in a polystyrene
and packed in a sturdy box
21. Comes with a brand marked
permanently onto the item and
22. Must be brand new
3 Calorimeter Functional Specifications: Used
to measure heat effects or heat
of reactions

Performance Specifications:
a) Must be able to measure the
heat effects or heat of reactions,
the heat of neutralization of an
acid and heat of fusion in the
b) to distinguish between
exothermic and endothermic

Design Specifications:
1. Features a double-walled
cylindrical double wall with air
insulation between two polished
spun vessels

2. Material : Two polished spun
aluminum vessels with the
following dimensions:
A) Outer vessel size:
a) Height :100-140 mm
b) Diameter : 65-115 mm
B) Inner vessel size :
a) Height: 72-89 mm
b) Diameter : 61-77 mm
3. The two are separated by a
molded polystyrene insulated
separator/insulating wall.
4. The outer vessel has a
transparent plastic lid/molded
Bakelite cover, and with hole for
5. Supplied complete with
stirrer, but without
6. Accessories:
a) With a plastic insulator
ring or fiber washer for
insulating and supporting one
vessel within the other,
protects the polystyrene
insulation against damage and
liquid spills.
b) Insulated Stirrer
c) A clear transparent molded
cover or plastic lid with a filler
cap, with two holes (one hole is
for the rubber stopper that
holds the thermometer and the
other hole for the stirrer
d) Rubber stopper with one
e) With polystyrene/a fiber
separator to insulate the inner
f) Submission of the original
copy of the Test certificate/s
issued by the testing unit, like
DOST material testing facilities
or at any DOST-accredited
testing institution attesting that
the material of the insulation of
the calorimeter, is polystyrene,
to validate the conformity of the
material to the technical
specifications. A representative
of the Procuring Entity should
be present during preparation
and submission of the material

test specimens to testing
facility. All expenses for the said
test shall be shouldered by the
7. With Instruction Manual in
English that contains precise
instructions on how to conduct
common calorimetry
8. With User's Manual on the
use, care, maintenance, trouble
shooting and proper storage in
9. With Activity
Sheets/Teachers Manual in
10. For numbers #7 to 9;
technical specifications (a-e)
must be followed:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies, punctuations
and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
keycard that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name:
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size: A4 size, 80
ii) Font: Times New
iii) Font size: 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
11. Must be free from rust and
dirt, cracks, scratches, dented
rims, sharp edges, surface

irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
12. Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the calorimeter
13. Must be brand new
4 Centrifuge Functional Specifications: Used
as one of the separation
techniques for mixtures and
compounds when the density
difference between the particles
and liquid is great, the particles
are large, and the liquid
viscosity is low. Separates blood
at 3300 rpm and can be slowed
down to separate other fluids at
lower G forces such as urine

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to separate
mixtures and compounds based
on density difference between
the particles and liquid is great,
the particles are large, and the
liquid viscosity is low. Separates
blood at 3300 rpm and can be
slowed down to separate other
fluids at lower G forces such as
urine specimens

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Fixed speed
2. Material: Non-toxic plastic,
with the following dimensions:
a) Height : 241-266 mm
b)Width : 279-330 mm
c) Depth : 279-330 mm
d) Certification from the
manufacturer of the non-
toxicity of the material used
3. Color finish: Black
4. With Angled rotor, 8-Place
Centrifuge with Timer
5. With Lid safety shut-off
6. Holds 3 mL to 15 mL size
7. With 12 volt DC
maintenance-free motor
8. Maximum volume : 120 mL
(15 mL x 8)
9. Fuse : 3 amp/ 250 volts

10. Maximum speed : 3,500
rpm with fixed speed control.
(blood, urine, etc.)
11.Clear view port in lid for
using tachometer
12. Suction-cupped feet to
prevent slipping
13. With Auto-off 30-minute
timer with bell
14. With power cord
15. Power supply: 110/220 v ,
with auto-switching power
16. Certification : CE, UL, cUL
17.Includes the following:
a). Eight-place tube rotor
b) Eight 15ml tube sleeves
c) Eight 13 x 75 mm tube
sleeve inserts
d) Eight 15 mL round
bottom plastic centrifuge tubes
with screw cap with white or
black print graduations
e) Eight 13 x 75mm round
bottom plastic centrifuge tubes
with screw cap
18. Placed in bubble wrap,
enclosed in polystyrene and
individually packed in sturdy
19. With Operations Manual
and Assembly Guide in English
20. With sample activity sheets
in English
21. For numbers #19 to 20;
technical specifications (a-e)
must be followed:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies, punctuations
and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,

e) in 0. 3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
keycard that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size: A4 size, 80
ii) Font: Times New
iii) Font size: 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
22. Comes with a training
video that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation in a USB and shall
contain the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
"a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
"a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable subtitle
(font style & size: Arial, 22 Bold)
in English that is grammatically
error-free and with correct
spelling and punctuation marks
and in sync with a
voiceover/narration. There is an
ON/OFF option for subtitle.
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
23. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped rims,
sharp edges, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
24. Comes with a brand marked
permanently onto the label
25. Must be brand new
5 Electrical Functional Specifications: Used
Conductivity as a visual demonstration of the
(Conductivity of electrical conductivity of various
Solutions) liquids/solutions.
Performance Specifications:
Must be used as a visual
demonstration of the electrical
conductivity of various
liquids/solutions whether it is
a) electrolyte - conducts
electricity or
b) non-electrolyte - does not
conduct electricity

Design Specifications:
1. Shape : Cylindrical jar with
flat bottom
2. Material of jar: Clear,
transparent, smooth, and
bubble free glass, with the
following dimensions:
a) Diameter: 72-75 mm
b) Height : 75-80 mm
3. Capacity of jar/container:
150-200 mL
4. It comes with a jar cover
which perfectly fits the glass jar
a) Material of jar cover:
b) Color of jar cover:
Green/Any color
5.It consists of an electric lamp
(3.0-4.0 V) in series with open
6. It comes with a plastic
molded lamp socket

7. It comes with one (1) pc bulb
a) Type of bulb: Miniature
b) Voltage: 3.0-4.0 volts
c) Number of extra light
bulbs : Ten (10) pc
8.With two (2) binding posts
color coded (black and red) for
connection to two wire
9. With two (2) electrodes,
which fit inside the glass jar,
internally connected to the lamp
circuit, namely:
a) a copper wire (anode) and
b) a carbon rod (cathode)
10. Length of electrodes : 60-80
11. First power source: 2 AA
12. With 1 pc battery holder
13. Comes with second power
source: 220 V -240 V AC
input)/ (0-12 V) DC output,
comes with switch selector
14. Comes with:
a) two (2) connecting wires
(1 red, 1 black) with alligator
clips (1 red, 1 black) soldered on
one end of the wire
b) Length of wire : 305-330
c) Type of wire: Stranded
d) Gauge number : 20 -
which is printed permanently
on the insulation of the wire
15. Placed in bubble wrap,
enclosed in polystyrene and
comes complete with a padded
box with storage slots for each
item to help prevent glass
16. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, chipped rims and sharp
edges surface irregularities and
other defects not stated herein
17. Must be able to show during
an experiment on Electrical
Conductivity of Solutions that
electrolytes conduct electricity
when the bulb lights up while
non-electrolyte solutions did not

conduct electricity when the
bulb wont light up
18.With Operations Manual and
Assembly Guide in English
19. With sample activity
guide/sheets/Teacher's Manual
in English
20. For numbers #18 to 19; the
technical specifications a-e
must be followed:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies, punctuations
and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 3.0 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
keycard that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size: A4 size, 80
ii) Font: Times New
iii) Font size: 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
21. Comes with a brand marked
permanently onto the box
22. Must be brand new
6 Filter Paper, Functional Specifications: Used
crepe, 580mm x to filter/separate mixtures
580 mm sheet, solids from liquids
Grade 0905

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to filter solids from
liquids to demonstrate filtration,
as one of the techniques in
separating mixtures (solids from

Design Specifications:
1. Type: Technical use
2. Shape of filter paper : Square
3. Material: Cellulose with the
following dimensions:
a) Length: 580-580.5 mm
b) Width : 580-580.5 mm
4. Color: White to cream
5. Surface: Creped, very coarse
textured surface
6. Grade 0905
7. Initial Filtration Speed: 5
sec/10 mL
8. Flow rate : High
9. Packed in a brown filter
paper tube
10.Must be free from dirt and
all other surface imperfections
including all other defects not
stated herein
11. Comes with a brand marked
permanently printed in the
filter paper tube
12. Must be brand new
7 Gloves, Hand, Functional Specifications: Used
super nitrile to protect hands against
mechanical risks,
microorganisms, chemical
burns and splashes

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to protect hands
against mechanical risks,
microorganisms, chemical
burns and splashes

Design Specifications:
1. Features a slightly curved
fingers and forward-facing
thumb correspond to the
natural position of the hand
2. Material : Nitrile, reusable,
with the following dimensions:
a) Length of gloves : 330-360
b)Thickness : 15 mil/0.38
mm minimum
The thickness must be
measured from the cuff, palm
and fingers
c) Submission of the original
copy of the Test certificate/s
issued by the testing unit,
like DOST material testing
facilities or at any DOST-
accredited testing institution
attesting that the material of
the hand gloves, is super
nitrile, to validate the
conformity of the material to the
technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during
preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to
testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier.
d) With Certification from the
manufacturer that the hand
gloves is reusable and not
3. Color : Green
4. Size : 8/Medium
5. Interior finish ( liner material)
: Flocklined acid/solvent
6. Exterior finish : Embossed
7. Cuff style: Straight
8. Latex free to suit those with
latex allergies
9. Non-slip wear resistant high
elasticity , waterproof
10. Puncture resistant
11.With detailed imprints on
each glove, on the following:
a) the glove size/s
b) the name of
c) nitrile, flocklined
d) individual
manufacturing lot
e) with pictograms for
certification category
requirements CE 0334 ( EN
420, EN 388, EN 374) designed
for protection against
mechanical risks, chemical
risks, and micro-organisms)

12. Individually packed in pairs
in a resealable plastic bag
13 With a statement of
conformity from the
manufacturer that the gloves
complies with the specifications
currently published and has
been subject to the strict quality
conditions imposed by internal
management systems.
14.Comes with a brand printed
permanently onto the gloves
15. Must be brand new
8 Graduated Functional Specifications: Used
Cylinder, to measure and to deliver the
borosilicate, 10 volume of liquids

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure and to
deliver the volume of liquids up
to 10 mL capacity

Design Specifications:
1. Features a narrow cylindrical
container with a small turned-
out lip
2. Materia l: Borosilicate, clear,
smooth, transparent and
bubble-free glass
a)Thickness range : 1.3-1.4
b) Outside diameter: 13-14
c) Height: 177-178 mm
3. Features an easy-pour spout
4. With permanent white
enamel graduations of
approximate volumes, large
white block letters, numbers
and inscriptions/markings easy
to read etched/engraved onto
the glass, before the first
graduation, which includes the
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) Capacity: 10 mL
c) Graduations: 0.10
d) Class: A
e)) Tolerance : ± 0.10 - ±0.20

f) EX/TD
g) ISO/ASTM/Certification/s
latest issued by the concerned
institution which must
conform to the standards
appropriate to the goods'
country of origin.
institution appropriate to
the goods' country of origin.
h) 20°C-27°C
5. Single metric scale
a) Graduation Range : 1 to 10
b) Graduation interval : 0.1
6.With a hexagonal non-
detachable glass base
7. With a bumper guard
8. With Statement of Accuracy
(Certificate of Traceability)
indicating accuracy traceable to
standards of the country of
9. Placed in bubble wrap, and
packed individually in a
compartmentalized box
10. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped rims,
sharp edges, striae, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
11. Comes with a brand marked
permanently onto the glass
12. Must be brand new
9 Graduated Functional Specifications: Used
Cylinder, to measure and to deliver the
borosilicate, 100 volume of liquids

Performance Specifications:
a) Must be able to measure and
to deliver the volume of liquids
up to 100 mL capacity
b) Used as a container to
determine the volume of
irregularly shaped solids by
water displacement

Design Specifications:
1. Features a narrow cylindrical
container with a small turned-
out lip

2. Material : Borosilicate, clear
and transparent bubble-free
glass with the following
a)Thickness range : 1.3-1.4
b)Outside diameter: 29-31
c) Height: 254-256 mm
3. Features an easy-pour spout
4. With permanent white
enamel graduations of
approximate volumes, large
white block letters, numbers
and inscriptions/markings easy
to read etched/engraved onto
the glass, before the first
graduation, which includes the
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) Capacity: 100 mL
c) Graduations: 1 mL
d) Class A
e) Tolerance : ± 0.60 mL
f) EX/TD
g) ISO/ASTM/Certification/s
latest issued by the concerned
institution which must
conform to the standards
appropriate to the goods'
country of origin.
h) 20°C
5. With single graduated metric
a)Graduation range : 5 to
100 mL
b) Graduation Interval : 1 mL
6. With plastic bumper guard
7. With a hexagonal non-
detachable glass base
8. With Statement of Accuracy
(Certificate of Traceability) or
Certification of Accuracy, a test
issued by the concerned
institution which must conform
to the authoritative standards
appropriate to the goods'
country of origin
9. Placed in bubble wrap, and
packed individually in a
compartmentalized box

10. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped rims,
sharp edges, striae, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
11. Comes with a brand marked
permanently onto the item
12. Must be brand new
10 Graduated Functional Specifications: Used
pipette with to measure the amount of liquid
rubber pipettor, being
borosilicate, 10 dispensed/delivered/transferred
mL to another container accurate
up to 10 mL capacity

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure the
amount of liquid being
delivered/transferred to another
container accurate up to 10 mL

Design Specifications:
1. Features a serological,
transfer type straight tube with
constricted end
2. Material : Borosilicate,
reusable, clear, transparent
bubble-free glass
a) With Certification from
the manufacturer that the
graduated pipette is reusable
and not disposable
3. With permanent colored
enamel graduations of
approximate volumes, large
white block letters, numbers
and inscriptions/markings easy
to read etched/engraved onto
the glass, before the first
graduation, which includes the
a) Manufacturer's name or
b) Capacity : 10 mL
c) Color band code for 10 mL
cap :Orange
d) Graduation interval: 0.1 mL
e) Class A
f) Marked "TD" /Ex
g) Tolerance : ± 0.06
h) ISO/ASTM/Certification/s
latest issued by the concerned
institution which must
conforms to the authoritative
standards appropriate to the
goods' country of origin.
i) 20°C
4. Graduated to tip, zero at top
5. Color code for 10 mL cap
6. Top end is constricted
7. Capacity: 10 mL
8. Graduation interval: 0.1 mL
9. Class A permanently marked
on the glass
Tolerance ±0.06 mL
10. Graduations , approximate
volumes, capacity, and other
markings are in permanent
amber stain which resists
aggressive washing solutions
11. With Statement of
Accuracy/ Certification of
Accuracy latest issued by the
concerned institution which
must conform to the
authoritative standards
appropriate to the goods’
country of origin
12. With a statement of
conformity from the
manufacturer that the product
complies with the specifications
currently published and has
been subject to the strict quality
conditions imposed by internal
management systems.
13.Accessory :
With Rubber pipettor
a) Type : Three (3) -way
Safety Bulb-type Pipet Filler
with S, E and A letters
embossed on the rubber
b) Material : Non-toxic
natural rubber
c) Color : Red/orange
d) With pinch release valves
that control air evacuation,
liquid uptake, and liquid
e) Fits standard size

14. Packaging : Wrap glassware
in newspaper and secure with a
piece of masking tape and place
in a bubble pouch, enclosed in
polystyrene and packed in a
sturdy box
15. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped rims,
sharp edges, striae, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
16.Comes with a brand printed
permanently on the glass
17. Must be brand new
11 Hydrometer for Functional Specifications: Used
heavy liquids to measure relative density of
heavy liquids based on the
concept of buoyancy

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure
relative density of heavy liquids
based on the concept of
buoyancy, like glycerine

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Long Plain Form
2. Features a long cylindrical
hollow glass tube with a bulb
weighted at the pointed bottom
with a steel ballast with
graduations on the arrow stem
for measuring.
3. Material : Clear , transparent
bubble-free Glass, with the
following dimensions:
a) Length : 300 - 330 mm
4. Specific Gravity Range: 1.00 -
5. Subdivision : 0.01
6. Comes with a ballast
a) Material of ballast : Glass
b) Heavy metals (lead,
mercury)- free metal ballast
c) Material inside the ballast :
Steel pellets and
d) With a binder
7. With Statement of Accuracy/
Certification of Accuracy latest
issued by the concerned
institution which must conform
to the authoritative standards

appropriate to the goods’
country of origin

8. Individually serialized
9. Individually packed in a
protective hard plastic case
10. With User's Manual in
11. With Activity
Sheets/Teacher's Manual in
12.For numbers #10-11, the
technical specifications (a-e)
must be followed:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies, punctuations
and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 minimum thickness
plastic laminated keycard that
shall contain the actual colored
picture of the model including
the name labeled with the
required parts with details as
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times New
iii) Font size: 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
13. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped rims,
sharp edges, striae, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein.
14. Must have a brand
etched/engraved onto the glass

15. Must be brand new

12 Hydrometer for Functional Specifications: Used

light liquids to measure relative density of
light liquids based on the
concept of buoyancy like water

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure the
relative density of liquids lighter
than water based on the
concept of buoyancy

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Long Plain Form
2. Shape : Long cylindrical
hollow glass tube with a bulb
weighted at the bottom with a
steel ballast with graduations
on the narrow stem for
3. Material : Clear , transparent
bubble-free Glass , with the
following dimensions:
a)Total Length: 300 - 330 mm
b)Subdivision : 0.005
4. Specific Gravity Range :
0.70 to 1.0
5. Accuracy : ±1 subdivision
6. Comes with a ballast
a) With heavy metals (lead,
mercury)- free metal ballast and
b) Material inside the ballast:
Steel pellets and
c) With a binder
7. With Statement of Accuracy/
Certification of Accuracy latest
issued by the concerned
institution which must conform
to the authoritative standards
appropriate to the goods’
country of origin
8. Individually serialized,
packed in a protective hard
plastic case
9. Individually packed in a
protective hard plastic case
10. With User's Manual in

11. With Activity
Sheets/Teacher's Manual in
12.For numbers #10-11; the
technical specifications (a-e)
must be strictly followed:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies, punctuations
and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
keycard that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times New
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
13. Must be free from breakage,
cracks, scratches, chipped rims,
sharp edges, striae, surface
irregularities including all other
defects not stated herein
14. With a brand
etched/printed onto the item
15. Must be brand new
13 Laboratory Hot Functional Specifications:
Plate with a)Used to heat samples,
magnetic stirrer glassware and its contents,
solutions, and substances
uniformly with constant stirring
, or
b) boiling of water

c) to sterilize glassware and
other materials uniformly,
d) dissolving buffers and
reagents with constant stirring
e) preparing media,
f) concentrating samples and
g) to prepare chemicals used in
scientific research.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
a) heat samples, glassware and
its contents, solutions, and
substances with constant
b) boiling of water
c) to sterilize glassware and
other materials uniformly
d) dissolving buffers and
reagents with constant stirring
e) preparing media,
f) concentrating samples and
g) to prepare chemicals used in
scientific research
h) Agitates the liquid to speed
up the reaction and mixes
components (solid and liquid to
get homogeneous mixtures

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Digital
2. Top plate material : Ceramic
coated aluminum plate
resistant)with the following
a) Length : 178-220 mm
b) Width: 178-220 mm
c) Submission of the original
copy of the Test certificate/s
issued by the testing unit,
like DOST material testing
facilities or at any DOST-
accredited testing institution
attesting that the material of the
top plate is ceramic coated
aluminum (chemical-acid-base
resistant), to validate the
conformity of the material to
the technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during

preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to
testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier.
3. Color of top plate : White
4. Color of body: Midnight
blue/any color
5. Comes with temperature
probe, probe holder, support
rod, and stir bar
a) With accurate internal
temperature sensor and
external temperature probe
b) With plug/holder/
clamp/clip for temperature
c) With built-in support rod
mount, thumbscrew,
accommodates rods up to 13
mm in dia.
d) With Stand rod with the
following dimensions:
i) Material: Stainless steel
ii) Diameter (Ф):12-14 mm
iii) Length: Ф450-452 mm
iv) With PTFE Cross
Spinplus magnetic stirrer bar
Dimensions: 1 x 9/16
inches (25.4 x 14.3 mm)
Color: White
6.Maximum Operating Temp.:
380 ᴼC minimum
7. Temperature accuracy : ± 0.3
°C at set temperature
8. Stirring capacity : 5-20 Liters
9. Speed : 80-1500 rpm
10. Control resolution : 5 rpm
11. Temperature range and
accuracy : Max 380 °C
12. Heating power consumption
: 600 W minimum
13. With digital LCD with
backlight display
14. With digital feedback
controller with joggle shuttle
switch(Turn + Push)
15. With over temperature
16. With power cord, AC
AdapterQuick and easy
adjustment knob

17. Control: Quick and easy
adjustment knob
18. With safety LEDs to
indicate when heating function
has been activated
19. Power: 220-240 V AC,
50/60 Hz, 800 W minimum
20. With built-in support rod
mount, thumbscrew,
accommodates rods up to 13
mm in dia.
21. With quick adjustment knob
and LED indicator
22. Includes English User's
Manual which consists of the
Operating Manual
23.With Activity
Sheets/Teacher's Manual in
24.For numbers #22-23; the
technical specifications ( a-e)
must be strictly followed:
a) For Contents/ List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies, punctuations
and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 minimum thickness
plastic laminated Assembly
Guides that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size: A4 size , 80
ii) Font : Times New
iii) Font size: 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being

25. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
26. Must be packed in
polystyrene and enclosed in a
sturdy box
27. Comes with a training
video that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation in a USB and shall
contain the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable subtitle
(font style & size: Arial, 22 Bold)
in English that is grammatically
error-free and with correct
spelling and punctuation marks
and in sync with a
voiceover/narration. There is an
ON/OFF option for subtitle.
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
28. Comes with a brand
marked permanently on the box

29. Must be brand new
14 Safety Goggles, Functional Specifications: Used
polycarbonate to protect eyes and face against
chemical burns and splashes

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to protect eyes and
face against chemical burns and

Design Specifications:
1 Features an angled vented
portion that does not allow
direct straight line from the
exterior to the interior of the
eyewear which encloses wide
area surrounding the eyes
2. Material of lens :
Polycarbonate lens
a) Submission of the original
copy of the Test certificate/s
issued by the testing unit,
like DOST material testing
facilities or at any DOST-
accredited testing institution
attesting that the material of the
lens of the safety goggles, is
polycarbonate, to validate the
conformity of the material to
the technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during
preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to
testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier.
b) With Certification from the
manufacturer that the pair of
hand gloves is reusable and not
3. Color of the lens: Clear
4. Lens type : Anti-splash, anti-
fog treated/anti-scratch coating
5. With indirect ventilation
channels (preventing
penetration of splashes) one
through each side of the frame
to keep out large particles, dust,
and liquids and splash hazards,
improves air circulation and
reduces fogging in hot/humid

6. With wrap around elasticized
adjustable headband integrated
with goggle frame to prevent
slippage and holds the goggle
more securely
7. With pivoting headband clips
to adjust strap around hard
hats or hearing protection
8. Peel-off goggle covers
available to extend the life of the
9. Can be worn over most
prescription eyewear (OTG
10. With firm comfortable seal
around forehead, cheeks, nose
and temples protects against
chemicals, dust and grindings
11. Shall bear mark ANZI
Z87.1-2010 Standard for
Chemical Splash and Dust
Protection, Z87+D3 to indicate
an impact protector type (ANSI
Z87.1, CE EN 166 or CSA Z94.3
certification compliance) on the
frame and the lens
12. The manufacturer or
supplier certification mark must
be present on all approved
safety lenses, frames (front and
temple), removable side shields,
and other parts of the glasses,
or goggles.
13. Individually packed in a
transparent plastic bag
14. Labeling of the primary
packaging displays, product
name, product reference,
manufacturer name, size, type,
performance testing information
for particular storage conditions
(temperature, pressure, light,
humidity, as appropriate or
harmonized symbol as
15. With issuance of
certification statement from the
manufacturer as to
a) Non-toxicity of the
materials used
b) Material of the lens :
c) It is fog coated/scratch
and impact resistant
16. Individually packed in a
sturdy box/plastic bag
17. Must be free from cracks,
sharp edges, and all other
imperfections including all
other defects not stated herein
18. Comes with a brand marked
permanently on the box
19. Must be brand new
15 Thermometer, Functional Specifications: Used
Laboratory type, to measure the temperature
Alcohol, -20⁰C to

Performance Specifications:
Must measure the temperature ,
-20° to 110°C

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Alcohol filled, partial
immersion thermometer
2. Features a small sealed tube
made of glass that has a small
hollow bulb filled partly with
ethanol and partly with nitrogen
and ethanol vapors on one end
and a thin capillary opening
running through the length of
its center
3. Material : Glass
4. Color : White/yellow
5. Non-toxic red-filled
6. Partial immersion type with
immersion line indicator and
ring top
7. With precision red alcohol-
filled, reinforced bulbs, and with
expansion chamber
8. With white back with non-roll
9. With clear and permanent
markings; scale never washes
10. Provided with non-roll
plastic case
11. With continuous alcohol
column with no separations
12. All graduation lines, figures,
and letters should be clear-cut,
distinct, and filled with a
permanent pigment of suitable

color with the following

a) Length : 200 mm ( min)

b). Accuracy: ± 1º C
c) Range : -20°C to 110°C
d) Division: 1°C
e) Diameter: 5.8 to 6.2 mm
f) Immersion line: 76 mm
13. With Statement of
Accuracy/ Certification of
Accuracy latest issued by the
concerned institution which
must conform to the
authoritative standards
appropriate to the goods’
country of origin
14. Must be free from breakage
, cracks, chipped and sharp
edges and surface irregularities
including all other defects not
stated herein.
15. Comes with a brand printed
permanently onto the glass
16. Must be brand new

1 Anemometer with Functional Specifications: Used
Wind Vane, Cup to measure wind speed in real
type time and indicate the direction
where the wind is coming from
and where it is heading

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to measure wind
speed in real time and indicate
the direction where the wind is
coming from and where it is

Design Specifications:
1. Anemometer and wind vane
combined in 1 unit
2. Dimension of unit : 340-350
mm x 75-80 mm x 75-80 mm
(H x W x D)
3. Powered by AA dry cells
4. Direct digital reading of wind
speed, can display wind speed
in m/s and km/hr, can

measure average wind speed
and instantaneous wind speed
by means of selector switch
5. Wind vane should be free
moving to indicate wind
direction, wind vane should
have arrow head on one end
and arrow tail on the other end
6. Made of corrosion resistant
7. All labels, inscriptions, and
instructions should be in
8. The item should be free from
toxic materials
9. The item should be branded
and permanently marked on
the item
2 Anemometer, Functional Specifications: Used
Simple to determine wind speed by
calculating the number of
rotations the rotor makes per
unit time

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to determine
wind speed by calculating the
number of rotations the rotor
makes per unit time

Design Specifications:
1. Sensitive/low friction model
for demonstrating the principle
of wind velocity. Can rotate with
human blow
2. Made of corrosion resistant
3. Consist of 4 cups (4.5-5 cm
diameter) mounted on a hub
and on an axle securely affixed
to a tough and stable base. 3-
cups are colored black with one
red cup to facilitate counting of
4. Dimension: 210-220 mm x
150-160 mm (H X W)
5. With No Removable Parts
6. All labels and inscriptions
should be in English, and
permanently marked on the
7. The item should be free from
toxic materials

8. The item should be branded
and permanently marked on
the item
3 Aneroid Functional Specifications: Used
Barometer Set to demonstrate how an aneroid
(Demonstration barometer works

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
how an aneroid barometer

Design Specifications:
1. The unit is supplied with
rubber compression bulb with
tube, changes in pressure can
be demonstrated and obtained
by compressing the rubber bulb
2. Dual graduation: mm Hg and
3. Range: 960 to 1060 mbar
with mmHg equivalent
4. Dial Diameter of 98 to 100
5. With English User's manual
that includes the operation and
reset procedure.
6. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the
4 Aneroid Functional Specifications: Used
Barometer, wall- to measure the prevailing
mount atmospheric pressure in a
locality in real time

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to measure the
prevailing atmospheric pressure
in real time

Design Specifications:
1. Reading standard Scale
Range: 960 mbar to 1060 mbar
2. Dual graduation: mmHg and
3. Dial Diameter: 98 mm-130
4. Materials: plated bezel,
scratch-free cover glass, and
plastic base

5. With English User's manual
that includes the operation and
reset procedure.
6. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the
5 Compass, Functional Specifications: Used
Magnetic to find direction on the earth's
surface by the alignment of the
compass needle with the earth's
magnetic field

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to find direction
on the earth's surface by the
alignment of the compass
needle with the earth's
magnetic field

Design Specifications:
1. Outside Diameter: 48-50 mm
2. Needle mounted in an
Aluminum case with clear,
scratch-free plastic or glass face
3. Graduated dial marked in
cardinal points (North, South,
West, East, Northwest,
Northeast, Southwest, and
4. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the
6 Dissecting Set Functional Specifications: Used
with pan to perform a wide variety of

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to aid in
classifying different animal
tissues during dissection.

Design Specifications:
1. 10 pc dissecting set that
includes the following stainless
steel instruments:
• 1 piece surgical scissors,
minimum length of 110mm
• 1 piece fine point/iris
scissors, minimum length of
• 1 piece fine point curved
forceps, minimum length of

• 1 piece fine point straight tip
forceps, minimum length of
• 1-piece tissue
forceps/mosquito forceps,
curved tip
• 1-piece scalpel minimum 4
cm blade length
• 1-piece scalpel handle
• 1-piece teasing needle angular
with chuck
• 1-piece teasing needle straight
with chuck
• 1-piece mall probe and seeker
2. In a rectangular vinyl
zippered case;
3. With 1-piece stainless steel
dissecting pan (minimum): 254
mm x 178 mm x 38 mm
4. "Stainless steel" shall be
embossed or engraved on the
items whenever applicable.
5. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be printed
on vinyl zippered case.
7 Gloves, Surgical Functional Specifications: Used
to protect hands from dirt and

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to protect hands
against dirt, laceration and

Design Specifications:
1. Sterile, latex surgical gloves
2. Smooth, powder-free and
beaded cuff
3. Color: White or beige
4. Size range: Medium - Large
5. Individually sealed pack pair
of gloves with brand and type of
material printed on it.
6. Must be branded and brand
8 Hand Lens, 10x Functional Specifications: Used
magnification for enlarging the appearance of
objects 10 times its actual size

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to enlarge the
appearance of objects 10 times
its actual size
Design Specifications:
1. Magnification: x 10
2. Diameter (viewable area) 18-
20 mm
3. Body: Stainless steel;
9 Hand Lens, 5x Functional Specifications: Used
magnification to produce a magnified image of
an object.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to magnify the
image of an object.

Design Specifications:
1. Five times (5x) magnification
2. Glass lens; diameter range:
45mm - 50 mm
3. Mounted in a circular
chrome-plated metal frame with
a cylindrical handle
4. No sharp edges and other
5. Safely packed in a box
6. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be printed
on the box.
10 Lens Paper, Functional Specifications: Used
50's/pack to clean the microscope lenses.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to clean the
microscope lenses.

Design Specifications:
1. Measures (minimum) 100
mm x 150 mm
2. Material: Fine, soft, lint-free
3. Quantity: 50 sheets/booklet
4. Must be packed in a
resealable plastic
5. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
printed on the cover of the
11 Microscope, Functional Specifications: Used
Compound with 4 to view specimen not visible to
Objectives the naked eye.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to focus specimen
not visible to the naked eye
using the four objectives.

Design Specifications:
1. Eyepiece: Glass lens, locked-
in wide field, 10X with pointer,
and with own separate plastic
storage case includes an extra
15X eyepiece
2. Nosepiece: Quadruple with
accurate centering and click
stops; easy to turn
3. Objectives: With metal
casing, glass lens, DIN
achromatic objectives are
parfocal, par centered, color
coded, 4x,10x; retractable 40x,
and 100x (oil immersion) with
own separate plastic storage
4. Stage: Built in flat, firmly
fixed graduated mechanical
stage clips and with knobs;
minimum 110 mm x 110 mm ;
glass slides shall not be
displaced when mounted
5. Condenser: N.A. 1.25 with
iris diaphragm
6. Focus: Dual coarse controls
with slip clutch and adjustable
tension ring; dual lever type
fine focus controls; adjustable
safety stop. Gives sharp, clear,
well-lighted images
7. Mirror range: 49mm - 51
mm, 2-sided, plane-concave
8. No sharp metal parts and
other defects
9. With wooden storage case;
and immersion oil provided
10. With English User's Manual
that shall provide the diagram
of correct microscope parts;
function of each part; operation
guide; cleaning and
troubleshooting instructions.
11. Manual details:
a. Material: Inside pages: Book
Paper, 80 gsm (minimum
Cover: Paper board, 280 gsm
(minimum 0.30 mm)

b. Size: (minimum) 165 mm x
215 mm Fold
(minimum) 330 mm x
215 mm Spread
c. Binding: Saddle Staple
d. Font type: Arial and Font size
(minimum): 10
e. Pictures shall be in full color
12. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video

13. Warranty on parts and
labor: 2 years
14. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently mark on the item.
12 Microscope, Functional Specifications: Used
Digital to focus specimen with the
image viewed through the LCD

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the
structure of subcellular

Design Specifications:
1. Nosepiece: Triple with 4x,
10x, 40x achromatic objectives
and click stop
2. Magnification: 40x, 100x,
and 400x (1600x with digital
3. Has full color (minimum) 3.5"
TFT LCD screen with onboard
4. Digital Camera: 5 MP CMOS
sensor (minimum) as indicated
in the manufacturer's manual
5. With built-in top and bottom
LED illumination sources
6. 220V; 50/60 Hz power
7. Battery options 4AA
8. Stage: (minimum) 88 mm x
88 mm; fully mechanical with
metal clips;
9. Six position filter wheel
10. With 180° rotating LCD
11. Combination of smooth-
finished metal and plastic parts
12. Supports up to 32G
Memory size
13. AC Plug (power) SD Card
(32G max) Port(s) In
14. With TV/AV output for
display on large monitors for
classroom or at the laboratory
15. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
16. Warranty on parts and
labor: 2 years
17. With English User's Manual
that shall provide the diagram
of correct microscope parts;
function of each part; operation
guide; cleaning and
troubleshooting instructions.
18. Manual details:
a. Material: Inside pages: Book
Paper, 80 gsm (minimum
Cover: Paper
board, 280 gsm (minimum 0.30

b. Size: (minimum) 165 mm x
215 mm Fold
(minimum) 330 mm x
215 mm Spread
c. Binding: Saddle Staple
d. Font type: Arial and Font size
(minimum): 10
e. Pictures shall be in full color
19. Accessories included:
a. 2GB SD card
b. USB 2.0 Cable (data transfer)
c. Dust Cover
d. Rugged canvass carrying
case with shoulder strap
e. Five (5) prepared slides
f. 4 Plug international AC
g. AV out cable for viewing on a
TV or projector
20. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently mark on the item.
13 Pipette, Beral, 1 Functional Specifications: Used
mL to transfer/dispense liquid

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
transfer/dispense liquid sample
up to a volume of 1 mL

Design Specifications:
1. One-piece pipette, made from
flexible soft non-toxic plastic
that has a protuberance on top
that serves as liquid retention
chamber (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
2. Capacity: 1 mL in 0.25 mL
grad interval
3. No rubber head
4. Total length (minimum): 140
5. With molded (embossed)
6. Must be brand new
14 Prepared Slide Functional Specifications: Used
Set, Microscope, to contain the readily mounted
25 pieces and ready to view
object/specimen for
examination under a
Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the
specimen when viewed under a

Design Specifications:
1. Quantity: Set of 25 pieces
glass slides
2. Dimensions (Width x Length)
minimum: 25 mm x 75 mm
3. Thickness (minimum) : 1.0
4. Individually sealed and
protected by a cover slip/glass
5. Clear, distinct and colorful
slides of the following: insects
(4); plants (7);
animals/microbes (7); Human
tissues (7)
6. Either of the following
insects: wing of housefly,
mosquito larvae, Drosophila
melanogaster, housefly head,
7. Either of the following plants:
Volvox, stem of monocotyledon
c.s, stem of dicotyledon c.s.,
monocot leaf epidermis, dicot
leaf epidermis, germinated
pollen, Hydrilla leaf w.m.
8. Either of the following
animals/microbes: Hydra
budding, Euglena, diatoms,
Daphnia w.m., Amoeba
proteus, Paramecium w.m.,
Planaria w.m., Planaria c.s.,
Ascaris mitosis, Vorticella,
lancelet w.m., Escherichia coli,
Staphyloccocus aureus,
Lactobacillus spp.
9. Either of the following
human tissues: skeletal muscle
c.s., small intestine c.s., human
white blood cell, cardiac
muscle; motor neurons cell
w.m., spinal cord c.s., lung
section, liver section, nerve cell
w.m., meiosis of human sex
cells, stomach villi
10. Writing the scientific name
with correct spelling shall be
properly observed.

11. Individually and
permanently labeled for
specimen identification.
12. Slides are packed in a fitted
plastic storage box that
contains interior padding to
avoid breakage; with a
numbered list that coincides
with the arrangement of the
specimens being stored.
13. No finger-smudged and no
chipped edges slide
14. Includes instructions on
how to clean and properly store
the slide in a coated paper-
glossy finish minimum 105 mm
x 140 mm, Font style: Arial,
Font size(minimum): 10, written
in American English.
15. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
storage box.
15 Prepared Slide Functional Specifications: Used
Set, Mitosis and to guide students through the
Meiosis events of cell division.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to compare
mitosis and meiosis, and their
role in the cell-division cycle.

Design Specifications:
1. A set of 6 rectangular
microscope glass slides with
polished edges; with clear and
distinct sample specimen.
a. Ascaris megalocephala
embryology. Sec. of uteri
showing maturation stages
(meiosis). Polar bodies can be
b. Giant chromosomes, smear
from salivary gland of
Chironomus, carefully fixed and
c. Lilium, anther t.s.,
microspore mother cells
showing telophase of first and
prophase of second
(homeotypic) division
d. Meiotic and mitotic stages in
sec. of Salamandra testis. Many

meiotic and mitotic stages can
be observed.
e. Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root
tips showing all stages of plant
mitosis carefully stained with
f. Mitotic stages in sec. through
red bone marrow of mammal
2. Dimensions (Width x Length)
minimum: 25 mm x 75 mm
3. Thickness (minimum): 1.0
4. Individually sealed and
protected by a cover slip/glass
5. Each slide is permanently
labeled for specimen
6. Writing the scientific name
with correct spelling shall be
properly observed;
7. Slides are packed in a fitted
plastic storage box that
contains interior padding to
avoid breakage; with a
numbered list that coincides
with the arrangement of the
specimens being stored.
8. No finger-smudged and no
chipped edges slide
9. Includes instructions on how
to clean and properly store the
slide in a coated paper-glossy
finish (minimum 105 mm x 140
mm), Font style: Arial, Font
size(minimum): 10, written in
American English.
10. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
storage box.
16 Reaction Plates Functional Specifications: Used
with 6 Wells to contain small amount of
samples of specimens under

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to contain small
amount of samples of
specimens under study

Design Specifications:

1. Made of clear, non-toxic
plastic material that is free from
sharp edges.
2. Plate Shape: Rectangular
3. Plate Length: 110-120mm
4. Plate Width: 85-100mm
5. Six Well per Plate
6. Well Shape: Circular/ Round
7. Well diameter: 30-35 mm
8. Well deep: 6-8mm
9. Well capacity: 1.6 mL -2.0mL
10. Used for soil and water
11. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the
17 Sedimentator Functional Specifications: Used
Tube to demonstrate how soil
sediments settle in water

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
how soil sediments settle in

Design Specifications:
1. 10 1/2 inches - 12 inches
height with a diameter of 1 - 1
1/2 inches
2. Sealed and leak free
3. The body made of clear,
transparent plastic tube.
4. With different sediment and
crystal clear water.
5. Functions:
a. Use for observing movement,
deposition, and layering of
sediments and organic
b. Observations apply to
sedimentary rock formation and
fossil formation
6. With English User's Manual
that includes
a. operation guide.
b. Guide on how to use
c. Student Activity Sheets
7. Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
18 Sling Functional Specifications: Used
Psychrometer to measure relative humidity
Performance Specifications:
Should be able to measure
relative humidity

Design Specifications:
1. Composed of two red spirit
thermometer in Celsius with
temperature ranges: -5°C to
+50 °C
2. Equipment Size: (7 -8 inches
long x 1-2inches diameter)
3. Built -in Psychrometer Water
4. Includes a wick for Wet Bulb
5. Wick Replacement Kit-
containing 4 wicks
6. Build in Slide rule
construction for quick
conversion temperature reading
to relative humidity
7. Includes additional two
thermometers for replacement
with individual plastic or
hardboard case
8. Easy to rotate to determine
the relative humidity.
9. With English User's Manual
that includes:
a. Operation Guide
b. Maintenance
10. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:

a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
11. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the
19 Soil pH, Functional Specifications: Used
Moisture, to measure pH, moisture
Sunlight Meter content of soil and measure
sunlight available to the soil
sample in real time

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to measure pH,
moisture content of soil and
measure sunlight available to
the soil sample in real time

Design Specifications:

1. Compose of two electrodes, 7

inches -10 inches long
2. pH/ Moisture/ Sunlight
3. pH Range: 3.5 - 8 pH (3.5-6.5
Acidic, 7-8 Alkaline)
4. Moisture Range: 1-10 (1-3
Dry; 4-6 Normal; and 7-10 Wet)
5. Light Range: 0 - 2000 lux (0-
200 Low, 200-500 Low+, 500-
1000 Normal, and 1000-2000

6. With English User's Manual
that includes:
a. Operation Guide
b. Procedure on the proper use,
handling and storage.
c. Student Activity in using the
7. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
8. Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.

20 Soil/Test Sieve Functional Specifications: Used
to separate and segregate
different size soil particles

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to separate and
segregate different size soil

Design Specifications:
1. Diameter range: 8 inches -
10 inches
2. Mesh sizes: 5 Mesh, 10
mesh, 35 Mesh, 60 mesh, 120
mesh, and 230 mesh
3. Made of stainless steel metal
4. Set of Six Sieves
5. Includes lid and catch pan
6. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the
21 Thermometer, Functional Specifications: Used
Classroom, wall- to determine the prevailing air
mount temperature inside a room in
real time

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to determine the
prevailing air temperature
inside a room in real time

Design Specifications:
1. Alcohol filled red color, glass
tube type
2. Overall length: 760 mm
3. Tube containing liquid
column: 23 inches (minimum)
4. Temperature range (dual):
4.1 Centigrade: -40°C to
4.2 Fahrenheit: -40°F to
5. Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
22 Tong, Beaker Functional Specifications: Used
to hold heated beakers.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to secure hot

Design Specifications:
1. Scissor-like tool with plastic-
coated jaws
2. Made of minimum 6.0 mm
smooth finish chrome-plated
3. With flat riveted joint
4. Total length (minimum) : 254
5. Holds beakers from 50mL to
1000 mL
6. Safely packed in a box
7. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be printed
on the box.
23 Wash bottle, Functional Specifications: Used
plastic, 250 mL to store and dispense water for
diluting solutions, washing
precipitates and rinsing glass

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to store and
dispenses water in diluting,
washing precipitates and
rinsing activities.

Design Specifications:
1. Translucent and non-toxic
plastic material (Certificate of
non-toxicity is required)
2. Cylindrical body shape
3. Easy squeeze dispensing; no
4. Capacity: 250 mL.
5. Screw type closure with its
angled stem and draw tube
molded in one piece
6. Must be brand new.


1 Algebra Tile Set, Functional Specifications: Used
plastic to demonstrate algebraic
concept up to second degree

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to represent
mathematical expressions and
equations to introduce and
foster algebraic concepts,
including adding and

subtracting polynomials,
factoring trinomials, and the
Zero Principle.

Design Specifications:
1. Algebra Tiles should come in
a set of 30 that includes the
a. 6 pcs of Square Tile
(Squared Variable Tile) about
89mm x 89mm x 1mm
(minimum) in size and color
b. 16 pcs of Long Tile (Variable
Tile) about 89mm x 21mm x
1mm (minimum) in size and
color green
c. 24 pcs of Ones Tile
(Constant Tile) about 21mm x
21mm x 1mm (minimum) in
size and color yellow
Note: Each kind of tile should
have RED back color to denote
the Negative side of the tiles.
2. Made of plastic and has no
sharp edges.
3. Must be stored in a plastic
storage box with a capacity to
store 1,300 pcs of Algebra Tiles.
4. Shall be free from toxic
5. Brand must be permanently
marked on the plastic storage.
2 Base Ten Blocks Functional Specifications: Used
to demonstrate abstract
mathematical concept of the
number system such as one-to-
one correspondence, place
value, and basic addition and

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate a
number's value and place value
and vice versa.

Design Specifications:
1. Made of plastic, smooth
surface and edges, and free
from toxic materials

2. The set includes 100 units (1
cm x 1 cm x 1 cm [minimum]),
10 rods (1 cm x 1 cm x 10 cm
[minimum]), 10 flats (1 cm x 10
cm x 10 cm [minimum]), and 1
cube (10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
Note: Each block should have
distinct color from each other
(e.g.: Unit - Red, Rod - Yellow,
Flat - Green, Cube - Blue).
3. Comes with a plastic
container with cover to
accommodate all the items.
4. Shall be free from toxic
5. Brand must be permanently
marked on the plastic
3 Beads, Ø16mm Functional Specifications: Used
to reinforce counting, sorting,
patterning and sequencing.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to scaffold
learners in counting and
grouping of numbers, colors,
patterns, etc.

Design Specifications:
1) Bead Material: Plastic,
spherical, smooth surface
2) With a hole that passes
through the center
3) Bead diameter: 15 mm to 18
4) Assorted color, at least 5
colors consisting of 60 pieces
each color.
5) Comes with a plastic
transparent storage container
with cover
6) The items shall be free from
toxic materials.
7) Comes with nylon string of 5-
6 meters long that fit loosely to
beads hole
4 Circle Area Functional Specifications: Used
Demonstrator to demonstrate area of a circle.

Performance Specifications:
Performance: Must be able to
show/demonstrate derivation of
circle's area and how
dimensions of a parallelogram
is related to it.

Design Specifications:
1. Material: Plastic
2. Circle Diameter: 196 mm
(minimum) - Each half comes in
different colors
3. Thickness: 5 mm (minimum)
4. Dissectible into at least 12
5. Comes with base for
mounting the circle and the
6. Shall be free from toxic
5 Compass, Functional Specifications: Used
Drawing, student to draw/construct arcs, semi-
type circles and circles.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to draw/construct
arcs, semi-circles and circles.

Design Specifications:
1. Compass, two legs, stainless
2. Length: 120mm - 150mm;
3. With pencil adaptor attached
at or integrated on one end of
one of the legs. The said
adaptor must be able to adapt,
also, to any kind of pencil
available in the local market;
4. Stainless Steel: Well-polished
and smooth;
5. Comes with transparent
plastic case or box; and
6. Brand must be permanently
printed on the case.
6 Cuisenaire Rods, Functional Specifications: Used
set of 5 to provide an interactive,
hands-on way to explore
mathematics and learn
mathematical concepts, such as
the four basic arithmetical
operations, working with
fractions and finding divisors.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate
four fundamental operations,
part-to-whole concept, decimals
and other concepts related to
number sense and

Design Specifications:
1) Made of hard, smooth finish
plastic materials.
2) One (1) set is composed of 74
cuisenaire rods of different
3) Each color represents a
specific rod length.
4) Rod Lengths are: 1cm -white,
2cm - red, 3cm - gray, 4cm -
pink, 5cm - yellow, 6cm - green,
7cm - dark green, 8cm - brown,
9cm - blue, and 10cm - orange.
5) Comes in a plastic storage
container with cover that
accomodates 5 sets of
cuisenaire rods.
6) The item shall be free from
toxic materials.
7) Brand must be permanently
printed on the case.
7 Elapsed Time Functional Specifications: Used
(Clock) Set to demonstrate time and other
related concepts.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to represent and
demonstrate time using hour
hand and minute hand.

Design Specifications:

1. A set includes:
a. Two Twelve (12) hour
demonstration clock, magnetic
b. Segmented timeline, 24-hour
timeline (AM and PM) which
makes up of 4 segments
c. Removable guide numbers
d. Start and End arrows
2. Dial diameter measures 24-
26 cm
3. The hour number must be
printed in Hindu Arabic
numeral and with
corresponding minute(s)
number in the same numeral
4. The item shall be free from
toxic materials.
5. Brand must be permanently
printed on the case.
8 Geoboard, 11 x Functional Specifications: Used
11 to explore basic concepts in
plane geometry such as
perimeter, area and the
characteristics of triangles and
other polygons.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate or
visually represent different
kinds of polygons and circles
and how to compute their
respective area, perimeter, and

Design Specifications:
1. Double sided geoboard -
square pattern on one side (11
x 11), circle on the other;
2. Made of plastic material and
comes in any color;
3. The surfaces and edges must
be smooth, no warps, must sits
flat when laid on the table;
4. Board Dimensions (W x L):
229 mm x 229 mm (minimum);
5. Edging Height (all sides): 6
mm from the board (minimum);
6. Board and Edging Thickness:
3 mm (minimum);
7. Array Pin Diameter: 3 mm
8. Array Pin Height: 5 mm
9. Comes with a transparent
plastic case;
10. Comes with Instruction
Manual in English with
11. Comes with assorted size
and color rubber bands (25
pcs); and
12. Brand must be permanently
printed on the case
9 Geoboard, 5 x 5 Functional Specifications: Used
to explore basic concepts in
plane geometry such as
perimeter, area and the
characteristics of triangles and
other polygons

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate or
visually represent different
kinds of polygons and circles
and how to compute their
respective area, perimeter, and

Design Specifications:
1) Enables the students to
perform different kinds of
shapes (like square, triangle,
circle, etc.) using rubber bands.
2) On the top surface is the
Square Geoboard with 25
guiding posts arranged 5 x 5
(forming a square) at 40mm
distance apart between centers.
3) On the bottom surface is the
Circle Geoboard with 13
guiding posts. Twelve (12) of
these guiding posts are
arranged at 30˚ apart on a
circle of 150mm diameter while
the remaining one (1) guiding
post is on the center of the said
4) Made of plastic, color blue.
5) Board Dimensions (W x L):
200mm x 200mm (minimum)
6) Guiding post approximate
Diameter: 6mm (minimum)
7) Guiding post approximate
Height: 20mm (minimum)
8) Approximate Height of the
Base (Edging Height): 25mm
9) Board Thickness: 3-5mm
10) Comes with a plastic case
with content description on its
11) The surfaces and edges of
the Geoboard and its Case
must be smooth.
12) Comes with Instruction
Manual in English.
13) Brand must be permanently
printed on the case.

Note: There must be no warping
of the board and base. The
Geoboard must be flat when
laid on a table.
10 Geostrips Functional Specifications: Used
to make and represent different

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
show/demonstrate different
kinds of angles and shapes.

Design Specifications:
1. The strips are made of plastic
minimum of 1.8 mm thickness
and minimum of 18 mm wide in
assorted colors with rounded
2. Comes in various lengths
ranging from 50 mm to 350
a) Shortest: 93-94mm
a)Shortest: 124-125mm
b) Shorter: 169-170mm
b)Longest: 233-234mm
c) Longest: 323-324mm

a) Shortest: 150-151mm
a)Shortest: 175-176mm
b) Longest: 283-284mm
b) Longest: 233-234mm
3. They are designed to be
fastened together with a plastic
coated brads or plastic coated
round head fasteners to form
plane geometric figures.
4. One (1) set consists of 68
strips, a minimum of 100
pieces plastic coated brads and
a protractor.
5. The set comes in a
transparent plastic case for
proper storage.
6. The items shall be free from
toxic materials.
7. Brand must be permanently
marked on the plastic case.

11 Ghost Grid Functional Specifications: Used
Whiteboard, to aid classroom instructions
Mobile Magnetic, especially in graphical
72-inch x 40-inch representations such as linear,
quadratic, polynomial,
histogram, normal curve, etc.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to move from one
place to another and to clearly
show illustrations that do not
exceed from 1 meter vertically
and 1.2m horizontally guided
with lines with 20mm spacing
(horizontally and vertically).

Design Specifications:
1. Mobile Magnetic Ghost Grid
2. Material: Painted Steel
3. Frame: Aluminum, 1" edging;
4. Surface Material: Magnetic
Painted Steel;
5. Grid Pattern: 2" x 2", ghost
6. Full Dimensions: 74-75"W x
23-24"D x 69-70"H;
7. Board Dimensions: 72-73"W
x 40-41"H;
8. Base Dimensions: 74-75"W x
9. Tray Style: Full length
10. Casters: 4 pieces, 2-inch
casters, two with locking
11. Must be properly packed
using shipping carton.
12 Linking Cubes Functional Specifications: Used
to assist with the
understanding of mathematical

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to interlock
together to build various shapes
and structures

Design Specifications:
1) Linking plastic cubes:
a. Dimension: 1 cm x 1 cm x 1
cm (minimum)

b. Material: Non-toxic plastic
that comes in assorted colors (5
colors with at least a minimum
of 100 pieces per color)
c. With interlocking feature for
connecting the cubes.
2) Comes with plastic
transparent storage bucket with
3) Fitting is push fit which can
be assembled or disassembled
without extra effort.
4) Shall be free from toxic
5. Brand must be permanently
marked on the storage.
13 Model, Basic 3D Functional:
Geometrical Used to demonstrate relational
Collapsible geometric concepts between
polygons and polyhedrons; aid
derivation of formula (surface
area and volume) of

Must be able to demonstrate
geometrical relationships
between polygons (2D) and
polyhedrons (3D) in terms of
deriving formula on surface
area and volume.

Design Specifications:
1. Set includes 12 solids made
of clear plastic with rounded
corners and edges, and 12
folding nets in 5 or 6 colors
made from soft plastic to fit
inside the corresponding solids:
2. Base size of solids: 7.8 to
Height of solids: 9.5 to 10.5 cm
3. Pairs of solid prism and
pyramid shall of the same base
and height the following:
a,b) Cube and Square
c,d) Cylinder and Cone
e,f) Triangular prism and
Triangular pyramid
g,h) Rectangular prism and
Rectangular pyramid
i.j) Pentagonal prism and
Pentagonal pyramid
k.l) Hexagonal prism and
Hexagonal pyramid
4. With activity guide.
5. Comes with a plastic
transparent storage container
with cover that can
accommodate all the solids and
the activity guide.
6. Shall be free from toxic
14 Model, Basic 3D Functional Specifications: Used
Geometrical to represent basic three-
Solids dimensional figures.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate
geometrical concepts related to
properties of geometrical solids.

Design Specifications:
1.) At least 17 types of
Geometrical Solids which
includes these core shapes:
a) Cube: 9.5-10.5cm x 9.5-
10.5cm x 9.5-10.5cm
b) Cone: Height = 9.5-10.5cm;
Base diameter = 9.5-10.5cm
c) Cylinder: Height = 9.5-
10.5cm; Base diameter = 9.5-
d) Hexagonal prism: Height =
9.5-10.5cm; Length of sides
(Base) = 5-6cm
e) Hexagonal pyramid: Height =
9.5-10.5cm; Length of sides
(Base) = 5-6cm
f) Pentagonal prism: Height =
9.5-10.5cm; Length of sides
(Base) = 6-7cm
g) Pentagonal pyramid: Height =
9.5-10.5cm; Length of sides
(Base) = 6-7cm
h) Rectangular prism: 9.5-
10.5cm x 5-6cm x 9.5-10.5cm
i) Square pyramid: Height =
9.5-10.5cm; Base diameter =
j) Triangular prism: Height =
9.5-10.5cm; Length of sides
(Base) = 9.5-10.5cm;and
h) Triangular pyramid: Height =
9.5-10.5cm; Length of sides
(Base) = 9.5-10.5cm

i) Sphere: Diameter of Great
Circle = 9.5-10.5cm
j) Semisphere: Diameter of
Great Circle = 9.5-10.5cm
k) Square prism: 9.5-10.5cm x
5-5.5cm x 5-5.5cm
l) Small cube: 5-5.5cm x 5-
5.5cm x 5-5.5cm
m) Small Triangular Prism:
Height = 9.5-10.5cm; Length of
sides (Base) = 5-6cm
n) Small Cylinder: Height = 9.5-
10.5cm; Base diameter = 5-6cm
3) Made of hard plastic
4) Comes in a transparent
plastic container with cover to
accommodate the 17 or more
types of geometric solids.
5) Surface finish is smooth on
all items.
6) Brand must be permanently
printed on the case.
15 Pattern Blocks, Functional Specifications: Used
250 pcs/set to explore mathematical
concepts, including
congruence, similarity,
symmetry, area, perimeter,
patterns, functions, fractions,
and graphing

Performance Specifications:
Used to demonstrate different
kinds of polygons.

Design Specifications:
1. One (1) set of pattern blocks
contains a total of 250 pieces of
six geometrical shapes and six
colors - 25 each of hexagons
and squares; 50 each of
trapezoids, triangles,
parallelograms, and rhombi.
2. Made of smooth surface
plastic material.
3. Minimum thickness: 5 mm
4. Comes with a plastic
transparent storage container
with cover.
5. The items shall be free from
toxic materials.
6. Brand must be permanently
marked on the storage

16 Pentominoes Functional Specifications: Used
to develop spatial thinking

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate
concepts pertaining to
perimeter and area using the 12
kinds of 5-squared geometric

Design Specifications:
1. Geometry puzzle consists of
12 pentominoes, each are made
up of 5 equal-sided squares
connected edge-to-edge.
Dimension of square is 2.54cm
x 2.54cm (minimum).
2. Twelve (12) pentominoes are
classified as the letters F, I, L,
N, P, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z;
each are made up of sturdy
plastic. Comes in assorted
colors that are free from toxic
3. Comes in set of 6 equivalent
to 72 pieces (minimum)
contained in a plastic storage
4. Shall be free from toxic
5. Brand must be permanently
marked on the storage.
17 Plastic Two- Functional Specifications: Used
colored Counters, to represent integers and
1-inch diameter, demonstrate fundamental
200 pcs/set operations on integers.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to
demonstrate/represent set of
numbers, skip counting and
integers; perform fundamental
operations on integers.

Design Specifications:
1) Material: Hard Plastic
2) Minimum of 200 pieces per
set (double-sided color)
3) Must have smooth surface
and edges
4) Chip's diameter: 22mm

5) Chip's thickness: 1mm
6) Comes with a transparent
plastic container with cover
7) Shall be free from toxic
8) Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
18 Probability Kit Functional Specifications: A set
of mathematical manipulative
used to demonstrate different
concept-formation activities in

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate
probability concepts using
cards, counters, dice, spinners,
coins, bills and/or combination
of these mathematical

Design Specifications:
1. Demonstrate probability,
random and selective sampling.
2. Class kit, at least 180 pcs in
a box for large group or
individual learning.
Consist of the following:
a) 30 combination of activities
and teacher demonstration on
b) 52 pcs (1 set) playing cards
c) 9 pcs different spinners;
d) 50 pcs coins;
e) 15 pcs polyhedral number
f) 3 pcs dot dice;
g) 30 two-color (back-to-back)
counters or red and yellow
h) 5 pcs coin dice
i) 8 pcs number dice
3. Comes with transparent
plastic container with cover.
4. Shall be free from toxic
5. Brand must be permanently
marked on the container.
19 Tangrams, set of Functional Specifications: Used
30 to introduce spatial

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to use as an aid in
developing mathematical
concepts such as area,
perimeter and patterns.

Design Specifications:
1) Tangram includes seven
geometric shapes made up of
five triangles (two small
triangles, one medium triangle,
and two large triangles), a
square, and a parallelogram
that are distinct in color.
2) The three different-size
Tangram triangles are all
similar, right isosceles
triangles. Thus, the triangles all
have angles of 45°, 45°, and
90°, and the corresponding
sides of these triangles are
3) All the angles of the Tangram
pieces are multiples of 45—that
is, 45°, 90°, or 135°, and that
the small Tangram triangle is
the unit of measure that can be
used to compare the areas of
the Tangram pieces.
4) Material: Plastic that are free
from toxic materials.
5) The size of the largest square
that the 7 tangram pieces can
form is 114 x 114 mm
(minimum) with thickness of
7mm (minimum).
6) In this set, there is at least 6
distinct color.
7) Comes with a sturdy plastic
that stores set of 30 tangram
(210 pieces) and free from toxic
8) Shall be free from toxic
9) Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.


1 Balance, Double- Functional Specifications: Used

pan to compare object masses.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure mass
of an object up to 1000 grams.

Design Specifications:
1) Used for comparative
weighing to determine the
difference in mass between two
(2) objects, the double-platform
beam balance comes equipped
with built-in sliding masses.
2) Capacity: 2,000 grams
3) Readability: 2 grams
4) Weigh Beam Capacity x
Readability: 10 g x 0.1 g, 200 g
x 10 g
5) NTEP Resolution: 1 : 5,000
6) Platform size: Ǿ15-16 cm
7) Platform type: Plate (metal)
8) Dimensions (w x d x h): 35-
37 cm x 24-26 cm x 17-19 cm
9) Comes with four (4) Weights
as follows:
9.1) 1 pc. 1,000-gram Weight
9.2) 1 pc. 500-gram Weight
9.3) 1 pc. 200-gram Weight
9.4) 1 pc. 100-gram Weight
10) Comes with an Instruction
Manual in English.
11) Comes with a storage
plastic case.
12) Manufacturer of the country
of origin shall issue certificate
of calibration for every item.
13) Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
2 Blackboard Functional Specifications: Used
Triangle, 30⁰ x to demonstrate special
60⁰ and 45⁰ x 45⁰ triangles.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show
relationship among sides and
angles of special right triangles.

Design Specifications:
1. Material: Plastic, smooth, not
flexible and with handle
2. Permanent graduation
markings in cm in all sides
3. For 30° x 60°:

Base: 50 cm minimum
Thickness: 4 mm minimum
4. For 45° x 45°:
Base: 50 cm minimum
Thickness: 4 mm minimum
5. Individually packed in a
sturdy plastic bag with zipper
6. The items shall be free from
toxic materials.
7. Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
3 Calculator, Functional Specifications: Used
Graphing, non- to calculate, graph, and analyze
projectable mathematical concepts that has
been programmed to it as one
of its built-in functions.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to store, calculate,
display, graph, input, analyze
and interpret data, simple and
complex equations/formula,
graphs and/or charts using
easy access function

Design Specifications:
1. Non-projectable Graphing
2. Stores/calculates/displays
input data, complex equations
and formulas, graph and or
3. Upgradeable operating
system. Software is accessible
via internet and may be
downloaded upon receipt of the
unit and thereafter;
4. Memory: 26 KB-RAM
(minimum) and 450 KB-ROM
5. Display size: at least 8 lines x
16 characters per line;
6. Seven (7) different graph
styles for differentiating the
look of each graph drawn;
7. Easy access function menus;
8. Readily connectable to
Personal Computers (comes
with connection accessories);
9. Operates on dry cells. Comes
with dry cells and ready to use;

10. Comes with user's manual
in English containing operation
guide of the featured functions
and in replacing the battery;
11. Must operate as stated
above and in the manual; and
12. Brand must be permanently
printed on the item.
4 Calculator, Functional Specifications: Used
Scientific to show mathematical

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show correct
mathematical calculations
using its built-in

Design Specifications:
1. Display: LCD, 2 line(s) X 10
characters (minimum), stably
shows input-
calculation result, and various
2. Built-in functions not less
than 240 inclusion of the
a) Basic Calculations:
arithmetic, fraction, percentage,
degrees, minutes, seconds,
radian (including conversion of
the mentioned Basic
b) Memory calculation,
Logarithm and Hyperbolic
c) Statistical functions (e.g.:
Statistical relationships,
standard deviation,
Permutation, Combination,
etc.); and
d) Trigonometric functions: sin,
cos, tan, sin-1, cos-1, tan-1;
3. Basic keys and function keys
are labeled permanently
(resistant to finger rub and light
acid (vinegar) contamination)
and operates as such
4. Power requirement: two way
dual (battery, built-in solar
system), the unit consistently
operational after replacing the

battery for three trials, its solar
system powers the unit
normally in a well-lit room
without the battery;
5. Brand must be permanently
printed on the case.
5 Digital Clock, Functional Specifications: Used
tabletop to show/display the time in

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to display hh:mm

Design Specifications:
1. Font Height: 30mm to
2. Dry Cell Battery operated
3. LCD display; With or without
On/Off switch
4. Minimum Display: Time
(hour, minutes & seconds);
5. Can be set in 12-hour
6. The item shall be free from
toxic materials;
7. Ready to use and comes with
a new battery.
6 Measuring Kit Functional Specifications: Used
(Volume) primarily to measure the
volume of liquid or bulk solid

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure
volume of liquid using different
types of measuring tools

Design Specifications:
1) Material: Plastic, translucent
so that liquid inside can be
seen easily
2) Kit includes the following
measuring tools:
a. Set of Measuring Jars:
i) 1 gallon/4000 mL
ii) 1/2 gallon/2000 mL
iii) 1 quart/1000 mL
iv) 1 pint/500 mL
v) 1 cup/250 mL
b. Set of measuring pitchers:
i) 1 quart = 32 oz/1000 mL

ii) 1 pint = 16 oz/500 mL
iii) 1 cup = 8 oz/250 mL
c. Set of measuring cups:
i) 1 cup/236 mL
ii) 1/2 cup/118 mL
iii) 1/3 cup/79 mL
iv) 1/4 cup/59 mL
v) 1/8 cup/29.5 mL
d. Set of measuring spoons:
i) 1 Tbsp (15mL)
ii) 1/2 Tbsp (7.5mL)
iii) 1 tsp (5mL)
iv) 1/2 tsp (2.5mL)
v) 1/4 tsp (1.25mL)
3) Features include both
customary and metric
measurement showing
appropriate graduations in each
kind of measuring tools.
4) Permanent graduations and
5) Materials used shall be free
from toxic materials.
6) Brand must be permanently
printed on the case.
7 Meterstick, Functional Specifications: Used
plastic to measure length.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure length
of objects in flat surfaces up to
1000mm in Metric and 39.37"
in English standards of

Design Specifications:
1. Material: Plastic;
2. Thickness: 6 mm (minimum);
3. Width: 24 mm (minimum);
4. Length: 1,005 mm
5. The front is scaled in
centimeters, numbered in every
centimeter with 0.1 cm (or 1
mm) divisions;
6. The back is scaled in inches,
numbered in every inch with
1/8 inch divisions;
7. The numbers and division
lines are in dark color;

8. Must be straight and flat;
and free from toxic materials;
9. Edges and Surfaces should
be smooth and even;
10. Comes with plastic jacket;
11. Standard abbreviation of
the measurement unit/s must
be followed.
8 Protractor (for Functional Specifications: Used
student) to measure angles in degrees.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to draw/construct
and measure angles and arcs
up to 180°.

Design Specifications:
1. Protractor, student-type,
plastic, transparent, semi-
circular, 180⁰;
2. Ø150mm (or 75mm radius),
1mm thick (minimum);
3. Angular graduations are in
degrees, from 0⁰ to 180⁰. With
two (2) sets of numerals, one
reading clockwise and the other
reading counterclockwise;
4. Linear graduations are in
millimeters, from 0 to 100mm;
5. With a hole at vertex point
enough for a fine string to pass
through it;
6. Plastic Surface Finish:
Smooth, clear, and free from
7. It must be horizontally level
when laid flat on a table - no
8. Comes with a plastic case;
and shall be free from toxic
9 Ruler, Plastic, 12 Functional Specifications: Used
inches or 30 cm to measure length and draw
straight lines

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure length
of objects in flat surfaces up to
30cm in Metric and 12" in
English standards of

Design Specifications:

1. Ruler, plastic, transparent,
smooth surface, and 1 mm
thick (minimum);
2. Width x Length: 28 mm x
314 mm (minimum);
3. Graduations: Metric
graduations on one side while
English graduations on the
other side:
*Metric graduations are in
centimeters, from 0 cm to 30
cm, with every cm subdivided
by 1mm graduation.
*English graduations are in
inches, from 0 inches to 12
inches, with every inch
subdivided by 1/16 graduation.
4. Clear, readable black, non-
groove permanent prints (will
not fade and cannot be
scratched off);
5. Bendable up to U-shape
when held at both ends; and
6. The item shall be free from
toxic materials.
10 Scale, Spring, Functional Specifications: Used
Hanging type to measure weight or force by
hanging objects

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure mass
of an object up to 1,000 grams.

Design Specifications:
1. Maximum Capacity: 25
2. Must conform with industry
standard graduations for rated
3. Color: Any Color
4. Comes with an Instruction
Manual in English
5. Manufacturer of the country
of origin should issue certificate
of calibration for every item.
6. Brand must be permanently
printed on the item.
11 Scale, Weighing, Functional Specifications: Used
analog, 10 kg. to measure weight and/or mass
capacity of an object

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure mass
of an object up to 10 kilograms.

Design Specifications:
1. Weighing Scale, 10 kg.
Capacity, starting from zero (0)
to 10kg.
2. Dual mode English/metric
display that displays weight in
pounds and grams.
3. Has a large round dial
display for easy use.
4. Includes a removable
stainless steel bowl which is
dishwasher safe. This weighing
scale is a classic rotary dial
mechanical kitchen scale
5. Color: Any Color
6. Format: Mechanical kitchen
7. Mechanism Type: Spring
8. Measurement units:
9. Display Type: Round
speedometer type dial
10. Scale Size: 210mm Width
(minimum) x 235mm Height
11. Dial Increments: 1 oz. / 50
12. Manufacturer of the
country of origin should issue
certificate of calibration for
every item.
13. Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
12 Scale, Weighing, Functional Specifications: Used
bathroom-type to measure a person's weight

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure weight
from 0 to 120 kg

Design Specifications:
1) Mechanical Dual Reading
lbs/kg bathroom scales (analog)
2) Comes with a free Body Mass
Index Chart printed and
laminated on glossy paper (Font
Height: 1 cm. minimum, Style:
Century Gothic or Arial)

3) Maximum Capacity: 120
kgs/264 lbs
4) With two years warranty
5) Should be made of metal and
plastic combination with
powder coating finish for metal
6) Will remain stable when
steps on it.
7) Manufacturer of the country
of origin should issue certificate
of calibration for every item.
8) The item should be free from
toxic materials.
9) Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
13 Tape Measure, Functional Specifications: Used
1.5 meters to quantify the size of an object
or the distance between objects

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure
size/distance of an object up to
1.5 meters.

Design Specifications:
1. Tape Measure, 12 mm width
x 1.5 meter long (minimum)
2. Made of flexible fiberglass
fabric with metal end pieces
3. Color: White with black
graduation markings
4. Graduation: in cm on one
side and inches on the other
side, smallest graduation in
mm, on the opposite side in
1/16 of an inch
5. Comes with a plastic case.
14 Template, shapes Functional Specifications: Used
to scaffold drawing of basic
geometrical shapes.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to aid drawing
different geometrical shapes.

Design Specifications:
1. A transparent plastic
template; minimum of 24
geometric shapes
Note: The kinds of geometric
shapes approved during post
qualification shall be the same
shapes to be approved during
the pre-delivery inspection.

2. Ideal for drawing geometric

3. Minimum dimensions: 14 cm
x 20 cm
4. Minimum thickness: 2 mm
5. The items shall be free from
toxic materials.


1 Globe, Celestial Functional Specifications: Used
to illustrate the relative
locations of observable celestial
objects with respect to the earth
in the celestial sphere (celestial
sphere is what we commonly
called sky)

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to illustrate the
relative locations of observable
celestial objects with respect to
the earth in the celestial sphere
(celestial sphere is what we
commonly called sky)

Design Specifications:
1. Star Globe; diameter 11-13
inches, transparent plastic
2. Each rotates independently.
The star map shows principal
stars to the 5th magnitude,
names of major stars and
constellations, and includes the
ecliptic, right ascension and
declination scale.
3. Must include Names of
Months and Days Scales
around the globe for easy
reference of constellation
4. All labels permanently
marked on the item
5. The horizon mounting allows
the Globe to be set for any
6. Globe is supported on a
cradle base made of hard/tough
7. The Nine Dash Line should
not appear.

8. With English User's Manual
a. on the Guide on Using the
Model and Sample Student
b. Guide on Using the Model
c. Student Activity Sheet and
Teacher's Guide
9. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video

10. Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
2 Globe, Terrestrial Functional Specifications: Used
to represent the earth in three
dimensions and the locations
and sizes of land masses and
water bodies in scale accuracy

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to represent the
earth in three dimensions and
the locations and sizes of land
masses and water bodies in
scale accuracy

Design Specifications:
1. Globe diameter: 11-13
2. Shows the following:
(a) All continents, countries
with their capitals, and
important cities and places
(b) Updated with newly
established countries, or re-
named countries and cities.
(c) Illustrates the flow and
directions of ocean currents
(d) Lines of Latitudes (0°to 90°),
graduated both in Northern and
Southern Latitudes and
Longitudes (0° to 180°),
graduated both in Eastern and
Western Longitudes
(e) International Date Line,
Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer,
Tropic of Capricorn and
Antarctic Circle
(f) Lines of Equator and Prime
(g) Names of mountain,
mountain ranges, volcano,
ocean floors, gulfs, seas and
(h) Names of continents, seas
and country boundaries should
be according to international
(i) Philippine territory
emphasizing the "West
Philippine Sea" as one of the
Philippine territorial sea
(j) The Nine Dashed Line
should not appear.
3. The globe which is made of
plastic is mounted on a plastic
meridian ring (C-shape) with
movable magnifier.
4. The base stand is made of
hard/tough plastic.
5. Brand must be permanently
marked on the item.
3 Landform Functional Specifications: Used
Demonstration to represent the different
Kit landforms on the earth's
surface in three-dimensions

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to to represent
the different landforms on the
earth's surface in three-

Design Specifications:
1. Watertight demonstration
tray 19-21 inches x 4-6 inches
x 1-3 inches
2. Three pieces of flexible
colored foam
3. Three pieces fault structures
a. Made of 6 colored layer of
rubber or plastic
b. Dimension: 12-14 inches x 4-
6 inches x 3-5 inches
c. can demonstrates normal,
reverse and slide slip fault
4. Erupting 5-8 inches x 5-8
inches volcano base for
5. With English User's Manual
that includes Guide on how to
assemble and use the model.
6. For geological study
7. Must be branded and must
be permanently marked on the
4 Model, Earth Functional Specifications: Used
Internal to illustrate the external and
Structure, 1/4 internal parts of the earth in
part detachable three dimensions

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to illustrate the
external and internal parts of
the earth in three dimensions

Design Specifications:
1. Globe diameter: 11-13 inches
2. Shows the countries and
3. 1/4 part detachable and
shows the different layer
4. Must have correct permanent
makings of the following parts
as follows:
a. Crust
b. Mantle
c. Outer Core
d. Lower Core
5. Made of plastic
6. The base stand is made of
hard/tough plastic.
7. The removable parts must be
intact and not falling.
8. The Nine Dash Line should
not appear.
9. Must be branded and
permanently marked in the
5 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Seismograph to demonstrate how a
seismograph records
earthquakes and their
comparative strengths

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
how a seismograph records
earthquakes and their
comparative strengths,
1. The recording pen is
attached to a weight suspended
from a support that is
connected to a metal base
2. The support moves with the
vibrations & the pen records on
a recording paper as the paper
is manually pulled through a
metal frame
3. Earthquakes are simulated
by vibrating the table on which
the model is mounted.

Design Specifications:

1. Consist of a roll of recording
paper (63-65 mm wide) with
mounting, recording pens,
suspended weight, support with
a painted metal base stand,
recording frame, and table
clamp (opening-63-65 mm). The
metal stand rod (320-325 mm
long) and metal support are
chrome-plated. The metal frame
is of galvanized iron sheet.
2. Base dimensions : 293-
298mm x 152-157mm x 23-
3. With English User's manual
that includes the operation and
guide on how to assemble the
4. Brand must be permanently
marked in the item.
6 Model, Solar Functional Specifications: Used
System to show the sun and the eight
(8) major planets of the solar
system in three dimensions, in
correct order from the nearest
to the farthest from the sun

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to show the sun
and the eight (8) major planets
of the solar system in three
dimensions, in correct order
from the nearest to the farthest
from the sun

Design Specifications:
1. shows the eight (8) major
planets of the solar system
namely: a) Mercury, b) Venus,
c) Earth, d) Mars, e) Jupiter, f)
Saturn, g) Uranus, and h)
Neptune with each planet color
code and shaded correctly
2. each planet can be manually
operated to revolve around sun
3. Dimensions: Sun: 5.75-6.5"
diameter, Total dimension:
height 13.5-14.5 inches; length
20.5-21.5 inches, plated steel
4. Sun made of plastic material,
support base made of metal

5. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the
7 Model, Sun- Functional Specifications: Used
Earth-Moon to show the relative locations of
the sun, the earth and the
moon three dimensions, and
the synchronous revolutions of
the moon around the earth and
the earth's revolution around
the sun

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to show the
relative locations of the sun, the
earth and the moon three
dimensions, and the
synchronous revolutions of the
moon around the earth and the
earth's revolution around the

Design Specifications:
1. Hand-operated gear drive
that moves the Earth and moon
in relation to the Sun. Shows
the Earth's rotation, revolution,
day and night, tilt of its axis,
phases and eclipses of the
Moon. Supported by a sturdy
base and chrome-plated steel
2. Sun's sphere is illuminated
with hole to focus a beam of
light always to the globe; also
indicates the month and phase
of the moon in relation to the
3. All spheres (Sun, Earth,
Moon) made of plastic; sizes
must reflect relative differences
of sizes between Sun, Moon,
and Earth. Sun's diameter 5.5-
6.5 inches.
4. The Nine Dash Line should
not appear.
5. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide
and guide on how to replace the
bulb in the model
8 Model, Tectonics Functional Specifications: Used
Demonstrator to simulate tectonic processes

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to simulate
tectonic processes

Design Specifications:
1. Tectonic container
Length Range: 10 range -13
Width Range: 6 range -8 inches
Height Range: 3 range - 5
Shape: Rectangular
2. The model contains the
a. Two pieces L-shaped plastic
plates with screw type long
push handles
b. One piece Rectangular /
Square plastic plates with
screw type short push handle
used to flatten the sand inside
the tectonic container.
c. 12 pieces of washers
d. 12 pieces of nuts
e. Includes 1 kilogram yellow
sand and 1 kilogram green

3. With English User's Manual

that includes
a. Operation Guide
b. Guide on how to assemble
the model.
c. Guide on how to use the
model with pictures
d. Student Activity Sheets
6. Must be branded and must
be permanently marked on the
9 Model, Volcano, Functional Specifications: Used
cross section to illustrate the major external
and internal parts of a volcano
in three dimensions

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to represent the
major external and internal
parts of a volcano in three

Design Specifications:

1. Dimensions: 10-12 inches
diameter x 10-12 inches height
2. The parts of the volcano
correctly named: Sill, Strata,
Dike, Crust, Magma Chamber,
Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle,
and Vent; permanently marked
on the item
3. Detailed cross-section shows
the inside of the volcano
4. With removable red tube
5. With 12.5-13 inches clear,
circular, plastic tray which fit in
the entire model
6. It simulates the volcano
7. Easy to clean and reusable.
8. With English Users' Manual
that includes operation guide
with easy-to-prepare lava recipe
9. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the
10 Rock Samples, 24 Functional Specifications: Used
pcs/set, to show actual samples of most
(minerals of 3 common rocks found on the
rock types) earth's crust

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to show actual
samples of most common rocks
found on the earth's crust

Design Specifications:
1. Samples/references for in
identifying and classifying rocks
2. Boxed mineral and rock
collection. Should have at least
24 samples comprising
minerals: 8 types igneous, 8
types sedimentary, and 8 types
metamorphic rocks. There
should be colored pictures of
the rocks for reference.
3. Rock size: 8 cm3 -20cm3 (8
mL - 20mL by water
4. Rock should be placed in a
plastic packing and properly
labelled with its name.

5. Samples are individually
bagged in appropriate size
transparent plastic and
numbered and correspond to
the description in the lid of the
box. Each rock name should be
accompanied with rock type,
Example: "Basalt" (igneous)
6. The box is made of sturdy
plastic, compartmentalized for
each sample
7. Made up of non-toxic
material, free from any sharp
8. Brand permanently marked
on the container box
11 Telescope, Functional Specifications: Used
Astronomical to enhance the appearance of
(Reflecting) details of celestial objects not
visible to the unaided eye

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to enhance the
appearance of details of
celestial objects not visible to
the unaided eye

Design Specifications:
1. Equatorial Reflector
Telescope Features
a) 112-114mm Aperture
b) Focal Length: 900-1000 mm
c) Rack-and-Pinion Focuser
d) Equatorial Mount with
manual control cables
e) Setting Circles
f) Latitude Control with Scale
g) Two Eyepieces - 8.5-9.5mm
and 23-27mm diameter each,
multi coated
h) Tripod
i. Maximum Height: 125 cm
ii. Adjustable-height
iii. Aluminum-alloy legs
iv. Tray to hold eyepieces,
lights, and accessories
v. Spiked feet add stability on
uneven/soft ground
2. With English User's Manual
that includes Operation Guide
and Guide on how to assemble
the model.

3. With permanent marking at
the bottom of each eyepiece
stating the model, focal length,
and diameter.
4. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
5. Must be branded and
permanently marked on the

1 Model, Human Functional Specifications: Used
Circulatory to show details of blood flow.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to illustrate how
the respiratory and circulatory
systems work together to
transport nutrients, gases, and
other molecules to and from the
different parts of the body;

Design Specifications:
1. Life-size, colored relief model.
2. Frontal plane is cutaway so
blood circulation can be traced
to the major organs and
3. Made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
4. With arterial system: aorta
artery, brachial artery, iliac
artery, renal artery, mesenteric
artery, pulmonary artery,
carotid artery, tibial artery,
femoral artery, palmar digital
artery, ulnar artery, radial
artery, popliteal artery,
subclavian artery
5. With venous system: basilic
vein, renal vein, iliac vein,
pulmonary vein, femoral vein,
popliteal vein, brachial vein,
subclavian vein, palmar digital
vein, tibial vein, dorsal venous
arch, superior vena cava and
inferior vena cava
6. With heart, lung, liver,
spleen, kidneys, partial
7. The model is washable and
must be free from any labels.
8. Paint shall be permanent
and not be removed when
washed with soap and water.
9. With name of the model:
SYSTEM MODEL (Font style:
Arial, Font size: 32,
permanently marked on the
10. With no sharp parts and
11. Mounted on a stable
12. Dimensions (minimum):
80cm H x 30cm L x 5cm W
13. Safely packed in a box
14. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual-colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
15. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation: Portrait
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30mm
shall be placed at the top-
center (Font style: Arial, Font
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 12, First letter of the label
is capitalized, )
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled
16. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
2 Model, Human Functional Specifications: Used
Endocrine as a visual representation of the
System endocrine glands in a human

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to illustrate the
hormones involved in the
female and male reproductive
systems; and other hormones
present in the human body.

Design Specifications:
1. Exhibits frontal section of
the human body showing all
the glands in the endocrine
2. Both male and female glands
are present.
3. Features: Pineal,
hypothalamus, pituitary,
thyroid, parathyroid, thymus,
adrenal cortex, kidney,
pancreas, testes, ovary, and
4. Colorful relief model made of
non-toxic plastic material
(Certificate of non-toxicity is
5. With no sharp parts and
6. The model is washable and
must free from any labels.
7. Paint shall be permanent
and not be removed when
washed with soap and water.
8. With name of the model:
MODEL (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 28, UPPERCASE, BOLD)
permanently marked on the
9. Mounted on a stable
10. Dimensions (minimum):
38cm L x 24cm W x 6cm H
11. Safely packed in a box
12. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual-colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
13. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation:
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30mm
shall be placed at the top-

center (Font style: Arial, Font

f. The model picture in white

background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 12, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled.
14. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
3 Model, Human Functional Specifications: Used
Nervous System to illustrate the schematic
representation of the central
and peripheral nervous system.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the
complex network of nerve cells
and the motor nerves

Design Specifications:
1. One-half life-size, colored,
relief model made of non-toxic
plastic material (Certificate of
non-toxicity is required).
2. The model shows the
structure of the nervous system
(brain, cerebrum, cerebellum,
spinal cord, radial nerve, ulnar
nerve, median nerve, lumbar
plexus, femoral nerve, sacral
plexus, sciatic nerve, brachial
plexus, intercostal nerve,
common peroneal nerve, tibial
nerve, saphenous nerve, finger
nerve and toe nerve).
3. The pathway of the main
nerves is well illustrated in
relation to the skeleton.
4. The model is washable, free
from any label, sharp parts and
5. Paint shall be permanent
and not be removed when
washed with soap and water.
6. With name of the model:
MODEL (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 30, UPPERCASE, BOLD)
permanently marked on the
7. Mounted on a stable
8. Dimensions (minimum):
80cm H x 30cm L x 5 cm W
9. Safely packed in a box.
10. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual-colored
picture of the model including
the name; labeled with the
required parts.
11. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation: Portrait
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30 mm
shall be placed at the top-
center (Font style: Arial, Font
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 12, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled.
12.Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
4 Model, Human Functional Specifications: Used
Nose (Nasal- to illustrate the anatomy of the
Throat Anatomy) human nose.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the parts
of the sense organs of the
human body, specifically the
human nose.
Design Specifications:
1. Life-size, colorful model that
features nasal throat anatomy.
2. Shows frontal sinus,
sphenoid sinus, conchae, nasal
vestibule, hard palate, soft
palate, oral cavity, tongue,
hyoid bone, epiglottis, pharynx,
larynx and vocal fold.
3. Made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
4. The model is washable, free
from any label, sharp parts and
5. Paint shall be permanent
and not be removed when
washed with soap and water.
6. With name of the model:
style: Arial, Font size: 26,
permanently marked on the
7. Mounted on a stable base.
8. Dimensions (minimum): 12
cm x 21 cm (width x full height)
9. Safely packed in a box.
10. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual-colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
11. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation: Portrait
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30 mm
KEY CARD shall be placed at
the top-center (Font style: Arial,
Font Size: 26, UPPERCASE,
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the

g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 12, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled.
12. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
5 Model, Human Functional Specifications: Used
Skeleton as a visual representation of the
internal framework of the body.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the
different types of bones.

Design Specifications:
1. Life-size model made of non-
toxic, hard plastic material in
natural bone color (Certificate
of non-toxicity is required).
2. Mounted on stable metal
stand, stainless steel rod, Ø
minimum of 12 mm., with 4 or
5 legged unbreakable plastic
with roller coasters as support
to the skeleton.
3. All joints properly articulated
and wired; all metal materials
that interconnect the bones
shall be stainless steel.
4. Features: frontal, parietal,
temporal, occipital, maxilla,
mandible, hyoid bone, vertebral
column, clavicle, scapula,
sternum, xiphoid process, ribs,
humerus, radius, ulna, carpals,
metacarpals, phalanges, ilium,
sacrum, coccyx, pubis,
ischium, femur, patella, tibia,
fibula, calcaneus, tarsals,
metatarsals and phalanges
5. The model is washable, free
from any label, sharp parts and
6. Minimum height of the
human skeleton: 158 cm
7. Minimum height after
mounting on the stand: 168

8. Some bones can be
assembled or detached.
9. Enclosed in a plastic and
packed in a sturdy box.
10. Provided with a dust cover.
11. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual-colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
12. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation: Portrait
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30mm
shall be placed at the top-
center (Font style: Arial, Font
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 12, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled
13. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand must be
permanently marked on the
6 Model, Human Functional Specifications: Used
Torso to visualize the
structures/organs found in the
human body.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to illustrate how
the organs are connected in a

Design Specifications:
1. Life-size, smooth-finish,
plastic material mounted on a
stable base.

2. Detachable head;
3. Open back, exposed spine
with 2 to 4 removable vertebra
and spinal cord
4. With interchangeable male
and female reproductive organs
5. (Minimum) 32 dissectible
parts that include:
a.) removable head (parts of
mouth and nasopharynx
exposed) b.) with brain exposed
(1 to 8 part), with arteries c.)
eye with optic nerve d.)female
breast plate with plate rib; e)
right and left lung (2 to 4 part)
f.) 2-part heart g) 2-part
stomach h.) liver with gall
bladder, i.) 3 to 4 part intestinal
tract with appendix flap j.)
kidney half k.) 3-part female
genital organ with removable
fetus l.) 4-part male genital
6. Height (minimum): 845 mm.
7. True to life color and free
from toxic materials (Certificate
of non-toxicity is required).
8. Will be able to stand upright
with removable parts intact and
not falling.
9. The model is washable, free
from any labels and sharp
10. Paint shall be permanent
and not be removed when
washed with soap and water.
11. With name of the model:
style: Arial, Font size: 36,
permanently marked on the
12. Enclosed in a polystyrene
foam and packed in a sturdy
13. With English User's manual
that includes description of the
model, diagram with labels, and
guide on how to
assemble/disassemble the
14. Manual details:

a. Material: Inside pages: Book
Paper, 80 gsm (minimum
Cover: Paper
board, 280 gsm (minimum 0.30
b. Size (minimum): 165 mm x
215 mm Fold;
(minimum): 330 mm x
215 mm Spread
c. Binding: Saddle Staple
d. Font type: Arial and Font size
(minimum): 10
e. Pictures shall be in full color
15. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
7 Model, Lung Functional Specifications: Used
Demonstration to demonstrate how the lungs
work and the concept of

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate
the process of respiration.

Design Specifications:
1. This interactive, model
consists of the following:
a. clear plastic enclosure
b. two (2) rubber balloons
c. elastic rubber membrane
d. rubber stopper (with one
hole) that snugly fits the mouth
of the bell jar
e. y-tube whose diameter fits
the hole on the rubber stopper
2. Made of non-toxic materials
(Certificate of non-toxicity is
3. Minimum base diameter : 17
4. Minimum height (including
stopper): 29 cm
5. Safely packed in a box
6. With English User's manual
that shall provide description of
the model, it's operation and
maintenance guide.
7. Manual details:

a. Material: Inside pages: Book
Paper, 80 gsm (minimum
Cover: Paper
board, 280 gsm (minimum 0.30
b. Size (minimum): 165 mm x
215 mm Fold
(minimum): 330 mm x
215 mm Spread
c. Binding: Saddle Staple
d. Font type: Arial and Font size
(minimum): 10
e. Pictures shall be in full color
8. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
8 Model, Pumping Functional Specifications: Used
Heart to simulate blood flow through
the heart chambers.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to demonstrate
basic heart and pulmonary
blood flow.

Design Specifications:
1. An interactive model that
illustrates how the heart and
lungs work together for oxygen
2. With heart chambers, main
artery, veins and lungs labeled
3. Made of non-toxic plastic
material; with a rubber pump
(Certificate of non-toxicity is
4. The liquid is sealed in the
5. Inclusion: Two (2) extra
stopper screws and dye
6. Dimensions (minimum): 29
cm L x 27 cm W x 12 cm D
7. Safely packed in a box
8. With User's manual that
shall provide guide on how it
works; with heart
study/activity instructions
9. Manual details:

a. Material: Inside pages: Book
Paper, 80 gsm (minimum
Cover: Paper
board, 280 gsm (minimum 0.30
b. Size (minimum): 165 mm x
215 mm Fold
(minimum): 330 mm x
215 mm Spread
c. Binding: Saddle Staple
d. Font type: Arial and Font size
(minimum): 10
e. Pictures shall be in full color
10. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
9 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Reproductive to visually represent the female
System, Female reproductive system.
(Pelvic Anatomy)

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the parts
of the female reproductive and
genitourinary system.

Design Specifications:
1. Shows a longitudinal section
of one-piece, life-size female
2. Exhibits colored internal
structures of the genitourinary
system: urinary bladder,
urethra, vagina, cervix, uterus,
ovary, fallopian tube, fimbria,
rectum, labium minus and
labium majus.
3. Made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
4. The model is washable, free
from any labels and sharp
5. Paint shall be permanent
and not be removed when
washed with soap and water.
6. With name of the model:
MODEL (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 16, UPPERCASE, BOLD)

permanently marked on the

7. Dimensions (minimum): 25
cm L x 18 cm W x 28 cm H
8. Mounted on a stable base.
9. Safely packed in a box.
10. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
11. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation:
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30 mm
e. Title: FEMALE
KEY CARD shall be placed at
the top- center (Font style:
Arial, Font Size: 22,
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 14, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled.
12. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently mark on the base.
10 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Reproductive to visually represent the male
System, Male reproductive system.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the parts
of the male urology and
reproductive system.

Design Specifications:

1. Shows a longitudinal section
of one-piece, life-size male
2. Exhibits bladder, prostate,
rectum, seminal vesicle,
testicle, epididymis, penis, vas
deferens and urethra
3. Made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
4. The model is washable, free
from any label, sharp parts and
5. Paint shall be permanent
and not be removed when
washed with soap and water.
6. With name of the model:
SYSTEM MODEL (Font style:
Arial, Font size: 26,
permanently marked on the
7. Mounted on a stable base
8. Dimensions (minimum): 26
cm H x 15 cm W x 25 cm L
9. Safely packed in a box
10. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual-colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
11. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation:
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30mm
shall be placed at the top-
center (Font style: Arial, Font
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font

size: 14, First letter of the label
is capitalized, )
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled
12. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the


1 Model, Animal Functional Specifications: Used
Cell as a visual representation of an
animal cell.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to illustrate
structures in an animal cell.

Design Specifications:
1. Three-dimensional model
with colorful cell structures and
raised-relief organelles.
2. Features: nucleus, nucleolus,
nuclear pore, nucleoplasm,
nuclear envelope, smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, rough
endoplasmic reticulum,
mitochondrion, ribosome, Golgi
apparatus, centriole, lysosome,
peroxisome, cytoplasm, cell
membrane and chromatin
3. Dimensions (minimum): 304
mm L x 393 mm H x 113 mm W
4. Made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
5. Mounted on two post stand
with stable base.
6. The model is washable, free
from any label, sharp parts and
7. Paint shall be permanent and
not be removed when washed
with soap and water.
8. With name of the model:
style: Arial, Font size: 40,
permanently marked on the
9. Safely packed in a box

10. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
11. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout orientation:
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30 mm
KEY CARD shall be placed at
the top-center (Font style: Arial,
Font Size: 32, UPPERCASE,
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 12, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled.
12. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
2 Model, Animal Functional Specifications: Used
Meiosis to visualize the different phases
of animal meiosis.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to make a
comparison between meiosis
and mitosis phases and their
role in the cell-division cycle.

Design Specifications:
1. Three-dimensional relief
model made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
2. A set depicting 10 phases of
meiosis namely:
a) Interphase (G1-phase),

b) Prophase I (leptotene),
c) Prophase I (Zygotene and
d) Prophase I (diplotene),
e) Prophase I (diakinesis),
f) Metaphase I
g) Anaphase I,
h) Telophase I, Cytokinesis I,
Interkinesis, Prophase II, and
Metaphase II,
j) Anaphase II,
i)Telophase II and Cytokinesis II
3. Labels of the phases must
bear the correct spelling as
stated above
4. Shows the nucleus,
centrioles, centrosome,
chromatin, chromosomes,
spindle fiber and aster;
5. The color of the cell models
shall be in accordance with the
coloring methods of microscopy;
6. Individual cell model is
magnetic and detachable;
7. Each model rests in a
magnetic board/frame;
8. Magnets shall not separate
from the cell model;
9. Cell models must not fall
when the frame is vertically
10. Product measures
(minimum ): 598 mm long x 58
mm thick x 398 mm wide
11. With a stable 45° metal
12. With name of the model:
(Font style: Arial, Font size: 36,
permanently marked on the
13. Safely packed in a box
14. With English User's manual
that includes the description in
each phase of meiosis and
storage instructions.
15. Manual details:
a. Material: Inside pages: Book
Paper, 80 gsm (minimum

Cover: Paper
board, 280 gsm (minimum 0.30
b. Size (minimum): 165 mm x
215 mm Fold
(minimum): 330 mm x
215 mm Spread
c. Binding: Saddle Staple
d. Font type: Arial and Font size
(minimum): 10
e. Pictures shall be in full color
16. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
3 Model, Animal Functional Specifications: Used
Mitosis to visualize the different phases
of animal mitosis.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to make a
comparison between meiosis
and mitosis phases and their
role in the cell-division cycle.

Design Specifications:
1. Three-dimensional relief
model made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
2. A set depicting 9 phases of
mitosis namely:
a) Interphase,
b) Prophase,
c) Early Prometaphase,
d) Late Prometaphase,
e) Metaphase,
f) Early Anaphase
g) Late Anaphase,
h) Telophase
i) Cytokinesis
3. Labels of the phases must
bear the correct spelling as
stated above
4. Shows the nucleus,
centrioles, centrosome,
chromatin, chromosomes,
spindle fiber and aster;
5. The color of the cell models
shall be in accordance with the
coloring methods of microscopy;

6. Individual cell model
magnetic and detachable;
7. Each model rests in a
magnetic board/frame;
8. Magnets shall not separate
from the cell model;
9. Cell models must not fall
when the frame is vertically
10. Product measures
(minimum ): 598 mm long x 58
mm thick x 398 mm wide
11. With a stable 45° metal
12. With name of the model:
style: Arial, Font size: 36,
permanently marked on the
13. Safely packed in a box
14. With English User's manual
that includes the description in
each phase of meiosis and
storage instructions.
15. Manual details:
a. Material: Inside pages: Book
Paper, 80 gsm (minimum
Cover: Paper
board, 280 gsm (minimum 0.30
b. Size (minimum): 165 mm x
215 mm Fold
(minimum): 330 mm x
215 mm Spread
c. Binding: Saddle Staple
d. Font type: Arial and Font size
(minimum): 10
e. Pictures shall be in full color
16. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
4 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Chloroplast to show the complex internal
structure of a chloroplast.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to illustrate parts
and the organelles involved in

Design Specifications:
1. Colored 3D model with cut-
away section to reveal internal
2. Made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
3. Features: ribosome, DNA,
starch granule, outer
membrane, inner membrane,
stroma, thylakoid, granum,
lamellae, and lumen.
4. The model is washable, free
from any label, sharp parts and
5. Paints shall be permanent
and not be removed when
washed with soap and water
6. With name of the model:
style: Arial, Font size: 36,
permanently marked on the
7. Mounted on two posts stand
with a stable base.
8. Dimensions (minimum): 20
cm H x 25 cm L x 23 cm W
9.Safely packed in a box.
10. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
11. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation:
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30 mm
placed at the top-center (Font
style: Arial, Font Size: 36,
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the

g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 14, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled.
12. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
5 Model, DNA Functional Specifications: Used
as a visual representation of the
different components of a DNA

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to illustrate
accurately the phosphate,
deoxyribose, and base pairs
components of a DNA

Design Specifications:
1. Depicts a minimum of 16
base pair section/layer DNA
2. Pre-assembled DNA made of
attractive, color-coded, non-
toxic, abstract shaped plastic
parts that represents each
bases (Thymine, Adenine,
Guanine & Cytosine), the sugar
and phosphate components;
(Certificate of non-toxicity is
3. Stands upright with a
support rod mounted on a
stable rotatable base/stand
4. Minimum model height : 58
5. The phosphate and
deoxyribose can be removed
and separated along with
individual base pairs
6. Double helix structure
7. The model can also be
uncoiled and ""unzipped"" to
produce two strands.
8. Must be free from sharp
parts and defects
9. With name of the model:
DNA MODEL (Font style: Arial,
Font size: 24, UPPERCASE,

BOLD) permanently marked on
the base.
10. Safely packed in a box
11. With English User's manual
that includes description of the
product, its parts, assembly
and storage instructions
12. Manual details:
a. Material: Inside pages: Book
Paper, 80 gsm (minimum
Cover: Paper
board, 280 gsm (minimum 0.30
b. Size (minimum): 165 mm x
215 mm Fold
(minimum): 330 mm x
215 mm Spread
c. Binding: Saddle Staple
d. Font type: Arial and Font size
(minimum): 10
e. Pictures shall be in full color
13. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
6 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Invertebrates to provide information on the
anatomy of invertebrate

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the major
parts of the invertebrate

Design Specifications:
1. No sharp parts, non-toxic,
true-to-life color, 3D replicas of
invertebrates (Certificate of
non-toxicity is required)
2. With life-like shapes
3. The models are washable and
must be free from any labels.
4. Paint shall be permanent and
not be removed when washed
with soap and water.
5. Each is packed in resealable
plastic bag
6. Invertebrate models:
a. Soft rubber Centipede -
Length (minimum): 12 cm

b. Plastic Scorpion - Length
(minimum): 15 cm
c. Plastic Crayfish or Shrimp -
Length (minimum): 12 cm
7. Each invertebrate model
comes with a plastic laminated
key card that shall contain the
actual-colored picture of the
model labeled with the required
8. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation:
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30mm
e. Titles of the key card as
stated below: Shall be placed
at the top-center (Font style:
Arial, Font Size: 28,
Features: Tail-like rear pair of
legs, segmented trunk, many
legs, head, eye, antennae and
maxilliped with poison fang
SHRIMP features: Eye,
antennae, rostrum, carapace,
abdomen, swimming legs,
walking legs, telson, tail
Features: Pedipalp (pincer),
eyes, legs, carapace, chelicerae,
anus, telson, stinger
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 14, First letter of the label
is capitalized)
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled
9. Must be brand new.

9. Must be brand new.
7 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Mitochondrion as a visual representation of the
working organelles that keep
the cell in full energy.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to visually
represent the structure of
mitochondrion as the main
organelle involved in

Design Specifications:
1. One-piece 3D model made of
non-toxic plastic material
(Certificate of non-toxicity is
2. Features: Inner membrane,
outer membrane, cristae,
matrix, intermembrane space,
DNA, ribosome and granule
3. Shall be in cross-section
longitudinal structure
4. The model is washable, free
from any label, sharp parts and
5. Paint shall be permanent and
not be removed when washed
with soap and water.
6. With name of the model:
(Font style: Arial, Font size: 40,
permanently marked on the
7. Mounted on a stable base
8. Dimensions (minimum): 40
cm L x 20 cm W x 12 cm H
9. Safely packed in a box
10. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual-colored
picture of the model including
the name and labeled with the
required parts.
11. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation:
d.Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30 mm
placed at the top-center (Font
style: Arial, Font Size: 32,
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 14, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled.
12. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
8 Model, Plant Functional Specifications: Used
Cell as a visual representation of a
plant cell.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to illustrate
structures in a plant cell.

Design Specifications:
1. Two-piece plant cell 3D
2. Shape: Irregular
3. With colorful cell structures
and raised-relief organelles
4. Features: cell wall,
cytoplasm, ribosome, Golgi
apparatus, mitochondrion,
chloroplast, nucleus, nucleolus,
nuclear envelope, nuclear pore,
peroxisome, plasmodesma,
smooth endoplasmic reticulum,
rough endoplasmic reticulum
and vacuole.
5. Dimensions (minimum): 195
mm L x 110 mm W x 325 mm H
6. Made of non-toxic plastic
material (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
7. The model is free from any
label, sharp parts and defects.

8. Paint shall be permanent and
not be removed when washed
with soap and water.
9. With name of the model:
style: Arial, Font size: 20,
permanently marked on the
model itself or onto the base if
the model is supplied with a
10. Safely packed in a box
11. Comes with a plastic
laminated key card that shall
contain the actual-colored
picture of the model including
name and labeled with the
required parts.
12. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation:
d. Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30mm
KEY CARD shall be placed at
the top-center (Font style: Arial,
Font Size: 34, UPPERCASE,
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 12, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled
13. Must be branded and brand
new. The brand shall be
permanently marked on the
item or base whenever
9 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Vertebrates to provide information on the
anatomy of vertebrate animals.

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to show the major
parts of the vertebrate animals.

Design Specifications:
1. No sharp parts, non-toxic,
true-to-life color, 3D replicas of
vertebrates (Certificate of non-
toxicity is required)
2. With life-like shapes
3. The models are washable and
must be free from any labels.
4. Paint shall be permanent and
not be removed when washed
with soap and water.
5. Each is packed in a
resealable plastic bag.
6. Vertebrate models:
a. Soft rubber SNAKE - Length
(minimum): 50 cm.
b. Plastic balancing eagle with
transparent pyramid tower
Eagle (minimum): 12.8 cm L x
9.8 cm W x 1.8 cm H
Tower (minimum): 3.8 cm L x
3.8 cm W x 4.8 cm H
c. Plastic Shark - Length
(minimum): 15 cm
7. Each vertebrate model comes
with a plastic laminated key
card that shall contain the
actual-colored picture of the
model and labeled with the
required parts.
8. Key card details:
a. A4 size copy paper
b. Margin of 1/2 inch on all
sides; with 2 pt width border
c. Layout Orientation:
d.Lamination thickness:
minimum 0.30mm
e. Titles of key cards as stated
below: Shall be placed at the
top-center (Font style: Arial,
Font Size: 28, UPPERCASE,
Features: Snout, eye, mouth,
nostril, gill slit, first dorsal fin,

second dorsal fin, pectoral fin,
pelvic fin, and caudal fin
Features: Head, feather, tail,
body, beak, eye, and wing
Features: Head, eye, mouth,
tongue, body, scales, and tail
f. The model picture in white
background shall be big enough
to occupy the center part of the
card before inserting labels.
g. Labels shall be without
frame (Font style: Arial, Font
size: 14, First letter of the label
is capitalized).
h. Line with arrowhead of 1.25
pt width shall point to the
specific part being labeled.
9. Must be brand new


1 Model, Atomic Functional Specifications: Used

Orbital, 82-pc as a model/visual three
dimensional (3D) representation
of the shapes of the 14 different
atomic orbitals

Performance Specifications:
A) Must be able to
a) represent visually the 14
different atomic orbitals
b) assemble/build the 14
atomic orbitals (basic s, p and d
atomic orbitals )

i) one (1) pc 1s-orbital,

ii) one (1) pc 2s-orbital,
iii) three (3) pc 2p-orbital
iv) five (5) 3d-orbital-
v) one unit with one 2s
plus three 2p- orbitals as well
vi) as one sp hybrid orbital
vii) one (1) pc sp
unhybridized change to one pc
sp hybridized
viii) one (1) pc sp2
unhybridized change to one pc
sp2 hybridized
ix) one (1) pc sp3
unhybridized change to one pc
sp3 hybridized.

Design Specifications:
1. The pink & purple pear-
shaped lobes to represent the
2-wave (positive and negative)
phases of the s, p & d atomic
orbitals.The pink and purple,
pear-shaped lobes represent the
Material : Plastic
2. Opaque white spheres
represent atomic nuclei.
Material : Plastic
3. With 14 easy-to-assemble
atomic orbitals ((basic s, p and
d atomic orbitals)
a) 1 pc - 1s, Unhybridized
b) 1 pc - 2s, Unhybridized
c) 3 pc - 2p, Unhybridized
d) 5 pc - 3d, Unhybridized
e) 1 pc with one 2s plus three
2p orbitals, Unhybridized
f) 1 pc sp, hybrid orbital,
g) 1 pc sp2 hybrid orbital,
h) 1 pc sp3 hybrid orbital,
4. Approximate model heights
including clear, colorless base
range from
50–90 mm.
a) 50 mm (s orbital),
b) 90 mm (p orbital), and
c) 80 mm (d orbital).
5. The set is composed of the
a) 9 pc Grey atomic orbital
b) 17 pc Purple atomic
orbital parts
c) 19 pc Pink atomic orbital
d) 2 pc White octahedral
atom parts

e) 1 pc Black octahedral 23-
24 mm carbon atom part
f) 1 pc Pink monovalent 17-
18 mm atom part
g) 1 pc Pink monovalent 23-
24 mm atom part
h) 1 pc Purple d atomic disc-
shaped orbital part
i) 1 pc Black tetrahedral 23-
24 mm carbon atom part
j) 1 pc Black trigonal
bipyramidal 23-24 mm carbon
atom part
k) 1 pc Pink octahedral 23-
24 mm atom part
l) (1) Hydrogen H- Bond 17-
18 mm atom part
m) 2 pc White 3-hole 17-18
mm atom parts
n) 2 pc White 7-hole atom
o) 8 pc Grey rigid 27-28 mm
p) 14 pc clear transparent
Pedestal Stand/ bases
6. With durable storage case
with four compartments for
segregation of
a) Material of storage box:
ABS plastic
b) Color: Grey
c) Submission of the
original copy of the Test
certificate/s issued by the
testing unit, like DOST
material testing facilities or at
any DOST-accredited testing
institution attesting that the
material of the
compartmentalized storage box,
is Acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS), to validate the
conformity of the material to
the technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during
preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to
testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier.
7.) For Contents/ List of
materials, In Table form
a) For atoms: quantity,
name of element(symbol), color
code, (number of holes, type of
bond angles), diameter of the
b) For links; bond types and
8. With assembly guides,
individual worksheets and
instructional sheets/leaflets in
9. With User's
Manual/Teacher's manual in
English with full background
10. For numbers #8-9, the
technical specifications (a- e)
must be followed:
a) For Contents/ List of
materials, In Table form
b) for User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences format
i) With sentences,
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
User's Manual/Teacher's
Manual/Assembly Guides/
instructional leaflets that shall
contain the actual colored
picture of the model including
the name: labeled with the
required parts with details as
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times
New Roman
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
11. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
12. Comes with a brand
marked permanently in the box
13. Must be brand new
2 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Biochemistry as a model/visual 3D
Molecular, representation of some
(262 atom biomolecules: proteins, nucleic
parts) acids, lipids, and
carbohydrates, their structures

Performance Specifications: A)
Must be able to visually
a) represent some biomolecules
proteins, nucleic acids, lipids,
carbohydrates, their
structures, and relate them to
their function.
b) observe the chemical bonding
c) determine whether the
biomolecule is polar or non
polar given its structure

B) Assemble all the different

biomolecules and study them

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Compact/Semi-space
filling models
2. Shape of atom parts : Solid
3. Material of spheres : Plastic
4. Diameter of sphere/atom
a) Hydrogen atom : 16-17mm
b) Carbon, nitrogen and
oxygen atom: 22-23.5 mm
5. For compact models, bonds
are represented by
a) short links
b) v-bonds links
6. Material of links : Plastic
7. Length of links
a) short link : 2 mm-11
b)v-bonds links : 13-14 mm
8. Color of links:
a) short link :
b) v-bonds link : white links
9. With 262 color-coded plastic
atoms and 260 links
10. The Biochemistry Molecular
Model set includes the
A. 262 color-coded plastic
atom parts
Quantity(pc) Element
Color Number of holes
i) 68 Black Carbon atoms
42 pc Carbon
Black Four holes
. 24 pc Carbon
Black Three holes
2 pc Carbon
Black Two holes
ii) 34 Blue nitrogen atoms
12 pc Nitrogen
Blue Four holes
12 pc Nitrogen
Blue Three holes
10 pc Nitrogen
Blue Two hole
iii) 40 red oxygen atoms
20 pc Oxygen
Red Two hole
10 pc Oxygen
Red Two hole
10 pc Oxygen
Red Single hole
iv) 110 White Hydrogen
atom parts
100 pc White
molydome links
10 pc Hydrogen
White Two hole
v) Two (2) Yellow two hole
angular sulfur atoms
2 pc Sulfur
Yellow Two hole
vi) Six (6) purple
tetrahedral atoms

6 pc Phosphorus
Purple Four hole
vii) 2 grey metal atoms
One (1) pc Metal
Grey Four hole
One (1) pc Metal
Grey Six hole
viii) 150 NV-links, colorless
ix) 100 Short white links
x) 10 V-links, grey
C. With two pc link
remover tool
Color : cream
11. WIth two durable large
storage boxes
a) Material of storage boxes:
ABS plastic
b) Color: Grey
c) Submission of the
original copy of the Test
certificate/s issued by the
testing unit, like DOST
material testing facilities or at
any DOST-accredited testing
institution attesting that the
material of the two large storage
boxes, is Acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene (ABS), to
validate the conformity of the
material the technical
specifications. A representative
of the Procuring Entity should
be present during preparation
and submission of the material
test specimens to testing
facility. All expenses for the
said test shall be shouldered by
the Supplier, with the following
Length : 238-239 mm
Width : 167-169 mm
Thickness : 6.0-9.0 mm
12. With contents/ list of
materials in table form, as to:
a) For atoms: quantity,
name of element(symbol), color
code, (number of holes, type of
bond angles), diameter of the

b) For links; bond types
and use
13. With Assembly Guides,
individual worksheets and
instructional leaflets in English
14. With User's
Manual/Teacher's instruction
manual in English with full
background information
15. For numbers #13 to 14;
technical specifications(a-e)
must be followed:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
Assembly guides/instructional
leaflets that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times
New Roman
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
16. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
17. Must be have a brand
printed permanently on the box
18. Must be brand new

3 Model, Crystal Functional Specifications: Used
Structures Set as a model/ visual 3D
(Graphite, representation of five crystal
diamond, compounds
carbon dioxide)
Performance Specifications: A)
Must be able to visually:
a) represent the five different
types of crystals and their
properties: ionic, covalent,
molecular, and metallic
b) describe the difference in
structure of crystalline
(diamond) and amorphous
(graphite) solids and
d) observe the difference of the
ionic, covalent and metallic
bonds and
e) determine whether a crystal
molecule is polar or non-polar
given its structure
B) Assemble the four crystal

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Open/Ball and stick
2 Shape of atom parts :Solid
3 Material of spheres : Plastic
with the following dimensions:
a)Sodium, carbon: 22-23.5
b) Copper : 25-25.5 mm
c) Chlorine : 32-32.5 mm
4. Types of links/bonds
a) Medium (Single, rigid)
b) Long (double/triple,
flexible) links
5. Material of links: Flexible
plastic low density plastic
6. Length of solid links/rods
a)Medium: 19-27 mm
b) Long : 43-44 mm
7. Color of links/bonds
Medium links: grey
Long links : gray
8. The Crystal structure set is
composed of the following:

a) Diamond- covalent crystal
model (30 atoms) + links = 70
I. Element Number of holes
Angle Shape Color
i) Carbon (4 hole)
109.5° Tetrahedral Black
ii) Placed in resealable
plastic bag
II. Links/Bonds
Color Quantity (pc)
i) Medium links/ Bonds
Grey white 40
ii) Placed in resealable
plastic bag
b) Sodium chloride (NaCl)-
i/onic crystal model (27
atoms)+links= 81 pc
I. Element Number of
holes Shape Color
i) Chlorine 6 hole
Octahedral Green
ii) Sodium 6 hole
Octahedral Silver gray/grey
iii) Placed in two (2)
separate resealable plastic bags
II. Links/Bonds
Color Quantity (pc)
i) Medium Grey
white 54
ii) Placed in resealable
plastic bag
c) Graphite - covalent
crystal model (45 atoms ) +
links = 100 pc
This kit is designed to
make a three layer model of
graphite having 15 carbon
atoms in each layer.

I. Element Number
of holes Color
Quantity (pc)
i) Carbon 5
hole Black
ii) Placed in resealable
plastic bag

II. Links/Bonds
Color Quantity (pc)
i) Long connectors
Grey/ white 15
ii) Medium
connectors(single, rigid)
Grey/ white 46
iii) Placed in two (2)
separate resealable plastic bag
d) Copper - metallic crystal
model/ 14 atoms + links = 50
Crystal structure : face
center cubic
I. Element Number of
holes Color Quantity
i) Copper 8 hole
Red 8
ii)Copper 6 hole
Red 6
iii) Placed in two (2) separate
Ziploc plastic bag
II. Links/Bonds - 36 pc
Links/Bonds Color
Length Quantity (pc)
i) Medium Grey
white 65 mm 24
ii) Long Grey
white 100 mm 12
iii) Placed in two (2)
separate resealable plastic bag
9. With Link remover
tool/Assembly tool
10. With 1 pc durable plastic
storage box
a) Material: ABS plastic
b) Color: Grey
c) Submission of the original
copy of the Test certificate/s
issued by the testing unit, like
DOST material testing facilities
or at any DOST-accredited
testing institution attesting that
the material of the
compartmentalized storage box,
is Acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS), to validate the
conformity of the material to
the technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during
preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to

testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier,
with the following dimensions:
11. Package Dimensions
a) Length : 235-239 mm
b) Width : 167-171
c) Thickness : 68-71 mm
12. With contents/ list in table
form, as to:
a) For atoms: quantity,
name of element(symbol), color
code, (number of holes, type of
bond angles), diameter of the
b) For links; bond types and
13. With Assembly Guides,
individual worksheets and
instructional leaflets in English
14. With User's
Manual/Teacher's instruction
manual in English with full
background information
15. For numbers #12 to 14;
they must follow technical
specifications a-e:
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) for User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 minimum thickness
plastic laminated keycard that
shall contain the actual colored
picture of the model including
the name: labeled with the
required parts with details as
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times
New Roman
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
16. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
17. Comes with a brand
marked permanently in the box
18. Must be brand new
4 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Molecular, as a model/visual three
Inorganic/Orga dimensional (3D) representation
nic (307-pc) of the different
inorganic/organic compounds

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to :
a) visually represent the
molecular structures of many
inorganic/organic molecules
b) assemble inorganic/organic
compounds to show covalent
and ionic bonding and c)
determine whether a molecule
is polar or non-polar given its

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Ball and stick
2. Shape of atom parts : Solid
3. Material of spheres :
4. Diameter of sphere/atom
a) Hydrogen and chlorine
atoms : 17-17.5 mm
b) Other atoms : 23-23.5 mm
5. Material of links: Flexible
plastic low density polyethylene
(LDPE) solid links
6. Length, color and quantity
of solid links/rods
a) Short links
i) Type : For space

ii) Length : 11-12 mm
ii) Color :
iii)Quantity: 60 pc
b) Medium links
i) Type : Single,
ii) Length : 27-28 mm
iii) Color : Grey
iv)Quantity: 60 pc
c) Long links
i) Type :
ii) Length : 43-44 mm
iii) Color : Grey
iv) Quantity : 30 pc
7. With 126 atoms, 30 orbitals,
150 links and 1 short link
remover tool
8. The inorganic/organic
molecular model set is
composed of the following:
I. Shape No. of holes
Angles Element/atom
Color Qty(pc)
a) Tetrahedral 4 holes
109°28' Carbon
Black 30
b) Trigonal 5 holes
90°/120° Carbon
Black 8
c)Linear 2 holes
180° Carbon
Black 2
d) Trigonal 3 holes
120° Carbon
Black 6
e) Divalent 2 holes
105° Oxygen
Red 14
f) Monovalent 1 hole
Hydrogen White 45
g)Tetrahedral 4 holes
109°28' Nitrogen
Blue 4
h)Divalent 2 holes
105° Sulfur
Yellow 1
i) Tetrahedral 4 holes
109°28' Sulfur
Yellow 1
j) Tetrahedral 4 holes
109°28' Phosphorus
Purple 4
k) Monovalent 1 hole
180° Chlorine
Green 8
l) Octahedral 6 holes
90° Metal
Silver/grey 2
m) Divalent atom
Grey 1
II. Orbitals: 30 pc
Orbitals Lengths
Color Quantity (pc)
a) Pi orbitals 38 mm
purple 6
b) Pi orbitals 38 mm
pink 6
c) P orbitals 38 mm
purple 6
d) P orbitals 38 mm
pink 6
e) P orbitals 38 mm
beige 6
III. Links (represented the
bonds): 150 links
Material of bonds/links :
Rigid, non-toxic Flexible plastic
Links Type/Kind
of bonds Length Color
a) Medium links (single,
rigid) 27 mm Grey
b) Long links
double/triple/flexible 43 mm
Grey 30
c) Short links
11 mm Translucent/ 60
(for space filling)
9. One (1) pc Link remover
tool/Assembly tool

10. With durable storage box
a) Material of storage box:
ABS plastic
b) Color: Grey
c) Submission of the
original copy of the Test
certificate/s issued by the
testing unit, like DOST
material testing facilities or at
any DOST-accredited testing
institution attesting that the
material of the
compartmentalized storage box,
is Acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS), to validate the
conformity of the material to
the technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during
preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to
testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier,
with the following dimensions :
a) Length : 238-239 mm
b) Width : 167-168
c) Thickness : 68-70 mm
11. With contents/ list of
materials, in table form, as :
a) For atoms: quantity,
name of element(symbol), color
(number of holes, type of
bond angles), diameter of the
. b) For links; bond types
12. With Assembly guides,
Individual Worksheets and
Instructional leaflets
13. With User's
Manual/Teacher's Manual in
English with full background
14. For numbers #12 to 13;
technical specifications (a-e)
must be strictly
a) For Contents/ List of
materials, In Table form

b) For User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not
d) With colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
that shall contain
the actual colored picture
of the model including the
name labeled
with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times
New Roman
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
v) Line with arrow head of
1.25 point with width shall
point to the
specific part being
15. Comes with a brand
marked permanently on the box
16. Must be brand new
5 Model, Functional Specifications: Used
Sublevel as a visual representation of the
Orbitals of the spatial three-dimensional (3D)
Atom model of the shapes of the
(Quantum) orbitals ( azimuthal quantum
number) of the sublevels of the
major energy levels of the first
ten elements of the Periodic

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to :
A)visually represent the spatial
three-dimensional (3D) model of
the shapes of the orbitals to
describe the quantum
mechanical model (azimuthal

quantum model) of the first ten
elements in the Periodic Table

a) two (2) pc s orbitals

i)1s-orbital and
b) the three (3) p orbitals
i) 2px-orbital
ii) 2py-orbital, and
iii) 2pz-orbital
c) the position and number of
electrons along the x, y and z
d) the orbitals of the sublevels
of the major energy levels
B) Assemble the sublevel orbital
of the first ten elements of the
Periodic Table based on the
electronic configuration of each,
to review on the four (4)
quantum numbers and rules in
filling up the orbitals ( the
Aufbau Principle, Pauli’s
exclusion principle, and Hund’s
rule) , to study and learn the
correct position and number of
electrons along the x, y and z
axis, as well as the orbitals of
the sublevels of the major
energy levels

Design Specifications:
1.With 12 Models of the
Sublevel orbitals of the atom
2. With color-coded components
which include the following:
a) 1s-orbitals (K shell)
Shape of 1s orbital:
Small sphere
Material :
Color :
Quantity :
12 pc
b) 2s-orbitals (L shell)
Shape of 2s orbital : Large
Material :
Color :
Quantity : 12
c) p-orbitals (M shell)
i)px -orbitals
Shape of orbital : Pear
shaped lobes
Material :
Color : Red
Quantity : 24 pc
ii) py-orbitals
Shape of orbital: Pear
shaped lobes
Material :
Color :
Quantity : 24
iii) pz -orbital
Shape of orbital : Pear
shaped lobes
Material :
Color :
Quantity :
24 pc
d) Bases
Shape : Spherical
Material : Plastic
Color : White
Quantity : 12 pc
e) Crossbars (x and z axes)
Shape : Cross-shaped
Material : Durable non-
toxic plastic
Color : White
Quantity : 12 pc
f) Electrons
Shape : Small circular
cutouts in a plastic sheet
Material : Plastic
Color : Black
Quantity : 1 whole
plastic sheet with cut out 128
pc electrons
g) Uprights (y axes)

Shape : Long,
cylindrical sticks
Material : Plastic
Color : Cream
Quantity: 12 pc
4. Individually packed per item
as segregated above in separate
resealable plastic bags
5. With durable plastic storage
a) Material: ABS plastic
b) Color: Grey
c) Submission of the original
copy of the Test certificate/s
issued by the testing unit, like
DOST material testing facilities
or at any DOST-accredited
testing institution attesting that
the material of the storage box,
is Acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS), to validate the
conformity of the material to
the technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during
preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to
testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier.
6. With List of Contents in the
7 With Teacher's Guide
8. With 30 Student Worksheets
and Guides, Part I and Part II
9. With quantum numbers
chart provided on each student
worksheet to
help students assemble the
models starting with the 1s
10. Detailed instructions
11. For numbers 6-10, the
following technical
specifications from (a-e)
must be followed:
a) For Contents/ List of
materials, In Table form
b) For User's Manual,
Teacher's Guide, Student
Worksheets, Instruction
Sheets/Assembly Guides, In
sentences format
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
keycard that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name:
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times
New Roman
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Orientation: Portrait
v) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
vi) Line with arrow head
of 1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
12. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
13. Comes with a brand
marked permanently on the box
14. Must be brand new
6 Model, VSEPR, Functional Specifications: a)
14 shapes (50- Used as a visual 3D
pc) representation of the 14
different shapes of simple
molecules with corresponding
angles to perform exercises on
VSEPR theory using models
b) describe the geometry of
simple compounds

Performance Specifications: A)
Must be able to visually:
a) represent all the 14 different
shapes of simple molecules with
corresponding angles to
perform exercises on VSEPR

b) describe the geometry of
simple compounds
B) Assemble the 14 different
shapes of VSEPR Models and
study them

Design Specifications:
1. Type : Ball and stick
2. Shape of atom parts : Solid
3. Material of spheres : Plastic
4. Diameter of sphere/atom
a) Hydrogen, halogen, and
metal sphere/atom:-16-17.5
b) Other atoms : 22-23.5
5. The VSEPR Theory model set
is composed of the following:
I. With central atoms to
construct 14 VSEPR shapes;
Color Number of
holes Shape
metallic grey 2 hole
linear (e.g.,beryllium in
yellow 3 hole
trigonal planar (e.g.,
sulfur in SO3)
yellow 3 hole trigonal (e.g.,
sulfur in SO2)
black 4 hole
tetrahedral (e.g., carbon in
yellow 4 hole
tetrahedral (e.g., sulfur in
SO3 2-)
red 4 hole
tetrahedral (e.g., oxygen in
light green 4 hole
tetrahedral (e.g., flourine in
light brown 5 hole
trigonal bipyramidal (e.g.,
phosphorus inPCL5)
yellow 5 hole
trigonal bipyramidal (e.g.,
sulfur in SF4)
green 5 hole
trigonal bipyramidal (e.g.,
chlorine in ClF3)

purple 5 hole
trigonal bipyramidal (e.g.,
xenon in XeF2)
grey 6 hole
octahedral (e.g., metal
brown 6 hole
octahedral (e.g., bromine in
copper 6 hole
octahedral (e.g., copper
b. With the following
Quantity(pc) Color
Links Bonds
50 grey
medium links single bonds
15 purple
medium links lone pairs
6 white
short links cyanide
6. Comes with short link
remover tool
7. With durable plastic storage
a) Material: ABS plastic
b) Color: Grey
c) Submission of the original
copy of the Test certificate/s
issued by the testing unit, like
DOST material testing facilities
or at any DOST-accredited
testing institution attesting that
the material of the four
compartmentalized storage box,
is Acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS), to validate the
conformity of the material to
the technical specifications. A
representative of the Procuring
Entity should be present during
preparation and submission of
the material test specimens to
testing facility. All expenses for
the said test shall be
shouldered by the Supplier
8. With contents/ list of
materials in table form
9. With detailed assembly
guides and instructional
leaflets s provided.

10. With assembly guides,
individual worksheets and
instructional leaflets
11. With User's
Manual/Teacher's instruction
manual in English with full b
background information.
12. For numbers #8 to 10
technical specifications (a-e)
must be strictly
a) For Contents List of
materials, In Table form
b) for User's Manual,
Instruction Sheets/Assembly
Guides, In sentences
i) With sentences
grammatically correct and
ii) With correct spelling
and terminologies,
punctuations and others
c) In original print, not
d) In colored pictures,
e) in 0.3 mm minimum
thickness plastic laminated
keycard that shall contain the
actual colored picture of the
model including the name:
labeled with the required parts
with details as follows:
i) Paper Size : A4 size ,
80 gsm
ii) Font : Times
New Roman
iii) Font size : 12
iv) Orientation: Portrait
v) Margins on all sides
with 2 point width border line
vi) Line with arrow head
of 1.25 point with width shall
point to the specific part being
13. Must be free from breakage,
cracks , chipped rims, sharp
edges, all surface irregularities
and all other defects not stated
14.Comes with a brand printed
permanently onto the box
15. Must be brand new

1 Advanced Functional Specifications: used
Electromagnetism to demonstrate the relationship
Kit between electricity and

Performance Specifications:
should be able to demonstrate
the relationship
between electricity and

Design Specifications:
1. The kit contains the
a. 2 -Bar Magnets: 148-
155 mm X 10-12 mm X 7-8
mm; magnet strength: can
suspend load 2 times its weight
suspended end-to-end at north
or south pole of the magnet,
correctly labeled and or color
coded to indicate North and
south poles
b. 6 -Magnetic compass,
18-20 mm diameter, correct
orientation of N-S poles
c. 2 -U-Magnets, 5.98-6
mm X 15-16 mm cross section
X 98-100 mm long, jaw
opening: 48-50 mm; magnet
strength: can suspend 2 times
its weight suspended at north
or south pole of the magnet;
correctly labeled and or color
coded to indicate North and
south poles
d. 1 -Magnetic field
mapper-8.5-9 cm X 15.5-16 cm
clear transparent casing
contains iron filings immersed
in non mold forming viscous
liquid, should clearly show
magnetic lines
e. 1 -spool magnet wire
(insulation coated) #20, 500 g.
f. 1 - steel rod 10.5-12
mm dia x 98-100 mm long
g. 2 -copper wire solid,
#14, insulated,14.5-15 cm long
each wire
h. 3- wood blocks 23-25
mm X 73-75 mm X 98-100 mm

with pilot holes that run
through center of block
2. Comes with plastic container
that can accomodate the items
indicated above.
3. Brand permanently marked
on plastic container
2 Air Blower Functional Specifications: Used
to blow air into light balls to
keep them airborne to
demonstrate Bernoulli's

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to blow air into
light balls to keep them
airborne to demonstrate
Bernoulli's principle

Design Specifications:
1. Electric air blower with
variable speed control from 0 to
14000 RPM, volute type, 400 W
motor rating, 220 to 240 VAC
60 Hz power supply,
2. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide
3. With cartoon transport box
4. Brand permanently marked
on the item
3 Archimedes Functional Specifications: Used
Principle Set to visually demonstrate that
objects immersed in a liquid
like water displaces volume of
liquid equal to the volume of
the immersed object and that
the apparent lost of weight of
the immersed object is equal to
the weight of the displaced

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to visually
demonstrate that objects
immersed in a liquid like water
displaces volume of liquid equal
to the volume of the immersed
object and that the apparent
lost of weight of the immersed
object is equal to the weight of
the displaced liquid

Design Specifications:

1. The item consists of:
a) Bucket and Plummet:
bucket with handle stainless
steel/brass, plummet white
color with hook;
Capacity: 100 mL
Compose of bucket and
plummet with graduation.
Permanently marked accurate
divisions on plummet and
bucket representing different
volume levels. Divisions should
be aligned when the plummet is
inserted into the bucket.
Overflow can 450 mL capacity
Catch bucket
spring scale 2N/200g
Material: transparent plastic
2. Fixations and supports
should be stable during activity
3. With English Manual that
includes User's Guide
4. Contained in a styropor
storage box, styropor box in
transport packaging
5. Brand permanently marked
on packaging
4 Basic Electronics Functional Specifications: Used
Kit to perform activities on
resistors, capacitance, ohmic
and non-ohmic resistance and
other basic electronics concepts

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to perform
activities on resistors,
capacitance, ohmic and non-
ohmic resistance and other
basic electronics concepts

Design Specifications:
1. Each component is mounted
on individual plastic board with
color coded binding post
terminals depending on
mounted components (see No. 4
for color code of binding post
terminals) Dimensions: 58-60
mm width x 78-80 mm length x
4.5-5 mm height
2. Component name and
symbol should be permanent
(embossed or etched) and
painted black on conspicuous
location on board.
3. With external binding post
connectors that can
accommodate 4 mm banana
plugs, color coded
encapsulation: black for
negative, red for positive, yellow
for non-polar terminals
4. The Kit should contain the
a. 5-Resistors: (2-100 Ω, 2
watts; 1-1000 Ω, 2 watts; 1-10
kΩ, 2 watts; 1-100 kΩ, 2 watts),
binding post terminals: all
yellow 2-Rectifier Diodes, IN
4002, binding post terminals:
black for negative, red for
positive1-LED, large size,
binding post terminals: black
for negative, red for positive
b. 1-NPN transistor, 2N3440 or
2N3439 or equivalent, binding
post terminals: black for
negative, red for positive
c. 2-Capacitor 1000 μF
(standard), 25 V, binding post
terminals: black for negative,
red for positive
d. 1-Variable Resistor, large,
rotary, carbon, 5 kΩ mono,
binding post terminals: all
yellow NOTE: industry standard
tolerances applicable in all
values of resistance and
5. Items placed in plastic
storage box, 1 box per set
6. Brand permanently marked
on the item
5 Basic Lens Set, Functional Specifications: Used
acrylic to demonstrate refraction of

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
refraction of light

Design Specifications:
1. Set of 7 lenses, acrylic
material (subject to material
testing at DOST or any DOST
accredited testing facilities),

secured in compartmentalized
plastic storage box, with the
following types and diameters:

1-double convex, 48-52 mm

1-plano convex, 48-52 mm
1-double concave, 48-52 mm
1-plano concave, 48-52 mm
1-convex-concave lens, 48-52
mm diameter
1-concave-convex lens, 48-52
mm diameter
1-double convex lens, 73-77
mm diameter
2. Must be contained in one
plastic storage box.
3. No sharp edges.
4. Free from toxic materials
5. Brand name permanently
marked on storage box
6 Coefficient of Functional Specifications: Used
Linear Expansion to verify coefficient of linear
expansion of some metals

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to verify
coefficient of linear expansion of
some metals

Design Specifications:
1. With steam jacket pipe, made
of brass, 498-500 mm long x
23-25 mm dia., with steam inlet
and outlet, with attachment
tube for inserting rubber
stopper which in turn is
inserted with thermometer
2. Steam jacket pipe supported
by a rigid metal base; with
alignment and lock mechanism
when inserting expanding rod
under study, 26.9-27.2 in X
4.375-4.5in X 1.375-1.5in (L x
W x T)
3. With dial dial gauge 0-10 mm
range, 0.01 mm readability
4. Supplied with 3.8-4 mm x
498-500 mm brass, copper,

steel rods; rods should be free
from sharp, pointed edges
5. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide
6. Brand permanently marked
on the item
7 Connector, Black Functional Specifications: Used
(# 18 copper, to effectively interconnect
AWG stranded) components in an electrical
with alligator clip circuit
on one end and
banana plug on
the other end

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to effectively
interconnect components in an
electrical circuit

Design Specifications: # 18
copper, AWG stranded, end to
end 345-450 mm gross length,
with insulated brass alligator
clip, 18 mm - 20 mm jaw
length, on one end and 4 mm
brass banana plug, on the other
end soldered; all black
8 Connector, Red (# Functional Specifications: Used
18 copper, AWG to effectively interconnect
stranded) with components in an electrical
alligator clip on circuit
one end and
banana plug on
the other end

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to effectively
interconnect components in an
electrical circuit

Design Specifications: # 18
copper, AWG stranded, end to
end 345-450 mm length, with
insulated brass alligator clip,
18 mm-20 mm jaw length, on
one end and 4 mm brass
banana plug, on the other end,
soldered, all red
9 Connector, Yellow Functional Specifications: Used
(# 18 copper, to effectively interconnect
AWG stranded) components in an electrical
with alligator clip circuit
on one end and

banana plug on
the other end

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to effectively
interconnect components in an
electrical circuit

Design Specifications: # 18
copper, AWG stranded, end to
end 345-450 mm length , with
insulated brass alligator clip,
18 mm-20 mm jaw length, on
one end and 4 mm brass
banana plug, on the other end
soldered, all yellow
10 DC Ammeter Functional Specifications: Used
to measure DC current in
electrical circuit

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to measure DC
current in an electrical circuit

Design Specifications:
1. Analog, dual range
selectable:-0.2 - 0 - +0.6A/0.02
read;-1.0 -0- +3.0A/0.1 read, ±
2.5% full scale, analog
2. Dial plate dimensions: 93-95
mm width x 83-85 mm length,
3. Overall encasement
dimensions : 93-95 mm width
x 128-130 mm depth x 93-95
mm height encasement
material: plastic, any color
4. Binding post terminals,
threaded, can accommodate 4
mm banana plug, brass
material, color coded plastic
insulation (black for negative or
common terminal, red for
positive terminal)
5. External zero-adjust
6. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide
7. Brand permanently marked
on the item

11 DC String Functional Specifications: Used
Vibrator, string to demonstrate standing waves
included on a string

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
standing waves on a string

Design Specifications:
1. Utilizes an offset-weighted
shaft on a DC motor
2. Input voltage (0 volts -6 volts
3. Vibration Frequency:
controlled by stepless
4. With steel mounting
platform, binding posts for
external wire connection
6. With Operation Manual in
7. Brand permanently marked
on the item
12 DC Voltmeter Functional Specifications: Used
to measure DC voltage across
components in an electrical

Performance Specifications:
Must be able to measure DC
voltage across components in
an electrical circuit

Design Specifications:
1. Analog, dual range selectable
-1V -0- +3V/0.1 read-5 0-
+15V/ 1.0 read ±2.5% full
scale, analog
2. Dial plate dimensions: 93-95
mm width x 83-85 mm length,
3. Overall encasement
dimensions : 93-95 mm width
x 128-130 mm depth x 93-95
mm height encasement
material: plastic, any color
4. Binding post terminals,
threaded, can accommodate
standard 4 mm banana plug,
brass material, color coded
plastic insulation (black for
negative or common terminal,
red for positive terminal

5. External zero-adjust
6. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide
7. Brand permanently marked
on the item
13 Diffraction slits & Functional Specifications: Used
Diffraction to investigate the concept of
grating Set diffraction of light and to
calculate wavelength of light of
certain color through diffraction

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to investigate
the concept of diffraction of
light and to calculate
wavelength of light of certain
color through diffraction

Design Specifications:
The set is composed of:
1) Diffraction slits consist of:
1 frame single slit, 1 frame
double slits; grating size: 34-36
mm x 16-18 mm; frame size:
48-50 mm x 48-50 mm x 1.98-2
mm thick
2) Diffraction Gratings consist
1 frame single slit, 1 frame
double slits; grating size: 34-36
mm x 16-18 mm; frame size:
48-50 mm x 48-50 mm x 1.9-
2.5 mm thick
3) Each frame placed in
compartmentalized storage box
4) Brand permanently marked
on the item
14 Digital Geiger- Functional Specifications: is
Muller Counter used to measure alpha, beta,
with and gamma radiation

Performance Specifications:
should be able to measure
alpha, beta, and gamma

Design Specifications:

1. Main unit: Digital Geiger-
Muller Counter; measures
alpha, beta, gamma radiation;
2. Manufacturer should be
accredited by their respective
Nuclear Regulatory
Institute/Agency and shall
provide calibration certificate
for each item issued by the
Nuclear Institute/Agency of its
country of origin.
3. Units of Measurement: milli
Roentgen per hour (mR/hr),
micro Sievert per hour
(μSv/hr), Counts per Minute
(CPM), digital readout
4. Range: 0.001 mR/hr to 1000
5. With provision for connecting
to desktop/laptop PC, comes
with software and appropriate
6. Dimensions: 4-7inches long
x 3-4 inches wide x 1-2 inches
7. Runs on dual power supply:
dry cell and external power,
comes with dry cell and adapter
for external DC input
8. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide
9. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:

a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
10. The offered brand of the
item must be an international
11. Brand permanently marked
on the item.
Functional Specifications: is
used to provide sources of
alpha, beta, and gamma

Performance Specifications:
should be able to provide
sources of alpha, beta, and
gamma radiations

Design Specifications:
1. Set of sample legal
radioactive sources, each is
enclosed in a permanently
shield disk: 2.98-3 mm thick x
23-25 mm dia.
2. Each disk is identified by
radio nuclide, amount of
activity in microcuries, half-life
and type of radiation

The words "Caution -
Radioactive Material" appear on
the label of each source
0.1 microcurie - alpha source:
Polonium 210 as per Appendix A
Philippine Nuclear Research
Institute (PNRI) Licensing of
Radioactive Material (CPR Part
0.1 microcurie - beta source:
Strontium 90 as per Appendix A
Philippine Nuclear Research
Institute (PNRI) Licensing of
Radioactive Material (CPR Part
1 microcurie -gamma source:
Cobalt 60 as per Appendix A
Philippine Nuclear Research
Institute (PNRI) Licensing of
Radioactive Material (CPR Part
All 3 radioisotope samples
stored in a safe box and
properly labeled
3. Brand permanently marked
on the item; with English User's
Manual that includes operation
guide (Permanent and properly
labeled; labels are scratch-
15 Dry Cell Holder Functional Specifications: Used
(size D) to securely mount size D dry
cell in place

Performance Specifications:
Should be
able to securely mount size D
dry cell in place

Design Specifications:
1. Single Holder for size D dry
cell, snap-on type;
2. With built-in nickel plated
brass plate connectors;
3. Holders can be
interconnected in series or

4. Plastic body, should be
sturdy, thickness: 1.98-2 mm
5. Crack resistant when
dropped from 91 cm height,
mounted with dry cell;
6. Any color
7. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
16 Dry Cell, 1.5 Functional Specifications: Used
volts, size D to provide 1.5 volts DC power
source for a basic electrical

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to provide 1.5
volts DC power source for a
basic electrical circuit

Design Specifications:
1. industry standard size D 1.5
volt dry cell
17 Engine Model Functional Specifications: Used
(Internal to simulate the operation of a 4-
Combustion) stroke cycle gasoline engine

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to simulate the
operation of a 4-stroke cycle
gasoline engine

Design Specifications:
1. Cross section model of a 4-
stroke cycle gasoline engine
model, Size: 13.5 -14 inches x
7.8-8 inches x 6.8-8 inches
2. Material: cast alloy
construction, mounted on
stable base
3. Internal sections in different
colors to indicate air, fuel, and
gas mixtures and exhaust gas
contents. The carburator is
shown in section.
4. The crankshaft can be
rotated by hand wheel to
simulate the operating cycle of
4-stroke cycle gasoline engine;
with electrical contact for
illuminating a 3-volt lamp as
spark plug to simulate ignition

5. Base with illustration and
correct part names and show
the following parts correctly:
crank case, crank shaft,
connecting rod, cylinder block,
piston, intake valve, exhaust
valve, push rod, spark plug,
rocker arm, exhaust manifold,
crank shaft gear, cam shaft
gear, cam shaft, contact point,
carburator, needle valve, float,
throttle valve, intake manifold
6. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
7. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
18 Flask, Florence, Functional Specifications: Used
glass, 500 mL to contain liquids with
unobstructed view of liquid
inside; for activity on 'how eye
focusses light rays to create an
image in the retina'

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to contain
liquids with unobstructed view
of liquid inside; for activity on
'how eye focusses light rays to
create an image in the retina'

Design Specifications:
1. standard 500 mL capacity
2. Round bottom
3. NO Graduations
4. Made of glass
5. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
19 Force Table Functional Specifications: Used
to demonstrate the vector
nature of forces

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
the vector nature of forces

Design Specifications:
1. Table: material-cast iron,
diameter: 39.5-40 cm, with
stable stand support, 29.5-30
cm height
2. With leveling screw
3. 360° protractor scale, 1°
4. Can demonstrate
combination of at least 3
coplanar forces in equilibrium
5. Includes the following
a. 3 pieces load hangers -100
grams each
b. additional slotted masses to
be loaded on each load hanger:
3 pieces-100 grams, 3 pieces-

50 grams, 3 pieces- 20 grams, 3
pieces- 10 grams

c. 3 pieces pulley clamps with

guide pulley to be clamped on
the Force Table
d. 1 piece center rod/ post,
nickel plated metal, threaded to
be mounted on the center of the
Force Table
e. 1 piece center/ fastening
ring, 33-35 mm diameter x
1.98-2 mm thickness, nickel
plated metal
f. 4 meters string for hanging
loads (crochet type), can
suspend 500 grams load
without breaking
6. With English User's Manual
that includes Assembly and
Operation Guide
7. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for

e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
8. Brand name permanently
marked on the item.
20 Fuse Holder w/ Functional Specifications: Used
Fuse to demonstrate the function of

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
the function of fuses

Design Specifications:
1. Fuse: 0.3 amperes,
maximum, slow-blow, glass-
tube type, Rating should be
engrave/etched on metal cap
2. Fuse detachable from holder,
holder brass nickel plated,
holder mounted on black
plastic base w/ dimensions: 10-
18 mm x 58-65 mm x 93-95
mm, thickness of material: 1.8-
3 mm
3. Binding post terminals
mounted on base, threaded,
can accommodate 4 mm
banana plug, brass material,
with yellow plastic insulation
4. Connecting wires properly
soldered to eyelet of binding
5. Each set comes with at least
50 spare fuses
6. Brand name permanently
marked on item
21 Galvanometer Functional Specifications: Used
to measure small electrical

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to measure
small electrical current

Design Specifications:
1. Analog, general purpose
2. -500 to +500 µA full scale/10
µA read, full scale accuracy of ±
3. Dial plate dimensions: 93-95
mm width x 83-85 mm length,
4. Overall encasement
dimensions : 93-95 mm width
x 128-130 mm depth x 93-95
mm height encasement
material: plastic, any color;
5. Binding post terminals,
threaded, can accommodate 4
mm banana plug, brass
material, color coded plastic
insulation (black for negative or
common terminal, red for
positive terminal);
6. External zero-adjust
7. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide;
8. With molded styrofoam as
part of its packaging
9. Brand name permanently
marked on item
22 Helical Spring Functional Specifications: Used
to demonstrate transverse

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
transverse waves

Design Specifications:
1. Wire material: Galvanized
Spring Steel Wire;
2. Unstretched Length range:
1.6 meter to 1.9 meter;
3. Can be stretched to 3 times
its length without deformation;
4. Coil Outside Diameter: 19
mm to 22mm;
5. Wire Diameter: 1.2 mm to
1.4 mm;
6. Number of turns per
centimeter: 7 to 8 turns;
7. With circular hooks (on both
ends), hook diameter is 18-20
23 Iron Core Rod Functional Specifications: Used
(non-corrugated) to perform activities on

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to perform
activities on electromagnet

Design Specifications:
1. Iron rod diameter: 10.5-12
mm, length: 98-100 mm
24 Laser Light Functional Specifications: Used
to produce laser beam for
diffraction activities

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to produce laser
beam for diffraction activities

Design Specifications:
1. Pen type laser, red output
2. Powered by, 1.5 volts size AA
or AAA dry cells
3. With ON-OFF switch
4. Body dimensions: 12-14 mm
diameter x 135-155 mm length
5. Laser spot can be projected
to a distance of at least 5
6. Brand permanently marked
on the item
25 Long Nose Pliers, Functional Specifications: Used
1 pair/set to bend tiny solid wire

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to bend tiny
solid wire connectors

Design Specifications: Long

Nose Pliers with side cutter, 6
inches minimum long, chrome
vanadium material, 1 pair/set
Brand name permanently
marked on the item
26 Magnet Wire Functional Specifications: Used
to perform activities on

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to perform
activities on electromagnet

Design Specifications: 1 spool
magnet wire (insulation coated)
#20, 100 g. spool, brand name
permanently marked on spool
27 Manometer, Open Functional Specifications: Used
U-tube with to measure pressure difference
Nakamura-type of fluids
Water Pressure

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to measure
pressure difference of fluids

Design Specifications:
1. Open U-tube glass
manometer tube with a 49.8-50
cm arm with tube diameter of
7.5-8mm with funnel top on
one arm and a 2.2-2.5 cm rifted
tip on another arm for easy
connection with silicone-rubber
tubing that fits to the rifted tip
2. A millimeter scale is fitted
between the arms of the tube
3. U-tube is mounted on a
wooden board, fixed on a
wooden stand for vertical U-
tube is mounted on a wooden
board, fixed on a wooden stand
for vertical mounting
4. Includes SIMPLE WATER
(Nakamura type) -its body can
be made to rotate around a
rigid tube. The rigid tube is L-
bent to be inserted into the
pressure apparatus, so that the
pressure apparatus can be
rotated -with 10 pcs spare
diaphragms per set
5. Includes 99-110 cm silicone-
rubber tubing for
interconnecting U-Tube
manometer and the simple
water pressure apparatus
28 Miniature Light Functional Specifications: Used
Bulb to demonstrate the conversion
of electrical energy to light

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate

the conversion of electrical
energy to light

Design Specifications:
1. Miniature, incandescent,
screw type base
2. Bulb rating: 2.2 V to 2.5 V,
0.3 A, handling current;
engraved on base of bulb
3. Operational Specs:
a) should fit with bulb socket in
bulb holder assembly
b) should light with one fresh
dry cell connected (1.5 volts)

29 Miniature Light Functional Specifications: Used

Bulb Holder to securely mount light bulb in

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to securely
mount light bulb in place

Design Specifications:
1. Socket to match the
miniature incandescent light
bulb, socket in plastic housing;
2. Socket housing is mounted
on black, plastic base: Base
dimensions : 10-20 mm x 58-
65 mm x 93-95 mm, Material
thickness: 1.8-2.5 mm
3. Binding post terminals,
threaded, can accommodate 4
mm banana plug, brass
material, with yellow plastic
4. Connecting wires properly
soldered to eyelet of binding
5. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
30 Mirror Set, Functional Specifications: Used
acrylic to demonstrate the formation of
image by reflection of light

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
the formation of image by
reflection of light

Design Specifications:

1. Set of 3 spherical mirrors,
acrylic, secured in
compartmentalized storage box
with the following types and
a) 1-plane mirror, 48 to 52 mm
b) 1-concave mirror, 48 to 52
mm diameter
c) 1-convex mirror, 48 to 52
mm diameter
2. All mirrors free from sharp
3. Should be clear and no sign
of cloudiness

31 Motor-Generator Functional Specifications: Used

Model to demonstrate the conversion
Experiment Set of electrical energy to
mechanical energy when set to
motor function and vice versa
when set to generator function

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
the conversion of electrical
energy to mechanical energy
when set to motor function and
vice versa when set to generator

Design Specifications:
1. DC motor mode, runs on 6
volts -12 volt DC
2. Can function as generator
when the armature is rotated;
AC-DC generator output is
determined by commutator
3. Selectable split-ring and slip-
ring commutator that enables
AC-DC output w/o changing
the direction of rotation of the
4. Binding posts, for external
connections, labeled with
"motor input: 6 V-12 VDC" and
"generator output"
5. Rotor is free to rotate
unimpeded inside the stator
without any parts of the rotor
and stator in contact

6. Stator is activated by a
permanent magnet. Stator
assembly should have one color
except blue and red; Example
all yellow, all white or all black
stator assembly.
7. Includes spare: 4 pcs belt, 1
set magnet;
8. Armature diameter: 66-68
mm , Armature shaft diameter:
Ø 7.5-8 mm , w/ rigid
9. Drive pulley, plastic,
diameter: 166-170 mm , driven
pulley diameter: 24-26 mm ,
steel nickel plated;
10. Base wooden board
dimensions: 195-200 mm x
295-300 mm x 18-20 mm
11. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
32 Multimeter, Functional Specifications: Used
digital to provide digital readouts of
measurements of AC/DC
currents and voltages,
resistance, capacitance,

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to provide
digital readouts of
measurements of AC/DC
currents and voltages,
resistance, capacitance,

Design Specifications:
Measurement Coverage, or
smaller values in lower range
and larger values in upper
1. DC Voltage: 60mV , 6V , 60V,
600V, 1000V ±0.7%+2.
2. AC Voltage: 600mV, 6V, 60V,
600V, 750V ±0.8%+3.
3. DC Current: 600μA ,
6000μA, 60mA, 600mA
±1.2%+3 / 6A , 10A ±2.0%+10.
4. AC Current: 600μA , 6000μA
, 60mA, 600mA ±1.5%+3 / 6A,
10A ±3.0%+10.
5. Resistance: 600Ω , 6kΩ,
60kΩ, 600kΩ , 6MΩ , 60MΩ

6. Capacitance: 10nF, 100nF ,
1000nF, 10μF, 100μF, 1000μF
, 10mF, 100mF±3.0%+3.
7. Frequency : 10Hz , 100Hz,
1000Hz, 10kHz, 100kHz,
1000kHz, 10MHz ±1.0%+5.
8. Duty Cycle :0.1%-99.99%
±3.0%+2. 9. Temperature: -
20~1000 Centigrade degree / -
4~1832 F 10. Display: 6000
11. Auto range
12. USB Interface function. The
measured data stored in the
instrument can be uploaded to
computer for display, record
and analysis
13. Comes with: 1*Pair Test
Leads, 1*English Operating
Manual. 1*Temperature Probe,
1*USB Data Cable
14. Brand permanently marked
on the item
33 Optical Bench Set Functional Specifications: Used
for mounting lenses, mirrors,
screen, light source and other
optics components

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to mount lenses,
mirrors, screen, light source
and other optics components in

Design Specifications:
1. This Complete Set includes:
a) 1-meterstick, with centimeter
and millimeter graduations
b) 1-lens support for the 50 mm
diameter lenses and 50 mm
diameter mirrors; should be
stable when mounted on
meterstick, smooth sliding
c) 1-lens support for 75 mm
lens, should be stable when
mounted on meterstick, smooth
d) 1- screen support, should be
stable when mounted on
meterstick, smooth sliding
e) 5-white board screens: 9.5-
11 cm x 11.5-13.5 cm each

f) 2-metal supports for meter
stick, should be stable,
meterstick should not tip off 1-
candle holder, should be stable
when mounted on meterstick,
smooth sliding
g) 1-paraffin candle
2. Stand supports for meter
stick, holders for lenses,
mirrors, screens, and candle
should be placed inside one
compartmentalized casing;
3. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide.
4. Brand permanently marked
on packaging box
34 Pair of Bar Functional Specifications: Used
Magnets to demonstrate that some
things can make objects move
and describe forces exerted by

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
that some things can make
objects move and describe
forces exerted by magnets

Design Specifications: Pair of

Bar Magnets:
1. Dimensions of each: 148-
150 mm x 10-12 mm x 7-8 mm

2. Magnet strength: can

suspend loads at least 2 times
its weight when suspended end-
to-end at north-south pole of
the magnet,
3. Color Code: north pole of the
magnet should be colored red
and the south pole colored blue
35 Prism Set Functional Specifications: Used
to demonstrate characteristics
of refraction of light

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
characteristics of refraction of

Design Specifications:
1. Set is composed of:a) 1-
Rectangular block, solid acrylic,

clear on one side and frosted on
other side with the following
length = 68-70 mm
width = 48-50 mm
thickness = 18-20 mm
b) 1-Right angle prism, solid
acrylic, clear on one side and
frosted on other side with the
following dimensions:
thickness: 8-10 mm ,
base = 38-40 mm
height = 63-65 mm
c) 1-Semi-circular block, solid
acrylic, clear on one side and
frosted on other side with the
following dimensions:
diameter=98-100 mm,
thickness 8-10 mm
2. Secured in reusable plastic
storage casing;
3. Brand name permanently
marked on the reusable storage
36 Resistance Board Functional Specifications: Used
to investigate factors affecting
resistance of a conductor

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to investigate
factors affecting resistance of a

Design Specifications:
1. Board: dimensions-height:
28 mm-30 mm , width: 118
mm-120 mm length: 645 mm-
650 mm, material plastic,
channel type, thickness of
material: 2.9 mm-3.2 mm free
of warpage and other
imperfection like flushes etc.
2. Board is mounted with the
following wires:
a) 2 - Nichrome wires of 2
different diameters: 0.23-0.25
mm & 0.48-0.5 mm; length:
598-600 mm
b) 1 - Stainless steel wire
diameter: 0.48-0.5 mm, length:
598-600 mm

c) 1 - Copper wire diameter:
0.48-0.5 mm, length : 598-600
3. Board should be marked by
decimeter graduations that only
span along entire wires' length
4. All wires should be rigidly
fasten to stainless steel
terminal posts
5. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
37 Ring and Ball Functional Specifications: Used
Apparatus to demonstrate thermal
expansion (and contraction) of a

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
thermal expansion (and
contraction) of a metal

Design Specifications:
1. The ring and ball set
demonstrates thermal
2. Comprising of a captive brass
ball secured to a mounted
brass ring by a chain.
3. Diameter of Ball : 24.99-
25.01mm, smooth surface
4. Inside Diameter of Ring :
25.03-25.06 mm, smooth
5. Outside Diameter of Ring:
of 36-38 mm
6. Thickness of Ring: 4-6 mm
7. Diameter of Brass Stem: 4-
8. Handle of brass ring made of
9. Chain is made of stainless
steel with a 3-turn stainless
wire ring to keep the ball in the
chain during heating.
38 Ripple Tank Set Functional Specifications: Used
to demonstrate properties of
transverse waves

Performance Specifications:
Should be able demonstrate
properties of transverse waves

Design Specifications:

1. Tank: 54.5-55 cm x 54.5-55
cm , with foam beaches
perimeter to damp reflections,
with 4 detachable legs with
leveling screws, height of legs:
54.5-50 cm,
2. Glass bottom: 39.5-55 cm x
39.5-55 cm
3. Should include the following
a) 1-rippler bar with
electronic frequency controller
b) 1-hand rippler bar
c) 2-spherical dippers,
d) 4-parafin blocks
e) 1-glass plate, 21.5-22
cm x 29.5-30 cm
f) 1-parabolic reflector 1-plastic
viewing screen, white, 61.5-62
cm x 61.5-62 cm
4. Light Source:
a) LED light source 12
volts, 5 watts
b) with electronic
controlled strobe to synchronize
with frequency controller
c) detachable and
adjustable mounting unto the
d) black shielded with
5. With frequency display unit
that indicates synchronizing
frequency between the
controller and the strobe
6. With English User's Manual
that includes Assembly and
Operation Guide
7. Branded and permanently
marked on the item
8. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:

a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
39 Slinky Coil, metal Functional Specifications: Used
to demonstrate longitudinal

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
longitudinal waves

Design Specifications:
1. 2.875-3 inches diameter x
3.875-4 inches long
2. zinc or nickel plated
40 Sound Resonance Functional Specifications: Used
Set: Loud Speaker to provide continuous sound
tone of certain frequency

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to provide
continuous sound tone of
certain frequency

Design Specifications:
1. For connection to the sound
signal generator, 1.875-2
inches cone diameter
2. 1 watt, all frequency, 4 Ohms
to 8 Ohms impedance
3. No enclosure, mounted on an
open board with stand to match
height of resonance tube Height
of loudspeaker with stand:
center of loudspeaker 50-52
mm height from table surface to
match with height of resonance
tube (please see resonance tube
4. Binding post terminal
connectors conveniently
located, should not block
opening of resonance tube
during activity, color coded
encapsulation red for positive,
black for negative
5. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
41 Sound Resonance Functional Specifications: Used
Set: Resonance to vary the length of air column
Tube, close-ended to produce resonance of sound
coming out from the

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to vary the
length of air column to produce
resonance of sound coming out
from the loudspeaker

Design Specifications:

1. With plastic stopper fixed on

one end of inner tube
2. Outer tube: OD: 61-70 mm
diameter, 1025-1035 mm long:
with detachable rubber plug on
free end for safe transport of
inner-outer tube assembly
3. Inner tube: OD: 48-50 mm,
1095-1100 mm long, With
permanent graduation with mm
scale at 1 mm division to
indicate length of air column as
the inner tube is pushed or
pulled along the outer tube;
print should resist rubbing, no
sign of fade after 100 slides;
inner tube with good quality air
sealing material (felt cloth)

4. With rigid and stable stand

to make effective height of outer
tube align with loudspeaker
cone (please see loudspeaker
5. Height including stand:
center of outer tube elevated by
50-52 mm from the surface)
6. With English User's Manual
that includes Operation Guide
7. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
42 Sound Resonance Functional Specifications: Used
Set: Tone to control the frequency,
Generator loudness and quality of
electrical signal fed to the
loudspeaker to produce sound

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to control the
frequency, loudness and quality
of electrical signal fed to the
loudspeaker to produce sound

Design Specifications:
1. Should be able to generate
20 Hz-20 kHz frequency sine
waves; with digital display
readout of frequency setting
2. Frequency setting on unit
should match to measured
sound output coming out from
connected loudspeaker within
3%. Example if the sound
generator is set to produce
sound of 256 Hz the measured
sound frequency coming out
from loudspeaker should be in
the range 248-264 Hz.
3. Should be able to produce
pure tones free from unwanted
signals (smooth sine waves
without harmonics)

4. Maximum sound output
from connected loudspeaker: 55
dB to 65 dB at 1kHz measured
at 8-12 cm distance between
loudspeaker and sound
measuring instrument
5. With terminals for external
connection to loudspeaker and
to oscilloscope
6. Power supply: 4.5 volts -12
volts DC internal by way of dry
cells or external by way of
appropriate adapter
7. With English User's Manual
that includes Operation Guide
8. Comes with a training video
that shows the actual
equipment submitted and
approved during the sample
evaluation and shall contain
the following:
I. Training Video Contents:
a. Name of the equipment
b. Parts of the equipment
c. Instruction on how to use the
d. Sample Experiment/Activity
using the equipment
e. Maintenance of the
f. Troubleshooting
g. Storage and safekeeping
(include cleaning) of the
II. Training Video details:
a. Shall be in MP4 format.
b. Shall be saved in a USB 3.0
Flash Drive.
c. Shall have a High-Definition
resolution of at least 1080p.
d. Shall have a readable
subtitle (font style & size: Arial,
22 Bold) in English that is
grammatically error-free and
with correct spelling and
punctuation marks and in sync
with a voiceover/narration.
There is an ON/OFF option for
e. Shall comply an aspect ratio
of 4:3.
f. Shall have a cover video pane
containing the equipment name
and a video pane for each video
g. The video, voiceover (audio),
and subtitle shall be in sync.
h. The training video shall cover
all the above requirement (video
8. Brand name permanently
marked on the item.
43 Strobe Light Functional Specifications: Used
to provide flashes of light so
that fast rotating objects appear
to freeze

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to provide
flashes of light so that fast
rotating objects appear to freeze

Design Specifications:
1. Light source: white LED
2. Variable frequency range: 2.5
Hz-250 Hz, variable

3. Power source: Rechargeable

alkaline/li-ion/li-po batteries
with corresponding charger
(both included in package)
AND/OR unit operates directly
from DC adapter, DC adapter
should be included
4. With English User's Manual
that includes operation guide

5. Brand name permanently

marked on the item
44 Switch, Knife Functional Specifications: Used
type, Single Pole to open and close an electrical
Single Throw circuit

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to open and
close an electrical circuit

Design Specifications:
1. Single pole Single Throw
Knife type switch Knife
dimensions : 0.7- 0.8 mm x 7-8
mm x 53-55 mm, nickel plated
brass Plastic handle
dimensions : 8-10 mm x 8-10
mm x 20-25 mm
2. Contact plates for knife
dimensions : 7-8 mm x 18-20
mm, nickel plated brass,
thickness of material 0.48-0.5
3. Knife switch-contact plates
assembly mounted on black
plastic base: 10-20 mm x 58-65
mm x 93-95 mm, thickness of
base: 1.8-3 mm
4. Binding post terminals,
threaded, can accommodate
standard 4 mm banana plug,
brass material, with yellow
plastic encapsulation
5. Internal connectors properly
soldered to eyelet of binding
6. Switch fixations should
survive 100 continuous on-off
operation cycles, without signs
of wear and tear
7. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
45 Ticker Timer Set Functional Specifications: Used
to measure and record short
time intervals by marking
"ticks" on paper tape

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to measure and
record short time intervals by
marking "ticks" on paper tape

Design Specifications:
1. Operates on 6 to 12V a.c.
power supply. Has a plastic
base and screw type binding
2. Supplied with: a) 38-40 mm
diameter carbon paper disc,
100 pcs; b) 13-15 mm wide
ticker tape, 3 rolls; c) C-clamp
3. Brand name permanently
marked on the item
46 Toy Car, non- Functional Specifications: Used
friction, non- to demonstrate that some
battery things like people can make
objects move

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate
that some things like people
can make objects move

Design Specifications:

1. Dimensions: 49.5-60 cm x
29.5-30 cm x 24.5-34 cm (L x
W x H)
2. Material: plastic, any color or
color combination
3. 4-wheels free to turn
4. not driven by any power
source or winding mechanism
except by pushing or pulling by
47 Tuning Fork Set Functional Specifications: Used
to produce sound tones of fixed
frequencies that correspond to
the frequencies of the first
octave in the diatonic scale

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to produce
sound tones of fixed frequencies
that correspond to the
frequencies of the first octave in
the diatonic scale

Design Specifications:
1. 8 piece tuning forks with
standard Scale Letter and
Frequencies: C=256 Hz, D=288
Hz, E=320 Hz, F=341 Hz,
G=384 Hz, A=426 Hz, B=480
Hz, C=512 Hz
2. Aluminum alloy, non-
magnetic, handle: 4-4.5 cm
3. Frequency and scale letter
stamped on each fork
4. With rubber mallet
5. Measured sound output
frequency should be within 1%
of frequency rating stamped on
each tuning fork
6. Should be able to produce
pure tones free from unwanted
signals (smooth sine waves
without harmonics)
7. Brand permanently marked
on the storage box
48 Vacuum Tube and Functional Specifications: Used
Manual Vacuum to demonstrate the effect of air
Pump resistance on the motion of
freely falling objects

Performance Specifications:
Should be able to demonstrate

the effect of air resistance on
the motion of freely falling

Design Specifications:
A. Vacuum tube:
1. 905-910 mm long x 53-60
mm diameter, transparent
2. With stopcock mounted in a
rubber stopper on one end, and
solid rubber stopper on the
other end
3. Supplied with 12-13 inches
long vinyl tubing for connection
to vacuum pump
4. Includes metal disc and a
feather as specimens
B. Vacuum pump:
1. Hand operated
2. With pressure gauge
3. Pump is sealed, self-
lubricating, with removable cap,
and elastic valve
4. Fixed on outer port to
provide quick vacuum release
5. Nozzle fits standard 1/4 inch
diameter tubing
6. Brand permanently marked
on the item

I hereby commit to provide the above specified requirements in compliance with the
Technical Specifications for the Project: Mass Production, Supply, and Delivery of
Science and Mathematics Equipment Packages to Public Elementary for Grades
1 to 3 & Grades 4 to 6, Public Junior High Schools for Grades 7 to 10, and Public
Senior High Schools for Grades 11 to 12 (CORE & STEM) (Early Procurement

Name and Signature of Authorized representative

Section VIII. Checklist of Technical and
Financial Documents

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Procurement Management Service


Project: Mass Production, Supply, and Delivery of Science and Mathematics Equipment Packages
to Public Elementary for Grades 1 to 3 & Grades 4 to 6, Public Junior High Schools for Grades 7 to
10, and Public Senior High Schools for Grades 11 to 12 (CORE & STEM) (Early Procurement
Project No.: 2024-BLR4(002)-BVI-CB-003
ABC: PhP2,073,024,444.04

Date, Time & Venue of Bid Opening:

Name of Bidder: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Info / Details Lead Partner JV Partner

1 One (1) original copy, two (2) copies and (1)

USB/flash drive
2 Valid Certificate of PhilGEPS Registration Certificate No.
(Platinum Membership)
Date Issued

Valid Until

3 Duly signed statement of all ongoing government

and private contracts, including contracts awarded
but not yet started, if any, whether similar or not Total Amount
similar in nature and complexity to the contract to be
4 The prospective bidder should have completed, within Year
a period of ten (10) years immediately preceding the (not earlier than
deadline for submission of bids, a duly signed ______________)
statement of Single Largest Completed Contract
Name of Contract
(SLCC) similar to the contract to be bid and the value
of which, adjusted, if necessary, by the Bidder to (SLCC) at least
current prices using the Philippine Statistics 50% of the
Authority (PSA) consumer price index, must be at ABC of the lot bid for
least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC of the lot bid for; (PhP__________)
Amount of SLCC
Sufficient or
at least two (2) similar contracts and the total of the
aggregated contract amount should be equivalent to
at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC of the lot bid Total No. of
for, and the largest of these similar contracts must be Aggregate Contracts
equivalent to at least twenty-five percent (25%) of
the ABC of the lot to be bid.
Total Amount of
For the purpose of the track-record requirement, largest stated
contracts similar to the Project shall refer to: contract
at least 12% of the
ABC of the lot bid for
a. For Mass Production Items (LOT 3: DEVELOPED
STORAGE CABINETS): "Manufacture and Supply and
Delivery of Metal Product" Sufficient or
b. For Market Items (LOTS 1, 2, 4 to 14): "Supply and
Delivery of Science and/or Mathematics Equipment"
5 Original copy of Bid Security, OR Form

Issuing Firm


End of Validity

Sufficient or
6 Original notarized Bid Securing Declaration, an Form
undertaking which states, among others, that the
Issued By
bidder shall enter into contract with the procuring
entity and furnish the required performance security Notary Public
within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of NOA, and
committing to pay the corresponding fine and be
suspended for a period of time from being qualified to
participate in any government procurement activity in
the event it violates any of the conditions stated
therein as required in the guidelines issued by the
7 Bidder’s Technical Specifications in conformity with Schedule of
Section VI. Schedule of Requirements and Section Requirements
VII. Technical Specifications, with bidder’s Technical
statement of compliance and original signature of Specifications
bidder’s authorized signatory
8 Original duly signed Omnibus Sworn Statement Notary Public
(OSS); and if applicable, Original Notarized
Secretary’s Certificate in case of a corporation, PTR No.
partnership, or cooperative; or Original Special
Name of Authorized
Power of Attorney of all members of the joint venture
giving full power and authority to its officer to sign the Representative
OSS and do acts to represent the Bidder. Position/
(Note: For Partnership, in case the owner of the Notary Public
company will sign, submit the bid documents, and
personally participate in the bid, the Special Power
of Authority (SPA) is NOT needed. In lieu of SPA, an
Affidavit shall be submitted stating therein that he is
the owner of the company, can sign documents, and PTR No.
transact business for his company. However, in case
he is represented by an agent or authorized
representative, a SPA shall be submitted).
9 Duly signed Computation of Net Financial Current Assets
Contracting Capacity (NFCC) which shall be at least
equal to the ABC being bid; or Current Liabilities

Ongoing Projects


10 Committed Line of Credit or Credit Line Issuing bank

Certificate at least equal to ten percent (10%) of the
ABC to be bid. Amount of CLC

Sufficient or
11 If applicable, a duly signed Joint Venture
Agreement (JVA) in case the joint venture is already
in existence; or
duly notarized statements from all the potential Representative and
joint venture partners stating that they will enter into percentage of share
and abide by the provisions of the JVA in the instance and interest
that the bid is successful.

12 For foreign bidders claiming by reason of their
country’s extension of reciprocal rights to Filipinos]
Certification from the relevant government office of
their country stating that Filipinos are allowed to
participate in government procurement activities for
the same item or product.
13 For foreign bidders, a Certificate of Authentication
from the Department of Foreign Affairs shall be
required for each document submitted, i.e. the Class
“A” documents or its equivalent that are written in
foreign language, translated to English, and duly
authenticated by the appropriate Philippine foreign
service establishment/post or the equivalent office
having jurisdiction over the foreign bidder’s affairs in
the Philippines.

1 One (1) original copy, Two (2) copies, and One (1)
USB/flash drive
2 Duly signed original copy of Financial Bid Form Amount

Valid Until

3 Duly signed original copy of Price Schedule Form

(Annex B)
III OPTIONAL (Section III, BDS Clause 20.1) in a
separate envelope
1 Latest income and business tax Taxpayer
returns: Identification
Printed copies of the electronically filed Income Tax Tax Period
and Business Tax Returns with a copy of their
respective Payment Confirmation Forms for the Date Filed
immediately preceding calendar/tax year from the Revenue District
authorized agent bank;
Reference No.
Only tax return filed and taxes paid through the BIR
Electronic Filing and Payments Systems (EFPS) shall Date Received by BIR
be accepted.
OR No.

2 Registration certificate from SEC, DTI for sole DTI Cert. No.
proprietorship, or CDA for cooperatives, or any proof
of such registration
SEC Reg. No.

CDA Registry No.

Registration Date

Expiration Date

3 Mayor’s permit issued by the city or municipality Mayor's Permit No.

where the principal place of business of the
prospective bidder is located Place of Issue

Issuance Date

Expiration Date

4 Tax Clearance per Executive Order 398, Series of TCC No.

Issuance Date

Expiration Date

5 Audited financial statements, stamped “received” by Year

the BIR or its duly accredited and authorized
institutions, for the preceding calendar year, which
should not be earlier than two (2) years from bid Auditor
submission, showing among others the total and
current assets and liabilities

Post-Qualification documents (if Bidder opted to
6 submit post-qualification documents during the
submission and opening of bids)

Note: The bidder must carefully read the full description of the above requirements, and submit the
said requirements as specified.

The bidders are required to provide a Table of Contents, and corresponding label for each submitted
technical and financial component document to ensure that the submitted requirements are
complete, and facilitate easier examination and/or evaluation of the documents by the BAC.


Business Name :

Business Address :

% of
Name of Contract/ Owner’s Name a. Bidder’s Role Date Awarded Accomplishment Value of
Address Nature of a. Date Outstanding
Project Cost Work Works /
b. Telephone Description % Started Planned Actual
Nos. Undelivered
b. Date of



Note: (In case of no ongoing contract, the bidder shall submit this duly signed form and indicate “No ongoing contracts” or “None” or “Not
Applicable (N/A)” under the Column for Name of Contract (first column from left)
Submitted by:
Printed Name and Signature of Authorized Representative

Business Name :

Business Address :
a. Date Awarded
Bidder's Role
b. Contract
a. Owner's Name a. Amount at Award Effectivity
Nature of
Name of Contract b. Address b. Amount at c. Date Completed
c. Telephone Nos. Description % Completion c. d. Contract
Duration Performance
certified by End


Note: The bidder shall be able to support this statement with:

Duly signed Contracts/Purchase Orders (POs)/ Agreements/Memoranda of Agreement (MOA)/Notices of Award (NOA)/Job Orders or
Notices to Proceed (NTP) with the corresponding
Certificates of Completion of Delivery (CCDs)/ Certificates of Final Acceptance (CFAs)/duly signed Delivery Receipts (DRs), or duly
accomplished Inspection and Acceptance Reports (IARs)

Submitted by :
(Printed Name and Signature)
Designation :
Date :
Joint Venture Agreement Form


That this JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT is entered into By and Between , of

legal age, (civil status) , owner/proprietor of and a
resident of .
- and -

, of legal age, (civil status) , owner/proprietor of

and a resident of .

THAT both parties agree to join together their manpower, equipment, and what
is needed to facilitate the Joint Venture to participate in the Eligibility, Bidding and
Undertaking of the hereunder stated project to be conducted by the (Name of the
Procuring Entity) .


That both parties agree to be jointly and severally liable for the entire assignment.

That both parties agree that and own the share and
interest of and
[indicate percentage of shares) respectively

That both parties agree that and/or

shall be the Official Representative of the Joint Venture, and
is granted full power and authority to do, execute and perform any and all acts
necessary and/or to represent the Joint Venture in the bidding as fully and
effectively and the Joint Venture may do and if personally present with full power
of substitution and revocation.

THAT this Joint Venture Agreement shall remain in effect only for the above
stated Projects until terminated by both parties.

Done this day of , in the year of our Lord .


Witness Witness




BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for Pasig City, Metro Manila,
Philippines, this _ day of , 201_ personally appeared:

NAME Number Issued on Issued at

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the

foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that same is the free and voluntary
act and deed of the entities which they respectively represent.

The foregoing instrument is a JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT consisting of

pages (exclusive of attachments), including this page on which this acknowledgment
is written and signed by the parties hereto and their instrument witnesses on the left
hand margin of each and every page hereof.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place first above written.
Until December 31, 20__

Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 20____


A. Summary of the Applicant Supplier’s/Distributor’s/Manufacturer’s assets and liabilities

on the basis of the attached income tax return and audited financial statement, stamped
“RECEIVED” by the Bureau of Internal Revenue or its duly accredited and authorized
institution, for the preceding calendar/tax year which should not be earlier than two (2)
years from the date of submission.1

Year 20

1. Current Assets
2. Current Liabilities
3. Total Net Worth
4. Total Value of outstanding or ongoing Projects

B. The Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) based on the above data is computed as

In case of a bid involving two or more line-items, the bidder shall indicate in the NFCC from
the line items bid for, in their order of priorities or preferences.

The first line-item in the order shall follow the following formula:

NFCC = [(current assets minus current liabilities) x (15)] - [value of all outstanding
or uncompleted portions of the projects under going contracts, including awarded
contracts yet to be started.]

For subsequent line-items, the formula shall be as follows:

NFCC = [(current assets minus current liabilities) x (15)] - [value of all outstanding
or uncompleted portions of the projects under going contracts, including awarded
contracts yet to be started + value of the prior line item/s bid for]

C. The following are the line-items that we are bidding for, stated in the order of


Package/Lot/Item Description ABC NFCC Formula NFCC

[(current assets -
current liabilities) x
(15)] - [value of all
outstanding or
uncompleted portions of
the projects under going
contracts, including
awarded contracts yet
to be started]

1 In case of a joint venture, the NFCC shall be computed based on the Audited Financial Statement of the local lead
partner, unless it is shown by clear proof that the other partners to the joint venture have infused capital
investment to support the operation of the local lead partner to ensure compliance with the obligations under the
contracts in this projection which case the NFCC of the foreign joint venture or the minority partner of the joint
venture shall be computed.
2 The bidder may add tables as may show the different lots bid for and their corresponding NFCC.


Package/Lot/Item Description ABC NFCC Formula NFCC

[(current assets -
current liabilities)
(15)] - [value of all
outstanding or
portions of the
projects under
going contracts,
including awarded
contracts yet to be
started + ABC of


em Description ABC NFCC Formula NFCC

[(current assets -
liabilities)x (15)] -
[value of all
outstanding or
of the projects
under going
contracts yet to
be started + ABC
of 1st and 2nd

This is to certify that the aforementioned NFCC computation is sufficient for all the
packages / lots / items being bid for:

Submitted by:

Name of Supplier /Distributor/ Manufacturer

Name of Authorized Representative

Performance Securing Declaration (Revised)
[if used as an alternative performance security but it is not required to be
submitted with the Bid, as it shall be submitted within ten (10) days after
receiving the Notice of Award]


CITY OF _____________________ ) S.S.


Invitation to Bid: [Insert Reference Number indicated in the Bidding Documents] To:
[Insert name and address of the Procuring Entity]

I/We, the undersigned, declare that:

1. I/We understand that, according to your conditions, to guarantee the faithful

performance by the supplier/distributor/manufacturer/contractor/consultant of
its obligations under the Contract, I/we shall submit a Performance Securing
Declaration within a maximum period of ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of
the Notice of Award prior to the signing of the Contract.

2. I/We accept that: I/we will be automatically disqualified from bidding for any
procurement contract with any procuring entity for a period of one (1) year for the
first offense, or two (2) years for the second offense, upon receipt of your
Blacklisting Order if I/We have violated my/our obligations under the Contract;

3. I/We understand that this Performance Securing Declaration shall cease to be

valid upon:

a. issuance by the Procuring Entity of the Certificate of Final Acceptance, subject

to the following conditions:
i. Procuring Entity has no claims filed against the contract awardee;
ii. It has no claims for labor and materials filed against the contractor; and
iii. Other terms of the contract; or

b. replacement by the winning bidder of the submitted PSD with a performance

security in any of the prescribed forms under Section 39.2 of the 2016 revised
IRR of RA No. 9184 as required by the end-user.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/We have hereunto set my/our hand/s this ____ day of [month]
[year] at [place of execution].


[Insert signatory’s legal capacity]

[Format shall be based on the latest Rules on Notarial Practice]

Republic of Philippines
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
Trunk Line (08) 632-13-61, Website



THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this _____ day of ____________ 2023 by and
between DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, located at DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue,
Pasig City, Philippines, represented herein by its _______________, _____________________,
as per Department Order No. 23, s. 2021 (hereinafter referred to as “DEPED”); and
______________________________ represented herein by its _______________,
___________________________, with office address at ______________________, Philippines
(hereinafter referred to as “__________________”), as per Secretary’s Certificate dated
________ (hereto attached as Annex “A”).

DEPED and _________________ are collectively called “PARTIES.”

WHEREAS, DEPED invited bids for the [Project Name] ________________ with contract
duration of ____________, consisting of _____ (_) packages, and received bids from ______
(__) bidders for Package No. ___; DEPED opened, read, and evaluated the bids of the
______ (__) bidders and declared _______________ as having the lowest calculated bid for
Lot No. ___; after evaluation, DEPED post-qualified and declared the bid of ______________
as the lowest calculated responsive bid for Lot No. ___ in the sum of PHILIPPINE PESOS
_________________ MILLION, ________________________________ THOUSAND,
________________________ and 00/100 (PhP ___________) ONLY, (hereinafter called the
“Contract Price”) detailed as follows:

Approved Budget
Lot Description Quantity for the Contract
(ABC) In Php


1. In this Contract, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to;

2. The following documents as required by the 2016 revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184 shall be deemed to form and be read and
construed as part of this Agreement, viz:

i. Philippine Bidding Documents (PBD);

a. Invitation to Bid;
b. Instruction to Bidders;
c. Bid Data Sheet;
d. Technical Specifications;
e. General and Special Conditions of the Contract;
f. Schedule of Requirements; and
g. Bid Bulletin No. 1 dated ____________.

ii. ______________’s bid, including the Eligibility Requirements, Technical and

Financial Proposals, and all other documents or statements submitted;
iii. Performance Security;
iv. Notice of Award of Contract and _____________’s conforme thereto; and
v. Other contract documents required by existing laws and/or DEPED in the
PBD. ____________ agrees that additional contract documents or information
prescribed by the GPPB that are subsequently required for submission after
the contract execution, such as the Notice to Proceed, Variation Order, and
Warranty Security, shall form part of the Contract.

3. ________________ shall post a Performance Security within ten (10) calendar days
from receipt of the Notice of Award in the form and amount prescribed therein. The
performance security shall be posted in favor of DEPED, and shall be forfeited in
the event it is established that ________________ is in default of any of its obligation
under this contract. ________________ shall be responsible for the extension of its
performance security and/or undertake to renew its performance security whenever
necessary, and without need of prior notice or instruction from the DEPED, to
ensure that it is in force and effect for the whole duration of the contract and until
a Certificate of Final Acceptance is duly issued.

4. The goods shall be delivered within _______________ CALENDAR DAYS from receipt
of the Notice to Proceed or as may be indicated in the Notice to Proceed. Risk and
title to the goods shall not be deemed to have passed to DEPED until its receipt and
final acceptance at the delivery site (Designated Schools)

5. DEPED shall have the right to inspect and test or cause the testing of the goods
covered by the Contract, at any time or stage of contract implementation.

6. Pre-delivery and Pre-implementation Conference shall be conducted prior to the

inspection of goods by the designated DepEd Inspectorate Team.

7. Prior to and for purposes of inspection, _____________ shall ensure convenient access
to the goods for inspection. _____________ shall assign personnel to undertake the
handling, unpacking, assembly, commissioning, disassembly, repacking, resealing
and sorting of the goods prior to, during and after the inspection.

8. The goods shall be inspected by the designated DepEd Inspectorate Team. A
turnaround period of not more than THIRTY (30) WORKING DAYS from the time
of the receipt of the request for Pre-Delivery Inspection shall be given to DEPED to
schedule the inspection.

9. The goods should conform to and comply with the standards mentioned in Section
VI. Schedule of Requirements of the Bidding Documents, or as amended by
subsequently issued Bid Bulletin, if any, and must be in accordance with the final
technical specifications as approved by the Bids and Awards Committee based on
the samples submitted by ____________, and reflected in the post-qualification
report, which is hereto attached as Annex “B” and made an integral part hereof.

Any proposal by _____________ to deliver goods of different technical specifications,

in lieu of those of the approved bids or samples, shall not be allowed. However,
under justifiable circumstances, delivery of goods of equivalent, higher or superior
technical specifications may be permitted, subject to the evaluation and favorable
recommendation of the DEPED’s end-user or implementing unit, and the approval
of the herein authorized signatory. In any such case, the proposal by ____________
for substitution shall be in writing and shall not result in any additional cost or
undue burden to DEPED.

10. Goods with defects or non-compliant with the required technical specifications upon
delivery shall be rejected orally or in writing by DEPED and replaced by _________
in accordance with the warranty provisions in the bidding documents. The
replacement goods for this reason shall be subject to re-inspection. Replacement
and repair of test materials shall only be applicable if the printing defects and
noncompliance in the technical specifications are discovered prior to test
administration. Service provider shall replace or repair defective test materials
before test administration.

11. _______________ shall deliver the goods to the delivery site (DepEd CO and Schools
Division Offices). Goods delivered to sites other than the designated delivery site
without DEPED’s written authorization and/or approval may be rejected by the
latter. Violation of this provision, based on documents and reports submitted and
validated by the authorized receiving personnel, may be a cause for the termination
of the Contract.

12. In case _____________ encounters condition(s) impeding timely delivery of the goods,
______________ shall promptly notify DEPED in writing within five (5) calendar days
from notice of such condition(s). Any request for work suspension and/or contract
period extension shall be promptly done in writing as soon as circumstances for
such request have become apparent. ___________ must provide sufficient proof to
support any request for work suspension and/or contract period extension.

13. The Contract Price shall be paid to ____________ in accordance with the following
disbursement procedures:

12.1. ____________ may submit a request for payment based on the following: (i)
cumulative quantities of goods delivered based on the schedule of deliveries
and other relevant terms and conditions of the Contract, (ii) duly signed
Delivery Receipts, and (iii) Inspection and Acceptance Reports (IARs),
including certification by _____________, duly signed and dated by the
authorized representative of the DEPED indicating that the goods have been
delivered in accordance with the Contract. Other documents in support of
a request for payment may be prescribed by DEPED pursuant to existing
disbursement, accounting and auditing rules and procedures.

12.2. Payment shall be made to ______________ within sixty (60) days from
submission of the documents specified in SCC Clause 2.2 and other
documents as may be prescribed by DEPED, in the following manner:

12.2.1. _________ percent (__%) of the Contract Price shall be paid to

__________________ upon completion of printing, packaging, labeling
of primers, and delivery and acceptance of the goods by DEPED’s
authorized representative;

12.2.2. Payment shall also constitute release of the retention money in case
of expiry of the warranty period or the remaining amount in case it has
been utilized pursuant to the warranty provision.

14. Payments shall be subject to the “Warranty” provision in the form of either retention
money in an amount equivalent to five percent (5%) the payment, or a special bank
guarantee in the amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Contract Price as provided
under Section 62.1 of R.A. 9184 and its Revised IRR.

13.1. The warranty period of three (3) months shall reckon from the date of issuance
of Certificate of Final Acceptance by DEPED.

15. _______________ shall be liable for liquidated damages for the delay in delivery of
goods in an amount equal to one-tenth (1/10) of one percent (1%) of the cost of the
delayed goods scheduled for delivery, for every day of delay until such goods are
finally delivered to and accepted by DEPED. DEPED shall deduct the liquidated
damages from any money due or which may become due to _______________, or
collect from any of the securities or warranties posted by _______________, whichever
is convenient to DEPED. Once the cumulative amount of liquidated damages
reaches ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price, DEPED may rescind or terminate
the Contract, without prejudice to other courses of action and remedies available
under the circumstances.

16. _______________ and its employees, as agents of DEPED, shall uphold strict
confidentiality of any information relating to this Contract. _______________ shall
hold Proprietary Information in strict confidence. _______________ agrees not to
reproduce, transcribe or disclose Proprietary Information to third parties without
prior written approval of DEPED.

17. The PARTIES shall make every effort to resolve amicably and by mutual
consultation any and all disputes or differences arising between the PARTIES in
connection with the implementation of the Contract. Should such dispute not be
resolved amicably, it shall be submitted to Early Neutral Evaluation pursuant to
R.A. No. 9285, or the “Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004,” and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have caused this Contract to be executed
in accordance with governing laws on the day and year first above written.


__________________________ ___________________________
Department of Education _______________ SIGNED IN

________________________ ________________________
DEPED’s Witness _____________’s Witness


Chief Accountant


______________________, METRO MANILA ) S.S


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for ______________________, Philippines, this _____
day of _______________ 2023 personally appeared:


(Number, Issued On, Issued

Department of Education


Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument and acknowledge to me that the same is the free and voluntary act and deed
of the entities which they respectively represent.

The foregoing instrument is a CONTRACT consisting of six (6) pages (exclusive of

attachments), including this page on which this acknowledgment is written and signed
by the parties hereto and their instrument witness on the left-hand margin of each and
every page hereof.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place first above written.

Doc. No. _____;

Page No. _____; NOTARY PUBLIC
Book No. _____;
Series of ______.

Bid Security (Bank Guarantee) Form

WHEREAS, [insert name of Bidder] (hereinafter called the “Bidder”) has

submitted its bid dated [insert date] for the [insert name of contract] (hereinafter
called the “Bid”).

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that We [insert name of Bank] of [insert
name of Country] having our registered office at [insert address] (hereinafter called
the “Bank” are bound unto the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Central Office,
(hereinafter called the “Entity”), in the sum of [insert amount] for which payment
well and truly to be made to the said Entity the Bank binds itself, its successors
and assigns by these presents.

SEALED with the Common Seal of said Bank this day of


THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:

1. If the Bidder:

(a) withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified in
the Form of Bid; or

(b) does not accept the correction of arithmetical errors of its bid
price in accordance with the Instructions to Bidder; or

2. If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by

the Procuring Entity during the period of bid validity:

(a) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form in accordance

with the Instructions to Bidders, if required; or
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security in
accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.

We undertake to pay to the Entity up to the above amount upon receipt of

its first written demand, without the Entity having to substantiate its demand,
provided that in its demand the Entity will note that the amount claimed by the
Entity is due to the Entity owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two (2)
conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

The Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date [insert
days] days after the deadline for submission of Bids as such deadline is stated in
the Instructions to Bidders or as it may be extended by the Entity, notice of which
extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this
Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.


(Signature, Name and Address)
Bid Securing Declaration Form
[shall be submitted with the Bid if bidder opts to provide this form of bid security]




Project Identification No.: [Insert number]

To: [Insert name and address of the Procuring Entity]

I/We, the undersigned, declare that:

1. I/We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be

supported by a Bid Security, which may be in the form of a Bid Securing

2. I/We accept that: (a) I/we will be automatically disqualified from bidding
for any procurement contract with any procuring entity for a period of two
(2) years upon receipt of your Blacklisting Order; and, (b) I/we will pay the
applicable fine provided under Section 6 of the Guidelines on the Use of
Bid Securing Declaration, within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the written
demand by the procuring entity for the commission of acts resulting to the
enforcement of the bid securing declaration under Sections 23.1(b), 34.2,
40.1 and 69.1, except 69.1(f),of the IRR of RA No. 9184; without prejudice
to other legal action the government may undertake.

3. I/We understand that this Bid Securing Declaration shall cease to be valid
on the following circumstances:

a. Upon expiration of the bid validity period, or any extension thereof

pursuant to your request;
b. I am/we are declared ineligible or post-disqualified upon receipt of your
notice to such effect, and (i) I/we failed to timely file a request for
reconsideration or
(ii) I/we filed a waiver to avail of said right; and
c. I am/we are declared the bidder with the Lowest Calculated Responsive
Bid, and I/we have furnished the performance security and signed the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/We have hereunto set my/our hand/s this day of [month]
[year] at [place of execution].
[Insert signatory’s legal capacity]

[Format shall be based on the latest Rules on Notarial Practice]

Omnibus Sworn Statement (Revised)
[shall be submitted with the Bid]




I, [Name of Affiant], of legal age, [Civil Status], [Nationality], and residing at [Address
of Affiant], after having been duly sworn in accordance with the law, do hereby depose
and state that:

1. [Select one, delete the other:]

[If a sole proprietorship:] I am the sole proprietor or authorized representative of [Name

of Bidder] with office address at [address of Bidder];

[If a partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture:] I am the duly authorized

and designated representative of [Name of Bidder] with office address at [address
of Bidder];

2. [Select one, delete the other:]

[If a sole proprietorship:] As the owner and sole proprietor, or authorized

representative of [Name of Bidder], I have full power and authority to do, execute
and perform any and all acts necessary to participate, submit the bid, and to sign
and execute the ensuing contract for [Name of the Project] of the [Name of the
Procuring Entity], as shown in the attached duly notarized Special Power of

[If a partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture:] I am granted full power

and authority to do, execute and perform any and all acts necessary to participate,
submit the bid, and to sign and execute the ensuing contract for [Name of the
Project] of the [Name of the Procuring Entity], as shown in the attached [state title
of attached document showing proof of authorization (e.g., duly notarized
Secretary’s Certificate, Board/Partnership Resolution, or Special Power of Attorney,
whichever is applicable;)];

3. [Name of Bidder] is not “blacklisted” or barred from bidding by the Government of

the Philippines or any of its agencies, offices, corporations, or Local Government
Units, foreign government/foreign or international financing institution whose
blacklisting rules have been recognized by the Government Procurement Policy
Board, by itself or by relation, membership, association, affiliation, or
controlling interest with another blacklisted person or entity as defined and
provided for in the Uniform Guidelines on Blacklisting;

4. Each of the documents submitted in satisfaction of the bidding requirements is an

authentic copy of the original, complete, and all statements and information
provided therein are true and correct;

5. [Name of Bidder] is authorizing the Head of the Procuring Entity or its duly
authorized representative(s) to verify all the documents submitted;

6. [Select one, delete the rest:]

[If a sole proprietorship:] The owner or sole proprietor is not related to the Head of
the Procuring Entity, members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), the
Technical Working Group, and the BAC Secretariat, the head of the Project
Management Office or the end-user unit, and the project consultants by
consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil degree;

[If a partnership or cooperative:] None of the officers and members of [Name of

Bidder] is related to the Head of the Procuring Entity, members of the Bids and
Awards Committee (BAC), the Technical Working Group, and the BAC Secretariat,
the head of the Project Management Office or the end-user unit, and the project
consultants by consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil degree;

[If a corporation or joint venture:] None of the officers, directors, and controlling
stockholders of [Name of Bidder] is related to the Head of the Procuring Entity,
members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), the Technical Working Group,
and the BAC Secretariat, the head of the Project Management Office or the enduser
unit, and the project consultants by consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil

7. [Name of Bidder] complies with existing labor laws and standards; and

8. [Name of Bidder] is aware of and has undertaken the responsibilities as a Bidder in

compliance with the Philippine Bidding Documents, which includes:

a. Carefully examining all of the Bidding Documents;

b. Acknowledging all conditions, local or otherwise, affecting the implementation of
the Contract;
c. Making an estimate of the facilities available and needed for the contract to be
bid, if any; and
d. Inquiring or securing Supplemental/Bid Bulletin(s) issued for the [Name of the

9. [Name of Bidder] did not give or pay directly or indirectly, any commission, amount,
fee, or any form of consideration, pecuniary or otherwise, to any person or official,
personnel or representative of the government in relation to any procurement
project or activity.

10. In case advance payment was made or given, failure to perform or deliver any
of the obligations and undertakings in the contract shall be sufficient grounds
to constitute criminal liability for Swindling (Estafa) or the commission of
fraud with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence through misappropriating or
converting any payment received by a person or entity under an obligation
involving the duty to deliver certain goods or services, to the prejudice of the
public and the government of the Philippines pursuant to Article 315 of Act
No. 3815 s. 1930, as amended, or the Revised Penal Code.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this __ day of ___, 20__ at
____________, Philippines.

[Insert signatory’s legal capacity]

[Format shall be based on the latest Rules on Notarial Practice]

Performance Security (Bank Guarantee) Form
To : The Secretary
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City

Attention: The Chairperson

Bids and Awards Committee

WHEREAS, [insert name and address of Supplier] (hereinafter called the “Supplier”) has
undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. [insert number] dated [insert date] to execute
[insert name of contract and brief description] (hereinafter called the “Contract”);

AND WHEREAS, it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Supplier
shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified
therein as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract;

AND WHEREAS, we have agreed to give the Supplier such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE, we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you,
on behalf of the Supplier, up to a total of [insert amount of guarantee] proportions of
currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon
your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the
limits of [insert amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to
show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Supplier before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which may
be made between you and the Supplier shall in any way release us from any liability
under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or
This guarantee shall be valid until the date of your issuance of the Notice of Final



Project No:

The Secretary
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Central Office
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

Attention: The Chairperson

Bids and Awards Committee

Gentlemen and/or Ladies:

Having examined the Bidding Documents including Bid Bulletin Numbers

[insert numbers], the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the
undersigned, offer to [supply/deliver/perform] [description of the Goods] in
conformity with the said Bidding Documents for the sum of [total Bid amount in
words (and figures)] or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance
with the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this Bid.

We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to deliver the goods in accordance with the
delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements.

If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to provide a performance security in the

form, amounts, and within the times specified in the Bidding Documents.

We agree to abide by this Bid for the Bid Validity Period specified in BDS
provision for ITB Clause 17.1 and 18.2, respectively, and it shall remain binding
upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that bid
validity period.

Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your
written acceptance thereof and your Notice of Award, shall be binding upon us.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may

We certify/confirm that we comply with the eligibility requirements as per ITB

Clause 5 of the Bidding Documents.
We likewise certify/confirm that the undersigned, [for sole proprietorships,
insert: as the owner and sole proprietor or authorized representative of Name of
Bidder, has the full power and authority to participate, submit the bid, and to
sign and execute the ensuing contract, on the latter’s behalf for the Name of
Project of the Name of the Procuring Entity] [for partnerships, corporations,
cooperatives, or joint ventures, insert: is granted full power and authority by the
Name of Bidder, to participate, submit the bid, and to sign and execute the
ensuing contract on the latter’s behalf for Name of Project of the Name of the
Procuring Entity].

We, further, confirm that, for purposes of this bid, and if such Bid is accepted,
the address stated below shall be the Supplier’s official address and contact
numbers, as reflected in the (state proof of billing e.g. PhilGEPS Certificate,
Mayor’s Permit, SEC, Tax Clearance)

We acknowledge that failure to sign each and every page of this Bid Form,
including the attached Schedule of Prices, shall be a ground for the rejection of
our bid.

Dated this day of 20 .

[signature over printed name of [in the capacity of ]

Authorized Representative] (designation of Authorized Representative

Duly authorized to sign Bid for and on behalf of

[Registered Company/Business Name of the Bidder]
Address : Telephone No :
Telefax: Email address :


To: Department of Education

[name of Contract]

Gentlemen and/or Ladies:

In accordance with the payment provision included in the Special Conditions

of Contract, which amends Clause of the General Conditions of Contract to
provide for advance payment, [name and address of Supplier] (hereinafter
called the “Supplier”) shall deposit with the PROCURING ENTITY a bank
guarantee to guarantee its proper and faithful performance under the said
Clause of the Contract in an amount of [amount of guarantee in figures and

We, the [bank or financial institution], as instructed by the Supplier, agree

unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not
as surety merely, the payment to the PROCURING ENTITY on its first
demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without its
first claim to the Supplier, in the amount not exceeding [amount of guarantee
in figures and words].

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the

terms of the Contract to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract
documents which may be made between the PROCURING ENTITY and the
Supplier, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee,
and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition, or modification.

This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the
advance payment received by the Supplier under the Contract until [date].

Yours truly,

Signature and seal of the Guarantors

[name of bank or financial institution]





BIDDING FOR [no.] : [item description] (if applicable)




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