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 Qualifications, official records attesting a person’s learning or training

achievement, play a fundamental role in today’s increasingly interconnected

and competitive world. They facilitate entry and movement in the job market
and enable people to pursue lifelong learning opportunities, within and across

 Quality assurance is fundamental to qualifications. Trust and transparency in

qualifications are a requisite for the comparability and recognition of
qualifications at both the national and international levels. This is becoming an
increasingly urgent priority.
 Quality assurance (QA) is any systematic process of determining whether a product or service
meets specified requirements.

 A quality assurance system is meant to increase customer confidence and a company's

credibility, while also improving work processes and efficiency, and it enables a company to
better compete with others

 Quality assurance helps a company create products and services that meet the needs,
expectations and requirements of customers.

 Quality control (QC) is a process through which a business seeks to ensure that product
quality is maintained or improved. Quality control requires the company to create an
environment where management and employees strive for perfection.

 Quality control is the process by which products/services are tested and measured to ensure
they meet a standard. Through this process, a business can evaluate, maintain, and improve
product quality.
Quality Assurance in Technical Education

Dr. S.K.Naskar
NITTTR, Kolkata
“Present system of education is all wrong.
The mind is crammed with facts before it knows how to think.
Educate our people, so that they may be able to solve their own problems.
Until that is done, all these ideal reforms will remain ideals only.”

What is education? Is it book learning? No. Is it diverse knowledge? Not

even that. The training by which the current and expression of will are
brought under control and become fruitful is called education.

Swayami Vivekanda
Quality Assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in
producing products and avoiding problems when delivering products or
services to customers; which ISO 9000 defines as "part of quality
management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements
will be fulfilled".
Quality assurance comprises administrative and procedural activities
implemented in a quality system so that requirements and goals for a
product, service or activity will be fulfilled.

It is the systematic measurement, comparison with a standard, monitoring

of processes and an associated feedback loop that confers error
prevention. This can be contrasted with Quality Control, which is focused on
process output.
Types of Accreditation for Quality Assurance:
1.UGC (University Grants Commission)
2. AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education)
3. AIU (Association of Indian Universities)
4. NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council)
5. NBA (National Board of Accreditation)
6. NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework)
7. AIMA (All India Management Association)
8. DEC (Distance Education Council)
9. MCI (Medical Council of India)
10. NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education)
11. PCI (Pharmacy Council of India)
12. VCI (Veterinary Council of India)
13. NCHRH(National Council for Human Resource in Health)
14. NABET: National Accreditation Board for Education and Training
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NBA (National Board of Accreditation):
National Board of Accreditation, India was established by AICTE as an autonomous body
under section 10(u) of AICTE act, 1994 for periodic evaluations of technical institutions &
programs basis according to specified norms and standards as recommended by AICTE
council. It is the only authorized body in India entrusted with the task of undertaking
accreditation of technical education programs.

From 7th January 2010, NBA came into existence as an autonomous body with the objective
of Assurance of Quality and Relevance of Education, especially of the programs in
professional and technical disciplines, i.e., Engineering and Technology, Management,
Architecture, Pharmacy and Hospitality, through the mechanism of accreditation of
programs offered by technical institutions.

It has received 2 awards: Golden Peacock Eco Innovation Award 2013, for the eNBA Project
and Best Education Project - Silver Award.
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NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework):
National Institutional Ranking Framework is a methodology adopted
by the Ministry of Human Resource development (MHRD): MOE,
Government of India, to rank all institutions of higher education in

NIRF was set up to identify the broad parameters for ranking various
universities and institutions that are: Teaching, learning and
resources, Research and professional practices, graduation
outcomes, outreach and inclusivity and perception.

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NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education):
National Council for Teacher Education is a statutory body of Indian
government set up under the National Council for Teacher Education
Act in 1995 to formally oversee standards, procedures and processes
in the Indian education system.

The main objective of the NCTE is to achieve planned and

coordinated development of the teacher education system
throughout the country, the regulation and proper maintenance of
Norms and Standards in the teacher education system and for
matters connected therewith.

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National Accreditation Board for Education and
Training is a constituent Board of Quality Council of
National Accreditation Board for Education and
Training (NABET) in recent years has enlarged its scope
of activities and is trying to match its progress with
Slogan of QCI i.e. "Creating an Eco System for Quality".

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Four Quality Imperatives in Education
The Moral Imperative- The link with Customers
The Professional Imperative-The link with Professional
Role of Individuals
The Competitive Imperative-The link with Competitors
The Accountability Imperative-The link with Constituent
The Moral Imperative:

This moral imperative lies behind the proposition that

customers and clients are deserving the best possible
quality. It is the duty of supplier to have an overridden
concern with providing the best possible quality
products or services.
The Competitive Imperative:

Competition is the reality in the world of work. In the new

competitive marketplace suppliers must meet the challenge
of competition by working to improve the quality of their
products, services and delivery mechanisms.
The importance of TQM to survival is that it is a customer-
driven process, focusing on the needs of clients and
providing mechanisms to respond to their needs and wants.
The Professional Imperative:

This represents the duty of all those involved in

the service to strive to provide high standards of
products and services.
Professionalism implies a commitment to the
needs of the customers and an obligation to
meet their needs by providing best quality
products and services.
The Accountability Imperative:

TQM supports the accountability imperative by

promoting objective and measurable outcomes
of the organizations and providing mechanisms
for the improvement of those outcomes.
Greater freedom has to be matched by greater
Education as a service:
Customers of Education:
Education (value added to learners)-The service
The learners-Primary external customer or client
Parents/employers/society-Secondary customer
Teachers/support staff-Internal customers
System Approach of
Technical Education System


 Quantum of inputs (funds etc) received

 Diversity of stakeholders and their commitment


 Curriculum Development
 Teaching – Learning
 Evaluation of Students’ performance
 Modernisation and Maintenance of Facilities
 Student Services

 Extension Services
 Campus Environment
 Management Information System
 Human Resource Management
 Financial Management


 Passouts and their track record of Job placement

 Publications of the institute, its staff and students
 Research and Development Projects completed
 Patents obtained / Awards received
Where do we
want to be in
the Future?

Now Quality Initiatives

% Graduated
% Employed
Revenue Generated
Industry Partnerships
Awards Received
How do we get there?

Where we want
Where we are Quality Initiatives to be in the

Now Future
% Graduated
% Employed
Revenue Generated
Industry Partnerships
Awards Received




Assessment of Internal Environment


S W Processes
Strengths Weaknesses
Assessment of External Environment

Ex In

Environmental O T
Opportunities Threats

1. Identifying the shifts in the needs of Customers and

potential Clients and

2. Identification of Competitors and Collaborators.

Ordinary vs Quality Institutions
Quality Institution Ordinary Institution
Customer focused Focused on internal needs
Focus on preventing problems Focus on detecting problem
Invest in people Its not systematic in its approach
Has a strategy for quality Lacks a strategic quality vision
Treats complaints as an opportunity Teats complaints as a nuisance
Has a definite quality direction Idea of quality is vague
Has a quality policy and plan Has no quality plan
The improvements process involves everybody Only management involvement
Roles and responsibility clear Is vague
The four Pillars of Education:

Education throughout life is based on four pillars:

learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and
learning to be.

Learning to know: by combining a sufficiently broad general

knowledge with the opportunity to work in depth on subjects. This
also means learning to learn, so as to benefit from the
opportunities education provides throughout life.
Learning to do: in order to acquire not only an occupational skill but also,
more broadly, the competence to deal with many situations and work in
teams. (social contribution)

Learning to live together: by developing an understanding of other people

and an appreciation of interdependence - carrying out joint projects and
learning to manage conflicts -in a spirit of respect for the values of mutual
understanding and peace.

Learning to be: so as better to develop one's personality and be able to act

with greater autonomy & accountability, judgment and personal
Objectives for a typical Technical Institution:
 Produce quality skilled and trained manpower with a sense of
value and culture
 Promote research activities
 Promote technological innovations.
 Provide services to the satisfaction of the customers
 Ensure quality in all activities
 Build up reputation & image of the institution in society
 Provide service to the community etc.
Instructional Processes:
 Preparation of teaching plan of the semester.
 Preparation of laboratory manual and job sheet.
 Planning for students’ projects relevant to the discipline
 Ensuring availability of teaching learning resources.
 Development of learning resources
 Preparation of comprehensive assessment plan.
 Focus on students-centered method of learning.
 Effective implementation of curricula.
 Develop remedial measures for weaker students as well as ineffective
 Monitoring and recording students’ progress
 Conduct of counseling and guidance sessions.
Developmental Processes:
 Introduction of relevant curricula.
 Training of teachers in the areas of curriculum design, teaching methodology.
 Improvement of examination system
 Promotion of culture of research and experimentation.
 Promotion of industrial training of teachers.
 Establishment of learning resource center
 Development and procurement of learning resources
 Develop item banks.
 Development of library facility.
 Establishment of training & placement cell
 Development of system of dissemination of information.
 Training of support staff in relevant areas.
 Development of laboratories and workshops more user friendly.
 Promotion of Industry – Institute interface.
Managerial Processes:
 Provision of good learning environment.
 Promotion of inter-departmental activities to develop personnel
relationships and to harmonize working condition.
 Develop& maintain unambiguous communication channel
 Development of more effective administrative procedures
 Improvement of infrastructure facilities
 Development of strategies for better utilization of institutional facilities.
 Involvement of all members in institutional developmental activities.
 Promote drive for quality in all activities
 Development of system for feedback on activities.
 To improve students welfare.
 To prepare short term and long term plans
 Resource allocation.
Management of T.E. System
Central government level
State government level
Management of T.E. System
Central Government level
(funding, processing, monitoring and evaluation of performances of all CFIs,
including implementations of central schemes)
AICTE: vested with statutory powers by the act of parliament in 1987
Management of T.E. System
Central Government level
• Planning and coordination of development of T. E
• Promotion of qualitative improvement
Management of T.E. System
Central Government level
Has 9 all India Boards of Studies which advice AICTE in policy planning
Architectures & town planning
Pharmaceutical education
Management studies
Technician education
UG studies in Engg & Technology
PG education and R & D in Engg
Vocational education
Hotel management and catering technology
Information technology
Management of T.E. System
Central Government level
Has also set up NBA- implementing and evaluating quality of technical
UGC has role to play in the development of T.E as it finances university
departments dealing with higher education in engineering
Management of T.E. System
State Government level
DTE- effective administrations of T.E
Academic control of engineering programme lies on affiliating universities with
advises from SBTE
SBTE / SCTE- to monitor polytechnic education system
Issues & Concerns
Dearth of adequately qualified manpower
Exponential growth of technical colleges
Absence of mechanism for maintaining quality and standards of technical
Market demand driven courses
Role of Technical Teachers:
Developing instructional material / class room
Guide under graduate projects
Participation in curriculum revision and development
Developing LRs
Developing lab manuals
Conducting / developing C.E programmes
Organizing industrial training
Participating community development programmes
Organizing EDP / seminars / workshops
Participating institutional development activities
Managing classes
Product & service point of view:
• Conformance to specification
• Fitness for purpose or use
• Zero defects
• Right first time, every time
Customer point of view:
• Customer satisfaction
• Exceeding customer expectations
• Delighting the customer
Education as a service:

Customers of Education:
Education (value added to learners)-The service
The learners-Primary external customer or client
Parents/employers/society-Secondary customer
Teachers/support staff-Internal customers
Stake holders of T.E?
Core concepts for ensuring Quality:
Quality policy & its communication
Team work and participation
Problem solving tools & techniques
Quality system
Quality cost & measurement
Process control
Customer supplier integration
Education & training
Quality audit &review
NEP-2020 few recommendations:
National Education Policy 2020 : address the many growing developmental
imperatives of our country. Revision and revamping of all aspects of the education
structure, including its regulation and governance as per the need of 21st
aspirational goal.
The global education development agenda reflected in the Goal 4 (SDG4) of the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by India in 2015 - seeks to
“ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all” by 2030 & Education system to be reconfigured to
New National Research Foundation
Higher education significantly contributes towards sustainable ivelihoods and
economic development of the nation.
strengthening and empowering the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE).
NEP-2020 few recommendations:
National Assessment Centre or PARAKH, School Boards, NTA
Blended models of learning
National Educational Technology Forum (NETF)
Regulation, accreditation, funding, and academic standard setting:
Higher Education Commission of India (HECI)
MERUs (Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities): like
Develop more degree courses taught in Indian languages and
NEP-2020 few recommendations:
Policy suggests high quality interdisciplinary research across fields that
must be done in India and cannot simply be imported.
Development of ACB: Academic Credit Bank

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