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Sample Paper – 01

Biology (Theory)
Time: 3 Hrs MM: 70
General Instructions
1. The question paper comprises of five Sections A, B, C, D and E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. There is no overall choice however; internal choice has been provided in one question of 2
marks, one question of 3 marks and all the two questions of five marks category. Only one
option in such question is to be attempted.
4. Questions1 to 5 in section A are very short questions of one mark each. These are to be
answered in one word or one sentence each.
5. Questions 6 to 9 in section B are short questions of two marks each. These are to be
answered in approximately 20-30 words each.
6. Questions 10 to 20 in section C are questions of three marks each. These are to be answered
in approximately 30-50 words each. Question 21 is of 4 marks.
7. Questions 22 to 23 in section D are questions of five marks each. These are to be answered
in approximately 80-120 words each.
8. Questions 24 to26 in section E is based on OTBA of 10 marks.

Section – A
1. What is fibroin?
2. The term to describe vascular bundles in which phloem lies at the centre surrounded by
3. What is meant by ‘in vitro’?
4. Name two accessory digestive organs in humans.
5. What type of modification of root is found in a) Banyan tree b) Mangrove trees?

Section – B
6. Define the terms isotonic and solute potential?
7. What is mesosome in a prokaryotic cell? Mention any two functions it performs.
8. Bring out the differences between the stele of dicot root and monocot root.
9. (i) Name two red algae from where agar is obtained.
(ii) What is alternation of generations?

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What is meant by a heterosporous fern? Give two examples?

Section – C
10. Describe the structure of actin.
11. Describe competitive inhibition of enzyme activity with an example.
12. Draw a labelled diagram of the mouth parts of cockroach.
Draw a labelled diagram of structure of monocot seed.
13. Describe the quaternary structure of proteins.
14. Differentiate between rods and cones.
15. Differentiate C3 and C4 pathways of photosynthesis.
16. Mention two important functions and one deficiency symptom of potassium in plants.
17. Schematically represent haplo-diplontic life cycle.
18. How ATP is synthesized in the electron transport particles of the mitochondria?
19. What is meiosis? Bring out its significance.
20. Draw a labelled diagram of human respiratory system.
21. Sunita is the class moniter of class-11. On day after few periods of teaching she observed
that class room is littered with many small pieces of papers. Next day she delivered a speech
in morning assembly “if a paper is torn a branch of tree is being destroyed.”
(a) What values do you find in Sunita?
(b) Do you agree with the statement of Sunita?
(c) What should be done to prevent plants?

Section – D
22. Write a short note on pectoral and pelvic girdle with the help of diagram.
“Transpiration and photosynthesis – a compromise”. Comment.
23. Write a note on proteins. Name some important proteins found in humans. Give their
Describe briefly the chemical steps in Calvin cycle.

Section-E (OTBA) Questions

24. OTBA Question 2 mark
25. OTBA Question 3 mark
26. OTBA Question 5 mark

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