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Judith B.

Fortuna October 6, 2022

Principal II



MELC - TLE - FOOD PROCESSING (Salting / Curing / Smoking)
pp. 311

Test Question 1: You are sealing a can using the can sealer, suddenly the second operation roll moved first
nearer to the lid of the can instead of the first operation roll. What are you going to do?
A. Stop using the can sealer.
B. Call the teacher.
C. Stop using the can sealer and remove the can.
D. Stop using the can sealer, remove the can and continuously turn the crank until the second operation roller
is finished

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational

(0 point / Not Mastered) (1 point / Least (2 points / Nearly (3 points / Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
A. Call the teacher B. The student was able C. The student was able D. The student was able
to stop but didn’t know to do the 2 steps on to perform the correct
what to do next. what to do in case the procedure on what to
2nd operation roll do in case the situation
comes near the can arises.
instaed of the 1st
operation roll.

Test Question No. 2: The teacher showed the process of making Fermented Fish. After which, the teachers
asked for volunteer to perform a return demonstration the next day. Nobody volunteered, so the teacher
decided to draw lots. You are the lucky one. Name the needs that you have to prepare?
A. Fish, salt, measuring cup, basin
B. Black pepper, soy sauce, vinegar
C. Fish, black pepper, vinegar
D. Fish, salt, calamansi, garlic

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational

(0 point / Not Mastered) (1 point / Least (2 points / Nearly (3 points / Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
B. These are not needed C. Fish is the only one D. Only fish and salt are A. All these are needed
in making Fermented needed in making needed in making in making Fermented
Fish Fermented Fish Fermented Fish Fish

Test Question No. 3. Mrs. Rosario Miranda gave the ingredients in making Dried Fish which is good for 5 kilos
of fish for the next practicum
5 k fish
2 1/2 c salt
5 tsp black pepper
5 c of vinegar
5 cloves garlic

This will be done by group to lessen the expenses. Your group composed of 10 students conducted a meeting
about the contribution, needs to purchase and needed tools and utensils. One student got sick and was not
able to give her contribution of P100.00 and another one was able to give only P50.00. As a result, you can
only purchase 4 kilos of fish plus the ingredients. How much of each ingredient are you going to need?
A. 2 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1 1/2 c salt, 2 1/2 c vinegar, 2 cloves garlic
B. 1 1/4 c salt, 3 c black pepper, 3 c vinegar, 3 cloves garlic
C. 1 1/4 c salt, 2 1/2 tsp black pepper, 2 1/2 c vinegar, 2 1/2 cloves garlic
E. 2 cloves of garlic, 2 cups of vinegar, 2 tsp of black pepper, 1 c of salt

Pre-Structural Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational

(0 point / Not Mastered) (1 point / Least (2 points / Nearly (3 points / Mastered)
Mastered) Mastered)
D. No correct B. Only 1 ingredient is A. 2 ingredients are C.All the ingredients are
measurement of measured correctly measured correctly correctly measured

Test Question No. 4:

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