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Use and Maintenance

English version
cod. TFE000001
Revision: 10/2007

via Lazio, 37 - Buccinasco (Milano) ITALY - Tel. +02 488676.1 Fax +02 4882153 [email protected]
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Table of contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 5

CAPITOLO 1 TECHNOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION ....................................... 7

1.1 Machine functions ................................................................. 7
1.2 Description of the machine .................................................... 8
1.3 Operation .............................................................................. 9
1.4 Technical specifications ...................................................... 10
1.5 Working area for the operator .............................................. 10
1.6 Noise emissions ................................................................. 10
1.7 Identification ........................................................................ 10
1.7.1 manufacturer data ............................................................... 10
1.8 Guarantee ........................................................................... 11
1.9 Notice form ......................................................................... 12


2.1 General notes ..................................................................... 13
2.2 Symbols used ..................................................................... 13
2.2.1 definition of the terms“operator” and “specialised technician”14
2.3 Personal protection equipment (PPE) ................................. 14
2.3.1 safety devices necessary .................................................... 14
2.3.2 danger signs ....................................................................... 14
2.4 Residual risks ..................................................................... 15
2.5 General warnings ................................................................ 15
2.6 Emergency measures ......................................................... 16
2.6.1 first aid ................................................................................ 16
2.6.2 fire prevention measures ..................................................... 16


3.1 Unpacking ........................................................................... 17
3.2 Visual check ....................................................................... 18
3.3 Storage ............................................................................... 18
3.4 Packing list ......................................................................... 18
3.5 Movement ........................................................................... 18
3.6 Precautions for locationg the machine ................................. 19

Table of contents 1
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

CAPITOLO 4 INSTALLATION .................................................................. 21

4.1 Positioning .......................................................................... 21
4.2 Cleaning and disinfecting .................................................... 21
4.3 Connectiong pipes and hoses ............................................. 22
4.3.1 mixture feed hoses/connectors ........................................... 22
4.3.2 ice-cream outlet hoses/connectors ..................................... 22
4.4 Connections ........................................................................ 22
4.4.1 electric connections ............................................................ 22
4.4.2 water connections ............................................................... 23
4.4.3 pneumatic connections ....................................................... 24

CAPITOLO 5 STARTING-UP ................................................................... 25

5.1 Preliminary procedures ....................................................... 25
5.1.1 checking direction of rotation .............................................. 26
5.2 Start procedure ................................................................... 26
5.2.1 temperature calibration ....................................................... 28

CAPITOLO 6 PRODUCTION .................................................................... 31

6.1 Control console ................................................................... 31
6.2 Operator panel .................................................................... 32
6.2.1 navigating the screens displayed on the panel ..................... 32
6.2.2 changing language .............................................................. 32
6.2.3 main menu .......................................................................... 34
6.2.4 cycle menu ......................................................................... 35
6.2.5 recipe menu ........................................................................ 36
6.2.6 password and panel maintenance ........................................ 37
6.2.7 pump menu ......................................................................... 38
6.2.8 dasher menu ....................................................................... 39
6.2.9 hot gas menu ...................................................................... 40
6.2.10 air menu (overrun) ............................................................... 41
6.3 Production cycle ................................................................. 42
6.3.1 manual cycle ....................................................................... 42
6.3.2 automatic cycle ................................................................... 42
6.4 Stopping the cycle .............................................................. 43
6.5 Emergency arrest ............................................................... 44
6.6 Washing ............................................................................. 44
6.6.1 setting parameters .............................................................. 44
6.6.2 indications for the washing programme ................................ 45
6.6.3 washing procedure .............................................................. 45
6.6.4 weekly cleaning ................................................................... 46

CAPITOLO 7 DIAGNOSTICS ................................................................... 47

7.1 Alarm activation and reset ................................................... 47
7.1.1 alarm activation ................................................................... 47
7.2 Alarms ................................................................................ 48
7.2.1 alarm list ............................................................................. 48
7.2.2 troubleshooting ................................................................... 50
7.3 Machine malfunctions ......................................................... 51
7.3.1 electrical system malfuncions ............................................. 51
7.3.2 refrigeration system malfunctions ........................................ 51

CAPITOLO 8 MAINTENANCE .................................................................. 53

8.1 Introduction ......................................................................... 53
8.2 Production hours ................................................................. 53
8.3 Regular maintenance .......................................................... 54
8.3.1 daily maintenance ............................................................... 54
8.3.2 weekly maintenance ............................................................ 54

2 Table of contents
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

8.2.3 quarterly maintenance ......................................................... 55

8.2.4 six-monthly maintenance ..................................................... 55
8.2.5 yearly maintenance ............................................................. 56
8.2.6 two-yearly maintenance ....................................................... 57
8.3.7 dasher maintenance ............................................................ 57
8.3.8 compressor maintenance .................................................... 58
8.4 Maintenance jobs ................................................................ 58

CAPITOLO 9 DISMANTLING ................................................................... 61

CAPITOLO 10 SPARE PARTS .................................................................. 63

10.1 Identification modality .......................................................... 63


Table of contents 3
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

4 Table of contents

This manual includes the operating and maintenance

instructions for the machine.
The contents of this manual are intended for an
operator already instructed on the precautions
necessary when working with electrified systems
and moving parts.

Using and keeping the manual

This manual provides instructions for the safe operation
of the machine and for regular maintenance procedures.
This manual does not deal with the calibration,
adjustment or unscheduled maintenance of the
machine as these procedures are the sole responsibility
of the servicing technician, who must work on the
machine in compliance with its technical and design

While reading this manual is indispensable, it

cannot substitute the necessary skills acquired by
technical personnel through adequate preliminary
training. The machine is built in compliance with applicable
EC legislation and the relative implementing technical
The manual must be kept whole and in good legislation, as certified by the declaration of compliance
condition for the entire lifespan of the machine. issued by the manufacturer and annexed with the
After use, the manual must be returned to a safe manual.
and protected place, together with the certification
of EC compliance (or manufacturer’s declaration of The contents of this manual may not be divulged to
compliance). third parties. All copying, whether in part or in full,
by photocopier or duplication by any other means,
In the event of lost or damaged documentation, a without the express written authorisation of Tekno-
copy may be obtained from the manufacturer by ice srl, is in violation of copyright law and will be
quoting the reference number, the machine serial prosecuted.
number and the year of construction.

Introduction 5
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

6 Introduction

Technological description

1.1 Machine functions

The TEKNOFREEZE continuous freezer caters for

the needs of both industrial and small scale ice-
cream production. Specifically, this machine freezes
and aerates the mixture to create a particularly stiff
and consistent ice-cream at a temperature of -5 to

The machine is built from superior quality materials

in compliance with EU directives for the production
of foodstuffs and offers outstanding performance.

The stainless steel construction and removable

side panels of the TEKNOFREEZE allow for easy
maintenance and cleaning, and the machine is
compliant with all recent health and hygiene legislation.

The machine’s unique tilted freezer cylinder system

maximises productive capacity while minimising
energy consumption, significantly saving energy
These machines are predisposed for connection to
A piston pump constantly meters the air and mixture an integrated programme CIP (cleaning in place)
allowing extremely precise ice-cream volume control. unit, which washes and disinfects the machine
without necessitating complex disassembly
All TEKNOFREEZE models are fitted with a procedures.
compressed air sterilising system with regenerable
cartridge filters. All basic machine motions are mechanically executed
and electronically synchronised by PLC, making
them programmable.

The user interface is a touch screen mounted on

the control console.

Technological description 7
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

1.2 Description of the

The main components of the machine are as follows:

1 ice-cream outlet pipe 1

2 operator panel
3 compressor
4 freezer cylinder
5 mixture/air pump
6 washing bypass (CIP)
7 mixture feed hose
safety valve
adjustable feet


8 Technological description
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Continuous freezer with productive capacity (at

100% volume overrun):
1.3 Operation
- from 100 to 400 litres/hour of ice-cream (Teknofreeze
400) The piston in the first cylinder of the pump aspirates
- from 200 to 600 litres/hour of ice-cream (Teknofreeze mixture from the vat and delivers it to the second
600) cylinder in the quantity and at the speed set by the
- from 250 to 800 litres/hour of ice-cream (Teknofreeze operator. The second cylinder therefore receives a
800) metered volume of mixture plus an operator-defined
quantity of filtered and sterilised air from the compressed
Stainless steel construction with removable side air system.
panels for maintenance and inspection: A constant flow of mixture and air is transferred from
the second pump cylinder to the freezer cylinder,
Technical specifications : where it is transformed into ice-cream.
- Built-in refrigerator compressor: 5,5 kW We recommend installing a supplementary centrifugal
(Teknofreeze 400), 7,5 kW (Teknofreeze 600), pump between the mixture vat and the freezer,
11 kW (Teknofreeze 800). especially if the two machines are more than five
- motor powering dasher shaft: 4 kW (Teknofreeze metres apart. If necessary, TEKNO-ICE can supply
400), 5,5 kW (Teknofreeze 600), 7,5 kW the most appropriate pump for your operating conditions.
(Teknofreeze 800).
- dual cylinder mixture/air pump: 1,1 kW The in-built refrigerating system freezes the mixture
(Teknofreeze 400, 600, 800). in the freezer cylinder, while blades mounted on the
- Integrated CIP washing system with separate dasher shaft continuously scrape the surface of the
controls cylinder clean to maintain optimum heat transfer
- Tilted freezer cylinder (a technological innovation between the ice-cream and the freezer cylinder.
to increase energy efficiency and facilitate Simultaneously, the specially designed dasher shaft
maintenance and cleaning), with dasher and gives the ice-cream a soft and creamy appearance.
scraper blades.
- Foodstuff compliant safety pressure release A fundamental factor in this process is the ice-
valve (pressure control plug) for freezer cylinder. cream pressure in the freezer cylinder. This pressure
- Pneumatic valve for automatic ice-cream pressure is kept constant as long as the freezer is in use by
regulation in freezer cylinder a special regulator valve.
- Connections with foodstuff compliant hoses The ideal operating pressure is 6 - 7 bar. The
- Compressed air sterilising system with regenerable resulting ice-cream is delivered via the outlet line to
cartridge filters. the production machines.

“Touch screen” electronic panel for operating the The operator panel includes special controls to set
machine and controlling the following operating the overrun, hourly production and the hardness of
parameters: the ice-cream.
- hourly production capacity
- mixture feed temperature
- mixture outlet temperature
- ice-cream hardness
- volume overrun
- cylinder pressure
- compressor parameter control
- speed and hot gas back-pressure regulation.

The machine operating parameters for individual

batches may be stored as recipes and retrieved
automatically whenever needed.

The machine may be started and stopped in manual

or automatic mode.

Tecchnological description 9
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

1.4 Technical 1.6 Noise emissions

The noise emissions of the machine, measured
in a clear field, do not exceed 70 dB(A).
The following specifications are for the machine in During operation, noise emissions are dependent
standard configuration. on a number of other factors such as background
For more detailed information concerning this machine, noise levels, other machines or devices installed
see the diagrams included in the chapter DIAGRAMS near the TEKNOFREEZE and other sources that
AND REPLACEMENT PARTS. cannot be evaluated in advance by the manufacturer.

It is therefore the user’s responsibility to measure

the noise emissions produced by the machine
during normal operation and to provide adequate
personal protection devices (earmuffs) should
noise emission levels exceed the limits prescribed
by legislation in the country of installation.

1.7 Identification

The identification details for the machine are stamped

on a plate mounted on the machine itself.

1.5 Working area for the

operator 1.7.1 Manufacturer data

The machine does not need to be supervised during Manufacturer: TEKNO-ICE srl
operation. The operator normally stands in front of Address: via Lazio, 37 - 20090
the bulk unloading station or at the control console. Buccinasco MI ITALY
Phone: +39 02 488676.1
Fax: +39 02 4882153
e-mail: [email protected]

10 Technological description
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

1.8 Guarantee

TEKNO-ICE srl guarantees the machine for twelve

months from the date of shipping, based on a usage
of 8 hours per day.
During this period, TEKNO-ICE srl will replace or
repair any defective component.

The guarantee is limited to the replacement or

repair of the defective component and does not
cover shipping and labour costs.

The guarantee is for one year on all components

with the exclusion of wear and consumption materials.

The guarantee is annulled if the machine is not

used (if not installed within 18 months).

The guarantee does not cover parts subject to

wear, such as bushings, bearings, seals and

Incorrect usage of the machine, tampering, work

carried out by unauthorised personnel and the use
of non-original spare parts will render the guarantee
null and void.

TEKNO-ICE srl declines all responsibility in the

event of any of the above.

For all technical correspondence with TEKNO-ICE

srl, use the form provided in the following paragraph.

Technological description 11
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

1.9 Notice form

Fill out the upper box with the details of the machine, photocopy the page, describe the nature of the
problem in the bottom section and send by fax.

TEKNO-ICE srl - via Lazio 37 - Buccinasco ITALY FAX (+39) 02 4882153

Model: TEKNOFREEZE ____________ Date of supply: __________________

Serial No ___________________________ Order N. ________________________

Description of defect:

Date noted : ______________________

Operating hours : ______________________
Signature : ______________________

12 Technological description

Precautions for use and
2.1 General notes 2.2 Symbols used

This manual uses graphic symbols to inform the

reader of specific hazards involved in certain operations.
WARNING These symbols are as follows:
Read this manual thoroughly, paying particular
attention to the contents of this chapter, before
carrying out any work on the machine.

This machine has been designed and built in compliance WARNING

with the requisites of Machine Directive 98/37/EC, This symbol warns of possible events that
could cause serious personal injury or damage
taking into consideration all normal and reasonably
to the machine if adequate precautionary
foreseeable usage of the machine. measures are not taken.

This symbol warns of possible events that
could cause minor personal injury or damage
to the machine if adequate precautionary
measures are not taken.

This machine has been built for the application

specified in the declaration of compliance annexed
with this manual. This symbol is used to indicate important
The machine must never be used for any purpose information that should be read with particular
other than its intended application nor operated in care.
any way other than as described in the manual.
All maintenance jobs must be carried out according
to the criteria and schedules specified in this

Precautions for use and maintenance 13

TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

2.2.1 Definition of the terms 2.3.1 Safety devices necessary

“operator” and “specialised
technician” The following list summarises the protection devices
that must be worn.

The term “operator” is used to describe the professional

person authorised to access the machine for purposes Accident prevention and spark
concerning production and regular maintenance. prevention footwear with rubber
sole and reinforced toecap
This definition refers to persons who understand Worn: at all times
the operating and maintenance procedures for the
machine, and who meet the following prerequisites:
Waterproof rubber gloves
1 they must have adequate training authorising Worn: during washings
them to operate in compliance with safety
standards near electrified components and moving
2 they must be trained to use personal protection Protective garments
devices and to provide basic first aid. Worn: at all times

The term “specialised technician” indicates the

professional person authorised to install the machine, Protective eyewear
start the machine for the first time and conduct Worn: during washings
unscheduled maintenance.

This definition refers to persons who understand Protective earmuffs

the installation, assembly, repairs and servicing Worn: whenever noise levels measured
procedures for the machine, in possession of during production exceed the danger
specialised technical qualification. In addition to threshold prescribed by applicable
the prerequisites specified for a generic operator, a legislation in the country of installation.
specialised technician must also have been technically
trained or have received specific training for the use
and maintenance of the machine in safety.
Hard hat
Worn: whenever the machine is
operated in an area with suspended
loads (e.g. conveyors).
2.3 Personal protection
Equipment (PPE)
2.3.2 Danger signs

The following signs must be displayed in all access

points to the area in which the machine is installed:
The protection devices mentioned in this
paragraph must be worn at all times during
the operation and maintenance of the machine.
Electrified parts
Persons working and/or transiting near the machine Indicates the presence of electrified
must not wear garments with loose sleeves, shoelaces, components.
belts, bracelets or any other object that could
constitute a source of danger. Long hair must be
tied up so that it is not a hazard.

14 Precaution for use and maintenance

TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Emergency measures Throughout the duration of maintenance work,

Do not use water to extinguish “Maintenance in progress” signs must be
fires. Use only powder or CO 2 placed in locations visible from all access
extinguishers. points.

- The electric power connection to the machine

No smoking (and any accessories installed) must be earthed
Smoking is prohibited wherever this to discharge short circuit currents and electrostatic
sign is displayed charges.
The mains voltage must match the value indicated
on the machine identification plate. Power
adapters must not be used.

- Any maintenance work may only be performed

2.4 Residual risks with the machine at a standstill. The main
electrical power switch must be open and
locked with the relative padlock.
Residual risks are all those risks that cannot be The power line must be electrically disconnected.
eliminated during the design stage and, as a result,
are potentially still present in the machine. - Accessing the any other part of the machine
without first disconnecting electrical power
These risks are identified by a specific analysis and waiting for the machine to come to a
conducted as described by the 98/37/EC Machine complete standstill is severely prohibited.
Directive. The documentation relative to this analysis
is included in the technical dossier for the machine - To ensure correct machine operation, the operator
archived by the manufacturer. must respect all speed, pressure and tempera-
ture limitations and, in general, comply with the
No known residual risks have been found with the instructions given in the manual.
- Placing combustible material in the vicinity of
the electrical cabinet is severely prohibited.
The electrical cabinet must always be locked
shut. Access to the keys must only be allowed
2.5 General warnings to specifically trained personnel.

- Never disable the safety systems or ignore

indications, alarms or warnings, whether
generated automatically or displayed on plates
CAUTION installed on the machine.
The machine generates, uses and may irradiate
radio frequency energy. - Never work outside the areas protected by
If not installed and operated in accordance active or passive safety systems. The correct
with the instructions given in this manual, the
position for the operator during production is
machine may cause interference with radio
described in the paragraph titled “Working area
for the operator” in chapter 1.
- The machine must be maintained and operated
in accordance with the instructions given herein - Never, for any reason, modify, tamper with or
and following the exact procedures described. alter the structure of the machine, the devices
installed, the operating sequence etc. without
- The division manager must instruct all operating prior consent from the manufacturer.
and maintenance personnel on the safe usage
and maintenance of the equipment. - All regular and unscheduled maintenance
operations must be recorded in a specific
- Access to machine for any maintenance operation register, indicating the date, time and type of
is only permitted to specialised and appropriately job performed, the name of the maintenance
trained personnel. operator and any other useful information.

Precaution for use and maintenance 15

TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

If necessary, use the pages at the end of the

chapter titled “Maintenance”.

- The machine and operator work station must be

kept perfectly clean. All residue or waste material
must be removed, transferred to labelled containers
and disposed of in compliance with legislation
in the country of installation.

- Once maintenance is complete, check the

machine thoroughly to ensure that no tools or
materials have been left in the operating area of
the machine before restoring electrical and
pneumatic connections.

2.6 Emergency measures

The following information is of a general nature. The
measures necessary for the type of products used
must be determined from the technical sheets
provided by the suppliers of the products themselves.

2.6.1 First aid

Follow company regulations and conventional

procedures for first aid.

2.6.2 Fire prevention measures

- Do not use water to extinguish fires. Use only

powder or CO 2 extinguishers. Preferably use
extinguishers loaded with special powders for
metal fires.

- Certain products may release toxic fumes into

the air when heated or burnt. Always wear
breathing equipment when extinguishing fires.
Always follow the indications given in the technical
sheets for the materials used.

16 Precaution for use and maintenance


Unpacking and
locating the machine
3.1 Unpacking

If the machine has been shipped packed, open and

move the crate in the sequence shown.
Upon delivery, inspect crates and boxes to ensure
that they are not crushed or damaged.
The details of the machine are specified in the
delivery note. Markings, weights and dimensions
are specified in the packing list.

Machines not packed for shipping are secured to a

wooden base. In this case, once the machine has
been unloaded from the truck with a fork lift, remove
the nails securing the machine to the wooden base.
The packaging used is in compliance with the
environmental requisites prescribed by EU packing
legislation (Official Gazette of European
communities No. L. 365/19).
Wooden crates and cardboard boxes may be
easily recycled.
Plastic wrappings are made from materials
containing no hazardous metals. For the disposal
of plastic wrappings, contact your local waste
management authority.

Unpacking and locating the machine 17

TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

3.2 Visual check 3.5 Movement

Visually inspect the machine internally and externally. The machine must only be manoeuvred by suitable
trained and instructed personnel, using the perso-
Any deformation noted is an indication of damage nal protection devices specified in chapter 2.
sustained during transport, which may compromi-
se machine function. The machine may be unloaded from the truck and
In particular, check: transferred to the installation site using a fork lift
- connection cables; truck to lift the case or wooden base onto which the
- metal and painted surfaces; machine is secured.
- tightness of screws.

3.3 Storage

In either of the following cases:

- installation not immediately after delivery;

- uninstalling and storage pending relocation,

place the machine in a covered location protected

from the weather and dust.

The machine must be stored in the following conditions:

Temperature: + 15 to + 40 °C (59 to 104 °F)
Relative humidity: 30 to 90 %. Use a transpallet or fork lift to manoeuvre the
machine into its definitive installation location, in
accordance with the following instructions.

3.4 Packing list 1 Insert the lift forks from the rear of the machine,
ensuring that they protrude approximately 30
cm from the opposite side.
The contents of the packing list will vary depending When using a transpallet, lift the machine only
on the specific details of the relative order. Generally if strictly necessary.
speaking, the packing must contain the following: With a transpallet or fork lift, take care not to
damage the wheels.
- the machine 2 Secure the machine to the transpallet or fork
- the operating manual lift before movement.
- standard spare parts
- any accessories agreed upon

For the complete list, please consult the machine

delivery notes. WARNING
Never move the machine without first securing
it safely to the transpallet or fork lift.

18 Unpacking and locating the machine

TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

3.6 Precautions for

positioning the

Leave a free space of at least 1 metre all around the


Ensure that the machine and control console are

sufficiently illuminated for easy identification of all
Install additional artificial lighting if natural light is
not sufficient.

According to UNI EN 10380 standards, the
luminosity in a generic work area (such as a
control room, a fixed work station in a production
plant, etc.) must be, on average 300 lux
(acceptable range 200 to 500 lux).

The lighting system should guarantee an average

luminosity of 300 lux in the work place. Luminosity
is dependent on a number of factors, such as the
characteristics of the work place (more or less
reflective walls and ceiling, light source height,
etc.) and the type of light source used.

Unpacking and locationg the machine 19

TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

20 Unpacking and locating the machine



4.1 Positioning 4.2 Cleaning and

After positioning the machine in the required location,
use a spirit level to ensure that it is perfectly level.
Level the machine if necessary with the adjustable Once the machine has been installed, it must be
feet. cleaned to remove any dust, foreign matter or dirt
accumulated during transport , and disinfect.
Use the following to remove these products:
- regular detergent;
- compressed air spray gun;
- soft cloths.

Proceed as follows:

1 Spray detergent onto the treated surface with

the spray gun until all product has been
2 Remove any traces of fuel oil and dry surfaces
with soft cloths.
3 Do not use direct jets of water on the panel;
delicately clean it with a soft cloth and spray
for the monitor.

Position the continuous freezer as near as possible Ensure that non-painted metal parts haven't
to the machine where the ice cream is required, to been corroded by infiltrated moisture or
prevent overpressure in the ice-cream line. The two stagnant water.
machines should not be further than 4 to 5 metres
apart. The assembly area must be protected from draughts
which may carry contaminants. All tubes, cables
To facilitate production and maintenance operations, and components brought into the assembly area
a free space of at least one metre must be left all must be correctly sealed.
around the machine.

Installation 21
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Components that have been warehoused without 4.3.2 Ice-cream outlet hoses/
being filled or treated with protective oil must be
dismantled, cleaned and lubricated before use. connectors

The ice-cream outlet connector at the top front of

the machine connects the TEKNOFREEZE to
4.3 Connecting pipes production machines (fillers, extrusion lines etc.)
installed downstream of the machine.
and hoses

Before connecting the machine to the electrical

mains and compressed air system, connect the
ice-cream feed and output pipes.

Where the machine is shipped partially dismantled,

assembly according to the diagrams given in the

4.3.1 Mixture feed hoses/


The mixture feed connector at the bottom front of

the machine connects the TEKNOFREEZE to the
mixture conditioning vat installed upstream of the
machine. Use only stainless steel or foodstuff compliant
plastic hoses with a diameter of at least 1 1/2".

4.4 Connections

4.4.1 Electric connections

Electrical connections must only be carried
out by specialised personnel.

Use only stainless steel or foodstuff compliant The control panel is shipped ready wired and needs
plastic hoses with a diameter of at least 1". only to be connected to mains power.

The cross section for each of the four wires (3

phases + earth) in the power cable must be at least:
- 6 mm² with a 230V power supply and 10 mm²
with a 400V power supply for teknofreeze 400-
- 10 mm² with a 230V power supply and 16 mm²
with a 400V power supply for TEKNOFREEZE

22 Installation
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

The power connection, including the earth line,

must pass through a mains power disconnector
capable of disconnecting the machine completely Connection with water column (standard)
from mains power.
The cable (3 phase wires + earth) is connected via
the disconnector switch to the RST terminals on
the terminal board. The cable is routed into the
electrical cabinet via a special cable guide.

See the electrical diagram for more detailed information

on mains connections, wire cross section, current
absorption, etc.

Connection with mains or well water (optional)

The machine must never be switched on if not
equipped with an efficient earth connection
made in compliance with the technical
specifications prescribed by applicable
legislation. Before switching on the main switch,
ensure that the mains voltage and frequency 2 Connect the return line to the outlet connector.
comply with the specifications given on the Preferably use a braid reinforced plastic hose
machine identification plate. and secure to the connector with a jubilee
If the machine needs to be moved frequently, install We recommend installing a manual cut-off
a plug on the end of the power cable and connect valve on the feed and return lines near the
to a switched socket outlet. freezer (tubing with lower position condenser
We also recommend installing a flood prevention
4.4.2 Water connections device.

1 Connect the water inlet line from the water

column (or from the well/mains) to condenser
water inlet connector (tubing with lower position
condenser inlet).

Preferably use a braid reinforced plastic hose

and secure to the connector with a jubilee

Installation 23
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

4.4.3 Pneumatic connections

1 Connect the compressed air line to the quick

connector located at the rear of the machine
(see following figure).
A pressure of 6 - 8 bar is necessary.
The compressed air used must be suitable for
use with foodstuffs.

Unless already present, we recommend installing a

manual valve in the compressed air line, near the

The line must be free of obstructions or restrictions.

The diameter of the line must not be less than the
diameter of the air inlet connector (8 mm).

Compressed air containing impurities, moisture
or oil residue may cause the air valves to
deteriorate prematurely. The machine is
equipped with an air filtering system with an
automatic condensate drain (see figure). We
nonetheless recommend installing an air dryer
filter upstream of the air compressor and
performing regular and thorough maintenance
on the compressor.

24 Installation


Before performing any start up operation,
read and implement the instructions given in
the chapter titled “Precautions foruse and
maintenance of the machine”.

5.1 Preliminary procedures

After installation, the following checks must be
performed before commencing production: After cleaning, refit the valve.
1 After ensuring that the safety conditions necessary 7 Check that the foodstuff compliant hoses (mixture
to do so are met, turn on the main switch on the feed and ice-cream outlet lines) are correctly
control console; mounted and that the relative connectors are
2 in this way, the oil compressor heating is securely tightened.
switched on (at least 8 hours before starting); See chapter 4.
3 check that the EMERGENCY button on the 8 Ensure that the condensation water and air
control console is in the released position and cut-off valves are in their respective operating
that the voltage indicator lamp is lit. For more positions.
information regarding these devices, consult
the chapter titled PRODUCTION;
4 check that the compressed air cut-off valve
(located upstream of the rapid connector, if
fitted) is in the operating position;
5 Ensure that the machine has been cleaned
and disinfected correctly, as described in chapter
6 drain all remaining water or disinfectant solution
from the hoses, removing the safety valve
installed in the cylinder inlet line;

Starting-up 25
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

5.1.1 Checking direction of rotation 5.2 Start procedure

To check that phases have been connected correctly,
operate the dasher motor for a brief instant. 1 Open the conditioning vat mixture outlet valve
after bleeding any air from the freezer pump
line by loosening the butterfly bolt on the pump
body itself.

Operate the dasher motor for a few seconds and

check that the shaft rotates in the direction indicated
by the arrow on the motor.

If a centrifugal pump is installed between the

freezer pump and the vat, start the freezer
pump only after bleeding the entire line (vat –
centrifugal pump and centrifugal pump - freezer).

This procedure must be carried out before

starting the freezer pump.

For more detailed information about the operator
panel functions, see the following chapter.

If the direction is incorrect, swap two of the phases

in the power line.

When carrying out the above operation, read
and implement the directions given in the chapter
“Precautions for operation and maintenance”

26 Starting-up
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

2 Enable air metering (OVERRUN). 4 Check that the “hot gas” function is disabled
(OFF button).

This enables the addition of foodstuff-compliant

air to the mixture.

Adjust the quantity of air added with buttons +

and -. Alternatively, touch the relative field and
enter the correct value on the numpad displayed.
Set this parameter to 50% of the final volume

5 Start the dasher then the refrigerator compressor.

Note that the compressor will not start unless
the dasher has been activated.

3 When mixture starts to come out of the ice-

cream outlet pipe, stop the pump.

6 Set ice-cream hardness to a value of 7/8

Amperes (400 V) or 15/16 Amperes (230V).
Set the value with the + and - buttons. Alternatively,
touch the relative field and enter the correct
value on the numpad displayed.

Starting-up 27
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

7 Monitoring from the control panel, wait for the

ice-cream to reach the hardness value required, IMPORTANT
then restart the mixture pump. After each variation to a parameter, wait 2 or 3
Note that the higher the amperage setting for minutes before checking the results
the motor, the more viscous the ice-cream.

5.2.1 Temperature calibration

Press MIX IN or ICE-CREAM from the MAIN menu


8 Pressing the + button for the pump, gradually

increase the pump speed to the desired ice-
cream flow rate. The value is displayed in the
black box above the button.

This function is used to correct the temperature

readout (mixture at inlet and ice-cream at outlet) if
the value displayed on the screen does not match
the actual temperature measured manually with a

This function is password-protected.

The passwords are delivered separately from
9 Pressing the + button for the dasher, gradually this manual. For more information contact the
TEKNO-ICE technical support service.
increase the ice-cream hardness setting to the
desired value, as indicated in the black box
above the button.

28 Starting-up
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007


Used to adjust the mixture inlet temperature
readout when the value displayed does not
match the actual temperature measured manually
with a thermometer.
Used to adjust the ice-cream outlet temperatu-
re readout when the value displayed does not
match the actual temperature measured manually
with a thermometer.
Used to adjust the condensation water outlet
temperature readout when the value displayed
does not match the actual temperature measured
manually with a thermometer.
The temperature is measured by the system
with a sensor installed in the rigid water outlet
Sets the warning and arrest thresholds for the
freezer cylinder ice-cream pressure alarm.
The arrest condition alarm stops the machine.

Starting-up 29
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

30 Starting-up


Before performing any operation, read and
implement the instructions given in the chapter
titled “Precautions for operation and
maintenance of the machine”. 2
6.1 Control console

3 4 5
1 Main switch
Turning on the main switch at the rear of the
machine powers up the control console and the
Lamp No. 4 lights up
2 Control panel
This is the user interface and is described in
the following paragraph.
The indications given in this paragraph are Used to reset the system upon machine starts
indicative only as the configuration of the con- or after active alarm. In the event of ine or more
sole varies depending on the specification of
alarms, the push-button flashes.
the machine. For more detailed information,
see the annexed electrical diagram.
4 Power supply
The lamp lights up when the main switch is
turned on (1)
5 CIP (cleaning in place)

TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Enables the washing cycle.

More information is given later in this chapter.
6.2 Operator panel
6 Emergency
This button stops all machine functions and
puts the machine into emergency mode. 6.2.1 Navigating the screens
To reset the system, rectify the cause of the displayed on the panel
emergency and release the button by turning
anticlockwise. Then press the reset push-
button (3). The following is the map of the screens displayed
by the panel.
Detailed descriptions are given in the following
Press TEKNO-ICE in any of the screens to return to
the main screen.

6.2.2 Changing language

The interface language may be selected when the

panel is switched on.
To change the language, press the touch-screen
button as shown.
Once the required language has been selected,
press any other area on the touch-screen to access

The language may also be changed while the

production cycle is in progress from the PASSWORD
MENU screen described later in this chapter.

32 Production
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Par.6.6 Washing

Par.8.2 Production hours Par. 6.2.4 Cycle menu Par.8.2 Production hours

Par.6.2.8 Dasher menu Par.6.2.9 Hot gas menu

Par.5.2.1 Temperature calibr. Par.5.2.1 Temperature calibr.

Par.6.2.3 Main menu

Par. 6.2.7 Pump menu Par.6.2.10 Air menu (overran)

Production 33
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

6.2.3 Main menu Touch the relative field to access the dasher
parameter menu.
5 HOT GAS (%)
This is the main operating menu. Displays the quantity of gas introduced.
In addition to monitoring the production cycle, this Hot gas from the refrigerator circuit is injected
menu also allows access to the submenus described into the freezer cylinder to maintain constant
individually in this chapter. ice-cream hardness and, as a result, dasher
motor current absorption.
To set the hot gas function, touch the relative
IMPORTANT field (9) and enter the desired value or use the
Values displayed on these menus on a black
+/- buttons (17). Using the +/- buttons is
background are read-only parameters. User-
definable values are displayed on a white generally preferable if only small adjustments
background. are necessary.
Touch the relative field to access the hot gas
function parameter menu
Displays the quantity of air added to the mixture.
To set the parameter, touch the relative field
(10) and enter the desired value or use the +/
- buttons (17). Using the +/- buttons is generally
preferable if only small adjustments are necessary.
Touch the relative field to view the OVERRUN
Used to set the required ice-cream flow rate.
Touch the relative field to call up the numpad
and enter the desired value.
Use the +/- buttons (17) for small variations.
1 MIX IN (°C) Used to set the hardness (viscosity) of the ice-
Displays the mixture temperature at the machine cream. The value is displayed in Amperes, as
inlet. Touch the relative field to access the it corresponds to the current absorption of the
temperature calibration function. dasher motor.
2 ICE-CREAM (°C) Touch the relative field to call up the numpad
Displays the ice-cream temperature at the and enter the desired value.
machine outlet. Use the +/- buttons (17) for small variations.
Touch the relative field to access the tempera- The higher the value set, the harder the ice-
ture calibration function. cream.
Displays effective mixture flow rate. Touch the Hot gas injection reduces the hardness of the
relative field to access the pump parameter ice-cream.
menu. Hot gas from the refrigerator circuit is injected
To set the flow rate, touch the relative field (7) into the freezer cylinder to maintain constant
and enter the desired value or use the +/- ice-cream hardness and, as a result, dasher
buttons (17). Using the +/- buttons is generally motor current absorption.
preferable if only small adjustments are necessary. In MANUAL mode, the quantity of hot gas
4 ICE-CREAM HARDNESS (amp) injected may be adjusted with the +/- buttons
Displays the effective hardness of the ice- (17).
cream. The value is displayed in Amperes, as Touch the relative field (5) to toggle between
it corresponds to the current absorption of the manual and automatic modes.
dasher motor. 10 OVERRUN (%)
To set ice-cream hardness, touch the relative Sets the quantity of air added to the mixture.
field (8) and enter the desired value or use the Touch the relative field to call up the numpad
+/- buttons (17). and enter the desired value.
Using the +/- buttons is generally preferable if
only small adjustments are necessary.

34 Production
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Use the +/- buttons (17) for small variations.

This parameter, which varies depending on the
desired formulation, is generally set to 100 for
50% mixture and 50% air.
Enables/disables the PUMP. The automatic
cycle will not start if the pump is ON.
Enables/disables the DASHER. The automatic
cycle will not start if the dasher is ON.
Enables/disables the REFRIGERATOR
The automatic cycle will not start if the compressor
is ON.
Enables/disables OVERRUN (air). Accesses the washing function parameter
The automatic cycle will not start if overrun is menu.
15 CYLINDER PRESSURE (bar) This section is exclusively for the use of Tekno-
Displays ice-cream pressure in freezer cylinder. ice technicians and is not described in this
Enables/disables automatic cycle. 3 SETTING FOR CYCLE START:
Press the script “TEKNO-ICE” to return to the main Operator definable parameter for maximum
menu admissible mixture temperature at pump
inlet. If the temperature exceeds this value,
a specific alarm is generated (see chapter
6.2.4 Cycle menu ALARMS).
Touch the script TEKNO-ICE in the main menu to CYLINDER PRESSURE (bar)
access the CYCLE parameter menu. Operator definable parameter for the minimum
ice-cream pressure necessary in cylinder to
enable cycle start in automatic mode.
Usually set at 4 bar.
Displays refrigerator compressor intake
Displays refrigerant gas pressure at refrigerator
compressor outlet.
Displays condensation water temperature at
condenser outlet.
Used to delay compressor start relative to
dasher start
Displays total litres of mixture used in production.
Displays total production hours of machine.

Production 35
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

11 ACTIVE RECEIPT To recall a recipe, select one and transfer to

Displays name of recipe currently in use. the PLC (button 6).
Touch the relative field to access the RECIPE 4 SALVA NUOVA RICETTA
MENU, described in the following paragraph Saves a new recipe.
Press the script “TEKNO-ICE” to return to the main Transfers the recipe selected from the drop-
menu. down menu (4) to the PLC.
Saves the modifications made to a recipe in
6.2.5 Recipe menu 7 DELETE
Delete recipe (password protected function)

The RECIPE menu is accessible from the CYCLE

START menu.
To select an existing recipe:

1 Press the screen as shown in the illustration

and select the desired recipe from the drop-
down menu containing the list of recipes in

2 Press the button shown to transfer the recipe

to the PLC.

Recipes may be created, loaded and deleted in the

RECIPE menu.
A recipe is a set of parameters necessary for

Allows access to the PASSWORD MENU.
See paragraph 6.2.6.
This field displays the active recipe.
Displays a list of the recipes in memory via a
drop-down menu.

36 Production
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Creating a new recipe: Deleting a recipe:

1 Press the screen as shown to call up the 1 Press the button shown in the illustration.
alphanumerical keypad shown below. Some recipes may be password protected for
See paragraph 6.2.6.

6.2.6 Password and panel



2 Enter the name of the new recipe.

3 Press the icon shown in the illustration to save

the new recipe.

Production 37
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Passwords for accessing different functions are set

at three user levels during installation:

- 1st level:standard user (machine operator)

- 2nd level:line manager (maintenance technician)
- 3rd level:manager

The passwords are delivered separately from this

manual. For more information contact the TEKNO-
ICE technical support service.

This screen also contains the panel maintenance


Displays the recipe management menu described This menu contains the main pump parameters.
in the previous paragraph.
Disables touch function to allow the operator Accesses the hot gas function parameter menu.
to clean the monitor See paragraph 6.2.9
Increases or decreases the contrast of the Accesses the dasher parameter menu. See
operator panel monitor paragraph 6.2.8
Calibrates the pressure necessary to operate Displays effective mixture flow rate. Displays
the touch-screen the same value shown in the main menu.
Enables and disables passwords Enables/disables the PUMP. This function is
also available from the main menu.
Press the script “TEKNO-ICE” to return to the main 5 STEP
menu. Sets the amount by which flow rate changes
each time the +/- buttons are pressed in the
main menu.
6.2.7 Pump menu 6 ICE-CREAM FLOW RATE (l/h)
Used to set the required ice-cream flow rate.
Touch the relative field to call up the numpad
Press the field shown in the figure to access the and enter the desired value.
PUMP MENU from the MAIN menu: This function is also available from the main
The number of cycles performed by the piston.
The system considers each complete cycle
(aspiration, compression, exhaust) as one
Used to set the pump speed when filling the
cylinder at the start of the automatic cycle.
Value is expressed as a percentage of the
maximum motor speed.
Generally set to 100%.
The pump stops once the set pressure is
reached in the cylinder (see MAIN MENU).
This parameter defines the pump speed upon
restart, once the ice-cream has reached the
required hardness.
Generally set to 40%.

38 Production
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007


This parameter sets the pump speed increment
rate, during the transition from initial speed to
operating speed (see previous parameters).
Every n seconds, the pump motor speed is
increased by the value set for the FACT parameter
described as follows.
This parameter sets the pump speed
incremental step during the transition from
initial speed to operating speed (see previous

Press the script “TEKNO-ICE” to return to the main

This menu contains the main dasher parameters.

6.2.8 Dasher menu Accesses the pump parameter menu. See
paragraph 6.2.7
Press the field shown in the figure to access the Access the overrun (air) parameter menu. See
DASHER MENU from the MAIN menu: paragraph 6.2.10
Displays the effective hardness of the ice-
cream. The value is displayed in Amperes, as
it corresponds to the current absorption of the
dasher motor. Displays the same value shown
in the main menu.
Enables/disables the DASHER.
This function is also available from the main
Sets the amount by which value changes each
time the +/- buttons are pressed in the main
Used to set the hardness (viscosity) of the ice-
cream. The value is displayed in Amperes, as
it corresponds to the current absorption of the
dasher motor.
Touch the relative field to call up the numpad
and enter the desired value.
The higher the value set, the harder the ice-
This function is also available from the main
The pump stops once the set pressure is
reached in the cylinder (see MAIN MENU).
This parameter sets at what ice-cream hardness
the pump restarts (pump speed is set in the
pump parameter menu).
Bear in mind that the percentage value set for
this parameter is not relative to the entire
current absorption of the dasher motor (which
also absorbs current when working at zero

Production 39
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

load, see parameter SET HOT GAS – INITIAL 6.2.9 Hot gas menu
ABSORPTION in the hot gas function menu),
and is only relative to the current effectively
absorbed by mixing the ice-cream. Press the field shown in the figure to access the
This parameter sets at what ice-cream hardness
the pump stops, defining the end of the production
Bear in mind that the percentage value set for
this parameter is not relative to the entire
current absorption of the dasher motor (which
also absorbs current when working at zero
load, see parameter SET HOT GAS – INITIAL
ABSORPTION in the hot gas function menu),
and is only relative to the current effectively
absorbed by mixing the ice-cream.
Sets the warning and arrest thresholds for the
freezer cylinder ice-cream pressure alarm.
The arrest condition alarm arrests the automatic
This parameter may also be set from the
temperature calibration menu.
See paragraph 5.2.1.
Used to delay pump arrest at the end of the
automatic cycle, to ensure that any residual
product remaining in the freezer is completely

Press the script “TEKNO-ICE” to return to the main


Hot gas injection reduces the hardness of the ice-

cream. Hot gas from the refrigerator circuit is
injected into the freezer cylinder to maintain constant
ice-cream hardness and, as a result, dasher motor
current absorption.

Access the overrun (air) parameter menu. See
paragraph 6.2.10
Accesses the pump parameter menu. See
paragraph 6.2.7
Displays the effective hardness of the ice-
cream. The value is displayed in Amperes, as
it corresponds to the current absorption of the
dasher motor. The value displayed is the same
as the parameter shown in the dasher menu.
Enables/disables hot gas function. This function
is password-protected.

40 Production
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

5 MANUAL/AUTOMATIC ADJUST 6.2.10 Air menu (overrun)

Sets hot gas regulation mode. In manual mode,
adjust with the +/- buttons in the main menu.
In automatic mode, hot gas is injected Press the field shown in the figure to access the
automatically when the maximum current AIR MENU (OVERRUN) from the MAIN menu:
absorption threshold for the dasher is exceeded.
In general, automatic mode is recommended.
Used to set the hardness (viscosity) of the ice-
cream. The value is displayed in Amperes, as
it corresponds to the current absorption of the
dasher motor.
Touch the relative field to call up the numpad
and enter the desired value.
The higher the value set, the harder the ice-
This function is also available from the main
menu and the dasher parameter menu

The following parameters may only be modified
by TEKNO-ICE technical personnel.


Sets dasher current absorption at zero load
(no ice-cream).
Dasher absorption correction factor.
Delays dasher start in automatic cycle. During
the delay period, hot gas is injected to eliminate The OVERRUN function sets the quantity of air
any ice residue. added to the mixture.
Displays time during which hot gas valve is 1 DASHER
kept open. Accesses the dasher parameter menu. See
paragraph 6.2.8
Press the script “TEKNO-ICE” to return to the main 2 HOT GAS
menu. Accesses the hot gas function parameter menu.
See paragraph 6.2.7
Displays the quantity of air added to the mixture.
This parameter is also displayed in the main
Enables/disables OVERRUN.
Sets the amount by which value changes each
time the +/- buttons are pressed in the main
Sets the quantity of air added to the mixture.
This function is also available from the main

Production 41
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Touch the relative field to call up the numpad

and enter the desired value.
6.3 Production cycle
This parameter, which varies depending on the
desired formulation, is generally set to 100 for
50% mixture and 50% air. 6.3.1 Manual cycle

Production is normally carried out in automatic

mode. However, the machine may also be operated
CAUTION in manual mode. Manual mode is normally used
The following parameters may only be modified when starting the machine for the first time or for
by TEKNO-ICE technical personnel. checking that a newly replaced component functions
Adjustment factor to compensate for differences
between the effective quantity of air injected
and the value displayed on the screen.
Sets the quantity of air (expressed as a percentage)
injected into the mixture during filling.
Displays time during which air valve is kept

In manual mode, the functions of each individual

component are controlled directly from the operator

When in manual mode, there are no safeguards
to ensure that operations or the cycle are
performed in the correct sequence. Proceed
with extreme caution!

6.3.2 Automatic cycle

During the automatic production cycle, the entire

operating sequence is managed by the machine.

After ensuring that all preparations have been made

in accordance with the instructions given in the
TIME and that all safety conditions necessary for
starting the cycle are met, turn on the main switch,
release the emergency button (if in the safety
position) and press the reset button.

1 Ensure that the recipes to be used are correctly

compiled and that all production parameters in
the operator panel menu screens are correct.

42 Production
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

For more detailed information, see the previous

6.4 Stopping the cycle
2 Call up the recipes to be used. See paragraph
6.2.5 for instructions.
3 Ensure that the pump, dasher, compressor Once the production cycle is complete, proceed as
and overrun are disabled (the respective buttons follows to stop the machine.
on the main menu must be OFF). If one of more
of these functions is ON, the cycle will not 1 Touch the field in the main menu as shown in
start. the figure to disable the automatic cycle.
4 Start the cycle. The machine commences the arrest sequence
defined by the control programme.

Description of the cycle 2 Carry out the washing operations described in

the following paragraph;
The cycle starts with cylinder filling. The filling 3 Once the washing procedure is complete, switch
speed depends on the FILL setting in the pump off the machine and switch off and padlock the
parameter menu. mains power disconnector switch. Follow the
instructions given in the paragraph PRECAUTIONS
Once the pressure set for the ICE-CREAM PRESSURE FOR USE AND MAINTENANCE with particular
parameter in the cycle menu is reached, the pump regard for the sections concerning the use of
stops. personal protection measures.
4 Remove the safety valve shown in the figure to
The dasher, refrigerator compressor and overrun completely drain any remaining water from the
functions now start. Depending on the settings in cylinder and pipes;
the relative menus, the start of these functions may
be delayed.

Once the ice-cream hardness reaches the value

set for the parameter SET PUMP START HARDNESS
(dasher parameter menu), the pump restarts. The
initial pump speed depends on the value set for the
parameter SET INITIAL SPEED (pump menu).

Press the relative button in the main menu again to

end the cycle.

In the event of malfunction or alarms triggered

during the production cycle, refer to the chapter

Production 43
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

6.5 Emergency arrest

In the event of any situation requiring the machine

to be arrested immediately, press the palm operated
button on the control console.
The emergency button immediately cuts out electric
power and the compressed air supply to all utilities,
rendering the machine safe.

Proceed as follows to resume operation:

1 Turn the emergency arrest button anticlockwise.

2 Activate hot gas function for approximately
one minute. See paragraph 6.2.10 for instructions.
3 Start the cycle as described in paragraph 6.3. 1 FIXED DATA PUMP
Accesses the pump parameter menu. See
paragraph 6.2.7
This section is exclusively for the use of Tekno-
6.6 Washing ice technicians and is not described in this
At the end of the production cycle, the TEKNOFREEZE Sets the operating cycle duration. Once this
machine must be cleaned to remove all residue of period has elapsed, the PAUSE time counter
product. starts (following section).
The cycle time count is displayed in the adjacent
The machine is predisposed for washing with the black field.
CIP system (Cleaning In Position), which washes 4 TIME SETTING: PAUSE (sec)
the machine without necessitating the removal of Sets the time between dasher/pump arrest (via
any major components. a switch on the control panel) and their subsequent
restart. During the CIP cycle, the PAUSE
parameter defines the interval at which washing
6.6.1 Setting parameters cycles are performed until the time set for the
parameter DURATION has elapsed.
The pause time count is displayed in the
Access the CIP menu from the CYCLE START adjacent black field.
menu by touching the relative field. 5 TIME SETTING: LASTING (min)
This menu contains the main parameters for the Defines the overall duration of the washing
washing cycle. cycle (pause + work).
The time count is displayed in the adjacent
black field.
Displays the state of the washing function
Sets the temperature at which the system
displays an alarm (see chapter ALARMS).
The temperature is displayed in the TRUE
Displays the washing solution temperature at
This value is also displayed in the main menu.
Sets pump speed during wash cycle.

44 Production
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

We recommend setting a value close to the

minimum flow rate the pump is capable of
Washing stage Min. °C
delivering (e.g. 50 l/h).

6.6.2 Indications for the washing prewash wi th non-

3/5 40/45
programme reci rculated water

alkali wash (0.3/0.5%

10/15 60/65
CAUTION max. causti c soda)
When handling detergents and chemical products
in general, follow the instructions given in the
MAINTENANCE and in the product information ri nse wi th non-
3/5 18/20
sheets carefully. reci rculated water
Follow the instructions given below carefully.
The washing solution and, in general, any
liquid or solution used, must be disposed of in
compliance with applicable legislation of the descali ng wash (ci tri c or
country of installation. aceti c aci d at pH 5/10 60/65
1 Do not use acid detergents or products containing
chlorine other than those recommended in the
table. fi nal ri nse wi th non-
3/5 18/20
2 Hydrochloric acid corrodes stainless steel and reci rculated water
chrome, creating microscopic pitting in the
3 Do not work with washing solution temperatures di si nfectant soluti on 18/20
above 60°C.
4 Once a week, dismantle the main machine
components and clean manually, closely The schedule for the procedures described above is
inspecting the surfaces to prevent mechanical given in the chapter ‘Maintenance’.
problems and/or corrosion.
See paragraph 6.6.4 for instructions.
5 The choice of detergent, disinfectant, tempe-
rature, concentration and contact times with 6.6.3 Washing procedure
the machine components must be made very
carefully. If necessary, contact the Tekno-Ice
technical support service for advice. To correctly wash the machine after performing the
first four steps in chapter 4 (cycle stop), proceed as
The machine components in contact with product follows:
and washing solutions are made from the following
materials: 1 With the machine at rest, remove the mixture
line from the pump and connect the washing
Mechanical components: water line in its place.
AISI 304 stainless steel
Bushings: Run the pump until clean water starts coming
Acetal resin (Hostaform) out of the freezer, then stop the machine
Seals: again.
Buna rubber

Production 45
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

2 Connect the CIP system to the water inlet; Before resuming production, drain the solution
and rinse thoroughly with water.

To ensure that all water has been drained

completely from the freezer, remove and refit
the safety valve.

3 Connect the CIP system return line to the

cylinder outlet; 6.6.4 Weekly cleaning
Regularly and at least one a week, clean the
machine components as follows.

- prewash with lukewarm water (approx. 40°C);

- basic washing;
- rinse with room temperature water;
- acid washing;
- final rinse with room temperature water.
- Freezer filled with disinfecting solution.

4 Ensure that the washing cycle settings are

correct, then start the CIP system and turn the
CIP selector on the operator panel to the left
(see paragraph 6.1).
See the previous chapter for the correct detergent
5 At the end of the washing cycle, turn the
selector to the right to stop the CIP system.
6 Fill the freezer with disinfectant solution by
means of the pump, as done previously with
the washing water.

46 Production


7.1 Alarm activation and


The machine has a self diagnostic function to

identify the most probable malfunctions that may
arise during normal operation.
These malfunctions are registered by the PLC in
the control console and indicated by the illuminated
RESET button and by a message on the operator

The following list describes the alarm messages

7.1.1 Alarm activation possible during production.

This is merely a general list for all machine types.

The activation of one or more alarms is signalled on
Depending on individual specifications, the machine
by the illuminated RESET button and a message
may feature alarms not included in the following
on the operator panel. The button remains lit until
the operator rectifies the cause or causes and
presses the button.
In this case, contact the TEKNO-ICE srl technical
support servic
Depending on the alarm, the machine may be
arrested or may continue with the cycle as normal.

Upon activation of one or more alarms:

1 Identify and rectify the cause of the alarm in

accordance with the safety instructions given
in chapter 2, with particular regard for sections
concerning the use of personal protection
2 Press RESET on the operator panel to
acknowledge the alarm.

Diagnostics 47
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

7.2 Alarms

The list of alarms given herein is merely indica-
tive. Depending on individual specifications and
the accessories included, some machines may
feature alarms not described in the following list.
Similarly, certain alarms mentioned may not
feature on the machine.
For more information contact the TEKNO-ICE
technical support service.

7.2.1 Alarm list


al.01 - EMER GEN C Y B U TTON An emergency button has been After resolvi ng the cause, release
AC TIVATED pressed. the button and press the RESET
button on the panel

al.02 - PU MP TH ER MAL Incorrectly cali brated overload swi tch C heck

OVER LOAD Motor fault C heck
After resolvi ng the cause, press the
RESET button on panel.

al.03 - D ASH ER Incorrectly cali brated overload swi tch C heck

TH ER MALOVER ELOAD Motor fault C heck
After resolvi ng the cause, press the
RESET button on panel.

al.04 - C OMPR ESSOR TH ER MAL Incorrectly cali brated overload swi tch C heck
OVER LOAD Motor fault C heck
After resolvi ng the cause, press the
RESET button on panel.

al.05 - PU MP IN VER TER FAU LT Irregular or i nterrupted power supply C heck electri c power supply
Torque control alarm acti vated. C heck for mechani cal sti ffness.
C onsult relati ve manual.

After resolvi ng the cause, press the

RESET button on panel.

al.06 - LOW C OMPR ESSOR Flui d solenoi d valve coi l fault C heck
PR ESSU R E Insuffi ci ent refri gerant flui d C heck and top up i f necessary
Worn scraper blades C heck
After resolvi ng the cause, press the
RESET button on panel.

al.07 - H IGH C OMPR ESSOR Interrupted condensati on water C heck

PR ESSU R E supply
Insuffi ci ent condensati on water C heck
C ondensati on water temperature too C heck
hi gh
D i rty condenser Wash manual rearm the hi gh
pressure swi tch

48 Diagnostics
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007


al.08 - ELEC TR ON IC Refri gerati ng system fault C heck

C OMPR ESSOR C IR C U IT Irregular or i nterrupted mai ns power C heck
B R EAK ER Electroni c ci rcui t breaker fault Replace
After resolvi ng the cause, press
the RESET button on panel.

al.09 - C OMPR ESSOR OIL C ompressor oi l too cold Wai t for oi l to reach operati ng
PR ESSU R E SWITC H temperature
Rearm relati ve pressure swi tch

al.10 - U N SU ITAB LE Washi ng soluti on temperature too Reduce washi ng soluti on

TEMPER ATU R E FOR WASH IN G hi gh temperature
After resolvi ng the cause, press
the RESET button on panel.

al.11 - D ASH ER C U R R EN T Ice cream too hard C heck

AB SOR PTION TOO H IGH Hot gas functi on off C heck
Mechani cal fault i n dri ve system C heck
Motor fault C heck
Amperometri c transformer fault C heck
After resolvi ng the cause, press
the RESET button on panel.

al.12 - N O MIXTU R E AT IN LET No mi xture at i nlet C heck

Mi xture temperature above set Adjust setti ng
After resolvi ng the cause, press
the RESET button on panel.

al.13 - PR OD U C TION SPEED TOO Parameter not compli ant wi th Reduce producti on speed value
H IGH producti on speci fi cati ons Adjust overrun parameter
After resolvi ng the cause, press
the RESET button on panel.

al.14 - H IGH C YLIN D ER Incorrectly cali brated C heck

PR ESSU R E counterpressure valve
Blockage upstream of machi ne C heck
After resolvi ng the cause, press
the RESET button on panel.

al.15 - STAR T N OT EN AB LED - Machi ne performi ng automati c cycle D i sable all manually enabled
FU N C TION S IN MAN U AL MOD E functi ons

Diagnostics 49
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

7.2.2 Troubleshooting

Some of the operations described above are
unscheduled maintenance jobs and may only
be carried out be specialised personnel or
Tekno-Ice technicians.



Main switch OFF Turn to ON
No mains power Check

PUMP NOT WORKING Thermal circuit breaker tripped Rearm

Pump motor burnt out Repair

PUMP WORKS BUT NO MIXTURE Obstruction in mixture line Remove

FLOW Air in mixture feed line
Dirt between valve and valve seat Bleed air from line
Worn ball valve Open pump head, remove dirt
and restart pump
DASHER NOT WORKING Thermal circuit breaker tripped Rearm
Dasher motor burnt out Repair

DASHER RUNS IRREGULARLY Loose drive belts Tension

Damaged scraper blades Sharpen or replace
Excessive ice-cream hardness Use hot gas

COMPRESSOR NOT WORKING Dasher shaft not running Start shaft

Thermal circuit breaker tripped Rearm
Pressure switch tripped Rearm
Current circuit breaker tripped Check
Compressor motor burnt out Repair
COMPRESSOR STOPS Insufficient condensation water Open manostat valve. Replace
IMMEDIATELY AFTER STARTING water lines with larger diameter
Oil pressure switch tripped Rearm
ICE-CREAM TOO SOFT Mixture temp. too high Increase mixture cooling
Hourly ice-cream production too high Reduce ice-cream flow rate
Hot gas openInsufficient ice-cream Close hot gas
pressure in cylinder Adjust back pressure valve
Refrigerating system malfunction See chapter 'Maintenance' or call
refrigeration specialist
INSUFFICIENT OVERRUN No compressed air Enable compressed air
Overrun switch off Turn overrun switch on
Dirty filters Replace filters
Air leak in circuit Rectify leaks
Overrun regulator fault Repair or replace
Insufficient ice-cream pressure in Adjust back pressure valve
ICE-CREAM TOO HARD Hot gas closed Open hot gas
Production rate too low Increase production rate

50 Diagnostics
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

In the event of reaching the maximum ice-cream

7.3 Machine hardness or maximum motor current thresholds,
malfunctions the operator may regulate dasher motor current
absorption, activate the hot gas solenoid or stop
the refrigerator compressor from the operator panel.

For more information see chapter 6.
The following are the most commonly encountered
problems that may compromise production quality.

7.3.2 Refrigeration system

7.3.1 Electrical system malfunctions malfunctions
The electrical system is designed to ensure maximum
protection for the machine components.
In the event of an alarm, switch off mains power, PROBLEM
open the electrical cabinet and rearm the tripped Low refrigerant level
thermal overload circuit breaker. If the circuit breaker Indicated by bubbles or foam in the refrigerant sight
will not engage in the on position, wait a few glass.
seconds to allow it to cool then try again.
If the alarm is triggered again once production is
resumed, check for mechanical and/or electrical

In all cases:
- Do not repeatedly rearm magneto-thermal circuit
breakers without identifying the cause of the
- Do not attempt to recalibrate magneto-thermal
circuit breakers as this may cause damage to
the motors;
- If the refrigerator compressor stops without a
request from the operator (or cycle programme),
check if one of the safety pressure switches or
electronic circuit breakers on the compressor
have been triggered. Identify and rectify leaks. Top up refrigerant level in
If the compressor motor thermal overload electronic circuit.
circuit breaker has been triggered, to resume
compressor operation, stop the dasher then
restart the dasher and compressor sequence. PROBLEM
If an oil pressure or high refrigerant pressure Insufficient condensation
switch has been triggered, rearm the triggered Indicated by the activation of the high pressure
pressure switch to resume compressor operation. switch due to excessively high pressure and/or
- If the low refrigerant pressure switch has been temperature in outlet.
triggered, the switch is automatically rearmed
once pressure returns to normal. To rearm the Possible causes
low pressure switch more quickly, activate the 1 Incorrectly calibrated manostat valve.
hot gas function for a few seconds. Recalibrate valve so that outlet water temperature
is 28/30° C and outlet pressure is 14 bar
2 No water
Check that water supply is available and that
there are no obstructions in the lines
3 Dirty condenser

Diagnostics 51
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Excessive intake pressure
Hot gas solenoid valve
Indicated by the fact that the valve does not close
completely, allowing hot gas continuously into the
evaporator and reducing refrigerating capacity.

Possible causes
1 Faulty valve
Check valve and replace if necessary.

Insufficient intake pressure
Refrigerant fluid solenoid valve
Indicated by the fact that the valve does not open,
causing a pressure drop in the intake section,
triggering the low pressure switch.

Possible causes
1 Faulty valve
Check that solenoid coil is working correctly
and replace if necessary.
Check solenoid and replace if necessary.

Thermostat valve
Indicated by excessive or insufficient pressures
causing reduced compressor efficiency and/or
triggering the low pressure switch.

Possible causes
1 Incorrectly calibrated valve.
Calibrate the valve to an intake pressure/
temperature of -30/-32° C
2 Faulty valve.

52 Diagnostics


 Simple job, may be carried out directly

WARNING by operator.
Before carrying out any maintenance work,  Operation requiring specific knowledge
ensure that the machine is disconnected from of the procedure.
all electrical power and compressed air supplies Carried out by maintenance personnel.
and that any residual energy has been dissipated.  Complex operation that may only be
Always used the Personal Protection Equipment
carried out by TEKNO-ICE technicians
specified in chapter 2.
or specialised personnel.

The final paragraph in this chapter may be used to

8.1 Introduction record maintenance work carried out on the machine.
Where the production division does not keep a
specific maintenance log, we recommend entering
This chapter describes the regular maintenance maintenance details in this paragraph.
procedures to be carried out on the machine.
To keep the machine in perfect working order, This will facilitate the work of the support technician
maintenance must be carried out exactly as described should the need arise.
and according to the intervals specified. Components that have been warehoused without
being filled or treated with protective oil must be
In addition to maintenance, the machine must be dismantled, cleaned and lubricated before use.
cleaned thoroughly to prevent ice cream residue
from compromising machine function.

In addition to the correct maintenance intervals,

this chapter also specifies the qualifications required
of the personnel performing the operation:

Maintenance 53
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

8.2 Production hours 8.3 Regular maintenance

Press the button shown in the figure to access the

TURE CALIBRATION menu. The maintenance intervals specified are based
on a usage of eight hours per day and, as a result,
are purely indicative. If the machine is used for
more than one shift per day, the maintenance
intervals must be modified accordingly.
Maintenance intervals may also vary depending
on the type of production, the working environment,
ambient temperature and other factors. The
effective maintenance intervals must therefore
be assessed by the maintenance technician on
the basis of his or her experience.

8.3.1 Daily maintenance

At the end of production, wash the machine with the
automatic CIP system (if installed) as described in
the chapter PRODUCTION.
At the end of the washing cycle, we recommend
filling the freezer with a disinfectant solution. Before
resuming production, drain the disinfectant solution
and rinse with clean water.
Used washing solution and disinfectant must be
disposed of in compliance with applicable legislation
in the country of installation.

Machines not equipped with a CIP system must be

washed manually.

8.3.2 Weekly maintenance

The total operating times for the main components
of the machine may be viewed and reset from this
menu to ensure that the correct maintenance intervals DESCALING 
are observed. Once a week, wash the machine with the automatic
Once the required maintenance has been carried CIP system, using citric acid or vinegar.
out, reset the value by entering “0” (zero). For more information see the chapter PRODUCTION.
At the end of the washing cycle, fill the freezer with
1 PUMP TIME (h/min/sec) a disinfectant solution. Before resuming production,
Pump operating time. drain the disinfectant solution and rinse with clean
2 DASHER TIME (h/min/sec) water.
Dasher operating time. Used washing solution and disinfectant must be
3 COMPRESSOR TIME (h/min/sec) disposed of in compliance with applicable legislation
Compressor operating time. in the country of installation.
Indicates the total litres of mixture processed
since the machine was last switched on.
The counter resets automatically at each new
cycle start.

54 Maintenance
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007


Once weekly, wash all dasher components with Check the thickness of the sharpened edge of the
foodstuff compliant detergent solution. blades. Correct thickness is 0.2 mm. Sharpen or
For more information see paragraph 8.3.7 replace blades if thickness exceeds 0.5 mm.

8.3.3 Quarterly maintenance


Check the tension of the shaft drive belt. The
tension must be sufficient to drive the shaft without
slipping or vibration, but must not be too high, to
prevent overloading the bearings.
Press the belt at its mid point and check that
deflection is approximately 5-10 mm.
If necessary, adjust the tensioner roller.


Check contact surfaces between the two parts. If 8.3.4 Six-monthly maintenance
scoring is noted which may compromise seal integrity,
polish surfaces with fine grade emery board or SINTERED FILTER  
paper. Regenerate or replace cartridge.
Lay component on a sheet of glass to check for
In the event of deep scoring, the parts must be

Maintenance 55
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007


Check filter for clogging. Replace both cartridges.
At the bottom of the double filter (1) is an oil
separator cartridge with automatic condensate drain;
at the top of the filter is an active charcoal filter.
Cartridge lifetime depends on the degree of
contamination of the compressed air supply.
Check the indicator at the side of the cartridge (2)
once a week. If the indicator is red, replace the

BELTS   
Check the drive belts tension.


Check all connections and condition of cables and

Perform general service.
8.3.5 Yearly maintenance DASHER
Substitute the rotating seal and the bushes of the
MIXTURE PUMP SEALS    eccentric.
Replace seals.
PARTS for replacement parts.


Replace the three ball valves..
PARTS for replacement parts.

56 Maintenance
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

8.3.6 Two-yearly maintenance

PARTS for replacement parts.

2 Remove the DASHER from the cylinder using

the extractor tool supplied as standard, as
shown in the following figure.

BELTS   
PARTS for replacement parts.

3 Remove the ice-cream pressure manometer

and the mixture inlet line.

Remove the stop-block and the upper support.

Remove the eccentric and check the condition
of the bushes. Substitute them if necessary.

Wash all components with foodstuff compliant

detergent solution and refit correctly.

8.3.7 Dasher maintenance

Perform dasher maintenance as follows: The blades are sharp - handle with care

1 Remove the ice-cream outlet lines, the back Before refitting the shaft, ensure that the blades
pressure valve and the DASHER cover; are positioned correctly. Lubricate the rotary
seal gasket with petroleum jelly and refit seal
spring in its respective seating, pushing until it
snaps into the retainer recess.

Maintenance 57
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Before refitting the shaft, mount the protective

ring onto the cylinder, as shown in the figure,
8.4 Maintenance jobs
then slowly insert the shaft.
Where a specific production division maintenance
log is not kept, we recommend using this section
to record all maintenance performed on the machine.

Date of job:
Type of job:
Date of job:
Type of job:
Once in position, rotate until the end engages ......................................................................................................................................
in the relative seating. ......................................................................................................................................
4 Refit the cylinder cover, ensuring that it engages Date of job:
correctly with the centring pawl. ...................................................................................................................
5 Retighten the three securing knobs. Type of job:
6 Restart the machine ...................................................................................................................
7 Fill the freezer with disinfectant solution using ......................................................................................................................................
the mixture pump and drain via the safety valve. ......................................................................................................................................
8 Rinse the freezer with water before starting a Date of job:
new production cycle. ...................................................................................................................
Type of job:
8.3.8 Compressor maintenance ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job:
The compressor is filled with lifetime lubricant and ...................................................................................................................
requires no additional lubrication. Type of job:
In the event of repair work on the compressor, ......................................................................................................................................
replace oil with : ......................................................................................................................................
SUNISO 3G (density = 9.4 Kg/m - viscosity at + 50 Date of job:
°C = 2.7 °E). ...................................................................................................................
Type of job:
CALIBRATION: ...................................................................................................................
LOW PRESSURE SWITCH ......................................................................................................................................
Minimum pressure 0.2 bar ......................................................................................................................................
Differential 0.6 bar Date of job:
HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH ...................................................................................................................
Maximum pressure 20 bar Type of job:
Date of job:
Type of job:

58 Maintenance
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

Date of job: Date of job:

................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job: Date of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job: Date of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job: Date of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job: Date of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job: Date of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job: Date of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job: Date of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
Date of job: Date of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
Type of job: Type of job:
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................

Maintenance 59
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

60 Maintenance


For dismantling instructions, contact the manufacturer

IMPORTANT or refer to the construction drawings for the machine.
The disposal of toxic and or harmful waste, such as
lubricants, is subject to specific legislation varying from
country to country. Before carrying out any operation of
this nature, contact the relevant authorities in the country
of installation for information regarding this legislation.
Contact the manufacturer before dismantling the machine
and use only personnel specialised in this field.
If necessary, contact a dismantling specialist.

If the machine has been out of action for a prolonged

period (more than 15) days, drain the machine
completely and clean thoroughly.

If chemical products (washing solutions, solvents,

etc) are to be temporarily stored, comply with the
indications given in the technical sheets for the
products themselves. If missing, contact the supplier
of the materials for copies of the technical sheets.

The machine and its components contain no toxic

or harmful materials.
All lubricants must be drained and disposed of
correctly dismantling.

For dismantling, the machine must be broken down

into its component parts, and taken to a ferrous and
aluminium waste collection facility.

The connection cables consist of copper cores with

and insulating rubber sheathing.

Dismantling 61
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

62 Dismantling

Spare parts

10.1 Identification

If it sees fit, the constructor may supply technical

manuals and documentation for parts produced by
third party manufacturers.

Where not supplied with the machine, this

documentation is archived with the technical dossier
for the machine.
In this case, contact the TEKNO-ICE srl technical
support service for assistance identifying the necessary

If the parts necessary cannot be found or identified,

contact the technical support service, quoting the
model and serial number of the machine.

These details are given on the machine identification

plate (see chapter 1).

Spare parts 63
TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

64 Spare parts

Annexed diagrams and
The documentation with diagrams for the machine
is annexed with this manual.
If deemed necessary, the original and unmodified
documentation received from third party manufacturers
by TEKNO-ICE srl is also available.

This documentation may be included in this chapter

or may be supplied separately for printing necessities.

All other documentation not given herein is included

in the technical dossier and kept in the manufacturer’s

Annexed diagrams and documentation 65

TEKNOFREEZE - Manual code nr. TFE000001 Rev. 10-2007

66 Annexed diagrams and documentation

via Lazio, 37 - Buccinasco (Milano) ITALY - Tel. +02 488676.1 Fax +02 4882153 [email protected]
TEKNO-ICE srl declines all liability for any damage to people or property
caused by incorrect use of this product. Subject to change without prior notice

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