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Apple vs.

Motorola: Two 1984 Spoofs

Apple’s Commercial from 1984: Motorola’s commercial from 2010:

1. How does Apple portray the world of

1. How does Motorola portray the world
1984? What do the people look like? What
of 1984? How can you connect their
colors are used? What is the focus?
portrayal of 1984 with the look/style of
They use greys and greyish blues to be Apple products?
able to show how dark the world is. The
The use white colors for all the people
focus of the commercial is to highlight how
except the one with the Motorola tablet
all the people are mindless until a woman in
which has darker clothing. It shows the
colorful clothing comes and destroys the
world as cold, sterile ,and uncreative and
screen showing them freedom of the
when a girl I shown the creativity of the
Motorola she takes her headphones off
that were implied to be controlling her.

2. Who and what represents “Apple” in

the commercial? What do “Apple” in the
commercial and George Orwell have in
common? What do “Apple” and Winston 2. How is Motorola manipulating the
Smith have in common? viewer by connecting Apple products and
the world of 1984?
Apple is represented by the woman in
bright clothing that destroys the screen They make it seem like all users of Apple
thereby destroying Apple’s ‘inferior’ products are sheep following the herd and
competitors. In the commercial “Apple” mindless people like the society in 1984.
shows similarities in George Orwell by The present the user of Motorola products
trying to give people that power to break as different and free of this.
free for a controlling society. They also
mirror Winston’s desire to rebel against the
party however “Apple” do it much more
openly than Winston.

3. What strategies does the commercial

use to manipulate viewers to think/feel a
certain way? Are they anything like Orwell’s
3. What strategies does the commercial
use to manipulate viewers to think/feel a They make the viewer see Apple products
certain way? Are they anything like Orwell’s as what everyone else is using while making
strategies? their product seem unique and special.
They mirror Orwell by making them scared
The commercial uses the strategy of
of being in control.
making the viewer believe that if they use
any other product they are not free from
societies control.

1. Which commercial do you think more effectively manipulates the viewer to be

interested in the product? Why?

Motorola commercials manipulate the viewer more by less subtly impling that other
products are less creative and different.

2. Which commercial do you prefer? Why?

I prefer the Apple commercial because it is iconic and emulates the world of 1984

3. Which commercial uses strategies more like Orwell’s to get its point across? Why
do you think so?

The Motorola one uses techniques more obviously and the but the Apple one conveys
Orwell message of rebellion and the style of his world better than the Motorola one.

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