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Name: ANUPAM JANA Date: 23/06/23

Passport No: X 6386825

This is with reference to your application and subsequent interview held at our office. We are pleased to offer you a
position as "NORTH INDIAN CHEF” based at our SGP Construction Pte Ltd.

Working schedule

This is a Full time position requiring approximately 48 hours per week. Your regular weekly schedule will be
Monday to Saturday (9:30 AM – 7:30 PM)

Employment Relationship

Employment with the Company is for no specific period of time. Your employment with the Company will be “at will,”
meaning that either you or the Company may terminate your employment at any time and for any reason, with or without
cause. Any contrary representations that may have been made to you are superseded by this letter agreement. This is
the full and complete agreement between you and the Company on this term. Although your job duties, title,
compensation and benefits, as well as the Company’s personnel policies and procedures, may change from time to
time, the “at will” nature of your employment may only be changed in an express written agreement signed by you and a
duly authorized officer of the Company (other than you.)

II. Cash Compensation


The Company will pay you a starting salary at the rate of 2300SGD per monthly, payable in accordance with the
Company’s standard payroll schedule, beginning 5 Day of the month and you will receive your first paycheck .This
salary will be subject to adjustment pursuant to the Company’s employee compensation policies.

Tax withholding

All forms of compensation referred to in this letter agreement are subject to reduction to reflect applicable withholding
and payroll taxes and other deductions required by law.

Tax advice

You are encouraged to obtain your own tax advice regarding your compensation from the Company. You agree that the
Company does not have a duty to design its compensation policies in a manner that minimizes your tax liabilities and
you will not make any claim against the Company or its Board of Directors related to tax liabilities arising from your
III. Bonus (or commission) potential

In addition, you will be eligible to be considered for an incentive bonus for each fiscal year of the Company. The bonus
(if any) will be awarded based on objective or subjective criteria established by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer
and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors. Your target bonus will be equal to 15% of your annual base salary.
Any bonus for the fiscal year in which your employment begins will be prorated, based on the number of days you are
employed by the Company during that fiscal year. Any bonus for a fiscal year will be paid within 12 months after the
close of that fiscal year, but only if you are still employed by the Company at the time of payment. The determinations of
the Company’s Board of Directors with respect to your bonus will be final and binding.

IV. Employee benefits

As a regular employee of the Company, you will be eligible to participate in a number of Company-sponsored benefits.
The Company offers a comprehensive employee benefits program, including:

a) Food
b) Accommodation
c) Transportation
d) Overtime

Vacation policy

You will be eligible for 40 days of paid vacation leave per year. Paid time off is additional to sick days, bank holidays
and days that the company does not operate.

Contract Period

Contract Period 2 Years.

Private health and dental insurance plan

As all Company employees, you will be eligible for the private health and dental insurance plan we provide. Specific
terms and conditions provide by the company

V. Privacy and Confidentiality Agreements

Privacy Agreement

You are required to observe and uphold all of the Company’s privacy policies and procedures as implemented or varied
from time to time. Collection, storage, access to and dissemination of employee personal information will be in
accordance with privacy legislation.

Conflict of Interest policy

While you are employed at this Company, you will not engage in any other employment, consulting or other business
activity whether full-time that would create a conflict of interest with the Company. By signing this letter of agreement,
you confirm that you have no contractual commitments or other legal obligations that would prohibit you from performing
your duties for the Company.

Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement

Like all Company employees, you will be required, as a condition of your employment with the Company, to sign the
Company’s standard Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement.

VI. Termination Conditions

The Company will be entitled to terminate your employment for any reason other than for just cause, upon providing
to you such minimum 3 month of notice as required by law after the clear of all unpaid salary.Incompetence,
including lack of productivity or poor quality of work. Insubordination and related issues such as dishonesty
breaking company rules. Attendance issues, such as frequent absences or chronic tardiness. Theft or other
criminal behavior including revealing trade secrets.

VII. Interpretation, Amendment and Enforcement

This letter agreement supersedes and replaces any prior agreements, representations or understandings (whether
written, oral, implied or otherwise) between you and the Company and constitute the complete agreement between you
and the Company regarding the subject matter set forth herein. This letter agreement may not be amended or modified,
except by an express written agreement signed by both you and a duly authorized officer of the Company.

You may indicate your agreement with these terms and accept this offer by signing and dating this agreement by
24 Hours Upon your acceptance of this employment offer, SGP Construction Pte Ltd will provide you with the
necessary paperwork and instructions.

You are requested to kindly tender your Job offer acceptance and date of joining by signing a copy of this letter or by
write an offer acceptance reply on [email protected].

We welcome you on board and wish a long association with you and a successful career ahead.


Hang Lu Ling
Human Resource Manager Candidate Sign,…………………………..
SGP Construction Pte Ltd

SGP Construction Pte Ltd

[email protected]
UEN No: 2012076
Website: / Mail: hr@sgpconstruction-sg.
Telephone No: (65) 3174 3144 / WA No: (65) 3174 3

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