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(eBook PDF) Operations Management

Sustainability and Supply Chain

Management 13th Edition
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To Kay Heizer, always at my side

To Horace Dawson and David Greenberg


To Kim, Christopher, and Mark Munson for their unwavering support,

and to Bentonville High School teachers Velma Reed and Cheryl Gregory,
who instilled in me the importance of detail and a love of learning

OM in Action: Mass Customization for Straight Teeth 285 OM in Action: Matching Airline Capacity to Demand 312
Process Comparison 286 Service-Sector Demand and Capacity
Selection of Equipment 288 Management 313
Process Analysis and Design 289 Bottleneck Analysis and the Theory of Constraints 313
Flowchart 289 Theory of Constraints 316
Bottleneck Management 317
Time-Function Mapping 289
Break-Even Analysis 317
Process Charts 290
Single-Product Case 318
Value-Stream Mapping 290
Multiproduct Case 319
Service Blueprinting 292
Reducing Risk with Incremental Changes 321
Special Considerations for Service Process
Strategies 293 Applying Expected Monetary Value (EMV)
to Capacity Decisions 322
Production Technology 294
Applying Investment Analysis to Strategy-Driven
Machine Technology 294 Investments 323
Automatic Identification Systems (AISs) and RFID 295 Investment, Variable Cost, and Cash Flow 323
Process Control 295 Net Present Value 323
OM in Action: 500,000 Tons of Steel; 14 Jobs 296 Summary 325
Vision Systems 296 Key Terms 326
Robots 296 Discussion Questions 326
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems Using Software for Break-Even Analysis 326
(ASRSs) 296 Solved Problems 327
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) 296 Problems 329
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) 297 VIDEO CASE STUDY 333
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 297 Capacity Planning at Arnold Palmer Hospital 333
OM in Action: Technology Changes the Hotel Industry 298 Bibliography 334
Technology in Services 298 Supplement 7 Rapid Review 335
Process Redesign 298 Self Test 336
Summary 299
Key Terms 299 Chapter 8 Location Strategies   337
Ethical Dilemma 300 GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: FedEx: Location Provides
Discussion Questions 300 Competitive Advantage for FedEx 338
Solved Problem 300 The Strategic Importance of Location 340
Problems 301 Factors That Affect Location Decisions 341
CASE STUDY 302 Labor Productivity 342
Rochester Manufacturing’s Process Decision 302 Exchange Rates and Currency Risk 342
Process Strategy at Wheeled Coach 302 OM in Action: Iowa—Home of Corn and Facebook 343
Alaska Airlines: 20-Minute Baggage Process— Political Risk, Values, and Culture 343
Guaranteed! 303 Proximity to Markets 343
Process Analysis at Arnold Palmer Hospital 303 Proximity to Suppliers 344
Endnotes 304 Proximity to Competitors (Clustering) 344
Bibliography 304 Methods of Evaluating Location Alternatives 344
Chapter 7 Rapid Review 305 OM in Action: Denmark’s Meat Cluster 345
Self Test 306 The Factor-Rating Method 345
Locational Cost–Volume Analysis 346
Supplement 7 Capacity and Constraint Center-of-Gravity Method 348
Management  307
Transportation Model 349
Capacity 308 Service Location Strategy 350
Design and Effective Capacity 308 OM in Action: How La Quinta Selects Profitable Hotel
Capacity and Strategy 310 Sites 351
Capacity Considerations 311 Geographic Information Systems 351
Managing Demand 311 Summary 353
xii TA B L E O F C O N T EN T S

Key Terms 353 Bibliography 404

Ethical Dilemma 354 Chapter 9 Rapid Review 405
Discussion Questions 354 Self Test 406
Using Software to Solve Location Problems 354
Chapter 10 Human Resources, Job Design, and Work
Solved Problems 355
Measurement  407
Problems 357
CASE STUDY 362 High-Performance Teamwork Makes the Difference
Southern Recreational Vehicle Company 362 between Winning and Losing 408
VIDEO CASE STUDIES 363 Human Resource Strategy for Competitive
Locating the Next Red Lobster Restaurant 363 Advantage 410
Where to Place the Hard Rock Cafe 363 Constraints on Human Resource Strategy 410
Endnote 364 Labor Planning 411
Bibliography 364 Employment-Stability Policies 411
Chapter 8 Rapid Review 365 Work Schedules 411
Self Test 366 Job Classifications and Work Rules 412
Job Design 412
Chapter 9 Layout Strategies   367 Labor Specialization 412
GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: McDonald’s: McDonald’s Looks Job Expansion 413
for Competitive Advantage through Layout 368
Psychological Components of Job Design 413
The Strategic Importance of Layout Decisions 370
Self-Directed Teams 414
Types of Layout 370
OM in Action: Using Incentives to Unsnarl Traffic Jams
Office Layout 371 in the OR 415
Retail Layout 372 Motivation and Incentive Systems 415
Servicescapes 375 Ergonomics and the Work Environment 415
Warehouse and Storage Layouts 375 OM in Action: The Missing Perfect Chair 416
OM in Action: Amazon Warehouses Are Full of Robots 376 Methods Analysis 417
Cross-Docking 376 The Visual Workplace 420
Random Stocking 377 Labor Standards 420
Customizing 377 Historical Experience 421
Fixed-Position Layout 377 Time Studies 421
Process-Oriented Layout 378 Predetermined Time Standards 425
Computer Software for Process-Oriented Layouts 382 OM in Action: UPS: The Tightest Ship in the Shipping
Focused Facilities 383 Business 426
Work Cells 383 Work Sampling 427
Focused Work Center 385 Ethics 430
Focused Factory 385 Summary 430
Repetitive and Product-Oriented Layout 385 Key Terms 430
Assembly-Line Balancing 386 Ethical Dilemma 431
Summary 391 Discussion Questions 431
Key Terms 391 Solved Problems 432
Ethical Dilemma 391 Problems 434
Discussion Questions 391 CASE STUDY 437
Using Software to Solve Layout Problems 392 Jackson Manufacturing Company 437
Solved Problems 393 VIDEO CASE STUDIES 437
Problems 395 The “People” Focus: Human Resources at Alaska
CASE STUDY 401 Airlines 437
State Automobile License Renewals 401 Hard Rock’s Human Resource Strategy 438
VIDEO CASE STUDIES 402 Bibliography 438
Laying Out Arnold Palmer Hospital’s New Facility 402 Chapter 10 Rapid Review 439
Facility Layout at Wheeled Coach 403 Self Test 440

PART THREE Managing Operations 441

Chapter 11 Supply Chain Management   441 Key Terms 464
GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: Red Lobster: Red Lobster’s Ethical Dilemma 464
Supply Chain Yields a Competitive Advantage 442 Discussion Questions 464
The Supply Chain’s Strategic Importance 444 Solved Problem 465
OM in Action: A Rose Is a Rose, But Only If It Is Fresh 446 Problems 465
Sourcing Issues: Make-or-Buy and VIDEO CASE STUDIES 467
Outsourcing 446 Darden’s Global Supply Chains 467
Make-or-Buy Decisions 447 Supply Chain Management at Regal Marine 467
Outsourcing 447 Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain 468
Six Sourcing Strategies 447 Bibliography 468
Many Suppliers 447 Chapter 11 Rapid Review 469
Few Suppliers 447 Self Test 470
OM in Action: The Complex Supply Chain for Apple
and Samsung 448 Supplement 11 Supply Chain Management
Vertical Integration 448 Analytics  471
Joint Ventures 449 Techniques for Evaluating Supply Chains 472
Keiretsu Networks 449 Evaluating Disaster Risk in the Supply Chain 472
Virtual Companies 449 Managing the Bullwhip Effect 473
Supply Chain Risk 449 A Bullwhip Effect Measure 474
Risks and Mitigation Tactics 450 OM in Action: RFID Helps Control the Bullwhip 475
Security and JIT 451 Supplier Selection Analysis 476
Managing the Integrated Supply Chain 451 Transportation Mode Analysis 477
Issues in Managing the Integrated Supply Chain 451 Warehouse Storage 477
Opportunities in Managing the Integrated Supply Summary 479
Chain 452
Discussion Questions 479
Building the Supply Base 453 Solved Problems 479
Supplier Evaluation 454
Problems 481
Supplier Development 454
Bibliography 484
Negotiations 454
Supplement 11 Rapid Review 485
Contracting 455
Self Test 486
Centralized Purchasing 455
E-Procurement 455 Chapter 12 Inventory Management   487
Logistics Management 456 GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: Inventory
Shipping Systems 456 Management Provides Competitive Advantage at 488
Warehousing 457
The Importance of Inventory 490
Third-Party Logistics (3PL) 457
Functions of Inventory 490
OM in Action: DHL’s Role in the Supply Chain 458
Types of Inventory 490
Distribution Management 458
Managing Inventory 491
Ethics and Sustainable Supply Chain
Management 459 ABC Analysis 491
Supply Chain Management Ethics 459 OM in Action: Inventory Accuracy at Milton Bradley 493
Establishing Sustainability in Supply Record Accuracy 493
Chains 460 Cycle Counting 493
Measuring Supply Chain Performance 460 Control of Service Inventories 494
Assets Committed to Inventory 460 OM in Action: Retail’s Last 10 Yards 495
Benchmarking the Supply Chain 462 Inventory Models 495
The SCOR Model 463 Independent vs. Dependent Demand 495
Summary 464 Holding, Ordering, and Setup Costs 495
xiv TA B LE O F C O N T EN T S

Inventory Models for Independent Demand 496 Summary 552

The Basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Key Terms 552
Model 496 Ethical Dilemma 553
Minimizing Costs 497
Discussion Questions 553
Reorder Points 501
Using Software for Aggregate Planning 554
Production Order Quantity Model 502
Solved Problems 556
Quantity Discount Models 505
Problems 557
Probabilistic Models and Safety Stock 508
Other Probabilistic Models 511
Andrew-Carter, Inc. 561
Single-Period Model 513
Fixed-Period (P) Systems 514 VIDEO CASE STUDY 562
Summary 515 Using Revenue Management to Set Orlando Magic
Ticket Prices 562
Key Terms 515
Ethical Dilemma 515 Bibliography 562
Discussion Questions 515 Chapter 13 Rapid Review 563
Using Software to Solve Inventory Problems 516 Self Test 564
Solved Problems 517
Problems 520 Chapter 14 Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
CASE STUDY 525 and ERP  565
Zhou Bicycle Company 525 GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: Wheeled Coach: MRP
VIDEO CASE STUDIES 526 Provides a Competitive Advantage for Wheeled
Coach 566
Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay 526
Inventory Management at Celebrity Cruises 526 Dependent Demand 568
Inventory Control at Wheeled Coach 527 Dependent Inventory Model Requirements 568
Endnotes 528 Master Production Schedule 569
Bibliography 528 Bills of Material 570
Chapter 12 Rapid Review 529 Accurate Inventory Records 572
Self Test 530 Purchase Orders Outstanding 572
Lead Times for Components 572
Chapter 13 Aggregate Planning and S&OP   531
MRP Structure 573
GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: Frito-Lay: Aggregate Planning MRP Management 577
Provides a Competitive Advantage at Frito-Lay 532
MRP Dynamics 577
The Planning Process 534
MRP Limitations 578
Sales and Operations Planning 535
Lot-Sizing Techniques 578
The Nature of Aggregate Planning 536
Extensions of MRP 582
OM in Action: Building the Plan at Snapper 537
Material Requirements Planning II (MRP II) 582
Aggregate Planning Strategies 537
Closed-Loop MRP 583
Capacity Options 537
Capacity Planning 583
Demand Options 538
Mixing Options to Develop a Plan 539
MRP in Services 585
Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) 586
Methods for Aggregate Planning 540
Graphical Methods 540 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 586
Mathematical Approaches 545 OM in Action: Managing Benetton with ERP
Software 587
Aggregate Planning in Services 547
ERP in the Service Sector 589
Restaurants 548
Summary 589
Hospitals 548
National Chains of Small Service Firms 548
Key Terms 589
Miscellaneous Services 548 Ethical Dilemma 589
Airline Industry 549 Discussion Questions 590
Revenue Management 549 Using Software to Solve MRP Problems 590
OM in Action: Revenue Management Makes Disney Solved Problems 591
the “King” of the Broadway Jungle 550 Problems 594

CASE STUDY 598 Endnotes 638

Hill’s Automotive, Inc. 598 Bibliography 638
VIDEO CASE STUDIES 598 Chapter 15 Rapid Review 639
When 18,500 Orlando Magic Fans Come to Dinner 598 Self Test 640
MRP at Wheeled Coach 599
Chapter 16 Lean Operations   641
Endnotes 599
Bibliography 600 GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: Toyota Motor Corporation:
Achieving Competitive Advantage with Lean Operations
Chapter 14 Rapid Review 601 at Toyota Motor Corporation 642
Self Test 602 Lean Operations 644
Eliminate Waste 644
Chapter 15 Short-Term Scheduling   603
OM in Action: Toyota’s New Challenge 645
GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: Alaska Airlines: Scheduling
Remove Variability 646
Flights When Weather Is the Enemy 604
Improve Throughput 646
The Importance of Short-Term Scheduling 606
Lean and Just-in-Time 646
Scheduling Issues 606
Supplier Partnerships 647
Forward and Backward Scheduling 607
Lean Layout 648
OM in Action: Prepping for the Orlando Magic
Basketball Game 608 Lean Inventory 649
Finite and Infinite Loading 608 Lean Scheduling 652
Scheduling Criteria 608 Lean Quality 655
Scheduling Process-Focused Facilities 609 Lean and the Toyota Production System 655
Loading Jobs 609 Continuous Improvement 655
Input–Output Control 610 Respect for People 655
Gantt Charts 611 OM in Action: Dr Pepper’s Move to Kaizen 655
Assignment Method 612 Processes and Standard Work Practice 656
Sequencing Jobs 615 Lean Organizations 656
Priority Rules for Sequencing Jobs 615 Building a Lean Organization 656
Critical Ratio 618 OM in Action: Lean Delivers the Medicine 657
Sequencing N Jobs on Two Machines: Johnson’s Lean Sustainability 657
Rule 619 Lean in Services 657
Limitations of Rule-Based Sequencing Summary 658
Systems 620 Key Terms 658
Finite Capacity Scheduling (FCS) 621 Ethical Dilemma 659
Scheduling Services 622 Discussion Questions 659
OM in Action: Starbucks’ Controversial Scheduling Solved Problem 659
Software 623
Problems 660
Scheduling Service Employees with Cyclical
Scheduling 623 VIDEO CASE STUDIES 661
Summary 625 Lean Operations at Alaska Airlines 661

Key Terms 625 JIT at Arnold Palmer Hospital 661

Ethical Dilemma 625 Endnote 662
Discussion Questions 625 Bibliography 662
Using Software for Short-Term Scheduling 626 Chapter 16 Rapid Review 663
Solved Problems 628 Self Test 664
Problems 630 Chapter 17 Maintenance and Reliability   665
GLOBAL COMPANY PROFILE: Orlando Utilities Commission:
Old Oregon Wood Store 634 Maintenance Provides a Competitive Advantage for the
VIDEO CASE STUDIES 635 Orlando Utilities Commission 666
From the Eagles to the Magic: Converting the Amway The Strategic Importance of Maintenance
Center 635 and Reliability 668
Scheduling at Hard Rock Cafe 637 Reliability 669
xvi TA B LE O F C O N T EN T S

System Reliability 669 Discussion Questions 677

Providing Redundancy 671 Using Software to Solve Reliability Problems 678
Maintenance 673 Solved Problems 678
Implementing Preventive Maintenance 673 Problems 678
Increasing Repair Capabilities 676 VIDEO CASE STUDY 680
Autonomous Maintenance 676 Maintenance Drives Profits at Frito-Lay 680
Total Productive Maintenance 677 Bibliography 680
Summary 677 Chapter 17 Rapid Review 681
Key Terms 677 Self Test 682
Ethical Dilemma 677

PART FOUR Business Analytics Modules 683

Module A Decision-Making Tools   683 Sensitivity Analysis 709
The Decision Process in Operations 684 Sensitivity Report 710
Fundamentals of Decision Making 684 Changes in the Resources or Right-Hand-Side
Values 710
Decision Tables 685
Changes in the Objective Function Coefficient 711
Types of Decision-Making Environments 686
Solving Minimization Problems 712
Decision Making Under Uncertainty 686
OM in Action: LP at UPS 713
Decision Making Under Risk 687
Linear Programming Applications 714
Decision Making Under Certainty 688
Production-Mix Example 714
Expected Value of Perfect Information Diet Problem Example 715
(EVPI) 688
Labor Scheduling Example 716
Decision Trees 690
The Simplex Method of LP 717
A More Complex Decision Tree 691
Integer and Binary Variables 717
Summary 693
Creating Integer and Binary Variables 717
Key Terms 693
Linear Programming Applications with Binary
Discussion Questions 693 Variables 718
Using Software for Decision Models 693 A Fixed-Charge Integer Programming
Solved Problems 695 Problem 719
Problems 696 Summary 720
CASE STUDY 700 Key Terms 720
Tom Thompson’s Liver Transplant 700 Discussion Questions 720
Endnote 700 Using Software to Solve LP Problems 720
Bibliography 700 Solved Problems 722
Module A Rapid Review 701 Problems 724
Self Test 702 CASE STUDY 729
Quain Lawn and Garden, Inc. 729
Module B Linear Programming   703 VIDEO CASE STUDY 729
Why Use Linear Programming? 704 Scheduling Challenges at Alaska Airlines 729
Requirements of a Linear Programming Endnotes 730
Problem 704 Bibliography 730
Formulating Linear Programming Module B Rapid Review 731
Problems 704 Self Test 732
Glickman Electronics Example 705
Module C Transportation Models   733
Graphical Solution to a Linear Programming
Problem 706 Transportation Modeling 734
Graphical Representation of Constraints 706 Developing an Initial Solution 735
Iso-Profit Line Solution Method 707 The Northwest-Corner Rule 735
Corner-Point Solution Method 709 The Intuitive Lowest-Cost Method 737

The Stepping-Stone Method 738 Module E Learning Curves   779

Special Issues in Modeling 741 What Is a Learning Curve? 780
Demand Not Equal to Supply 741 Learning Curves in Services and Manufacturing 781
Degeneracy 741 Applying the Learning Curve 782
Summary 742 Doubling Approach 782
Key Terms 742 Formula Approach 782
Discussion Questions 742 Learning-Curve Table Approach 783
Using Software to Solve Transportation Strategic Implications of Learning Curves 786
Problems 742 Limitations of Learning Curves 787
Solved Problems 744 Summary 787
Problems 745 Key Term 787
CASE STUDY 747 Discussion Questions 787
Custom Vans, Inc. 747 Using Software for Learning Curves 788
Bibliography 748 Solved Problems 788
Module C Rapid Review 749 Problems 789
Self Test 750 CASE STUDY 791
SMT’s Negotiation with IBM 791
Module D Waiting-Line Models   751
Bibliography 792
Queuing Theory 752 Module E Rapid Review 793
Characteristics of a Waiting-Line System 752 Self Test 794
Arrival Characteristics 752
Waiting-Line Characteristics 754 Module F Simulation 795
Service Characteristics 754 What Is Simulation? 796
Measuring a Queue’s Performance 756 Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation 797
OM in Action: Zero Wait Time Guarantee at This Michigan Monte Carlo Simulation 798
Hospital’s ER 756 OM in Action: Simulation Takes the Kinks out of
Queuing Costs 757 Starbucks’ Lines 801
The Variety of Queuing Models 757 Simulation with Two Decision Variables:
Model A (M/M/1): Single-Server Queuing An Inventory Example 801
Model with Poisson Arrivals and Exponential Summary 803
Service Times 758 Key Terms 803
Model B (M/M/S): Multiple-Server Queuing Discussion Questions 803
Model 760
Using Software in Simulation 804
Model C (M/D/1): Constant-Service-Time Model 765
Solved Problems 805
Little’s Law 766 Problems 806
Model D (M/M/1 with Finite Source): Finite-Population CASE STUDY 809
Model 766
Alabama Airlines’ Call Center 809
Other Queuing Approaches 768
Endnote 810
Summary 768
Bibliography 810
Key Terms 768
Module F Rapid Review 811
Discussion Questions 769 Self Test 812
Using Software to Solve Queuing Problems 769
Solved Problems 770 Module G Applying Analytics to Big Data
Problems 771 in Operations Management 813
CASE STUDY 775 Introduction to Big Data and Business Analytics 814
New England Foundry 775 OM in Action: UPS Forecasting Improves Logistics
The Winter Park Hotel 776 Planning Through Predictive Analysis 815
Endnotes 776 Data Management 815
Bibliography 776 Graphical Techniques for Cleaning Data 816
Module D Rapid Review 777 Excel Techniques for Cleaning Data 816
Self Test 778 Using Excel’s PivotTable Tool 818
xviii TAB LE O F C O N T EN T S

Data Visualization 820 Endnote 825

Using Excel’s Visualization Tools 820 Bibliography 826
Predictive and Prescriptive Business Analytics Module G Rapid Review 827
Tools 822 Self Test 828
Other Business Analytics Tools Not Covered in This Appendix I Normal Curve Areas   A2
Text 822
Appendix II Using Excel OM and POM for
Summary 823
Windows  A4
Key Terms 823
Appendix III Solutions to Even-Numbered Problems   A8
Discussion Questions 823
Name Index  I1
Solved Problems 824
Problems 825 General Index  I4

ONLINE TUTORIALS (located at MyLab Operations Management)

1. Statistical Tools for Managers   T1-1 Discussion Questions T3-8
Discrete Probability Distributions T1-2 Problems T3-9
Expected Value of a Discrete Probability Distribution T1-3 4. The MODI and VAM Methods of Solving
Variance of a Discrete Probability Distribution T1-3 Transportation Problems   T4-1
Continuous Probability Distributions T1-4
MODI Method T4-2
The Normal Distribution T1-4
How to Use the MODI Method T4-2
Summary T1-7
Solving the Arizona Plumbing Problem with
Key Terms T1-7 MODI T4-2
Discussion Questions T1-7 Vogel’s Approximation Method: Another Way to Find
Problems T1-7 an Initial Solution T4-4
Bibliography T1-7 Discussion Questions T4-8
Problems T4-8
2. Acceptance Sampling   T2-1
Sampling Plans T2-2 5. Vehicle Routing and Scheduling   T5-1
Single Sampling T2-2 Introduction T5-2
Double Sampling T2-2 Service Delivery Example: Meals-for-ME T5-2
Sequential Sampling T2-2 Objectives of Routing and Scheduling
Operating Characteristic (OC) Curves T2-2 Problems T5-2
Producer’s and Consumer’s Risk T2-3 Characteristics of Routing and Scheduling
Problems T5-3
Average Outgoing Quality T2-5
Classifying Routing and Scheduling Problems T5-3
Summary T2-6
Solving Routing and Scheduling Problems T5-4
Key Terms T2-6
Routing Service Vehicles T5-5
Solved Problem T2-7
The Traveling Salesman Problem T5-5
Discussion Questions T2-7
Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem T5-8
Problems T2-7
The Vehicle Routing Problem T5-9
3. The Simplex Method of Linear Programming   T3-1 Cluster First, Route Second Approach T5-10
Converting the Constraints to Equations T3-2 Scheduling Service Vehicles T5-11
Setting Up the First Simplex Tableau T3-2 The Concurrent Scheduler Approach T5-13
Simplex Solution Procedures T3-4 Other Routing and Scheduling Problems T5-13
Summary of Simplex Steps for Maximization Summary T5-14
Problems T3-6 Key Terms T5-15
Artificial and Surplus Variables T3-7 Discussion Questions T5-15
Solving Minimization Problems T3-7 Problems T5-15
Summary T3-8 CASE STUDY T5-17
Key Terms T3-8 Routing and Scheduling of Phlebotomists T5-17
Solved Problem T3-8 Bibliography T5-17

New to This Edition

Operations is an exciting area of management that has a profound effect on productivity. The goal
of this text and MyLab Operations Management is to present students a broad introduction to the
field of operations in a realistic, practical, and applied manner. We want students to understand
how operations work within an organization by seeing first-hand what goes on behind the scenes
at a concert or major sports event; place an order through; board a flight on Alaska
Airlines; or take a cruse with Celebrity Cruises. This text and MyLab Operations Management
offer behind the scenes views that no other product on the market provides and one that students
tell us they value because they gain a true understanding of operations.
With each edition, we work to gather feedback from instructors and students to enhance our text
and MyLab. Based on that feedback, we have added the following new features and improvements.

Video Cases – Celebrity Cruise Line

With each edition, we offer in MyLab Operations Management integrated Video Cases as a valu-
able teaching tool for students. These short videos help readers see and understand operations
in action within a variety of industries. With this edition, we are pleased to take you behind the
scenes of Celebrity Cruises, one of the world’s premier cruise lines. This fascinating organization
opened its doors—and ships—for us to examine and share with you leading-edge OM in the cruise
line industry.

The videos provide an inside look at: Celebrity Cruises: Operations Management at Sea Video Case
• the 10 operations decisions at ­Celebrity On any given day, Celebrity Cruises, Inc. has tens of thousands and attention to detail. Processes for food preparation, laundry,
of passengers at sea on more than a dozen spectacular ships, quality, and maintenance are complete and detailed.
Cruises (Chapter 1); spanning 7 continents and 75 countries. With this level of capi- A cruise ship, as a moving city, requires a comprehensive and
• how Celebrity Cruises designs a new tal investment along with the responsibility for the happiness and
safety of so many passengers, excellence in operations is required.
precise supply chain that replenishes everything from food to fuel
to soap and water. Land-based buyers support Celebrity’s annual
product (Chapter 5); To make it all work, the 10 operations management decisions food and beverage purchases that exceed $110 million. Included
must be executed flawlessly. From product design (which encom - in these expenditures are weekly shipments of 6 to 10 contain-
• Celebrity’s “Save-the-Waves” sustain- passes the ship’s layout, the food, and 300 destinations), to sched- ers from the Miami headquarters destined for ships in European
uling, supply chain, inventory, personnel, maintenance, and the ports. An onboard staff organizes inventories to support this mas-
ability program (Supplement 5); processes that hold them together, OM is critical. sive operation. The logistics effort includes hedging the weekly
• how Celebrity Cruises treats quality Cruise lines require precise scheduling of ships, with down-
to-the-minute docking and departure times. In addition to ship
use of 24,000 gallons of fuel per ship with purchases 6 years into
the future. Reliable global supply chains have been developed
as the heartbeat of the company and port scheduling, some 2,000 plus crew members must be that deliver the required inventory on a tight time frame.
scheduled. And there are many schedule variations. Entertainers These crucial shipboard systems typically represent the best of
(Chapter 6); and may arrive and leave at each port, while officers may have a operations management. Such is the case at Celebrity Cruises.
schedule of 10 weeks on and 10 weeks off. Other crew members
• inventory management at Celebrity have onboard commitments varying from 4 to 9 months. Discussion Questions*
Cruises (Chapter 12). With $400 million invested in a ship and more than 5,000
lives involved in a cruise, detailed processes to ensure mainte- 1. Describe how the 10 OM decisions are implemented at
nance and reliability are vital. The modern ship is a technologi- Celebrity Cruises, Inc.
cal marvel with hundreds of electronic monitors operating 24/7 2. Identify how the 10 OM decisions at Celebrity Cruises differ
to track everything from ship speed and location, to sea depth, from those decisions at a manufacturing firm.
to shipboard power demand and cabin temperature. 3. Identify how the 10 OM decisions at Celebrity Cruises differ
Celebrity’s ship layout, destinations, and routing are adjusted from those decisions at a retail store.
to meet seasonal demands and the expectations of its premium
4. How are hotel operations on a ship different from those at a
market segment. With destinations from Alaska to Europe to
land-based hotel?
Asia, crews are recruited worldwide, with as many as 70 national-
ities represented. Instilling a quality culture requires an aggressive *You may wish to view the video that accompanies this case before
quality service orientation and, of course, meticulous cleanliness addressing these questions.


In addition, we continue to offer our previous Video Cases that cover: Alaska Airlines, Orlando
Magic basketball team, Frito-Lay, Darden/Red Lobster Restaurants, Hard Rock Cafe, Arnold
Palmer Hospital, Wheeled Coach Ambulances, and Regal Marine.
We take the integration of our video case studies seriously, and for this reason, all of our videos
are created by the authors, with the outstanding coauthorship of Beverly Amer at Northern Ari-
zona University, to explicitly match text content and terminology.

46 Video Cases Listed by Chapter (new videos in bold)

◆ Frito-Lay: Operations Management in Manufacturing (Chapter 1)
◆ Celebrity Cruises: Operations Management at Sea (Chapter 1)
◆ Hard Rock Cafe: Operations Management in Services (Chapter 1)
◆ Strategy at Regal Marine (Chapter 2)
◆ Hard Rock Cafe’s Global Strategy (Chapter 2)
◆ Outsourcing Offshore at Darden (Chapter 2)
◆ Project Management at Arnold Palmer Hospital (Chapter 3)
◆ Managing Hard Rock’s Rockfest (Chapter 3)
◆ Forecasting Ticket Revenue for Orlando Magic Basketball Games (Chapter 4)
◆ Forecasting at Hard Rock Cafe (Chapter 4)
◆ Celebrity Cruises Designs a New Ship (Chapter 5)
◆ Product Design at Regal Marine (Chapter 5)
◆ Building Sustainability at the Orlando Magic’s Amway Center (Supplement 5)
◆ “Saving the Waves” at Celebrity Cruises (Supplement 5)
◆ Green Manufacturing and Sustainability at Frito-Lay (Supplement 5)
◆ Quality Counts at Alaska Airlines (Chapter 6)
◆ The Culture of Quality at Arnold Palmer Hospital (Chapter 6)
◆ Celebrity Cruises: A Premium Experience (Chapter 6)
◆ Quality at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company (Chapter 6)
◆ Frito-Lay’s Quality-Controlled Potato Chips (Supplement 6)
◆ Farm to Fork: Quality at Darden Restaurants (Supplement 6)
◆ Alaska Airlines: 20-Minute Baggage Process—Guaranteed! (Chapter 7)
◆ Process Strategy at Wheeled Coach (Chapter 7)
◆ Process Analysis at Arnold Palmer Hospital (Chapter 7)
◆ Capacity Planning at Arnold Palmer Hospital (Supplement 7)
◆ Locating the Next Red Lobster Restaurant (Chapter 8)
◆ Where to Place the Hard Rock Cafe (Chapter 8)
◆ Facility Layout at Wheeled Coach (Chapter 9)
◆ Laying Out Arnold Palmer Hospital’s New Facility (Chapter 9)
◆ The “People” Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines (Chapter 10)
◆ Hard Rock’s Human Resource Strategy (Chapter 10)
◆ Darden’s Global Supply Chains (Chapter 11)
◆ Supply Chain Management at Regal Marine (Chapter 11)
◆ Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain (Chapter 11)
◆ Inventory Management at Celebrity Cruises (Chapter 12)
◆ Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay (Chapter 12)
◆ Inventory Control at Wheeled Coach (Chapter 12)
◆ Using Revenue Management to Set Orlando Magic Ticket Prices (Chapter 13)
◆ When 18,500 Orlando Magic Fans Come to Dinner (Chapter 14)
◆ MRP at Wheeled Coach (Chapter 14)
◆ From the Eagles to the Magic: Converting the Amway Center (Chapter 15)
◆ Scheduling at Hard Rock Cafe (Chapter 15)
◆ Lean Operations at Alaska Airlines (Chapter 16)
◆ JIT at Arnold Palmer Hospital (Chapter 16)
◆ Maintenance Drives Profits at Frito-Lay (Chapter 17)
◆ Scheduling Challenges at Alaska Airlines (Module B)

Videos from Recent Graduates for Students

Located in MyLab Operations Management are brief videos of many recent grads who now
work in some aspect of operations management. These 2- to 4-minute video clips feature
young professionals talking about their jobs in the gamut of OM functions—each tied to
a specific chapter and accompanied by multiple-choice quizzes that may be assigned. Each
recent grad also talks about tips for success in the job market. This is sure to be a popular
feature to engage students! Kimberly Gersh, Project
Manager, Little Green River
More Homework Problems—Quantity, Algorithmic, and Conceptual Software
We know that a vast selection of quality homework problems, ranging from easy to challenging
(denoted by one to four dots), is critical for both instructors and students. Instructors need a
broad selection of problems to choose from for homework, quizzes, and exams—without reus-
ing the same set from semester to semester. We take pride in having more problems—by far,
with 818—than any other OM text.
For this edition, we have added several HUNDRED new algorithmic problems and concept
questions in MyLab Operations Management!

New Module Called “Applying Analytics to Big Data

in Operations Management”
The marriage of business analytics, big data, and operations/supply chain management is a
revolutionary change in our field. We are the first text to include a chapter (Module G) on this
subject, which includes sections on data management, data visualization, and predictive and
prescriptive business analytics tools. The topics include heat maps, conditional formatting for
cleaning data, and pivot tables. The module includes numerous exercises that will use students’
Excel skills and show them the power of Excel in Big Data.

Detailed Chapter-by-Chapter Changes

Chapter 1: Operations and Productivity
We introduced two new learning objectives for the chapter: “Identify the 10 strategic decisions
of operations management” and “Identify career opportunities in operations management.”
Our first new video case study is called “Celebrity Cruises: Operations Management at Sea.”
We updated several entries for the Globalization Era in Figure 1.4. We updated Table 1.4 to
reflect employment in various sectors. Finally, we added a new discussion question.

Chapter 2: Operations Strategy in a Global Environment

We updated Figure 2.1 on the growth of world trade and added several key historical events to
the graph. We added the new key term operational hedging. There are two new OM in Action
boxes in this chapter: “Amazon Updates Sears’ Strategy” and “China Outsources Too—to
Ethiopia.” Finally, we updated Figure 2.5 to reflect product life cycle changes.

Chapter 3: Project Management

The Bechtel Global Profile has been rewritten and we have added four new homework

Chapter 4: Forecasting
There are eight new homework problems in this chapter.

Chapter 5: Design of Goods and Services

We modified Figure 5.2 to present the cash flows more clearly. We introduced a discussion of
additive manufacturing as a new key term to subsume 3-D printing. We added a new discussion
of augmented reality. There are two new OM in Action boxes: “Product Design at McDonald’s”
and “Amazon Pushes Product Design.” Our second new video case study is called “Celebrity
xxii PR EFAC E

Cruises Designs a New Ship.” We replaced the section on PCN Analysis with a new discussion on
service design. We added two discussion questions and have seven new homework problems in this

Supplement 5: Sustainability in the Supply Chain

There is a new video case study called “Saving the Waves at Celebrity Cruises.” We’ve also added
new material on the circular economy and on ISO 50001. There is also a new OM in Action box
called “Designing for the End of Life.”

Chapter 6: Managing Quality

Our new video case study is called “Celebrity Cruises: A Premium Experience.” There is also a new
OM in Action box called “Inspecting the Boeing 787,” new material on testing Samsung smart
phones, and four new homework problems.

Supplement 6: Statistical Process Control

We have added 14 new homework problems and updated the OM in Action box called “Landing
a Seat with Frequent Flyer Miles.”

Chapter 7: Process Strategies

We updated Figure 7.8 to simplify the presentation of degree of customization and labor for ser-
vices. We added an OM in Action box called “500,000 Tons of Steel; 14 Jobs.” Finally, we updated
Table 7.4 to provide more examples of technology’s impact on services.

Supplement 7: Capacity and Constraint Management

We modified the numbers used to compute actual output in Table S7.1. We modified Figure S7.6
to improve the exposition for the four approaches to capacity expansion. We added 10 new home-
work problems for this supplement. Finally, we updated the birth rates in Table S7.4 for the Arnold
Palmer Hospital case.

Chapter 8: Location Strategies

We have added seven new homework problems to this chapter.

Chapter 9: Layout Strategies

There is a new OM in Action box called “Amazon Warehouses are Full of Robots,” and we have
made major revisions to our coverage of Work Cells, Focused Facilities, Focused Work Centers,
and Focused Factories. There are also four new homework problems.

Chapter 10: Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement

We have added five new homework problems to this chapter.

Chapter 11: Supply Chain Management

We begin the chapter with a new Global Company Profile featuring Red Lobster. We’ve added a
new section on blockchain, a new OM in Action box called “Samsung and Apple’s Complex Supply
Chain,” and updated our treatment of SCOR. We also added three new homework problems.

Supplement 11: Supply Chain Management Analytics

There is a new discussion question and three new homework problems.

Chapter 12: Inventory Management

There is a new video case study called “Inventory Management at Celebrity Cruises.” We have also
revised the Amazon Global Company Profile and expanded coverage of the single period model.
In addition, there are 13 new homework problems.

Chapter 13: Aggregate Planning and S&OP

We’ve added three new homework problems to this chapter.
PRE FACE xxiii

Chapter 14: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP

We deleted Figure 14.6 and moved the presentation of allocated items into Example 3. Under
MRP Management, we introduced a new section and key term for demand-driven MRP, along with
a new associated Figure 14.6. A discussion of blockchains is introduced in the Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) section. Finally, five new homework problems were added for this chapter.

Chapter 15: Short-Term Scheduling

There are six new homework problems to this chapter.

Chapter 16: Lean Operations

There is a new OM in Action box, “Dr. Pepper’s Move to Kaizen,” and two new homework

Chapter 17: Maintenance and Reliability

There is new coverage of predictive maintenance, and there are three new homework problems.

Module A: Decision Making Tools

There is a new case study, “Tom Thompson’s Liver Transplant,” and seven new homework problems.

Module B: Linear Programming

We have added seven new homework problems to this module.

Module C: Transportation Models

We have added one new homework problem to this module.

Module D: Waiting-Line Models

There are five new homework problems in this module.

Module E: Learning Curves

We have revised Figure E.1, which deals with exponential and log-log learning graphs.

Module F: Simulation
There are three new homework problems in this module.

Module G: Applying Analytics to Big Data in Operations Management

This new module includes sections on big data and business analytics, data management, data
visualization, and predictive and prescriptive business analytics tools. There are 10 homework
problems, two solved problems, and eight discussion questions.

Solving Teaching and Learning Challenges

Now in its 13th edition, the text and MyLab Operations Management provide an extremely
comprehensive learning package. This robust program addresses teaching and learning chal-
lenges and affords the student with opportunities to learn and practice employable skills.
Here are just a few of the key elements offered with this textbook and MyLab Operations
xxiv PR EFAC E

MyLab Operations Management

MyLab Operations Management is the teaching and learning platform that empowers every
student. When combined with educational content written by the authors, MyLab Operations
Management helps deliver the learning outcomes to which students and instructors aspire.

Operations Management Simulations

Five operations management simulations give students
hands-on experience in real-world roles, helping them
make decisions, think critically, and link course concepts
to on-the-job application.
By receiving real-time, dynamic feedback from stake-
holders, students see the impact of their choices and can
gauge their performance against individual, peer, and
system metrics. Results of these simulations are recorded
in the MyLab Gradebook.
The five simulations are:
◆ Project Management (Chapter 3)
◆ Forecasting (Chapter 4)
◆ Quality Management (Chapter 6)
◆ Supply Chain Management (Chapter 11)
◆ Inventory Management (Chapter 12)

Students tell us that they enjoy learning OM through

these simulations!

A Powerful Homework and Test Manager

Problems from the textbook can be assigned to students via a robust platform. This allows in-
structors to manage, create, and import online homework assignments, quizzes, and tests that
are automatically graded. Instructors can choose from a wide range of assignment options,
including time limits, proctoring, and maximum number of attempts allowed. The bottom line:
MyLab Operations Management means more learning and less time grading.

Learning Aids
Right at the time of learning, students can access Learn-
ing Aids like Help Me Solve This, Videos from the a­ uthors
of similar problems being solved, Ask My Instructor, and
eText Pages. All of which provides the student feedback
and assistance when they need it most.

Working with Excel Software Using

g Software to Solve Outsourcing
g Problems
Excel, Excel OM, and POM for Windows may be used to solve many of the problems in this chapter.
Excel use in the Operations Management course is CREATING YOUR OWN EXCEL SPREADSHEETS

becoming more important, and instructors often ask Program 2.1 illustrates how to build an Excel spreadsheet for the data in Example 1. In this example the factor rating method is
used to compare National Architects’ three potential outsourcing providers.

their students to develop their own Excel spreadsheet This program provides the data inputs for seven important factors, including their weights (0.0–1.0) and ratings (1–5 scale where
5 is the highest rating) for each country. As we see, BIM is most highly rated, with a 3.9 score, versus 3.3 for S.P.C. and 3.8 for Telco.

models. For this reason, we provide “Creating Your Own Enter scores (that come from manager ratings)
Enter factor names and for BIM, S.P.C., and Telco on each factor in
Excel Spreadsheets,” examples toward the end of numer- weights in columns A and B. columns C, D, and E.

ous chapters.

Decision Support Software

We also provide two decision support software programs,
Excel OM for Windows and Mac, and POM for Windows,
to help solve homework problems and case studies. More
information on these packages can be found in MyLab Actions
Operations Management in the Download Center. Copy C14 to D14 and E14 =SUMPRODUCT($B$6:$B$12,C6:C12)

Compute the weighted scores as the sum of

the product of the weights and the scores for
each option using the SUMPRODUCT

Program 2.1
Using Excel to Develop a Factor Rating Analysis, With Data from Example 1

Excel OM (free with your text and also found in MyLab Operations Management) may be used to solve Example 1 (with the
Factor Rating module).


POM for Windows also includes a factor rating module. For details, refer to Appendix II. POM for Windows is also found in
MyLab Operations Management and can solve all problems labeled with a P .

Jay, Barry, & Chuck’s OM Blog

As a complement to this text, we have created a com-
panion blog, with coordinated features to help teach
the OM course. There are teaching tips, highlights of
OM items in the news (along with class discussion ques-
tions and links), video tips, guest posts by instructors
using our text, and much more—all arranged by chap-
ter. To learn more about any chapter topics, visit www As instructors prepare
their lectures and syllabus, they can scan our blog for dis-
cussion ideas, teaching tips, and classroom exercises.
ABOUT THE The Jesse H. Jones Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Texas Lutheran
University, Seguin, Texas. He received his B.B.A. and M.B.A. from the University

AUTHORS of North Texas and his Ph.D. in Management and Statistics from Arizona State
University. He was previously a member of the faculty at the University of
Memphis, the University of Oklahoma, Virginia Commonwealth University, where
JAY HEIZER he was department chair, and the University of Richmond. He has also held visiting
positions at Boston University, George Mason University, the Czech Management
Center, and the Otto-Von-Guericke University, Magdeburg.
Dr. Heizer’s industrial experience is extensive. He learned the practical side of
operations management as a machinist apprentice at Foringer and Company, as a
production planner for Westinghouse Airbrake, and at General Dynamics, where
he worked in engineering administration. In addition, he has been actively involved
in consulting in the OM and MIS areas for a variety of organizations, includ-
ing Philip Morris, Firestone, Dixie Container Corporation, Columbia Industries,
and Tenneco. He holds the CPIM certification from APICS—the Association for
Operations Management.
Professor Heizer has co-authored five books and has published more than
30 articles on a variety of management topics. His papers have appeared in the
Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Purchasing, Personnel Psychology,
Production & Inventory Control Management, APICS—The Performance Advantage,
Journal of Management History, IIE Solutions, and Engineering Management,
among others. He has taught operations management courses in undergraduate,
graduate, and executive programs.

BARRY RENDER The Charles Harwood Professor Emeritus of Operations Management, Crummer
Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. He received his
B.S. in Mathematics and Physics at Roosevelt University, and his M.S. in Operations
Research and Ph.D. in Quantitative Analysis at the University of Cincinnati. He
previously taught at George Washington University, University of New Orleans,
Boston University, and George Mason University, where he held the Mason
Foundation Professorship in Decision Sciences and was Chair of the Decision
Sciences Department. Dr. Render has also worked in the aerospace industry for
General Electric, McDonnell Douglas, and NASA.
Professor Render has co-authored 10 textbooks for Pearson, including Managerial
Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, Quantitative Analysis for Management, Service
Management, Introduction to Management Science, and Cases and Readings in
Management Science. Quantitative Analysis for Management, now in its 14th edi-
tion, is a leading text in that discipline in the United States and globally. Dr.
Render’s more than 100 articles on a variety of management topics have appeared
in Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management, Interfaces, Information
and Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, Socio-Economic
Planning Sciences, IIE Solutions, and Operations Management Review, among others.
Dr. Render has been honored as an AACSB Fellow and was twice named a Senior
Fulbright Scholar. He was Vice President of the Decision Science Institute Southeast
Region and served as Software Review Editor for Decision Line for six years and
as Editor of the New York Times Operations Management special issues for five
years. For nine years, Dr. Render was President of Management Service Associates
of Virginia, Inc., whose technology clients included the FBI, NASA, the U.S. Navy,
Fairfax County, Virginia, and C&P Telephone. Dr. Render has received Rollins
College’s Welsh Award as leading Professor and was selected by Roosevelt University
as the recipient of the St. Claire Drake Award for Outstanding Scholarship. Dr.
Render also received the Rollins College MBA Student Award for Best Overall
Course and was named Professor of the Year by full-time MBA students.


Professor of Operations Management and Carson College of Business Ph.D. CHUCK MUNSON
Program Director, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. He received
his BSBA summa cum laude in finance, along with his MSBA and Ph.D. in opera-
tions management, from Washington University in St. Louis. For three years, he
worked as a financial analyst for Contel Telephone Corporation.
Professor Munson serves as a senior editor for Production and Operations
Management, and he serves on the editorial review board of four other jour-
nals. He has published more than 25 articles in such journals as Production and
Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Decision Sciences, Naval Research
Logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational
Research Society, and Annals of Operations Research. He is editor of the book The
Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices
in SCM, and he has co-authored the research monograph Quantity Discounts:
An Overview and Practical Guide for Buyers and Sellers. He is also coauthor of
Managerial Decision Modeling: Business Analytics with Spreadsheets (4th edition),
published by deGruyter.
Dr. Munson has taught operations management core and elective courses at the
undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. levels at Washington State University. He has also
conducted several teaching workshops at international conferences and for Ph.D.
students at Washington State University. His major awards include winning the
Sahlin Faculty Excellence Award for Instruction (Washington State University’s
top teaching award, 2016); being a Founding Board Member of the Washington
State University President’s Teaching Academy (2004); winning the WSU College
of Business Outstanding Teaching Award (2001 and 2015), Research Award (2004),
and Service Award (2009 and 2013); and being named the WSU MBA Professor of
the Year (2000 and 2008).
xxviii PR EFAC E

Instructor Teaching Resources

This teaching package comes with the following teaching resources.

Supplements available to instructors at Features of the Supplement
Instructor’s Resource Manual • Chapter summary
authored by Chuck Munson • Class Discussion Ideas
• Active Classroom Learning Exercises
• Company Videos discussion
• Cinematic Ticklers
• Jay, Barry, and Chuck’s OM Blog
• Presentation Slides discussion
• Additional Assignment Ideas
• Internet Resources and Other Supplementary Materials

Instructor’s Solutions Manual The Instructor’s Solutions Manual, written by the authors, contains the answers to all of the
­discussion questions, Ethical Dilemmas, Active Models, and cases in the text, as well as worked-
out solutions to all the end-of-chapter problems, additional homework problems, and additional
case studies.

Test Bank • More than 1,500 multiple-choice, true-or-false, and essay questions
authored by Jianli Hu, Cerritos ­College • Keyed by learning objective
• Classified according to difficulty level
• AACSB learning standard identified (Ethical Understanding and Reasoning; Analytical Thinking
Skills; Information Technology; Diverse and Multicultural Work; Reflective Thinking; Application
of Knowledge)

Computerized TestGen TestGen allows instructors to

• customize, save, and generate classroom tests.
• edit, add, or delete questions from the Test Item Files.
• analyze test results.
• organize a database of tests and student results.

PowerPoints An extensive set of PowerPoint presentations is available for each chapter. With well over 2,000 slides,
authored by Jeff Heyl, Lincoln University this set has excellent color and clarity.
A set of PowerPoints is also available as an ADA-compliant version that meet accessibility standards
for students with disabilities.
Features include:
• Keyboard and screen reader access
• Alternative text for images
• High contrast between background and foreground colors

Excel Data Files, Excel OM, POM for • The data files are prepared for specific examples and allow users to solve all the marked text
Windows, and Active Models examples without reentering any data.
developed by Howard Weiss, Temple • POM for Windows is a powerful tool for easily solving OM problems.
University • Excel OM is our exclusive user-friendly Excel add-in. Excel OM automatically creates worksheets
to model and solve problems. This software is great for student homework, what-if analysis, and
classroom demonstrations.
• Active Models are Excel-based OM simulations, designed to help students understand the quan-
titative methods shown in the textbook examples. Students may change the data to see how the
changes affect the answers.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
one inexperienced in this work, although many machine
metalworkers are familiar with the process.

Details of a Water Turbine That will Give Considerable Power and Speed for
Driving a Generator or Small Machine

The finishing and machining of the parts and their assembling

should be undertaken as follows: Clean the castings and file off
rough parts. Smooth the cover plate and the shell to a close fit, and
drill and tap the fastening holes for 8-32 machine screws. Drill ¹⁄₄-in.
holes for the bearings, through the bearing arm and ¹⁄₄ in. into the lug
on the cover plate. Drill and tap the two grease-cup holes for ¹⁄₈-in.
pipe thread, Drill the nozzle hole ¹⁄₄ in., and drill and tap it for a ¹⁄₂-in.
pipe nipple.
Lay out the wheel of ¹⁄₁₆-in. brass, making 24 notches in its edge.
Fasten the wheel to the ¹⁄₄-in. shaft with a flanged coupling, fixing it
with a setscrew. Bolt the flange to the wheel with 8-32 steel bolts.
Make the buckets of ¹⁄₃₂-in. sheet brass, curved as detailed, and
round off the edges. Solder them into place, using plenty of solder
and making certain that the curve is set properly. Place drops of
solder on the flange nuts to secure them. Place the ends of the shaft
on two knife-edges, and balance the wheel by adding drops of solder
to the lighter side. This is very important, as undue vibration from
lack of balance will wear the bearings quickly.
Assemble the machine, using shellac between the cover plate and
shell. Make connection to the water supply with a ¹⁄₂-in. pipe. Bolt the
machine down, and do not let it run at full speed without load.
Automatic Lock Box for Milk Bottles
A mousetrap spring, provided with a suitable catch, was fitted into
a box for milk bottles, and served to protect the milk bottle against
theft by prowlers. The box was made large enough to hold several
bottles, the empty ones in one portion and the filled bottles in
another. The bottle is dropped through an opening in the locked end
of the box and the spring forces up the catch. While this device may
be tampered with, it guards effectively against the theft of bottles of
milk, since most of those stolen are taken because they are easily
accessible.—L. F. Head, Seattle, Wash.

¶The oxyacetylene flame may be used in cutting or welding steel

cables, but such welds will not sustain the original safe load of the
Uses for an Old Toothbrush
A discarded toothbrush, properly cleaned so as not to be
insanitary, may be used in one or possibly more of the following
ways: to raise the nap of white buckskin shoes, after polishing them;
in reaching corners with shoe polish, or in cleaning out eyelets and
corners; cleaning typewriter keys with benzine; polishing small parts
of metalwork.—Joseph A. Cunningham, Philadelphia, Pa.
A Locking Sheath for Hunter’s Knife

Having made a hunting knife and desiring a suitable sheath for it, I
devised that shown in the sketch, which has the special feature that
the guard on the knife handle locks in slots cut through the sheath.
Two pieces of leather were used, one for the back section and the
other for the shorter front piece. The sewing at the edges of the two
sections extends from the level of the slots around the lower end of
the sheath. Two slots were cut vertically through the upper portion of
the sheath, which is fastened to the belt of the wearer, as indicated.
—George H. Flint, Harrison, Me.
Discarded Buggy Springs for Diving Board
Old leaf springs obtained from a buggy were used to give the
necessary spring to a diving board. One of the springs was set at
each side of the board about 2¹⁄₂ ft. from the fixed end, and they
were joined by a cross support of 2 by 4-in. wood, on which the
spring board rested. Straps to check the strain on the springs from
the rebound were provided.
Water Wheel Turns Spit over Campfire
When a camp fire is placed near a stream, water power may be
utilized to turn the spit in roasting meat over the fire. The rod, on
which the roast is suspended, should be extended, and supported at
one end, over the water. A small paddle wheel may then be rigged
up easily on the rod.
A Detachable Chair Arm

This Folding and Detachable Chair Arm Is Useful in the Home

The children in the home as well as others can make good use of
a chair arm which may be attached quickly to an ordinary chair. The
wide arm is clamped to the back of the chair by means of a strip of
metal fitted with a thumbscrew, and the upright is fixed to the arm by
a hinge, making it convenient to store the device. The lower end of
the upright is fitted with a metal angle which fits on the corner of the
chair.—J. F. Long, Springfield, Mo.
Comic Chest Expander for Play or Stage Use
The Performer’s Chest “Swells with Pride” When He Draws on the String by
Shifting His Position

A device used in an amateur vaudeville sketch with good effect,

and which is interesting for play purposes, was made of a ¹⁄₃₂ by 9 by
14-in. piece of sheet spring brass, rigged as shown. In the center,
near the upper edge, a small pulley was soldered, and at the center
of the bottom edge a small hole was drilled. In it was fastened one
end of a 4-ft. string which ran up through the pulley. The other end
was fastened to a strap to fit around the leg just above the knee. At
the two upper corners of the brass sheet two slots were cut to
accommodate similar straps, as fastenings. When the wearer stands
in a normal position the chest is as usual, but by straightening the
body and slightly moving the strapped leg back, the brass sheet is
bowed outward, giving the appearance indicated.—Arthur L. Kaser,
South Bend, Ind.

¶Square cardboard disks fastened to the ends of a spool with thumb

tacks will prevent it from rolling.
Cane Made of Tubing Contains Cigars

As a novelty in canes, a steel tube was provided with a suitable

handle and used as a container for cigars and matches. The tube
was fitted with a metal cap at its junction with the handle and the
cigars are inserted or removed at this point. The end of the handle
was bored out and also provided with a cover, as a match safe. The
tube was enameled and varnished to resemble wood.—James E.
Noble, Toronto, Canada.
Key Ring Used as a Cover Fastener

The usual box-cover fastener in the form of a staple and hasp can
be fastened quite securely, and much better than with the use of a
wood pin, by applying a key ring to the staple. This is to take the
place temporarily in case the lock is lost or discarded.—James M.
Kane, Doylestown, Pa.
Golf Tee Made of a Shotgun Shell

Instead of making golf tees in the usual manner I used the brass
end of a shotgun shell, weighted with a small iron ball attached to a
string. The device was made as an experiment and proved so useful
and convenient to carry that I continued to use it.—Edward Beasley,
Texarkana, Ark.
Patching Canvas Bottom of a Canoe
A patch of silk, properly applied makes a good repair for a hole
worn through the canvas bottom of a canoe. Loosen the canvas for
about 2 in. around the hole and apply thick shellac. Insert a piece of
silk in the hole to lap under the edges of the canvas. Permit the
shellac to dry slightly and smooth down the patch. Protect the joint
further with white lead, smoothing over the patch and painting it
when dry.
Handy Tray for Pencils and Penholders

A piece of light cardboard, or sheet metal, may be folded into a

neat and useful holder for pens, pencils, etc., on the desk or drafting
table. In the latter case a piece of stiff drawing paper folded into V-
grooves and tacked to the board, is convenient. For use on a
finished surface the folded piece should be pasted on cardboard or
otherwise fastened down.—William Robert, Springfield, Mass.
Removing Sag from Couch Spring

A couch spring of the type shown in the sketch sagged

considerably, making it ineffective. The sag was taken up by bending
the sections of wire with a monkey wrench, so that the entire spring
was stiffened almost as satisfactorily as when new. Care must be
taken that the wires are bent uniformly so that the strain is evenly

¶An eggshell may be balanced on the edge of a knife if the egg is

“blown,” and then partly filled with sand.

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