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Lifestyle of Worship

Instructor: Daniel Amstutz

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................ 1-2

Lesson 1 ............................................ 3-9
Lesson 2 ............................................ 10-15
Lesson 3 ............................................ 16-19
Lesson 4 ............................................ 20-25
Lesson 5 ............................................ 26-30
Lesson 6 ............................................ 31-50
Lesson 7 ............................................ 51-54
Lesson 8 ............................................ 55-57
Supplemental Material ............................. 58-66

Note: Lesson outlines have been aligned to coordinate with video teaching.
Lifestyle of Worship
Daniel Amstutz Introduction

Lifestyle of Worship


Most people have no idea what worship really is, even

though they think they do. The world we are living in has
placed high value on performance and acceptance by doing.
Much of the church today is living right back under an Old
Covenant that has already been fulfilled. There is
something better with better promises and better results.

Thank God for the grace message that has been brought
into the light by the Holy Spirit, and thank God that we are
starting to “get it” and have that “aha” moment when we
realize that God loving us is not based on our performance
and how lovely we are.

Grace has been given to us through the One who is lovely

and the One who paid the price in full to have a relationship
with us and fellowship with us through the Holy Spirit.

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Lifestyle of Worship
Daniel Amstutz Introduction

There are several words used in scripture that are

translated as “worship,” and we will look at mostly the
words translated as “praise” during this course, but this
subject is very vast, and this is simply an overview of what
could be, and certainly should be, a much more in-depth

My prayer for you is that the revelation that God has shown
me will be communicated to your heart in such a way by
the Holy Spirit teaching through me that you will be
brought closer in your worship as a lifestyle, and that
everything that you are about and everything you do
comes from a place of union and communion.

God has called you to a “face-to-face” relationship that is

“day-by-day.” Ask Him to show you any barriers in your
soul and if you are believing anything that is not truth. He
delights in bringing you into the image of Christ and helping
you to see that all the veils hiding Jesus have been
removed! Once you see Him, you can then be like Him!

Spirit and Truth is the new that has replaced the old, and I
want to encourage you to plunge into all that God has
prepared for you!

Sincerely, Daniel Amstutz

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Daniel Amstutz Lesson 1

Lifestyle of Worship

What is Worship?

Lesson 1

I. Introduction

A. What is worship?

1. Worship is a lifestyle, not a musical style!

2. Worship is not just for creative, artsy types.

3. Worship is not ‘an event.’

B. Before we discuss how to worship, we must

answer where.

1. Is worship a place?

2. The difference between going to a place and

being the place

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3. Going to a place in order to worship is Old


4. Being the place of worship and gathering

together is New Covenant.

a. Hebrews 3:13

b. Hebrews 10:24-25

c. Acts 7:48

d. Acts 17:24

5. Most of the church today is living under the

wrong covenant.

6. You are the temple. You are the church; you

are the place of worship.

C. The greatest revelation of worship in the Bible

1. John 4:1-42 – The Samaritan woman meets

her Messiah.

a. Being led into divine appointments

defies social barriers. – John 4:6-15

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D. God’s water is a fountain that ‘springs up’ and

fills up from the inside out. Very important!

1. John 4:13

E. An unbeliever will think ‘naturally’ or ‘carnally.’

1. “Give me this water.” – John 4:15

2. Jesus doesn’t let it fluster Him. He remains

spiritually-minded and operates in the
supernatural by the spirit.

F. Going for the heart

1. John 4:16 – “Go, call your husband, and

come here.”

2. From the innermost to the outermost

II. Everybody Worship!

A. “The Father” – an expression of the New


1. John 4:21-23 – It was a new concept

because it was a new relationship.

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2. John 4:22 – Salvation comes from Jesus the

Jew, the son of man, and Jesus, the son of

B. Worship must be in spirit and truth. It’s not a


1. John 4:24

C. Unbelievers worship, too, as false worshippers,

but true worship comes from a true relationship
with a God called “FATHER.” (Example: lady
raising her hands, true worshiper).

1. A true worshipper is a believer.

D. There is something about life that is so daily!

E. The Father is not seeking your worship. He’s

seeking you! He’s seeking relationship with you.

1. John 4:23

F. Living a lifestyle of worship is for every believer.

1. Acts 17:28 – In Him we live and move and

have our being.

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2. I Peter 2:5, 9 – We are all a kingdom of


G. In the fullness of time

1. Galatians 4:4-7

H. God has called us into intimacy with Him as


I. Sons, not slaves

1. Galatians 4:7

2. Colossians 1:27 – Christ in you, the hope of


3. Habakkuk 2:14 – The glory of the Lord will

cover the earth through us, from the inside

J. Why do people ask for God to come? Send your

glory? Did God forget something?

1. There are three different expressions of

God’s presence or His glory.

a. God’s omnipresence

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i. Psalm 139:7

b. God’s abiding presence

i. II Corinthians 5:17 – “Old things

passed away”

ii. Hebrews 13:5 – “I will never leave


c. God’s manifested presence

i. John 7:37-39 – “Out of your inner


ii. John 4:14 – “Welling or springing


K. Change the atmosphere! You’re not waiting for

God to show up. God is waiting on you to show
up so that He can show off!

1. I Peter 2:9

2. Know ye not?

a. I Corinthians 6:19 – You are the

temple – the place of His presence, the
dwelling of His glory.

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3. We are the vessels that contain His glory.

a. II Corinthians 4:7

b. Isaiah 43:7 – God created us for His


c. Romans 1:21-25 – Worshipping the

creature or the creator

d. I Corinthians 15:42 – The glory of the

heavenly is different than the natural.

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Lifestyle of Worship

Christ In You – The Hope of Glory

Lesson 2

I. Show us the Father

A. John 14:7

1. I Corinthians 2:4 – We need more believers

willing to demonstrate! Show us what it
looks like to live godly! Show us what God
looks like! You’re the only Jesus many
people will ever see!

II. The Big Reveal – The Big Deal

A. John 4:25-26

III. God is Looking for Worshippers, Not


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A. John 4:39-42

B. When God has your heart, you will have His! His
heart is for all people: for God SO loved the world
(John 3:16).

C. John 4:27-30 – As she became a ‘vessel,’ she left


D. What fueled Jesus in doing the will of God?

1. John 4:31-34

IV. The Harvest is Here

A. John 4:35 – The harvest is everywhere –

perspective changes everything.

B. John 4:36-38 – He that sows and he that reaps

need to rejoice together.

C. Amos 9:11-13 – Amos prophesied of a time

coming that would look like this. Grace produces
harvest, not legalism.

1. Acts 15:15-19

2. I Corinthians 3:5-11

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V. “Jesus Be the Center”

A. Romans 11:36 – First place or center place

1. Galatians 2:20 – Christ lives in me.

B. Do everything to the glory of God.

1. Matthew 25:31-40 – To one of the least of


2. Colossians 3:17 – Let what you do and say

come from who you are.

VI. For God So Loved

A. Galatians 4:4-7 – Being with us was God’s idea,

not ours.

B. Luke 2:7 – There was no room.

C. Philippians 2:7-8 – Messy places don’t scare

Jesus. He was born in one. Christ, the Savior, is

D. Hebrews 12:2 – You were the joy.

E. Making room in my inn!

1. Psalm 103:1-3

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2. I Thessalonians 5:23

F. Hebrews 10:19-22 – We are the tabernacle of

Moses in reverse – our spirit is the Holy of Holies.

G. Ephesians 5:26 – The Word will wash you and

clean up any messy places.

H. You have to make room in your inn – in your life

– in your soul!

I. Give me your empty space, and I’ll turn it into a

Holy Place.

1. You have to give it. God won’t force you or

take it from you.

a. Hebrews 4:12

J. Only spirit and truth can divide who you are. This
is why we must worship in spirit and truth.

1. John 17:17

2. John 4:24

K. God never divides you to condemn you. He does

it to bring you into the image of Christ, not only
your spirit man but also your soul and your body.

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L. Two against one: Spirit and soul in agreement

will cause body to get in alignment or agreement.

1. I Corinthians 6:19 – Your body is the temple

of the Holy Spirit.

M. You are responsible for your ground condition.

You are accountable.

1. Mark 4:14-20 – stony, thorny, or good


N. Empty places: “A little of Dis and a little of Dat”

1. Disconnection

2. Disappointment

3. Disillusionment

O. Identification in Christ is the key to processing

through the stuff, the empty space. God wants to
bring healing and transformation – not just

1. I Peter 5:7 (Cares outside the door!)

P. Do you not care? (storms and stuff)

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1. Mark 4:38 – Let truth trump your reality.

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Lifestyle of Worship

Making Room for God

Lesson 3

I. Making Room for God

A. John 4:23 – Worship is the Greek term


1. ‘Pros’ – towards

2. ‘Kuneo’ – to kiss

3. Face to face (my dad)

B. Intimacy with you is God’s invitation to you.

1. John 19:30 – This idea of intimacy begins in

the spirit, but we have to respond.

C. No more veils

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1. II Corinthians 3:13-14 – The veil is taken

away in Christ.

a. Matthew 27:51

b. II Corinthians 3:15 – In Christ, all veils

are taken away, and then where the
spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!

2. Freedom comes through grace – NOT


D. Transformation – you have to see it to be it!

1. II Corinthians 3:18

2. I Corinthians 6:19

3. Romans 12:1-2

E. God has always been a speaking God, not just a

hearing God.

1. Genesis 1:1, 26

2. Revelation 2:17 (let him hear)

F. What is the spirit saying?

1. Revelation 3:20

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2. We are the place of His habitation. Abide,

don’t just visit. It’s now about habitation,
not visitation.

3. Ephesians 3:17

G. Be a voice.

1. Quiet place/secret place – Matthew 10:27

2. Shout what you hear. Don’t just be an echo!

H. Filling the space

1. A voice in a wilderness – Truth spoken in


a. Genesis 3:9 – “Adam, where are you?”

2. Space can be filled with God or the enemy.

a. Exodus 25:21-22

b. Numbers 7:89

I. Our pattern: whatever we see and hear God


1. John 5:19

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II. Empty Space in the New Covenant

A. John 20:11-16

1. There was empty space where Jesus’ body

had been.

a. John 20:17-18

2. Now we are the body of Christ.

a. I Corinthians 12:27

3. Jesus is the way and made a way for us.

B. Living spirit-filled is letting spirit and truth fill

your whole inner man!

1. II Corinthians 4:16 – Being renewed day by


C. We get to express what God is saying and what

God is doing

1. Matthew 25:40

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Lifestyle of Worship

Location, Location, Location

Lesson 4

I. It Was for Freedom That Christ Set Us Free

A. God’s plan for us is not bondage but liberty.

1. Galatians 5:1

2. Psalm 142:7

3. John 8:32

II. Location, Location, Location

A. This famous phrase in real estate means that

your home, even though identical with another,
will increase or decrease in value due to location.
It’s probably the most over-looked rule in real
estate even though it’s the number one rule.

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1. I Corinthians 6:19

2. John 4:20

B. The Old Covenant is different from the New


1. Galatians 3:19-23, 25

2. Galatians 2:19-21

3. II Corinthians 3:6

4. Restricting the flow of life from you happens

when you are first restricted inside.

a. II Corinthians 6:11-16

b. Be careful with what you agree!

5. Psalm 100 for believers today needs to

happen in our souls.

C. People, both private and public, make up the


1. Ephesians 2:19-22

2. I Corinthians 3:16

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3. I Peter 2:5

D. If you see yourself as the place, then releasing

the spirit of God from your overflow is easy.

1. Acts 3:4

E. How is it then, brethren?

1. I Corinthians 14:26

F. Live to give.

1. Start now.

a. John 7:37-39

b. Matthew 12:34-35

2. Excellence

a. I Corinthians 12:31

b. I Corinthians 1:18-21

G. Brand new idea – new wineskin; new concept

1. Jesus referred to Himself as the temple.

a. Matthew 26:61

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2. You are a part of that body.

a. I Corinthians 12:27

3. In Him we live – it’s inside out, not outside


a. Acts 17:28

H. God made the way and the place through Christ

for us.

1. Isaiah 66:1

2. Hebrews 9:8-9

III. Learn to Live Filled

A. Living filled and being led by the spirit of God is

day by day.

B. We are never instructed to be led by our bodies

or to “listen to our bodies.”

1. Galatians 5:16

2. Romans 8:11

3. Romans 12:1-2

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4. II Corinthians 10:3-5

C. When we are spirit-filled, God primarily will be

communicated through our mouths. This is the
New Covenant pattern.

D. We are never instructed to be led by our soul.

1. Proverbs 3:5-6

2. III John 2

3. Proverbs 20:27

E. Passion and power from the Holy Ghost will lead

to compassion for people.

1. Luke 4:18

2. Ephesians 2:10

F. Relationship is foundational to intimacy.

1. Romans 8:13-16

G. Practical is not less spiritual.

1. Acts 10:19-21

2. John 14:16-18

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3. Romans 8:26

H. Being renewed day by day

1. II Corinthians 4:16

2. I Peter 3:4 – hidden man of the heart

I. Live free.

1. Romans 6:16

2. John 10:10

3. II Corinthians 3:17

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Lifestyle of Worship

Why Making Room is So Important

Lesson 5

I. Why Making Room is So Important

A. Spirit, soul, and body

1. I Thessalonians 5:23

B. Your spirit man is not becoming new.

1. II Corinthians 5:17

C. Your soul is where you grow.

1. Delighting = desires

a. Psalm 37:4

2. How full of God do you want to be?

a. Ephesians 5:18

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b. Colossians 3:16

D. Empty will be filled with something. The choice is


1. Deuteronomy 30:19 (choose life)

2. Luke 11:24-26 (unclean spirit)

E. The Holy Spirit is passionate about ‘helping you’

to be conformed to the image of Christ.

1. II Corinthians 3:18

2. Romans 8:29

3. John 15:26

4. John 16:13

F. You are responsible for the ground of your heart.

1. Different heart conditions

a. Mark 4:1-25

2. Don’t give place to the enemy.

a. Ephesians 4:27

G. Making room, taking time

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1. Stay long enough to get rid of all the


a. Psalm 46:10

2. Slow down!

a. Luke 11:38-42

3. Distractions

a. Luke 11:40

b. Remember early morning prayer?

c. Praying, reading out of obligation

4. Do you not care?

a. Luke 10:40

b. I Peter 5:7

c. Mark 4:38

H. Worried and troubled

1. Luke 10:40

2. Mark 4:19

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I. The enemy comes to steal the Word.

1. Mark 4:15-16

2. John 17:17

3. John 6:63

J. He can’t steal it if you don’t already have it!

K. The good part can never be taken away! Taking

time to worship is not wasted time!

1. Luke 10:42

L. When you pray – not if you pray – SHUT THE


1. Matthew 6:6

M. Learning to live out of the overflow.

1. John 7:38

N. He who has an ear

1. Revelation 2:17

2. Matthew 10:27

3. Romans 10:17

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4. Luke 8:18

a. Take heed.

O. Be a voice, not an echo.

1. Matthew 10:27

P. Open reward

1. Matthew 6:6

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Lifestyle of Worship

Living Inside Out

Lesson 6

I. Living Inside Out

A. Psalm 103:1-3 tells us to “bless the Lord, oh my

soul, and all that is ‘WITHIN.’”

B. What is in will come out.

C. I will enter.

1. Psalm 100 for us today is exactly what

needs to happen in our soul.

a. “The Gates” are comparable to our

wills. It lets in or it keeps out.

b. “The Courts” are all the rooms of our

thoughts and emotions that will be

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brought into submission through


2. In my spirit, I am already seated with


a. Ephesians 2:6

b. We enter, draw near, and make room

by submitting our soul to spirit and

D. Thanksgiving is an entrance and a place of


1. I Thessalonians 5:18 – “In everything…”

2. II Timothy 3:2 – Unthankfulness

3. Colossians 3:17 – “Whatever you do…”

E. Grace causes thanksgiving.

1. II Corinthians 4:15

F. God’s gift to us of Jesus – His Grace – causes


1. Hebrews 13:15

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G. Soul: will, mind, emotions, imaginations, attitude

1. Only the Word can separate the inner man.

2. Hebrews 4:12

3. Thanksgiving and praise will help us come

into agreement with the spirit and truth in
our spirit man.

a. Amos 3:3

b. Hebrews 13:15

II. The Hebrew Words of Praise

A. Scripture references for personal study:

1. Yadah – To worship with the extended hand

– giving of one’s self in worship and
adoration. Translated in the King James
Version as:

a. Praise:

i. Genesis 29:35

ii. II Chronicles 7:6, 20:26

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iii. Psalms 7:17, 9:1, 28:7, 30:9,

33:2, 42:5, 42:11, 43:5, 44:8,
45:17, 49:18, 52:9, 54:6, 57:4,
67:3, 67:5, 71:22, 76:10, 86:13,
88:10, 89:5, 99:3, 107:8, 15, 21,
31, 108:3, 109:30, 111:1,
118:19, 21,28, 119:7, 138:1-2,

iv. Isaiah 12:1

b. Praised: II Chronicles 7:3

c. Thank: I Chronicles 16:4, 7, 23:30,


d. Thankful: Psalm 100:4

e. Thanking: II Chronicles 5:13

f. Thanks:

i. II Samuel 22:50

ii. I Chronicles 16:8, 34-35, 41, 25:3

iii. II Chronicles 31:2

iv. Ezra 3:11

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v. Nehemiah 12:24

vi. Psalms 6:5, 18:49, 30:4, 12,

35:18, 75:1, 79:13, 92:1, 97:12,
105:1, 106:1, 47, 107:1, 118:1,
29, 119:62, 112:4, 136:1-3, 26,

g. Thanksgiving: Nehemiah 11:17, 12:46

2. Towdah – To give worship by the extension

of the hand in adoration, avowing or
agreeing with what has been done (or will
be). This word is commonly found in
connection with “SACRIFICE” implying the
giving of thanks or praise as a sacrifice,
before reception or manifestation. Agreeing
with the Word of God – Faith in His Word.
Translated in the King James Version as:

a. Thank: II Chronicles 29:31

b. Thanks: Nehemiah 12:31, 38, 40

c. Thanksgiving:

i. Leviticus 7:12, 13, 15, 22:29

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ii. Psalms 26:7, 50:14, 69:30, 95:2,

100:4, 107:22, 116:17, 147:7

iii. Isaiah 51:3

iv. Jeremiah 30:19

v. Amos 4:5

vi. Jonah 2:9

d. Praise:

i. Psalms 42:4, 50:23

ii. Jeremiah 17:26, 33:11

e. Praises: Psalm 56:12

3. Barak – To kneel or bow, to give reverence

to God as an act of adoration – implies a
continual conscious giving place to God – be
attuned to Him and His presence – “Walking
in the Spirit.” Translated in the King James
Version as:

a. Bless: Only as refers to God from Man:

i. Judges 5:9

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ii. I Chronicles 29:20

iii. Nehemiah 9:5

iv. Psalms 16:7, 34:1, 63:4, 66:8,

96:2, 100:4, 103:2, 20-22,
104:1, 35, 115:18, 134:1-3,
135:19-20, 145:1-2, 10, 21

b. Blessed:

i. Genesis 9:26, 14:20, 24:27, 48

ii. Exodus 18:10

iii. Ruth 4:14

iv. I Samuel 25:32, 39

v. II Samuel 18:28

vi. I Kings 1:48, 5:7, 8:15, 56, 10:9

vii. I Chronicles 16:36, 29:10, 20

viii. II Chronicles 2:12, 6:4, 9:8,


ix. Ezra 7:27

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x. Nehemiah 8:6, 9:5

xi. Job 1:21

xii. Psalms 18:46, 31:21, 41:13,

66:20, 68:19, 35, 72:18-19,
89:52, 106:48, 119:12, 124:6,
135:21, 144:1

xiii. Ezekiel 3:12

xiv. Daniel 2:20, 3:28, 4:34

c. Praise (Praised): Judges 5:2

d. Kneel: Psalm 95:6

4. Halal – To praise, to make a show or rave

about, to glory in, or to boast upon. To be
clamorously foolish about your adoration of
God. The word praise is in the Hebrew word
“Hallelujah” – Praise to Yahweh – speaking
the glorious attributes, working, mercy,
goodness, power, love, etc. of God. Psalm
104-106 in their entirety are perfect
examples of this form of worship. Translated
in the King James Version as:

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a. Praise:

i. I Chronicles 16:4, 23:5, 30, 25:3,


ii. II Chronicles 8:14, 20:19, 21,

23:13, 29:30, 31:2

iii. Psalms 22:22-23, 26, 35:18,

56:4, 10, 63:5, 69:30, 34, 74:21,
102:18, 104:35, 105:35, 106:1,
48, 107:32, 109:30, 111:1,
112:1, 113:1, 113:9, 115:17-18,
116:19, 117:1-2, 119:164, 175,
135:1, 135:3, 21, 145:2, 146:1-
2, 10, 147:1, 12, 20, 148: 1-14
(all words “praise”), Psalms
149:1, 3, 9, 150:1-6 (all words

iv. Jeremiah 20:13, 31:7

v. Joel 2:26

b. Praised:

i. II Samuel 22:4

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ii. I Chronicles 16:25, 36, 23:5

iii. II Chronicles 5:13, 7:6, 30:21

iv. Psalms 18:3, 48:1, 96:4, 113:3,


c. Praises: II Chronicles 29:30

d. Praising: II Chronicles 5:13

e. Glory:

i. I Chronicles 16:10

ii. Psalm 105:3, 106:5

iii. Isaiah 41:16

iv. Jeremiah 4:2, 9:24

f. Boast: Psalms 34:2, 44:8

5. Tehillah – To sing Halal – a hymn of

spontaneous praise – glory in God in song –
the total involvement of one’s self in
worship unto God. It is the praise that we
KNOW God inhabits. Translated only as
PRAISE in the King James:

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a. I Chronicles 16:35

b. II Chronicles 20:22

c. Nehemiah 12:46

d. Psalms 9:14, 22:3, 25, 33:1, 34:1,

35:28, 40:3, 48:10, 51:15, 65:1, 66:2,
8, 71:6, 8, 14, 79:13, 100:4, 102:21,
106:2, 12, 47, 111:10, 119:171,
145:21, 147:1, 148:14, 149:1

e. Isaiah 42:10, 12, 43:21, 48:9, 60:18,

61:3, 11, 62:7

f. Jeremiah 13:11, 17:14, 33:9, 51:41

g. Habakkuk 3:3

6. Shabach – A loud adoration – a SHOUT –

proclaiming with a loud voice (unashamed)
the glory, triumph, power, mercy, love, of
God. This word implies that TESTIMONY is
praise. The phrase “SHOUT UNTO THE
LORD,” can be understood as the action of
“SHABACH.” Translated in the King James

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a. Praise:

i. Psalms 63:3, 117:1, 145:4,


ii. Daniel 2:23

b. Praised: Daniel 4:34

c. Triumph: Psalm 106:47

d. Shout: As when it implies SHABACH

i. Ezra 3:11-13

ii. Psalms 5:11, 32:11, 35:27, 47:1,

65:13, 132:9, 16

iii. Isaiah 12:6

7. Zamar – To sing with instruments, a song of

praise – to celebrate in praise. Commonly
translated as sing but really implies the
singing of praise other than another type of
song. It is the “one word” usually translated
as “sing praises” in the King James Version

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a. Praise: Psalms 21:3, 57:7, 108:1,


b. Sing Praises: Psalms 9:11, 18:49,

27:6, 47:6-7, 68:4, 32, 75:9, 92:1,
108:3, 135:3, 144:9, 146:2, 147:1,

c. Sing:

i. Psalms 30:4, 12, 33:2, 57:9,

59:17, 61:8, 66:2, 4, 71:22-23,
98:4-5, 101:1, 104:33, 147:7

ii. Isaiah 12:5

d. Sing Psalms: Psalm 105:2

III. A Few Ways to Express Your Praise to the


A. Praise Him with singing:

1. “Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of His.” –

Psalm 30:4

2. “O come, let us sing unto the Lord.” – Psalm


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3. “Sing praises unto our King, sing praises.” –

Psalm 47:6

4. Additional scriptures – Ephesians 5:19;

Colossians 3:16; Psalm 27:6, 81:1

a. NOTE: There are over 300 scriptures

dealing with singing.

B. Praise Him with shouting or a joyful noise:

1. “Let them shout for joy and be glad.” –

Psalm 35:27

2. “Shout unto God with a voice of triumph.” –

Psalm 47:18

3. “Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of

our salvation.” – Psalm 95:1

4. “Make a joyful noise unto God…make His

praise glorious.” – Psalm 66:1-2

C. Praise Him so it can be heard (not silently):

1. “O bless our God, ye people, and make the

voice of His praise to be heard.” – Psalm

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2. “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the

earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and
sing praise.” – Psalm 98:4

D. Praise Him with laughter:

1. “Then our mouth was filled with laughter

and our tongue with joyful shouting.” –
Psalm 126:2

E. Praise Him with thanksgiving:

1. “In everything give thanks.” – Ephesians


2. “I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in

my heart.” – Psalm 100:4

F. Praise Him by standing:

1. “Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of

the Lord, which by night stand in the house
of the Lord.” – Psalm 134:1

2. “Ye that stand in the house of the Lord, in

the courts of the house of our God, Praise
the Lord.” – Psalm 135:2

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G. Praise Him by kneeling:

1. “O come, let us worship and bow down: let

us kneel before the Lord our maker.” –
Psalm 95:6

2. “…I bow my knees unto the Father of our

Lord Jesus Christ.” – Ephesians 3:14

3. “Every knee should bow…and every tongue

confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father.” – Philippians 2:10-

H. Praise Him by clapping your hands:

1. “O clap your hands, all ye people.” – Psalm


2. Additional scriptures: Psalm 98:8; Isaiah

55:12; II Kings 11:12

I. Praise Him with dancing:

1. “Let them praise His name in the dance.” –

Psalm 149:3

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2. “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance.” –

Psalm 150:4

3. “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy.” –

Luke 6:23

4. “The Lord in the midst of thee is mighty: He

will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy;
He will rest in His love, he will joy over thee
with singing.” – Zephaniah 3:17

5. Jesus said, “We have piped unto you, and

over thee with singing.” – Mathew 11:17

6. “Jesus rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit.” –

Luke 10:17-21

a. The Greek word is AGALLIAO, which

means to be exceedingly glad; to leap
much for joy; exult!!

7. NOTE: There are 11 Hebrew words and

three Greek words for dancing.

J. Praise Him with uplifted hands:

1. “Lift up the hands in the sanctuary.” – Psalm


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2. “I will therefore that men pray everywhere,

lifting up holy hands.” – I Timothy 2:8

3. “Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift

up my hands in Thy Name.” – Psalm 63:4

K. Praise Him by speaking and singing in tongues:

1. For they heard them speak with tongues

and magnify God.” – Acts 10:46

2. “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue

speaketh not unto men but unto God: for no
man understandeth him, howbeit in the
spirit he speaketh mysteries.” – I
Corinthians 14:2

3. “…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing

also with the understanding.” – I
Corinthians 14:15b

4. “For thou givest thanks well…” – I

Corinthians 14:17

a. NOTE: There are two types of tongues:

i. The gift of “divers kinds of

tongues” given during a worship

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service and is distinctly heard

above the rest of the
congregation; should be followed
by the gift of “interpretation of
tongues.” – I Corinthians 14:27

ii. In our individual prayer and

worship life, tongues spoken to
God edifies or builds up the
believer. – I Corinthians 14:2

L. Praise Him with musical instruments:

1. “Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet:

praise Him with psaltery and harp. Praise
Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him
with stringed instruments and organs. Praise
Him upon the loud sounding cymbals: praise
Him upon the high-sounding cymbals.” –
Psalm 150:3-5

2. “And David and all the house of Israel

played before the Lord on all manner of
instruments.” – II Samuel 6:5

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3. Additional scriptures: Genesis 4:21; Psalm

33:2-3, 71:22, 144:9

4. NOTE: There are approximately 195

scripture passages dealing with instruments.

M. There are also many other, non-musical ways we

can praise or glorify God, such as:

1. Giving

a. Genesis 22:1-5

b. I Chronicles 16:29

c. Matthew 2:11

2. Good Works

a. Matthew 5:16

3. Fruit-Bearing

a. John 15:8

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Lifestyle of Worship

Whom You Worship, You Will Serve

Lesson 7

I. Whom You Worship, You Will Serve

A. Provision has been prepared.

1. Psalm 23:5

B. His divine power HAS given us all things.

1. II Peter 1:3

2. Romans 8:32

C. When you acknowledge what you have, you will

start using it.

1. Philippians 1:6

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2. The provision has already been made

available. Even the devil knows your
provision; he just doesn’t want you to find
out about what’s been provided!

D. Be sober – fruit of self-control – be alert,


1. I Peter 5:8

2. Will-power or fruit of the spirit?

E. Watch and pray.

1. Matthew 26:41

F. Resist the enemy.

1. Proactive – I Peter 5:8-9

2. Draw near. – James 4:8

3. Authority comes out of relationship. – Luke


G. You are so loved! Preparation was made for you

ahead of time, even with the devil watching!

1. Ephesians 6:10-13

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a. The battle is for your heart. It is over

intimacy. It is for your worship.

2. We were created to bless the Lord and bring

Him pleasure. (Not to please ourselves.)

a. Revelation 4:11

b. Ephesians 1:3-6

3. God’s grace made us accepted in the


a. Ephesians 1:6

H. Men will love pleasure more than God.

1. II Timothy 3:1-4

II. The Devil Wants Your Worship in Order to

Steal Your God-Given Authority!

A. The devil wanted Jesus to bow down and worship


1. Matthew 4:9

B. God is addressing the man and the spirit behind

the man.

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1. Isaiah 14:12

2. King of Tyre – Ezekiel 28:11-12

3. Jesus said to Peter, “Get thee behind me,

Satan.” – Matthew 16:23

C. From light-bearer to accuser of the brethren

1. Revelation 12:10

D. The devil exalts himself, even in the end-time


1. II Thessalonians 2:4

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Lifestyle of Worship

Our First Love and Highest Ministry

Lesson 8

I. Our First Love and Highest Ministry

A. Acts 13:2 – “As they ministered to the Lord, and

fasted, the Holy Ghost said, ‘Separate me
Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have
called them.’”

B. Develop a hearing ear.

1. Revelation 2:17 – “Let him who has an ear,


2. John 10:27 – We can all hear His voice, but

not everybody takes the time to hear.

C. We are kings and priests.

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1. Revelation 1:4-6

2. Exodus 19:4-6

3. I Peter 2:9

4. We offer up spiritual sacrifices that are

acceptable to God because of Jesus Christ. –
I Peter 2:5

D. Practice the presence of God.

1. Hebrews 13:5

2. The lifestyle of the believer is a lifestyle of

worship and praise.

3. In difficult times, we count it all joy and

allow the life of Christ to flow from our
hearts in psalms, hymns, and spiritual
songs. – Ephesians 5:18-19

a. Songs of deliverance – Paul and Silas

sang hymns to God while in prison. –
Acts 16:25

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b. Hymns are New Covenant songs with

lyrics that reveal the truth about our
identity and life in Christ.

c. A psalm is a song accompanied by a

musical instrument.

E. Be filled every day – face-to-face!

1. Ephesians 5:15-19

a. We are told to admonish, encourage,

and teach one another through the
lyrics of our songs.

b. Making melody in our hearts before the

Lord regularly causes it to flow
naturally when we’re with other

c. I Corinthians 14:26

d. Spiritual songs are songs inspired by

the Holy Ghost. – I Corinthians 14:15

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Lifestyle of Worship

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

Supplemental Material

I. The Overflow of Your Heart

A. It begins with the condition of your heart.

1. Ephesians 5:15-18 – Be so filled with the

Spirit that there is excess, an overflow.
Then, out of the abundance of your heart,
your mouth will speak (and sing).

2. Proverbs 4:23 – guard your heart

a. Let the peace (life) of God “call the

shots” like an umpire and be the
determining factor in how you live.

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b. Even when nothing is going your way,

you can still live filled with the Holy

B. Live for His glory and pleasure.

1. Revelation 4:11 – “Thou art worthy, O Lord,

to receive glory and honor and power: for
thou hast created all things, and for thy
pleasure they are and were created.”

2. Psalm 150:6 – Let everything with breath

praise the Lord.

a. Make melody in your hearts to the

Lord. – Ephesians 5:18

b. You do not have to be a good singer to

make melody in your heart to the Lord!

c. Allow the life of God that’s already in

your spirit to fill your soul, and it will
flow out of your mouth.

3. Living from the heart (spirit and soul) is

God’s plan for every believer.

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a. When spirit and soul come into

alignment, spirit and truth fill up the
soul realm: your emotions, thoughts,
imaginations, and attitudes. Then you
experience the overflow in your heart.

b. You cannot live in the overflow from

the level of your flesh or soul.

c. Living in the overflow will cause you to

bless when you are wronged, to love
instead of taking offense, and to see
‘impossible’ things happen. – Matthew

4. There is a rest and a refreshing when you

enter into the praise of God.

a. The enemy uses people and

circumstances to try to steal the Word
from you and rob you of peace.

b. You should resist worry and stress like

you do sickness.

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c. Your spirit is not worried or stressed. It

is calm, perfect, and filled with the life
of God.

d. Praising the Lord, making melody in

your heart to Him, activates the
overflow so you stay at rest in the
midst of every situation.

e. This is the reality of Joel 2:28-29. This

is the new wine; be filled to excess
with it!

f. Out of this overflow, you can minister

life to others, and all things are

C. Ephesians 5:19 – “…singing and making melody

in your heart…” Singing and making melody are
two different expressions.

1. Making melody in your heart is what you do

unto the Lord. It is an attitude of the heart,
something that starts from the life of Christ
inside you.

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a. The Holy Spirit is a singer! The life of

God in you knows how to sing!

i. Zephaniah 3:17 – “He rejoices

over you with singing.”

ii. Psalm 33:3 – “Sing unto the Lord

a new song.”

(i) Where does this new song

come from? The life of God
inside you.

b. How do you make melody?

i. Begin to joy in the Lord. Think

about Him and what He’s done.

ii. Spend time with the Word,

meditating on it. Fellowship with
the Lord, thanking Him for who He

iii. The Holy Ghost is not depressed!

Allow the joy of the Lord on the
inside of you to fill up your soul

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2. Singing

a. When you sing, you speak in lyrics.

i. Ephesians 5:19 – “Speaking to

yourselves in psalms, hymns, and
spiritual songs…”

ii. Colossians 3:16 – “Let the Word

of Christ dwell in you richly in all
wisdom; teaching and
admonishing one another...”

(i) When the Word of Christ

dwells in you richly, you are
able to teach, encourage,
and admonish others.

iii. Lyrics in worship songs should

reflect the Word of Christ. Your
psalms, hymns, and spiritual
songs should teach, admonish,
and encourage.

iv. What you communicate with your

mouth is what is in your heart.
Your words need to be words of

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life, bringing edification,

encouragement, and comfort to
people. This includes the words
used in songs.

D. What are psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs?

1. Psalms

a. Denotes a striking or twitching in the

fingers upon an instrument.

i. A psalm is a song accompanied by

a musical instrument.

ii. A psalmist is one who writes


iii. Most psalms are directed to God.

2. Hymns

a. Humneo – to sing a religious ode, or to

celebrate God in song. A hymn is a
New Covenant song and will contain
the message of Christ and “who we are
in Christ” type songs. Gospel –
testimony – New Covenant.

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b. Jesus didn’t sing from a hymn book,

yet He sang a hymn.

i. Matthew 26:30 – what they sang

was all about the Passover Lamb,
Jesus, about to be crucified.

ii. It was the Halal. – Psalm 115:18

3. Spiritual songs

a. Pneumatikos – ode in the Greek; a

spirit-inspired song to the glory of God.

b. This kind of song is usually


c. It can be sung from God to the people

or from a person to God.

i. Song of the Lord – II Chronicles


d. If your lyrics aren’t scriptural, don’t

sing as worship. You have a
responsibility to teach.

i. Colossians 3:16

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E. You are BLESSED to be a BLESSING.

1. Use your words to produce life.

a. Proverbs 18:21

b. Mark 11:23

2. Use your actions to bless others.

a. Matthew 5:14-16, 44

b. II Corinthians 9:6-15

3. Use your influence to bring glory to God.

a. II Corinthians 4:6

4. Your whole life is a worship to God.

a. I Peter 3:13-16

5. Don’t let your worship be in vain.

a. Isaiah 29:13

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