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Ingoude Company

Recruitment and
Selection Policy

Date: September 13, 2023

Prepared by: Matt Zhang
Legal Disclaimer: This presentation is for informational purposes only.
Your choices matter
We recognise that hiring the right talent is crucial for the By adhering to this policy, we aim to foster a workplace
growth and success of our organisation. This policy is where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered
designed to establish a fair, efficient, and inclusive hiring to contribute their unique perspectives and skills.
process that upholds our values and promotes a diverse
and equitable workforce. This comprehensive policy Furthermore, our policy ensures compliance with relevant
encompasses every stage of the process, ensuring laws, regulations, and industry standards. We are
consistency and transparency. dedicated to upholding ethical practices throughout the
recruitment and selection process, promoting fairness, and
This policy reflects our unwavering commitment to anti- eliminating biases or discriminatory practices.
racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. We firmly believe in
providing equal opportunities to all individuals, regardless
of their background, race, ethnicity, gender, age, or any
other characteristic protected by law.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Job Analysis and Description
Accurate job analysis is crucial for effective recruitment. Our policy emphasises:

Conducting thorough job Creating comprehensive job Ensuring job descriptions are updated
analysis to define roles and descriptions that include qualifications regularly to reflect evolving business
responsibilities. and requirements. needs.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Recruitment Methods
To reach a wide pool of qualified candidates, we employ a variety of recruitment methods. Our approach combines both
internal and external sourcing strategies to ensure a robust talent pipeline.

Internal Sourcing Employee referrals: Encouraging current employees to refer candidates

Internal job postings: Advertising job openings within the company

External Sourcing Job boards: Posting vacancies on popular job search platforms

Professional networks: Utilising industry-specific platforms

Partnerships: Collaborating with educational institutions or industry associations

Recruitment Agencies Engaging external agencies to assist with talent acquisition

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Advertising Channels
Advertising Channel Description

Company Website Showcasing job openings on our dedicated careers page

Industry Platforms Utilising industry-specific job boards and professional networks

Social Media Leveraging social media platforms

Targeted Marketing Tailoring advertising campaigns to reach specific candidate demographics

Diversity Networks Engaging with diversity-focused networks and organisations

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Application Procedures
Our company is committed to conducting a fair and thorough application and screening process to identify the most
qualified candidates for our open positions.

01. Application Submission 02. Confidentiality 03. Initial Screening

All candidates are required to submit All candidate information provided The HR department will review all
their applications through our during the application process will be applications to ensure they meet the
designated application portal or email treated with strict confidentiality and minimum qualifications and
address. Applications must include a in compliance with relevant privacy requirements specified in the job
comprehensive resume, cover letter (if laws and regulations. Access to posting. The initial screening will be
applicable), and any other requested candidate data will be limited to based solely on the information
documents specified in the job authorised personnel involved in the provided in the application materials.
posting. recruitment process. Candidates who do not meet the
minimum requirements will be
notified promptly.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Application Procedures continued

04. Shortlisting 05. Interviews 06. Evaluations

Shortlisting will be conducted by a Shortlisted candidates will be invited Detailed notes and evaluations will
selection committee consisting of HR for interviews and/or assessments as be documented for each candidate
representatives and relevant hiring part of the selection process. during the interview and assessment
managers. Shortlisting criteria will be Interviews may include behavioural, process. Evaluations will be based on
established in advance and will align technical, or panel interviews, predetermined criteria established by
with the job requirements and desired depending on the nature of the the selection committee. Consistent
qualifications. Candidates who best position. All interviews and evaluation methods will be used to
match the established criteria will be assessments will be conducted in a ensure fair and objective
selected for further evaluation, such fair, consistent, and unbiased assessments of each candidate.
as interviews or assessments. manner.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Application Procedures continued

07. Candidate Communication 08. Record Keeping

By adhering to this policy, we
All candidates, both successful and All application materials, interview
aim to ensure transparency,
unsuccessful, will be promptly and notes, assessment results, and
fairness, and efficiency in our
professionally notified of their related documents will be securely
recruitment process while
application status. Feedback may be maintained for a defined period as
selecting the most suitable
provided to candidates upon request, per our company's data retention
candidates for our organisation.
highlighting areas of strength and policies. Candidate information will
areas for improvement. be handled in compliance with
Communication with candidates will applicable privacy laws and
be clear, respectful, and consistent regulations.
throughout the application and
screening process.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Be a catalyst
for change
Interviews and Assessments
We believe in a structured and comprehensive interview and assessment process, including:

Conducting behavioural and technical Utilising assessments, tests, and Ensuring interview panels are diverse
interviews to evaluate candidates' practical exercises tailored to the job and represent various perspectives.
skills and competencies. requirements.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Interviews and Assessments
An interview panel will be formed for each position, consisting of at least two members, including a representative from the HR department
Interview Panel
and the hiring manager or relevant subject matter expert.

Prior to the interview, panel members will review the candidate's application materials, including their resume, cover letter, and any other
Interview Preparation relevant documents. Panel members will familiarise themselves with the job description, required qualifications, and the interview questions
designed to assess the candidate's suitability for the position.

Interview Structure and Interviews will be structured to gather relevant information about the candidate's skills, experience, and fit for the role. All candidates will
Questions be asked the same core questions to ensure consistency and fairness.

Behavioural interviews will focus on past experiences and specific scenarios to assess the candidate's abilities, problem-solving skills, and
Behavioural Interviews
behavioural competencies.

Technical interviews will be conducted for roles requiring specific technical knowledge or expertise. The panel will assess the candidate's
Technical Interviews
technical skills through questions, case studies, or practical exercises designed to evaluate their proficiency.

Assessments and tests may be administered to evaluate specific skills, aptitude, or knowledge relevant to the position. The type of
Assessments and Tests assessment will be determined based on the requirements of the role and the industry best practices. Candidates will be provided with
clear instructions and guidelines for completing the assessments.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Selection, Checks and Offers
Collaborating with relevant
Evaluating candidates objectively Documenting the selection process
How We Select stakeholders to make informed
based on predetermined criteria. and maintaining confidentiality.

Verifying educational Requesting candidate consent and Using reputable sources and
How We Check qualifications, employment history, handling personal data in accordance maintaining confidentiality
and professional credentials. with privacy laws. throughout the process.

Extending job offers in a timely Conducting salary negotiations Ensuring clear communication with
How We Offer manner, clearly stating terms and and benefits discussions the selected candidate regarding
conditions. professionally and transparently. next steps.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Rejection and Feedback
We understand that not every candidate will be
successful in their application. However, we are
committed to treating all candidates with respect and
providing constructive feedback whenever possible. We
believe that offering feedback helps candidates
understand areas for improvement and enhances their
overall job search experience.

Our aim is to deliver rejection messages promptly and

professionally, accompanied by specific and actionable
feedback when requested.

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Candidate Experience
We believe that providing an exceptional candidate
experience not only reflects our commitment to
professionalism but also strengthens our employer brand
and enhances our ability to attract top talent.

Follow this policy to ensure a remarkable candidate


Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

Our Recruitment and Selection Policy complies with all
relevant laws and regulations, including:

Equal Employment Opportunity laws, promoting

fairness and diversity.
Data privacy and protection laws, ensuring the secure
handling of candidate information.
Any specific industry regulations applicable to our

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

If you have any questions or need clarification regarding
this policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to your
supervisor or HR representative. We are here to support
and guide you.

Email HR representatives via

[email protected]
Drop by the HR department in your nearest office

Ingoude Company: Recruitment and Selection Policy Presentation

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