Scientific-Paper Exp 1 Estropigan

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Experiment 1



BSOT 1-2

Group 4


January 30, 2024

Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Developing

Neatness and Organization 6 4 3 2
Cover Page 4 3 2 1
Abstract 12 9 6 3
Introduction 8 6 4 2
Procedure 8 6 4 2
Data and Results 4 3 2 1
Interpretation of Data and Results 16 12 8 4
Conclusion 8 6 4 2
References 4 3 2 1

TOTAL _______ / 70

This scientific paper delves into the fact that gravity or g = 2𝑦 and is constant and experiments with

free fall motion and projectile motion. When a falling object is not affected by any restraints like friction and

air resistance, and falls under the influence of gravity alone, the object is said to be in free fall motion. It is

stated that when a projectile is thrown near to the Earth's surface, it experiences projectile motion, which is

the kind of motion when the object moves along a curved direction only due to gravity, and the effects of air

resistance are believed to be insignificant. This experiment aims to verify that gravity is constant, that

objects that are free falling aren’t affected by air resistance, as well as projectile motion. The materials used

for this experiment were the picket fence, photogate head, photogate cable, digital adapter, rod, A-base,

soft pad, and a laptop for the second part of the experiment. For the free fall motion experiment the

photogate head apparatus was set up. As the picket fence was dropped in between the photogate head,

data was gathered and analyzed. Results showed that experimental value was close to the theoretical

value with a percentage error of 1.53%. Meanwhile, in the projectile motion experiment, results varied

depending on the varying launch angle and varying initial velocity and if it was a symmetrical projectile

motion or asymmetrical. These results have explained the relationship between gravity and motion when

there are no restraints like air resistance. Therefore, gravity pulls everything the same way downward.

Kinematics, a branch of mechanics, provides an organized system for explaining, evaluating, and

predicting an object's motion without delving into the forces that accelerate the object. It is concerned with

the geometrically possible motion of a body or system of bodies without consideration of the forces

involved. As a fundamental component of classical mechanics, kinematics is important to many scientific

fields, from biomechanics and astronomy to robotics and engineering. The aim of this scientific paper is to

present a comprehensive exploration of kinematics through the free fall motion and projectile motion


Gravity is what causes objects to fall. An object is falling in free fall motion when it is falling only

due to gravity and without being impacted by any air resistance or friction. When objects free fall, the

equations of motion for uniformly accelerated motion also apply. Acceleration due to gravity (g), which is

constant, is utilized in place of (a) acceleration. It is approximately 9.8 m/s2. As said earlier, when a

projectile is thrown near to the Earth's surface, it experiences projectile motion, which is the kind of motion

when the object moves along a curved direction only due to gravity, and the effects of air resistance are

believed to be insignificant. The highest vertical point of an object during its journey is its maximum height.

The projectile range is the horizontal displacement of the projectile. The object's initial velocity determines

the projectile's range. The duration from the moment the object is projected until it reaches the surface is

known as the projectile motion's time of flight. This is twice as long as it takes a symmetrical projectile to

reach its maximum height. The time it takes reach to the maximum height and descend to the lowest point

is equal.



Symmetrical Projectile Motion

A. Varying Launch Angle with Constant Initial Velocity

B. Varying Initial Velocity with Constant Launch Angle

Non-Symmetrical Projectile Motion



Vertical Acceleration due to

Trial Displacement (m) Velocity (m/s) gravity (m/s2)

1 0.3000 2.38 9.44

2 0.3000 2.49 10.33
3 0.3000 2.45 10
4 0.3500 2.48 8.78
5 0.3000 2.41 9.68
Experimental Acceleration due to Gravity, g Average 9.65

Theoretical Value g 9.80 m/s2

Percentage Error 1.53%


Symmetrical Projectile Motion

A. Varying Launch Angle with Constant Initial Velocity

Constant Velocity: 15 m/s

Time to Reach the

Launch Angle Maximum Height, Maximum Height, Time of flight, s Range, m
s m
25 0.65 2.05 1.29 17.59
35 0.88 3.78 1.76 21.57
45 1.08 5.74 2.16 22.96
55 1.25 7.7 2.5 21.51
65 1.39 9.43 2.77 17.59
75 1.48 10.71 2.96 11.48
B. Varying Initial Velocity with Constant Launch Angle

Constant Angle: 70°

Time to Reach the

Initial Velocity Maximum Height, Maximum Height, Time of flight, s Range, m
s m
15 1.44 10.14 2.88 14.76
17 1.63 13.02 3.26 18.96
19 1.82 16.26 3.64 23.68
21 2.01 19.87 4 28.73
23 2.2 23.83 4.4 34.61

Non-Symmetrical Projectile Motion

A. Varying Launch Angle with Constant Initial Velocity

Constant Velocity: 15 m/s

Time to Reach the

Launch Angle Maximum Height, Maximum Height, Time of flight, s Range, m
s m
25 0.65 12.05 2.21 30.09
35 0.88 13.77 2.55 31.37
45 1.08 15.73 2.87 30.46
55 1.25 17.69 3.15 27.12
65 1.39 19.42 3.38 21.4
75 1.48 20.7 3.53 13.71

B. Varying Initial Velocity with Constant Launch Angle

Constant Angle: 70°

Time to Reach the

Initial Velocity Maximum Height, Maximum Height, Time of flight, s Range, m
s m
15 1.44 20.13 3.46 17.76
17 1.63 23.01 3.79 22.06
19 1.8 26.25 4.13 26.86
21 2.01 29.85 4.48 32.17
23 2.2 38.81 4.8 37.98



The vertical displacement and velocity didn’t affect the acceleration due to gravity because gravity is

constant which is 9.80 m/s2. The experimental (g) is 9.65 m/s2 with a percentage error of 1.53% which is

close enough to the theoretical value of 9.80 m/s2 meaning that gravity is constant.


Symmetrical Projectile Motion

A. Varying Launch Angle with Constant Initial Velocity

The launch angle of a projectile affected its maximum height, time of flight, and horizontal range with a

constant velocity of 15 m/s. As the angle height increases, the maximum height reached also increases.

The time of flight is also longer when the launch angle is higher. Finally, from angles 25 to 55, the ranges

increase with them, but in angles 65 and 75, the ranges start to shorten.

B. Varying Initial Velocity with Constant Launch Angle

The initial velocity of a projectile affected its maximum height, time of flight, and horizontal range with a

constant angle of 70°. As the initial velocity increases, the maximum height reached also increases. The

time of flight is also longer when the initial velocity is higher. Lastly, the ranges increase with them as well.
Non-Symmetrical Projectile Motion

A. Varying Launch Angle with Constant Initial Velocity

The launch angle of a projectile affected its maximum height, time of flight, and horizontal range with a

constant velocity of 15 m/s. As the angle height increases, the maximum height reached also increases.

The time of flight is also longer when the launch angle is higher. Lastly, the ranges decrease as the launch

angle increases.

B. Varying Initial Velocity with Constant Launch Angle

The initial velocity of a projectile affected its maximum height, time of flight, and horizontal range with a

constant angle of 70°. As the initial velocity increases, the maximum height reached also increases. The

time of flight is also longer when the initial velocity is higher. Lastly, the ranges increase with them as well.


In conclusion, when something falls, it falls because of gravity. Because that object feels a force, it

accelerates, which means its velocity gets bigger and bigger as it falls. The strength with which the Earth

pulls on something in the form of gravity is a type of acceleration. Earth pulls on everything the exact same

amount. Everything gets accelerated towards the Earth the same way. Projectiles travel with a parabolic

trajectory since the downward force of gravity accelerates them downward from their otherwise straight-

line, gravity-free trajectory. This downward force and acceleration results in a downward displacement from

the position that the object would be if there were no gravity. The force of gravity does not affect the

horizontal component of motion; a projectile maintains a constant horizontal velocity since there are no

horizontal forces acting upon it.


Falling physics. American Physical Society. (n.d.).

Gregersen, E. (Ed.). (n.d.). Kinematics. Encyclopædia Britannica.

Motion characteristics of a projectile. The Physics Classroom. (n.d.).

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