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Husys Consulting Limited

CIN No: L74140TG2005PLC047222

1st December 2021

Mr. Rabijit Dey,
Letter of Appointment

Dear Rabijit Dey,

We are glad to invite you into Husys family and appoint you as Customer Success Manager to work with EvaBot
Inc (herein after referred to as CLIENT). Your appointment shall be effective from 1st December 2021. We are sure
your contribution would bring great value to both of us and our client.

As discussed, your appointment is made against the agreement of Husys with CLIENT with the reference to the
Principle Agreement with CLIENT.

As per the records and information provided by the client, continuation of Appointment with Husys shall solely be
based on the professional relationship of Husys Agreement, Continuity with CLIENT and/ Or project continuity. In case
of unforeseen exigencies where the client project is cancelled, employment with Husys will be terminated as advised
by the client.

Your annual Cost to Company is INR 6,96,000 per annum (Rupees Six Lakhs Ninety Six Thousand Only) and
will be paid monthly with deductions and contributions to statutory requirements as applicable. You will be entitled to
incentives based on your performance, and certain reimbursement (if applicable), details of which are mentioned in
Annexure 4.

You shall be guided by the general terms and conditions of Husys as mentioned in the Annexure 1 of this letter and
the Service Rules, Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Rules of CLIENT and Personal Policies of CLIENT as
applicable from time to time. Husys based on the project guidelines provided by the client with a common interest of
the organization binds us with positive mutually beneficial relations.

Your detailed salary structure is mentioned in Annexure 2 and your deputation terms and conditions are mentioned
in the Annexure 3 of this letter which binds your Appointment at CLIENT with responsibilities. Your hire is made for
the deputation of CLIENT and all the orientation/ Induction provided to you shall primarily focus in effective delivery of
your responsibilities at CLIENT.

While delivering your responsibilities with our client, you would be reporting to the concerned reporting officer or their
nominee assigned to you from time to time.

Please sign in the duplicate copy as token of your acceptance on the enclosed document for official records. Do mail
us at [email protected] for any further Assistance/Clarifications/Queries from time to time

We feel happy to have you with Husys and wish you a long & productive career in serving the organization and nation
in turn, while achieving your career goals.

For Husys Consulting Limited.

Naresh Babu Deevi

Chief Growth Officer
Annexure 1


1. Place of Work
Your work place would be in India. You may be deputed/ transferred to work at any one of the other branches of
the Company/ and Client’s affiliates, subsidiaries or at the client sites, as and when considered necessary, solely
at the discretion of the Management. While on the Client Deputation you would follow the work norms as
applicable to their employees of the client Organisation or as agreed norms between Company/ and Client and the

2. Veracity of Information Provided

You have been engaged on the presumption that the particulars furnished in your resume or testimonials handed
over by you are correct. In case the said particulars are found to be incorrect or that you have concealed or
withheld some other relevant facts, your appointment with the Company/ and Client shall stand
terminated/cancelled without any notice.

3. Notice Period
In the event of your resignation you will be required to give 30 days’ notice or 1 months’ salary/stipend in lieu of
it. The Company/ and Client may terminate the services of an individual without assigning any reasons, but with a
similar notice period or salary in lieu thereof, except in case of termination on the grounds of misconduct /
dishonesty / theft / loss to Company/ and Client, etc. In the event of requisite period of notice not being given,
either side will be liable to compensate proportionately to the extent of salary and other dues for the period of
shortfall in notice period.

4. Termination of Contract/ Appointment

The Company/ and Client without notice may terminate your Appointment in the event:

• Based on client feedback and advice from time to time.

• Of your being found by the Company/ and Client guilty of serious misconduct, like but not limited to
misappropriation, dereliction of duty in discharging your duties and functions, etc;
• Of malingering or persistent unpunctuality, neglect of duty or breach of any rules made by the Company/
and Client.
• Of your becoming the subject of a bankruptcy order, or
• Of your being convicted of any criminal offence, or
• Of your mental or physical incapacity to discharge your functions, or
• Of your committing any material act of dishonesty detrimental to the interests of the Company/ and
Client, or Winding up of the Company/ and Client.
• Closure of Contract Agreement of Husys with CLIENT. In such case the agreed settlement process clauses
shall duly apply for the associate as Notice Period.

5. Service Rules and Regulations

During your Appointment with the Client, you will be governed by the Policies, service rules and regulations of
the Client in force or as introduced or amended from time to time.

6. Leave Policy
Your leaves are governed by the establishment law and will be provided 25 days of leaves in a year including
holiday calendar announced by the client. See Annexure 5 for the leave policy and the list of holidays. The Leave
process my change as per the business exigencies.

7. Professional Ethics
You are required to deal with the Client’s Information, money, material and documents with utmost
Confidentiality, honesty and professional ethics. Any contravention will be viewed seriously and appropriate
disciplinary or punitive action will be taken.
8. Safe Custody of Client & Company Material
You will be responsible for the safekeeping and good condition and order of all the Company/ and Client& Client
property entrusted to your care and charge. The Company/ and Client reserves the right to deduct the cost of
such articles from your dues, or take such actions as may be deemed proper, in the event of failure to account for
such property, to our satisfaction.

9. Whole Time Appointment

Your Appointment with the Client is full time. It is expected that your loyalty to the Company/ and Client/ and
client be not divided through additional part time/full time Appointment, or any other trade/business/profession.
Any such activity should be pursued only after having discussed and obtained written agreement from the

10. Confidentiality of Company/ and Client Information

You are expected not to divulge any information regarding policies, confidential data, reports, technology,
expertise, R&D activities or any business plans to any one in whatever the form of communication and to such
extent you are required to sign the Non-Competence Agreement with our Client. You are expected to follow the
below mentioned as part of your appointment.

a) Authorisation
Only those authorized under power of attorney may sign legal documents, representing the Client/ Company/
and Client.
b) Passwords
For security reasons it is essential to maintain confidentiality of the passwords/access codes, which you know
during the course of work. Access to Internet is done through the dial-up/direct network, which is protected
by a password. For security reasons confidentiality has to be maintained of the same. All the files handled by
you from time to time and the passwords that are assigned should be maintained with utmost confidentiality.
c) Destroying papers & materials
Any official communication, which is confidential in nature, shall be destroyed immediately after the purpose
is served.
d) Use of Company/ and Client Resources
You shall use the Company/ and Client’s resources only for official purpose and with utmost care.

11. Confidentiality of Information

You are required not to disclose not to disclose any Proprietary information or details of strategies learned and utilized
at Company/ and Client’s place of work. Should termination occur, the you shall not contact or solicit business from
any of the Company/ and Client’s Associates & Clients at any time for a period of 10 years from the date of
introduction to Associates & Clients; if Employee never met Employer's Clients, this clause still applies from the date
when Employee leaves the Company/ and Client, should this occur."

You are required to strictly maintain the secrecy of and ensure that you do not divulge or communicate in any
manner, any information regarding your remuneration/terms of Appointment, to any other employee of the Company/
and Client or other public at large. In the similar way, when deputed to work/interact at the client site, you are
expected to maintain full confidentiality regarding your salary packages and are expected not to discuss or disclose
the same to any member of the client staff. If found revealing any of the above information regarding the salary will
be taken necessary action.

12. Inventions / Innovations Rights

The Company/ and Client reserves its right on any innovations / inventions / discoveries / products made / developed
during your Appointment with the Company/ and Client and you shall not make any claims on the said innovations /
discoveries, etc..

13. Other restrictions:

You shall not during the continuance of this appointment or afterwards use or permit to be use any such notes or
memoranda or otherwise than for the benefit of the Company/ and Client, it being the intention of the parties
hereto that all such notes or memorandum made by you shall be property of the Company/ and Client and left at
the registered office of the Company/ and Client upon the termination of your appointment.
You shall not have the right to make any contracts or any commitments for or on behalf of the Company/ and
Client without a written consent of the Company/ and Client. You would be solely responsible & accountable for
any of the monetary transactions, which are made on behalf of the Company/ and Client, you authorize the
organization to recover related damages, which transacted without the prior intimation/permission/consent of the
management, and also hold the organization liable only as per the transaction authorized from time to time in
your current role. However you & related parties involved in any of such Appointments/transactions as per the
above would protect the organization to the limits prescribed as per your role and organizational norms
implemented/amended from time to time. You and related parties involved shall be responsible and take
accountability for any such discrepancies during or after your termination of services.

14. Miscellaneous terms

a) Reservation of Rights
No forbearance, indulgence or relaxation or inaction by any Party at any time to require performance of
any of the provision of these terms shall, in any way, affect, diminish or prejudice the right of such Party
to require performance of that provision and any waiver or acquiescence by any party of any breach of
any of these provisions shall not be construed as a waiver or acquiescence of any continuing or succeeding
breach of such provisions or a waiver of any right under or arising out of these terms, or acquiescence to
or recognition of rights and / or position other than as expressly stipulated in these terms.

b) Cumulative Rights
All remedies of either Party under these terms, whether provided herein or conferred by statute, civil law,
custom, trade, or usage, are cumulative and not alternative and may enforced successively or

c) Partial Invalidity
If any provision of these terms, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is or is held to be
invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of these terms and the application of such provision
to persons or circumstance other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be
affected thereby, and each provision of these terms shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent
permitted by law. Any invalid or unenforceable provision of these terms shall be replaced with a provision,
which is valid and enforceable, and most nearly reflecting the original intent of the unenforceable

The above terms and conditions are based on Company/ and Client policies, procedures and other rules currently
applicable and are subject to amendments from time to time. You will also abide by all other rules and regulations of
the Company/ and Client as shall be in force, from time to time. In all matters, including those not specifically covered
here you will be governed by the rules of the Company/ and Client framed from time to time or clarified or interpreted
by/through the Management from time to time.

I have read the above terms and conditions of Appointment and would hereby confirm strict adherence to the same.

Name: Date:

Place: Signature:
Annexure 2

(Salary Structure)


Rabijit Dey Yearly Monthly

Basic 2,64,300 22,025

HRA 1,32,156 11,013

Special Allowance 1,32,144 11,012

Gross Salary 5,28,600 44,050

Communication Allowance 24,000 2,000

Car Fuel & Maintenance 36,000 3,000

LTA 60,000 5,000

Uniform Allowance 24,000 2,000

Provident Fund (Employer Contribution) 23,400 1,950

Total Cost to Company 6,96,000 58,000

Please Note:

Salary is subject to Tax laws in India. Income Tax and Professional Tax.

Performance Bonus will be paid at the discretion of client.

Medical Insurance will be provided as additional benefit and not reflected in CTC.

The tax computation is the liability of the individual /employee to the government and
the employer will not be responsible.
Annexure 3
1st December 2021
Mr. Rabijit Dey,

Deputation Letter
Dear Rabijit Dey,

Referring to your letter of Appointment and the mutual agreement between Husys and CLIENT and thereby request
made my CLIENT for deployment of resource with the desired skill sets. You are deployed at CLIENT with the following
terms and Understanding.

1. Your working hours shall be as defined by Client and will work in shifts based on the Job deliverable
requirement. Your attendance is tracked as per the work rules of CLIENT and your salary will be released
as per the attendance approval from your Works Manager.
2. You are guided by the code of conducts, Service Rules, and Grievance Redressal procedures of CLIENT.
3. Your performance shall be as per the Policy of the Client and the revision of salary is directly proportionate
to your performance and thereby client revision of your salary.
4. Your role & Responsibilities shall be as defined by the client and you are expected to deliver as per the
expressed expectation of the client.
5. It is implied as resource from Husys, you are required to adhere to the Non-Disclosure agreement of the
client and keep the material of client with utmost care and secrecy. To this extent the clause 11 of
Annexure 1 for Confidentiality of Company/ Client information shall apply accordingly.
6. You are required to maintain professional relationships during your deployment period and shall not make
any personal advantage using the position or influence that is given by client for delivering your
7. You are required to handover all property and information of the client, including but not limited to, all
electronic and paper documents and correspondence, computers, keys, entry pass cards, log-in
identification codes, and passwords for both administrative and individual access on or before the last
date of employment at the Client.
8. All the invention and discoveries made during your deployment period shall become the proprietary
information of the client.
9. All expenses made for delivering your official work will be reimbursed by the client as per their
reimbursement policy.
10. Any Liability/ Obligation which are part of your deputation shall continue even after your deployment
period / separation with Husys and client. You will be liable to answer the queries of the Client till the
completion of 3 years from the date of completion of your deputation which cease either with your
resignation/ termination/ closure of contract of Husys with client.
11. You are aware that the disciplinary procedures of CLIENT shall be applicable and agrees for the
disciplinary proceeding against in case of misconduct.
12. During your deployment, you shall not perform/ behave in any manner which may adversely affect the
image of either the client/ Husys.
13. In case of Moral turpitude, or Major Misconduct, the client has full right to cancel the deputation and which
in turn acts as termination letter for you from Husys. However, you will be provided a reasonable
opportunity to prove yourself in all manner with in the disciplinary guidelines of CLIENT.
14. Your reimbursement is paid on monthly basis in the bank account defined by the client.

For Husys Consulting Limited.,

Naresh Babu Deevi

Chief Growth Officer
Annexure 4

Rabijit Dey Monthly INR Annual INR

Fixed monthly 58,000 6,96,000

Quarterly Incentive

100% Revene Delivery 30,000 1,20,000

110% Revenue Delivery 50,000 2,00,000

120% Revenue Delivery 65,000 2,60,000

150% or more Revenue Delivery 85,000 3,40,000

Annual Incentive Monthly INR Annual INR

Churn at 3% or more 0 0

Churn at 2%-3% 75,000 75,000

Churn at less than 2% 1,25,000 1,25,000

Total Annual Salary INR

At 100% revenue delivery & 2%-

3% churn 8,91,000

At 110% revenue delivery & 2%-

3% churn 9,71,000

At 120% revenue delivery & <2%

churn 10,81,000

At 150% revenue delivery & <2%

churn 11,61,000
Annexure 5

(Holidays & Leaves)

Federal/Statuary Holiday - Date

New Year's Day Fri, Jan 1, 2021 Required

Holi Mon, Mar 29, 2021 Optional

Eid Fri, May 14, 2021 Optional

Memorial Day Mon, May 31, 2021 Required

US Independence Day Sun, Jul 4, 2021 Required

Indian Independence Day Sun, Aug 15, 2021 Required

US Labor Day Mon, Sep 6, 2021 Optional

Gandhi Jayanti Sat, Oct 2, 2021 Required

Dussehra Fri, Oct 15, 2021 Optional

Diwali Thu, Nov 4, 2021 Optional

Thanksgiving Thu, Nov 25, 2021 Required

Christmas Day Sat, Dec 25, 2021 Required

 Everyone is entitled to 10 out of 12 Federal/Statuary Holidays, you may choose any 3 optional holidays
out of 5 listed above.
 In Addition to the above you will be entitled to 15 paid leaves annually which includes any sick or casual
leaves. That is 1.25 leave every month.
 All leaves will be prorated from the date of your joining. Meaning to say, if you join in July you will be
entitled to only 7.5 leaves for the remaining year.
 In a financial year you can only take 5 continuous leaves and club one weekend with it.
 At the end of financial year you can only carry forward 10 unused leaves, all remaining leaves will lapse..
 All leaves are subject to prior approval from your client.
 Any accrued leaves will be encashed upon your exit from the organization

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