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KET Practice Exam 3 LISTENING

Part 1
Questions 1-5
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 Which room is the man’s grandmother in?

11 14 20


2 What is available at the restaurant?


3 Where did the man go swimming?


KET PRACTICE EXAM 3 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 1

KET Practice Exam 3 LISTENING

4 Where does the man want to go?


5 Who gave the man the wrong number?



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KET Practice Exam 3 LISTENING

Part 2
Questions 6-10
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a

You will hear an audio message from a tour guide.

Meeting time: 8.30 am

Length of walk along city walls: (6) ........................ km

Estimated arrival at York Castle: (7) ........................

Entrance fee for adults to museum: (8) ........................

Restaurant recommendation: (9) ........................

Guide’s name: (10) ........................

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KET Practice Exam 3 LISTENING

Part 3
Questions 11-15
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Paul talking to a woman at a travel centre.

11 Paul isn't going to stay in Cawley because

A there isn’t a railway station.

B the hotels there are expensive.
C there aren’t any hotels there.

12 You can drive from Stanton to Cawley in

A 40 minutes.
B 20 minutes.
C 75 minutes.

13 The price at the Desert Inn

A includes breakfast.
B is £100 a night.
C is £70 a night.

14 The Vista Hotel is opposite the

A train station.
B Desert Inn.
C bus station.

15 Paul is going to travel to Cawley by

A bus.
B car.
C train.

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KET Practice Exam 3 LISTENING

Part 4
Questions 16-20
For each question, choose the correct answer.

16 You will hear a girl talking to a friend about an event she went to.
Why didn’t she arrive on time?
A the bus was late
B she lost her keys
C there was a lot of traffic

17 You will hear two friends talking about a class.

What does the boy think about it?
A It’s a bit boring.
B It’s hard to understand.
C He’s enjoying it.

18 You will hear two friends talking about a painting.

Who painted it?
A Sam’s brother
B Sam’s stepdad
C Sam’s mum

19 You will hear a girl talking to her friend on the phone.

Why is she excited?
A She was given full marks for a project.
B She won a £200 prize.
C She was invited to special event.

20 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about something she has sold.
What does her friend think?
A The price was too low.
B It was a fair price.
C The price was high.

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KET Practice Exam 3 LISTENING

Part 5
Questions 21-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Pam and Dan talking about packing for a holiday.
What will each person take?


0 Pam C

People Items

21 Sue A a backpack

22 Jane B a tablet

23 Dan C trainers

24 Alan D four pairs of jeans

25 Ross E seven dresses

F a digital camera

G a small suitcase

H light trousers

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