Eco Essay Trade Unions

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Role of Trade Unions

Trade unions are organisations that promote and protect the interests of their
members (employees) to improve their wages and working conditions. They are four
main types of unions: Craft unions, Non-manual unions, Industrial unions and
General unions. There functions are to negotiate improvement of wages and other
non-wage benefits, defending employees’ rights and jobs,securing better hours of
work and better health and safety policies,as well holiday entitlement,sick
pay,pensions and improving employment legislation and many more important

In order for Trade Unions to work effectively they have to maintain engagement with
management. This usually involves collective bargaining this is negotiating wages
and non-wage benefits for employees which involves employers and trade
unions.They usually seek to improve the wages and working conditions of their
members when price inflation is high and rising,the productivity of of their member’s
has increased and when the profits the employing organisation has increased.

Like with everything in life they are advantages and disadvantages of including the
role of trade unions. A few advantages are the union represents most or all of the
workers in the firm or industry, they also provide essential services like health care
and electricity, they are also able to support members financially during a strike.
Some disadvantages are Unions may lack finical resources, union members also
have to pay membership fees and workers may not agree with ceratin demands the
union makes but may feel pressured to support them.

They are many modern trends on the operations of the trade unions like they adapt
to address global supply chains and multinational corporations, forming international
alliances.Utilise digital platforms for organising, communication, and advocacy
efforts. Embrace inclusivity and representing diverse sectors of the workforce,
including gig workers and freelancers. They also active involvement in influencing
government policies and legislation affecting labour rights and conditions, As well as
employing new strategies to remain relevant and effective in rapidly changing labour

In conclusion, Trade unions represent the collective interests of workers in

negotiations with employers. They advocate for better wages, working conditions,
and benefits for their members. Trade unions engage in collective bargaining, where
they negotiate with employers to reach agreements on various aspects of
employment. They are union bargaining strength where the union is able to fight for
better rights for their members depending on their bargaining position. There is also
a possibility of negotiations failing, they may take industrial action in attempt to
increase their bargaining strength as well as arbitration may be necessary to settle
disputes.They are also many forms of industrial action like overtime-ban,work to rule
,Go- slow and strike.

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