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Technique for Maggot Production ‐ The Songhai Experience

Fr. Nzamujo O.P.

Songhai Centre, Poto Novo, Benin

email: songhai.benin at

Other contact persons: Kike Ladipo, Songhai Centre.

Maggot is the larvae of the domestic fly (Musca domestica). The Songhai

Centre in Porto‐Novo has facilities for and engages in the mass production

of maggots as a solution to the high cost of feed in fish and livestock


A brief review of a maggot production enterprise in Songhai is outlined


1) Role of maggot in development

i) Provides a source of nutrient for fish, quail, turkeys and guinea fowls.

ii) Provides fertilizer for crop production.

iii) Protection of the environment as wastes are concentrated and


iv) The technology for maggot production is simple and cost effective for


2) Choice of site for Maggotry

Maggottries should preferably be located away from human residence ‐ in

places where there are trees. The leaves of the surroundings vegetation

serve to absorb offensive odor from the maggotry and reduces the ambient


3) Housing

The building should preferably be oriented in an East‐West direction to

reduce the effect of direct sunlight on the substrate.

Specifications : The garble roof type of building with openings at the top

and sides for ventilation is recommended. The roof can be made of

corrugated iron sheets or thatch. At songhai, the following dimensions are

in use :

Height of building:

Floor to eaves = 2 meters

Floor to ridge = 3.2 meters

Wall of building:

Open sided building with very short walls to allow for optimum free flow of

air. The dwarf wall should be 0.4 meters higher than the maximum water

level in the surrounding canal.

Floor : The floor of the building is flat concrete and plastered. The

rectangular building has a central passage (0.8m wide) in the middle with

substrate tanks arranged on either sides of the passage.

Substrate tanks : Maggot substrate tanks are open shallow concrete tanks

where the fly larvae are cultured. Each tank is 1 meter square and 0.1
meter deep. Each side has railings of 0.12m.

Collecting tanks : These are narrow tanks 0.3m wide and 1 meter length

running parallel to the substrate tanks where escaping maggots are trapped

and harvested maggots are cleaned. At Songhai, we have 180 substrate tanks

located on 307.1 sq meters of floor space

Surrounding Canals (or gutters) : The entire building housing the maggotry

is surrounded by a canal (or gutter) containing water to prevent the

invasion of ants and other crawling predators. This canal which is 1meter

wide is used in raising tilapia and catfish which feeds exclusively on

stray maggots and phytoplanktons in water.

4) Maggot Culture

To produce maggots, the following prerequisites must be satisfied :

* House fly (Musca domestica)

* Suitable substrate

* Fly attractants

In Songhai Center, the substrate used is fermented grain residue namely

brewery spent grain. The fly attractants include animal manure like pig and

poultry wastes ; animal offal from the abattoir, dead lizards, birds, rats

and other animals ‐ we also use decaying fruits like mangoes. Mango is a

good attractant.

Production Procedure :
Maggot production is an aerobic fermentation process.

To produce maggots, proceed as follows :

* In a clean substrate tank (1m x 1m) place 4 shovel full of fresh

animal manure and 6 shovel full of fresh brewery spent grain. Mix them


* Cut the animal offal into small pieces (10cm length) and spread them

in the middle on top of the substrate.

* The flies are attracted immediately to lay eggs.

* During dry weather, water the prepared tanks, using a watering can.

* Small maggots are observed about 6 hours later ( after first contact

of flies with substrate)

* Water the substrate daily. The drier the weather, the more frequent

the watering. Avoid water logging of substrate.

* The maggots attain optimal size in 3 ‐ 4 days and are then ready to

be harvested. Minimal temperature of 30 C or more is required for maggot


Other points to note :

During unfavorable weather, decomposition is slow and the substrates should

be turned daily, before the first harvesting. At about 6 days old, maggots

become slow and relatively insensitive and are ready to be transformed into

adult flies.

5) Harvesting of maggots
Harvesting of maggots begins on the 4 th day after 1st contact of fly with

substrate. The maggots are of the right size at this stage.

To harvest, proceed as follows :

* i) Water the substrate (few seconds later, the maggots migrate to

the surface of the substrate).

* ii) Place fresh brewery waste and some fresh pig or chicken manure

at the corner nearest the migration terminus.

* iii) About 30 min later, the maggots are attracted to the substrate.

Scoop the maggots with a hand spade into the collecting tank where the

remaining brewery waste is removed with a broom. Harvest the clean maggots

into a rubber or plastic bucket.

* iv) Wood ash is sprayed on maggots in the bucket to prevent them from


* v) Harvesting is done twice daily (morning and afternoon).The

morning field constitutes 73.7% of the daily total.

At Songhai, a 1m x 1m substrate tank yields 2.5‐3.3.5Kg of maggot per day.

6) Factors affecting yield of Maggots

Season of the year

a) Production is low during harmattan and dry weather

b) Temperature >= 30?C

c) Humidity ‐ Production is better in humid conditions

d) Quantity of fly attractants / baits ‐ More the quantity of attractants,

the more number of flies and the greater the number of maggots produced.

e) Predators ‐ Rats at night ; lizards and birds in the day ; ants if not

prevented cover the field of maggots.

f) Operators skill can affect the quantity of maggot produced

7) Utilisation in Songhai

Aquaculture : Feeding of fresh maggots to tilapia and catfishes is done

twice daily. (late in the morning and later afternoon). An average of 100

Kg/day of fresh maggot is used for 87 concrete ponds of about 50 m2 and 0.5

m depth each.

Poultry: Fresh maggots are used as basic component of feed for quail,

chicks. Fresh maggots are included in the ration of poultry and guinea


Fertiliser : The spent substrates are used to fertilize directly plants in

the field (ring application in mango, banana, papaw plantation) In farm

yard manure, the spent substrates are incorporated into the compost


8) Preservation of Maggots

By sundrying of steamed maggots and placing in airtight containers.

9) Chemical Composition of maggots

Dry Matter 24,7%

Crude protein 47,5‐50,1%

Lipid 19,3%

Cellulose 23,2%

Minerals 9,1%

Ca 1,5%

P 1,2%

Mg 0,3%

K 1,3%

Na 4528 ppm

Mn 196,5 ppm

Fe 425,7 ppm

Cu 19,7 ppm

Zn 235,8 ppm

10) Constraints of Production

Problem.......... Solution

Waterlogging of substrates during rains.......... Since the orientation of

the building is impossible after construction, increase the eave or height

of the dwarf wall. Wind breaks are also useful around the building.

Harmattan or dry air which dries the substrate faster........... Water

substrates frequently. Turn substrates after every harvesting.

Direct Sunlight on substrates.......... Cover the open sided walls with

bamboo mats or dark colored plastic sheets well arranged for ventilation.

Ants (Soldier ants).......... Maintain water regularly in the canal.

Inspect and repair cracks inside the building

Birds.......... Line traps are used for birds outside.Trap nets are also
placed in the open walls.

Lizards.......... Place trap nets in the open walls.

Rats.......... Place trap nets in the open walls

Human vigilance .......... The operator should also be vigilant enough to

harvest the maggots earlier before they could pass to the next stage.

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