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Ravening Hordes Warriors of Chaos Tomb Kings of Khemri
Introduction...........................................3 The Hordes of Chaos............................53 The Land of The Dead .......................123
How This Book Works .........................3 Champions of Chaos.............................54 The Rulers of The Dead.....................123
Ravening Hordes...................................4 Warriors of Chaos Army List ..........55 The Legions of Khemri ......................124
Desolate Realms ....................................6 Grand Army Composition List ........55 Tomb Kings of Khemri
Beyond The Old World...........................6 Character...................................................56 Army List...........................................125
The Badlands...............................................6 Infantry ......................................................60 Grand Army Composition List ......125
The Dark Lands .........................................6 Cavalry........................................................67 Character.................................................126
The Land of The Dead ............................7 Chariot .......................................................71 Infantry ....................................................132
The Chaos Wastes.....................................7 Monster......................................................73 Cavalry......................................................137
Gifts of Chaos..........................................77 Chariot .....................................................141
Orc & Goblin Tribes Magic Items..............................................78 Monster....................................................142
Special Rules.............................................81 War Machine.........................................147
The Green Menace...................................9 Lore of Chaos...........................................83 Magic Items............................................150
Warbosses.....................................................9 Special Rules...........................................153
Waaagh!......................................................10 Beastmen Brayherds Lore of Nehekhara ...............................155
Orc & Goblin Tribes Army List......11
Grand Army Composition List ........11 The Beasts of The Forest .....................89
Character...................................................12 Calling The Brayherd............................90
Infantry ......................................................21 The Horde Rises......................................90
Cavalry........................................................29 Beastmen Brayherds Army List......91
Chariot .......................................................33 Grand Army Composition List ........91
Monster......................................................35 Character...................................................92
War Machine...........................................40 Infantry ......................................................96
Magic Items..............................................42 Cavalry......................................................100
Special Rules.............................................45 Chariot .....................................................103
Lore of Gork.............................................47 Monster....................................................104
Lore of Mork............................................47 Chaos Mutations..................................111
Magic Items............................................112
Special Rules...........................................115
Lore of Beasts.........................................117

Warhammer: the Old World – Ravening Hordes © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2024. Warhammer: the Old World,
Citadel, Forge World, Games Workshop, GW, Warhammer, the ‘winged-hammer’ Warhammer logo, and all associated logos,
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional,
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ISBN: 978-1-83779-169-9 Product Code: 60632799002

2 Contents
W elcome to Warhammer: the Old World – Ravening Hordes, your indispensable guide to the armies of darkness and
destruction. This book, used in conjunction with the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook, provides you with all the
information you will need to command your collection of miniatures on the field of battle.

How This Book How

This Book Works The Muster List
Players use these army lists to write their ‘muster list’ prior to a
This book contains four army lists: Orc & Goblin Tribes, game, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.
Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen Brayherds and Tomb Kings of
Khemri. Each of which contains the following information: A muster list should include the size of each unit (i.e., how
many models it contains at the start of the battle), the
Overview: Each army list is accompanied by a brief overview equipment those models carry and any optional upgrades that
of that faction, explaining why such armies march to war, the have been included, be they equipment, command models,
motives of their generals and so forth. magic items and so forth.

Grand Army Composition List: The default army Most importantly, the muster list should include the total
composition list for each faction. points value of each unit and of the army as a whole, thus
ensuring that your army is within the agreed size!
Profiles: Every model available to your chosen faction has
a profile. Here, you will find that model’s characteristics, its When writing your muster list, it is important to remember
equipment, its points value, details of any special rules unique the following:
to it and more.
Minimum Three Units: An army must include a minimum
By using these profiles, you can easily organise your models of three non-character units, not including units whose troop
into units, determine how they are equipped and calculate type is ‘swarms’, ‘war beasts’ or ‘war machines’.
each unit’s points value.
The General: All armies must include at least one character
These profiles fall into six categories (though it should be to act as the General, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
noted that not all of these categories will be represented in World rulebook.
every army list):

• Characters • Chariots
• Infantry • Monsters
• Cavalry • War Machines

Magic Items: As well as the Common magic items detailed

in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook, each army list
includes a number of magic items exclusively available to
models drawn from that army list.

Special Rules: Most armies have a number of army special

rules – special rules unique to that faction.

The Lore of…: Most armies include a number of unique and

characterful spells. These spells are used in conjunction with
the Lores of Magic found in the Warhammer: the Old World
rulebook. Where they differ is that they can only be known by
Wizards drawn from that army list.

Introduction 3
Ravening Hordes

Great columns of smoke rise above the horizon as Amidst this backdrop of chaos and confusion, uncountable
distant settlements burn. Refugees stream in the Orcs and Goblins march to war, fighting for the very thrill
opposite direction, screaming ‘They are coming!’ of violence. From the arid deserts of ancient Nehekhara,
vast legions of skeletal soldiers rise up from beneath the
Across the known world, powerful warlords raise baking sands to slaughter those that would claim the
grim hordes without number. From beyond the distant reaches of their forgotten empire.
northernmost reaches of civilisation, from within the
deepest, darkest forests, the cursed Warriors of Chaos Mortals despair! Destruction has been unleashed and the
march and the bitter Beasts of Chaos stalk. reign of Chaos has begun.

4 Ravening Hordes
Ravening Hordes 5
T he world stands on the brink of annihilation. It has done since the dawn of time, when the great civilisation of the Old
Ones was destroyed in a terrible cataclysm and the world became flooded with the energy of chaos. While the world
itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisations of Men, Dwarfs and Elves cling to their existence, ever looking to the
borders of their nations with fearful eyes, knowing that their safety and security is a fleeting thing…

Beyond The Old Beyond

WorldThe Old World The Dark Lands
The known world does not end at the borders of the Old Beyond the Worlds Edge Mountains lies the trackless expanse
World. In truth, the Old World itself, vast though it is, covers of wilderness known as the Dark Lands, a great cold desert
barely a fifth of the known world. Beyond the Worlds Edge beneath an eternally cloud-filled sky that stretches east for
Mountains to the east, across the Great Ocean to the west, many miles, until the twisted landscape rises once more
north of frozen Kislev and south of Bretonnia lie lands where it meets the foothills of the Mountains of Mourn. To
beyond imagining. These far places are home to Orcs and the south, where blackened skies give way to searing sun and
Goblins, Ogres and Trolls, and more besides. Some have even blistering heat, the wilderness meets a jagged and storm-
claimed the existence of a sunken city populated by a race of tossed coast, beyond which lies the aptly named Sea of Dread.
mysterious fishmen! But such preposterous stories are clearly In the northernmost reaches of the Dark Lands, the dark
made up to delight small children and alarm suggestible adults. desert meets the Plain of Zharr. Here, the mountains become
The truth is likely far worse… volcanic and the very earth itself cracks apart, revealing
the molten core of the world. Beyond this, the grim and
The Badlands foreboding Mountains of Mourn merge with the north-
The Badlands
eastern limits of the Worlds Edge Mountains.
The Badlands is the name given to the desolate region south The Dark Lands
of the Border Princes, a region famed as being home to barren Many foul creatures roam this empty wasteland: Chimeras,
rock, arid plains, and hordes and hordes of Orcs. It is from the Minotaurs, Ogres, Beastmen and worse – horrifying monsters
Badlands that most Orc and Goblin invasions into the civilised mutated by the seething energy of chaos.
lands of the Old World originate.
It is from here, in the Dark Lands, that many migratory tribes
In the southerly expanses of the Badlands, rising in twisted of Orcs, Goblins and more originate, roving far and wide
spires from the barren soil, can be found many strange rock across the face of the world, following the trade routes of more
formations. Scholars believe these to be the remains of an civilised races to distant lands. And it is here, in the Dark
ancient civilisation, perhaps an outpost of the lost empire of Lands, that the armies of Chaos assemble when the Winds of
Nehekhara. Whatever the case, today the area is considered Magic blow, gathering around gruesome monoliths erected in
home to a large number of Ghouls and various other carrion honour of their masters.
beasts. These pitiful creatures eke out a sorrowful existence in
such barren conditions.

6 Ravening Hordes
The Land of The Dead

The Land Of The Dead The Chaos

The Chaos Wastes

Across the Southern Sea, beyond the exotic land of Araby, lies North of Kislev, north even of Norsca and the Troll Country,
ancient Nehekhara, the forebodingly named Land of the Dead lies the Realm of Chaos. This wild expanse of untamed and
and home to the cyclopean tomb cities of Khemri and Numas. unnatural land stretches from the borders of civilisation all
Long before the coming of Sigmar, Nehekhara flourished, the way to the very top of the world; a wild and primordial
though it was to be brought low by the megalomania of its landscape, twisted and warped beyond the ken of mere
kings and the betrayal of its High Priest, Nagash. So steeped mortals in ways both bizarre and sublime by the power of the
in evil ambition was Nagash that, through his necromantic strange pantheon of Chaos gods that hold dominion here.
magics, he laid a terrible curse of undeath over all the lands. In the mists of time, the gateway of the Old Ones lay at the
All of Nehekhara withered and died, cursed to an unquiet North Pole, and it was from here that the Slann and their
death from which there could be no true respite. To this day god-like masters entered and left our world. Unfortunately,
the name of Nagash is whispered in hushed tones across the following some long forgotten cataclysm, this gate was
world, for he is perhaps the most powerful sorcerer ever to destroyed, causing it to shatter and allow the raw stuff of chaos
have existed, and death is no escape from his power. to flood into the world.

Today, the once great realm of Nehekhara is a barren sea For many centuries, the Marauder tribes of the north have
of sand dunes, a scorching desert studded with the morbid lived under the shadow of the Realm of Chaos, worshipping
architecture of a civilisation obsessed with death. Beneath the Ruinous Powers and imploring them for their dark
the thin white sands and deserted valleys lie countless gilded blessings. Every year, raiding parties of these fur clad maniacs
artefacts and trinkets buried amongst drifts of human bone. surge southwards looking for plunder. At regular intervals,
Each of the many thousand tombs that dot the arid landscape when the Winds of Magic blow with ever greater ferocity,
contains a king’s ransom in jewellery and gem-studded huge armies form. Mustering beneath the banners of mighty
weaponry. Every year, armies of the avaricious and the Chaos warlords, their ranks are swelled by black armoured
adventurous march deep into the heat-blasted deserts, intent Chaos Warriors and Knights, the champions of the Chaos
on ransacking the legendary wealth of these inhospitable gods. With their numbers further increased as they march
lands despite rumours of the vengeful dead buried beneath by the horrific creatures of Chaos that dwell within the
their feet. Every year the sands are stained once more with the blasted landscapes, these great champions lead their war hosts
blood of the foolish, for the rumours of spirits abroad in the south, into the lands of Man, Dwarf and Elf alike in a tide of
deserts are true – the long-dead soldiers of ancient Nehekhara destruction that might herald the end of the very world itself!
stand ready for battle at all times.

Ravening Hordes 7
O f the many armies available in Warhammer: the Old World, an Orc & Goblin Tribes army is one of the most bizarre
and eclectic. The units available to an Orc & Goblin Tribes general are a mix of ferocity and unreliability, many of
them behave in unusual ways and, possibly more than any other army, the range of options is both diverse and peculiar. As
such, Orc & Goblin Tribes armies are both a challenge and a pleasure to command in roughly equal measures.

The Green Menace

The Green Menace Warbosses
For an Orc, there is no greater joy than to be in the thick of Orc and Goblin tribes are led by a Warboss. This is the
a battle, where the biggest and meanest warrior carries the biggest and loudest member of the tribe, and they are
day. Such belligerence is both a strength and a weakness as it followed out of both respect and an understandable desire
means Orcs expend much of their energy fighting amongst to avoid a pummelling for not following. A tribe’s success is
themselves, rather than against a slightly more distant foe. highly reliant upon just how hard their Warboss can wallop
things. Warbosses rarely command great loyalty from their
Orcish skin is tougher than leather and curiously waxy. underlings, although a Warboss may be admired for their
As an Orc ages, its skin becomes gnarled and even more ability to push an opponent’s nose through their brainpan.
impenetrable, to the point where the most determined sword Orcs and Goblins are not sentimental creatures – they may
stroke can cause only a scratch. If the skin is pierced and remember a great leader but they certainly won’t mourn
the purplish-red blood begins to flow, there is no guarantee their loss. Upon the death of a Warboss, leadership swiftly
that the wound will prevent the Orc from pulverising their and inevitably falls to the next biggest and loudest Orc in the
opponent. Orcs are capable of healing at an incredible pace immediate vicinity.
and, quite naturally, take their robust bodies for granted,
regarding everyone else as weak, fragile and ‘squishy’. A Warboss will also inevitably face challenges from within
their own ranks, especially at times when enemies are in short
Smaller and more nimble than their Orcish cousins, Goblins supply and the fighting and looting has grown especially poor.
have a more developed sense of self-preservation. They are For Orcs, such challenges are typically direct and involve
cunning, rather than strong, and tend to leave the serious a large bladed or blunt implement (which can be a handy
business of fighting to the Orcs. Goblins prefer to guard the Goblin, in desperate circumstances).
rear of an army, though in desperate circumstances, they’ll
finish off an enemy so long as it has been given a clobbering by Being smaller and possessed of quite remarkable cowardice,
a mob of Orcs. Nevertheless, Goblin raiding parties are rightly the mantle of Goblin Warboss can be won in a direct
feared on the edges of the more civilised lands. When they challenge, but other methods are often preferred. It is not
attack, Goblins generally either have numbers on their side or uncommon for Goblin Warbosses to sleep with their back
something larger and meaner giving them orders. against a wall to guard against the daggers of their enemies,
and a wise Goblin Warboss will always insist one of their
underlings takes the first bite of any meal!
Waaagh! Fortunately for the people of the Old World, most such Orcish
Waaagh! crusades of violence end rather quickly (often in a flurry of
It is unknown how many Orc and Goblin tribes exist, for they infighting), leaving only a few ruined villages and scattered
seem to crop up everywhere, making it hard to gauge their armies in their wake. But not all invasions end quickly. The
numbers. The more civilised races – Men, Elves and Dwarfs, bigger and badder a Warboss is, the easier it will be for them
for example – know that there are Orc and Goblin tribes to maintain discipline amongst their followers and lead the
beyond counting in the wild regions of the world, but whether squabbling tribes under their command to many victories,
these tribes merely drift through the lands in disorganised each more magnificent than the last, and causing such
packs of unruly raiders, or mass in great numbers ahead of the commotion that ever more tribes will flock from ever further
next big Waaagh! is impossible to discern. afield to join the mighty commander.

A Waaagh! is akin to a migrating invasion, when a mighty In this way, a small Waaagh! can quickly become a large
Warboss, riding high upon the waves of their success, throws Waaagh! that, if left unchecked, will continue to attract tribes
everything they have against their chosen enemy and all the of Orcs and Goblins from many thousands of miles around
other Orcs and Goblins in the region flock to their banner. A as it charts an utterly unpredictable, zigzag course across the
Waaagh! generates much fervour amidst Orcs and Goblins, landscape, until it becomes an epoch-defining event. The
and sweeps violently over anything in its path, irrevocably largest Waaaghs! are the stuff of legend, and many times has
changing the landscape and laying bare great swathes of the earth itself been shaken until it trembled beneath the tread
territory. Some Waaaghs! travel a short distance before of immense armies, gathered to march forth and destroy. The
dispersing; others have crossed half the known world. devastation wrought by such invasions blots the sun behind
palls of smoke, covering great portions of the world in a
Commonly, a Waaagh! begins when a warband sweeps into shroud of darkness.
a village, slaughters the defenders and charges on, pausing
just long enough for the Warboss to make a really big pile The nature of the Waaagh! means that the history of Orcs
of severed heads upon which to sit and enjoy the cheering and Goblins, as passed down by word of mouth through the
adulation of their mates. Should word of this glorious victory tribes, is rather fragmented. Greenskin history is generally
spread to other tribes in the vicinity, they will flock to the an account of the rise and fall of huge Waaaghs! and their
banner of the victorious Warboss. This is partly because all glorious leaders. Other campaigns involving the Orcs and
Orcs and Goblins want to fight alongside a powerful Warboss Goblins do feature in the histories of other races, such as
who has built a reputation for leading their tribe to victories, Sigmar’s long wars that led to the Battle of Black Fire Pass, and
partly because they all want to fight on the winning side, and the travails of Gilles le Breton in the forming of the realm of
mostly because no mob of Orcs wants to miss a good scrap. Bretonnia, but the Orcs make little to no effort to remember
these – chiefly because they lost to ‘da squishy ’umies’.

10 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Orc & Goblin Tribes Army List

T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Orc & Goblin Tribes. This is the default army composition
list for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units
to choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find a profile and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Grand Army Composition List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Black Orc Warboss, Orc Warboss or Orc Weirdnob • Arachnarok Spiders and Giants
per 1,000 points • 0-1 Mangler Squig per Night Goblin Chief or
• Black Orc Bigbosses, Orc Bigbosses, Orc Weirdboys, Night Goblin Shaman taken
Goblin Bosses, Goblin Shamans, Night Goblin Bosses and • 0-1 Goblin Rock Lobber per 1,000 points
Night Goblin Shamans • 0-1 Doom Diver Catapult per 1,000 points

Core Mercenaries
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
on mercenaries.
• Orc Mobs, Goblin Mobs, Snotling Mobs,
Goblin Spider Rider Mobs and Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs Allies
• 0-1 Night Goblin Mobs per Night Goblin Chief or Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
Night Goblin Shaman taken allied contingent drawn from:
• 0-1 Night Goblin Squig Herd per Night Goblin Chief or
Night Goblin Shaman taken • Any Orc & Goblin Tribes Army of Infamy composition list
• If your General is a Black Orc Boss, 0-1 Black Orc Mob • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
may be taken as a Core choice - Warriors of Chaos (Uneasy)
- Beastmen Brayherds (Uneasy)
Special - Tomb Kings of Khemri (Suspicious)
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• Black Orc Mobs, Troll Mobs, Orc Boar Boy Mobs, Battle Standard Bearer
Orc Boar Chariots, Goblin Wolf Chariots and A single Bigboss (Orc, Black Orc, Goblin or
Snotling Pump Wagons Night Goblin) in your army may be upgraded to be your
• 0-1 Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mob per Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In addition to
Night Goblin Chief or Night Goblin Shaman taken their usual allowance of points to spend on magic items,
• 0-2 Goblin Bolt Throwas per 1,000 points a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a single magic
standard with no points limit.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 11

Character Black Orc Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Orc Warboss 4 7 3 5 5 3 6 4 9 135
Black Orc Bigboss 4 6 3 4 5 2 5 3 8 75

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and full plate armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19
Black Orc Bosses • A Black Orc Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of ..........................100 points
Black Orc Bosses are huge and • A Black Orc Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of................................50 points
powerful brutes, possessed
of a cunning intelligence not Special Rules: Choppas, Da Boyz, Furious Charge*, Ignore Panic, Quell Impetuosity,
often exhibited by their kin. Rallying Cry, Waaagh!
They are creatures singularly
focused on war, an occupation *Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one).
they take extremely seriously.
Where most Orc Bosses
are given to wanton acts of
bravado on the battlefield,
charging into certain death
to prove their courage to the
Orcs they command, Black
Orc Bosses are rigid in both
discipline and adherence to
their battle plans. As a result,
they command the respect of
Orcs and Goblins alike, and
many Orc tribes are led by
a Black Orc Boss and their
cadre of brutal (but cunning)

12 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Orc Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Orc Warboss 4 6 2 5 5 3 5 4 8 110
Orc Bigboss 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 3 7 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted)...................................................................+2 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May replace light armour with: Orc Bosses
- Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+3 points Orc tribes are led by the
Or: biggest and brawniest of their
- The Frenzy special rule (0-1 per 1,000 points)..........................................................+3 points kind, hulking brutes that have
- A Frenzied Orc Boss may have the Warpaint special rule ....................................+5 points bashed their way to positions
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19 of authority above their peers.
• An Orc Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of....................................100 points Such leaders amongst Orcs
• An Orc Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................50 points are known as ‘Bosses’ by their
underlings. The bigger and
Special Rules: Choppas, Furious Charge*, Ignore Goblin Panic, Impetuous, Rallying Cry, more powerful the Boss, the
Waaagh!, Warband more grandiose their title
will be. Whilst a humble Boss
*Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one). may lead a warrior band, a
Bigboss will lead a tribe and
get to boss around several
smaller Bosses. The biggest
and bestest Bosses, known
as Warbosses, will command
the loyalty of several tribes.
These mighty Orcs get to
boss everyone around (which
is great!).

Orc & Goblin Tribes 13

Orc Shamans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Orc Weirdnob 4 4 2 4 5 3 4 2 8 140
Orc Weirdboy 4 3 2 3 4 2 3 1 7 65

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Weirdnob is a Level 3 Wizard. A Weirdboy is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Orc

Shaman knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Elementalism
• Waaagh! Magic

Orc Shamans • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19
An Orc Shaman is a living • May have the Frenzy special rule (0-1 per 1,000 points) .......................................................Free
conduit to the gods of their - A Frenzied Orc Shaman may have the Warpaint special rule.............................+5 points
kind; Gork (famed for being • An Orc Weirdnob may:
brutal, but cunning) and - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
Mork (equally famed for - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
being cunning, but brutal). • An Orc Weirdboy may:
These strange creatures wield - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
great magical power drawn - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
not just from the Winds of
Magic, but from the power Special Rules: Choppas, Ignore Goblin Panic, Lore of Gork, Mob Rule, Warband
of belief generated by their
kin. As a result, Shamans Mob Rule
do whatever they can to Surrounded by big mobs of battle-hungry Orcs, Shamans crackle with barely-controlled energy,
increase the fervour of those causing their spells to burst forth with tremendous power.
around them, syphoning
off this metaphysical If this character has joined a unit of Orcs with a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may
energy. Consequently, apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any
Orc Shamans are strange reason, or should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost.
individuals that prance and
gesticulate wildly, gibbering Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a unit of Orcs is considered to be any unit that is made up
and chanting. Whilst entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise.
Orcs enjoy such displays,
many enemies find them
extremely disconcerting!

14 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Goblin Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Goblin Warboss 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 7 60
Goblin Bigboss 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 3 6 35

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take any of the following:
- Shield........................................................................................................................................+2 points
- Light armour .........................................................................................................................+3 points Goblin Bosses
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19 Where Orcs determine tribal
• A Goblin Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of ................................100 points hierarchy by a simple method
• A Goblin Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of......................................50 points (biggest is best), Goblins must
pursue a less straightforward
Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Impetuous, Rallying Cry, Warband path to power. Amongst
Goblins, a devious mind is the
best weapon. This is hardly
surprising as few Goblins
have the physical strength
or skill at arms to command
the respect of others (though
there are certainly plenty
of hard-gitz that do).
Consequently, Goblin Chiefs
tend to be sneaky individuals,
capable of thinking up
cunning plans and complex
ruses to best their enemies,
stacking the odds in their
favour and ensuring their
kind’s physical weakness is
never an obstacle to victory.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 15

Goblin Shamans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Goblin Oddnob 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 7 135
Goblin Oddgit 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 6 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Goblin Oddnob is a Level 3 Wizard. A Goblin Oddgit is a Level 1 Wizard. Every
Goblin Shaman knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Elementalism
• Waaagh! Magic

Goblin Shamans • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19
Compared to the mighty • A Goblin Oddnob may:
magical prowess displayed by - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
Orc Shamans, the powers of - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
a Goblin Shaman are weedy • A Goblin Oddgit may:
and irritating. Or, at least, - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
that’s what Orc Shamans - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
tell other Orcs. In truth, the
magic wielded by a Goblin Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Lore of Mork, Warband
Shaman is no less destructive
than that of their larger
kin. Where they differ is
as performers. Whilst Orc
Shamans chant and gyrate
around the battlefield, Goblin
Shamans skulk close by their
kin, working their spells and
commanding their followers
away from the eyes of the
enemy. How this affects
their magic is unclear, but
Goblin Shamans certainly
seem to live longer than their
Orc counterparts.

16 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Night Goblin Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Night Goblin Warboss 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 6 55
Night Goblin Bigboss 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 3 5 30

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take any of the following:
- Shield........................................................................................................................................+2 points
- Light armour .........................................................................................................................+3 points Night Goblin Bosses
• May be mounted on a Giant Cave Squig.........................................................................+25 points The Night Goblin tribes that
• A Night Goblin Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of....................100 points dwell in the deep caverns
• A Night Goblin Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of.........................50 points and abandoned Dwarf
strongholds found far beneath
Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs), Rallying Cry, Warband the Worlds Edge Mountains
are infamous across the
Old World for being petty
and cowardly creatures. In
truth, Night Goblins are as
vicious and cruel as any of
their surface-dwelling kin,
and their leaders even more
devious and audacious in
their schemes. Often, Night
Goblin Bosses will lead their
tribes in daring sneak attacks
through hidden tunnels
against Dwarf holds, raiding
ancient tombs for their
treasures and desecrating the
tunnels and vaults in which
the Dwarfs make their homes.
In this way, Night Goblin
Bosses keep alive the ancient
enmity that exists between
Dwarfs and their kind.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 17

Night Goblin Shamans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Night Goblin Oddnob 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 6 130
Night Goblin Oddgit 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 5 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Night Goblin Oddnob is a Level 3 Wizard. A Night Goblin Oddgit is a Level
1 Wizard. Every Night Goblin Shaman knows spells from one of the following Lores
of Magic:
• Illusion
• Waaagh! Magic

Night Goblin Shamans • A Night Goblin Oddnob may:
Under the watchful gaze of - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
their Shamans, Night Goblins - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
cultivate many strange types • A Night Goblin Oddgit may:
of fungus. Some of these - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
are used as food, but many - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
more are grown for their
hallucinogenic or intoxicating Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs), Lore of Mork, Warband
properties, or because they
affect the Goblin metabolism
in some other way. Night
Goblin Shamans prepare
for battle by brewing potent
fungus wines and beers
which greatly enhance their
magical prowess (or increase
their confidence as spell
casters, at least), if rendering
them paranoid and twitchy
at the same time. As they
grow steadily more drunk,
they sing loudly so that their
voices fill the tunnels of the
Worlds Edge Mountains
and echo through the
Dwarf strongholds.

18 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on the following pages. Those that are not have their own
dedicated entries later in this army list.

An Orc or Black Orc Warboss or Bigboss may be mounted on a:

• War Boar.....................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Boar Chariot............................................................................................................................See page 33
• Wyvern (Orc Warbosses and Black Orc Warbosses only) ......................................See page 35

An Orc Weirdnob or Weirdboy may be mounted on a:

• War Boar.....................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Wyvern (Orc Weirdnobs only).........................................................................................See page 35

A Goblin Warboss or Bigboss may be mounted on a:

• Giant Wolf..................................................................................................................................+10 points
• Gigantic Spider .........................................................................................................................+35 points War Boars
• Wolf Chariot............................................................................................................................See page 34 A War Boar is a huge beast,
boasting a tough hide and
A Goblin Oddnob or Oddgit may be mounted on a: wire-like pelt stretched
• Giant Wolf..................................................................................................................................+10 points taut over prodigious muscle
• Wolf Chariot............................................................................................................................See page 34 mass and topped off with
• Arachnarok Spider (Goblin Oddnobs only).................................................................See page 36 huge tusks and a wicked
temperament. In many ways,
A Night Goblin Warboss or Bigboss may be mounted on a: this description could be
• Giant Cave Squig......................................................................................................................+25 points applied to the average Orc,
making it obvious why the
War Boar two species are so compatible.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Giant Wolves

War Boar 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +16 Standing as tall as a pony,
Giant Wolves are found all
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry across the Old World, from
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm the forests of the Empire to
Unit Size: 1 the open steppes of Kislev.
Equipment: Tusks (counts as a hand weapon) Goblins prize Giant Wolves
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Counter Charge, Swiftstride, Tusker Charge as mounts for their speed and
ferocity. Giant Wolves prize
Goblins as keepers and riders
Giant Wolf because they are plentiful
and edible.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Giant Wolf 9 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +10

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Chariot Runners, Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Swiftstride

Orc & Goblin Tribes 19

Gigantic Spider
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Gigantic Spider 7 4 - 4 - (+1) 4 3 - +35
Note: A character mounted on a Gigantic Spider has +1 Wound.

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Fast Cavalry, Poisoned Attacks, Swiftstride

Giant Cave Squig

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Giant Cave Squig 3D6 4 - 5 - (+1) 3 3 - +25
Note: A character mounted on a Giant Cave Squig has +1 Wound.
Gigantic Spiders
Of the many foul creatures Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry
that reside within the forests Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
of the Old World, amongst Unit Size: 1
the most unpleasant to behold Equipment: Massive Gob (see below)
are Gigantic Spiders. These Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Hatred (Dwarfs), Impact Hits (D3), Loner,
creatures are highly valued Random Movement
by Goblins as mounts, both
for their speed through even R S AP Special Rules
the densest of terrain and Massive Gob Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1), Killing Blow
for their wickedly sharp and
venomous fangs.

Giant Cave Squigs

All Squigs are vicious mounts,
as dangerous to their riders
as to the enemy, but Giant
Cave Squigs are positively
deadly. These monstrous balls
of hatred are much stronger
and heavier than their riders,
and only the most courageous
of Night Goblins will survive
the process of mounting such
a beast.

20 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Black Orc Mobs Infantry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Orc 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 12
Black Orc Boss 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and full plate armour

• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................+1 point per model
- Great weapon...................................................................................................+2 points per model
• Any model in the unit may take a shield ........................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit Black Orcs
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit Black Orcs are the biggest,
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points meanest and strongest of all
• A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points Orcs, towering above their
• 0-1 unit in your army may: lesser kin. Many believe they
- Have the Stubborn special rule....................................................................+1 point per model get their name from their
- Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model dark green hides, though in
truth, the name probably
Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, Da Boyz, Furious Charge, Ignore Panic, originates from their dark
Motley Crew, Quell Impetuosity sense of humour (there is
little a Black Orc finds more
amusing than the misfortune
of others, other than being
the cause of that misfortune,
of course). Few in number
compared to their weedier
kin, Black Orcs tend to
group together into elite
and disciplined warrior
cadres that accompany only
the toughest of Warbosses
to battle.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 21

Orc Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Orc Boy 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 6 5
Boss 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Warbows...........................................................................................................................................Free
- Additional hand weapons..............................................................................+1 point per model
- Thrusting spears ...............................................................................................+1 point per model
- Throwing spears................................................................................................+1 point per model
Orcs • The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
In battle, Orc Boyz (as Orc • Any unit may:
warriors call themselves) form - Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit
up into rag-tag regiments - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
that surge towards the enemy - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
with great enthusiasm. These • A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points
mobs fight with a wide array • 0-1 unit in your army may:
of weapons, from crude hand - Have the Big ’Uns special rule....................................................................+2 points per model
weapons and hefty throwing - Replace the Close Order special rule with Skirmishers ...................................................Free
spears, to surprisingly • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
effective bows. For all their - Replace light armour with the Frenzy special rule ...............................+1 point per model
enthusiasm, Orc mobs can - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
lack discipline, often rushing • A Frenzied unit may:
uncontrollably towards the - Have the Warpaint special rule ...................................................................+1 point per model
enemy, only to suddenly halt - Take Big Stabbas .................................................................................................+5 points per unit
for a breather, directly in the
path of an enemy charge. Yet, Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, Ignore Goblin Panic, Impetuous, Warband
what they lack in direction,
Orcs more than make up for Big Stabbas
in ferocity, for when combat Some Orcs craft huge spears for hunting great beasts. When hurled from the ranks of a charging
is joined, an Orc mob is a mob, these oversized weapons can do tremendous damage.
terrible foe!
A unit with Big Stabbas has the Impact Hits (D3) special rule.

Note that this special rule applies to the unit as a whole, not to the individual models within it.

22 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Goblin Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Goblin 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 3
Boss 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 6 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may:
- Take thrusting spears.......................................................................................+1 point per model
- Replace shields with shortbows...................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit Goblins
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit Individually, Goblins are
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit cowardly creatures, but the
- Include 0-3 Nasty Skulkers ..................................................................................+10 points each more Goblins there are, the
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: safer each individual feels,
- Replace the Close Order special rule with Skirmishers ...................................................Free believing that harm is more
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points likely to befall someone
else. They also draw great
Special Rules: Close Order, Fear of Elves, Horde, Impetuous, Warband pleasure from seeing one
another maimed and killed
in gruesome fashion, and
the raucous laughter caused
by such tragedy emboldens
the survivors. Goblins are
not skilled warriors, but by
fighting in sufficiently large
numbers they can overcome
almost any enemy.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 23

Nasty Skulkers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Nasty Skulker 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 6 +10

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Fear of Elves, Horde, Skulking Menace, Strike First

Skulking Menace
Hiding within Goblin ranks, out of sight of the enemy, Nasty Skulkers await their chance to strike.

Nasty Skulkers are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a
note of which Goblin Mobs include Nasty Skulkers, and of how many they include. These
units are referred to as ‘concealing’ units. At the start of its first round of combat, during
Step 1.1 of the Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase, a concealing unit must reveal its Nasty
Nasty Skulkers Skulkers – they cannot be revealed at any other time. Position each revealed Nasty Skulker
Hiding amongst the ranks as you would a character that has joined the unit. Once placed, Nasty Skulkers cannot
of Goblin mobs, Nasty leave their concealing unit. If a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the battlefield before its
Skulkers are Goblins Nasty Skulkers are revealed, they are removed as casualties.
particularly well-versed in
the art of stabbing an enemy
in the back. When battle is Snotling Mobs
joined, Nasty Skulkers will
spring forth to strike at the M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
unsuspecting enemy. Snotlings 5 2 2 2 2 6 3 5 4 35

Snotlings Troop Type: Swarms

Snotlings are diminutive Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
creatures with pea-sized Unit Size: 2+
brains that infest Orc and Equipment: Hand weapons and throwing weapons
Goblin encampments, Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Impetuous, Loner, Open Order, Skirmishers,
scavenging, stealing and Unbreakable, Vanguard
generally getting in the way.
Yet their larger kin tolerate
them, for they take to the
most mundane of tasks
with boundless enthusiasm.
In battle, Snotlings swarm
together in vast numbers,
ignoring all danger as they
rush towards the enemy.

24 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Night Goblin Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Night Goblin 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 4 3
Boss 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may:
- Take thrusting spears.......................................................................................+1 point per model
- Replace shields with shortbows...................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit Night Goblins
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit Long ago, Goblin tribes
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit ventured into the deep caves
- Have the Netters special rule........................................................................+20 points per unit and caverns beneath the
- Include 0-3 Fanatics................................................................................................+25 points each Worlds Edge Mountains.
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to...................50 points Here they found vast
underground realms to
Special Rules: Close Order, Fear of Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs), Horde, Warband inhabit and uncovered hidden
ways into the lairs of the
Netters Dwarfs, the better to make
In dark underground tunnels, Night Goblins throw nets to entangle their prey. war upon their enemies.
Over the centuries, these
When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub- Goblins became distinct in
phase, it may attempt to ‘entangle’ one enemy unit it is engaged with. Roll a D6. On a roll of type and are now known as
1, the unit has entangled itself. On a roll of 2+, the enemy unit is entangled. Until the end Night Goblins. Night Goblins
of the Combat phase, an entangled unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength characteristic have become so accustomed
(to a minimum of 1). to the dark that when they
come out into the open, they
Note that this modifier is not cumulative. prefer to move around at
night and hide away during
the day. Many of them wear
long ragged cloaks, dangling
caps and hooded coats that
protect them from the
loathed sunlight.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 25

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Fanatic * * * 5 3 1 5 * 10 +25

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 mm (round base)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Fanatic ball & chain (see below)
Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Release the Fanatics!

Release the Fanatics!

As the enemy draws near, mobs of Night Goblins unleash Fanatics in a whirlwind of destruction.

Fanatics are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a note of
which Night Goblin units include Fanatics, and of how many they include. These units are
referred to as ‘concealing’ units. A concealing unit may release one or more of its Fanatics
during any Start of Turn sub-phase.
Night Goblin Fanatics are When a Fanatic is released, it travels through the air to land spinning several feet away
crazed individuals that from its concealing unit, before embarking upon its erratic journey across the battlefield.
wield huge, spiked metal To represent this, place the model so that its base is within 3" of its concealing unit and not
balls attached to lengths of touching the bases of any other models.
chain. Fuelled by a potent
mushroom brew, these insane Fanatic Movement: During the Compulsory Moves sub-phase of the turn in which it
creatures are unleashed from was released, a Fanatic moves 2D6" in a direction chosen by its controlling player. During
mobs of Night Goblins to each and every other Compulsory Moves sub-phase, a Fanatic Moves 2D6" in a random
wreak havoc upon the enemy. direction. If a Fanatic’s movement brings it into contact with a unit (friend or foe), it moves
through that unit. Continue to move it in the same direction until it can be placed on the
battlefield with its base not touching the bases of any other models.

Note that, unlike other models, Fanatics ignore the 1" rule.

Moving Through a Fanatic: Although dangerous, any unit may move through a Fanatic.
Should a unit ever end its move ‘on top’ of a Fanatic, move the Fanatic by the shortest route
possible until it can be placed on the battlefield with its base not touching the bases of
any models.

Fanatic Ball & Chain: Any unit (friend or foe) that is moved through by a moving Fanatic,
or that moves through a Fanatic, suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -3.

Death of a Fanatic: A Fanatic model cannot be charged, targeted or attacked in any way.
However, the life of a Fanatic is no less dangerous for this. Should a Fanatic find itself lying
fully or partially underneath a template (one placed over a nearby unit, for example, or
that has scattered), it risks being hit as normal. Additionally, if any natural double is rolled
for its movement, or if a Fanatic moves into any difficult, dangerous or impassable terrain,
or any type of linear obstacle, it comes to a sudden and terminal stop, and is immediately
removed from play as a casualty. Finally, if a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the
battlefield before its Fanatics have been released, they are removed as casualties.

26 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Night Goblin Squig Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Squig Herder 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 3
Cave Squig 4 4 - 5 3 1 4 2 3 10

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1+/5+*
• Squig Herders: Assorted squig-herding implements (counts as hand weapons)
• Cave Squigs: Huge gobs (see below)

• Any Squig Herder in the unit may take a thrusting spear........................+1 point per model

Special Rules: Hatred (Dwarfs), Immune to Psychology, Impetuous, Loner,

Motley Crew*, Open Order, Skirmishers, Squigs Go Wild, Warband
Squig Herds
*When writing your muster list, a Night Goblin Squig Herd must contain at least one Squig Cave Squigs are improbable
Herder for every five Cave Squigs. Cave Squigs always occupy the front rank(s) of the unit, pushing creatures with almost
past any Squig Herders to get there if necessary (such as when the unit turns). spherical bodies, dominated
by huge mouths lined with
Squigs Go Wild jagged rows of teeth, above
A herd of Cave Squigs is held together by the weakest glue – the best efforts of a few Night Goblins. which perch snub noses
Once that glue breaks and control of a herd is lost, the Cave Squigs will bounce towards freedom. and beady eyes. They move
by means of hopping and
Should a Squig Herd ever Break and flee from combat, the Cave Squigs will go wild. If the bouncing upon a pair of
Squig Herd contains five or more Cave Squigs, every unit (friend or foe) within 2D6" of it muscular legs steered (for
suffers D3 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1. For every additional five Cave Squigs the want of a better term) by
Squig Herd contains, apply a +1 modifier to the D3. Once these hits have been resolved, thick tails. These brutish
treat the unit as having been completely destroyed in combat and remove it from play. creatures are highly prized
by Night Goblins, both as
R S AP Special Rules war beasts and for their
Huge gob Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1) meat, which is considered
a delicacy. Cave Squigs are
herded together by brave
Night Goblins and goaded
into battle with long, sharp
sticks and clamorous music,
the combination of which
seems to rile them up very
well indeed!

Orc & Goblin Tribes 27

Troll Mobs
Common Troll Mobs M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Common Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 2 3 4 41

River Troll Mobs M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points

River Troll 6 3 1 5 4 4 1 3 4 49

Stone Troll Mobs M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points

Stone Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 1 3 5 45

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 1-9
Equipment: Hand weapons, Troll vomit (see below) and
Calloused hides (counts as light armour)

Trolls Options:
Trolls are hulking creatures • The entire unit may take one of the following:
whose hunched appearance - Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
belies their powerful nature. - Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model
They can physically adapt
to their environment. River Special Rules:
Trolls, for example, are • Common Trolls: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Flammable, Regeneration (5+),
bloated creatures with slimy Stupidity
hides and a terrible stench • River Trolls: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Flammable, Regeneration (5+),
who dwell along river banks Stupidity
and deep within swamps • Stone Trolls: Armour Bane (1), Armoured Hide (1), Close Order, Fear, Flammable,
and marshes. Stone Trolls, Magic Resistance (-1), Regeneration (5+), Stupidity
by contrast, are long-limbed
brutes with stone-dry, R S AP Special Rules
cracked hides that can be Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 -
found wandering the slopes Notes: A Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each
and passes of the Old World’s turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made
many mountain ranges. (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.

Despite their many physical

differences, all Trolls are dim
creatures with indiscriminate
appetites, and will eat
anything from flesh and bone,
to wood, rocks and even scrap
metal. Not surprisingly, the
stomach of a Troll contains
potent digestive juices which
Trolls can vomit up onto
their enemies.

28 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Orc Boar Boy Mobs Cavalry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Boar Boy - 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 6 15
Boss - 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 7 +8
War Boar 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Boar Boyz: Hand weapons and light armour
• War Boars: Tusks (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may replace light armour with heavy armour...............+1 point per model Boar Boyz
• Any unit may: The War Boar is an extremely
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+8 points per unit tough beast that is notoriously
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit bad tempered, loudly
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit flatulent, wholly dangerous
• A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points and wildly unpredictable – all
• 0-1 unit in your army may have the Big ’Uns special rule ......................+2 points per model qualities that Orcs greatly
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: admire, so it is only natural
- Replace light armour with the Frenzy special rule ...............................+1 point per model that Orcs have adopted War
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Boars as their mounts. Boars
• A Frenzied unit may have the Warpaint special rule .................................+1 point per model are slow to reach a full gallop,
but once they do, they are
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Choppas, Close Order, Counter Charge, almost unstoppable, their
Furious Charge (Orc Boar Boys & Boss only), Ignore Goblin Panic, powerfully churning legs
Impetuous, Swiftstride, Tusker Charge, Warband propelling them into the
enemy where their goring
tusks and stamping hooves
can do untold damage. From
atop their precarious perch,
an Orc can set about the
foe with spear and choppa,
knowing that should they fall,
their mount will give them a
proper good kicking!

Orc & Goblin Tribes 29

Goblin Spider Rider Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Spider Rider - 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 12
Boss - 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +7
Giant Spider 7 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Spider Rider: Hand weapons and shields
• Giant Spiders: Poisonous fangs (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shortbows............................................................................................................+1 point per model
Goblin Spider Riders - Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model
Many Goblin tribes can • Any unit may:
be found in the depths - Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit
of wooded areas and are - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
especially concentrated in a - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
wide forested belt south of the • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to...................50 points
Empire, stretching the length
of the Border Princes from Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fear of Elves, Impetuous, Move through Cover, Open Order,
Black Fire Pass in the east Poisoned Attacks, Swiftstride, Warband
to Tilea in the west. These
forests are full of all kinds of
spiders, the largest of which
are hunted and captured by
Goblins, who highly value
them as mounts. Spiders are
good fighters, with mandibles
like steel pincers and, though
not as fast as wolves or
horses, are able to traverse
even the most hazardous of
terrain quickly thanks to their
many legs.

30 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wolf Rider - 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 10
Boss - 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +7
Giant Wolf 9 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Wolf Riders: Hand weapons and shields
• Giant Wolves: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may:
- Take cavalry spears........................................................................................................................Free
Or: Goblin Wolf Riders
- Replace shields with shortbows................................................................................................Free Many Goblin tribes are
• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model nomadic in nature, traversing
• Any unit may: the wildernesses of the Old
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit World and the Badlands in
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit huge, ramshackle caravans.
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit These nomadic Goblins breed
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: Giant Wolves as mounts,
- Have the Feigned Flight special rule ........................................................+2 points per model fast and agile hunters that
- Have the Reserve Move special rule ..........................................................+1 point per model can cover vast distances with
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points ease. Roaming packs of Wolf
Riders proceed ahead of
Special Rules: Chariot Runners, Fast Cavalry, Fear of Elves, Fire & Flee, Impetuous, these caravans, scouting out
Open Order, Skirmishers, Swiftstride, Warband the land and pouncing upon
any foe foolish enough to be
caught alone in the wide-open
spaces. In battle, Goblins use
these mounts to great effect,
encircling the enemy, wearing
them down with arrows and
launching lightning-quick
attacks, then vanishing into
the distance before even a
single retaliatory blow can
be struck.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 31

Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Squig Hopper - 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 12
Boss - 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +6
Bounder Squig 3D6 4 - 5 - - 4 2 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Squig Hoppers: Hand weapons
• Bounder Squigs: Huge gobs (see below)

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model
Squig Hoppers • Any unit may upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) ............................+6 points per unit
All Squigs are naturally • A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points
bouncy creatures, and the
most bouncy and energetic Special Rules: Hatred (Dwarfs), Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (1), Loner,
are called Bounder Squigs Open Order, Random Movement, Skirmishers, Warband
by Night Goblins. Bounder
Squigs are highly prized as R S AP Special Rules
cavalry mounts for not only Huge gob Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)
are they vicious brutes with
gigantic gobs lined with
razor-sharp teeth, but they
can literally bowl the enemy
over with their bodies as
they bound enthusiastically
forward into the enemy lines.
However, a Bounder Squig is a
treacherous mount, and many
a foolhardy Goblin has met
a sticky end trying to tame
their mount, either crushed
beneath its thrashing weight
or pulverised against the roof
of an underground cavern.

32 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Orc Boar Chariots
M WS BS S T W IChariot
A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 90
Orc Crew (x2) - 3 3 3 - - 3 1 7 -
War Boars (x2) 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Orc Crew: Hand weapons and cavalry spears
• War Boars: Tusks (counts as hand weapons)

• May add a third Orc crew member.....................................................................................+5 points
• 0-1 per 1,000 points may have the Frenzy special rule................................+2 points per crew
• A Frenzied chariot may have the Warpaint special rule ............................................+10 points Boar Chariots
By lashing together roughly
Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, First Charge, Ignore Goblin Panic, hewn planks and bolting
Impact Hits (D6+1), Impetuous, Tusker Charge, Warband round(ish) wheels to a
sturdy axel, Orcs can build
formidable chariots. These
Character Mount: An Orc Boar Chariot may be included in your army as a bulky constructs are drawn by
character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. War Boars reluctantly goaded
to motion by sharp prods.
Suitably encouraged, a pair of
War Boars can heave even the
heaviest chariot forward with
remarkable speed, building
up considerable momentum
as they thunder forwards.
Owning a chariot is a mark
of prestige amongst Orcs, and
a chariot’s crew are viewed
with great envy by their more
pedestrian comrades. Keen to
make the most of their status
in the eyes of others, Orc
charioteers will constantly
mess with their vehicle,
adding extra ornamentation
and painting them in bold,
flashy colours.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 33

Goblin Wolf Chariots
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 4 3 - - - 53
Goblin Crew (x3) - 2 3 3 - - 3 1 6 -
Giant Wolves (x2) 9 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm (two wolves), 60 x 100 mm (three wolves)
Unit Size: 1-5
Armour Value: 5+
• Goblin Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and shortbows
• Giant Wolves: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons)

• Any Goblin Wolf Chariot may add a third Giant Wolf..........................+5 points per model
Wolf Chariots • Any unit may upgrade one model to include a standard bearer ..............+5 points per unit
Surprisingly well-built from
scavenged materials, Goblin Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Impact Hits (D3+1), Impetuous, Open Order,
chariots are lightweight Swiftstride, Warband
things built for speed rather
than durability, the crews of
which much prefer to race Character Mount: A Goblin Wolf Chariot may be included in your army as a
around the enemy, raining character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.
arrows upon them from afar,
than to charge thunderously
into melee. Drawn by fleet-
footed Giant Wolves, Goblin Snotling Pump Wagons
chariots race around the
battlefields of the Old World, M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
sowing havoc in their wake. Pump Wagon 2D6 - - 4 4 3 - - - 35
Snotling Crew (x6) - 2 2 2 - - 3 1 4 -
Snotling Pump Wagons
A Pump Wagon is little more Troop Type: Light chariot
than a ramshackle wooden Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (min), 50 x 100 mm (max)
hut on wheels. It moves under Unit Size: 1-6
its own power provided, Armour Value: 6+
not by draft animals, but Equipment:
by the frantic efforts of • Snotling Crew: Hand weapons and throwing weapons
Snotlings. This drives a
simple mechanism that keeps Special Rules: Armour Bane (3, Pump Wagon Impact Hits only), Immune to Psychology,
the Pump Wagon moving, Impact Hits (D3+1), Loner, Open Order, Random Movement
crushing and piercing any foes
unfortunate enough to fall
beneath it.

34 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Wyverns Monster
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wyvern 4 5 - 6 (+1) (+4) 3 3 - +130
Notes: A character mounted on a Wyvern has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds.

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), venomous tail (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3),
Swiftstride, Terror

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

R S AP Special Rules
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Wyverns
Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. From a distance, a Wyvern
swooping and soaring
between mountain peaks
Character Mount: A Wyvern may only be included in your army as a character’s might be mistaken for a
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. Dragon. Up close, there can
be no such confusion. Where
Dragons are haughty and
noble creatures, Wyverns are
filthy, foul smelling beasts
with jagged and dirty teeth
protruding from their heavy
jaws, making a Wyvern the
perfect mount for any Orc
that possesses enough brute
force and ignorance to master
one. As mounts, Wyverns
are well-equipped for battle.
Their pot-bellied bodies are
protected by layers of fat
and thick, scaly hides. Their
gnarled feet and ragged wings
are tipped with savage claws,
and their long, lumpy tails
end in venomous barbs.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 35

Arachnarok Spiders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Arachnarok Spider 7 4 - 5 6 7 4 6 - 310
Goblin Crew (x8) - 2 3 3 - - 3 1 7 -

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Arachnarok Spider: Poisonous fangs (counts as a hand weapon) and
venom surge (see below)
• Goblin Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and shortbows

• May take a spidersilk lobber ................................................................................................+35 points

Arachnarok Spiders Special Rules: Close Order, Howdah, Immune to Psychology, Large Target,
Of all the giant spiders that Move through Cover, Poisoned Attacks, Stomp Attacks (D6), Stubborn,
haunt the forests of the Old Swiftstride, Terror
World, the largest and most
terrible are the Arachnarok. R S AP
Special Rules
These hideous behemoths Venom surge Combat S -2
Multiple Wounds (D6), Poisoned Attacks,
spin their vast webs in the Strike First
deepest woods, preying Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
upon the great beasts that
dwell within these dark R S AP Special Rules
places. Goblin tribes view Spidersilk lobber 12-48" 2 (4) - (-1) Bombardment, Cumbersome
Arachnarok Spiders as Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule and a 5"
god-like beings compared blast template. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead
to lesser arachnids. Some of rolling on a Misfire table).
Goblin Shamans have learned
to subdue and control
Arachnarok Spiders through Character Mount: An Arachnarok Spider may be included in your army as a
use of magic and hypnotising character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.
dance. Suitably satiated
with tribute and lulled into Note that, because it has the Howdah special rule (and its own crew, which the character joins),
a trance by the gyrating an Arachnarok Spider is considered to be a chariot mount (as described in the Warhammer:
dance of a Shaman, many the Old World rulebook), rather than a ridden monster.
Arachnarok Spiders awaken
to find scaffolds and howdahs
of wood and hide erected
upon their backs, packed full
of Goblins eager for war.

36 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Mangler Squigs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Mangler Squig 3D6 4 0 6 5 4 3 D6 4 95

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Colossal fang-filled gob (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Hatred (Dwarfs), Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6),
Ker-splat, Large Target, Random Attacks, Random Movement,
Spiked Ball & Chains, Stomp Attacks (D3), Timmm-berrr!

Mangler Squigs are careless beasts that bound merrily through life. Unfortunately, this can often
lead to injury when they encounter terrain unwilling to get out of their way!
Mangler Squigs
Mangler Squigs treat all difficult terrain as dangerous terrain. Only the most thoroughly
unhinged Night Goblin would
Spiked Ball & Chains try to catch a Great Cave
Night Goblins attempt to control Mangler Squigs by means of long, heavy lengths of spiked chain Squig, and only an absolute
fitted with heavy iron balls. This seldom works, but it does make them more dangerous. lunatic with little regard for
life would dare chain together
Impact Hits caused by this model have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -3. two Great Cave Squigs, climb
atop one, and then prod them
R S AP Special Rules with a pointed stick. Known
Colossal Combat S -2 Killing Blow as Mangler Squigs, these
fang-filled gob bounding balls of destruction
can tear apart a battle
line with brutal savagery.
Alternately pulling, yanking
and dragging each other
along, the two fettered Great
Squigs hurtle forwards in
great bounds. Upon landing,
Mangler Squigs produce
an impact that is nothing
short of spectacular. The
devastation such creatures
produce makes them truly
worthy of their name!

Orc & Goblin Tribes 37

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Giant 6 3 1 6 6 6 2 * 10 200

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Giant’s club (see opposite) and calloused hide (counts as light armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, *Giant Attacks, Immune to Psychology, Large Target,
*Pick Up And…, Stomp Attacks (D6), Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Unbreakable

*Giant Attacks
Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to
take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack,
a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy
Giants unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the
Giants are large, lumbering Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does:
brutes that wander the world
seeking food and a fight (most Giant Attacks Table
food puts up a fight!). Giants, D6 Result
though quite rare, can be 1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate
found in most parts of the a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with
Old World and will often to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with
settle down for a time before no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted
moving on, leaving behind as normal).
ravaged and flattened farms 2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3")
and villages. They prefer to blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target
live solitary lives, but can unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies
be coaxed to join an Orc underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the
or Goblin tribe. To most, a Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.
Giant represents raw might 3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this
and ruthless aggression, things attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an
that Orcs and Goblins value Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic
highly. For their part, Giants of S+1 and an AP of -2.
are happy to hang around 5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy
with Orcs and Goblins as it on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the
significantly increases their Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s
chances of eating regularly club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds
and getting their hands on (D6) special rule.
strong ale. 6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy.
For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers
D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

38 Orc & Goblin Tribes

*Pick Up And…
Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon Monster
rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the
handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the
Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot and still others are tossed carelessly aside to
bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant
that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or
‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And…
attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in
combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:

• If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not
bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is
immediately removed from play as a casualty.
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s
grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect.
“’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere
Next, roll a D6: we go!

• On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks. ’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere we
• On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must go-oh!
make another Initiative test.
’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere
This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until we go!
the target unit is destroyed.
’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere we
Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting go-oh!”
rank of the enemy unit.
(Deep breath, start again)
R S AP Special Rules
Giant’s club Combat * * * Famous Orc verse,
Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what sung to no particular tune
they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 39

War Machine Goblin Bolt Throwas
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bolt Throwa - - - - 5 3 - - - 45
Goblin Crew 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Bolt thrower and hand weapons

• May be accompanied by an Orc Bully.............................................................+10 points per unit

Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Skirmishers

War Machines Doom Diver Catapults

Orcs greatly enjoy war
machines for the sheer M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
devastation they can create, Doom Diver Catapult - - - - 5 3 - - - 95
yet seldom are they very Goblin Crew 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 -
interested in the work
involved in loading and firing Troop Type: War machine
one. Consequently, Orc Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
war machines are built and Unit Size: 1
crewed by Goblins. Equipment: Doom Diver catapult (counts as stone thrower) and hand weapons

Goblin Bolt Throwas Options:

Gigantic bows are easy to • May be accompanied by an Orc Bully.............................................................+10 points per unit
make from bits of wood and
scrap metal, making them Special Rules: Doom Diver, Fear of Elves, Skirmishers
a popular weapon among
Goblins. Yet, for all their Doom Diver
ramshackle appearance, Thanks to their large wings and aerodynamic headgear, a Doom Diver can steer their erratic
a Bolt Throwa is still a flight with remarkable accuracy. Sadly, this ability to control their flight is unlikely to soften
deadly weapon. their landing.

Doom Diver Catapults When shooting a Doom Diver catapult, follow the Bombardment special rule as usual.
A giant catapult is a powerful Once step 2, Scatter, is complete, you may roll a D3 and move the 3" blast template by that
but inaccurate weapon, so a many inches in any direction, representing the Doom Diver wildly flapping its arms to
projectile that can steer itself guide its erratic flight.
through the air is a great
bonus. Indeed, so great is the Should you choose to fire a Doom Diver catapult indirectly, the skill of the crew has no
prestige of soaring, however bearing on the accuracy of the shot. If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, use the small
briefly, through the heavens, arrow above the Hit! symbol to determine the direction of the Scatter as usual, then move
that there is never any the template a number of inches equal to the roll of the Artillery dice minus D3 (to a
shortage of Goblins willing minimum of zero), representing the efforts of the Doom Diver to steer its flight.
to don the leather wings
and spiked helmet of the
Doom Diver.

40 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Goblin Rock Lobbers
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Rock Lobber - - - - 6 4 - - - 75
Goblin Crew 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Stone thrower and hand weapons

• May be accompanied by an Orc Bully.............................................................+10 points per unit

Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Skirmishers

Orc Bullies
Goblin Rock Lobbers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Orcs were introduced to (and
Orc Bully 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 7 +10 were most impressed by)
stone throwers long ago by
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) their enemies. Though the
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm rough and ready rock lobbers
Unit Size: 1 built by Orcs and Goblins
Equipment: Hand weapon and whip bear little resemblance to
Special Rules: Bully, Choppas the war machines of other
races, they work admirably,
Bully launching huge rocks through
Goblins are prone to flights of fancy and daydreaming. Not desirable character traits amongst the the air to come crashing down
crew of a war machine, but nothing the presence of a glowering Orc can’t rectify! upon the distant enemy.

An Orc Bully is a special type of character that can be taken as an upgrade to accompany Orc Bullies
a war machine. During deployment, position an Orc Bully with its war machine, as you Older, wiser Orcs enjoy
would a character that has joined a unit. Once placed, an Orc Bully cannot leave its war devastation every bit as much
machine. Unless this model is fleeing, friendly war machines that are within its Command as their younger counterparts,
range can use this model’s Leadership instead of their own. but with age comes an
appreciation of watching it
from afar. For an Orc Bully,
there is little better than
seeing terrified Goblins rush
about, obeying their orders
and unleashing destruction
upon the enemy.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 41

Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Orc & Goblin Tribes armies. These
can be purchased by models within an Orc & Goblin Tribes army in exactly the same
way as Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! ..............................................................75 points
Vague legend tells that this huge, beaten battleaxe once belonged to either Gork or Mork. How true
this is, there is no way of knowing, but it certainly is a great tool for hitting things with!

Magical Whatnots R S AP Special Rules

Orcs and Goblins seldom Battleaxe of the Combat S+2 -2 Extra Attacks (+D6), Magical Attacks,
create fine weapons or Last Big Waaagh! Requires Two Hands, Strike Last
armour, preferring roughly Notes: If a natural 6 is rolled for the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule, the Battleaxe of the Last
made and unsubtle weapons Big Waaagh! loses the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule at the end of the current Combat phase.
which they instinctively know
will cleave an enemy’s head Porko’s Pigstikka ............................................................................................ 40 points
with ease, and thick, heavy Most of the many spears wielded by Porko and his famous Boar Boyz lie shattered across a
plates of armour, which they thousand battlefields. But this particular spear is special, having never broken nor lost its
deem easily able to turn a perfect point.
blow aside. The items to
which they ascribe religious R S AP Special Rules
or spiritual importance Porko’s Pigstikka Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
tend to be crude fetishes Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. This weapon’s Strength and
and roughly made effigies, Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during the first round of combat. In addition, during a turn
artefacts that look the part, in which the wielder charged, Porko’s Pigstikka grants them +1 Attack for each rank the enemy
but that rarely carry any true unit has.
worth. Yet despite this, Orcs
and Goblins possess many Da Choppiest Choppa....................................................................................35 points
items which they believe to This broad, heavy bladed choppa boasts a wickedly sharp cutting edge. What’s more, no amount of
be potently magical, and this relentless chopping through armour and hacking through bone ever seems to dull it.
belief, fuelled by the power of
Waaagh! magic radiated by R S AP Special Rules
their kind, is often all it takes Da Choppiest Combat S+1 -3 Magical Attacks
to transform a ragged, old Choppa
banner, for example, into a
powerful magical artefact. Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda............................................................................15 points
The rebellious Goblin known as Wollopa wielded a wondrous weapon. Yet what he is most
remembered for is his turn of speed, being able to easily outpace even the most irate of Orcs.

R S AP Special Rules
Wollopa’s Combat 10 -3 Magical Attacks, Strike First
One Hit Wunda
Notes: Goblin and Night Goblin Bosses only. Single use. Once per game, during the first round
of combat, the wielder of this weapon can use it with this profile. At all other times, this weapon
counts as a hand weapon with the Magical Attacks special rule.

42 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Magic Armour Magic Standards
Trollhide Trousers* ...........................................40 points The Big Red Raggedy Flag ...............................50 points
Foul smelling and uncomfortable, Trollhide Trousers possess This tattered banner belonged to the great hero, Rowdy Porker,
remarkable regenerative properties. whose spirit imbues it to this day.

May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Trollhide A unit carrying the Big Red Raggedy Flag has a +1 modifier
Trousers improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). In
of 2+). In addition, their wearer has the Regeneration (5+) addition, when calculating its combat result, the unit may
special rule. claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.

Armour of Mork ................................................30 points Waaagh! Banner.................................................40 points

This old and battered armour offers powerful protection Blessed by an Orc Shaman, this banner fills those that march under
against magic. it with a great sense of urgency.

The Armour of Mork is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its A unit carrying the Waaagh! Banner increases its maximum
wearer has Magic Resistance (-2). possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll,
may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.
Da Banner of Butchery.....................................35 points
Glowy Green Amulet........................................35 points This rough-hewn totem has absorbed a great amount of primal
This unimposing green amulet glows ever brighter as it absorbs Orc fury.
magic. Sooner or later it is going to explode!
All models in a unit carrying Da Banner of Butchery have a
If the bearer (and any unit they have joined) is the target of an +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic during a turn in
enemy spell, they may use the Glowy Green Amulet instead of which they charge.
making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2+,
the spell is dispelled. However, if a 1 is rolled, the Glowy Green Guff’s Windy Banner........................................20 points
Amulet explodes. The amulet is destroyed and cannot be used The banner of Guff’s Garrison eternally flutters in an inexplicable
again, and its bearer loses a single Wound. breeze. Those that fight in its shadow display remarkable
intestinal fortitude.
Note that the Glowy Green Amulet cannot be used against a
perfect invocation. A unit carrying the Guff’s Windy Banner may re-roll any
failed Panic test.
The Collar of Zorga ...........................................20 points
Zorga was a respected War Boar wrangler. When his magical collar
was stolen, he became a snack for his porcine pets.

Any enemy ‘beast of burden’ that directs its attacks against the
wearer of the Collar of Zorga or their unit during the Combat
phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. For the purposes
of this rule, a beast of burden is the mount of any model
whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, the beast(s) that draw any model
whose troop type is ‘chariot’, and the mount of any mounted
character whose troop type is ‘monster’.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 43

Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Big Boss ’At .........................................................50 points Glittering Wotnots ............................................40 points
Orcs and Goblins are easily impressed, and this ornate helmet is Supposedly made from the shards of a shattered magic mirror,
particularly impressive. What’s more, the Boss insists that wearing these gaudy gems hung from a Shaman’s staff will sometimes reflect
it makes them braver and cleverer, which must be true. hostile magic back upon its caster.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character If the bearer (or their unit) is the target of an enemy spell, they
wearing the Big Boss ’At that is not engaged in combat may may use the Glittering Wotnots instead of making a Wizardly
treat their comrades to some inspiring words by making a dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the Glittering
Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test Wotnots have no effect and the spell is cast as normal. On a
is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this roll of 4+, the spell is reflected back upon the caster and they
character and any unit they have joined gains the Unbreakable (and their unit) become the target of the spell. The caster may
special rule. make a Wizardly dispel attempt.

’Eadbuttin’ ’At*...................................................15 points Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff ....................................35 points

’Eadbuttin’ contests are popular in Orc culture. Especially cunning The famed Great Shaman Buzgob once attempted to channel so
(or brutal) participants employ magical means to improve much Waaagh! magic that he vanished in a flash of light, leaving
their odds. behind only his staff and sticky green mist.

An ’Eadbuttin’ ’At gives its wearer the Impact Hits (1) special Once per turn, the bearer of the Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff may
rule. This Impact Hit has an Armour Piercing characteristic re-roll a Casting roll.
of -2.
Idol of Mork........................................................30 points
Fungus Wine* .....................................................10 points On the eve of battle, Orc and Goblin Shamans often craft small
Night Goblins cultivate many strange fungi, the most potent of idols of Mork, hoping that the most cunning (but brutal) of deities
which are fermented into mind-altering wines. will watch over them.

Night Goblin characters only. Single use. During the The bearer of the Idol of Mork increases their Dispel
Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in range by 3". Additionally, once per turn, when attempting a
combat, this character may attempt to distribute Fungus Wine Wizardly dispel, the bearer of the Idol of Mork may re-roll the
to a unit they have joined by making a Leadership test (using Dispel roll.
their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next
Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have
joined gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.

44 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Special Rules

A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Orc &
Goblin Tribes army list:

Big ’Uns Fear of Elves

The biggest, strongest and fightiest Orcs band together into mobs Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and
accurately, if unimaginatively, called Big ’Uns. they’re too tall.

When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule has Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic, and gains the
Armour Bane (1) special rule. Ignore Goblin Panic
Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the average Orc is
Choppas concerned, running away is what Goblins are best at!
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the
creatures that wield them! This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly
Goblin unit is destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat
During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to make a Panic
rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and test when it is fled through by a friendly Goblin unit.
improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s)
by 1. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a Goblin unit is considered
to be any unit that is made up entirely of Goblins of any kind,
Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and mounted or otherwise. This includes any war machine or chariot
does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model that is crewed entirely by Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by
is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply. an Orc character, it is no longer considered to be a Goblin unit.

Da Boyz
Black Orcs will only follow the biggest and strongest leaders, which
in their opinion means another Black Orc. Black Orc Bosses think
the same, and will surround themselves with their own elite mob of
hand-picked Black Orc boyz.

Your army must include one Black Orc Boss for every Black
Orc Mob it includes, and vice versa. In other words:

• For each Black Orc Mob your army includes, it must also
include one Black Orc War Boss or Big Boss.
• For each Black Orc War Boss or Big Boss your army
includes, it must also include one Black Orc Mob.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 45

Ignore Panic Waaagh!
Black Orcs don’t expect much in the way of bravery or discipline The invigorating power of a good war cry should never be
from their dim-witted kin, so are rarely perturbed by the sight of underestimated, and Orcs have the best war cry of them all.
them legging it.
Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their
This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly turn, this character may attempt to invoke the power of
unit that does not also have this special rule is destroyed or the Waaagh! by making a Leadership test (using their own
Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Nor does Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn
this unit have to make a Panic test when it is fled through by a sub-phase this character, their mount and any Orc unit they
friendly unit that does not have this special rule.. have joined may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 and,
when calculating its combat result, may claim an additional
Quell Impetuosity bonus of +1 combat result point.
Where most Orcs and Goblins are impetuous, Black Orcs are
disciplined warriors. This discipline is usually extended to those Note that, for the purposes of this rule, an Orc unit is considered to
around them through threats and intimidation. be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted
or otherwise. Should an Orc unit be joined by a Goblin character,
Whilst within 6" of a unit with this special rule, friendly units it is no longer considered to be an Orc unit. This special rule is
may choose to ignore the Impetuous special rule. not cumulative.

Tusker Charge Warpaint

A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered mound of bloody-minded Some superstitious Orcs adorn their bodies with charms and
muscle with savage tusks and a terrible attitude. warpaint to protect them from harm. Such is their faith in these
measures that they actually seem to work!
During a turn in which it charged, a War Boar’s Tusks (hand
weapon) have a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an Armour Warpaint gives its wearer a 6+ Ward save against any wounds
Piercing characteristic of -1. suffered. However, a model with this special rule can never
wear armour of any sort (though they may carry a shield).
Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a War
Boar, not to their rider, a chariot or its crew.

46 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Lore of Gork LORE OF GORK
S urrounded by Boyz, Orc Shamans tap into the superstitious beliefs of their mates to conjure spells that are, much like
the wildly gesticulating and gibbering Shamans themselves, flamboyant and rowdy, but brutal in their effects.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Gork’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Brain Bursta Gaze of Gork

Channelling the violence of their peers, the Shaman projects it Gork gives the Shaman the ability to project beams of
against their enemies in a brain-bursting wave. coruscating energy from their eyes, burning massive holes through
everything they look at.
Type: Assailment
Casting Value: 10+ Type: Magic Missile
Range: Combat Casting Value: 9+
Effect: A single enemy model the caster is engaged in Range: 5D6"
combat with suffers a single Strength 6 hit with the Effect: Draw a straight line, 5D6" in length, from the caster’s
Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule and with no armour base edge. Any model (friend or foe) whose base falls under
or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be this line suffers a Strength 5 hit, with an AP of -3.
attempted as normal).

Lore of Mork LORE OF MORK

G oblin Shamans delight in casting cunning curses upon their enemies. These petty charms are intended to disrupt and
confuse the foe, leaving them vulnerable to sneaky attacks.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Mork’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Mork’s Curse Itchy Nuisance

The Shaman points a bony finger at the enemy and utters a The Shaman begins vigorously scratching and cackling
curse. Almost immediately, buckles begin to break and rivets pop, maniacally, their antics causing their enemies to feel
causing armour plates to slip. uncomfortably hot and itchy.

Type: Hex Type: Hex

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 18" Range: 15"
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target
target enemy unit must re-roll any Armour Save roll of a enemy unit suffers a -D3 modifier to its Toughness and
natural 6. Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1).

Orc & Goblin Tribes 47

Guided by a swarm of enthusiastic Snotlings, a large mob of dim-witted Stone Trolls
advances towards the ranks of Empire troops.

A unit of Goblin Wolf Riders, armed with cavalry spears and mounted upon swift wolves.

50 Orc & Goblin Tribes

A mob of heavily armoured Boar Boyz, armed with cavalry spears and shields.

Flanked by mobs of Boar Boyz and ramshackle Boar Chariots, a mighty Orc Warboss
spurs forward his Wyvern and bellows his challenge to the foe.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 51

rom the frozen north march the Warriors of Chaos, merciless killers possessing brute strength and skill in fearsome
measure. With them come iron-clad Chaos Knights and mighty Chosen, their baroque armour aflame with the favour
of Dark Gods. These indomitable killers march to war alongside great hordes of barbarian marauders drawn from savage
tribes. Amongst their ranks stand Trolls, Chimerae and still fouler things, charged by their masters to lay waste to the
Old World.

The Hordes of Chaos

The Hordes Of Chaos Because of the omnipresence of the Dark Gods in the reaches
of the north, the tribes that carve out their lives there are
The Men of the north are fundamentally the same as devout indeed, making human sacrifices and offering up the
their southern kin, though they may differ in custom and deaths of those they slay on the battlefield with each passing
appearance. The differences between the barbarian tribesmen day. To the northlanders, the favour of their gods is a vital and
that dwell in the frozen north and those that reside in the glorious part of their lives. Marauder tribesmen commune
great cities of the south are laughably slight compared to with their deities directly, dedicating body and soul to the gods
the differences between Man and Dwarf, or Man and Elf. rather than offering prayers at the behest of sanctimonious
This similarity does not preclude war and strife between the priests or narrow-minded patriarchs.
differing civilisations, of course. After all, though all human
societies share a common heritage and belong to the same The Dark Gods are mighty forces that stand behind the tribes
race, in their secret hearts all Men harbour a desire to conquer of Chaos, rewarding the brave, confounding their foes, and
and control. destroying the weakling gods of the south. They play with the
lives and dreams of mortals much as a wicked child plays with
In the north, every day is a struggle to survive as the gods a teeming ant hill, for to the gods mortal lives and ambitions
play their deadly games, using Mankind as their pawns. The are as short-lived and insignificant as insects. They are feared
desolate harshness of the Northern Wastes does not encourage by all the races of Man, even those who whisper their names in
the luxury of introspection or encourage debate upon the dead of night. Barbaric and primal, the Dark Gods stand in
matters of philosophy and religion. The gods simply exist, as stark contrast to the refined, sophisticated and civilised deities
undeniable as the wind and the night, impossibly powerful of the south, and many legendary tales exist of wars in the
entities that mould the clay of human flesh and frozen earth heavens between the gods of Men, Dwarfs and Elves.
into grotesque new shapes at whim. To deny this state of
affairs would be as futile as denying that the sun sets each day, The gods are made real because they are unwittingly created
or that the moon rises each evening. in the minds of mortals. The idea of gods gives these entities
birth and endows them with power for good and ill. From the
minds of Men are born spirits of multitudinous kinds – all are
but the creations of mortal vice and virtue, of mortal strength
and frailty, from the greatest to the slightest, and from the
most noble to the most base. Such is the pantheon of Chaos, a
dark reflection of Mankind’s own nature.

Warriors of Chaos 53
Champions Of Chaos Champions of Chaos However, there is a worse fate than death, reserved for those
Champions who receive too many of their patron’s dubious
The Chaos gods value their human followers far above their gifts. Should the Champion’s mortal frame prove unable to
own minions, the Daemons that serve them and creatures of contain the arcane energies seething through it, their mind
Chaos whose forebears they created, for Daemons and Beasts and body will run like wax, reshaped by the raw essence of
of Chaos have little choice about their nature. The only way Chaos until it becomes a monstrous mass of flesh and fang
the Chaos gods can increase their power is by recruiting Men whose form defies all reason. Such gibbering brutes are called
or other intelligent, free-willed creatures to their cause. Chaos Spawn, and even the most vaunted Chaos Lord can find
their body hideously transmuted in an instant, consigned to a
The most important followers of the gods are therefore life of mindless violence merely for the entertainment of the
Champions of Chaos – warriors chosen by the Ruinous Dark Gods.
Powers as their greatest servants. Some of these souls are
easily won; brigands, bandits and outcasts who would willingly Yet, rather than be reviled by their people, such unfortunates
follow any leader that brought them plunder and offered them are given succour and allowed to remain in their tribe. Indeed,
protection. Such individuals are all too common in the Old in some ways the Chaos Spawn are revered by their kin, for
World, but there are few strong willed and powerful enough to the Marauder tribes believe that it is better to live even the
walk upon the path of damnation as a Champion of Chaos. briefest and most vile of existences at the behest of the gods
than to grow old without drawing their notice.
The Chaos gods take great interest in their Champions and
will favour them with all manner of gifts, including magical
weapons, armour and talismans, arcane abilities and –
strangest of all – physical mutations such as tentacles, bestial
faces and razor-sharp talons. These gifts are borne with pride
by the Champion as a symbol of their complete allegiance
to their master. Such Champions are representatives of the
Chaos gods and as such they constantly strive to outdo each
other. Sometimes their masters send them visions or direct
them to band together with other creatures of Chaos to sack a
castle or destroy an army. On other occasions rival Champions
will be deliberately set upon each other to determine who is fit
to be rewarded with fresh gifts.

Should one who has been chosen continue to excel, they may
rise to the rank of Chaos Lord and come to lead armies of
thousands. Chaos Lords are amongst the mightiest warlords
that walk the surface of the world, and their names blight all
of history. Fortunately for the civilised world, perhaps one in
several thousand who set foot upon the path of Chaos reach
this pinnacle of martial perfection.

The ultimate reward for a successful Champion is that they

should be gifted with immortality as a Daemon Prince, so
that they can live forever by their master’s side and continue
to fight on their behalf. It is this dream that drives the
Champions of Chaos onwards, although few will achieve
immortality. For most aspirants, the final reward for selling
their soul to Chaos will be an unmarked grave upon some
corpse-strewn battlefield.

54 Warriors of Chaos
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Warriors of Chaos. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

Warriors of Chaos Army List

Grand Army Composition List

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Chaos Lord or Daemon Prince • Gorebeast Chariots

• 0-1 Exalted Champion or Sorcerer Lord per 1,000 points • 0-1 Hellcannon per 1,000 points
• Aspiring Champions and Exalted Sorcerers • 0-1 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth per unit of Dragon Ogres (see
Beastmen Brayherds army list)
Core • 0-1 Chaos Giant per 1,000 points (see Beastmen Brayherds
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: army list)

• Chaos Warriors, Chaos Marauders, Forsaken, Mercenaries

Chaos Knights, Marauder Horsemen and Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
Chaos Warhounds on mercenaries.

Special Allies
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
allied contingent drawn from:
• 0-1 unit of Chosen Chaos Warriors
• 0-1 unit of Chosen Chaos Knights • Any Warriors of Chaos Army of Infamy composition list
• Chaos Ogres, Chaos Trolls, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Chariots • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
and Chimeras - Orc & Goblin Tribes (Uneasy)
• Dragon Ogres (see Beastmen Brayherds army list) - Beastmen Brayherds
- Tomb Kings of Khemri (Suspicious)

Battle Standard Bearer

A single Exalted Champion or Aspiring Champion in
your army may be upgraded to be your Battle Standard
Bearer for +25 points. In addition to their usual
allowance of points to spend on magic items, a Battle
Standard Bearer can purchase a single magic standard
with no points limit.

Warriors of Chaos 55
Character Champions Of Chaos
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Lord 4 7 3 5 5 4 6 5 9 195
Exalted Champion 4 6 3 5 4 3 5 4 8 125
Aspiring Champion 4 5 3 4 4 2 4 3 8 70

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Chaos Lord: Hand weapon and full plate armour
• Exalted Champion: Hand weapon and heavy armour
• Aspiring Champion: Hand weapon and heavy armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
Champions of Chaos - Flail ...........................................................................................................................................+3 points
Every Champion of Chaos - Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
has travelled a long and - Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+3 points
perilous road to pre- - Lance (if appropriately mounted)..................................................................................+4 points
eminence, a road paved • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
with the broken corpses • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 59
of less successful aspirants. • May replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
Regardless of their individual - Mark of Khorne.................................................................................................................+10 points
abilities they are, without - Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points
exception, unceasingly - Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points
powerful warriors, combining - Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points
the strength of a Troll with • May take Gifts of Chaos (see page 77) up to a total of ..................................................50 points
the speed of a striking snake. • A Chaos Lord may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................100 points
Each Champion’s abilities • An Exalted Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ...........................75 points
are enhanced further by gifts • An Aspiring Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................50 points
from their patrons, for none
save the Daemon Princes Special Rules: Chaos Armour (5+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Gaze of the Gods,
themselves enjoy more favour Mark of Chaos Undivided, Rallying Cry
in the eyes of the gods. A
Champion may have skin that
ripples with iridescent flame,
a forbidding gaze that can
turn a foe’s guts to water, or
the wrath of a wounded bear.
To stand against one of their
number is to invite a sudden
and brutal death.

56 Warriors of Chaos
Daemon Princes
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Daemon Prince 6 7 5 6 5 4 7 5 9 215

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character)

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

Magic: A Daemon Prince may be a Wizard (see below). A Daemon Prince that is a Wizard
knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic

• May replace light armour with heavy armour ................................................................+6 points
• May have the Fly (9) special rule........................................................................................+30 points Daemon Princes
• May replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the: There are those mortals who
- Mark of Khorne.................................................................................................................+10 points follow Chaos with a deep
- Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points and fervent faith, pledging
- Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points themselves body and soul to
- Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points the service of the Ruinous
• Unless it has the Mark of Khorne, a Daemon Prince may be a Wizard: Powers. They know that there
- Level 1....................................................................................................................................+25 points is a great prize for those who
- Level 2....................................................................................................................................+50 points show unflinching devotion.
- Level 3....................................................................................................................................+75 points Should a Champion survive
- Level 4.................................................................................................................................+100 points the endless battles and the
• May take Gifts of Chaos (see page 77) up to a total of ..................................................50 points ravaging mutations granted
• May purchase magic items up to a total of .....................................................................100 points by their masters whilst still
finding favour in the eyes of
Special Rules: Chaos Armour (4+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Fear, Gaze of the Gods, their fickle gods, they may
Immune to Psychology, Lore of Chaos, Mark of Chaos Undivided, attain the ultimate reward.
Regeneration (5+), Unbreakable, Unstable, Warp-spawned Elevated by their patron to
Daemonhood, a Daemon
Prince is a being of godlike
power that wages eternal
war in their patron’s name.
Tirelessly, they hunt the
enemies of their masters, for
their meat is human flesh and
their wine mortal souls.

Warriors of Chaos 57
Sorcerers Of Chaos
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sorcerer Lord 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 8 195
Exalted Sorcerer 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 8 90

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Sorcerer Lord: Hand weapon and heavy armour
• Exalted Sorcerer: Hand weapon and light armour

Magic: A Sorcerer Lord is a Level 3 Wizard. An Exalted Sorcerer is a Level 1 Wizard.

Every Sorcerer of Chaos knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic
Sorcerers of Chaos
Chaos Sorcerers, as those Options:
Champions of Chaos who • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 59
seek mastery over the magical • May replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
arts are known, wield the - Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points
wild energies of Chaos itself, - Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points
reshaping reality to better - Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points
serve the whims of their dark • May take Gifts of Chaos (see page 77) up to a total of ..................................................50 points
masters. Where others glean • A Sorcerer Lord may:
their arcane skill through - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
diligent study, a Chaos - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
Sorcerer’s understanding of • An Exalted Sorcerer may:
the Winds of Magic is instant - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
and innate. A word and a - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
gesture from a Chaos Sorcerer
can strip the flesh of a single Special Rules: Chaos Armour (5+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Gaze of the Gods,
foe from their bones or cause Lore of Chaos, Mark of Chaos Undivided
an entire regiment to burst
into flame. But these strange
gifts are bought at a great
price, for they must sell their
soul in exchange for such pure
power, and eventually every
Sorcerer will be plunged into
insanity and damnation.

58 Warriors of Chaos
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on this page. Those that are not have their own dedicated
entries later in this army list.

A Chaos Lord, Exalted Champion or Aspiring Champion may be mounted on a:

• Chaos Steed................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Daemonic Mount (Chaos Lords and Exalted Champions only) ............................+35 points
• Chaos Chariot.........................................................................................................................See page 71
• Gorebeast Chariot.................................................................................................................See page 72
• Manticore (Chaos Lords only)..........................................................................................See page 73
• Chaos Dragon (Chaos Lords only) ..................................................................................See page 74

A Sorcerer Lord or Exalted Sorcerer may be mounted on a:

• Chaos Steed................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Daemonic Mount ....................................................................................................................+35 points
• Chaos Chariot.........................................................................................................................See page 71
• Manticore (Sorcerer Lords only)......................................................................................See page 73 Chaos Steeds
• Chaos Dragon (Sorcerer Lords only) ..............................................................................See page 74 Chaos Steeds are gifts from
the Dark Gods themselves.
Chaos Steed They are vicious creatures
with the needle-sharp teeth
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points of a carnivore and a cruel
Chaos Steed 7 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - +16 intelligence that shows
subservience to their master
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry alone. Armoured for battle
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm with bladed, metal barding
Unit Size: 1 that no normal steed could
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding bear, Chaos Steeds gore and
Special Rules: First Charge, Swiftstride slash all that stand before
them with horns and hooves.

Daemonic Mount Daemonic Mounts

Known also as Steeds of the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Gods, Daemonic Mounts are
Daemonic Mount 8 4 - 5 - (+1) 3 2 - +35 created from foul sorcery and
Note: A character mounted on a Daemonic Mount has +1 Wound. summoned to the world by
ceremonies of dark sacrifice
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry and appeasement. Many
Base Size: 40 x 60 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max) Daemonic Mounts have
Unit Size: 1 sharp horns, bony plates
Equipment: Daemonic hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and fangs of steel corrupting
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Daemonic Mount only), Fear, Magical Attacks, their immortal bodies, and
Mark of Chaos (as rider), Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride their eyes burn with the fires
of Chaos.

Warriors of Chaos 59
Infantry Chaos Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Warrior 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 1 8 13
Champion 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons..............................................................................+1 point per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Halberds ..............................................................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
The Warriors of Chaos - Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model
A Chaos Warrior needs not - Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model
food, drink nor sleep, for their - Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model
body and soul are nourished - Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model
by the carnage that they • Any unit may:
wreak. Their home is under - Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+6 points per unit
the cold, uncaring skies. Their - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
hearth is the baroque armour - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
that covers every inch of their - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
skin. They have no family • A Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................25 points
other than the fellow warriors
that walk the land at their Special Rules: Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, Mark of Chaos Undivided
side, butchers and madmen
all. A Chaos Warrior is no
longer truly human, rather,
they are a living weapon of
the Ruinous Powers, honed
to perfection upon the anvil
of hardship and tempered in
the fires of battle. A Chaos
Warrior is a weapon wielded
by cruel gods in an unceasing
war upon the world and all
that dwell within it.

60 Warriors of Chaos
Chosen Chaos Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chosen Chaos Warrior 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 9 17
Champion 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 3 9 +7

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons..............................................................................+1 point per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Halberds ..............................................................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model The Chosen Warriors
- Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model of Chaos
- Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model There are those amongst the
- Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model ranks of the Chaos Warriors
• Any unit may: who bear the favour of the
- Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+7 points per unit Dark Gods more so than
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit their fellows. Known amongst
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit their kind as Chosen, they
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.....................................................................100 points possess supernatural abilities
- Replace heavy armour with full plate armour .....................................+2 points per model to aid them in their constant
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model war against order and sanity,
• A Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................25 points and are dreaded across the
Old World and beyond.
Special Rules: Chaos Armour (6+), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, The Chosen are shrouded
Mark of Chaos Undivided, Stubborn in legend and rumour: that
those who join their ranks
have never tasted defeat,
that each of them has killed
a Champion of a rival god in
single combat, that their skin
is as tough as rock and their
minds aflame with raw power.
One thing is certain – each
of them has pleased the gods
in some way and has been
rewarded accordingly.

Warriors of Chaos 61
Chaos Marauders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 6
Marauder Chieftain 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Flails ......................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
Chaos Marauders • The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
The innumerable peoples of - Mark of Khorne................................................................................................+1 point per model
the north are known as the - Mark of Nurgle..................................................................................................+1 point per model
Marauder tribes. The men - Mark of Slaanesh..............................................................................................+1 point per model
and women that belong to - Mark of Tzeentch.............................................................................................+1 point per model
these barbarian clans are • Any unit may:
natural fighters, born into - Upgrade one model to a Marauder Chieftain (champion) ..................+7 points per unit
hardship and brought up in a - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
world where surviving each - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
day is a small victory. Only • 0-1 unit in your army may:
the strong prosper in the - Replace the Close Order special rule with Skirmishers ...................................................Free
Marauder tribes of the north, - Replace the Close Order special rule with Open Order ..................................................Free
for the weak are weeded out
at an early age. Every member Special Rules: Close Order, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Shieldwall, Warband
of the tribe is expected to be
a tough and capable warrior,
independent and fierce. They
have no time for ploughshare
or sickle, for their tools are the
axe, the sword and the shield.
What their own lands cannot
provide they simply take by
force, mercilessly plundering
and pillaging the civilised
nations of the world.

62 Warriors of Chaos
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Forsaken 5 4 0 4 4 1 3 D3 8 19

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Mutated weapons (counts as hand weapons) and heavy armour

• The entire unit must be one of the following:
- Forsaken by Khorne: The unit has the Hatred (all enemies) special rule.
- Forsaken by Nurgle: The unit has the Fear special rule.
- Forsaken by Slaanesh: The unit has the Swiftstride special rule.
- Forsaken by Tzeentch: The unit has the Magic Resistance (-3) special rule.

Special Rules: Chaos Armour (5+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Furious Charge,

Immune to Psychology, Impetuous, Loner, Open Order, Forsaken
Rampant Mutation, Random Attacks, Stubborn Forsaken are frothing
maniacs that howl and
Rampant Mutation scream as they sprint towards
Damned by their dark masters, the bodies of the Forsaken constantly writhe and mutate, their the enemy’s lines, mutated
limbs forever reshaping into strange new forms. limbs flailing and distended
jaws snapping like those of
When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub- ravenous beasts. Though
phase, roll on the table below to determine which mutation it is currently afflicted with: they were once proud and
mighty Chaos Warriors, the
Rampant Mutation Table severe mutations bestowed
D6 Result upon them have left them as
1-2 Venomous Fangs: With jaws distended, the Forsaken sink venomous fangs something less than human,
into their foes. Until the end of this Combat phase, the unit gains the Poisoned with no more understanding
Attacks special rule. of battlefield tactics than the
3-4 Razor Talons: With talons like the blades of daggers, the Forsaken slash at their hounds that gather around
enemies. Until the end of this Combat phase, all of the unit’s attacks have an their bone-strewn lairs. These
Armour Piercing characteristic of -2. unfortunates have been
5-6 Decapitating Claws: With gigantic, snapping claws, the Forsaken dismember forsaken by the gods, reduced
the enemy. Until the end of this Combat phase, the unit gains the Killing Blow to the level of animals that
special rule. snarl and growl in a guttural
parody of true language.
Where they once killed in the
name of martial ambition and
the glory of the Dark Gods,
they now kill with a savage
and unnatural hunger.

Warriors of Chaos 63
Chaos Ogres
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7 33
Champion 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7 +6

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 3-15
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+3 points per model
- Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+3 points per model
Chaos Ogres - Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+3 points per model
Ogres are brutal, muscle- - Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+3 points per model
bound thugs to whom only • Any unit may:
two things really matter: - Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+6 points per unit
fighting and eating. They - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
roam the world, often - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
hiring out their services as
mercenaries in exchange for Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Impact Hits (1),
weaponry and food. Though Mark of Chaos Undivided, Ogre Charge
they have the basic form of
a man, Ogres are twice as Ogre Charge
tall and far more savage in Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their
appearance. They are often tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with.
(and quite rightly) thought
by other races to be ignorant The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special
and gluttonous creatures rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
that only care about filling
their guts. Although Ogres
are resistant to mutation, the
baleful energies that spill into
the world from the Realm
of Chaos are strong indeed.
As a result, those that stray
into the far north are warped
and twisted in the manner
of all creatures that dwell in
the Wastes.

64 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Trolls
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 2 3 4 41

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 1-9
Equipment: Hand weapons, Troll vomit (see below) and
calloused hides (counts as light armour)

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Flammable, Regeneration (5+),
Chaos Trolls
R S AP Special Rules Trolls are malformed and
Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - dim-witted monsters with a
Notes: A Chaos Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional taste for human flesh. They
attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have tower over normal men and
been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically. when roused, their bestial
wrath is terrifying to behold.
They roam the northern
wastes, preying on isolated
villages and travellers. The
indomitable constitution
of these monsters makes
them the perfect clay for
the mutating energies of
Chaos. Trolls have powerful
regenerative abilities;
however, northern Trolls will
not regenerate their flesh
in the same form as their
previous incarnation, but
will instead sprout a new
limb, a screaming maw or
an even stranger mutation
from every new wound. So
it is that the oldest Trolls of
the north are true monsters
whose flesh plays host to
dozens of moaning heads and
grasping claws.

Warriors of Chaos 65
Chaos Spawn
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Spawn 2D6 3 0 4 5 3 3 D6 10 50

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1-4
Equipment: Flailing appendages (counts as hand weapons) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

• The entire unit may be one of the following:
- Spawn of Khorne............................................................................................+3 points per model
- Spawn of Nurgle..............................................................................................+2 points per model
- Spawn of Slaanesh ..........................................................................................+3 points per model
- Spawn of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+1 point per model

Chaos Spawn Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Fear, Immune to Psychology, Open Order,
Those who follow the path Random Attacks, Random Movement, Stomp Attacks (1),
of Chaos are damned. The Unbreakable
only question left to one
who has put their fate in the Spawn of Khorne
hands of the Dark Gods is the Often referred to as Bloodbeasts of Khorne, the Spawn of the Lord of Skulls bristle with spikes of
nature of their damnation. bone and blades of living metal, their many limbs ending in wicked cleaver-blades.
Will they lose their reason,
reduced to a cackling wretch Spawn of Khorne have the Killing Blow special rule.
who can do naught but praise
the gods who robbed away Spawn of Nurgle
their sanity? Many lose their Sometimes called Rotbeasts, the Spawn of Nurgle are hideous creatures, their bloated flesh covered
self-control, becoming little with suppurating sores, their writhing limbs oozing toxic pus and slime.
more than mad slaughterers
that kill and kill until they Spawn of Nurgle have the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
themselves lie dead in the
dirt. But even then, there are Spawn of Slaanesh
worse fates than insanity and The Spawn of Slaanesh are hulking mounds of flesh that constantly warp and mutate as they try
death. There are those who to settle on a form pleasing to the eye of the Dark Prince.
fall even further from grace,
who lose everything and Spawn of Slaanesh have the Strike First special rule.
become gibbering mounds
of mutated flesh. They are Spawn of Tzeentch
known as Chaos Spawn, and The flesh of a Firewym of Tzeentch constantly ripples and shifts with the power of change. Skin
they are the true children of blisters into eyes, maws open on distended limbs and flames lick from screaming orifices.
the gods.
Spawn of Tzeentch have the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules.

66 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Knights Cavalry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Knight - 5 3 4 4 1 4 1 8 27
Champion - 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 8 +6
Chaos Steed 7 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Chaos Knights: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields
• Chaos Steeds: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• The entire unit may take lances.......................................................................+2 points per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model
- Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model The Knights of Chaos
- Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model Chaos Knights are towering
- Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model brutes clad in heavy plate.
• Any unit may: They ride to war with great
- Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+6 points per unit lances, evil-looking polearms
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit designed to impale and tear,
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit and their blades and maces
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points flicker with dark fire. A
• A Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................25 points Chaos Knight’s spurs are
jagged blades, well-suited
Special Rules: Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, First Charge, to slicing through the flesh
Mark of Chaos Undivided, Swiftstride of the enemy. The frightful
reputation of Chaos Knights
is a weapon in its own right,
crippling those who would
stand against them before a
single blow is struck. Chaos
Knights consider themselves
superior to other warriors
of Chaos; they bow to none
save a Chaos Lord or Daemon
Prince, and even then, they
will not dip their banner, for
their collective pride is the
equal of their martial prowess.

Warriors of Chaos 67
Chosen Chaos Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chosen Chaos Knight - 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 9 36
Champion - 5 3 4 4 1 4 3 9 +7
Chaos Steed 7 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Chosen Chaos Knights: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields
• Chaos Steeds: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• The entire unit may take lances.......................................................................+2 points per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model
The Chosen Knights - Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model
of Chaos - Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model
Most favoured of the gods - Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model
are the Chosen Knights of • Any unit may:
Chaos, each of whom has - Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+7 points per unit
been marked out for greatness - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
as a paragon amongst their - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
warrior brethren, for each has - Purchase a magic standard worth up to.....................................................................100 points
trod the path of damnation - Replace heavy armour with full plate armour .....................................+3 points per model
for many years. The Chosen - Have the Drilled special rule ......................................................................+2 points per model
Knights of Chaos have • A Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................25 points
physical manifestations of
their god’s power, their bodies Special Rules: Chaos Armour (6+), Close Order, Counter Charge, Ensorcelled Weapons,
warped and strengthened by First Charge, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Stubborn, Swiftstride
mutation. A Chosen Knight’s
towering form is infused with
the power of Chaos, their
horned helmet may conceal a
twisted and permanent rictus
smile of sharp metallic fangs,
or a striking and cold beauty
that steals the breath away.
Few have a chance to find
out, for those who behold the
Chosen Knights of Chaos are
but moments away from a
grisly end.

68 Warriors of Chaos
Marauder Horsemen
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Marauder Horseman - 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 12
Marauder Horsemaster - 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +7
Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Marauder Horsemen: Hand weapons and light armour
• Warhorses: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Cavalry spears.................................................................................................................................Free
- Throwing spears.............................................................................................................................Free
- Flails ......................................................................................................................+1 point per model Marauder Horsemen
• The entire unit may take one of the following: Some among the Marauder
- Throwing axes ...................................................................................................+1 point per model tribes hold horses in high
- Javelins..................................................................................................................+1 point per model esteem, while others regard
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model them at best as something
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the: to be treated with suspicion
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model and at worst a dangerous
- Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model liability. To many, a warhorse
- Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model is a sign of status, and only the
- Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model best warriors may ride them.
• Any unit may: The steeds ridden by these
- Upgrade one model to a Marauder Horsemaster (champion) ...........+7 points per unit tribes are powerful beasts,
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit foul-tempered and strong of
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit limb. Once a rider has broken
such a horse, it will remain
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Open Order, loyal until death, but remains
Skirmishers, Swiftstride, Warband vicious and unruly should a
stranger approach. Fed on
a diet of human flesh and
watered-down blood, these
snorting, high-spirited steeds
have a glint of intelligent
menace in their eyes and
will trample, kick and bite as
if berserk when engaged at
close quarters.

Warriors of Chaos 69
Chaos Warhounds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Warhound 7 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 6 6

Troop Type: War beasts

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any unit may have:
- The Armoured Hide (1) special rule.........................................................+1 point per model
- The Poisoned Attacks special rule..............................................................+1 point per model
- The Vanguard special rule ...............................................................................+5 points per unit
• Any unit may be accompanied by a Chaos Warhound Handler ...........+15 points per unit

Special Rules: Loner, Move through Cover, Open Order, Swiftstride

Chaos Warhounds
Chaos Warhounds are tireless
hunters built of little more Chaos Warhound Handler
than muscle and fang, made
all the more horrifying by M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
the warping effect of Chaos, Chaos Warhound 5 5 3 4 4 1 4 1 8 +15
causing them to sprout horns, Handler
tusks and spines. Warped
in mind as well as body, Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)
they prowl the wilderness Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
in ravening packs, running Unit Size: 1
down prey that ranges in size Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour
from stray children to young Special Rules: Handler, Loner, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Move through Cover,
ice mammoths. Vanguard

Chaos Warhound Handler Options:

Many among the Marauder • May take one of the following
tribes breed and train massive - Additional hand weapon.............................................................................................................Free
hounds for a variety of - Whip..................................................................................................................................................Free
purposes, such as hunting and
sport. Some Kurgan tribes Handler
delight in the spectacle of Chaos Warhounds are little more than wild animals and it requires the lash of an experienced
trained pit hounds fighting handler to discipline a pack of such beasts.
against bears, trolls and
other creatures. Generations A Chaos Warhound Handler is a special type of character that can be taken as an
of selective breeding by upgrade to accompany a unit of Chaos Warhounds. During deployment, position a Chaos
dedicated handlers has Warhound Handler with its unit of Chaos Warhounds, as you would a character that has
created the most vicious and joined a unit. Once placed, a Chaos Warhound Handler cannot leave its unit. Unless this
powerful hounds. model is fleeing, friendly units of Chaos Warhounds that are within its Command range
can use this model’s Leadership instead of their own.

70 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Chariots Chariot
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 110
Chaos Charioteer (x2) - 5 3 4 - - 4 1 8 -
Chaos Steed (x2) 7 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 3+
• Chaos Charioteers: Hand weapons and halberds
• Chaos Steeds: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any Chaos Chariot may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne.................................................................................................................+10 points
- Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points Chaos Chariots
- Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points Chaos Chariots are more
- Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points than just machines of war;
they are symbols of status and
Special Rules: Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+1), power. Often, a Champion
Mark of Chaos Undivided of Chaos will ride to battle
upon a chariot festooned
with icons and pennants
Character Mount: A Chaos Chariot may be included in your army as a character’s fashioned from the remains
mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. of those they have ground
beneath their wheels, grisly
trophies proclaiming their
many victories and devotion
to the Dark Gods. Unlike the
comparatively flimsy wooden
chariots used by other races,
the carriages of Chaos war
machines are wrought of iron
and drenched in blood. Chaos
Chariots weigh so much that,
when they have gathered
pace, nothing short of a castle
wall can halt their charge.
Worse still, their stout wheels
sport great spinning scythes
that scream and shriek as they
slice into the foe.

Warriors of Chaos 71
Gorebeast Chariots
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 135
Chaos Charioteer (x2) - 5 3 4 - - 4 1 8 -
Gorebeast (x1) 6 4 - 5 - - 2 3 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 3+
• Chaos Charioteers: Hand weapons and halberds
• Gorebeast: Goring horns (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any Chaos Chariot may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne.................................................................................................................+10 points
Gorebeast Chariots - Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points
Gorebeast Chariots are even - Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points
heavier and sturdier than - Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points
other Chaos Chariots. No
normal beast would have Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Gorebeast only), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons,
the strength to pull such a First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+2), Killing Blow (Gorebeast only),
massive instrument of war, Mark of Chaos Undivided
and they are therefore pulled
into battle by a Gorebeast – a
muscular creature renowned Character Mount: A Gorebeast Chariot may be included in your army as a
for its violent temperament. character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.
These grunting brutes strike
their prey with such shocking
force that those not impaled
upon jutting armour spikes
are torn apart by the impact.
Even the lowliest of beasts
recognise the bulky shape of
a Gorebeast as synonymous
with death. Each iron-clad
chariot drawn by one of these
formidable mutants is thus
followed, at some distance,
by circling carrion crows and
slinking scavenger hounds
waiting to feast on the bloody
remnants of the Gorebeast’s
grim harvest.

72 Warriors of Chaos
Manticore Monster
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Manticore 6 5 - 5 - (+4) 5 4 - +120
Note: A character mounted on a Manticore has +4 Wounds.

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

• May have a venomous tail ....................................................................................................+15 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride,
Terror, Wilful Beast

Wilful Beast
Some monsters can never truly be tamed by a rider and, during the heat of battle, can be prone to Manticores
giving in to their wild and frenzied nature. Manticores are huge, leonine
beasts that soar through
During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of their turns, this model must make a the sky on leathery wings.
Leadership test (using its own unmodified Leadership). If this test is passed, the rider is They are amongst the most
able to keep control of their mount. If, however, this test is failed, the rider has lost control powerful of all the predators
and their mount becomes subject to the Frenzy special rule until their next Start of Turn that inhabit the bleak
sub-phase. mountain ranges of the frozen
north, and the mutating
Note that this model’s rider does not gain a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic. power of Chaos ensures
that no two Manticores
R S AP Special Rules are truly alike. Some have
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - manes of writhing serpents,
others pelts of iron scales,
R S AP Special Rules and many sprout spiked tails
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First that excrete a poison strong
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. enough to boil the blood of an
adult human in their veins.
However, all Manticores
Character Mount: A Manticore may only be included in your army as a character’s share one common trait
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. – they are berserk killers
saturated with primal fury.
They are so fierce that they
are held by the Dark Elves to
be incarnations of Khaine,
God of Murder.

Warriors of Chaos 73
Chaos Dragon
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Dragon 6 6 - 7 (+1) (+6) 4 6 - +285
Note: A character mounted on a Chaos Dragon has +1 Toughness and +6 Wounds.

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), Dark Fire of Chaos (see below),
Fumes of Contagion (see below) and
draconic scales (counts as full plate armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D6), Swiftstride,
Terror, Two-headed Dragon

Two-headed Dragon
The twin maws of Chaos Dragons breathe death upon their foes; one exhaling dark flame whilst
the other emits corrosive gas.
Chaos Dragons
Once the proud and noble A Chaos Dragon may use either Dark Fire of Chaos or Fumes of Contagion during the
rulers of the skies, now split, Shooting phase of its turn. It cannot use both during the same turn.
changed and corrupted by
the Ruinous Powers, the R S AP Special Rules
terrible two-headed Dragons Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
of Chaos are nightmarish and
malevolent predators. Borne R S AP Special Rules
aloft on wings no longer made Dark Fire of Chaos N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks,
of mere flesh and bone, a Magical Attacks
Chaos Dragon is a nemesis
of order and sanity, a horror R S AP Special Rules
of ancient age and power Fumes of N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks
that can break the backs of Contagion
armies with its steel claws Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and
and teeth. Their twin maws Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
breathe death upon their
foes; one exhaling dark flame,
as the other emits corrosive Character Mount: A Chaos Dragon may only be included in your army as a
gas. Only the most powerful character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Lords of Chaos can ride such
a monster, and even then it
is more an unholy alliance of
destruction than a matter of
master and servant.

74 Warriors of Chaos
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chimera 6 4 0 6 5 4 3 6 5 180

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

• May have flaming breath.......................................................................................................+20 points
• May have a fiend tail...............................................................................................................+10 points
• May have the Regeneration (5+) special rule ................................................................+15 points
• May have the Poisoned Attacks special rule...................................................................+10 points

Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, claws and fangs only), Close Order, Fly (10),
Large Target, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride, Terror Chimera
The three-headed Chimera
R S AP Special Rules is one of the most fearsome
Flaming breath N/A 4 - Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks of all creatures, a beast whose
progenitors were so warped
R S AP Special Rules that it is now impossible to
Fiend tail Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D3) say what manner of beast
Notes: In combat, a Chimera with a fiend tail may make an additional D3 attacks each turn, they might once have been.
each of which must be made with this weapon. Like all monsters that dwell
in or near to the Realm
of Chaos, the Chimerae
take many bizarre shapes.
However, Chimerae are
more susceptible than most
monsters to the twisting
power of Chaos. The heads of
some Chimerae breathe fire
in the manner of Dragons,
whilst others sprout razor-
sharp fangs or jaws that
drip with a poisonous slime.
Most Chimerae possess a
fiendish tail that ends in a
snapping maw possessed of
an intelligence and hunger of
its own.

Warriors of Chaos 75
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hellcannon 3 4 3 5 6 5 1 5 4 215
Chaos Dwarf 3 4 - 3 - - 2 1 9 -
Handlers (x3)

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Hellcannon: Doomfire (see below) and hand weapons
• Chaos Dwarf Handlers: Hand weapons

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Caged Fury, Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons,
Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6), Large Target,
Monster Handlers, Regeneration (6+), Terror, Unbreakable,
Hellcannon Warp-spawned
Part Daemon, part war
machine, a Hellcannon is a Caged Fury
massive construct of metal The Daemon bound within the Hellcannon constantly tests its bonds, attempting to break free.
that growls and shakes with
daemonic sentience. In battle, During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, make a Leadership test for this
Hellcannons are guided by model. If this test is failed, roll immediately on the Hellcannon Misfire table.
teams of corrupt and sadistic
Chaos Dwarfs. These malign R S AP Special Rules
warsmiths escort and restrain Doomfire 12-60" 5 (10) -2 (-5) Bombardment, Cumbersome,
their charges, loading them by Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3)
shovelling the bodies of their Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast
enemies into the Hellcannon’s template and the Hellcannon Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds
dire-furnace, where flesh from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
runs like wax as the Daemon-
machine feasts on body and Hellcannon Misfire Table
bone. Soon, only the souls of D6 Result
its victims are left, harnessed 1 Free at Last! The Daemon breaks loose. Every unit (friend or foe) within 3D6"
in the Hellcannon’s gullet as suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1. Once these hits are resolved, the
crackling bolts of energy that Hellcannon is removed from play as a casualty.
are fired towards the enemy 2-4 Chomp! The Hellcannon’s handlers are sucked towards the furnace of the
in powerful spasms of malice. ravenous Daemon. Remove one of the Hellcannon’s Chaos Dwarf Handlers.
These crackling blasts of raw 5-6 Blooood! The Hellcannon breaks its chains, immediately moving 3D6" as if
energy soar through the air it were subject to the Random Movement special rule and as if this were the
into their targets, liquefying Compulsory Moves sub-phase.
anything they touch and
sending the survivors insane
with fear.

76 Warriors of Chaos
Gifts of Chaos GIFTS OF CHAOS
A s Champions of Chaos slaughter their way across the battlefields of the world, their deeds attract the attention of the
Ruinous Powers. This is both a blessing and a curse, for many mutations pleasing to the gods are anathema to those
they are thrust upon.

To represent these strange attributes, some characters may be given Gifts of Chaos. Each Gift may only be chosen once per army.

Dark Majesty ......................................................50 points Aura of Pain........................................................30 points

An air of oppression radiates from the champion, reducing the will The Champion’s damned form exudes an aura of pain which
of the bravest to that of a craven child. wracks their enemies with crippling agony.

Unless this character is fleeing, any enemy unit that is required Once per game, when this character’s combat is chosen during
to make a Fear or Terror test whilst within this character’s Step 1.1 of the Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, a single
Command range does so with an additional -1 modifier to its enemy unit they are engaged with suffers D6 Strength 3 hits,
Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2). with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves
can be attempted as normal).
Daemon-flesh......................................................45 points
The Champion’s flesh crawls with ætheric energy, turning aside the Master of Mortals .............................................25 points
blows of the enemy. The Champion is worshipped as a god by their mortal followers,
who see in them the power of Chaos made manifest.
This character cannot be wounded by a roll To Wound of 2,
regardless of the Strength of the attack. Unless this character is fleeing, friendly units of Chaos
Marauders and Marauder Horsemen gain a +1 modifier to
Extra Arm ...........................................................40 points their Leadership characteristic whilst within this character’s
Gifted with an extra arm, the Champion rains many blows upon Command range (to a maximum of 10).
their enemies.
Acid Ichor............................................................15 points
This character (but not their mount) has a +1 modifier to The Champion’s blood is a boiling, acidic ichor. Those who would
their Attacks characteristic. harm them find themselves splashed with hissing, burning liquid.

Diabolic Splendour............................................35 points For every Wound this character loses during a challenge, their
The air around the Champion seethes with chaotic energy, enemy suffers a Strength 4 hit, with an AP of -2.
obscuring them from the arrows of the enemy.
Poisonous Slime .................................................15 points
Any enemy model that targets this character or any unit they The Champion’s flesh is saturated with a toxic slime that seeps from
have joined during the Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 their skin, poisoning anything it touches.
To Hit modifier.
This character (but not their mount) has the Poisoned
Enchanting Aura................................................35 points Attacks special rule.
An enchanting aura hangs about the Champion, ensnaring the
mind and slowing the limbs of enemies that venture too close.

Enemy units engaged in combat with this character cannot use

the Strike First special rule. Enemy models that do not have
the Strike First special rule become subject to the Strike Last
special rule instead.

Warriors of Chaos 77
Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Warriors of Chaos armies. These
can be purchased by models within a Warriors of Chaos army in exactly the same way
as Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Daemonsword..................................................................................................75 points
This most deadly of blades is a prison for the essence of a powerful but treacherous Daemon. For all
the might it grants its wielder, the Daemon within endlessly strives to be set free.

Accursed Artefacts R S AP
Special Rules
In darkened workshops, Daemonsword Combat S+D3 -2
Extra Attacks (+D3),
over infernal forge fires, Magical Attacks, Strike First
the armourers of Chaos Notes: Every roll of a natural 1 made when rolling To Hit with this weapon results in a hit which
toil endlessly, hammering must be resolved against the unit the wielder has joined, rather than the enemy. If the wielder has
blackened iron into brutal not joined a unit, this hit must be resolved against the wielder.
weapons and crude suits of
baroque plate mail. Many Chaos Runesword ........................................................................................... 45 points
of these wicked weapons are This evil blade was forged from black gromril by the thrice-cursed Dwarf Runesmith Grugni
inscribed with eye-watering Ironheart, a secret pawn of the Chaos gods.
runes and imbued with
malefic power, and many R S AP Special Rules
suits of forge-blackened plate Chaos Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
are decorated with baroque Runesword
details which twist and writhe Notes: The wielder of the Chaos Runesword has a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill and
with a life of their own. In Initiative characteristics.
unholy rituals, Sorcerers
chant strange syllables as they Filth Mace ........................................................................................................ 40 points
daub daemonic ichor onto This heavy-headed and rust-encrusted mace endlessly oozes a necrotic slime which can sap the
blood stained banners and strength and vitality of the strongest warriors, causing even minor wounds to become debilitating.
carve the likenesses of their
dark gods from chunks of R S AP Special Rules
warpstone and the bones of Filth Mace Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
fallen enemies, creating evil Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Filth Mace must
charms and arcane tools, the immediately make a Toughness test. If this test is failed, the wounded model suffers a -1 modifier
better to control the Winds to its Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the turn.
of Magic and practise their
profane arts. Spellthieving Sword........................................................................................ 20 points
Forged of magically resistant ores and carved with dire runes of spell warding, the Spellthieving
Sword burns and blinds its victims, robbing them of their mage sight.

R S AP Special Rules
Spellthieving Combat S -1 Magical Attacks
Notes: Any enemy Wizard that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Spellthieving Sword
immediately forgets a single spell (determined at random) for the remainder of the game.

78 Warriors of Chaos
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Armour of the Damned....................................70 points Banner of the Gods ...........................................75 points
This ornate suit of Chaos armour shimmers with the eldritch Forged in the red-lit depths of Zharr-Naggrund, the Banner of the
energies of the Chaos Wastes, distorting the wearer’s outline and Gods induces dread in the enemy and unshakeable courage in the
clouding the minds of their foes. servants of Chaos.

The Armour of the Damned is a suit of full plate armour. In A unit carrying the Banner of the Gods ignores all negative
addition, during the Combat phase, enemy models must re- modifiers to its Leadership characteristic.
roll successful rolls To Hit made against the wearer.
Doom Totem .......................................................65 points
Crimson Armour of Dargan............................40 points A collection of ragged skins strung over a framework of bone, the
The rich crimson metal of this armour flares into a storm of blood- Doom Totem exudes a potent magic that demoralises and appals
coloured light when its wearer wills it, dazzling those who would all who look upon it.
strike a mortal blow.
All enemy units that can draw a line of sight to the model
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ only. The carrying the Doom Totem suffer a -1 modifier to their
Crimson Armour of Dargan is a suit of heavy armour. In Leadership characteristic.
addition, the wearer is immune to the Multiple Wounds (X)
special rule. If the wearer suffers an unsaved wound from an Blasted Standard................................................40 points
attack with this special rule, they lose a single Wound. The Blasted Standard burns with coruscating magical flames that
explode outward to consume any missile that comes near it.
A unit carrying the Blasted Standard may re-roll any rolls of
Crown of Everlasting Conquest......................40 points a natural 1 when making an Armour Save roll against wounds
The warrior’s helmet is crafted into a magnificent crown of spikes suffered during the Shooting phase.
and horns which radiate invigorating dark power.
Banner of Rage ...................................................35 points
The wearer of the Crown of Everlasting Conquest gains the Sewn from strings of congealed gore, this banner radiates a
Regenerate (5+) special rule. bloodlust so strong that those beneath it are goaded into a state of
permanent rage.
Brazen Collar*....................................................20 points
Champions are sometimes gifted with heavy, rune-etched brass A unit carrying the Banner of Rage gains the Frenzy special
collars. Worn around the neck, these marks of favour are potent rule. However, unlike other Frenzied units, this unit cannot
wards against magic. lose this special rule.

The wearer of a Brazen Collar has Magic Resistance (-2).

Warriors of Chaos 79
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Pendant of Damnation .....................................30 points Skull of Katam ...................................................60 points
This pendant burrows deep into the owner’s chest and nestles beside The polished skull of the daemonologist Katam constantly whispers
their heart, filling them with vitality even as their mortal form its dark secrets into the mind of any Wizard nearby.
inches towards damnation.
The bearer of the Skull of Katam and any other Wizard within
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ only. The 3" (friend or foe) may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll
bearer of the Pendant of Damnation gains a +1 modifier to they make.
their Attacks characteristic for every Wound they lose.
Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not
Helm of Many Eyes ...........................................20 points negate a roll of a natural double 1.
This ornate full face helm has no eyeholes, but is covered with
magical eyes that, it is said, can see into the souls and minds of men. Infernal Puppet..................................................50 points
Twisting and jerking upon its strings, this eldritch homunculus
The Helm of Many Eyes gives its wearer (but not their draws the Winds of Magic into itself, causing them to flow with
mount) the Strike First special rule. However, due to the strange currents that confound the wits of its master’s rivals.
confusing images the helm conjures up, its wearer is also
subject to the Stupidity special rule. Unless the owner of the Infernal Puppet is fleeing or engaged
in combat, they may use it whenever an enemy Wizard that
Favour of the Gods*.............................................5 points is within 24" of them makes a Casting roll. If they do so,
The Champion bears an obsidian pendant that marks them as the enemy Wizard must roll an extra D6 and discard the
having truly earned the favour of the Dark Gods. highest result.

Single use. The bearer of a Favour of the Gods may re-roll the Spell Familiar*....................................................15 points
D6 when rolling on the Gaze of the Gods table. A spell familiar memorises a spell on its master’s behalf, constantly
rehearsing for its big moment until it is called upon to share its
arcane knowledge.

0-1 per Wizard. The owner of a Spell Familiar knows one

more spell (chosen in the usual way) than is normal for their
Level of Wizardry.

Note that this does not increase the Wizard’s Level.

80 Warriors of Chaos
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so
incredible and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules
– uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

Special Rules

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Warriors
of Chaos army list:

Chaos Armour (X+) Gaze of the Gods

Chaos Armour is the living gift of the gods. As champions progress Champions of Chaos constantly strive to draw their patron’s
towards glory, their armour becomes ever more heavy and baroque attention upon the battlefield. But the gods are fickle, and their
as new plates are added, each new piece obscuring more of blessing can be a curse.
their humanity.
During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character
A model with this special rule has a Ward save against any with this special rule may choose to roll on the Gaze of the
wounds suffered. The armour value of this Ward save is shown Gods table:
in brackets after the name of this special rule (shown here as
‘X+’). In addition, a Wizard with this special rule may wear Gaze of the Gods Table
armour without penalty. D6 Result
1 Damned by Chaos: The Champion is beset
Ensorcelled Weapons with visions of the Realm of Chaos. This model
Many of the Chaos gods’ chosen champions brandish ensorcelled becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule for
weapons, their heavy, black blades inscribed with dark runes that the remainder of the game. If they already have
glow with infernal power. this special rule, they suffer a -1 modifier to their
Leadership (to a minimum of 2).
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has 2 Unnatural Quickness: To the Champion, time itself
the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing seems to slow around them. Until your next Start of
characteristic of -1. Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to
their Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical 3 Iron Skin: Beneath their baroque armour, the
hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it Champion’s skin becomes like iron. Until your
have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply. +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic (to a
maximum of 10).
4 Murderous Mutation: Long tentacles whip from
beneath the Champion’s armour to grasp at their
enemies. For the remainder of the game, this
model gains a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill
characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
5 Dark Fury: A terrible rage grips the Champion.
For the remainder of the game, this model gains
a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic (to a
maximum of 10).
6 Apotheosis: The Champion is blessed with
Daemonic vitality. For the remainder of the game,
this model gains a +1 modifier to both their Strength
and Leadership characteristics (to a maximum
of 10).

Note that any benefits granted by the Gaze of the Gods apply only
to the Champion, not to their mount (should they have one).

Warriors of Chaos 81
Marks Of Chaos
Those who bear the favour of the Dark Gods are marked by them. Their appearance becomes shaped by the signs and stigmata of their
patron, proclaiming their loyalty for all to see.

Many models in this army list have the Mark of Chaos Undivided listed among their special rules. Of those that do, some have
the option to replace it with the Mark of a specific Chaos god:

• A model cannot have more than one Mark of Chaos.

• All models within a unit must have the same Mark of Chaos.
• A character with the Mark of a specific Chaos god can only join a unit with the same Mark, with the Mark of Chaos
Undivided, or with no Mark.
• A character with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can join any unit as normal.

Note that, with the exception of Daemonic Mounts, the benefits granted by a Mark of Chaos apply only to its bearer, not to their mount
(should they have one).

Mark of Chaos Undivided: Many warriors from the cold North worship the Gods of Chaos
as a pantheon, favouring no one deity above the others.

Models with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can re-roll any failed Fear, Panic or Terror test.

Mark of Khorne: Warriors marked by Khorne are consumed with a violent rage and the
constant need to shed the blood of their foes.

Models with the Mark of Khorne have the Frenzy special rule.

Mark of Nurgle: Those marked by Nurgle are eternally accompanied by thick clouds of flies,
blinding, deafening and choking their enemies.

Any enemy model that directs its attacks against a model with the Mark of Nurgle during
the Combat phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6.

Mark of Slaanesh: Devotees of Slaanesh have experienced sensations beyond comprehension,

rendering them insensible to mortal fears.

Models with the Mark of Slaanesh have +1 Initiative during the first round of any
combat. Additionally, if the majority of the models in a unit have the Mark of Slaanesh,
the unit automatically passes any Panic tests it is required to make.

Mark of Tzeentch: Those who bear the ever-burning Mark of Tzeentch have a natural
capacity to manipulate magic and unbind the weak spells of mere conjurors.

Models with the Mark of Tzeentch have the Flaming Attacks and Magic Resistance
(-1) special rules. In addition, if a Wizard with the Mark of Tzeentch has joined a unit
with the Mark of Tzeentch that has a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a
+1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or
should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost.

82 Warriors of Chaos
Lore of Chaos LORE OF CHAOS
C haos Sorcerers are gifted understanding of dark magic by the Ruinous Powers which they serve. Spells creep into their
minds through dreams, visions, and the whispers of the Dark Gods themselves.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Chaos’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or the spell that corresponds to their Mark of
Chaos listed below.

Winds of Chaos Blue Fire

(Mark of Chaos Undivided) (Mark of Tzeentch)
A cold and vicious gale blows from the Northern Wastes, As the Sorcerer’s hands draw strange runes in the air, their
carrying with it the laughter of Dark Gods. enemies are consumed by blue flames.

Type: Hex Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 7+/9+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 21" Range: 18"
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D6+3 Strength 4
the target enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Movement hits, each with an AP of -2 and with the Flaming Attacks
characteristic (to a minimum of 1). If this spell is cast with a special rule.
casting result of 9 or more, the target enemy unit suffers a -2
modifier to its Movement characteristic (to a minimum of 1).
This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.

(Mark of Slaanesh)
The enemy is humbled by the beauty of Slaanesh, letting their
weapons fall limply to their sides.

Type: Hex
Casting Value: 6+
Range: 12"
Effect: Until the end of the Combat phase, the target enemy
unit becomes subject to the Strike Last special rule.

Fleshy Abundance
(Mark of Nurgle)
Great wobbling mounds of fat spill out from beneath the armour
of the Sorcerer and their comrades.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 7+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the
caster and any unit they have joined gain a +1 modifier to
their Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 7).

Warriors of Chaos 83
Heeding the summons of a mighty Sorcerer of Chaos, the twisted form of a Chimera emerges from the ruins of a shrine to Chaos.

A unit of Chosen Chaos Warriors, clad in baroque Chaos armour and wielding heavy-bladed halberds.

86 Warriors of Chaos
A unit of Chaos Knights, armed with lances and mounted upon vicious Chaos Steeds.

Led by a mighty Daemon Prince, a horde of Chaos Marauders rampages through the land, leaving devastation in its wake.

Warriors of Chaos 87
The Beasts of The Forest BEASTMEN BRAYHERDS
T he Beasts of Chaos are the true Children of the Dark Gods. Grotesque hybrids of fierce animal and primitive human,
these horned and stinking warrior-beasts infest the blighted forests that cover the Old World. Their savage tribes
explode from the depths of the haunted woods to wage bitter war against the civilised races, and so profound is the Beastmen’s
hatred of order and reason that they seek to drag the world kicking and screaming into a barbaric and primal age.

The Beasts Of The Forest Beastmen Warherds are extremely dangerous in battle;
a ferocious mass of brutish warriors and great lumbering
Beastmen are not natural creatures; they first came into chariots eager to tear apart any enemies that dare to stand
existence when the polar gateway of the Old Ones collapsed, in their way. Towering above the Beastmen come bellowing
showering the world with corrupting warpstone. It worked Minotaurs and Dragon Ogres, while feral Centigors lope
a dreadful change on many of the ancestors of Men, causing through the woods around them. Often, the horde breaks
severe mutations. Hence, Beastmen were created half-man, quickly into warring factions, for Beastmen are Children of
half-animal, wholly chaotic. Chaos and organisation and order is a concept which is alien
to them. Only the very strongest Beastlords with a will of
The Children of Chaos, as they call themselves, are wild and iron can hold together their hordes for long enough to pose a
brutish creatures that care little for other beings and despise serious threat to Men, Elves, Dwarfs or Orcs and Goblins, but
the race of Men above all else. In battle, they combine ferocity when this happens the mortal lands are in dire peril.
with a savage lack of discipline, fighting and battling amongst
themselves in their eagerness to get at the enemy. There are
several types of Beastmen, but they can be divided into two
rough categories: Ungors, which are twisted creatures that
combine the worst qualities of a man and a beast, and Gors,
a gigantic breed of Beastmen, a mix of some powerful animal
and human. Beastmen willingly embrace their twisted heritage
– they have the intelligence of a Man, but employ it with the
base cunning of a wild animal.

These creatures are the most numerous of the beasts of Chaos.

Their numbers can only be guessed at, but many scholars fear
that they outnumber Mankind. They pose an unavoidable
threat to travellers on forest roads and to small villages and
farmsteads. Often, homes or hamlets are raided in the night,
their inhabitants slain, buildings burned down and animals
carried away to be consumed by the Beastmen.

The Beastmen build no cities, for order and construction

are anathema to them. They live instead in tribal warbands,
called Warherds by the creatures themselves, each led by the
strongest among them – a true Champion of the Ruinous
Powers. These Warherds roam far and wide, following the
scent of fresh meat. They infest the forests and the wastelands
of the Old World and the other nations of Mankind, being
most numerous in the far north and the Drakwald Forest,
but also gathering in numbers in the lands of the south such
as chivalrous Bretonnia and bright Tilea where the ancient
forests harbour hidden Beastmen camps. Eastwards to Cathay
and westwards across the great ocean beyond Naggaroth,
Beastmen have also made their lairs. Wherever Men once
roamed or still dwell, the Beastmen can be found.

Beastmen Brayherds 89
Calling The Brayherd Calling The Brayherd The Horde Rises
Rival Beastmen Warherds fight against each other all the The tactics employed by the Beastmen are not the practised
time, be it over disputed territory, looted riches or to gain the drills of many other races, but the inherent guile of a pack
notice and earn the favour of the Chaos gods. At other times, of wild animals stalking and encircling its prey. They sense
the Beastmen of many Warherds band together in strength, weakness and smell fear, surging forward for the kill and falling
answering the call of a single chieftain to form a Brayherd. upon their prey in an orgy of butchery.
The Horde Rises
The calling of a Brayherd starts with a chieftain, guided by The coming of the horde is always presaged by a cacophonous
some portent or dream, building a massive pyre, visible for braying. As if to amplify their already deafening war cries, the
leagues around. From far and wide, rival Warherds answer Beastmen employ war horns fashioned from the horns of slain
the summons, the chieftain of each stepping into the clearing rivals, along with a bewildering array of banners daubed with
and making their presence known. Once the Warherds have crude runes. At the centre of the horde are heavily armoured,
gathered, the chieftain that called the Brayherd demands elite Bestigors. Equipped with huge axes, these Beastmen hack
that all present submit to their will and follow them to war. into the enemy as farmers scythe down wheat. The Bestigors
Inevitably, others will challenge the caller’s right to lead the will fight to the death to take the banners of their foe,
Brayherd, and a series of ritual combats will ensue. When at trampling enemy standards into the mud as the bulk of the
last a single mighty champion remains, the assembled Bray- horde comes on in their bloody wake. All the while, Gors and
shamans will announce that the matter is decided and declare Ungors stalk through the undergrowth to encircle the enemy,
the victor the Beastlord. before springing horribly effective ambushes upon the flanks
and rear of an opposing army.
The instant the Beastlord is acknowledged, the assembled
Beastmen erupt into a frenzy of action. Led by chanting, Alongside the Warherd come the Minotaurs, driven to
shrieking Bray-shamans, the Beastmen drag forth captives extremes of violence by the scent of blood. Above the
for sacrifice before the herdstones. The forest resounds with battlefield, ragged flocks of Harpies screech and squabble over
screams, such that Men for leagues in every direction tremble the remains of the dead. Even larger creatures accompany the
within their hovels and pray to their gods. The scent of horde; terrifying Cygors, rot-clad Giants of the forests, and
butchered flesh hangs heavy in the air, attracting Minotaurs bloated, betentacled things that lurk within the wooded bogs
and worse to the herdstone. and can swallow whole a dozen men in a single gulp.

As dawn breaks, from the shrouded treeline the atonal droning When the herds form up for battle, the sight strikes terror into
of warhorns sounds, accompanied by the dolorous, arrhythmic even the bravest warriors, for such a menagerie of horrors can
pounding of mighty drums made from the flayed skins of consume all before it.
defeated foes. Soon, massed figures emerge from the mists and
the horde becomes visible in all its terrible glory.

90 Beastmen Brayherds
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Beastmen Brayherds. This is the default army composition
list for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units
to choose from and create a broad and balanced force.
Beastmen Brayherds Army List

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Grand Army Composition List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Beastlord, Great Bray-Shaman or Doombull • Dragon Ogre Shaggoths, Jabberslythes, Cygors, Ghorgons
per 1,000 points and Chaos Giants
• Wargors, Bray-shamans, Gorebulls and Centigor Chieftains • Chaos Trolls and Chaos Spawn (see Warriors of Chaos
army list)
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Mercenaries
Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
• 1+ Gor Herd on mercenaries.
• Ungor Herds, Chaos Warhounds, Razorgor Herds and
Tuskgor Chariots Allies
• If your General is a Beastlord or Wargor, 0-1 Bestigor Herd Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
may be taken as a Core choice allied contingent drawn from:
• If your General is a Doombull or Gorebull,
0-1 Minotaur Herd may be taken as a Core choice • Any Beastmen Brayherds Army of Infamy composition list
• One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
Special - Orc & Goblin Tribes (Uneasy)
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: - Warriors of Chaos
- Tomb Kings of Khemri (Suspicious)
• Bestigor Herds, Harpies, Minotaur Herds, Centigor Herds,
Dragon Ogres, Razorgor Chariots and Cockatrice
• Chaos Ogres (see Warriors of Chaos army list) Battle Standard Bearer
• If your General is a Great Bray-Shaman or Bray-Shaman, A single Wargor in your army may be upgraded to be
0-1 Jabberslythe or Cygor may be taken as a Special choice your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In addition to
• If your General is a Doombull or Gorebull, 0-1 Ghorgon their usual allowance of points to spend on magic items,
may be taken as a Special choice a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a single magic
standard with no points limit.

Beastmen Brayherds 91
Character Beastmen Chieftains
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Beastlord 5 6 3 5 5 3 5 4 8 115
Wargor 5 5 3 4 5 2 4 3 7 55

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm (min) 30 x 30 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take one of the following:
Beastmen Chieftains - Light armour .........................................................................................................................+2 points
Beastlords and Wargors are - Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+4 points
the leaders of the Warherds, • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
but they care not how their • May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points
underlings are fed or how • 0-1 per 1,000 points may:
disputes are settled. The - Have the Ambushers special rule.................................................................................+10 points
only thing that concerns Or:
them is battle. They are - Be mounted on a Tuskgor Chariot..........................................................................See page 103
hairy, musclebound brutes - Be mounted on a Razorgor Chariot........................................................................See page 103
possessed of a raw and savage • A Beastlord may purchase magic items up to a total of..............................................100 points
might that carry themselves • A Wargor may purchase magic items up to a total of ....................................................50 points
with swaggering confidence,
revelling in their own Special Rules: Blood Rage, Brayhorn (General only), Foe Render, Gaze of the Gods,
superiority over lesser beasts. Mark of Chaos Undivided, Primal Fury, Warband
Their thick, hairy skulls are
crowned with magnificent Brayhorn
sets of horns as sharp and Carved from the horn of a slain rival, the clarion call of a brayhorn is a chieftain’s summons to any
hard as any blade, and their Beastmen who hear it.
robust and heavily-thewed
bodies are covered with scar From the beginning of round 2 onwards, if your General is on the battlefield during the
tissue and crudely rendered Command sub-phase of their turn, they may attempt to sound the Brayhorn by making
tattoos. The threat of violence a Leadership test. If this test is passed, you may immediately roll again for each unit of
is implicit in their every Ambushers in the army that is held in reserve and that did not arrive during the Start of
gesture. Upon the battlefield a Turn sub-phase of this turn.
Beastlord is a force of untold
destruction, gouging and Note that this special rule may only be used by a Beastlord or Wargor that has been selected to be
butchering with horn, blade the General of the army.
and claw.

92 Beastmen Brayherds
Beastmen Shamans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Great Bray-Shaman 5 5 3 4 5 3 4 2 8 150
Bray-Shaman 5 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 7 65

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm (min) 30 x 30 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Braystaff (see below)

Magic: A Great Bray-Shaman is a Level 3 Wizard. A Bray-Shaman is a Level 1 Wizard.

Every Beastman Shaman knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic
• Elementalism

• May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points Beastmen Shamans
• 0-1 per 1,000 points may: The Shamans of the
- Have the Ambushers special rule.................................................................................+10 points Beastmen race are vile to
Or: behold, their filthy bodies
- Be mounted on a Tuskgor Chariot..........................................................................See page 103 covered in matted fur into
- Be mounted on a Razorgor Chariot........................................................................See page 103 which all manner of crude
• A Great Bray-Shaman may: fetishes and grim charms
- Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points are woven. Their twisted
- Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points features are often covered
• A Bray-Shaman may: in a ragged hood and they
- Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points bear heavy braystaffs as
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points both brutal weapons and the
symbol of their position in
Special Rules: Braystaff, Gaze of the Gods, Lore of Beasts, Mark of Chaos Undivided, the Warherd. Bray-Shamans
Primal Fury, Warband occupy a unique niche in the
brutal and bitter world of the
Braystaff Beastmen. They have no need
As a crude badge of office, Bray-Shamans often carry a heavy staff hung with bones, shells and to defend themselves from
skulls, with pieces of stone and metal embedded into its length. other members of their tribe,
for none would dare assault
When this model’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat them. Not even the mightiest
sub-phase, it must choose to use its Braystaff offensively or defensively. Used offensively, a Beastlord would harm a
Braystaff counts as a great weapon. Used defensively, a Braystaff counts as a hand weapon Bray-Shaman, for they speak
and gives its wielder an Armour Value of 5+. the will of the Dark Gods, and
those that defy the gods pay
the highest price of all.

Beastmen Brayherds 93
Minotaur Champions
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Doombull 6 6 3 6 5 5 5 5 8 210
Gorebull 6 5 3 5 5 4 4 4 7 130

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character)

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take one of the following:
- Light armour .........................................................................................................................+3 points
- Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+6 points
Minotaur Champions • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+5 points
When Morrslieb, the Chaos • May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points
moon, hangs full in the sky, • A Doombull may purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................100 points
the Doombulls roar out a • A Gorebull may purchase magic items up to a total of..................................................50 points
bellowing call that resounds
around the forest for many Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Blood Greed, Blood Rage, Bull-gors, Fear, Foe Render,
miles, attracting yet more Gaze of the Gods, Impact Hits (1), Mark of Chaos Undivided,
Minotaurs and invoking the Primal Fury, Slaughterer’s Call, Warband
bloodgreed that runs through
all of their kind. Soon, Slaughterer’s Call
the forest will echo to the The bloodlust of a Minotaur Champion is infectious. When blood is scented, all rational thought
thunder of gargantuan hooves is driven from the minds of those around them, replaced with an unquenchable thirst for slaughter.
as Minotaurs gather by the
hundred at the herdstone, Whilst this model is Frenzied, any unit it has joined will also become Frenzied.
pawing the ground in their
haste to trample and crush.
It is not only Minotaurs who
heed the call – others are
overcome by the primal urge
to fight and feed. As bands of
Minotaurs crash through the
trees towards the settlements
and fortifications of the
civilised races, so groups
of Gors, Ungors and other,
far worse things follow in
their wake.

94 Beastmen Brayherds
Centigor Chieftains
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Warhoof 8 5 3 5 4 3 3 4 7 75

Troop Type: Light cavalry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Cavalry spear.........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take one of the following:
- Light armour .........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+4 points Centigor Chieftains
• May take one of the following: Merged together in ages
- Throwing axes ......................................................................................................................+2 points past by the warping power
- Javelins.....................................................................................................................................+2 points of Chaos, Centigors are a
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points disturbing cross between
• 0-1 per 1,000 points may have the Ambushers special rule ......................................+10 points four-legged creatures, such as
• May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points horses and oxen, and bipedal
• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points Beastmen. Centigor herds are
led by Chieftains known as
Special Rules: Drunken, Fast Cavalry, Gaze of the Gods, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Warhoofs. Strong, vital and
Move through Cover, Primal Fury, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride, crude, these musclebound
Warband brutes possess a raw and
savage might. They carry
themselves with swaggering
confidence, revelling in their
own superiority over lesser
beasts. When the Warherds
are summoned, it is not
uncommon for Centigors to
heed the call along with the
Beastmen. While Beastman
Chieftains and their Shamans
observe the rituals of the
Warherd, the Warhoofs
strut and swagger about
with vulgar bravado, swilling
looted wine by the skinful
and making outrageous boasts
about their own prowess.

Beastmen Brayherds 95
Infantry Bestigor Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bestigor 5 4 3 4 4 1 4 1 7 13
Gouge-horn 5 4 3 4 4 1 4 2 8 +8

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, great weapons and heavy armour

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Gouge-horn (champion)..................................+8 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
• A Gouge-horn may take:
Bestigor - Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of .......................................................25 points
The strongest and most - Magic items up to a total of ..............................................................................................25 points
vicious of Beastmen are • 0-1 unit in your army may:
known as Bestigors. Because - Have the Stubborn special rule....................................................................+1 point per model
of their size and ferocity, - Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model
Bestigors carve out a
privileged position within Special Rules: Blood Rage, Close Order, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Primal Fury,
the Warherd. They form Warband
the chieftain’s inner circle
of retainers, constantly
enforcing their superiority
upon the Gors and Ungors
with random acts of excessive
violence. Bestigors typically
carry massive axes and wear
solid, heavy plates of armour
and chainmail adorned with
all manner of grisly trophies
taken from those that have
put up a fight before being cut
into pieces. Because Bestigors
have the pick of the arms
and armour laid before the
herdstones, it is not unheard
of for a band of Bestigors to
look almost like a coherent
force upon the battlefield.

96 Beastmen Brayherds
Gor Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Gor 5 4 2 3 4 1 3 1 6 7
True-horn 5 4 2 3 4 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons

• The entire unit must take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons...........................................................................................................Free
- Shields................................................................................................................................................Free
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a True-horn (champion) .....................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit Beastman Gors
• A True-horn may: Gors form the great mass
- Replace a hand weapon or its shield with a great weapon ..............................................Free of the Warherds. Their
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................25 points appearance varies, but the
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: base form of the Beastman
- Have the Ambushers special rule................................................................+1 point per model is the head and legs of a
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points goat and the upper torso of
a Man, albeit a particularly
Special Rules: Bestial Charge, Blood Rage, Horde, Mark of Chaos Undivided, hairy and malodorous one.
Move through Cover, Open Order, Primal Fury, Skirmishers, Warband They have the savage fangs
of wolves with which to tear
Bestial Charge great chunks of flesh from
Driven by their hatred of civilisation and order, Beastmen Gors fall upon the foe with terrible their foes, and muscular
ferocity, their crude weapons and horned skulls granted strength by the fury of their charge. and robust (if flea-ridden)
bodies, well-suited to acting
During a turn in which it made a charge move of 3" or more, a model with this special rule out their primal urges. One
gains a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic. thing all true Beastmen have
in common is their horns,
without which they cannot
be considered real Gors. A
Beastman who possesses a
fine set of horns is said to be
a ‘True-horn’, or ‘True-gor’,
and it is these who are the
strongest and most intelligent
of all Gors.

Beastmen Brayherds 97
Ungor Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ungor 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 5
Half-horn 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Thrusting spears ...............................................................................................+1 point per model
- Throwing spears................................................................................................+1 point per model
Ungors - May replace shields with shortbows.......................................................................................Free
Ungors are smaller than • Any unit may:
other Beastmen and their - Upgrade one model to a Half-horn (champion)......................................+7 points per unit
horns, if they have any, - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
are less impressive. While - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
Gors may have long and • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may have the Ambushers special rule............+1 point per model
spectacular horns, Ungors
usually have short prongs or Special Rules: Chariot Runners, Horde, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Move through Cover,
horn buds sprouting from Open Order, Primal Fury, Skirmishers, Warband
their skulls. Because of this,
Ungors are not considered Harpies
to be ‘proper’ Beastmen by
the Gors. Ungors take to the M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
field of battle in large herds, Harpy 5 3 0 3 3 1 5 2 6 11
arming themselves with stout
spears with which to impale Troop Type: Regular infantry
their prey, and carrying Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
crude shields to protect their Unit Size: 5+
grotesque potbellied bodies. Equipment: Claws (counts as hand weapons)
Special Rules: Fly (10), Move through Cover, Scouts, Skirmishers, Swiftstride
Harpies are particularly
loathsome, winged creatures
with a body that is a parody of
the human form. They follow
the Warherds as scavengers
and are drawn to battle to
prey upon the injured and
the dying.

98 Beastmen Brayherds
Minotaur Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Minotaur 6 4 3 5 4 3 3 3 7 47
Bloodkine 6 4 3 5 4 3 3 4 7 +6

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 2+
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon..............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapon...................................................................................................+4 points per model
• Any model in the unit may take a shield .....................................................+2 points per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Bloodkine (champion)......................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit Minotaurs
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit Minotaurs are massive
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points bull-headed monstrosities
• A Bloodkine may take: that constantly hunger for
- Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of .......................................................25 points hot blood and red meat.
- Magic items up to a total of ..............................................................................................25 points Often growing to twice the
• 0-1 unit in your army may have the Ambushers special rule ................+3 points per model height of a Man and far
greater in muscular bulk,
Special Rules: Blood Greed, Blood Rage, Bull-gors, Close Order, Fear, Foe Render, their thick-skulled heads are
Impact Hits (1), Mark of Chaos Undivided, Motley Crew, broad and ugly, and their
Primal Fury, Warband horns can eviscerate with a
single thrust. To a Minotaur,
the battlefield is a place of
maddening excess. The scent
of gore drives them wild and
they bellow their hunger for
all to hear. They charge with
a thundering impact, horns
lowered to impale, striking
blow after blow against the
enemy. Once their victims
lie slain, the Minotaurs slake
their thirst by tearing greedily
at raw flesh and gulping down
great hunks of steaming meat,
even whilst the battle rages on
around them.

Beastmen Brayherds 99
Cavalry Centigor Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Centigor 8 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 6 19
Gorehoof 8 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 7 +8

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Throwing spears................................................................................................+1 point per model
- May replace shields with great weapons ..................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take one of the following:
Centigors - Throwing axes ...................................................................................................+1 point per model
Strong of limb and fleet of - Javelins..................................................................................................................+1 point per model
foot, Centigors are powerful • Any unit may:
creatures. However, they are - Upgrade one model to a Gorehoof (champion).......................................+8 points per unit
not especially agile and while - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
they have great strength, - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
they lack the dexterity to • A Gorehoof may purchase magic items up to a total of ................................................25 points
manipulate objects with any • 0-1 unit in your army may have the Ambushers special rule ..................+1 point per model
skill or control. Centigors • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to...................50 points
are bitter and spiteful,
resenting their awkward Special Rules: Drunken, Fast Cavalry, Horde, Mark of Chaos Undivided,
nature, and harbour a deep Move through Cover, Open Order, Primal Fury, Skirmishers,
jealousy of creatures whose Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride, Warband
minds and bodies are better
matched. Centigors live on
the northern and eastern
edges of the forests of the
Old World, where the trees
reluctantly yield to the sparse
grasslands of the Northern
Wastes. They are nomadic,
without settlements or
even encampments of any
kind. Often, they will join
the Warherd of a Beastmen
Chieftain, for the rewards of
violence and plunder from
such an allegiance are great.

100 Beastmen Brayherds

Dragon Ogres
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dragon Ogre 7 4 2 5 4 4 2 3 8 56
Shartak 7 4 2 5 4 4 2 4 8 +7

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 1-9
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model
- Halberds ............................................................................................................+3 points per model
• The entire unit may replace light armour with heavy armour.............+3 points per model Dragon Ogres
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Shartak (champion)......................+7 points per unit When forks of lightning
• A Shartak may: sunder the night sky and
- Take Chaos Mutations up to a total of .........................................................................25 points the roar of thunder booms
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................25 points through the peaks, the elders
of the north whisper that the
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Armoured Hide (2), Close Order, Fear, Dragon Ogres are waking.
Ensorcelled Weapons, Immune to Psychology, Stomp Attacks (2), They tell their superstitious
The Quickening Storm kin of enormous scaled
monsters that duel upon the
crests of the Worlds Edge
Mountains, their prize an
eternity of warfare. These
are the Dragon Ogres, and
they are said to be amongst
the oldest of all living things.
The incredible longevity of
the Dragon Ogres is the work
of the Gods of Chaos. Aeons
ago, the elders of their race
made a pact with the Ruinous
Powers, embracing eternal life
and damnation in order to
save themselves from a slow
decline towards extinction.

Beastmen Brayherds 101

Chaos Warhounds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Warhound 7 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 6 6

Troop Type: War beasts

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any unit may have:
- The Armoured Hide (1) special rule.........................................................+1 point per model
- The Poisoned Attacks special rule..............................................................+1 point per model
- The Vanguard special rule ...............................................................................+5 points per unit

Special Rules: Loner, Move through Cover, Open Order, Swiftstride

Chaos Warhounds
In the darkest forests, massive, Razorgor Herds
twisted hounds hunt their
prey. They often stalk around M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
encampments, searching for Razorgor 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 4 6 52
scraps and lone creatures to
attack. When the Beastmen Troop Type: War beasts
muster for an attack, these Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
hounds lope alongside them, Unit Size: 1+
drawn by the promise of fresh Equipment: Tusks (counts as a hand weapon) and
meat. Some Beastmen rear calloused hide (counts as light armour)
these vicious hounds, training Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Fear, Foe Render, Impact Hits (D3), Loner, Open Order,
them for battle, though they Primal Fury, Razor Tusks, Swiftstride
can never be truly tamed.

Razorgors are massively
mutated mountains of
muscle, covered in spines,
tusks and coarse hair. They
are voracious omnivores but
prefer a diet of fresh meat. So
great is their appetite and so
fearsome their jaws that they
are able to gobble down both
a knight in full plate mail and
their barded horse in a matter
of seconds.

102 Beastmen Brayherds

Tuskgor Chariots Chariot
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - 85
Bestigor Crew (x1) - 4 3 4 - - 4 1 7 -
Gor Crew (x1) - 4 3 3 - - 3 1 7 -
Tuskgor (x2) 7 3 - 4 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Bestigor Crew: Hand weapon and great weapon
• Gor Crew: Hand weapon and cavalry spear
• Tuskgors: Tusks (counts as hand weapons)

Special Rules: Close Order, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+1), Mark of Chaos Undivided,
Primal Fury, Razor Tusks, Warband Beastmen Chariots
The chariots of the Beastmen
are ramshackle constructions,
Razorgor Chariots built from heavy pieces of
lumber, scavenged from the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points ruins of Man’s buildings. They
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 120 are roughly nailed together
Bestigor Crew (x1) - 4 3 4 - - 4 1 7 - with huge spikes; even the
Gor Crew (x1) - 4 3 3 - - 3 1 7 - largest chariot shows no sign
Razorgor (x1) 7 3 - 5 - - 2 4 - - of craftsmanship or finesse.
This matters little, however,
Troop Type: Heavy chariot because the brute strength
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm and ferocity of the evil-
Unit Size: 1 tempered beasts that draw
Armour Value: 4+ these chariots – pugnacious
and stubborn Tuskgors and
Equipment: hideously mutated Razorgors
• Bestigor Crew: Hand weapon and great weapon – far outmatches that of mere
• Gor Crew: Hand weapon and cavalry spear horses, and the sheer weight
• Razorgor: Tusks (counts as a hand weapon) of the chariot is enough to
inflict terrible damage in its
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Razorgor only), Close Order, Fear, First Charge, own right. Should the chariot
Foe Render (Razorgor only), Impact Hits (D6+2), shatter at the point of impact
Mark of Chaos Undivided, Primal Fury, Razor Tusks the crew care little, for they
will have ridden down great
swathes of the enemy in
Character Mount: A Tuskgor Chariot or Razorgor Chariot may be included in your the process.
army as a character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.

Beastmen Brayherds 103

Monster Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Shaggoth 7 6 2 6 5 6 4 5 9 225

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May replace light armour with heavy armour ................................................................+6 points
• May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points
Dragon Ogre Shaggoths • May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points
When great storms roll
across the world, the Dragon Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Armoured Hide (2), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons,
Ogre Shaggoths that slumber Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Storm Call,
beneath the mountains stir. Terror, The Quickening Storm
Their dreaming minds hear,
echoed in the thunder, the
roar of the Chaos gods calling Storm Call
them to battle. As lightning
splits the skies, they scale cliff The oldest Dragon Ogres are able to
and glacier with iron-hard summon storms and call lightning down
claws, hacking at each other from the heavens.
with ancient axes and battling
to reach the highest peaks. This model can cast the following
They do this in order to bathe Bound spell, with a Power Level of 1.
in lightning, rejoicing in the This model can cast this Bound spell
raw forces of nature, for it even if it is engaged in combat:
is the storm that invigorates
them and fills them with Type: Magic Missile
deadly energy for the coming Casting Value: 7+
battle. Shaggoths are the same Range: Self
creatures that bartered once Effect: If this Bound spell is cast, all
with the Chaos gods; beings units within 6" of this model (friend or
that bargained with divinity, foe), including units engaged in combat
and not only survived, but and this model, suffer D3 Strength 4
won their immortality. hits, each with an AP of -1.

104 Beastmen Brayherds

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Jabberslythe 6 4 4 5 5 5 3 5 9 195

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), slythey tongue (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Maddening Aura, Poisoned Attacks,
Spurting Bile Blood, Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride, Terror

Maddening Aura
So ghastly and unnatural is a Jabberslythe, that a mere glance can drive all sanity and reason
from the minds of those that behold it. Wherever such a beast passes, brave souls fall shrieking and
babbling in its wake.

During the Command sub-phase of its turn, any enemy unit that is within 8" of this model, Jabberslythes
including units that are fleeing or that are engaged in combat, must make a Leadership test. Jabberslythes are amongst the
If this test is failed, the unit suffers D3 Strength 3 hits, with no armour or Regeneration most foul of all the creatures
saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). of the deep forest. They
are truly repugnant to look
Spurting Bile Blood upon, having such grotesque
When harmed, a Jabberslythe’s boiling, acidic blood sprays its enemies, burning through their and twisted features that
armour and into their flesh. even the clearest pools of
water will not offer up their
For each Wound this model loses during the Combat phase, the attacking enemy unit reflection. A sickening fusion
suffers a Strength 4 hit, with an AP of -1. of toad, sludge-drake and
many-limbed insect, the
R S AP Special Rules Jabberslythe encompasses all
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - that is unwholesome and vile
about nature and magnifies
R S AP Special Rules it a hundredfold. Ungainly
Slythey tongue 12" 5 -1 Move & Shoot, Quick Shot and clumsy creatures,
Jabberslythes have mutated
the better to catch prey,
but the most horrendous
of all their weapons is their
vile appearance. There is
something so unearthly and
unsettling about these beasts
that to even set eyes upon
one is to go immediately and
permanently insane.

Beastmen Brayherds 105

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cockatrice 4 4 5 4 5 4 6 6 6 170

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws (counts as a hand weapon), petrifying gaze (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

• May have acidic vomit ...........................................................................................................+20 points
• May have the Poisoned Attacks special rule...................................................................+10 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (1), Stony Stare,
Swiftstride, Terror

Cockatrice Stony Stare

The Cockatrice is not a Where the creature’s gaze falls, its enemies turn painfully to stone.
bold fighter and prefers to
lurk in wait for easy prey. At the start of each Combat phase, enemy models in base contact with this model must
Yet despite this inclination make an Initiative test. If this test is failed, they suffer D3 Strength 2 hits, with no armour
for self-preservation, only a save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
very foolish warrior would
confront a Cockatrice. When R S AP
Special Rules
the beast is threatened, it goes Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A
Magical Attacks,
quickly berserk, shrieking and Multiple Wounds (D3)
clawing at all who approach Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the
it with a maddened ferocity target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this
that more than compensates weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
for its innate cowardice.
Despite its lack of courage, R S AP Special Rules
the Cockatrice possesses a Acidic vomit N/A 3 -1 Breath Weapon
curious ability that makes
it the equal of even the
mightiest Dragon. The
Cockatrice can petrify foes
with its magical gaze, turning
them to stone with a glance.
This makes the Cockatrice
a deadly opponent, for a
warrior must try to vanquish
the beast without ever setting
sight upon it.

106 Beastmen Brayherds

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cygor 7 2 1 6 5 6 3 4 8 215

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws (counts as a hand weapon), hurl attack (see below) and
calloused hide (counts as light armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Ghostsight, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Soul-eater,
Stomp Attacks (D3), Stubborn, Terror, Timmm-berrr!

The swirling melee of combat is an indistinct blur to the Cygor, confusing and disorientating.
Enemies imbued with magic, however, it can see with unearthly clarity.
During the Combat phase, a Cygor may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made against enemy Cygors are huge, malformed
Wizards, enemy models or units equipped with any magic items, or enemy models or units giants, similar in form
with a Ward or Regeneration save. to Minotaurs, yet each
possessed of but a single eye
Soul-eater in the centre of its forehead.
The presence of a Cygor is intensely unsettling to any nearby Wizards, for they know Cygors crave Through this eye, the Cygor is
their souls above all else. cursed to see not the material
realm that mortals perceive,
Any enemy Wizard that wishes to cast a spell whilst within 12" of one or more Cygors must but the ever-shifting Winds of
first make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the Wizard has lost their nerve and, should Magic as they blow through
they fail to cast the spell (i.e., should their casting result be less than the casting value of the world. Cygors roam the
the spell), the spell has been miscast and the active player immediately rolls on the Miscast forests of the Old World,
table to see what fate befalls the unfortunate Wizard. If this test is passed, the Wizard can smashing through trees they
continue with their casting attempt as normal. cannot see and laying waste to
anything in their path. They
R S AP Special Rules hunger eternally, for they can
Hurl attack 12-36" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Bombardment, Cumbersome, scarce perceive mundane prey
Multiple Wounds (D3+1) and are only able to detect
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule and a 3" those possessed of magical
blast template. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead powers, who blaze with
of rolling on a Misfire table). The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies only to a single searing light. These gigantic,
model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template. eldritch predators constantly
hunt mages, warlocks and
witches, desperate to consume
their flesh and thereby ingest
the bright souls within.

Beastmen Brayherds 107

Chaos Giant
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Giant 6 3 1 6 6 6 2 * 10 200

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Giant’s club (see opposite) and calloused hide (counts as light armour)

• May have scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) .............................................................+10 points
• May have the Regeneration (6+) special rule ................................................................+20 points

Special Rules: Close Order, *Giant Attacks, Immune to Psychology, Large Target,
*Pick Up And…, Stomp Attacks (D6), Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Unbreakable

*Giant Attacks
Chaos Giants Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to
Giants are monstrous take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan.
humanoids that dwell most
often in the cold, rocky climes Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack,
of the north. Those that a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy
live in the forests of the Old unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the
World are a particularly vile Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does:
example of their breed. Their
skin is often covered in green Giant Attacks Table
and brown mould, fungus and D6 Result
moss, while their long beards 1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate
are matted and tangled with a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with
ivy and creepers. Giants do to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with
not make common cause with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted
the Warherds, rather they as normal).
follow in their wake, joining 2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3")
in with the slaughter and blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target
slaking their hunger on cattle unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies
and their thirst on looted underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the
barrels of ale. Occasionally, Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.
one might be bound to the 3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this
will of a Bray-Shaman, and attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an
such a beast emerging from Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic
the trees is enough to fill of S+1 and an AP of -2.
superstitious soldiers with 5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy
heart-stopping horror. on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the
Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s
club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds
(D6) special rule.
6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy.
For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers
D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

108 Beastmen Brayherds

*Pick Up And…
Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon Monster
rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the
handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the
Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot, and still others are tossed carelessly aside to
bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant
that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or
‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And…
attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in
combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:

• If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not
bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is
immediately removed from play as a casualty.
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s
grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect.
Chaos Giants
Next, roll a D6: Preferring the cold, rocky
climes of the Troll Country
• On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks. and Norsca, Giants are
• On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must encountered far more
make another Initiative test. frequently in the north than
in other areas of the Old
This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until World, although they will
the target unit is destroyed. occasionally descend from
lairs in the Worlds Edge or
Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting Middle Mountains to join
rank of the enemy unit. bands of Orcs or Beastmen.
Some Giants, especially those
R S AP Special Rules who make their homes far
Giant’s club Combat * * * to the north where Norsca
Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what begins to give way to the
they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule. Chaos Wastes, are warped
still further by the power
of Chaos. The mutations
caused by the influence of the
Dark Powers are even more
terrifying when displayed by
such monstrous creatures,
and Giants moulded by
Chaos into even more
fearsome shapes can turn the
bravest warrior to flight.

Beastmen Brayherds 109

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ghorgon 7 4 0 6 6 6 4 5 9 245

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Cleaver-limbs (see below) and calloused hide (counts as light armour)
Special Rules: Blood Greed, Close Order, Frenzy, Large Target, Primal Fury,
Regeneration (6+), Stomp Attacks (D3), Stubborn, Swallow Whole,
Terror, Timmm-berrr!

Swallow Whole
As the Ghorgon rampages through the enemy’s battle line, it feeds hungrily upon its foes. As it does
so, its flesh flushes red and wounds re-knit.
When the Beastmen go to During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Ghorgon that is engaged in combat with
war they are accompanied one or more units of ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Swallow
by sickening fiends that Whole’ attack. To make a Swallow Whole attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or
have grown to impossible heavy infantry that the Ghorgon is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately
dimensions on a diet of raw make an Initiative test:
flesh and warping magic.
The Ghorgon is such a beast, • If this test is failed, the Ghorgon grabs a victim from the unit and stuffs them into its
a many-limbed, ox-headed gullet. A single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as
slaughterer, possessed of a casualty.
an urgent need to devour • If this test is passed, the warriors manage to avoid the grasping Ghorgon. No one is
and destroy. During battle, picked up and the attack has no effect.
a Ghorgon wades into the
enemy, grasping great gobbets Each time an enemy model is removed from play in this way, the Ghorgon recovers a single
of flesh to stuff into its maw. lost Wound.
In its insatiable lust for food,
the Ghorgon has been known R S AP Special Rules
to swallow victims whole, the Cleaver-limbs Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer
entire body bolted down in a
savage display of gluttonous
delight. Smeared with gore
and drooling slather, a
Ghorgon can regain new
strength from its flesh feast.
Yet, no matter how much a
Ghorgon devours, the hideous
beast remains as ravenous
as ever.

110 Beastmen Brayherds

A s Beastmen grow in power and infamy, they attract the attention of the Chaos powers. This is both a blessing and a
curse, for many mutations pleasing to the gods are anathema to those they are thrust upon.

To represent these strange attributes, some models may be given Chaos Mutations. Each Mutation may only be chosen once
per army.

Slug-skin ..............................................................50 points Rune of the Beast Ascendant..........................25 points

This grotesque gift of the Chaos gods causes the recipient’s skin to The Beastman’s horns have twisted into the semblance of a
constantly ooze with a vile, foul smelling slime. potent daemonic rune. This promise of ascendency to the ranks of
Daemonhood fills its followers with courage.
Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model
or any unit it has joined during the Combat phase suffers a -1 Beastman Chieftains only. Unless this character is fleeing,
modifier to its rolls To Hit. friendly Bestigor, Gor and Ungor Herds gain a +1 modifier to
their Leadership characteristic whilst within this character’s
Crown of Horns .................................................45 points Command range (to a maximum of 10).
A Beastman that sprouts an excessively sharp, large or twisted set of
horns is supremely confident in their position at the pinnacle of the Many-limbed Fiend...........................................20 points
Warherd, so obvious are the Dark Gods’ blessings. Some Beastman grow additional arms, allowing them to unleash
even more carnage upon the battlefield.
Characters only. This character and any unit they have joined
gains the Stubborn special rule. This model (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its
Attacks characteristic. However, this bonus attack must be
Muscular Monstrosity......................................35 points made using an ordinary hand weapon.
The Beastman has been blessed by the Gods of Chaos, and its torso
bulges with huge muscles. Gnarled Hide ......................................................15 points
The Beastman’s skin has encysted, forming a dense layer of crusty
This model (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its natural armour as tough as chainmail.
Strength characteristic.
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. This model gains
Pelt of Midnight.................................................35 points the Armoured Hide (1) special rule.
The Beastman’s pelt exudes clouds of smokey darkness, hiding them
from the eyes of the enemy. Uncanny Senses..................................................10 points
The Dark Gods gift some Beastman with acute senses, additional
Characters only. Any enemy model that targets this character eyes or even extra heads, granting them unnaturally fast reactions.
or any unit they have joined during the Shooting phase suffers
an additional -1 To Hit modifier. This model (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its
Initiative characteristic.
Gouge-tusks ........................................................30 points
This Beastman’s lower incisors have grown into sharp or excessively
large tusks with which they gouge savage wounds into the flesh of
their enemies.

During the Combat phase, the Armour Piercing characteristic

of any weapon used by this model (but not its mount) is
improved by 1.

Beastmen Brayherds 111

Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Beastmen Brayherds armies. These
can be purchased by models within a Beastmen Brayherds army in exactly the same
way as common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Primeval Club.................................................................................................. 60 points
This ancient club, bound in cracked leather and infested with spiders and slugs, has been stained
red with blood since the dawn of civilisation and is the bane of all order and hope.

Treasures of R S AP
Special Rules
the Herdstone Primeval Club Combat * -3
Hatred (Empire), Magical Attacks,
Deep within the forests of Poisoned Attacks
the Old World, Beastmen Notes: The Strength characteristic of the Primeval Club is equal to the current Leadership
raise their herdstones. These characteristic of the model that wields it.
monolithic rocks are sacred
to their kind, and it is upon Axe of Men....................................................................................................... 50 points
these that mighty Beastmen A single, mighty stroke from this fearsome axe can cut even the most powerful warrior clean in
Chieftains record their half, a sight which emboldens the bearer’s followers and horrifies their enemies in equal measure.
deeds, their Bray-Shamans
etching them into the rock R S AP Special Rules
in the foul runes of the dark Axe of Men Combat S -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks
tongue. Around these sacred Notes: Should the wielder of the Axe of Men kill an enemy character (including champions) in a
stones, artefacts of power challenge, they gain the Terror special rule for the remainder of the game.
and trophies of war are piled
high. Amongst the tattered Mangelder......................................................................................................... 40 points
and desecrated banners of The Mangelder saps the strength of its victims’ minds as well as of their bodies, and those few who
the armies of Men lie the survive wounds inflicted by the weapon rarely fight again.
remnants of powerful magic
weapons and armour. When R S AP Special Rules
the Brayherds gather, these Mangelder Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks, Terror
treasures are snatched up and Notes: The wielder of the Mangelder causes Terror. Any enemy unit that suffers one or more
claimed by the strongest of unsaved wounds from the Mangelder suffers a -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a
Champions who bind broken minimum of 2) until the end of the turn.
blades to sturdy wooden
hafts and hang precious Hunter’s Spear................................................................................................. 35 points
amulets from their twisted Crafted to fell the mighty beasts of the far north, this thick-hafted spear bears enchantments
horns. Thus are the treasures allowing it to penetrate yards of flesh and muscle, skewering the foe through-and-through.
of civilisation turned back
against their foes. R S AP
Special Rules
Hunter’s Spear 24" 6 -3
Cumbersome, Magical Attacks,
Multiple Wounds (2), Through & Through
Notes: The Hunter’s Spear shoots like a bolt thrower, using the ‘Through & Through’ special rule.

112 Beastmen Brayherds

Magic Armour Magic Standards
Pelt of the Dark Young .....................................40 points Totem of Rust.....................................................50 points
The Pelt of the Dark Young is shrouded in tendrils of darkness that Little more than a jagged spike upon which the corroded remains
gather about the wearer. of armoured warriors are impaled, the Totem of Rust spreads an
all-consuming aura of entropy.
May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Pelt of the
Dark Young improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum Every model (friend or foe) within 6" of the model carrying the
of 2+). In addition, its wearer (and any unit they have joined) Totem of Rust suffers a -1 modifier to its Armour Save rolls.
has Magic Resistance (-2).
Manbane Standard............................................40 points
The Blackened Plate..........................................25 points The Manbane Standard is a corpse beset by carrion birds. Any who
This battered suit of plate mail is blackened with the soot of behold it are filled with the dread that it will be upon their eyes
burning palaces and temples. that the birds next feast.

The Blackened Plate is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, All enemy units within 6" of the model carrying the Manbane
its wearer has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds suffered Standard suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic
that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks (to a minimum of 2).
special rule.
Vitriolic Totem...................................................30 points
Talismans This gnarled and twisted bough is hung with the heads of the fallen.
From these rotted trophies drips a constant rain of blackened ichor
Rune of the True Beast.....................................30 points and poisoned blood.
This sigil of pure savagery is carved into the flesh of only the
mightiest Beastlords, causing even the greatest of monsters to cower A unit carrying the Vitriolic Totem gains the Poisoned
before the unbridled ferocity of this raging predator. Attacks special rule.

Enemy models whose troop type is ‘monster’ suffer a -1 Banner of Outrage .............................................25 points
modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic whilst within 6" This stolen standard has been befouled and stained as a terrible
of the bearer of the Rune of the True Beast. affront to the enemy. Its presence drives Beastmen to ever more vile
extremes of savagery.
Dark Heart* ........................................................25 points
Beastmen rip the still beating hearts from their defeated rivals. A unit carrying the Banner of Outrage may re-roll its
In battle, they will feed upon these grisly trophies, claiming the Leadership test when testing for Primal Fury.
strength of their vanquished enemies.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn,

the bearer of a Dark Heart can consume it. The model
immediately recovers one lost Wound.

Beastmen Brayherds 113

Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Stone of Spite ......................................................45 points The Plague Chalice ............................................40 points
Contained within this glowing stone is the soul of an Ungor, slain in This rotted wooden chalice is filled with a vile brew of blood and
a hideous ritual. When crushed underhoof, a wave of bitterness and pus. Any Shaman that sups from it is wracked with pain, even as
spite is released, banishing the Winds of Magic. raw magic courses through their veins.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, If the bearer of the Plague Chalice rolls any natural double
if they are not engaged in combat, this character may use when making a Casting roll (not including rolls of a natural
the Stone of Spite. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, double 1), the spell is cast as a perfect invocation, regardless of
all Wizards (friend or foe) suffer a -2 modifier to their its casting value or of any other modifiers. However, each time
Casting rolls. the bearer casts a perfect invocation, they suffer a Strength 4
hit with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration
Horn of the First Beast.....................................30 points saves can be attempted as normal).
This immeasurably ancient, fossilised horn is said to be taken from
the skull of the First Beast. When it is sounded, Beastmen find the Hagtree Fetish ....................................................30 points
savage fury of their race swelling within their hearts. A crudely carved effigy of a hagtree, this shamanic heirloom can
spell doom for the Bray-Shaman’s foe when brandished with the
Unless the bearer of the Horn of the First Beast is fleeing, appropriate curse.
any friendly unit that is within 18" of this model may use its
Leadership characteristic when testing for Primal Fury. Whenever the bearer of the Hagtree Fetish successfully casts a
Magic Missile, they may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound.
Skin of Man ........................................................15 points
The wearer of this flayed and sigil-encrusted human pelt is under Jagged Dagger .....................................................15 points
a glamour, making them appear no more than a particularly ugly This potent sacrificial tool radiates the pain and anger of a
peasant. When the skin is cast aside, the awful truth is revealed. thousand ritual offerings made to the Ruinous Powers.

Beastmen Chieftains and Beastmen Shamans whose troop The Jagged Dagger can only be used by a Wizard that has
type is ‘infantry’ only. The wearer of the Skin of Man gains the joined a unit. Before making a Casting roll, the bearer of the
Scouts and Vanguard special rules. Jagged Dagger may make a sacrifice. One model belonging
to the bearer’s unit is immediately removed from play as a
casualty. The bearer may then modify their Casting roll by
adding the Wounds characteristic of the sacrificed model to
the result.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not

negate a roll of a natural double 1.

114 Beastmen Brayherds

Special Rules
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Beastmen
Brayherds army list:

Blood Greed Drunken

At times, the blood-fuelled frenzy of the Beastmen is so great that Centigors are inclined to drink vast quantities of noxious liquor
they fall upon their foes in a butcherous rage, feeding upon the flesh before battle. While this sometimes turns them into berserk fighters,
of the fallen in the heat of battle. it can also severely incapacitate them.

Whilst Frenzied, this model has a +2 modifier to its Attacks During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, roll
characteristic (rather than the usual +1). However, such is on the Drunken table for each unit with this special rule that is
this model’s desperate need to feed upon flesh that it rolls not currently Frenzied, that is not engaged in combat and that
only a single D6 when making a Pursuit roll (rather than the is not fleeing:
usual 2D6).
Drunken Table
Blood Rage D6 Result
In the tumult of battle, Beastmen are easily overcome by their 1 Unsteady: The unit has become somewhat unsteady.
primal urges, becoming frenzied with a bloodlust that can only be Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase, the unit is
slaked with an excess of slaughter. subject to the Random Movement special rule and
its Movement characteristic becomes D6+2.
If, when testing to see if it becomes subject to Primal Fury (see 2-5 Sobering Up: The alcohol has no discernible effect
page 116), this unit passes its Leadership test with any roll of a upon the unit.
natural double, it will also become Frenzied. A unit with this 6 Belligerent Drunks: The unit has turned quite
special rule may become Frenzied in this way even if it has lost belligerent. Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase,
Frenzy earlier in the game. the unit is subject to the Frenzy special rule. A unit
with this special rule may become Frenzied in this
Bull-gors way even if it has lost Frenzy earlier in the game.
The very ground itself trembles and shakes beneath the unstoppable
thunder of a Minotaur’s charge. Foe Render
The crude weapons of Beastmen are empowered by their bearer’s
Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule have an primal hatred for the trappings of civilisation.
Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
Whilst subject to Primal Fury, a hand weapon carried by
Ensorcelled Weapons a model with this special rule has an Armour Piercing
Many of the Chaos gods’ chosen champions brandish ensorcelled characteristic of -2.
weapons, their heavy, black blades inscribed with dark runes that
glow with infernal power. Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical
hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
characteristic of -1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical

hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it
have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.

Beastmen Brayherds 115

Gaze of the Gods Mark of Chaos Undivided
Beastmen strive to become Champions of Chaos and earn the Beastmen are truly the children of Chaos and, as such, they worship
favour of the Ruinous Powers. But the gods are fickle, and their the Gods of Chaos as a pantheon, rarely favouring any one deity
blessing can be a curse. above the others.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character Models with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can re-roll any
with this special rule may choose to roll on the Gaze of the failed Fear, Panic or Terror test.
Gods table:
Primal Fury
Gaze of the Gods Table Goaded on by their chieftains and shamans, and enraged by the
D6 Result presence of intruders on their bloodgrounds, Beastmen become
1 Damned by Chaos: The Champion is beset consumed by a savage fury, tearing apart the hated foe.
with visions of the Realm of Chaos. This model
becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule for When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any
the remainder of the game. If they already have Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, it must make a Leadership
this special rule, they suffer a -1 modifier to their test. If this test is passed, the unit becomes subject to ‘Primal
Leadership (to a minimum of 2). Fury’ until the end of this Combat phase. A unit subject to
2 Unnatural Quickness: To the Champion, time itself Primal Fury may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1.
seems to slow around them. Until your next Start of
Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to Razor Tusks
their Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10). Tuskgors and Razorgors bristle with viciously sharp tusks
3 Iron Skin: Beneath their baroque armour, the and spines which, when charged into the enemy, can wreak
Champion’s skin becomes like iron. Until your utter devastation.
next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a
+1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic (to a During a turn in which it charged, the Armour Piercing
maximum of 10). characteristic of a Tuskgor’s or Razorgor’s tusks (hand
4 Murderous Mutation: Long tentacles whip from weapon) is improved by 1.
beneath the Champion’s armour to grasp at their
enemies. For the remainder of the game, this Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a
model gains a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill Tuskgor or Razorgor, not to a chariot or its crew.
characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
5 Dark Fury: A terrible rage grips the Champion. The Quickening Storm
For the remainder of the game, this model gains Bathed in invigorating lightning, Dragon Ogres are warded against
a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic (to a the effects of hostile magic.
maximum of 10).
6 Apotheosis: The Champion is blessed with A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against
daemonic vitality. For the remainder of the game, any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic Missile
this model gains a +1 modifier to both their Strength or a Magical Vortex spell. In addition, if a model with this
and Leadership characteristics (to a maximum special rule, or the unit it belongs to, suffers one or more hits
of 10). from Storm Call (see page 104), it becomes ‘Quickened’. A
Quickened model has a +1 modifier to both its Initiative and
Note that any benefits granted by the Gaze of the Gods apply only Attacks characteristics. This Quickening lasts until your next
to the Champion, not to their mount (should they have one). Start of Turn sub-phase.

116 Beastmen Brayherds

Lore of Beasts
B ray-Shamans are born into magic, and wield it with an instinctive ease. A palpable miasma of fell sorcery surrounds
them and when their wrath is roused, reality itself is distorted and maimed. Tree roots twist and writhe at their
passing, the undergrowth boils with unholy life and repugnant parasites scurry at their feet.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Beasts’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Viletide Devolve
The Shaman calls to the creeping things that nest in the decaying Delving into their enemies’ minds, the Shaman magnifies the
undergrowth, creating a vile wave of spiders, centipedes and slug- savage and animalistic parts of their psyche until they are no
beetles that swarm over the foe. more than growling beasts.

Type: Magic Missile Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 8+
Range: 15" Range: 15"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 5D6 Strength 1 hits, Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a
with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration Leadership test. If this test is failed, it loses a number of
saves can be attempted as normal). Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test.

Mantle of Ghorok
Ghorok was a legendary Minotaur, ferocious as a storm. When
possessed by his spirit-mantle, a Shaman becomes a terror on the
battlefield, though to summon his rage is not without risk.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Until the end of this turn, the caster gains a +D6
modifier to their Strength and Attacks characteristics (to a
maximum of 10). However, if a 6 is rolled, this modifier is
lost and the caster instead loses a single Wound.

Beastmen Brayherds 117

Bathed in the light of a storm-filled sky, a warband of Dragon Ogres charges towards the enemy.

A unit of Bestigors, armed with great weapons and clad in crude but effective heavy armour.

120 Beastmen Brayherds

A unit of Minotaurs, armed with crude hand weapons and carrying a banner of flayed flesh.

Lured from the depths of the forest by the clamour of battle, the maddening form of a Jabberslythe bursts from the treeline,
scattering the Ungors that stand in its path.

Beastmen Brayherds 121

T he Tomb Kings are the true monarchs of the Undead. They ruled a vast and mighty civilisation at a time when other
human nations were still barbarians, and now, thousands of years after their deaths, they have been awakened. Rising
from their sarcophagi, the mummified Tomb Kings possess the same thirst for conquest that drove them in life. They
march forth to reclaim their rightful dominion over the kingdoms of the living, and woe betide any that stand in their way.

The Land of The Dead

The Rulers of The Dead

The Land Of The Dead The Rulers Of The Dead

Far to the south of the Old World lies a desolate, wind-swept Through blasphemous necromantic magic, the entire
desert. No living thing stirs in this place, but it is far from population of Nehekhara was cursed to a living death. The
uninhabited. This is Nehekhara, the cursed Land of the Dead corrupt sorcerer Nagash instigated a great catastrophe that
and the domain of the Tomb Kings. at once destroyed every living thing in Nehekhara, and raised
the dead from their tombs. Thus, the Tomb Kings arose from
Nehekhara was once a land of magnificent architecture and their sleep of oblivion, not into the golden paradise they were
noble dynasties. Its warrior kings led golden armies against promised, but to discover that they had become repulsive
the barbarian tribes that envied the splendour of their realm, Undead creatures; bone-dry cadavers whose once-palatial
fighting their wars with phalanxes of spearmen that stretched realms were but a shadow of their former splendour.
across battlefields as far as the eye could see, with regiments
of archers that darkened the skies with arrows and battalions Many Tomb Kings endeavour to reign from their necropolises
of chariots that rumbled across the land. The Nehekharans as they once did, imitating the life they knew. Some among
crushed all before them in displays of martial brilliance until them behave as if nothing were awry, ruling as though they
their realm reached from the lizard-infested Southlands to the were still beings of flesh and blood. Perhaps some are truly
monster-haunted forests of the north. unaware that they are Undead, whilst others are in denial of
their cursed existence, or have been driven mad by the sight
However, the vain kings refused to let mere death cheat of their own hideous visage. Thus a Tomb King may demand
them of their accomplishments or rob them of their worldly a bowl of sweet figs and a goblet of fine wine, seemingly
possessions. It was the belief of every Nehekharan monarch oblivious to the fact that the contents of such a meal would
that, upon their death, they should be mummified in an spill through their desiccated bodies onto the floor.
elaborate ceremony and interred within a magnificent burial
pyramid. Here, they would await the Day of Awakening, when Others raged upon their awakening, discovering that their
they would arise into a golden paradise where they would once great land had become plagued by hordes of barbaric
reign supreme for all eternity. Over time, their necropolises invaders; its ancient cities and proud statuaries crumbling
outgrew the towns of the living. It is said that the honoured from long centuries of warfare and its bountiful riches
dead buried beneath Nehekhara outnumber those that plundered by countless tomb robbers. In their immortal
breathe in the Old World twice over, and that the dead do not wrath, these Tomb Kings now fight to restore their vast
rest easy… empire to its former majesty, striking forth from the desert to
reclaim the world from the living.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 123

The Legions Of Khemri The Legions of Khemri To protect their masters throughout their journey to eternity,
the Liche Priests wrought statues of guardian creatures such
The armies of Nehekhara are led by its long dead monarchs, as the Tomb Scorpions, Ushabti and Necrosphinxes. These
great kings and princes that rule the Great Land through statues were fashioned from stone and precious metal, from
eternity. At their command are the legions of courtiers, wood, bone and flesh. Inside each was placed certain magically
soldiers and servants that accompanied their ruler into death. potent organs, granting them a spark of life. These huge
The chief and most trusted ministers of a Tomb King or constructs were situated within the tombs of the kings to
Prince are the Liche Priests – Wizards of great power whose guard their sacred bodies, and the Liche Priests still rouse the
sole job in life was to prepare the tomb of their liege lord and magic within them and send them to war.
ensure their lasting immortality. When one of Nehekhara’s
rulers died, their Liche Priests would continue to perform Giant birds, once revered as holy creatures in ancient
rituals of immortality in their mortuary temple, and now they Nehekhara, were often mummified and placed in the tombs
are responsible for the reawakening of long-dead armies. of the kings. Once, it was said that the Carrion would descend
after a battle to pluck the souls of the fallen from their bodies
Thousands upon thousands of troops were buried alive in and carry them away to eternity. Now, they are rotted and
the great pits of the kings of Nehekhara. In those days, it was bloated husks, bound by the spells cast upon them and serving
considered the duty of a warrior to follow their king even in the armies of the Tomb Kings.
death. Troops were interred in serried ranks complete with
all the weapons needed to protect their lord in the next life – When the Tomb Kings awoke, they ordered the more
spears, swords and shields. Many archers were also buried with obviously cognisant of their Undead subjects to rebuild
their masters together with a great stash of ammunition. They the cities of old and fill them with the carts, boats, markets
live again to send their flint, bronze and iron-tipped arrows and other things that they remembered from life. As no
against the foe. Alongside the infantry gallop the Skeleton trees grow in the Land of the Dead, all these things must be
Cavalry, their spear-tips glinting in the desert sun. made from stone or bone. The same is true of the gigantic
catapults constructed to bombard the armies and cities of the
When the Liche Priests and Necrotects built the great tombs Tomb Kings’ rivals. The heads of fallen foes make effective
of their kings, they employed legions of labourers and stone ammunition. The dry-screams of living skulls can be heard as
masons to craft building blocks and statues of immense size. they are propelled through the air, spreading panic amongst
To move these, they created Bone Giants from the bodies the enemy ranks.
of gigantic animals – abominations that they filled with a
simplistic, magical life. Once the tombs were complete, any
giants that remained would be cast into the brimming charnel
pits, their purpose complete. When Nagash cast his terrible
spell of awakening, the giants crawled faithfully from their
pits – bizarre amalgams of bone and sinew with awareness to
perform only the most rudimentary of tasks.

124 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Tomb Kings of Khemri. This is the default army composition
list for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units
to choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Army List

Grand Army Composition List

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 1+ Tomb King or Tomb Prince • Necrolith Colossus, Necrosphinx

• 1+ High Priest or Mortuary Priest • 0-2 Screaming Skull Catapults per 1,000 points
• 0-1 Tomb King or High Priest per 1,000 points • 0-1 Casket of Souls per 1,000 points
• Royal Heralds and Necrotects
Core Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: on mercenaries.

• 1+ unit of Skeleton Warriors and/or Skeleton Archers Allies

• Skeleton Skirmishers, Tomb Swarms, Skeleton Horsemen, Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
Skeleton Horse Archers and Skeleton Chariots allied contingent drawn from:
• 0-1 unit of Tomb Guard or Sepulchral Stalkers may be
taken as a Core choice • Any Tomb Kings of Khemri Army of Infamy
composition list
Special • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: - Orc & Goblin Tribes (Suspicious)
- Warriors of Chaos (Suspicious)
• Tomb Guard, Ushabti, Sepulchral Stalkers, Carrion and - Beastmen Brayherds (Suspicious)
Necropolis Knights
• 0-3 Tomb Scorpions per 1,000 points
• 0-2 Khemrian Warsphinx (not counting character mounts) Battle Standard Bearer
per 1,000 points A single Royal Herald in your army may be upgraded
to be your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single magic standard with no points limit.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 125

Character Monarchs Of Nehekhara
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tomb King 4 6 3 5 5 4 4 4 10 160
Tomb Prince 4 5 3 4 5 3 3 3 9 90

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Tomb King: Hand weapon and heavy armour
• Tomb Prince: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Flail ...........................................................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
Monarchs of Nehekhara - Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+3 points
The Monarchs of Nehekhara - Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
are the ancient, long-dead • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
rulers of the Great Land. • May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 131
They have been reborn to • A Tomb King may purchase magic items up to a total of..........................................100 points
a mocking imitation of life, • A Tomb Prince may purchase magic items up to a total of..........................................50 points
transformed into hideous
cadavers whose kingdoms Special Rules: Curse of the Necropolis, Dry as Dust, Flammable, Indomitable (2),
have been plundered and Khopesh, My Will Be Done, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+)
lost. Their mummified
corpses have been awakened My Will Be Done
and revived by the rituals of Although it is the magic of the Liche Priests that animates the armies of Khemri, it is the
the Liche Priests, and their indomitable will of the Tomb King that instils long-dead warriors with unyielding vigour.
bodies are now inhabited
by their undying, vengeful During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to exert their
spirits. A Monarch awakens will upon those around them by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership).
from the sleep of death If this test is passed, choose one of the following modifiers. Until your next Start of Turn
possessing all the ambition sub-phase this character, their mount and any unit they have joined gain that modifier (to
and lust for power they a maximum of 10):
had in life. Every prince
or king seeks to reclaim • “Forward to Glory!”: +D3 Movement.
their plundered treasures • “My Worthy Champions!”: +1 Weapon Skill.
and restore their ancient • “Strike like the Cobra!”: +D3 Initiative.
glory. If this means the
subjugation and destruction Note that this special rule is not cumulative. In other words, using it more than once on the same
of foreign lands, then their unit during the same turn has no further effect.
great army, loyal even in
death, rises from its rest at
their command.

126 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Royal Heralds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Royal Herald 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 3 8 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Flail ...........................................................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+3 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 131 Royal Heralds
• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................75 points Every Royal Herald is the
personal champion and
Special Rules: Banner of the King, Dry as Dust, Flammable, Indomitable (1), Khopesh, trusted bodyguard of one
Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+), Sworn Protector of Nehekhara’s many rulers.
Obedient to a fault, these
Banner of the King mummified warriors cut
A Monarch’s personal icon is often carried into battle by a trusted Royal Herald. down their lord’s enemies
without pause or hesitation,
A Royal Herald that has been upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer replaces the slicing through flesh and
“Hold Your Ground” rule given in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook with the version bone with every strike
given below: until all their foes lie dead
or dying at their feet. So
“Hold Your Ground”: Friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s Command range devoted to their masters,
may re-roll any failed Leadership test. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard and so ever present are
Bearer’s Command range reduce the number of Wounds lost due to the Unstable special those bodyguards, that those
rule by D3. who would seek to harm
a member of Nehekhara’s
Note that this is not cumulative with the Indomitable (X) special rule (see page 153). If a unit is nobility can be assured that
affected by both, use the highest value. they will first have to deal
with their Herald. Yet, a
Sworn Protector Royal Herald had many
Anyone wishing to harm a Monarch of Nehekhara must first get past their Heralds, sworn duties in life aside from the
bodyguards who move to intercept any mortal blow, heedless of the danger to themselves. protection of their master.
Disputes between the rulers
Should a Monarch of Nehekhara model suffer a hit whilst within 3" of this model, you may of different cities would
choose to transfer that hit and all of its effects onto this model. be settled by a ritual duel
between their nominated
champions, and the Royal
Heralds usually fulfilled
this role.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 127

Liche Priests
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
High Priest 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 8 140
Mortuary Priest 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 7 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A High Priest is a Level 3 Wizard. A Mortuary Priest is a Level 1 Wizard. Every
Liche Priest knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Elementalism
• Illusion
• Necromancy

Liche Priests Options:

Liche Priests are the undying • May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 131
members of Nehekhara’s • A High Priest may:
Mortuary Cult, and they - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
hold the secrets to unlife. - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
They know the rituals • A Mortuary Priest may:
needed to draw forth spirits - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
from the Realm of Souls - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
and bind them once more
into corporeal bodies. It is Special Rules: Arise!, Curse of the Necropolis, Indomitable (1), Khopesh,
the Liche Priests who rouse Lore of Nehekhara, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+),
the Tomb Kings and their From Beneath the Sands
courts from their slumber
and awaken their armies for Arise!
war. Liche Priests are also the As the Liche Priest intones words of power learned long ago from dusty papyrus, the broken forms
keepers of Nehekhara’s arcane of fallen skeletal legionaries begin to rise jerkily from the dust.
lore. Through ritualistic
incantations, they call upon During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this
the power of ancient gods character may attempt to resurrect the fallen (see page 154) by making a Leadership
to bestow blessings upon test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, a single friendly unit that has the
the warriors of the Tomb Nehekharan Undead special rule and is within 12" of this character recovers a number of
Kings, infusing their ancient lost Wounds. However, magically repairing gigantic undead constructs is much harder than
bones with magical energy. raising skeletons from the sand. Therefore, how many Wounds are recovered depends upon
Similarly, Liche Priests cast the unit’s troop type and this character’s Level of Wizardry:
terrible curses upon their foes,
summoning vengeful desert • If the unit’s troop type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’ or ‘swarms’, it recovers a
spirits to feast on their souls. number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry +D3.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’, it recovers a
number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry +1.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’ or ‘light chariot’, it
recovers a number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’, ‘behemoth’ or ‘war
machine’, it recovers a single Wound.

128 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

From Beneath the Sands
At the Liche Priest’s command, the sands begin to shift and churn, revealing their hidden treasures: Character
the dry bones of long dead warriors and the glistening wing cases of biting insects.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this
character may choose a single friendly unit that has both the Nehekharan Undead and the
Ambushers special rules, and that is currently held in reserve, and attempt to summon it by
making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership):

• If this test is passed, the chosen unit is successfully summoned and can be placed on
the battlefield anywhere completely within 12" of this model, but not within 6" of any
enemy models. The unit cannot charge during this turn and counts as having moved for
the purposes of shooting, but can otherwise act as normal.
• If this test is failed, the Ambushers pay no heed to this model's summons and are
delayed until their controlling player’s next turn at least.

Note that Ambushers arrive automatically at the start of round five as usual.

The Immortal Priesthood

The Hierophant Upon its founding, the
‘Hierophant’ is the title given to an army’s highest-ranking Liche Priest. It is the Hierophant Mortuary Cult was
who awakens the Tomb King’s legions from their ancient slumber and, without their magic, commanded to study the
the spirits of these warriors will be dragged back to the Realm of Souls. arts of mummification
and communion with the
Your army must include at least one Liche Priest to be its Hierophant. If your army gods. Steadily, over many
includes several Liche Priests, the Hierophant will be the one with the highest Level centuries, the priests learned
of Wizardry. If two or more models have the highest Wizard Level, you may choose how to preserve a corpse
which one is the Hierophant when writing your muster list. You must tell your from decay until the art of
opponent which model is your Hierophant before deploying your army. embalming had become very
elaborate. The priesthood also
Should the Hierophant be slain, the magical animus of the army starts to dissipate. As devised a vast lore of magical
soon as the Hierophant is removed from play as a casualty, all friendly units with the incantations and rituals
Nehekharan Undead special rule lose the Regeneration (X) special rule. intended to bind the souls of
the dead kings back into their
In addition, at the end of the phase in which your Hierophant was removed from royal bodies.
play as a casualty, and during each of your Start of Turn sub-phases for the remainder
of the game, all friendly units with the Nehekharan Undead special rule that are Long ago, the Liche Priests
currently on the battlefield must make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit used their accumulated
loses a number of Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test. knowledge to trap their
own souls within their
For example: Your army’s Hierophant is destroyed during your opponent’s Shooting bodies, extending their lives
phase. At the end of that phase a unit of Skeleton Warriors (Ld 5) makes a Leadership far beyond their mortal
test and rolls a 7 (failing the test by 2). That unit immediately loses two Wounds. span. However, whilst their
During your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the same unit makes another Leadership spirits never passed into the
test, this time rolling a 6, resulting in the loss of one Wound. Realm of Souls, their bodies
withered with the passing
of the centuries, and it is
their spirit alone that now
animates their forms.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 129

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necrotect 4 3 3 4 4 2 3 2 7 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon, whip and light armour

• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points

Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Eternal Taskmaster, Flammable, Khopesh,

Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+)

Eternal Taskmaster
Necrotects were the taskmasters of ancient Nehekhara. Under their stern gaze, armies of workers
Necrotects laboured relentlessly in the service of mighty kings.
Necrotects were the artisans
of ancient Nehekhara. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to drive a
They were not common unit they have joined to greater efforts by making a Leadership test (using their own
labourers, but architects of Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character
extraordinary skill whose and any unit they have joined gains the Extra Attacks (+1) and Hatred (all enemies)
ambitions far outpaced special rules.
what could be achieved in a
mortal lifespan. They were
the stern taskmasters who
oversaw tens of thousands
of Nehekharans as they
toiled under the blazing
sun to build the Necropolis
cities and craft the great
constructs that guarded
them. In unlife, Necrotects
constantly repair their work,
for many hieroglyphs have
faded through the passage
of time. When a Tomb King
awakens, the Necrotects
redouble their efforts as
they attempt to finish
their work. They tirelessly
restore the once great works
of the past and endlessly
goad the skeletal legions to
greater effort.

130 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on this page. Those that are not have their own dedicated
entries later in this army list.

A Tomb King or Tomb Prince may be mounted on a:

• Skeletal Steed.............................................................................................................................+12 points
• Skeleton Chariot ......................................................................................................................+35 points
• Necrolith Bone Dragon (Tomb Kings only) ...............................................................See page 142
• Khemrian Warsphinx (Tomb Kings only)..................................................................See page 143

A Royal Herald may be mounted on a:

• Skeletal Steed.............................................................................................................................+12 points
• Skeleton Chariot ......................................................................................................................+35 points

A High Priest or Mortuary Priest may be mounted on a:

• Skeletal Steed.............................................................................................................................+12 points Skeletal Steeds
• Necrolith Bone Dragon (High Priests only)...............................................................See page 142 Skeletal steeds display a
supernatural discipline
Skeletal Steed and instinctively obey the
will of their riders. Only
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points occasionally do these
Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - +12 Undead horses twitch their
heads as a vestigial memory
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry of life surfaces. Even though
Base Size: 25 x 50 mm their flesh has long since
Unit Size: 1 vanished, skeletal steeds are
Equipment: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons) as powerful as they were in
Special Rules: Nehekharan Undead, Swiftstride, Vanguard life, and they can crush a foe’s
skull with a single kick.

Skeleton Chariot Skeleton Chariots

Nehekhara was the first
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points human civilisation to breed
Chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - - +35 horses as beasts of war, but it
Skeletal Steed (x2) 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - - was considered undignified
for those of noble blood
Troop Type: Light chariot to ride such lowly brutes.
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm However, with the invention
Unit Size: 1 of the chariot, the rulers of
Armour Value: 5+ Nehekhara could take to
Equipment: battle with the speed of a
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons) stallion. Thus, many great
kings and princes speed
Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Impact Hits (D3), Nehekharan Undead, Open Order, heroically into battle upon
Reserve Move, Swiftstride ornate chariots.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 131

Infantry Tomb Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tomb Guard 4 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 7 10
Tomb Captain 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 2 7 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, light armour and shields

• The entire unit may take halberds....................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Tomb Captain (champion) .............................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
Tomb Guard • A Tomb Captain may purchase magic items up to a total of ......................................25 points
The Tomb Guard are the • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
partially mummified remains - Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model
of a king’s elite guard, whole - Have the Nehekharan Phalanx special rule.............................................+1 point per model
regiments of which were
entombed beside their rulers. Special Rules: Cleaving Blow, Close Order, Indomitable (1), Khopesh,
Fully armed and armoured Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), Regimental Unit
in death, their bodies were
further decorated with gold
bracelets, headdresses and
scarab-shaped brooches
that fastened parchments
proclaiming their deeds of
bravery and devotion. The
Tomb Guard rest in stone
sarcophagi, arranged upright
around the royal tomb
chamber, until awakened
to serve once more. They
were exceptional warriors
in life, and maintain all
their discipline and martial
skill in death. In battle, they
form unwavering ranks
of armoured warriors.
They have spilled the
blood of their enemies for
countless centuries, and
numerous armies have
been dashed against their
implacable shieldwalls.

132 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Skeleton Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Warrior 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 4
Master of Arms 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 5 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may take:
- Thrusting spears ...............................................................................................+1 point per model
- Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Arms (champion) ..........................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit Skeleton Warriors
• A Master of Arms may purchase magic items up to a total of ...................................25 points The mighty armies of
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: Nehekhara, made up of
- Have the Nehekharan Phalanx special rule.............................................+10 points per unit regiment after regiment of
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points valiant soldiers, swore oaths
of eternal loyalty before the
Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), gods, to serve their monarch
Regimental Unit in life and beyond into
death. Thus, the bones of
those who perished in battle
were interred in their king’s
necropolis by the Liche
Priests. Soldiers who yet
lived after their liege lord
had died marched willingly
into cavernous vaults where
they would be entombed
alive. Bravely, these warriors
stood to attention in serried
ranks as hot sand was
poured into the tomb pits
until the tops of standard
poles disappeared from
sight. There they remained
until summoned by the
incantations of the Liche
Priests to heed the will of
their king once more.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 133

Skeleton Archers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Archer 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 5
Master of Arrows 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+ (5+ if a detachment)
Equipment: Hand weapons and warbows

• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Arrows (champion).......................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
Skeleton Archers
The kings of ancient Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Detachment, Nehekharan Undead, Open Order,
Nehekhara knew the Regeneration (6+)
importance of delivering
death from afar, and all of
them maintained legions of Skeleton Skirmishers
highly disciplined archers.
Loyal soldiers for all eternity, M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Archers continue Skeleton Skirmisher 5 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 4 4
to practise their ways of
war as they did in centuries Troop Type: Regular infantry
long past, unleashing great Unit Size: 5-20
clouds of death that darken Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
the sky moments before Equipment: Hand weapons
falling amidst the ranks of
the enemy. Options:
• The entire unit may take one of the following:
Skeleton Skirmishers - Warbows..............................................................................................................+1 point per model
The armies of ancient - Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
Nehekhara sometimes • 0-1 unit in your army may have the Ambushers special rule ..................+1 point per model
employed lightly armed
and armoured infantry to Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Chariot Runners, Nehekharan Undead,
skirmish ahead of squadrons Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers, Vanguard
of chariots or regiments of
cavalry. Such warriors were
tasked with harassing the
flanks of the enemy army
and slowing the advance
of its cavalry and chariot
regiments, all while fending
off rival skirmishers intent
on doing the same.

134 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ushabti 5 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 8 49
Ancient 5 4 3 4 4 3 2 4 8 +7

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 3+
Equipment: Hand weapons, ritual blades and heavy armour

• The entire unit may replace ritual blades with greatbows (see below) .............................Free
• Any unit may upgrade one model to an Ancient (champion) ..................+7 points per unit

Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Close Order, Indomitable (1), Khopesh,

Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+)

R S AP Special Rules Ushabti

Ritual blade Combat S+2 -3 Requires Two Hands, Strike Last Carved into the likenesses
of the gods and goddesses
R S AP Special Rules of Nehekhara, Ushabti
Greatbow 30" 6 -1 Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2), stand as guardian statues
Volley Fire around the perimeters of
the necropolises and within
the passageways of the
great pyramids of the Tomb
Kings. Ushabti are imposing
monuments, and all who
pass beneath their shadows
tremble. In times of need,
the Liche Priests awaken
the Ushabti with powerful
incantations, and with the
sound of cracking stone, they
step down from their plinths
and daises, silent and ready
for war. In ancient times, the
living warriors of Nehekhara
took great strength from the
fact that the Ushabti fought
alongside them, for who
could fail to be inspired by
the physical representations
of their gods marching into
battle at their sides?

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 135

Tomb Swarms
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tomb Swarm 5 3 0 2 2 5 1 5 10 37

Troop Type: Swarms

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 2-10
Equipment: Venomous bites and stings (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may have the Ambushers special rule.........................................+2 points per model

Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Nehekharan Undead, Poisoned Attacks,

Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers

Tomb Swarms
The tombs and pyramids M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
of the necropolises are Carrion 2 3 0 4 4 2 3 3 4 27
infested with the dried husks
of scorpions, scarabs and Troop Type: Monstrous infantry
countless other poisonous Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
creatures of the desert. Unit Size: 2+
Though long dead, the mere Equipment: Beaks and talons (counts as hand weapons)
presence of the Liche Priests Special Rules: Fly (10), Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers,
and Tomb Kings fills their Swiftstride
empty shells with animation,
and they scuttle from their
hiding places around the
mortuary temples and
beneath the scorched sands.

Repulsive carrion birds
with vast wingspans once
nested in the mountains
east of Nehekhara. Raised
into unlife by the evil
enchantments of the
Great Necromancer, their
decayed bodies are drawn
to battlefields where they
feast on the flesh of anything
they can find, from freshly
slaughtered corpses to
cadavers that have festered
for too long in the heat of the
desert sun.

136 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Skeleton Horsemen Cavalry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Horseman - 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 11
Master of Horse - 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 5 +6
Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Skeleton Horsemen: Hand weapons and shields
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may take:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model Skeleton Horsemen
• Any unit may: When the Liche Priests
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Horse (champion)..........................+6 points per unit summon the legions of
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit Nehekhara to rise from their
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit sandy graves, fully formed
• A Master of Horse may purchase magic items up to a total of...................................25 points cavalry columns stride out
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: of the ancient pyramids
- Have the Counter Charge special rule ......................................................+1 point per model and tomb pits at the head
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points of the regiments of infantry.
When the enemy is sighted,
Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), hornblowers signal the charge
Swiftstride, Vanguard and a deep unsettling discord
reverberates about the desert.
This otherworldly sound
shakes the dust from statues,
and a disquieting feeling
of dread permeates across
the battlefield. As one, the
undead steeds gallop towards
their quarry, the skeletal
riders on their backs raising
their tall shields and lowering
their heavy spears in perfect
unison. Gripped with fear, it
is a brave foe indeed that does
not flee before the charge of
these deathless horsemen.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 137

Skeleton Horse Archers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Horse Archer - 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 11
Master of Horse - 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 +6
Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Skeleton Horse Archer: Hand weapons and warbows
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Horse (champion)..........................+6 points per unit
Skeleton Horse Archers - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
Skeleton Horse Archers are - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
the outriders and scouts - Have the Chariot Runners special rule .....................................................+1 point per model
of the Tomb Kings army,
Undead horsemen possessed Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Nehekharan Undead, Open Order, Regeneration (6+),
of an innate ability to track Reserve Move, Scouts, Skirmishers, Swiftstride
and hunt their quarry
through the shifting dunes
and across the vast tracts of
open desert at a relentless
pace. Ranging ahead of the
Nehekharan battle lines, they
hinder the movements of
the enemy and harass their
flanks in fleeting, yet bloody
skirmishes, slowing the
advance of the enemy. When
Skeleton Horse Archers
attack, they strike without
warning or mercy. The first
an enemy soldier knows
of the danger they face is
when a black fletched arrow
plunges into the throat of a
friend and comrade, their
gurgling cry of pain a ghastly
prelude of the slaughter
to come.

138 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Necropolis Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necropolis Knight - 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 8 54
Necropolis Captain - 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 8 +7
Necroserpent 7 3 - 5 - - 3 3 - -

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 2+
• Necropolis Knights: Hand weapons, cavalry spears, light armour and shields
• Necroserpent: Lashing tails (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Necropolis Captain (champion) ...................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit Necropolis Knights
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Necropolis Knights are elite
• A Necropolis Captain may take: warriors who ride atop giant
- A great weapon ....................................................................................................................+3 points snake-shaped constructs
- Magic items up to a total of ..............................................................................................25 points called Necroserpents, vast
statues created in the image
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Cleaving Blow (Necropolis Knights & Captain only), of skull-vipers, blood-asps or
Close Order, Impact Hits (1), Indomitable (1), Khopesh, Khemrian cobras to guard
Nehekharan Undead, Poisoned Attacks (Necroserpent only), the entrance ways of the
Regeneration (6+), Swiftstride Mortuary Cult’s temples.
Tethered to their mounts by
a sharp hook, held firm in
one mummified hand as the
other wields a heavy spear
that carves through mortal
flesh, Necropolis Knights
goad their mounts across
the battlefield, blades, fangs
and tails lashing out in all
directions, leaving a trail
of death and woe in their
wake. There are few who
can stand against the charge
of a Necropolis Knight, for
Necroserpents are incredibly
powerful and difficult to
destroy, and there are few
foes equal to the task.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 139

Sepulchral Stalkers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sepulchral Stalker 7 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 8 52

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 2+
Equipment: Hand weapons, writhing tails (see below), halberds,
petrifying gaze (see below) and heavy armour

• 0-1 unit in your army may have the Ambushers special rule ................+2 points per model

Special Rules: Close Order, Indomitable (1), Nehekharan Undead,

Regeneration (6+), Swiftstride

Sepulchral Stalkers R S AP Special Rules

Created by the ancient Writhing tail Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D3)
Nehekharans to protect the Notes: In combat, a Sepulchral Stalker may make an additional D3 attacks each turn, each of
borders of a king’s realm, which must be made with this weapon (roll separately for each model in the unit).
most Sepulchral Stalkers
have been swallowed by the R S AP Special Rules
shifting sands of the desert Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A Magical Attacks,
over the centuries and now Multiple Wounds (D3)
lie hidden beneath the dunes. Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the
There, they wait in ambush target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this
for intruders to pass, their weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
horrifying snake-like forms
bursting from the ground
to surround their prey. The
Sepulchral Stalkers impale
their foes on ornate staves
before they even realise they
are under attack. However, it
is not for this that Sepulchral
Stalkers are most feared, for
those who gaze into their
eyes are turned into pillars
of sand, standing as still as
statues themselves until a
gust of wind blows them
apart and scatters the grains
across the desert.

140 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Skeleton Chariots Chariot
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - - 43
Skeleton Crew (x2) - 3 2 3 - - 2 1 7 -
Master Charioteer - 3 2 3 - - 2 2 7 +6
Skeletal Steed (x2) 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Light chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1+
Armour Value: 5+
• Skeleton Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and warbows
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to include a Master Charioteer (champion) .....+6 points per unit Skeleton Chariots
- Upgrade one model to include a standard bearer ...................................+6 points per unit The pride of a Tomb King’s
- Upgrade one model to include a musician.................................................+6 points per unit army is their chariots.
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Created by skilled artisans,
• A Master Charioteer may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................25 points gilded and lacquered, and
covered with symbols of the
Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Dry as Dust, Horde, Impact Hits (D3), Mortuary Cult, in ages past
Nehekharan Undead, Open Order, Regeneration (6+), the fighting quality of a king’s
Reserve Move, Swiftstride chariots was a reflection of
their own martial prowess.
Note that a Master Charioteer, a standard bearer or a musician each replace a single Skeleton As such, a king permitted
Crewman, and that each must be placed aboard a different Chariot. only the finest warriors to
crew them in war. In battle,
their advance is heralded by
clouds of dust thrown high
into the air as they thunder
across the sands. Moments
later, squadrons of these
deadly machines crest the
dunes, wheels whirring as
they careen towards the foe.
Crashing into the enemy with
bone-shattering force, wave
upon wave of chariots crush
bodies beneath heavy wheels
as their Undead crew lay
about the disorientated foe.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 141

Monster Necrolith Bone Dragon
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necrolith Bone Dragon 6 4 - 6 (+1) (+5) 2 5 - +195
Note: A character mounted on a Necrolith Bone Dragon has +1 Toughness and +5 Wounds.

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), breath of desiccation (see below) and
draconic bones (counts as full plate armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Cloud of Dust, Dry as Dust, Fly (9), Indomitable (2),
Large Target, Nehekharan Undead, Stomp Attacks (D6),
Swiftstride, Terror

Cloud of Dust
Great clouds of desert sand and dust seethe and billow about a Necrolith Bone Dragon, hiding its
form from the eyes of its enemies.
Necrolith Bone Dragon
Long ago, great Dragons Any enemy model that targets this model during the Shooting phase suffers an additional
dwelled within the mountains -1 To Hit modifier.
east of Nehekhara and, at
the height of its civilisation, R S AP Special Rules
when rival kings warred for Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
the crown of the Great Land,
many were captured and R S AP Special Rules
bound to the will of human Breath of N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks,
masters. Of these, many were desiccation Multiple Wounds (2)
slain, struck down in battle,
their carcasses left to wither
to dust in the desert heat. But Character Mount: A Necrolith Bone Dragon may only be included in your army as a
when Nagash undertook his character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
great ritual and cast the Great
Awakening, raising the dead
of all the land into a shadowy
unlife, the bones of these
behemoths also stirred. Since
that time the most powerful
Liche Priests of Nehekhara
have learned to reanimate the
skeletal remains of these great
wyrms once more, binding
their desiccated forms into
their service.

142 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Khemrian Warsphinx
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Khemrian Warsphinx 6 4 - 5 6 5 1 4 - 175
Tomb Guard Crew (x2) - 3 3 4 - - 3 1 8 -

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 5+
• Khemrian Warsphinx: Wicked claws (see below)
• Tomb Guard Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and shortbows

• May add up to two additional Tomb Guard Crew ............................................+10 points each
• May take:
- Envenomed sting (see below) ..........................................................................................+5 points Khemrian Warsphinx
- Fiery roar (see below).......................................................................................................+20 points Khemrian Warsphinxes are
giant leonine statues created
Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Cleaving Blow (Tomb Guard Crew only), Close Order, to roam the tunnels and
Howdah, Indomitable (2), Khopesh (Tomb Guard Crew only), chambers of royal pyramids,
Large Target, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), guarding the inner sanctums
Stomp Attacks (D3), Terror of great Tomb Kings. In
battle, they wade through the
R S AP Special Rules ranks of their foes, crushing
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - them underfoot as if they
were nothing more than
R S AP Special Rules bothersome insects. They are
Envenomed sting Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First almost impervious to harm,
Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. and their stone-hard hides
protect them from all but
R S AP Special Rules the truest strikes; anything
Fiery roar N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks less than a direct hit from
a war machine is likely to
glance harmlessly away. Atop
Character Mount: This model may be included in your army as a character’s mount. each Khemrian Warsphinx
If so, its points are added to that of its rider. is an ornate howdah in
which several Tomb Guards
Note that, because it has the Howdah special rule (and its own crew, which the character ride. These elite warriors
joins), a Khemrian Warsphinx is considered to be a chariot mount (as described in the direct their mount’s actions
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook), rather than a ridden monster. as if it were an extension
of their own mummified
bodies, laying into the foes
below with great, double-
handed spears.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 143

Tomb Scorpion
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tomb Scorpion 7 4 0 5 5 3 3 4 8 70

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 75 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Decapitating claws (see below), envenomed sting (see below) and
bone carapace (counts as heavy armour)

• May have the Ambushers special rule ................................................................................+5 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Indomitable (1), Magic Resistance (-1),

Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), Stomp Attacks (D3),
Swiftstride, Vanguard

Tomb Scorpions R S AP Special Rules

Tomb Scorpions are powerful Decapitating claws Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer
creations of the Mortuary
Cult, formed from a R S AP Special Rules
combination of stone, metal, Envenomed sting Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First
lacquered wood and fused Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
bone. Burrowing beneath the
surface of the desert, they
attack suddenly and without
warning, exploding into the
fray in a shower of sand. They
are lethal foes, for a Tomb
Scorpion’s tail carries a potent
sting that can incapacitate
the largest enemies, and their
powerful pincers can slice a
man in half. Tomb Scorpions
are created in the likeness of
the giant, mythical scorpions
that are said to guard the
entrance to the Nehekharan
underworld. These fabled
creatures protect the Realm
of Souls from the predations
of dark Daemons who wish
to feed upon the spirits of
dead kings.

144 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Necrolith Colossus
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necrolith Colossus 6 3 2 6 6 5 1 4 8 160

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Paired great khopeshes (see below) and heavy armour
Special Rules: Close Order, Indomitable (2), Large Target, Nehekharan Undead,
Regeneration (6+), Stomp Attacks (D3), Terror, Timmm-berrr!,
Unstoppable Assault

Unstoppable Assault
A charging Necrolith Colossus is nigh impossible to stop, its huge arms raining blow upon blow
down on the foe, each sending dead and broken bodies flying in all directions.

During the Combat phase of any turn in which this model charged, every attack it makes
that causes an unsaved wound allows it to immediately make one additional attack. These Necrolith Colossus
additional attacks also benefit from this special rule. Towering over the Tomb
King’s skeletal legions,
Note that any unsaved wounds caused by the Stomp Attacks (D3) special rule do not benefit from mighty statues of venerated
this special rule. heroes and ancient kings
stride to battle. These stone
R S AP Special Rules giants are the Necrolith
Paired great Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Requires Two Hands Colossus, and none can
khopeshes stand against them. Made
to resemble immense heroes
of old, Necrolith Colossus
stand noble and proud.
Their forms are covered in
skulls, bones and mortuary
ornamentation. Indeed, such
was Nehekhara’s obsession
with death and immortality
that some Colossus have
even been carved to resemble
giant skeletons. Breastplates,
vambraces and sometimes
great crested helmets were
hammered onto the stone
bodies of these constructs,
each lavishly decorated
and engraved. Armed with
traditional weapons and
armour of massive scale,
wielding giant swords that
stand taller than a Troll,
a Necrolith Colossus is a
supremely powerful foe.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 145

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necrosphinx 6 4 0 5 6 6 1 5 8 195

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Cleaving blades (see below), decapitating strike (see below) and
heavy armour

• A Necrosphinx may take an envenomed sting (see below).........................................+5 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Indomitable (2), Large Target, Nehekharan Undead,
Regeneration (5+), Stomp Attacks (D3+2), Swiftstride, Terror

Necrosphinx Soul Reaper

A Necrosphinx is a bizarre A Necrosphinx embodies the malevolence of the gods of the underworld. In battle it will mark the
and horrifying construct, a souls of worthy enemies, speeding their journey into the realm of its masters.
strange amalgamation of the
mythical beasts that inhabit After deployment but before the first turn begins, nominate a single enemy character.
the Nehekharan underworld, This is the soul marked by the Necrosphinx to journey into the underworld by the
maintaining order amongst battle’s end. This model may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 made against the
the honoured dead. It has the nominated character.
torso and face of a man, and is
armed with gigantic, scything R S AP Special Rules
blades that can sever the neck Cleaving blades Combat S -1 Killing Blow
of a Dragon in a single slice.
From its colossal leonine body R S AP Special Rules
grows the tail of a scorpion, Decapitating Combat S+5 -4 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer, Strike Last
and from its back sprouts strike
a pair of ornate, falcon-like Notes: This model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon.
wings. A Necrosphinx glides
through the air in bounding R S AP Special Rules
leaps before falling amongst Envenomed sting Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First
its terrified prey, scything Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
down the living as mortals
reap the wheat of the field.
None can stand against such
terrifying beings, and only
when all before them have
been butchered will they stop.

146 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Screaming Skull Catapult War Machine
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Screaming Skull Catapult - - - - 6 3 - - - 105
Skeleton Crew 4 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 5 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Screaming skull catapult (see below), hand weapons and light armour

• May have the Skulls of the Foe special rule.....................................................................+20 points

Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Indomitable (1), Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+),

R S AP Special Rules
Screaming 12-60" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Screaming Skull Catapults
Skull catapult Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, The catapults of a Tomb
Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3+1), King’s eternal army are akin
Screaming Skulls to the stone throwers of other
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast races, but instead of flinging
template and the Stone Thrower Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies rocks at the foe, they throw
only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template. volleys of flaming skulls. The
Liche Priests cast terrible
Screaming Skull Catapult Special Rules curses upon these skulls,
Screaming Skulls: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon enchanting them so that they
must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties. scream hideously as they are
hurled through the air. These
Skulls of the Foe: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any enemy unit that was are the very death screams
within 2D6" of the central hole of the blast template after scattering suffers a -1 modifier to of the skulls’ former owners,
its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2). the wailing shrieks and the
agonised cries of vanquished
enemies. Many battle-
hardened warriors are driven
to the edge of insanity by the
blood-curdling sound. This
horrific ammunition bursts
into hellish, ethereal flames
when it is launched, and as
the skulls arc through the air,
they blaze an eerie trail of
green fire behind them.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 147

Casket Of Souls
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Casket of Souls - - - - 6 4 - - - 135
Casket Guardians 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 8 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: N/A
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapons, great weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Cleaving Blow, Covenant of Power, Dry as Dust, Immovable Object,
Indomitable (2), Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+), Skirmishers,
Unbound Spirits, Vortex of Souls

Covenant of Power
A nimbus of sorcerous energy swirls around a Casket of Souls’ infernal form. So great is this power
that the incantations of nearby Liche Priests become infused with a portion of the casket’s energy.

Casket of Souls Whilst within 12" of a Casket of Souls, friendly Liche Priests may apply a +1 modifier to
At the heart of every mighty any Casting roll they make. Additionally, any model (friend or foe) that casts a Bound spell
Nehekharan king’s tomb, whilst within 12" of a Casket of Souls may apply a +1 modifier to the Casting roll.
inscribed with hieroglyphs
of malediction, lies a Note, however, that this bonus does not apply to any Bound spells cast by a Casket of Souls.
Casket of Souls. Within
this sarcophagus resides the Immovable Object
tormented souls of those A Casket of Souls is not borne, but is summoned by an incantation. As its Keeper intones the
who have incited the Tomb proper chants, a fountain of skulls bursts from the ground below, revealing the Casket atop a dais
King’s wrath, and powerful of bone.
binding inscriptions ensure
that these souls cannot Once a Casket of Souls has been placed on the battlefield during deployment it cannot be
leave their prison until the moved by its crew during the Remaining Moves sub-phase.
moment when the casket is
opened. When a Casket of Note that a Casket of Souls can still pivot freely at any time during its turn (the better to face the
Souls is opened, blinding light enemy) and may make a follow up move as normal.
spills across the battlefield
as countless souls scream
into the air, seeking freedom
from the suffering of their
confinement. These spirits
plunge through the bodies
of the Tomb Kings’ enemies,
the hapless victims suffering
unbearable agony as their
life essence is utterly drained
and their own souls become
ensnared by the power of
the casket.

148 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Unbound Spirits
If the guardians of a Casket of Souls are slain, the tortured souls contained within the vessel will War Machine
escape their confines in a raging maelstrom of destruction and vengeance.

If the crew of a Casket of Souls is reduced to zero Wounds, immediately roll a D6 for every
unit (friend or foe) within 12" of the model. On a roll of 4+, the unit suffers D6 Strength
3 hits, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as
normal). Once these hits are resolved, the Casket of Souls is removed from play.

Vortex of Souls
When a Casket of Souls is opened, blinding light is unleashed upon the battlefield as the
countless bound souls entombed within it scream into the air seeking freedom from their
suffering and confinement. These spirits soar forth, bound by the incantations of the Keeper
to do their will.

A Casket of Souls can cast the following Bound spells, with a Power Level of 3:
“Lightning will sunder the
Light Of Death skies, the rivers will flow with
blood, and war will come to
The unleashed spirits plunge through the bodies of the Tomb Kings’ enemies, their hapless the land. The legions of long-
victims suffering unbearable agony as their life essence is utterly drained. dead kings shall once more
rise in eternal conquest…
Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 7+ And death shall ride
Range: 36" beside them.”
Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a Leadership test. If this test
is passed, it suffers D3 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -1. If, however, this test is Settra the Imperishable,
failed, it suffers D6+3 Strength 6 hits, each with the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule Eternal King of Kings
and with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted
as normal).

Light Of Protection
The freed souls cluster about the skeletal legions of the Tomb Kings, blinding their enemies
and turning aside their hostile blows.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this Bound spell is in play, this model and any friendly
unit within 18" of this model gains a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. In
addition, whilst this Bound spell is in play, enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to any rolls
To Hit made against this model and any friendly unit within 18" of this model.

However, if this model casts the Light of Death Bound spell, this Bound spell will
immediately expire.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 149

Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Tomb Kings of Khemri armies.
These can be purchased by models within a Tomb Kings of Khemri army in exactly
the same way as Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Destroyer of Eternities ..................................................................................75 points
Imbued with powerful incantations, the great blade of this scything weapon is impossibly sharp
and is said to destroy the souls of its victims, denying them any hope of reaching the afterlife.
Artefacts of the Dead
In ancient Nehekhara, it was R S AP Special Rules
the custom that, when the Destroyer Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks,
mortal remains of a Priest- of Eternities Requires Two Hands, Strike Last
King were interred within Notes: Rather than attacking normally, the wielder of the Destroyer of Eternities may choose to
their palatial mausoleum, make a special ‘Scything’ attack. If they do, the enemy unit they are directing their attacks against
they were accompanied by suffers D6 automatic hits, each resolved using the Destroyer of Eternities’ profile.
their armies for protection, by
their closest family members Crook & Flail of Radiance ............................................................................50 points
for companionship, by their These gleaming golden weapons represent the high status of the bearer, and all that enter their
servants and retainers for presence are humbled by the aura of majesty these weapons convey.
comfort, and by all the wealth
and riches they possessed R S AP Special Rules
in life as a mark of their Crook & Flail Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (+D3), Magical Attacks,
immortal greatness. Thus, the of Radiance Requires Two Hands, Strike First
tombs and mausoleums of Notes: Monarchs of Nehekhara only.
the necropolis cities contain
wealth unimagined amongst Flail of Skulls................................................................................................... 35 points
the lands of the living. This flail is made from the gilded skulls of conquered enemies. Foes struck by these skulls are
Amongst this opulence can lacerated and savaged by their sharpened teeth, and bleed profusely from their wounds.
be found arcane artefacts
and enchanted items beyond R S AP
Special Rules
counting, crafted by the Flail of Skulls Combat S+3 -1
Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2),
skilled artisans of that ancient Requires Two Hands
land and bound around Notes: The Flail of Skulls’ Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.
with powerful magic by the
Priests of the Mortuary Serpent Staff .................................................................................................... 20 points
Cult, in the form of potent Crafted in the likeness of a rearing cobra, this tall, heavy-headed staff writhes with an unnatural
magic weapons, armour life, striking at the enemies of its bearer with venomous fangs.
and talismans.
R S AP Special Rules
Serpent Staff Combat S+2 -2 Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks,
Requires Two Hands
Notes: Liche Priests only.

150 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Magic Armour Magic Standards
Armour of the Ages...........................................50 points Standard of the Cursing Word........................80 points
Forged from bronze, cooled in blood and plated with gold, this This potent icon contains a powerful curse, similar to that which
ancient armour can turn aside even the strongest blow. protects the mortal remains of the ancient monarchs of Nehekhara.

The Armour of the Ages is a suit of light armour. In addition, Battle Standard Bearer only. At the end of any phase in
enemy models must re-roll successful rolls To Wound made which one or more models in a unit joined by the bearer of
against the wearer. the Standard of the Cursing Word lost its last Wound to an
enemy attack, the unit that made the attack must make a
Shield of Ptra ......................................................25 points Leadership test. If this test is failed, the enemy unit suffers D3
Bursting from the face of this ornate shield, the radiance of the Sun Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -, for each model that lost
God Ptra blinds the enemy. its last Wound.

The Shield of Ptra is a shield. In addition, any enemy Icon of the Sacred Eye.......................................50 points
model that directs their attacks against the bearer during The arcane power contained within this unblinking eye guides the
the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to their Weapon arms of those that march beneath it.
Skill characteristic.
A unit carrying the Icon of the Sacred Eye has a +1 modifier to
Talismans its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10).

Crown of Kings*.................................................30 points Icon of Rakaph ...................................................40 points

Ancient and ornate crowns are a symbol that servitude extends Those that march beneath the banner of King Rakaph II are
beyond the bounds of death. instilled with unrivalled discipline.

Monarch of Nehekhara only. During the Command sub-phase Unless making a charge move, a unit carrying the Icon of
of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, the wearer Rakaph may perform a single free reform at any point during
of a Crown of Kings may attempt to resurrect the fallen (see its movement.
page 154) by making a Leadership test. If this test is passed,
a single friendly unit of Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, Mirage Banner....................................................20 points
Skeleton Horsemen or Skeleton Horse Archers that is within Shimmering with the heat of the desert, this banner shifts
this model’s Command range recovers D3+1 Wounds. constantly, confusing the eye of the enemy.

Collar of Shapesh...............................................25 points Any enemy model that targets a unit carrying the Mirage
This ornate collar is a powerful charm that trades the life of one for Banner during the Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 To
that of another. Hit modifier.

Single use. When the wearer of the Collar of Shapesh loses

their last Wound, roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, the Wound is
not lost. Instead, a single friendly model within the wearer’s
Command range is removed from play as a casualty.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 151

Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Cloak of the Dunes ............................................50 points Enkhil’s Kanopi .................................................30 points
This tattered cloak is infused with the magic of the deserts, enabling Within this dusty clay vessel resides the wicked heart of the Liche
its wearer to transform into an abrasive storm of sand that cuts Priest Enkhil. Should it ever be opened, the spirit of the jealous
through the foe. priest consumes the magic of his rivals.

Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. The wearer of the Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if
Cloak of the Dunes gains the Fly (9) special rule. In addition, they are not engaged in combat, the bearer of Enkhil’s Kanopi
any enemy unit the wearer moves over during the Remaining may attempt to unleash its contents by making a Leadership
Moves sub-phase suffers D6 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP test (using their own, unmodified Leadership). If this test
of -1. is passed, all ‘Remains in Play’ spells currently in play are
dispelled, including spells cast by friendly Wizards.
Icon of Rulership*..............................................35 points
The hero’s chariot bears a totemic standard that pulses with Hieratic Jar* ........................................................25 points
greatness and proclaims their many victories over their enemies. This earthenware jar, sealed with wax and bound with glyphs,
contains the magically charged remains of a once-mighty
Models whose troop type is ‘chariot’ only. This model doubles Liche Priest.
its Unit Strength, from 3 to 6. In addition, any Impact Hits
caused by this model have an Armour Piercing characteristic Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if
of -2 and the Magical Attacks special rule. they are not engaged in combat, the bearer of a Hieratic Jar
can release the power held within it. The bearer may attempt
Death Mask of Kharnutt .................................20 points to resurrect the fallen by using the Arise! special rule twice
The expressionless Death Mask of Kharnutt has borne witness to during this Command sub-phase (rather than the usual once).
the demise of untold thousands over its long millennia, causing an
aura of dread and despair to hang heavily about it. Scarab Brooch.....................................................20 points
From far beneath the desert sands, scuttling dead things are drawn
The wearer of the Death Mask of Kharnutt gains the Terror towards this blackened brooch.
special rule.
When using the From Beneath the Sands special rule, a
summoned unit can be placed on the battlefield anywhere
completely within 18" of a Liche Priest wearing the Scarab
Brooch, rather than the usual 12".

152 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

Special Rules

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Tomb
Kings of Khemri army list:

Arrows of Asaph Dry as Dust

These arrows carry the blessing of the goddess Asaph, and they seek Entombed beneath the arid desert, the remains of living things
out their enemies with unerring accuracy. become as dry as the dust in which they lay and, should they catch
aflame, the fire quickly spreads.
Units with this special rule never apply any modifiers to
their rolls To Hit when shooting, regardless of the source of Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound from a
the modifier. Flaming Attack, your opponent may roll a D6. On a roll
of 1-3, the flames quickly die down and this model escapes
Cleaving Blow further harm. On a roll of 4+, the flames take hold and this
A swift and deadly strike can cleave through the thickest of armour. model loses one additional Wound.

If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making Note that excess wounds caused to a model will have no additional
a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck effect except in the case of a character that is part of a challenge, in
a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular which case this special rule counts for Overkill. Excess wounds do
infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or not ‘spill over’ onto other models in the unit.
‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration
save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted Indomitable (X)
as normal). Within the legions of the Tomb Kings march creatures with
an indomitable will to hang on to the last vestiges of life no
Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule matter what.
cannot be used.
A unit with this special rule reduces the number of wounds
Curse of the Necropolis suffered due to the Unstable special rule by the number shown
A powerful curse hangs over the rulers of Nehekhara. Those that in brackets (shown here as ‘X’).
would dare strike down these ancient lords find their blood turned
to sand and their bodies engulfed in swarms of desert locusts. Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more models
in a unit have this special rule, use the highest value for the entire
If a model with this special rule loses its last Wound to an unit. For example, if a character with Indomitable (2) joins a
enemy attack, the unit that made the attack must immediately unit with Indomitable (1), the whole unit uses the character’s
make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the enemy unit Indomitable (2) special rule.
suffers D3 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 153

A Khopesh is a heavy curved blade of bronze with a cutting edge Resurrecting the Fallen
hammered to a wicked sharpness. It is an excellent hacking weapon, In a Tomb Kings of Khemri army, it is possible to heal
able to cut easily through armour and shields to sever limbs and a unit by recovering lost Wounds, and to resurrect
cleave skulls. fallen warriors. Wounds recovered in this way follow a
strict order:
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. • First, any characters that have joined the unit
are healed. A character that has been reduced
Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot
weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have be resurrected.
one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of • Second, models with more than one Wound on their
weapon, this special rule ceases to apply. profile are healed.
• Next, the unit champion is resurrected, displacing
Nehekharan Phalanx rank-and-file models as required, followed by the
The warriors of ancient Nehekhara are implacable foes and, with standard bearer and musician.
their tall shields locked together, present an all but immovable • Finally, rank-and-file models are resurrected.
barrier to the enemy’s advance.
Note that, in the case of multiple Wound models, each model
A unit with this special rule that is arrayed in a Close Order must be fully healed, recovering all of its lost Wounds, before
formation, and that is equipped with and chooses to use another can be healed or resurrected.
shields, may choose not to Give Ground should it lose a round
of combat. Note also that at least one model must remain in order for a
unit to be healed. In other words, a unit that has been reduced
However, if the winning side significantly outnumbers the to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot be resurrected.
losing side, it will overwhelm the loser. If the Unit Strength
of the winning side is more than twice that of the losing side, Resurrected models are added to the front rank until it
this unit cannot use this special rule and must Give Ground as reaches the minimum required to claim a Rank Bonus,
normal. after which additional models can be added to the front
or rear rank. If the unit already has more than one rank,
Nehekharan Undead models can only be added to the rear rank. A unit cannot
The legions of the Tomb Kings are no longer beings of flesh and be taken beyond its starting size.
blood, but sun-bleached bones animated by ritualistic magic that
stride slowly but inexorably towards their enemies.

Models with this special rule are ‘Undead’. Undead models

cannot march (unless they have the Fly (X) special rule and
choose to move by flying). In addition, all Undead models
have the following universal special rules:

• Fear • Unbreakable
• Immune to Psychology • Unstable

A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without

this special rule, and vice versa.

154 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Lore of Nehekhara LORE OF NEHEKHARA
T he magic of Nehekhara was perfected millennia ago and has remained unchanged in the long centuries since. The
wording of every incantation used in the preservation and reanimating of the dead is recorded on dusty papyrus in the
mysterious hieroglyphs of Nehekhara’s ancient language, to be uttered aloud in long, monotonous ritual.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Nehekhara’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When
they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Djaf’s Incantation Of Cursed Blades Usekhp’s Incantation Of Desiccation

As the Liche Priest utters this ancient mantra, the weapons of As the Liche Priest intones the curse of desiccation every syllable
the Nehekharan warriors gathered about them become imbued strips the moisture from their victims’ bodies, sapping their
with the essence of Djaf, the jackal-headed god of the dead, who strength and vitality.
hungers for the souls of the living above all things.
Type: Hex
Type: Enchantment Casting Value: 10+
Casting Value: 7+ Range: 15"
Range: Self Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target enemy
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength and Toughness
friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule characteristics (to a minimum of 1). If this spell is cast, the
and that is within the caster’s Command range may re-roll effects of any other Hex previously cast on the target unit
any rolls To Hit of a natural 1. immediately expire.

Khsar’s Incantation Of The Desert Wind

Harnessing the power of Khsar, god of the desert winds, the Liche
Priest summons forth a sandstorm that engulfs the undying
warriors of Nehekhara and carries them across the battlefield.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 6+/10+
Range: Self
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 6 or more,
a single friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead
special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains
the Reserve Move special rule. If this spell is cast with a
casting result of 10 or more, every friendly unit that has the
Nehekharan Undead special rule and is within the caster’s
Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. This
spell lasts until the end of this turn.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 155

A regiment of Skeleton Horse Archers emerges from an ancient necropolis to rain arrows upon the foe.

A Screaming Skull Catapult and its crew.

158 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

A Royal Herald bearing the Battle Standard of their king. A Casket of Souls and its Guardians.

Riding atop the writhing forms of their Necroserpent mounts,

a regiment of Necropolis Knights descends upon the enemy battleline.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 159

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