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S4 SE 162C AB

Attribute Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Data Collection Sheet (MSA Rev. 4) Publication : 17/11/2020
Application : 17/11/2020

DATE : Pant / Issuer :

Part No. : Part Name : See the How to
use Excel tab for
Device No. : Device Name : Guidelines
Lower Spec: Upper Spec :

Note : for the Zone II, the signal detection approach is used to determine this Zone.
Appraiser A Appraiser B Appraiser C
Reference Results
Part # Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Reference Ref Value Code Between Appraisers Analysis Appraiser vs Reference Analysis MSA Study Results & Interpretation
1 1 - Crosstabulation Crosstabulation
2 1 - B Total REF Total
3 1 - A 0 1 A 0 1 Criteria for Acceptation
4 1 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0 Appraiser Effecti Miss False
0 0 Name veness
5 1 - Expected ### ### ### Expected ### ### ### Rate Alarm
6 1 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0 A 0 100% 0.0% 100.0%
1 1
7 1 - Expected ### ### ### Expected ### ### ### B 0 100% 0.0% 100.0%
8 1 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0 C 0 100% 0.0% 100.0%


9 1 - Expected 0 0 0 Expected 0 0 0 System 100% 0.0% 100.0%
10 1 -
11 1 - Between Appraisers Analysis
12 1 - C Total REF Total Kappa A B C
13 1 - B 0 1 B 0 1 A - #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
14 1 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0 B #DIV/0! - #DIV/0!
0 0
15 1 - Expected ### ### ### Expected ### ### ### C #DIV/0! #DIV/0! -
16 1 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0
1 1
17 1 - Expected ### ### ### Expected ### ### ### Appraiser vs Reference Analysis
18 1 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0 A B C


19 1 - Expected 0 0 0 Expected 0 0 0 Kappa #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
20 1 -
21 1 -
23 1 - C 0 1 C 0 1
24 1 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0
0 0
25 1 - Expected ### ### ### Expected ### ### ###
26 0 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0
1 1
27 1 - Expected ### ### ### Expected ### ### ###
28 1 - Actual 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0

29 1 - Expected 0 0 0 Expected 0 0 0
30 1 -
31 1 -
32 1 -
33 1 -
34 1 -
35 1 -
36 1 -
37 1 -
38 1 -
39 1 -
40 1 -
41 1 -
42 1 -
43 1 -
44 1 -
45 1 -
46 1 -
47 1 -
48 1 -
49 1 -
50 1 -

1. Enter Here the Name of the people performing the part checks
These people must be the people that will use this attribute Gage in serial life

3. Put the result of the check performed by

the Appraiser using the attribute gage
1 = Pass - the person found the part OK
0 = Fail - the person found the part NOK
Check the part 3 times : Trial 1, Trial 2, Trial 3
Do the same for Appraiser B & C

part checks
ibute Gage in serial life

2. Put here the actual value of

the part dimension measured
with a more precise measuring
device e.g. : 3D MMT,
Caliper ....

+ = Zone II
- = Zone I
x = Zone II around the LSL/USL
called the Grey area

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