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Progressão Online a) She was visiting friends.

Monitoria de Inglês

Monitora: Mylena Alves b) Before

Nouns pour honey over the
Questão 1 (EEAR)

c) Babies need security for

emotional development, without
which, their brains can't develop.

d) While it might be a small

step, it'll help prevent damage to the
environment, and every step count.

Questão 3 (EsSA)

Todas as palavras abaixo formam o

plural em inglês como a
palavra “photo”, exceto:

The words “longing”, “change”, a) Radio

“myself” and “hardcore”, underlined in b) hero.
the text, are respectively: c) video.
d) kilo.
a) verb, verb, possessive e) piano.
pronoun, noun
Questão 4

b) verb, noun, reflexive Complete the following sentence:

pronoun, adjective
My mom has eaten too ______ pieces of
cake and drunk too ______ orange juice.
c) adjective, verb, adjective
pronoun, noun a) much – many
b) many – Much
c) many – many
d) lot - much
d) adjective, noun, reflexive
pronoun, adjective
Questão 5
Questão 2
Leia o texto para responder à questão.
Identify the sentence in which it
cannot be used “some” before the
underlined noun.
By the end of the twentieth century a) An economy-class passenger is
English was already well on its way to entitled to no more than
becoming a genuine lingua franca. Just two baggages per flight.
as in the Middle Ages Latin became for b) The police have found
a time a language of international no evidences of the young
communication, so English is now man’s involvement with the
commonly used in exchanges between, victim.
say, Japanese and Argentinian business c) Manned journeys to space have
people or between Singaporeans and been temporarily interrupted
their Vietnamese counterparts. due to lack of resources.
A number of researchers have d) Excessive informations can
studied lingua franca conversations and hinder rather than help
have noted a number of somewhat comprehension of a complex
surprising characteristics, including: topic.
Increasing of redundancy by adding e) His specialty is the design of
prepositions (We have to study about... sustainable furnitures made of
and Can we discuss about...?).Large use natural materials.
of certain verbs of high semantic
generality, such as do, have, make, put, Questão 6
Confluence of Cultures
Pluralisation of nouns which are
considered uncountable in native- A professional involved in a
speaker English (advices, staffs). merchant marine career gets to meet
and mingle with people of different
The evidence suggests that non- cultures and nationalities. This helps
native speakers are not conforming to the individual to understand and
a native English standard. Indeed they function better as a team player and
seem to get along perfectly well despite learn the nuances of different cultures
the fact that they miss things out and and traditions at the same time. This
put things in which they ‘should not do’. automatically increases adaptability
Not only this, but they are actually and brings about more awareness
better at ‘accommodating’ than native about what goes and what doesn't in a
speakers are when talking to second different country.
language speakers.
(From: .marineinsi ght.
career-in-merchant-navy-ís-unl ike-any-
(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English other-career/)
language Which word DOES NOT follow the same
plural rule applied to the word
teaching. Adaptado) "nationalities" in the text?
a) Enemy
As far as the teaching of standard b) Activity
English is concerned, the pluralization c) Country
of the underlined noun is only d) Theory
acceptable in alternative: e) Delay
Questão 7 The words “beautiful”, “highly”,
“intelligent” and “child”, in the context,
Read the following sentence. are:
a) Adjective, adverb, adjective,
"Even outside the zone, noun
many businesses and schools have b) Adjective, adverb, adverb, noun
suspended activities and c) Adverb, adjective, noun, adverb.
sporting events have been canceled." d) Noun, noun, adjective, adverb

All the underlined words are Questão 10

considered Countable nouns. Mark the
option in which all the nouns are
considered Uncountable.

a) beauty, computer, strawberry,

b) money, painting, window. Love
c) electricity, advice, help, oxygen
d) cookie, candy, fruit, shop
e) knowledge, idea, man, air

Questão 8
Choose the alternative that indicates
the plural of the words fish, life,

a) Fishes, lifes, woman.

b) Fishs, lives, woman.
c) Fish, lives, women.
d) Fish, lifes, women.

Questão 9
- I have a question. What would happen Assinale a alternativa correta.
if there were a beautiful and highly
intelligent child up in heaven waiting to a) Women (ℓ.2), happens (ℓ.6), drea
be born and his or her parents decided ms (ℓ.8), children (ℓ.15)
that the children they already had were e genes (ℓ.13) são palavras
enough? flexionadas no plural
b) They (ℓ.9) refere-se às mulheres
- Your ignorance of theology and com menopausa precoce.
medicine is appalling! c) Understanding (ℓ.11), findings (ℓ.
13) e growing (ℓ.14) pertencem à
- I still think it’s a good question! classe dos substantivos.
d) No texto, a expressão Scientists
Adapted from report (ℓ.9) no singular corresponde a Scientist reports.
e) in (ℓ.6), by (ℓ.13), for (ℓ.14), a (ℓ.1
), an (ℓ.3) e the (ℓ.19) pertencem
à classe das preposições.
The word “losers” underlined in the text
a) an adjective.
b) an adverb.
c) a noun.
d) a verb.
Questão 11 Questão 12

Can I have your daughter for the rest

of my life? Say yes, say yes
I’ve paid my dues
‘Cause I need to know
Time after time
You say I’ll never get your blessing till
I’ve done my sentence the day I die

But committed no crime Tough luck my friend but the answer is

And bad mistakes
Why you gotta be so rude?
I’ve made a few
Don’t you know I’m human too
I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my
face Why you gotta be so rude

But I’ve come through I’m gonna marry her anyway

We are the champions, my friends (Marry that girl) Marry her anyway

And we’ll keep on fighting ‘til the end (Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what
you say
We are the champions
(Marry that girl) And we’ll be a family
We are the champions
No time for losers 11/rude.html

‘Cause we are the champions of the What is the correct plural form of the
world words, in bold type, in the text?

Adapted from: https: a) daughter, lives, days, and family.

b) daughters, life, day, and
// families.
ei=NIG4XJm3EKHM5OUPx_S4gAo&q=we+ c) daughters, lives, days, and
a family.
d) daughters, lives, days, and
re+the+champions&oq families.
Questão 13 Yes, my darling, she said, without
__________ her eyes.
In the following excerpt: “(…) the
government received notifications of What have you got in your basket? I
3,306 potential victims of modern sla asked. She opened her eyes, startled,
very in England and Wales (…)”, the and looked at me.
underlined words are, respectively:
What do you mean? she said
a) A noun; an adjective; a noun; an defensively.
b) An adjective; an adjective; a There is something moving in your
noun; a noun. basket, I said.
c) An adjective; a noun; an
adjective; a noun.
Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a present for
d) A noun; a noun; an adjective; an
somebody. She said.
e) An adjective; a noun; a noun; a

Adapted from, FERGUSON, Kenneth. Read

Questão 14
for Meaning, Comprehension tests for
First Certificate. Ed. Evans Brothers, first
Published 1975.

The word “darling”, line 2, in the text


a) an adjective.
b) an adverb.
c) a noun.
d) a verb.

Questão 16
Read the text and answer question

The word “honestly” underlined in the

text is
Good day! My name is Sheila. I’m
a) an adjective.
from Melbourne, Australia. My
b) an adverb.
___________ is from Montreal, Canada.
c) a noun.
We live in Sydney. A lot of ___________
d) a verb.
living in Australia come from other
Questão 15
Read the text and answer questions

Choose the best alternative to

complete the blanks in the text:
Ursula! I whispered
a) husband – peoples – country c) robotic birds (line 10)
b) husband – people – countries d) remote-controlled planes (line
c) husbands – persons – country 3)
d) husbands – person – countries
Questão 17 Questão 20
I- Can you give me
some information ,please? Read the text and answer the
II- Those women are my teachers.
Olympic Sports
III- He doesn't have much money.
The first modern Olympic
IV- Life is great! Games took place in Athens, Greece, in
the year 1896. Athletes from only 13
Choose the option which defines the countries participated in the Games
underlined nouns as U (uncountable) or that year. They competed in 43
C (countable). different events in just 9 sports
(track and field, swimming, cycling,
a) U-C-U–U fencing, gymnastics, shooting,
b) C-C-C–C tennis, weight lifting, and wrestling).
c) C-C-U–U In 2004, the Olympic Games took place
d) U-U-U-U once again in Athens. This time athletes
e) C-U-C–C from 202 countries competed in 300
events in 28 sports. Only five sports
Questão 18 have been in every Olympic Games.
Choose the best alternative that shows
the irregular plural form: Fonte: adapted from Thoughts and
a) mice, children, goose, woman. Notions.
b) mice, children, geese, women.
c) mouses, kids, goose, women. The words, in bold type, in the text are:
d) mice, child, geese, woman. a) verbs
b) nouns
Questão 19 c) pronouns
d) adjectives

n the text, all the nouns bellow refer to

drones, except:
a) predators (line 2)
b) ancestors (line 1)

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