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Evaluation of Different Grain Substrates for Spawn Production and Yield

Performance of Blue Oyster Mushroom [Hypsizygus ulmarius (Bull.: Fr.)
Redhead] through Bio-Conversion of Agr...

Article in Indian Journal of Ecology · January 2023

DOI: 10.55362/IJE/2022/3838


5 926

3 authors:

Aditya Bhatia Rajender Jarial

National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry


Kumud Jarial
Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry


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Indian Journal of Ecology (2022) 49(6): 2389-2394 Manuscript Number: 3838
DOI: NAAS Rating: 5.79

Evaluation of Different Grain Substrates for Spawn Production

and Yield Performance of Blue Oyster Mushroom [Hypsizygus
ulmarius (Bull.: Fr.) Redhead] through Bio-Conversion of
Agri/Industrial Wastes

Aditya, R.S. Jarial and Kumud Jarial

Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry
College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur-177 001 India.
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Blue oyster mushroom is a novel species that is widely gaining popularity nowadays owing to its simple and low production
technology with high biological efficiency. Since spawn serves as the planting materials in mushroom production and its quality is the most
important factor for the successful cultivation of any edible mushroom. Hence, the study was undertaken to determine with the objective to find
out the best grain spawn for getting early and high yield crop of Hypsizygus ulmarius on different substrates. Seven locally available grains viz;
barley, bajra, paddy, wheat, oat, maize and sorghum were used for spawn production. Bajra grains were found as an excellent substrate for
spawn preparation as it supports faster and enhanced growth (11 days) followed by sorghum, wheat and maize grain substrate. Linear growth
(50.52 mm) and growth rate (0.39 mm/h) of the fungus was found maximum on bajra grains as compared to other grains. Maximum yield
(640.00 g/0.5 Kg substrate) and biological efficiency (128.00 %) was also recorded in bajra grains spawn on wheat straw substrate closely
followed by wheat grains spawn on the same substrate. The performance of H. ulmarius on wood chips, curry leaves and saw dust was found
minimum when spawned with either of the grain spawn.

Keywords: Biological efficiency, Grain spawn, Hypsizygus ulmarius, Substrate, Yield

The global food and nutritional security of the growing level of expertise, specific knowledge and attention on the
population is a great challenge that looks for alternative crops part of those involved in it (Aditya et al 2022b). It is
as a source of food and nutrition. Mushrooms are among the considered as the bedrock of the mushroom industry and the
favoured alternative crops. Mushrooms are fleshy, spore- limiting factor to mushroom cultivation all over the world
bearing and multicellular fungi, enriched with quality proteins, (Chinda and Chinda 2007). Spawn quality is the most
vitamins, minerals and also possess therapeutic and important factor in the production of edible mushroom. In
medicinal properties (Aditya and Bhatia 2020, Aditya et al nature, mushroom use spores for generative multiplication
2022c). Blue oyster mushroom [Hypsizygus ulmarius (Bull.: and these are microscopic and very difficult to handle. As an
Fr.) Redhead] is gaining popularity nowadays among small alternative, spawn can be prepared using tissue cultures
and marginal farmers because of its simplicity of growing on extracted from cap tissues. Grain spawn is in common use
soyabean, sawdust, paddy straw, wheat straw and other because of its ability to ramify the substrate faster and ease
agro-wastes (Singh et al 2018, Aditya et al 2022d). Being of planting. In India, not much research work has been done
saprophytic it can easily be introduced in any part of the on the cultivation technology of blue oyster mushroom. It is in
country. Its fast growth and high resistance against light of these facts, the aim of the current work was to
competitive micro-organisms are likely to make its cultivation evaluate the different grain substrates for spawn production
more economical and less tedious. This mushroom has also and yield performance of blue oyster mushroom [Hypsizygus
very high biological efficiency compared to other oyster ulmarius (Bull.: Fr.) Redhead] on different growing
mushrooms which makes this fungus the mushroom of the substrates under the sub-tropical zone of Himachal Pradesh,
future in the coming years (Aditya et al 2022a, Aditya et al India.
Mushroom spawn is the mushroom mycelium growing on MATERIAL AND METHODS
a given grain substrate which is used as a planting medium Study area: The study was conducted in the Department of
for growing mushrooms. Spawn production is a Plant Pathology, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri,
technologically advanced process that necessitates a high Hamirpur under the aegis of Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar
2390 Aditya et al

University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, the substrate on a clean wire mesh. After that, all of these
Himachal Pradesh, India during the year 2019-2021. The chemically treated substrates were thoroughly spawned
cultivation experiments were carried out under natural using a 5.0 percent spawn dose of each grain spawn. These
climatic conditions in the bamboo hut constructed for spawned substrates were then filled in the mushroom
mushroom cultivation. Neri is located at an altitude of 650 m growing bags of polythene having 2.0 Kg capacity (0.5 Kg dry
in the valley of Himachal Pradesh in the northern sub-tropical substrate) and later shifted to the growing mushroom hut.
zone of India at 31.67°N and 36.48°E with an annual Standard mushroom growing packages and practices were
temperature of 16.8°C, precipitation 1342.72 mm and followed to raise the crop.
relative humidity is around 69 per cent. Observations recorded: Data were recorded in terms of
Procurement, maintenance and preservation of culture: time taken for spawn run (days), growth characteristics and
The pure culture of blue oyster mushroom (Hypsizygus linear growth (mm) at 24 h intervals until the mycelium
ulmarius) was procured from the Directorate of Mushroom ramified completely on the grains. The growth rate (mm/h)
Research, ICAR complex, Chambhaghat, Solan (H.P). The was further calculated as per the following formula:
culture, thus obtained was maintained on a potato dextrose rg= dgt2-dgt1/t2-t1
agar (PDA) medium (subcultured periodically at an interval of Where, dgt2 = Diametric growth (mm) at time t2; dgt1 =
30-45 days). Full-grown culture was stored at 2-4°C in the Diametric growth (mm) at time t1.
refrigerator until used further for the entire work. Yield of mushroom: This is the quantity/weight of
Spawn preparation: Seven different cereal grains i.e., mushroom produced per bag of substrate per harvest time.
wheat, paddy, sorghum, bajra, oat, maize and barley were Biological efficiency: The matured mushroom was
evaluated to see their effect on spawn production of H. harvested, which differed depending on the substrate type.
ulmarius. Healthy grains were cleaned, washed and rotten The curl margin of the cap denoted mature mushrooms,
grains or those floating on the surface of the water were which were harvested by twisting to uproot from the base.
removed. As much as 10 Kg of each grain substrates were The yield was expressed in biological efficiency (%) and
boiled in 15 liters of water and care was taken not to overcook calculated (Chang et al 1981). The biological efficiency was
the grains, so that they may not rupture. Excess water was calculated thus:
drained off by keeping on a wire mesh for 1-2 h. The Fresh weight of harvested
substrates were mixed with 2.0 per cent calcium sulfate and Biological Efficiency (BE) % = × 100
Dry weight of the substrate used
0.5 per cent calcium carbonate on a wet-weight basis to
obtain the desired pH and to avoid the stickiness of the grain Statistical analysis: The experiments were conducted in a
substrates. Thereafter, grains were filled in graduated glass completely randomized block design with four replications
bottles (1000 ml capacity) plugged with non-absorbent cotton and analyzed by using the statistical package of the program
and sterilized at 22 psi for 2 h. After cooling, the bottles were OPSTAT.
shaken vigorously to restore the transparency of the glass
and were inoculated with uniform-sized mycelial bits (5.00 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mm) of H. ulmarius under aseptic conditions. These bottles Effect of different grain substrates for spawn production
were then incubated at 25+1° C in the BOD incubator, till the of Hypsizygus ulmarius: There was a significant difference
grains were fully impregnated with the mycelium of in spawn development of H. ulmarius on different grain
inoculated fungus culture (11-19 days). substrates, except paddy and oat grain substrates which took
Substrate preparation: Seven different agro and industrial 17 and 17.5 days respectively for complete colonization of
wastes viz., wheat straw, maize straw, pine needles (Pinus the grains by the test fungus (Table 1). Latter both treatments
roxburghii), wood chips, saw dust, lantana leaves (Lantana were statistically at par with each other. Among the different
camara) and curry leaves (Murraya koenigii) were collected tested grain substrates, a significant minimum period for the
from the locality of College of Horticulture and Forestry Neri, spawn run of tested fungus was recorded in bajra grains (11
Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh and used as cultivation days) followed by sorghum (13 days) and wheat (15 days)
substrates. At first, all the growing substrates were chopped grains. However, barley grain substrates took a significantly
into small pieces (2-4 cm long) and thereafter soaked maximum time (19 days) for spawn development of H.
separately in water to get completely wet and then treated ulmarius. The growth characteristics of H. ulmarius spawn
with a solution of formalin (0.5 %) and carbendazim (0.075 varied considerably with respect to different grain substrates.
%). After about 18 hours, the substrates were taken out and A white mycelial growth was recorded on all types of grains
the excess water in the substrate was drained off by placing under study but, it was more conspicuous in bajra, sorghum,
Spawn Production and Yield Performance of Blue Oyster Mushroom 2391

wheat and maize grains spawn. The grains were tightly held Additionally, growth rate of H. ulmarius on different grain
with each other after a complete spawn run. The mycelia substrates was also calculated on 24 h intervals up to 264 h
growth was faster, thick, strandy and dense white on bajra (11 days). The maximum mean growth rate was observed in
grains while, observed to be dense to thick in the case of bajra grains (0.39 mm/h) followed by sorghum, wheat, maize
sorghum, wheat and maize grains. However, comparatively and oat and paddy grain substrates, irrespective of the time
slower, thin and fluffy growth was noticed and grains were of incubation (Table 3). The growth rate in the case of oat and
also loosely held in oat, paddy and barley grains. A perusal of paddy was statistically at par with each other and the
the data depicts that irrespective of the durations of minimum growth rate was in barley grain substrate (0.15
incubation, significantly maximum (50.52 mm) linear growth mm/h), irrespective of the different days of incubation.
was recorded in bajra grains followed by sorghum, wheat and Irrespective of the spawn substrates, the growth rate of the
maize grain substrates (Table 2). However, significantly test fungus increased significantly in all the test grain
minimum (17.97 mm) linear growth of the test fungus was in substrates with the passage of time being significantly
barley followed by oat and paddy grains. Keeping aside the minimum (0.09 mm/h) between 0-24 h and maximum (0.36
spawn substrates, the linear growth rate of the fungus mm/h) between 240-264 h of incubation. The maximum
increased in all the grain substrates with the passage of time growth rate (0.57 mm/h) was in bajra grains between 240-
and it attained maximum growth in each grain substrates 264 h of incubation significantly followed by same grain
after 11 days of incubation. The linear growth was substrate (0.54 mm/h) between 216-240 h of incubation. The
significantly higher in bajra grains (107.13 mm) followed by minimum growth rate was in barley grains (0.05 mm/h)
sorghum grains after 11 days of incubation while, minimum between 0-24 h of incubation. An intermediate range of
linear growth was observed in barley grains (1.27 mm) after 1 growth rate was recorded in the rest of the grain substrates
day of incubation. An intermediate level of linear growth was after different durations of incubation.
recorded in the rest of the grain substrates after different Effect of different grain substrates on yield performance
durations of incubation. of Hypsizygus ulmarius: After screening of different grain

Table 1. Effect of different grain substrates on spawn production and growth characteristics of Hypsizygus ulmarius
Grain substrate Time taken for spawn run (days) Growth characteristics

Bajra 11.00 Thick, strandy and dense white mycelial growth on all grains.
Sorghum 13.00 Dense white mycelial growth on all grains but intact with each other.
Wheat 15.00 Thick, strandy white mycelial growth on all grains.
Maize 16.00 Dense, fluffy white mycelial growth on all grains.
Oat 17.00 Thin, fluffy white mycelial normal growth on all grains.
Paddy 17.50 White mycelial growth on all over the grains but not tightly held.
Barley 19.00 White mycelial normal growth on all grains.
CD (p=0.05) 0.51

Table 2. Effect of different grain substrates on linear growth of Hypsizygus ulmarius

Grain substrate Average linear growth (mm) after different incubation duration (days) Overall
st nd rd th th th th th th th th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Bajra 5.93 12.47 19.50 27.77 36.90 46.33 57.23 68.70 80.30 93.47 107.13 50.52
Sorghum 3.38 6.53 12.67 19.23 26.20 33.33 42.67 52.07 62.37 72.60 83.33 37.67
Wheat 3.23 6.18 9.70 15.60 22.30 29.67 37.23 44.83 52.90 61.57 69.83 32.09
Maize 2.37 4.70 8.40 12.73 18.20 24.70 31.27 37.97 45.03 52.40 59.57 27.03
Oat 2.30 5.00 7.80 11.53 16.57 22.20 28.00 34.23 41.03 48.40 55.63 24.79
Paddy 2.43 4.68 8.03 11.83 16.93 23.00 29.00 35.67 42.40 49.70 57.03 25.51
Barley 1.27 2.57 4.83 7.83 11.70 15.83 20.00 24.96 30.47 35.90 42.30 17.97
Overall mean 2.99 6.01 10.13 15.22 21.26 27.87 35.05 42.63 50.64 59.15 67.83
CD (p=0.05) Grain substrate Duration Interaction
0.12 0.15 0.39
2392 Aditya et al

substrates under in vitro conditions, cultivation trials were statistically at par with oat grains spawn and paddy grains
conducted to assess the yield performance of H. ulmarius on spawn. Irrespective of the different grains spawn used, wheat
different substrates viz., wheat straw, maize straw, pine straw substrate produced maximum average yield (614.52
needles (Pinus roxburghii), wood chips, saw dust, lantana g/0.5 Kg substrate) significantly followed by maize straw
leaves (Lantana camara) and curry leaves (Murraya koenigii) substrate. However, minimum yield (337.95 g/0.5 Kg
using commercial spawn prepared on different grain substrate) was recorded in wood chips substrate significantly
substrates. The yield was recorded and biological efficiency followed by curry leaves and saw dust. Interaction of the
was further calculated and have been presented in Table 4. table clearly depicts that maximum yield (640.00 g/0.5 Kg
The results evinced that irrespective of the different substrate) was recorded in wheat straw substrate spawned
substrates used, bajra grains spawn produced maximum with bajra grains spawn which was statistically at par with the
average yield (468.28 g/0.5 Kg substrate) followed by wheat same substrate spawned with wheat grains spawn. Minimum
grains spawn which was statistically at par. Moreover, it was yield spawned with barley grains spawn was recorded in
significantly followed by sorghum grains spawn and maize wood chips substrate (321.00 g/0.5 Kg substrate) followed by
grains spawn (Table 4). Minimum yield was recorded in the same substrate spawned with, paddy, oat and maize
barley grains spawn (431.76 g/0.5 Kg substrate) which was grains spawn respectively, which was also statistically at par

Table 3. Effect of different grain substrates on growth rate of Hypsizygus ulmarius

Grain substrate Average growth rate (mm/h) between duration of incubation (h) Overall
0-24 24-48 48-72 72-96 96-120 120-144 144-168 168-192 192-216 216-240 240-264

Bajra 0.16 0.27 0.29 0.34 0.38 0.39 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.54 0.57 0.39
Sorghum 0.07 0.13 0.25 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.38 0.39 0.42 0.42 0.44 0.30
Wheat 0.07 0.12 0.14 0.24 0.27 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.35 0.25
Maize 0.09 0.10 0.15 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.22
Oat 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.15 0.20 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.30 0.21
Paddy 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.21 0.25 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.30 0.30 0.21
Barley 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.26 0.15
Overall mean 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.25 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.36
CD (p=0.05) Grain Substrate Duration Interaction
0.01 0.01 0.02

Table 4. Yield of Hypsizygus ulmarius as influenced by different grain spawn on different substrates
Grain spawn Average yield (g/0.5 Kg substrate) in different substrates

Wheat straw Maize straw Pine needles Saw dust Wood chips Lantana leaves Curry leaves Overall mean

Bajra 640.00 595.66 470.66 410.00 349.33 459.00 380.66 468.28

(128.00) (119.13) (94.13) (82.00) (69.87) (91.80) (76.13)
Sorghum 609.00 568.33 437.00 400.00 350.33 424.33 361.66 455.33
(121.80) (113.67) (87.40) (80.00) (70.07) (84.87) (72.33)
Wheat 626.66 587.33 465.00 420.66 347.33 457.66 368.33 466.23
(125.33) (117.47) (93.00) (84.13) (69.47) (91.53) (73.66)
Maize 616.66 587.00 420.33 407.00 340.00 412.33 353.00 448.04
(123.33) (117.40) (84.07) (81.40) (68.00) (82.47) (70.60)
Oat 613.33 531.33 419.33 396.00 334.33 421.66 350.00 438.00
(122.67) (106.27) (83.87) (79.20) (66.87) (84.33) (70.00)
Paddy 602.66 574.00 434.00 394.00 323.33 408.66 346.66 440.47
(120.53) (114.80) (86.80) (78.80) (64.67) (81.73) (69.33)
Barley 593.33 572.66 409.66 389.67 321.00 398.66 337.33 431.76
(118.67) (114.53) (81.93) (77.93) (64.20) (79.73) (67.47)
Overall mean 614.52 573.76 436.57 402.47 337.95 426.04 356.81
CD (p=0.05) Grain Spawn Substrate Interaction
9.86 9.86 26.09
Figure given in parentheses represents biological efficiency (percentage)
Spawn Production and Yield Performance of Blue Oyster Mushroom 2393

with each other. Biological efficiency was recorded to be paddy and bajra are commonly used for the commercial
maximum (128.00 %) in wheat straw substrate spawned with spawn production and cultivation of a variety of edible
bajra grains spawn (Plate 1) followed by wheat straw mushrooms (Aditya 2021).
substrate spawned with wheat grains spawn whereas Spawn making is a rather complex task and not feasible
minimum biological efficiency (64.20%) was achieved in for the common mushroom grower. It has been a primary
wood chips spawned with barley grains spawn. Spawn, the concern in mushroom cultivation which is achieved by
vegetative seed material plays a vital role in mushroom developing mushroom mycelia on a supporting medium
cultivation and the substrate on which the spawn is prepared under controlled environmental conditions. In all cases, the
also affects the mushroom production to a significant extent. supporting material is sterilized grains which is preferred due
Grain spawn is of common use because of its ability to ramify to inherent biochemical properties and practical performance
the substrate faster and ease of planting (Bahl 1988). Several over others. The results of our present study are in
authors have tried a variety of grain substrates and accordance with the findings of Chauhan & Pant (1988) and
agricultural wastes for preparation of spawn based on the Rathod et al (2002) who have also reported bajra and
easy availability, accessibility and lower cost for different sorghum grains to be superior than other grains for spawn
edible mushrooms (Reddy et al 2020, Aditya et al 2022a). At production of different Pleurotus spp. In the earlier reports,
present grains like wheat, maize, barley, oat, sorghum, several other workers have also tested different grains for
spawn development of H. ulmarius and found early spawn
development in maize grains, sorghum grains and paddy
grains (Sumi & Geetha 2017, Shendge 2018, Aditya 2021) as
an ideal substrate for spawn production of blue oyster
mushroom. Also Baghel (2017), further supports our results,
as according to him bajra grains spawn took (11.2 days)
followed by maize (13.4 days) and wheat grains spawn (14.5
days) for complete mycelia spread of H. ulmarius while,
Wheat straw
paddy grains took maximum time (17.60 days) for spawn run.
These findings further support our results. In the present
study, the highest yield and biological efficiency was
recorded from the bajra grains spawn closely followed by the
wheat grains spawn. The results of the present study are in
accordance with the findings of Baghel (2017), Sumi &
Geetha (2017) and Shendge (2018) who have also reported
bajra, wheat and sorghum grains spawn exhibited higher
Maize straw Pine needles yield and biological efficiency of H. ulmarius.

The mycelial growth of blue oyster mushroom (H.
ulmarius) was faster on all the seven grain substrates used
for spawn production. Bajra grains were the best substrate
for spawn production as it supports much faster and
Lantana leaves Curry leaves
enhanced growth of the fungus. The highest yield and
biological efficiency of the mushroom was also recorded from
the bajra grains spawn closely followed by wheat grains
spawn on wheat straw substrate. The wood chips, saw dust
and curry leaves substrates exhibited minimum yield on
either of the grain spawn tested.

Saw dust Wood chips Aditya 2021. Cultivation of Blue Oyster Mushroom [Hypsizygus
ulmarius (Bull.: Fr.) Redhead] under sub-tropical zone of
Himachal Pradesh. M.Sc. Dissertation, Dr. Y. S. Parmar
Plate 1. Mature sporocarps of Hypsizygus ulmarius on University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal
different substrates using bajra grains spawn Pradesh.
View publication stats

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Received 19 July, 2022; Accepted 12 November, 2022

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