US20150225810A1 - Iron Recovery Method 2015

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US 20150225810A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0225810 A1
Canbekte (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 13, 2015
(54) IRON RECOVERY METHOD Publication Classification
(71) Applicant: Husnu Sinan Canbekte, Istanbul (TR) (51) Int. Cl.
C22B3/44 2006.O1
(72) Inventor: Zekeriya Canbekte, Istanbul (TR) COIG 49/06 :08:
(73) Assignee: Husnu Sinan Canbekte, Istanbul (TR) (52) U.S. Cl.
CPC. C22B 3/44 (2013.01); COIG 49/06 (2013.01)
(21) Appl. No.: 14/425,922

(86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2013/068159

S371 (c)(1) A method for recovery of iron in the form of an iron oxide as
(2) Date: s Mar 4, 2015 useful product, such as hematite, from a leach Solution
9 obtained from leaching of a nickel laterite ore, is proposed
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data which comprises an oxidation and a hydrolysis of a ferric
Sulphate and urea mix solution Stemming from leaching of
Sep. 4, 2012 (EP) .................................. 12182923.8 nickel laterite ores at a temperature of 60-100° C.
US 2015/022581.0 A1 Aug. 13, 2015

RON RECOVERY METHOD 0009. During the work leading to the present invention it
was found possible to recover iron under atmospheric condi
TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION tions from a Fe2(SO4)3/urea solution containing nickel and
cobalt Sulphates.
0001. The present invention relates to a process for the 0010 Nickel and cobalt may be recovered from the solu
precipitation of iron as hematite from a solution of Fe2(SO4) tion prior to iron recovery by resins or by any other available
3/urea mixture containing nickel and cobalt Sulphates. method after iron recovery.
0011. An advantage with the method according to the
BACKGROUND invention is that the method can in preferred embodiments
thereof be performed at atmospheric pressure and at tem
0002 Leaching of nickel laterite ores with sulphuric acid peratures from 60° C. to 100°C., that no gases are emitted and
is a widely applied process. Some recent researches indicate that, due to short residence time, simple and inexpensive
that when urea is added to the leach solution in sufficient equipment can be used to perform the method. Furthermore,
amounts, metal dissolution rates and metal recoveries into the iron can be recovered as a usable product and an important
Solution markedly increase. As such, the leaching time drops part of the acid and nearly all of the urea can be recycled to be
to one hour and metal recoveries rise above 95%. used in the leaching of fresh nickel laterite ores or nickel
0003. These improvements are due to the effect of urea on bearing materials, which results in reduced acid consumption
the dissolution of iron contained in the metal bearing mate in the leaching.
rial. When iron is attacked and forced into dissolution, other 0012. Thus, the present invention relates to a process
metals that are bound with iron in some kind of iron bond involving recovery of dissolved iron as iron oxide and recy
become easy targets for Sulphuric acid and thus their disso cling of the leach mixture.
lution rate increases markedly. 0013 Advantageously, sulphuric acid associated with iron
0004 Iron removal from the leach solution is important for dissolution is recovered substantially without loss.
the recovery of other metals and for process economics. Iron 0014 Furthermore, urea which is important in reducing
is normally removed from the Solution as jarosite, goethite or the leaching time of nickelbearing materials and for increas
hematite but none of them result in a usable iron product. ing the leaching recoveries of nickel and cobalt is recovered
Jarosite and goethite produced as Such are discarded as waste virtually without any loss.
with no economic value. For hematite production, iron pre 0015. Additional features of the method according to the
invention will be evident from the following description and
cipitation should be carried out in an autoclave at tempera the appended claims.
tures of over 200° C. and oxygen pressure of 18 bars or above.
Iron can also be precipitated out of the solution as hydroxide DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
produced by precipitation with lime to be discarded as waste.
0005. A great deal of research has been conducted in 0016. The term metal used herein and in the appended
respect of iron precipitation as hematite that can be used in claims may encompass nickel, cobalt and any other metals
industry. U.S. Pat. No. 7,294.319 describes a method for that are normally soluble in Sulphuric acid.
precipitating iron from Zinc Sulphate Solution as hematite 0017 Not all of steps a) throughi) as detailed below must
under atmospheric conditions. Similarly, WO 2007/079532 be realized in a method according to the invention but may be
describes a hydrometallurgical method for precipitating iron combined freely in a particular embodiment thereof.
in the form of hematite from leach solutions containing 0018 a) For the recovery of iron as hematite or usable iron
nickel, cobalt and iron. oxide, the pH of the leach solution from leaching of nickel
bearing material is adjusted to a pH of 2.5-3.0 by treating the
0006. The Article “Uniform Particles with a large surface solution with nickel laterite ore or nickelbearing material. No
area formed by hydrolysis of Fe2(SO4)3 with Urea pub lime or limestone is used for pH adjustment in order to pre
lished in 1999 in Materials Research Bulletin Vol 34 No 6 pp vent loss of Sulphuric acid through formation of gypsum.
905-919 describes hydrolysis of iron oxide from a solution of 0019 b) Following solid liquid separation, the residue
Fe2(SO4)3/Urea mixture under various conditions. The obtained after pH adjustment is sent to a separate leach sys
article indicates that slow hydrolysis of aqueous solutions of tem, while the solution with pH 2.5-3.0 is stirred at a tem
Fe2(SO4)3 with Urea in the temperature range 60-100° C. perature of around 90° C. Celsius.
leads to a characteristic form of iron (III) hydrous oxides and 0020 c) Nickel and cobalt dissolved in the leach solution
basic sulfates. Thermal dehydration of this iron (III) hydrous may be recovered prior to iron recovery by resins or, alterna
oxides yields amorphous Fe2O3. tively, they may be recovered after iron recovery by any
known method such as solvent extraction and/or electrolysis.
SUMMARY 0021 d) While stirring the solution, an oxidizing agent
Such as hydrogen peroxide and/or oxygen/air is added.
0007. The object of the invention is to provide a method 0022 e) Addition of ferrous sulphate in a stochiometric
for efficient recovery of iron as a usable iron oxide product, amount helps with conversion of goethite to hematite.
such as hematite, without losing urea from a Fe2(SO4)3/urea 0023 f) After about 20-30 minutes of stirring, hematite
mix solution containing nickel and cobalt Sulphates resulting particles are added as seed particles. When the stirring is
from leaching of nickel laterite ores with a mixture of sulphu stopped, flocs of iron oxide particles start to form and settle
ric acid and urea. fast.
0008. This object is achieved by means of a method com 002.4 g) The slurry is then filtered easily to separate iron
prising the features of the invention. Preferred further oxides from the solution.
embodiments of the method are defined below and in the 0025 h) The solution, which is now free of iron but con
claims. tains nickel and/or cobalt, if those have not been recovered
US 2015/022581.0 A1 Aug. 13, 2015

previously, will have a pH of around 1.0-1.5 which, if nickel TABLE-continued

and cobalt concentrations are not high enough, can be sent to
a leaching system. Iron Product
0026 i) Ifnickel and cobalt concentration of the solution is Parameter XRF Analyses (%) AAS Results (%)
high enough, said solution can be treated further to recover
metals. If any pH adjustment of the solution is required for NO O.O3
this purpose, this can be achieved by treating the solution with CaO
nickelbearing material. Any residue from this pH adjustment MnO O.39
leach will be sent to a leaching system. SO3 3.33
0027 Practically, the method is advantageously per LOI
formed in vessels made from stainless steels or mild steel or N O.018
concrete tanks which can be lined with proper protective Co O.007
0028. The invention will now be further explained in the 1. A method for recovery of iron in the form of an iron oxide
following example. This example is only intended to illustrate as useful product from a leach solution obtained from leach
the invention and should in no way be considered to limit the ing of a nickellaterite ore, comprising oxidation and hydroly
Scope of the invention. sis of ferric Sulphate and an urea mix solution from leaching
0029. Example for iron precipitation of nickel laterite ores at a temperature of 60-100° C.
0030. A leach solution obtained from leaching of a nickel 2. The method according to the claim 1, further comprising
laterite ore was used. The pH of the process leach solution adjusting a pH of iron bearing solution to 2.5-3.0 with nickel
(PLS) was adjusted to 2.5-3.0 with nickel laterite ore and laterite ore before iron recovery.
hydrogen peroxide was added to the Solution which was kept 3. The method according to claim 1 further comprising
at 90° C. for 1 hour while stirring. After addition of hematite performing the method at atmospheric pressure.
seeding, iron was precipitated out of PLS mainly as hematite. 4. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
After iron precipitation, acid associated with iron is released using at least one of hydrogen peroxide, air, or oxygen gas as
back into the PLS. As a result, pH of the PLS decreased to an oxidizer.
about 1. The iron product composition is given in the table. Ni 5. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
content of the product is very low. using hematite seedings to initiate iron oxide formation.
6. The method according to claim 1, wherein if after con
TABLE version of iron to iron oxide the solution pH drops to 1.0-1.5.
reusing the Solution for leaching of fresh nickelbearing mate
Iron Product rial.
Parameter XRFAnalyses (%) AAS Results (%) 7. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
recovering Sulphuric acid associated with iron dissolution
Fe2O3 86 substantially without loss.
SiO2 1.63 8. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
Al2O3 O.31 recovering urea virtually without any loss.
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