Bag Technique

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Performing Bag Technique
1. Review the available health record of the client/family to be visited
2. Check the completeness if the content of the CHN bag
3. Arrange the materials ad equipment inside the CHN bag.
Criteria Rationale
4. Introduce self to the client/family ad explain The action will help establish rapport and gain
the purpose of the home visitation. Provide cooperation of the client’s family.
an opportunity for the client/family to
verbalize understanding of the procedure.
5. Provide privacy for the client by closing the Asking visitors to leave the room and closing the
door ad curtain or asking any visitor to wait. door and curtain protect the person’s right to
6. Take the paper lining from the bag and place Protects the bag from contamination.
it on a table or any flat surface (box or if not
available, you may use the floor), clean side
7. Place the bag on the upper left side of paper
lining with the bag opening facing the
working area and the bag’s handles or strap
tucked carefully beneath the bag.
8. Open bag, take the linen/plastic lining and The bag and its content should be well protected
spread over the paper lining with clean side from contact with any article in the client’s house.
9. Take out hand towel, soap dish and apron and To prepare for handwashing.
place them at one corner of the work area.
10. Close the bag without locking and perform Washing hands and taking standard precautions
handwashing. prevent the spread of infection.
11. After handwashing, put the soap and soap
dish outside the plastic lining with hand
towel on top of the soap dish.
12. Put on apron right side out and wrong side To protect the nurse’s uniform as well as for
with crease touching the body, sliding the purposes of infection control.
head into the head strap. Neatly tie the straps
at the back.
13. Remove from bag articles needed for care Only items needed are taken from the bag in order to
and place at one corner of the work area avoid confusion and promote efficiency.
(inside the plastic lining).
14. Place paper receptacle outside the work area. Paper receptacle is placed outside the working area
to prevent cross contamination.
15. Close the bag and complete the nursing care. Closing the bag reduces the possibility of

EFCA | Bag Technique

16. After completing the nursing care, clean and All used articles are washed and sanitized to prevent
alcoholize all the articles used including the contaminating the bag and its content.
top of the plastic lining
17. Close and discard the paper receptacle Used paper receptacles should be properly discarded
because it contains contaminated materials used for
providing care to the client.

18. Perform handwashing and return all the Handwashing is one of the most important steps that
articles in their proper places inside the bag. anyone can take to avoid the spread of infection.
19. Return the soap and soap dish inside the bag
last with the hand towel under the soap dish.
20. Remove apron folding away from the body, Folding the contaminated side will confine the
with soiled side folded inward and clean side contaminated surface.
out. Place it in the bag.
21. Fold the plastic lining with the clean side out Correct folding of the plastic lining will prevent
and return inside the bag. Close and lock the contamination of the bag. Close and lock the bag.
22. Fold the paper lining with the used side inside Correct folding of the paper lining will prevent
and return to the outside pocket (discard if contamination of the bag and its content.
grossly contaminated)

23. Record nursing care rendered.
24. Take note of the environmental factors which affect the client/family health.
25. Include quality of nurse-patient relationship.
26. Assess effectiveness of nursing care provided.

EFCA | Bag Technique

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