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How is the use of fossil fuels causing extreme environmental events?

Fossil fuels-coal, oil, and gas- are by far the largest contributors to global climate
change, accounting for more than 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and
about 90% of all carbon dioxide emissions. Due to their presence in the earth’s
atmosphere, greenhouse emissions trap the sun’s heat.
Burning fossil fuels like oil coal and natural gas have for far more than a century
has generated energy required to propel the cars, power the businesses and
generated the electricity, these fuels originate from plants and animals that
existed in the geological past.

Greenhouse gas Typical source

Carbon dioxide Burning fossil fuels
Methane Livestock farming, e.g., cattle
Water vapor, this is not seen as a Evaporation from oceans
problem because excess water vapor
leaves the atmosphere like rain and

When fossil fuels are burned, they release massive amounts of Carbon dioxide ,
Methane and other greenhouse gases into the air, a greenhouse gases trap heat
in the atmosphere, causing a global warming, greenhouse gases effect is when
short waves from the sun hit the earth some of these waves will be absorbed and
the other longwave will be reflected into the atmosphere and stay in the
atmosphere as normal thing and this what makes the Earth a good place to live
on, if the greenhouse effect did not exist, the average temperature on earth
would be around –18C . These gases like CO2 and Methane will act like glass in
greenhouse trapping the sun’s heat and stopping it from leaking back to space
and causing an increase in the Earth’s temperature. These gases can emit during
burning a lot of fossil fuels causing more carbon dioxide, cutting down the trees
means less Carbone dioxide will be absorbed which means more CO2 will release
into the air Increasing livestock farming. Cows and sheep produce enormous
amounts of methane when they digest their food. Fertilizers containing nitrogen
produce nitrous oxide emissions. Fluorinated gases are emitted from equipment
and products that use these gases. Such emissions have an extraordinarily strong
warming effect, up to 23 000 times greater than CO 2.

There are many gases we associate with global warming like Carbone dioxide
CO2, methane CH4, Sulphur dioxide SO4, ozone O3, water vapor H2O and
nitrogen dioxide NO3. These gases trap heat in.

What does this mean to the Earth? The consequences.

There are undoubtedly some of the immediate effects of climate change that
appeared on the environment, from the melting of glaciers to the unusual
weather patterns, and the real effects are already beginning to appear, which
made most countries take initiatives that preserve the environment.
Climate change also results in severe weather, which causes many severe and
continuous climate disasters such as strong storms and hurricanes, sever heat
waves, forest fires, floods and sometimes severe droughts may occur.
There are long-term effects resulting from climate changes, and appear on human
health, we found that they may cause heat-related diseases, deaths resulting
from harsh weather, asthma and cardiovascular diseases that may be caused by
air pollution, and respiratory problems that come from allergens in excess about
the limit.
Without doubt, there will be a significant negative impact on the ecosystem if
climate change is not controlled, for example it will be difficult to provide food for
both plants and animals, which may cause the phenomenon of mass extinction. In
addition, climate change can have a significant impact on food supplies, water,
rising sea levels, shrinking ice sheets, and ocean acidification, and this could cause
a real disaster. Although many believe that the effects of climate change are
many and all of them are negative, there is still some hope that must be clinging
to by taking some measures that limit this climate change.

Health risks from climate change:

• The spread of pests and diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and other
• The lack of clean fresh water due to drought and heavy rainfall causes
pollution of water sources.
• Reduced the food and agricultural supplies as severe weather destroys
crops, resulting in malnutrition and famine.
• The lack of shelter and this may cause storms, hurricanes, and droughts, as
many are suffering from a situation of displacement and have refugees.

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