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Kenny v Preen [1962] 3 All ER 814.

Ram v Ramkissoon (1968) 13 WIR 332

In this case, the appellant was a statutory tenant of two rooms in a central portion of a
building in which he carried on business as a jeweler. The building was old and in a bad state
of repair, and its two end portions has been unoccupied for several years. The respondent
landlord, who owned the whole building, wish to obtain vacant possession of the central
portion also. While ejectment proceedings were pending, the respondent removed the
galvanized iron sheets from the roof of both end portions of the buildings. The appellant
complained that, as a direct consequence of the removal of the roof, rainwater seeped through
the rooms he occupied, causing annoyance, discomfort and physical damage to his property.
He claimed damages for, inter alia, breach of the landlord’s implied covenant for quiet

Court of Appeal Held: The damage suffered by the appellant was sufficiently substantial to
constitute a breach of the covenant for quiet enjoyment.

Per Wooding CJ:

“…To constitute an actionable breach, the interference with the tenant’s enjoyment of the
tenancy must be substantial: Brown v Flower.”

Kenny v Preen [1962] 3 All ER 814

“There was a deliberate and persistent attempt by the landlord to drive the tenant out of her
possession of the premises by persecution and intimidation, and intimidation included threats
of physical eviction of the tenant and removal of her belongings”.

“The course of conduct by the landlord seriously interfered with the tenant’s proper freedom
of action in exercising her right of possession, tended to deprive her of the full benefit of it,
and was an invasion of her rights as tenant to remain in possession undisturbed, and so would
in itself constitute a breach of covenant, even if there were no direct physical interference
with the tenant’s possession and enjoyment”.
Tapper v Myrie
Landlord demanded additional payment for rent and the tenant refused to pay, whereupon the
landlord gave notice to quit. The tenant did not leave and one night when he returned home,
he found there was no electricity in his room which he spoke to the landlord about and to
which the landlord responded by indicating that he did that to drive the tenant out.

Held: The court held that the action of the landlord was a breach of the implied covenant for
quiet enjoyment, notwithstanding that the act complained of was done off the premises, since
it was a ‘physical interference with the demised premises’.

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