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La Consolacion College of Isabela Negros Occidental, Inc.

Burgos Street, Brgy. 4, Municipality of Isabela 6128, Negros Occidental, Philippines

Tel. Nos. +63(34) 3872146
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Instruction: Read each question or statement 5. A CSR Dimension where companies need to truly
comprehensively and answer them carefully or embrace philanthropy, meaning, issues that pertain
determine what is being referred to. Encircle the to the improvement of human lives must be
letter that contains the correct and best answer. addressed without compromise.
a. Economic
1. The conducting or supervising of something of a b. Philanthropical
business is know as c. Legal
A. Governance d. Ethical
B. Management
C. Risk Analysis 6. A CSR dimension where a corporation is doing
D. Stakeholders’ analysis what is right for stakeholders is what ethical
companies should aim for. Society expects
2. He provided the four dimensions that provide a companies to take on this responsibility beyond what
structure or framework that characterizes companies' is required of them legally.
responsibilities within societies. a. Economic
a. Carroll b. Philanthropical
b. Carousel c. Legal
c. Carry d. Ethical
d. Contes
7. The Philippine Corporation Code was revised in
3. A CSR dimension where there is an expectation of A. 2009
profit is natural when shareholders form B. 2019
corporations. C. 2021
a. Economic D. 2010
b. Philanthropical
c. Legal 8. The following were features of the revised
d. Ethical corporation code except
A. Removal of minimum number of incorporators
4. A dimension of CSR where a corporation is B. Removal of the 10-year corporate term.
created through law and, as such, must abide by the C. Creation of one person corporation
rules and regulations imposed for fairness and D. Use of internet in meeting
a. Economic 9. Under the revised corporation code, filling of
b. Philanthropical reports online is allowed.
c. Legal A. True
d. Ethical B. False

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10. A person’s entitlement to something such as 17. Social activism drive response to public or
legal, social or freedom is called internally drive change within the organization. The
A. Opportunity Statement is
B. Right a. True
C. Responsibility b. False
D. Ethics
18. CSR promotes a Culture of benevolence and
11. The following affect the corporate governance in philanthropy must be ingrained and embedded in an
the Philippines, EXCEPT organization. The statement is
a. Climate Change a. True
b. Health Condition (eg pandemic) b. False
c. Taxation
d. None of these 19. The ability to engage in in social responsibility
requires resources. The statement is
12. Regulation and law provide a legal framework for a. True
companies to comply with. The statement is _____ b. False
a. True
b. False 20. The following are purpose of CSR measurement:
a. Provide more support the businesses
13. Looking into the external and internal factors of b. Better organizational decision making on
the company’s success allocating resources with greatest impact
A. Problem Analysis c. Improve processes that will make CSR
B. Environmental Scanning initiatives more efficient
C. Risk Assessment d. All of these
D. Development Planning
21. In the Balanced Score Card by Kaplan and
14. Internal and external Individuals or groups who Norton’s (1996), the following are the perspectives
can be affected by the activities engaged in except:
corporations in achieving their goals. a. Financial
A. Shareholders b. Costumer
B. Stockholders c. Internal Business Process
C. Stakehoders d. All of these
D. Costumers
22. A perspective in the Balanced Scorecard where
15. The measurement of the achievement of targets. welfare of employees and sustain their development
A. Objectives fall under.
B. Goals a. Financial
C. Programs and Activities b. Learning and Growth
D. Success Indicators c. Costumer
d. Internal Business process
16. Importance of culture in corporate governance.
A. It influences board decision. 23. Theoretical perspective that assumes that the
B. Contributes to development of best practice two principal characters, agent and principal are at
C. Gives impetus to good governance odds with their objectives.
D. All of the above A. Agency Theory
B. Stewardship Theory
C. Resource Dependency Theory
D. Stakeholder Theory

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24. The agent acts in the principal’s best interest. 31. Companies in the Philippines have options
A. Agency Theory whether to adopt government codes imposed to
B. Stewardship Theory them or not.
C. Resource Dependency Theory A. True
D. Stakeholder Theory B. False

25. Social activism and perspective are used as 32. The COVID 19 Pandemic is an example of global
metrics to satisfy all its stakeholders. issue that affect corporate policies.
A. Agency Theory A. True
B. Stewardship Theory B. False
C. Resource Dependency Theory
D. Stakeholder Theory 33. A variable in the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) that
deals with the community, education, equity, social
26. It examines the strategic aspect of management resources, health, well-being and quality of life.
for long term survival. a. People
A. Agency Theory b. Planet
B. Stewardship Theory c. Profit
C. Resource Dependency Theory d. None of these
D. Stakeholder Theory
34. A variable in the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) that
27. A perspective where processes and systems are deals with economic and cash flow.
checked by the corporation. a. People
a. Financial b. Planet
b. Learning and Growth c. Profit
c. Costumer d. None of these
d. Internal Business process
35. CSR encourages competitive advantage among
28. A perspective that looks into how to appear corporations. This statement is
before the stakeholders in order to succeed a. True
financially. b. False
a. Financial
b. Learning and Growth 36. One of the positive effects of CSR is the
c. Costumer maximized return of benefits to stakeholders.
d. Internal Business process A. True
B. False
29. The corporate governance framework should
recognize the rights of stakeholders. 37. Which one is TRUE about the relationship of
A. True politics and corporate governance?
B. False A. Political issues are part in corporate
30. A corporation is an entity created by law. B. Change in government policies and regulations
A. True affect the survival of the corporation.
B. False C. Environment and global warming issues are
factored in crafting corporate policy directions.
D. All of these.

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38. In what way government regulation becomes a
driver of CSR?
a. Imposed and mandatory policies are complied
with by the corporation.
b. The CEO of the corporation will be the sole
responsible person of the penalty.
c. Policy requirements which are not bearable in a
corporations resources may be optional
d. All of these

39. Which one is an example where social activities

affects internal policies of a corporation?
a. A restaurant start to serve free water because of
of studies result explaining the positive effect of
this service.
b. The 7/11 store constructed a separate CR for
PWDs after being bashed online.
c. BPI bank started to use online transaction per
feedback of of the management.
d. The owner of the Boutique started to wear
original clothes after the society actively called
he wearing fake dress.

40. Availability of human resources is considered a

barrier of CSR. Which one is NOT?
a. CSR requires volunteerism and participation of
the personnel of the company.
b. Available warm bodies can contribute to the
qualitative force for a certain CSR event.
c. A CSR activity requiring technical or clinical
expertise would be dependent on the available
talent from the human resource.
d. A great number of manpower is equivalent to
quality or available potential.

Good Luck! - Sir Etwat Lutao

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