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Dance With My Father”

Song by Luther Vandross

He then remarked, "Look, I just need to split up these verses a little bit because I have a lot to say." "Too
many words are used."It was the last song he ever recorded and, I believe, the last song he ever wrote.
"And so he changed the verse melody a little bit, but it was, again, effortless. And he went into the
studio and recorded it 10 days before he had the stroke that ultimately took him from us."

The song "Dance With My Father" by Luther Vandross was released in 2003, as I recall. Given that his
father passed away when he was just 7 years old, Vandross created the song as a tender remembrance
of a love lost. It was clear from the song's joyful lyrics and sincere tone that it was one of Vandross's
biggest hits. That year, I couldn't stop listening to that song. Every time I saw it, I started crying. It
served as a somber reminder of the affection I once had but lost for my own father.

But the pre-chorus of the second stanza makes the pain more apparent. The revelation of the father's
absence brings home how much he has disappeared. He left a dollar beneath her sheet, a tender gesture
that expresses his affection even when he is not there. This leaves a lasting impression. The mother's
sorrow is poignantly depicted in the bridge. The narrator's point of view allows us to hear her mother's
cries, which emphasize the suffering and love she feels for her father. In addition to praying for her
mother's recovery, the narrator conveys her empathy and care for her mother As the song
progresses, it emphasizes the beginning of an endless journey towards eternal happiness. The
listener is advised to embrace their gentle happiness, which is considered too beautiful for the
world they currently inhabit. It speaks of crossing over to another shore where there is eternal
peace, but requests holding onto the bittersweet memory until a reunion takes place.

In the final verse, the song encourages the little wing to fly to a place where only angels sing,
implying a paradise-like realm. It suggests that now is the right time to go and find the light,
signaling an invitation to embrace the spiritual journey fully.

Overall, "If Walls Could Talk" by Céline Dion portrays a secret and passionate love that is shared
between two people. The walls symbolize the witnesses to their relationship, longing to express
the depth of their feelings and the intensity of their connection. It is a song that celebrates the
power of love and the profound bond between two individuals.

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