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The Mary Celeste is a mystery ship. Something unexpected happened to it, and to this day, no one is sure of
the fate of the ship and its passangers.
Here is what little is known about the events leading up to the discovery of the ship. The ship was found
abandoned in the mid-Atlantic in 1872. On december 4, 1872, the ship was spotted by the British ship Dei Gratia.
The ship looked strange because the sails were not fully set and no crew members could be seen. Crew members
of the Dei Gratia took a boat over the ship, which left New York on November 7 with a full load and 10 people on
The situation on the ship was quite mysterious. No one was on the ship; the ship had simply been left in the
middle of the ocean. No obvious reason why the ship had been abandoned. There were plenty of supplies, the
complete cargo was still on board, the crew’s belongings were there, and there was no sign of violent disaster.
However, one of the long boats and the captain’s navigational instruments were missing.
From the strange situation on the ship, a conclusion was drawn about the fate of the ship. The belief was that,
for some unknown reason, the captain along with his wife, his young daughter, and the seven crew members,
had decided to abandon the ship in the middle of the ocean, never to be seen again.

01. The suitable title for the passage is .... 04. The statement reflecting an opinion in
(A) A Mysterious Cargo the passage is ....
(B) The Mary Celeste and Its Passangers (A) the ship was found abandoned in the mid-
(C) A Ship’s Mystery Atlantic in 1872
(D) A Typical Voyage of the Mary Celeste (B) the cargo and crew’s belongings were still
(E) The Destination of the Mary Celeste complete
(C) there was no sign of violent disaster
02. According to the passage, what did the crew (D) the ship was abandoned for unknown reason
of the Dei Gratia find? (E) the ship had a full load and ten people on it
(A) A ship with full sails and no crew members
(B) A ship with no sails and few crew members 05. The word “abandoned” in line 4 can be replaced by
(C) A ship with sails not completely set and ....
few crew members (A) left
(D) A ship with sails not completely set and (B) broken
no crew members (C) sunk
(E) A ship with full sail and many crew members. (D) removed
(E) checked
03. Which of the following statements is true
according to the text?
(A) The ship was found at the harbor
(B) It was a passanger ship
(C) The ship was hijacked
(D) The ship’s instruments were still complete
(E) The ship was found sinking in the middle
of the ocean

Prosus INTEN - Mandiri-2 Bahasa inggris UTBK - SNBT 2023 1

Horse owners who plan to breed one or more mares should have a working knowledge of heredity and how
to care for breeding animals and foals. The number of mares bred that actually conceive varies from about 40 to 80
percent, with the average running less than 50 percent. Some mares that do conceive fail to produce living foals.
This means that, two mares are kept a whole year to produce one foal, and even then, some foals are
disappointment from the standpoint of quality.
By careful selection, breeders throughout history have developed various kinds of horses with a wide variety
of characteristics to suit many different needs. The Great horse of the Middle Ages, was bred for size and strength
to carry a heavily armored knight. The massive horses of such breeds are often referred to as “cold blooded”.
The Arabs bred little desert horses that were small and swift. These animals are often referred to as “hot blooded”.
Cross-breeding of hot-blooded and cold-blooded horses for certain characteristics produced breeds ranging
from riding horses to draft horses.
The Thoroughbred is considered by many to be the highpoint of elegance and fine selective breeding.
Many persons mistakenly apply the name Thoroughbred to any purebred horse. But a Thoroughbred is a distinct
breed of running horses that traces its ancestry through the male line directly back to three Eastern stallions:
the Byerly Turk, the Darley Arabian, and the Godolphin Barb. For convenience, the breeds of horses are often
divided into three major groups : Ponies, Heavy or Draft, and Light Horses.

06. What topic is the passage mainly concerned? 09. The subject of the paragraph preceding
(A) The characteristics fo good horses the passage could be about ....
(B) The conditions required for breeding horses (A) the nature of horse heredity
(C) The best way to breed horses (B) the appropriate place for breeding a horse
(D) The kinds of horses from different places (C) the economic value in breeding a horse
(E) The difference between cross-breeding and the (D) the requirements needed to breed a horse
Thoroughbred (E) the type of cross-breeding

07. It can be inferred from the passage that cold-blooded 10. According to the passage, which of the following
and hot-blooded horses are cross-bred for what is considered to be the finest breeding?
reason? (A) Darley Arabian
(A) Such cross-breeding was a safer means of (B) Thoroughbred
reproduction (C) Godolphin Barb
(B) Cross-bred horses are preferred by Arabs (D) Byerly Turk
(C) By cross-breeding, horses with desirable mixed (E) Ponies
characteristics could be produced
(D) Cross-breeding produced Thoroughbred
(E) Cross-bred horses could be easily trained

08. Which of the following statements is true

based on the passage above?
(A) One mare can usually produce more than
two foals every year
(B) It doesn’t need much knowledge to breed a mare
(C) The Thoroughbred is the same as the purebred
(D) Cold-blooded horse is a fast horse
(E) The hybrid of hot-blooded and cold-blooded
horses can yield a fast and powerful horse

Prosus INTEN - Mandiri-2 Bahasa inggris UTBK - SNBT 2023 2

Forgotten issue in urbanism is land use during the night time, with problems such as noise and dirt, which
could be improved with information from twitter. At least this is what Enrique and Vanessa Frias-Martinez
believe, computer science reasearchers at Telefonica Research and the University of Maryland (USA) respectively,
who have suggested using geolocalized tweets for urban planning and land use.
Enrique Frias-Martinez explained that geolocalized tweets can be very useful information for urban planning
since it is an activity carried out by a large number of people who provide information on where they are at a
specific time and what they are doing. The researchers point out that thanks to the increased use of smart phones,
social networks like Twitter and Facebook have made it possible to access and produce information ubiquitously.
These networks generate tags with the event’s geolocation. The new technique “automatically determines
land uses in urban areas by grouping together geographical regions with similar patterns of Twitter activity’,”
says the researcher. Using aggregate activity of tweets, the Frias-Martinez siblings have studied land use in
Manhattan., Madrid and London. In the first two cases they identified four uses: residential, business, daytime
leisure (mainly parks and tourist areas) and nightlife areas. The study has determined that, in Madrid, night-time
tweet activity is concentrated on weekends and in manhattan, on weekdays. On the other hand, London is
characterized by its tweeting activity in daytime leisure areas.
11. Which of the following is the main idea 13. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to ....
of the passage? (A) compare Facebook and Twitter users in terms
(A) Many people like to use geolocation tags on of geolocation tags
Twitter (B) argue that social networks do not necessarily
(B) Information from social networks can be reflect users’ activities
accessed universally (C) persuade people to stop using geolocation tags
(C) Geolocalized tweets can be useful for urban to protect their privacy
planning (D) inform the possible use of Twitter data for
(D) Complex patterns of Twitter can finally be studying and planning land use
identified (E) illustrate the urgency of solving various
(E) Problems concerning urbanism are often problems concerning urban planning
neglected and forgotten
14. The text would probably found in ....
12. According to the passage, which of the following is (A) a popular science magazine
NOT TRUE about the study? (B) an academic journal
(A) It shows that people in London mostly tweet in (C) a brochure
daytime leisure areas (D) a newsletter
(B) The focus of the study is land use in Manhattan, (E) a tablod
Madrid and London
(C) Residential, business, daytime leisure and 15. The tone of this passage is ....
nightlife areas could be identified (A) harsh
(D) Manhattan and Madrid’s night-time tweet (B) neutral
activities are concentrated similarly (C) critical
(E) The researchers could identify four land uses (D) religious
in Manhattan, Madrid and London (E) satirical

Prosus INTEN - Mandiri-2 Bahasa inggris UTBK - SNBT 2023 3

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