Marketing Sample Project

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 What is customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is a measure of how well a company’s products and services meet
customers’ expectations. It reflects your business’ health by showing how well your products are
resonating with buyers.

 Definition of customer satisfaction

According to Philip kotler, “satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pressure or disappointment

resulting to his or her expectation. Customer is the level of a person’s felt state requesting a
product performance (outcome) relation of the person’s expectations.

 How to measure customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction can seem like a vague concept, but there are concrete ways to measure it.
You can source a customer satisfaction score by conducting CSAT surveys, for example. These
are typically short, one- to two-question surveys offered at the end of a business transaction. A
classic question is “How satisfied are you with the product?” with answers ranging from “very
satisfied” to “very unsatisfied.”

Although CSAT is one part of customer satisfaction, it is far from the only measure. Businesses
also use Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to determine whether their customers are promoters,
detractors, or passives.

 Measuring customer satisfaction at tata motors

o The company conducts survey for measuring customer satisfaction which can be in the
form of questionnaire or face to face conversation.
o Calculating the repeat visit of customers at the firm and kind of purchase made by them.
o Observing the purchase pattern of customers for certain products.

 Customer satisfaction vs. customer loyalty

Warning: Do not confuse customer satisfaction with customer loyalty. They are intimately
linked, but there is a difference between the two concepts.

Customer satisfaction measures how happy a customer was with a support interaction or a
purchase. Customer loyalty, on the other hand, is an ongoing state. Loyal customers give a
company their repeat business over time. It’s not a short-term measure, but rather a long-term
understanding of the health of your customer relationship.
When you create and maintain a customer experience that resonates with buyers, customers
return again and again. Ensuring high customer satisfaction in the short term is a key component
of gaining that long-term customer loyalty.

 Why is customer satisfaction important?

Customer satisfaction is important because it means your customer base likes what you are
doing. Research shows that customer satisfaction leads to greater customer retention, higher
lifetime value and a stronger brand reputation.

5 reasons customer satisfaction is important

1. Customer loyalty

2. Customer satisfaction measurement

3. Repeat purchases

4. Customer lifetime value

5. New customer acquisition

1. It drives customer loyalty

Satisfied customers tend to share their positive experiences with friends and family. But the
opposite is also true: An unhappy customer tells more people about their negative experiences
than a happy customer does.

Social media makes social proof more powerful than ever before, with 79 percent of people in
the United States using social media to connect and share their experiences. Today, a customer
can easily share feedback on a bad experience with millions of people with a single click (so
make sure that review is going to be a positive one).

You are more likely to gain positive referrals if you use customer feedback to priorities top-of-
the-line service. For example, our report found that 89 percent of people think quick responses
are important when deciding which company to buy from. If you want to improve your
company’s response time to support that data, you might incorporate AI technology, like our AI-
powered Answer Both, to send prompt responses.

Customer loyalty towards tata motors

o The customers at tata motors are satisfied with the products and services provided by them
therefore they tend to be loyal for the company
o When the customers visit the company they get proper attention of manager and also after
sales services are provided, which attract the customers and they tend to recommend the
product to others.
o They do not change brand preference even if they get discounts on other brands because
they have faith on the quality of products provided at tata motors.

2. Customer satisfaction metrics reflect your support team's performance

Customer satisfaction benchmarks and metrics do not just help you gauge how happy
your audience is—they also tell you how your support team is doing. Use a variety of
team metrics to understand customer satisfaction levels:

o Your support team’s initial response time: In our customer experience report, the #1
most frustrating part of bad service was long wait times. Faster support team response
times not only lower customer frustration, but also give you a measure of your team’s
speed and efficiency.

o The length of time it takes your team to resolve a customer issue: If it is taking your
team hours to resolve issues that could be dealt with quickly, it might be time to tweak
your internal processes. Do not just strive to respond quickly—resolve quickly, too.

o How many times a ticket or call required a transfer to find a resolution: Few things
are more frustrating than having to wait to be transferred to a new agent and repeat your
issue to get your request completed. If transfer occurrence drops, customer satisfaction
should rise.

Considering our study found that the #1 aspect for good customer service was quick issue
resolution, your team’s efficiency in these areas says a lot about customer satisfaction.
Our built-in analytics function is a great way to observe how well your support team
serves customers historically and in real time. With the help of AI, teams can
even predict customer satisfaction during a conversation—before a customer takes a

Team performance of JRH Engineering

o When the customers get satisfied they visit repeatedly and also recommend others which
boosts the morale of the manager and thus makes a positive impact on workers to
perform even better.
o It is obvious that if the company gets good responses from customers the management
will liberalize the restrictions and even allow some kind of holidays or bonuses which
results in improved performance.
3. It encourages repeat purchases

A satisfied customer is a loyal customer, who will stick with your company year after
year. So, how do you get those repeat customers? By hitting your customer support
efforts out of the park. Our trends report agrees: 57 percent of consumers say excellent
customer service is a factor in their brand loyalty.

Repeat purchase at JRH Engineering

o When the customers get what they expect from a product or a company they do not go for
any other brand because their needs get fulfilled.
o Repeat purchase is done when all factors are as per expectations of the customers i.e.,
price, quality, discounts, service etc. which are provided by the company as per the
requirement of customers.

4. It increases customer lifetime value

75 percent of customers are willing to spend more to buy from companies that give them
a good customer experience, according to our Trends Report. Satisfied customers are not
only more likely to remain loyal and less likely to churn; they are also more likely to
spend more money with your business.

Customer life time value at JRH Engineering

o The customers get products as per requirements and also good services and attention
from the side of the manager so in short they get what they want which reduces the
chances of switching the brand
o Therefore the customer tends to remain loyal towards the company and even if prices are
increased they try to understand the company and invest in it which increases the life
time value of customers.

5. It boosts new customer acquisition

At the onset of the pandemic, companies with the most satisfied customers were also 3.3x
more likely to have grown their customer bases. Customer service is not just important
for supporting existing customers, it is also key to bringing in potential customers and
supporting them when they reach out. If a prospect does not have a positive experience
when they interact with your support team, they will be less likely to purchase. The main
difference between service today and service 10 years ago is that customers expect
premium service to be built-in from the first sales or marketing interaction and carry
through to the moment they ask for help, post-purchase and back again. To position
themselves for success, businesses must integrate service into the journey at every
interaction point.
New customers acquisition at JRH Engineering

o As per the theory available for customer satisfaction the customers use the product and
witness the level of satisfaction and from that they recommend the product to their
friends and colleagues.
o When the existing customers recommend product the potential customers tend to try the
product and ultimately become actual customers for lifetime.

 How do you achieve customer satisfaction?

The benefits of focusing on customer satisfaction are clear. But actually making
customers happy can take some trial and error. The key is persistence. Always aim to go
above and beyond for customers, and lean on other departments to help boost your
customer experience.

 How to improve customer satisfaction

1. Customer feedback

2. Convenience

3. Speed.

4. Build a customer-focused culture

5. Empathy

1. Become obsessed with customer feedback

Become a student of your customer feedback. Do not just collect it: Analyse it and apply
it to what your customers are saying. Commit to learning about buyers’ pain points and
then make a plan to alleviate them in ways that set you apart from competitors.

A great way to do this is to use Zendesk’s feedback feature. The tool includes analytics
for agent performance and customer surveys, so you can study complaints and
compliments regarding your services.

Even without a CRM like Zendesk, you can still keep close tabs on customer feedback.
Social media and online review boards are especially good places to monitor buyer
attitudes. Search for mentions of your brand name or your dedicated hash tags on social
sites to see what people are saying.


o The company tries to get feedback from the customers when they visit next time or any
other customer comes through the reference of existing customer.
o They try to communicate and invite suggestions for the product or service if any.
o Finally the suggestions and feedback are collected and improvements are done if needed.

2. Create a sense of convenience

The most successful physical stores are all about buyer convenience. Customers enjoy
places with flexible hours that fit their schedules. Think of the success Walmart, 24-hour
drug stores and gas stations have with that model. We are also more likely to shop at
places close to us.

To build the same sense of convenience as a brick-and-mortar store online, you need to
have a digital presence on the platforms and services your customers already use. Use
SEO-optimized blog posts and social content to be front and centre in Google searches
and social media feeds. And make a point to be easily accessible for support questions on
your customers’ channels of choice.

Offering support via messaging apps (like WhatsApp, Twitter and Face book) helps
businesses create that same sense of 24-hour availability. These are the same channels
customers use to interact with friends and family, so it gives you a chance to meet them
where they already are.

You should also offer opportunities for customers to help themselves. Many customers
prefer the hands-off convenience of a knowledge base, where they can search for
information without having to interact with customer support reps.

o The manager tries to make the purchase as easy and convenient as possible like provide
payment options or provide different delivery options.
o They provide discounts on bulk purchase and customize the package if asked for.
o They provide flexible timings to visit for the customers so that every possible opportunity
can be grabbed.

3. Deliver fast responses

In our Trends Report, we asked customers what matters most to them when resolving an
issue with a company. 73 percent said "they resolve my issue quickly" and 59 percent
said "they respond quickly." In a constantly connected world, customers don't want to
have to wait a day or even more than a few hours, for a response. Here are some tips for
delivering faster responses:

 Pre-written responses ensure agents do not have to write common answers repeatedly

 Messaging channels enable agents to help more customers at once because they are
asynchronous. In fact, support teams that have the fastest resolution times are 42
percent more likely to be messaging with their customers.

 AI-powered bots can intercept would-be tickets when agents are off the clock

 Bots can also gather details upfront, such as city or account type, before an agent takes


o When we talk about customer satisfaction their opinion is must and from that we can
come to know about issues and grievances to be solved.
o Those issues are carefully worked on and tried to solve them as fast as possible.
o This process is conducted by the manager as quickly as possible once the issue comes to
the company.

4. Make customer satisfaction a company-wide focus

To improve overall customer satisfaction, you have to put time and effort into a business
strategy that puts customers first.

Using a tool like the balanced scorecard is a great first step. The balanced scorecard
guides companies in thinking about their operations from four different perspectives:

 Financial

 Internal business
 Customer

 Innovation and learning

It also helps companies consider how all their activities are working toward the goal of
high customer satisfaction.

The balanced scorecard is just one way to incorporate customer satisfaction into company
goals. You can (and should) incorporate customer satisfaction into your company mission
and value proposition, too. That keeps it top-of-mind with every employee, regardless of
their position.


o The company focuses on every department for the product to become perfect.
o The workers and managers are provided training for making customers satisfy.
o After sales services are compiled in such a way that customers does not need to face any
kind of problem in receiving the product.
o Every single activity related to the product to reach customers is managed in such a way
that negligible complaints are received.

5. Lead with empathy

If there is one thing the pandemic taught us, it’s that empathy is an essential skill for
support professionals— it is even more valuable than customer service experience. In
fact, nearly half of customers want to interact with an empathetic customer service
representative. Support leaders can provide empathy training, but it is also a good idea to
hire support reps that can already put themselves in an angry customer’s shoes and
communicate that understanding to the customer. Businesses might also consider
allowing agents to make exceptions to certain policies in situations that require empathy.


o Empathy is the key instrument used in any critical situation whenever needed.
o The managers are trained to talk to customers in a firm and calm tone and express
empathy so that they build trust on the company.
o The delivery person is also trained to behave in a proper and polite manner with the
o The managers do not react immediate even if the fault is from company side or customer
side they try to solve the problem in a calm manner.
 Other information regarding Customer Satisfaction

 Benefits of Customer Satisfaction

1. An increase in revenue

86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience, which means happy
customers will lead to more revenue.

Unhappy customers can wreak havoc on your small business — especially if they leave
negative reviews. While an occasional negative review won’t break your business, 92% of
consumers are less likely to use a business with consistent poor feedback and recent
negative reviews.

2. An increase in brand loyalty

67% of people in a recent survey agreed that “a good reputation may get me to try a product,
but unless I come to trust the company behind the product, I will soon stop buying it”

A deeply satisfied customer means a lower churn rate, higher retention, and an increase in
brand loyalty.

3. More brand buzz

Happy customers are a great resource for stimulating brand buzz. When your customers are
ecstatic about you, they won’t be able to stop themselves from singing your praises. This
means more positive reviews and more social media users bragging about you

4. Less negative word of mouth

When brands fail their customers, word gets around quickly and can
negatively affect brand reputation — that’s why it’s crucial to address every negative
review with kindness and solutions. On the other side, if your customers are generally
pleased, they’ll be more forgiving of a mistake here or there.

5. A difference in competition

Competitors love when other brands give bad services and products, so they can swoop in
and convince customers to give them a try instead. Apart from that, customers can feel a big
difference between brands that value their experience and brands that don’t.


1. To study the customer satisfaction and value.
2. Having high performance of the business.
3. Attracting and relating customers.
4. Adding the benefits people satisfaction.
5. Implementing total quantity management.


1. Customer satisfaction should be of great concern in all organization.

2. Customer satisfaction plays the key role in the growth of any organization.
3. Customer satisfaction is one way in which on organization gets establishment and gains
recognition among the public.
4. The study will help in finding out where the industry lacks behind and how can it
improve and it also help to understand the satisfaction of customers at various levels.


 The study is based on the customer’s feedback, so there might be changes for ignoring
some of the good and reliable customers.
 The sample size was limited to 100, hence reliability and validity of data were some
extent lacking in the survey procedure.
 The opinion elicited from the research study cannot be taken as the opinion of the whole
 Data totally depends on the respondent’s view which could be biased.



The company gave the best quality and the company also fulfilled the need as per the
requirement of the customer. The company produce the order as per the needs of the
customer and they will manage the quality that customer need. The unit also does B2B
business into local market as well as outside the local market they have their business.

So as per the market they have to manage the product if there will be local market there
demand will be different from the outside the local market. As per that they will manage
the quality of the product if there is a local market there price will be less and the quality
of the product will be average into this unit and if there demand will from outside then
there is good quality and will high rate they provide the product. What kind of demand
they are having they will work accordingly.


They also provide after sales service with the smile so that customer can come again to
the same unit like our unit. They give the after sale service that if a customer get any
default piece they will go to their place and take the defective piece back with the
exchange of new piece and that all delivery expenses are bear by the unit itself.

They are also having the delivery system if the product is order by the customer they give
the free delivery at some distance into an local market and they also supply the product to
other market as well so they will also provide a safe packing of their product and they
deliver the parcel from it goes to a particular city.


The unit also follows the communication system for build the contact with the customer
for more order and they also ask the customer they got there order properly or not that all
the things are been asked by the owner so they can also share their problem what actually
they are facing so they also be into the contact of the customer.
This all things are been communicated for the customer because of this things customer
are been attracted to the unit. Again and again they also place order to this unit because
the owner itself contact to the customer.

The unit is having one main theory they use for customer satisfaction that solve the
grievance of the customer if there are some problem that is not been solved by them with
the unit so they contact the owner to get the solution of the problem and the owner listen
to it and get the solution of the problem into some days and they will solve the problem
so that customer can be satisfied with the unit.

Unit has adopted this kind of theory for the customer satisfaction so this all things are
been done for the welfare of the unit and so that the customer cannot be distracted to
other units.

So, for this the unit has adopted the theory that is customer grievance solving and this
gave them an effective working towards there unit.


They also have the customer that are been regular and for that customer only they do the
manufacturing accordingly. There are number of product the unit produces but they only
produce the product where there is more demand of particular product.

They mostly produce product Table E Flanges because this demand is more so as per the
customer needs they produce the product that this customers are having this kind of
product demand more.


The unit follow the main theory that is they follow the loyalty towards their customer
they give the right information to all the customer if that is profit or the product of the
unit. They give the right information so that can prove that they are loyal towards their

They are very loyal to their customer and customers also know about it that if they need
the right information about the product that can be provided by the JRH Engineering unit
only. So, for this kind of help or this kind of theory is very important to attract the
customer towards the unit so they follow this kind of theory to the unit.

Chapter 3
Literature Review

Yu-Chang Lee, Yu-Che Wang, Shu-Chiung Lu, Yi-Fang Hsieh, Di erent performance levels
exist in how tourists express their opinions about various aspects of service quality and
satisfaction with tourism factories. Customer segments can have di erent preferences depending
on their needs and purchase behavior. The findings indicate that tourists belonging to di erent
customer segments (e.g., satisfied vs. dissatisfied) expressed di erences toward service quality
and customer satisfaction. The management of Taiwan’s tourism factories must notice the needs
of di erent market segments to meet their individual expectations. Study proposes two
satisfaction levels of CSI models for analyzing customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby helping
tourism factory managers improve customer satisfaction e ectively. Compared with traditional
techniques, proposed method is more appropriate for making decisions about allocating
resources and for assisting managers in establishing appropriate priorities in customer
satisfaction management.

Pritam Chattopadhyay, Every company aim is to maintain the long-term relationship with the
customers and the business organization. In order to acquire the potential customers, needs and
demands should be acknowledged also customer satisfaction has a great impact on the entire
business operations. Therefore, it is very important to the organization to understand what
exactly the customers need and how to gain loyalty for the successful business. The customer
plays a crucial role in the market chain process. To make it clearer, satisfied customers are the
ones who creates the possibility of the new customers. If the existing customers are satisfied with
the product and service, then there are the chances of recommendation to the new ones. This will
lead to the increasing number of customers and could maintain the level of the relationship with
the customers. For measuring the satisfaction of the customers, various methods needed to be
applied to analyze the consequences. Customers predict the value of the products before
purchasing, at the point of purchase and after purchasing. That means their satisfaction may vary
accordingly. Hence, a survey should be carried out to figure out the metrics of satisfaction.
Overall this study has highlighted that satisfaction and loyalty are core element of a business.
Understanding these two terms can help the case company to build a reputation in a market and
increase in demand of customers.

Kabu Khadka & Soniya Maharjan, The results of the questionnaire survey determined the
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Trivsel. With the help of questionnaire survey the
writer can conclude the things that need to be progressed in the future. The questionnaire consists
of multiple choice questions and open-ended questions. Altogether 15 questions were designed
to get the results on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Through the survey, the writers
figure out the various differences in the answers of the respondents. It seems all the customers
are satisfied with the service of the Trivsel and are looking forward to getting more quality
service than previous. However, though the service level seems very satisfactory to meet
customer needs and demands the organization still needs some modification and improvement in
the strategies of the company to keep the service in a high standard. For example, updating
information and informing customer about new products still need some improvement. Thus,
based on the study it can be said that though the majority of customers are satisfied with the
service provided by Trivsel, the company needs to understand its weakness and work hard for the
improvement that can meet customers perceived service level. For measuring the satisfaction of
the customers, various methods needed to be applied to analyze the consequences. Customers
predict the value of the products before purchasing, at the point of purchase and after purchasing.
That means their satisfaction may vary accordingly.

Mr.Gowtham Aashirwad Kumar, Customer satisfaction is the main factor for customers not only
for them but also for the company or firm. Therefore if the customers are satisfied with the
product or services, then it helps the company to grow and achieve more, will produce many
quantities with good quality. According to the survey conducted among the customers of
“Wavestech” we have come to know that customer satisfaction can be achieved if the customers
are satisfied with the price reduction and extension of warranty & guarantee period of the
product and services. There is excellent relationship between the company and the customers.
There is proper guidance that how to use for the customers. Hence the only problem being price
and extension of product service period is taken into account, the sales and efficiency of the
output will be maximum thus customer satisfaction can be achieved.

Ms.G.Rajeswari, Ms.S.Gowtham, The study focuses on consumer aspects of WhatsApp in terms

of their satisfaction with the use of the information sharing apps. In the study, most respondents
are satisfied with the use of information sharing apps. Consumer’s satisfaction us affected by
factors such as needs fulfilment, performance improvement, ease of use, security/privacy, and
influence of the peer. It shows that users of WhatsApp are satisfied with WhatsApp so they will
suggest any body for using WhatsApp. The results revealed that the social media application
needs to improve their services to satisfy all types of users. The customization of services is
needed by the social media application to improve the satisfaction level of all category users.
Social media application should take steps to reduce the risk involved in social media application
services. So that the users feel social media application services are safe and secure.

Mohammed Roshan, Bada Sagar Kantilal, S.Gopinath and S.Sreelakshmi, This research work
presented in the article has concentrated on the analysis of the factor affecting the customer
satisfaction of residential projects in India. Mean analysis is used to carry out the ranking most
critical factors of customer satisfaction. Most critical factors were non-availability of
maintenance employees, Poor energy efficient features in home, not proper communication
between customer and builder’s employee, Builder’s attitude after move in home and poor
ventilation in the home. Mean value of the all factor is between the 2 and 3, this value expressing
that all respondent give answer between the scale 2 and 3. In this research work 2 indicates very
rarely and 3 indicated rarely.

Jaspreet Kaur, Nitin Pathak, The basic purpose of our study was to check the impact of quality
dimensions on the satisfaction level of customers. For the study of our objective, the correlation
method and descriptive analysis were used. From the analysis, we found that customer
satisfaction has a positive correlation with all the service quality dimensions. Tangibility and
Reliability were the dominating dimensions which show the highly positive relationship with
customer satisfaction. Responsiveness also shows the positive correlation after these dimensions
but on the other side Assurance and Empathy had a weak relationship with customer satisfaction.
This study further helps the Managers of public sector banks to consider tangibility, reliability
and responsiveness dimensions as an important aspect so that the customers get more satisfied
with the services of public sector banks if they want to improve the level of satisfaction of
customers in future.

Dr.V.Dhayalan, R.Chitraa, N.Lakshmi Narasimhan, Dr.Maran Marimuthu, V.Manjula, Online

shopping is becoming more popular day by day with the increase in the usage of the World Wide
Web known as www. Understanding customer's need for online selling has become a challenge
for marketers. Specially understanding the consumer's attitudes towards online shopping, making
improvement in the factors that influence consumers to shop online and working on factors that
affect consumers to shop online will help marketers to gain the competitive edge over others. In
conclusion, having access to online shopping has truly revolutionized and influenced our society
as a whole. This use of technology has opened new doors and opportunities that enable for a
more convenient lifestyle today.

Thorsten Henning-Thurau and Alexander Klee, The conducted analysis suggests that the
traditional understanding of the customer’s product- or service-related quality perception must be
broadened for three aspects:
1. A competition-related perspective must be added.
2. The customer’s level of involvement has to be considered.
3. The quality construct has to be differentiated on the basis of changes of the customer’s internal
expectation standard.
The conceptual model of the satisfaction–retention link presented in this article can be used as a
theoretical basis for the development of appropriate measurement designs. This may enable
researchers as well as marketers to deliver more realistic estimations of the impact of satisfaction
on customer retention However, some challenges may come along with the transformation of the
conceptual model into concrete measurement designs (e.g., the adequate operationalization of the
included constructs. Besides these measurement-related difficulties, certain conceptual
limitations may still exist. For example, market-specific qualifications may occur for which the
model must be extended or modified in single components. The authors encourage other
researchers to examine the model and report their findings so that further advances can be made
in the area of customer satisfaction and retention.

Hsiu-Yuan Hu, Ching-Chan Cheng, Shao-I Chiu and Fu-Yuan Hong, Patients are unlikely to be
satisfied with the quality of the medical service they receive if general quality is lacking, and
they are also unlikely to be satisfied with the quality of their medical service if it does not
include some form of must-be quality, even if a form of general quality is present. A lack of
some attractive qualities is not necessarily a big concern, but if some forms of attractive qualities
are provided, it may possibly be a patient’s favorite service. Therefore, medical service providers
must focus on how to create attractive elements that increase customer satisfaction levels and
gain customer loyalty. Medical treatment and health care both concern human lives, so
substituting elasticity of products is not an option. The unpredictable happens due to wounds and
diseases, the cause for the need of medical service, time and space were indefinite. Still,
hospitals must try to improve their service quality to increase customer satisfaction, or face the
likelihood of a gradual loss of living space competitiveness. This study combined the application
of the Tang and Cheng concept based on Kano’s model about medical service and the Customer
Satisfaction Index Model. The integrated model was helpful in understanding customer needs
and expectations, as well as the relationship between customer satisfaction, customer complaints,
and customer loyalty. These empirical study results suggest that the reason customer complaints
did not negatively influence customer loyalty might have been caused by striking difference

Petr Suchanek, Jiri Richter, Maria Kralova, It seems that while foodstuff manufacturers do
survey the satisfaction of their customers, they fail to survey the satisfaction of the end
consumers. Having compared the findings of the two respective researches we discovered that
the customers of foodstuff manufacturers who are not end consumers do not share the same
opinion with the actual end consumers. Therefore, it is recommended that companies focus on
their end consumer and their satisfaction, even though it is a complicated and lengthy process.
Satisfaction of end consumers can be measured and evaluated with the use of the Internet or via
interviews (upon an agreement with an intermediary) conducted in POS’s where the products in
question are purchased. On the other hand, this method is more complicated in terms of
methodology. The research shows that a satisfied customer is one whose needs have been
fulfilled. Hence, if a company wants to be successful it must be aware of the needs of its
customers. Unsatisfactory profits of these companies should serve as a warning to other
companies. On the other hand, it seems that customers can be convinced of the quality of a
product – if the quality of a product improves, customers often tend to believe it has become
even better than competing products (regardless of whether or not the competition has improved
the quality of its product(s) as well. It may seem like a good idea to use marketing tools to
convince customers of product quality, instead of asking them about their needs, expectations
and satisfaction.

Chapter 4
Research Methodology

Research methodology is a way of explaining how a researcher intends to carry out their
research. It’s a logical, systematic plan to resolve a research problem. A methodology
details a researcher’s approach to the research to ensure reliable, valid results that address
their aims and objectives. It encompasses what data they’re going to collect and where
from, as well as how it’s being collected and analyzed. A research methodology gives
research legitimacy and provides scientifically sound findings.

Rational of the study

 This is a very different topic to be taken in a crowd where almost other students consider going
for a bank, hospital, stock market analysis etc.
 The company is one of the leading companies in the steel flanges manufacturing market.
 The company is a steel manufacturing company which stands different in the whole group
making it totally different from others.
 This is needed because of the unit that is based upon customer so this topic customer satisfaction
plays an important role.
 This study is needed to find out the customer satisfaction towards the products of JRH
Engineering and its importance to customer as well as to company.
 The study of this topic will help us to get the knowledge of products of JRH Engineering and also
we can measure the satisfaction level of customer from the product.
 The study considers 360 degree information regarding JRH Engineering.

Statement of the problem

The statement of the problem under study is to analyze “The customer satisfaction of
the customers of JRH engineering”

Formulating research problem

There are essentially two steps of formulating a research problem i.e.
1. Understanding the problem thoroughly
2. Rephrasing the same into the meaningful terms in an analytical point of view.

Significance of Research
Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and promotes the development of
logical habit of thinking and organization.
Research plays a dynamic role in various fields, it has increased significances in recent
times, and it can be related to the small business and also with economy as a whole.
Most of Government regulations and policies are based on and are result of intensive
research. Its significance lies on the solving various planning and operational problems. It
aids in decisions making. It studies the cause and effect relationship between variables
and also identifies the pattern, behavior and trend in certain variables.

Objectives of research
 Develops better insight into topic
 Provides systematic structure
 Enhance the research quality
 Derive better solutions
 Aids in decision making
 Inculcates logical and systematic thinking

Research objectives of company

 To study how customer satisfaction helps company increase profitability.

 To study whether the company is meeting the expectations of customers.
 To identify the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in customers.
 Whether customer satisfaction affects the maintenance of relationship of company
with customers.
 To study how the customer does satisfaction help to make decisions to the company?

Scope of the study

 The study conducted on JRH engineering can be also conducted in other different companies
in the same city like ZI Steel Trading, Skyline Steel, Heat Steel, Amoco Steel Industries, and
BRS Iron Global etc.
 The same study can be conducted on other companies outside the city i.e., out of Bhavnagar.
In Ahmadabad – Steel Tech Industries, Carol Steel Group. In Rajkot- J.K.Steel, Steel World
Industries etc.
 The study can also be done on other companies producing steel products other than flanges
and rings.
Research Design

Research design is the method that a researcher selects to organize their research project
or study. Research designs can provide instructions for collecting, analyzing and
measuring data effectively. The different types of research design are: exploratory,
observational, descriptive, case study, action, experimental, causal, co-relational,
diagnostic etc.

Here in this study the Descriptive research design is used and analysis is done with the
help of questionnaire.

Types of Data
There are generally 2 types of data which has been used for this report:

a. Primary Data: Primary data are collected through questionnaire method which is
design to keep in view the objective of the study.
b. Secondary Data: Secondary data is collected through internet sources, research
papers, and published reports by various institutions.

Sources of data
The sources of data used for the study were the primary sources as the questionnaire were
filled by the employees at the JRH engineering. A small portion of secondary data was
used to make the study proper and clear.

Data collection instrument

Here the method used in this study is the survey method in which efforts are made to fill
questionnaire from the employees and primary data is collected along with secondary

Process of Research

It consists of logical sequence of actions and methods which are necessary to effectively
solve of research problem. These processes are;

1. Defining or formulating research problem

2. Extensive literature review

3. Formulating hypothesis

4. Design research or determining the sample design

5. Collecting data

6. Analyzing data

7. Interpreting and report

What is sampling?

Sampling is a technique of selecting individual members or a subset of the population

to make statistical inferences from them and estimate characteristics of the whole
population. Different sampling methods are widely used by researchers in market
research so that they do not need to research the entire population to collect
actionable insights.

Types of sampling methods

Sampling in market action research is of two types – probability sampling and non-
probability sampling. Let’s take a closer look at these two methods of sampling.

1. Probability sampling: Probability sampling is a sampling technique where a

researcher sets a selection of a few criteria and chooses members of a population
randomly. All the members have an equal opportunity to be a part of the sample with
this selection parameter.
2. Non-probability sampling: In non-probability sampling, the researcher chooses
members for research at random. This sampling method is not a fixed or predefined
selection process. This makes it difficult for all elements of a population to have
equal opportunities to be included in a sample.

Sample size
The sample size for the study was 100.

Sampling techniques
A sampling technique is the name or other identification of the specific process by which
the entities of the sample have been selected. Sampling techniques can be stratified
sampling, simple random sampling, systematic sampling, convenience sampling, cluster
sampling, quota sampling, snowball sampling etc.

In this study Simple Random sampling technique is used for customer relationship
management in JRH engineering.
Limitations of sampling

1. Small sample size:

The sample size was only 105 respondents which a very small size to base a research and
give conclusion about the whole sector. These respondents are not sufficient to base our
conclusion for the group of buyers.

2. Time bound research:

The research was conducted in a short span of time. The responses of the respondents
may be affected by some situation prevailing at that particular time. If the time duration
would have been long, it would have given the general idea or perception of the buyers.

3. Might get biased response:

As discussed earlier that the sample size was small also considering that the
Questionnaire were conducted in a short span of time, there is high probability that the
respondents might have given biased responses.

 The study is conducted only for 1 company.
 The method for research is survey done through questionnaire which is very time
 The responses collected cannot be considered fully reliable.
 The study was conducted within stipulated time frame.
Data analysis

1. How frequently you visit JRH Engineering?

Particular Frequency
Daily 00
Weekly 04
Monthly 80
Quarterly 16
Total 100










0 Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly

5.1 Visits to JRH Engineering

 Interpretation:

The above question describes how frequently the customers visit the company.
We can clearly visualize that most of the customers visit the company monthly
(i.e., 80%) and remaining customers visit the company quarterly (i.e., 15%) and
weekly (i.e., 5%). From this question we can come to know how satisfied they
are and what we need to improve to make them visit the organization.

2. Which of these have you used?

Particulars Frequency
Slip-on Flange 26
Blind Flange 25
Flat Flange 27
Table D Flange 28
Total 100










24 Slip-on Flange Blind Flange Flat Flange Table D Flange


5.2 Flanges used by the customer more

 Interpretation:

The above question describe that what kind of flanges the customer buys more
from the company. We can see that most of the customers buys Table D
Flanges more (i.e., 28%) and remaining customers buy the different flanges
(i.e., 27%) are Flat Flange, (i.e., 25%) are Blind Flange and 26% is Slip-on
Flanges. From this we can know about that what should be produce more for
the welfare of the company and for the timely delivery to the customers.

3. How are you satisfied with the fulfillment of delivery dates?

Particulars Frequency
Highly Satisfied 42
Satisfied 54
Moderately Satisfied 04
Unsatisfied 00
Total 100

Highly satisfied Satisfied

Moderately satisfied Unsatisfied

5.3 Satisfaction for delivery dates

 Interpretation:

In the above study out of 100 there are 42 customers who are highly satisfied
with the delivery dates of the company, 54% of customers are satisfied with
the delivery dates and some of the customers are moderately satisfied with
the delivery dates of JRH Engineering. So here we can assume that most of
the customers are been satisfied with the dates.

4. How were you satisfied with the quality and rate of processing offer?
Particulars Frequency
Highly Satisfied 44
Satisfied 52
Moderately Satisfied 04
Unsatisfied 00
Total 100


Moderately satisfied


Highly satisfied

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

5.4 Rating for processing offer

 Interpretation:

As per the above study we can see that the rating for the quality management
is 44% of customers are highly satisfied with the quality and the processing
offer, 52% of customers are satisfied with the same and some of the percent
of customer are moderately satisfied with the same. So while seeing the
situation we can see how the customers are satisfied the JRH Engineering.

5. How were you satisfied with the quality?

Particulars Frequency
Highly Satisfied 41
Satisfied 55
Moderately Satisfied 04
Unsatisfied 00
Total 100

Quality satisfaction

Highly satisfied Satisfied

Moderately satisfied Unsatisfied

5.5 Satisfaction rate for Quality

 Interpretation:

As per the above study we can see that the rating for the quality management
is 41% of customers are highly satisfied with the quality and the processing
offer, 55% of customers are satisfied with the same and some of the percent
of customer are moderately satisfied with the same. So while seeing the
situation we can see how the customers are satisfied the JRH Engineering.

6. How were you satisfied with the sales manager approach?

Particulars Frequency
Highly Satisfied 16
Satisfied 48
Moderately Satisfied 36
Unsatisfied 00
Total 100







Highly satisfied Satisfied Moderately satisfied Unsatisfied

 Interpretation:

The above question describes about the approach of sales manager with the
customers. The chart shows us that 16% are highly satisfied 48% are satisfied
36% are moderately satisfied and no customers are dissatisfied. This concludes
that the company should try to increase the customers for highly satisfied option
rather than only satisfied to build faith towards the company and retain

7. How were you satisfied with solutions of your specific requirements?

Particulars Frequency
Highly Satisfied 43
Satisfied 49
Moderately Satisfied 08
Unsatisfied 00
Total 100







Highly Satisfied Satisfied Moderately satisfied Unsatisfied

 Interpretation:

This question interprets about the satisfaction of customers regarding the

solutions provided to the requirements of the customers. In which we can
conclude from the above chart that most are satisfied i.e., 49% and 43% are
highly satisfied whereas remaining are moderately satisfied i.e., 8%. Which
means the management provides proper attention to the problems of
8. How longer you are been using the JRH Engineering product?

Particulars Frequency
Just few weeks 00
Two years 40
3-5 years 47
More than five years 13
Total 100










5 Just few weeks Two years 3-5 years More than five years

 Interpretation:

The above question depicts regarding the time period since when the
respondent is using the JRH product presented in the chart. Most of the
customers have chose 3-5 years of time i.e., 47% and some have chose 2
years i.e., 40% remaining 13% are the only customers who are associated
with the company for more than 5 years. This chart shows a positive effect
of customer satisfaction.
9. Have you satisfied with the JRH Engineering products?

Particulars Frequency
Satisfied 93
Less satisfied 00
Not Satisfied 00
Not able to say 07
Total 100

Product Satisfaction

Less satisfied Not satisfied Not able to say

 Interpretation:

This question is regarding the satisfaction of products to the customers

where the options given are satisfied, less satisfied, not satisfied, not able to
say. 93% respondents go with the option satisfied which can be considered
good for the company and 7% go with not able to say.
10.How would you rate the finishing of JRH Engineering products?

Particulars Frequency
Very Good 45
Good 46
Neutral 09
Bad 00
Very Bad 00
Total 100


Very Good Good Neutral Very Bad Bad


The above question interprets about the rating for the finishing of the
product at JRH Engineering. The options available to the respondent are
very good, good, neutral, very bad, and bad. From those five options 46%
are given to good, 45% are given to very good, 9% are given to neutral. That
means some customers are still not satisfied with the final finishing of the
11.Would you recommend JRH Engineering product to your contacts within
your range?

Particulars Frequency
Definitely 45
Probably 46
Might or Might not 09
Probably Not 00
Definitely Not 00
Total 100




Series 1
30 Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
20 Series 5


Definitely Probably Might or MightDefinitely notProbably not

 Interpretation:

This question is regarding recommending the product that the customer has
used to his friends and colleagues. The response given are highest 46% to
probably, 45% to definitely, 9% is given to might or might not. The
company should try to make efforts to convert the probable responses into
definitely so that company gets new customers.

12.What impressed you most about the product/service?

Particulars Frequency
Price 48
Quality 22
Customer Service 33
Installation charges 01
Total 100

 Interpretation:

Price Quality
Customer service Installation

The above given pie chart depicts the data that is collected for the particular
factor that impressed the customer to buy the product specifically from JRH
Engineering. Price is given the highest rating here 48% then after 33% is
given to customer service, 22% to quality and 1% to installation charges.
13.Would you use the product of JRH Engineering?

Particulars Frequency
Definitely 100
Probably 00
Not sure 00
Probably Not 00
Definitely Not 00
Total 100

Use of the product

Definitely Probably Not sure Probably not

Definitely not


Here the interpretation is about the willingness to use a product of JRH

Engineering. The options hereby available are definitely, probably, not sure,
probably not, definitely not. The chart given above clearly depicts that 100%
is given to definitely which means customers are willing to use the product
of JRH and are fully satisfied with the same.

14.How satisfied with your overall expenses?

Particulars Frequency
Highly Satisfied 37
Satisfied 50
Neutral 13
Not satisfied 00
Total 100




Series 1
30 Series 2
Series 3
Series 4


Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Not satisfied

 Interpretation:

In the above question is regarding recommending the product that the

customer has been satisfied with the overall expenses. The responses given
are highest 37% to satisfy that is 50% to neutral that is 9%. The company
should try to make efforts to convert the satisfied responses into highly
satisfied so that company gets new customers.

15.How satisfied are you with the delivery of JRH Engineering products?

Particulars Frequency
Highly Satisfied 31
Satisfied 58
Neutral 11
Not satisfied 00
Total 100




Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4


Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Not satisfied

 Interpretation:

In the above question is regarding recommending the product that the

customer has been satisfied with the overall expenses. The responses given
are highest 31% to satisfy that is 58% to neutral that is 11%. The company
should try to make efforts to convert the satisfied responses into highly
satisfied so that company gets new customers.

16.How do you rate JRH Engineering customer communication?

Particulars Frequency
Very Good 45
Good 45
Neutral 10
Bad 00
Very Bad 00
Total 100

Rating to customer communicatiom


Very good Good Neutral Bad Very bad

Series 1Series 2Series 3Series 4Series 5

 Interpretation:
The above question interprets about the rating for the finishing of the
product at JRH Engineering. The options available to the respondent are
very good, good, neutral, very bad, and bad. From those five options 45%
are given to good, 45% are given to very good, 9% are given to neutral. That
means customers are satisfied with the customer communication of the

17.How do you rate the response time after JRH Engineering sales service?

Particulars Frequency
Very Good 45
Good 45
Neutral 10
Bad 00
Very Bad 00
Total 100

Rating to response time


Very good Good Neural Bad Very bad

Series 1Series 2Series 3Series 4Series 5


The above question interprets about the rating for the finishing of the
product at JRH Engineering. The options available to the respondent are
very good, good, neutral, very bad, and bad. From those five options 45%
are given to good, 45% are given to very good, 9% are given to neutral. That
means customers are satisfied with the response time of the product.

18.Do JRH Engineering listen your problems carefully?

Particulars Frequency
Yes 88
May Be 11
No 01
Total 100

May be No

 Interpretation:
Here the above analysis says that the JRH Engineering is listen the problems
of the customer and we interpret in and from that we got yes response from
88% of the customer and that shows that the company also work for the
customer too. So this was the best reason why company is been attracted to
the customers.

19.What was your first impression of JRH Engineering after using the product?

Particulars Frequency
Very Good 54
Good 32
Neutral 14
Bad 00
Very Bad 00
Total 100
First impression of JRH Engineering






Very good Good Neutral Bad Very bad

Series 1Series 2Series 3Series 4Series 5

 Interpretation:

The above question interprets about the rating for the finishing of the
product at JRH Engineering. The options available to the respondent are
very good, good, neutral, very bad, and bad. From those five options 54%
are given to good, 32% are given to very good, 14% are given to neutral.
That means customers satisfied with the first impression of JRH Engineering
of the product.

20.Rate your overall customer satisfaction with the JRH Engineering.

Particulars Frequency
Highly Satisfied 56
Satisfied 24
Neutral 20
Not satisfied 00
Not able to say 00
Total 100
Overall rating






Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Not satisfiedNot able to say

Series 1Series 2Series 3Series 4Series 5

o Interpretation:

In the above question is regarding recommending the product that the

customer has been satisfied with the overall customer satisfaction. The
responses given are highest 56% to satisfy that is 24% to neutral that is
20%. The company should try to make efforts to convert the satisfied
responses into highly satisfied so that company gets new customers.

At the time of research following points were found:-

 There is a mutual understanding between employees of JRH Engineering, Bhavnagar.

 JRH Engineering has excellent infrastructure which is suitable for customers to visit.
 JRH Engineering provides best services to their customers due to which there is a high
customer satisfaction.
 Advance technology is used by JRH Engineering, Bhavnagar and various advance
equipments are used for manufacturing flanges.
 A different customer has high trust as well as satisfaction towards JRH Engineering.
 JRH Engineering has trained skilled staff.
 Owners always built a positive relationship with customers of JRH Engineering,

Following are some suggestion to run the manufacturing copany more efficiently:

 JRH Engineering should try to improve the services by taking proper feedback from the
 Staffs are required to learn about new ideas and approaches.
 JRH Engineering should provide best environment to employees so who employees are
from the out of Gujarat that employees are feels familiar atmosphere.
 JRH Engineering should make more communication to the customers so that they can
more benefits from the parties.

This project report is prepared by me from the available data which JRH Engineering
head provided to me.

 After studying this reputed company, I have come to conclusion that it is well organized,
well equipped and well co-ordinate company.
 The main aim was to achieve the overall knowledge related customer satisfaction, which
was fully achieved.
 I saw that JRH Engineering is making more efforts for the customer that they do not get
any problems from customer.
 JRH Engineering provided best customer satisfaction to the customer to expand their
sales and to get the customer happy for the better future.
 Practical knowledge was the best experience in JRH Engineering unit.

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