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Fil Dat: 11572022 Fiat

9:24 AN

Hilsborough Superior Cour Nathan Disiri

File Date: 1/5/2022 9:24 AM
Hillsborough Superior Court Northern District
216-2022-CR-00020 Elle ocumen
E-Filed Document

1. On 11/18/2021, the Manchester Police Department received a call from a woman
determined to be Crystal Sorey regarding her daughter H.M., 6/7/2014, Sorey reported
that HM.; who was in the physical custody of Sorcy’s cx, was missing, and that she
‘hadn’t seen H.M. in over six months. Sorcy identified her ex as Adam Michacl
Montgomery, 1/22/1990. An employeeofthe Manchester Police Department contacted
DCYF and learned ofprevious addresses associated with Adam. Manchester Police
Officers checked those addresses, but were unable to locate Adam or HM.

2. On 12/27/2021, DCYF notified the Manchester Police Department that they wereunable
to locate H.M. Consequently, the Manchester Police Department initiated an
investigation into the whereabouts of H.M. Over ihe following days, members of the
Manchester Police Department leamed that HLM. had not been physically seen since.
October/November 2019. The child's biological mother, Crystal Sorey, 9/14/1990, who
resides in MA notified authorities that she had not seen the child since around Easter of
2019 (approximately 4/21/2019). The child had been in the physical and legal custody of

3. Thecase was subsequently assigned to Detective John Dunleavy ofthe Juvenile Division
ofthe Manchester Police Department. During Detective Dunleavy’ follow up with
Crystal, she explained that she had lost custodyofthe child in July 2018 to the State of
Massachusetts in part due to a substance abuse issue. Crystal said that both she and Adam
ad past issues with substance abuse,
4. Since then, Crystal has regained sobriety and unsuccessfully made attempts in throughout
2021 to locate Adam and H.M. Adam and his subsequent partner Kayla Montgomery,
8/31/1990, hadblockedall communication from Crystal through phone numbers and
social media applications. Crystal said over the years she made attempts to locate the
child by contacting various schools, and driving by addresses associated with Adam, but
was unible to make any progress.
5. Crystal said that she last saw H.M. during a Facetime video call with Adam around
Easter 2019. Crystal stated that Adam was visible in the backgroundofthe video call
Crystal recalled that H.M. scemed frightencd, and believes that was the last time she
actually saw her daughter.
6. Beginning on 12/27/2021, membersof the Manchester Police Department actively made
attempts to track down Adam and to talk to involved family members to establish the last
time that HLM. was physically observed, and known to be safe. Officers and investigators
were initially unable to make contact with Adam via phone. However,investigators were
‘ableto take contact with various family members including parties associated with
Adam who reside in Florida.
7. On 12/30/2021, Detective Christopher Abele was able to make contact with Adam's
brother, Michael Montgomery, 2/20/1992, who raised concern for H.M."s welfare.
Michael recalled during his last physical contact with H.M. and Adam, he had concerns
that Adam was physically abusive towards HM. Michal recalled that Adam was “super
short” with the child, and he learned through other family members that Adam had given
HM. ablack eye.
8. On 12/30/2021, Detective Abele also spoke with Adam’s uncle, Kevin Montgomery,
5/27/1978, regarding concerns for H.M. Kevin said that he has not seen Adam or HM.
since late 2019. However, Kevin had first-hand knowledge of the child's eye injury from
2019. Kevin said that he returned to Manchester in July 2019 after a trip to Florida and
Observed H.M. with a black eye. Kevin notified DCYF after the fact with concem for the

9. During his 12/30/2021 interview with Kevin, Detective Abele asked Kevin how HM.
sustained the injury to her cye. Kevin said that Adam told him that he had caused the
injury to H.M. Adam told Kevin at the time, “I bashed her around this house.” Adam
explained that he had left H.M., who would have been 5 years old at the time, in charge
of watching her infant brother while Adam was in the bathroom. Allegedly the younger
brother started crying during that time. Adam told Kevin that he retumed and found HM.
holding her hand over thechild’smouth to stop him from crying. Adam told Kevin that
he responded by striking HLM. in the face and causing the black eye. Kevin said he
believed that Adam had relapsed on drugs during that time frame. Kevin recalled other
formsofabusive discipline during that time frame that raised his concems. Kevin
recalled HLM. being spanked hard on the butt, H.M. being forced to stand in the comer
for hours, and Adam ordering H.M. to scrub the toilet with her toothbrush.

13. 0n 12/31/2021, Detective Dunleavy spoke with Adem’s wife, Kayla Montgomery. Kayla
shares three younger children with Adam who are all presently accounted for. During
Detective Dunleayy’s follow up with Kayla, he asked about the last time she had
physicallyscen HM. Kayla said that sometime in November or Decemb of2019
er, she
saw H.M. one morning prior (0 goingto work. Adam said that he was driving H:M. back
to Crystal who was living in Lowell, MA at the time. Kayla said that she believed HM.
hiid been returned to Crystal. Kayla claimed she never saw, or heard about H.M. afler that
day. Kayla admitted that she had seen HLM. witha black eye in the past; however she
explained that Adam told her that it was caused by one of their other children striking
HM. witha toy.
14. Kayla had not physically scen Adam since late October 2021, and had not spoken with
him since around mid-November 2021. Kayla claimed Adam wasliving in a sober house,
‘and had then left the area to live in Maine with another female.
15. On 12/31/2021, patrol officers were able to make contact with Adam and his new
girlfriend Kelsey Small together sleeping in a vehicle in the areaofHarvell Street in
Manchester. Investigators including Detective Dunleavy, Detective Kozowyk, and 1
responded to that location to speak with the couple.
16. Small claimed that she has been romantically involved with Adam for over a year. Small
said: thal she is aware that Adam has three children from one mother, and another child
frorh before that. However, Small said that Adam was not in touch with any child from:
his prior elationsiip. Small claimed that Adam has never talked about HM. and shehas
no information on where she may be.
17. During our roadside interview with Adam, he made some contradictory statements during
our interaction which raised our suspicion and concern for H.M.’s well-being. Initially,
Adam told Detective Dunleavy that HM. was fine and he had seen her somewhat
recently. However, as the conversation continued, Adam said that he had not sen HM.
since Crystal came to pick her up in Manchester, NH around Thanksgiving 2019, Adam
clithed he does not presently have a traditional phone number, but he does have sccess
to e-mail sporadically.
18. We éach emphasized that our primary concern is locating H.M. and cstabiishing that she
is safe, Adam stopped answering questions multiple times and stated, “I have nothing
clseto say.” During our interaction with Adam, we stressed my concern thatHM. had
ot been physically observed in over two years and that we had concer for whether or
a0 shewas sil alive. Adam did not exhibit much emotion or reaction o this. Adam said
that he believed H.M. was in MA with her mother. Adam claimed he did not know why
Ciystal would say anything (0 the contrary. Similarly, he told us, I have nothing else to
19. Wensted discrepancies between Adam’s account that Crystal came up to Manchester to
pick up H.M., and Kayla’s account that Adam claimed he was driving the child down to
MA. The most concening discrepancy being that H.M."s mother outright denied ever
taking custody of HLM. from Adam at that time, or ever seeing HLM following the video
chat in April 2019. The investigation revealed that in November 2019, Crystal lived at
37 Chapel Street #3 in Lowell, MA with her boyfriend, Joseph Eckert, 12/17/59. On
12/31/21, Joseph was interviewed and he stated that he was living with Crystal in 3019,
aid HM. was not with Crystal at all cigher 2019 In fuct Joseph stated


12/31/2021 at approximately 1610ho dam refused

1o provide any information on the whereabous of H.M. When
he for information about H.M.’s whereabouts, Adam said words to the effect of,
“Not talking to you,” “I have nothing fo say,” and “If I'm not under amest, 'm leaving.”
22. Bite to the above facts and circumstances believe probable cause exists that Adain
Nfontgomiery committed the crime of Second Degree Assault, RSA 631:2; I(d)on or
betsveen 7/1/2019 and 7/22/2019, in that he knowingly caused bodily injury to HM.
DOB 06/07/2014; child under the age of13, by sriking her in the face.
23. Additionally, based on the facts and circumstances as described above, I believe:‘probable
‘cause exists that Adam Montgomery committed the crime of‘Endangering the Welfare of
a Child, RSA 639:3, I, from approximately November 2019through January 4, 2022, by
knowingly endangering the welfareof HM. (DOB 06/07/2014), a child under 18 years of
ag¢; by purposely violating a dutyofcare, protection or support that he owed to such
child by having legal custody of HM. but failing to have H.M. inhis physical custody
since approximately November 2019.
24. 1 believe that probable cause also exists that Adam Montgomery committed the crime of
[Endangering the Welfare of a Child, RSA 639:3, I on December 31, 2021, by knowingly
endangering the welfare of H.M. (DOB 06/07/2014), 2 child under 18 years ofage, by
purposely violating a dutyofcare, protection or support that he owed to such child by

preventing child protective services, to wit, DCYF, from obtaining physical custody of

25. I believe that probable cause exists that Adam Montgomery committed the offence of
Interference with Custody, RSA 633:4 (I)(b) by knowingly concealing any child under
the age of 18, to wit, ILM. (DOB 06/07/2014), with the intent to conceal such child from
the DivisionofChildren, Youth and Family Services (DCYF),

wa i a information leading to the whereabouts ofHLM.[fff

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