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(RPEL 2021)

16 MARCH 2021

1.1. The document is formulated for Employers and HRD Corp-Registered Training
Providers. It acts as a guideline for the former to submit their proposal for the
Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) scheme collaboration.


2.1 Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) provides certification to workers

who do not have any formal qualifications but have obtained relevant knowledge,
experience and skills in the workplace based on their competency levels. The
objectives are:
i. To enable local workers with secondary education or lower to be
recognised for their current competencies in particular skill areas based on
the standards determined by the Department of Skills Development (DSD) or
any equivalent certificates in order to facilitate their career growth.
ii. To contribute in producing trained and qualified skilled workers that will
enhance the competitiveness of local industries in the global market.
iii. To help improve the average monthly income of workers, thereby supporting
Malaysia’s goals to become developed and high-income nation.


3.1 RPEL is targeted at all Malaysians who fall under the following categories:
i. Individuals with qualifications below diploma or Level 4 or its equivalent; and
ii. Individuals who have relevant years of experience as determined by the
relevant certification bodies.


4.1 Certified under industry-recognised certification body regardless of whether it is

a Malaysian or non-Malaysian certification body.

4.2 Certifications offered under the RPEL scheme will take into account the recognition
and assessment of skills, knowledge and experience of workers. These are
compiled into a portfolio developed by the candidates, which will then be assessed
for certification by the respective certifying bodies.

4.3 Under the RPEL scheme, candidates are not required to attend any training or
classes. However, training will be provided specifically for a candidate with a
competency gap if so required.

4.4 The RPEL certification process is expected to be completed within six (6)

5.1 The proposal submission under RPEL 2021;

i. Employer

Eligibility and role of the employer

 All employers are eligible to participate in the RPEL scheme. For HRD Corp-
registered employers, proposals can be submitted directly to HRD Corp. Meanwhile,
non-HRD Corp-registered employers can participate through appointed vendors.
The list of vendors will be published on the HRD Corp portal.
 It is compulsory for HRD Corp-registered employers to provide the name and
details of the certification body together with the Authorisation Letter as per
the proposal format below in order to participate in the scheme.
 Each HRD Corp-registered employer can only submit a maximum of 50
employees per application and each employee is only entitled to participate
ONCE in the RPEL scheme.
 Employers are responsible in ensuring that all trainees fulfil the eligibility
requirement and the criteria set by the certification body before enrolling them into
the scheme.
 Upon completion of the training course, employers should ensure that all
trainees have successfully obtained their certifications.
 Employers are responsible to bear the cost of training (course fee) that does not
fulfill the criteria of claim submission by HRD Corp, throughout the certification

ii. Appointed Vendor / Pusat Bertauliah

Eligibility and role of HRD Corp-registered training providers (private or government

pusat bertauliah)

 Appointed Vendors include Government-related Agencies and Private Pusat

Bertauliah that have been registered and approved by JPK as an assessment centre.
Any assessment centre that intends to participate as an appointed vendor is required
to submit their proposal to HRD Corp for approval.
 However, they need to register be registered with HRD Corp as a training
 It is compulsory for appointed vendors to provide the Certification of
Accreditation Training Centre as per the proposal format below in order to join this
 Appointed vendor is responsible in ensuring all trainees fulfil the eligibility
requirements of the RPEL scheme and the criteria set by the certification body,
before enrolling them into the system and submitting the application to HRD Corp.
 Appointed vendors are responsible for all processes outlined in the RPEL scheme.
They are also responsible in ensuring that trainees obtain all relevant certifications
as per the grant approved by HRD Corp.
5.2 The course work offered under this scheme are certification-based covering high
demand industries that needed participants to enhance their knowledge, experience
and skills. The proposed courses must be embedded with self-development
modules as part of their learning, with a total duration of six (6) months.

5.3 The trainees must complete a portfolio within six (6) months based on the
assessment lists provided by the specific certification body / appointed vendor. Upon
completion of the portfolio, participants will receive the certificate of completion.

5.1. Employers and appointed vendors who have submitted proposals that meet the
requirement of the scheme will be called for a presentation to HRD Corp. HRD
Corp will appoint a committee to review the presentation and evaluate all proposals.

5.2. Once the presentation process has been completed, the outcome will be announced
followed by the signing of legal document. For the preparation of legal document,
appointed vendors involved are requested to provide relevant Certified Copies
of the latest SSM Company Search and Certification of Accredited Training

5.3. Upon signing the legal document, both employers and appointed vendors are
required to register the applicants’ details into the HRD Corp online
application system for approval before proceeding with the evaluation process.

5.4. HRD Corp will establish a joint collaboration with selected certification bodies
/ appointed vendors to facilitate the internal processes of the RPEL certification.


6.1. Employers / Appointed vendors are required to key in the trainees’ information into
the online system one week before the commencement of the evaluation process
with the following supporting documents:
i. Copy of MyKad
ii. Course fee details (Quotation)
iii. Other required documents (certification body and framework of

6.2. Employers / Appointed vendors must ensure that details of the trainees are keyed
into the system accurately, particularly their name and NRIC number. Any incorrect
information will be queried or rejected.

6.3. Only certification fees and other costs incurred throughout the certification
process as approved by HRD Corp can be claimed for each trainee. The cost
for competency gap training is not covered by HRD Corp.
6.4. The application will be queried if the details and supporting documents of the trainee
are not complete. Employers / Appointed vendors need to respond to the queries
within three (3) days before the commencement of the RPEL process.

6.5. On average, a complete application will be processed within forty-eight (48) hours
upon receipt. HRD Corp is not responsible for any queried or rejected application
after the commencement of the course work.

6.6. Replacement of trainees is strictly prohibited after the approval has been given.
If the approved trainees withdraw during the evaluation process, no claims can be


7.1 Employers / Appointed vendors are required to prepare the following documents for
their claim submission to HRD Corp:
i. Claim Form
ii. Invoice (from appointed Pembekal Bertauliah / Appointed Vendor)
iii. Payment Voucher
iv. Dual Certificate (for joint venture of Pembekal Bertauliah / Appointed
Vendor with HRD Corp)

7.2 Employers / Appointed vendors are required to upload a copy of the certificate
received by the trainees for verification upon completion of the training.

7.3 Employers / Appointed vendors must ensure all claims are submitted within 6
months after approval. Claims that are submitted after this period will not be
entertained. HRD Corp may take up to fourteen (14) working days to process
each claim.

7.4 Upon approval, a total of RM1,000.00 and subject to the fee by certification
body (per trainee) will be paid directly to the selected employers / appointed

7.5 A 4% service charge imposed for approved proposals submitted by training


7.6 There are no meal and/or travel allowances provided for the trainees under the
RPEL scheme. No additional charges can be imposed on trainees such as
registration fee, exam fee and other additional equipment fees.


8.1. Proposals can be submitted starting from 5th June 2021 onwards.
8.2. Priority will be given to quality proposals that fulfil the objectives and potential to
achieve the desired outcome of the scheme.

8.3. HRD Corp will provide feedback on the submission of proposals after the
evaluation process within fifteen (15) working days from the date of
submission. HRD Corp reserves the rights to reject/request additional information if
the submission does not meet the requirement/objective of the scheme.

8.4. As a general rule, all information / documents as mentioned in this proposal format
must be uploaded as an attachment during the online proposal submission process
to HRD Corp.

8.5. HRD Corp will provide feedback on successful proposals within fifteen (15)
working days from the date of presentation.

8.6. For further information, please email us at [email protected].


1. Vendor Name …………………………………………………..


2. Vendor Registration Number …………………………………………………

(MyCoID) …………………………………………………

3. Address (Registration) …………………………………………………


4. Address (Mailing) …………………………………………………


5. Contact Details …………………………………………………

(Person in charge) …………………………………………………
Name / Contact No ………………………………………………..

I would like to confirm that all information provided above is true.


Company Official Stamp

Date: ………………………………………..
Human Resource Development Corporation



Proposal Format:
1. Background Please provide the background of company.
2. Basis for Considerations Please provide comprehensive justification of the proposed
course work.
3. List of Courses Please provide the course title.
4. Target Employers Please specify clearly on target employers.
5. Requested Quota Please specify clearly on requested quota.
6. Proposed Outcomes Please elaborate.
7. Implementation Plan for the Please specify clearly on the implementation plan including
Assessment the expected date.
8. Certification Body Indicate who provide the certification of the programme on
this column. Provide comprehensive details on certification
• History of the establishment;
• Location of the establishment
• Global/ industry recognition;
• The certification process of trainee upon attending the
proposed course; and
• Any other related information on certification body
• Sample of certificate given to trainee(s).

Documentary evidence for the proposed certification (e.g.

Letter of Authorisation from Certification Body). Training
providers are required to provide Certified True Copies
(CTC) of the document in hard copy to HRD Corp.
9. Certification of Accreditation Please provide the attachment of the Certification of
Training Centre Accreditation Training Centre.
10. Financial Implications Please provide the schedule of cost. .
(Breakdown of each item)

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