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Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Choice predict the social consequences of decision making based

on scarcity

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Explore the concept of opportunity cost in economics. Teach
students how to calculate the cost of choosing one option over another and discuss
the social consequences of these choices.
2) Biology - Discuss the concept of carrying capacity in ecology. Explain how scarcity
of resources affects population growth and the social consequences of
overpopulation or resource depletion.
3) English - Analyze literary works that explore the theme of scarcity and decision
making. Discuss how characters' choices impact their social environment and the
consequences of their actions.

1) Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Scenario cards, props

1) Idea - Divide the class into groups and assign each group a scenario where they
have to make a decision based on scarcity. them act out the scenario and discuss
the social consequences of their choices.
2) Idea - Conduct a class debate on the topic of resource allocation. Divide the class
into two teams and assign them different perspectives. Encourage students to
support their arguments with evidence and discuss the social consequences of their
proposed solutions.

Activity 1: Decision Making

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Game board, game cards, dice

Significance: This activity allows students to make decisions in a simulated

environment with limited resources and explore the social consequences of their

Instructions: Students play a game where they have to make decisions based on
scarcity. They the dice, move their game piece, and encounter different scenarios
where they have to make choices. They discuss the social consequences of their
decisions as a group.

Rubric: Criteria - Accuracy of decision making, understanding of social

consequences, participation - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How does scarcity affect decision making?
2) What are the social consequences of making based on scarcity?
3) How can rational choice theory help predict the social consequences of decision

Activity 2: Case Study Analysis

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Case studies, worksheets

Significance: This activity allows students to analyze real-life scenarios and apply
the concept of rational choice to predict the social consequences of decision making
based on scarcity.

Instructions: Provide students with case studies that involve decision making in
situations of scarcity. They analyze the case studies, identify the social
consequences of the decisions made, and discuss how rational choice theory can
predict these consequences.

Rubric: Criteria - Analysis of case study, identification of social consequences,

application of rational choice theory - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How does influence decision making in the case study?
2) What are the social consequences of the decisions made?
3) How can the concept of rational choice help predict these social consequences?

Activity 3: Role-Playing Scenarios

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Materials: Scenario cards, props

Significance: This activity allows students to apply their understanding of rational

choice and scarcity in real-life scenarios and predict the social consequences of
decision making.

Instructions: Divide the class into groups and provide them with different scenarios
involving scarcity. Each group has to act out the scenario, make decisions based on
rational choice, and discuss the social consequences of their choicesRubric

Assessment Questions:
1) How did scarcity influence the decision making in your scenario?
2) What were the consequences of the decisions made?
3) How can rational choice theory help predict these social consequences?

) Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion
Explain the concept of rational choice and its connection to predicting social
consequences. Engage students in a discussion about the factors that influence
decision making and how scarcity affects these decisions. Encourage students to
share their insights and examples.

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Research and Presentation

Students research a real-life situation where decision making based on scarcity had
significant social consequences. They create a presentation highlighting the factors
that influenced the decisions, the social consequences, and the role of rational
choice theory in predicting these consequences.

Task 2: Debate
Students participate in a debate on a current issue related to scarcity and decision
making. They research different perspectives, prepare arguments, and engage in a
structured debate discussing the social consequences of different decisions.

Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Question1: Describe how scarcity influences decision making and the social
consequences that may arise. (Written response - 10 pts)

Question 2: Analyze a case study involving scarcity and decision making. Identify
the social consequences and explain how rational choice theory can predict these
consequences. (Essay response - 15 pts)

Question 3: Role-play a scenario involving scarcity and decision making. Discuss

the social consequences of the decisions made and explain how rational choice
theory can predict these consequences. (Group presentation - 20 pts)

1) Guiding Overview: Research Assignment
Students are tasked to research and write a report on a historical event where
decision making based on scarcity had significant social consequences. They need
to analyze the factors that influenced the decisions, discuss the social
consequences, and evaluate the role of rational choice theory in predicting these
2) Guiding Overview: Opinion Essay
Students are asked to write an opinion essay on a current issue related to scarcity
and decision making. They need to present their perspective, support their
arguments with evidence, and discuss the potential social consequences of different

Actual Assessment Question:

1) Research Assignment:

Question: Choose a historical event where decision making based on scarcity had
significant social consequences. Analyze the factors that influenced the decisions,
discuss the social consequences, and evaluate the role of rational choice theory in
predicting these consequences. (Essay response - 30 pts)
2) Opinion Essay:

Question: Select a current issue related to scarcity and decision making. Present
your perspective, support your arguments with evidence, and discuss the potential
social consequences of different decisions. (Essay response - 30 pts)

Note: The points assigned to each assessment question and assignment are just
examples and can be adjusted based on the teacher's grading system.

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