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Andrea M.


Skill Area: Language

Ages: 8 through Adult

Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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About the Author
Andrea M. Lazzari, Ed.D., is a speech-language pathologist for Henrico County Public
Schools in Richmond, Virginia. She has also worked in a community clinic and in private
practice. She has taught preschool students with disabilities and was Supervisor of Early
Childhood Special Education Programs for the state of Virginia. She has also served as a
teacher trainer at the college and university levels. HELP for Language is Andrea’s twenty-
second publication with LinguiSystems. She is the author or co-author of several other
publications, including 125 Ways to Be a Better Test Taker – Elementary, 125 Ways to Be a Better
Test Taker – Intermediate, and the HELP series. She also developed the HELP Elementary Test.
When she’s not teaching or writing, Andrea serves as leader of Girl Scout Troop 3059 and Pit
Crew Chief for her daughter Tamara’s Soap Box Derby car.

With sincere thanks to Kelly Malone (editor), Jamie Bellagamba (desktop publisher), and
Margaret Warner (illustrator).

HELP for Language Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Answering and Asking Questions

Task A Who Questions ........................................................................................................ 7
Task B What Questions........................................................................................................ 9
Task C What Would Happen If Questions......................................................................10
Task D What Could Questions..........................................................................................13
Task E When Do/Does Questions ..................................................................................16
Task F When Is/Are Questions ........................................................................................18
Task G When Should/Shouldn't Questions....................................................................20
Task H Where Questions ....................................................................................................22
Task I Which Questions ....................................................................................................24
Task J Why Do/Does Questions ....................................................................................26
Task K Why Don't/Doesn't Questions ............................................................................29
Task L How Do/Does Questions ....................................................................................32
Task M How Do You Know Questions ............................................................................34
Task N If Questions ............................................................................................................37
Task O Responding to True/False Statements................................................................39
Task P Formulating Questions ........................................................................................41

Describing Objects and Defining Words

Task A Identifying Functions of Objects..........................................................................43
Task B Naming Objects Identified by Two Attributes ..................................................45
Task C Identifying Actions Associated with Objects ....................................................46
Task D Responding to Action/Agent Statements ..........................................................48
Task E Identifying Actions Not Associated with Objects ............................................49
Task F Combining Positive and Negative Action/Agent Statements........................51
Task G Using Exclusion to Identify Objects....................................................................53
Task H Identifying Similarities and Differences of Objects/Places/Events ..............55
Task I Identifying Objects/Places/Actions from Descriptions ..................................58
Task J Classifying Objects in Two or More Categories ................................................60
Task K Completing Analogous Statements ....................................................................62
Task L Completing Analogies ..........................................................................................64
Task M Identifying Common Characteristics of Objects ..............................................66
Task N Choosing Descriptive Words................................................................................68
Task O Identifying Word Meanings from Contextual Cues ........................................72

HELP for Language 3 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Table of Contents, continued
Reading and Listening
Task A Predicting Content from Titles ............................................................................74
Task B Identifying the Main Idea ....................................................................................77
Task C Paraphrasing Passages ..........................................................................................82
Task D Answering Interpretive Questions from Stories ..............................................85
Task E Drawing Inferences from Stories ........................................................................91
Task F Describing and Interpreting Pictures..................................................................96

Applying Language Skills

Task A Formulating Situation-Specific Statements ......................................................102
Task B Interpreting Subtle Meanings ............................................................................105
Task C Discriminating Between Literal and Rhetorical Questions ..........................108
Task D Answering Personal Opinion Questions..........................................................110
Task E Understanding Multiple-Meaning Words........................................................113
Task F Interpreting Common Sayings (Idioms) ..........................................................116
Task G Choosing Fixed-Order Idioms ..........................................................................119
Task H Completing and Interpreting Proverbs ............................................................122
Task I Choosing Similes ..................................................................................................126
Task J Completing Similes..............................................................................................129
Task K Explaining Metaphors ........................................................................................131
Task L Choosing Meanings of Different Intonations ..................................................134
Task M Stating Meanings of Different Intonations ......................................................137
Task N Explaining Choices ..............................................................................................139
Task O Choosing Names for Products ..........................................................................142
Task P Explaining Oxymorons ......................................................................................145
Task Q Determining If Information Has Been Provided ............................................147
Task R Determining When Information Has Been Provided ....................................149

Answer Key ........................................................................................................................................152

HELP for Language 4 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

HELP for Language provides speech-language pathologists, teachers, parents, and
other facilitators with a framework and materials to help children and adults
improve their understanding and expression of abstract language. It is intended
for children (age 8 and above) and adults who demonstrate weakness or impair-
ment in processing abstract or ambiguous language.

Abstractness and ambiguity are pervasive features of daily communication. Each

day, we are required to “read between the lines” of oral language. We must make
inferences from minimal communication segments, draw conclusions from inade-
quate information, discriminate among multiple meanings of words, choose
between literal and non-literal meanings, and extrapolate useful from irrelevant
information. Each of these skills must be applied within the context of a communi-
cation environment that is rapidly delivered and constantly shifting. Individuals
who have not mastered these skills are at a disadvantage in understanding aca-
demic materials, performing adequately in the workplace, and interacting smoothly
in social situations.

Previous books in the HELP series provide the basis for building concrete language
skills. HELP for Language fills the gap in available materials to support clients with
weaknesses in abstract language processing. This book scaffolds on a strong foun-
dation of basic language skills, enabling clients to develop and apply higher-order
thinking and reasoning skills.

As with each book in the HELP series, HELP for Language takes a no-frills approach
to language development and remediation. Skilled clinical judgment is needed to
match tasks with each client’s needs and to expand each lesson to reflect each
client’s individual background and interests. The following guidelines will help
you effectively use the tasks in HELP for Language:

z Begin by identifying the individual’s present level of performance, using the

person’s strengths as a basis for remediating her weaknesses.

z Choose tasks that are relevant to the client’s communication needs and
functional communication profile.

z Select tasks and items within tasks to enable an individual to gain new skills
without being overwhelmed by the difficulty of the tasks. The tasks within
each of the four sections and the items within each task are presented with a
gradual increase in complexity.

HELP for Language 5 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Introduction, continued
z Use your own judgment in presenting the tasks orally or as worksheets. If
you give tasks for homework, keep in mind that the purpose of homework
is review and reinforcement. It’s better to introduce and provide practice
with new tasks and items in a therapy setting.

z Present materials at a pace that matches the client’s rate of acquisition,

factoring in repetition for mastery.

z Relate the material to each client’s real-world experiences, striving to help

the client achieve carryover of target skills to daily communication.

z An answer key has been provided for most of the tasks. Suggested answers
have been given for most of the items; however, many answers may be
acceptable. Accept any reasonable responses your clients may give, as long
as they back them up with appropriate reasoning.
“After all is said and done,” I am “pleased as punch” to present HELP for Language.
I hope that it helps you “hit the ground running” and enables your clients to “make
tracks” toward becoming “top-notch” communicators.


HELP for Language 6 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task A: Who Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. Who saves people who are drowning? lifeguard

2. Who rides in a stroller? ______________________________

3. Who is in charge of a sports team? ______________________________

4. Who rides horses in a rodeo? ______________________________

5. Who takes care of sick people? ______________________________

6. Who performs tricks in the circus? ______________________________

7. Who is the leader of a club? ______________________________

8. Who directs traffic? ______________________________

9. Who cares for young children when their

parents go out for the evening? ______________________________

10. Who is in charge of the students and teachers

in a school? ______________________________

11. Who travels in a rocket? ______________________________

12. Who brings you your food in a restaurant? ______________________________

13. Who helps her classmates cross the street or

get on the bus? ______________________________

14. Who looks for clues to solve mysteries? ______________________________

15. Who performs in a movie? ______________________________

16. Who buys items in a store? ______________________________

17. Who lives next door to you? ______________________________

18. Who studies and takes classes? ______________________________

19. Who plants and harvests crops? ______________________________

20. Who traveled west in covered wagons? ______________________________

21. Who rides a bus, train, or airplane? ______________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “who” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 7 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task A: Who Questions, continued
Answer each question.
22. Who sits in the stands and cheers loudly for her team? ______________________________

23. Who runs slowly through the park for exercise? ______________________________

24. Who is in charge of a ship? ______________________________

25. Who rings up purchases and makes change

in a store? ______________________________

26. Who claps for the actors in a play? ______________________________

27. Who swims underwater with the help of

special breathing equipment? ______________________________

28. Who grows up to be a grandmother? ______________________________

29. Who was born on the same day and year

as his brother or sister? ______________________________

30. Who is in his or her last year of high school or college? ______________________________

31. Who wears a uniform and completes tasks in

different areas to earn badges? ______________________________

32. Who is older than twelve and younger than twenty? ______________________________

33. Who leads an orchestra? ______________________________

34. Who makes cakes, pies, bread, and cookies? ______________________________

35. Who performs tricks and makes things disappear? ______________________________

36. Who hauls loads long distances on the interstate

highways? ______________________________

37. Who speaks in rhythm to music on a CD? ______________________________

38. Who digs minerals or gems from under the ground? ______________________________

39. Who is in charge of a state’s government? ______________________________

40. Who represents his or her state in Congress? ______________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “who” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 8 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task B: What Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. What flies? bird
________________ 22. What has a check-out
counter? ________________
2. What hops? ________________
23. What has seats? ________________
3. What bounces? ________________
24. What has lanes? ________________
4. What has leaves? ________________
25. What has a glossary? ________________
5. What has stripes? ________________
26. What has an on/off
6. What ticks? ________________ switch? ________________

7. What has petals? ________________ 27. What has a hard

drive? ________________
8. What floats? ________________
28. What has a heel? ________________
9. What boils? ________________
29. What has a
10. What has pockets? ________________ child-proof lid? ________________

11. What has drawers? ________________ 30. What stains? ________________

12. What freezes? ________________ 31. What twinkles? ________________

13. What spins? ________________ 32. What sprouts? ________________

14. What chirps? ________________ 33. What lassos? ________________

15. What opens and 34. What wrinkles? ________________

shuts? ________________
35. What changes? ________________
16. What has whiskers? ________________
36. What rises and falls? ________________
17. What has a brake? ________________
37. What has scales? ________________
18. What has cushions? ________________
38. What has a filter? ________________
19. What cracks? ________________
39. What has a lining? ________________
20. What measures? ________________
40. What has a pantry? ________________
21. What grows? ________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “what” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 9 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task C: What Would Happen If Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. What would happen if there were holes in the fish tank?
All the water would leak out and the fish would die.

2. What would happen if you sat on a wet swing?


3. What would happen if everyone talked loudly in the movie theater?


4. What would happen if you forgot to put the plug in the drain when washing dishes?

5. What would happen if you put dinner in the oven but forgot to turn the oven on?

6. What would happen if there were no trash cans at amusement parks?


7. What would happen if everyone in a rowboat sat on the same side?


8. What would happen if you put away a flashlight without turning it off?

9. What would happen if students didn’t write their names on their papers before turning
them in to the teacher?

10. What would happen if there was ink on your eraser?


11. What would happen if four boys in one classroom had the same first name?

12. What would happen if you gave a baby a piece of chewing gum?

13. What would happen if you left a chocolate bar in your jacket pocket and then put the jacket
in the laundry?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “what would happen if” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 10 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task C: What Would Happen If Questions, continued
Answer each question.
14. What would happen if you were sprinkling salt on your dinner and the lid fell off the saltshaker?

15. What would happen if the screen door had a big hole in it?

16. What would happen if a cat walked across the floor you had just painted?

17. What would happen if there were no safety harnesses on a roller coaster that loops upside down?

18. What would happen if you put jelly on the bread before you put the bread in the toaster?

19. What would happen if it rained hard all day and the team played a football game that

20. What would happen if you tried to pick up a plastic ring with a magnet?

21. What would happen if you got mixed up and put the milk in the cupboard and the
cereal in the refrigerator?

22. What would happen if birds didn’t fly south in the winter?

23. What would happen if the mail were delivered only once a week?

24. What would happen if alligators and ducks were in the same pond at the zoo?

25. What would happen if you used a tennis racket as an oar?


26. What would happen if you could make only right turns on your bicycle?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “what would happen if” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 11 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task C: What Would Happen If Questions, continued
Answer each question.
27. What would happen if you tried to light a fire with damp wood?

28. What would happen if shoes were made only in sizes small and large?

29. What would happen if every locker had the same combination?

30. What would happen if a tow truck broke down while towing a car?

31. What would happen if umbrellas could not be closed?


32. What would happen if students went to school only when they chose to attend?

33. What would happen if you could buy only five items each time you went to the grocery store?

34. What would happen if you threw a fishing line into the lake without baiting the hook?

35. What would happen if we didn’t use punctuation marks when writing stories?

36. What would happen if baseball players were allowed only one strike?

37. What would happen if your contact lens fell in a pot of boiling chili while you were stirring it?

38. What would happen if there were no dollar bills (ones, fives, tens, etc.), only coins?

39. What would happen if there were no yellow lights on traffic signals?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “what would happen if” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 12 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task D: What Could Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. What could you do if you push someone’s doorbell but it doesn’t ring?
knock on the door

2. What could a student do if he had math problems for homework but he forgot to bring
home his math book?

3. What could you do if you want to make a sandwich but you have only one slice of bread?

4. What could you do if your pants are too big but you don’t have a belt?

5. What could you do if you need to feed the cat but the cat food bag is empty?

6. What could you do if the book you wanted to read was checked out of the library?

7. What could a student do if she needed cardboard for a school project but the stores were closed?

8. What could you do if you wanted to play a board game but the dice were missing?

9. What could you do if the window was stuck open and the rain was coming in?

10. What could you do if you went to a birthday party and you forgot to bring the gift?

11. What could you do if you bought new shoes at the store but there was only one shoe in the
box when you got home?

12. What could a child do if her tooth got washed down the drain before she could put it under
her pillow for the tooth fairy?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “what could” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 13 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task D: What Could Questions, continued
Answer each question.
13. What could you do if you climbed a tree but you couldn’t get down?

14. What could a child do if he kicked his ball across the street but his dad told him not to leave
the yard for any reason?

15. What could an adult do if it was time to fix dinner but all the power was off in her house or

16. What could a student do if he broke the arm he uses to write and he had to write a paper
for homework?

17. What could you do if your golf ball landed in poison ivy?

18. What could a child do if it was time to leave for school and the elevator in her
apartment building was stuck?

19. What could you do if you borrowed your friend’s hand-held electronic game but it
didn’t work when you turned it on?

20. What could you do if you need to walk the dog but you can’t find his leash?

21. What could you do if you tried on your friend’s ring and it got stuck on your finger?

22. What could you do if the telephone kept ringing while you were trying to take a nap?

23. What could you do if you dropped something during a movie and you couldn’t see to pick it up?

24. What could you do if you were marching in a parade and you got a cramp in your foot?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “what could” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 14 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task D: What Could Questions, continued
Answer each question.
25. What could you do if you wrapped two holiday gifts but you forgot what each package
contained before you gave them to your friends?

26. What could you do if the hair stylist cut one side of your hair much shorter than the other side?

27. What could you do if a friend invited you to stay for dinner but she was preparing
something you did not like?

28. What could you do if you ordered a plain sandwich and the sandwich you received had
mayonnaise on it?

29. What could you do if you need to pound in a nail but you have no hammer?

30. What could you do if you want to play checkers but you have only the board and the black

31. What could you do if it rained during the night and your tent leaked?

32. What could you do if you got locked outside in your pajamas?

33. What could you do if you accidentally ripped a dollar bill in half?

34. What could you do if your hat blew into the bear’s habitat while you were visiting the zoo?

35. What could you do if you were fishing and you dropped your lunch overboard?

36. What could you do if you got off at the wrong bus stop and no more buses were
scheduled to stop?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “what could” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 15 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task E: When Do/Does Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. When do we turn on a fan? when it is hot

2. When do store employees lock the store doors?

3. When do we use a straw?

4. When do you say “Cheese”?

5. When does an egg break?

6. When does the doorbell make a noise?

7. When do you make your bed?

8. When does a balloon pop?

9. When does a rainbow appear in the sky?

10. When do children hold hands and walk around in a circle while singing?

11. When do we fasten our seatbelts?

12. When do students raise their hands?

13. When do several children spend the night together at one child’s home?

14. When does a rooster crow?

15. When do we say “You’re it”?

16. When do we say “Happy New Year”?

17. When do you say “Aaah”?

18. When do you put both hands over your ears?

19. When do geese fly south?

20. When do we shiver?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “when do/does” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 16 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task E: When Do/Does Questions, continued
Answer each question.
21. When do children leave the school building quickly and line up outside?

22. When do bears hibernate?

23. When do children make wishes?

24. When does the sky get dark during the daytime?

25. When does the moon disappear?

26. When do birds leave their nests?

27. When do red, itchy spots appear on our arms or legs?

28. When do we put our hands over our hearts?

29. When does someone dial 9-1-1?

30. When do you receive change at the store?

31. When does an airplane lower its wheels?

32. When do forest fires easily start?

33. When does a baseball umpire yell, “You’re out!”?

34. When does the football referee put both arms straight up in the air?

35. When does an ambulance travel without turning on its siren?

36. When do both the sun and the moon appear in the sky?

37. When do you use antiseptic cream?

38. When does a car easily skid?

39. When do you collect $200 in Monopoly?

40. When does the ocean look like glass?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “when do/does” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 17 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task F: When Is/Are Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. When is the only time we use a sled? when there is snow on the ground

2. When are schools closed?

3. When is it time to cut the grass?

4. When are sunglasses helpful?

5. When is a child ready for a nap?

6. When is it time to throw away a marker?

7. When are tree leaves red and orange?

8. When is it time to change a lightbulb?

9. When is a bad time for your flashlight to break?

10. When is it hard to pedal a bicycle?

11. When is the best time to fly a kite?

12. When is a good time to wear your oldest clothing?

13. When is it time to buy new jeans?

14. When is popcorn done cooking?

15. When is it time to throw away your socks?

16. When is a pizza ready to eat?

17. When are movie tickets least expensive?

18. When is a dictionary helpful?

19. When are strawberries ready to be picked?

20. When is the table ready to be cleared?

21. When is a bad time to play music loudly?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer "when is/are" questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 18 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task F: When Is/Are Questions, continued
Answer each question.
22. When is a good time to turn on the porch light?

23. When are homemade cookies black on the bottom?

24. When is the sun directly overhead?

25. When is the most likely time to see a rainbow?

26. When are bananas ripe?

27. When is sunrise?

28. When are the days shortest?

29. When are young children allowed to drive real cars?

30. When are the movie previews shown?

31. When is the sky pink and purple?

32. When is a horserace over?

33. When is the best time of day to go fishing?

34. When is a spatula helpful?

35. When is it okay to push someone?

36. When is it time to stop at the gas station?

37. When is the anniversary of your birth?

38. When is the U.S. Independence Day?

39. When is the first day of winter?

40. When is it time to abandon a ship?

41. When is it dark inside the refrigerator?

42. When is it time to buy new tires for your car?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer "when is/are" questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 19 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task G: When Should/Shouldn’t Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. When should you carry an umbrella? when it looks like rain

2. When should you use shampoo?

3. When shouldn’t you run in front of the swings?

4. When should you wear goggles and flippers?

5. When should you put more air in your bicycle tires?

6. When shouldn’t you fall asleep?

7. When should you wear a belt?

8. When should you throw away a pencil?

9. When shouldn’t you run on the sidewalk?

10. When should children stay home from school?

11. When should you return your library books?

12. When shouldn’t you touch the stove?

13. When should you take off your sunglasses?

14. When shouldn’t you eat a snack?

15. When shouldn’t you shake a can of soda?

16. When should you buy a new backpack?

17. When should you use a paper cup?

18. When shouldn’t you cross the street?

19. When should you wear a parachute?

20. When should you throw away a carton of milk?

21. When shouldn’t you wear flip-flops?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “when should/shouldn’t” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 20 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task G: When Should/Shouldn’t Questions, continued
Answer each question.
22. When should a driver stop the car?

23. When should you use a dictionary?

24. When shouldn’t you chew gum?

25. When should you stop, drop, and roll?

26. When shouldn’t you open the front door?

27. When should you whisper?

28. When should you hold your breath?

29. When shouldn’t you take something from the oven?

30. When should you turn to a new page on the calendar?

31. When should you duck?

32. When shouldn’t you open a letter?

33. When shouldn’t you yell?

34. When should you hang up the telephone?

35. When should you break a window?

36. When should you remain perfectly still?

37. When should you use an uppercase letter?

38. When shouldn’t you stand outside in an open field?

39. When should you interrupt someone who is talking?

40. When should you save your work on the computer?

41. When shouldn’t you leave a campfire?

42. When shouldn’t you pull a ripcord?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “when should/shouldn’t” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 21 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task H: Where Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. Where does the line leader stand? at the front of the line

2. Where do people get on and off a train?

3. Where do a queen and king live?

4. Where do we keep ice cream?

5. Where do people use a menu?

6. Where do polar bears live?

7. Where should you place your napkin while eating?

8. Where would you take a sick pet?

9. Where would you look to find the index to a book?

10. Where are your feet if you are doing a handstand?

11. Where do caterpillars rest before they become butterflies?

12. Where are operations performed?

13. Where would you find an apple’s core?

14. Where is a caboose located?

15. Where do people sit in rows of seats in the dark?

16. Where do the roots of a plant grow?

17. Where can you find many stores that are under one roof?

18. Where does the President of the United States live?

19. Where do you check in and receive a key?

20. Where would you go to walk on a boardwalk?

21. Where are your lungs?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “where” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 22 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task H: Where Questions, continued
Answer each question.
22. Where do cacti grow?

23. Where would you see a fifty-yard line?

24. Where is the equator located?

25. Where can you go to see paintings and statues?

26. Where is the Titanic located?

27. Where does lava come from?

28. Where do water lilies grow?

29. Where would you find stethoscopes and thermometers?

30. Where can you go to see a silo and a plow?

31. Where can you find a hard drive and a monitor?

32. Where do men wear tuxedos?

33. Where would you see a checkered flag waved?

34. Where can you find a carburetor and spark plugs?

35. Where are airplanes stored when they are not being used?

36. Where can you buy an almanac?

37. Where is a safety deposit box located?

38. Where would you go to see wild animals in captivity?

39. Where are saltwater pearls generally formed?

40. Where should you aim to hit the bull’s-eye?

41. Where do people drive on the left side of the road?

42. Where do X-ray technicians work?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “where” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 23 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task I: Which Questions
Choose the best answer for each question. The first one is done for you.
1. Which is a quicker way of traveling a long distance, a bus or
a train? train

2. Which tastes better on a hamburger, ketchup or syrup? ________________________

3. Which has holes punched in the side, notebook paper or

a newspaper? ________________________

4. Which activity requires two people, climbing a tree or

playing Ping-Pong? ________________________

5. Which vehicle holds the most passengers, a car or a van? ________________________

6. Which is easier to learn to ride, a skateboard or a scooter? ________________________

7. Which can you buy in a bakery, pies or pickles? ________________________

8. Which is a better picnic food, soup or sandwiches? ________________________

9. Which is less expensive, a school lunch or a movie ticket? ________________________

10. Which is a better game for a person with a broken finger,

soccer or volleyball? ________________________

11. Which is a better place to hide money, in a glass jar or

a wooden box? ________________________

12. Which is a healthier snack, raisins or gumdrops? ________________________

13. Which animal is easier to tame, a cheetah or a donkey? ________________________

14. Which are better shoes for hiking, boots or sandals? ________________________

15. Which takes less time, making your bed or

hanging up your jacket? ________________________

16. Which animal is quieter, a rabbit or a parrot? ________________________

17. Which is a more comfortable place to nap, on a plank or

in a hammock? ________________________

18. Which time of day are more people awake, noon or midnight? ________________________

19. Which are you more likely to find in a toolbox,

pliers or quarters? ________________________

20. Which are made from grapes, plums or raisins? ________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose answers to “which” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 24 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task I: Which Questions, continued
Choose the best answer for each question.
21. Which can you find beneath the sea, a rink or a reef? ________________________

22. Which helps a student complete her homework, a calendar or

a calculator? ________________________

23. Which is more pleasant, a visit to the dentist or a visit to

an aquarium? ________________________

24. Which is a better place to hide, in a tree or behind a stool? ________________________

25. Which is harder to do, climb a rope or slide down a pole? ________________________

26. Which is a sign of fall, blossoms on the trees or pumpkins

on the vine? ________________________

27. Which sport requires more equipment, basketball or football? ________________________

28. Which bounces higher, a croquet ball or a tennis ball? ________________________

29. Which instrument is more difficult to play, drums or a violin? ________________________

30. Which is more soothing, rap music or a lullaby? ________________________

31. Which is noisier, a helicopter or a motorcycle? ________________________

32. Which is a better name for a football team, the Hurricanes or

the Snowflakes? ________________________

33. Which is a better gift for someone you don't know very well,
a plant or a shirt? ________________________

34. Which holds more people, a terrarium or a stadium? ________________________

35. Which activity requires more strength, rowing or fishing? ________________________

36. Which person is fictional, Johnny Appleseed or Mary Poppins? ________________________

37. Which is the best material for building a raft, straw or wood? ________________________

38. Which is a better apartment for a family with a two-year old,

bottom floor or top floor? ________________________

39. Which is a better job for a person who is blind, a teacher or

a firefighter? ________________________

40. Which is flammable, a screw or a match? ________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose answers to “which” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 25 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task J: Why Do/Does Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. Why do airplanes have wheels?
so they can taxi down runways

2. Why do we peel bananas before eating them?


3. Why do drawers have knobs?


4. Why do roads have lines painted down the middle?


5. Why does a monkey have a long tail?


6. Why does a lamp have a shade?


7. Why do ink pens have lids?


8. Why do you use a long fork when cooking over a grill?


9. Why do eggs come in cartons?


10. Why do front doors have peepholes?


11. Why do schools have flagpoles?


12. Why do fire trucks have long ladders?


13. Why do you write your address on a package before mailing it?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “why do/does” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 26 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task J: Why Do/Does Questions, continued
Answer each question.
14. Why do some people cry during movies?

15. Why do most people use saddles when horseback riding?


16. Why do garbage trucks beep when backing up?


17. Why do skyscrapers have elevators?


18. Why do speed skaters wear helmets?


19. Why do buckets have handles?


20. Why do medicine bottles have childproof caps?


21. Why do we grease a pan before pouring in the cake batter?


22. Why do art museums have guards?


23. Why do cars have mirrors on the sides?


24. Why do television shows have commercials?


25. Why do some shovels have pointed ends?


26. Why do camels have humps?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “why do/does” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 27 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task J: Why Do/Does Questions, continued
Answer each question.
27. Why do belts have more than one hole?

28. Why do limousines have dark windows?


29. Why does everyone have a different telephone number?


30. Why do all the cards in a deck have the same design on the back?

31. Why do you need to punch in a pin number before using an automatic teller machine?

32. Why do dentists wear gloves?


33. Why do we plow the ground before planting seeds?


34. Why do we recycle aluminum cans?


35. Why do we turn off car engines when filling the gas tank?

36. Why do we set our clocks back an hour in the fall?


37. Why do we lower the American flag at dusk?


38. Why do bees always return to the same hive?


39. Why do hourglasses (timers) have a narrow part in the middle?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “why do/does” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 28 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task K: Why Don’t/Doesn’t Questions
Answer each question. Begin your answers with the word because. The first one is done for you.

1. Why don’t we swim while wearing a sweatshirt?

because a wet sweatshirt is heavy and would make it difficult to swim

2. Why don’t we play baseball indoors?


3. Why don’t we sleep in our clothing?


4. Why don’t we use many blankets in the summertime?


5. Why don’t we wash our hands in boiling water?


6. Why don’t we keep butter in the pantry?


7. Why don’t teachers like their students to chew gum in class?


8. Why don’t we change a lightbulb while the light is turned on?


9. Why don’t roller skating rinks have carpeted floors?


10. Why don’t we put rocks under a jungle gym?


11. Why don’t running shoes have smooth soles?


12. Why don’t six-year-old children baby-sit?


13. Why don’t we share toothbrushes?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “why don’t/doesn’t” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 29 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task K: Why Don’t/Doesn’t Questions, continued
Answer each question. Begin your answers with the word because.
14. Why don’t department stores allow customers to eat food while they shop?

15. Why don’t we leave the car windows down all night?

16. Why don’t ice-cream cones have more than three scoops of ice cream?

17. Why don’t theaters leave the lights on during the movie?

18. Why don’t we pick apples in the summer?


19. Why don’t basketball players wear shoes with cleats?


20. Why don’t piano players march in the school band?


21. Why don’t we use a rake to clear snow off the walkway?

22. Why don’t dogs take themselves for walks?


23. Why don’t turkeys fly south for the winter?


24. Why don’t we eat dessert first?


25. Why don’t people in Nebraska mow their lawns during the winter?

26. Why don’t we dial 9-1-1 if our car runs out of gas?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “why don’t/doesn’t” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 30 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task K: Why Don’t/Doesn’t Questions, continued
Answer each question. Begin your answers with the word because.
27. Why doesn’t the store sell cigarettes to people younger than 18?

28. Why don’t airplanes fly in ice storms?


29. Why don’t birds build nests of stones?


30. Why doesn’t a person use the motor on a sailboat on most days?

31. Why doesn’t a train stop in each town it passes through?


32. Why don’t people play golf during a thunderstorm?


33. Why don’t people use the elevator to exit a building during a fire?

34. Why don’t we use bleach when washing our blue jeans?

35. Why don’t we swim in the ocean at night?


36. Why don’t foxes have gills?


37. Why don’t elephants live in the mountains?


38. Why don’t desert plants have large leaves?


39. Why don’t the back doors of police cars open from the inside?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “why don’t/doesn’t” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 31 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task L: How Do/Does Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. How does a baby feel? soft

2. How does a whisper sound? ________________________

3. How does an icicle feel? ________________________

4. How does icing taste? ________________________

5. How does a needle feel? ________________________

6. How does a turtle move? ________________________

7. How does a monster look? ________________________

8. How does a lollipop feel after you lick it? ________________________

9. How does thunder sound? ________________________

10. How does garbage smell after one week? ________________________

11. How do clothes feel when the dryer stops? ________________________

12. How do your shoes look after running through mud? ________________________

13. How does a dog look wearing a hat and a bowtie? ________________________

14. How does a bowling ball feel? ________________________

15. How does the kitchen look before you wash the dishes? ________________________

16. How do children feel the morning after a slumber party? ________________________

17. How do you feel after winning $50 in a contest? ________________________

18. How does a piece of paper look after you have

squashed it in your hand? ________________________

19. How do potato chips sound when you chew them? ________________________

20. How does sandpaper feel? ________________________

21. How does lemonade taste without sugar? ________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “how do/does” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 32 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task L: How Do/Does Questions, continued
Answer each question.
22. How does a metal railing feel in the summer? ________________________

23. How does sea water taste? ________________________

24. How do brownies smell when they are baking? ________________________

25. How does a child feel when she has nobody to play with? ________________________

26. How does a snakeskin feel? ________________________

27. How does a sunset look? ________________________

28. How do you feel after striking out in softball? ________________________

29. How do your arms feel after rowing a boat all day? ________________________

30. How does a student feel when he gets a good grade

on an assignment? ________________________

31. How does a raw egg feel if you break it in your hand? ________________________

32. How does paper look if you glue glitter on it? ________________________

33. How does the bathroom mirror look after you’ve taken
a hot shower? ________________________

34. How does a jar look after you’ve eaten the last olive? ________________________

35. How does a shirt look after someone has ironed it? ________________________

36. How does sunlight look when it reflects off the snow? ________________________

37. How do a hummingbird’s wings move? ________________________

38. How does the Statue of Liberty look if you are standing
at the bottom? ________________________

39. How does a horse look after someone has ridden it across
the desert? ________________________

40. How do leaves feel a week after they have fallen from the tree? ________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “how do/does” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 33 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task M: How Do You Know Questions
Answer each question. The first one is done for you.
1. How do you know if someone is calling you on the telephone?
The telephone rings.

2. How do you know if it rained overnight?


3. How do you know if your socks are dirty?


4. How do you know if you forgot to close the lid on the play dough?

5. How do you know if your teacher is absent?


6. How do you know if the microwave is done cooking?


7. How do you know if the lawn needs mowed?


8. How do you know if the car needs gas?


9. How do you know if the trash has been picked up?


10. How do you know if you’ve dialed the wrong number?


11. How do you know if the rug needs to be vacuumed?


12. How do you know if the freezer is broken?


13. How do you know when your library book is due?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “how do you know” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 34 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task M: How Do You Know Questions, continued
Answer each question.
14. How does a child know that he has gotten taller?

15. How do you know if your neighbors are on vacation?


16. How do you know if you’ve cooked your toast too long?

17. How do you know if the ice-cream truck is coming?


18. How do you know when the mail carrier has picked up your mail?

19. How do you know if you bowled a strike?


20. How do you know if the ice in your juice has melted?

21. How do you know if someone has just taken a shower?


22. How do you know if your raft has a hole in it?


23. How do you know if you’re late for dinner?


24. How do you know if your blue jeans have been washed?

25. How do you know if a tree is dead?


26. How do you know if your watch has stopped?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “how do you know” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 35 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task M: How Do You Know Questions, continued
Answer each question.
27. How do you know if school has been cancelled because of bad weather?

28. How do you know if the driver of a car has children?


29. How do you know if you are getting sick?


30. How do you know if a thunderstorm is getting close?


31. How do you know if a match has been used?


32. How do you know if birds have hatched?


33. How do you know when a movie is over?


34. How do you know spring has arrived?


35. How do you know if your scissors need sharpened?


36. How do you know if you are looking at Sunday’s newspaper?


37. How do you know if a traffic light is broken?


38. How do you know if a store is about to close?


39. How do you know if a postage stamp has been used?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “how do you know” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 36 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task N: If Questions
Answer each question with a yes or no response. The first one is done for you.
1. If the doorbell is ringing is there someone at the door? yes

2. If someone is snoring, is he asleep? ______________

3. If you’re wearing a bracelet, do you have on jewelry? ______________

4. If a child is cranky, is he in a good mood? ______________

5. If you’ve finished your drink, is your glass full? ______________

6. If you turn up the volume on the TV, will it get louder? ______________

7. If you put your hands on your knees, are you touching your legs? ______________

8. If you leap in the air, do your feet leave the ground? ______________

9. If you got a splinter in the bottom of your foot, were you wearing shoes? ______________

10. If a horse crosses the finish line third, is it the winner? ______________

11. If the traffic light is yellow, should you speed up? ______________

12. If there is dirt on the lettuce, should you throw it away? ______________

13. If your bicycle tire has a leak, should you get a new tire? ______________

14. If you weed the vegetable garden, should you pull up the tomato plants? ______________

15. If soup is lukewarm, is it cool enough to eat? ______________

16. If you ride a scooter, do your legs go around in circles? ______________

17. If a letter has been shredded, can you read it? ______________

18. If a boat is tied securely to the dock, will it drift away? ______________

19. If you recline your chair, are you leaning forward? ______________

20. If you have sixty cents, do you have more than a half dollar? ______________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “if” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 37 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task N: If Questions, continued
Answer each question with a yes or no response.
21. If you cut a ball in half, will you have two equal pieces? ______________

22. If you skin your knee, should you go to the emergency room? ______________

23. If you throw newspapers in the garbage can, will they get recycled? ______________

24. If the sea is rough, is it a good day for surfing? ______________

25. If the coals are glowing, is the fire out? ______________

26. If you feel drowsy, are you ready to fall asleep? ______________

27. If every desk in a classroom is occupied, is anyone absent? ______________

28. If an animal has a skeleton, does it have bones? ______________

29. If a bill is overdue, have you paid it? ______________

30. If someone received the most votes, did he win the election? ______________

31. If a peach is soft when you bite into it, is it ripe? ______________

32. If you live near the equator, do you live in a cold climate? ______________

33. If the game ends in a tie, did your team score the most points? ______________

34. If the sun is setting, is it evening? ______________

35. If it is harvest time, is it spring? ______________

36. If you win first place in a competition, do you get a silver medal? ______________

37. If you leave an ice cube in the sun, will it evaporate? ______________

38. If it is rush hour, is there a lot of traffic? ______________

39. If you live in the United States, do you live in South America? ______________

40. If you fold a square of paper in half twice, will you have a smaller square? ______________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer “if” questions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 38 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task O: Responding to True/False Statements
Tell if each statement is true or false. If a statement is false, tell why. The first one is done for you.
1. Bricks are strong building materials. true

2. If water gets too hot it will freeze.

3. A moped can go faster than a car.

4. A pinwheel spins easily in the breeze.

5. A dime is worth more than a nickel.

6. Daisies have thorns.

7. Subways run on underground tracks.

8. Sun visors cover the top of your head.

9. Stale crackers are crisp.

10. The best place to walk your dog is in the middle of the road.

11. Spiders live in hives.

12. Piano keys are black or white.

13. Lifting weights will build up your muscles.

14. Marbles are made of glass.

15. You can play outside longer in the summertime.

16. A globe is a model of the sun.

17. Drivers should stop their cars on the railroad tracks to look for trains.

18. In baseball, you run to first base after you strike out.

19. A compass shows which direction is north.

20. If you take the next to the last muffin, there will be one left.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will respond to true/false statements with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 39 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task O: Responding to True/False Statements, continued
Tell if each statement is true or false. If a statement is false, tell why.
21. A pencil breaks more easily than a pen.

22. A racecar’s tires are changed during a pit stop.

23. A young duck is called a gosling.

24. You can use cell phones only when you are outside.

25. There is only one correct answer to each addition problem.

26. A triangle has more sides than a rectangle.

27. A group of nine children can form two even teams.

28. A postage stamp is smaller than a credit card.

29. Ice hockey is more dangerous to play than golf.

30. A baby polar bear is called a papoose.

31. Glass ornaments are fragile.

32. Statues are motionless.

33. You can erase ink from a permanent marker.

34. Dry towels are heavier than wet towels.

35. You can measure weight in pounds.

36. We read from right to left.

37. A computer keyboard contains five vowels.

38. There are four colors in the U.S. flag.

39. Silver is worth more than gold.

40. Gasoline is a flammable liquid.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will respond to true/false statements with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 40 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answering and Asking Questions
Task P: Formulating Questions
Imagine each item is the response to a question. Read each response. Then make up a
question that could go with the response. The first one is done for you.
1. Put it on the table. Where should I put your book?

2. The meeting is next Tuesday.

3. Andy was in front of Roger.

4. Yes, I’d love to go!

5. It’s mine.

6. I was outside.

7. Yes, you may.

8. The extra books are in the box.

9. I’m sure I gave it to you.

10. I turned it off because no one was watching it.

11. I saw your bicycle parked out front.

12. No, I don’t think so.

13. Sit in between Jan and Bonnie.

14. Of course I’m disappointed!

15. I recognized your voice.

16. Count me out!

17. That would be great!

18. anytime after Friday

19. under the porch

20. because someone left the door open

I.E.P. Objective: When presented with answers, the client will formulate matching questions with 90% or
greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 41 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Answering and Asking Questions
Task P: Formulating Questions, continued
Imagine each item is the response to a question. Read each response. Then make up a
question that could go with the response.
21. the girl with the long hair

22. because it was rotten

23. until five o’clock

24. once in a while

25. Davy Crockett

26. when the buzzer sounds

27. never

28. $1.95

29. well, maybe

30. 72

31. 85 degrees

32. D

33. strawberry

34. brown and white

35. eight pounds

36. Mr. Griffith

37. 125 miles

38. only if they’re done

39. until he starts barking

40. absolutely not

I.E.P. Objective: When presented with answers, the client will formulate matching questions with 90% or
greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 42 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task A: Identifying Functions of Objects
Name two things you can do with each object. The first one is done for you.
1. pencil write, draw

2. glass of water

3. rope

4. stick

5. ball

6. paper sack

7. wagon

8. cardboard box

9. clothespin

10. axe

11. transparent tape

12. pumpkin

13. milk carton

14. Ziplock® bag

15. blanket

16. chair

17. rubber band

18. magazine

19. flower

20. egg

21. paper towel

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify functions of common objects with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 43 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task A: Identifying Functions of Objects, continued
Name two things you can do with each object.
22. ribbon

23. ruler

24. hula hoop

25. net

26. penny

27. straw

28. flower pot

29. brick

30. sponge

31. newspaper

32. apple

33. envelope

34. aluminum foil

35. screwdriver

36. bandana

37. sock

38. cracker

39. yarn

40. log

41. flag

42. dictionary

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify functions of common objects with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 44 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task B: Naming Objects Identified by Two Attributes
Name an object to fit each description. The first one is done for you.

1. round and black checker

________________ 21. beautiful and colorful ________________

2. cool and sweet ________________ 22. pink and fluffy ________________

3. small and round ________________ 23. clear and breakable ________________

4. big and strong ________________ 24. sharp and metal ________________

5. cute and furry ________________ 25. wet and slippery ________________

6. cold and white ________________ 26. dirty and smelly ________________

7. big and dark ________________ 27. cold and hard ________________

8. big and yellow ________________ 28. yellow and waterproof ________________

9. shiny and red ________________ 29. deep and wide ________________

10. dark and scary ________________ 30. rough and sharp ________________

11. sweet and juicy ________________ 31. old and worn ________________

12. red and liquid ________________ 32. sour and green ________________

13. round and light ________________ 33. brown and liquid ________________

14. silver and round ________________ 34. sticky and lumpy ________________

15. sharp and long ________________ 35. sweet and brown ________________

16. soft and light ________________ 36. tiny and annoying ________________

17. loud and heavy ________________ 37. hot and greasy ________________

18. round and green ________________ 38. fragrant and thorny ________________

19. red and hot ________________ 39. clear and blue ________________

20. white and wooly ________________ 40. difficult and long ________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will name objects identified by two attributes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 45 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task C: Identifying Actions Associated with Objects
Tell what each object can do. The first one is done for you.

1. What can a whistle do? make noise

2. What can scissors do?

3. What can a flashlight do?

4. What can a telephone do?

5. What can a bubble do?

6. What can a wheel do?

7. What can a sponge do?

8. What can a parrot do?

9. What can goggles do?

10. What can a merry-go-round do?

11. What can a cow do?

12. What can a kite do?

13. What can a kangaroo do?

14. What can a skateboard do?

15. What can a paperweight do?

16. What can a leash do?

17. What can gloves do?

18. What can an elevator do?

19. What can a shoe do?

20. What can a basket do?

21. What can a bandage do?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify actions associated with common objects with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 46 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task C: Identifying Actions Associated with Objects, continued
Tell what each object can do.
22. What can a hatchet do?

23. What can a helmet do?

24. What can a blender do?

25. What can elastic do?

26. What can a clothespin do?

27. What can a lighthouse do?

28. What can a chain do?

29. What can a plow do?

30. What can a coupon do?

31. What can a window blind do?

32. What can a thermometer do?

33. What can crutches do?

34. What can sunscreen do?

35. What can vitamins do?

36. What can antiseptic do?

37. What can a windmill do?

38. What can a computer mouse do?

39. What can a motor do?

40. What can a suction cup do?

41. What can a conveyer belt do?

42. What can a generator do?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify actions associated with common objects with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 47 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task D: Responding to Action/Agent Statements
Tell if each statement is true or false.

1. Oranges jingle. false

________________ 21. Shovels stitch. ________________

2. Dogs growl. ________________ 22. Pens boil. ________________

3. Bells drive. ________________ 23. Socks shine. ________________

4. Umbrellas protect. ________________ 24. Fish trot. ________________

5. Clouds drift. ________________ 25. Jackets zip. ________________

6. Computers smile. ________________ 26. Rakes ring. ________________

7. Balls roll. ________________ 27. Babies drool. ________________

8. Bathtubs chirp. ________________ 28. Helicopters hover. ________________

9. Rugs crawl. ________________ 29. Easels chop. ________________

10. Grasshoppers holler. ________________ 30. Seeds sprout. ________________

11. Children joke. ________________ 31. Winners celebrate. ________________

12. Donkeys kick. ________________ 32. Movies entertain. ________________

13. Birds migrate. ________________ 33. Lanterns slice. ________________

14. Leaves melt. ________________ 34. Cold water refreshes. ________________

15. Paint drips. ________________ 35. Fire scorches. ________________

16. Lights flicker. ________________ 36. Artists illustrate. ________________

17. Pillows point. ________________ 37. Mud rumbles. ________________

18. Pans cry. ________________ 38. Medicine heals. ________________

19. Crabs dig. ________________ 39. Roads evaporate. ________________

20. Glass sparkles. ________________ 40. Judges sentence. ________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will determine if action/agent statements are true or false with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 48 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task E: Identifying Actions Not Associated with Objects
Choose the best answer for each question. The first one is done for you.
1. What can’t a toaster do, ring or pop? ring

2. What can’t a clock do, tick or tweet? ________________________

3. What can’t soap do, clean or beep? ________________________

4. What can’t a grasshopper do, shout or hop? ________________________

5. What can’t a marble do, mark or roll? ________________________

6. What can’t a dog do, stretch or sketch? ________________________

7. What can’t a piece of wire do, whistle or bend? ________________________

8. What can’t a balloon do, pop or chop? ________________________

9. What can’t a faucet do, drip or blink? ________________________

10. What can’t a candle do, bark or melt? ________________________

11. What can’t a cat do, neigh or pounce? ________________________

12. What can’t a door do, slam or rise? ________________________

13. What can’t a kite do, bounce or fly? ________________________

14. What can’t a raft do, float or scream? ________________________

15. What can’t the sun do, set or pack? ________________________

16. What can’t a ruler do, print or measure? ________________________

17. What can’t a penguin do, gallop or waddle? ________________________

18. What can’t a snake do, march or slither? ________________________

19. What can’t a music CD do, spin or trim? ________________________

20. What can’t a rosebud do, rinse or bloom? ________________________

21. What can’t a traffic light do, blink or cheer? ________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify actions not associated with common objects with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 49 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task E: Identifying Actions Not Associated with Objects, continued
Choose the best answer for each question.
22. What can’t a plow do, dig or add? ________________________

23. What can’t a tree do, skip or bend? ________________________

24. What can’t a bell do, chime or creep? ________________________

25. What can’t a spider do, spin or punch? ________________________

26. What can’t a brush do, paint or climb? ________________________

27. What can’t a pig do, snort or chirp? ________________________

28. What can’t gelatin do, giggle or jiggle? ________________________

29. What can’t a fork do, fold or stab? ________________________

30. What can’t paint do, stew or chip? ________________________

31. What can’t a star do, yell or glow? ________________________

32. What can’t a toothpick do, break or sleep? ________________________

33. What can’t an egg do, reach or hatch? ________________________

34. What can’t a cake do, hope or rise? ________________________

35. What can’t a gate do, latch or curl? ________________________

36. What can’t a newspaper do, inform or enclose? ________________________

37. What can’t a bee do, trot or hover? ________________________

38. What can’t a calculator do, multiply or disinfect? ________________________

39. What can’t a computer mouse do, scamper or click? ________________________

40. What can’t a china teacup do, bend or shatter? ________________________

41. What can’t a marching band do, halt or churn? ________________________

42. What can’t a mirror do, repeat or reflect? ________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify actions not associated with common objects with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 50 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task F: Combining Positive and Negative Action/Agent Statements
Fill in the blanks to complete each statement. The first one is done for you.
1. bark
A dog can’t oink but it can ____________________.

2. A fish can’t walk but it can ____________________.

3. An owl can’t swim but it can ____________________.

4. A cow can’t hop but it can ____________________.

5. A frog can’t run but it can ____________________.

6. An ant can’t tweet but it can ____________________.

7. A snake can’t gallop but it can ____________________.

8. A bear can’t sting but it can ____________________.

9. An alligator can’t roar but it can ____________________.

10. A spider can’t quack but it can ____________________.

11. A tiger can’t slither but it can ____________________.

12. A turkey can’t fly but it can ____________________.

13. Eyes can’t hear but they can ____________________.

14. Water can’t melt but it can ____________________.

15. Gelatin can’t shatter but it can ____________________.

16. A car can’t ____________________ but it can race.

17. A refrigerator can’t ____________________ but it can cool.

18. A fire can’t ____________________ but it can burn.

19. A tree can’t ____________________ but it can sway.

20. A marble can’t ____________________ but it can roll.

21. A telephone can’t ____________________ but it can ring.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete action/agent statements with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 51 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task F: Combining Positive and Negative Action/Agent Statements, continued
Fill in the blanks to complete each statement.
22. A broom can’t ____________________ but it can sweep.

23. A door can’t ____________________ but it can slam.

24. A balloon can’t ____________________ but it can pop.

25. A paperclip can’t ____________________ but it can bend.

26. A battery can’t ____________________ but it can power.

27. A mirror can’t ____________________ but it can reflect.

28. A microphone can’t ____________________ but it can amplify.

29. A teapot can’t ____________________ but it can whistle.

30. A horse can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

31. A caterpillar can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

32. A cheetah can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

33. A baby can’t ____________________ but she can ____________________.

34. A train can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

35. A key can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

36. A drawer can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

37. A pencil can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

38. A computer can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

39. Snow can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

40. Mud can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

41. A satellite can’t ____________________ but it can ____________________.

42. A mime can’t ____________________ but he can ____________________.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete action/agent statements with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 52 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task G: Using Exclusion to Identify Objects
Think of an item for each statement. The first one is done for you.
1. Name a vegetable that is not green. corn

2. Name a flower that is not red.

3. Name clothing that you do not wear when it is cold outside.

4. Name a word that does not rhyme with boy.

5. Name something you would not put on a sandwich.

6. Name something that does not fit in the palm of your hand.

7. Name a game that is not difficult to play.

8. Name a food that is not spicy.

9. Name a vehicle that is not noisy.

10. Name something you would not keep in a dresser.

11. Name a food you would not eat with a fork.

12. Name something you would not find in a classroom.

13. Name clothing most people do not wear year-round.

14. Name an animal that does not live in/near the sea.

15. Name something a baby cannot do.

16. Name a place that is not quiet.

17. Name a food most people do not eat raw.

18. Name something you wouldn’t pack in your suitcase.

19. Name a food you should not keep in the freezer.

20. Name something you should not do in a library.

21. Name an animal that you cannot ride.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will use exclusion to identify objects with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 53 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task G: Using Exclusion to Identify Objects, continued
Think of an item for each statement.
22. Name a game in which you do not use dice.

23. Name something soccer players do not wear.

24. Name a place where an elephant would not fit.

25. Name a sport that does not require equipment.

26. Name a game for which you do not keep score.

27. Name a food that doesn’t smell good.

28. Name a tool that is not sharp.

29. Name something a mail carrier does not deliver.

30. Name a holiday on which most people do not go to work.

31. Name something you would not see in New York City.

32. Name a book your grandmother or grandfather could not have read as a child.

33. Name something a magnet would not attract.

34. Name a place that is not warm in November.

35. Name a character that is not real.

36. Name a food George Washington could not have eaten.

37. Name something the Pilgrims did not bring to this country.

38. Name somewhere Abraham Lincoln could not have gone.

39. Name a state that doesn’t touch the ocean.

40. Name a country that is not in Asia.

41. Name an item you would not normally find in a first-aid kit.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will use exclusion to identify objects with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 54 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task H: Identifying Similarities and Differences of Objects/Places/Events
Answer each question stating one likeness and one difference for each pair of items. The first one
is done for you.
1. How are a bus and a train alike and different? Both are forms of mass transportation, but a
train runs on tracks and a bus drives on the road.

2. How are apples and peaches alike and different?


3. How are a duck and a turkey alike and different?


4. How are cookies and crackers alike and different?


5. How are fingers and toes alike and different?


6. How are a clock and a watch alike and different?


7. How are a bucket and a bowl alike and different?


8. How are a spoon and a fork alike and different?


9. How are shoes and slippers alike and different?


10. How are a surfboard and a sailboat alike and different?


11. How are a rake and a broom alike and different?


12. How are a gerbil and a chipmunk alike and different?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify similarities and differences of objects/places/events with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 55 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task H: Identifying Similarities and Differences of Objects/Places/Events, continued
Answer each question stating one likeness and one difference for each pair of items.
13. How are a snow cone and an ice-cream cone alike and different?

14. How are a beehive and an anthill alike and different?


15. How are lakes and oceans alike and different?


16. How are radios and TVs alike and different?


17. How are the moon and stars alike and different?

18. How are zebras and horses alike and different?


19. How are kindergarten and preschool alike and different?


20. How are a swimming pool and a pond alike and different?

21. How are a Ferris wheel and a merry-go-round alike and different?

22. How are a telescope and binoculars alike and different?


23. How are a guitar and a violin alike and different?


24. How are a map and a globe alike and different?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify similarities and differences of objects/places/events with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 56 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task H: Identifying Similarities and Differences of Objects/Places/Events, continued
Answer each question stating one likeness and one difference for each pair of items.
25. How are a baseball cap and a cowboy hat alike and different?

26. How are scissors and pliers alike and different?


27. How are a hospital and a school alike and different?


28. How are a parachute and an umbrella alike and different?


29. How are walkie-talkies and telephones alike and different?


30. How are newspapers and magazines alike and different?


31. How are paperclips and staples alike and different?


32. How are a wing and an arm alike and different?


33. How are a dictionary and an encyclopedia alike and different?


34. How are dragons and dinosaurs alike and different?


35. How are Spiderman and Superman alike and different?


36. How are a dream and a movie alike and different?


I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify similarities and differences of objects/places/events with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 57 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task I: Identifying Objects/Places/Actions from Descriptions
State the word for each definition. The first one is done for you.
1. a bath in which water sprays down from above shower

2. two babies born on the same day to the same parents ________________________

3. to open your mouth and breathe in deeply, especially

when tired ________________________

4. to move from side to side, like a dog’s tail ________________________

5. fast-food potato strips ________________________

6. bread that is made crisp and brown by heat ________________________

7. the hard outer covering of a turtle ________________________

8. a short oral or written test ________________________

9. a piece of cloth tied around a baby’s neck during mealtime ________________________

10. to remove dirt by brushing with a broom ________________________

11. a long, slender piece of wood or metal used for hanging a flag ________________________

12. a drink made by squeezing oranges or apples ________________________

13. alert; not asleep ________________________

14. an area of land where cows graze ________________________

15. a color formed by combining blue and yellow ________________________

16. a form of matter that is not a solid or a gas ________________________

17. a container (or building) used for saving money ________________________

18. the child of your uncle or aunt ________________________

19. a head covering or the part of a car covering the engine ________________________

20. a paved walking path alongside a street ________________________

21. to swirl with a spoon ________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify objects/places/actions from descriptions with 90% or greater accuracy.

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Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task I: Identifying Objects/Places/Actions from Descriptions, continued
State the word for each definition.
22. an unsliced mound of bread ________________________

23. a chart for keeping track of days and months ________________________

24. a hard head covering that a soldier or bicyclist wears ________________________

25. a bed covering made from blocks of bright fabric ________________________

26. a sign above a door that shows where to go out ________________________

27. a drawing of a country or state found in an atlas ________________________

28. a shallow pool of water formed by rain ________________________

29. a weighing instrument ________________________

30. a shelter or repair shop for cars ________________________

31. to name the letters of a word in the correct order ________________________

32. the joint between the foot and the leg ________________________

33. a cloth pouch sewn in or on clothing ________________________

34. a ceremony when students receive diplomas ________________________

35. a device for controlling the TV from a distance ________________________

36. an animal that is hunted by another animal for food ________________________

37. a mark left on the skin after a wound has healed ________________________

38. to pay for something with a credit card rather than cash ________________________

39. a person who rides a horse in a professional race ________________________

40. a tube with loose bits of colored glass and mirrors at one
end that shows different patterns as you turn it ________________________

41. a series of movements done to stretch and strengthen the body ________________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify objects/places/actions from descriptions with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 59 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task J: Classifying Objects in Two or More Categories
Name two categories for each object. The first one is done for you.
1. apple red things, fruit

2. horse

3. pencil

4. stuffed animal

5. suitcase

6. airplane

7. boot

8. fish

9. pinwheel

10. motorcycle

11. nail

12. chewing gum

13. popcorn

14. book

15. pillow

16. snowflake

17. owl

18. dollar bill

19. telephone

20. ice cream

21. cave

I.E.P. Objective: The student will classify objects in two or more categories with 90% or greater accuracy.

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Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task J: Classifying Objects in Two or More Categories, continued
Name two categories for each object.
22. key

23. baseball cap

24. ice cube

25. purse

26. chalk

27. Swiss cheese

28. cough syrup

29. tractor

30. moss

31. raincoat

32. wallet

33. picture frame

34. dice

35. tea kettle

36. mattress

37. drinking straw

38. stilts

39. barrel

40. gasoline

41. starfish

42. poison ivy

I.E.P. Objective: The student will classify objects in two or more categories with 90% or greater accuracy.

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Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task K: Completing Analogous Statements
Finish each statement with an appropriate word. The first one is done for you.
1. hard
Cotton is soft. Stones are ___________________.

2. Chickens cluck. Pigs ___________________.

3. During the day we’re awake. At night we’re ___________________.

4. Fish have scales. Birds have ___________________.

5. A lawn mower cuts. A pen ___________________.

6. A brother is a boy. A sister is a ___________________.

7. Jackets are for winter. Shorts are for ___________________.

8. An oven heats. An air conditioner ___________________.

9. Bones are for dogs. Pacifiers are for ___________________.

10. People have hands. Cats have ___________________.

11. A cub is a baby bear. A calf is a baby ___________________.

12. Chickens come from eggs. Flowers come from ___________________.

13. Arms have elbows. Legs have ___________________.

14. A doe is a female deer. A hen is a female ___________________.

15. Sauce is for pasta. Milk is for ___________________.

16. Gum is for chewing. Lollipops are for ___________________.

17. CD cases are square. CDs are ___________________.

18. A deck is made of wood. A chimney is made of ___________________.

19. Water is a liquid. Ice is a ___________________.

20. November has Thanksgiving. February has ___________________.

21. A museum has paintings. A library has ___________________.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete analogous statements with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 62 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task K: Completing Analogous Statements, continued
Finish each statement with an appropriate word.

22. Cupcakes have icing. Beds have ___________________.

23. Pianos have keys. Violins have ___________________.

24. Soccer players score goals. Baseball players score ___________________.

25. Apples have skins. Pecans have ___________________.

26. Seven is an odd number. Twelve is an ___________________ number.

27. Ballet dancers need shoes. Musicians need ___________________.

28. A clock has numerals. A stop sign has ___________________.

29. Envelopes hold letters. Wallets hold ___________________.

30. Doves coo. Owls ___________________.

31. Penguins waddle. Snakes ___________________.

32. Corn grows on a stalk. Grapes grow on a ___________________.

33. Bread goes stale. Milk goes ___________________.

34. Teachers give detentions. Police officers give ___________________.

35. A nail goes in a plank. A thumbtack goes in a ___________________.

36. Birds build nests. Beavers build ___________________.

37. Office workers have coffee breaks. School children have ___________________.

38. Your brain is in your skull. Your lungs are in your ___________________.

39. The leader of the U.S. is the President. The leader of a U.S. state is the ___________________.

40. The Empire State Building is in New York City. The Eiffel Tower is in ___________________.

41. Uni means one. Tri means ___________________.

42. A landscape is a painting of an outdoor scene. A portrait is a painting of a


I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete analogous statements with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 63 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task L: Completing Analogies
Think about how the first two words are related. Then complete the second word pair. The first
one is done for you. (Note: You may present these analogies as completion items: “Roof is to house as
lid is to _____.” To simplify, provide the relationship of the first two items: “A roof covers the top of a
house. A lid covers the top of a _____.”)

1. box
roof : house :: lid : _____________________

2. broccoli : green :: carrot : _____________________

3. ring : finger :: bracelet : _____________________

4. rabbit : hop :: fish : _____________________

5. cry : sad :: laugh : _____________________

6. ant : hill :: bee : _____________________

7. syrup: pancakes :: icing : _____________________

8. ride : bike :: read : _____________________

9. drink : straw :: eat : _____________________

10. hug : arms :: kiss : _____________________

11. glasses : eyes :: hearing aids : _____________________

12. ocean : dolphin :: desert : _____________________

13. cockroach : insect :: parakeet : _____________________

14. mountain : high :: valley : _____________________

15. bathing suit : pool :: pajamas : _____________________

16. goal : soccer :: touchdown : _____________________

17. triangle : three :: square : _____________________

18. wild : wolf :: tame : _____________________

19. perfume : smell :: gum : _____________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete analogies with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 64 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task L: Completing Analogies, continued
Think about how the first two words are related. Then complete the second word pair.

20. ice cream : cone :: lollipop : _____________________

21. screwdriver : screw :: hammer : _____________________

22. ribbon : bow :: rope : _____________________

23. strawberries : vine :: cherries : _____________________

24. fly : kite :: jump : _____________________

25. soldier : march :: ballerina : _____________________

26. enormous : elephant :: tiny : _____________________

27. horse : hoof :: dog : _____________________

28. corn : cob :: apple : _____________________

29. rye : bread :: glazed : _____________________

30. one : two :: first : _____________________

31. scale : weight :: thermometer : _____________________

32. aquarium: fish tank : automobile: _____________________

33. agree : yes :: disagree : _____________________

34. pump : heart :: blink : _____________________

35. waves : ocean :: rapids : _____________________

36. grass : yard : : asphalt : _____________________

37. America : American :: Japan : _____________________

38. President : United States :: Queen/King : _____________________

39. peninsula : Florida :: island : _____________________

40. Ethiopia : Africa :: Brazil : _____________________

I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete analogies with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 65 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task M: Identifying Common Characteristics of Objects
Name two characteristics each pair of objects share. The first one is done for you.
1. banana, lemon yellow, fruit

2. crab, lobster

3. kitten, puppy

4. crow, bat

5. hippopotamus, elephant

6. ocean, lake

7. carrot, potato

8. bracelet, ring

9. bowling ball, marble

10. stroller, grocery cart

11. hockey stick, baseball bat

12. blanket, towel

13. jelly, syrup

14. airplane, helicopter

15. pencil, pen

16. postage stamp, sticker

17. yo-yo, balloon

18. jacket, sweater

19. chewing gum, taffy

20. organ, piano

21. cabbage, lettuce

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify characteristics shared by two objects with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 66 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task M: Identifying Common Characteristics of Objects, continued
Name two characteristics each pair of objects share.
22. lawn mower, vacuum cleaner

23. bicycle, motorcycle

24. mustard, butter

25. snowboard, skateboard

26. alligator, crocodile

27. needle, pin

28. roller coaster, water slide

29. acorn, walnut

30. gymnasium, stadium

31. movie, play

32. oatmeal, soup

33. chalkboard, Etch-a-Sketch®

34. trampoline, diving board

35. hedge, fence

36. inner tube, tire

37. telephone book, dictionary

38. calculator, cordless phone

39. telescope, microscope

40. unicorn, dragon

41. woodpecker, electric drill

42. Lifesaver® candy, drinking straw

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify characteristics shared by two objects with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 67 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task N: Choosing Descriptive Words
Choose the best word to complete each passage. The first one is done for you.
1. The teddy bears are having a parade. They carry colorful balloons. They laugh as they skip
through the town. The teddy bears are _____.

happy scary mean

2. Sam can do 15 pull-ups. He is on the swimming team and plays basketball every day after
school. Sam is _____.

honest athletic handsome

3. Kim gets a ten-dollar allowance each week, even though she doesn’t do any chores at home.
If Kim leaves her toys on the floor, her mother picks them up. She can eat candy anytime
she wants. Kim is _____.

spoiled unhappy poor

4. There are gray clouds overhead. The rain is falling steadily. The sun is behind the clouds
and the air is chilly. The day is _____.

bright sunny dreary

5. These strawberries are ready to be picked. They are red and juicy. These strawberries
are _____.

tough rotten ripe

6. On rainy Saturday mornings I like to pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep.
The sound of the rain on the roof and the warmth of the blankets make me feel _____.

drowsy alert hungry

7. My costume is red with shiny brass buttons on the front. The hat is covered with red,
white, and blue feathers. Even my boots have bells on them. My costume is _____.

simple fancy ragged

8. Shelia always turns in her homework on time. After school she helps out in her grandpa’s
shop. At home she helps her mother care for her brothers and sisters. Shelia is _____.

careless silly responsible

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to descriptive passages and choose corresponding adjectives with 90% or
greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 68 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task N: Choosing Descriptive Words, continued
Choose the best word to complete each passage.
9. Ted was first in line at the buffet. He piled his plate high with shrimp, leaving only a few in
the serving bowl. Ted’s behavior was _____.

greedy jolly mannerly

10. Ron’s bed is unmade. His jeans and socks are on the floor. The trash can is overflowing.
Ron’s room is _____.

tidy cheerful messy

11. Lily’s ring is made of platinum and gold. It has a large diamond in the center surrounded
by ten small rubies. Lily’s ring is _____.

valuable inexpensive plain

12. Mrs. Stone always turns out the lights when she leaves a room. She clips grocery coupons
to use at the store. She never throws away anything unless it is worn out or used up. Mrs.
Stone is _____.

talkative stubborn thrifty

13. I could hardly keep my eyes open during the movie. There was too much talking and not
enough action. The movie seemed to drag on forever. I thought the movie was _____.

exciting boring frightening

14. Rudy will not finish her dinner. She will not clear her plate off the table. She won’t push in
her chair when her brother tries to walk by. Rudy is acting _____.

stubborn cooperative scared

15. Our kitten is full of energy. It loves to run and tumble across the floor. Our kitten is _____.

cozy frisky lazy

16. Morris picked up the dog carefully and placed it on a blanket. He moved the dog’s leg back
and forth very slowly to see if it was broken. Then he softly patted the dog’s head to calm
him. Morris is _____.

hysterical gentle gloomy

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to descriptive passages and choose corresponding adjectives with 90% or
greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 69 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task N: Choosing Descriptive Words, continued
Choose the best word to complete each passage.
17. Julie thought the show started at 4:00, but the parking lot was empty. When she tries the
door of the theater, it is locked. Julie is _____.

broke exhausted confused

18. I was trying to talk to Maria, but Shelly kept interrupting me. Each time she interrupted
me, Shelly tapped me on the arm. Shelly’s behavior was _____.

awesome annoying scary

19. Mr. Ford got up at dawn and began building a brick wall around his backyard. He worked
all morning without stopping. At one o’clock, his wife called him inside for lunch. Mr.
Ford fell asleep on the couch before lunch was served. Mr. Ford was _____.

wise sloppy weary

20. I set the VCR to record my favorite TV show while I was at the game. But when I rewound
the tape and played it, nothing was on it. The tape was _____.

blank loud uneven

21. Al stood up when his grandmother entered the room and offered her his chair. Al is _____.

famous hopeless courteous

22. Joel’s heart was beating fast and his palms were sweaty. When he peeked out from behind
the curtain and saw how many people were in the audience, he felt a little dizzy. He hoped
his name was not called next. Joel was _____.

confident nervous relieved

23. Kaylen worked hard on her science project, but she didn’t win a ribbon in the science fair.
When Kaylen saw Tina’s blue ribbon, she thought, “Her project isn’t half as good as mine!”
Kaylen is _____.

proud jealous shy

24. Mom said, “We don’t have time to look for your library book. Grab your shoes and you can
put them on in the car. I’m leaving right now!” Mom is _____.

impatient hopeful sorry

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to descriptive passages and choose corresponding adjectives with 90% or
greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 70 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task N: Choosing Descriptive Words, continued
Choose the best word to complete each passage.
25. When Mrs. Dixon knelt down to help the children do a puzzle, she heard a loud rip. When
she felt the back of her pants, she realized the seam had split open. The children started
giggling. Mrs. Dixon is _____.

embarrassed clumsy excited

26. We woke up early and went outside. From where we stood, we could barely see the house
across the street. The view is _____.

gritty sharp hazy

27. After practicing for three weeks, Janet didn’t get a part in the school play. Janet was _____.

discouraged pleased elated

28. Ellen wants to be class president. She is campaigning hard. She has talked to each student
and put up 50 posters around school. Ellen is _____.

unable evil ambitious

29. When I couldn’t find my new ring, Jessica said, “Don’t worry. If we all search for it, we will
find it. It will turn up somewhere.” Jessica is _____.

depressed unconcerned optimistic

30. Elijah won the race in the last lap. Elijah was _____.

victorious ordinary bewildered

31. When Carlos was moving his computer monitor from the table to his desk, he dropped it on
his foot. The next day he had to run cross-country for track. The pain in his foot was _____.

comforting agonizing encouraging

32. According to Dr. Williams, the operation will take only one hour. She said I should be able
to go home the next morning and go back to work in three days. She told me she has
performed this type of operation over 500 times. Dr. Williams’ remarks were _____.

reassuring entertaining threatening

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to descriptive passages and choose corresponding adjectives with 90% or
greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 71 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task O: Identifying Word Meanings from Contextual Cues
Give the meaning of each bolded word. The first one is done for you.
1. It’s your turn. See if you can swat the birdie over the net with your racket. hit

2. Ned was scared on the roller coaster. After the ride stopped, he still clutched the bar tightly

with both hands.

3. Al got in the shower and jumped right back out. The water was scalding hot.

4. This ruler is very flexible. I can bend it in a circle and it doesn’t break.

5. It’s not a good day to surf. The ocean is so calm there are no waves.

6. I have one more task to do. Then I will be done with all the jobs on my list.

7. After the rain, the pond was murky. We couldn’t see our toes when we waded in the water.


8. Joe is fascinated by marine life. He loves anything that has to do with the sea.

9. We have a pantry in our kitchen. Even though it is a small closet, we keep all our food,

spices, and other kitchen supplies there.

10. The team doesn’t have funds to buy new uniforms. They will try to raise the money by

selling peanuts.

11. Uncle Ed loves to whittle. He sits on the porch with his knife and a block of wood and

makes beautiful animals.

12. Mr. Shaw’s car is unique. There are no others exactly like it.

13. The actors received a standing ovation. Everyone clapped and cheered loudly for them.

14. The forest is very dense. The trees are so close together you can hardly walk between them.


15. Doves sound mournful. When they coo it sounds as if they have lost their best friend.


16. I’m taking my sister to the park today as I promised. I cannot break another pledge to her.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will use contextual cues to identify word meanings with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 72 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Describing Objects and Defining Words
Task O: Identifying Word Meanings from Contextual Cues, continued
Give the meaning of each bolded word.
17. We grow some exotic plants in our greenhouse. Several of our orchids are from faraway


18. Don’t jostle my arm! I’m trying to glue this toy back together and I need to hold it steady.


19. The microwave oven must be broken. I heated this water on high for five minutes and it is

barely lukewarm.

20. Mom wouldn’t give her consent for me to go on the school trip. She thinks I am too young

to go so far from home without her.

21. Your English papers must have a 1½ inch margin on all sides. This provides space for me

to write comments about your writing.

22. Playing tricks on people on the first of April is a custom in many countries. People trick

their friends year after year.

23. Stan tried to persuade me to change my mind. He had some good points, but I’m still

voting for Dan.

24. Click on the icon of the program you want to use. If you want to play solitaire, click on the

playing cards.

25. The bear cub tumbled into a ravine. It was too deep for the cub to climb out and the sides

were too steep for the mother bear to reach the cub.

26. I did not comprehend the last math problem. No matter how many times the teacher

explained it, I still didn’t understand it.

27. Dad is making me return the midriff top I just bought. He said I am not allowed to go to

school with the middle part of my body showing.

28. You will rarely see a flying fox during the day. It is a nocturnal animal.

29. We were excited to find an intact sand dollar at the beach. In the past, every sand dollar

we’ve found has been broken.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will use contextual cues to identify word meanings with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 73 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task A: Predicting Content from Titles
Use the title to choose the best content for each story.
1. A Puppy for Paul
a. Paul wins a race
b. Paul gets a new dog.
c. Paul’s dog runs away.

2. Runaway Reindeer
a. An airplane misses the runway.
b. Sarah runs away in the rain.
c. Prancer leaves the North Pole.

3. Nosey Nick
a. Nick spoils his sister’s birthday party.
b. Nick reads his sister’s diary while she’s at school.
c. Nick’s sister hits him in the nose with a fly ball.

4. The New Kid in School

a. Harry rides the bus to school.
b. Harry misses the school field trip.
c. Harry is nervous about the first day of school.

5. The Case of the Missing Key

a. A detective searches for a missing key.
b. Ellie gets a new locket.
c. A bank robber gets caught.

6. Go for the Gold

a. Stan finds a five-dollar bill.
b. Jeremy wins a first-place medal.
c. Kate does not win the spelling bee.

7. Midnight Munchies
a. Steven’s father joins him at school for lunch.
b. At nightfall, the daylilies turn into fairies.
c. Deer eat all the lettuce in the garden overnight.

8. Slam Dunk
a. Eva wrecks her new car.
b. Eva scores the winning basket.
c. Eva eats doughnuts and coffee.
I.E.P. Objective: The client will predict content from story titles with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 74 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task A: Predicting Content from Titles, continued
Use the title to choose the best content for each story.
9. Doorway to Disaster
a. Pat steps into the elevator and smells smoke.
b. Pat opens the closet and her cat runs out.
c. Pat steps through the door and her friends yell, “Surprise!”

10. Silent Night

a. Eight friends have a sleepover.
b. Lincoln High wins the state football championship.
c. A winter storm downs the telephone and power lines.

11. A Year to Remember

a. Martin’s baseball team wins five games and loses five.
b. Cindy competes on the U.S. Olympic Diving Team.
c. The Perini family trades in their old car for a new one.

12. The Secret of King’s Creek

a. A treasure is found buried in the desert.
b. A safe is found at the bottom of the ocean.
c. Children wading in a creek find a map in a bottle.

13. Our Prairie Home

a. Pioneers travel west and settle in Kansas.
b. Miners find gold in California.
c. Colonists settle in Jamestown.

14. We All Fall Down

a. The baseball team practices batting.
b. The Carr family takes skiing lessons.
c. A gaggle of geese fly south in autumn.

15. A Visit from Lady Luck

a. Stanley’s aunt visits from Ireland.
b. Stanley’s dog, Lady, has puppies.
c. Stanley buys a winning lottery ticket.

16. Let the Truth Be Told

a. Mr. Tyler takes the witness stand.
b. Mr. Tyler gives a campaign speech.
c. Mr. Tyler describes the fish he almost caught.
I.E.P. Objective: The client will predict content from story titles with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 75 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task A: Predicting Content from Titles, continued
Use the title to choose the content for each story.
17. Chill Out
a. Rob goes in the penalty box during an ice hockey game.
b. Rob hits a fly and it is caught by an outfielder.
c. Rob gets bad news in the mail.

18. White Sails, Blue Sea

a. Katie goes scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef.
b. Katie learns to water ski on Lake Okeechobee.
c. Katie rides on a schooner sailing from Boston Harbor.

19. Trek to the Top

a. Four climbers ascend Mt. McKinley.
b. 1,000 Star Trek fans attend a convention.
c. Jackie wins three gold medals in track and field.

20. Rush Hour

a. Some friends bake cookies.
b. Some friends go whitewater rafting.
c. Some friends look at vacation photos.

21. Starstruck
a. A meteorite hits the barn.
b. Alicia meets her favorite movie star.
c. A careless driver hits the back of Alvin’s truck.

22. A Precious Gift

a. France gives the Statue of Liberty to the United States.
b. Evan buys his dog a new collar.
c. Mr. Reynolds gets a free umbrella when he renews his newspaper subscription.

23. The Wright Flight

a. Mrs. Strauss misses her flight to Boston.
b. Jacob wins a kite-flying contest.
c. The Wright brothers made the first successful flight in a real aircraft.

24. Technicolor Dreams

a. Thomas King studies to become a movie director.
b. June Wells studies to become a country music star.
c. Marshall Kelly dreams of becoming an astronaut.
I.E.P. Objective: The client will predict content from story titles with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 76 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task B: Identifying the Main Idea
Listen to (or read) each paragraph. Then choose the main idea.
1. A pocketknife is useful when camping. You might need it to cut a rope when
setting up your campsite. If you are missing a tent stake, you can use your
knife to make one from a stick. When you go fishing, a pocketknife is helpful
for cutting bait and fishing lines. If you use your knife to sharpen one end of
a long stick, you can cook hot dogs or marshmallows over the campfire.

a. It is difficult to set up a campsite.

b. A pocketknife is a helpful tool when camping.
c. Children shouldn’t play with knives.

2. Pets depend on their owners for many things. Pet owners must give their
pets food, water, and shelter. Some pets, such as dogs, need attention from
their owners every day. Pet owners must be careful so their pets do not run
away or get injured. When a pet is ill or injured, its owner must take the
pet to the vet.

a. Dogs make the best pets.

b. Children cannot be responsible for taking care of pets.
c. Pet owners have a lot of responsibility.

3. Grocery shopping is not an easy chore. There are so many different brands
and types of food that it can be hard to make a choice. Do we want smooth
peanut butter or chunky, regular or low fat, plain or swirled with grape jelly,
large or small container, glass or plastic jar? And which brand do we prefer?
With so many choices for each item, no wonder it takes so long to shop!

a. More people buy smooth peanut butter than chunky.

b. You must make many decisions when buying groceries.
c. If you want to shop quickly, don’t buy peanut butter.

4. Extreme sports are very popular. Some extreme sports, such as snow skiing
or surfing, have been around for many years. Other extreme sports, such as
snowboarding or windsurfing, have become popular in recent years. One
thing all extreme sports have in common is the thrill of competing. Extreme
sports athletes are always looking for new challenges — a bigger wave, a
higher mountain, or a steeper hill.

a. Extreme sports are dangerous.

b. Extreme sports are new.
c. Many people are interested in extreme sports.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify the main idea of paragraphs with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 77 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task B: Identifying the Main Idea, continued
Listen to (or read) each paragraph. Then choose the main idea.
5. Auto race officials use flags to signal the drivers. A green flag means go
and a red flag means stop. The official waves a red flag when an accident
or bad weather has made the track dangerous. When drivers see a yellow
flag, they must slow down and keep from passing others. The official uses
a white flag to signal the last lap of the race. The familiar black and white
checkered flag means the race is over.

a. Officials use colored flags to communicate with drivers during an

auto race.
b. Racecar drivers may pass on a yellow flag during the last lap of
the race.
c. Racecar drivers wave red flags if they need to make an emergency

6. Many years ago, libraries were silent places offering mostly books and
newspapers. Today, we can find a variety of resources in libraries. In
addition to regular books, libraries loan out books-on-tape, videotapes,
and compact disks. Most libraries have replaced their card catalogs with
computer catalogs. Shelves of current magazines and comfortable chairs
encourage people to relax and stay a while. Children are welcomed to the
library with brightly-colored murals, puzzle tables, and story hours.

a. Public libraries have changed slightly over the years.

b. Computer catalogs make it easier to find books.
c. Libraries have become more user-friendly.

7. The people who live in Africa speak more different languages than on any
other continent. There are 800 ethnic groups in Africa, each with its own
language. Some groups even have more than one language. There are over
1,000 different languages in all. In some places, Africans speak popular
languages such as Arabic, Portuguese, French, and English. In other areas
in Africa, the people may speak several different languages within the same
country. Somalia is the only country in Africa where everyone speaks the
same language.

a. Africa is a continent of many people and many languages.

b. No one in Africa speaks the same language.
c. The most popular language in Africa is Arabic.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify the main idea of paragraphs with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 78 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task B: Identifying the Main Idea, continued
Listen to (or read) each paragraph. Then choose the main idea.
8. Koala bears aren’t really bears. They are marsupials. Kangaroos are also
marsupials. Koala bears carry their babies in a pouch, just like kangaroos.
Unlike kangaroos, koala bears spend most of their time in trees. The only
reason they come down from the trees is to find food. They like to eat
eucalyptus leaves.

a. Kangaroos and koala bears are enemies.

b. Koala bears are marsupials that eat leaves.
c. Koala bears are too heavy to climb trees.

9. There are many different types of instruments. Violins and guitars are
stringed instruments. Musicians move the strings on these instruments
to play them. To play pianos and organs, you press the keys on their
keyboards. To play wind instruments, such as a horn or a flute, you
blow into them while pressing keys. Musicians play drums, cymbals,
and other percussion instruments by striking them.

a. Instruments are played in different ways.

b. Instruments made of brass are the loudest.
c. If you hit a percussion instrument, it will crack.

10. If asked which animal eats leaves from the treetops, you might think of a
giraffe. Would you also think of sauropods? These dinosaurs had very
long necks that helped them reach vegetation high off the ground. Their
long necks may also have helped them reach plants in lakebeds. Sauropods
must have spent much of their days eating in order to take in enough food
to fuel their enormous bodies.

a. Sauropods were vegetarians with long necks.

b. Sauropods died because they could not eat enough leaves.
c. Giraffes are related to dinosaurs.

11. Nourishing food is only one benefit of the family dinner hour. Studies show
that when families eat together, children earn better grades and are less likely
to have high levels of stress. Parents can teach manners, family values, and
vocabulary at the dinner table. The family dinner hour is also a good time
to talk about what happened in each person’s day and plan for the next day.

a. Good nutrition leads to good grades.

b. When parents work late, children are not nourished.
c. Gathering around the table for dinner has many benefits.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify the main idea of paragraphs with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 79 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task B: Identifying the Main Idea, continued
Listen to (or read) each paragraph. Then choose the main idea.
12. A dollar bill is an object we use almost every day, yet most people probably
know little about it. This paper money isn’t actually made of paper at all.
It is made of a blend of cotton and linen fibers, which is why it holds up
so well when it goes through the washer and dryer in our pockets. After
a bill is printed with a special secret ink, it is starched to make it crisp and
waterproof. A typical dollar bill is in circulation for about 18 months.
Compare this to the nine-year lifespan of a one hundred dollar bill and
you will see how much wear and tear a one dollar bill receives.

a. One dollar bills are stronger than one hundred dollar bills.
b. One dollar bills are used often and wear out quickly.
c. A one dollar bill expires 18 months after it is printed.

13. What starts out as an egg the size of a pinhead and ends up a colorful
beauty? If you guessed butterfly, you are right! A newly-hatched caterpillar
is very hungry and loves fresh milkweed. As it grows, it sheds its skin four
or five times. When it hangs upside down and turns green, it is forming its
chrysalis. In several weeks, the chrysalis turns gray and then transparent.
Soon the butterfly emerges. After the powdery scales on its wings dry, the
butterfly takes its first flight. What a beautiful sight!

a. Milkweed is a butterfly’s favorite food.

b. Moths and butterflies go through the same stages.
c. There are many stages in a butterfly’s life.

14. Although most people no longer carry handkerchiefs or bandanas, they

can come in handy. Cowboys used their bandanas to keep dust out of
their noses and mouths, tie their hats on in strong winds, keep the sun
from burning their necks, and strain dirt from drinking water. Campers
use bandanas as emergency slings or bandages; as tiebacks for their hair
when cooking over a campfire; and as dishrags, washcloths, or napkins.
With so many uses, it’s a wonder that people stopped carrying handkerchiefs.

a. Cowboys and campers have little in common.

b. People stopped carrying handkerchiefs because they are no longer
sold in stores.
c. Handkerchiefs are very functional.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify the main idea of paragraphs with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 80 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task B: Identifying the Main Idea, continued
Listen to (or read) each paragraph. Then choose the main idea.
15. In 1870, people began to commonly use bicycles in the United States. Early
bikes had huge front wheels and small back wheels. They were very hard
to pedal. By the turn of the 20th century, two-wheelers looked much like
the bikes we ride today. In the 1960s, ten-speed racers rolled into our lives.
The 1970s brought banana seats and high handlebars. Today, high-tech
mountain bikes are lightweight, yet rugged.
a. Bicycles have become more expensive.
b. Bicycles have undergone many changes over the years.
c. Bicycles are the most common form of transportation.

16. Many people find it hard to wake up in the morning. We groan and reach
for the snooze button when the alarm goes off. Busy days and late nights
make it hard to get enough sleep. Even when we do get to bed on time,
unfinished business from the day or worries about tomorrow’s events can
keep us from falling asleep. Our ancestors would laugh at the thought of
being unable to fall asleep. After toiling in the fields or factories from early
morning until evening, they had no problem falling asleep. But they, too,
probably groaned at the sound of the rooster crowing early in the morning.
a. Many people have difficulty falling asleep and waking up in the
b. If we worked harder, it would be easier to wake up in the
c. Before the invention of alarm clocks, many people overslept and
were late for their jobs.

17. The Internet has become a quick and easy way to find information on just
about any topic. When using the Internet to do research, however, you
must be careful of the source. Just because someone has posted information
on a website, it doesn’t mean the person is an expert. Anyone can offer his
opinion as fact on the Internet. Official websites of the government, news-
papers, colleges, and professional organizations may have more reliable
information than other sites. If you compare several sites and find the same
facts, you can be more confident the information is correct.
a. Most people lie when posting information on the Internet.
b. Not all information on the Internet is reliable.
c. All information on the Internet has been verified as true.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify the main idea of paragraphs with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 81 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task C: Paraphrasing Passages
Listen to each passage. Then retell it in your own words. Be sure to include at least three
important details. (Note: You may choose to break up a paragraph into smaller parts as you read it.)
1. Some of the best children’s games aren’t played on an electronic game
system. For hundreds of years, children have entertained themselves with
tag, hide-and-go-seek, races, and jump rope. Young children always enjoy
ring-around-the-rosy, and older children love hopscotch and kick-the-can.
Children have taught us that we can find fun beyond expensive packages.

2. When bowling, it’s important to choose a ball that fits your fingers. If the
holes are too snug, you won’t be able to release the ball easily. If the holes
are too large, the ball may slip out of your hand before you are ready. The
weight of the ball is important too. You need to be able to pick up and roll
the ball easily, yet you want a ball that’s heavy enough to knock down the
pins with force.

3. Everyone should learn how to swim, especially people who live near the
water. It is important to learn how to hold your breath, go under the water,
and come back up. You should also be able to float for at least five minutes
so you can stay afloat in an emergency. Jump into a pool with your clothes
on to practice staying afloat with the added weight of wet clothing. Some-
day you could save your own life using basic water survival skills.

4. Why are hyenas called laughing hyenas? In movies and cartoons, hyenas laugh
just like people. A real hyena doesn’t laugh exactly like a human, although its
call may sound like wild laughter. Hyenas make other noises, too, such as
howling, snarling, and barking. Hyenas are nocturnal animals. If you hear
strange laughing outdoors at night, it just might be a hyena!

5. How could you time something if you had no watch? Many years ago people
used hourglasses. An hourglass measures time by the trickling of sand or
water through a small opening at the bottom of a glass bulb. The sand or
water moves through the narrow opening into a glass bulb below. When
the top bulb is empty, one hour has passed. Today we use smaller timers
to keep track of minutes when we play a game or cook an egg.

6. Clothing is made from different materials. These materials come from plants
or animals, or they are made from chemicals. Much of our clothing is made
from cotton, which comes from a plant. Linen is another cloth that comes
from a plant. Wool comes from a sheep or a goat. Leather for shoes, coats,
and belts comes from a cow. Some cloth, such as polyester or nylon, is made
from chemicals.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase informational passages with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 82 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task C: Paraphrasing Passages, continued
Listen to each passage. Then retell it in your own words. Be sure to include at least three
important details.
7. You may shout “punch buggy,” “slug bug,” or “bug alert” when you see a
small car with a rounded shape, but its proper name is Volkswagen. The
first Volkswagens were built in Germany in the 1930s. The manufacturers
wanted to build a car that was inexpensive and easy to fix. They wanted a
car that almost everyone could buy and enjoy. So, that’s what they called it.
In German, the word Volks means people and Wagen means car. When you
put these words together, Volkswagen means people’s car. The next time you
see one, yell, “People’s car!”

8. We can recycle many common objects. Newspapers, magazines, cardboard,

milk cartons, plastic containers, and glass bottles are all recyclable. Some
communities have curbside pickup to make recycling easier for residents.
Other communities have drop-off sites where people can leave their items.
We can also support recycling by buying goods made from recycled items.
Lawn furniture, computer paper, cereal boxes, and mulch are just some of
the new goods made from recycled items.

9. Do you know the most popular sport in the world? If you live in the
United States, you might think it is baseball. But it isn’t! Hundreds of
millions of people worldwide play soccer, making it the most popular sport
of all. In most countries, people call this game football. The world’s largest
soccer tournament, the World Cup, takes place every four years. Each
country’s best players compete for the World Cup. Since 1991, both men’s
and women’s teams play in this tournament. The U.S. men’s team has
never won the World Cup, but the U.S. women’s team won in 1991 and

10. What happens if you press your forehead against a cool glass mirror? The
glass feels warmer and your skin feels cooler. That’s because energy or heat
flowed from your warm forehead to the cooler glass of the mirror. Heat
usually flows from warmer to cooler materials. If you pick up something
cool, the heat from your hand will warm it. If you pick up something hot,
it will warm your cooler hand. Think about this the next time you warm
your hands around a cup of hot chocolate or shiver when you grab the
metal railing while ice skating.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase informational passages with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 83 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task C: Paraphrasing Passages, continued
Listen to each passage. Then retell it in your own words. Be sure to include at least three
important details.
11. Have you ever seen a horse wearing blinders? These dark shades rest
alongside a horse’s head so it can’t see to either side. While wearing
blinders, the horse must focus on what is in front of it. This keeps the
horse from being frightened by something unexpected coming up behind
it. Horse owners use blinders on racehorses and on workhorses pulling
wagons or carts. Blinders help horses concentrate on their work and
reduce the chance that a horse might become scared and bolt, injuring
itself or others.

12. Puffins are unusual looking birds with bright orange beaks and black-and-
white feathers. People have nicknamed them sea parrot or ocean clown. They
use their big beaks to carry fish. They are excellent swimmers and can stay
underwater for up to one minute. Puffins live in both the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans. They build their nests under big rocks on islands and lay
only one egg each year. A baby puffin is called a puffling. When a puffin
is six weeks old, it flies out to the ocean where it lives for the next few
years. At five years of age, the puffin returns to the place it was hatched
to breed and raise pufflings of its own.

13. Reference books contain a wealth of information, but they will be of little
help unless you use the correct one. If you are trying to locate a certain
place, use an atlas, which is a book of maps. A dictionary is the best source
for definitions, spellings, and pronunciations of words. If you want to find
only synonyms of words, look in a thesaurus. If you need to find detailed
information about a person, place, or historical event, use an encyclopedia.
When traveling, use guidebooks for information and directions.

14. A new source of toxic trash is discarded cell phones. When people switch
to new wireless phone carriers, they often throw away their old phones.
Millions of discarded cell phones end up in landfills where they can leak
chemicals into the groundwater. When we burn cell phones in incinerators,
they leak toxins that pollute the air. Even though wireless phone companies
collect old phones at their stores for recycling, this is not enough to handle
the millions of phones that people discard each year. Most consumers don’t
know that wireless telephones can be recycled. Public awareness must be
raised about programs to recycle used phones so that consumers can help
reduce this growing mountain of trash.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase informational passages with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 84 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task D: Answering Interpretive Questions from Stories
Listen to (or read) each story. Then answer the questions.
1. Dylan held his breath and tried not to move a muscle. He could feel his
heart beating rapidly. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Suddenly
they stopped. From his leafy perch, Dylan could see only the legs and feet
of the person who was chasing him. Dylan couldn’t remain still any longer.
As he shifted his weight, his shoe fell to the ground. Immediately, Dylan
was caught in the beam of a flashlight. “Your goose is cooked!” screamed
Marie. “Now you are it!”
a. Why was Dylan holding his breath?
b. Where was Dylan hiding?
c. What details in the story give you a hint about Dylan’s hiding
d. What time of day did the story take place?
e. Why did Dylan’s shoe fall off?
f. Did Dylan get hurt when he was caught in the flashlight’s beam?
g. What did Marie mean when she said, “Your goose is cooked!”?
h. What game were Marie and Dylan playing?
i. How does the feeling of the story change from the beginning to
the end?
j. What is a good title for this story?

2. “But Mom,” said Kyle. “All the other kids are allowed to ride their bikes
around the block. You treat me like such a baby!”

“Well, it seems like just yesterday that you were a baby riding your tricycle,”
answered Kyle’s mom. “You may ride your bike around the block one time.
Look out for cars. Stay near the side of the road. Don’t forget to wear your

Several minutes after Kyle left, his mother heard the squeal of tires and the
screech of brakes. Her heart was in her throat. She ran out the front door
and saw Kyle riding toward her very fast. As he jumped off his bike and
ran toward her, Kyle yelled, “Mom, Mr. Byrd almost got hit by a car when
he backed out of his driveway! He wasn’t being careful like me!” Kyle’s
mom smiled and hugged him tightly.

a. How old do you think Kyle is, and what details in the story give you
a hint about his age?
b. Has Kyle ridden his bike around the block before today?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer interpretive questions from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 85 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task D: Answering Interpretive Questions from Stories, continued
c. What word describes Kyle’s feeling about his ability to ride his
bike around the block by himself?
d. How does Kyle’s mom feel about him going around the block?
e. What did Kyle’s mom mean when she told him to wear his gear?
f. What did Kyle’s mom think had happened when she heard the
screech of brakes?
g. What is the meaning of the statement, “Her heart was in her
h. How do you think Kyle’s mom felt when she saw him riding
toward her?
i. Why did Kyle’s mom smile as she hugged him?
j. What is a good title for this story?

3. Clayton was burning the midnight oil studying for tomorrow’s algebra final.
At 1:00 AM, Clayton still had 15 pages to review. But he could no longer keep
his eyes open, so he hit the sack. All night Clayton dreamed of numbers
and equations. The numbers were after him, trying to invade his house and
surround him. Clayton could even hear the numbers hitting the glass of his
bedroom windows, ping, ping, pinging as they tried to get inside. Clayton
huddled deeper under the blankets, covering his ears, but still the sound of
the numbers hitting the glass kept him from sleeping soundly.

Finally it was morning. Clayton shut off the alarm and stumbled from bed,
dreading to face the day. Then he glanced out the window and saw the
ground blanketed in white. Clayton hurriedly turned on the radio, hoping
and praying to hear Heritage High on the list.

a. What does the phrase “burning the midnight oil” mean, and why
was Clayton doing it?
b. Did Clayton finish studying for his exam before he went to bed?
c. Why do you think Clayton was dreaming about numbers and
d. What was actually making the pinging sound on his windows?
e. Why was Clayton dreading the day ahead?
f. How do you think Clayton felt when he looked out the window?
g. Why did Clayton turn on the radio?
h. Why was Clayton hoping to hear Heritage High on the list?
i. How old do you think Clayton is, and what details in the story
give you a clue about his age?
j. What is a good title for this story?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer interpretive questions from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 86 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task D: Answering Interpretive Questions from Stories, continued
4. As Billy closed the barn door, he heard screams coming from the direction
of the river. He jumped on his horse and galloped eastward. As he
approached the river, he could see several people gathered on its bank
near an overturned wagon. Two people stretched out a long limb into
the swift current. “Swim, Carol, swim!” screamed Mrs. Olson.

Billy jumped off his horse, pulled off his boots, and plunged into the river.
Kicking and pulling hard, he reached Carol quickly. He grabbed onto the
long skirt of her dress and pulled her toward the branch, grabbing it and
holding fast. The others pulled the branch to the bank, and Billy and Carol
were safe.

“My baby, you saved my baby!” cried Mrs. Olson. “How will I ever repay

“It was nothing, ma’am,” replied Billy.

“Cut!” yelled Jack. “Brad and Courtney, get dried off for another take. And
this time Courtney, go under the water a few times before he reaches you.”

a. Where and when might this story have taken place?

b. Did Billy know what the problem was before he jumped on his
c. Why were people stretching a limb into the river?
d. What is a possible reason why no one jumped into the river before
Billy arrived?
e. Why did Billy take off his boots before jumping into the river?
f. Why was Carol wearing a long dress in the river?
g. How are Mrs. Olson and Carol related?
h. Who are Jack, Brad, and Courtney?
i. At what point did you realize the story was a scene from a movie?
j. What is a good title for this story?

5. George felt the ladder wobble as he shifted his weight. Suddenly the ladder
began to fall. George dropped his brush and grabbed for the rain gutter as
the ladder crashed down onto the orange tree in the backyard. Luckily
George was able to grab the gutter with both hands. He tried to inch his
way down the gutter toward a tree that leaned close to the house, but each
time he moved, the gutter pulled farther away from the house.

George hung there, suspended above the yard like a clumsy tightrope walker,
unable to move and unwilling to jump three stories to the ground. “Why

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer interpretive questions from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 87 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task D: Answering Interpretive Questions from Stories, continued
couldn’t this have happened yesterday when I was painting the front of the
house?” thought George. “But, in my twenty years on the job, I’ve been in
worse jams than this. I’ll figure some way out of this one too!” Just then he
heard a little boy’s voice below.

“Whatcha doing up there, Mister?” he asked.

a. What is George’s job, and how do you know this?

b. Where could this story have taken place, and what details in the
story give you a hint about the setting?
c. What detail in the story gives you information about George’s age,
and how old do you think he is?
d. Why is George trying to inch his way down the gutter toward a
e. Why is George unwilling to jump to the ground?
f. How is George like a clumsy tightrope walker?
g. Why does George wish the ladder had fallen yesterday?
h. How would you describe George’s attitude as he hangs from the
i. How do you think George will get out of this jam?
j. What is a good title for this story?

6. Renee gazed out the window. She could just make out the lights of Richmond
through the clouds. “Hurry up!” she cheered silently. “I’ve waited three
long years for this trip. I can’t wait another minute.” Soon enough Renee
found herself at the baggage claim area. She grabbed her suitcase from
the carousel and ran toward the door where she saw Sue waiting with
outstretched arms. As Sue hugged Renee, she said, “Come on. Mom is
waiting in the car with my special guy. I can’t wait for you to meet him!”

As Renee and Sue hurried to the car, Renee saw a man following her. He
looked suspicious, wearing dark glasses and a dark coat. “Quick, let’s get
in the car,” said Renee. As they drove off, Renee glanced out the back
window of the car. The man was running after her. She was glad she was
in the car.

Renee then turned her attention to Danny who grinned at her excitedly.
“I’m your Aunt Renee,” she said. “And you are even cuter than your
pictures. I brought you a surprise. Let me open my suitcase and get it.”
But when Renee opened her suitcase, she was the one who was surprised.
Instead of a rubber duckie and a stuffed bunny, she found a man’s jacket
and a box of business cards.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer interpretive questions from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 88 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task D: Answering Interpretive Questions from Stories, continued
a. How was Renee traveling, and how do you know this?
b. How are Sue and Renee related?
c. Who is Sue’s special guy?
d. Why hasn’t Renee met Danny before today?
e. What about the man made Renee suspicious?
f. What was Renee expecting to see when she opened her suitcase?
g. Why was the man following Renee in the airport?
h. What could Renee have done to avoid this problem?
i. How do you think Renee will get the suitcase to its owner?
j. What would be a good title for this story?

7. “I knew he couldn’t be trusted!” yelled Shannon as she yanked the cash box
from the drawer. “Just look. There were five one-hundred dollar bills in
here yesterday. Now there are just two. Richard closed up last night. He
must have taken the money!”

Janet straightened the last necktie in the display case and stood up. “Calm
down, Shannon,” she cautioned. “Although Richard hasn’t worked here
long, he seems very honest. Last week he ran after a woman to give her
a nickel in change. Does that sound like a dishonest person?”

“That was just a smokescreen. His shift was supposed to start at 9:00 and
it’s already 9:30. If he didn’t take the money, why isn’t he here yet? I’ll bet we
won’t be seeing any more of him!” snapped Shannon.

“Ask him yourself!” retorted Janet as the bell on the front door jangled and
Richard came in.

“Good morning, everyone!” said Richard. “Sorry I’m a little late. There
was a long line at the bank, but I got the change you asked me to get. The
twenties are in this envelope and here are the coins. And I also stopped
and got some bagels for everyone. Help yourself!”

a. Where and when does this story take place?

b. What does Shannon mean when she says that Richard closed up
last night?
c. Why wouldn’t a dishonest person run after someone to give her a
d. What did Shannon mean when she said, “That was just a

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer interpretive questions from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 89 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task D: Answering Interpretive Questions from Stories, continued
e. Why does Shannon think that Richard’s tardiness is a sign that he
stole the money?
f. What is Janet’s opinion of Richard?
g. Why was Richard late?
h. How would you describe Shannon?
i. How do you think Shannon felt after Richard came in and gave
her the change?
j. What is a good title for this story?

8. The wind and rain whipped against the trees, sending branches crashing
down everywhere. Stella peeked out the small window in the front door
just in time to see a window shutter land on the roof of the car. Just then
the lights flickered on and off. Then everything was dark. Fortunately, the
family was prepared. They had been tracking the storm for days and had
plenty of time to stock up on batteries, candles, and ice.

By the next morning, everything was calm. Stella ventured outside with
her dad to survey the scene. Stella gasped. A huge tree lay on top of their
garage. The back window of their car was smashed. A live wire danced in
the street. They could hear sirens wailing in the distance. Stella’s dad
hugged her tightly. “I sure am lucky,” he said. “Everything I value is

a. What type of storm is it, and how do you know this?

b. When the story opens, what time of day is it?
c. What does “tracking the storm” mean?
d. Why did the family stock up on batteries, candles, and ice?
e. How could a wire dance in the street?
f. What would be an unwise thing for Stella and her dad to do
g. Why did Stella and her dad hear sirens?
h. What did Stella’s dad mean when he said, “Everything I value is
i. What do you think Stella and her dad did next?
j. What is a good title for this story?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will answer interpretive questions from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 90 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task E: Drawing Inferences from Stories
Listen to (or read) each story. Then answer the questions.
1. “I’m sorry!” cried Alex. “I only took my eyes off him for a minute. But
someone left the gate open, and he ran out before I could stop him.”

“It’s okay,” said his dad. “It could have happened to anyone. Luckily the
car that hit him wasn’t going very fast. The vet just called and said we can
bring Max home now. His broken leg will heal, but he won’t be chasing
cars for a long time.”

a. What kind of animal is Max, and how do you know Max is an

b. How do you know that Alex is upset?
c. How can you tell that Alex’s dad didn’t blame him for the
d. What do you think happened right before this paragraph?
e. What do you think happens next?
f. What would you change or add to this story?

2. “Table two needs another soda, and four is ready to order.”

“I’m on it,” replied Julie. As she turned quickly, grabbing her tray, Julie
tripped over Darius who was kneeling down to pick up a broken glass.
As she fell, the tray flew out of Julie’s hands and hit Sunny in the back.
Startled, Sunny jostled the pitcher of water she held, and it splashed onto
the head of a man sitting at a nearby table. His dinner partner began to
laugh hysterically.

a. Where do Julie and Sunny work, and what are their jobs?
b. What does Julie mean when she says, “I’m on it”?
c. What do you think Sunny will say to the man she splashed the
water on?
d. How do you think the man with the wet head will react?
e. How could this chain of events have been prevented?
f. What do you think happens next?

3. “I’m starving,” moaned Mike. “I don’t think I can make it another minute
without some food!”

“Well, you knew this was going to be a challenging adventure when you
signed on,” answered Ray.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will make inferences from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 91 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task E: Drawing Inferences from Stories, continued
“Sign on?” Mike replied. “I was drafted because you needed a foursome.
The heat and the mosquitoes are terrible, not to mention the blister I’m
getting on my hand. How much longer will it be until we reach the end?”

“I can’t take it anymore!” yelled Rita. “I can see the windmill on the last
hole from here. Quit your bellyaching and putt, will you?”

a. What are Mike, Ray, and Rita doing?

b. Do you think Mike chose this activity? Why?
c. Are all the players mentioned by name? How do you know this?
d. What is causing Mike to get a blister on his hand?
e. What does “bellyaching” mean?
f. What do you think happens next?

4. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there. I’d better bring my umbrella,” said
Anna as she ran for the door. “If I hurry, I might make it to work on time.”
Anna slammed the front door and hurried down the walkway, dodging
puddles as she walked to the bus stop. Suddenly a big gust of wind caught
Anna’s umbrella, turning her into a modern-day Mary Poppins. As she
struggled to get control of her umbrella, Anna looked up to see her bus pull
away from the stop and head on toward town.

a. What does Anna mean by the phrase “raining cats and dogs”?
b. Who is Anna talking to?
c. Is Anna a child or an adult? How do you know?
d. What does “dodging puddles” mean, and why was Anna doing this?
e. How is Anna like Mary Poppins?
f. What do you think Anna did after she saw her bus leave?

5. Dana’s mom was helping Dana make her bed when they felt the house
shake for a few moments. “Wow, that was a big truck!” said Dana.

Her mom glanced out the front window. “No,” she said. “There are no
trucks in sight. Run and look out the back window.”

Dana ran to her brother’s room and looked out, but the road behind the
house was empty. She felt something sharp under her foot and bent down
to pick up the pieces of her brother’s soccer trophy. Just then the phone
rang. It was Dana’s cousin who lived about two miles away. Her cousin
said, “You won’t believe what just happened!”

I.E.P. Objective: The client will make inferences from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 92 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task E: Drawing Inferences from Stories, continued
a. Why did Dana look for a truck after the house shook?
b. On which side of the house are Dana’s room and her brother’s
room located?
c. What do you think caused the house to shake?
d. Why was her brother’s soccer trophy in pieces?
e. Why is the distance between Dana’s house and her cousin’s house
a clue as to what happened?
f. What do you think Dana’s cousin says next?

6. The bell rang and the children spilled out into the hallway. “How did you
do?” asked Maria.

Joan looked down at the floor and said, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Well, I thought it was a piece of cake,” replied Maria. “I’m glad I didn’t
spend too much time studying.”

Just then Mr. Conway came to the door, frowning and holding a paper.
“Maria,” he said. “I need to see you for a minute.” Maria’s smile faded
as she walked back inside the classroom.

a. Where are Maria and Joan, and how do you know this?
b. What are Maria and Joan discussing?
c. Why do you think Joan looked down at the floor?
d. What does Maria mean when she says, “It was a piece of cake”?
e. Why do you think Mr. Conway was frowning?
f. What would you change or add to this story?

7. As the days grew shorter and the wind grew colder, Mother checked the food
she had gathered during the harvest. “I hope there is enough,” she thought.
“Once this is gone, we won’t be able to get any more until spring.” She
watched her children scurry through the leaves, laughing and tumbling as
they chased each other up and down trees and under the haystack. “Have
fun today,” she called. “I smell snow in the air. Tomorrow we must go into
the burrow.” Hearing this, the children’s faces fell, for they knew the long,
dark time would soon be upon them.

a. Why can’t Mother get any more food until spring?

b. What type of family could this be? How do you know it is not a
human family?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will make inferences from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 93 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task E: Drawing Inferences from Stories, continued
c. Could human children have played the same games?
d. What is meant by “the children’s faces fell”?
e. What is the long, dark time?
f. If the children answered Mother, what might they say?

8. Early Wednesday morning, John looked out the window and saw Mrs.
Carter running down the street in her bathrobe, carrying a brown paper
bag. “Hilda, the morning Olympics have begun!” hollered John with a

“What did Adam forget this time?” asked Hilda.

“Well, it’s a small, brown bag. Must be his lunch,” replied John.

“It might do that child good to go without lunch for a change. Maybe it
would improve his memory,” observed Hilda.

“Look who’s talking,” said John. “I remember when Timmy forgot his
science poster, and you were late for work because you dropped it off at
school on your way.”

a. What is the relationship between John and Hilda?

b. What does John mean by “the morning Olympics”?
c. How does Hilda know that Adam has forgotten something?
d. Who is Timmy?
e. How do you think Hilda replied to John’s last statement to her?
f. What information is missing about Adam, Mrs. Carter, and the
lunch bag?

9. Carl’s heart rate was right on target, and he was starting to work up a sweat.
He had been walking about ten minutes when suddenly he began to speed
up. Next he stumbled and jumped to the floor. Looking a little embarrassed,
he stood up and rubbed his elbow. Mr. Santos hurried over and asked what
had happened. “It just started speeding up on its own. I tried to slow it
down, but the button is stuck. I had to jump off while it was still moving.”

“I’m sorry,” Mr. Santos replied. “I’ll write up a repair order. I hope you’re

“Well, I bumped my elbow, but I don’t think anything is broken,” observed


I.E.P. Objective: The client will make inferences from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 94 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task E: Drawing Inferences from Stories, continued
a. Where is Carl, and how do you know this?
b. What was Carl doing before he jumped to the floor?
c. What happened to Carl when he jumped to the floor?
d. Why did Carl rub his elbow, and why was he embarrassed?
e. Who is Mr. Santos, and why is he going to write up a repair order?
f. What is another way this story could have ended?

10. Anthony raced across the front yard and up the steps. A dog inside the
house barked excitedly. Anthony grabbed a bag from the front porch, ran
back to the van, and jumped inside. “Quick, shut the door!” said the driver
as he drove to the next house. “Do you see anything on this porch?” he

“No, but there’s something on the one across the street,” observed Tyrone.
“I’ll grab it!”

“The van’s full, but we can probably fit in one more bag,” said Anthony.

“Great! Let’s get rid of this load and go to the next block,” said the driver.
“Our troop might collect the most food today. We can restock the bank with
all of these donations!”

a. Why are the boys taking bags from porches?

b. Why are they in a hurry?
c. What kind of troop might the boys belong to?
d. What kind of bank are they going to restock?
e. At the beginning of the paragraph, what did you think the boys
were doing?
f. What do you think happens next?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will make inferences from short stories with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 95 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task F: Describing and Interpreting Pictures
Look at the picture and respond to the following:
1. Explain what is happening in this picture.
2. What happened immediately before this picture?
3. What do you think will happen next?
4. Ask a why question about this picture.
5. Ask an if/what would happen if question about this picture.
6. Ask a how question about this picture.
7. Ask a should/could/would question about this picture.
8. Suggest a title for this scene.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will describe and interpret events in picture scenes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 96 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task F: Describing and Interpreting Pictures, continued
Look at the picture and respond to the following:
1. Explain what is happening in this picture.
2. What happened immediately before this picture?
3. What do you think will happen next?
4. Ask a why question about this picture.
5. Ask an if/what would happen if question about this picture.
6. Ask a how question about this picture.
7. Ask a should/could/would question about this picture.
8. Suggest a title for this scene.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will describe and interpret events in picture scenes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 97 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task F: Describing and Interpreting Pictures, continued
Look at the picture and respond to the following:
1. Explain what is happening in this picture.
2. What happened immediately before this picture?
3. What do you think will happen next?
4. Ask a why question about this picture.
5. Ask an if/what would happen if question about this picture.
6. Ask a how question about this picture.
7. Ask a should/could/would question about this picture.
8. Suggest a title for this scene.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will describe and interpret events in picture scenes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 98 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task F: Describing and Interpreting Pictures, continued
Look at the picture and respond to the following:
1. Explain what is happening in this picture.
2. What happened immediately before this picture?
3. What do you think will happen next?
4. Ask a why question about this picture.
5. Ask an if/what would happen if question about this picture.
6. Ask a how question about this picture.
7. Ask a should/could/would question about this picture.
8. Suggest a title for this scene.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will describe and interpret events in picture scenes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 99 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task F: Describing and Interpreting Pictures, continued
Look at the picture and respond to the following:
1. Explain what is happening in this picture.
2. What happened immediately before this picture?
3. What do you think will happen next?
4. Ask a why question about this picture.
5. Ask an if/what would happen if question about this picture.
6. Ask a how question about this picture.
7. Ask a should/could/would question about this picture.
8. Suggest a title for this scene.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will describe and interpret events in picture scenes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 100 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Reading and Listening
Task F: Describing and Interpreting Pictures, continued
Look at the picture and respond to the following:
1. Explain what is happening in this picture.
2. What happened immediately before this picture?
3. What do you think will happen next?
4. Ask a why question about this picture.
5. Ask an if/what would happen if question about this picture.
6. Ask a how question about this picture.
7. Ask a should/could/would question about this picture.
8. Suggest a title for this scene.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will describe and interpret events in picture scenes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 101 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task A: Formulating Situation-Specific Statements
Make up a statement or two for each situation. Respond as if you are speaking to someone.
What would you say to . . .
1. ask a friend to return some money he borrowed two weeks ago

2. ask where to find the ketchup in the grocery store


3. caution a young child to stay in the yard while playing ball


4. invite a friend to your home for dinner tomorrow evening


5. inform the clerk that he did not give you the correct change

6. remind your friend that you have plans to go out together tomorrow

7. caution your brother/children not to enter your room while you are away

8. tell the teacher she did not assign the homework she is trying to collect

9. encourage your friend to try out for the soccer team/apply for a new job

10. inquire about a jacket you left at a football game


11. prevent someone from sitting on a broken park bench


12. explain to a salesclerk that you want to exchange some shoes for a larger size

13. inform your teacher/boss that you are moving in one week

I.E.P. Objective: The client will formulate appropriate statements for specific situations with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 102 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task A: Formulating Situation-Specific Statements, continued
Make up a statement or two for each situation. Respond as if you are speaking to someone.

14. inquire why there is no one swimming in the ocean today


15. tell a child at the movies that she is sitting in your seat

16. describe your car to a parking lot attendant


17. convince someone to buy a dictionary from your yard sale


18. sign up volunteers for a neighborhood cleanup


19. ask someone to move his car from behind your car

20. express your thanks for a gift that you really like

21. express your thanks for a gift that you do not like

22. discourage your neighbor from playing loud music late at night

23. inquire why your newspaper hasn’t been delivered for the past three days

24. explain to a friend that you have changed your mind about going out this evening

25. warn a companion that she is about to step in a hole


26. tell the receptionist in an office that she is pronouncing your name incorrectly

I.E.P. Objective: The client will formulate appropriate statements for specific situations with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 103 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task A: Formulating Situation-Specific Statements, continued
Make up a statement or two for each situation. Respond as if you are speaking to someone.

27. explain to the nurse how you cut your foot


28. instruct a child how to cross the street safely


29. ask a passenger in your car if it is safe to back out of a parking space

30. persuade the librarian not to charge you for an overdue book

31. direct someone from your house or apartment to the nearest grocery store

32. inform someone that his dog must be on a leash while in the park

33. describe your house/apartment to someone who has never seen it


34. persuade a friend not to repeat a secret you have told her

35. discourage an acquaintance from calling your home late at night


36. convince a family member to let you drive his brand new car

37. express your concern about a friend’s bad habit


38. console a friend over the loss of a pet


39. persuade an acquaintance to vote for the candidate you support


I.E.P. Objective: The client will formulate appropriate statements for specific situations with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 104 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task B: Interpreting Subtle Meanings
Give the underlying (implied) meaning of each statement or question in your own words.
The first one is done for you.
1. Do you think it’s cold in here?
I’m cold.

2. Isn’t it about time for your dad to pick you up?


3. All this talk is making me thirsty!


4. These grocery bags are very heavy!


5. Are you going to finish that bag of popcorn?


6. How can you see well enough to read in here?


7. I know I left a candy bar in the cupboard. Do you know what happened to it?

8. Kevin, it hurts my back when you kick the back of my chair.


9. Let’s give someone else a turn to talk.


10. Jerry, how about saving some cookies for the rest of us?

11. I won’t be able to vacuum your room with all those papers on the floor.

12. That looks just like the pen I left in this desk yesterday.

13. Those strawberries look so juicy!


I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase statements to convey underlying meaning with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 105 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task B: Interpreting Subtle Meanings, continued
Give the underlying (implied) meaning of each statement or question in your own words.

14. I’m trusting you with the only key we have to the back door.

15. I would hate for that new toy to get stepped on and broken.

16. Your horse sure looks thirsty.


17. It’s difficult to hear the speaker when everyone is talking.


18. When’s the last time you washed this car?


19. I’m not sure I can be ready by two o’clock.


20. You must have stayed up late last night!


21. I guess you didn’t get the message to call me before 9:00.

22. Are you sure you got a point on your turn?


23. Did you forget to add sugar to this lemonade?


24. Sandra likes to be in charge of everyone.


25. We can invite Ella if you insist.


26. How did I like the play? Well, it was different.


I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase statements to convey underlying meaning with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 106 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task B: Interpreting Subtle Meanings, continued
Give the underlying (implied) meaning of each statement or question in your own words.

27. I’ve been in charge of the meetings for a year. I should give someone else a turn.

28. I’d like to buy this car from you but the price is too high.

29. Dad, did you know that all my friends are going to the movies on Saturday? It sounds like
so much fun!

30. That’s my coat on the back of your chair. I left it there when I got up for a minute.

31. Your dog must have had insomnia last night!


32. Did you get stuck in traffic on the way to work?


33. I heard you had a party for Doug. I would have loved to have been there.

34. Your cousin is cute. Does he have a girlfriend?


35. How do you like your new hot tub? We’re thinking of getting one, but we’re not sure what
kind is best.

36. You are really skilled at finding every little error in my work.

37. I just washed the kitchen floor, but the front door is unlocked.

38. Do you want any change back?


39. You certainly got up bright and early this morning to call me!

I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase statements to convey underlying meaning with 90% or greater
HELP for Language 107 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task C: Discriminating Between Literal and Rhetorical Questions
Listen to (or read) each question and decide if it needs an answer. The first one is done for you.
1. Where did you put the lid to the jelly? answer no answer

2. Can you believe it’s raining again? answer no answer

3. Why is the broom in the sink? answer no answer

4. How much time do we have? answer no answer

5. Now what did I do with my backpack? answer no answer

6. Are you out to lunch? answer no answer

7. Where are the bagels? answer no answer

8. Do you think I’m made of money? answer no answer

9. When did Jackie leave? answer no answer

10. Why don’t you just leave me alone? answer no answer

11. Did anyone feed the cat today? answer no answer

12. What in the world could be in this box? answer no answer

13. How many times have I told you to move your bike? answer no answer

14. Do you want to come to the movies with me? answer no answer

15. Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? answer no answer

16. Do you think this rope is long enough? answer no answer

17. What is this world coming to? answer no answer

18. Do you think I have eyes in the back of my head? answer no answer

19. Should I invite Carlos too? answer no answer

20. Aren’t you the lucky one? answer no answer

21. Could this movie be any duller? answer no answer

I.E.P. Objective: The client will discriminate between literal and rhetorical questions with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 108 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task C: Discriminating Between Literal and Rhetorical Questions, continued
Listen to (or read) each question and decide if it needs an answer.

22. Aren’t you Sally Richmond’s daughter? answer no answer

23. What date are you planning to move? answer no answer

24. What was I thinking? answer no answer

25. Aren’t you adorable? answer no answer

26. Did the power go off while I was out? answer no answer

27. Who wouldn’t like to win $1,000? answer no answer

28. Shouldn’t we give Susie the list? answer no answer

29. What was that all about? answer no answer

30. Did you see the toad in the mailbox? answer no answer

31. Do you think I was born yesterday? answer no answer

32. Is he for real? answer no answer

33. Who died and made you king (queen)? answer no answer

34. Why didn’t I get credit for this answer? answer no answer

35. Do you think we’ll get there before the party starts? answer no answer

36. Could you have been any later? answer no answer

37. Should I move my car from behind yours? answer no answer

38. Can 36 be divided evenly by 12? answer no answer

39. Can you make a little more noise while I nap? answer no answer

40. Do you want to taste this new recipe? answer no answer

41. How about those Patriots? answer no answer

42. Where have you been all my life? answer no answer

I.E.P. Objective: The client will discriminate between literal and rhetorical questions with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 109 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task D: Answering Personal Opinion Questions
Answer each question yes or no and tell why. There are no right or wrong answers.
1. Should children have to pay full price at the movies after 6:00 PM?

2. If you found a dollar on the sidewalk, would you keep it?


3. What time should a ten-year-old child go to bed on a school night?


4. Should TV stations show commercials only before or after shows?


5. Should children over the age of 12 be allowed to stay home alone?


6. Should sick students be allowed to come to school so they can have perfect attendance?

7. If a friend asks to take your valuable coin collection to school for a project, should you let him?

8. If a child breaks something inexpensive at your home, would you tell her parent?

9. If your telephone rings, must you answer it?


10. If you rent a movie but don’t watch it, should you have to pay for it?

11. If a student is caught cheating on a test, should she get an F?


12. If an elderly person gets on a crowded subway, should you give him your seat?

13. If someone who doesn’t know you mispronounces your name, should you tell her?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will provide personal opinions in response to questions on 90% of trials.

HELP for Language 110 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task D: Answering Personal Opinion Questions, continued
Answer each question yes or no and tell why. There are no right or wrong answers.

14. If someone starts to tell you a joke you’ve already heard, should you stop him or let him go
ahead and finish?

15. Should surfers be allowed on the same beach as swimmers?


16. Should preschool children be allowed to watch PG movies?


17. If one team member for a group project does little of the work, should he get the same
grade as the other team members?

18. Should dogs be allowed to roam in their own neighborhoods without leashes?

19. How old must a child be to choose his own clothes and hairstyle?

20. Should there be laws that require drivers to pull off the road to use cell phones?

21. Should a student be assigned to a different class if he doesn’t like his teacher?

22. Should people be allowed to bring food from home into movie theaters?

23. If you receive junk mail in your mailbox addressed to someone else, is it okay to throw it away?

24. Should 12-year-old children be allowed to spend the afternoon at the mall without an adult?

25. If you’re a dinner guest at someone’s house and you find a bug in your soup, should you
tell the host?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will provide personal opinions in response to questions on 90% of trials.

HELP for Language 111 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task D: Answering Personal Opinion Questions, continued
Answer each question yes or no and tell why. There are no right or wrong answers.

26. If a store runs out of an item that is advertised on sale, should you be able to buy the item
at the sale price on another day?

27. Is it acceptable to bring more than 12 items to the “12 items or less” checkout line at the
grocery store?

28. Should cars be charged less than SUVs on toll roads?


29. How long should you wait for someone before going into the movies without her?

30. If a good friend asks to borrow $50.00 but can’t tell you why, should you lend him the money?

31. If you borrow a friend’s car and it gets hit in a parking lot while you are in a store, who
should pay for the damage not covered by insurance?

32. If you return an item to a store and it is now on sale for a lower price, should you get the
full price refunded?

33. If you eat dinner at a restaurant and become sick the next day, should the restaurant refund
your money?

34. If you are paying with cash at a store, should the clerk ask for your telephone number
before he rings up your sale?

35. Should there be a law against sending junk mail or should anyone be allowed to mail
information to anyone else if they pay the postage?

36. If the speed limit is 55 miles per hour, is it okay to drive 60 miles per hour?

I.E.P. Objective: The client will provide personal opinions in response to questions on 90% of trials.

HELP for Language 112 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task E: Understanding Multiple-Meaning Words
Make up a sentence for the different meanings of each word below. The first one is done for you.
1. fall
a season of the year: Each fall we go apple picking.
to trip and land on the ground:
water cascading over a cliff:

2. head
a body part:
the person in charge:
to go toward:

3. miss
to fail to catch:
longing for a person or place:
an unmarried young woman:

4. ring
jewelry worn on the finger:
to sound a bell:
a circle around an object:

5. fly
a small insect:
to soar through the air:
the front opening of pants:

6. trunk
an elephant’s nose:
a storage compartment in the back of a car:
a large suitcase:

7. toast
sliced bread browned by heat:
to raise a glass in honor of someone:
to warm food over a fire:

I.E.P. Objective: The client will use multiple-meaning words in sentences connoting their different meanings on
90% of trials.
HELP for Language 113 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task E: Understanding Multiple-Meaning Words, continued
Make up a sentence for the different meanings of each word below.

8. band
a group of musicians:
a decorative stripe around an object:
to join together:

9. strike
to hit:
to swing a bat and miss the ball:
to stop working:

10. match
a small piece of wood with a combustible tip:
a sports competition:
to be equal or similar:

11. bill
a duck’s beak:
a statement of money owed:
a proposed law:

12. track
an oval running surface:
footprints left by an animal:
to follow something using clues or signals:

13. block
a child’s toy:
to prevent from happening:
a rectangular space enclosed by streets:

14. seal
an official stamp:
to close tightly:
a sea mammal:

I.E.P. Objective: The client will use multiple-meaning words in sentences connoting their different meanings on
90% of trials.
HELP for Language 114 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task E: Understanding Multiple-Meaning Words, continued
Make up a sentence for the different meanings of each word below.

15. ground
smashed into small particles:
the lowest floor of a building:

16. pick
to choose:
to pluck the strings of a guitar:
to steal from someone’s pocket:

17. note
a short letter:
a tone of definite pitch in music:
to notice or heed:

18. right
opposed to left:
lawful or proper:
correct or suitable:

19. spread
to lay out or stretch out:
to distribute a thin layer of something on bread:
a cloth covering for a table or bed:

20. tie
to fasten by entwining a rope, string, or ribbon:
to equal the score of an opponent:
a narrow strip of cloth worn around the neck:

21. cut
to make an opening with a knife or scissors:
to divide a pack of cards after shuffling:
an open wound:

I.E.P. Objective: The client will use multiple-meaning words in sentences connoting their different meanings on
90% of trials.
HELP for Language 115 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task F: Interpreting Common Sayings (Idioms)
Choose the correct meaning of each statement. The first one is done for you.
1. Stop beating around the bush.
a. Stop walking in circles.
b. Say what you mean.
c. Don’t hit the roses!

2. Harold aced his Spanish test.

a. Harold didn’t finish the test.
b. Harold got an A on the test.
c. Harold failed his Spanish test.

3. You’d better face the music.

a. Look at the piano now.
b. This is a good deal.
c. It’s time to accept the punishment for what you did.

4. Ross flew off the handle.

a. Ross really got mad.
b. Ross was badly injured.
c. Ross laughed hysterically.

5. I’m going to play it by ear.

a. I’m going to follow the rules.
b. I’ll listen carefully to the instructions.
c. I’ll figure out what to do as I go.

6. We’d better toe the line at camp.

a. We need to pull hard on the rope.
b. We’d better draw a line on the ground.
c. We’d better do what we are supposed to do.

7. I beat you to the punch!

a. I got here first.
b. I drank all the punch.
c. I’m so mad at you.

8. Look before you leap!

a. Be cautious when starting something new or unknown.
b. Always have someone watch out for you when diving.
c. Be careful in leap years because they are unlucky.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify the meanings of idioms with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 116 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task F: Interpreting Common Sayings (Idioms), continued
Choose the correct meaning of each statement.
9. I lost my shirt on that deal.
a. My clothing got ripped off.
b. It was a great deal.
c. I lost a lot of money.

10. The cat’s out of the bag now.

a. Hurry and catch the cat.
b. It’s no longer a secret.
c. There’s no cat food in the bag.

11. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

a. Divide the eggs into two groups.
b. Don’t put all your efforts into one project.
c. Be careful with fragile objects.

12. He’s got a dozen irons in the fire.

a. He’s in big trouble now.
b. He’s moved around a lot.
c. He’s got a lot of projects underway.

13. I can’t help you. My back is to the wall.

a. I am leaning against the wall.
b. Move forward so I have more room.
c. There’s nothing else I can do.

14. It’s six of one, half a dozen of the other.

a. We have a dozen in all.
b. The choices are about the same.
c. You take half and I’ll take half.

15. I had the rug pulled out from under me.

a. I was totally surprised.
b. I tripped and fell down.
c. I found what I was searching for.

16. We finished the parade float at the eleventh hour.

a. We finished the float at 11:00.
b. We finished the float at the last minute.
c. We finished the float too late for the parade.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify the meanings of idioms with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 117 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task F: Interpreting Common Sayings (Idioms), continued
Choose the correct meaning of each statement.
17. I ride the train once in a blue moon.
a. I ride the train infrequently.
b. I ride the train only at night.
c. I ride the train daily.

18. I’ll be at your wedding come rain or shine.

a. I won’t come to your wedding if it rains.
b. I’ll come to your wedding if it doesn’t rain.
c. I’ll come to your wedding no matter what happens.

19. When the last bell rang, it was music to my ears.

a. I was glad the bell rang.
b. I didn’t hear the bell because of the music.
c. I listened to music until the bell rang.

20. Our hosts rolled out the red carpet for us.
a. Our hosts cleaned their carpet before we came.
b. Our hosts did special things for us.
c. Our hosts were unfriendly to us.

21. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

a. Don’t take on more than you can handle.
b. Don’t chew with your mouth open.
c. Don’t spread rumors about others.

22. Chris got a dirty look from his mom.

a. Chris’s mom had mud on her face.
b. Chris’s mom frowned at him.
c. Chris’s mom likes to work in her garden.

23. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

a. Be nice to those who help you.
b. Be careful when feeding livestock.
c. Help others by giving them food.

24. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

a. It is dangerous to throw stones at someone.
b. People shouldn’t lie to each other.
c. You shouldn’t criticize someone unless you are without fault.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will identify the meanings of idioms with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 118 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task G: Choosing Fixed-Order Idioms
Choose the idiom that best completes each sentence. Then tell the meaning of the sentence.
The first one is done for you.
1. I am _____ of taking out the trash every day.

tired and true sick and tired sick and old

I am tired of taking out the trash.

2. That’s like comparing _____.

apples and oranges oranges and grapefruit fruit and vegetables


3. I’ll bring you a snack when I’m _____.

good and better good and ready ready and waiting


4. I’ll believe it when I see it in _____.

black and blue red, white, and blue black and white

5. It’s Carol, the _____ spelling bee champ!

one and only one and two holy and only


6. You can’t ignore the _____ truth.

stupid and simple plain and chocolate plain and simple


7. The Hornets are _____ and ready to win!

alive and dead alive and kicking kicking and screaming


I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose fixed-order idioms to complete sentences and interpret their meanings
with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 119 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task G: Choosing Fixed-Order Idioms, continued
Choose the idiom that best completes each sentence. Then tell the meaning of the sentence.

8. It was _____ for a while, but Stanley is better now.

touch and go touch and tackle go and find


9. Let’s have a _____ review of the chapter.

filthy and dirty quick and thick quick and dirty


10. Everyone must be willing to _____ if we want to get along.

fight and kick take and hide give and take


11. In summertime, the living is _____.

hard and easy rough and bumpy free and easy


12. I’m counting on you to mind your _____ while Grandma is visiting.

dogs and cats p’s and q’s x, y, and z’s


13. If you borrow the car today, I’ll be left _____.

dark and dry high and hot high and dry


14. If I don’t find a job soon, I’ll be _____.

over and out down and out out and about


I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose fixed-order idioms to complete sentences and interpret their meanings
with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 120 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task G: Choosing Fixed-Order Idioms, continued
Choose the idiom that best completes each sentence. Then tell the meaning of the sentence.

15. The graduation speech was _____.

short and sweet short and squatty sweet and sour


16. I know it’s hot in here, but try to _____.

grin and win share it and bear it grin and bear it


17. When the horses rounded the last turn, they were _____.

neck and neck tail and tail nose and nose


18. I may be old-fashioned, but my way is _____.

true and false tried and trained tried and true


19. My lawyer says it’s an _____ case.

open-and-shut open-and-ready out-and-in


20. A true friend will stick by you through _____.

fat and thin thick and juicy thick and thin


21. At the flea market, everything is _____.

cash and trash check and checkmate cash and carry


I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose fixed-order idioms to complete sentences and interpret their meanings
with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 121 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task H: Completing and Interpreting Proverbs
Choose the best word to complete each proverb. Then tell what the proverb means in your own
words. The first one is done for you.
1. Good fences make _____ neighbors.

bad good next door

If you give your neighbors privacy, you will get along better.

2. There’s no place like _____.

Ireland home the kitchen


3. The _____ the limit.

weight’s net’s sky’s


4. They disappeared in the _____ of an eye.

center blink blue


5. The early bird catches the _____.

sun worm mouse


6. Waste not, _____ not.

have want take


7. You can’t _____ them all.

win find hide


I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete and paraphrase proverbs with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 122 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task H: Completing and Interpreting Proverbs, continued
Choose the best word to complete each proverb. Then tell what the proverb means in your own

8. Haste makes _____.

mistakes waste wishes


9. _____ can’t be choosers.

Captains Beggars Horses


10. Better late than _____.

early dirty never


11. When the _____ is away, the mice will play.

cheese cat game


12. No ____, no gain.

eat fun pain


13. Don’t bite off more than you can _____.

pay for chew lift


14. It’s all in a day’s _____.

work time weather


I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete and paraphrase proverbs with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 123 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task H: Completing and Interpreting Proverbs, continued
Choose the best word to complete each proverb. Then tell what the proverb means in your own

15. You can’t please _____.

Grandma Louise everyone


16. United we _____; divided we fall.

fly rest stand


17. Two captains will _____ a ship.

sink build fly


18. Never say _____.

never stop your name


19. Seize the _____.

handle trees day


20. It takes one to know _____.

how one nothing


21. Don’t sweat the _____ stuff.

small hot new


I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete and paraphrase proverbs with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 124 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task H: Completing and Interpreting Proverbs, continued
Choose the best word to complete each proverb. Then tell what the proverb means in your own

22. Two wrongs don’t make a _____.

cake choice right


23. Don’t look a gift horse in the _____.

mouth saddle night


24. Too many _____ spoil the broth.

cooks carrots cups


25. Don’t judge a book by its _____.

color author cover


26. ____ is only skin deep.

Lotion Kindness Beauty


27. You are what you _____.

eat watch wear


28. Every _____ has a silver lining.

purse cloud jacket


I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete and paraphrase proverbs with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 125 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task I: Choosing Similes
Choose the best word to complete each statement. The first one is done for you.
1. Julia is as good as _____.

mustard gold lace

2. The steps are as slippery as _____.

glass wood shoes

3. The inside of our tent was as cold as _____.

August soup ice

4. These cookies are as dry as _____.

jelly cardboard rain

5. Fran loves the pool. She swims like a _____.

rock fish cat

6. I can move this box. It’s as light as a _____.

feather rainbow stone

7. Ted will know the answer. He’s as sharp as a _____.

ruler tack watch

8. Our new puppy’s fur is as soft as _____.

cotton rubber plastic

9. The edge of this leaf is as sharp as a _____.

knife spoon shoe

10. Our vacation was like a bad _____.

check dream cold

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose words to complete similes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 126 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task I: Choosing Similes, continued
Choose the best word to complete each statement.

11. Ashley jumped up as fast as a _____.

cat up a tree turtle on a log snail on a sidewalk

12. This bread is stale. It’s as tough as _____.

dandelions jam nails

13. I just washed the kitchen floor. It’s as clean as a _____.

whistle bucket well

14. Grandpa Al is ninety-nine. He’s as old as the _____.

coffee porch hills

15. As quick as a _____, Dad fixed the television.

wheel wink tank

16. Kathryn is a soprano in the chorus. She sings like a _____.

rocket owl canary

17. The new car’s engine purrs like a _____.

thermometer kitten saltine

18. The vet said our dog is as fit as a _____.

fiddle drum boot

19. Sal moved the refrigerator without help. He is as strong as an _____.

artichoke ox urn

20. Kim placed first in every race. She’s as fast as a _____.

deer mule rhino

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose words to complete similes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 127 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task I: Choosing Similes, continued
Choose the best word to complete each statement.

21. After swimming 100 laps, Maria was as limp as a _____.

cane rag doll wire hanger

22. When I jump on the trampoline, I soar like an _____.

eagle elephant eel

23. When Steven goes to a restaurant, he eats like a _____.

horse snail mouse

24. Trevor tried to help me but his directions were as clear as _____.

rain mud icicles

25. After a long day at work, Sharon slept like a _____.

banana clock baby

26. Marcus’ skateboard is like a magic _____.

trick carpet number

27. On Saturdays, we are as busy as a dog with _____.

fleas a leash crackers

28. This game is as dangerous as a pool of _____.

minnows clams sharks

29. The plans for the party are as secret as a _____.

mailbox trap door stop sign

30. The broken fan is as still as a _____.

frozen waterfall spinning top tidal wave

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose words to complete similes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 128 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task J: Completing Similes
Think of a word or words to complete each statement. The first one is done for you.
1. molasses
Lulu is as sweet as ____________________.

2. Buddy is as strong as an ____________________.

3. Grandma’s biscuits are as light as a ____________________.

4. The cowboy’s hands were as tough as ____________________.

5. Hannah runs as fast as the ____________________.

6. The water in the pool was as cold as ____________________.

7. When I run through the field I am as free as a ____________________.

8. The refrigerator sounds as loud as a ____________________.

9. Mr. Bartley is as old as the ____________________.

10. This job is as easy as ____________________.

11. Our new dog is as ferocious as a ____________________.

12. The instructions on the box were as clear as ____________________.

13. Chuck is as sick as a ____________________.

14. After tilling the garden, Gramps was as dirty as a ____________________.

15. The children in the library are as quiet as ____________________.

16. My love for you is as deep as the ____________________.

17. These old rolls are as hard as ____________________.

18. The cat’s claws are as sharp as ____________________.

19. When Dad saw the dent in the fender he was as mad as a ____________________.

20. Since early this morning, I’ve been as busy as a ____________________.

21. After their parents left the children were as wild as ____________________.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete similes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 129 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task J: Completing Similes, continued
Think of a word or words to complete each statement.

22. When I got out of the bathtub my fingers were as wrinkled as ____________________.

23. This old house is as solid as a ____________________.

24. Uncle Roger is as jolly as a ____________________.

25. After I sanded the board it felt as smooth as ____________________.

26. Thomas’s face is as green as ____________________.

27. This medicine tastes as sour as ____________________.

28. The button on this cell phone is as small as an ____________________.

29. The sunflowers in the garden are as tall as the ____________________.

30. While hiding, I stood as still as a ____________________.

31. The colt’s legs are as skinny as ____________________.

32. When I reached the attic, it was as hot as an ____________________.

33. My baby sister is as cute as a ____________________.

34. When I found my wallet I was as happy as a ____________________.

35. Princess Pat is as pretty as a ____________________.

36. My grandmother is as lucky as a ____________________.

37. Joshua’s eyes are as blue as the ____________________.

38. This backpack is as heavy as a ____________________.

39. Devon woke up as grumpy as a ____________________.

40. When I took the cake from the oven it was as flat as a ____________________.

41. If I skip lunch, by 4:00 I’m as hungry as a ____________________.

42. This old horse is as gentle as a ____________________.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will complete similes with 90% or greater accuracy.

HELP for Language 130 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task K: Explaining Metaphors
Explain what each statement means. The first one is done for you.
1. Education is the key to success.
A good education will help you do other things, such as get a job.

2. Her room is a pigpen.


3. Jill is the class clown.


4. My feet are two frozen blocks of ice.


5. David is a walking encyclopedia.


6. The brain is a toolbox.


7. Grandma’s garden is a rainbow.


8. Her smile is a ray of sunshine.


9. Children’s minds are sponges.


10. The puppies are a barrel of laughs.


11. This car is a dinosaur.


12. Our classroom is a zoo.


13. Kelly’s hair is a bird’s nest in the mornings.


I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase metaphors with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 131 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task K: Explaining Metaphors, continued
Explain what each statement means.

14. The children were bees swarming the ice-cream truck.


15. A good teacher is a ringmaster.


16. Cara is a breath of fresh air in our office.


17. The new baby is a gift.


18. That old horse is a bag of bones.


19. Laughter is the best medicine.


20. The twins are two peas in a pod.


21. Time is money.


22. Our backyard is a jungle.


23. The sound of the car in the driveway was music to my ears.

24. Every day is a winding road.


25. This overdue bill is a thorn in my side.


26. Tyra is a magnet for bad luck.


I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase metaphors with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 132 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task K: Explaining Metaphors, continued
Explain what each statement means.

27. Beagles are the clowns of the dog world.


28. His grandson’s visit was the best medicine.


29. Spring is a jack-in-the-box waiting to pop.


30. The cow field is a land mine.


31. Wooly caterpillars are the weather forecasters of the forest.


32. The hurricane was a bulldozer rumbling through our neighborhood.


33. Mr. Rolfe is a font of knowledge.


34. Hard work is the cornerstone of success.


35. Dad is the bedrock of our family.


36. Pain is her constant companion.


37. All the world is a stage.


38. Space is the final frontier.


39. Our eyes are the windows to our souls.


I.E.P. Objective: The client will paraphrase metaphors with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 133 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task L: Choosing Meanings of Different Intonations
Stress the bold word as you read each statement aloud. Then choose the correct meaning of the
statement. (Note: You may choose to read the statement to your clients.)
1. “You didn’t tell me you had to work late today!”
a. Someone else told me you had to work late.
b. You forgot to tell me you had to work late.
c. You told someone else you had to work late.

2. “You didn’t tell me you had to work late today!”

a. Someone else told me you had to work late.
b. You forgot to tell me you had to work late.
c. You told someone else you had to work late.

3. “You didn’t tell me you had to work late today!”

a. Someone else told me you had to work late.
b. You told me you had to work late tomorrow.
c. You forgot to tell me you had to work late.

4. Did you see Susan’s outfit at the dance?

a. Were you one of the people who saw Susan’s outfit?
b. Did you see Susan’s outfit or someone else’s outfit?
c. Can you believe what Susan wore to the dance?

5. Did you see Susan’s outfit at the dance?

a. Can you believe what Susan wore to the dance?
b. Were you one of the people who saw Susan’s outfit?
c. Did you see Susan’s outfit or someone else’s?

6. My watch says it’s almost five-fifteen.

a. I thought it was four-fifteen, not five-fifteen.
b. It’s not quite five-fifteen.
c. It’s five-fifteen according to my watch, not someone else’s.

7. My watch says it’s almost five-fifteen.

a. My watch says it’s almost five-fifteen, not six-fifteen.
b. It’s not quite five-fifteen.
c. It’s five-fifteen according to my watch, not someone else’s.

8. My watch says it’s almost five-fifteen.

a. It’s not quite five-fifteen.
b. I thought it was four-fifteen, not five-fifteen.
c. It’s five-fifteen according to my watch, not someone else’s.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose the implied meanings of identical sentences with different intonations
with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 134 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task L: Choosing Meanings of Different Intonations, continued
Stress the bold word as you read each statement aloud. Then choose the correct meaning of the

9. Noah is sitting next to Scott’s brother.

a. Noah, not John, is sitting there.
b. Noah is sitting beside Scott’s brother, not his sister.
c. Noah is sitting next to Scott’s brother, not Al’s brother.

10. Noah is sitting next to Scott’s brother.

a. Noah, not John, is sitting there.
b. Noah is sitting beside Scott’s brother, not his sister.
c. Noah is sitting next to Scott’s brother, not Al’s brother.

11. Noah is sitting next to Scott’s brother.

a. Noah, not John, is sitting there.
b. Noah is sitting next to Scott’s brother, not Al’s brother.
c. Noah is sitting beside Scott’s brother, not his sister.

12. If you had worn your poncho, you would not have gotten wet.
a. If you had worn your poncho instead of your sweatshirt, you would not have gotten wet.
b. If you had worn your poncho instead of your little brother’s poncho, you would not
have gotten wet.
c. If you had put your poncho on, you would not have gotten wet.

13. If you had worn your poncho, you would not have gotten wet.
a. If you had put your poncho on, you would not have gotten wet.
b. If you had worn your poncho instead of your sweatshirt, you would not have gotten wet.
c. If you had worn your poncho instead of your little brother’s poncho, you would not
have gotten wet.

14. If you had worn your poncho, you would not have gotten wet.
a. If you had put your poncho on, you would not have gotten wet.
b. If you had worn your poncho instead of your sweatshirt, you would not have
gotten wet.
c. If you had worn your poncho instead of your little brother’s poncho, you would
not have gotten wet.

15. There are no bagels left in the paper bag.

a. There are more doughnuts in the bag, but no bagels.
b. There are some bagels in the plastic bag, but not in the paper bag.
c. I’m sure. There are no bagels left in the bag.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose the implied meanings of identical sentences with different intonations
with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 135 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task L: Choosing Meanings of Different Intonations, continued
Stress the bold word as you read each statement aloud. Then choose the correct meaning of the

16. There are no bagels left in the paper bag.

a. There are some doughnuts left, but no bagels.
b. There are some bagels in the plastic bag, but not in the paper bag.
c. I’m sure. There are no bagels left in the bag.

17. There are no bagels left in the paper bag.

a. If you look under the paper bag, there are some bagels.
b. There are some bagels in the plastic bag, but not in the paper bag.
c. I’m sure. There are no bagels left in the bag.

18. I will never again try to drive to Cincinnati in one day!

a. I might try to drive to another city, but not to Cincinnati.
b. I will try again, but take more than one day.
c. I will never try it again for any reason.

19. I will never again try to drive to Cincinnati in one day!

a. I will try again, but take more than one day.
b. I might try to fly, but I won’t try to drive.
c. I will try to drive to other cities, but not Cincinnati.

20. I will never again try to drive to Cincinnati in one day!

a. Other people may try it, but I won’t.
b. I will try to drive to Cleveland, but not Cincinnati.
c. If I drive to Cincinnati, I will take more than one day.

21. Green apples make the best pies.

a. Green apples, not red or yellow, make the best pies.
b. Green apples, not green tomatoes or pears, make the best pies.
c. Green apples make the best pies, not cakes.

22. Green apples make the best pies.

a. Green apples, not green tomatoes or pears, make the best pies.
b. Green apples make the best pies, not cakes.
c. Green apples make the best pies, not the worst pies.

23. Green apples make the best pies.

a. Green apples, not red or yellow, make the best pies.
b. Green apples make the best pies, not the worst pies.
c. Green apples, not green tomatoes or pears, make the best pies.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose the implied meanings of identical sentences with different intonations
with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 136 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task M: Stating Meanings of Different Intonations
Read each sentence aloud, stressing the bold word. Then tell what the sentence means.
1. You didn’t tell me that!
You didn’t tell me that!
You didn’t tell me that!

2. She never sits with us on the bus.

She never sits with us on the bus.
She never sits with us on the bus.

3. Is this the way to the library?

Is this the way to the library?
Is this the way to the library?

4. You put salt in the tea?

You put salt in the tea?
You put salt in the tea?

5. Nora almost dropped my plate.

Nora almost dropped my plate.
Nora almost dropped my plate.

6. The book costs about twelve dollars.

The book costs about twelve dollars.
The book costs about twelve dollars.

7. Why did he come home?

Why did he come home?
Why did he come home?

8. There are no spoons in the drawer.

There are no spoons in the drawer.
There are no spoons in the drawer.

9. Fluffy is my cat’s name!

Fluffy is my cat’s name.
Fluffy is my cat’s name.

10. I told you the meeting was on Thursday.

I told you the meeting was on Thursday.
I told you the meeting was on Thursday.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will stress different words when reading sentences aloud and state the meaning for
each sentence with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 137 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task M: Stating Meanings of Different Intonations, continued
Read each sentence aloud, stressing the bold word. Then tell what the sentence means.

11. The strawberries are too ripe to eat.

The strawberries are too ripe to eat.
The strawberries are too ripe to eat.

12. Why is a ribbon tied to the mailbox?

Why is a ribbon tied to the mailbox?
Why is a ribbon tied to the mailbox?

13. Helen misses school every Monday.

Helen misses school every Monday.
Helen misses school every Monday.

14. If you drop it, you will have to pay for it.
If you drop it, you will have to pay for it.
If you drop it, you will have to pay for it.

15. The Chipmunks are the best team!

The Chipmunks are the best team!
The Chipmunks are the best team!

16. Did I tell you the whole story?

Did I tell you the whole story?
Did I tell you the whole story?

17. Karen left early.

Karen left early.
Karen left early.

18. Did Austin get on the school bus?

Did Austin get on the school bus?
Did Austin get on the school bus?

19. Lizzie never feeds our dog.

Lizzie never feeds our dog.
Lizzie never feeds our dog.

20. The highest grade on the history exam was 72!

The highest grade on the history exam was 72!
The highest grade on the history exam was 72!

I.E.P. Objective: The client will stress different words when reading sentences aloud and state the meaning for
each sentence with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 138 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task N: Explaining Choices
Make a choice for each situation and explain why.
1. If I had to choose between driving a car or a motorcycle, I would choose

because .

2. If I had to choose between playing jump rope or kickball at recess, I would choose

because .

3. If I had to choose between sleeping in a tent or a treehouse, I would choose

because .

4. If I had to choose between giving or receiving a gift, I would choose

because .

5. If I had to choose between sweeping the sidewalk and vacuuming the bedrooms, I would

choose _________________________ because .

6. If I had to choose between forgetting my sunglasses or my watch when going to the park,

I would choose _________________________ because

7. If I had to choose between becoming a farmer or a fisherman, I would choose

because .

8. If I had to choose between being a tightrope walker or a lion tamer, I would choose

_________________________ because .

9. If I had to choose between being the catcher or pitcher in a softball game, I would choose

_________________________ because .

10. If I had to choose between sitting in the first row or the last row of a movie theater, I would

choose _________________________ because .

11. If I had to choose between walking in the rain or the snow, I would choose

because .

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose between hypothetical situations and state a reason for each choice with
90% accuracy.
HELP for Language 139 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task N: Explaining Choices, continued
Make a choice for each situation and explain why.

12. If I had to choose between working at night or during the day, I would choose

because .

13. If I had to choose between babysitting for an infant or a three-year-old child, I would choose

_________________________ because .

14. If I had to choose between living on a small island or living in a large city, I would choose

_________________________ because .

15. If I had to choose between going surfing or snowboarding, I would choose ______________

because .

16. If I had to choose between staying home alone or going to a party where I didn’t know a

single person, I would choose _________________________ because .

17. If I had to choose between riding on a roller coaster or a merry-go-round, I would choose

_________________________ because .

18. If I had to choose between working as a jockey or a racecar driver, I would choose

_________________________ because .

19. If I had to choose between losing television privileges for a week or having extra chores for

a week, I would choose _________________________ because

20. If I had to choose between being the teacher or the principal of a school, I would choose

_________________________ because .

21. If I had to choose between receiving a prize of fifty dollars or free movie passes for three

months, I would choose _________________________ because

22. If I had to choose between swimming in a lake or an ocean, I would choose

because .

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose between hypothetical situations and state a reason for each choice with
90% accuracy.
HELP for Language 140 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task N: Explaining Choices, continued
Make a choice for each situation and explain why.

23. If I had to choose between having cable television or Internet service for my computer, I

would choose _________________________ because

24. If I had to choose between being an actor/actress or a movie director, I would choose

_________________________ because .

25. If I had to choose between going to a rodeo or a stock car race, I would choose

_________________________ because .

26. If I had to choose between giving a speech in front of a large group or dancing alone on

stage, I would choose _________________________ because

27. If I had to choose between getting a parking ticket or being late for an important meeting at

work I would choose _________________________ because

28. If I had to choose between jumping from a bridge with a bungee cord or jumping from an

airplane with a parachute, I would choose _________________________ because

29. If I could choose between traveling backward or forward in time, I would choose

_________________________ because .

30. If I had to choose between living in Asia or living in Africa, I would choose

_________________________ because .

31. If I had to choose between climbing Mt. Everest or exploring the wreckage of the Titanic in

a submarine, I would choose _________________________ because

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose between hypothetical situations and state a reason for each choice with
90% accuracy.
HELP for Language 141 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task O: Choosing Names for Products
Choose the best name for each product. The first one is done for you.
1. sports car

Mule Cheetah Opossum

2. hair conditioner that gets out all the tangles

Terrible Tangler Knots Out All Tied Up

3. frozen pops with a hidden treat in each

Fun-cicles Power Pops Vitasticks

4. floor cleaner

Quick Slip Mr. Grungy Fine Shine

5. glue for children

Toxic Hold Quick Stick Drip and Rip

6. television show for preschool children

The Scare Chair Teen Town Cuddle Time

7. frozen energy shake

Hot Stuff Cool Fuel Brain Freeze

8. breath-freshening dog bones

Smoochie Poochies Lazy Bones Meow Lips

9. vacuum cleaner

Grime Grabber Dust Cloud Dirt Flinger

10. small crackers for toddlers

Baby Bites Chili Squares Spits Crackers

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose fictitious names for products with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 142 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task O: Choosing Names for Products, continued
Choose the best name for each product.

11. fur-lined slippers

Frosty Footies Toasty Toes Dirty Dogs

12. window cleaner

Shine ‘n Sparkle Streak ‘n Smudge Blue Haze

13. laundry detergent

Almost Fresh Power Out Grime-in

14. sunscreen

Intensifry Shade and Shield Sun Magnet

15. bottled water

Creek Bottom Aqualicious Algae Blast

16. air freshener

Garden Mist Stink-Ups Rot-and-Reek

17. motel

Wake and Ache Cloud Nine The Pit Stop

18. gas station

Fast Fill Gas Is Us The Oil Spill

19. bank

Big Al’s Bank First Provident Bank The Money Pit

20. face lotion

Wrinkle Up Grimy Grit Purely Radiant

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose fictitious names for products with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 143 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task O: Choosing Names for Products, continued
Choose the best name for each product.

21. salad dressing

Fresh-a-licious Soyglop Dracula’s Own

22. hot tub

The Roaster Soak ‘n Sweat The Soothing Spa

23. batteries

NeverReady Powerhouse Dimlit

24. motor oil

Gunk-Up Glide and Ride Sludgy

25. high school marching band

The High Steppers The Clodhoppers The Accidents

26. magazine for teens

Mother Goose’s Garden What Zup? Travel Talk

27. running shoes

Anchors Sprints Anvils

28. self-sharpening pencils

Pen-tastics Old Yellows Eversharps

29. antiseptic cream that smells like lemons

Lemon-Aid Banana Heal Germ-a-riffic

30. catch and release mousetraps

Mice Cream Trap-Free Guilloteenies

I.E.P. Objective: The client will choose fictitious names for products with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 144 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task P: Explaining Oxymorons
Oxymorons are two words used together that seem to have opposite meanings. Explain why
each phrase below is an oxymoron. The first one is done for you.
1. We’re out of popcorn. Pretzels are your only choice.
If you have a choice, you have two or more items to select from. If there is only one item left, it is not a choice.

2. This is an awfully good movie.


3. Jumbo shrimp are on sale today at the market.


4. I heard about what happened at the game. That’s old news.


5. My favorite candy is red licorice.


6. The clown gave us a sad smile.


7. These chairs have hard cushions.


8. What are you doing today? “Nothing much.”


9. We heard a loud whisper from the back row.


10. I was so thirsty, I took a big sip of the hot chocolate.


11. That’s a pretty ugly tale you are telling.


12. This is a fine mess we have gotten into!


13. If you cut the slice of cake, I get the larger half.

I.E.P. Objective: The client will explain oxymorons with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 145 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task P: Explaining Oxymorons, continued
Explain why each phrase below is an oxymoron.

14. Joey is in the advanced beginner class.


15. You must try our new and improved floor cleaner.

16. The robbers set off the silent alarm.


17. Let me just think out loud for a minute.


18. Tie a loose knot in the rope at the stern.


19. Gingersnaps are my least favorite cookie.


20. The red paint bucket is half empty.


21. Get out the plastic glasses to bring on the picnic.


22. Now it’s time to have some serious fun!


23. Arlene is a paid volunteer at the science museum.


24. The show is taped live each Tuesday.


25. The modern history exam is tomorrow.


26. Andrew gave an accurate estimate of the number of bricks he needed.


I.E.P. Objective: The client will explain oxymorons with 90% accuracy.

HELP for Language 146 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Applying Language Skills
Task Q: Determining If Information Has Been Provided
I’ll read a statement or question that asks for specific information. Listen carefully as I also read
the response to the situation. Then say “Yes” or “No” to tell me if the response included the
necessary information.
1. How long shall I stir the paint?
“The last time I used it, I stirred it about a minute but it was still watery. The green paint
doesn’t need to be stirred as long as the blue paint.”

2. Tell me how to get to your house.

“Take Baker Street to 4th Avenue. Turn left. Go two blocks and turn right onto Cedar
Street. We’re the second house on the left.”

3. How many children are coming to the party?

“Nancy and her brother will be there. Three kids from school are coming and several kids
from the neighborhood. If we count you and me, there will be 12 altogether. I hope we’ll
have enough food for everyone.”

4. Who took the money off the table by the front door?
“It was there when Lionel left for school. When I returned from the store, it was gone.
Maybe Dad picked it up when he came back inside for his lunch pail. But he had money
in his wallet. Perhaps Bart took it.”

5. Will we be able to get the new bed up the stairs?

“It’s the same size as the bed we bought last year. We got that one upstairs without any
difficulty so I’m sure we can get this one up too. Just be careful not to knock the pictures
off the wall when you turn the corner.”

6. How can you tell if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean?
“This dishwasher is old, so sometimes the dishes look dirty even though they have been
washed. You really can’t tell just by looking at them. There is a better way to figure it out.”

7. Have I missed the bus?

“Well, it usually comes by 8:00. I got here a little before then but it wasn’t here. Sometimes
it is late, but not often. The next bus comes at 8:20, so if we see that one, we’ll know we
missed the first one.”

8. I’m taking lunch orders. Please give me your order.

“I might get the taco salad. I hope I have enough money for it. Let me check my wallet.
What is everyone else getting? Does anyone want to split a pizza with me? Never mind.
I had pizza last night for dinner.”

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to explanations and determine if specified information has been provided
with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 147 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task Q: Determining If Information Has Been Provided, continued
I’ll read a statement or question that asks for specific information. Listen carefully as I also read
the response to the situation. Then say “Yes” or “No” to tell me if the response included the
necessary information.
9. Do you prefer to eat indoors or outside on the patio?
“You know how allergic I am to bees. I’d better not take a chance and eat outside. But it
has been such a rainy week up until now. I’m sure you’d rather eat outside and enjoy the
sunshine. I’ll just take my chances on the bees.”

10. I need your name, address, phone number, and date of birth for this form.
“You know my name. It’s Kyle Webber. I was born on July 4, 1999. I live on Cedar Lane,
and my phone number is 555-1212.”

11. Tell me what days you are free this week.

“This week is not too busy for me. I have to work on Monday and Wednesday, and I have a
dentist appointment on Thursday morning. I’m not sure about Friday.”

12. Do you have room for one more passenger in your car?
“It all depends. The car seats four comfortably, but it’s designed to hold five. I already
promised Dan, Sandy, and Charles they could have a ride. If they don’t bring a lot of
baggage with them, we can probably take one more person. But if they have a lot of extra
bags, we may not have room.”

13. Explain how to fix this broken wire.

“First, turn off the power. The electrical box is in the garage. Next, strip the insulation off
the two ends of the wire where it has broken. Then use pliers to twist the ends of the wire
together. Wrap several layers of electrical tape around this spot. Then turn the power back
on to test the wire.”

14. I don’t remember how to play this card game. Do I deal each player five or seven cards to
“Did you look in the desk drawer for the directions? I thought I put them in there after
we played the last time. But we’ve probably played it enough times that we don’t need
directions. You have to deal seven cards to each player and make two draw piles with
the rest of the cards. Each player may play up to two cards on his turn.”

15. Is this your backpack?

“It looks like mine. It is the same color and brand. Look in the small pocket. If there is a
yellow notebook inside, it is mine.”

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to explanations and determine if specified information has been provided
with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 148 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task R: Determining When Information Has Been Provided
Listen as I read you a situation and the response to it. Say “Stop” when I’ve given you enough
information to answer the question.
1. Did Mrs. Cobb assign any homework?
“What do you think? Has there ever been a day when she did not give us homework? Of
course she assigned us homework. We have to write a one-page story about a time when
we were surprised. I’m going to write about that one time last month when she didn’t give
us homework. Boy, was I surprised! I’m sure I’ll get an A on this assignment.”

2. Is the Art Museum on this street?

“The Art Museum is not far from here. I’ve been there many times. It’s about three blocks
down this street on the left. It’s across the street from an old church. You can’t miss it. It’s
a large building made of gray stone. There’s a large sign in front that says ‘Art Museum.’”

3. I’m allergic to strawberries. Are there any in this punch?

“No. This punch contains orange juice, ginger ale, sugar, water, and pineapple juice. I’m also
allergic to strawberries, so I read the list of ingredients carefully. If this punch contained
strawberries, I would not drink it. It’s fine for you to have some. I hope you like it.”

4. I need help moving on Saturday. Can you help me move?

“You’re moving again? You just moved into this apartment last year. Don’t you get tired of
packing and moving? Have you even unpacked everything from the last time you moved?
I shouldn’t give you such a hard time. I’m just kidding. Of course I’ll help you move on
Saturday. I don’t have any other plans.”

5. What are you going to name your new puppy?

“I thought about a lot of different names. I finally decided to name him Fred. Even though
Fred is more of a person’s name than a dog’s name, I like it. My favorite uncle’s name is
Fred. He’ll think it’s funny that I’m naming my dog after him. My second choice was
Snoopy, but there are a lot of dogs named Snoopy.”

6. Will you scoot in your chair a little bit so I can get by?
“Oh. I didn’t realize I was blocking the aisle. This classroom is so small and they have too
much furniture in here. It seems as if we are always tripping over one another. Of course
I’ll scoot in. There, can you make it by me now?”

7. When should we set the chairs out on the lawn?

“It looks clear now, so I would go ahead and do it. If you wait until after lunch, it might be
raining and you would get all wet. The chairs are plastic so it’s okay if they get wet. We can
just wipe them off with a rag before the ceremony begins. Thanks for your help.”

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to explanations and determine when specified information has been
provided with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 149 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task R: Determining When Information Has Been Provided, continued
Listen as I read you a situation and the response to it. Say “Stop” when I’ve given you enough
information to answer the question.

8. Tell me where to put the toolbox.

“Oh, I didn’t know you borrowed it. I was looking for it yesterday. It goes in the garage on
the workbench. Did you borrow my saw too? I saw it last week, but now I can’t find it.”

9. Does everyone get the same size drink?

“I ordered large drinks for the adults and small drinks for the children. Some are lemonade and
some are fruit punch. I didn’t order any coffee or soda. I hope that’s okay with everyone."

10. Why is it so windy today?

“I was wondering the same thing. It is so windy, our garbage can blew over and the shutters
are rattling. I heard on the radio that there’s a big storm off the coast. I guess it’s causing all
this windy weather.”

11. I’m expecting a package from Lucy. Has the mail been delivered yet?
“I thought I heard the mail truck a few minutes ago. Look, the flag on the mailbox is down,
so he must have come by already. I’ll run out to the mailbox and see if your package is
here. If it is, I’ll bring it in.”

12. I like this coat. Will it be going on sale soon?

“We just had a coat sale last week. Now they are back to the regular prices. It’s too bad
you didn’t come in last week. Everything was on sale then. It’s unlikely that coat will be
on sale again within the next month.”

13. Explain why you missed your curfew last night.

“My curfew is too early. No one else has to be home by ten o’clock. The movie didn’t get
out until 9:45, and by the time we got out of the parking lot and drove home, it was 10:15.
I think I should have a later curfew. Will you please consider it?”

14. I thought I heard glass breaking. Is something wrong?

“No. Everything’s okay. I dropped a glass in the sink when I was getting it out of the cupboard
and it broke. But I cleaned it up and put the broken glass in the trash. Don’t worry.”

15. I just bought a new car for $35,000. Do you think I spent too much money?
“Well, I always buy used cars. I don’t like to have huge car payments each month. I think
anything over $25,000 is way too much to spend on a car. And, with a brand new car, you
worry about it getting dented or stolen. But it’s your money to do with as you like.”

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to explanations and determine when specified information has been
provided with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 150 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Applying Language Skills
Task R: Determining When Information Has Been Provided, continued
Listen as I read you a situation and the response to it. Say “Stop” when I’ve given you enough
information to answer the question.

16. Are you related to Ellen Carter?

“Her mother is my cousin. We don’t see each other very often even though we are related.
She works nights at the hospital, and I work days teaching school, so it is hard to schedule
a visit. I like Ellen. It’s too bad we don’t see each other more often.”

17. What is the name of Shiloh’s veterinarian?

“I don’t remember. I always get it mixed up with the name of my dentist. My dentist’s
name is Dr. McMillan. I think the vet’s name is Dr. Milliken. No, that’s not it. The vet’s
name is Dr. McLean.”

18. Why is there a live chicken in the dining room?

“You won’t believe what happened! I was sitting here watching TV. I heard the screech of
brakes and then a loud crash. I opened the front door and ran outside. A truck carrying
chickens had skidded around the corner and crashed into the tree beside our mailbox.
Chickens were running everywhere! Once I saw that the driver was unhurt, I ran around
chasing chickens, trying to get them back into their cages. You say there’s a chicken in the
dining room? I probably left the front door open, and it must have wandered inside and
into the dining room. I’ll go get it right now. What should I do with it?”

19. How can the gasoline can be empty? I just filled it yesterday.
“This morning our next-door neighbor came over and said he had run out of gas while
mowing his lawn. I told him he could use some of ours. I didn’t realize he would use it all.
I’ll go down to the gas station right now and fill it back up. Is there anything else we need
while I’m out? I should be back in about ten minutes.”

20. What is the difference between a hurricane and a typhoon?

“Both are violent storms that originate over water. Both a hurricane and a typhoon are
dangerous. They cause serious damage to land and property and cost many lives. The
main difference between a hurricane and a typhoon is that hurricanes begin in the Atlantic
Ocean and typhoons begin in the Pacific Ocean, particulary in the China Sea.”

21. Why should you wear sneakers or deck shoes in boats?

“There are two reasons you should wear sneakers or deck shoes when boating. If you wear
hard-soled shoes, you could damage the floor of the boat. Some people think that flip-flops
would be good to wear because they don’t get ruined if they are wet, but your feet can
easily slide out of them and they offer no protection to your foot from a fishing hook.
Sneakers and deck shoes have soft, rubber soles that provide traction on the wet surface
of the boat deck. You won’t be as likely to slip and fall, and they won’t damage the boat.”

I.E.P. Objective: The client will listen to explanations and determine when specified information has been
provided with 90% or greater accuracy.
HELP for Language 151 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.
Answer Key
Suggested answers have been provided for most of the items. However, accept any reasonable
responses your clients may give, as long as they back them up with appropriate reasoning.

Answering and Asking Questions 9. water 11. It would be confusing when the
Task A pages 7-8 10. pants, jacket teacher called on one of them.
2. baby 11. dresser 12. She would choke on it or
3. coach, captain 12. water swallow it.
4. cowboy, cowgirl 13. yo-yo, top 13. The chocolate would melt in
5. nurse, doctor 14. bird the dryer and then stain the
6. acrobat, elephant, clown 15. eyes, door, window clothing.
7. president 16. cat 14. Your food would be covered
8. police officer 17. car, bicycle with too much salt.
9. babysitter 18. couch 15. Bugs would get in the house.
10. principal 19. egg 16. It would make footprints in the
11. astronaut 20. ruler, scale paint.
12. food server 21. plant, child 17. Riders would fall out.
13. safety patrol 22. store, library 18. The jelly would drip off in the
14. detective 23. bus, theater toaster and burn.
15. actor/actress, movie star 24. racetrack, highway 19. The players would get very
16. customer, shopper 25. book muddy as they played on a wet
17. neighbor 26. alarm clock, light field.
18. student 27. computer 20. nothing
19. farmer 28. foot, sock 21. The milk would sour.
20. pioneers 29. medicine 22. They would freeze or be unable
21. passenger 30. ink, blood, grass to find food under the snow.
22. fan 31. star 23. People would need bigger
23. jogger 32. seed mailboxes and have to wait
24. captain 33. rope longer to receive mail.
25. cashier 34. cloth, forehead 24. The alligators would eat the
26. audience 35. weather, traffic light ducks.
27. scuba diver 36. elevator, temperature, ocean 25. The water would go right
28. mother, girl 37. fish, doctor’s office through the racket and the boat
29. twin 38. coffee maker, fish tank wouldn’t move.
30. senior 39. jacket 26. You would ride in circles.
31. Girl Scout, Boy Scout 40. kitchen 27. The wood would smoke but it
32. teenager wouldn’t burn.
33. conductor Task C pages 10-12 28. Many people would be unable
34. baker 2. Your pants would get wet. to buy shoes, or they would
35. magician 3. No one would be able to hear wear shoes that didn’t fit.
36. trucker the movie. 29. Everyone could open everyone
37. rapper 4. All the water would run down else’s locker.
38. miner, geologist the drain. 30. The tow truck would have to
39. governor 5. The food wouldn’t cook. call a tow truck.
40. senator, representative 6. People would have to carry 31. It would be difficult to store
their trash or the ground them or carry them when it
Task B page 9 would be covered with trash. was not raining.
2. rabbit, frog, kangaroo 7. The boat would probably tip over. 32. Some students would not
3. ball 8. The batteries would die. attend very often.
4. tree 9. The teacher wouldn’t know 33. You would have to go to the
5. tiger, flag, zebra which paper belonged to which store many times each week.
6. clock student. 34. nothing
7. flower 10. You would smear ink on your 35. The stories would be hard to
8. boat paper when erasing. read and understand.

HELP for Language 152 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
36. Fewer players would get on 31. move away from the leak or 32. when there is a drought
base and score runs. dry out the tent the next day 33. when the batter has three strikes
37. The contact lens would 32. go to a neighbor’s and call a 34. when a team has made a
disappear and perhaps melt. family member to bring a key touchdown
38. Everyone would have to carry 33. take it to the bank and exchange it 35. when it is returning to its home
large coin purses to hold all of 34. ask a zoo worker to get it for base
their money. you or leave it there 36. early in the morning or evening
39. Drivers would have to stop 35. pick it up if it is floating or go 37. when I have a cut
suddenly without warning. without lunch 38. when it is snowing or raining
36. call someone to pick you up or 39. when I pass “Go”
Task D pages 13-15 hail a cab 40. when it is calm
2. use a friend’s book
3. make half of a sandwich Task E pages 16-17 Task F pages 18-19
4. use suspenders or a safety pin 2. when the store is closing 2. holidays, weekends, sometimes
5. feed it tuna fish or something 3. when drinking in the summer
else it likes 4. when I get my picture taken 3. when it is very high
6. put your name on the waiting list 5. when it is dropped 4. during the day, when it is sunny
7. cut up a box 6. when someone rings it 5. when she is sleepy, in the
8. take some from another game 7. after I get up afternoon
9. hang plastic over the window 8. when it is stuck with a sharp 6. when it is dried up
10. bring it to the person later or object 7. in the fall
go home and get it 9. when it rains and the sun is 8. when it is burnt out
11. call the store to see if the other shining 9. when the electricity fails, when
shoe is there or return the shoe 10. when they play ring-around- I am in the middle of the
12. leave a note explaining what the-rosy woods at night
happened 11. before we start the car 10. when I am going uphill
13. call for help 12. when they want to answer a 11. on a windy day
14. ask someone to go get it question or ask permission 12. when painting, camping, or
15. fix something that doesn’t need 13. during a slumber party working in the yard
to be heated 14. at dawn 13. when my old ones are too
16. dictate it to his parent or 15. when playing tag small or worn out
someone else 16. at midnight on December 31 14. when I no longer hear the “pops”
17. use the club to push it out 17. when the doctor looks at my 15. when they have holes in them,
18. take the stairs throat when they are too small
19. check the batteries 18. when a noise is too loud 16. when the cheese is melted and
20. use a rope 19. in the fall the crust is brown
21. use soap to make it slip off 20. when we are cold 17. at a matinee
22. unplug the phone or take it off 21. during a fire drill 18. when you want to find out
the hook 22. in the winter what a word means or how
23. ask the usher to bring a 23. when they blow out birthday to spell or pronounce it
flashlight or wait until the candles or throw pennies in 19. when they are red and ripe
movie is over fountains 20. after a meal
24. sit on the curb and massage it 24. during a storm or eclipse 21. when someone is sleeping, late
or stretch it out 25. early in the morning at night
25. open one to see what is in it 26. when they are ready to fly, 22. after the sun sets
and then rewrap it when they need food 23. when they are burnt
26. cut the other side even with it 27. when we have a rash, mosquito 24. at noon
27. say “No thank you” bites, or chickenpox 25. during or after a rainstorm
28. send it back to the kitchen 28. when we pledge allegiance while the sun is shining
29. use another heavy object 29. when there is an emergency 26. when the peels are yellow and
30. use buttons or something else 30. when I have given the cashier the fruit is soft
for the red checkers more money than the item costs 27. early in the morning, at dawn
31. when it is ready to land 28. in the winter

HELP for Language 153 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
29. never 27. when someone is sleeping, in 21. in my chest
30. before the main attraction class when others are working, 22. in the desert
31. at dusk, at sunset when telling a secret 23. on a football field
32. when the last horse crosses the 28. when I have the hiccups, when 24. around the center of the Earth
finish line I’m underwater 25. a museum
33. early in the morning 29. when I can’t find potholders, 26. at the bottom of the Atlantic
34. when mixing or removing food when it’s not finished baking Ocean
from a pan 30. the first day of the month 27. a volcano
35. when he is swinging, when his 31. when something is coming 28. in a pond
car is broken down toward my head 29. in a doctor’s office/hospital
36. when the tank is on empty 32. when it is addressed to 30. a farm
37. on my birthday, specific date someone else 31. on a computer
38. July 4 33. when I am next to someone, 32. at a wedding or prom
39. in December, on the winter when I am in a movie theater 33. at a car race
solstice or library 34. in an engine, parts store, or
40. when it is sinking 34. after I have said goodbye repair shop
41. when the door is closed 35. in an emergency when I need 35. in a hangar
42. when the tread is worn to get outside 36. at a bookstore or farm supply
36. when getting X-rayed, when store
Task G pages 20-21 hiding, when getting my photo 37. in a bank
2. when washing my hair taken 38. to a zoo
3. when someone is swinging 37. when writing a proper name or 39. in an oyster
4. when I’m swimming or beginning a sentence 40. at the center of the target
snorkeling 38. when there is a thunderstorm 41. in England and other countries
5. when they are flat 39. when I must leave, when I 42. hospitals, doctor’s offices
6. when driving, in class have something very important
7. when my pants are loose to say Task I pages 24-25
8. when it is small 40. before I turn the computer off 2. ketchup
9. when it is icy 41. anytime it is burning 3. notebook paper
10. when they are ill, on holidays 42. when you’re inside an airplane 4. playing Ping-Pong
11. when they are due or building 5. van
12. when it is on/still hot 6. scooter
13. when I go inside Task H pages 22-23 7. pies
14. right before dinner 2. at the station, on the platform 8. sandwiches
15. right before I open it 3. in a palace, in a castle 9. school lunch
16. when my old one is worn out 4. in the freezer 10. soccer
17. when I am on a picnic 5. at a restaurant 11. wooden box
18. when traffic is coming 6. in the Arctic 12. raisins
19. when jumping from an airplane 7. on my lap 13. donkey
20. when it is empty, when the 8. to the veterinarian 14. boots
milk is sour 9. in the back 15. hanging up my jacket
21. in winter 10. up in the air 16. rabbit
22. when there is a stop sign, red 11. in cocoons 17. hammock
light, or person or vehicle in its 12. in operating rooms 18. noon
path 13. in its middle 19. pliers
23. when I don’t know how to spell/ 14. at the end of a train 20. raisins
pronounce a word, when I don’t 15. at a movie theater 21. reef
know what a word means 16. underground 22. calculator
24. in school, at the dentist’s office 17. at a mall 23. aquarium
25. when my clothing is on fire 18. in Washington, D.C., in the 24. in a tree
26. when I don’t know who is White House 25. climb a rope
there, when my parents aren’t 19. at a motel or hotel 26. pumpkins on the vine
home 20. to the beach 27. football

HELP for Language 154 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
28. tennis ball 25. to break up hard soil for digging 17. because it is harder to see the
29. violin 26. to store fat to use as food movie when the lights are on
30. lullaby 27. to adjust them for different- 18. because they aren’t ripe until fall
31. helicopter sized waists 19. because the cleats would ruin
32. Hurricanes 28. to provide privacy for the the gym floor
33. plant passengers 20. because they can’t carry their
34. stadium 29. so we can easily reach the instruments
35. rowing person we want to speak to 21. because a rake can’t move the
36. Mary Poppins 30. so all your cards look alike to snow
37. wood your opponents 22. because they can’t open the
38. bottom floor 31. so only you can withdraw your door, because they might run
39. teacher money away
40. match 32. to avoid spreading illness 23. because turkeys can’t fly
33. to make it easier for the seeds 24. because we might be too full to
Task J pages 26-28 to sprout and grow eat our meal
2. because the peel is too tough to 34. to save resources and energy 25. because their lawns are
chew 35. so the gas doesn’t catch on fire covered with snow
3. to pull on to open the drawers 36. for Daylight Saving Time 26. because it is not an emergency
4. to help drivers stay on their 37. to show respect for the flag 27. because it is illegal
side of the road 38. because it is their home 28. because it is too dangerous
5. to help it hold onto branches 39. so that only a small amount of 29. because stones are too heavy to
6. to filter the bright light sand can go through at any time carry in the beaks, because stones
7. so they don’t dry out would make a heavy/hard nest
8. so you don’t burn your hands Task K pages 29-31 30. because it is powered by the
9. to keep them from breaking 2. because there is not enough wind and doesn’t need a motor
10. so you can see who is at the room 31. because it would take too long
door before opening it 3. because it is not comfortable to reach its destination, there
11. to display the country and state 4. because it is too hot might not be a train station in
flags 5. because the water would burn each town
12. to reach upper floors of tall our hands 32. because their metal clubs might
buildings 6. because it will spoil if it is not cause them to be struck by
13. so it can be returned to you if it kept cold lightning
can’t be delivered 7. because it is distracting and 33. because the fire could short out
14. because the movies are sad messy the wires and they would be
15. to help them stay on the horse, 8. because the lightbulb is hot trapped
because it is more comfortable 9. because it is difficult to roller- 34. because it will take the blue
16. to warn anyone behind them skate on carpet color out
17. to help people get up and 10. because it would hurt if 35. because it is dangerous, fish
down them quickly someone fell on them feed at night
18. because they fall often and the 11. because the runner could slip 36. because they don’t live in
ice is hard and fall water
19. so we can carry them without 12. because they are too young and 37. because they are too heavy to
water splashing on us not responsible enough climb steep mountains
20. so children can’t open them 13. because we would pass germs 38. because large leaves require a
21. so the cake won’t stick to the and illnesses to one another lot of water and the desert is
pan when we take it out 14. because they might spill food very dry
22. to keep thieves from stealing on the merchandise 39. because criminals could open
artwork and to keep visitors 15. because it might rain, someone them and jump out
from touching it might steal the car
23. so the driver can see what is 16. because it is hard to eat that Task L pages 32-33
coming up beside him many scoops before they melt, 2. quiet
24. to make money to pay for the more than three scoops will fall 3. cold
programs off easily 4. sweet

HELP for Language 155 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
5. sharp 14. He measures himself, His pants 12. no 27. no
6. slowly are too short, He can reach a 13. no 28. yes
7. scary higher shelf. 14. no 29. no
8. sticky 15. Their car is gone, There are 15. yes 30. yes
9. loud newspapers in the driveway. 16. no 31. yes
10. stinky, bad 16. It is black, You can smell it 17. no 32. no
11. warm burning. 18. no 33. no
12. dirty 17. You hear music/bells. 19. no 34. yes
13. funny, silly 18. The flag on the mailbox is 20. yes 35. no
14. heavy, smooth down, There is new mail in the 21. yes 36. no
15. messy mailbox. 22. no 37. yes
16. tired 19. All the pins are down. 23. no 38. yes
17. lucky, glad 20. It has disappeared, The juice 24. yes 39. no
18. wrinkled, crumpled tastes watery. 25. no 40. yes
19. crunchy, noisy 21. The bathroom is steamy. 26. yes
20. rough 22. It loses air and becomes flat.
21. sour 23. Everyone has started eating. Task O pages 39-40
22. hot 24. They look clean, They’re not 2. false; It will boil.
23. salty stretched out. 3. false; A car has more
24. good, delicious 25. It has no leaves, It falls down. horsepower and can go faster.
25. lonely, sad 26. It shows the same time 4. true
26. scaly, cool whenever you check it. 5. true
27. beautiful 27. There is an announcement on 6. false; Daisies have smooth stems.
28. disappointed, mad TV or on the radio. 7. true
29. sore, tired 28. There are car seats in the 8. false; Visors don’t have a top.
30. proud, happy backseat, There are toys on the 9. false; They are soggy.
31. slimy, gooey floor of the car. 10. false; You or your dog could
32. sparkly, shiny 29. You have a fever or sore throat. get hit by a car.
33. foggy 30. The thunder is loud, You see 11. false; Spiders live on webs.
34. empty lightning near you. 12. true
35. smooth 31. The tip is black. 13. true
36. bright 32. The nest is empty, You find 14. true
37. fast empty shells. 15. true
38. tall 33. You see the names at the end, 16. false; It is a model of the Earth.
39. thirsty, dusty The lights in the theater come on. 17. false; They should stop before
40. dry 34. You look at a calendar, You see they reach the tracks.
flowers starting to bloom. 18. false; You run to first base after
Task M pages 34-36 35. They won’t cut paper. you hit the ball.
2. The grass and road are wet. 36. You look at the date, The paper 19. true
3. They smell bad or look dirty. is much bigger, There are many 20. true
4. It is hard. advertisement pages. 21. true
5. You have a substitute teacher. 37. Cars are backed up, Cars stop 22. true
6. It beeps. in all directions. 23. false; A young duck is called a
7. The grass is long. 38. They make an announcement, duckling.
8. The gauge is on E, The car They lock the doors. 24. false; You can use them indoors
stops going. 39. Lines are stamped through it. too.
9. The can is empty. 25. true
10. The person who answers the Task N pages 37-38 26. false; It has one less side than a
phone tells you. 2. yes 7. yes rectangle.
11. You can see dirt on it. 3. yes 8. yes 27. false; Nine is an odd number
12. It isn’t cold, Everything in the 4. no 9. no and can’t be divided evenly.
freezer has melted. 5. no 10. no 28. true
13. Look at the date stamp. 6. yes 11. no 29. true

HELP for Language 156 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
30. false; A baby polar bear is 24. spin it around your waist, 23. glass, window
called a cub. jump through it 24. knife, scissors
31. true 25. catch a butterfly, hit a ball over it 25. waterslide, seal
32. true 26. buy something, throw it in a 26. socks
33. false; Permanent means fountain 27. ice cube, icicle
everlasting. 27. drink through it, blow paint 28. raincoat
34. false; Wet towels are heavier with it 29. river
because they hold water. 28. plant something in it, put it on 30. pinecone
35. true a desk to keep pencils in 31. jeans
36. false; We read from left to right. 29. build a wall, use it as a doorstop 32. pickle, candy
37. true 30. wipe off table, paint with it 33. coffee, tea
38. false; There are three colors. 31. read it, wrap up something in it 34. oatmeal
39. false; Gold is worth more than 32. make applesauce, make a pie 35. chocolate
silver. 33. mail a letter, keep small things 36. mosquito, gnat
40. true in it 37. French fries
34. wrap food in it, make a 38. rose
Task P pages 41-42 decoration 39. swimming pool water
Answers will vary. 35. tighten a screw, scrape paint off 40. test, marathon
Describing Objects and Defining 36. wear it on your head, tie it over Task C pages 46-47
Words your nose/mouth to keep out 2. cut
Task A pages 43-44 dust 3. shine
2. drink it, water a plant 37. wear it, make a puppet 4. ring
3. play tug of war, tie knots 38. eat it, put it in soup 5. pop
4. make a campfire, throw it to 39. knit a sweater, make a doll 6. roll
the dog 40. burn it, use it to build 7. soak up water
5. bounce it, kick it something 8. talk, fly
6. put groceries in it, make a 41. salute it, wave it 9. keep water out of eyes
mask from it 42. look up a definition, press 10. spin
7. ride in it, use it to deliver papers leaves in it 11. moo, give milk
8. mail something, keep puppies 12. fly
in it Task B page 45 13. hop
9. hang up wet clothing, close 2. soda, juice 14. roll
snack bags 3. button, marble 15. keep papers from blowing away
10. chop down tree, cut firewood 4. elephant, gorilla 16. hold a dog
11. close a package, fix a rip in paper 5. kitten, bunny 17. keep your hands warm
12. eat it, make a jack-o’-lantern 6. ice cream, snow 18. take people up and down in a
13. pour milk from it, make a bird 7. cloud, cave building
feeder 8. sun, school bus 19. protect your foot
14. put sandwich in it, keep coins 9. apple, stoplight 20. hold clothes, bread, etc.
in it 10. forest, stormy night 21. keep a wound clean
15. sleep under it, make a fort 11. apple, pear 22. chop wood
16. sit on it, put clothes on it 12. ketchup, juice 23. protect your head
17. shoot it, wrap it around a 13. beach ball, balloon 24. chop food
newspaper 14. dime, ring 25. stretch
18. read it, cut out pictures 15. sword, stick 26. attach things
19. put it in a vase, smell it 16. sponge, feather 27. warn ships
20. fry it, make a cake 17. truck, airplane 28. hold up a swing
21. dry hands, clean up a mess 18. pea, apple 29. dig up a field
22. put it in hair, tie it around a 19. chili pepper, flame 30. save you money
package 20. sheep 31. keep out light
23. measure, draw a straight line 21. rainbow, flower 32. take temperature
22. cotton candy 33. help someone walk

HELP for Language 157 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
34. keep you from getting a sunburn 21. cheer 5. Both have nails, but fingers are
35. keep you healthy 22. add on our hands and toes are on
36. kill germs 23. skip our feet.
37. turn, make power 24. creep 6. Both tell time, but a clock
38. move the cursor 25. punch hangs on the wall and a watch
39. power a car 26. climb is usually worn on a person’s
40. hold an object to a hard surface 27. chirp wrist.
41. move things from one place to 28. giggle 7. Both are containers, but a
another 29. fold bucket has a handle and a bowl
42. make electricity 30. stew does not.
31. yell 8. Both are eating utensils, but a
Task D page 48 32. sleep spoon is rounded and a fork is
2. true 22. false 33. reach pointed.
3. false 23. false 34. hope 9. People wear both on their feet,
4. true 24. false 35. curl but they wear shoes outdoors
5. true 25. true 36. enclose and slippers indoors.
6. false 26. false 37. trot 10. People ride both in the water,
7. true 27. true 38. disinfect but a surfboard is powered by
8. false 28. true 39. scamper waves and a saiboat is powered
9. false 29. false 40. bend by the wind or a motor.
10. false 30. true 41. churn 11. Both are tools with long
11. true 31. true 42. repeat handles, but we use a rake for
12. true 32. true gathering leaves and a broom
13. true 33. false Task F pages 51-52 for sweeping dirt.
14. false 34. true 2. swim 12. Both are small, furry animals,
15. true 35. true 3. fly but a gerbil can be a pet and a
16. true 36. true 4. moo chipmunk lives in the wild.
17. false 37. false 5. hop 13. Both are cold, sweet treats, but
18. false 38. true 6. crawl a snow cone is made of ice and
19. true 39. false 7. slither an ice-cream cone is made of
20. true 40. true 8. growl frozen cream.
21. false 9. swim 14. Both are homes for groups of
10. spin insects, but a beehive is made
Task E pages 49-50 11. leap of honeycomb and an anthill is
2. tweet 12. walk made of dirt.
3. beep 13. see 15. Both are bodies of water, but a
4. shout 14. drip lake is surrounded by land and
5. mark 15. wiggle an ocean isn’t.
6. sketch 16. speak 16. Both are sources of entertain-
7. whistle 17-42. Answers will vary. ment/information, but you
8. chop only listen to a radio and you
9. blink Task G pages 53-54 listen to and watch a TV.
10. bark Answers will vary. 17. We see both in the sky at night,
11. neigh but the moon looks different
12. rise Task H pages 55-57 each night and stars appear as
13. bounce 2. Both are fruits, but apples are fixed points of light.
14. scream red, green, or yellow and 18. Both are four-legged animals
15. pack peaches are orange. with manes and tails, but zebras’
16. print 3. Both are birds, but a duck coats are black and white striped
17. gallop quacks and a turkey gobbles. and horses’ coats can be brown,
18. march 4. Both are round or square snack black, gray, or white.
19. trim foods, but cookies taste sweet 19. Both are programs for young
20. rinse and crackers taste salty. children, but children are 5 or

HELP for Language 158 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
6 in kindergarten and they are 31. Both are small, metal objects 26. exit
younger than that in preschool. we use to fasten papers, but a 27. map
20. Both are places to swim, but a paperclip is fastened around 28. puddle
swimming pool has concrete the papers and a staple is 29. scale
on the bottom and a pond has punched through the papers. 30. garage
mud on the bottom. 32. Both are body parts attached to 31. spell
21. Both are amusement park the sides of the body, but a wing 32. ankle
rides, but a Ferris wheel moves is part of an insect or bird and 33. pocket
vertically and a merry-go- an arm is part of a person or ape. 34. graduation
round moves horizontally. 33. Both provide factual information, 35. remote control
22. Both magnify objects, but we but a dictionary gives definitions 36. prey
use a telescope for looking at and pronunciations and an 37. scar
objects in space and binoculars encyclopedia gives detailed 38. charge
for looking at things in our information on a topic. 39. jockey
environment. 34. Both are large creatures with 40. kaleidoscope
23. Both are stringed instruments, four legs and long tails, but 41. exercise
but you use your hands to play dragons are make-believe and
a guitar and a bow to play a dinosaurs were alive at one time. Task J pages 60-61
violin. 35. Both are superheroes that help 2. animals, things to ride
24. Both provide geographical people in trouble, but Spiderman 3. wooden things, writing tools
information, but a map is a flat moves by shooting webs at 4. toys, furry things
diagram and a globe is a three- buildings and Superman flies 5. containers, things with a zipper
dimensional model. through the air. 6. things that fly, vehicles
25. People wear both on their 36. Both are stories, usually make- 7. footwear, cowboy equipment
heads, but a baseball cap has a believe, but a dream occurs in 8. sea animals, food
bill in the front and a cowboy your mind and a movie is 9. colorful objects, things that spin
hat has a brim all the way shown on a screen. 10. vehicles, noisy things
around it. 11. sharp objects, things made of
26. Both are tools with two handles, Task I pages 58-59 metal
but we use scissors for cutting 2. twins 12. sweet things, sticky things
and pliers for grasping and 3. yawn 13. things that are white, snack
twisting. 4. wag foods, salty things
27. Both are buildings with many 5. French fries 14. things with a cover, things you
rooms, but a hospital is where 6. toast can read
people care for patients and a 7. shell 15. things that are soft, rectangular
school is where people teach 8. quiz things
students. 9. bib 16. cold things, things that are very
28. Both have rounded tops and 10. sweep small
are made of cloth, but people 11. pole 17. birds, night animals
use a parachute when jumping 12. juice 18. things made of paper, things
from an airplane and an 13. awake with numerals on them
umbrella when it rains. 14. pasture 19. things that ring, things made of
29. People use both to communicate 15. green plastic
verbally, but a walkie-talkie can 16. liquid 20. sweet things, frozen things
only transmit messages over 17. bank 21. dark places, animal homes
short distances and a telephone 18. cousin 22. small things, things made of
can transmit messages over 19. hood metal
longer distances. 20. sidewalk 23. clothing, things you wear on
30. Both give news and information, 21. stir your head
but most newspapers are 22. loaf 24. frozen things, hard things
published daily and most 23. calendar 25. things with handles, places to
magazines are published 24. helmet keep money
monthly. 25. quilt

HELP for Language 159 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
26. things that are dusty, things 26. even 37. Japanese
you write with 27. instruments 38. England
27. things with holes, sandwich 28. letters 39. Hawaii
ingredients 29. bills, money 40. South America
28. liquids, medicine 30. hoot
29. vehicles, things on a farm 31. slither Task M pages 66-67
30. green things, soft things 32. vine 2. sea animals, have claws
31. clothing, things that are 33. sour 3. baby animals, soft
waterproof 34. tickets 4. black, fly
32. things made of leather, things 35. bulletin board 5. large animals, grey
that hold money 36. dams 6. places to swim, have fish
33. things with glass, rectangular 37. recess, snack time 7. vegetables, grow underground
objects 38. chest 8. jewelry, round
34. things that are cube-shaped, 39. governor 9. round, used to play games
things with spots 40. Paris, France 10. used to hold things, have wheels
35. things that whistle, things you 41. three 11. long sticks, used to hit an object
would find in the kitchen 42. person 12. made of cloth, rectangular
36. things you can sleep on, things 13. sweet, sticky
with springs Task L pages 64-65 14. vehicles, go in air
37. hollow things, light things 2. orange 15. write with them, long and thin
38. things that are long, things that 3. wrist 16. sticky on back, pictures on front
come in pairs 4. swim 17. toys, on strings
39. wooden things, containers 5. happy 18. keep us warm, wear on top
40. liquids, fuel 6. hive part of body
41. sea animals, things with many 7. cake 19. sweet, chewy
arms 8. book 20. musical instruments, have keys
42. things with leaves, things that 9. fork, spoon 21. vegetables, green
make you itch 10. lips 22. noisy, are pushed
11. ears 23. two wheels, ride them
Task K pages 62-63 12. camel, lizard 24. yellow, spread on bread
2. oink 13. bird 25. flat, ride on them
3. asleep 14. low 26. live in water, have sharp teeth
4. feathers 15. bed 27. sharp, used when sewing
5. marks 16. football 28. in amusement park, have steep
6. girl 17. four inclines
7. summer 18. dog, cat 29. hard, grow on trees
8. cools 19. chew 30. sports arenas, places with
9. babies 20. stick bleachers
10. paws 21. nail 31. have actors, entertainment
11. cow, elephant, whale 22. knot 32. hot foods, eaten with spoon
12. seeds 23. tree 33. can draw or write on, easily
13. knees 24. rope, pogo stick erased
14. chicken 25. dance, twirl 34. athletic equipment, can jump on
15. cereal 26. ant 35. go around a yard, used for
16. licking 27. paw privacy
17. round 28. core 36. round with hole in middle,
18. bricks 29. doughnut filled with air
19. solid 30. second 37. thick books, in alphabetical order
20. Valentine’s Day 31. temperature 38. have numerical keys, need
21. books 32. car batteries
22. blankets 33. no 39. magnify objects, used in science
23. strings 34. eye 40. mythical creatures, four-legged
24. runs 35. river animals
25. shells 36. parking lot

HELP for Language 160 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
41. make holes in wood, noisy 17. introduced from another h. hide-and-seek
42. have holes in the middle, put country i. scary to fun
in mouth 18. bump j. Answers will vary.
19. moderately warm
Task N pages 68-71 20. permission 2a. early elementary age, riding
2. athletic 21. edge, border your tricycle
3. spoiled 22. habit b. no
4. dreary 23. convince c. confident
5. ripe 24. symbol d. nervous
6. drowsy 25. a valley with steep sides e. bicycle helmet
7. fancy 26. understand f. Kyle had gotten hit
8. responsible 27. the middle region of the torso g. She was scared.
9. greedy 28. appearing at night h. relieved, happy
10. messy 29. whole, unbroken i. She was glad he didn’t get
11. valuable hurt.
12. thrifty Reading and Listening j. Answers will vary.
13. boring Task A pages 74-76
14. stubborn 1. b 13. a 3a. stay up late at night studying,
15. frisky 2. c 14. b He has an algebra final the
16. gentle 3. b 15. c next day.
17. confused 4. c 16. a b. no
18. annoying 5. a 17. a c. because he had been studying
19. weary 6. b 18. c algebra before he fell asleep
20. blank 7. c 19. a d. sleet, hail
21. courteous 8. b 20. b e. He didn’t want to take the
22. nervous 9. a 21. b final.
23. jealous 10. c 22. a f. excited, relieved
24. impatient 11. b 23. c g. to see if school had been
25. embarrassed 12. c 24. a cancelled
26. hazy h. He wouldn’t have to take the
27. discouraged Task B pages 77-81 final today.
28. ambitious 1. b 10. a i. high school, algebra final and
29. optimistic 2. c 11. c Heritage High
30. victorious 3. b 12. b j. Answers will vary.
31. agonizing 4. c 13. c
32. reassuring 5. a 14. c 4a. out West in the 1800s
6. c 15. b b. no
Task O pages 72-73 7. a 16. a c. to help Carol
2. held tightly 8. b 17. b d. the current was too strong
3. burning 9. a e. so it would be easier to swim
4. bends easily f. The wagon she was riding in
5. smooth Task C pages 82-84 tipped over and she fell in.
6. job Answers will vary. g. Mrs. Olson is Carol’s mother.
7. cloudy h. Jack is the movie director, and
8. living in the ocean Task D pages 85-90 Brad and Courtney are the
9. a storage cupboard for food 1a. so no one would hear him actors.
10. money b. in a tree i. the last paragraph
11. to carve wood c. leafy perch, shoe fell to the j. Answers will vary.
12. one-of-a-kind ground
13. applause d. nighttime 5a. painter, He’s on a ladder with
14. thick e. It fell off when he moved. a paintbrush.
15. sad f. no b. back of someone’s home,
16. promise g. I found you! backyard

HELP for Language 161 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
c. He’s been a painter for 20 8a. bad thunderstorm or c. probably an adult, taking the
years, mid-forties hurricane; strong wind and bus to work
d. so he can climb down to the rain, broken tree branches, lost d. trying not to step in puddles,
ground electricity, damage to garage so her feet wouldn’t get wet
e. It’s too far. and vehicle e. Her umbrella is getting caught
f. He’s about to fall at any b. nighttime in the wind, making it look as
moment. c. watching the storm to see if she’s about to take off into
g. He wasn’t as high on the where it would go next the air like Mary Poppins.
ladder yesterday. d. They knew the storm was f. Answers will vary.
h. positive coming.
i. The boy might go get help. e. A downed power line that still 5a. She thought the truck might
j. Answers will vary. has electricity running have caused the house to
through it may wiggle and shake.
6a. airplane, gazed out city lights bounce on the ground, making b. Dana’s room is at the front of
through the clouds, baggage it look like it's dancing. the house, and her brother’s
claim area f. go near the downed power room is at the back of the
b. They’re sisters. line house.
c. her son, Danny g. Emergency vehicles were c. an earthquake
d. They live far away from each going to help someone. d. It had fallen onto the floor.
other. h. Stella is okay. e. because they live two miles
e. He had on dark glasses and a i. started cleaning up around from each other and still felt
dark coat. their home the same thing
f. a rubber duckie and a stuffed j. Answers will vary. f. Answers will vary.
g. She had his suitcase. Task E pages 91-95 6a. school; bell rang, children in
h. checked the tag on the suit- 1a. dog; vet, chasing cars hallway, classroom
case before taking it out of b. by what he says and how he b. a test or quiz
the baggage claim area says it c. She was embarrassed or
i. It might have a tag on it that c. He said it was okay, it could disappointed.
tells how to contact the owner. have happened to anyone. d. The test was easy.
j. Answers will vary. d. Answers will vary. e. There was a problem with
e. Answers will vary. Maria’s test.
7a. in a clothing store when it first f. Answers will vary. f. Answers will vary.
opens in the morning
b. He was the last employee to 2a. at a restaurant, food servers 7a. No more food will grow until
leave the store. b. I’ll take care of it. the weather gets warmer.
c. He wouldn’t bother for such a c. I’m sorry. b. squirrel, chipmunk; The
small amount of money. He d. Answers will vary. family lives in a burrow and
would keep it. e. Answers will vary. can climb trees.
d. It was a way to make people f. Answers will vary. c. no
think he was honest. d. The children weren’t smiling
e. She thinks he ran off with the 3a. playing miniature golf anymore.
money and isn’t coming back b. no, He said his friends talked e. winter
to work. him into playing because they f. Answers will vary.
f. She thinks he’s honest. needed another person.
g. He stopped at the bank to get c. no, only 3 players’ names are 8a. husband and wife
change. given; they have a foursome b. watching Mrs. Carter run after
h. She jumps to conclusions. She d. his golf club Adam so she can give him
is critical. e. complaining whatever he forgot that
i. She felt bad that she had f. Answers will vary. morning
accused him of stealing. c. previous experience
j. Answers will vary. 4a. It’s raining very hard. d. John and Hilda’s son
b. herself e. Answers will vary.

HELP for Language 162 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
f. whether Mrs. Carter ever 17. Everyone needs to be quiet and 19. answer
caught up with Adam and listen. 20. no answer
gave him his lunch bag 18. Your car is very dirty. 21. no answer
19. Let’s go a little later. 22. answer
9a. fitness center, He’s exercising 20. You look tired today. 23. answer
in a building where other 21. I expected you to call me and 24. no answer
people are. you didn’t. 25. no answer
b. walking on a treadmill 22. Are you being honest about 26. answer
c. He fell down. your score? 27. no answer
d. because he bumped it on the 23. It tastes sour. I need some sugar. 28. answer
floor when he fell, because he 24. Sandra is bossy. 29. no answer
fell down 25. I don’t want to invite Ella. 30. answer
e. a worker at the fitness center, 26. I didn’t care for the play. 31. no answer
because the treadmill is broken 27. I’m tired of being in charge. 32. no answer
f. Answers will vary. 28. Can you lower the price of the 33. no answer
car? 34. answer
10a. They’re collecting food from 29. I want to go to a movie with 35. answer
people’s homes. my friends on Saturday. 36. no answer
b. They’re trying to collect more 30. You took my seat when I got up. 37. answer
food than any other troop. 31. I heard your dog barking all 38. answer
c. Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts night! 39. no answer
d. a food bank 32. You were late for work today. 40. answer
e. Answers will vary. 33. Why wasn’t I invited to the 41. no answer
f. Answers will vary. party? 42. no answer
34. I’d like to go out with your
Task F pages 96-101 cousin. Task D pages 110-112
Answers will vary. 35. We’d like to try out your new Answers will vary.
hot tub.
Applying Language Skills 36. You are very critical of my work. Task E pages 113-115
Task A pages 102-104 37. Use the front door. I don’t want Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. you to get the kitchen floor dirty.
38. May I keep the change? Task F pages 116-118
Task B pages 105-107 39. You called too early and woke 2. b 14. b
2. It’s time for you to go home. me up! 3. c 15. a
3. I would like a drink. 4. a 16. b
4. Help me carry the groceries. Task C pages 108-109 5. c 17. a
5. I’d like some popcorn. 2. no answer 6. c 18. c
6. Why don’t you turn on the 3. answer 7. a 19. a
light? 4. answer 8. a 20. b
7. Did you eat my candy bar? 5. no answer 9. c 21. a
8. Kevin, stop kicking the back of 6. no answer 10. b 22. b
my chair. 7. answer 11. b 23. a
9. You need to be quiet and let 8. no answer 12. c 24. c
someone else speak. 9. answer 13. c
10. Jerry, stop eating all the cookies. 10. no answer
11. Pick up the papers so I can 11. answer Task G pages 119-121
vacuum your room. 12. no answer 2. apples and oranges
12. Did you take my pen? 13. no answer It’s comparing two things that
13. I’d like a strawberry. 14. answer aren’t alike.
14. Don’t lose the key. 15. no answer 3. good and ready
15. You’d better pick up that toy. 16. answer I won’t do it until I want to.
16. You should give your horse 17. no answer 4. black and white
some water. 18. no answer I want to see it in writing.

HELP for Language 163 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
5. one and only Task H pages 122-125 26. Beauty; Just because someone
Carol is the famous spelling 2. home; Home is the best place looks nice doesn’t mean the
bee winner! to be. person is nice.
6. plain and simple 3. sky’s; There is no limit. 27. eat; If you eat a healthy/
You can’t ignore the absolute 4. blink; They disappeared quickly. unhealthy diet, you will be
truth. 5. worm; The first person to healthy/unhealthy.
7. alive and kicking arrive gets the best things. 28. cloud; Something good can be
The Hornets are strong and 6. want; If you use resources found in bad situations.
ready to play! wisely, you will have more.
8. touch and go 7. win; You can’t win every time. Task I pages 126-128
For a while, it seemed like 8. waste; When you hurry, you 2. glass
Stanley might die. make mistakes. 3. ice
9. quick and dirty 9. Beggars; When asking for 4. cardboard
Let’s review the chapter quickly, something, you have to take 5. fish
without much discussion. what you are offered. 6. feather
10. give and take 10. never; It’s better to come late 7. tack
Everyone must compromise if than not come at all. 8. cotton
we want to get along. 11. cat; When the person in charge 9. knife
11. free and easy is gone, people don’t work as 10. dream
In the summertime, everything hard. 11. cat up a tree
is relaxed. 12. pain; You can’t achieve 12. nails
12. p’s and q’s something without hard work. 13. whistle
Be on your good behavior 13. chew; Don’t take on too much 14. hills
while Grandma is here. responsibility. 15. wink
13. high and dry 14. work; Every day, things 16. canary
If you borrow the car, I won’t happen that we may not like. 17. kitten
have any transportation. 15. everyone; No matter what you 18. fiddle
14. down and out do, someone is not going to 19. ox
If I don’t find a job, I'll have no like it. 20. deer
way to support myself. 16. stand; We are stronger if we 21. rag doll
15. short and sweet join together. 22. eagle
The graduation speech did not 17. sink; Only one person should 23. horse
go on too long. be in charge. 24. mud
16. grin and bear it 18. never; Don’t say you will never 25. baby
I know it’s hot, but try to make do something. 26. carpet
the best of the situation. 19. day; Get everything you can 27. fleas
17. neck and neck out of each day. 28. sharks
When the horses rounded the 20. one; A person criticizing 29. trap door
turn, they were exactly even. another is often guilty of the 30. frozen waterfall
18. tried and true same behavior.
I may be old-fashioned, but my 21. small; Ignore small matters or Task J pages 129-130
way is proven to work. annoyances. 2. ox
19. open-and-shut 22. right; You can’t undo a mistake 3. feather
My lawyer says there is nothing by doing something else 4. leather
to debate about this case. dishonest or incorrect. 5. wind
20. thick and thin 23. mouth; Don’t be critical of 6. ice
A true friend will stick by you something you’ve been given. 7. bird
in good times and bad. 24. cooks; When too many people 8. freight train
21. cash and carry are involved in something, it 9. mountains, hills
You must pay cash for everything can go wrong. 10. pie
at the flea market and take your 25. cover; Judge a person by how he 11. lion
purchases with you. acts rather than how he looks. 12. mud

HELP for Language 164 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
13. dog 15. A good teacher is in control of Task L pages 134-136
14. pig the situation. 1. a 13. c
15. mice 16. Cara has lots of new, fresh ideas. 2. c 14. b
16. ocean 17. A new baby is something 3. b 15. a
17. rocks precious for the parents to 4. b 16. c
18. tacks treasure. 5. a 17. b
19. hornet 18. That horse is very skinny. 6. a 18. b
20. bee 19. Laughter will make you feel 7. b 19. c
21. wolves better. 8. c 20. a
22. prunes 20. The twins are alike in many 9. a 21. a
23. rock ways. 10. b 22. b
24. clown 21. Use your time wisely. It is 11. b 23. c
25. silk valuable. 12. c
26. grass 22. The grass and bushes in our
27. a lemon backyard need cutting. Task M pages 137-138
28. ant 23. I was happy to hear the car in 1. I’m sure you didn’t tell me.
29. trees our driveway. You told someone else.
30. statue 24. Every day brings new things. Someone else told me.
31. toothpicks 25. I am upset by the overdue bill. 2. Others sit with us, but not her.
32. oven 26. Tyra seems to have a lot of bad She sits with other people.
33. button, kitten, bug luck. She sits with us, but not on the
34. clam 27. Beagles like to romp and play. bus.
35. picture 28. His grandson’s visit really 3. Am I going the right way?
36. leprechaun cheered him up. Is this how to get to the library
37. sea, ocean, sky 29. Spring is when all the flowers or somewhere else?
38. load of bricks and trees begin to bloom and Am I going toward the library
39. bear grow. or away from it?
40. pancake 30. There is a lot of manure in the 4. I can’t believe you put salt in
41. wolf, bear cow field. the tea.
42. lamb 31. You can look at a woolly Are you the person who put
caterpillar to forecast the salt in the tea?
Task K pages 131-133 winter. Did you put salt in the tea or in
2. Her room is very messy. 32. The hurricane destroyed something else?
3. Jill likes to joke around. everything in its path. 5. Nora came close to dropping
4. My feet are very cold. 33. Mr. Rolfe is a smart man. my plate.
5. David knows a lot of facts about 34. You have to work hard to be Nora is the person who almost
a lot of things. successful. dropped my plate.
6. The brain holds many different 35. Dad is the person that holds Nora almost dropped my plate,
things to help you solve the family together. not something else.
problems. 36. She is always in pain. 6. The book costs a little more or
7. Grandma’s garden is full of 37. The whole world is the setting less than twelve dollars.
beautiful colors. in which people live out their The book costs about twelve
8. Her smile really cheers me up. lives. dollars, not thirteen.
9. Children are very receptive to 38. Space is the one area in the The book, not the CD, costs
new thoughts and ideas. world that hasn’t been fully about twelve dollars.
10. The puppies are very funny. explored. 7. What is the reason he came
11. This car is very old. 39. You can tell what someone is home?
12. Our classroom is chaotic. thinking and feeling by looking Why didn’t someone else come
13. Kelly’s hair is a mess in the into her eyes. home?
mornings. Why did he come home, rather
14. The children were excited to than going somewhere else?
get ice cream from the ice- 8. No, I said there aren’t any
cream truck. spoons in the drawer.

HELP for Language 165 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
There are forks in the drawer, 17. Karen, not Kara, left early. 26. What Zup?
but no spoons. Karen left early, not late. 27. Sprints
The spoons may be somewhere Karen left early. She didn’t 28. Eversharps
else besides in the drawer. arrive early. 29. Lemon-Aid
9. Fluffy is my cat’s name, not my 18. Did Austin or someone else get 30. Trap-Free
dog’s. on the school bus?
Fluffy, not Stuffy, is my cat’s Did Austin actually get on the Task P pages 145-146
name. school bus? 2. Something can’t be both good
My cat’s name is Fluffy, not Did Austin get on the school and awful.
yours. bus or the city bus? 3. Jumbo means large and shrimp
10. The meeting is on Thursday, 19. Other people feed our dog, but means little.
not another day. not Lizzie. 4. If it is news, it just happened.
Yes, I’m sure I told you the Lizzie plays with our dog, but If it just happened, it isn’t old.
meeting was on Thursday. she doesn’t feed him.
I told you the meeting, not the Lizzie feeds our cat, but not 5. Licorice is a black flavoring. If
lunch, was on Thursday. our dog. the candy is red, it can’t be
11. The strawberries, not the 20. The highest grade on the licorice.
peaches, are too ripe to eat. history exam, not the lowest, 6. We smile when we are happy,
Yes, I’m sure the strawberries was 72! not sad.
are too ripe to eat. The highest grade on the 7. A cushion is a soft pillow. If it
The strawberries are too ripe, history exam, not the math is hard, it isn’t a cushion.
not too green, to eat. exam, was 72! 8. Nothing and much are
12. Should there be something else The one and only highest grade opposites. If we are doing
tied to the mailbox? on the history exam was 72! much, we can’t also be doing
Shouldn’t the ribbon be tied to nothing.
something else? Task N pages 139-141 9. A whisper is a very quiet way
What is the reason for the Answers will vary. of speaking. If it is quiet, it
ribbon on the mailbox? can’t also be loud.
13. Helen is never at school on Task O pages 142-144 10. A sip is a small amount, so if you
Mondays. 2. Knots Out take a big drink, it’s not a sip.
Mondays are the days Helen 3. Fun-cicles 11. Pretty and ugly are opposites.
misses school, not Tuesday. 4. Fine Shine Something can’t be pretty and
Helen, not Krista, misses school 5. Quick Stick ugly at the same time.
every Monday. 6. Cuddle Time 12. If we are in a mess, it can’t be
14. You must pay for anything you 7. Cool Fuel fine because fine means good.
drop. 8. Smoochie Poochies 13. Half means one of two equal parts;
You, not someone else, will 9. Grime Grabber therefore, one part can’t be larger.
have to pay for it. 10. Baby Bites 14. Advanced means skilled;
It’s okay to touch things, but if 11. Toasty Toes therefore, an advanced student
you drop something, you’ll 12. Shine ‘n Sparkle is not a beginner.
have to pay for it. 13. Power Out 15. Something new has just recently
15. The Chipmunks, not the Tigers, 14. Shade and Shield been made. If it didn’t exist
are the best team! 15. Aqualicious before, it can’t be improved.
The Chipmunks are indeed the 16. Garden Mist 16. An alarm is a warning of
best team! 17. Cloud Nine danger. If no one can hear it, it
The Chipmunks are the one 18. Fast Fill won’t alert anyone.
and only best team! 19. First Provident Bank 17. If you think, it is silent. If you
16. Did I forget to tell you any part 20. Purely Radiant say it aloud, you are talking.
of the story? 21. Fresh-a-licious 18. A knot is tightly intertwined
Did I tell you or someone else 22. The Soothing Spa material. If it is tight, it can’t
the story? 23. Powerhouse also be loose.
Did I tell you the story, or did 24. Glide and Ride 19. Favorite means the one you like
someone else tell you? 25. The High Steppers the most, not the least.

HELP for Language 166 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued
20. If something is empty, it has Task R pages 149-151 12. It’s unlikely that coat will be
nothing in it. The client should say “Stop” after on sale again within the next
21. Glassware is made of glass; these sentences: month.
that’s why it is called a glass. 1. Of course she assigned us 13. The movie didn’t get out until
22. If something is serious, it is not homework. 9:45, and by the time we got
also fun. 2. It’s about three blocks down out of the parking lot and
23. If you are paid to work, you are this street on the left. drove home, it was 10:15.
an employee, not a volunteer. 3. No. 14. No.
24. If a show is taped, it is broad- 4. Of course I’ll help you move on 15. I think anything over $25,000
cast at a later date and can’t Saturday. is way too much to spend on
be live. 5. I finally decided to name him a car.
25. History is the study of events Fred. 16. Her mother is my cousin.
that happened long ago. If it is 6. Of course I’ll scoot in. 17. The vet’s name is Dr. McLean.
modern, it happened now. 18. I probably left the front door
26. An estimate is a best guess. If 7. It looks clear now, so I would open, and it must have wan-
a figure is accurate, it is exact. go ahead and do it. dered inside and into the
8. It goes in the garage on the dining room.
Task Q pages 147-148 workbench. 19. I didn’t realize he would use it
1. no 9. yes 9. I ordered large drinks for the all.
2. yes 10. no adults and small drinks for the 20. The main difference between a
3. yes 11. no children. hurricane and a typhoon is that
4. no 12. no 10. I heard on the radio that there’s hurricanes begin in the Atlantic
5. yes 13. yes a big storm off the coast. Ocean and typhoons begin in
6. no 14. yes 11. Look, the flag on the mailbox is the Pacific Ocean, particularly
7. no 15. yes down, so he must have come in the China Sea.
8. no by already. 21. You won’t be as likely to slip
and fall, and they won’t
damage the boat.


HELP for Language 167 Copyright © 2004 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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