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| | | B 327

- Supplement to Official Gazette Extra

ordin ary No, £7, Vol, 70, 13h5 tember,
Mans sy Virtus or Tum Provisions or Szc
» 375 or THe Compantes Act 1968
t, Short title and commencement,.
2. Alteration of Rules,
3. Proceeding in open court,
4 Motions,
5. Title of Proceedings,
. Issue of Summons,
a Orders,
8. File of proceedingsin office of Regi strar,
_ g. Office copies,
10. Inspection offile,
11. Use of file by Ministry of Trade and Official Receiver,
12, Service as in civil matter, .
13. Validity of service, .
- "If Enforcement of Orders,
oo: 15. Form of petition,
' 26, Presentation ofpetition,
. ¥ Service ofpetition,
18, Verification of petition, .
19. Advertisementof petition, -
20, Copies of petition to creditors and contributo
ai, Pppointment of Provisional Liquidator, ries,
22, Heating to show compliance with rules,
23. Notice by persons whointend to app ear,
24. List of names and addresses of pers
2§. Affidavits opposition and reply,ons who appear on the petition.
26, Substitution of creditor or contributory °
27. Notice that widing-up has been Pronouncedfor with draw ing petit ion,
to be given to Official,
28. Documents for drawing up order to be left with Registrar,
29. Contents of winding-us order,
30. Transmission and advertisement of wind “on
3x. Where written ing- up orde r,
notice necessary, |
- 32. ‘Transfer ofactions. '
33- Appointment of Special Manager,
34- Accounting by Special Manager, ,
_ 3§+ Preparation of statement of affairs,
36. Extension of time for submitting statement
37. Information subsequent to statemen of affairs,
38.. Default, t of affai rs,
39. Expensesof statement of affairs,
. 40. Dispensing with statement ofaffairs,
41. Appointment of Liquidator on report of meet
; contributories, ings of creditors and
_ 4%. Standing security, -
43. Failure to give or keep up security,
44. Consideration of report,
45. Procedure consequent on orde r for public examination,
' 40, Application form for holding exam ination...
47» Appointmentof time and place for public exam
inat ion,
R328 Companies Winding Up Rules
_ gaaped rot ee COG ct ad OE eee TOE meee uP Tt otee de

of on dent
° e Notesof
ex be filed, i
oY Nasotes byor.natdeine directors, ‘officers and promoter,
tice of epplieatons a
e Batosp ho
pplication. vary guegd
bofdepononstaken a publikandi’i fee° u noe
& 2
Comdial of contemacious witness, ces dit wif
iy. Dene
Depositions of private examinations, idstey Og
ofdisclaimed roperty. * woe
bo. Report by Official Receiver or agrangement and compromises,
61. Co ection and distribution of cothaptiy’s aséets by”ace “
62. Power of Liquidator to require delivery of property. :
63. Liquidatorto settle list of contributories, ne
64. Appointmentoftimeand placeforsettlementoffist, nee ume
65 Settlement of list of contributories, ae
‘ ne ‘

66. Notice of contributories, ea UE, gee. bt

7. Applica
plication to courtto vary the list an
n of or addition to list of contribut
ories, dhe
69. Callsby Liquidator. mee
70, Application to the court for leave to make a call,; og
71. Document making the call, ° ee re
72. Service of notice ofacall, =, cog atin
93. Enforcementofcalf." LEyh be hos:
4 74+ Proof of debt. ey oe
“yi, 75. Mode ofproof. tebe tee
75, ‘Contents
5 f
fprot os Poo sc!
A ; te a a s | er
of “4
ay ;
. Statement, securityeo, si : .
9. Proo
Pro fBefat
s onyevioril, a :
&1. part
of ao. ot
Bh eona!vl 4 ak ent eke ag ‘
83, Interest, n tbe Ye
84, Prooffor debt’payitble at'dfuture time, "7 Pa
85. Where formal proof of debts not required, wo
86. Workmen’s wages,
87. Production ofbills of exchange andpromisory notes, on
88, Transmission of applesmaa : a
89, Notice tocreditors to,prov So Be
90. Examinationofproof.’ ° tie a
91, Appeal by creditor, - tay
92, Expunging at instance of liquidator, ., ma
93, Orta instance of creditor, te aay
, 94, Oaths, vee gn paca to eon
96. Fili poolsby TReceiver, _ ro
97, Proofsto be filed. Zz —
98, Procedure where creditor ap a 7
100. Time for dasa coeiere vad
101. Costs of appealf omdecisions as D proc. . , : aes
Companies Winding Up Rules B32

ee Dividend tojexeditors, , - 7 r
to contsibutories, ooeb, ew rT e)
104, Pietmeetingof creditors and contributories, eb el ae ,
105, ec Farre 0the Minitsy.bon ok,
106, Summoning of first meetings, 4 mS
107, Form of notices of first mectings,, fe Set og
108, Notes offat menting ooo of compaiy. poo,
09, Summary of statementof affairs, . oy
110, -Liquidator’s meetings of creditors.and poatrbatris
a; j
itt. Application of rulesas to meetings.
us, Evidence dopatchoso ofmeting er
» Costs 0: callingmeetin a
116; Chairman ofmeeting. . 28
117, Ordinary resolution of creditors and contributories.
118. Copy resolution tobefiled. " ,
e eceptionofnotice by a.creditor,
, ae,
121. Adjournmen ee Rye, ne
122, Creditors entitledto vote, 5 Bae pt.
1235Gasesinwhich creditorsmay not vote, ‘
124, Votes ofsecured creditors, . be. a .
125. Creditor requiredto give upsecurity. .
126, Admission and rejection of Proafs forr Purpose.ofvoting
127, Statementof security.
128, Minutes of meetings,
129, Proxies, oe, .
130. Form of proxies. tat ae
i Form
ofpostb enihny, yar
' al proxies .
133, Special proxies, _
134, Solicitation liquidator to obtain proxies, -
135. Proxies to Receiver or Liquidator,
136. Holder ofamy not to vote on matters in which he isj financial
137, Proxies,
138, Useof proxies by deputy.
a Proxy of blind,oo
etc, creditor to comply with CAP, 83, ~
Attendance at roceedings
i Attendance ofiquidstor 8 solicitor.
2, Remuneration liquidator,
48, Limit of ation
144, Dealings with assets, —
145, Restriction ona purchase of goodsby liquidator,
146. Committee of nspection not to make profit
147. Costs of obtaining sanction of court,
148, Sanction of payments to Committee,
149, Discharge of costs before assets handed to liquidator,
150.. Resignation
atin ofliq
quidator, by insafy
of tor vaca’ nso.
152, Withdcawalfew account. mney
153. Special bank account. = - 4
154, Keeping of Record Book.
B33000COtC Companies Winding Up Rules || ;
155. Cash book. "
156. Investment of assets in securities and realisation of securities,
157, Audit of cash book. ;
158, Ministry audit Of liquidstor’saccounts,
159. Liquidator on business,
160. Cant of sccouts be filed,
161, Summary of accounts,
162, Affidavit of no receipts or payments,
163. Proceedings onresignation and company of liquidatordisposal ofBooks,
- 164. Expenses of sales,
. 165. Form of Final Account,
166. Liquidator’s charges,
-167, Costs payable cuoftheset,
168, Conclusion of
169, Tiknesfos sending liguidator’s statements and regulations applicable
10, sien of no rece)
171, P, undistbted
of andtn
and Minchsimed money in Companies Liqui-
172, faa
to furnish information to the Ministry,
173, The Ministry may call for verified account, -
174, Applicationtothe court og peroetd aiaccount and getting in money,
' 175. Application for
196. Abe pplication
177, Proceedings or selease ofill of liquidator,
178, Dis of books and papers,
1. wheDuy re aon poe oS
Official Receiver..
ist Power offear to extend or abridge time,
182, Defects and irregularity not to invalid Defect of sppoitment
“183, fPplicationo
off court’s (Civil Procedure) Rules,
a terpretation
Companies Winding Up Rules B331

vn *> FORMS
Form Page.
1° orm of summons (General gee ae +e ene B87
2. Petition .. oe oe -- B 387
_ 3.° Petition by unpaid creditoron simple contract». |. -s. B 388
4, Petition by minority Shareholder . ewe .. B 388
_ 5. - Affidavit of service of petition on Members, Officers or"Servants B 389
6. Affidavit of servicepettion on Liquidator | oe oe -- B 390
7. Affidavit veri . oe .. B39
8. Affidavit veri Petition ofa Limited Company -- «+ B39
9, Advertisoanteof petition... .. -- « BZN
10. Advertisement ofpetition by minority Shareholder |. -- B 391 -
11... Order appointing a Provisional Liquidator after presentationof
"__ petition and before order to wind-up so ae we B 39Z
12, Notice of intention to appear on petition =... .. .. B393
13. List of parties attending the hearing of a petition . -- B 393
14, : Notificationto Official Receive
r of etoOrder
f -- B 3%
15, Notificationto Official Receiver of order pronounced for.
+, SppointméntofProvisional elitoe priorto” Winding-Up 398
‘16. “Order‘for ‘winding-up the Court . oe . oe -- B395
17." Order for Wwinding-up» subject to supervision oe ee B 395°
18." “Affidavit by
Y Special Manager verifying account .. ee «+ B 3%
19...- Statementof - « B3%
Report of result of meeting‘of creditors orcontributoric -- B 397
a er appointing Liquidator _.. . -» B38
22, - Advertisement of appointment of Li idator |. -- B 398
23. Certificate that‘Liquidator or SpecialManager has given
security ..
oes38 S888

OrderFt ccting a public examination .. oe lee

25." Notice to attend public examination ..
26.. Warrant against person whofails to attend examination. we
27. Report to the Court where person examined sefises to answer
to satisfaction of Registrar or Officer oe . .
28. Disclaimerof lease . . ee oe oe
29. Notice of disclaimer oflease we
30. “Notice by Liquidator requiring payment‘of money or delivery
1 - “sof books, etc. to Liquidator ..
- 31. Provisionallist of contributoties to be made outby Liquidator "
32. .Notice to contributories of appointmentto settle list of
’ -contribuiories
. 33.:Certificate of Liquidator offinal settlement of thelist of

contributories. .
34. ‘Notice to contributory offinal settlementof list of contributo-
ries and that his.nameisincluded - .. o

35. Order, onapplication to vary list of contributories

36. Noticeto each memberof commnittes ofiinspection for sanction
ts :- {to proposed call .. se .
B33Zz Compantis Winding UpRules
Form Pag
37, Advertisement ofmeeting ofcommittee ofInspection to‘sanction
g proposed call oe ee oe ae ee on e¢ B

38, Resolution of committeeof inspection sanctioning call 1» B 409

39, "Summons for leave to make a call cece oe ten BAND
40, Affidavit of Liquidator in support of proposal for call .. = .. B A411
4h, Advertisement of application for leave to make s call oo = os B4MM
42," Order givingleave to makeacalls, 12 es oe oe BAM
43, Document making &call on ae oe” 1 B42
44,, Notice of et sanctioned bykommt ofinspection tobe sen
, contributory ve oo B43
- fe Notice to be served withthe ordersanctlcining acall ae BH
46,; Affidavitinsupportofapplicationfor orderfor paymentofcall... B 413
47, Orderfor payment ofcall due'tromne a satelite oo 6a BANG
48,. Proof of debt (General form) co een BANG
49... Proof of debt of workmen ee oe oe eo oe B 413
50," Notice of rejection of proofof debt «e eé é ve B 419

51, List.of proofs tobe filed under Rule 96 so ee oe BAND

52,', Notice to creditors of intention to declare dividend | «+ B 420
53::, Notice to pereons claiming to becreditors ofintentionto declare
at by; final dividend oot oe. ve On, ee ee oe B42
54... Notice of dividend “be oe ee oe oe oe B 420

58,”* Authority to Liquidatortopaydividendsto another person .. B 424

56.:, Notice of returns to contributories os oe. oe oe B 422
7. Notice to creditors offitstmeeting oo ee ee we B 4B
58 Notice to conttibutories of first meetin o 46 B 4%
nj, Notice to officers of company toattend ret
st meeting ofcreditors .
a4; OF contributories
60; Notice of meeting (Genetalform
cm) oo B.425
61. Autho Deputy to acabha ot mengandwee nes
-. 4 4) proxies
62: Memorandum of adjournment of roeeting oo ee BADE
63. Listof creditors (a):To be used at every meeting ce we B 426.
64, General proxy, 6. we tere te nn BAB.
65. Special proxy. ieee wt ve .» B 427.
66: ‘Application to Courtto authorise a special bankaccount re B 428
6f. Order of Court for special bank account os B 428
Certificate and request by committee of inspection as to investe
ment of funds . B 428
69. Request b committee ofinspection to Accountant-General of
theFederation ‘B 429
70, Rertificateby comimittes of inapection asto audit of Liquidstor’s
cas:h book oo oa B 29
Companies Winding Up Rules -B333
"Form - . OS Page
71. Liquidator’s trading account under section 230 . -+ we B 430
7, Liquidators statement of account.Members’ orcreditor
voluntary winding-up) .. ee. oe . B431-
73. Statement of receipts and payments and gene directions as
to statements oo oo ne . B 434
a Affidavit yerifying statementt ofof Ligula
Li to' neeount enter. B 438

- 75, Liguidsto’strading account under |section319 oe ne B 439

76. List of dividendsor composition . rr . B 440
77. List of amounts paid or payable to contributories ‘ee . B41
78, Affidavitverifying account ofunclaimed and undistributed funds B 442
79, Notice creditors and contributories of intenti
i on to apply for
80. Statement to accompany notice ofapplication forrelease ueB 443
81, Winding up by the Court, Notice of appointmentof Liquidator B 445
82, Members’ voluntary winding up. Declaration of solvency, em-
bodying a statement of assets and liabilities . - B 446
83. Form of statement of assets and liabilities re eeu BAST
84, Credito
ee rs’ nuntary winding-up,
tp,Return ofthe
the final windingsup “7
85, Members”voluntary winding-up. Return of fal windingup
Meeting ee ee oe ee tens B48
‘Companies Winding Up Rules B 335
SI. 45 of 1983
Citation, ‘application, ete.
. 1. These rules may be cited as the Com ies Winding-U
Rules, 1983 and shall come into effectpan p© Short title
on the 1st day of and
October, 1983 , | |
2, The rules shall<apply to the proceedings in ever
winding-upunder the Act ; and the forms in the y Alteration
of Rules.
a pendix,
where applicable, shall be used, provided that the
Registrar of Chie
the Court may from time to time, alter any formsf
which relate to matters of an administrative and not
judicial chara of a
cter, or substitute new forms in:li
ere the Chief Registrar alters any form, or eu thereof,
subst itutes
-any new form in lieu of a form prescribed by these Rules,
such altered or substituted form shall be publ ished in the
axett e,
3. All proceedings in respect of Winding-Up shall be Proceedings
heared in open Court unless the court otherwise orde rs,
4. Every application in court other than a petition
made by motion, notice of which shall be served onshall be ~ Motions,
person, against whom an order is sought. not less than fivey
Clear days before the day named in the notice for hear
ing the .
5, Every proceeding shall be dated and shall, with any Title of
Recessary addition, be instituted in the matter of the Company
) which it relates and in the matter of the Comp
1968 and otherwise as in Form I and shall bear anies Act, Form I. .

numberassigned to the Suit in the Court’s Registry. a distinctive |

6. Every Summonsin proceedings shall be prepared
APplican by the Issue of
t orhis Solicitor and issued from the Court's Registry. Summons.
A Summons, when sealed, shall be deemed to be issu
The pers on obtaining the Summonsshall leav ed.
e in the Court’s
Registry, a duplicate which shall be star ped with the appro-
priate stamp and filed. | :
_ 7, Every order whether made in court or in Chambers
shall ,
be drawn up bythe Registrar, unless in any proceedings,

or classes of proceedings, the Judge who makes the

shall direct that no order need be drawn up. Where a direc
is given that no.order need be drawn up, the note tive
_ randum or memo-
ofthe order, signed orinitialed by the Judge, making
the order, shall be sufficient evidence of the order havi
eenmade, | ng
B 336 . Companies Winding Up Riles

File of 8. All petitions, affidavits, summons,orders, prdofs; notices, —

Proceedings -
in office depositions and other proceedings in the Ccourt shall be kept
of Registrar. and remain of record.inthe'office oftheRegistrar and, subject —
to the directionsofthe Court,,shallbe:placed in one continu-
. ousfile. ...;Sor a Weal per y oo otys fee ed

Office copies. 9, All office copies of petitions, affidavits, depositions,

papers and. writings, or any parts thereof, required by- the
ficial Receiver or any Liquidator, contributory, creditor,
Officer of a Company, or other person entitled thefeto, shall
be provided by the Registrar, and shall, except asto figures,
be fairlywritten out at length, ‘and be sealedand delivered
out’ wit ut any utinecessary delay. - nn
offile, — 10. Every person whohas beet a’ Director or: Officer of
Companywhich is being woundup,andevery duly authorisead
officer of the Ministry, shall be entitled, free of charge, and -
every Contributory and every creditor whose claims. or proof
‘has ‘been.
! admitted,shall
hall be entitled on payment.ofthepre-
scribed fee, at all reasonable times during working hours, to
inspéct thefile of proceédings and to take copies oF extracts
from atiy document therein or be furnished with'such' copies
or exttacts on paymentof the prescribed fees, =
11. Where in the exercise oftheir functions undertheAct
or Rules, the Ministry or the Official. Receiver requires to
inspect or use the eedings theRegistrar shall
of proceedings,
(unlessthe at the time, required for use in Coutt), on
request, transmit the file of proceedings to the Ministry or
cial Receiver, asthe casemaybe. ©, 0° ont

‘.Service ofProcess andEnforcementofOrders."

Service 2s
in Civil 12. Service of process in any winding-up matters shall be
in accordance with the procedure laid down for the service of
Civilprocesses in the Court under the Court’s (CivilProcedute)

Validity of
Servis, 43; Noservice shall be deémed invalid by reason that the
name, orany of the names other than the surname of the
person to be setved, has been omitted from the document
containing the person’s name, provided that the Court is
- foste,
satisfied that in other
‘ respects, the service of the document
- . Companies Winding Up Rules B 337

_ 14. Everyorder of the any winding-up matters Enforcement -

made in theexercise of the powiersconfered by the Act and of Orders,

Rules,may be enforcéd by the Court or by any other Court as

ifit were a judgmentor order.of the Court madein the
_ exercise ofits ordinary jurisdiction,
2 Petition’
15, Every petition shall be in the Forms Nos. 2, 3 or 4 Form of
in the:Appendix ‘with such _ variations as circumstances may.
- requite, ~~ . Lo
16. Apetition shall be presented at the Court’s Regi Presentation
of Petition. -
and the Registrar, after consultation with the Chief Judge or
any. other Judge in charge, as the case may be, appoint the
time, at which the petition -is to be heard. Notice ©
ofthe time andplace appointed for the hearing of thepetition
shall be written on the petition, = |
17. Everypetition shall, unless presented by:the Co y, Serviceof
be served upon the Company at the registered office,if any, Forms 5 .
of the Company, and if there is no registered office there at -and 6.
the principal or last known principal place of business of the
Company if any such can be ‘ound, Ay leaving a copy with
any member, officer or servant of the Company there, or in
case’no suchmember, officer or servant can be found there,
‘then by leaving a copy at such registered office or principal
place of business, or serving it on such member, officer
or servant of the Company as the Court may direct ; and
where the Companyis being wound upvoluntarily, the petition
shall also be served upon the Liquidator (if any), appointed
: the purpose of winding-up the affairs of the Company.
_ 18, Every petition shall be verified by an affidavit referring |
thereto. Such affidavit shall be made by the Petitioner, or by
_ one of thePetitioners, ifmore than oneor,in case the petition
is presented ‘bya Corporation, by some director, Secretary,
or other principalofficer thereof, and shall be sworn after
and filed within four days after the petition is presented, and |
such. affidavit shall be sufficient prima facie evidence of the
statements in the petition.
19. Nopetition shall be advertised until the Judge hearing ©
the- petition ora Judge before whom the petition if first
mentioned in open Court orders. The order for advertisement
of a petition shall be as follows :
Gf) The petition shall be advertised fifteen cleardays:
before the hearing. -
B 338 Companies Winding UpRules
2) Thepetition shall. be advertised onceor 28 many
’ times. as the Court may direct, in the Gazette and ii n one
national daily newspaper and one other newspaper cir-
. culating in theStatewhe e the registered office, orprincipal
or last knownprincipalplaceof business, as:the case may
be, of such chalbe y is or was situate, or in such other |
newspaper as shall be directed by the Court. -
(3) The advertisement shall state the day on which the
petition was presented, and the name an address of the
petitioner, and of his solicitor, and shall contain a note at
the foot thereof stating that any person who intends to
appear at the hearing of the petition, either to oppose or
support, must send notice of his intention to the petitioner,
or to hissolicitor, within the time and mannerpréscribed
by the tule and anyadvertisementof a petition for the
_winding-up of a com anyby the court which does not
contain such a note shal be deemed irregular, :
A petition not advertised within the time prescribed «or in
the manner prescribed shall bestruck out, unless for sufficient
_ ‘Yeason given, the Court otherwise orders,
20, After the advertisementofthe petition but before the
hearingdate next to the date whenthe order for advertisement
“was given; every contributory, or‘in the case of a petitionfor
the winding-up of a Company, creditor of the Company.
shall be entitled to befurnished by
bythe solicitor ofthepetitioner
with acopy of the petition within two days after requiring -
same, on paying the prescribed fee for such copy.

oF ProvisionalLiquidator |
Provisional 21.—(1) Afterthe tytheCont ofapetitionforthewinding
up of 2 Com witory,
oroftheCo theappli
m eation of
Form 1, creditor, or of a bute and upon _
proof by affidavit of sufficientaround for the spr
paiement of a
rovisienal Eguicion Ceeae Appointinenm such
terms as inthe opinion of the Court shall bejust and necessary, ,
may make the appointment. oO
(2) The order a ing the Provisional Liquidator shall
_ bear the numberof the petition, and shall statet nature and -
a shott description of the property of which the Provisional
iquidator has performedany other duty
wreiescribed by these
Rules the Provisional Li widator shall pay Official Receiver
‘such sum, if any, as the Courtdirects,
Companies Winding Up Rules B 339.

- Hearing ofPetition and Orders made thereon

22, After thé hearingatwhich the order to advertise the

petition was given by the Court, the petitioner, or his solicitor
shall, on the next adjourned date, satisfy the Court that the |
petition has been duly advertised, that the prescribed affidavit
_ verifying the statements thereinandthe affidavit of service (if
any),have been duly complied with bythepetitioner, No order
(other than the one already madeinrespect of advertising the
' petition) shall be made on thepetition of any petitioner who - ~
has not, prior to the hearing of the petition, satisfied the court
in mannerrequired by this Rule.
.. 23,—(1) Every person whointends to appear on the hearing Notice by
of apetitionshall giveto the petitioner, notice of his intention persons

in accordance with this rule. | . to

(2) The. Notice shall contain the address of the person Form12..
intending to appear, shail be signed byhim (orby hissolicitor)
andshall otherwise be in FormNo. 12 with such variations as
circumstances may require,
(3) The Notice shall be served or sent by postto the petition- |
ner orhis solicitor, at the address stated in the advertisement
of the petition, | |
(4) The Notice. shall be served (or if sent by post shall be
posted in such time as in ordinary courseof post to reach the
address) not later than five days before the hearing,
(5) A person who has failed to comply with this rule shall
not, withoutthe special leave ofthe Court, beallowed to appear
in the hearing of the petition.
24. The petitioner, or his solicitor, shall prepare list of
the names and addresses of the persons who have given notice
- oftheir intention to appear onthehearing ofthepetition and of
theirrespective solicitors ; such list shal be in Form 13. On
the day appointed forhearing thepetition,afair copyof thelist .
{exifno notice ofintention to appear has beengivenastatement
in writing to that effect) shall filed by the petitioner, or his
solicitor inthe Court’s registry prior to the hearing of the

25,—(1) Affidavit in op osition to a petition shall be filed

within days of the date on which the petition was
advertised, and notice ofthe filing of every affidavit in opposi-
tion tosuch a petition shall be given to the petitioner or his
‘Solicitor on the day on which the affidavit is filed,
B340 Companies WiningUp Rules

| within five days of the date on

aticof suchafarisreceiedby the peidoner or
26, Whenapetitio for ain orderthat
a Companybe
wound up by the Court or subject to the super vision of
Courtisnot entitledto tesenta tion orwhether0 eatided
oFnot,wherehe P pen
| (1)fails toadvertise his petition as ordered,
(2) consentsto withdrawhispetition or to allowit to
be ¢ sed, oe the fess adjourned,or fails to appear
“ft ipportof hid p “tt is called onin Coutt on
* origina fixedVor the’ hearing thereof, or on
anydayto whtich the hearing has beenaijouaned, of
(3) ifappearing, does not appt for anorder interms of
ineceeating, petition, the
theCourt may, upon suchterms
a8. it may thinkjust; substitute as petitioner anycreditor
or contributory who in the opinion of the Court, would
have asight to present a petition, and who is desirousof
prosecuting the petition.
Order to Wind-up a Com
: Order under Section201 of.
Notice that 27. When an orderfor the Winding-upof a Company, or
has been. for the ap mentof a Provisional Lig
quidator prior to the
an of ofthewinding-up of the Company has
not later thanties
5 thereafter,sendto the oficial Receiver, a
far 2

notice informinghim,that the orderhas beenpronounced,

Forms 14 The notice shall be inForms 14 and 1 respective! with
suchvariations ascircumstances aerequire, ~ %
28, It shall be the duty of the petitioner, othis solicitor, -
and tp of and ofall other persons who have apy ed on the hearin
wit Regise offhe at latest within two daysofthe day on whic
strat, for the winding-up of a pany or an order
under Section 201" ofthe is pronounced in Court to
“leave at the tstrae'sOffice, all the documents required for
the epone enab he Registrar to complete the order

29, An order to ind-ts for t niment

of a Provisional Liat
oF at thesppeintine a
‘notice stating thata the duty of suchof the persons
CompaniesWinding Up Rules B34
who are liable to make out or concur in making out the Com-
pany’s statementof affairs as the official Receiver may require,
. to attend on theofficial Receiver at such time and place sa
he may appointandto give all information he mayrequire.
30.—(1) When an order that a Company be wound up, or
forthe’Dime of a Provisional Liquidator has been
__ @) Three copies of the order sealed with the Seal of
the Court, s forthwith be sent by post or otherwise
_by the Registrar to the Official Receiver. | .
(6) TheOfficial Receiver shall cause a sealed copy of the
order to be served upon the Company by registered letter
addressed to it at its registered office (i any) or iff there
_isno repistered office, at its principal or last knownprincipal
place of business or upon such other person or persons, or
in. such other manner as the Court may direct ; and if the
order is that the Company be wound up by the Court,
shall forward to the Registrar of Companies, the copy of the _
order which by Section 217 of the Act, is directed to be so
forwarded by them or otherwise as may be prescribed.
(2) An order for the Winding-up of a Company subject to
the supervision of the Court, shall before the expiration
of 28 days from the date thereof, be advertised by the peti-
tioner, once in the Gazette, and once intwo National Daily
Newspapers in which notice of petition was reviously
advertised and shall beserved on suchpersons (i any) and
in such manner asthe Court shall direct. |
(3) Where an order under Section 201 of the Act has
_ been made, a sealed copy of the order shall, unless the Court
otherwise orders, be served by the petitioneron the Company
and on the istrar of Companies in like manner as under
_. paragraph (1) of this Rule, the Official Receiver is.required
to serve a sealedcopy of the order, and where such order
involves a reduction’ of capital or the alternation of the -
memorandum of association, the service may be effected
as the Court orders, |
31, For the purposes of Section 304 of-the Act, a notice Where writ-
that — a
(1) a winding-up petition has been presented, or necessary, -

(2) a winding-up order has been made, or |

(3) a provisional liquidator has appointed, or
(4) a meeting has been called at which there is to be
B 342 _ Companies Winding Up Rules

roposed, a resolution for the voluntary winding-up of the

) (5) a resolution has been passed for the winding-up

of the Company,
shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the Sheriff, and
‘may be served by being delivered by hand or by registered
post. o , . .
Provided that where a winding-up petition is presented or
winding- up order is made or a provisional liquid
appointed in the Court other than in the Head Office ator is
of the
Court, thefiling of the petition or the makingof the order or
_ ‘the appointmentof a provisional liquidator shall, for the
purposes of section 304 of the Act, be sufficient notice to the
Registrar of the Court, that the petition has been presented or
the order madeor the provisionalliquidator appointed, as the
case maybe, (

Transfers ofAction and Proceedings

Transfer 32.—(1) Where an order has been
“none «ofa company, then if such order wasmade forthe winding-up
made by the Court or if
* theproceedings have been transferred to the Court, the Judge
shall, upon application of any party to the proceedings, have
power, without further consent, to request the trans fer to him
of any action, cause or matter pen ing in any other Court
brought or continued by or against the company, and any
action or proceedings by a mortgagee or debenture hold er of .
the companyagainst the company,for the purposeofrealisin
his security or anyother person for the purpose of enforcing
a claim against the company’s assets or property which is
pending in the Court, an |
@ The order ofRequest shall be served on the Registra
of the other Court in which the case to be transfer r -
pending. Where any action brought by or against a companyred is
against which a winding-up order has been madeis transfer _
as stated in paragraph tt) of this Rule, the Judge to whic red
action has been transferred may hear, determine, and hdeal the
with any application, matter or proceeding which,if the acti
had not been transferred, would have been on
determined in the other Court, hea rd and
Companies Winding Up Rules
| i : Special Manager |
33,—(1) An application by the Official Receiver for the Appointment
appointment of a Special Manager shall: be supported by an. of Special
vit and by a report of the Official Receiver and such Manager.

report shall either recommend the amount of remuneration

which, in the opinion of the Official Receiver, ought to be
allowed to the Special Manager, or request the Court to fix one.
_ (2) The remuneration of the Special Managershall be stated
in the order appointing him, but the Court may, at any
subsequent time, for good cause shown, make an order for
payment to the Special Manager of further remuneration.
_ 34, Every Special Manager shall account to the Official Accounting
Receiver, and the Special Manager’s accountsshall be verified Manager.
by affidavit, and when approved by the Official Receiver, the - Form 18 ©
total ofthe receipts and payments shall be added by the Official
Receiver to his accounts, .
_ Statement ofAffairs
35.—(1) A erson who, under Section 221 of the Act, has Pr tion
been required by the Official Receiver to submit and verify of ent
of Affairs,
a Statement of Affairs of a Company, shall be furnished by Form 19
_ the Official Receiver with such forms and instructions as the
. Official Receiver in his discretion shall consider necessary, -
The statement shall be made out in duplicate, one copy of
which shall be verified affidavit. The Official Receiver
shall cause to befiled withthe Registrar, the verified Statement |
of Affairs. | a
(2) The Official Receiver may from time to time, hold
personal interviews with any such person as is mentioned in
‘Paragraphs (2), (b), (c) or (d) of subsection 2 of section 221 of
the for the purpose of investigating the Company’s Affairs,
and it shall be the dutyof every such person to attend on the
Official Receiver at such time and place as the Official Receiver
may appoint and give the Official Receiver all information that
_ he may require.
46. When any person requires any extension of time for
submitting the statement of affairs, he shall apply to the
ial Receiver who may, if he thinks fit, give a written
| certificate extending the time which certificate shall be filed
with the proceedings and shall render an application to the
_ Court unnecessary. a | |
37. After the statementof affairs of a Company has been
submitted to the Official Receiver,it shall be the duty of each
person who has made or concurred in makingit, if and when
_ Companies. Winding Up Rules

required, to attend on the Official Receiver and answer all

such questions as may be put to him and give all such further
information as may be required of him by the Offic ial
Receiver in relation to the statement of affairs,
‘Default, 5 _ 38, Any default in complying with the requirements of
_section 221 of the Act may be reported by the Official Receiver
to the Court, |
Expenses of 39, A person whois required to make
or concur in making
f Affairs, _ any Statement of Affairs of a Companyshall , before incurrin
any costs or expenses in and about the prepa ration and
making ofthe Statement, apply to the Offic
his sanction and submit a Statement of the ial Receiver for
estimated costs
and expenses which it is intended to incur ; and, except by
otder of the Court, no person shall be allowed out of the
assets of the Company any costs ot expenses which have
before being incurred, been sanctioned the Official Rece not
40,—(1) Any application to-dispense with the requirements —
ment of of section 221of the Act shall be supported by a report
Affairs, of the Official Receiver showing the special circu
which, in his opinion, render such a course desirable,mstances
(2) When the Court has made an orde dispensing with the
requirements of the said Section, it may rgive such conseque
i directions as it may see fit and in particular n-
it may
_ directions as to the sending of any notices which are by give
rules required to be sent to any petson mentioned these
in the
- statement of affairs,
Appiontment of Liquidator in'a Winding up by the Court
, Appointment
iquida- - _41,—(1) As, soon as possible after the first meetings of
tor on report creditors ‘and contributories have been held the Official
of meetings
of Creditors
Receiver or the Chairman of the meeting, as ,the case may
and Contri- be, shallreport the result of each meeting to the Coutt.
butories, _
(2) Upon the result of the meetings of creditor
‘Form 20
contributori s and
es being reported to the Court, if there is a
difference between the determinations of the meet ings of
the creditors and contributories the Court shall, on the
application of the Official.Receiver, fix a time and place for
cons idering the resolutions and determinations (ifany)
the meetings, deciding differences and making such orde of
shall be necessary, r as
In any other case, the
Court may, upon
the application of the Official Receiver, fort hwith make any
appointment necessary for giving effect to any such
or determinations. resolutions
Companies Winding Up Rules B 345
(3) Whena time and place have beenfixedforthe consider
tion of the resolutions and determinations of the meetings,a-_
such time andplace shall be advertised by theOfficial Rece
- in such manneras the Court shall direct, but so that the iver
or only advertisement shall be published not less than seven
days before the timeso fixed,
(4) Upon theconsideration of the resolutions and deter- |
minations of the meetings, the Court shall hear the Offici al
Receiver and any ¢reditor or contributory.
(5) If a Liquidator is appointed, a copy of the order .
appointing him shall be transmitted to the Registrar of Com-
panies by the Official Receiver,and the Registrar of Companie
shall, as soon as the Liquidator has given security, causes
- Notice of the appointment to be gazetted. The expense
gazetting the notice of the appointment shall be paid by the
Liqui dator, but may be charged by him on the assets of the
Company, . ee 7
(6) Every appointment of a Liquidator or Committee of
“Inspection s be advertised by the Liquidator in such
manneras the Court directs immediatelyafter the a
has been made, and the Liquidator has given the required
(7) If a Liquidator in a winding-up by the Court shall
die, or resign, or be removed another Liquidator may be
appointed in his place in the same manner as in the case of
a first appointment, and the Official Receiver
shall, on the
request of not less than one tenth in value of the creditors
or contributories, summon meetings for the Purpose of —
determining whether or not the vacancy shall be ed ; but
- none of the provisions of this Rule shall apply where the:
_ Liquidator is released under Section 232 of the Actin whic
case theOfficial Receiver shall remain the Liquidator. h
Security by Liquidators or Special
_ Manager in a winding-up by the Court
42; In the case of a Special Manageror a Liquidator other Standing
than the Official Receiver, the fo owing provision as to Security.
_ security shall have effect, namely :-—
_ (1) The security shall be given to such officersor persons
and in such manner as the Court may direct in each case.
(2) ‘TheCourt may, as it thinks fit, cither increase or
_ diminish the amount of the security which any person has
given. mo . Co |
Companies Winding Up Rules a

(3) A certificate shall’ be issued by the Registrar that

a security has been given and a copyof such certificate shall
be filed in the file of the case,
(4) The cost of furnishing the required secur
Liquidator or Special Manager, including any ity by a
prem ium
which he may pay toa bank shall be borne by him personally
and shall not be charged against the assets of the Comp .
a8 afl expense incurred in the winding-up, any
Failure to 43,—(1) If a Liquidator or Special waanager fails to give
"give or keep
the required security. within the time stated for
in the order appointing him, or any extension that purpose
up Security,
thereof, the
Official Receiver shall report such failure to the court who |
may thereupo n rescind the order appointingthe Liquidator
of Special anager, DC |
2) If a Liquidator or Special Manager
nit Debus the Official Receiver shall”repfails to keep u
ort such failure |
to the Court, who may thereupon remove the Liquidator
or Special Manager, and make such order as to costs as
the Court shall think fit, |
(3) Whete an order is made underthis rule resc inding
an order for the appointment of or removing a Liquidat or,
the Court may direct that meetings shall. be held for the
purpose of determining whether an application shall be made
to the Court for another Liquidator to be appointed, and
thereupon the same meeting shall be summoned and the
same pr ings may be taken as in the caseof a first appoint-
ment of a Liquidator, |
_— Publie Examination Bo

tion of
44, The consideration of a report made bythe Official
Receiver pursuant to subsection 2 of section 222 of the
shall be before the Judge in Court of in Chambers, and
‘the Official Receiver shal personally or by counsel, attend the
consideration of the report and give the Court any further
information or explanation with reference to the matters
stated in the report which the Court may require,
consequent 45. Where the Judge makes an order under section 251
On order for of the Act directing any person or persons to attend for
public exa. examination : public
Form 24.
(2) The examination shall be held ‘before the Judge
Provided the Fudge may direct that the whole or
any part
Companies Winding Up Rules B 347
of the examination of any such person or persons, be held
and heard and determined before any of the persons
mentioned in subsection (9) of the said section,
(6) The Judge ‘may, if he thinks fit, eithe
for examination or by any subsequentorder, r give
in the order
as to the special matters on which any such pers on is to
be examined, | .
(c) Where on an examination held before one of the
persons mentioned in subsection (9) of the said section,
¢ is of theopinion that such examination is being unduly
or unnecessarily protracted, or for any other suffi
cause, he may adjourn the examination of an
of any part of the examination, to be held before the udge.
46. Upon an order directing a person to attend for public
examination being made, the Application
Official Receiver shall, unless por
Form for

the Judge shall otherwise direct, without further order, ing

make an appointment for the public examinationto be held’
47, A day and place shall be appointed for holding the
_ public examination and notice ofthe d and place so appointed A time and

“shall be given by the

Official Receiver to the pers who js to place for
_ be examined by sending such notice in a regison
tered letter
addresse d tohis usual or last known address, Form 25,

48,—(1) The Official Receiver shall give notice of the time “Notice of
Pp appointed for holding a public examination Publics _
creditors and contributories by advertisement in such to the examination
paper as the Court may direct and in the Gazette. news- to creditors _
and contri-
Form 82.
(2) Where an adjourment of the public examination
been dire has
cted, notice of the adjournment shall not, unless
otherwise directed by the Court, be advertised in any
Newspaper, butit shall be sufficientto publish in the Gazette,
a notice of the time and place fixed for the. adjourne

- 49, If any erson who has been directed by the Cour

attend for public examination fails to attend at the time tand
to Default in
lace appointed for holdingor proceedi ‘with the same, Form 24,
r nogood cause is shown by him foreich failure, or
before the day ‘appointed for the examination, the Offic
Receiver satisfied the Court that such person has abscondeial
B34 Companies Winding Up Rules

or thatthere is reason for believing that he is about to abscond

with the view of avoiding examination, it shall be lawful for
the Court, upon it being proved to the satisfaction of the
Court, that notice of the order and of the time and place
- appointed for attendance at the public examination was duly
served, without any further notice to issue a warrant for
atrest of the person required to attend, or to make -such -
other order as the Court shall thinkjust, sO
50. The notes of every public examination shall, after
being signed as required subsection (7) of section 251 of
the ict be filed in the Court to form part of the Court’s —
record, oo |

Proceedings by or against Directors

| Promoters and Officers
51.—(1) An application made to the Court under any of
the following provisions of the Act:— a
(2) section 310 | |
(6) subsection (1) or (2) of Section 309
(c) section 179 | |
(d) subsection(2) of Section 388 '
shall be made by summons returnable in the first instance
in Chambers. The summons shall state the nature of the
declaration or order for which application is made, and the
grou nds of the application, ‘and. unless otherwise orde red,
shall be served, in the mannerin which an originating summons
is requited by the Rules of Court to be served On.every person
against whom an order is sought, riot less than eight
before the day named in the summons for hearing days t
application. No affidavit or report shall be filed before the
return of the summons, |
(2) On the return of the summons, the Court may give -
such directions as it thinks fit as to whether points of claim
and defence ate to be delivered, as to the taking of evidence _
wholly or in part by affidavit ororally, astothe crossexami
‘either before the Judgein the hearing in Court or in Chamnatio n |
ber s
of any deponents to affidavits in support of or in oppos ition
to the application, as to any report it may require the Offic ial
Receiver or Liquidator to make and general y_as to the pro-
cedure on the summonsand for. the ingthereof,
i Companies Winding Up Rules
B 349
(3) Where any such order as is mentioned in
of directed that pointsof claim and defeparag
this rule has raph 2
nce shall
be delivered then if subsequently to
_ the summons has been set down fortsuc h order and before
rial or adjourned for
mention either party wishes to apply any furt
to any interlocutory matter or thing he shal her direction as
give two l app ly and shall
clear days’ notice in Writing to the other party
the grounds of the application before the app stating
eard. .
lic ati on can be
, : -
52, Where the application is made by motion,
may at any time bef the Court Notice of
ore making an order, require the Official Application.
Receiver or Liquidator to furnish to the Cour
respect to any facts or matters which are t, in
a report with
rele his opinion,
vant to the application and give any directions
_ fit with regardto anyofthe matters mentione it may sce
of the last
din par agr aph (2)
preceding Rule. Notice of
motion shall be served on everyperson agaiany such intended
nst whom an order _
_ is sought, not less than eight ys bef ore
the notice for hearing the motion. A copy ofthe day named in
every report and
affidavit intended to be used in support of the
be served on every person to whom notice of motmotion shall
not less than four days before the hearing ion is given |
of the motion.
53,—(1) Where any application undersection
is madeor heard after a public examination und 179 of the Act
Hearing of
er section 251
of the Act which has been held before the Regi
_Of the persons mentioned in Subsection (9) of strar or any
Section 251, then unless the Judge shall othe the said
such application shall be heard and determ rwis e direct, .
ined b such
Registrar or other person. The Judge shall personal
- other applications under the said ction 179. ly hearall
(2) Whereany order has been made underthesaid Section,
any application for leave arisingout of such
madein the winding-upof the mpany in relaord er shall be
_such order was madeandthe to which
dissolution ofthe Companyor the _
stay of all proceedingsin such winding-up shall not be a bar.
to suchapplication or to the granting ofleave.

54. Where in the course ofthe Proceedi

ngs in a winding-up
by the Court, an order has beenmadefor the public examina-
Use of
tion of persons named in theorder pursuant to Section 251 taken .°
the. Act, then in any proceedi of Public
subsequently instituted
under anyof the provisions of the Act mentioned in p
(x) of rule 50, the verified notes of the examination ph
person who was examined under the order shall, subject o each
B 350 Companies Winding Up Rules

hereinafter mentioned,-and to any order or’directions of the

Court as to the manner and extent in and to which the notes
shall be used, and subject to all just exceptions to the
admissibility in evidence against any particular person or
personsof any of the statements contained in the notes of the
"examinations, be admissible in evidence against any of the
persons against whom the application is made who, under
section 251 of the Act andthe orderfor the public examination,
was or had the opportunity of being present at the taking
part in the examination. |
Provided that before any suchnotes of a public examination
~ shall be used on any such application, the person intending
to use the same shall, not less than twenty-one days before
the day appointed for hearing the application, give notice of
such intention to each person against whom it is intended to
use such notes, or any of them,specifying the notes orparts of
the notes which it is intended to useagainst him, and furnish
him with copies of such notes or parts of notes (except notes
of the person’s own depositions’) and provided also that
every personagainst whom the application is made shall be
at lib tty to cross-examine or re-examine(as the case may be),
any person the notes of whose examination are read, in all
tespects as if such person had made an affidavit on the
application. ——
Witnesses and Depositions
Taking of
evidence, 55 —(1) The Court may order the way and manner the
evidence of any person to be examined under the Act and
Rules before any person other than the Court, maybetaken.
(2) Where any person other than official of the court is
nominated to take notes of evidence as mentioned in paragraph ~
(1) of this Rule, the Court shall decide the necessary fees tobe
paid to such person, - | |
of contumas 56.—(1) if a person examined before any person other
- cious wit- than a Judge refuses to answer to the satisfaction of the
Form 27 erson examining him any question which he mayallow to be
ut, the person examining shall report such refusal to the
udge, and upon such report being made, the person in
default shall be in the sameposition, and be dealt with in the
same manner as if he had made default in answering before
the Judge. | 7 | |
(2) The report shall be in writing, but without affidavit and
shall set forth the question put, and the answer(if any) given
by the person examined. Se
Companies Winding Up Rules B351
. (3) The person Saneni ng, bef
_ examination at which thedefault inore the conclusion of the -
answeting is made, name
the time when and the place where the
to the Judge, and upon receiving the default will be reported
report, the Judge may
take such action thereon as he shall think fit.
57.—(1) The Official Receiver may attend in person, or by
an Assistant Official Receiver, or by cou nsel employed for the of private
Purpose, any examination of a witness under sect
the Act, on whosesoever application the sam ion 250 of
e has bee
and may take notes of the examination forhis own n ordered,
such questions tothe personsexamined as use, and put
the court mayallow.
(2) The notes of the depositions of a per
under section 250 of the Act, or under any order son examined
_ before the Court, or before any person app ofthe Court
an examination (other than the notes oft oin ted to take such
Per he
son examined at a public examination under dep osi tio ns of a
~ of the Act) shall be forthwith filed in the Cou section 251
opened to the inspection of any creditor rtRegis
try and be _
other , cont ribu tory, or .
person, except the Official Receiver or Liquid
Provisional Liquidator other than the Official ator, orany
he is acting as Provisional Receiver, while
Liquidator, unless and until the —
Court shall so direct, and the Court may fro
such general or special directions as it shalmltimeto time, give
think expedient
as to the custody or inspection of such note
_ Of copies of extracts therefrom. s and the furnishing

58.—(1) Any application for leav

property of a Com ny pursuant toe tosubs
disclaim anypart of the
ection (1) of section
302 of the Act shal be-by ex patte summons, Such summon and29
shall be supported byan affidavit showing s
interested and what theirinterests are. who are the parties
_ Summons, the court shall give such dire On the hearing of the
ctions as it sees fit
and in particular directions as tothe notices
Parties interested or any of them and the Cou to be given to the
the application to enable any such party to attert may adjourn _
(2) Where a Liquidator disclaims a
leasehold interest, he
shall forthwith filethe disclaimer at the office ofthe Regi trar.
med and a statement of the persons to who
disclaimer has beengi m notice of the
ven, Until the disclaimeris filed by the
Liquidator, the disclaimer shall be inop erative. A disclaimer
B35Z Companies Winding Up Rules

shall-be inthe Form No. 28 and a notice of disc

laimer in the
Form No, 29 in the appendix with such variations as circum-~
-Stances mayrequire.
(3). Where any person claims to be interested in any
the property of a Company which the Liqu part of
disclaim, he shall idat or wish es to
at the request of the Liqu
statementofthe interest so claimed by him. idator, furnish a
Vesting ofDisclaimed property :
Vesting of .
59.—(1) Any application under sbusection, 2 ofsection 302.
BaP 'e of the Act for an order for the vesting of any disclaimed
and 29
roperty in or the delivery of any such property to any person

Shall besupported b theaffidavit filed on the’:applic ation for .

leave to disclaim such property, So
(2) Where such anapplication asaforesaid to disclaimed
property of a leasehold nature and it appea
rs that thereis any
_ Mortgages by demise (including a chargee bywa of legal _
| mortgage) or underlesee of such property, the y Court
direct that notice shall be given to such mortgagee or under-
lessee that, if he does not elect to accept and apply for such a
vesting order as aforesaid upon the terms required by the
above-mentioned subsection and imposed by the Court within
a time to be fixed by the Court and stated in the notice, he
will be excluded from all interest in and
security upon the
_ property, and the Court may adjourn the appl ication for such
Notice to be given and for such mortgagee ot under-lessee
be added as a part to
y to and served with the application and if
hesees fit, to make such election and applicationas it ment
ioned —
in the notice. If at the expiration of the time so fixed by the
Court such mortgagee or under-lessee fails to make ‘such
~~ election and applicatio n, the Court may make an order vesting
the pro in the applicant and excluding such mortgagee or
inder-lesses from al interest in or security upon the property.
Arrangement with Creditors and Contributories ina
Winding-up by the Court
Report by
Official = 60. Ina winding up by the Court, if application is made to
Receiver or the court to sanction any compromise or arrangement,
the _
and com~ court may, before giving its sanction thereto, hear a report by
promises, the Official Receiver as to the terms of the scheme, and as
the conduct of the directors and other officersof the Company,to.
and as to any other matters which, in the opinion of the Offici
Receiveror the Ministry ought to be brought to the attention al’
of the Court. The report shall notbe placed upon the file,
unless and until the Courtshall direct it to befiled. a
Companies Winding Up Rules

_ Collectionand Distribution ofAssets in a

——- Winding-up by the Court
61. —{(1) The duties imposed on the
(1) of section 240 of the Aect in court by subsection
i a winding-up by the court -
with regard to thecollection of the
the application of the assets in disass ets of the Companyand
charge of the company’s
liabilities shall be discharged by the Liq Liquidator.
uidator as an officer
(2) For the purpose of the discharge by
_ the duties impose the Liquidator of ©
y subsection (1) of section 240 ofthe Act,
and paragraph (1) of this Rule, the Liquidator in a winding-
up by the court shall, for the Purpose of acq
possession of the property o the Com uiring or retaining
position as if he were a rece pan y, be in the same
. by the court, and the court may of the Property appointed
on his application, enforce
such acquisition or retention accordingly,
62. The powers conferred on the court by sect
the Act shall exercised by ion. 241 of Power of
the Liquidat
for the time being on the list of or. Any contributory
contributories trustee,
receiver, banker or agent or officer of a Com
to require
delivery of
being wound up under order of the court pan y whi ch is
from the Liquidator and within shall, on notice Foun30,
suc time as he shall by
notice in writing require, pay, deliver,h con
transfer to or into the hands of the Liquidveyato
, surrender or |
property, books or papers, which happened r any money,
to be
or the time being and-which the mpany in his hands
entitled. is prima facie _

_ List of Contributories in
@ Winding-up the Court
63. Unless the Court shall dispense wit h the settlement
of a list of contributories, the Liquid Liquidator
ator shall, with all to settle
convenient speed after his appointment,settle list of Con-
- tories of the Company, and shall appoint a list of contribu- tributories,

for that pur time and place Form 31.

pose. The fist of contributories shall Contain
a statement of the address of, and thenumber of shares or
extent of interest to be attributed to eac h contributory, and
the amountcalled up and the amount pai
of such shares or inte d up in respect
rest and shall dist
classes of contributories, As regards represinguish the several
tories, the Liquidator, so far as entative contribu-
practicable, observe the
requir ements of subsection (2) ofsection 240 of
the Act. .
B354 ‘Companies Winding Up Rules

oftime and .- 64. The Liquidator shall give notice in writing of the
place for _ timeand place. appointed for the settlement of the list of
of list.
contributories to every person whom he proposesto include
Form 32 in the list, and shall state in the notice to each person in what —
characterand for what numberofshares or interesthe proposes
to include such person in the list and what amount has been
called up and what amount paid up in respect of such shares
or interest.
’ Settlement
of list of
_ 65. On the day appointed for settlement of the list of
contribu- contributories, the Aquidator shall hear any person who
Forms 31
objects to being settled as a Contributory, and after such
and 33 hearing, shall finally settle the list, which when so settled,
shall be thelist of contributories of the Company.
Notice of - 66. The Liquidator shall forthwith give. notice to every
tories person whom hehas finally placed on the list of contributories
Form 34 _ Stating in what character and for what number of shares.
or interest he has been placed on the list and what amount
has beencalled up andwhat amountpaid up in respect of such
. haresor interest andin the notice he shall inform such person
that any application for the removal of his name from the
list, or for a variation of the list, must be made to the court by
summons within thirty days from,thedate of :the service
on the contributory or alleged contributory ofNotice of
thefact that his nameis settled on thelist of contributories,
Application - 67.—(1)Subject tothe power of the Court to extend the
to Court to
- vary the list.
time or to allow an application to be made notwithstanding
Form 35 _ the expiration of the time limited for that purpose, no applica.
tion to the court by anyperson who objects to the : °
contributories as finally settled by the Liquidator shallbe
entertained after the expiration of 21 days from the date of
the service of such personof notice ofthe settlementofthelist.
_ (2) The Official Receiver shall not in any case bepersonally
liable topay any costs of or in relation to an application to set
aside or vary his act or decision settling the name of a person
on the list of contributories of a Company. ce,

Variation of. 68. The Liquidator may from time to time, v: or add
to list of to thelist. of contributoriesbut any such variation otaddition
contribu- shall be made in the same manner in all respects as the
settlement of the original list. . | 7
Companies Winding Up Rules B 355
69. The powers and duties of the court in relation to Fee
ing calls upon contr ie
ibutories conferred by secti
_ of the Act, shall and may be exercised, in a windi g-up on 243
_ Court, by the Liquidator as an officer of the Court subject
the proviso to section 254 of the Act, and to the following to
regulations :—
(1)Where the Liquidator desires to make any call on
the contributories, or any of them for any purposeauthorise
_ by the Act, if there is a Committee of Inspection, he mayd
summon a meeting of such Committee for the purpose of
obtaining their sanction to the intendedcall,
(2) The notice of the meetingshall be senttoeach member
of the Committee of Inspection in sufficient time to reach
him not less than fourteen days before the day appointed oe
Form 36,
for holding the meeting and shall contain a statement of
_ the proposed amountof thecall, and the purpose of which
it is intended. Notice of the intended call and the intended
meeting of the Committee of Inspection shall also be
advertised once at least in a National Newspaper, or, wher
the winding-up is notin the Headoffice of the Court, in a
Newspapercirculating in the district of the Court in
_. the proceedings are pending. The advertisement whic h
state the time and place’of the intended meeting of-the Form
Committee 37. |
of Inspection, and that each contributory
may either attend the said meeting and be heard, or make |
any Communicationin. writing to the Liquidator or memb
_ ofthe Committee of Inspection to be laid before the meetiers
in reference to the said intended call. _ : |
(3) At the meeting of the Committee of Inspection,
any statements or representations madeeither to the meeting
personally or addressed in writing to the Liquidator or
members of the Committee by any contributory shall be
_ considered before the intended call is sanctioned.
() The sanction of the Committee shall be given by
resolution, which shall be passed bya majorityof the members|
present. . oe
(5) Where there is no Committee of Inspection, the
_ Liquidator shall not make a call without obtaining the leave
Form 38. :
70. Ina winding-up by the Court, an applicationtothe Court Application
for leave to make anycall on the contributories of a Company, *
or any of them, for any purpose authorised by the Acts, shall makes call.
be made by summons stating the proposedamount of such call,
B 356 Companies Winding Up Rules
-. Forms39,
which summons shall be served seven clear days at the least
40, Al and 42
before the day -
inted for making the call on every contribu- .
tory proposed to be included in such call ; or if the court
directs, notice ofsuch intended call may be given by advertise-
ment, withouta separate noticeto each contributory.
‘ 71. When the Liquidator is authorised by resolution or
making the
Cau, order to make a call on the contributories, he shall file with the
Registrar, a document makingthe call in the Form 53in the
Form 43
Appendix with such variationsas circumstances may require.
Service of 72, When a call has been made by the Liquidator in a
notice of a
call, - Wind
i ing-up by the court, a copy of the resolution of the —
Committee of Inspection or order of the Court (if any), as the
Forms 38,
42, 44, and case may be, shall forthwith, after the call has been made, be
45 served upon each of the ‘contributories included in such call,
‘together with a notice from the Liquidator specifying the
amount or balance. due from such contributory in respect of
such call, but such resolution or order need not be adyertised |
unlessfor any special reason the Courtsodirects, =
of call and
73...The payment ofthe amount due from each contributory
Forms 46. . on a call maybe enforced byorder of the Court, to be made in
47 ‘Chambers on summons by the Liquidator, = :
| a Proofs | -
Proof of
| 7h,Tn a winding-upb ' the court, every creditor shall,
subject as hereinafter provided, prove his debt, unless the
Judge in any particular winding-up shall give directions
that a y creditor or class of creditors shall be admitted without
Mode of
75. A debt may beprovedin any winding-up by delivering
or sendingthrough, an affidavit verifying the debt. In
a win g-up by the Court, the affidavit shall be so sent to the - -
Oot eeePY or if a Liquidator has been appointed, to the
Liquidator ; and in anyother winding-up, the affidavit may be
So sent to the Liquidator. . |
of proof.
__ 76. Anaffidavit proving a debt may be made by the creditor
himself or by some person authorised by or on behalf of the
creditor. If made by a person so authorised, it shall state his
authority and. means of knowledge. ae
of proof. |
77. An Affidavit proving adebt shall contain or refer to a
Form 48 Statement of account showing theparticulars of the ‘debt,
and shall specify the vouchersif any, by which the same can be .
substantiated. ‘The Official Receiver or Liquidator to whom -
the proof is sent may at any time, call for the production of
the vouchers, | oo
Companies Winding Up Rules
_ 78, An affidavit proving a debt shall state whether the Statement
_ creditor is or is not a secured creditor.. of Security.
_ 79. An affidavit proving adebt may in a winding-up by the Proof before
whom . -
Court, be sworn before any Commissioner of Oath.
80. A creditor shall bear thecost ofproving his debt unless Costs of
_ the court otherwise orders. proof.

81. A creditor proving his debt shall deduct therefrom— Discount.

(2) any discount which he may have agreed to allow for
- paying in cash in excess of five per centum of the net -
amoun t of his claim ; and ©
(8) all trade discounts.
_ 82. When anyrentorotherpaymentfallsdueatstatedperiods, Periodical
and the order or resolution to wind-upis made at any time payment,
other than one of those periods, the persons entitled to the
rent or payment may prove for a proportionate part thereof
up to the date of the winding-uporder or resolution as if the
_ ¥ent or paymentgrew due from day to day. Provided that
_ Where the Liquidator remains in ‘occupation of premises
demised to a Company which is being wound-up, nothing
' herein contained shall prejudice or affect the right of the
landlord of such premises to claim payment by the. Company;
or the Liquidator, of rent during the period of the Company’s
or the Liquidator’s occupation. . :
83. On any debt or sum certain, payable at a certain time Interest.
or otherwise, whereon interest is not reserved or agreed. for,
and which is overdue at the date of the Commencementof the
winding-up, the creditor may prove for interest at a rate not
exceeding four per centum per annum to that date from the
time when the debt or sum was payable, if the debt or sum is
payable by virtue of a written instrumentat a certain time,
and if payable otherwise, then from the time when a demand
in writing has been made, giving noticethat interest will be
claimed from the date of the demanduntil the timeof payment.
84. A creditor mayprove for a debt not payable at the dite Prooffor
of the winding-up order or resolution, as if it were payable debt pay-
_ presently, and may receive dividends equally with the other ata
future time.
creditors, deducting debt only thereout, a rebate of interest
at therate of fiveper centum per annum computed from the
declaration of a dividend to the time when the ‘debt would
have become payable according to the terms on which it
B358 Companies Winding Up Rules

Wherefore 85. Unless the official Receiver or Liquidator shall in any

cdsraot special case otherwise direct formal proof of the debi
_ Fequired- mentioned in h (€) of Subsection (1) of Section 297
of the Act not required. : . oe
Workmen’s , _ 86. In any case in which it appears that there
are numerous
Forms 49." claims for wagesor accrued holiday remuneration by workmen
_ and others employed by the Company,it shall be sufficient if
one proof for all such claimsis made either by aforeman or -
by some other person on behalf of all such -creditors. Such
proofshall have annexed thereto as forming part thereof, a
schedule setting forth the names of the workmen and others
and the amounts severally due to them. Any proof made in
compliance with this Rule shall have the same effect as if
te Proofs have been made by each ofthe said workmen

Production ‘87. Where a ereditor seeks to prove in respect of a bill of

exchange exchange, promissory note, or other negotiable instrumentor
and promise secutity onwhich the Companyis liable, such bill of exchange,
sory notes note, instr t, or security must, subject to any special order
of the court made to the contrary, be produced to the official
Receiver, Chairman of 2 meeting or Liquidator, as. the case
: may be, and bemarked byhim before theproofcan beadmitted
either for voting or for any purpose. .
Transmission 88, Where a Liquidator is appointed in a winding-u
eebreo% the Court, all. proofs of debts thathave been received Beake
Official Receiver shall be handed overtothe Liqui dator, but
theOfficialReceiver shall first make a list of such proof s, and
take a receiptthereon from the Liquidator for such proof

Admissions and Rejection ofProofs

and preferential Claims and Appeal to Court
‘Notice to 89.—(1) Subject to the provisions of the Act,
opus otherwise ordere and unless —
dby the Court, the Liquidato
OO upmay from time to time. fix a certain day,rin any winding-
not less than thirty days from the date of thewhich shall be
before whichthe creditors of the Companyare notice, on or
coe claims, don 097Patgay‘title theyto prove their
priority under Section ‘ may have to
e to uded.
the benefitof any distribution made before suchdeb
ved, or asthe case may be from objectingto suc tsarepro-
h distribution,
Companies Winding Up Rules ~B359
2) The Liquidator shall give notice in writing of the
80 fixed by advertisementjin such Newspaperas he chal
consider convenient, and inga winding-up by the court to
everyperson mentioned in the statement of affairs as a
creditor, who has not proved his debt, and toevery person
mentioned in theStatementofAffairs as a preferential creditor
whose claim to;,be a preferential creditor has not been
established andis not admitted, and in any other;winding-up
to the last known address or place of abodeofeach,person who,
to the knowledge of the Liquidator, claims to be a creditor or
preferential creditor of the Company and whose claim has

(3) All the Rules hereinafter set out as to admission and

rejection of proofs shall apply withthe necessary variations
to any such claim to priority asaforesaid.
90. The Liquidator shall examine every proof of debt
lodged with him and the grounds ofthe debt, and in writing, ofproof.
Form 50,
admit or reject it, in whole or in part, or require further
evidence in support ofit. If herejects a proof he shall state in
writing, to the creditor the grounds ofthe rejection.
' 91 If a creditor or contributory is disatisfied with the
- decision of the Liquidator in respect of aproof, the Court may, eet
on theapplication of the creditor or contributory, reverse
or vary the decision, butsubject to the power of the Court to
extend the time, no appricaion toreverse or vary the decision
of the Liquidatorin a winding-up b courtrejectingaproo:
sent to him by a creditor, or person claiming tobe a eredlitor,
shall be entertained, unless noticeof the application is given
beforethe expiration of thirty days from the date ofthe service
’ of the notice of rejection. ,
92. Ifthe Liquidator thinks thataproof has been improperly
admitted, eeCrtmay, on the appplication oftheLicuidator
afternotice to the creditor who made the proof, expunge the |
proof or reduce its amount. a
93. The Court mayalso expunge or vary a proofupon the
lication of a creditor or contributory if the liquidator _
ines to interfere in the matter.
94 For the purpose of anyan’ of his duties in relation to
proofs,the Liquidator, ina g-upbythe Court, may cause
oaths to be administered by and affidavits taken before a |
Commissioner for Oaths,

B360 Companies Winding Up Rules

95. In a winding-up by the Court, the Offi
_ before the appointment of. a Liquidator, shallcial Receiver,
have all the
powers of a hiquidator with respect to the examinatio
admission, rejection ofProofs, and any
in relationthereto shall be subject tothact or decision ofhis
e like appeal.
oofs by
05. In a winding-up by-the Court, the Offic ial Receiver,
where no other Liquidatoris appointed,shall, befo re payment
Receiver, of a dividend,file all proofs tendered in the winding-up, with
a list thereof, distinguishing in such fist the
_ were wholly or partly admutted, and the proofsproo fs which
which were
wholly or partly rejected,
Proofs to be
'. Sled , 97. Every Liquidator in -winding-u by the Court other
than the Official Receiver shall onthe first cay of every
file with the Registrar, a certified list of all proof month,
received by him during the month next preceedings,, if any,
guishing in such lists the proofs admitted, those rejec distin-
and such as stand over forfurther consideration ; ted,
_ the case of proofs admittedor rejected, he and, in
proofs to be filedwith the Registrar. shall cause the
| |
Procedure - 98, The Liquidator in a winding-up bytheCourt, including
_ the Official Receiver when he is Liquidat or, shall within
five days afterreceiving notice from a creditor ofhis
2 fs, ao

to‘appeal ains
t a decision rejecting a ‘proof, file such
with the <pistrar with a memorandum-thereon of roof .
disallowance his
thereof. |
Time for __99. Subject to the powerofthe Court to extend
sot winding-up by the Court, the Official Receiver thetime ina
Oficial ry not later than twenty-one days from the latest as Liquidator,
Receiver, date specified -
in the notice of his intention to declare a dividend
within as the time
which such proofs must be lodged, shall in writ
either admit or reject wholly, or in part ing
, every proof lodged
with him, or require furtherevidence in sup
port of it,
100. Subjectto the power of the Cou
the Liquidator in a winding-up by the rt to extend the time
Court, other than the
Official Receiver, within thirty-five days
proof, which has not Previously been deal after receiving a
writing either admit t with shall in.
or reject it wholly or in part
further evidence in supportofit : Provided that or
re the
Liquidato r has given notice of his intent to
dividend, he shall, within twenty-one dayion declare 2
safter the date —
metioned in thenotice as the late
must be lodged, examine, and instda te upto which proofs
writing admit or reject or
| Companies Winding Up Rules
requite further evidence in support of, every
has not been already dealt proof which
decision, rejecting a proof whollyand shall give notice of his
or in part,-to the creditors
ected thereby. Where a creditot’s proof has been adm
_ the notice of dividend shall be a suff itted;
icient notification of the
101. The Official Receiver shall in no case , be personally
liable for costsin relation to an appeal from his decision
rejectingany proof wholly or in part .
| Dividends in a Windin
by the Court
~ ,,102.—-(1) Not more than two months before
dividend, the Liquidato declaring a
r in a winding-u p by: the Court,
‘shall give notice of his intention todo Forms 52
soto the Ministry of and 53,
Trade in order that the same may be gazetted
the same time,give notice to suchof the , and shai l at
in the statement of affairs as have not cred itors mentioned —
proved their debts.
Such notice shall specify thelatest date up to which
must be lodged, which shall not be less proofs
days from the date of such notice. -
than twenty-one
(2) Where any creditor, after the date mentioned
notice of intention to declare a dividend as the in the
lastest date
up to whichproofs may be lodged, appeals agai
decision of the Liquidator rejecting a proot, notice ofnst the
shall, subject to the powerof the Court to extend the al
spceial cases, be given within fifteen days from the datetime in
notice of the decision against which the appeal is of the
and the Liquidator may in such case mak made,
e provision for
_ the dividend upon such Piool, andthe probableco
st of such
appeal in theevent of the proof being admitted. Whe
notice of appeal has been given within the time spec re no
this Rule, ified in
the Liquidator shall exclude alt proofs’ which _
have been rejected from Participationin the dividend, —
(3) Immediately after the expiration of the time fixe
this Rule for appealingagainst the decision ‘of the Liqu d by Form 54.
he shall proceed to declare a dividend, and shal l give notice
to the Ministry (in order that the same may be gaze tted), and
shall also senda notice of dividend to each.creditor
whose _
proof has been .
(4) If it becomes necessary, in the opinionofthe Liquidator
and the Committee of Inspection to postpone the declaratio
of the dividend beyondthe limit of two months, the Liquidatorn
shall give a fresh notice ofhis intention to declare a
B 362 | Companies Winding Up Rules

to the Ministry in order that the same maybe”gazetted ; but

it shall not be necessary for the Liquidator to give a fresh
noticeto such of the creditors mentionedin the Statement of —
_ Affairs as have not proved their debts. In all other 8,
the same procedure shall follow the fresh notice as would
have followed the original notice.
nap Upon the declaration of a dividend, the Liquidator
shall forthwith transmit to the Ministry, a list of the proofs
with the registrar under Rule 96. In every winding-up by.
the Court, Liquidatorshall, if so, required by the mini-
stry, transmit to the ministry,office copiesofall list of proof
filed byhim up to the date ofthe declarationof the dividend. —
- (6) Dividends may, at the request and risk of the person to
whont they are paid, be transmitted to him by post.
fF) Ifa person to whom dividends are payable desires that
they shall be paid to some other person, he may lodge with.
Form 55. the Liquidator, a document in the Form 55 in the Appendix
a whichshall be asufficient authority for paymentofthe dividend
to the person therein named.
Ret, 103. Every order by whichthe Liquidator in a winding-up
contibu by the Court is authorised to make a return to contributories
tories. of the Company shall, unless the Court shall
Pistinecing, contain or haveappended thereto, a schedulotherwi se direct,
e or list (which
the Liquidator shal prepare) setting out in a tabular form, the
full names and addressesof the persons to whomthe return .
is to be paid, andthe amount of money payable toeach person,
and particulars of the transfers of shares (if any) which have
been made or the variations in thelist of contributories which
Have?arisen since the date of the settlement of thelist of
contributories and such other information as may be requisite
to enable the return to be made. The Schedule orlist. shall be
inthe Form 56inthe Appendix with such variationas circum- -
stances shall require, and the Liquidator shall send a notice of
return to each contributory, — oo
General Meeting ofCreditors and Contributories
inrelation to a Winding-uply the Court
First meet- 104. Unless the Court otherwise directs, the meeting of
ingts eteditors and contributories undersection 226 of the
andcontri- (hereinafter referred to as thefirst meetings of credi Act
butories. tors an d
‘contributories) shall be held within one month or ifaSpecial
Companies Winding UpRules B 363
Manager has been appointed, then
within six weeks after the
date of the winding-<to order. The dat es of such meetings shall
be fixed and they shall be summoned by the
Official Receiver,
105. The Official Receivershall forthwith
dates fixed by him for the first meetings give not
ice ofthe
contributories to of cre ditors and
the Ministry, who shall gazette the same,
106. The first meetings of creditors and- contri
shall be summoned as hereinafter provid butories
ed. .
107. The notice of the first meetings of cre
contributories may be in For ditors and
ms 57 and 58
in the Appendix,
and the notices to creditors shall state a
time within which the
creditors must lodge their proofs in orderto
_ Vote at the first meeting, | entitle them to

108. The Official Receiver shall also give to each of the

officers of the Company who,in his opinion, ought
the first meetings of creditors and contributori 'to attend
notice of the time andPlace appointed for each es,f ifte en days’
notice may either be meet ing. The
eliver personally
or sent by prepaid
postletter, as may be convenient, It shal be the
officer who receives notice of such meeting to duty of-every
attend if so
| Yequired by the Official Receiver, and if such offic
attend, the Official Receiver shall report such er fails to
failure to the

109.—(1) The Official Receiver shall also, as soon

cable, send to each creditor mentioned in the as practi-
Statement of Affairs, and to each person appearin
-Company’s books orotherwise to be acontributor g from.the
Company a summary of the Company’s Staterne y ofthe
nt of Affairs,
scuding the Causes ofits failure, and anyobservati
ons thereon
which the e Official Receiver may think fit to mak e, The - Summary of
proceedings at a meetingshall not heinvalidated by Se of
summary or notice required ct _ Statement
| es not havi
been sent or received before’the meeting.

(2) Where prior to the winding-up order

has commenced to be wound-up’ voluntaril, y,thethe
Receiver may,if in his absolute discretion he sees fit to
send to the persons aforesaid or any of them, an acco do
such voluntar y winding-up, showing how such wind
unt of
has been conducted and how the Property of the Com pany
Companies Winding UpRules —

has been disposed of andany observations which the Official

Receiver maythink fit tomake on such account or on the
voluntary windinig-up. ° os, SF .
ee General meetings of Creditors and
-° +. » Contributories in relation to Winding-up by the
_ Court and of Creditors in relation to a Creditor’s Voluntary
. | Winding-up
110.—(1) In‘addition to thefirst meetingsof creditors and
contributories and in addition also to meetings of creditors
and contributories directed to be held the Court under
~ Section 321 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as “Court
meetings of creditors and contributories), the Liquidator in
any winding-up by the Court may himself from timeto time,
subject to the Provisions of the Act and the control of the
Court summon, hold, and conduct meetings ofthe creditors
or contributories (hereinafter referred to as Liquidator’s
sheeting of creditors and contributories), for the purpose of
ascertaining their wishes in all matters relating to the winding-
up. | .
(2) In any creditors’ voluntary winding-up, the Liquidator
may himself from timeto time summon, hold and conduct
meetings: of creditors for the purpose of ascertaining their
= in all mattersrelating to £he winding-up (such meetings.
and all meetings of creditors which a Liquidator ora Company
is by the Act requiredto convene in or immediately before
sucha voluntary winding-up andall meetings convened by a
creditor in a Voluntary windi -up.under these Rules, are
hereinafter called voluntary liquidation meetings).
Application 111. Except where andin so far as the nature of the subject
of rulesas matter or context may otherwise require, the Rules as to
to meetings. .
meetings hereinafter set out shall apply to first meetings.
court meetings, Liquidator’s meetings of creditors and
_ contributories, and voluntary liquidation meetings, but so
nevertheless that the said Rules shall take effect as to first
meetings subject and withoutprejudiceto any express provi-
ns of the Act and as to court meetings, subject and without

prejudice to any express directions of the "Court.

. 112.—(1) The Official Receiver or Liquidator shall summon
all ings of creditors and contributories
iving not
than teen days notice of the time and Blasetearont
Bion days talons the dooabetand shall not, lees than -
n days before the day for the meeting, send
by post to every ‘person appearing the Company’s ‘book s to
Companies Winding. Up Rules B365

‘bea creditorof the Company notice ofthe Meeting of creditors,

and toevery person appearing by the Company’s books or |
otherwise to be a contributorytoty of the Company notice of the
meeting of contributories,
_(2) The notice to each creditor shall be sent to the address ©
given inhis proofor if he has not proved to the address given
in the statement of affairs of the Company, if any, or to
such other address as may be known to the person summoning
- the peeing. The notice to each contributory shall be sent
to the address mentioned in the Company's books as the
address of such contributory, or to such other address as
may be known to the person summoning the meeting. _
(3) Inthe case of meetings under Section 266 ofthe Act,
‘the continuing Liquidator or if there is no continuing
Liquidator, any contributory may summon the meeting.
(4) This Rule shall not apply to meetings under Section
273 or ‘Section 280 of the Act.
_ 113. A certificate by the Official Receiveror other officer Evidence of
_ ofthe court, or by theclerk ofany such person, or an affidavit dispatch of
notice of
by the Liquidator, or creditor, or his solicitor or the clerk
ofeither of such persons, or as the case may be, by someofficer
of the Companyorits solicitor or the clerk of such Company
or solicitor, that the notice of any meeting has been. duly -
postedshall be sufficient evidence of such notice having been
duly sent to person to whomthe same was addressed.

114. Every meeting shall be held at. such place as is in

the opinion of the person convening the Sime most convenient
for the majority of the creditors or contributories or both.
Different times or places or both may,if thought expedient,
. be named for the meetings of creditors and for the meetings
of contributories. | wes

115.—(1) The costs.of summoninga meeting of creditors

or contributoriesat the instance of any person other than the
Official Receiver or Liquidator, shall bepaid by the person at
whose instance it is summoned, who shall before the meetingis _
summoned, deposit with the Official Receiver or Liquidator
as the case may be such sum 2s may be required by the
' Official Receiver or Liquidator as security for the payment of |
such costs, .
B 366 Companies Winding Up Rules

2) The costsof summoning 4 meeting und er paragraph (1)

abi, including all disbursements for prints , stationery,
Postage and the hire of room, shallbe calc
ulated in accordance
with paragraph (3) here
of and shall be repa
ofthe Companyif the court shall by order orid out of the assets _
Sontributories (as the case may ‘be) shalt ifthe creditors or
by resolution, so
(3) Where the number- of creditors or
to whom notice is required to besent does not contributories
costs shall be 2950.00, and for exceed 20, the
creditors or contributories or eve ry additional of 10 such |
part thereof, there shall be
added 2%20.00,
Chairman :
116. Where a meeting is summ ed b the
of meeting,
or the Liquidator, he or someoneonno mi
Official Receiver
Form 61.
chairman na te d by him shall be
of the n ing. At every other meeting of creditors
OF contributories, the
resolution shalaitappoieaei Sich person
notasa oe
117. Ata meeting of creditors, a resolu
Or, 2

resolution tion sha be deemed

to be When a majority in number and ll value of the
Creditors creditors present personal , oxy and voting on the .
resolution have voted in favour the resolution, and
meeting of the contributories 2 resolu at a
bepassed when a majority in numbertion shall be deemed to
tributories and value of the con-
‘resolution, havesenvot
t personally or by proxy, and voting on
ed in fav our oft he res olu tio
the ~
of the contributories b 7 determ n, te va le,
number ofvotes conferred on eachine d according to the
regulations of the Company, con tributory by the
/, 118. TheOfficial Receiver or as the
Liquidator, shall file wit case may be, the
h the Registrar, a copy certified by

119. Where a meeting of creditors

is summoned or contributories
notice , th
the meeting shal unless theecou
ing and resolutions at _
Notwithstanding that somecreditors otherwise orders, be valid
not have received the notice sent or contributories may
to them. |
120. TheChairman may, with the
con sentof those present

_ . place as the original‘meeting

adjournment another place is ess in the resolution for
_ oOotherwise orders, spe cif ied or unless the court
_ Companies Winding Up Rules B367__
yD Quorum.
the election of 2 Chairman, proving of debts
le meeting are present or
represented thereat in the case of a creditor’s meeting at
least three creditors
entitled to vote or in the case of 2 meeting
Of contributories at least three contributories
‘creditors entitled to vote or all the contributori or all ‘the
es if the.
number of creditors entitled to vote or the number of
tributories as the con-
case may be shall not exceed thre
(2) If within half an hour from the time appointe d for
meeting, a quorum ofcreditors or contributories, as the
may be, is not present or represented, the meeting shallcase
adjourned- to the same be
in the followin
g week at the same
time andplace or to su other day or time or place as the
| may appoint, but so that the day appointe d shall
be notless than fifteen nor more than thirty days from the
from which day
the meeting was adjourned.
122, In thecase of a first meeting of creditor.sor of
_ adjournmentthereof, a person shall notbe entitled to vote asan
_ creditor unless he has duly lodged with the Official Rece 2 to vote.

not later than the time mentioned for that Purpose iver,
in the
- Rotice convening the meeting, or adjourned meeting, a proo
ofthe debt whichhe claimsto be due tohim from the Company. f
In of a Court meetingor Liquidator’s meeting of
creditors, a person shall not be entitled to vote as cred itor
-unless he has lodged with theOfficial Receiver or Liquidator,
a proof of the debt which heclaims to be due to him from the
Company and such proof has been. admitted wholly or in
part before the date on which themeeting is held : Prov ided
this and the nextfour following rules shall not apply .
to a Courirt meeting of creditors held prior to the first meeting
of creditors. - -
This Rule shall not apply to any creditors or class of credi-
_ tors who,by virtueof the Rules or any directions given there
under, are not required to prove their debts or to any voluntary |
liquidation meeting. i.
123, A creditor shall not vote in respect of any unliq uidated Cases in
or contingent debt or any debt the value of which is not hich
ascertaine d, nor shall a creditor vote in respe
on or secured by a current bill of exchange ctorofe
any debt may not

y vote.

note held by him unless he is willing to treat the liability to

him thereon of every person whois liable thereon antecedently
to the Company, and against whom a Receiving Order
Bankruptcy has to estimate thevalue thereof, and for the
of voting, but not for the oses of dividend, to
Feduct it from hivroot pp oe
B368 | Companies Winding Up Rules ~
Votes of:
124, For the purposeof ‘voting, a secured creditor
unless he surretidersh shall,
Creditors. is-security, state in
voluntary° liquidation in such a statementhis: proofor in a
as is hereinafter
mentioned, the particularsofhis security, the
date when it was
given, and the ‘value :at which he assesses
it, and shall be
- entitled to vote onlyin respect of the balance (if any) dué ©
him ‘after-deducting the value of his: security. to
respect of his whole debt, -he: shall be deemIf he votes in
ed: to - have
surrenderedhis-security; unlessthe Court on appl
ication, is
‘satisfied that the omission to valuethesecurity has aris
imadvertence.t90 en from
ee Comin sy
Creditor 125. ‘The OfficialReceiver or Liquidator may,
required to : s after a proof or-in a’vol intary Liquidationwith
day in thirty .
giveup estimating the value ofa s¢ ity-as aforesai
a statement
-In-votingat a meeting, requirethe creditord,tohas been used
give up the -
security for the benefitof the creditors generall
of the value soestimated with an additionther y onpayment
per cent :: Provided: that ‘where. a. creditorhas of twenty
securityhe may at any time before being réquir valued his
correct the valuation by a new proof and deduct ed togive it up
_ from his debt;but in that case the said addition the new.value
cent shall notbemadei oftwentyper
fthe security isréquired to be given up. _
Admission. . 126.:The Chairman: shall have power to adm
' and rejection proof for. the pur it or reject a
of proofs . pose of voting.but his decision shall be
for purpose subject. to:appeal to the Court. If hei s in doubt whether a
of voting. proof shall be admitted or rejected, he shallma
to.and allowthe creditor. to vote rk it as objected
the vote being
_ declared invalid in theevent.of the‘ objectio
n being sustained.
Statement ‘127. For the purpose of voting at a voluntary liquidation
of Security. meeting, a’ secured’ creditor shall, unless hesurrenders his
security, lodge‘with ‘the Liquidator or, whe
Liquidator,at the re there is no
Registered Office of the
mecting,a statement giving the particularsCoofh
m any, before the
i security, the
date ‘when it was given and the value at which he ‘assessesit.
Minutes of 128-1) The Chairrhan shall cause min
meetings, ings at the meeting tobé drawn upandfairlute s of the proceed-
y entered in a book .
kept for that purpose and the minutes shall be
by‘the Chairmanof thé next ensuing meeting, signed by him or
: |
Form 63, (2) A list of creditors and contributories Presen
meeting shallbe made and kept t ‘at every
as in Form 63‘in the Appendix,

2 .
Companies Winding Up Rules
Proxies in Relation to a Winding-upby the Court
and to meetings of Creditors in a Creditor’s
Voluntary Winding-up
129, A creditor ora contributory may voteeith
or byproxy where‘a person is authorised in man er in person Proxies.
by Section 132 of the Actto represent a Corporner provided
meeting of ation at an
creditors or contributories such person sk
produce to the Official Receiveror Liquid ator or other, the
Chairman of the meeting a copyoftheresolut
him. Such copy musteither beunderthe sealion so authorising
tion or must be cert of the corpora-
ified to be a true copy by
a director of the Corporation. The succeedithe ng
secretary or
_ proxies shall not (unless otherwise directed by the court s ag to |
to a court meeting of creditors or contributories prio ), app
r to the
first meeting, Co a
130, Everyinstrumentof roxy shallbe in accordan
the appropriate form in the Appendix. ce with Form of
Forms 64 &
_ 131. General and speical forms of proxy shall be 65,
creditors and contributories with the notice sum sent to the Form of
moning the
meeting, and neither the name nor description of the Offic Proxy to be
Rece iver or Liquidator or any other person shall be prin ial sent with
_or inserted in the body of any instrumentof pro ted
so sent.
xy befo reit is
132. A creditor or a contributory may give a general
proxy General
to-any person, 7 proxies,

133. A creditor or a contributory may give a special

to any personto vote at any specified meeting or adjo proxy Special
urnment Proxies,
thereof :— .
(a) for oragainst the appointmentor continuancei
of any specified person as Liquidator or Membernof fice
of the
Committee of Inspection, and — _
(6) on all questions rélating to any matter other than thos
abovereferred to and arising at the meeting oran adjo e
ment thereof. urn-
oo "
134, Whereit appears to the satisfaction ’of the court
anysolicitation has been used by or on behalf of a Liquidator ‘Solicitation
by Liquid- |
in obta ining proxies or in procuring his ator to obtain
Liquidator except by the direction of a meetappo intment as - proxies.
ing of creditors -
or contributories, the Court, if it thinks fit, may order that no
remuneration be allowed to the person by whom or on
behalf the solicitation was exercised notwithstandingwhos e
reso lution of the Committee of Inspection or of the credito
_ or contributories to the contrary.
B 376 Companies Winding Up Rules
Proxies to 135. A creditor or a contributory in a wind
court may appoint the Official Receiver or Liquing up by the
Official -
or Liquidae a voluntary winding-up the Liquidator or if theridat or and in
Liquidator, the Chiarman e is no
of a meeting to act as his general or
special proxy.~ | . Ce
Holder of
proxy not.
136. No person actingeither under a general or a: special
to vote on proxy shall’vote in favour of any resolution whic
matters in directly or indirectly place himself, his partner or h would
whichhe is
in a employer
financially position to receive any remuneration. out of the
estate of
interested, the Company otherwise than as _cteditor reteably
with other —
creditors. of the Company : Provided. that where any
holds special proxies to vote for an application person
to the Courtin
‘favour ofthe appointment of himse as Liquidat
or, he may
use the said proxies and. vote accordingly,
Forms 64 &
137.—{1) A proxy intended to be used at the first meeting
65. of creditors or contributories, or an adjo urnment thereof,
shall be lodged with the Official Receiver
not later than the
. time mentioned for that purpose in the noti "

meeting or the adjourned meeting, which time ce convening the

earlier than twelve o’clock at noon’of the day shall be not
norlate but one befdte,
r than twelve o’clock at noon of the day
day appointed for such meeting, unless the Court befo re the
. ; . :

(2) In everyothercase, a proxy shall be lodg

Official Receiver ed with the
or Liquidator in a windin -up
by the Court,
with the Company at its Registered office fora meet ing under
_- section 273 the Act, and with the Liquidator
no Liquidator, with the person named in the noti thereis
the meeting, to receive the same in a voluntaryce convening
notlater than three winding-up
o’clock in the afternoo
n of the day before
the meeting or adjourned meeting at whichit
'@)Noperson, shall be -appointed| a general orCogpecal
is to be used.
proxy whois a minor.
Use of 138, Where an Official Receiver who holds
cannot attend any proxies
_ deputy. the meeting for which they are given he may
inwriting, deputise some person under his ,
uss the proxies on his behalf and in such mannercial cont rol to
as he may —
etc. Credito
139, The proxy of a creditor blind or inca
may be acceptedif such creditor has attachpableof writing,
ed his signature
or mar k thereto in the presenceof a wit
shall comply with the provisions of the nessand the witness.
Alliterates Protection
Act (CAP. 83) of the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria and
Lagos 1958. | oo |
Companies Winding Up Rules
. _ Attendance and Appearance of
Partie s
140.—(1) Eve person fo
. contributones ofthe papa r the time being on the list of
to Porceed
ny, and every per
has been admitted, shall beat son whose proof ings.
attend proceedings, and shall be ert y, at Fis Own expense, to
€ costs oc ent itl ed, upon payment of
cationed th
er y, .to have notice of ‘all
Proceeding as he shall, byebwri such
_ of. Tf the court shall have the optten request, desire to have ~
any such person upon any procinion that the attendance of
additional costs which ought not eedings has occasioned any
_ the. Company,it may direct su to be borne by the funds of
thereof, to be pid by such pechrs
costs, or a gross sum in lieu
to attend any further proceeding on who shall not be entitled
s until he has paid the same,
(2) The court may, from
more of the creditors or contime totime, appoint any one or
tri ories to represent before
the court, at the expense of the but
the creditors or con or any class of
relation to any proceedings befes, upon any question or in
ore the court, and may remove
_ the person so appointed. If more
underthis Rule to teptesent one class,one personis appointed
shall employ the same Solicitor the persons appointed
to represent them. -
(3) No creditor or contributory shall be
any proceedings in Chambers entitl ed to attend
in a book, to bekept by the Reg
unless and until he has entered
name and address, and the name iand for that purpose, his
address of his solicitor
(if any) and upon any changeof his addres
his new address, and the nameand addres s,or of his solicitor,
s ofhis new solicitor,
141. Where the attendance of the Liq
is required on any Ptoceeding in cou uidator’s Solicitor
Liquidator need not attend person, exc rt or Chambers, the
his presence is necessary in dition to ept Pp in cases where |
or the court dire that of his solicitor, .
cts him to attend.

Liquidator and Committee of Inspection | .

142,—(1) The remunerationofa iquidator,
shall otherwise order, shall be fixed by the unle ss he court
Committee of
tion of
Inspection, (or the creditors, as Liquidator.
_ be in the nature of a commissiothe case may be) and shall
n or percentage of which
one part shall be Payable on the amountrealised, after deduct
any) paid to secure
ebeare sums,G€rs)) out off thethe proproced edscredofofitor
s (other than —
thei iti es
and the other part on the amount distributed their securiti
in dividend.
B 372 Companies Winding UpRules |

(2) If the Ministryare of opinion:that the remuneration of.

a Liquidator as fixed by the Committee of Inspection or the
_ cteditors as the ‘case may “be is unnecessarily large, the
Ministry may apply to the court,
shall fix the ‘amount ofthe remunerandthe reupon, the court
ation of the Liquidator.
__(3) This Rule shallonlyapplyto a Liquidator appointed
in a winding-up by the. Court
_ 143. Exceptasprovided by theAct or the Rules, aLiquidator
shall not, under any ‘circumstances whatever, make any
arrangement for, or accept from any solicitor, auctioneer,
any: other person connected with the Company of which he
is Liquidator, or who is employed in or in connection withthe
winding-up of the Company, any gift, remuneration, or
pecuniary or other consideration of benefit whatever beyond
the remuheration to which undér the Act and the Rules, he
isentitled as Liquidator, nor shall he make any arrangement
for giving up, or give up any part of such remuneration to
such Solicitor, ‘auctioneer or other person.
with assets,
144. Neither the Liquidator, nor any member of the
Committee of Inspection of a Company shall, while acting
as Liquidator or member ofsuch committee, except by
leave of Court, eitherdirectly or indirectly, by himself: or
any employer, partner, clerk, agent or servant, become
purchaser of any part of the Company’s assets, Any such
jurchase made conttaryto the provisions of this Rule may
set aside by the court onthe applicationof the-Mini
in a winding-upby the court or of any creditor or contributory
in any winding-up, andthe court may make such order as
to costsas the court shall think fit. — ,
On purchase 145. Where the Liquidator carries on the business of the
_of goods by Company, he shall not, without the express sanction ofthe
Liquidator, court, purchase goods for the carrying on of such business
from any person whose connection with him is of such a nature
as would result in his obtaining any portion ofthe profit (if any)
arising out of the transaction,
Committee 146. No member of a Committee of Inspection shall, excep
- under and with the sanction of the Court, directly orindirect t
~ of Inspec~
tion not to
make profit, by himself, or any employer; partner, clerk, agent, or servant,
be entitled to derive any profit from anytransaction atising out
of the winding-uporto receive, out of the assets,any payment
for services rendered byhim in connection with the administra -
tion of the assets,or for any goods supplied: by him to
Liquidatorfor or on accountof the Company. In a winding-the.
by the Court, if it appears to the Ministry or in avoluntary —
Companies Winding Up Rules
B 373
winding-up, if it appears to the Comm
itteeof Inspection or to

obtained under the two last pre costs of

obtaining such sanction shall be ceding Rules, the cost of
borne by the person in whose

interest such sanction is obtain of court.

ed, andshall not be payable ou

148. Wherethe sanction ofthe

of a Committee of Inspection forCou
rttoapaymenttoamember sanction of
connection with the admini vices rendered by him in payments
stration of the Company’s assets to Commi.
is obtained, the order of the cou
rt shall specifythe nature of _
the services, and such sanction sha
service performed is of a special ll onl y be given where the
sanction of the Court, no rem nature. Except by the express
uneration. shall, under any
circumstances, be paid to am embe
- rendered by him in the discharge r of a Committee for services
office as a member of su of the duties attaching to his
ch committee.
149.—(1) When a Liquidato
notified his appointment to ther Reg
appointed by the Courthas Discharge
istrar of Companies and . of costs
before —
forthwith putthe Liquidator int
- of the Company of which the o yssession of all property handed to
custody : Provideed that such Liquid Official Receiver may have | Liquidator,
handed over to him by the Off ator, before the assets are
icial Receiver, shall have dis-
charged any balance due to the Offici _
fees, costs, and charges Properly inc al Rec eiv er on acc oun to f|
account of any advances Properly ma urred by him, and on
the Company,togeth de by him in respect of
er with intere on such advances
rate of ten per centum per annum, stand at the
pay all fees, costs, an the Liq uid ato rshall
may not have been discharged sbyof the Official Receiver which
put intopossession of the Pro the Liquidator before bein
whetherincurred before or after heperty of the Company,
Possession. has been put into such

~ (2) The Official Receiver sha

_ upon the Company’sassets until sube deemed to have a lien
" paidandotherliabilities shall have
ch balance shall have been.
been discharged.
| B 374

(3) It shall be the duty of the Official Receiver, if s0

| re(luestedbythe Liquidator, to communicateto the Liquidator,
all‘such information. respecting the estate and affairs of the
Company as-may be necessary or conducive to the due dis-
-chargeofthe duties of the Liquidator.
This and the next following Ruleshall only ly in.
wise -up by the Court. ue - 7 *PPy |
Of Liquids
150. A Liquidator who desiresto resign hisoffice shall
summonseparatemeetings ofthe .creditors and contributoti
‘of the Companyto decide whether or not the tesignatioes
shall be accepted. ffthe creditors “anidcontributories -byn .
ordinary resolution, ee to accept resignation of
Liquidator, ‘he shall file sith 1¢ Registrar, a memorandu
ofhis resignation and shall send ace tvef cone wam —
- Receiver and the resionation shall thereupon take effect. In
any other case, the Liquidator shall report to the Court, the
result of the meetings and shall send a report to the Offic ial
Receiver and thereupon the Court may, upon the applicatio
ofthe Liquidator or the Official Receiver, determine whether n
or. not the resignation of the Liquidatorshall be accepted,
| andmaygive such directions and make such order s as in the _
opinion the Court shall benecessary.
151. Ifa Receiver Order in Bankruptcy is
Liquidator, he shall. thereby vacate his officemade against a
, and for the
purpose of the application of the Act and Rules, shall be have been renioved. | .
_* “Payments to dnd Withdrawalsfrom Account
152,All. payments oit of the Companies Liquidation
Accounit sh be madein such manne
I rs as the Ministry
time to time directs. . | |

153.—(1) Where the Liquidator in a winding-up by the

| Court is authorised to have a special bank account, he ehall
forthwith pay all moneys receivedbyhim into that accou nt
tothe credit of the Liquidator of the Company. All payments.
out shall be made by cheque payable to order, and every
cheque shall have marked or written on the face of ‘it, the
name of the Company andshall be signed by the Liquidator ,
and ‘shall be countersigned by at least one member of the.
Committee of Inspection, and by suck other person, if‘any,
as the Committeeof Inspection may appoint...:
Companies Winding Up Rules B 375
nt?) Where application is made to the court to authorise
Pina winding-up the Court to make his
Payments ‘into and out a ial bank account, the court
may grant such authorisation such time
and on such terms
as it may think fit, and mayat any time orde rthe account to
: be closed if it is of the opinion that the accoun t is no longer
required for the purpose mentioned in the
application, |
| Books
. 154. In a winding-up by the Court, the Offic
until a Liqui ial Receiver,
the’ Liquidatorshall Kegp a book tebe oiseet

is appointed bythe Court, and thereaft er
ook”in which he s
Boo! tecord all
had and resolutions passed at any minu tes, all proceedings
contributories, of creditors or
or of the Committee
fuch matters as may be necessary to of Inspection, and all
give a correct view of
any’s affairs ; but he shall

x than
Official Receiver, or the Ministry,.
; .
155. (x Ina winding. the Court,
the Official Receiy. ,
until a Lguideter$5 pepe Sy ee Cash Book .
(ohichtitgs sitll Receiver,
Keep a bookto be called the “Cash Book
(which shall be in such orm as the Min
time direct) in which he shall (subject ist
ry may from time to _
the provisions of the
Rul es
as to trading accounts), enter fro
receipts aridpayment made by hi m day to day the
m. .
2) In a winding-up
neao Omenete|byathe l
court, a Liquidator other
Books together with any other requ mit the Record and Cash
to the Committee of Inspection (ifisit
e books and vouchers,
_ Notless than once every three months. ) when required, and
(3) In a creditors’ Voluntary windi
oP. the Liquidator

Committee of Inspectio n or ifthere is no such Committee, to

the creditors with any other boo |
ks, documents, papers and
accounts in his possessionrelating to his
or to the Company as and when-the officeas. Ei uidator —
ction orif there is no such Committee Committee o: Inspe- |
the creditorsdirect.
B 376 Companies Winding Up Rules

: Investment of Funds
Investment _ 156.—(1) Where in a winding-u by the Court or in a ~
creditors Voluntary winding-up, the Committee of
andrealis~ tion are ofthe opinion that any part of the cash balance
ation of
standing to the credit of the account of the Company should
be invested,they shall signacertificate and request, and the
Form 68 Liquidator shall transmit such certificate and request
and 69, to the
egi of Companies, - | a
2) Where the Committee of Inspection in any such
wiet are of the opinionthat it is advisable to Zell any
of the securities in which’ the moneys of the Company’
assets are invested, they shall sign a certificate and s
to that effect, and the Liquidatorshall transmit such certi
and request to the Registrar of Companies, ficate

_ 3). Where there is noCommittee of Inspection in any such
Wwinding-up as is mentioned in paragraphs (1)and (2) of this
Rule and in every members’ voluntary winding-up whether
under the su ision of the court ornot, if a case has
opinion of the Liquidator, arisen under Section 331 of
Act for an investmentof funds of the Companyor salethe
securities in whichthe Company’s funds havebeen
the Liquidator shall sign and; fransmit. to. the Regis
Companies, a certificate of the facts on which trar of
his opinion is
founded, and a request to the Registrar so that theA ccountant-
General: can make the investmentor sale mentioned in the
_ certificate’ and the ~Accountant-General may thereupon
ifthey thinkfit, invest orsell the whole orany part of the
funds and securities, as provided in the said. section, andsaid
said certif the
icate and request shall be asufficient authority to the
Accountant-General for the said investment or
sale, —
Accounts andAudit in a Winding
157. The Committee of Inspection shall not less than’
Audit of
Cash Book once every three months, audit the Liquidator’s Cash Book -
and certify therein _
Form.70, under their hands, the day on which

158.—(1) The Liquidator shall, at the expirati

audti of months from the date of the winding-up order, andon of six
at the
uration of every succeeding six months thereafter until his.
release, transmit to the Registrar of Companies, a copyo
CashBo fthe
ok for stich period in duplicate, together with the
necessary vouchers and copies ofthecerfiticates of atidi
Committee of Inspection. He shall also forward with the t by the
Companies Winding Up Rules
B 377

accounts, 2 summary of the Company’s

showing thereon the amounts - realised, stat and
ement of affairs
. Cause of the non-realisation ofsuch assets as explaining the
The Liquidator shall also at the end of eve be unrealised.
forward to theRegistrar of Companies, withryhissix months,
a report upon theposition of the Liq Accounts,
uidation of the Company
in such form as the Registrar of Compan ies maydirect, |
(2) When theassets ofthe Company have
. and distributed, the Liquidator shall fort beenfully realised
hwith send in his
accounts to the Registrar of Companies althou
gh the six months
may not have expired. | |
(3) ‘The accounts sent in by the Liquidatorshall be verified
by him by affidavit and be in Form 71 in the Appendix.
159.—(1) Where the Liquidator carries on the
the Company, he shall keep business of
a distinct account of the trading carrying on
andshall incoporate in the Cash Book, the business
total weekly amounts
_ of the receipts and payments on such Tradin Form 71.
g account.
(2) The trading accountshall from time
_ less than once in every month, be verified by to time, and not
affidavit, and the
Liquidator shall thereupon submit such acco
- Committee of Inspection (ifany) or such unt. to the
member thereof as
may be appointed by the Committee for that
shall examineand purpose who
certify the same. i
160. When the Liquidator’s accounts
the Registrar of Companies shall certify have been audited,
that fact upon the
‘acc ount, and thereupon the duplicate copy, bear to be filed
ing a like
certificate, shall be filed with him, and that copy toge
a copy of the said account ther with
delivered to the cour
accordance with Section 230of the Act, shall t for filing in
be opento the
pection of any person on payment of the samefee
payable with respect to the inspectionofthefile of as is
under Rule proc eedi ngs
ro: .
161.—(1) The Liquidator shall prepare a sum
mary of such
accounts andshall, subject to any dispensation gra Summary of
Minister under Subsection (5) of section 230 of the nted by the accounts

a printed cop Act, send

y of that summary by post to every creditor and
contributory. ,
_.. 2) Thecost of printingand posting such copy shall
charge upon the assets of the Company. be a
B37s Companies Winding‘Up Rules .
Afiidevit of 162, When a Liquidator hag notsince the
appointmentor since the last audit ofhis accounts,date of his -
‘maybe, receivedor paid any sumof money on accoas thecase
assets ofthe Company,heshall, at the time when heis requfired
totransmithis accounts to the Registrarof Companies,forward
to the Regi strar of Companies, an affidavit of no receipts or
payments, |
163,—(1) Upon a Liquidator resigning or being released
_ or removed Eom his *, he shall deliver over to the Official
Receiver or, as the case may be, to the new Liquidator, all
books kept him, and all ot
accounts in his possession relatingbooktos, the
documents papers and
office of Liquidator
Therelease of a Liquidator shall not take effect u
until he hasdelivered: over to the Official Receiver of, as and
case may be, to the new Liquidator, all the books, documents,
papers and accounts which he is by the Rule, required to
deliver on his release, a .
pio (z) The Court may, at any time during the
Liquidation, on the application of the Liquprog ressof the
idator or the
cial Receiver, direct that such of the books,
_ documents of the Company or of the Liquidatorpape rs and
as are no
er required for the purose of the Liquidation may be
sold, destroyed orotherwise disposed of,
Expenses of 164, Where property forming part of a Company’s assets
is sold by the Liquidator through an auctioneer or other agent,
the gross proceeds of the sale shall be paid over by such
auctioneer or agent, and the charges and expenses connected
with the sale shall afterwards be paid to such auctioneer
or agent. Every Liquidator by whom such auctioneer or
_ agent is employed shall, unless the Court otherwise orders,
be accountablefor the proceedsof every such sale, -

Final Account in Voluntary

_ Winding-Up |
Form of 165. The account required by sections 270 and 280 of the
Account Act to be made up by the Liquidator as soon as the affairs of
Form 72 | the Companyarefully wound up shall be in Form No. 72 in
the Appendix,
_ Companies Winding UpRules B 379
Costs and Expenses Payable out
of the Assets of the Company Charges,
_ _ 166.—(1) Where a Liquidator or Special Manager in a
winding-up by the Court receives remuneration for his services
- @§ such, no payment shall be allowed on his accounts in
respect of the performance by any other person ofthe ordinary
byEk which are required by Statute or Rules to beperformed -
mselt, .

(2) Where 2 Liquidator is a Solicitor, he may contract that

the remuneration for his services as Liquidator shall include Costs pay-
_ all professional Services, | able out
| the sesets,

-_ 167.—(1) The assets of a Company in a Winding-up

by the Court remaining afterpaymentof the fees and expenses
properly incurred in preserving, realising or getting in the
assets, including where the Company has previously to be
wound up voluntarily such remuneration, costs and ex
as the Court mayallow to a Liquidator appointed in such
voluntary winding-up shall, subject to any order of the
court, be liable to the following payments, which shall be in
the following order of priority,namely :— :
1. The costs of the petition, including ‘the costs of any
person appearing on the petition whose costs are allowed
y the court,
2, The remuneration of the Special Manager (if ‘any).
3, The costs and expenses of any person who makes
or concurs in making, the Company’s Statementof Affairs,
4, The. charges of any shorthand writer appointed to.
take an examination : Provided that where the shorthand.
writer is appointed at the instance of the Official Receiver,
the cost of the shorthand notes shall be deemed to be an
expense incurred by the Official Receiver in getting in and
realising the assets of the Company. |
_ 5. The necessary disbursements of any Liquidator
appointed in the winding-up by the court, other than ©
property incurred in preserving, realising or getting in
the assets heretofore provided for. |
6. The costs of any pereon’s property employed by any —
such Liquidator. -
B 380 Companies Winding Up Rules
7. The remuneration of any such: Liquidator.
8, The Actual out-of-pocket expenses necessarily incu
by the rred
Committee of Inspection, subject to the approval of
é Ministrye
oe ,
(2) No payments inrespect ofbills or charges of
gets, accountants, auctioneers, brokers or other citors,
other than payments for costs and expenses persons,
sanctioned under Rule 39 and payments of billsincurred and
been which have
allowed, shall be allowed out of the assets ofthe Com
without proofthat the same have been considered pany |
by the Registrar. The Official Receiver when allowedand
Liquidator, may pay and acting as |
allow the costs
person employed by him where such costand char. es of any
s and c ges are ©
Within the scale usu ally allowed by the court,
(3) Nothing contained in this Rul
affect costs which, in the course of legael Sha lt apply to or
against a Com eedings by or
pany which is being wound
ateordered bythe Court in which such proceeudings
by the Court,
ora judge thereofto be paid by the Com
or the rights of the person to whom pan yorthe Liquidator,
such costs are payable, .

Statements by Liquidator to
the Registrar of Companies |
Conclusion of 168. The windi -up of a Company
of section 319 ofthe Act be deemed to shall , for the purposes
be concluded _ e

-(@) inthe case


of a Company wound-up order of the .

Court ; at the date on which the order by
dissolving the
Company has been reported by the Liquidat
or to the
Registrar of Companies, or at the dateof the orde
r of the
_ Attorney-General of the Federation releasing the Liqu
. pursuant to Section -232 idator
:ofthe Act : .
(6)in the case of a Company wound-up voluntarily,
under the supervision of or
the court, at the date
ofthe dissolu-
tion of the Company, unless at such date any fund s or assets .
of the Company remain unclaimed or undistribute
- hands or unde d in the
r the control of the Liquidator,
whohas actedas Liquidator, in which case theorwind any person
shall not be deemed to be concluded until such ing-up
assets haveeither been distributed or paid into the funds or
Liquidation Account kept with the Accountant-G Companies
‘the Federation, eneral of
Companies Winding Up Rules
169. In a volun winding-up or a winding-up under the
supervision of the Court, the sta ents with respect to the
Times for
proceedings in and position of thetem

the winding-up of which is not conliq uidation of a Company

clu ded within a year after and regu-
its commencementshall be sent toth:
twice in every year as follows :— Regist
i rar of Companies — licable
(1) The first statement,.commenc ing at the date when a
Liquidatorwas first appointed and bro ught down to the end
of twelth month from the commencement ofthe winding-up,
shall be sent within 30 days from the
twelve months, or within’ such extendexp iration of such
ed period as the
Ministry maysanction, and the subsequen
be sent at intervals of half a ear, eac t statements shall
broughtdown to the endofthe half year forstatement being
In cases in which the assets of the Com whichit is sent.
fully realised and distributed before thepan
y have been
half-yearly interval, a iration of a
final statementshall be sent forthwith,
(2) Subject to the next succeding Rule, Form
where applicable Forms 75, 76 and 77 No. 73 and Use of Forms |
. a8 circumstances may require, sha wit h suc h variations 73, 75,76 and
_ directions specified in the Form be obs be used, and the
every statement.
erved in reference to
_, @) Every statementshall be sen
be verified by an affidavit in the t in du licate, and shall
Form No. 74 with such
"Variations as circumstances may require. Form 74,

170. Whe
re, in a volunt Wwinding-up or a winding-up Affidavit of
under the supervision of the Court, a
any period for which a statement hasLiqu
idatorhas not duri m0 receipts
he sent, received or of payments.
any money on accoun t of the
Com y, he shall, at the
period when he is required to transm it hi statement, send to
the Reg istrar of Companies, the Prescribed statem
Form No. 73 in duplicate, containi ent inthe
the particulars therein Form 73.
required with respect to the proceedings in
the liquidation, and with such statement and position of
shall also send an
affidavit of no receipts or payments in the
Form No. 74, _ Form 74.
Unclaimed Funds and Undistributed Ass
in the Hands of A Liquidator .
171,—(1) All money in the handsor
under the control of
Liquidator of a Company representing unc Payment of
which for six months from the date when thelaimed dividends,
ted and un-
payable have remain dividend became claimed
ed in’ the han or under the control of
the Liquidator shall forthwith ondsthe
money into

months, expiration of thesix

be paid into the ‘Companies Liquidation
Account, Account.
B382. Companies Winding UpRuler
(2) In a voluntary winding-up: or a winding-up under the
sutorvinicn of the Court, allother money in, thehands orunder _
the control of a Liquidator of a any, representing
unclaimed or undistributed assets or held by the Company
in trust which, under subsection 4 of section 319 of theAct, the
Liquidatoris to pay into the Companies diquidation Account, ~
shall be ascertained as on the date to which the statementof.
receipts anid payments sent in to the Registrar of Companies
- is brought down, and the amountto be paid to the Companies
Liquidation Account shall be the minimum balance of such
money which the Liquidator has had in his hands or under
his conttol during six months immediately precedin
the date to which the statement is brought down, less suct
part (if any) thereof as the Ministry may authorise him to
retain for immediate purposes of liquidation, Such amount
shall be paid into Companies Liquidation Account within .
twenty-eight days from the date to which the statement of
account is brought down. .
(3) Notwithstanding anything in this rule, any moneys
in the hands of the Liquidator at the date of the dissolution .
of the company representing unclaimed or undistributed
assets or dividends or held by the companyin trust in respect
of dividends or other sums due to any person as a member —
of the company shall forthwith be paid by him into the
Companies Liquidation Account,. | -
(4) A Liquidator whose duty it is to pay into the Companies
‘Liquidation Account kept by the Accountant-General ofthe
Federation money representing unclaimed or undistributed
assets of the Company or held by the Company in trust in
respect of dividends or other sums due to any person as a
member of the Company, shall apply in such manner as the
Ministry shall direct to the Ministry for paying-in order,
which paying-in order shall be an authority to the Accountant-
General of the Federation to receive the payment.
(5) In a voluntary winding-up or a winding-up under the
supervision of the court, moneyinvested or deposited at
' interest by a Liquidator shall be deemed to be money under
his control, and when such money from partof the minimum
balance payable into the Companies. Liquidation Account
pursuant to paragraph (2) ofthis Rule, the Liquidator shall
realise the investment or withdraw the deposit, and shall
py the proceeds into the Companies Liquidation Account ;
rovided that where the money is invested in Governmient
. Securities, such securities may, with the permission of the.
Companies Winding Up Rules B 383
Ministry, be transferred to the control of the Ministry instead
of being forthwith realised and the proceeds ther
the Companies Liquidation Account: If and wheneofthe
paid into
represented by the securities is required wholly or in part
for the purposes of the Liquidation the Ministry mayreali
the securities wholly or in part and pay the proceeds of se
realisation into the Companies Liquidation Account
with the same in the same way as other monies paid and deal.
into the
said Account maybedealt with, : -
172. In a voluntary winding-up or a winding-up under
supervision of the Court, whether the Liquidation been
concluded or not, shall furnish to the Ministry, parti
of any money in his handsor under his control representi ng
. unclaimedor undistributed assets of the Companyor held by
the Company in trust inrespect of dividends or
due to any person as a member of the Company,other sums
and such
other particulars as the Ministry mayrequire forthe purpose of
ascertaining or getting in any money payable into the .
Companies Liquidation Account with the Accountant-General
_ of the Federation, The Ministry may require such particulars
to be verified by affidavit as in Form 78, | Form 78
173.—({1) Involunta winding-up or a winding-up under The Mini-
the supervision of the Court, the inistry may at any time, $'
call forversie
order any such person as is mentioned in the preceding fied account,
Rule to submit to them an accountverified by affidavit of the
sums received and paid by him as Liquidator of the Company
and may direct andenforce an audit of the account,
(2) For the pur oses of Subsection 4 of Section 319 of Forms 72, —
the Act, andthe Rules,the Court may, if it thinks fit, mate any 73-76, %,
appropriate order with respect to the discovery and realisation
of the property of a debtor.
174, An application to the Ministry for the”purpose of Application
ascettaining and getting in money payable to the Accountant- to the court
for enforcing
General of the Federation pursuant to Subsection 4, of Section an account
319 of the Act shall be made by motion, and when the winding- and getting
up is by or under the supervision of the Court or ina voluntaryin Money,

winding-up, shall be made to and dealt with by the Judge in

court, :

An application by a person claiming to be entitled to Application
any money paid to Accountant-General of the Federation in ae
pursuance of Subsection 4 of Section 319 of the Act, shallbe entitled,
made in such form and manner as the Ministrymay from time
to time direct, and shall, unless the Ministry otherwise directs,
Baz Companies Winding UpRules
(2) In a voluntary -winding-up' or a winding-up under the
_ supervision of the Court, all.other money in the hands or under
the control of a Liquidator of a Company, representing -
unclaimed orundistributed assets or held by the Company
" intrust which, under subsection 4 ofsection 319 ofthe Act, the
Liquidatoris to pay into theCompanies Liquidation Account,
shall be ascertained as on the date to which the statement of —
receipts and payments sent in to the Registrar of Companies
is brought down, and the amountto bepaid to the Companies
Liquidation Account shall be the minimum balance of such
| money which the Liquidator has had in his hands or under —
his control during the six months immediately preceding

the date to which the statement is brought down, less sucl
: par t (if any) thereof as the Ministrymay authorise him to ©
retain for immediate purposes of liquidation. Such amount
shall be paid into Companies Liquidation Account within
twenty-eight days from the date to which the statement of
account is brought down.
» (3) Notwithstanding anything in this rule, any moneys.
in the hands of the Liquidator at the date of the dissolution
of the company representing unclaimed or undistributed
assets or dividends or held by the companyin trust in respect
of dividends or other sums due to any person as a member.
of the company shall forthwith be paid by him into the
Companies Liquidation Account. . |
(4) A Liquidator whose duty itis to pay into the Companiés _
Liquidation Account kept by the Accountant-General of the _
_ Federation money representi g unclaimed or undistributed
assets of the Company or held by the Company in trust in
respect of dividends or other sums due to any person as a _
member of the Company, shall apply in such manner as the
Ministry shall direct to the Ministry for paying-in order,
which paying-in order shall be an authority to the Accountant-
General of the Federation to receive the payment. . ;
(5) In a-voluntary winding-upor a winding-up under the |
supervision of the court, money invested or deposited at
interest by a Liquidator shall be deemed to be money under
his control, and when such money from part of the minimum
balance payable into the Companies Liquidation Account
pursuant toparagraph (2) of this Rule, the Liquidator shall
realise the investment or withdraw the deposit, and shall.
pay the proceeds into the Companies Liquidation Account :
Provided that where the money is invested in Government
‘Securities, such securities may, with the permission of the
Companies Winding Up Rules B 383
Ministry, be transferred to the control
of the Ministry instead
of beingforthwith realised and the procee
the Companies Liquidation Accoun ds thereof paid into
t: Ifand when the money
represented by the securitiesis req uired wholly or in part
for the purposes of the Liquidation the
the securities wholly or in part and payMinistry may realise
realisation into the the proceeds of
s Liquidation Account and deal -
with the samein the same way as other monies paid into the
said Account maybe dea lt with,
172, In a vol r winding- p-or
a winding-up under
supervision of the Court, whether the Liq
uidation has been
concluded or not, shall furnish to the Mini
__ Of any moneyin his hands or under his stry,» particulars
unclaimed or undistribute control representing
d assets of
the Companyorheld by
the Companyin trust in respect of divi dends or other sums
due to any person as a member of the Com
_ other particulars as the Mini pany, and such
stry may requ
ascertaining or getting ‘in any moneyire for the purposeof
Companies Liquidation Account with the payable into the
_of the Federation. The Ministry may requAccountant-General
to be verified by affidavit as in Form ire such particulars
78. - ; Form 78
_ 173.—{1) In voluntary Winding-up or_a ‘The Mini-
the supervision of the Court, the Ministrywinding-up under stry may
order any such person as is mentioned may at any time, fied call for veri«
Rule to submit to them an account veri
in the prec edin g account,
fied by affidavit of the
sums received and paid. by him as Liquidato
r of the Company
and may direct andenforce an audit of the acc
(2) For the purposes of Subsection 4
the Act, and the Rules, the of Section 319 of Forms 72,
Court may,if it thinks fit, make any 73-76.
appropriate order with respect to the discov
of the property of a debtor. ery andrealisation
“2174, An application to the~Ministry for
ascertaining thepurpose of Application
and getting inmoney pay e to the Accountan
Generalof the Federation pursuant toabl
to the court
t- for enforcing
319 ofthe Act shall be made
Sub sec tio n 4 of Sec tio n an account .
by motion, and when the Wwinding- and getting
up is byor under the supervision in money,
winding-up,shall be andofdea
the Court or in a voluntary
lt with by the Judge in
courtLK Se
175. An application by a person, claiming to
any money paid to Accoun be ent|itled to £
pursuance of Subsection 4 of Sectionral319of the Federation in
it Payment
out person
made in such form and of the Act, shall be entitled,
manneras the
to timedirect, and shall, unless the MinMin istry may from time
istry otherwise directs,
Companies Winding Up Rules
be accompanied by the Certificate ofthe Liquidatorthat the
stson claiming is entitled and such further evidenceas

-176.. A Liquidator who requires to makePayments out of

byL iquide.
tor for pay- money
: paid to the Accountant-General of ne Federation! in ©
ment out. . pursuance to Subsection 4 of Section 319 of the Act either
y way of distribution or in respect of the cost and —
expenses of the proceedings, shall.apply in such form.and
manner as the Ministry may direct, and the Ministry may
thereupon eithermake an order for payment to the Liqui—
—.dator by the sum required by him for the purposes afore-
said, or may direct cheques to beissued to the Liquidator for
Hapamission to.the persons to whom thepayments are to be .

ReleaseofLiquidator in a Winding-up bythe Court —

Proceedings 177.—{1) A Liquidatorin a winding-up by the Court before _
for release ~~ making application to the Registrar for his release, shall give
of Liquida~
tor notice of his intention so to do, to all the creditors who have
Formé.‘79 ~ provedtheir debts, and to all the contributories and shallsend, _-
and 80..-
withthe notice, a summary ofall receipts and payments in the |

Release of |
_(2) When the Registrar havingcomplied ‘with the provisions
Liquidator, of section 232 of the Act,granted to a Liquidatorhis release, a
notice of the order granting the release shall be gazetted. The
Liquidator shallpay fortheexpenses of such gazetting and he
_ Inaycharge such expenses against the Company's assets.

Disposal of -178.—{1). The Attorney-General of the Federation may

books and order thatthe books and papers of a Company which has been
papers, ,
woundupshall not be destroyed for such period(not exceeding —
five years from the dissolution of the Company)as he thinks
proper, notwithstanding any resolution of creditors. of
> contributories to the contrary.-
(2) Anycreditoror contributory may apply to the court.
with regard to the destruction of such books and papers. .2)
9. Official Receiver ~
- Duty where’ 179, Where a Company against which a winding-up order
no assets, has been made, has no available assets, the official Receiver
Shall not be requiredto incur any expense in relationto the
winding-up without order of the court.
Companies Winding Up Rules B 385.
180.—(i) Where a Liquidator is appointed by the Court Accounti
| a winding-up by the Court, the Official Receiver
shall by official®
count to the Liquidator, .
(2) If the Liquidatoris disatisfied with
ply to the Court to order the Officialthe account, he may
Receiver to give a
ster andfurther particularsof the issue in disagreeme
(3) ‘The provision of these Rules as to Liquidators and their
counts shall not apply to the Official Receiver when he
iquidator, is a
but he shall account in such manner as the Court
ay direct. |
181. The Court may, in any case in which it shall see
tend or abridge the time appointed by the Rules orfixed fit,
court to
y order of the Court for doing any act or taking any extend or
oceeding, abridge time
. . :
182.—(1) No proceedingsunder the Act or the Rules shall Defects and
; inval
idated by any formal defect or by any irregularity, irregularity.
notto invalid
less the Court before which an. objection is made to the
oceeding,is of the opinion that injustice has been caused by
e defect or irregularity and that the injustice cannot be
medied by any order of that Court.
(2) No defect orirregularity in the appointmentorelection Defect of
an Official Receiver, Liquidator or memberof a Committe appointment _
‘Inspection shall vitiate any act done by him in goodfaithe.
183, In all proceedings in or before the Court where no Application
ovisions is made by the Rules, the Court’s (Civil Procedure) of Court’s
ules shall apply. ; . - (Civil Proce-
dure) Rules
184.—(1) Unless the context otherwise requires words Interpreta
expressions contained in these Rules shall bear the same tion

eaning as in the Act or any statutory modification thereof.

(2) In these Rules, unless the context or subject-matter
herwise requires :-— ~ .
“Act” means. the Companies Act, 1968: .
“Company” means a Company which is being wound-up
or against which proceedings to have it wound-up or
proceedings under Section 201 of the Act have been
Commenced. 7 Se
“Court” means the Federal High Court established
by Section 228 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic
of Nigeria, 1979, .
“(Civil Procedure) Rules” means the Federal High
Court (Civil Procedure) Rules, 1976, as amended or replaced
from time to time. oe
B386 Companies Winding Up Rules
__ “Gazette” means Federal Republic of Nigeria Official
Gazette. ,
| “Head Office of the Court” means where the Chief
| Judge and the Chief Registrar arc -stationed, —-
“Ministry” means the Federal Ministry charged with
responsibility for Trade,
“Registrar” ‘includes the Chief Registrar and all other
registrars of the court and any surbodinate officer acting
under the registrar’s instructions.
“Sealed” means sealed with the Seal of the Court, |
Companies Winding Up Rules B 387
No, 1 (Ruxz 5)


. NOversion OF UVpein
In the matter Of (2),mnnmnnnnunwnnny Limited and
the Companies Ace 1968 In the
| eee matter of .(a) Insert eh Nex
Let (Ou , a OName of
attend at. | nen
OD - °
tO en May of;
| 1anapiece Clock 40. thenminfin
of an application of (c) on the hearing
() Name
id deseri
. tion of api
for anorder that (a) i .

~ .

_ Dated the. day of. so mer, _ application,
This summons was taken
out byof
Solicitors for
- To
Note :—I£ you do not attend, either in person
time and place above mentioned, such or by your Solicitor, at the
order will be made, and Proceedings
taken, as the Judge(or Registrar) may thinkjust
and expedient,
No.2 Rute 15
InTHE Feperat Hiri Courr
| Division - |
The humble petition of(d)mmnnummnmnnmmnrshoweth 28follows :
(a) Tnsere
De The en |
the Company), was in the month OLvanmn~~Limited (hereinafter called Company of
under the Companies Act, “mmmnmunnrnninmmnincorporated Petitioners.
~B 388 Companies Winding Up Rules
th 2. Theregistered office ofthe. Comppanyanyis
is at at(
(6) b) a .

shares of Monnnoe tHeS ammount of the Capital. paid up or

reg ° 3. The nominal capital of ‘the Com y is NBntmnumd
ltvided INOns

show suffie credited. as paid up is

ciently, the ; n

istrict 4. Theobjects for which the Company was establ

situate, ished are as follows :—~
and other objects set forth in-the memora
ndum of association thereof,
- (Here set out in paragraphs, the facts on
relies, and conclu which the petitioner
deas fo lows) :—
Yourpetitioner therefore humblyprays as
(1) That the . iumm
. - by the Court under the Provisum uumudtnited may be wound up
ions of the Companies Act, 1968 ,
(c) As words (©) (That the voluntary wind
C)itaune may be continued but subject in g UP Of thesvmmsuinionn ited
to the supervision of the dm
visionorder Court.)
, a
it asked for, (2) Or that such other order may be madei . °
n the premisesas shall be .

2)"This note Note :—(d) It is intendedto serve this petiti on

Wi : on
unnecessary .

pays No. 3 (Rutz 15)

"Petitioner. PETITION BY UNPAID cree ON SI
Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 as in No, 2, 7
5. The company isree to your petiti
obo sceoevestcesns or (a oner in the sum of N..........
(a) State :
6. Your petitione ha
r s made a plication to the company for payment of
consideration his-debt, but the comp anyhasfailed and neglected to pay the same or
sr e
part thereof,
' cularseso as
7. The companyis (insolvent and) unab. le to .
pay its debts,
thatthedebt 8. In the circumstances it isjust and equitable that the comp
claimed is wound up, ~ _—
any should be
Yourpetitioner, therefore, &c. (as in No. 2)
_ No. 4 (Ruz 15) | -
Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 as in No, 2,
(Then set out in paragraphs the facts on whic
‘continue as follows ‘—) h the petitioner-relies and
_ Companies Winding Up Rules
In these circumstances your pet
company are being conducted ina manitioner submits that the affairs of the
ofthe company (including ner oppres sive toapart ofthe members
and equitable that the comyou r petitioner) and that whi
pany should be wound up toledoit wou ld be Just
Prejudice yourpetitioner and that so would unfairly
part of the members;
(1) (Here set out remedy sought
and conclude),
(2) Or that such other order may be
made in the Premises as shall bejust
‘Note—It is intended to serve ,
this petition on...,..,.........
ee ee)

No. § (Rute )
a (Title)
In the matter of a petition dated
. :
I, ; » of
1, (In the caseof service of + make oath and say ;—
member,officer or servant at pet iti on on a companyby leav it wi
at the principal or last knownthe registered office, or if no reging
Principal place of business of ere d off ice
“ThatI did on the company),
day, the day of — 19
(or servant) of the said co
duly sealed with the seal ofmpany & Copy of the above-mentioned petition,
aforesaid), before the hour the Court, at (office or Place of business as
of in the
_ 2, (In the case of no memb noon.
found at the registered office or, off icer or servant of the comp
place of business) any being
That I did on
having failed to find any day, the — day of
me mb er , officer or servant of the 19;
company at (here state reg above-named
& copy of the above-mentio ist ere d off ice or place of business), leave
Court, before the hour ned Petition, duly sealed with the seal of the
(add where such sea of the in
~ placed in letter box,led Copy was left, e.g, affixedthe noon
or otherwise.) to do or of off ice s, or
_ 3. (In the case of direct
' servant of the company ions by the Court as to the member,officer or
to be served),
a =
That I didon = day, the day of —

petition, duly-sealed
together with a true wit h the seal of the Court, by
copy of the order delivering the same
for substituted service dat
(plac8)before the hour of9, personal to the said ,at
4,The said petition is
in the - floon,
at, &e, now protluced and shown
to me, marked A, sworn
' —
B 390 | | Companies Winding Up Rules

No, 6 (Ruzz 17)

. (Title) .
In the matter of a petition, dated.mismnmmnsnnnununnn» for winding up
the abovecompany (by) or (under the supervision the Court (as the case
"may be.) .
I, » Of vg » make oath
and say :— a -
That I did, 020ecmnnnninnunnnnnumannnsnAy, themnancnnnmrnnmnnniay of
19-niney SetVE (name and description) the liquidator of the above-named
company, with a copy of the above-mention petition, duly sealed with the
seal ofthe Court, by delivering the same personally to the said at (place)
before the hour of... in the
Thesaid petition. is now produced and shown to me, marked A,
Sworn at, &c., .

No. 7 (Rutz 30)

~ Title)
I, AB., of. ; ‘m Make oath and say thst such of
_ the statements in the petition now produced and shown to me, and marked
with the letter A, as 1 to (a) my own Acts and deeds are true, and such
of the said statements as relate to the acts and deeds of any other person or
persons I believe to be true,
Sworn, & c,

“No, 8 (Rote 30)

(Title) |

I, AB., of. vou MaKe

oath and say as follows :— : o ,
1,1 am (State CAPACity) Of,

2. 1 have been concerned in this matter in such capacity and am duly

authorised by the said petitionerto make this affidevit on its behalf,
3. Such of the statements in thepetition nowproduced and shown to me
_ marked with the letter A as relate to the acts and deeds ofthe said petitioner
Companies Winding Up Rules
are true, and such of the statements as rela
other person or persons I believe to betrue,te to the acts and deeds of any |
~ Sworn, & c, .

| director, seretary, manager, solicitor,” (capacity : eg

No. 9 (Ruze 19)

| | (Title) :
Notice is hereby given that a petition for the
winding up of the above (a) If the
named Company by (a) the Court holden Winding-up
at sttnsinnsannninnsonmny WAS, is to be sub-
on the.. . . day of. Ject te super
» 19... 3 presented vision, insert
to the saidCourt BY (B)emnenmmnn : instead of
And that the said petition is directed to be , “by”,the
advertised and sat down for words “sub.
mention before the Court sittingat. , _on the. ject to the
day of... , 19
: of”,

3 and any creditor or

contributory of the said Companydesirous to
_ of an order on the said petition may appearat supp ort or oppose the making
"or by his counsel for that purpose + and a copythe time of hearing in pe
i ofth e petition will be fur-
undersigned to any creditor or contributory
copy on paymentof the regulated charge tore said Com-
the same.
Signed (c) (Name)
Address (5) Insert
name and
addrees of
Note :—Any person who intends to appear petitioner,
on the hearing of the said
petition must serve on or send bypost to the abov
e-named, notice in writing () To be
- person of,if a firm, the name and address of the

the solicitor
the person orfirm,or his or their solicitor (if any), and must be signed by to the peti-
posted, must be sent by post in sufficient time and must be served, or if
not to reach the above-named
later than 48 working hours before the date the
er tfSolici
he has
in rt. Petition is tor mention no

No, 10 (Rozz 19)


Notice is hereby given that petition for an ordertha
t (a) or for such other (a) Insert
Order as shall be just was presented to the Court holden
at on
the w lay of os )
~ sought in
prayer of
3 by (6) And petitioner,
‘that the said petition is directed to be advertised and
sat down for mention
~ before the Court sitting at on the
day of ae , 19 ; and anycreditor or
_ Companies Winding Up Rules
| contributory ofthe said Company desirous to support or oppose the making |
ofan-order ‘on the said petition may appear atthe time of ing in person
or by his counsel for that purpose ; and 2 copy of the petition will be
furnished by the undersigned to any creditor ‘or contributory of the said.
Company requiring such copy on payment of the regulated charge for the

Signed (c) (Name).


Note :—Any person whointends to appear on the hearing of the said

petition must serve on or send by postto the above-named,notice in writing
ofhis intention so to do. The notice muststate the name and address of the
person or, if a firm, the name and address of the firm, and must be signed
by the person or firm, or hisor their solicitor (if any), and must be served,
orif posted, must be sent by post in sufficient timeto reach the above-named
notlater than 48 working hours before the date thepetitions is for. mention
in Court. ,

No. 11 (Routes 21. anp 29)


the | Day OF einen 19...
Upontheapplication, &c,, and upon readi , &e. the Court
doth hereb
appoint (one of) theOfficial Receiver (s) attachedvo the Court (or as
be provisional Liquidator of the above-named Company. may be) rd
hereby limit and restrict the powers of thesaid ProvisionaAnd the Court doth’
l Liquidator to the
followingacts, thatisto say (describe the acts which the provisional Liquidator
_ isto be authorised to do the property of which heis to take possession.)
_ Note.—It will be the duty of such of the
out orto concur in making outa statement ofperso ns as areliable to make
affairs as the Official Receiver
may require to attend on the Official Receiver at such time
may appoint and to give him and place as he
all information hemay require, -
Companies Winding Up Rules B393
No, 12 (Rutz 23)
oo | (Title) —
Takejotiee, tha AB, of (a)
tory holdi:
a creditor for iof (or contribu- (2)Statefull
) shares in) the above company intends to
_ hearingofthe petition advertised to be hea appear on the
and to support (or oppose) suchpetition rd on the dayof ,19 , faae,be
eee .
| name of the
| (Signed) (c) firmand
; - (Address.) @)
6 orate

elass of
shares held.

{c) To be

or his solici-
tor or Agent.

. - No. 13. (Rutz 24) .

The following are the namds' those who
intention to attend the hearing ofthof have give. notice of their
e petition herein, on the...o
dayof. 919

| Name and -
Address Creditors Contributories |
Name| Address| of Amount
Number of Opposing ing
Solicitor of debt shares -
of party
coho has
B 394 Companies Winding Up Rules
| No, 44(Rowe 27)
To the Official Receiver ofthe Court.
| (Address) oe
"_, Order pronouncedthis daybythe Honourable Mr Justice memwmmmmnnnse
forwindiog wp the under-mendoned company the Companies Act,

Name of Registered Petitioner’s | Date of.

Company Of of Solicitor Presentation
any ofPetition

No,15 (Rutz 27)

(Tithe) |
Orderpronounced this day by theHonourable Mr Justicemnsmmnmme.
for the appointment of
@) as provisional Liquidator of the
(raermendioned company prior to any windingup orderbeing made,

Name of _ Registered Petitioner’s | Date of

Company Ofice of ; Solicitor Presentat:
ompany ofPetition
Companies Winding Up Rules B 395
"No, 16 (Rous 29)
| day of. | , 19.

- (ren)
petition of the above-nanied Co, ay (or AB,of & Cy a -
ee r y ofthe abou
(orenbuto ote
aboveenamed Company) a’
me 19.ny preferred unto the Coe andupon hearing
the petitioner, and Mooverssereeene for
and upon reading the iyttan
l affidavit
of of ((the said petition), M, filed and ae
petition svof oe at
vi an nn
day of.oga of papers of the. em
(enter other papers), Each containin,g an advestisementofthesaidpetition.
— Giteraa
e y ss
wound up by this Court under the provisionsoftheCom
that (one ob) the Official Recetver(e) attached to this Courtbeconstituted
Provisional Liquidator of the affairs of the Company,
And it is ordered that the cost of the said petition be paid out of the assets
of the said Company, oo
- Note-—It will be the duty of such of the persons asare liable to make out
oF to conrir in making out sateen
¢ affairs as the Official Receiver
may require to attend on the Official Receiver at such time and place as he
may appoint and to sive him all information he may require,

No.17 (Ruze 30 (2)



day, the day of — a)

tHe |
Upon the petition, &e,, this Court doth order that the vo:oluntary windin,
op OF the $8idemmummnnnunnddsited, be continued, bet ect to ie
ision ofthis Court ;sand any ofthep:
ander d voluntary
ling-up may be asthe Court shall think ;handit
it is ordesedthat -
the liquidator a in the voluntary winding-up of the
aid Company,
orothe the ligt forthe time being, do onthe
next, sad thenceforth every three months file with dhs Begiseara Sepost
in writing as to the position of, and the progress madewith, the winding-up
of the said Company, and with the realization of the assets thereof and: as.
any other matters connected with the winding-up as the Court may from
t to timedirect, And itis ordered that n0 bills ofcosts, charges OFexn
B36: Companies Winding Up Rules
or special remuneration of any solicitor, empl
_ said Company, or any remuneration oyed by the liquidator of the
, char
or of any manager, accountant, auctioneer, ges or expenses of such liquidator,
out of the assets of the said Com any, unle brok er or other: person, be paid
of remuneration, shall, have been allow by sss uch costs, charges, expenises
that all such costs, char, 8, expensesedand’ the Registrar, And it is ordered
accordingly, And it is ordered that the cost remuneration, be ascertained
insert any directions as to allowance of costss of the petitioner and of (have
@ ing), And the creditors, contributoriof es
the petitioner and of person
pany, andall other persons inte and liquidator of the said
generally as there may be occasion, rested, are to be at liberty to apply

No, 18-(Rutz 34),

| (Title) | De
and say as follows ;— of, many Take oath —
1, The accounthereunto annexed, marked with
and shown to me at the time of sweating this the letter-A,produced
ing to be my account as special manage my sffidavit,. and purport-
sbove named r of the estate or business ofthe
any, contains true account of all and every
sum ofmoneyreceived by me or by-a sums and
or to
nyo ther pers on orp erso ns bymy order
said caste arnieoF
or belief for stiy ‘use om
y account or in respect of the
2, The several sums of mon ey mentioned in the said account hereby
Yetified to have been paid or allowed hav e actu ally
allowed for the several Purp and trul y so paid and
oses in the said account mentioned,
3. The said account is just and
true in all and every theitems and patti.
— _ culars therein contained, accordingto the best of my knowledge and belief, -
Sworn &e,
| .
No, 19 (Rutz 35)
| (Title)
_ Statement of afft8 Off thmmmmmndlay of |
the date ofthe wind! “up.order, 119;
- directed by the Official Receiver.*
I/We. : vn
make oath and say that the statement made overl of.
eaf. and theseveral lists
hereunto annexed marked
are tothe best of my/our know-
ledge and belief a full, true. and. complete stat
ementas to the affairs of the.
above named company, on the, day of.
the date ofthewinding-up order, directed by 19
the Official Receiver; F
Companies Winding Up Rules B397
and that the said companyearries on the following business :—+
Sworntt..... , )this... nmnannnuublay of
‘nmin 19mm) Signature(s)
Before me. . )
A Commissioner of Oaths, co
- The Commissioner is particularly requested, before scaringthe affidavit
to ascertain that the full name, address and description of the Deponent are
stated, andto initial any crossings-outor other alterations in the printed form,
A deficiency inthe vit in any ofthe above respects will entail its refusal
_ by the Court, and will necessitate it being re-sworn,
_ Note.—Theseverallists annexed are not exhibits to the Affidavit, .

No, 20 (Rutz 41) |

In the matter, zc,

1, A.B., the Official Receiver of the Court (oras the case may
be) Chair-
san of a meeting of the Creditors (or Contributories) of the above- named
Company, summoned by advertisement in BE.rnenmnninnuanianenninDOWEPEPES
of the y 19 9 and in the Gazette
of the suminnennnanmean

19muy afd by notice dated


sa 19..umy and held on the

‘of. 19 ’ at
' do Fh report to the Court the result of such meeting as. follows :— .
_ The said meeting wasattended, either personally or DYPLOKY, DYerennnrenmone
Creditors whose proofs of debt against the said Company wereadmitted for
voting purposes, amounting in the whole to the value of 8 a
svnvwmContributories, holding in the wWholeseremm.a#9'nn8hAtes in the said
Company, and entitled respectively by the regulations ofthe Company to
The question submitted to the saidmeeting was, whether the Creditors
(or Contributories) of the said Company wished that an application should
e made to the Court for appointing 1) a Liquidator in the place of the
“Official Receiver and (2) a Committee of Inspection (or other the proposal
‘submitted to the meeting). .
The said meeting was unanimously of opinion that the said proposal
should (or should not) be adopted ; (or the result of the voting upon —
question was as follows) :(a) such
© Dated this nmmuntlay of, sen 19
(Signed) Chairman.
B398' Companies Winding Up Rules

oe No, 21(Rutz 41(5)) |

(Tithe) . .
7 the nnn dey of, oh9,
Upon the application of the Official Receiver and Provisional
. of the above-named
Company, by summons

heating the applicant in person and upon reading the order

dated cannuannmnnnnnns
tid upon

$ aid Com
of wind up the
iatedsinrnto p een
monnunnn’Qui and the re
ceiver of results of the mectings of Creditors an
orts of the Offici Re-

the Court and

Contributories made to
respectively dated

tmmaninnnn & t0 the fitness of the Liquidator herein

} e nnn
the affidavit of eddesenensanpaueanragiag

sensei day of eaaseatcanca

after named filed on the

It is ordered that. . sting

mmmappointed Liquidator of the aboyof. .
eenamed Company,
(0) Andit is ordered that the following persons be appointe
of Inspectionto act with d a Committee
the said Liquidator, namely :—
And it is ordered that the said Liquidator do herein 7
date ofthis days from the
ordergive security to the sa facto
by the Companies (Winding-up) Rules 1983, ry ofthe Regis: trar asC
Andnotice ofthis orderis to be gazetted and advertised in theninninonnnnnenn
No,22 (Rute 41 (6), |
In the matter.
‘ » Limited,
By orderOf thesnnnunuunn» dated the... dayof
Mr 19 e ns
of. has been appointed
Liquidator of the above-named company with (or without)
Inspection, a Committee of
. -
DATEDthi8vinnicmnnmnnininunnn AY Of 119.0
No. 23 (Rutz 42) |
. (Title) i
This is to certify that A.B,, of...

who was on the

wa dayof,
appointed Liquidator (or Special Manager) of the abo . 19, ’
has dulygiven security to the satisfaction of the Registrar,nam ed Com pany,
DATED hi8.ecccesnsesenvninrannnannnndayof... , 19...
Companies Winding Up Rules B 399
_. . No, 24 (Rute 44)
. (Title) - Se
Upon reading the reports of the Official
Receiver in the above matter,
- dated respectively the day of,
, wd
da a ,
It is ordered that the severa persons who 19, and
forth in theschedule hereto dolatte se names and addresses are set
nd before the Court on a day and ata plac
to be named for the purp ose, e
or formation ofthe rompany, a8and be publicly ‘examined as to the motion
to the conduct ofthe business ofthepro
and a8 to their conduct an dealings as dire compan
ctors or officers ofthe company, y


Name | — Address - Connection with the Company

B 400 | -Companiés Winding Up Rules
No,25 (Rute 46) |
(Title) :
(a) Insert Whereas by an order of this Court,made on e
dizector Or Quinny it Was ofdered that you, the undermentioned o
queer (oras before thesmuninmmmnmm should attend
be), the purpose, and be publicOOutt on a day and at a place to beena for
lyexamined asto thepromotionor formamed
‘ + thecompany, and astothe-co
to your conduct and.dealings nduct
.of thebusiness of the company, and as
siner ,
And whereasthe, day of... ; 19
in CHOcrriinsssmnnann
annmnnnnninT ON befor.e the
sitting MEoreerenmmmeniuninn

for holding the said examination,

e~€niimneNAS been appointed as the time and place

Notice is hereby given thet you ate required to attend at the said
and place, and at any adjournments ofthe examinationwhich time
may beordered,
and to bring with you and produce all books Papers, and writings and
documentsin your custody or power in anyway relatingtothe above other

And take notice that if you fail, without reason

able execuse, to attend at
such time and place, and at the adjournments of the said public examination
' which may be ordered, you will be liableto be comm
itted person without.
further notice, | a
Dated the day of, sng
To. in Official Receiver,

No, 26 (Rutz 48)

ToCommissioner of Police ofthis State and all police office
jurisdiction of the Court, and to the governor or Keeper of the rs within the
insert the prison.)
(q) Name - -Whereas by Order of the Court dated.............. 19
required. _ was ordered to attend before the Court on a day and | (a)
to attend, for the purpose of being publicly examined, at a place to be name
And whereas evide
nce taken upon oath, it hath been made to appear
Gremeor 6. thesatisfactionfie Court thatthe. day of, errney
cer before Asnr)Clock in tOn
nn OO before (D)ii
whom exami- a4 C)aminuts appointed as the time andFisce for mmnnBitting
nationis said examination, and that holding the -
notice of the said order an of the said time and -
be held, placeso appointed was duly served uponthe said (a),
“Companies Winding Up Rules
B 401
(And whereas the said (a)
attend on the said . did without good cause fail to- (c)
the purpose of being examined, day of. 9 fi Placeof
acc ord nation,
ing to the
e 1

order ofthis Court made on re uirements of thesaid, 7 or

directing him so to attend,) the _ day 7 » 19...

(or, and that thereis reason to believ (ot, and thatthesaid (a) has absconded
1968 d) with a view to avoidi e that the said (a) is about to
ng examination under the Compan
ies Act,
These are therefore to Yeq
any of your officers authoriseuir e you the said Commissio
d by you, to take the said (2) ner ofOo
Police and
: deliver him to the governor or
keeper of
the said governor orkeeper to rec the above-named ptison, and:
eiv e the you
- keep in thesaid prison until such sai d (a) - and him safely to.
time as this Court mayorder, -
_ Dated this BAY Of reno veg9
No, 27 (Rutz 55)
At the (public) examinationof(2)
held before () egny Ae
ME CHB vaecnicsunmennne day of
. , 19 , the following person
question was allowed by meto be ordered to
putto thesaid attend for
(hereinaftercalled “the Witness”) . examination,

Q. (6)
The Witness refused to-answer the (6) Here
the said questions asfollows -— said question (or) The Witness ans State
wered - question.
A, (c)

T thereuponnamed the
day of , 19 (c) Here
at ,;
wm 48 the time and place for such answers: (if
answer to
be feported
to the Hon,
Mr Justice
enin, eveetsaceecenees

Dated this M
MM day of
, 19,

Registrar -
(or as the case may be)
B 402 Companies Winding Up Rules
Form No, 28 (Ruta 57)
| (Title)
Pursuantto an Order of the Court dated the...
. day of nr 19,

Ty main seca | , the Liquidator of the above-named

_ company, hereby disclaim alliinterest in the Tease dated the —ecmmennnnmrninn
day of . wongAD. » Whereby the
premises (a) were demised to
at a rent. of
(2) Insert per annum for a term of
of the

Notice ofthis disclaimer has been given to
Dated this.... AY OF mmnnnnrsnmannonsntDerry


Form No,29 (Rute 57.)

tle .

Take Notice that,pursuant to an Order of the Court, dated Cer

day of... MDcananiony Ty
the Liquidator of the above-named company, by writing
under my hand
bearing date the ; inmmuday of om 19..
disclaimed aflin interets in the lease dated the. munmuday Of,
19mm Whereby the PEEMISES (4)eennmunenncinnnnnnnnn
nOEE demised to
ata rent of N...
per annum for aterm of
_ The above-mentioned disclaimer has been filed at the office of the
Rept .
AtB) ann
Dated this. A mney 19)

To nota, (address)
Companies Winding Up Rules — BB 408

No.30 (Rute 61)


‘Take notice that I, the (a

‘appointed liquidator of the above-named company, and have been (a) Name of
_ Mentioned (5).
thaty ou, the under~ liquidator
. » are required wi thin... (6) Name
days after service hereof, to pay to me(or deliver,
het to or into my fas) conve y, surrender, or of person
settee as liquidatora to whom
the said com at my office, situate at (c):
the eum of ve Y +» Notice js
’ ( ‘ay beingtheamount ofdebt addressed,
appearing to be due from you on your accountwith the
money, property, books or said company (or any _-
ts), (or specifical
now being in your hands, and to which the saidly describle the property) Q Address
otherwice as the case maybe). companyis entitled (or liquidstor’s
. office,
Dated thiSvinmnnnmnmnnnicsineindB Ofcmemes
| © (SHE)tere ee
To (b)
- Liquidator.

_ No, 31 (Rutz 62)


‘The followingis a list of members
ofthe companyliable to be placed
the list ofcontributories ofthe said com on
and papers of the said company, togethpany, made out by mefromthe books
the numberofshares (or extent of inte er with their respective addresses and —
rest) to be attrib d to each and the
amountcalled up and the amount paid up in respectute
of euch shares (or
_ interest) so far as have been able to
make outoras certain the same.
In thefirst partof the list, the personswh
rightare distinguished. oare contributories in their own
oe jn the second part of the said
bei lst, the personswho are contributori
ngrepresentatives ofor being lieblefor es
the debts ofothers, are distinguisheasd
B 404 s
Companies Winding UpRule

2, 2 f 4&4 | on: TF 6
“| Amount
Number of called up Amount paid
Serial Namaand Address| shares (or
No. Description at date of upatdaie —
extent 9; commence of commenn
1 pO - Interest ment of | cement of
windingaup | windinguup

Supplemental list can be made, when new

after the first list, Contributories are ascertained

No, 32 (Rute 63,)

Take notice that I,
muthe liquidator
of the above-named company, have appointed the
day of. oo a of the clock
I ChemninimnnannnnnnnnDOOH, at (2) .
in the county of._ | |
of the contributories of the above-named ,to settle the list
company, made out by me,pursuant
to the Companies Act ; 1968, and the rules thereund
— included in such list, The character ahd: the numbe er, and that you are
intefest)in and for which you are included and ther: of shares (or extent of
amount called up:and
Companies WindingUp Rules | -B405
the amountpaid up in respect of such shar
_ df no sufficient cause is shown by you to theescont
(or interést) is stated below; _
_ aforesaid, the list will be settled, including you rary at the time and place .
there in.
' _ Dated this day of... 19
"To Mr A. B, (or to Mr C.D, |
his solicitor), oo

1, 2. 3. , 4, ; 5. 6. . 7,
Amount Amount
| |Number| called paid up
No.| Name In what up at
on |. and at date
| Addvews character Shares date of of com-
List Description |. included (or com. mencea
extent mencea ment of
of In- ment of winding
terest) winding up
| up

Note,—Contributories are under no obligation

referred to in the above. Notice if they are to attend the appointment
Contained in the notice are correct, satis fied that the particulars
A shareholder's name cannot beomitted from the List of Contributoties
"oN accountofhis inability topay calls ; this
application is made for paymentofthecalls,question will be dealt with when
__A change of address may be notified bygiving notice
the dateed for the appointment. ‘by post BEFORE

No. 33 (Rutz 64)


Pursuant to the Companies Act, 1968, and to the rules made thereunder,
I, theundersigned, being the liquidator ofth e above-namedcompany, hereby
B 406 Companies Winding Up Rules
certify that the result of the settlement of the
above-named company so far asthesaid fist heslist
of contributories of the
settled, up to the date
of this certificate, isasfolllows:—~ a
1, The several persons whose siames areset forth in the
of the First Schedule second column
hereto have been includedin the
as contributories ofthe said company in respectof the said list ofcontributories
_ Set opposite thenames ofsuch contributories respective (2)rns
ly in the safd schedule,
T have,in the first part of the said schedule, distinguished such
several persons included in the said list as are contributories of the said
right, in their own
7 oo _
I have, in the second part of the said schedule, distinguished such
said several persons included in the said list as are contr of the
representatives of or being liable for the debts of others, ibuto ries as being
2. The several persons, whose names are set forth the secon
ofthe Second Schedule hereto, were included in. in d column
the provisional list of
- contributories, and have been excluded from the said list of
3. I have, in the fifth column ofthefirst Schedule and in the
of the secon sixth column
d part of the First Schedule and in the samecolumn of the
Second Schedule, set forth opposite the name of each of the severa
respec l persons
tively the date when such person was included in or excluded from
the said list of contributories,
4, I have, in the sixth and seventh columns ofthe first part
| Schedule hereto and in the seventh and eighth columnsof the of the First.
the said' Schedule, set forth secon d part of
opposite the names of each of the said persons _
respectively the amountcalled up at the date of the commencement of the
winding up and the amountpaid up at such date in respec
a (or interest), t of their shares -
5. Before settling the said list, I was satisfied by the affidav
it of
“ , Clerk to
sas » duly filed with
the- proceedings herein, that notice was duly sent by post to each of the
persons menti oned in the said list, informing him that he was included insuch .
list in the character and for the (a)........ .
stated therein, and of the amount called up and the
amountpaid up in respect:
ofsuch shares (or interest) and of the day appointed for nally settling the
said fist, ;
Dated this day of. 19

- No, 34 (Ruxe 65)


"Takenotice that I, , , the liquida-
tor of the above-named company,have, by certificate dated the.cemnrnrommaron
day of.. se 19 wey Under my hand, finally settled
Companies Winding Up Rules
B 407
the list of contributories of the
suchlist. The character and thesai d company, and that youare included
and for which you are included num ber of shares (or extent of interest) in
paid up in reapect of such shares and the amount called up and the amo in
(ori unt
nterest) is stated below.
Anyapplication by you to vary the saidl
"Mame inay be excluded therefrom, ist of céntributories, or that your
21 days from the service on you oft mus tbe made by you to the-Court within
tained, his notice, or the same will not be
~The said list may be inspected
by you at the office of the Regist
(a) rar at
on anyday between the hours of......:se
and ' man
Daren sn .
day of..... wm wmaQos curser y
. {orto (Sg ) . Liquidator
* his solicitor) oo

1. 2 7s 4. 5. 6. 7.
. . Amount Amount
No.| Name Number called paid up
In what] - of upat
in and Address character! at date
List Description Shares date of of com-
tncluded\ (or commence- mence-
- extest iment of ment of
| of winding winding
Interest up up

No. 35 (RULE 66)

| ae (Title)
Upon the
application of W.N,, yA su
day of...... mmonsdated the.. -.
tributories of the 9 » for an order that the listo
com y and the liquidator’s fcon.
same be varied by ex. din certificate finally settling the
case may be), and upon hea g the nameof the applicant theref
rin rom (or, as the
emmnnamannmunmmdt 18 g, &.C., and upon FeAMING B.Cocicsice csacsce.,
company and the liquidators’ ordere d, that the list of contribut
excluding the-hame ofthe sai cert ific ate finally settling the samori
es of the
d W.N. from thesaid varied
by including the name of the list contributories or
said W.N, as a contributof
for., ory in the said list
shares, (or as the case may
be) or the Court
*B408 Companies Winding Up Rules

does not think fit to makeany order on the said application, except
said W.N. dopayto liquidator of the said company, his costs of this that the
tion. .
applica- -
. oo

No.36 (Ruz 68 (2))

. Take notice that a meeting of the committee of inspection of the above
company will be held at. : on the (a)
day of. WDeinmny at
snnininuninninnnnninnnddClock in the noon, for the °
purpose of considering and obtaining the sanction ofthe committee
to a call
OF PRninmnninnnnnmunnmanuinunpeF Share proposed to be made by the liquida
on the contributories. tor
. .
Annexed hereto isa statement showing the necessity for the proposed
and the amountrequired. call
Dated this . day of. 19...
| . (Signed)
| Ligiidat

1. The amount due in respect of proofs admitted against the compan
up, forte th y, -
e coors thee cotGhaupes and expenses of the winding
up, form in the aggregate the sum entmmnmnnnnnvnmme£,odt there-
- abouts, .
2. The assets of the company are estima
FY,emrnererninanrnnsrnnrnnrnnsDHELE ALE NO other assetsted to realise the sum of
, except the amounts due
- from certain of the contributories to the company, and in my opini
on it will
not be possible to realise in respect of the said amount more than BEacm ei

3. Thelist of contributories tas been uly settled, afdoiimnicme

nnsmsn ne,sie
persons have been settled on the list in respect of the total number of..
4. For the purpose of satisfying the several debts
and liabilities of the
company, and of paying the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up,
I estimate that a sum Of Moicmmenncs will be required in
addition to the amount of the company’s assets herein-before
5. In order to provide the said sum of % is ; it
babiligy that some of thes goee Sn having regard tothepro-
bability thatsome of them will partly or wholly fail to pay the amoun
' call, I estimate that for the purpose of realising the amoun t
Necessary that t requir ed it is
a call of ©. . ~wmumpet share should be made,
Companies Winding Up Rules - B 409
(Annex tabular statement showin
assets), g amounts of debts, costs, & C.,
. and of
No. 37 (Rure 68 (2)
- (Title)- oe
Notice is hereby given that the |
Company proposes that a cal undersigned liquidatorof the abo
l should be madeonall the ve-named
contributories of
the said company, or, as the case
may be,
: of
§ .
a meeting of the committee wmimeP@E Share, and that he has summoned
of inspection of the company,
to be held: at

. A statement showin
for which it is.intendedgmay
the necessity of the Propos
be obtained on applicationed call and the
to the liquidator at his
office at (a)...

dayof. . , 19

| No,38 (Rute 68 (4) av

| Resolved, that a CONOF Bacccseonnnns,
onall the contributories of share made by the liquid
the company(or, as the be
case may be)..

(Signed) |
_ Members of the Conzunitt
_ Dated this . day of. 19
BAD Companies Winding Up Rules

oe _ . No. 39(Ruiz 69).

| (Title)
Let the several persons whose names and addresses ateset
- second column of the schedule hereto, being contr forth in the
ibutories of the above-
named company, as shown in the third column of
the said schedule, attend
BE nr rernie . on the day of
nang 19 ay at sone o'clock in the
severttintnsetnnittnnaae noon, on the hearing of an appli
cation on the part
of the (Official Receiver and) fiquidatorof the companyfor
an order that he
may be at liberty to makea callto the amountof...~ per
share on
all the contributories (or, as the casemay be) ofthe said comp
Datep this onmunnrsinnn ay of ;
This summons was taken out by. . of
Solicitors for the (Official Receiver and)

- Note :—If you donotattend either in person or by your

time and place above-mentioned, such order will he made Solicitor at the
taken as the Court may think just and expedient. and proceedings
Number on List Name and Address -| In what character:
Companies Winding Up Rules B4i1
. No. 40 (Ruxz 69)

of the above-named company, make cath_and
. the liquidator
sayas follows :—
1. I havein the schedule now produced and
letter A, set forth a statement showing shown tome, and marked with the
the amount due in respect of the debt
provedand admitted against the said s
the costs, charges and expenses of andcomp
any, and the estimated amount of
thereof, which several amounts form in the dental to the windingupthe affairs
or thereabouts. a te the sum of 4% _
2. Ihavealso in the said schedule set
belonging to the said company, amount forth a statementofthe assets in hand —
ing to the sum of N_..... and
no more. Thereare no otheras sets belongin
amounts due from certain ofthe contributorig to the said company, except the
best of es ofthesaid company,and, tothe
y information and belief, it will
the said amounts more than the sum of3% be impossible to realise in respect of
cee 01 .
Qe cepts-- vinwrmvneneefpergons have been
contributories of the said companyin respect settled by me on the list of
sevenShares, of the total number of..__
4. For the purpose ofsatisfying the
“company and of paying the costs, charseve ral debts and liabilities of the said
ges and expenses of and incidental to
the winding uptheaffairs thereof, I believe the
be required in addition to the amo sumofM will
unt of the assets of the said company
mentioned in the said Schedule A, and the
said sum of Me
, 5+ In order to provide the said sum of Bec
to make call upon the several persons who hav cmnsinmmeny it 18 necessary
e been settled on thelist of

Sworn, #6.
: No. 41 (Rue 69)
In the matterof......

Notice is hereby giventhat the 5)

(a) Name of
~rtenwnnnttsnennnmmenneene COUrt has appointed
the : day of - 19.
at ies ’clock in the
noon, at (5) State —
)~) to hear an application for place of
all the contributories of the said company (or as the leave to make a call on appuintment.
case may be) and that the
B42. _ Companies Winding Up Rules
liquidator ofthe said companypr
Traceeae persons interested opo are
ses that such call shall be for 3
Place, to offer objections to such call, entitled to attend at such day, hour and -
Daten this dayof

L e id f,

No. 42 (Rurzs 69 AND 71)

| — (Titey
The manly Of.
Upon the application by sum
mons dated
(OfRiat Recelver and): La ne mre
of the above-named com any, ny OFthe
reading the order to wind up and upon
tributories of the said companytheanab
ove-named Company the list of
the Liquidator’. certificate of the con -
settlement ofthe samefiled final
said (Official Receiver and) liquidat +19... the affidavit ofthe
or,filed the day of __.:
19my and the exhibit marked “A
” therein referred to, and an affida
vit of

filed the cnualay of

It is orderedthat leave be given tot | ; 19...
to make a call of35 he (Official Receiver and) liquidato
(@) Oras the said Compan Per share onall the contributori r
y(a).. es of the
mmemey And it is ordered that eac
h such contributory do on or before. the -
, day of
Receiver and) liquidator of the 2 19... pay to the (Official
duefrom him or her in respect said Company, the amount which will be
ofsuch call, -
No. 43 (Rutz 70)
. | (Title)
fheaonof and) Liquidatoro
f the above-named Company,in
me the (Official Receiver
teeof--~-made (or pas pursuance of ()
sed)this.... day of
Inspection. hereby make a call a
- contributories of the Company, whi per share on all the
@)Insert ch sum is to he paid at myoffice (6
rinnindna ADD ABE rrortinmmnnnsday Of )...
° Datep this
day of, , 19,
Companies Winding Up Rules B 413
No,44 (Roz 71) -
(Tithe) . —
___ Take notice that the committee of inspection in the winding of this
company have’sanctioned a call of ; per shareon all
the contributories of the company.
The amountduefrom youin respect of the callis the sumof
i sum should be paid by you direct to me at my office (a) on or before @ State
the. day of. 19,
7 Dated this - day of... nove cD
To Liquidator,
Note.—I€ you do not pay the sum due from you
by the date mentioned .
. interest will be claimed on such at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum from
the said date until payment. .
No. 45 (Rute 71)
. . (Title)
The amount due from you, A.B., in respect of the call made pursuant
to leave
given by the above (or within) order is the sum ofHe
which sum is to be paid by you to me as the liquidator of the said company
at myoffice(q).....
_. . In default of paymentinterest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will
be charged upon the amount unpaid from the. :
day of 19... » until payment.
Daten this : day of
19 | . .
To ei Liquidator.
+ No. 46 (Rute 72) |
L ~0£. .
the liquidator ofthe above-named company, make oath andsay as follows :—
_ 1. The.contributories of the said company, whose names areset forth in
the schedule hereto annexed, marked A, have not paid or caused to be paid
the sums set oppositetheir respectivenames in the said schedule, which sums -
are the amounts now duefrom them respectively under the call. Oren
-ransmuriammnnunneronmnunun DE Share, duly madeunder the Companies Act, 1968,
dated the day of. 19
2, The respective amounts ot sums set opposite the names of such con-
Hibutories respectively in such schedule are the true amounts due and owing
by such contsi jes respectively in respect of the said call.
B 414 Companies Winding Ub Rules
. TS hat -
No. ot | Nameand | Address a
List Description Character | - Amountdue
| included

Sworn, &c. . , .
Note.—In addition to the we affidavit, an affidavit of the service of the
application for the call will bere
quired in cases in which the Committee of
Inspection or the Court has authoris ed a call to be made,
No. 47 (Ruiz 72)
The day of . 19.
(Title) :
_ Upon the application of the Liquidator
and kpon reading an affidavit of of the abo ve- nam ed company
day of. filed the, sete
» 19... and an affidavit of Liquidator, file
the, day of. cp
that C.D., of, &c. (or E.F., of, &c., the » it is
personal representative of
late of, &c., deceased), one of the contri LM.,
if against several contributories, the severaltories of the said company (or,
column of the schedule to . this order, beinpersons named in the second
ofthesaid company), do, on or beforethe g respectively contributories
y of.
after service of this order, payto ,A.B.,
19 , or subsequently within four days
the Liquidator of the said company
at his off ice,(a)
the sum ofHo
all, out of theassets of the said ma inst aleg 1
al personal representative
personal representative as aforesaid, to be ie tana Preeentaiv
administration,ifthe said E.F., has in his hand admi nist ered in due course of |
(or, if against several contributories, the several so muc h to beadministered) ,
to the respective names in the sixth column sum s ofm oney set opposite
of the said schedule hereto),
Companies Winding Up Riles
| B415
such sum (or sums) being
(or L.M.) (or the said sevthe amount (or amounts) due
Of Meper sha
era l persons respectively), in fr
om the said C.D.
pect of the call
re duly made, dated the day

Andit is Ordered that the

- and at the place aforesaid Payt said several Persons do within the like period
interest at the rate of ten o the said A.B. as such Liquidatoras aforesaid,
specified in the sixth columnNaira per centum per annum on the amounts
to the date of payment, ofthe said schedule from |
Andit is Ordered tha the sai
andat the place aforesaidtPa d several persons do within the
like period
the several sums set oppositey to the said A.B., as such Liquidato
ir respective names in the ra s aforesaid,
of the said schedule, such sum bei
of the said application payabl ng the: proportion of the sev
enth column
lic ants costs
e by such several Persons respectiv
(Add approipriatepara aphs as to amounts
and legal personal represgrent payable by married wome
atives (if any),
No.| - Name amount
on In what Amount Proportion
| and — Address! Character payable
List Descrip. due of Costs exclusive of
included |.
tion Interest

N UC ->N ok

Note—The copy for

service of the above ord
ollows:-— _. er must be endorsed:as
. . |
Compinies Winding Up Rules
| No. 46 (Rutz 76) mS
I (a)... a vacneey
make oath and say :

(6) That I am in the employ of the under mentioned creditor, and that
duly authorised. by. I am
a . to make
this affidavi
t, and thatit is within my own knowledge that the debt herein-
after deposed. to was ineurred and for the consideration stated, and that such —
. debt, to the best of my knowledge andbelief,still remains unpaid and unsatis

(cy That I am duly authorised, under the seal of the company

named, to make the proof of debt on its behalf. herein-after _
: -
1, That the above-named company was, at the date of the (*) order
_ winding-up the same,viz., the — day of saney 19
and still isjustly and truly indebted to (d).... | in
‘the sum of. _ : Naira . nekOBO

for (e)... . . , as shown by the

account endorsed hereon, or by the following account, viz +

for. which
sum or any part thereof I say that I have not nor hath (f)momma

or any person by (f) ae mmorder to my

knowledge or belief or (g) rte
had or received any manner of satisfaction or-security whatsoever, save use
except the following () :—

_ NB. you should attendcarefully to these directions,

Compaies Winding Up Rules
B 417

_ Date Draw. Accep- Amount

er tor date
Note This
(€) State con- -
Admitted to vote for _ sideration

N ok

of... 19,
Official Receiver or
Liquidator. nt
ioned bill of
as the case
may be).

- Admitted to rankfor oF
dividend FOPeses cesses

BRmene Keene.

CIS samenday | -
of... sneerADs...
__- Official Receiver or
. Liquidator.

Sworn at
“ ’ 1 -
this day of. , Deponent’s
- Before me crm 9) , Signature.
, ;
Note.—Theproof cannot be
it is properly completed and lodadmitted for voting at thefirst meeting unless
named in the notice convening theged with the Official Receiver bef
meeting, ore the time
(*) Where before
a resolution has beenthe Presentation of the windin
passed g up of & Company by the
commencement of the win 8 by the companyfor voluntary win Court: ;
ding up ding up,the date of the
must be epoated for the
up order (see section 229 oft date of the winding
he Companies Act;
B416 . Compinies Winding Up Rules

No, 46 (Rutz 76)

(a) Fill in I (a) on enn OL cen ss ,
full name,
address,and | :
‘occupation male oath and say :
of deponent
I£ proof
made by
strike out
clauses (6) (8) That I am in the employoftheunder mentioned creditor, and that Iam
and qu duly authorised by. to make
Clerk o- this affidavit, and thatit is within my own knowledge that the debt herein-
agent ofthe after deposed to was incurred and forthe consideration stated, andthat such
company, debt, to the best of my knowledge andbelief,still remains unpaid and unsatis-
strik, fied.
out @). ed oO
(d) Insert (c) That Iam duly authorised, under the seal ofthe company herein-after
“me and to named, to make the proof of debt onits behalf.
-C.D., and
E.F., my
go-pariners 1. That the above-named company was, att the date of the (*) order for
(if any),’” a
clkoo winding-up the same, viz., the. dayof. 91D crn g
agent insert — ,
adaceas, ‘ and still is justly and truly indebted to (d) on : in

thon of prin- the sum of. Naira kobo..

for (€) : as shown by the

‘account endorsed hereon, or by the following account, VIZ

v Svesnerneneinininnen

for vihich

sum orany part thereofI say that I have not nor hath (5)

or any person by (£) order to my

knowledge or belief or (2). use

had or received any mannerof satisfaction orsecurity whatsoever, save and
except the following (4) -—~ .

NB. you should attend carefully to these directions,

Companies Winding Up Rules B 417

| Date Draw-| Accep- Amount

tor date Note This
(6)State con-
' _ Admitted to vote for
Ok Sifeed
delivered by
N. k. me (and my
_ said partner)
to the com-
the_..____-___-day pany between
OfrencrsnesnnneninmernrnaeteDrammen dates of(or
moneys ad-
vanced by
Official Receiver or me in res-
pect of the
Liquidator. ioned bill of
exchange) or,
as the case

(f) “Mysaid
“partners or
Admittedto rank for
Gividemd forieccccscsnsennee '
ed “creditor”
(as the case
NRecesess sssmsets Kuccrsssssee ~ may be),
(g' se ? or

CEES.srrrereserernrnerirsintsereneeddary their’, or

“his” (as the

OLrnc:su case may be),

(A) Here
| ‘Official Receiver or state the
of all securi-
Liquidator. ties are on
the property
of com-

Sworn at ?
ae Deponent’8
this day of. 19, Signature.
Before me

- Note,—Theproof cannot be admitted for voting atthe first meeting unless

itis properly completed and lodged with the Official Receiver before the time
named in the notice convening the meeting.

(*) Where before the presentation of the winding of acompany by the Court
2 resolution has been passed by the company for vol fa winding up, the dateofthe
commiencement.of the ing up must be substituted or the date of the winding
up order (see section 229 ofthe Companies Act, 1948),
B 418 - Companies Winding Up Rules

- No. 49 (RULE 85) _

I (a) of .

falnar ead make oath and say :

ofdevonerd. 1. That the above-named company was on the.
day of. coma WQunnnnnny Ad still is justly and truly
(0)(On Be- indebted to the several persons whose names, addresses and descriptions
Workmen appear in the schedule endorsed hereonin tlie sums severally set against their
and others names in the seventh column of such schedule for wages due to them respec-
employed by tively as workmen or others in the employ of the company in respect of |
‘e- services rendered by them respectively to the company during such periods
a com- 4s ase set out against their respective names in the fifth column of such
schedule and for accrued holiday remuneration so dueto them in respect of
such periods as are so set out in the sixth columnof such schedule, for which
said.sums, or any part thereof, I say that they have not, nor hath any of them
had or received any mannerofsatisfaction or security whatsoever.
. Sworn at
’ Deponent’s
J Signature
this, day of
| WQeverntes
Before me

‘| Period
| Fall Period over
Name , - |. over which
» Now| of Address Description.\ which accrued Amount -
_'+ Work- "|. wages holiday | due
man due remunera-
- tion


Companies Winding Up Rules B 419
No. 50 (Rute 89)


' ‘Take notice that, as (Official Receiver and) Liquidator of the above-named
npany, I have this day rejected your claim against the company
(a) to the extent of Recntsmn on the
following grounds :— -
And further take notice that, subject to the power ofthe Courtto extend
the time, no application to. reverse or vary my decision in rejecting your
~~ proofwill be entertained afterthe expiration OFsecivimrennneimnantcn mmm
days from this time. _
Dated this day of......... sy 19. »
Signature. ; ; — ; : wn
Address. , . ~

To ; — (Of er and)
(Official Receiver and

No.51 (Rutz 96)

I hereby certify that the following isa correct list of all proofs tendered to
mein the above matter during the past month.
Daten this sav cinemas BY OF 19.

Proofs Tendered

Whether admitted,
- Name of: Amount . reected or If admitted
Creditor of standing over Amount
Proof forfurther
B420 Companies Winding UpRules
No.52 (Rutz 101 (1) )
- 'A (@) dividend ‘is intended declared in-the above matter. You are
mentioned as a creditor in the statementof affairs,‘but you have not yet —
proved your debt. of
Ifyou do not prove your debt by the. dayof.
19.ncrennninsnany YOU Willbe-excluded from this dividend. = =,
DATED this ioeeennrnnenernnnnnnnmnnnnnanne Gay OF sins . saci, 1pm
- nus
. ToX.Y. Liquidator, *
(Address) —
No. 53 (Rute 101 (1). )
_ (Title)
_ ‘Take notice that a final dividend is intended to be declared inctionthe above
do not establi sh. your claim to the satisfa of the
' matter, and that ifyou
court on or Before the eelantannnnenrinnmmnnelBY OF vninninea ed, andItninnny LD
or such later day as the Court may fix, your claim will be expung
~ shall proceed to makea final dividend without regard to such claim.
To X.Y.

No..54 (RuxE 101(3) )

o | (Title)
Address... :

Date conon 19
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE Nthat a dividend of...k in the 3¥has been
that the same may be receiv ed at my office, as
-- declared in this matter,and inven 19
' above, on the : dayOF
en the hours
or any subsequent weekday, CXCEPt.-mnmemmmmmmmunnnenny betwe
of. an sa
ator when
() This. form must be presented, or returned, to the Liquid notes
application for paymentis made. Any bills of exchange,
or other negotiable instruments held by you must be produ
Companies Winding Up Rules ) B 421

@Ify a desc the dividend to bepaid to some other perion you should
Nese| lodge with the Liquidator an authority ii n theprescribed form
0. 54.
(ti) If you do not desire to attend personaly you anvost fill up, sign and
return the form of authority below, when a dividend payable order will be
delivered in accordance with the authority.
' ” v) Dividend payable orders lapse if not presented for payment within
3 months ofthe Eg day of the month ofissue butwill be re-issuedafter
that period on application to the Department of Trade and Industry.
The fee payable on re-issue of a payable order is 30k where the order isfor
210 or less, and 50k where the order exceeds 2410,
*me(us) by Post,
please deliver to the Bearer Mr— at my (our) risk the Dividend payable
Orderfor © svmsersesnenntt...being the amount payable ‘oomin respect

Of the divider Of. ceceinnnninun . in the 8 on.

. . .
. our

Reneeerence _. Creditor’s Signature... a

~ To.the Liquidator Date. , 19
Note.—Theauthority should be signed by—
(a) the creditor personally, or
(b) in the case of afirm, by one of the partners, or
(c) infhe case of3a limited company, byan officer of the Company,
so descri
(d) in the case of a holder of a general proxy authorised to receive
the dividend, by the holder.

(Foruse when payable order handedto ezoditor or preci) Received |

Payable Order for ¥¥. Signed.
Date. , 19
No. 55 (RULE 101 (7)
| | (Title)
To the (Official Receive) Liquidator.
I hereby | authorise and request youto pay to.
we... , aresrezente of.

pecimen of ihose signature is La Geiow), ail dividends es they are

(spec in of “above-named ere which may become due and
payable to me/us in respect of the proofof debt for the sum of N.
“ot EEEES: ee

B 422 CompaniesWinding Up Redes

against the above-named company,
¢ made (by Mr...
on-tiy/our behalf. - :
_ And I further requestthat the cheque.orhoques drawn innreaped of such

dividends.may be made payableto the order ofthe saidetsana

whose receipt shall be sufficient authority to youfor the’issue of such cheque
OF cheques in hisname.
It is understood thatthisauthority i s to remain in force until revoked by
_ me in writing. e,

“ . Signatures
Witness to the Signature

Witness to the Signature


, Specimen of Signature of person appointed as above.

_ Witness to the Signature

(nos to the specimen Sigman ofperson appointed as aboue).

No. 56 (Rutz 102)--

Nonce IS HEREBY GIVEN$ that:‘a

return of........K per share has been authorised by the Couit in this matter,
and that the same may be received at myoffice, as above, onoben oe enaneracrevesveveceosporereneeresees
the day of. seston 19 or any sub-
sequent weektlay, EXCEPE....nnnmnnnmnn ‘womy Detween the hours of

Note :
wThis form together with the share certificate must be-presented,
or returned, to the Liquidator when application for paymentis made. _
(é) If you do not desire to attend personally you must fill up, sign and
return the form ofauthority below, when2 payable order will be
delivered in accordance with theauthority.
() Payable orders lapse if‘not presented for payment within 3 months ©
_* of the last day of the monthofissue but will bere-issued after that
period on application tothe Depattment of Trade’ and Industry,
_, Companies Winding Up Rules B 423
‘Thefee payable on re-issue of a payable orderis 30k wherethe orderiis for
10,00 or less, and 50k where the order exceeds Nro.
So (Signed) .
- - Liquidator *Strikeout.
9 applicable.
Please deliver to*me (us) by post, the Bearer, Mr at‘my (our risk the
Payable Order
OS.Se being the amount payable to*me us inrespect
of the return OF...nnrennrmnnmninnenper share held by*me usin this company.
Diesnnunnigunnisionennnnte Contributory’s signature
To the Liquidator Date 519.
Note.—The authority should be signed by— .
: (a) the contributory personally, or
(6) in the case ofjoint contributories, by each, or
(c) inthe case of a firm, by one of the partners, or
(2)in the case of a limited company, by an officer of the company, so
described, or.
(¢). in thecase of a holder ofa general proxy authorised to receive the
dividend, by the holder.
No, 57 (Rozz 106)
_ (Title)
(Under the order for windingup the above-named or dated...
e day 0:
Noticeis hereby given that the first meeting of creditors ii n the above
matter will be held at. on the. day of...
sevnaennuanennennennvn'y LDosrenere
To entitle you to vote thereat your proofmust be lodgedwith me not
later ‘than..........0°clock on the... day o' 19.
Forms of proof and of general and special oroies are enclosed herewith.
Proxies to be used at the meeting must lodged with meat...
of... NOt later thancen.o’clock on PCrneener .
dayof sssegrinsotomesten » 19 (a) Here
_ ° . ° * . . :
_ Official Receiver. a.a thas

(The statement
st of the Company’s affairs (a) lodged” or’
At thefirst meetings of the creditors and
contributories they may amongst summary is
other things :-— enclosed.”
' 1, By resolution detertnine whether or not an application is to be made
-_ tothe Court to appoint a Liquidatorin place of the Official Receiver.
2. By resolution determine whether or not an application shall be made
‘to the court for the appointment of a committee of inspection to act with
the’ Liquidator, and who are to be the “members of the committee if
Note.—If a Liquidatoriis not appointed by the Court the Official Receiver
' will be the Liquidator.
B. 424 ‘Companies Winding Up Rules

No. 58(Rute 106) -:

te *
| (Title) |
_ Noticeis hereby given that the first meeting of the contributories in the
above matter will be held at. onthe. day of »
WD nninnncnnenny Ot o’clock in the....inNOON, .
Forms of general and special proxies are enclosed herewith. Proxies to be
‘used at the meeting must be lodged with meat
not later than <5 _ — o'clock on Ofere

Datedthis sem n dAY OL nniansinneinanany 19

(The Company’s statement affairs(a) -
"At the first meetings of creditors and contributories they may amongst
1. By resolution determine whether or not an application shall be’ made
to theCourt to appoint a liquidator in place ‘of the Official Receiver
2. By resolution determine.whether or not an application shall be made
to the Court for the appointment of a committee of inspection to act with
the Liquidator, and who are to be the members of the Committee if
appointed. —
Note.If a Liquidatoris not appointed by the Court the Official’ Receiver
will be the Liquidator.
| "No. 59 (Rutz 107)
Take notice that the first meeting of creditors (or contributories) will be .
held on the day of. : : LD areeesorrsenees,
BtereceerrnrnmneOCOCK IN thEeennnnnrennnmnduinnneeDOON at (a) and that you
are required to attend thereat, and give such information asthe meeting
may require. eo ya
‘Daren this dayof... 9 DQ vee

~ Rule 125,—The Official Receiver shall also giveto eachofthe Officers ofthe
Company,who in hisopinion out to-attend thefirst meetings of creditors
and contributories, seven days’ notice of the timeandplace appointedfor
each meeting. The notice may either be delivered personallyor sent by
letter, as may beconvenient. It shall be the duty of every Officer whoreceives
notice of such meeting to attend if so required by the Official Receiver,
and if any such Officer fails to attend the OfficialReceiver shall report such
failure to the Court. ° we
‘Companies Winding UpRules B 425
No.60 (Rutz 111)
mo _ (Titley

Take notice that a meeting of creditors (or contributories) in the above

matter will be held at... . . on the
reAe 19...
at one o’clock in the...sincereTOON

* (2)
‘Daten this. wna day Of way 1D
(Signed) (b)
Forms of general and special proxies are enclosed herewith. Proxies to be
used at the meetingmustbe lodged with .
at..... . nt . not later than
snc.o‘clock on the day of... sewensianeery 19,
No. 61 (Roues 115)
I, the Official Receiver of.neennn. (a) Hetein
do hereby nominate of tobe eereon ee
Chairman of the meeting ofcreditors (or contributories)iin the above matter my employ-
t oF
appointed|to be held at on the day of de
19... way and I depute him (a) undermy
to attend‘auch meeting anduse, on mybehalf, anyproxyor.proxies held by folora
mein this matter. officesof
hi day off. ,19 the Boerd
Of Trade.”
Official Receiver
No. 62 (Ruz 119) :
ee (tite) caseeney be.
"Before dicen ‘ent ment 7 () Insert
. onthe.. day of. snmententinannseansy 19 » at, iw0'clack “creditors”
_. Memorandum.—The (a)... Meeting Of (B)1xrinincnlnenee tories”2
in the above matter was held at the time and place above mentioned’ but i3 t the case may
appearing that (¢)nmennnnmninnmthe meeting was adjourned until
the day of. “anne 19. sinnuemnny Of. (c) Here
aminunntinnninened0, then to be held at the same
0"clock iin‘the... place. state reason
Chai ; for adjourn-
B40 _ Comparties Winding Up Rules

| No. 63 (Rute 127 (2))

Meeting held at this _. day of. smaury 19
Conse- Names creditor.
pram or
Number . Inperson Proxies

51 ; N k N | &k

Fj Total number of creditors (a)

present or represented.

No. 64 (Rutz 129)

(Title) » |
I/We, of se uunusinn & creditor
_ (et contributory), Hereby appoint (1)exmmmenenerenemmméo be my/our
es) to be |
general proxy to vote at the Meeting of Creditors (or Contributori
held in the above matter on the day of |
iiimrmmununnnnnny OF at any adjournment thereof. .
dayof. saeneuney 19,
Daten this
(Signed) (2)
Notes © .
ng-up by the Court
(1)The person appointed general proxy may ina windi as the creditor
be the Oftcial Receiver, the Liquidator, or such other
g-upthe Liquidator
approve, and in a voluntary windin
(of contributory) may
a me, not the Official
or if there is no Liquidator the chairman edofacco
Receiver. The proxy form ehould be alter rdingly.
add “by A.B., a partner
C , (2) If a firm, sign the firm’s trading title, and then the Form ofproxy
said firm.” Tf the appointor is a corpo ratio n,
. 3g the the hand of some officer duly
‘ must be under its Common Seal or underthe officer e 0 authorised st
“ cuthoreed in that belt, and the fact that
- so stated
Companies Winding Up Rules ‘B 427

(3) The proxy form when signed must belodged bythe timeand at the
for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting at
. which it is to be used.

No, 65 (Ruz 129)


7 I/We, . seo | , a creditor (or
contributory), hereby appoint (1)eexncrenereenanneeaMY/OUF Proxy (a) Here
insert the
word “for”
at the meeting of creditors (or contributories) to be held of therecnmncuinmmnnae.
the case may
day of. serm cca D, » oF at any adjournment
thereof, to vote (2)minum’sennathe resolution Nod. -ec:necnnnannnnnnnnnin resolution.

in the noticeconvening. -

- Daten this . day of. ve , 19

| (Signed)(2)

1) The person appointed proxy may in a winding-up by the Court be the

‘Official Receiver, the Liquidator, or such other person as the creditor (or
contributory) may approve, and in a voluntary winding-up the Liquidator or
if there is no Liquidator the Chairman of a meeting but not the Official
Receiver. The proxy form should be altered ingly. A creditor (or
contributory) may give a special proxy to any person to vote at any specified
- meeting or adjournment thereofon all or any of the following matters :-—
(a) For or against the appointment or continuance in office of any
specified person as Liquidator or as member ofthe committee ofinspection ;
(b) On all questions relatingto any matter, other than those above
referred to, arising at a specified meeting or adjournment thereof.
(2) If a firm, sign the firm’s trading title, and add “by A.B., partner in
the said firm.” If the appointor is a corporation, then the form of proxy
must be under its common seal or under the hand of someofficer duly .
authorised in that behalf and the fact that he is so authorised must be so
stated. -
(3) The proxy formwhen signed must belodgedby the time and at the
address named for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting at _
which it is to be used.
B 428 Companies Winding Up Rules

No. 66 (Rute 152)


We, the Committee of Inspection, being ofopinion that Mr. eeverceseeees

theliquidator in the above matter, should have a special bank accountforthe

EPOSe OF (2) aeeervrncnnnerennen hereby apply to the Court —.-icrnnnunnennnnsie
boanthorse him to make hispayments into and out ofthe -——<--cenor-nerenmen

All cheques should be countersigned by a

Here member of the Committee of Inspection, ad DY --rinccomnennnmnnemnngnnnine
grounds + . :
OFapplication DATED this —...00nnnumnnnmmmnnannnnemday Of 19

heommit ofInspection

| No.67 (Ruze 152)

You are hereby authorised to make ents in the above matter _
into, and out of, the iamenteditindadain en bank.
: (Here insert any special terms.) .
. All chequesmustbe countersigned b . »amember
ofthe CommitteeofInspection, and by “een

Datep this - dayof 519.

By Order of the Court,
To .

No. 68 (Rutz 155)

(Title) .
"We,the Committee of Inspection in the above matter, hereby certifythat
in our opinion the cash balance standing to the credit of the above-named
companyis in excese of the amount which is required for the time being to
answer demands in respect of such com 8 estate, and request that the
Accountant-General ofthe Federation will investthe sum OF BEnnn in
Companies Winding Up Rules = =—————~—«~i‘SARD
Government securities, to be placed tothe credit of the said account for the
benefit of the said company. Oo e
Daren this ___-__--__-. day of . » 19:

3 \ Committee of Inspection.

No. 69(Rutz 155)



We, the Committee of Inspection in the:above matter, hereby certify that

a sum of N_. ...y forming part of the assets of the above-named
company, has been invested in Government Securities, and that the sum of
NW. nue 18 HOW required to answer demands in respect of the said
company. And we request that so much of the said securities as may be
necessary for the purpose of answering such demands may be realised by
the Accountant-General of the Federation and that the amountrealised
- may be placed to the credit of the said company.

Daren this. day of ,19

} CommitteeofInspection =

_ No. 70 (Rure 156)


We, the undersigned, members of the Committeeof Inspection in the

winding-up of the abov Company, hereby certify that we have
examined the foregoing cash book with the vouchers, and that to the best of
our knowledge and belief the said cash book contains 2 full, true, and
complete account of the Liquidator’s receipts and payments.
Daten this day of. . . 19

\ Committee ofInspection
-_ '
B430 Companies Winding Up Rules
No. 73 (Rous158)

OH. the Liquidator ofthe above-named
Company in account with the Estate -
Receipts , Payments
OO - Cr.
‘Date Date


, Liquidator.
We have examined this Account with the Vouchers and find the same
correct, and we are of opinion the expenditure has been proper.
Datep this... day of. : 19

Conimittee of Inspection
or memberofthe Committee ofInspection)
No. of Company. : No, 72 (Ruts164)
(Pursuant to Sections 270 and 280)
Statement showing how the Winding-up has heen conducted and the Property of the Company has been disposed of. ”
Name of Company. — | (in liquidation) ,
Presented by. ‘

ULNA sottvGuo)
necessary. Statement showing how the Winding-up has been conducted and the Property of the Company has been disposed of.
_ From 19. (Commencement of Winding-up) tOeimnnnansnnemninninnnel Puma(Close of Winding-up)
: ot :
— Payments
Receipts * .

sana EN)
RN [k on [k
Receipts— Costs of Solicitor to Liquidatar ees .
Cash at Bank. ee es Other Law costs oe ee oe ks an
in hand e. . . Liquidator’s remuneration :— N tk
Marketable Securities . .. % on N realised os ~
Sundry ss ws ,
Stock in ‘Trade . . es Where applicable
MorkProgress ss we ws By wh Zeon B distributed .. + oe ee
erty .. . os y whom: ee ve es ve
old Q ee - \Auctioneer’s and valuer’s charges .. ..
Plantand i . . Costs of possession and maintenance of estate . ee
Furniture, fittings, utensils, ete .. Costs of notice in Gazette and local|papers as es
Pa trade Incidental Outlay ... . os ee
‘otal costs and charges
easecurities .. es

Ter @
Unpaid calls at commencement .. (i) Debenture holders :-— —.... se fee “
Cr =
. Payments

Payment of R .
Payment of 8
per Ren debenture .. . es .

sony dn aiyiPuiml §BPGUO)

per debenture as .. .
f&N *"

%) Creditors +— "
© ~~ tial. . as ..
—*Unsecured >—
Dividends) ._.-kin
of. Bon & —
Less = I ' (The estimate of amount expected to rank for dividend
: Payments to redeem sects was 8 )
Payment per tracing account
(#2) Returns to contributories -— _ a
, nik Per PE
———_ Share... . «s
. Net realisations =... as per dé oe oe * =.

(1) Assets, including. shown in the statementofassets and liabilities and estimated to be of the
value OF Reneeave proved to be cain . . : ; _—
(2) State amountpaid into the Companies Liquidation Accountin respect of : oo = ont
(a) unclaimed dividends payable to creditors inthe winding-up ..00 +. ss > . .s wa RS
(8) other unclaimed distributions inthewinding-up - as es es as ss ae
tof the
© moneysheld by the encapany in trast in respect of dividends ofother sums duebefore the commencement
winding-up to any person 2s a member ofthe company -. sess sens . a -_N
3) Addhere any special remarks the Liquidator thinks desirable >— : -, . .
Datenthis ofean a eee wae »19.... a
_ (Signature of Ligidatori) ose:seve ee eeees case

same Ef) Suspury sopuoduoy

© (AdALES) wo cence eee eee eee eee eee eeeeeeneLeeson7

*State number. Preferential creditors need not be separately shownifall creditors have been pai in full
_ State nominal value and class ofshare. .

‘cer a
B 434 Companies Winding Up Rules .

No, 73 (Ruta) (168, 169 & 172)

This is the Exhibit
markedB referred to
in the affidavit of
—mmunm©ne ¥ SWOLN before
ME ChiB anni ’
| 9 anssine

Company © )anurnmnnnnnena
A Commissioner for Oaths.)


(Name of Company.)

Form and (1) Every statement must contain a detailed account ofall the Liquidators’
contents of
Statement, realizations and disbursements in respect of the company, The statement of
realizations should contain a record of all receipts derived fromassetsexisting
at the date ofthe winding-up resolution andsubsequently realized, including .
balancein bank, bookdebts and calls collected, property sold, xc., and the
account of disbursements should contain all payments for costs and charges,
or to creditors or contributories, Where property has been realized, the gross
proceeds of sale must be entered under realizations, and the necessary
ts incidentalto sales must be entered as disbursements,Theseaccounts.
should’ not contain payments into the Companies Liquidation Account
(except unclaimed dividends—see paragraph5) or payments into or out of ©
ank, or temporary investments by the liquidator, or the proceeds of such
investments when realized, which should be shown separately :-—~
_ (a) by means of the bank pass book ; /

- (b)by a separate detailed statement of moneys invested by the Liquidator,

and investments realized. - . co

Interest allowed or charged by the bank, bank commission, &c., and profit
or loss upon therealization of temporary investments, should, however, be
inserted in the accounts ofrealizations or disbursements, as the case may be.
Each receipt and payment must be entered in the account in such 4 manner
as sufficiently to explain its nature. The receipts and payments mustseverally
. be added up at the foot of each sheet, and thetotals carried forward from one
account to another without any intermediate balance, so that the gross totals
shall represent the total amounts received and paid by the Liquidator
" respectively.

Trading (2) Whenthe liquidator carries on a business, a trading account must be

Account forwarded as a distinct account, and thetotals of receipts and payments on
the trading. account must alone be set out in thestatement.
. Companies Winding Up Rules B 435

(3) When dividends or instalments of compositions are paid to creditor Dividends

or a return ofsurplus assets is made to contributories, the amount of each ’ oe

dividend, or instalment of composition, or return to contributories,. actually

paid, must be entered in the statement of disbursements as one sum ; and
the liquidatormust forward separate accounts showinginlists the arhount of
the claim ofcach creditor, and the amountofdividend or composition payable
to each creditor, and ofsurplus assets payableto each contributory, distingui-
shing in each list the divi or instalments of composition and shares of ©
surplus assets actually paid and those remaining unclaimed, :
(4) When unclaimed dividends, instalments of composition or return of
surplus assets are paid into the Companies Liquidation Account, the total
amount so paid in should be entered in the stdtementof disbursementsas one
sum, . ‘ ,
(5) Credit should not be taken in the statementofdisbursements for any
amount in respect of Liquidator’s remuneration unless it has been duly
allowed by resolution of the Committee of Inspection or of the creditors or
of “ company in general meeting, os by order of courtas the case may
require, . : Lt
_ Pursuant to Section 319 ofthe Companies Act, 1968,
Name of Company
_ Nature of proceedings (whether a members’ or creditors’ voluntary winding-
Up or a winding-up under the supervisionof the Court),
Date of commencement of winding-up _
Date to which statement is brought down .
Name and address of liquidator = = = + °°
This statement isrequired in duplicate,
ect dts’

Realixations Se Debursuments
Date ~ Of whom Nature of Assets Amount Dete To whow | Natweaf Ameunt-
received . Reakxed ; peid Disbursements
N NR pk

Broughtforward Brought forward

sepire, I Hiegpinyy sepuodusor

Carried forward Carried forward.
Note.—No balance should be shown onthis Account, but only the tote] Realizations and Disbursements, which should hecarried forwerd tothe
Companies Winding Up Rules

Total Realizations . .. be ee se
Total Disbursements oe ae . ae he 7

- Balance

~The Balance is made up as follows :—~ CO

1. Cash in hands of Liquidator ae ae . oe ”

2, Total payments in to Bank, including balance at date oO

of commencement of winding-up as per bank Book, ..— .
_ Total withdrawals from be

Balance at Bank bee te

3. Amount in companies Liquidation Account
%4, Amounts invested by Liquidator ..
Less Amounts realised from same ..
Balance oo _*7e , oe : ee oe

Total Balance as shown above .. oe

(Note—FULL details of Stocks purchased for investment and realization —

thereof should be given in a separate statement.)
*The investment or deposit of money by the Liquidator does not withdraw
it from the operation of Section 343 of the Companies Act, 1948, and any
such investments representingmoney held for six months or upwards must
-berealized and paid into the Companies Liquidation Account, exceptin the
case of investments in Governmentsecurities, the transfer of which to the
control of the Board of Trade will be accepted as a sufficient Compliance
with the terms of the section. —
Note.—The Liquidator ehould aleo state :—

- (1) The amount of the estimated (Assets after deducting amounts

assets and liabilities at thedate to secured creditors and deben-
of the commencement of the tureholders) .. .
winding-up. ,
. . (Secured Creditors _
Liabilities Debenture Holders:
Unsecured Creditors

(2) The total amountofthe capital Paidupincash .. x

paid up at the date of the Com- Issued as paid up otherwise than
_‘mencement of the winding-up for cash o§
B 438 Companies WindingUp Rules
(3) The general description and )
estimated value of outstanding )
_ _ assets (if any). _ )

. {4} The-causes which delay the ter- )

mination of the winding-up. _)

(5) The period within which the)

winding-up may probably. be |
completed .

No. 74 (Ruzes172, 169 ann 172) °

No. of Company | a
registration fee charged),
(No regists : (Name of Company)
1, “sere 2
of . -

the liquidator of the above-named Company, make oath and say :— That
_. *the account hereunto annexed marked B, contains a full and true
account of my receipts and payments in the winding-up of the above-
_ named Company, from the. day of. a’

19, , to the day of. , 19 ,

inclusive, aridthat I have not, nor has any other person by my order or for
my use during such period, received or paid any moneys on account of the
said Company, *other than and except the items mentione d and specified
in the said account.
‘|furthersay that the particulars givenin the annexed Form75, marked B,
with respect to the proceedings in and position of the Liquidation, are true
to the best of myknowledge and belief.
Sworn at

*Note.—lf no receipts orpayments,strike out the words initalics. .

The affidavit is not required in Duplicate, but it must in every case——
_ accompanied by a statement on Form 75 in duplicate.
Companies Winding Up Rules +B 4”
| - No. 75 (Ruves 168 anv 172) —
No. of Company |
( Name of Company)
ret the Liquidator of the above-named Company in account with the
State. .
(This Accountis required in Duplicate
in addition to Form No. 73)

| Receipts | Payments

‘Dr. . Cr,

Date | | R ]k |] Date | aa

Tor ¥| | Toran
B:440 Companies Winding Up Rules
No. 76 (Ruzzs 168 anp 172)
~ No. of Company | |
(Name ofCompany)
Ofvevannon sb
I hereby certify that a Dividend (or Composition)
eOfnrennmnninunnny LQrununs
in the 3 wasdeclared payable on and after them
are entitled to the
set forth belowa!
and that the Creditors ‘whose names are
been paid such amounts
amounts set oppoait their respective names, and have
except in the cases epecified as unclaimed.

Dare the.. day of | , 19

- TotheBoard ofTrade.
a pee Ditdend
(or Composition)
Christian Amount
Siemans | - Name of Proof
| Paid Unclaimed
dice ub ctw twister tebe:
r : | “loa itk Mik ® [k


this list is required in duplicate.

Companies Winding Up Rules B 441

‘No. 77 (RULES 168 AND 172)

No. of Company.


(Name of Company)

I hereby,certify that a return ofsurplus assets was, declared payable to

- Contributories on and afterthe malay OF 9 TQvnnsony
at the rate Of...numnnnnenper Share, and that the Contributories whose
names are set forth below are entitled to the amounts set opposite their
respective names, and have been paid such amounts® except in the cases
specified as unclaimed.

Daten the | day of. sion 9 TQsninisnwan

To theBoard of Trade,

Amount returned on Shares

No. of
- Surname Christian Name Shares
. Paid Unclaimed

NH k Ne k

Tora, N

Thislist is required in duplicate. _

B442— Companies Winding UpRules
| No, 78 (Rove 171)

ee ve Gla)
| nuthorn .
, make oath and say that the particulars entered
in the statement hereunto annexed, marked A, are correct, and truly set forth
all money in my hands or under my control, representing. unclaimed .or
undistributedassets ofthe above company, or held by the Contpanty in trust
in respect of dividends or other sums due to any person as 4 member of the
Company, and that the amount due by me to the Companies Liquidation
Account in respect of unclaimed dividends and: undistributed funds is

Sworn, E-C,

No.79 (RULE176)
oe ume . (Title)
Take notice that I, the undersigned liquidator of the above-named Com-
pany, intend to apply to the Board of Trade for my release, and further take
notice that any objectionyou may have to the granting of my release must be
notified to the Board of Trade within twenty-one ys of the date hereof.
A summary of all receipts and payments in the winding-upis hereto
| Daten this. dayof. sce 9 1Queresan;

| To
Note.—Section 232 (3) of the Companies Act, 1968, enacts that “A order
of the Registrar by direction of the Attorney-General of the Federation,
releasing the liquidator shall discharge him from all liability in respect of .
any act done or default made by him in the administration of the affairs
of the Company,or otherwise in. conduct as Liquidator ; by
any such order may be revoked on proofthat it jwasobtained by fraud or
bysuppression or-concealment- of any. material fact”. 0. ---- =~
Statement showing poshion of Cotmpan ot date of eppaton for mlete
to produce
. S state-) Receipts
4. . ment of
Payments |

sag, Tf) Surpury, soponduog

To0 tototal receipts fromm datedate o: of - "ok 4 | By Ministry anand Goure Feesees (includin
p order, viz :— (inclu g §tationery, Print- Rye .
and Postages in respect of Contributories, Creditors,
(State particulars under the . and Debtors, and fee for audit)
headings specified in the State- .. ws a. as
mentof Affairs.)
Receipts per trading account Ni) &
Lawcosts of petition s . as ae
Other receipts .. . Lawcosts of Solicitor to Liquidator .. ss
Other law costs ssw ees
‘TOTAL es oe oot,

Less -—
. Nok IN &
Liquidator’s remuneration, viz -—
Payments to redeem securities per cent on N
Costs of execution payments . as
assets realised per cent on N s.
per trading account ae assets distributediin dividend | ws es

Net realizations os oT
Amountsreceived from calls on contributories
made in the winding-up oes ee ows
ae es tion of Statement ofAffairs

of notices in Gazette and news-papers incidental outlay

ae ase {e) State

ve ee as murober

oor &
in the N on N
The estimate of amount
expected to rank for dividendiwas N
Araount returned to contributories
He - Balance ..

Assets not yet, realized, including calls, estimated to ptoduce SF (Add here any special rernarks"the Liquidator}ithinks desirable.)
Creéditors can obtain any further information by inquiry at the office of the liquidator. so - ,
Darenthis. : day of.


(Signature of Liquidator)
(Address) oo
CompaniesWinding Up Rules | B 445
No; 81

No. of ‘Company en


Stamp duty
must be -

Pursuant to Section 223 |

Name of Company ~ : Limited
Presented by | |

Windingup 9 the Court

To the Regitrar of Companies. ;

' her ive you noticethat, by as order of PINEeerenennnn

Stesnee~ Courtdated of en
, 19 ee | (orwe)havebeen appointed Liquidator(s) OFere
(Séematiere) eo mtne |
mo (2) - cmmaia
Datep the . day of 19ee
(a) To be signed by each Liquidatorif more than one.

No. ofCompany woie..cniennenenrnnnnnnarnaan

B 446 Companies Winding UpRules
No. 82


_ Stamp duty
must be
| (Pursuantto Section263)
' Name ofCompany . vntnaninmnLtated
Presented by a i ;

We sme OF a
* of “oan being allthe directors ©
So , the majority of the _
of ne dO solemnlyand sincerely declare
that we have made a full enquiry into the affairs of this company, and, that
having so done, we have the opinion that this company will be able
to pay its debt in full within a period of, se
*months, from the commencemeut of the winding-up, and we append 2
statementofthe company’s assetsandLiabilities as at,
19 __-vnueeoone Being the latest practicable date before the

making of this
_ the sante to be true, and by virtue ofthe provisions of the Oath Act 1963.
Declared at the .
OF .... svotesuvussise one thousand nine hundred and

before me,
_ A Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public.
Companies Winding Up Rules | B447

. No. 83



To besubmitted to2 Meeting of Creditors pursuant to Section 268 ofthe

Act, 1968, by the LiquidatorinaMembers’ Voluntary Winding-
- upi he is ofthe opinionthat the Company is
F gable to pay its debts in full
within the period stated in the Declaration of So
Solvency viz...
* months from the commencement oftheWinding- “Insert _
up. . : shown in
, the Decla-
. Limited (in Liquidation) ration of
Statement as at 19 towing Assets Solvency.
atestimated realisable values andLiabilities
es expected to

(Date of Commencement of
Winding-up rrmmsinnty VD mre)
"In particularthe Liquidator should draw attention to any itemwhere after
taking his receipts and payments into account thereis a substantial difference
between hisestimatecad the directon estimate in the statement. annexed
. to the Declaration of Solvency, |

: No. 84
No. of Company...seersey antes setetemavinoaiee




(Pursuant to Section280) |
Name of Company... sts os Limited
Presented by .
+ MoeevanersenrreterteseoneseooteieeneoenterooneDeaeETeoreseooen! SérsttHtte
B 46 Compianies Winding Up Rules

Creditors’ Voluntary Winding-up

To the Registrar of Companies,

ing the iguidaton
c. 1dator(s
co :. Limited have toinform
(2) held on
( that a general meetingofthis companyWB UNYences
~_‘summoned“for ,

oe to Section 280of the Ccmspanica4o 16s, for the purpose of

an Account (of which a copyis attached hereto) @) laid beforeit
showite how the (ei
nt of the company has been conducted and the
property 2:ilaiaioni
and that the same was done
accordingly. (a
No quorum was present at the Meeting,
(2) that a meeting of the creditors of this company was duly held
(2) held on
" summoned
nmoned for Le
the : | May of smn Vang
suant to Section 280 of the Com
Companies Act, 1968, for the purpose of.
having the said account laid before i showing how the winding-upof the
company has been conducted and the propertyof the company
the same. was done accordingly, (a)
has been disposed ,of, and that-
, vo No quorum was present at the meeting.
“tenn joadsetoeemeamteester

Daren the day of. i 19,

@) Strike out that which does not apply.
0) The copy account this return must be authenticated
the written signature(s) of the Liquidator(s)-
.(c) To signed by each Liquidator if more than one,
No. 85 oo
No. of Company... ; . me é


- -, gaust Be

(Pursuant to Section 0)
~ Name of Company. Limited,
Presented by
Companies Winding Up Rules B49
_ . Members’ Voluntary Winding-up
To the. Registrar of Companies,

J (or We)
bein ¢the Liquidator(s)of

. . | | Limited,
_have to inform you that a general mecti of the
held onfoummoned for the. Company was duly (a)
vm PUSSUANE toSection 270 of the Companies Act, 1968, for the
pote of hahaving an Account
(of which a copy is attached hereto) (5) laid
ore it showing how the ing-up of the company has been
and the property ofthe Company has been disposed of, and thatcond ucted,
—the same
was done accordingly/(a) no quorum was pres
ent at the meeting
Daren the Alay of, , ,19
(a) Strike outthat which does not apply.
(6) The account accompa: ing this return must be auth
bythewritten signature(oho enticated
, ftheLiquidator(s).
@ To be signed by each Mquidator if mor
e than one,

Made by me'on the 30th day of June, 1983,

- A, Farayi-WiLtiams,
" Chief Justice ofNigeria .

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