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Contemporary Business 15th Edition

Boone Solutions Manual

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Solutions 9-1

Vocabulary team 14. grapevine

2. team cohesiveness 15. stock options
3. team diversity 16. external communication
4. conflict 17. cross-functional team
5. team 18. self-managed teams
6. problem solving teams 19. norm
7. informal communication 20. employee stock ownership
8. communication 21. low-context culture
9. virtual team 22. affective conflict
10. formal communication channel 23. high-context culture
11. team level 24. cognitive conflict
12. nonverbal communication plan (ESOP) 25. empowerment
13. listening

Analysis of Learning Objectives

LO 9.1: 1. b, 2. a, 3. a, 4.d.

LO 9.2: 1. T, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. T, 6. F

LO 9.3: 1. a, 2. d, 3. c, 4. a.
The five stages of group development are:
1. Forming: Orientation, breaking the ice; leader facilitates social
2. Storming: conflict, disagreement; leader encourages participation,
differences surface.
3. Norming: establishment of order and cohesion; leader helps clarify team
roles, norms, and values.
4. Performing: Cooperation, problem solving; leader facilitates task
5. Adjourning: Task completion; leader brings to closure and signifies

LO 9.4: 1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. F.

LO 9.5: 1. While diversity brings stimulation, challenge, and energy, it can also lead
to conflict. The job of the manager is to create an environment in which
differences are appreciated and in which a team of diverse individuals
works productively together. Diversity awareness training programs can
reduce conflict by bringing these differences out in the open and
identifying the unique talents of diverse individuals.
Solutions 9-2

2. The key to dealing with team conflict is not avoiding it, but making sure
that the team experiences the right kind of conflict. Cognitive conflict
focuses on problem-related differences of opinion and, when reconciled,
strongly improves team performance. By contrast, affective conflict
refers to the emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements
become personal rather than professional, and these differences strongly
decrease team performance. A team leader can manage team conflict by
fostering good communication so team members perceive each other
accurately, understand what is expected of them, and obtain the
information they need.

LO 9.6: 1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. T, 6. F

LO 9.7: 1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. F, 6. T.

LO 9.8: 1. External communication is a meaningful exchange of information through

messages transmitted between an organization and its major audiences.
2. The firm should respond quickly by preparing a written statement that
includes the time, place, description of the event, and the number and
status of people involved.

Self Review

True or False: 1. T, 2. T, 3.F, 4. T, 5. F, 6. T, 7. T, 8. F, 9. F, 10. T, 11. T, 12. T, 13. F, 14.

T, 15. T, 16. T, 17. F.

Multiple Choice: 1. b, 2. a, 3. e, 4. d, 5. c, 6. a, 7. c, 8. b, 9. e, 10. c.

Application Exercises

1. The team approach, especially a problem-solving or cross-functional team would

probably be very helpful here. New product developments a natural place to bring
people from different areas of the organization together so that the expertise of each
can be applied to solving problems.

2. a. Cynical listening.

b. Active listening.

c. Polite listening.

d. Offensive listening.

Short Essay Questions

1. A sender must come up with some idea to communicate, and then encode that idea into a
form that can be transmitted through some channel. When the audience receives the
message it must be decoded, and its meaning extracted. Throughout this process there is the
likelihood that noise (a sound, someone’s defensiveness, or anything else that may distort
Solutions 9-3

the meaning of a message) may interfere with the process. It is extremely important that
feedback be solicited so that the sender can be sure the receiver understood the intended
message. Good listening is critical to good communication. In every communication, there
is both a sender and a receiver. Listening skill helps you get feedback when you are the
sender, and is crucial to making the appropriate response, asking the right question, ore
giving sensitive input that will quell conflict. You can’t be a good communicator until you
become a good listener!

2. Although no ideal size limit applies to every team, research on team effectiveness indicates
that they achieve their best results with about 6 or 7 members. A group of this size is big
enough to benefit from a variety of diverse skills, yet small enough to allow members to
communicate easily and feel part of a close-knit group. Certainly, groups smaller or larger
than this can be effective, but they also create added challenges for team leaders.
Participants in small teams of two to four members often show a desire to get along with
each other. They tend to favor informal interactions marked by discussions of personal
topics, and they make only limited demands on team leaders. A large team with more than
12 members poses a different challenge for team leaders because decision making may
work slowly and participants may feel less committed to team goals. Larger teams also tend
to foster disagreements, absenteeism, and membership turnover. Subgroups may form,
leading to possible conflicts among various functions. As a general rule, a team of more
than 20 people should be divided into subteams, each with its own members and goals.
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There I first met Mr. Frederick E. Sickels, the inventor of the trip
cut-off; that immortal man who conceived the idea of tripping the
valve mechanism of a steam-engine at any point in its opening
movement, thus releasing the valve and permitting it to be suddenly
closed. He had come over to exhibit his steam steering gear, which
is now used throughout the world. It was astonishing how little
attention it attracted. He had it connected and showed it in operation.
While he turned the wheel precisely as the steersman did, the steam
did all the work of moving the rudder and holding it in any position.
Nobody seemed to take the slightest interest in it. I attributed this
largely to his mistake in showing a very rough affair, the very thing
which he thought would add to its effect. He had an apparatus that
had been used on a coasting steamer which was captured by the
Confederates and employed by them as a blockade-runner, and
afterwards captured by our cruisers, taken into New York and
condemned. He bought this gear out of it at auction and sent it to the
exhibition just as it was. He believed that the more evidences of
neglect and rough usage it showed, the greater admiration its perfect
action would inspire. He learned better. Polished iron and brass and
mahogany would have led people to believe that he himself thought
it was worth showing properly.
The picture gallery in the second story of the main building of this
exhibition was really wonderful. Its most prominent feature was a
collection of paintings representing the progress of British art from
the days of Hogarth. All Europe was represented. I was told that the
entire wall surface was seven eighths of a mile long.
We also had a gallery of American art, consisting of a number of
remarkable large photographs of the Yosemite Valley, California, and
one painting. Mr. J. F. Cropsey, an American landscape artist of
considerable celebrity at home, had formed a scheme for
establishing himself in London. He took with him a number of his
works. His pièce de résistance was “Autumn on the Hudson,” which
was greatly admired and for which he was offered a large price, but
he preferred to show it in London. He had sent it to the National
Gallery, and, to his consternation, it was refused, the committee
declaring that there were no such colors in nature. It also offended
the English taste, by which our autumnal tints are regarded as “very
gaudy,” so he hung it in Mr. Holmes’ office at the exhibition. He and I
had each a lot to learn about the way things look to our cousins.

Sale of Governors. Visit from Mr. Allen. Operation of the Engine Sold to Easton,
Amos & Sons. Manufacture of the Indicator. Application on Locomotives.

he governor seemed to please every one. In

anticipation of a demand for them, I had shipped a
number to London, which met a ready sale. The most
appreciative persons as a class were the linen-
manufacturers of Belfast. One of them early took a
license to sell them there. The first one I sold in
London was to my friends Easton, Amos & Sons. As soon as they
saw it in operation it struck them as the very thing they needed. In
connection with their engineering works they carried on the
manufacture of lead pipe by hydraulic pressure. The engine which
drove a large section of their machine tools also drove the hydraulic
pumps for this manufacture. It was a very trying service. The
resistance was very heavy and came on and off the engine instantly.
The action of the common governor was not prompt enough to
control it, and they had to employ a man handling a disk valve with a
very short motion. He had to keep his eye fixed on a column of
mercury. When this rose he must open the valve, and when it
dropped he must shut it. It had been found that this was a poor
reliance for the instantaneous action required. They got a governor
from me at once. I received a message from them the next day. The
governor would not answer at all; would I come down and see about
it? I happened first to meet an old man, foreman of the turners.
“What is the matter?” “Matter! The governor won’t work, that’s what’s
the matter.” I was rather an impulsive young man and replied, “It will
work, or I’ll eat it.” He sharply responded, “If it does work I’ll eat it,
and I haven’t a tooth in my head.” Foolish old man! he was more
rash than I. I saw at a glance that the governor went through but half
its action. There was evidently some resistance in the valve, a
common fly-throttle. After they shut down at night I had the valve
pulled out, and found that the chamber was larger than the pipe and
that the wings of the valve were long and their points caught on the
ends of the pipe. The wings of the valve were soon shortened and
rebedded in the chamber, and when started again the governor
controlled the motion of the engine perfectly, to the great gratification
of everybody, and the delight of the boys, who had heard the old
man promise to eat it. The valve had been put in for my governor to
work, and the fitters had put up a job on me. The old man was not in
the secret. So the laugh was on him instead of on me.
Directly after this triumph I received an order from Mr. John Penn
for a governor to regulate the engine driving his marine-engine works
at Greenwich. This was the first and only engine I ever saw of the
grasshopper class, quite common, I learned, in earlier days. The
superintendent of his works afterwards told me, laughingly, that he
had a large account against me for loss of time; that he had become
so fascinated with the governor action that he had stood watching it
sometimes for twenty minutes. He knew by the position of the
governor every large tool that was running and what it was doing, if
light or heavy work, and especially every time a planer was reversed.
One day a gentleman asked me if I thought the governor could
regulate his engine. He was a manufacturer of the metal thread used
in making gold lace. A bar of silver, 2 inches in diameter and 2 or 3
feet long, was covered with three or four thicknesses of dentists’ gold
leaf, and then drawn down to exceedingly fine threads, and the gold
surface was never broken. I have often wondered how thick that gold
covering finally was. The heavy drawing of the cold bars required a
great deal of power, and when they shot out the engine would run
away and the fine threads would be broken. No governor nor heavy
fly-wheel would help the matter, and they had to do their heavy
drawing in the night. My governor maintained the motion absolutely.
Not only were the finest threads not broken by the sudden changes
in the heavy drawing, but the occasional breakages that they had
been accustomed to nearly ceased.
In this connection I cannot refrain from telling a good story on Mr.
Ramsbottom and Mr. Webb, although the incident happened the next
year. I received an order for a governor for the engine driving the
shops of the London & Northwestern Railway at Crewe. Soon after
its shipment there came a line from the office there that the governor
was behaving badly and I would have to go and see about it. I found
that the engine consisted of a pair of locomotive cylinders set upright
on the floor and directly connected above, the cranks at right angles
with each other, to the line-shaft, a plan which I have always
admired, as a capital way of avoiding belts or gearing. They were
running at 120 revolutions per minute, and were connected in the
middle of the shaft, which was about 400 feet long. The governor
was flying up and down quite wildly. I had never seen such an action
before, and was at a loss what to make of it. I saw no fly-wheel, but it
did not seem that its absence could account for this irregularity.
Indeed, with coupled engines running at this speed, and only trifling
changes of load, and a governor requiring no time to act, a fly-wheel
seemed superfluous. Pretty soon it came out that the want of fly-
wheel could not cause the trouble, for they had two. Where were
they? There was one at each end of the shaft, close to the end walls
of the building, where wall boxes afforded excellent supports. Fly-
wheels at the ends of 2-inch shafts and 200 feet from the engine! I
fairly shouted with laughter, told them to take off their fly-wheels, and
came home. The fly-wheels were taken off, and there was no further
trouble. Well, what should railway engineers, absorbed in locomotive
designs and everything pertaining to railroading, be expected to
know about fly-wheel inertia and shaft torsion?
About midsummer I had the pleasant surprise of a visit from Mr.
Allen, whose gratification at the show I had made was unbounded.
We saw much of the exhibition together. Perhaps the most
interesting exhibits in the machinery department, to us both, were
the working models shown by the marine-engine builders. There
were a large number of these, generally not much over one foot in
any dimension, but complete to every bolt and nut, superbly finished,
and shown in motion. They had evidently been made regardless of
cost. In the progress of engineering science, everything represented
by these elegant toys has long since vanished. We were much
impressed by a cylinder casting, 120 inches in diameter, shown by
Mr. Penn, one of a pair made for a horizontal engine for a British
warship, to work steam at 25 pounds pressure. Everything there
shown pertaining to steam engineering, except our own engine, was
about to disappear forever. How long before that also shall follow?
Soon after Mr. Allen’s return he sent me a drawing of his four-
opening equilibrium valve with adjustable pressure-plate. I realized
the great value of this most original invention, now so well known,
but its adoption required a rescheming of the valve-gear, and that
had to be postponed for some years.
In setting up the engine in the works of Easton, Amos & Sons, I
had a curious example of English pertinacity. Old Mr. Amos said to
me, “Porter, where is your pump?” “The engine has no pump.” “No
pump!” “No, sir; we consider a feed-pump as an adjunct to the boiler,
never put it on the engine, and generally employ independent feed-
pumps which can be adjusted to the proper speed. Besides, a feed-
pump could not be run satisfactorily at the speed of this engine.” He
heard me through, and then, with a look of utter disgust, exclaimed:
“If a man should sell me a musket and tell me it had no stock, lock,
or barrel, these were all extra, I should think it just about as
sensible.” Nothing would do but that this engine must have a pump. I
had intended to cut off the projecting end of the shaft, but Mr. Amos
ordered this to be left, and had an eccentric fitted on it, and set a
vertical pump on the floor to be driven by this eccentric, at 225
double strokes per minute. Also the feed-pipe had to be over 50 feet
long, with three elbows.
Of course, as the boys say, we had a circus. A mechanic had a
daily job, mornings, when the engine was not running, securing that
pump on its foundation. The trembling and pounding in the feed-pipe
were fearful. I suggested an air-chamber. They sent word to me that
they had put on an air-chamber, but it did no good. I went to look at
it, and found a very small air-chamber in the middle of the length of
the pipe, where it seemed to me more likely to do harm. At my
suggestion they got one of suitable size and attached it to the pump
outlet, when the noise and trembling mostly disappeared, as well as
the disposition of the pump to break loose. It did fairly well after that,
and they made it answer, although I do not suppose it ever one
quarter filled.
Mr. Amos was the consulting engineer of the Royal Agricultural
Society. At this exhibition American reapers made an invasion of
England. Mr. Amos set his face against them, and in reply to my
question, what objection he made to them, he said, “We prefer to get
our grain into the barn, instead of strewing it over the field.” And yet
this man, the engineering head of this firm, was the only man in
England, so far as I knew, advanced enough to take up the Wolff
system of compounding, and who had bought my engine to run at
225 revolutions per minute, which it continued to do with complete
satisfaction until some years later, when these works were removed
to a location on the Thames, east of London, when I lost sight of
During the latter part of the exhibition I learned that the McNaught
and the Hopkinson indicators were in common use in England; that
one or both of these were to be found in the engine-rooms of most
mills and manufacturing establishments, and that if the Richards
indicator were properly put on the market there would probably be
some demand for it, although at existing engine speeds the
indicators in use appeared to be satisfactory. A special field for its
employment would doubtless be found, however, in indicating
locomotives. I felt sufficiently encouraged to set about the task of
standardizing the indicator, and during the winter of 1862-3 made a
contract with the firm of Elliott Brothers, the well-known
manufacturers of philosophical apparatus and engineering and
drawing instruments, to manufacture them according to my plans.
This was my first attempt to organize the manufacture of an
instrument of any kind, and I set about it under a deep sense of
responsibility for the production of an indicator that should command
the confidence of engineers in its invariable truth. I found that the
opportunity I had enjoyed for studying the subject had been most
important. The daily use of the indicator which I had brought to the
exhibition was an invaluable preparation for this work.
I decided, first, to increase the multiplication of the piston motion,
by means of the lever, from three times to four times, thus reducing
by one quarter the movement of the piston required to give the same
vertical movement to the pencil, and, second, to increase the
cylinder area from one quarter to one half of a square inch. The latter
was necessary in order to afford sufficient room for springs of proper
size, and correct reliable strength in their connections.
The first problem that presented itself was how to produce
cylinders of the exact diameter required, .7979 of an inch, and to
make an error in this dimension impossible. This problem I solved in
the following manner: At my request Elliott Brothers obtained from
the Whitworth Company a hardened steel mandrel about 20 inches
in length, ground parallel to this exact size and certified by them.
Brass tubes of slightly larger size and carefully cleaned were drawn
down on this mandrel. These when pressed off presented a perfect
surface and needed only to be sawed up in lengths of about 2 inches
for each cylinder. Through the whole history of the manufacture that
removed all trouble or concern on this account.
The pistons were made as light as possible, and were turned to a
gauge that permitted them to leak a little. The windage was not
sufficient to affect their accuracy; a thickness of silk paper on one
side would hold the pistons tight; but they had a frictionless action,
and the cover of the spring case having two holes opening to the
atmosphere, there could be no pressure above the piston except that
of the atmosphere.
Designed by Charles T. Porter.

The second problem was to insure the accuracy of the springs.

This was more serious than the first one. The brass heads of the
springs were provided with three wings instead of two, which mine
had. The spring, after being coiled and tempered, was brazed into
the grooves in the first two wings, and the third wing was hammered
firmly to it. This prevented the stress on the spring from reaching the
brazed joints, and these heads never worked loose. One head was
made fast at once; the other was left free to be screwed backward or
forward until the proper length of the spring was found. To insure
freedom from friction, I determined to adjust and test the springs in
the open air, quite apart from the instrument. For this purpose I had a
stout cast-iron plate made, with a bracket cast on it, in which the
slides were held in a vertical groove, and bolted this plate on the
bench, where it was carefully leveled. The surface of the plate had
been planed, a small hole drilled through it at the proper point, and a
corresponding hole was bored through the bench. A seating for the
scales also was planed in the bracket, normal to the surface of the
block. The spring to be tested, in its heads as above described, was
set on the block, and a rod which was a sliding fit in the hole was put
up through the bench, block, and spring. This rod had a head at the
lower end, and was threaded at the upper end. Under the bench a
sealed weight, equal to one half the extreme pressure on the square
inch to be indicated by the spring, was placed on the rod.
Between the spring and the scale I employed a lever, representing
that used in the indicator, but differing from it in two respects. It was
of twice its length, for greater convenience of observation, and it was
a lever of the first order, so that the weight acting downward should
represent the steam pressure in the indicator acting upward.
The weight was carried by a steel nut screwed on the end of the
rod and resting on the upper head of the spring to be tested. This nut
carried above it a hardened stirrup, with a sharp inner edge, which
intersected the axis of the rod, produced. A delicate steel lever was
pivoted to turn about a point at one fifth of the distance from the axis
of the rod to the farther side of the scale seat. The upper edge of this
lever was a straight line intersecting the axis of its trunnions. The
short arm of the lever passed through the stirrup, in which it slid as
the spring was compressed, while the long arm swung upward in
front of the scale. The latter was graduated on its farther side, and
the reading was taken at the point of intersection of the upper edge
of the lever with this edge of the scale.
The free head on the spring was turned until the reading showed it
to be a trifle too strong. It was then secured, and afterwards brought
to the exact strength required by running it rapidly in a lathe and
rubbing its surface over its entire length with fine emery cloth. This
reduced the strength of each coil equally. This was a delicate
operation, requiring great care to reduce the strength enough and
not too much. A great many springs had to be made, several being
generally required, often a full set of ten, with each indicator. This
testing apparatus was convenient and reliable, and the workmen
became very expert in its use.
The spring when in use was always exposed to steam of
atmospheric pressure. At this temperature of 212° we found by
careful experiment that all the springs were weakened equally,
namely, one pound in forty pounds. So the springs were made to
show, when cold, 39 pounds instead of 40 pounds, and in this ratio
for all strengths.
This system of manufacture and testing was examined in
operation by every engineer who ordered an indicator, the shop on
St. Martin’s Lane being very convenient. They generally required that
the indicator should be tested by the mercurial column. The Elliotts,
being large makers of barometers, had plenty of pure mercury, so
this requirement was readily complied with, and the springs were
invariably found to be absolutely correct. We never used the
mercurial column in manufacturing, but were glad to apply it for the
satisfaction of customers.
I employed the following test for friction. The indicator when
finished was set on a firm bracket in the shop. The spring was
pressed down as far as it could be, and then allowed to return to its
position of rest very slowly, the motion at the end becoming almost
insensible. Then a fine line was drawn with a sharp-pointed brass
wire on metallic paper placed on the drum. The spring was then
pulled up as far as possible and allowed to return to its position of
rest in the same careful manner. The point must then absolutely
retrace this line. No indicator was allowed to go out without satisfying
this test. The workmanship was so excellent that they always did so
as a matter of course.
Mr. Henry R. Worthington once told me, long after, that on the test
of an installation of his pump in Philadelphia, after he had indicated it
at both steam and water ends, the examining board asked him to
permit them to make a test with their own indicator, which they did
the next day. They brought another indicator, of Elliott’s make like his
own, but the number showed it to have been made some years later.
“Would you believe it,” said he, “the diagrams were every one of
them absolutely identical with my own!” I replied that the system of
manufacture was such that this could not have been otherwise.
Plan of Spring-testing Instrument.

I wish to acknowledge my obligation to Elliott Brothers for their

cordial co-operation, their excellent system of manufacture, and the
intelligent skill of their workmen, by one of whom the swiveling
connection of the levers with the piston-rod was devised.
The indicator was improved in other important respects, but I here
confine myself to the above, which most directly affected its
accuracy. This soon became established in the public confidence.
During my stay in England, about five years longer, the sale of
indicators averaged some three hundred a year, with but little
variation. The Elliotts then told me that they considered the market to
have been about supplied, and looked for a considerable falling off in
the demand, and had already reduced their orders for material. Eight
years after my return I ordered from them two indicators for use in
indicating engines exhibited at our Centennial Exhibition at
Philadelphia. The indicators had from the first been numbered in the
order of their manufacture. These came numbered over 10,000.
The indicators were put on the market in the spring of 1863, and I
sought opportunity to apply them on locomotives. In this I had the
efficient co-operation of Zerah Colburn, then editor of The Engineer.
The first application of them was on a locomotive of the London and
Southwestern Railway, and our trips, two in number, were from
London to Southampton and return. The revelations made by the
indicator were far from agreeable to Mr. Beattie, the chief engineer of
the line. Mr. Beattie had filled his boilers with tubes ⁷⁄₈ of an inch in
diameter. The diagrams showed the pressure of blast necessary to
draw the gases through these tubes to average about ten pounds
above the atmosphere, the reduction of the nozzles producing this
amount of back pressure throughout the stroke. Another revelation
was equally disagreeable. The steam showed very wet. We learned
that Mr. Beattie surrounded his cylinders with a jacket. This was a
large corrugated casting in which the cylinder was inserted as a liner.
To keep the cylinder hot the exhaust was passed through this jacket.
Mr. Colburn made both of these features the subjects of editorials in
The Engineer, written in his usual trenchant style. The last one was
entitled “Mr. Beattie’s Refrigerators,” and produced a decided
Our next trips were made on the Great Eastern Road, one from
London to Norwich and one from London to Great Yarmouth. On
these trips we were accompanied by Mr. W. H. Maw, then head
draftsman of the Great Eastern Locomotive Drawing Office, under
Mr. Sinclair, the chief engineer, and by Mr. Pendred. These
gentlemen were afterwards, respectively, the editors of Engineering
and The Engineer.
Diagrams from English Locomotives taken with Richards Indicator.

The diagrams from the Great Eastern engines were, on the whole,
the best which were taken by us. On one of these trips I was able to
get the accompanying most interesting pair of diagrams, which were
published by me in the appendix to my treatise on the Indicator. One
of them was taken at the speed of 50 revolutions per minute, and the
other at the speed of 260 revolutions per minute, running in the
same notch with wide-open throttle. The steam pressure was higher
at the rapid speed. They afford many subjects of study, and show the
perfect action of the indicator as at first turned out, at this great
speed. I learned afterwards that the almost entire freedom from
vibration at the most rapid speed was due to the gradual manner in
which the pressure fell from the beginning of the stroke. This fall of
pressure before the cut-off I fancy was caused largely by a small
Our last diagrams were taken from a locomotive on the London
and Northwestern, by the same four operators as on the Great
Eastern trips. We ran from London to Manchester. On our return trip
Mr. Webb joined us at Crewe, and accompanied us to London. I am
sorry to say that in one respect the revelation of the indicator here
was almost inconceivably bad. Mr. Ramsbottom did not protect his
cylinders, but painted these and the steam-chests black, and in this
condition sent them rushing through the moist air of England. If the
steam cooled by “Mr. Beattie’s refrigerators” was wet, that in Mr.
Ramsbottom’s cylinders seemed to be all water. A jet of hot water
was always sent up from each of the holes in the cover of the spring
case to a height of between one and two feet. We had much trouble
to protect ourselves from it, and it nearly always drenched the
diagram. I never saw this phenomenon before or since. I have seen
the steam blow from the indicator cocks white with water when the
indicators were removed. But I never saw water spurt through the
spring-case cover, except in this instance. Truly, we said to each
other, Mr. Ramsbottom has abundant use for his trough and scoop to
keep water in his tanks. It was on this trip that I observed how
enormously the motion of a black surface increased the power of the
surrounding air to abstract heat from it. While we were running at
speed I many times laid my hand on the smoke-box door without
experiencing any sensation of warmth. I wondered at this, for I knew
that a torrent of fire issuing from the tubes was impinging against the
opposite surface of this quarter-inch iron plate. In approaching
Rugby Junction I observed that the speed had not slackened very
much when I could not touch this door, and when we stopped,
although the draft had mostly ceased, I could not come near it for the
heat. At the full velocity with which the air blew against this door the
capacity of the air to absorb heat evidently exceeded the conducting
power of the metal.
W. H. Maw

Designs of Horizontal Engine Beds. Engine Details. Presentation of the Indicator at

the Newcastle Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of

uch of my time was now devoted to working out

improvements in the design of the engine, some of
which had occurred to me during the exhibition, and
which I was anxious to have completed before
bringing the engine to the notice of builders. The first
point which claimed my attention was the bed. The
horizontal engine bed had already passed through three stages of
development. The old form, in common use in the United States,
was a long and narrow box, open at top and bottom. The sides and
ends of this box were all alike, and their section resembled the letter
H laid on its side, thus ⌶. This on some accounts was a very
convenient form. The surface of the bed was planed, and everything
was easily lined from this surface. The cylinder was made with two
flanges on each side, which rested on the opposite surfaces of the
bed, permitting the cylinder to sink between them as desired. The
pillow-block rested on one or the other of these surfaces, according
as the engine was to be right or left hand. The guide-bars were
bolted on these opposite surfaces.
The first break in this monotony was made by Mr. Corliss, and was
remarkable for the number and the radical nature of its new ideas.
The cylinder was provided with broad feet near its ends, and was
planted on the foundation. The pillow-block was provided with similar
supports and was also secured to the foundation. The bed, so called,
was a tie-beam uniting the cylinder and pillow-block, and not
otherwise supported. It was of T section. The horizontal member was
behind the center line of the engine, and was made very deep in the
middle of its length to prevent deflection. The vertical member
extended equally above and below the former and carried the
guides, which were top and bottom V-grooves, between which the
cross-head ran and the connecting-rod vibrated. The cross-head
was provided with shoes fitting these V’s, and was adjustable
vertically between them. The connection with the cylinders was
made by a circular head supported by curved brackets. This
connection was firm on one side only. The bed was reversible to suit
right- or left-hand engines by merely turning it over.
In the bed for my engine, Mr. Richards struck out another design,
which avoided some objections to the Corliss bed. The guides were
supported from the foundation, and the connection with the cylinder
was more substantial, but the reversible feature had to be sacrificed.
Mr. Richards’ bed, shown in the illustration facing page 70, was
designed in the box form, the superior rigidity of which had been
established by Mr. Whitworth. It was a box closed at the top and
flanged internally at the bottom. It rested on the foundation through
its entire length. The main pillow-block was formed in the bed, as
were also the lower guide-bars. The cylinder was secured on its
surface in the old-fashioned way.

Engine Bed Designed by Mr. Porter. Engraving made from an Old Print.
It occurred to me that the best features of the Corliss and the
Richards designs might be combined to advantage. This idea I
worked out in the bed shown in the accompanying illustration, taken
from a circular issued by Ormerod, Grierson & Co., of Manchester,
and which was made from a photograph of an engine sent by that
firm to the Oporto International Exhibition in 1865. It will be seen that
this is Mr. Richards’ bed with the cylinder bolted to the end after Mr.
Corliss’ plan. The great strength of the bed enabled the supports
under the cylinder to be dispensed with. This left the cylinder free to
expand by heat, and made it convenient to attach the steam or
exhaust connections or both underneath. This bed has remained
without change, except in one important respect. I made the first
cylinders with a bracket which was keyed up from the base of the
bed. In the illustration a corner of this bracket appears. At the Paris
Exposition in 1867 Mr. Beyer, of the firm of Beyer & Peacock, the
Manchester locomotive-builders, when he saw it, told me I did not
need that bracket. I then left it off, but found the cylinder to wink a
little on every stroke when the heavy piston was at the back end. To
find the weak place, I tried the following experiment on an engine
built for the India Mills in Manchester. I filed two notches in the edges
of the brackets on the bed, opposite each other and about ten inches
forward of the head, and fitted a piece of wire between them. This
wire buckled very decidedly on every revolution of the engine, when
the piston was at the back end of its stroke. I then united these
brackets into a hood, and lengthened the connection with the surface
of the bed, as it is now made. This affords a perfect support for the
cylinder. Experiments tried at the Cambria Iron Works on a cylinder
of 40-inch bore and 48-inch stroke, with a piston weighing 3600
pounds and running at 100 double strokes per minute, showed the
back end of the cylinder standing absolutely motionless. This
experiment will be described hereafter.

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