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Western Civilization Beyond

Boundaries 7th Edition Noble Solutions

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Early Medieval Civilizations, 600–900

After reading this chapter, students will be able to:
1. Describe factors contributing to the rapid rise of the Arab peoples and spread of Islam as a
political and religious force.
2. Compare and contrast Byzantine political, religious, and cultural developments with their Roman
3. Evaluate the role of religious, ethnic, and regional differences in the rise of early medieval
4. Assess the successes and failures of the Frankish and Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
5. Analyze the rise and fall of the Carolingian Empire.
6. Compare and contrast the political, economic, and social traditions of the Islamic, Byzantine, and
Western worlds.
7. Compare and contrast the cultural accomplishments of the Islamic, Byzantine, and Carolingian
8. List reasons for the fall of Charlemagne’s Empire.
9. Define the term Iconoclasm and explain its impact on the early Christian Church.

I. The Islamic East
Shortly after 600, an Arabian prophet preached a new faith whose followers conquered and settled
lands from Spain to China.
A. Arabia Before Muhammad
1. The economy of Arabia before Islam
2. Ethnic and religious composition
B. The Prophet and His Faith
1. Muhammad’s background
2. Origins of a new faith
3. The umma muslima
4. The Five Pillars of Islam
5. The Quran, the sunna and the hadith
C. The Arab Conquests
1. The death of Muhammad and the establishment of the Caliphate
2. The spread of Islam by conquest under the Umayyad dynasty
3. “House of Islam” and the “House of War”
D. The Abbasid Revolution
1. Islam’s first golden age
2. Creation of a more international and Arabized regime

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36 Chapter 8: Early Medieval Civilizations, 600–900

3. Abbasid decline after the early tenth century

E. The Emergence of Islamic Culture
1. Elaboration of religious thought and assimilation of diverse cultures
2. Common practices
3. Shi’ite–Sunni split
4. Question of the Western or Eastern character of the Islamic caliphates
II. The Byzantine Empire
The Eastern Roman Empire shrank geographically and changed both its basic administrative
structure and its cultural orientation to produce Byzantine civilization.
A. Shifting Frontiers
1. Byzantium’s relations with its neighbors
a) Persians
b) Slavic peoples
2. Origins of the Papal States
3. Political instability within Byzantium’s Imperial dynasties
B. New Forms of Government
1. Military reforms and the theme system
2. Reforms of the legal system and the imperial administration
C. The Birth of Byzantine Culture
1. The importance of religion
2. The growing influence of monasticism
3. Iconoclasm
4. Increasing divisions between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism
5. Both old and new, Western and non-Western
III. The Rise of the Carolingian Empire
The social and political heritages of the German and Roman pasts interacted with Christianity to
produce Catholic Europe.
A. Medieval Europe Takes Shape
1. Internal rivalries and the fall of the Visigothic Kingdom in Spain
2. The faltering Lombard Kingdom in Italy
3. The Donation of Constantine
4. Interrupted political consolidation in England
5. Conversion of the British Isles to Christianity
6. Bede and his Ecclesiastical history of the English Church and People
B. The Carolingian Dynasty
1. Rising prominence of the Carolingian family in the Merovingian kingdom
2. Charlemagne
a) General characteristics and the development of the “New Israel” ideology
b) Debate over Charlemagne’s coronation as Roman Emperor
c) The final evolution of the Roman Empire in the West
C. Carolingian Government
1. The theory and limitations of royal power
2. Structure of the royal court
3. Ties between royal court and local government: counts, vassalage, assemblies, touring,
and the missi dominici
D. The Carolingian Renaissance
1. A royally-sponsored revival of learning
2. The work of Alcuin
3. Religious and secular consolidation
4. Theodulf, versatile Carolingian thinker

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Chapter 8: Early Medieval Civilizations, 600–900 37

5. The hybrid quality of Carolingian art and architecture

E. The Fragmentation of Charlemagne’s Empire, 814–887
1. Size, ethnic complexity, and dynastic squabbling weaken the empire
2. The treaty of Verdun and the creation of the West Frankish, Middle Frankish, and
Eastern Frankish Kingdoms
3. New kingdoms along the frontiers of the declining Carolingian Empire
4. Muslim and Magyar onslaughts
5. The rise of the Vikings
6. Enduring concept of Europe as “Christendom”
IV. Early Medieval Economies and Societies
Despite changing political frameworks, daily life changed little and society remained rural,
hierarchical, and male-dominated.
A. Trade and Commerce
1. Local and international trade among Rome’s three heirs
2. Trade in luxury items versus trade in commodities
B. Town and Countryside
1. Cities become less important in the West
2. Continued urban life in Byzantium and Islamic world
3. The fundamental importance of agriculture
4. The development of the bipartite estate in the West
C. Social Patterns
1. Islam, Byzantium, and the West compared
2. The role and status of women
3. Merchants and the middling classes
4. Status differences among civil servants
5. Peasants and slaves
6. The domestic sphere

1. Rome’s three heirs and the concept of the West
2. Islam and its ties to Judaism and Christianity
3. The golden age of Islamic civilization
4. Byzantium as the continuation of the Roman Empire after the fall of Rome
5. The Carolingian Empire
6. Compare the economic, social, political, and cultural/intellectual aspects of early medieval
Islamic, Byzantine, and Western civilizations.
7. Manorialism and the development of European agriculture in the early Middle Ages
8. The Viking invasions of the British Isles and France
9. The resilient Byzantine Empire
10. The changing role of women in early European history
11. The spread of Islam and its impact on Christian Europe

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38 Chapter 8: Early Medieval Civilizations, 600–900

1. Armstrong, Karen, A History of God: The 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam,
2. Campbell, James, ed., The Anglo-Saxons, 1982.
3. Cantor, Norman, Medieval Lives: Eight Charismatic Men and Women of the Middle Ages, 1994.
4. Chapelot, Jean and Fossier, Robert, The Village and House in the Middle Ages, 1985.
5. Croinin, Early Medieval Ireland, 400–1200, 1995
6. Donner, Fred McGraw, Early Islamic Conquests, 1986.
7. Folz, Robert, The Coronation of Charlemagne, 25 December 800, 1974.
8. Herlihy, David, Muliebria: Women and Work in Medieval Europe, 1990.
9. Hodges, R. and Whitehouse, D., Mohammed, Charlemagne and the Origins of Europe, 1989.
10. Hourani, Albert, A History of the Arab Peoples, 1991.
11. Jones, Gwyn, A History of the Vikings, 1984.
12. Kennedy, Hugh, The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates, The Islamic Near East from the Sixth
to the Eleventh Century, 1986.
13. Kaegi, Walter, Byzantium and the Early Islamic Conquests, 1992.
14. Lewis, David Levering, God’s Crucible, Islam and the Making of Europe, 570–1215.
15. McKutterick, Rosamond, The Early Middle Ages, Short Oxford History of Europe, 2001.
16. McKutterick, Rosamond, The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians, 751–98, 1983.
17. Norwich, John Julius, Byzantium: The Early Centuries, 1989; Byzantium: the Apogee, 1992;
Byzantium: the Decline and Fall, 1996.
18. Reuter, Germany in the Early Middle Ages, c. 800–1056, 1991.
19. Sawyer, Peter, Kings and Vikings, 1982.
20. Shepard, The Emergence of Rus, 750–1200, 1996.
21. Wickham, C. J., Early Medieval Italy, Central Power and Local Society 400–1000, 1981.
22. Winks, Robin, Medieval Europe and the World: From Late Antiquity to Modernity, 400–1500,
23. Wood, I.N., The Merovingian Kingdom, 450–751, 1994.


1. How did Islam reflect the early Arab world, and how did it change it? Relate both of these to the
success of early medieval Islam.
2. Compare and contrast the relationship between religion and the state in Western Europe,
Byzantium, and the Islamic world.
3. How did Byzantine culture, society, government, and military change during the Early Middle

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Chapter 8: Early Medieval Civilizations, 600–900 39

4. To what extent was early Islam tolerant of non-believers? What were the rules for non-believers
living under Islamic rulers? Were Islamic rulers tolerant in the modern understanding of the
word? In the context of their time?
5. What factors promoted or hindered learning in the Islamic, Byzantine, and Western worlds?
6. Divide the class into three groups representing Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Have each group
research for classroom discussion their religion’s views on marriage, sexuality, and charity.
7. Compare and contrast the Carolingian empire with its contemporaries, the Byzantine and Abbayad
8. Divide the class into three groups representing Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and
Islam. Assign each group the task to research and find images of the style of religious art and
architecture for each faith for comparison.
9. Explain how the Catholic West, Byzantium, and Islam were heirs to Greco-Roman civilization
and the Roman Empire.

1. The Byzantines, The History Channel, DVD, 2006.
2. Byzantium: the Lost Empire, The Learning Channel, 200 minutes, 2 VHS, 1997.
3. The Dark Ages, The History Channel, DVD, 2007.
4. Engineering an Empire: The Byzantines, The History Channel, DVD, 2006.
5. Inside Islam, A&E Television Network, 1 DVD.
6. Islam: Empire of Faith, PBS Video, DVD, 2004.
7. Muhammed: Legacy of a Prophet, DVD, 2002.
8., A Site Worthy of Its Name,
9. Islamic Calendar (converter),
10. Muslims, www.pbs/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/muslims.
11. Vikings:Fury from the North, The History Channel, DVD, 2000.
12. Weber, Eugen, “The Byzantine Empire,” “The Dark Ages,” “The Age of Charlemagne,” The
Western Tradition, WGBH Boston, DVD, 1989.
13. Woods, Michael, “The Barbarian West,” Legacy – The Origins of Civilization, PBS, 57 minutes,

Copyright © 2104 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

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“Fanny,” papa said, “will you come in my study a few moments.”
She put her hand over his shoulder, and his arm was around her
waist. I saw them cross the hall, making such a pretty picture that I
smiled. Then the door shut.
This was what happened.
They walked together to the library table. Papa took up a letter,
fingered it idly and studied Fan’s sweet young face.
“I did not mean to speak of this until Monday,” he began, “but I
have a feeling that it may be best finished at once. I received a letter
a few days ago,—in which there was an enclosure for you—this.”
He took out a folded paper and handed it to her. She opened it
wonderingly. Out fell a faded rose with two or three buds.
She gave a low cry and hid her face on papa’s shoulder. He
smoothed the golden hair and presently said in a tremulous tone—
“Will you read my letter? I should like to have you.”
She raised her scarlet face, still keeping her eyes averted. It was
some seconds before she could begin to distinguish the words.
A manly straight-forward appeal to papa from Winthrop Ogden. He
confessed to having spoken hastily in the summer, and promising to
wait long enough to convince Miss Endicott that he was in earnest.
His mind had not wavered from that hour, and now he asked papa’s
permission to visit her and try his fate, convinced that his love was
loyal and earnest. His family admired Miss Endicott, and such an
engagement would meet with their approval, he knew. Might he hope
for an answer soon?
“My darling!”
“Oh papa!” and the fair head went down again.
“Shall I send this young interloper about his business?”
There was no answer except as the soft arms crept up round his
“My dear child, what is it?” finding a little place in the forehead to
“Can I—do—” and the faltering voice paused.
“Just as you like, my darling. While I should be sorry to give you—
to another,” and there was a pathetic little break in the voice; “still the
young man is unexceptionable. I believe the Churchills would
welcome you warmly. And marrying and being given in marriage is
the way of the world.”
“Then—papa—” and the remainder of the answer was a long,
tender kiss.
“I thought perhaps—Stephen Duncan—”
“Oh, papa, he doesn’t love me—in that way.
“But I know his secret, that is I once saw it gleam out like a tiny
snow-drop in the sun. I am not to be the only happy girl in the world.”
Papa looked a little puzzled, then he sighed.
“Why,” said he dolorously—“there will be only five left!”

T seemed so strange the next day to look at Fan and

think what had happened to her. I was glad to have it
Sunday. The very church bells appeared to have caught
a deeper tone, an awe and sacredness, a being set
apart as it were from the ordinary uses. It was sweet
and beautiful to me, and I was filled with a kind of quiet excitement, a
great throbbing and trembling in every nerve, as if I stood on the
threshold of a new life. Other girls had been engaged or had lovers,
but it did not enter into my soul like this.
She was sweet and dreamy, saying very little. When she sang in
Church her voice had a peculiar tremulousness in it, as if it swept
through great waves of feeling. Mamma was very tender to her.
When their eyes met it was with a mutual understanding made
manifest in the simplest glance. I did not feel jealous. She and papa
surely had the first right to the mystery and blessedness of the new
relation. Papa watched her with wistful eyes, as if he could hardly
resolve to relinquish her.
Thus two or three days passed. We were up in our room, I dusting,
and Fan folding some clothes, and laying ribbons orderly in a pretty
“That is so lovely,” and she shook out a delicate blonde blue. “Mr.
Duncan chose it for me. We went shopping one day with Mrs.
Whitcomb, to buy some table linen. It was such fun! I told him he
wasted his money in riotous living, the fine linen being a sure sign.”
Just then our heads met, mine going down and hers coming up.
We laughed and looked at each other in great confusion.
“O Fan,” I said just under my breath.
“My dear old darling! I want to tell you—”
“I have guessed,” I said quickly with conscious color. “It is just
right, you and Stephen will be so happy.”
“Stephen!” and she looked at me in surprise. “And papa thought so
too!” at which she laughed gayly.
“Isn’t it Stephen?” in blank amazement.
“Why, no, and mamma has not even hinted?”
“It cannot be Dick Fairlie,” I said wonderingly. “I am sure Jennie—”
“O you little goose! Now as there is just one other man left in the
world you can surely guess.”
I looked at her with that peculiar mental blindness where one may
see, but the thought is shaped to nothing.
“It is not—Winthrop Ogden.”
A great rift of scarlet rushed over her face. Her eyes were
luminous with the dewiness of joy that misses tears, and her lips
“Oh Fanny!”
I could only take her in my arms and kiss her.
“He wrote to papa. He cared more than we thought. And there was
—I did not tell you about the rose then. I felt afraid that he was trifling
with me. And somehow—”
I understood it all when she did tell me in her sweet halting way. A
faint glimmering of love, or what might be love if there was truth for a
foundation stone.
“Are you quite certain that Stephen—?”
“Oh you dear, tender heart! Yes, quite sure that he does not love
me only in a friendly fashion. We suit, and can talk of everything. He
will not be so with the woman he loves—at first.”
“But it is so—queer;” and I smiled reflectively.
“Yes. We are not engaged, you know. He only asked for the
privilege of coming honorably. I thought he would wait a year—but
he has not.”
“He is earnest, if impatient.”
“Yes. I believe I like the imperiousness.”
We went down stairs presently, Papa came in with a letter.
“For you, little woman;” he said, looking curiously at me.
I did not wonder at that. It was in Mr. Duncan’s hand, and of
course he was surprised at Mr. Duncan writing to me. But I knew all
about it and broke open the seal hurriedly. It was very brief.
“My Dear, Dear Friend.
Louis came to me on Sunday evening. I understand how
much of the good work has been yours, and have no words to thank
you as I ought. God bless you, always. Louis is quite ill. With love to
you and yours.
S. Duncan.”
I handed it to papa, saying—
“I shall have to tell you the story, first. I have had a secret since
last week, but I could not help it.”
“God be thanked for restoring this last son. Now what is it, Rose?”
I related the particulars of our meeting, and how I had urged Louis
to return, but that being bound by a promise of secrecy, I could only
wait the result.
“You were quite right;” replied papa. “The good seed has not been
utterly wasted. I have great hopes for this young man, after all.
Perhaps just this shock was needed to bring him to his senses.
Peculiar natures need peculiar discipline.”
“How brave and good you are in your quiet way Rose.” Fan said
with her arms around my neck.
I could not see what particular bravery there was in it. It had just
happened. The work had come to my hand, and I could not have
turned away.
“I am so glad Mrs. Whitcomb is there;” began mamma thoughtfully.
“It seems a special providence. She has so much wisdom and
patience, she can look beyond the little to-day, to the great end. She
does not show you how weak and miserable you are, but raises you
up to her strength, lends it to you, as it were, until you have some of
your own.”
Then we went our ways again a shade more grave, perhaps, but
with a secret joy in our hearts over the “one sinner.” Just now we did
not need to remember the ninety and nine just ones.
The next event was a letter from Mr. Ogden to papa. He expected
to make a flying visit at the West Side, and would take great
pleasure in calling.
He reached the village late Saturday afternoon, and came over in
the evening. He and papa and Fan had a talk in the study, and then
they spent an hour by themselves. Fan looked bright and funny
when she came up stairs.
“Oh, you dear little grandmother;” she began, “how nice it is to
have some one to confess to, when you feel foolish and half
sentimental. If you want to laugh at me you can, there is no law in
the Constitution to forbid it. I am not very far gone in love yet, but I
expect to be some day. Meanwhile, let us be sensible.”
“I have not the slightest objection;” said I gayly.
“I will make my last will and testament while I am of sound mind,
then. Or rather part of this is papa’s. We are not to be really engaged
before Autumn, and in the meanwhile we are to find out on how
many points we agree. But Mr. Ogden is in desperate earnest.”
“You do not seem to be.”
“I really don’t know what I am. I have been tumbled up and down
in my mind and lost my mental equilibrium. But Rose, to think of
Winthrop that very evening telling his Aunt Lucy! And I have been
there time and again, never suspecting it. She has been very sweet
to me.”
“Why not?”
“I cannot tell, only they are rich, and grand as people say, and I
feel quite small beside them. He doesn’t mean to tell his mother just
yet, but the rest of the family are—glad that it is so. But when his
Aunt Lucy wrote about Mr. Duncan being here he was in a flame at
once. He spoke last summer because he was jealous of Dick Fairlie,
and now because he was jealous of Mr. Duncan.”
“Do you like that?” I inquired gravely.
“Well—” reflectively, tying her hair ribbon around the pin-cushion,
and going off a step to view it, as if the becomingness of that was the
great point for consideration—“yes, I suppose it is best. He thinks so.
I do believe I have a slight penchant for—flirting. It is abominable in a
clergyman’s daughter! Somehow I do not believe the old Adam has
been entirely eradicated in my case. I shall have to go on fighting it
awhile longer. And so—if I know he is watching me and will be made
miserable over it, I shall be more thoughtful.”
“But if you love him—?”
“It isn’t the love—it is the bits of fun that crop out now and then,
and when I laugh, somebody thinks it means something, when it
does not. I could not help about Dick, and I was very sorry. I am so
glad he has taken to Jennie Ryder. And I know Mr. Duncan never
had a thought about marrying me. But it is best to be careful, since
there are men in the world.”
“I think you had better come to bed,” I rejoined, much amused at
“I suppose I had. Good-bye, moralizing. ‘Be good and you will be
But she came and kissed me with rare tenderness.
Mr. Ogden walked home from church with us on Sunday, and
came to tea in the evening. He was very bright and gracious and
made the children like him.
After this they were to correspond until midsummer, when they
would meet again.
There was another embarrassment to be gone through with. A few
days afterward Miss Churchill came over. Obeying her first impulse,
Fan ran away with blushing cheeks. Mamma and Miss Churchill had
a good long talk to themselves. But after awhile Fan was compelled
to make her appearance.
“My dear child;” and Miss Churchill just took her in her arms and
kissed her. “We all think it very delightful to have a claim upon you.”
The tears sprang to Fan’s eyes. It was sweet indeed to be so
warmly welcomed. Mamma was a little touched by it, too.
“I was very much surprised, and I scolded Lucy roundly for
keeping the secret from me. But if we had chosen we could not have
suited ourselves better. And now, my dear, go get yourself ready, for
I am going to take you home with me and keep you all night. Lucy is
wild to see you.”
Fanny looked at mamma who nodded assent, so she left us rather
“My dear Mrs. Endicott,” and Miss Churchill came around, laying
her hand on mamma’s shoulder, “I think if I have ever envied any
one in the world, it is you, since I have come to know you thoroughly.
These charming girls growing up beside you should be a crown of
content to any woman.”
“I have been very happy with my husband and children;” and
mamma’s eyes glistened.
“Circumstances shut me out of such hopes. I suppose we all have
our little romances in youth. I too have had a pleasant life, and my
sister has needed my care, so that I do not feel wasted;” and she
smiled. “But I think I was in danger of making my life rather too
narrow. We need something fresh and different from ourselves. Even
we who have the strength to stand alone, like the sweet, tender
sense of a trailing vine reaching towards our hearts. A breath out of
some other living which enters into or demands our sympathy makes
us so much more of kin to the whole world.”
“Indeed it does,” replied mamma warmly. “When you learn to give
and to take out of each other’s sphere and experience, the actual
richness and breadth of existence is made manifest.”
“You have managed to get so much of real sympathy and
heartiness into your girls’ souls. They are natural. There is no aiming
at any superiority. They will always go into beautiful places because
they fit just like a statue in some niche. I cannot tell you what a
pleasure Fanny has been to us. I do not think Kenton is as fond of
Helen, way down in the depths of his heart, though we always had to
coax her into our lives, and alter the niches a little. So we are doubly
glad to have her.”
It was such a sweet, heart-felt welcome that the tears positively
did come to mamma’s eyes this time.
“Thank you a thousand times for your cordiality;” she murmured
with a great tremble in her voice.
“Winthrop is very young, but the Churchill blood is loyal to the last
drop. I think he will be true as steel through any probation. And since
they can have only one spring-time, one glad season of bright,
eager, joyous youth, we will all try to keep out the thorns and let
them ramble to the very mountain tops if they so elect. I dare say
you fancy me a foolish old woman!”
I thought her just splendid! Fan would be rich in love on every
“They are both young,” returned mamma. “Mr. Endicott considers it
best that there should be no formal engagement for the present, but I
feel as if it was quite a settled matter.”
“You must not become jealous if we should monopolize her a great
deal. She is such a comfort to Lucy, with her bright engaging ways.
And I seem to be almost sharing your bliss of motherhood.”
Fan returned just then fairly bewitching in her new timidity. We
kissed all round, and they drove away. I took up my sewing, but the
house seemed strangely still.
“Rose, dear,” mamma began presently, “this will bring a sense of
lonesomeness to you that may be depressing at first. I had hoped
the circle would not be broken quite so soon. But you must be a
brave little girl.”
“Oh,” I replied, “I am happy because she is. And then she will not
leave us for ever so long. But she is so bright and pretty that some
one would have fallen in love with her if it had not been Mr. Ogden.
You will not be robbed of me so soon—if that is any comfort.”
She smiled a little but did not answer.
The affection and honoring seemed to render Fan more humble
than before. She possessed a truly rich and noble nature which
would not be easily puffed up with pride.
Mrs. Fairlie and Kate returned, and a few days afterward we heard
that Mrs. Ogden was at her brother’s.
Kate came over to see us. She had changed indescribably. A
languid society air enveloped her as a garment. She talked with a
slight drawl, pronouncing her words in a very clear, delicate manner,
as if she was afraid of hurting them, Nelly said. All except the r’s,
which she rather ignored.
The months spent at the South had been just lovely. Such
charming people, (“chawming” she said,) so much cultivation,
elegant, refined manners, and oh, such dressing! How any one could
exist in this dull little town she did not see. And the stay in New York
had been splendid! They had become very intimate with Mrs. Ogden.
We had seen Winthrop, of course. Didn’t we think him a most
entertaining young man? She forgot though that we had but a very
slight opportunity of judging. He had spent a number of evenings
with her, and they had been out together. He was quite an eligible
“parti,” with a strong French accent. The whole Churchill estate
would have to be divided between him and his sister presently, since
there were only old maids and old bachelors in the family. But she
should not make up her mind about marrying until after she had
been abroad. American girls often married very handsomely in
foreign countries.
“French Counts for instance,” said Fan.
“O, but the real article was to be had. And American gentlemen
traveled abroad now instead of going to native watering places. It
was so much more stylish. If Dick only would go with them! Mother
had tried to persuade him to hire the farm out.”
“He must be very lonesome;” said mamma.
“O, he is such an old hermit! He doesn’t care at all for society. Just
give him a book, or a dog, or a lot of kittens and he is perfectly
happy. He will end by being a bachelor like Mr. Churchill, yet I don’t
know as that is altogether to be deplored. Since mamma has a life
right there, it will be as well if there is no wife to interfere.”
She said this with the utmost complacency. I do not suppose she
imagined that it had a selfish sound.
Fan laughed a little afterward. “I shall tell Winthrop that he had
better wait. She might come home from Europe and marry him.”
“I do not believe they will like Jennie Ryder;” I remarked.
“Kate snubbed her long ago. But Dick and she will have a chance
to get settled, I think, without any one’s interference. It is really
fortunate that they are going.”
We saw Mrs. Ogden twice during her stay. She was not as lovely
as Miss Esther, being more worldly-minded, but she had the
Churchill breeding and was a lady.
There was one little feast that we kept by ourselves—baby’s
birthday. She could walk and began to utter pretty words with one
syllable left off, and was the quaintest, cunningest baby in the wide
world as we knew—very well.
“What a short year;” said Fanny. “How many things have been
crowded into it.”
“And we are glad to have you, dear little Dot, if there are seven of
us,” exclaimed Nelly, kissing her extravagantly.
“But Mr. Duncan said he owned her and that he meant to take her
away some day;” declared tiny Tim, who was fast outgrowing her pet
name. It seemed to me that they were all a great deal taller than a
year ago.
“We won’t let him have her just yet,” answered papa. “Or perhaps
some one might go in her place.”
The children glanced at each other in dismay; and papa laughed
The birds began to sing and the trees were coming out again. We
went to the woods for wild flowers and had our house fragrant with
them. But in the wake of spring came house-cleaning and gardening,
and then—all the sewing.
“The same thing year after year;” I said to mamma.
“And yet not quite the same either. There is a gradual outgrowing
and ingrowing. There should be a corresponding strength and
sweetness and patience and faith. By and by we come to the whole
stature. But it is the growth of a good many springs, the heat and toil
and watching of many summers, and the ripening of repeated
“I did not take it as high as that.”
“But are we not to?” and mamma’s face was at its sweetest. “I
often think we work, in types. We clean our houses and dust finds
lodgement in them again, we purify our souls by prayer and good
works, and we find the rubbish of indolence and impatience and
selfishness. So we go at it and have another trial.”
“We ought to get strong;” I said thoughtfully.
“We do grow stronger, I hope. And we become more watchful over
our work. You know when our house is first made nice and tidy how
careful we are of littering it again. And when God has helped us by
his grace to purify our souls how earnestly we should try to keep
them so. For they are His temples.”
I thought it over by myself. Yes, everything spoke. The true
meanings of life were not so hard to get at, after all. It was—believe
and do. They went hand in hand.
And yet it was a curious jumble. You had to come back from the
grand thoughts to the common every-day doings. Dresses and skirts
and aprons, sheets and towels, washing and ironing, and the
inevitable eating. The charm lay in making it as good and as pretty
as possible, with the outside harmony of taste and appropriateness,
and the minor graces of love and kindness.
Fan had taken upon herself some new, odd ways. She began to
grow very motherly with the children, she spent a part of every day in
the kitchen with Ann, and she had a box in one corner of the bureau-
drawer with which she held mysterious consultations. Wonderful
were the patterns of tatting that went into it, the bits of fine
crocheting, the puffs and rufflings gathered and stitched in dainty
For her there could be no expensive trousseau ordered at some
first class city store. It would have to be a labor of love and
She was quite demure and precise for awhile, then Harry Denham
came home from the West, and she broke out into a regular frolic.
Nothing very bad or harmful, but her olden self that could not be
altogether repressed. Mamma came in with a guiding hand, and I
think she understood that she was being led over a dangerous place.
Oh, wise and tender mothers, what should we do without you?
I went to Mrs. Ryder’s one afternoon to tea, Jennie had asked me
specially on Sunday. “Come early,” she said, “so that we can have a
nice talk while mother is taking her rest.”
I could imagine what we were to talk about. Jennie kissed me with
a sweet, earnest tenderness, seated me in a low chair by the window
and began to take off my hat, and shawl.
“Your mother is not any worse?” I began by way of getting into the
common-places of talk before we should feel awkward.
“O no. Indeed I think she improves a little. She walks better than
she did.”
“I am so glad of that.”
“Not that she will ever regain the entire use of her limbs. That
would be too great a hope. But it is so nice to have her even this
way. I sometimes think how lonely and forlorn I should have been
without one dear friend of my very own.”
“I could not spare any one,” I returned, looking away.
“And you have so many.”
At that I smiled a little.
“A year or so ago mamma used to worry a great deal in her sweet
way that was not actual complaining, about being such a burthen.
She thought it was dreadful to have all my plans brought to nought,
when I loved teaching so much. And sometimes I could not see just
why that misfortune had to happen to me.”
“It is clearer now.”
“The way is clearer,—yes. But it is only lately that I have
understood the great truth.”
“I am sure you were always patient and good-tempered.”
“Isn’t there something still higher than that, or wider, maybe? We
do not live to ourselves, after all, or we ought not.”
“No;” I returned a little wonderingly, studying the bright thoughtful
“The knowledge came—with something else. Every day there is a
new unfolding. And I wanted to tell you—”
Her voice trembled and the sweet eyes were downcast, while a
soft flush crept up to her temples.
“Oh, Jennie, we guessed—and we are all so glad. It is about
Here I was in the midst of another confidence.
“I wanted you to come alone to-day so that we might talk it over. It
is not that I love Fan any less.”
It was my turn to blush now. I did it with a sense of pain and
shame. As if she divined my distress, she said—
“Richard told me about the day last summer. He did love Fanny
very much—he loves her still in one way. But he understands how
different their natures are.”
“That is just it;” I exclaimed with a sense of relief.
“She wants some one to guide and strengthen her, to be tender,
and yet self-assertive. I do not believe she could ever have made the
best of Richard. And I love to teach. I like the unfolding, the evolving,
something to do, beside living straight along and enjoying one’s self.
And Richard needs to go to school. That is nothing derogatory to
“No. It is because he has had a rather repressed life. No one
cared for the things which pleased him, except his father.”
“And the woman who takes it ought to spend all her energy in
making it blossom, in bringing it to its best and richest fruitage.”
“As you will.”
“I hope to try. It is the kind of work that I like. But do you not think
—” with much hesitation in her tone, “that it is great good fortune for
“But you deserve it, every bit. I rejoice that God did send it to you.
Once in awhile some event comes out just right in this world.”
She smiled. “I want to tell you a few of our plans. I cannot help but
think it best that Mrs. Fairlie and Kate have gone abroad. I shall feel
more free, and he will have no opposition to encounter. Though I
was afraid at first that it was not quite fair nor honest.”
“It certainly was best. And if they consult their own fancies and
leave him alone they cannot blame him for marrying.”
“He wanted it to be very soon, though we have been engaged
barely a month. I put it off until Autumn. There are so many things to
think about. And he is so good.”
“He is. There can be no doubt on that point.”
“You know I could never leave mother. I told him so when he first
spoke. I must have her with me, do for her while she lives, share part
of my interest with her, and take much of hers. A person who cannot
go out is so very dependant. He said that her home should be
always with us, there was plenty of room in the house, and he meant
to be a son to her; that he had never had a real mother like her. I am
to make over all right in this place to her, and she can sell it or rent it,
and have a little income of her own.”
“It is delightful. I shall be thankful to have you in that house. You
will make a home of it, which it never has been.”
“We are going on in a quiet old fashioned way. I suppose people
will think,” and an arch light crossed her face.
“They have not thought very much about it yet.”
“I wanted to tell you first. And your mother and Fanny.”
“Yes;” I replied softly.
That seemed taking the matter too tamely. I ran to her and clasped
my arms around her neck, making an extravagant speech between
my kisses.
Then we branched into relative topics, side issues that presented
themselves in a chance fashion. How wide her range of sight was!
Some way we touched upon position and station.
“That is part of the knowledge;” she said in her bright, sweet way.
“I have learned a lesson that I mean to put in practice if God does
give me the opportunity. It is—holding up, and not pushing down.”
I understood her inconsequent little speech.
“Rich people can do so many pleasant things. Their position keeps
them quite free. They are not misunderstood, at least no one can
accuse them of unworthy motives. It seems to me that they might
sometimes hold out their hands to the next best. It would not hurt
them. I don’t want ever to forget this.”
I knew she would not.
“It has been hard;” I said softly, thinking of the past.
“Why was I not as good and refined and lady-like? What difference
was it whether I worked for the mothers of children one way or
another, teaching them, or sewing for them? I was not likely to crowd
in without an invitation. And how much better shall I be as mistress of
Mr. Fairlie’s house than I am now?”
“It is one of the bitter and unjust ways of the world.”
“I feel as if I should not like to be taken into favor again solely for
the money. I know the setting usually displays the stone to a better
advantage, but why cannot people see it before the gold begins to
glitter? The only drawback to perfect happiness is that Richard’s
mother and sister would not approve. Yet once Kate Fairlie and I
were very good friends.”
“Kate is not really a fair test. There are others—”
“I know it. I ought to be ashamed to find any fault. But I hope I
never shall forget how it feels to be crowded out of bright and
pleasant things.”
There was a little stir, and a soft voice called—“Jennie.” Presently
Mrs. Ryder made her appearance, and then the real visiting began.
We chatted about the village people, the sick and the well, the
babies and the old folks, mamma’s visit to New York which was not
an old story here. I could see they too, suspected Stephen Duncan
of a penchant for Fanny.
Jennie walked home with me part of the way for exercise, and we
came back to Richard in our talk. She did love him very much. The
money had not tempted her.
I had a thought that afternoon too. As soon as I was alone with
Fan I put it into execution. First I told her of the engagement, and
she rejoiced as thoroughly as I.
“Fan,” I said, “there is one thing that it would be just lovely to do, if
you could manage it. If Miss Churchill and you could call on Jennie
Ryder, and have it look every-day-like and social.”
“What a bright idea, Rose! Miss Churchill will like her ever so
much. It is odd how many nice things you find in people when you
come to know them well. We will bring the West Side over here and
make them admire us.”

HERE was quite a lively time in the parish for a

fortnight. Papa had two marriages in Church, one of
which was Annie Fellows and Mr. Hunter. Then Miss
Maynard was married at home in a very exclusive and
elegant manner. Fifty-five dollars for all of it. Wedding
fees were mamma’s money.
“I don’t know as we need spend it just now;” she said, “I think I will
lay it away against time of necessity;” smilingly.
I imagined what that meant. Days and weeks went on so fast.
Then papa’s sister came from Philadelphia to make us a visit; Aunt
Margaret for whom Daisy had been named. She brought with her a
piece of pretty Nainsook muslin and some laces for gifts. There were
the three younger children provided with new summer dresses.
She was sweet and gracious, with that indescribable lady-like
charm, and then she insisted upon helping everywhere. Altering
dresses, dusting rooms, talking to papa or tying up vines and flowers
in the garden—nothing came amiss to her. She petitioned that Daisy
should be lent to her for the remainder of the summer. She had one
son at home, but her two daughters were married and away.
Papa thought at first that it would not be possible to spare her.
Mamma said that she was not prepared for so long a visit.
“Never mind that, Frances,” returned Aunt Margaret, “I will attend
to what is needful. I don’t see how you get along with such a host of
little ones. If Edith had not come—”
“Oh, but Edith is the crown of all;” declared Fan. “She brought rare
good luck with her. So many lovely things have happened to us
during the year. And now we couldn’t spare her.”
Aunt Margaret smiled. “You have been very fortunate in your
children,” she said, glancing at mamma.
Miss Churchill came over with the barouche and took the elders
riding. It was a lovely afternoon late in May, and the whole world was
abloom with beauty and sweetness.
She and Fanny had dropped in one day at Mrs. Ryder’s and had a
charming call. Afterward Fan had whispered the secret.
“The young man is to be congratulated;” declared Miss Churchill.
“She will make a pretty, cheerful wife, and that will be much to a man
like Mr. Fairlie. I am glad he has been so sensible and I must see
more of her before she leaves her old station. My dear, I am afraid I
shall turn into a regular village gossip, I am so fond of young girls
and their affairs.”
It began to be guessed at elsewhere as well, for the two went out
driving now and then of an afternoon.
Allie West and Dora Hyde were over one evening and it happened
to be touched upon.
“I don’t believe there is anything in it;” exclaimed Dora. “Dick
Fairlie will not throw himself away in that style! Why, he could have
the best in the town with that handsome place of his.”
“I am sure Jennie is quite pretty;” said Fan, “and nicely educated.
She reads French and German, is well up in history and house-
keeping, sings beautifully and sews in the same fashion. What better
can a man want?”
“O, you know what I mean! And she is poor.”
“He has enough for both. And the Ryders are a respectable old
“I know she is a favorite of yours,” returned Dora loftily, “but I never
discovered anything special about her. And I do not see how she can
leave her mother, I should think her duty would be there.”
Fan laughed at that.
“I shall not believe it until I hear it from a better source. Some
people make so much out of a trifle of ordinary politeness.”
“Indeed I would not,” Fan continued seriously.

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