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Assignment on Organizational Behavior

 Title of the Article: Emotion Work: A Work Psychology Perspective.
 Journal: The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
 Index No: 8:139-172
 Name of Author :
 Dieter Zapf
Department of Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt,
Alliance Manchester Business School, University of
Manchester, United Kingdom
 Marcel Kern
Department of Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt,
 Franziska Tschan
Institute of Work and Organizational Psychology, University of
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
 David Holman
Alliance Manchester Business School, University of
Manchester, United Kingdom
 Norbert K. Semmer
Department of Psychology, University of Bern, Switzerland
 Title for Assignment : A study on the impact of emotion work on organization
behavior : Insights from Bangladesh's work environment
 Summary:
 The article "Emotion Work: A Work Psychology Perspective" discusses the
management of emotions in the workplace, its impact on employee well-
being and performance, and how it influences organizational behavior in

Title of the Article: Relationship between emotional intelligence, personality and work
performance - a cross-sectional study validating the Swedish version of TEIQue-SF

 Journal: The journal "Current Psychology"

 Index No: 2573
 Name of Author :
 Annica K. V. Hjalmarsson
Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of
Psychology, Education, and Sociology, University West, SE-461 86
Trollhättan, Sweden
 Anna M. Dåderman
Department of Social and Behavioural Studies, Division of
Psychology, Education, and Sociology, University West, SE-461 86
Trollhättan, Sweden
 Title for Assignment:
 Summary:
 The article explores Emotional intelligence, personality, and work
performances were studied using the Swedish TEIQue-SF version.

The study found that emotional intelligence is positively correlated with work performance and
certain personality traits, such as conscientiousness and honesty-humility and suggest that
emotional intelligence can be a valuable predictor of work performance and can be used to
inform organizational behavior practices.

 Title of the Article: Editorial: Application of psychological theories to the study of

consumer and organizational behavior in a post-pandemic world
 The index number: 14:1265474.
 Journal: The journal Frontiers in Psychology.
 Name of Author :
 Yue Pan
 Department of Management & Marketing, School of Business
Administration, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, United States,
 Kathrin J. Hanek
 Department of Management & Marketing, School of Business
Administration, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, United States,
 Lujun Su
 Department of Marketing, Business School, Central South
University, Changsha, Hunan, China

 Title for Assignment : A study on the impact of COVID-19 on consumers' psychology

and organizational behavior in the post-pandemic world : Insights from Global Research
and Local Context in Bangladesh
 Summary:

 This article explores how psychological theories can help understand

consumer and organizational behavior in the post-pandemic world, with a
focus on the pandemic's impact and insights for businesses to improve
 The research offers a framework for studying the psychological influences
on employees' well-being, perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors, showing
how psychology and organizational behavior are interconnected in the
context of the pandemic.

 Title of the Article: Organizational Behavior and its Effect on Corporate Effectiveness
 Journal: The International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and
Management (IJSREM) , the Volume 07
 Index No: DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM21471
 Name of Author :
 Mrs.CK.Gomathy
Department of CSE, SCSVMV, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
 S.Sree Chandana
Department of CSE, SCSVMV, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
 R.Ruchitha
Department of CSE, SCSVMV, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
 S.Haritha
Department of CSE, SCSVMV, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
 Title for Assignment:
 Summary:
 The article explores how organizational behavior impacts corporate
 It emphasizes the significance of individual and group behavior,
leadership, motivation, communication, teamwork, decision-making,
understanding and managing human behavior can enhance overall
corporate performance.

 Title of the Article: Does mental health limit organizational behavior, or not? A study
drawn on resource conservation
 Journal: The Frontiers in Psychology
 Index No: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1200614
 Name of Author :
 Aarthi Chandrasantha Singh
Department of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences and
Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
 Mohanraj Bhuvaneswari
Department of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences and
Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
 Title for Assignment:
 Summary:
 The article explores the impact of mental health factors on organizational
behavior in the automotive sector in India.
 The study reveals a positive relationship between stress, anxiety, and
depression with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and a negative
relationship between stress and anxiety with counterproductive work
behavior (CWB)."

 Title of the Article: Role of Organizational Behavior Maturity in the Business Success
of the Start-ups
 Journal: the Asian Journal of Sociological Research
 Index No: AJSR.547
 Name of Author :
 Farhang Salehi
Research Department, APH Rosha, Iran
 Bentolhoda Abdollahbeigi
Research Department, APH Rosha, Iran
 Maryam Khanian Najafabadi
Research Department, APH Rosha, Iran
 Seyedyaser Sajjady
Research Department, APH Rosha, Iran
 Title for Assignment:
 Summary:
 "The article explores the impact of organizational behavior on the success
of start-ups, emphasizing the significance of understanding human
behavior within organizations.
 It highlights the role of organizational behavior in creating efficient and
cohesive start-up teams, contributing to the success and growth of start-up

 Title of the Article: The effect of leadership and organizational behavior on performance
– A systematic literature review
 Journal: The International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business
Administration, Volume 4, Issue
 Index No: IAJHRBA_v4_i1_165_183
 Name of Author :
 Abayomi Ayodele Olutoye.
Dip.Th, Dip, Rs, B.Sc. (Ogun), MBA(Ogun), M.Sc (Lagos),
FCIB.M.Phil Student, Faculty of Business Administration and
Marketing, Department of Business Administration, Babcock
University, Nigeria.
 Olalekan Asikhia.
Professor of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship,
College of Arts, Management and Social Sciences, Caleb
University, Nigeria.

 Title for Assignment:

 Summary:
 Leadership impacts organizational behavior and corporate performance.
 Effective leadership improves behavior, which leads to better performance
and affects employee performance, highlighting the importance of
managing organizational behavior to achieve corporate goals.

 Title of the Article: A perspective on embracing emerging technologies research for
organizational behavior
 Journal: The Organization Management Journal
 Index No: Vol. 19 No. 3, 2022, pp. 88-98
 Name of Author :
 Jestine Philip
Pompea College of Business, University of New Haven, West
Haven, Connecticut, USA

 Title for Assignment:

 Summary:
 The article emphasizes considering emerging technologies as a
phenomenon and value in the field of organizational behavior.
 It also suggests breaking down research complexity to promote data-
driven phenomena in organizational behavior.

 Title of the Article: A multilevel review of artificial intelligence in organizations:
Implications for work processes and worker well-being
 Journal: The Journal of Organizational Behavior
 Index No: 10991379
 Name of Author :
 Sarah Bankins
Department of Management, Macquarie Business School,
Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
 Anna Carmella Ocampo
Department of People Management and Organisation, ESADE
Business School, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain
 Mauricio Marrone
Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics, Macquarie
Business School, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales,
 Simon Lloyd D. Restubog
School of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, USA
UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
 Sang Eun Woo
Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana, USA

 Title for Assignment:

 Summary:
 The article analyzes how AI affects individuals, teams, and organizations,
and explores its impact on work design, employee experiences, leadership,
and organizational processes.

 It also examines the potential implications of AI use for future

organizational practices and processes.


 Title of the Article: The deep roots of cross-cultural differences in organizational

behavior: Do human resource management education has to respect them?
 Journal: International Journal of Management Education.
 Index No: 100876
 Name of Author :
 Petr Houdek
Faculty of Business Administration,
Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic
 Title for Assignment: Unraveling Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior: Deep-Rooted
Factors and Insights for Bangladesh Context.
 Summary:

 This article explores the causes of cultural differences in organizational

behavior and their impact on human resource management.
 The article provides perspectives and research possibilities to better
understand and advance human resource management techniques.

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