Earnings Withholding Order For Taxes: Franchise Tax Board

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We hope this brochure answers most We created this brochure to answer the


Twice a Month

Every Two Weeks


of your questions. If you have other questions we receive most often from
questions or concerns, go to ftb.ca.gov employers.
and search for EWOT or call us toll-free
1. How do I compute disposable ­earnings?
at 800.689.4776.
You compute disposable earnings by
Electronic Funds Transfer Earnings subtracting the following from gross
earnings (these deductions are required
We request that business payroll offices
use electronic funds transfer to transmit Withholding by law):
payments of Earnings Withholding • Federal income tax
Orders for Taxes. Order for Taxes • Social security

$1,256.01 or more
$942.51 - $1,256.00
$0 - $942.50
$628.29 or more
$471.26 - $628.28
$0 - $471.25
$580.01 or more
$435.01 - $580.00
$0 - $435.00
$290.01 or more
$217.51 - $290.00
$0 - $217.50
• State income tax
This program allows participating • State disability
businesses to replace the check-writing Note: Do not subtract the following from
process with electronic funds transfer for gross earnings to determine the amount
most payments. of earnings to be withheld:
• 401(k) contributions
If you would like to participate in this
• Health benefit deductions
program, go to ftb.ca.gov or call us at
• Court-ordered assignment for support

• Voluntary deductions
Franchise Tax Board 2. Does an order apply to bonuses and
PO Box 942867 commissions?
Sacramento, CA 94267-0011 Yes. Gross earnings include bonuses and
Commonly Asked commissions.

Questions from 3. How much do I withhold?

You can use the following table as a

25% of the disposable earnings

Amount above $942.50
25% of the disposable earnings
Amount above $471.25
25% of the disposable earnings
Amount above $435.00
25% of the disposable earnings
Amount above $217.50
Use the instructions on PAGE 1A box 5.
guideline to determine what amount of
an individual’s disposable earnings is
subject to garnishment by law.

State of California
Franchise Tax Board

FTB 1014 (REV 06-2009)

4. Where and when is the amount • Do not pay this order if an IRS order 9. The employee is no longer with my 14. I have no record of this employee.
withheld sent? (or other federal order) was received company. What should I do with the What should I do?
Amounts withheld from your employee’s before this order and the IRS order order? Return Employer’s Acknowledgement,
previous monthly pay periods should be collects at least the amount you are • If the employee no longer works Page 2A of the order indicating that you
sent to: to withhold (as calculated above). for you and left within the past 12 have no record of this employee.
• Pay this order if it is received before months, follow the instructions on 15. I have been honoring a Franchise Tax
Franchise Tax Board
or after any non-family/child support the Employer’s Acknowledgment on Board order and have just received a
PO Box 942867
orders. You cannot pay these orders Page 1B and complete Employer’s new one. What should I do?
Sacramento CA 94267-0011
until this order is paid or released. Acknowledgment, Page 2A of the If you receive a second order from us,
Send to our office no later than the 15th order and return it using the envelope continue to pay on the first garnishment.
• Partially pay this order if it is
of each month all amounts withheld from provided. The second garnishment is not
received after an IRS order (or other
the employee’s pay period(s) during the • If the employee is expected to effective. Please complete Employer’s
federal order) that collects less than
previous month. return to work within 12 months of Acknowledgement, Page 2B of the
you are to withhold (as calculated
5. My employee states that withholding above). For instance, if the IRS order the date of termination, you must second order and return it to us within
25% of the wages will create a hardship. collects $100.00 of your employee’s begin to withhold wages as directed 15 days in the envelope provided.
Can payroll adjust the deduction? disposable income, and the amount on Employer’s Acknowledgement, 16. I have received orders for more than
No. Only the Franchise Tax Board can you are permitted to withhold is Page 2A when the employee returns one employee. Can I send one check?
reduce the amount to be withheld on the $300.00, then this order will collect to work. Yes. On your check you must identify
order. Provide your employee with your $200.00. 10. My employee told me that his or her the employee’s name and the amount
payroll fax number, and encourage him spouse is also being levied. Do I still withheld for each employee.
• Partially pay this order if it is
or her to call us at 800.689.4776. In need to levy my employee?
received after a family or child 17. My employee has told me that other
many cases, we can arrange a payment Yes.
support order that collects less than arrangements have been made with
plan. If a payment plan is arranged,
you are to withhold (as calculated 11. The employee is on a leave of absence, the Franchise Tax Board. What should
we will release the order. If we release
above). For instance, if a family out on workers’ compensation, or out I do?
the order, we will fax and mail you
support order collects $100.00 of on disability. What should I do? Make payments as directed by the order.
the release.
your employee’s disposable income, The order remains in effect even if there We will notify you if payments are to be
6. Your levy cost my company money. Can and the amount you are permitted to are no earnings. Complete Employer’s stopped or adjusted.
I recover these expenses? withhold is $300.00, then this order Acknowledgement, Page 2A of the 18. My employee filed bankruptcy, brought
You can deduct $1.50 from the will collect $200.00. order and begin to withhold when the me the court documents, and told
employee’s pay for each payment you employee returns to work.
• Do not pay this order if family or me to stop sending payments to the
send to us. However, if your employee
child support orders will collect at 12. The social security number on your Franchise Tax Board. What should
qualifies for an installment agreement,
least the amount you are to withhold order does not match the number I have I  do?
we will release the order (See the answer
(as calculated above). for the employee. What should I do? Please call us at 916.845.4750. We
to question number 5.).
• Do not pay this order if you are Please call us at 800.689.4776. We will will analyze whether your employee’s
7. My employee already has another analyze the account to determine the bankruptcy impacts our levy. We may
already honoring another order from
levy in place. What should I do with correct name and number. need the employee to provide us the
us or another California tax agency.
the order that your department has bankruptcy documentation before we
You cannot simultaneously honor 13. The name of my employee does
sent me? make a final determination.
multiple orders from one or more not match the name on your order.
• Pay this order if it is received before California tax agencies. However, the social security number is
an IRS order (or other federal order). the same. What should I do?
8. Do I need to call the Franchise Tax
You cannot pay the IRS order until Please call us at 800.689.4776. We will
Board when I receive an order?
this order is paid or released. analyze the account to determine the
correct name and number.

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