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Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education, Mumbai

Learning and Assessment Scheme for Post S.S.C Diploma Cources

: Diploma In Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning / Cloud Computing and Big Data / Computer Technology / Computer
Programme Name Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering / Data Sciences / Computer Hardware & Maintenance / Information Technology / Computer Science &
Information Technology
Programme Code : AI / AN / BD / CM / CO / CW / DS / HA / IF / IH With Effect From Academic Year : 2023-24
Duration Of Programme : 6 Semester Duration : 16 WEEKS
Semester : First Scheme :K
Learning Scheme Assessment Scheme
Contact Based on LL & TL Based on
Total Hrs./Week Theory Self
Sr Course Course Self Learning Notional Paper
Course Title Abbrevation IKS Hrs Credits Learning Total
No Type Code (Term Work + Learning Duration Practical
for Sem. Marks
Assignemnt) Hrs /Week (hrs.) FA- SA-
Max Max Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
1 BASIC MATHEMATICS BMS AEC 311302 6 4 2 - 2 8 4 3 30 70 100 40 25 10 - - 25 10 150
PHYSICS 2 - 2 1 15 25 10 25@ 10 25
2 BSC DSC 311305 4 10 5 1.5 70*# 100 40 20 250
CHEMISTY 2 - 2 1 15 25 10 25@ 10 25
3 ENG AEC 311303 0 3 - 2 1 6 3 3 30 70 100 40 25 10 - - 25 10 150
4 (Electronics, Computer and EGP DSC 311008 2 2 - 4 - 6 3 - - - - 50 20 50@ 20 - - 100
allied branches)
5 PRACTICE (COMPUTER WPC SEC 311002 0 - - 4 - 4 2 - - - - 50 20 50@ 20 - - 100
6 FUNDAMENTALS OF ICT ICT SEC 311001 0 1 - 2 1 4 2 - - - - 25 10 25@ 10 25 10 75
7 YOGA AND MEDITATION YAM VEC 311003 1 - - 1 1 2 1 - - - - 25 10 - - 25 10 50
Total 13 14 2 17 7 40 20 90 210 300 250 175 150 875
Abbreviations : CL- Classroom Learning , TL- Tutorial Learning, LL-Laboratory Learning, FA - Formative Assessment,SA -Summative Assessment, IKS - Indian Knowledge System, SLA - Self Learning
Legends : @ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, *# On Line Examination , @$ Internal Online Examination
Note :
1. FA-TH represents average of two class tests of 30 marks each conducted during the semester.
2. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in FA-PR of any course then the candidate shall be declared as "Detained" in that semester.
3. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in SLA of any course then the candidate shall be declared as fail and will have to repeat and resubmit SLA work.
4. Notional Learning hours for the semester are (CL+LL+TL+SL)hrs.* 15 Weeks
5. 1 credit is equivalent to 30 Notional hrs.
6. * Self learning hours shall not be reflected in the Time Table.
Course Category : Discipline Specific Course Core (DSC) : 2, Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) : 0, Value Education Course (VEC) : 1, Intern./Apprenti./Project./Community (INP) : 0, AbilityEnhancement
Course (AEC) : 2, Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) : 2, GenericElective (GE) : 0

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