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Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering



Journal: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering

Manuscript ID cjce-2023-0466

Manuscript Type: Article

Date Submitted by the


Complete List of Authors: Demir, Tuba; Firat University, Civil Engineering Department
ALYAMAÇ, Kürşat; Firat University, Civil Engineering Department

Is the manuscript for


consideration in a Special Not applicable (regular submission)

Issue or Collection?:

High strength concrete, compressive strength, maturity, silica fume,


marble powder

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3 Tuba DEMIR1*, Kursat Esat ALYAMAC2

4 1Civil Engineering Department, Technology Faculty, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey

5 2Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey

6 Corresponding Author: Tuba DEMIR

7 E-mail: [email protected]

8 Abstract

9 This study investigated the quickly determine of in-situ compressive strength of high-strength concretes

10 (HSCs). The experimental tests included existing maturity methods. In this direction, 9 concrete series

11 with different concrete mixing ratios with a binder dosage of 400-450-500 kg/m3 were prepared. The

12 data obtained from the experimental test results were analyzed and a separate numerical models were

13 suggested for each maturity function applied. When the experimental values and predicted values were

14 compared, it is seen that the absolute relative deviation (ARD) values of the developed models are below

15 10%. When the concrete compressive strength estimation results of the maturity methods were

16 examined, it was determined that the Arrhenius method gave higher accuracy results than the Nurse-

17 Saul method. It is envisaged that the study will contribute to the literature by determining the conditions

18 under which each of the models obtained can be used effectively in practice. In addition it will allow the

19 project duration to be completed at the desired time.

20 Keywords: High strength concrete, compressive strength, maturity methods, numerical models.

21 Authors Information:

22 Corresponding Address : Tuba Demir (corresponding author).

23 Affiliations: 1-Civil Engineering Department, Technology Faculty, Firat University, 23119 Elazig,

24 Turkey, [email protected]

25 Affiliations: 2-Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Firat University, 23119Elazig,

26 Turkey, [email protected]


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28 1. Introduction

29 In the concrete industry, determining the compressive strength at the construction site with non-

30 destructive tests is of great importance in terms of knowing the project durations. For example, in order

31 to remove the moulding as soon as possible after pouring the concrete in place, it is of great benefit to

32 take advantage of knowing the strength gain time of the concrete depending on the temperature increase

33 in the concrete. The maturity method, which is one of the non-destructive testing methods, is also a

34 method that helps the progress of constructions to be made safely. This method provides a simple

35 approach to the determination of concrete compressive strength [1], [2]. The maturity method is related

36 to the temperature sensitivity of early strength development and there is no single maturity function

37 applicable to all concrete mixes [3]. The applicable maturity function for a given concrete can be

38 obtained by measuring the variation of the rate constant with the curing temperature [4].

39 Frequently used functions to calculate the maturity index of concrete from the measured

40 temperature history are described in ASTM C1074 [5]. ASTM C1074 includes two different maturity

41 functions: The first is the Nurse-Saul equation, which estimates the compressive strength of concrete

42 depending on the temperature change [6]. The second one is the Arrhenius (Freiesleben Hansen and

43 Pedersen) equation developed depending on the activation energy [7]. Apart from these equations,

44 different maturity equations have also been proposed, but they are not explained in detail due to the lack

45 of in-depth analysis of their reliability and limitations [8].

46 Although the maturity method is generally used in conventional concretes, no study has been

47 found in the literature regarding its use in HSCs. In this study, the applicability of maturity functions in

48 determining the compressive strength of HSCs was investigated and numerical models were developed

49 to predict concrete compressive strength. HSCs are special types of concrete with low water/cement

50 (W/C) ratio, extremely durable and advanced mechanical properties [9], [10]. Many HSC applications

51 in the United States, Germany, Canada, France and Turkey have demonstrated the advantages of this

52 concrete type [11]–[13]. However, one of the most important limiting conditions when constructing

53 these structures is the duration of the project. It is very important that the project is completed in the

54 targeted time before the start of production. When the project period is exceeded, significant additional

55 costs come and financial problems are experienced. One of the most important issues affecting this

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56 period is the duration of the concrete to gain strength. The speed of the project depends on the

57 demoulding removal and moulding advancement speed. The parameter that directly affects this speed is

58 the concrete compressive strength. Methods for determining the compressive strength of concrete are

59 explained in the standards of many countries such as European Standard, ACI and TSE [14,15]. These

60 methods are destructive (DT) and non-destructive (NDT) test methods [16]–[18]. Evaluation with the

61 coring method in the DT method is quite expensive and time consuming. It is also difficult and

62 impractical in some cases [19]. The application of the NDT method provides many conveniences in

63 terms of time, cost and labor. The NDT method provides the opportunity to evaluate the durability,

64 homogeneity and internal structure of the concrete as well as the strength property of the concrete [20]–

65 [22].

66 Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials in the world [23]. Despite this

67 widespread use, there are great difficulties in accurately predicting the strength of concrete at various

68 stages [24], [25] . Accurate estimation of concrete strength is of great importance in determining

69 formwork removal time and construction project durations. Determining these periods in the early stages

70 of construction is of great importance in preventing various negative effects on engineering projects.

71 Real-time evaluation of concrete compressive strength by maturity method, which is one of the non-

72 destructive test methods, is of great importance for the construction industry [26]. In recent years, many

73 studies have recommended the use of the maturity method to evaluate the early age strength

74 development of concrete. In the maturity method, the effect of time and temperature on the strength of

75 concrete is taken into account. This method is widely used to determine the optimal demoulding time

76 for concrete. The maturity method provides a simple and applicable approach to evaluate the

77 compressive strength of concrete [27]. Although this method is currently used in conventional concretes,

78 no study has been found in the literature regarding its application in HSCs .

79 The aim of this study is to develop numerical models that predict the compressive strength of

80 concrete using Nurse-Saul and Arrhenius (NS-Arr) maturity functions for HSCs. Accordingly, 9

81 concrete series with different concrete mixing ratios with cement dosage of 400-450-500 kg/m3 were

82 prepared. In the prepared concrete mixtures, silica fume was used by replacing the cement at 5-10-15%

83 by volume, and marble powder by replacing 8-10-12% by volume with fine aggregate. While the

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84 produced samples were kept in the standard water cure, the temperature values were measured every 5

85 minutes at the end of the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th and 28th days to be used in the maturity test and the results were

86 transferred to the computer. A multi-channel temperature measuring device was used for temperature

87 measurement. Compressive strength test was also applied in the same time periods. The data obtained

88 from the test results were analyzed and a separate numerical model was developed for each maturity

89 function applied. As a result, by estimating the compressive strength of concrete with high accuracy

90 with the obtained numerical models, it was ensured that the production times were determined during

91 the design phase and accurate determinations were made during the manufacturing phase in special

92 projects using HSC. In Figure 1, the experimental procedure is presented schematically.


95 Figure 1. Experiment Procedure


97 2. Material Method

98 Within the scope of the study, CEM I 42.5 R portland cement produced in accordance with TS

99 EN 197-1 standards and supplied from the Elazig Seza cement factory was used as the binder in the

100 production of HSC [28]. Andesite aggregate, silica fume from Antalya Eti metallurgy and marble

101 powder from Elazig organized industrial zone were used. The physical and chemical properties of the

102 HSC components are presented in Table 1.


104 Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of using materials (%).

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Cement Silica Fume Marble Powder

Chemical Properties
(C) (SF) (MP)
CaO 63.18 0.40 40.45
SiO2 18.61 94.10 28.35
Fe2O3 3.7 1.50 9.70
Al2O3 4.81 0.90 0.17
SiO3 2.91 94.10 0.02
Na2O 0.39 0.40 0.05
K2O 0.61 0.90 0.01
MgO 1.82 0.10 16.25
Cl 0.01 - -
Insoluble residue 0.54 - -
Loss of ignition 3.42 - 4.84
Physical Properties
Specific surface cm2/g 3838 3920
Specific gravity g/cm3 3.13 2.20 2.71
Initial setting time (min) 135 - -
Final setting time(min) 215 - -
Total volume exp. (mm) 1 - -

106 The suitability of andesite aggregate for use in HSC was determined by performing aggregate

107 tests at the first stage (Table 2) [29]. Andesite aggregate is a material containing 52-63% quartz [30]. It

108 is suitable for use in high-strength concretes due to its dark-colored, non-water-absorbing, water-

109 dispersible and dense texture [31],[32].



111 Table 2. Los Angeles experiment results

Number of Interval Load of Initial Weight after 500 Weight loss after

marbles class marbles Weight cycles 500 cycles

12 8-16 mm 5030 gr 5000 gr 4569.5 430.5

Aggregate Abrasion Resistance = LA = 8.61
113 The maximum aggregate particle diameter used in the experimental study was 16 mm, and the

114 aggregates were divided into 4 different groups as 0-2 mm, 2-4 mm, 4-8 mm, 8-16 mm (Table 3). The

115 granulometry curve of the aggregate is presented in Figure 2.

116 Table 3. Properties of the aggregate (Saturated dry surface, gr/cm3)

Mixing ratio
Aggregate size Andesite

0-2 mm 2.74 30
2-4 mm 2.71 20
4-8 mm 2.69 20
8-16 mm 2.69 30

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Passing through the sieve ( %)




20 B16
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Sieve opening (mm)


121 Figure 2. Aggregate granulometry curve


123 After the aggregate tests, a pozzolanic activity test was performed for the mineral additive micro

124 silica (Table 4). Pozzolan is a material that does not have a binding property on its own, but gains binding

125 properties when it is finely ground and combined with calcium hydroxide in an aqueous medium [33],

126 [34]. Micro silica is one of the most commonly used mineral additives with fine grain properties in

127 materials science [35], [36]. In order to determine the adequate pozzolanic activity of micro silica, which

128 is a pozzolanic material, pozzolanic activity tests are carried out in accordance with ASTM C618 and

129 TS EN 196-2 standards [37]. In the same way, pozzolanic activity test was performed for silica fume

130 and the pozzolanic activity index was determined with the help of the equation given in Equation 1 [38].

131 The P.A.I values obtained as a result of the experiment provided the relevant standard.

133 Pozzolanic Activity Index (P.A.I) = ( B )*100 (1)

134 A : Average compressive strength of mortar samples with pozzolan

135 B : Average compressive strength of control mortar samples
137 Table 4. Pozzolanic activity test results
Control Sample (CS) Pozzolan Sample (PS)

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fc(7) fc(28) fc(7) fc(28)

CS-1 27.6 40.6 PS-1 29.3 39.2
CS-2 28.1 37.1 PS-2 27.2 45.5
CS-3 25.8 39.4 PS-3 25.9 46.4
CS-ORT 27.2 39.0 PS-ORT 27.5 43.7
139 The marble powder used in the concrete mixture was used to create a filling effect. In order to

140 determine the usage rate of marble powder in concrete, many trial mixtures were poured and the

141 optimum usage rate was determined [39], [40].

143 2.1. Preparation of Test Samples
145 Within the scope of the study, a wide range of trial mixes were poured in the first stage. As a

146 result of these castings, 9 reference concrete mixtures with W/C ratios of 0.20-0.25-0.30 and binder

147 material (cement+micro silica) dosage of 400-450-500 kg/m3 were prepared (Table 5). In the series

148 names in the table, the M value represents maturity and HSC400 represents binder material dosage.

149 Micro silica cement and marble powder were used as mineral additives in the prepared concrete mixtures

150 by volume substituting with fine aggregate. The cement was replaced with micro silica. Marble powder

151 was replaced with aggregate. The total amount of binder was kept constant. In all mixtures, CHRYSO

152 Fluid 518 hyperplasticizer was used as a chemical additive at the rate of 3% of the cement amount. Many

153 trial mixtures have been made in concrete mixtures. In these trial mixtures, different ratios of chemical

154 additives were used and the additive ratio that ensures appropriate workability was determined. After

155 the trial mixtures made in this way, it was seen that the most suitable workability for HSCs was 3%.

156 In addition since the W/C ratio is low in high-strength concrete, many trial mixtures were made and the

157 mixtures were repeated until appropriate workability was achieved. In this way, S2 and S3 slump classes

158 were obtained [39] .

159 Table 5. Mixture amounts of M-HSC (kg/m3)

Fine Fine Medium Coarse
Micro Marble
Serial Name Cement Water Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate
Silica Powder
(0-2) mm (2-4) mm (4-8) mm (8-16) mm
M-HSC400-1 400 80 28.1 103 559 368 406 609
M-HSC400-2 400 100 14.1 101 550 362 400 599
M-HSC400-3 400 120 14.1 79 547 360 389 583
M-HSC450-1 450 90 47.4 78 544 358 387 580
M-HSC450-2 450 113 47.4 114 504 332 374 562
M-HSC450-3 450 135 31.6 74 516 340 367 550
M-HSC500-1 500 100 17.6 116 513 338 381 572
M-HSC500-2 500 125 35.1 95 517 341 376 564
M-HSC500-3 500 150 52.7 87 473 312 344 516

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161 2.2. Application of Maturity Tests
163 This study was carried out to develop numerical models that predict concrete compressive

164 strength with high accuracy by using Nurse-Saul and Arrhenius maturity functions separately [41]. With

165 these maturity functions, the compressive strength of early age concretes can be estimated and the

166 demoulding time can be determined [42]. Thus, advantages are provided in terms of project duration,

167 time and cost [43]. In the study, firstly, the Nurse-Saul method given in Equation 2, in which the

168 compressive strength of the concrete is estimated by looking at the temperature history, was used.

170 M = ∑0(T ― T0) ∗ ∆t (2)

172 Here;

173 M = Maturity index (°C-hours or °C-days)


174 T = Average concrete temperature (°C)


175 T0 = Reference temperature

176 t = elapsed time (day or hour)

177 ∆t = Time range (day or hour)


179 Copeland et al. in 1960 suggested that the effects of cement hydration on the strength gain rate

180 of concrete can be described by the Arrhenius equation. In 1977, Freisleben Hansen and Pedersen

181 proposed the following equation for equivalent age based on the Arrhenius equation (Equation 3) [7].

182 The application and numerical values related to the experiment are explained in ASTM C1074 [5].

𝐄 𝟏 𝟏
t ― ( ― )
185 te = ∑0𝐞 𝐑 𝟐𝟕𝟑 + 𝐓 𝟐𝟕𝟑 + 𝐓𝐫 ∆t (3)

187 Here;

188 te = Equivalent age at reference temperature

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189 E = Apparent activation energy

190 R = Universal gas constant

191 T = Average absolute temperature of concrete

192 Tr = Reference temperature

193 A multi-channel temperature measuring device was used to determine the concrete temperatures

194 in the maturity calculations. The device was set up to take measurements every 5 minutes after the

195 concrete was poured and placed in the mold and placed in the samples (Figure 3).



200 Figure 3. Placement of the temperature measuring device


202 2.3. Measurements on Concrete Samples

203 Temperatures were measured from the beginning of the concrete casting and the temperature results

204 taken every 5 minutes at the end of the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th and 28th days within the scope of the C1074

205 standard were transferred to the computer. The time-dependent graph of these temperatures is given in

206 Figure 4. Figure 4 shows the time-dependent variation of the temperatures forty-eight, ninety-six hours

207 after the concrete is placed in the mold, and the average temperatures of one hundred and ninety-two,

208 three hundred and sixty-six hours after it is placed in the mold.

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Temperature (°C)



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000

209 Time (min)

210 (a)


Temperature (°C)



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000

212 Time (min)

213 (b)

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Temperature (°C)



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000

215 Time (min)


218 Figure 4. (a) Temperature values of 400-dose series (b) Temperature values of 450-dose series (c) Temperature

219 values of 500-dose series

221 When Figure 3 is examined, the temperature values of the series in which the W/C ratio is 0.25

222 and 0.30 are given. Since there is not enough water in the environment as specified in the C1074 standard

223 in the series with a W/C ratio of 0.20 and proper hydration has not occurred, the data of these series

224 were not evaluated.

225 3. Evaluation of Experimental Results

226 3.1. Concrete Temperature Values and Evaluation

227 Concrete temperatures were obtained using a multi-channel temperature measuring device. This

228 temperature measurement started from the placement of the concrete in the mold (Figure 5.) When

229 Figure 5 is examined, it is seen that the temperature change varies according to the usage rate of the

230 materials in the concrete composition. For example, it is clearly seen that the temperature value of the

231 series with a binder dosage of 500 and a W/C ratio of 25% is higher than the temperature value of a

232 series with a binder dosage of 400 and a W/C ratio of 25%.

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233 The temperature values in Figure 3 and the maturity functions in Equation 2 and Equation 3

234 were calculated separately and the Nurse-Saul-time and Arrhenius-time graphs given in Figure 5 were

235 obtained.


Nurse-Saul (°C-min)

6000 HSC500-30
5000 HSC500-25
4000 HSC450-30
3000 HSC450-25
2000 HSC400-30
1000 HSC400-25
Time (min)
238 (a)
Arrhenius (min)

6000 HSC500-30

5000 HSC500-25
4000 HSC450-30
3000 HSC450-25

2000 HSC400-30
1000 HSC400-25

Time (min)
241 (b)
243 Figure 5. (a) Nurse-Saul values-Time (b) Arrhenius values-Time comparisons

244 In the Figure 5 showing the time-dependent variation of the maturity function, it is seen that the

245 binder dosage and maturity values are directly proportional. As the dosage value increases, the hydration

246 increases, so the maturity value also increases. When evaluated in terms of W/C ratio, the maturity value

247 was found to be higher in the 400 and 450-dose series in which the W/C ratio was 30%. This indicates

248 that sufficient water for hydration is found in series with a 30% W/C ratio. In the 500-dose series, the

249 maturity value of the series in which the W/C ratio was 25% was high.

250 The relationship between maturity values calculated by Nurse-Saul and Arrhenius equations and

251 compressive strength is shown in Figure 6.


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Nurse-Saul HSC400-25 HSC400-30 HSC450-25

HSC450-30 HSC500-25 HSC500-30
Compressive Strength (MPa)
400 2400 4400 6400 8400 10400
Maturity (°C-hour)
254 (a)
HSC400-25 HSC400-30 HSC450-25
HSC450-30 HSC500-25 HSC500-30
Compressive Strength (MPa)

1 3 Maturity (°C-hour) 5 7

256 (b)

257 Figure 6. Comparison of (a) Compressive strength-Nurse-Saul values (b) Compressive strength-Arrhenius
258 maturity values
260 In Figure 6, it is seen that there is a linear relationship between maturity and compressive

261 strength depending on the change in concrete temperature. In accordance with the C1074 standard, the

262 compressive strength value of the concrete increases with the increase of the maturity value. The

263 numerical models estimating the compressive strength according to the NS and Arr maturity methods

264 for each dosage and W/C value from the compressive strength maturity graph are given in Table 6.

265 While determining the models, maturity value was determined as input and compressive strength of

266 concrete value was determined as output.

268 Table 6. Numerical models developed with NS and Arr maturity methods

Serial Name NS Arr

M-HSC400-25 fc = 0.0027M + 48.131 fc = 6.7943M + 33.573

M-HSC400-30 fc = 0.0027M + 45.805 fc = 7.0137M + 30.937
M-HSC450-25 fc = 0.0027M + 51.143 fc = 6.8513M + 36.05
M-HSC450-30 fc = 0.0028M + 46.995 fc = 7.0219M + 31.914
M-HSC500-25 fc = 0.0032M + 54.705 fc = 6.9625M + 37.284
M-HSC500-30 fc = 0.0029M + 52.118 fc = 7.4902M + 35.333

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270 In Figure 7, the estimation results and ARD values obtained by the numerical models developed

271 with the experimentally calculated compressive strength values are given. When the experimental values

272 and predicted values are compared, it is seen that the ARD values of the developed models are below

273 10%. It was noteworthy that all these values were below 5%, especially for early age strength. When

274 the ARD values of the Arrhenius maturity function were examined, it was noted that it was the maturity

275 function that predicted fc with the highest accuracy. Especially in fc-1 daily strength values, highly

276 accurate predictions were made and ARD values were below 1% for almost all other days.

277 Although the ARD results estimated by the Nurse-Saul equation are higher than the ARD results

278 obtained by the Arrhenius equation, the compressive strength values obtained with this function also

279 have high accuracy.

ARD value-Nurse-Saul ARD value-Arrhenius

25 10
M-HSC400-25 M-HSC400-25

15 5 M-HSC400-30
5 M-HSC450-25 M-HSC450-25
0 M-HSC450-30
-5 M-HSC450-30

M-HSC500-25 M-HSC500-25
-15 -5
M-HSC500-30 M-HSC500-30
-25 -10

M -HSC400-25 M -HSC400-30 M -HSC450-25 M -HSC450-30 M -HSC500-25 M -HSC500-30
Days fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr
1. 50 48.4 49.6 47 48.4 47.2 54 53.8 52.4 48 49.7 48.6 61 58.4 57.3 57 55.2 53.5
3. 57 52.9 56.1 55 50.6 54.0 59 56.0 59.2 56 52.0 55.2 64 62.2 67.7 61 57.4 60.6
7. 63 57.2 62.5 61 54.8 60.6 68 60.2 65.6 63 56.7 61.9 73 67.2 74.2 67 61.9 67.6
14. 67 64.2 68.6 65 61.9 66.8 69 67.3 71.8 67 63.7 68.0 81 75.5 80.4 76 69.5 75.3
28. 75 78.4 74.5 73 76.0 72.1 78 81.5 77.6 74 78.4 74.1 88 92.6 86.8 80 84.8 81.2
282 Figure 7. Experimental and predicted results
284 Conclusions

285 In this study, numerical models were developed to predict the compressive strength of HSCs using

286 NS and Arr maturity functions. In particular, to verify the validity of the maturity functions proposed so

287 far, compressive strength-Nurse-Saul maturity function and compressive strength-Arrhenius maturity

288 functions were compared and their suitability was determined. As a result of the study, the following

289 conclusions were drawn:

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290 1- The strength-maturity curve in each series of concrete mixtures followed the literature. As the

291 strength value increased, the maturity value also tended to increase.

292 2- It has been determined that the maturity method can be used for HSCs, and it has been observed

293 that the Arr method gives higher accuracy results in estimating the compressive strength of

294 HSCs. The ARD values of the compressive strength values obtained with the Arr method were

295 lower.

296 3- The average relative error percentage in estimating the compressive strengths of concrete varies

297 between 0.1% and 10.1%. Mixtures producing the highest errors were generally found in the

298 calculation made by the Nurse-Saul method. The compressive strength values obtained by the

299 Arhenius method were closer to the experimental results.

300 4- In series with low W/C ratio, strength losses occurred due to insufficient hydration. Therefore,

301 it is recommended to be more careful in the estimations to be made with the maturity method

302 as the W/C ratio decreases in practice.


303 5- By using the maturity method and determining the strength gaining time of the concrete, the

304 demoulding times can be determined. Thus, the problem of getting molds early is eliminated

305 and an advantage is provided in determining the project durations.

306 6- In the current maturity functions, the concrete temperature is taken according to the standards.

307 Concrete compressive strength can also be determined more accurately and with higher

308 accuracy by obtaining the temperatures with high accuracy by using a temperature measuring

309 device in concrete.

310 7- Verification of proposed modifications for in situ concrete strength estimation should also be

311 done, especially for concretes made with different types of cement and additives.


313 As a result, the places where HSCs are used in practice are special productions. Therefore, the duration

314 of the project is of great importance in such productions. The most important parameter for the

315 construction to progress in accordance with the project period is the molding time. Since this period

316 cannot be calculated correctly, the maturity method has emerged as a sensitive, fast and practical

317 method. The use of this method will ensure that the concrete compressive strength is correctly estimated

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318 and the construction will continue in a healthy way in terms of strength and will proceed without loss of

319 time in the project-work plan.

321 Acknowledgments

322 This study is supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of Fırat University under the

323 project number MF.21.51

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372 Strength Concrete Using Non-Destructive Testing Methods,”,” Fırat University, 2022.

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388 Concrete Aggregate,” J. Suleyman Demirel Univ. Grad. Sch. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 19, no. 1,

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408 [39] T. DEMİR, M. ULUCAN, and K. E. ALYAMAÇ, “Yüksek Dayanımlı Betonların Erken Yaş

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3 Tuba DEMIR1*, Kursat Esat ALYAMAC2

4 1Civil Engineering Department, Technology Faculty, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey

5 2Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey

6 Corresponding Author: Tuba DEMIR

7 E-mail: [email protected]

8 Abstract

9 This study investigated the quickly determine of in-situ compressive strength of high-strength concretes

10 (HSCs). The experimental tests included existing maturity methods. In this direction, 9 concrete series

11 with different concrete mixing ratios with a binder dosage of 400-450-500 kg/m3 were prepared. The

12 data obtained from the experimental test results were analyzed and a separate numerical models were

13 suggested for each maturity function applied. When the experimental values and predicted values were

14 compared, it is seen that the absolute relative deviation (ARD) values of the developed models are below

15 10%. When the concrete compressive strength estimation results of the maturity methods were

16 examined, it was determined that the Arrhenius method gave higher accuracy results than the Nurse-

17 Saul method. It is envisaged that the study will contribute to the literature by determining the conditions

18 under which each of the models obtained can be used effectively in practice. In addition it will allow the

19 project duration to be completed at the desired time.

20 Keywords: High strength concrete, compressive strength, maturity methods, numerical models.


22 Authors Information:

23 Corresponding Address : Tuba Demir (corresponding author).

24 Affiliations: 1-Civil Engineering Department, Technology Faculty, Firat University, 23119 Elazig,

25 Turkey, [email protected]

26 Affiliations: 2-Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Firat University, 23119Elazig,

27 Turkey, [email protected]

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29 1. Introduction

30 In the concrete industry, determining the compressive strength at the construction site with non-

31 destructive tests is of great importance in terms of knowing the project durations. For example, in order

32 to remove the moulding as soon as possible after pouring the concrete in place, it is of great benefit to

33 take advantage of knowing the strength gain time of the concrete depending on the temperature increase

34 in the concrete. The maturity method, which is one of the non-destructive testing methods, is also a

35 method that helps the progress of constructions to be made safely. This method provides a simple

36 approach to the determination of concrete compressive strength [1], [2]. The maturity method is related

37 to the temperature sensitivity of early strength development and there is no single maturity function

38 applicable to all concrete mixes [3]. The applicable maturity function for a given concrete can be

39 obtained by measuring the variation of the rate constant with the curing temperature [4].

40 Frequently used functions to calculate the maturity index of concrete from the measured

41 temperature history are described in ASTM C1074 [5]. ASTM C1074 includes two different maturity

42 functions: The first is the Nurse-Saul equation, which estimates the compressive strength of concrete

43 depending on the temperature change [6]. The second one is the Arrhenius (Freiesleben Hansen and

44 Pedersen) equation developed depending on the activation energy [7]. Apart from these equations,

45 different maturity equations have also been proposed, but they are not explained in detail due to the lack

46 of in-depth analysis of their reliability and limitations [8].

47 Although the maturity method is generally used in conventional concretes, no study has been

48 found in the literature regarding its use in HSCs. In this study, the applicability of maturity functions in

49 determining the compressive strength of HSCs was investigated and numerical models were developed

50 to predict concrete compressive strength. HSCs are special types of concrete with low water/cement

51 (W/C) ratio, extremely durable and advanced mechanical properties [9], [10]. Many HSC applications

52 in the United States, Germany, Canada, France and Turkey have demonstrated the advantages of this

53 concrete type [11]–[13]. However, one of the most important limiting conditions when constructing

54 these structures is the duration of the project. It is very important that the project is completed in the

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55 targeted time before the start of production. When the project period is exceeded, significant additional

56 costs come and financial problems are experienced. One of the most important issues affecting this

57 period is the duration of the concrete to gain strength. The speed of the project depends on the

58 demoulding removal and moulding advancement speed. The parameter that directly affects this speed is

59 the concrete compressive strength. Methods for determining the compressive strength of concrete are

60 explained in the standards of many countries such as European Standard, ACI and TSE [14,15]. These

61 methods are destructive (DT) and non-destructive (NDT) test methods [16]–[18]. Evaluation with the

62 coring method in the DT method is quite expensive and time consuming. It is also difficult and

63 impractical in some cases [19]. The application of the NDT method provides many conveniences in

64 terms of time, cost and labor. The NDT method provides the opportunity to evaluate the durability,

65 homogeneity and internal structure of the concrete as well as the strength property of the concrete [20]–

66 [22].

67 Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials in the world [23]. Despite this

68 widespread use, there are great difficulties in accurately predicting the strength of concrete at various

69 stages [24], [25] . Accurate estimation of concrete strength is of great importance in determining

70 formwork removal time and construction project durations. Determining these periods in the early stages

71 of construction is of great importance in preventing various negative effects on engineering projects.

72 Real-time evaluation of concrete compressive strength by maturity method, which is one of the non-

73 destructive test methods, is of great importance for the construction industry [26]. In recent years, many

74 studies have recommended the use of the maturity method to evaluate the early age strength

75 development of concrete. In the maturity method, the effect of time and temperature on the strength of

76 concrete is taken into account. This method is widely used to determine the optimal demoulding time

77 for concrete. The maturity method provides a simple and applicable approach to evaluate the

78 compressive strength of concrete [27]. Although this method is currently used in conventional concretes,

79 no study has been found in the literature regarding its application in HSCs .

80 The aim of this study is to develop numerical models that predict the compressive strength of

81 concrete using Nurse-Saul and Arrhenius (NS-Arr) maturity functions for HSCs. Accordingly, 9

82 concrete series with different concrete mixing ratios with cement dosage of 400-450-500 kg/m3 were

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83 prepared. In the prepared concrete mixtures, silica fume was used by replacing the cement at 5-10-15%

84 by volume, and marble powder by replacing 8-10-12% by volume with fine aggregate. While the

85 produced samples were kept in the standard water cure, the temperature values were measured every 5

86 minutes at the end of the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th and 28th days to be used in the maturity test and the results were

87 transferred to the computer. A multi-channel temperature measuring device was used for temperature

88 measurement. Compressive strength test was also applied in the same time periods. The data obtained

89 from the test results were analyzed and a separate numerical model was developed for each maturity

90 function applied. As a result, by estimating the compressive strength of concrete with high accuracy

91 with the obtained numerical models, it was ensured that the production times were determined during

92 the design phase and accurate determinations were made during the manufacturing phase in special

93 projects using HSC. In Figure 1, the experimental procedure is presented schematically.


96 Figure 1. Experiment Procedure


98 2. Material Method

99 Within the scope of the study, CEM I 42.5 R portland cement produced in accordance with TS

100 EN 197-1 standards and supplied from the Elazig Seza cement factory was used as the binder in the

101 production of HSC [28]. Andesite aggregate, silica fume from Antalya Eti metallurgy and marble

102 powder from Elazig organized industrial zone were used. The physical and chemical properties of the

103 HSC components are presented in Table 1.

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105 Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of using materials (%).

Cement Silica Fume Marble Powder
Chemical Properties
(C) (SF) (MP)
CaO 63.18 0.40 40.45
SiO2 18.61 94.10 28.35
Fe2O3 3.7 1.50 9.70
Al2O3 4.81 0.90 0.17
SiO3 2.91 94.10 0.02
Na2O 0.39 0.40 0.05
K2O 0.61 0.90 0.01
MgO 1.82 0.10 16.25
Cl 0.01 - -
Insoluble residue 0.54 - -
Loss of ignition 3.42 - 4.84
Physical Properties
Specific surface cm2/g 3838 3920
Specific gravity g/cm3 3.13 2.20 2.71
Initial setting time (min) 135 - -
Final setting time(min) 215 - -
Total volume exp. (mm) 1 - -

107 The suitability of andesite aggregate for use in HSC was determined by performing aggregate

108 tests at the first stage (Table 2) [29]. Andesite aggregate is a material containing 52-63% quartz [30]. It

109 is suitable for use in high-strength concretes due to its dark-colored, non-water-absorbing, water-

110 dispersible and dense texture [31],[32].


112 Table 2. Los Angeles experiment results

Number of Interval Load of Initial Weight after 500 Weight loss after

marbles class marbles Weight cycles 500 cycles

12 8-16 mm 5030 gr 5000 gr 4569.5 430.5

Aggregate Abrasion Resistance = LA = 8.61
114 The maximum aggregate particle diameter used in the experimental study was 16 mm, and the

115 aggregates were divided into 4 different groups as 0-2 mm, 2-4 mm, 4-8 mm, 8-16 mm (Table 3). The

116 granulometry curve of the aggregate is presented in Figure 2.

117 Table 3. Properties of the aggregate (Saturated dry surface, gr/cm3)

Mixing ratio
Aggregate size Andesite

0-2 mm 2.74 30

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2-4 mm 2.71 20
4-8 mm 2.69 20
8-16 mm 2.69 30

Passing through the sieve ( %)




20 B16

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Sieve opening (mm)


Figure 2. Aggregate granulometry curve

124 After the aggregate tests, a pozzolanic activity test was performed for the mineral additive micro

125 silica (Table 4). Pozzolan is a material that does not have a binding property on its own, but gains binding

126 properties when it is finely ground and combined with calcium hydroxide in an aqueous medium [33],

127 [34]. Micro silica is one of the most commonly used mineral additives with fine grain properties in

128 materials science [35], [36]. In order to determine the adequate pozzolanic activity of micro silica, which

129 is a pozzolanic material, pozzolanic activity tests are carried out in accordance with ASTM C618 and

130 TS EN 196-2 standards [37]. In the same way, pozzolanic activity test was performed for silica fume

131 and the pozzolanic activity index was determined with the help of the equation given in Equation 1 [38].

132 The P.A.I values obtained as a result of the experiment provided the relevant standard.

134 Pozzolanic Activity Index (P.A.I) = ( B )*100 (1)

135 A : Average compressive strength of mortar samples with pozzolan

136 B : Average compressive strength of control mortar samples

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138 Table 4. Pozzolanic activity test results
Control Sample (CS) Pozzolan Sample (PS)
fc(7) fc(28) fc(7) fc(28)
CS-1 27.6 40.6 PS-1 29.3 39.2
CS-2 28.1 37.1 PS-2 27.2 45.5
CS-3 25.8 39.4 PS-3 25.9 46.4
CS-ORT 27.2 39.0 PS-ORT 27.5 43.7
140 The marble powder used in the concrete mixture was used to create a filling effect. In order to

141 determine the usage rate of marble powder in concrete, many trial mixtures were poured and the

142 optimum usage rate was determined [39], [40].

144 2.1. Preparation of Test Samples
146 Within the scope of the study, a wide range of trial mixes were poured in the first stage. As a

147 result of these castings, 9 reference concrete mixtures with W/C ratios of 0.20-0.25-0.30 and binder

148 material (cement+micro silica) dosage of 400-450-500 kg/m3 were prepared (Table 5). In the series

149 names in the table, the M value represents maturity and HSC400 represents binder material dosage.

150 Micro silica cement and marble powder were used as mineral additives in the prepared concrete mixtures

151 by volume substituting with fine aggregate. The cement was replaced with micro silica. Marble powder

152 was replaced with aggregate. The total amount of binder was kept constant. In all mixtures, CHRYSO

153 Fluid 518 hyperplasticizer was used as a chemical additive at the rate of 3% of the cement amount. Many

154 trial mixtures have been made in concrete mixtures. In these trial mixtures, different ratios of chemical

155 additives were used and the additive ratio that ensures appropriate workability was determined. After

156 the trial mixtures made in this way, it was seen that the most suitable workability for HSCs was 3%.

157 In addition since the W/C ratio is low in high-strength concrete, many trial mixtures were made and the

158 mixtures were repeated until appropriate workability was achieved. In this way, S2 and S3 slump classes

159 were obtained [39] .

160 Table 5. Mixture amounts of M-HSC (kg/m3)

Fine Fine Medium Coarse
Micro Marble
Serial Name Cement Water Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate
Silica Powder
(0-2) mm (2-4) mm (4-8) mm (8-16) mm
M-HSC400-1 400 80 28.1 103 559 368 406 609
M-HSC400-2 400 100 14.1 101 550 362 400 599
M-HSC400-3 400 120 14.1 79 547 360 389 583
M-HSC450-1 450 90 47.4 78 544 358 387 580
M-HSC450-2 450 113 47.4 114 504 332 374 562

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M-HSC450-3 450 135 31.6 74 516 340 367 550

M-HSC500-1 500 100 17.6 116 513 338 381 572
M-HSC500-2 500 125 35.1 95 517 341 376 564
M-HSC500-3 500 150 52.7 87 473 312 344 516
162 2.2. Application of Maturity Tests
164 This study was carried out to develop numerical models that predict concrete compressive

165 strength with high accuracy by using Nurse-Saul and Arrhenius maturity functions separately [41]. With

166 these maturity functions, the compressive strength of early age concretes can be estimated and the

167 demoulding time can be determined [42]. Thus, advantages are provided in terms of project duration,

168 time and cost [43]. In the study, firstly, the Nurse-Saul method given in Equation 2, in which the

169 compressive strength of the concrete is estimated by looking at the temperature history, was used.

171 M = ∑0(T ― T0) ∗ ∆t (2)


173 Here;

174 M = Maturity index (°C-hours or °C-days)


175 T = Average concrete temperature (°C)

176 T0 = Reference temperature

177 t = elapsed time (day or hour)

178 ∆t = Time range (day or hour)


180 Copeland et al. in 1960 suggested that the effects of cement hydration on the strength gain rate

181 of concrete can be described by the Arrhenius equation. In 1977, Freisleben Hansen and Pedersen

182 proposed the following equation for equivalent age based on the Arrhenius equation (Equation 3) [7].

183 The application and numerical values related to the experiment are explained in ASTM C1074 [5].

𝐄 𝟏 𝟏
t ― ( ― )
186 te = ∑0𝐞 𝐑 𝟐𝟕𝟑 + 𝐓 𝟐𝟕𝟑 + 𝐓𝐫 ∆t (3)

188 Here;

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189 te = Equivalent age at reference temperature

190 E = Apparent activation energy

191 R = Universal gas constant

192 T = Average absolute temperature of concrete

193 Tr = Reference temperature

194 A multi-channel temperature measuring device was used to determine the concrete temperatures

195 in the maturity calculations. The device was set up to take measurements every 5 minutes after the

196 concrete was poured and placed in the mold and placed in the samples (Figure 3).



201 Figure 3. Placement of the temperature measuring device


203 2.3. Measurements on Concrete Samples

204 Temperatures were measured from the beginning of the concrete casting and the temperature results

205 taken every 5 minutes at the end of the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th and 28th days within the scope of the C1074

206 standard were transferred to the computer. The time-dependent graph of these temperatures is given in

207 Figure 4. Figure 4 shows the time-dependent variation of the temperatures forty-eight, ninety-six hours

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208 after the concrete is placed in the mold, and the average temperatures of one hundred and ninety-two,

209 three hundred and sixty-six hours after it is placed in the mold.


Temperature (°C)



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000

210 Time (min)


211 (a)


Temperature (°C)



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000

213 Time (min)

214 (b)

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Temperature (°C)



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000

216 Time (min)


219 Figure 4. (a) Temperature values of 400-dose series (b) Temperature values of 450-dose series (c) Temperature

220 values of 500-dose series

222 When Figure 3 is examined, the temperature values of the series in which the W/C ratio is 0.25

223 and 0.30 are given. Since there is not enough water in the environment as specified in the C1074 standard

224 in the series with a W/C ratio of 0.20 and proper hydration has not occurred, the data of these series

225 were not evaluated.

226 3. Evaluation of Experimental Results

227 3.1. Concrete Temperature Values and Evaluation

228 Concrete temperatures were obtained using a multi-channel temperature measuring device. This

229 temperature measurement started from the placement of the concrete in the mold (Figure 5.) When

230 Figure 5 is examined, it is seen that the temperature change varies according to the usage rate of the

231 materials in the concrete composition. For example, it is clearly seen that the temperature value of the

232 series with a binder dosage of 500 and a W/C ratio of 25% is higher than the temperature value of a

233 series with a binder dosage of 400 and a W/C ratio of 25%.

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234 The temperature values in Figure 3 and the maturity functions in Equation 2 and Equation 3

235 were calculated separately and the Nurse-Saul-time and Arrhenius-time graphs given in Figure 5 were

236 obtained.


Nurse-Saul (°C-min)

6000 HSC500-30
5000 HSC500-25
4000 HSC450-30
3000 HSC450-25
2000 HSC400-30
1000 HSC400-25
Time (min)
239 (a)
Arrhenius (min)

6000 HSC500-30

5000 HSC500-25
4000 HSC450-30
3000 HSC450-25

2000 HSC400-30
1000 HSC400-25

Time (min)
242 (b)
244 Figure 5. (a) Nurse-Saul values-Time (b) Arrhenius values-Time comparisons

245 In the Figure 5 showing the time-dependent variation of the maturity function, it is seen that the

246 binder dosage and maturity values are directly proportional. As the dosage value increases, the hydration

247 increases, so the maturity value also increases. When evaluated in terms of W/C ratio, the maturity value

248 was found to be higher in the 400 and 450-dose series in which the W/C ratio was 30%. This indicates

249 that sufficient water for hydration is found in series with a 30% W/C ratio. In the 500-dose series, the

250 maturity value of the series in which the W/C ratio was 25% was high.

251 The relationship between maturity values calculated by Nurse-Saul and Arrhenius equations and

252 compressive strength is shown in Figure 6.


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Nurse-Saul HSC400-25 HSC400-30 HSC450-25

HSC450-30 HSC500-25 HSC500-30
Compressive Strength (MPa)
400 2400 4400 6400 8400 10400
Maturity (°C-hour)
255 (a)
HSC400-25 HSC400-30 HSC450-25
HSC450-30 HSC500-25 HSC500-30
Compressive Strength (MPa)

1 3 Maturity (°C-hour) 5 7

257 (b)

258 Figure 6. Comparison of (a) Compressive strength-Nurse-Saul values (b) Compressive strength-Arrhenius
259 maturity values
261 In Figure 6, it is seen that there is a linear relationship between maturity and compressive

262 strength depending on the change in concrete temperature. In accordance with the C1074 standard, the

263 compressive strength value of the concrete increases with the increase of the maturity value. The

264 numerical models estimating the compressive strength according to the NS and Arr maturity methods

265 for each dosage and W/C value from the compressive strength maturity graph are given in Table 6.

266 While determining the models, maturity value was determined as input and compressive strength of

267 concrete value was determined as output.

269 Table 6. Numerical models developed with NS and Arr maturity methods

Serial Name NS Arr

M-HSC400-25 fc = 0.0027M + 48.131 fc = 6.7943M + 33.573

M-HSC400-30 fc = 0.0027M + 45.805 fc = 7.0137M + 30.937
M-HSC450-25 fc = 0.0027M + 51.143 fc = 6.8513M + 36.05
M-HSC450-30 fc = 0.0028M + 46.995 fc = 7.0219M + 31.914
M-HSC500-25 fc = 0.0032M + 54.705 fc = 6.9625M + 37.284
M-HSC500-30 fc = 0.0029M + 52.118 fc = 7.4902M + 35.333

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271 In Figure 7, the estimation results and ARD values obtained by the numerical models developed

272 with the experimentally calculated compressive strength values are given. When the experimental values

273 and predicted values are compared, it is seen that the ARD values of the developed models are below

274 10%. It was noteworthy that all these values were below 5%, especially for early age strength. When

275 the ARD values of the Arrhenius maturity function were examined, it was noted that it was the maturity

276 function that predicted fc with the highest accuracy. Especially in fc-1 daily strength values, highly

277 accurate predictions were made and ARD values were below 1% for almost all other days.

278 Although the ARD results estimated by the Nurse-Saul equation are higher than the ARD results

279 obtained by the Arrhenius equation, the compressive strength values obtained with this function also

280 have high accuracy.

ARD value-Nurse-Saul ARD value-Arrhenius

25 10
M-HSC400-25 M-HSC400-25

15 5 M-HSC400-30
5 M-HSC450-25 M-HSC450-25
0 M-HSC450-30
-5 M-HSC450-30

M-HSC500-25 M-HSC500-25
-15 -5
M-HSC500-30 M-HSC500-30
-25 -10

M -HSC400-25 M -HSC400-30 M -HSC450-25 M -HSC450-30 M -HSC500-25 M -HSC500-30
Days fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr fc fc-NS fc-Arr
1. 50 48.4 49.6 47 48.4 47.2 54 53.8 52.4 48 49.7 48.6 61 58.4 57.3 57 55.2 53.5
3. 57 52.9 56.1 55 50.6 54.0 59 56.0 59.2 56 52.0 55.2 64 62.2 67.7 61 57.4 60.6
7. 63 57.2 62.5 61 54.8 60.6 68 60.2 65.6 63 56.7 61.9 73 67.2 74.2 67 61.9 67.6
14. 67 64.2 68.6 65 61.9 66.8 69 67.3 71.8 67 63.7 68.0 81 75.5 80.4 76 69.5 75.3
28. 75 78.4 74.5 73 76.0 72.1 78 81.5 77.6 74 78.4 74.1 88 92.6 86.8 80 84.8 81.2
283 Figure 7. Experimental and predicted results
285 Conclusions

286 In this study, numerical models were developed to predict the compressive strength of HSCs using

287 NS and Arr maturity functions. In particular, to verify the validity of the maturity functions proposed so

288 far, compressive strength-Nurse-Saul maturity function and compressive strength-Arrhenius maturity

289 functions were compared and their suitability was determined. As a result of the study, the following

290 conclusions were drawn:

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291 1- The strength-maturity curve in each series of concrete mixtures followed the literature. As the

292 strength value increased, the maturity value also tended to increase.

293 2- It has been determined that the maturity method can be used for HSCs, and it has been observed

294 that the Arr method gives higher accuracy results in estimating the compressive strength of

295 HSCs. The ARD values of the compressive strength values obtained with the Arr method were

296 lower.

297 3- The average relative error percentage in estimating the compressive strengths of concrete varies

298 between 0.1% and 10.1%. Mixtures producing the highest errors were generally found in the

299 calculation made by the Nurse-Saul method. The compressive strength values obtained by the

300 Arhenius method were closer to the experimental results.

301 4- In series with low W/C ratio, strength losses occurred due to insufficient hydration. Therefore,

302 it is recommended to be more careful in the estimations to be made with the maturity method

303 as the W/C ratio decreases in practice.


304 5- By using the maturity method and determining the strength gaining time of the concrete, the

305 demoulding times can be determined. Thus, the problem of getting molds early is eliminated

306 and an advantage is provided in determining the project durations.

307 6- In the current maturity functions, the concrete temperature is taken according to the standards.

308 Concrete compressive strength can also be determined more accurately and with higher

309 accuracy by obtaining the temperatures with high accuracy by using a temperature measuring

310 device in concrete.

311 7- Verification of proposed modifications for in situ concrete strength estimation should also be

312 done, especially for concretes made with different types of cement and additives.


314 As a result, the places where HSCs are used in practice are special productions. Therefore, the duration

315 of the project is of great importance in such productions. The most important parameter for the

316 construction to progress in accordance with the project period is the molding time. Since this period

317 cannot be calculated correctly, the maturity method has emerged as a sensitive, fast and practical

318 method. The use of this method will ensure that the concrete compressive strength is correctly estimated

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319 and the construction will continue in a healthy way in terms of strength and will proceed without loss of

320 time in the project-work plan.

322 Acknowledgments

323 This study is supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of Fırat University under the

324 project number MF.21.51

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