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Balauat, Andrea Mae C.

Carmona, Rica Mae L.
Mercado, Gabriel V.
Vinluan, Dominic A.

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering


FEU Alabang

March 2022

Engr. Chrisjonpane Lazaga

Thesis Adviser

©2022 Balauat, Carmona,

Mercado, Vinluan All Rights
The authors grant FEU Alabang permission to reproduce and distribute the contents of
this document in whole or in part.


The thesis entitled “Arduino-Based Heat Drying Device: Extending the Shelf life
of Selected Root Crops (such as Potato, Sweet potato, and Cassava) at Home”
prepared and submitted by:

Balauat, Andrea Mae C.

Carmona, Rica Mae L.
Mercado, Gabriel V.
Vinluan, Dominic A.

In partial fulfillment of the course requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
in Electronics Engineering has been examined and is hereby recommended for

Dr. King Harold A. Recto Engr. Rex Paolo Gamara

Panelist 1 Panelist 2

Engr. Arnel L. Nuesca

Head Panelist

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of

Science in
Electronics Engineering

Engr. Chrisjonpane Lazaga Engr. Antipas T. Teologo Jr.

Thesis Adviser Course Adviser/Department Head


THESIS TITLE .............................................................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE SHEET ................................................................................. iii

CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study ............................................................................................... 1

1.2 Significance of the Study ............................................................................................ 4

1.3 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 6

1.4 Scope and Delimitations ............................................................................................... 7

1.5 Conceptual Framework................................................................................................. 8

1.6 Definition of Terms ...................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................. 11

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..................................................................................... 11

2.1 Foreign-Related Literature .......................................................................................... 11

2.2 Local Related Literature .............................................................................................. 18

2.3 Synthesis ...................................................................................................................... 21

2.4 Research Gap ............................................................................................................... 23

CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................. 24
METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 24

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 24

3.2 Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 24

3.3 Software Flowchart...................................................................................................... 25

3.4 Proposed System ......................................................................................................... 26

3.5 Working Theories ........................................................................................................ 34

3.6 Testing Procedure ........................................................................................................ 35

3.7 Model Training Process ............................................................................................... 43

3.8 Project Layout ............................................................................................................. 49

3.9 Design Constraints ....................................................................................................... 49

CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................................. 55

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS .................................................................................................. 55

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 55

4.2 Crop Drying ................................................................................................................. 56

4.3 P, R and mAP............................................................................................................... 59

4.4 Experimental Testing................................................................................................... 60

CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................................. 88

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 88

CHAPTER 6 .................................................................................................................................. 99
RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................... 99

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 101

APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................. 107

APPENDIX B.............................................................................................................................. 118

APPENDIX C.............................................................................................................................. 121

Chapter 1


1.1. Background of the Study

The Covid-19 pandemic, which affected the whole world in 2020, had an

enormous impact on all aspects of human life. It hits the Philippines like a wildfire,

alerting the government to impose a state of calamity and lockdown. Travel routes to

cities were closed, which severely affected the agricultural sector of the country. Due

to the strict lockdown measures, the traditional supply chains were disrupted, creating

a dire situation for the farmers in Luzon. From March 2020 to May 2020, it was stated

that a huge amount of crop was wasted because it was hard for farmers to distribute

their goods to markets. Without consumers, many farmers are forced to dispose of

their crops [1].

This research intends to solve the issue of a significant number of crops being

wasted due to route closures during lockdowns. Hence, the researchers determined to

create a device that could resolve the issue mentioned earlier, specifically with root

crops. Food preservation is treating or handling food by significantly delaying the

process of food spoilage while retaining its benefits [2]. Preserving food not only

focuses on food scarcity, it can also decrease wasted food on our environmental

impact [3].

Food preservation provides several advantages, including the elimination of

fungi that cause food degradation and spoilage. There are two sorts of conservation:

physical and chemical. Physical preservation entails drying and freezing, while

chemical preservation entails adding compounds to inhibit bacterial development and

oxidation [4].

It was stated by the PSA, or Philippine Statistics Authority, that cassava, sweet

potato, and potato belong to the top 10 major vegetables and root crops being

produced in our country [6]. Root and tuber crops are the second primary source of

carbohydrates in the Philippines. Sweet potato, also known as camote, is considered

the most important root crop in our country, due to the fact that it can be grown

anytime of the year and can be used in a lot of ways [7].

In the Philippines, our ancestors used fermentation as their first attempt at food

preservation. Air-drying or smoking as a technique of preserving food for months,

perhaps at sea [8]. They didn't have to eat the slaughter or harvest immediately with

this technique, and they could save some for later. Considering the Philippines’ ever-

increasing population. Many techniques have been developed to reduce food waste.

Especially right now during a pandemic, millions of fruits and vegetables are being

thrown away because most of them are getting spoiled in storage before they can be

sold in the market and consumed at home. And due to the tropical climate in the

Philippines, there is a higher risk of food spoilage. Hence, several processed food

products and preservation methods have emerged [9]. The proposed topic intends to

address the issue of spoiled food by utilizing technology and software to extend the

shelf life of fruits and root crops. The researchers also aim to avoid food waste due to

a lack of markets and food scarcity during the pandemic

Cassava, also known as Manihot esculenta, is a calorie-dense vegetable root crop high

in carbs, vitamins, and minerals. It may be cooked, roasted, steamed, grilled, fried,

mashed, or added to stews. It also contains Vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and

niacin. Cassava is commonly processed into culinary products such as dry chips and

traditional pastries such as suman, bibingka, and sago in the Philippines. Cassava

starch is used in the production of biscuits and as a sweetening component in

confectioneries. Cassava is primarily used for food, feed, and fuel [10]. Cassava has

an average life expectancy of a tuber is 15 to 24 months, depending on variety,

climate, and soil conditions, although later tubers grow fibrous and woody. Some

fast-growing varieties may be harvested in as little as 6-7 months, allowing you to

plant and harvest them twice a year; however, for optimal harvests, harvesting should

take place after 9 to 12 months [11].

The potato, also known as Solanum tuberosum, is an annual nightshade (Solanaceae)

plant grown for its starchy edible tubers. The potato, which is native to the Peruvian-

Bolivian Andes, is one of the world's most important food crops. Potatoes are

commonly served whole or mashed as a cooked vegetable, and they are also processed

into potato flour, which is used in baking and as a sauce thickener. Vitamin C, protein,

thiamin, and niacin are all found in the tubers, which are extremely edible [12]. From

planting to maturity, it has a relatively short life cycle of 70 to 150 days. Tuber

sprouting, vegetative development, tuber initiation, tuber bulking, and eventually plant

senescence are all words used to characterize its developmental stages. The tubers then

go into hibernation until the following vegetative generation. Each of these processes

is genetically determined and influenced by environmental conditions like daylength,

temperature, and drought stress [13].

Ipomoea batatas, so called sweet potato, is a sweet potato cultivar with relatively dry,

tasteless, yellowish to white flesh. The sweet potato is classified as a member of the

Convolvulaceae family, whereas the yam is classified as a member of the

Dioscoreaceae family. The sweet potato is indigenous to South America's tropical

regions, but the yam is indigenous to Africa. During the Spanish colonial period, the

Philippines were exposed to camotes from Latin America. The camote root is a

prominent crop in the Philippines. It is simply cooked and served with brown sugar.

Camote that has been boiled can be mashed and given to newborns [14]. On the

counter, sweet potatoes survive approximately a week; in a cool, dry environment,

they can last up to a month. They keep for 3 to 5 days after cutting if you refrigerate

them and carefully lock them in a plastic bag or other airtight container [15].

1.2. Significance of the Study

This study will only focus on creating a home-preserving device that can be

utilized to prolong the shelf life of staple foods. One of the problems we faced when

the inevitable COVID-19 hit our country was food shortages and scarcity. This

research was conducted to avoid food shortages and food scarcity by making a

preservation device and an IoT monitoring device focusing on the preservation of

staple foods. This research aims to help families experiencing food shortages due to

the pandemic. For the researchers, this study will benefit them by boosting their

knowledge about creating IOT-based devices. This research was conducted for future

researchers and for the succeeding ECE students, and this study will serve as their

basis or reference for their future work. In conclusion, this study will be beneficial to

individuals as follows:

1.2.1 Environment

This study will benefit the environment due to cropland shortages and

reduced food scarcity.

1.2.2 Farmers/Consumers

In case of emergency, Farmers/Consumers who will encounter an unexpected

event such as a calamity or pandemic can maximize the shelf life of their staple


1.2.3 For Future Researchers

This Research will assist future researchers in broadening their knowledge,

which they will be able to use as a reference for their own studies. The

project's findings can be utilized to drive future prototype integration and

enhancements in the field of agriculture.

1.3. Objectives

1.3.1. General Objective

To develop an Arduino-based system coupled with heat dryer moisture

content removal for root crop shelf-life extension.

1.3.2. Specific Objectives

a.) To create a system that can translate data and detect the root crops

(Solanum tuberosum, Ipomoea batatas, and Manihot esculenta) by utilizing a

deep neural network algorithm, sensor, Raspberry Pi, image processing, and a

deep learning model.

b.) To evaluate the consistency of the proposed system in Solanum tuberosum,

Ipomoea batatas, and Manihot esculenta using test-retest reliability.

c.) To obtain the target moisture content of 5.5%-10% for Solanum tuberosum,

6-10% for Ipomoea batatas, and 14%-24% for Manihot esculenta and exceed

the initial lifespan of at least 1-3 days by using the method of drying.

1.4. Scope and Delimitations

This project primarily benefits tuber crop growers and small company owners.

Because they can extend the life of their root and tuber crops. This project will focus

on the heat drying process, which will eliminate the rotting of tuber crops that were

not sold at the market. A temperature sensor will be utilized to provide adaptation to

our device; its function will cause our device to adjust the temperature based on its

surroundings in order to decrease power consumption, whether adding or maintaining

the temperature of the device.

Furthermore, there should only be three varieties of tuber crops: sweet potato,

potato, and cassava, since we will be utilizing a function to identify the tuber crops

that will be dried. This will necessitate the use of image processing to identify the

tuber crops; we will base it on the morphology of the tuber crops for the device to

recognize. Finally, the gadget will include intelligence that allows it to detect smoke.

Using the smoke sensor, our device will determine whether to continue or halt the

drying process. We will also install a monitoring system to manually check the

drying process and its progress. The device will only work with three

varieties of tuber crops: sweet potato, potato, and cassava. Once the drying process has

begun, the device will not be opened or accessed. When the power is turned off, the

device's timer resets and begins again from the beginning. To lengthen the shelf life of

the root crop, the heat drying equipment will be confined to drying and eliminating

particular moisture contents. When the gadget detects the temperature of its

surroundings, it automatically adjusts the temperature of the heat drying unit. The

gadget can also recognize the three different varieties of root crops on its own.

1.5. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the proposed research paradigm for the study. It shows the

components to be used in executing the process. For the input stage of the study, the

heat drying method is to be used in this device. With a heat sensor, it will tell us the

temperature inside the chamber. A monitoring system will provide all the data needed.

And for solar panels and batteries, they will collect and store energy coming from the

sun. For the processing stage, upon collecting energy, it will power the device to

execute the drying method. The monitoring system will provide the moisture

content and temperature of the inside of the chamber. Lastly, in the output stage, every

bit of data is presented on the LCD for us to monitor the ongoing drying process

1.6. Definition of Terms

Air-dry – make or become dry through contact with unheated air.

Ambient - an encompassing atmosphere.

Anthesis - the flowering period of a plant, from the opening of the flower bud.

Antioxidant - Are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free

radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and

other pressures.

Contaminant - polluting or poisonous substance that makes something

impure. Convection - is a way for heat to move, also referred to as a heat

transfer mechanism. Culm - the hollow stem of a grass or cereal plant,

especially that bearing the flower. Desiccant- a hygroscopic substance

used as a drying agent.

Deterioration - the action or process of becoming impaired or inferior in quality,

functioning, or condition.

IOT - describes the network of physical objects “things” that are embedded with

sensor, software and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging

data with other devices and systems over the internet.

Microcontroller - Also called MCU or Microcontroller Unit. Is a small computer on a

single metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuit (IC) chip.

Morphology - Are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free

radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and

other pressures.

Polyethylene - a tough, light, flexible synthetic resin made by polymerizing

ethylene, chiefly used for plastic bags, food containers, and other packaging.

Polyvinyl Chloride - a tough chemically resistant synthetic resin made by

polymerizing vinyl chloride and used for a wide variety of products including pipes,

flooring, and sheeting.

Root Crops - a crop that is a root vegetable or other root, e.g., sugar beet

Tuber Crops - are crops with swollen underground stems and root.

Chapter 2


2.1 Foreign-Related Literature

2.1.1 IoT Based Solar Energy Dryer

This study is multifunctional, but it concentrates on drying grains,

fruits, and vegetables, with the major source of energy coming from the sun,

which they utilized a solar panel to power their equipment. However, it is not

without drawbacks, such as a significant reliance on weather patterns, sluggish

drying rates, and the danger of contamination, among others. These problems

may be overcome by utilizing mechanical dryers, but they use a lot of energy.

The excess energy saved in the battery can also be used in other devices or to

illuminate a light bulb in rural regions [15].

2.1.2 Design of Semiconductor Laser Quick Temperature Control System

In this study the researchers focused on stability and quick temperature

control. They used semiconductor laser and Micro Control Unit (MCU)

MSP430. The researcher designed a self-adjusting temperature algorithm to

balance the temperature and experiment with the high-low temperature test-

box. According to the analysis of power stability experiment results, the laser

power stability is improved from 5% before temperature control to less than

1% after temperature control. The laser power stability density is safe for the

eye. The schematic design of the system has significance for the small power

and quick stability laser system. [16]

2.1.3 Improved Drying Efficiency of an Indigenously Developed Solar

Food Dehydrator with Advanced Features

In this study the researchers created an improved solar food dehydrator.

They use solar energy and wind for the source of heat. The machine has

protection from insects, birds, dogs, especially for drying meat and fish. At the

end of the solar dehydrator, the researchers attached a humidity meter and

temperature sensor to gather data every thirty minutes. [17]

2.1.4 Drying of Yam with Solar Adsorption System

In this study the researchers made a drying system which consists of a

fan, heating element and drying chamber. The heated air can be utilized

continuously until night with the use of adsorbent which is an example of silica

gel. For the air, they used a PID controller to keep the flow and temperature of

air constant where the ambient air flows through the collector with the aid of a

fan over black coated aluminum absorber plate and glass cover plate. [18]

2.1.5 Advanced Exergy Analyses of a Solar Hybrid Food Dehydrator

In this study, the researchers created a solar hybrid food dehydrator.

The device was integrated with an evacuated solar tube collector and

gas burner as the source of heat. The dehydrator uses a radial blower fan (1.12

kW, Teco-Tokyo) for the air draft. Due to the instability of the solar intensity,

the researchers installed gas burners for support. An exhaust fan was also

used at the top of the drying chamber for moisture removal. The drying

operation was controlled using a control box having provision of setting the

drying temperature and humidity levels, auto working of single or dual heating

modes and fans. [19]

2.1.6 Conceptual Design of Smart Multi-farm Produce Dehydrator Using a

Low-cost Programmable Logic Controller and Raspberry Pi

In this study, the researchers created a dehydrator that gives the users

the flexibility to control both the drying chamber’s temperature and hu

o using a self-designed cabinet dryer humidity from its web interface via a

mobile device or the dehydrator’s HMI. The dehydrator used solar power and

LPG for the easy access of heat. This oven type dehydrator will be used in the

dehydrating techniques to have the ability to control both temperature and

humidity of its drying chamber. [20]

2.1.7 Open-Source Vacuum Oven Design for Low-Temperature Drying:

Performance Evaluation for Recycled Pet and Biomass

In this study, the researcher created a vacuum oven dehydrator which is

constructed using (1) a vacuum chamber and (2) a heating element. The

vacuum chamber and heating element together serve to form the vacuum oven.

System performance was monitored with an open-source precision mass

balance and multimeters. The multimeter was used for the thermal control of

the heater. [21]

2.1.8 ANFIS and ANNs model for prediction of moisture diffusivity and

specific energy consumption potato, garlic and cantaloupe drying under

convective hot air dryer

In this study the researchers focused on developing and applying an

adaptive neuro- fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and an artificial neural

networks (ANNs) model in order to predict the characteristics of potatoes,

garlic, and cantaloupe in a convective hot air dryer. By using this the ANFIS

method had a higher ability to evaluate all output compared to the ANNs in

terms of kinetic drying, effective moisture difference, and specific energy

consumption. [22]

2.1.9 Drying kinetics of potato using a self-designed cabinet dryer

In this study the researchers use a laboratory scale cabinet dryer that is

attached to a weighing balance that calculates the changes in the weight of the

potato. The researchers used a laboratory dryer made from plywood lined with

aluminum sheets and a glass door. The exhaust was placed in the upper inner

side of the wall so that it could remove the humidity inside the dryer. Using a

hot air gun, the heat is implied and regulated through a thermostat. [23]

2.1.10 Drying characteristics of yam slices (Dioscorea rotundata) in a

convective hot air dryer: application of ANFIS in the prediction of drying


In this study the researchers have applied Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy

Inference System (ANFIS) to predict the moisture ratio to yam slices in a hot

air convective dryer for the drying process. By using a chimney type machine

with a layer for the moisture to exit. This shows the effectiveness of the ANFIS

method in order to check the obtained data. [24]

2.1.11 Exergy and Energy Analyses of Microwave Dryer for Cantaloupe

Slice and Prediction of Thermodynamic Parameters Using ANN and

ANFIS Algorithms

In this study the researchers focus on drying multiple slices of

cantaloupe with various thickness using a microwave dryer and these are all

predicted using the Artificial neural networks (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy

inference systems (ANFIS). The researchers believe that using higher

microwave power for drying thin cantaloupes improves the n of the process

and the ANFIS shows an accurate forecast of the results.

2.1.12 Modeling of Potato Slice Drying Process in a Microwave Dryer

using Artificial Neural Network and Machine Vision

2.1.13 Deep Neural Networks as Scientific Models

Deep neural networks (DNNs), which were inspired by the brain, allow

computers to tackle cognitive problems that humans excel at. In the lack of

explanations for such cognitive phenomena, cognitive scientists have begun

utilizing DNNs as models to examine biological cognition and its neural

underpinnings, sparking controversy. [27]

2.1.14 Deep Neural Networks for Object Detection

They use DNNs to solve the problem of object detection, which

includes not only categorizing but also accurately localizing objects of distinct

types. They provide a straightforward yet effective formulation of object

detection as a regression problem to object bounding box masks. They offer a

multi-scale inference process that allows a few network applications to deliver

high-resolution object detections at a cheap cost. The approach's cutting-edge

performance is demonstrated on Pascal VOC. [28]

2.1.15 Why is Moisture Content Analysis of Food Important?

It was stated that the analysis of moisture content found in food is

essential to achieve the desired quality of the food. Moisture content affects

the shelf life of food because the amount of water present in the crop raises its

vulnerability to microbes which damages the crop.

2.1.15 Assessment of Moisture Content Measurement Methods of Dried

Food Products in Small-scale Operations in Developing Countries: A


It is stated in the study that moisture content is related to the growth of

microbes which is one of the key elements that contributes to spoilage. It is

also said that the dehydrating or drying of crops was a good method to lessen

the moisture content present in the food to prevent microbial growth and it has

a great effect on the quality of storage by lessening the post-harvest loss of the


2.1.16 Effect of Moisture Content on the Shelf Life of Root Crops

In this study, the researchers stated that the moisture content found in

root crops has a significant effect on its shelf life. It is also stated that crops

with higher moisture content had a shorter shelf life because it has a good

condition for microbial growth.

2.2 Local Related Literature

2.2.1 Development of an inflatable solar dryer for improved postharvest

handling of paddy rice in humid climates

For three billion people around the world have a common staple food

which is Rice. Despite significant improvements in better breeds and

production procedures, losses during postharvest processing remain

significant. This thesis is about comparing the two method which are Inflatable

Solar Dryer (ISD) and Sun Drying. They create a drying tunnel by attaching a

translucent polyethylene (PE) film with a zipper to a reinforced black

polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film. And a flexible multilayer floor was used along

the drying area to prevent heat loss. They carried out these two methods, and as

a result the quality was not affected. Despite longer drying times, the ISD

showed advantages over sun drying [29].

2.2.2 Solar-Powered Paddy Grain Humidifier-Dryer

This thesis focuses on the machine that may be used to improve and

develop the post-harvest process in the Philippines, particularly drying. This

machine consists of a power source with two alternating batteries charged by

solar panels, as well as a control system that allows them to adjust the moisture

content, temperature, and humidity. [30]

2.2.3 Diurnal Temperature Variation in an Idealized Room for Different

wall Materials using a Thermal Load Model in the Philippine Setting

In this study, the researchers employed a basic thermal design in order

to determine the heat load that is received by an idealized chamber in the

Philippine environment, taking into account climatological parameters and

daily weather patterns. During the country's cool-dry and hot-dry seasons, the

researchers' design provides the diurnal temperature change of an idealized

chamber with varied wall materials. [31]

2.2.4 Drying of washed clothing utilizing solar powered dryer

This study created a system for solar-powered drying of washed

garments. This was used to examine and test the performance, and to establish

whether there is a significant difference in the drying rate of set ups when

compared to the traditional and experimental methods. A solar drying chamber

was created using local resources, with a bamboo frame and plastic walls to

contain the heat of the sunlight entering the chamber. [32]

2.2.5 DOST develops new process for preserving fruit, vegetables

The Department of Science and Technology developed a new process

of preservation by using a low heat and low humidity drying system. This type

of drying process lessens the loss in volume during the preservation of fruits

and vegetables. With the use of desiccants, the state of dryness was retained,

and the dried products can be included in relief packs given during

emergencies. [33]

2.2.6 Android- Based Monitoring System: A Case on Quality Dried of

Mango Chips

This is a study of different commodities in the community pattern with

"Mango" in monitoring the dryness of mango chips, which is the process used

to maintain mango to have an extended life period for consumption with the

use of Arduino Uno. [34]

2.2.7 Android-Based Cacao Bean Solar Drying Monitoring System with

SMS Notification

In this study, the researchers developed an Android-based Cacao Bean

Solar Drying Monitoring System with SMS Notification to measure the

humidity and temperature within the drying chamber with the help of a DHT11

Sensor, as well as the moisture of the cacao beans inside the chamber. [35]

2.2.8 An Analysis on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on

Agricultural Sector in Achieving Food Productivity and Security in the


In this study, the researchers have stated that the pandemic has affected

not only health but also the economy. But also the food security due to the

demand for food and agriculture supplies. The researchers also stated that

the effect is especially severe on fresh products such as fruits, vegetables,

meat, and fish [42].

2.3 Synthesis

The food supply chains in the Philippines were greatly affected during the

pandemic. The government implemented safety measures restricting travel and the

movement of goods. According to Dili the disruptions had led to shortages in the

agricultural supply chain. Some of the studies utilize AI in order to accurately predict

the status of their subjects. Like the studies by Rezaei, Behroozi-Khazaei and Darvishi.

The studies by Zadhossein, Haq, Khan, Oluwaleye, and Amjad utilize

their energy consumption and make it use more natural energy. The last three mainly

use solar energy to provide power to their systems. The study by Ojediran uses a

chimney piece of machinery for the dehydration of the yam slices, making the

dehydration process spread out equally in layers, and the humidity has an exit point

through the chimney. Researcher Kaveh used a convection type of hot air dryer

compared to the chimney type machine the researchers used a drum type drying

chamber. All of this utilized algorithms for the main computation of the outputs and it

was seen that the Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) provides more

accurate computations. The "Improved drying efficiency of an indigenously

developed solar food dehydrator with advanced features" uses a different method in

preserving the cleanliness of the products that are being dehydrated by adding

protection to the machine from insects, birds, and dogs. Oluwaleye also uses a

chamber, but it mainly controls the temperature and humidity from a mobile device

using a web interface.

2.4 Research Gap

This where the group shows how the Related Literatures are similar or

different with the proposed system. This is presented in a tabular form as shown

below. The researchers have placed a check if a feature/capability is found or

applicable in the related literature or in your proposed project.

According to the literature we reviewed, all of the studies used heat as a drying

method. They only differ at the type of heat drying method used such as; sun drying,

oven drying, and air drying. As for power efficiency, there are three studies that stood

out since they used solar energy. For the monitoring system, four of the related

literature have this feature.

According to the literature we reviewed, the majority of them dried the stuff

using microwaves, chemicals, saline solution, and sugar. Our device will utilize a

drying process which will remove a certain amount of moisture content from root

crops in order to lengthen their shelf life, and we will use IOT to monitor whether the

material attained the acceptable percentage of moisture for food storage.

2.4.1 Table 1 Research Gap

Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction

This chapter will make use of applied research. Prototyping models will be

used as a development method in this research to ensure that the final system is

achieved by testing multiple times. The researchers will accumulate data about

microcontrollers to figure out which one will be suitable for the system. The

researchers will also plan a design after gathering all the needed components for the

system. Furthermore, the researchers will create the device and test it multiple times to

achieve the desired result.

3.2 Block Diagram

The system is made up of several sections/modules that work together to

regulate the entire device, whether it is in the input or output parts. The input system

consists of a Heat Dryer, LCD, Heat Sensor, Speaker, Button, LED light, Raspberry

Pi, Servo motors, and Battery.

The proposed prototype was made up of many input and output components. A

microcontroller is included in the prototype, and a software will process the attached

input and output modules. In addition, all input and output modules were linked to the


3.3 System Flowchart

First, Detect the root crop. This step involves identifying the specific root crop

that is causing the problem. This may involve gathering data, interviewing

stakeholders, and conducting root cause analysis.If the root crop is not detected If the

root crop cannot be identified, the process repeats. This may indicate that the

problem is more complex than initially thought, or that additional information is

needed. If the root crop is detected Once the root crop is identified, the process moves

on to repairing the process. Review the details in the screen This step involves

reviewing the details of the root crop and the process in which it is involved.In the

screen it will show the details of how many times remaining and how many

percentages is the moisture content of the subject. After that Press Start and Monitor

the moisture content.

3.4 Proposed System

3.4.1 Hardware System

The device’s hardware system will be having a LCD, Sensor,

microcontroller, and a computer system. The sensor and LCD will be linked to

a microcontroller. The computer system will be utilized to process all of the

input data selected by the user. The root crops and tuber crops potato, cassava

and camote will be dried using the device until the moisture content available

for the crop is suitable for shelf storage.

Arduino Microcontroller

The microcontroller to be used in the device will serve as the brain of the


• Microcontroller: ATmega328P

• Operating Voltage: 5V

• Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V

• Inout Voltage (limit): 6-20V

• Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

• PWM Digital I/O Pins: 6

• Analog Input Pins: 6

• DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA

• DC current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA

• Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328P) of which 0.5 KB used by


• SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328P)

• EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328P)

• Clock Speed: 16 MHz

• Length: 68.6 mm

• Width: 58.4 mm

• Weight: 25 g


To display every information during the processing such as temperature

and time.

Also, to display the GUI (Graphical User Interface)


• SSD1289 touch panel controller

• 3.3v voltage regulator

• PCB adapter for LCK

• One Standard SD card socket

• Support 16 bit ILI9341 format

• 2x20 Pin 2.54mm double row pin header interface for connecting MCU

• Display content: 240RGB x 320 Dots

• Resolution: 240 x 320 Dots

• Screen: 262K Colors

• Size: Approx. 6.8x5.5cm/2.68x2.17inch

Heat Sensor

The researcher’s goal is to read the temperature inside the chamber.


• Operating Voltage: 3.6V to 5V (available in 3V and 5V version)

• Supply Current: 1.5mA

• Object Temperature Range: -70° C to 382.2°C

• Ambient Temperature Range: -40° C to 125°C

• Accuracy: 0.02°C

• Field of View: 80°

• Distance between object and sensor: 2cm-5cm (approx.)

3.4.2 Input Module

The Input Module will consist of a Sensor. The sensor will be used to

collect data such as temperature, which will then be processed by the Arduino.

The heat sensor will be used to monitor the moisture of the crop and once the

needed moisture content was attained the sensor will shut off.

3.4.3 Input Module

The device's output module will have an LCD display and a database

kept by the computer system. The LCD display will be the one to process the

data that is selected by the user.

3.4.4 Software System

For the software of the device. The main program that will process all

of the data input that is selected by the user.

Arduino - will be used to control the microcontroller for building digital devices.

Raspberry pi - will be used for the faster connections of the sensor that will be

3.4.5 Engineering Materials

Insulation Foam - The researchers used foam insulation between the

two walls of the prototype in order to lessen the heat loss during the process of

dehydration. This material is used to insulate the prototype’s main structure to

maintain the desired temperature needed inside the chamber.

Aluminum Screen (Aluminum Mesh) – Is a kind of wire mesh that

has been woven from aluminum wires. It is often used for windows and doors

for ventilation. In our prototype, we used this material as a tray so that the air

inside can circulate freely. Other than that, it is also highly heat conductive

which is beneficial for the project.

Aluminum Corner - This served as the prototype's frame, making it

lighter than a typical steel frame would be. Additionally, we used it as the

prototype's door and frame for the tray we built.

Stock fans - It is frequently constructed of plastic and has a tiny motor

that rotates a set of blades to produce airflow. In order to move the air inside

the chamber and stop the coil from burning, we used it for the prototype.

PVC board - is a good heat insulator because it is made of a material

that does not conduct heat well and often has trapped air pockets inside it.

These factors slow down the transfer of heat, making PVC board a good choice

for applications where heat insulation is important.

Aluminum Sheet - Is lightweight, flexible to fabricate easily at site and

has good resistance to corrosion which is also widely used in fabricating metal

Insulation jacketing. It is also used in making baking sheets, tins, and pans.

The researchers used an aluminum sheet inside the prototype because it can

transfer heat quickly and efficiently. It does this by conducting heat, which

means that it allows heat to move through it easily. Aluminum also reflects

heat, which means that it bounces heat back away from the

surface. This combination of good conductivity and good reflectivity makes

aluminum sheets a good choice for applications where heat transfer is important.

3.5 Working Theories

3.5.1 Control module to Microprocessor

The first step is to set the desired time and temperature that will be

processed by the microprocessor. Then the microprocessor is the one who will

execute the command set by the user. This part mainly focuses on controlling

the actual setup of the machine. This is required so that the limits of the

machine are followed and the subjects will not be affected by the sudden

increase in temperature. Also, the moisture content wouldn’t be gone instantly

since we need to prolong the shelf life of the subject by slowly removing the


3.5.2 Microprocessor to Sensors

The microprocessor uses the temperature sensors to maintain the

optimum drying temperature with the help of fans and heaters. The system will

also automatically shut down when the conditions while operating exceeds its

limit and immediately notify the user.

3.5.3 Arduino to Battery

Following the processing of the electrical charge, the charge is now

transferred for future storage in the battery. The major goal of this section is to

ensure that no mistakes occur during the transfer of electrical charge into the

battery Battery to Heat Drying Device

3.5.4 Battery to Heat Drying Device

After storing a charge in the battery, the battery may now power the heat

drying device. This is the last stage, where all of the gathered and stored energy

is utilized to power the device.

3.6 Testing Procedures

This testing procedure was gleaned from the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries

Standards which was a member of the International Organization for Standardization

(ISO). In BAFPS 29:2010 or, BAFPS for Cassava Chips, there are seven ISO that was

used as the method of testing to know if the process crop was edible. The researcher will

be adapting two ISO microbial methods that will be suitable for the three root and tuber

crops that will be used in this research [36]. The first ISO testing Procedure would be,

ISO 21527-1:2008, which focuses on the mold and yeast growth in the processed crop

[37]. The second ISO microbial method would be ISO 4833 which focuses on

enumerating the growth of microorganisms after the processed crop was stored in a room

with a temperature of 30 degree Celsius [38]. Also to further ensure that upon

dehydration the crop is safe for consumption we the researchers followed the Food Safety

Act of 2013. We made sure every trial we have cleaned each crop and materials used to

dehydrate, proper attire was worn, and new containers where used[49].

Based on the standard stated, the target moisture content for Cassava or Manihot

Esculenta would be 14%. For Potato or Solanum Tuberosum, based on Process Sensors,

the target moisture content should be 5.5% with +/-0.5% uncontrolled moisture swing

[39]. For Sweet Potato or Ipomoea Batatas, according to Sweet Potato Production,

Processing, and Nutritional Quality conducted by USDA-ARS Food and Science

Research Unit, the target moisture content for the root crop should be 6-10% [40]. With

this target moisture content, the machine was expected to run 4-8 hours depending on the

crop that was being processed.

3.6.1 Experimental Testing

Before @ Room Temperature

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4












Mean of Means

STD Mean

After @ Temperature of the Chamber

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4












Mean of Means

STD Mean

Before @ Room Temperature - After @ Temperature of the Chamber

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4












Mean of Means

STD Mean

Standard Deviation = √[Σ(x-x̄ )² /

(n-1)] Mean = (∑fixi)/ ∑fi

3.6.2 Percentage Difference

AHDD PIPAC Percentage



Sweet Potato


Percent Difference = |(a - b) / (a + b) / 2| * 100

3.7 Model Training Process

WiredQT is a dependable program that utilizes Python and is designed to

facilitate the development of Python GUIs through Rapid Application Development

(RAD). It confers benefits to users in fields such as machine learning, IoT systems,

embedded systems, and other areas.

This software is a compact Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool that

enables the quick creation of system automation and prototypes without the hassle of

software subscriptions. In this study the researchers utilized the SSD TensorFlow. SSD

(Single Shot MultiBox Detector) is a type of deep learning model that detects tasks

through real-time object detection. It is used in identifying and locating objects within

images or video frames by convolutional neural networks (CNN). Tensorflow on the

other hand is where you can learn hot deploy machine learning models, including

deep neural networks, for various tracks since it is an open-source machine learning

framework filled with tools and libraries. In the study because it can be used with the

TensorFlow Object identification API, which offers pre-trained models and resources for

constructing custom object identification models. As a result, developers can construct and

deploy object detection models with SSD and TensorFlow more quickly. WiredQT is basically

a simplified app that can provide the users with machine learning using Tensorflow.

In the images above, these are the examples of the sides and dimensions of the

root crops. These images will be uploaded in WiredQT so that it can be trained to

remember the appearance of the root crops. The root crops were given different

shapes so that it can be easier to differentiate each crop. After uploading our raw

images of each root crop the researchers added three classes which will be assigned

during its tabulation process. A 70/30 split is a common ratio for training and testing

sets. It means that 70% of the data is used to train the model, and 30% of the data is

used to evaluate the model's performance on unseen data. Once the data has been split

into training and testing sets, the model can be trained on the training set and evaluated

on the testing set.

As per the images presented above the researchers tabulated the sides and

dimensions of each root crop in order for the application to identify what kind of root

crop it is. It allows users to build and train complex machine learning models, such as

deep neural networks, using a flexible programming model. WiredQT can be used for

a variety of tasks, including image. It is one of the most widely used and popular

libraries for machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.

the declarations of the variables that will be used in the program. These

variables include the width and height of the image, the color of the background, and

the coordinates of the pixels that will be drawn. The next few lines of code are the

loops that will iterate over the pixels and draw them. The first loop iterates over the

rows of the image, and the second loop iterates over the columns. Within each loop,

the code checks to see if the current pixel is within the boundaries of the image. If it

is, the code then sets the color of the pixel to the specified color.

In order for our data to be accurate the researchers trained the system so that

our system would be familiarized in each and all sides and dimensions of the root

crops. This part was a lengthy process since it took hours for it to be trained and it

should not be disconnected from the internet. We also have learned that training can be

overdone which results in confusion of identifying which crop is which.

In this script this is where you will see a training model to detect objects in

images.These libraries include TensorFlow and include the number of epochs to train

for, the batch size, and the learning rate. and lastly The output of the script is a table

that shows the accuracy of the model on the training and test sets. The accuracy is the

percentage of images that the model correctly classifies.

As the researchers tested the system after the correct training method, the

image above is now capable of detecting the types of root crops based on its sides,

dimension and color.

3.8 Project Layout

3.9 Design Constraints

3.9.1 Economic Constraints

In creating the heat drying device, three selected root crops are used in

the testing of the device to produce different results to determine how effective

the method we used in different root crops. The device created will be

experiencing the following limitations:

3.9.2 Cost

This prototype is composed of different sensors and different features.

It depends whether if the set of components were to be ordered in bulk, it

would probably further reduce its cost. An Arduino would be enough to read

inputs, which would probably cost around Php 400- 1,000 complete kit and

price will vary depending on the availability of each material. In order to test

and develop the prototype three various root crops are needed and multiple

samples would be tested at the same time. We will test 3 kilograms worth of

crops. A kilogram of potatoes is around Php 80, for the sweet potato it is

around Php 50 per kilo and the cassava would be around Php 55 per kilo as of

2 of March. This would all be totaled to Php 555 but since these are all

perishable the time of buying the crops would be different and the prices in the

market would also change. Together with this the prototype and crops would

cost around Php 20,000 - 33,000.

The machine will give benefit to those who need to preserve a large

number of perishable products such as the potato, sweet potato and cassava

since the machine can dry 3 to 5 kilograms of root crops. The drying method

will deeply rely on the heat provided by the sun. In a research conducted by

sun drying sweet potatoes on the roof a total of 56 hours day and night was

done in order to reach the researchers desired dryness [41]. Through our

machine since this will have solar panels that can support the machine when it

doesn’t reach the desired heat it will run continuously for 2 to 10 hours

depending on the root crop being dried. This is relatively faster, energy saving

and has the ability to lessen the risk for bacteria since the root crops will be

dried in a closed machine that can protect it from debris and unwanted

contamination. The cost for the machine can be recovered through time

depending on the usage of the person.

3.9.3 Manufacturability Constraints

This prototype is made up of a heat sensor, drying system monitoring

system and different features. However, because the prototype requires a

processor to process input and output modules, the prototype's

manufacturability might be affected due to the pandemic. The design of the

prototype will be specifically used to dry potatoes, cassava, and camote only.

3.9.4 Sustainability Constraints

The operating system being used is one of the system's sustainability

restrictions. As new technologies emerge, existing technologies become

outdated. Operating systems for devices that may become outdated in the

coming years are one of those technologies. When some of the programs we

utilized in this research are no longer supported, some of the systems we used

will cause errors if used on modern platforms.

3.9.5 Time Constraint

The prototype will need weeks or months to finish and another allotted

time for the trial of drying the three specific crops.

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

4.1 Introduction

Our prototype uses Arduino for heat drying root crops such as potato, sweet

potato, and cassava. Our device generates heat in order to dry the root crops until the

moisture content is reached. The users can show through the camera the root crop that

they want to dehydrate, and the machine will set up the preset for the time. In case the

user sees that the moisture is satisfactory they can already stop the process even if the

timer on the lcd is still ongoing. The prototype uses mesh trays to regulate the heat

inside the prototype together with 2 fans near the coils so that it won’t over burn.

There is a sensor inside of the machine that automatically switches off the machine

when the set temperature is reached and turns the machine on again when it cools

down a bit this is done so that when the surrounding and the coils produce to much

heat the parts will not be cooked up by the heat and also to avoid fire. On the lcd part

we have placed the Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Which will help the users to turn on the

machine manually. Also, we have a notification sent on the mobile devices in order to

notify the users in case the root crops are burning. They could also check if the

machine is on and turn off the machine through the app in case they want to stop the

process when they see through the app that the moisture content is reached.

4.2 Root Crop Detection Using Image Processing

Our prototype uses image processing to detect which of the three root crops

was going to be dehydrated by the user. Each root crop has a designated amount of

dehydrating time and temperature. Since it is hard to determine each root crop once it

was peeled, the researchers decided to cut the crops into three different shapes which

are a circle for cassava, pie shape for sweet potato, and a rectangular or French fries

cut for potato. This way the image processing was a lot easier than just using the same

cut for each crop. We used the software WiredQT for image processing, we first used

SSD or Single Shot Multibox Detection version 1 for the testing which can detect the

object fast but the time of training using Google Colab is very time consuming. While

for the second testing we used a faster version which is the RCNN Inception Version 2

which detects the objects slowly but the process of training is faster compared to the

first process used.

Crop Drying

This section shows the tabulated data during the heat drying process of each

This picture shows the pre-cut root crops before the heat drying process.

Before testing, the researcher peeled and cut 3-5 kilos of each root crop and separated

at least 200 grams of each crop to observe what will happen with the untreated crops

after a few days and what is the difference with the dehydrated crop.

Dehydration of Cassava

Dehydration of Sweet Potato

Dehydration of

After dehydrating the root crops, we check the change in moisture content

using a measuring probe attached to the MD7882 moisture temperature meter.

4.3 P, R and mAP

The precision and recall metrics are important for evaluating the performance

of image classification models. Precision is important when we want to minimize the

number of false positives, which are negative examples that are incorrectly classified

as positive. Recall is important when we want to minimize the number of false

negatives, which are positive examples that are incorrectly classified as negative.

Precision is the fraction of predicted bounding boxes that are correct, and recall

is the fraction of ground truth bounding boxes that are detected. For example, for the

cassava class, the precision is 0.999 and the recall is 0.995. This means that the model

correctly detected 99.9% of the cassava bounding boxes in the test set, and it detected

99.5% of all ground truth cassava bounding boxes. The precision and recall scores for

the sweet potato and potato classes are also very high, indicating that the model is able

to accurately detect these classes as well.

The mAP50-95 for the model is 0.944, which is a very good result. This means

that the model is able to detect cassava, sweet potato, and potato plants with high

accuracy and precision.An mAP50-95 score of 0.5 indicates that the model is able to

correctly detect 50% of the ground truth bounding boxes, with an IoU of at least 0.5.

While the 0.75 indicates that the model is able to correctly detect 75% of the ground

truth bounding boxes, with an IoU of at least

0.5. And lastly 0.9 indicates that the model is able to correctly detect 90% of the

ground truth bounding boxes, with an IoU of at least 0.5.

Table 4.3.1 Model Summary

Class Images P R MAP50 MAP 50-95

all 18 0.977 0.944 0.944 0.694

Cassava 18 0.999 1 0.995 0.77

Sweet Potato 18 0.975 1 0.995 0.854

Potato 18 0.988 0.833 0.844 0.743

As you can see, the model performs best on cassava and sweet potato plants,

with mAP50-95 scores of 0.77 and 0.854, respectively. The model performs slightly

worse on potato plants, with an mAP50-95 score of 0.743. However, this is still a good

result, considering the difficulty of detecting potato plants in images.

4.4 Experimental Testing

Table 4.4.1 (Potato) Before Moisture Measurement @ 33.4 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 77.5% 88.0% 77.5% 88.5%

2 88% 80% 88.5% 77%

3 88% 77% 88.0% 88%

4 88% 77% 88.5% 59.5%

5 88.5% 77% 88.5% 59.5%

6 77% 77% 88% 88%

7 80% 77% 90% 88.5%

8 77.5% 77% 88.5% 88.5%

9 80% 77% 80% 88.5%

10 77% 88.5% 88.5% 88.5%

11 85.5% 88.5% 77.5% 77.5%

12 88.5% 77% 88.5% 59.5%

13 75.5% 77% 90% 77.5%

14 88% 77% 88.5% 88.5%

15 77.5% 88% 90% 88.5%

16 77.5% 88% 77% 88.5%

17 88.5% 55% 88% 77%

18 77% 55% 88.5% 88.5%

Mean 82.1944% 77.8333% 86.3333% 81.1111%

STD 0.382922 0.691224 0.333008 0.783855

Mean of Means 81.86806%

STD Mean 0.547752496

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture

content for Day 1 is 82.1944, while on Day 2 the researchers got 77.8333, then

on the Day 3 the researchers acquired 86.3333 and lastly for Day 4 the result

are 81.1111, Averaging the Mean of Means resulting in 81.86806.

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation

(STD) of moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day

were 0.382922, 0.691224, 0.333008, and 0.783855, respectively. The

researchers then averaged the mean of the four STDs, which resulted in a value

of 0.547752496.

Table 4.4.2 (Potato)After Moisture Measurement @ 50 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 54.5% 55.5% 57.5% 55.5%

2 58.5% 56.5% 57.5% 57.5%

3 55.5% 55.5% 55.5% 56.5%

4 58.5% 55.5% 57.5% 56.5%

5 55.5% 55.5% 58.5% 57.5%

6 55.5% 57.5% 53.5% 66.5%

7 56.5% 51.5% 57.5% 55.5%

8 59.5% 52.5% 56.5% 56.5%

9 57.5% 57.5% 59.5% 53.5%

10 55.5% 55.5% 51.5% 56. .5%

11 55% 51.5% 55.5% 66.5%

12 57.5% 56.5% 55.5% 56.5%

13 55.5% 56.5% 60% 57.5%

14 33.5% 58.5% 57.5% 55.5%

15 55.5% 55.5% 55% 58.5%

16 54.5% 55.5% 57.5% 54.5%

17 55.5% 50.5% 60% 58.5%

18 58.5% 57.5% 59.5% 55.5%

Mean 55.1389% 55.2778% 56.9722% 57.5%

STD 0.401042 0.163536 0.162269 0.2510

Mean of Means 56.22222%

STD Mean 0.244474068

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture

content for Day 1 is 55.1389, while on Day 2 the researchers got 55.2778, then

on the Day 3 the researchers acquired 56.9722 and lastly for Day 4 the result

are 57.5, Averaging the Mean of Means resulting in 56.22222

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation

(STD) of moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day

were 0.401042, 0.163536, 0.162269, and 0.2510, respectively. The researchers

then averaged the mean of the four STDs, which resulted in a value of


Table 4.4.3 (Potato) Before Moisture Measurement @ 33.4 Celsius - After

Moisture Measurement @ 50 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 23% 32.5% 20% 33%

2 29.5% 23.5% 31% 19.5%

3 32.5% 21.5% 32.5% 31.5%

4 29.5% 21.5% 31% 3%

5 33% 21.5% 30% 2%

6 21.5% 19.5% 34.5% 21.5%

7 23.5% 25.5% 32.5% 33%

8 18% 24.5% 32% 32%

9 22.5% 19.5% 20.5% 35%

10 21.5% 33% 37% 32%

11 30.5% 37% 22% 11%

12 31% 20.5% 33% 3%

13 20% 20.5% 30% 20%

14 54.5% 18.5% 31% 33%

15 22% 32.5% 35% 30%

16 23% 32.5% 19.5% 34%

17 33% 4.5% 28% 18.5%

18 18.5% -2.5% 29% 33%

Mean 27.055556 22.5556 29.3611 23.6111

STD 0.61284873 0.699091 0.38148 0.84342

Mean of Means 25.6458333%

STD Mean 0.63421228

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture content

for Day 1 is 27.055556, while on Day 2 the researchers got 22.5556, then on the Day 3

the researchers acquired 29.3611 and lastly for Day 4 the result are 23.6111,

Averaging the Mean of Means resulting in 25.6458333.

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation (STD) of

moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day were 0.61284873,

0.699091, 0.38148, and 0.84342, respectively. The researchers then averaged the mean

of the four STDs, which resulted in a value of 0.63421228.

A reliable prototype is one that meets all of its design requirements and

performs as expected under a variety of conditions.

In the context of the root crop experiment, a reliable prototype would be one

that shows consistent growth rates across all of the different root crops and time

periods. This means that the root crops should grow at a similar rate, regardless of the

type of root crop or how long they have been growing.

The fact that the mean growth rate for all of the root crops in the experiment is

25.6458333% and the standard deviation of the mean is 0.63421228 suggests that the

root crops are growing at a relatively consistent rate. However, it is important to note

that this is just one example of a reliable prototype. The specific criteria for a reliable

prototype will vary depending on the specific product or system being developed.

The general principle is that a reliable prototype must meet all of its design

requirements and perform as expected under a variety of conditions.

Table 4.4.4 (Sweet Potato) Before Moisture Measurement @ 34.7 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 51.5% 54.5% 57.5% 28.5%

2 58.5% 59.5% 54.5% 33%

3 50.5% 57.5% 58.5% 34%

4 58.5% 56.5% 50.5% 26%

5 53.5% 58.5% 56.5% 29.5%

6 59.5% 56.5% 57.5% 33.5%

7 50.5% 59.5% 55.5% 34.5%

8 35.5% 60% 59.5% 32.5%

9 57.5% 52.5% 56.5% 23.5%

10 30.5% 58.5% 52.5% 35.5%

11 51.5% 55.5% 55.5% 35.5%

12 53.5% 54.5% 56.5% 30.5%

13 58.5% 52.5% 58.5% 31.5%

14 57.5% 54.5% 59.5% 28.5%

15 50.5% 54.5% 57.5% 32%

16 53.5% 58.5% 58.5% 35%

17 55% 55% 57.5% 35.5%

18 58.5% 52.5% 51.5% 35%

Mean 52.4722% 56.1667% 56.3333% 31.8889%

STD 0.558476 0.180452 0.186987 0.250915

Mean of Means 49.21528%

STD Mean 0.294207591

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture content

for Day 1 is 52.4722, while on Day 2 the researchers got 56.1667, then on the Day 3

the researchers acquired 29.3611 and lastly for Day 4 the result are 31.8889,

Averaging the Mean of Means resulting in 49.21528.

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation (STD) of

moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day were 0.558476,

0.180452, 0.186987, and 0.250915, respectively. The researchers then averaged the

mean of the four STDs, which resulted in a value of 0.294207591.

Table 4.4.5 (Sweet Potato) After Moisture Measurement @ 50 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 16.5% 16% 13% 13%

2 12.5% 16.5% 12% 12%

3 13% 16% 12% 13%

4 15% 16.5% 15% 13%

5 16.5% 15.5% 14.5% 13%

6 16% 15.5% 13% 15.5%

7 12.5% 16.5% 13% 13.5%

8 17% 16.5% 13% 13.5%

9 10% 15.5% 15% 13.5%

10 12.5% 16% 15.5% 13%

11 12.5% 16% 13% 14.5%

12 13.5% 16.5% 13% 15.5%

13 15% 16% 13% 13%

14 17% 15.5% 13% 17.5%

15 14% 14.5% 13% 18%

16 15.5% 14.5% 13% 14.5%

17 13.5% 17% 13% 12.5%

18 11.5% 15.5% 12% 3%

Mean 14.1111% 15.8889% 13.2778% 13.4167%

STD 0.146259 0.048314 0.073726 0.219902

Mean of Means 14.17361%

STD Mean 0.122050427

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture content

for Day 1 is 14.1111, while on Day 2 the researchers got 15.8889, then on the Day 3

the researchers acquired 13.2778 and lastly for Day 4 the result are 13.4167,

Averaging the Mean of Means resulting in 14.17361.

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation (STD) of

moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day were 0.146259,

0.048314, 0.073726, and 0.219902, respectively. The researchers then averaged the

mean of the four STDs, which resulted in a value of 0.122050427.

Table 4.4.6 (Sweet Potato) Before Moisture Measurement @ 35.6 Celsius
- After Moisture Measurement @ 50 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 35% 38.5% 44.5% 15.5%

2 46% 43% 42.5% 21%

3 37.5% 41.5% 46.5% 21%

4 43.5% 40% 35.5% 13%

5 37% 43% 42% 16.5%

6 43.5% 41% 44.5% 18%

7 38% 43% 42.5% 21%

8 18.5% 43.5% 46.5% 19%

9 47.5% 37% 41.5% 10%

10 18% 42.5% 37% 22.5%

11 39% 39.5% 42.5% 21%

12 40% 38% 43.5% 15%

13 43.5% 36.5% 45.5% 18.5%

14 40.5% 39% 46.5% 11%

15 36.5% 40% 44.5% 14%

16 38% 44% 45.5% 20.5%

17 41.5% 38% 44.5% 23%

18 47% 37% 39.5% 32%

Mean 38.361111% 40.2778% 43.0556% 18.4722%

STD 0.5848997 0.177612 0.223838 0.368409

Mean of Means 35.0416667%

STD Mean 0.33868

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture content

for Day 1 is 38.361111, while on Day 2 the researchers got 40.2778, then on the Day 3

the researchers acquired 43.0556 and lastly for Day 4 the result are 18.4722,

Averaging the Mean of Means resulting in 35.0416667.

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation (STD) of

moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day were 0.5848997,

0.177612, 0.223838, and 0.368409, respectively. The researchers then averaged the

mean of the four STDs, which resulted in a value of 0.33868.

A reliable prototype is one that works as planned and meets all of its design requirements,

even under different conditions. In the context of the root crop experiment, a reliable prototype

would be one that shows that all of the root crops grow at a similar rate, regardless of the type of

root crop or how long they have been growing. The fact that the mean growth rate for all of the

root crops in the experiment is 35.0416667%and the standard deviation of the mean is 0.33868

suggests that the root crops are growing at a relatively consistent rate. However, it is important to

note that this is just one example of a reliable prototype. The specific criteria for a reliable

prototype will vary depending on the specific product or system being developed.

Table 4.4.7 (Cassava)Before Moisture Measurement @ 33.8 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 59.5% 44% 54.5% 53.5%

2 55.5% 55.5% 56.5% 58.5%

3 51.5% 56.5% 56.5% 56.5%

4 53.5% 66% 55% 33%

5 50.5% 53.5% 58.5% 56.5%

6 58.5% 55.5% 56.5% 59.5%

7 55.5% 57.5% 56.5% 53.5%

8 53.5% 53.5% 51.5% 59.5%

9 59.5% 56.5% 57.5% 55%

10 57.5% 55% 53.5% 53.5%

11 59.5% 55.5% 53.5% 56.5%

12 55% 58.5% 51.5% 55.5%

13 51.5% 56.5% 58.5% 58.5%

14 50.5% 50.5% 53.5% 55%

15 58.5% 55.5% 57.5% 59.5%

16 51.5% 54.5% 55% 53.5%

17 57.5% 50.5% 55.5% 58.5%

18 59.5% 59.5% 57.5% 56.5%

Mean 55.4722% 55.25% 55.5% 55.1389%

STD 0.2426816 0.31595 0.154 0.424138

Mean of Means 55.34028%

STD Mean 0.284309877

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture content

for Day 1 is 55.4722, while on Day 2 the researchers got 55.25, then on the Day 3 the

researchers acquired

55.5 and lastly for Day 4 the result are 55.1389, Averaging the Mean of Means

resulting in 55.34028.

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation (STD) of

moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day were 0.2426816,

0.31595, 0.154, and 0.424138, respectively. The researchers then averaged the mean of

the four STDs, which resulted in a value of 0.284309877.

Table 4.4.8 (Cassava) After Moisture Measurement @ 50 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 15% 12% 14.5% 15%

2 14.5% 17% 14% 16.5%

3 13% 13% 15% 15.5%

4 7.5% 21% 14% 13.5%

5 11.5% 15.5% 14% 13.5%

6 11% 13% 14% 15%

7 14.5% 14.5% 13.5% 16%

8 12% 17.5% 13.5% 13.5%

9 9.5% 24% 13.5% 13.5%

10 11.5% 13% 12.5% 14%

11 13% 14.5% 16.5% 14%

12 13% 13% 16% 12.5%

13 12% 14.5% 15.5% 15.5%

14 11.5% 26% 15% 14%

15 12% 15% 15% 16.5%

16 10.5% 13% 15.5% 14.5%

17 9.5% 15.5% 15% 16%

18 7.5% 12% 15% 16.5%

Mean 11.6111% 15.7778% 14.5556% 14.75%

STD 0.15376 0.28812 0.07235 0.089

Mean of Means 14.18055556%

STD Mean 0.150908745

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture content

for Day 1 is 11.6111, while on Day 2 the researchers got 15.7778, then on the Day 3

the researchers acquired 14.5556 and lastly for Day 4 the result are 14.75, Averaging

the Mean of Means resulting in 14.18055556.

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation (STD) of

moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day were 0.15376,

0.28812, 0.07235, and 0.089, respectively. The researchers then averaged the mean of

the four STDs, which resulted in a value of 0.150908745.

Table 4.4.9 (Cassava) Before Moisture Measurement @ 33.8 Celsius - After

Moisture Measurement @ 50 Celsius

# of Root crops / #days

1 2 3 4

1 44.5% 32% 40% 41.5%

2 41% 38.5% 42.5% 40.5%

3 38.5% 43.5% 41.5% 39%

4 46% 45% 41% 19.5%

5 39% 38% 44.5% 43%

6 47.5% 42.5% 42.5% 44.5%

7 41% 43% 43% 37.5%

8 41.5% 36% 38% 46%

9 50% 32.5% 44% 41.5%

10 46% 42% 41% 39.5%

11 46.5% 41% 37% 42.5%

12 42% 45.5% 35.5% 43%

13 39.5% 42% 43% 43%

14 39% 24.5% 38.5% 41%

15 46.5% 40.5% 42.5% 43%

16 41% 41.5% 39.5% 39%

17 48% 35% 40.5% 42.5%

18 52% 47.5% 42.5% 40%

Mean 43.861111% 39.4722% 40.9444% 40.3611%

STD 0.2931812 0.407477 0.176198 0.402676

Mean of Means 41.159722%

STD Mean 0.31956813

Based on the results that the researchers gathered the mean of moisture content

for Day 1 is 43.861111, while on Day 2 the researchers got 39.4722, then on the Day 3

the researchers acquired 40.9444 and lastly for Day 4 the result are 40.3611,

Averaging the Mean of Means resulting in 41.159722.

In other hand the researchers collected data on the standard deviation (STD) of

moisture content for four consecutive days. The STDs for each day were 0.2931812,

0.407477, 0.176198, and 0.402676, respectively. The researchers then averaged the

mean of the four STDs, which resulted in a value of 0.31956813.

The basis of a reliable prototype is that the test results are consistent with the

specifications of the prototype. This means that the prototype meets all of the design

requirements, and that it performs as expected under a variety of conditions. In the

context of the image you provided, we can say that the basis of a reliable prototype for

the root crop experiment is that the test results show consistent rates across all of the

different root crops and time periods. For example, we can see that the mean rate for all

of the root crops is 41.159722%, and that the standard deviation of the mean is

0.31956813. This suggests that the root crops are growing at a relatively consistent rate,

regardless of the type of root crop or the amount of time that has passed. Of course, it is

important to note that this is just one example of a reliable prototype. The specific criteria

for a reliable prototype will vary depending on the specific product or system being

developed. However, the general principle is the same: the prototype must meet all of the

design requirements and perform as expected under a variety of conditions.

4.4.10 Percentage Difference

AHDD PIPAC Percentage Difference

Potato 56.2% 59.9% 6.58%

Sweet Potato 14.1736% 14.6% 3.008%

Cassava 14.1805% 13.5% 4.798%

The table analysis helps ensure the reliability and accuracy of the measurements

in the following ways:

It provides a clear and concise overview of the data. The table shows the

percentage difference between AHDD and PIPAC for potato, sweet potato, and cassava.

This makes it easy to compare the data and identify any trends or outliers. It allows for

easy identification of errors. Any errors in the data, such as transcription errors or

calculation errors, will likely be evident in the table. This makes it easy to correct the

errors and ensure that the data is accurate. It facilitates statistical analysis. The table can

be used to perform various statistical tests, such as t-tests, to assess the significance of the

differences in the data. This can help researchers to draw valid conclusions from their


Overall, the table analysis is an essential tool for ensuring the reliability and

accuracy of measurements in scientific research and experimentation. Specifically, the

table shows that the percentage difference between AHDD and PIPAC is relatively small

for potatoes, sweet potatoes and cassava (less than 7%). This suggests that AHDD and

PIPAC are more reliable and accurate. measurements of the same thing for potatoes,

sweet potatoes and cassava. It is important to note that the table analysis is just one tool

that can be used to assess the reliability and accuracy of measurements.

In addition, the table above shows the tabulated results of the dehydrated root

crops. The researchers used an instrument to measure the moisture content of these crops

after the dehydration process. However, in scientific experiments, it's essential to assess

the accuracy of the instruments used for measurements. By calculating the percent

difference for each data point in the table, researchers can assess how closely the

instrument's measurements match the true values. This analysis helps ensure the

reliability and accuracy of the measurements, which is crucial for scientific research and


Chapter 5


The researchers concluded that the device was able to achieve the specified

objectives, which included developing a system that can translate data and identify

root crops (Manihot esculenta, Ipomoea batatas, and Solanum tuberosum) by using a

Raspberry Pi, a sensor, image processing, and a model of deep learning. In addition to

using Google Colab to train the system so that it could identify root crops on its own,

the researchers also used WiredQt to tabulate and collect training photos. And in order

to reach our second and final objectives, the researchers repeated the drying procedure

in order to ensure its consistency and dependability.

The P and R scores in the table show that the model has excellent precision and

recall for all three classes. This means that the model is able to accurately detect and

classify cassava, sweet potato, and potato images with a high degree of confidence.

The model achieves a very good mAP50-95 score of 0.944. This means that the model

is able to detect cassava, sweet potato, and potato plants with high accuracy and


Figure 2 Potato (Before)

Based on the data that the researchers gathered, the average moisture of each

potato slice from day 1 to day 4 is 81.86%. While the std mean resulted at 0.54%.

Figure 3 Potato(After)

The researchers conducted an experiment to measure the moisture content of

slices of potato over four days. The average moisture content of the slices was

56.22%, with a standard deviation of 0.24%.

Figure 4 Potato(Before – After)

The researchers conducted an experiment to measure the moisture content of

slices of potato over four days. This graph shows that the mean of means is at 25.64%

while the std mean has the result of .63%

Figure 5 Sweet Potato (Before)

The researchers conducted an experiment to measure the moisture content of

slices of sweet potato over four days. The average moisture content of the slices was

49.21%, with a standard deviation of 0.29%.

Figure 6 Sweet Potato (Before)

Researchers measured how much moisture was in sweet potato slices over four

days. The average moisture content was 14.17%, and the data was very consistent,

with a standard deviation of just 0.12%.

Figure 7 Sweet Potato (Before-After)

The researchers conducted an experiment to measure the moisture content of

slices of sweet potato over four days. This graph shows that the mean of means is at

35.04% while the std mean has the result of 0.33%

Figure 8 Cassava(Before)

The researchers measured the amount of moisture in cassava slices over four

days. The average moisture content was 55.34%, and the data was very consistent,

with a standard deviation of just 0.28%. This means that the scientists can be confident

in their results.

Figure 9 Cassava(After)

The researchers conducted an experiment to measure the moisture content of

slices of Cassava over four days. The average moisture content of the slices was

14.77%, with a standard deviation of 0.15%.

Figure 10 Cassava(Before-After)

The researchers conducted an experiment to measure the moisture content of

slices of potato over four days. This graph shows that the mean of means is at 41.15%

while the std mean has the result of 0.31%

Based on the data that the researchers gathered, there is only a small amount of

percent difference from the researcher’s data compared to the third party’s data.

Therefore the researchers can now proclaim that the prototype is reliable. A small

percent difference between the two sets of data indicates that the prototype is

producing results that are very similar to the results produced by the third party's

product or process. This suggests that the prototype is a reliable and accurate way to

measure or predict whatever it is that it is being used to measure or predict.

Chapter 6


For future researchers who wish to pursue this study, we highly recommend using

a Coral USB Accelerator for Raspberry Pi in order to enable high-speed machine learning

inferencing on a wide range of systems since it can inference faster when used together

[47]. They may utilize an artificial neural network to continually analyze data. This

technique would require faster memory for CPUs and accelerators alike. They may also

invest in the most recent model of a Raspberry Pi and a high gigabyte of RAM of at least

4GB for quicker object identification. In addition, we also want to add a better camera

resolution, at least 1080p, so that the quality of the captured object is high resolution.

Researchers may also use other microcontrollers like RADXA Rock 4 SE other than

Raspberry Pi 4 since the said hardware was more affordable than Raspberry Pi. Both are

similar in specs with a difference of, RADXA Rock 4 has a six-core 64-bit processor and

a memory of 4 gb and the said microcontroller was easier to find sin ce the researchers

have faced difficulties in obtaining raspberry pi during the pandemic [48].

We also recommend to the future researchers to invest their time in learning image

processing because it is one of the most time consuming and hard to obtain parts of the

project. And lastly, the future researchers can adjust the height of the leg of the prototype

for easy access when drying the said root crops and use a device or a technique that can

help in cutting the crops evenly to prevent inconsistency. We also highly recommend to

the future researchers to innovate the project and change the product being dehydrated to

other crops or fishes.


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Appendix A

For Arduino

#include "IOT.h"

#include "LoadMaintainParam.h"

#include "Scheduler.h"

#include "wta.h"

#include "Meter_Sync.h"

#include "mem.h"

Scheduler delupdown(2000);

#include "Parser.h"

Parser GET("GET",'\r',1);

Parser PUSH("PUSH",'\r',1);//value

Parser ADD("ADD",'\r',1);//value,sensorval

Parser DUMP("DUMP",'\r',1);

Parser CLEAR("CLEAR",'\r',1);

Parser MOIST("MOIST",'\r',1);

Parser SPOTATO("SPOTATO",'#',1);

Parser XPOTATO("XPOTATO",'#',1);

Parser CASSAVA("CASSAVA",'#',1);

Parser STOP("STOP",'#',1);

#define ONOFF A1

#define UPDOWN A2

Meter_Sync sensor1(-1,512);//pin, startEEPROM adress,maxcnt

float valueBT=1024;

bool started = false;

IOT iot(&Serial,"cropDEV");//38400, esp8266

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(8, 9); // RX, TX

#include <DallasTemperature.h>

float tmp=0;

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 7

OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

#define SPOTATO_TYPE 0

#define XPOTATO_TYPE 1

#define CASSAVA_TYPE 2

#define SPOTATO_MOIST 10

#define XPOTATO_MOIST 12

#define CASSAVA_MOIST 14

#define HEATER 12

#define STOPCNT 30

int typecrop=-1;

int stop=0;

float raks()

return tmp;

LoadMaintainParam heater(HEATER,2,&raks,50);//pin13,2 seconds wait off,pointer to

sensorvalue,512 cuttoff

void loopMeter() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:










void Parse(char srx) {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

























Serial.print(" ");



char ms[5];

float value;





int adc=valueBT;



char ms[5];



Serial.print("BT ");




char ms[5];


float value=atof(ms);;



sensor1.EEPROM_clear();//to reset eeprom,ie cnt = 0 of eeprom


sensor1.dump(&Serial);//to reset eeprom,ie cnt = 0 of eeprom

void setup(void)




Serial.println("PH SENSOR KIT VOLTAGE TEST!"); //Test the serial monitor


sensors.begin(); //One Wire Temp S


void loop(void)








Serial.print("stop : ");




Serial.print("moist ");



tmp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

Serial.print("Temp ");
















if (started)






















Appendix B

Appendix C

Complete trial documentation:


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