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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 8 (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
Calubian, Leyte
Nipa Elementary School

M& E

Levels of M & E Accomplishments/Outputs/Status Issues and Concerns Recommendations/Resolutions Timeline Check if Done
What activities will need
to be done effective and
efficiently implement
LDM in the school
Conduct MELC Based Budget
Learning Management Classroom Program Lack of Reference of Lesson per quarter.
September 2021-
Downloaded MELC & other October2022 /
resources from, LRMDS Portal.

Conducted District-Based
Learning Resources LAS/Test Papers Test Papers are not Contextualization Learning
uniform and lack of Activty Sheets. September 2021-
consistency October2022 /
Created QA Team to evaluate
the learning activity sheets.

Conducted orientation on
E-SAT Development Plan Teachers lack accomplishing E-SAT
Teacher Capacity Teachers Meeting knowledge in Disseminated information September 2021
Teachers LAC Session accomplishing E-SAT through text, /
and development plan. facebook/messenger/group Year Round
Supporting K-12
Household and Capacity Building for Learning Lack of education and
Community Capacity Facilitators unemployment Continues Teacher Education
Building more Public Schools
Lack of after school
program Adolescence
Pregnancy Improving Attendance

Increasing Social Skills

Reducing Disruptive behaviors

Counseling of Parents September 2021

Utilized multimedia platforms

such as facebook, GC,
messenger and texts Year Round

Adjustment and Conducted FGD to the School

alignment of programs, Planning Team
BE-LCP projects and activities in
Schools Operations BE-LCP in the new
MOOE normal. Revised AIP & APP aligned to June 2021
Utilization of MOOE /
aligned to the AIP/APP Year Round
Submitted monthly liquidation
Insufficient MOOE on time prioritized the
Funds for the purchased of supplies.
reproduction of self-
learning packages
resources, materials and
processes will be
produced from the
Year Round
Learning management Home Visitation Pupils who are non- Interventions to be followed /

Learning Resources Inventory of Learning Resources Unavailability of Request from DEPED Year Round
printing equipment, /
books, and reading

Teacher capacity Performance Monitoring and Teachers lack Fac-to-face Year Round
Coaching Form knowledge in /
accomplishing E-SAT
and development plan

Household and Parents and community Conflict of schedules Agreed scheduling among Year Round
Community Involvement (parent with both family members /
elementary and
secondary learners)

Negative attitude of Encouraged parents to support

some parents towards school activities
school activities

Late submission of Reminded the parents

answered LAS/test constantly Year round /
Schools Operations Distribution of and Retrieval of papers
LAS/Form 9
Unanswered LAS Provided technical assistance
passive attitude of to learners and learning
learning facilitators facilitators through home

What desired state will
be achieved when the
outputs have been
produced along the
LDM areas of concern?
Inadequate knowledge Conducted Training Workshop Twice a year
Learning management Classroom Observation 1 in preparation of video in the Preparation of /
lessons Audio/Video Lessons.
IPCRF Mid-Year Review
Unfamiliarity of the Conducted RPMS in the New January 2021
RPMS Guidelines in the Normal
New Normal
Make test questions ahead of Quarterly
Learning Resources Inventory of Learning Resources Some printing time /
equipment are not Repaired printing equipment
Assessed the learners
Teacher capacity Assessment Results Reliability and validity thorough home visitation Quarterly /
of assessment results
Intensified information drive
Household and Quarterly
Community Portfolio Day Not all parents are Gave awards and recognition /

Schools Operations 100% Distribution and Retrieval Some Parents could not Giving Quarterly Exam Quarterly /
of Test Papers LAS & Form 9 signed the Report Card
What learner outcomes
will be achieved with
the desired state of LDM
SMEA Submission of Conducted School MEA to get /
inaccurate data accurate data Quarterly

Validated and checked data.

Prepared by:

School Head

Noted by:

District Head

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