Electrodynamic Withstand and Effects of Short-Circuit Currents

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E3S Web of Conferences 384, 01001 (2023) https://doi.org/10.

RSES 2022

Electrodynamic withstand and effects of short-circuit currents

on high-voltage electrical equipment
Alexander Khrennikov 1*, Robert Shulga2, and Nikolay Alexandrov3
JSC "STC FGC UES" Rosseti, 123007 Kashirskoe Highway, 22, Moscow, Russia
VEI-branch of FSUE " RFNC-VNIITF im. Akademik E. I. Zababakhina", 105118 Krasnokazarmennaya st., 12/38, Moscow, Russia
SPE Dynamics, 428000 Anisimova str, 6, Cheboksary, Russia

Abstract. The analysis of simplified expressions allows us to estimate the electrodynamic effects of
short-circuit currents on the main elements of a power electrical station and substation, which include
busbars, high voltage circuit-breakers, disconnectors, electrical machines and transformers. Examples of
calculations of magnetic field induction, mechanical forces and pressures that determine the
electrodynamic withstand of electrical equipment are given. Simplified qualitative calculations allow us to
assess the impact of key parameters on the selection of appropriate elements and the possible range of
their changes during the design, operation and modernization at the preliminary design stage.

1 Introduction
The mechanical effects of short-circuit currents (SC)
determine the resistance of electrical equipment to
electrodynamic influences. The power electrical circuit Fig. 1. Block diagram of the connections of power elements
of electric power station and substation contains at electric power station or substation.
electrical machines (EM) in the form of a generator or
motor, a busbar, high voltage circuit-breakers (CB) and 2 BUSBAR
a disconnector, a power transformer and an overhead
transmission line or cable line. Transient processes in When calculating the strength of execution and
these elements are quite widely described in the termination on busbar insulators (W), in accordance
literature, for example, in [1, 2] for EM, in [3,4] for with Ampère's law, the magnetic induction B is
power transformer, and the calculated modes of determined by the formula
switching on and short-circuit are given in [5,6]. B = µ0I / 2πd, (1)
Currently, there is a modernization and where µ0 = 4π×10-7 H/m, I, d are respectively the
improvement of electrical equipment to improve amplitude of the current and the distance between the
energy efficiency through the use of new designs, busbars, l is the length of the busbar.
technologies and materials [6 - 8]. In the case of the opposite direction of current I in two
Despite the availability of digital programs for parallel busbar trunkings of length l , repulsive forces F
calculating overcurrents and mechanical effects, for arise, which are equal to
example, EMTP, ETAP, REST, ELAX - 2D, F=2×10-7× I2× l/d (2)
ELINDST 2.0, etc., there is a need to conduct high- Figure 2a shows the arrangement of 2 parallel busbars,
quality calculations of the rigidity and stability of and fig. 2b shows the vectors of currents I, magnetic
transformer windings during short-circuit: calculation inductions B, and repulsive forces F.
of the magnetic field, strength of winding conductors
during bending by axial and radial forces, axial
vibrations of transformer windings, allowable electric
field strengths of oil barrier insulation, value of
insulation safety factors.
Block diagram of the connections of power
elements at electric power station or substation shows
on fig. 1, where they are indicated: EM - electric
machine, busbar, CB - high voltage circuit-breaker and
D - disconnector, T - power transformer, L - overhead
transmission (cable) line.

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 384, 01001 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202338401001
RSES 2022

Fig. 2. Arrangement of parallel busbars with current I of

length l (a) and vectors of counter currents I, magnetic
inductions B and repulsive forces F (b).

Example 1. Given the values of the short-circuit

current equal to I=105 A, d=0.5 m, = 1 m, in Fig. 3. Directions of interaction forces F in the circuit
accordance with (2) the value F=4000 N or 400 kg of breaker and disconnector: a) interaction scheme of F, b)
force that the switchgear busbars must withstand at a distribution of induction B (Tl) over the gap x of length l.
length of 1 m.
Example 2. For a test circuit with a tubular busbar for The force of interaction F for circuit breaker
a 1200 MW turbo generator of Nuclear Power Station (disconnector) is determined
with a short-circuit current of 300 kA at a distance of d 𝐹 2 ∙ 10 ln 1 ∙𝐼 (4)
= 5 m, the repulsive force is 3600 N over a length of 1 Example 3. Given the values of the short-circuit
m. current equal to I=105 A, d = 0.3 m, r= 0.01 m, l =1m,
When exposed to a sinusoid of short-circuit current in accordance with (4) F=2×10-7 ln (0.3 / 0.01-1)×1010 =
with amplitude Ik, dissipation factor σ, mains frequency 6870 N, which is more than 1.5 times the impact force
ω, attenuation coefficient α in formula (2), the value of of Example 1 for parallel busbars.
I2 should be taken equal to

I2 = IK2/σ(cos(ωt)- e-αt)2= 4 Single-layer winding of an electrical

=(Is/2)2(1/2+e-2αt-2e-αt cos(ωt)+1/2 cos(2ωt)) (3) machine.
As a result, the short-circuit current leads to the
appearance of three components of mechanical effects: The layout of conductors in a single-layer winding of
a constant force and two variable forces with electric machine is shown in fig. 4, where l is the
frequencies that are multiples of ω and 2ω. When length of the conductor, x is the current length of the
switching on the EM and power transformer, due to the EM slot, A is the linear current density (A/m).
asymmetric turn-on current, the current contains On fig. 4b shows the case when the direction of
frequencies that are multiples of 1, 3, 5 harmonics. induction B is perpendicular to the plane lx.

3 Circuit-breaker (disconnector).
The equivalent circuit of the circuit breaker and
disconnector (CB and D, respectively) is shown in Fig.
3,a. Due to the flow of current I in opposite directions
of the horizontal branches, repulsive forces F arise
between them. The same force causes the knives CB
and D to separate from the traverse. Figure 3 shows the
directions of the forces of interaction F in the circuit Fig. 4. Layout of conductors in a single-layer winding of
breaker and disconnector along the gap x of length d, electric machine (a), vectors of induction B, force F and
the radius of the conductors and connections is r. linear current density A (b, c).

Linear current density A is

𝐴 ∑ I 𝑥 , A/m (5)
The force of interaction of the magnetic field on
conductors with current is
𝐹 10 BA 𝑙𝑥 , N (6)
The specific pressure p per unit area l x is equal to
𝑝 10 BA N/m2 (7)

E3S Web of Conferences 384, 01001 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202338401001
RSES 2022

The effect of force on the windings of EM and

power transformer from the magnetic field should be
considered using the example of a power transformer.

5 Windings of the power transformer

Fig. 6. Examples of loss of radial stability
The distribution of the magnetic field of induction B in
the channel between the cylindrical windings of the
power transformer is shown in fig. 5a. Ampère's law to
the elementary circuit Adx in fig. 5a has the form of a 6 Mathematical model of winding
circular integral radial buckling
Hdx=Bdx=4πAdx, (8)
where linear current density A=∑ I /x (A/m). Next, a mathematical model is given for the radial
Neglecting the terms to the other three sides of the deformation (example in the fig. 6) of one turn of a
closed contour Adx, one can obtain transformer winding in the form of an equation, which
B0 = 4𝜋A (9)
is more accurate than the previously presented models.
The distribution of induction B over the thickness Due to the use of trigonometric functions when
of the winding is shown as a trapezoid in the lower part describing the shape and volume of deformation and
of fig. 5a. smaller error, this model more realistically reflects the
The magnetic flux B, crossing the conductors in the processes occurring in the windings of power
axial direction, acts on the tension (expansion) of the transformers in the case of short circuit.
winding outward (due to the opposite signs of the Assumptions adopted in the preparation of the
current and the linear current density A). model:
The average induction due to the trapezoidal The maximum size of the bulge of transformer
distribution of B is B0/2. The radial pressure (force) pr winding is taken equal to the size of the concavity: a;
from the axial component Bo is directed outward of the 2. The convexity range is assumed to be equal to
winding and is equal to the concavity range: ∠ 𝛷 /2;
pr= 10-7 4𝜋Aa2, (10),
As an equation describing the concave-convex
where Aa = √2 A. deformation of the current-conducting coil turn, the
When a short-circuit current flows through the function 𝜀 𝜙 , described in polar coordinates, is
transformer, the inner winding is subjected to a chosen (Fig. 7):
compressive force due to the direction of forces inward 𝜀 𝜙 𝑎 𝑠𝑖𝑛 2 𝜋 𝜙 /𝛷 , 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 0 𝜙 𝛷, (11)
towards the magnetic core, and the outer winding
experiences a tensile stress due to outward forces [5]. where a - maximum deformation, the maximum
deviation of the distorted section from the ideal state;
∠𝛷 - deformation range, the central angle within
which the deformation is observed;
𝜙 - is the function argument, the angle that is set
clockwise from the vertical semiaxis.
The equation of radial deformation:
𝑒 𝜙 𝑎 ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 𝜙/𝛷 , 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 0 𝜙 𝛷. (12)

The equation describing the shape of the turn of

𝑟 𝜙 𝑅 𝑒 𝜙 𝑅 𝑎 ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 𝜙/𝛷 ,
𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 0 𝜙 𝛷; (13)
R - winding radius, with 𝛷 𝜙 2∗𝜋
Fig. 5. The magnetic field of induction B in power
transformer channel (a) and the components of the magnetic
induction: Br-radial, creates pressure pa, Ba-axial, creates
pressure pr (b); 1-core, 2- HV and LV windings.

Typically, tensile stress does not pose a risk of

damage to the outer winding [2, 5]. The compressive
stress of the radial forces causes damage to the internal
winding - a wave of radial deformations (hoop
buckling) (Fig. 6) [6 - 8].

Fig. 7. Top view of the cylindrical winding of a power

transformer with a concave-convex deformation after short-
circuit with radial buckling.

E3S Web of Conferences 384, 01001 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202338401001
RSES 2022

The expression for the radial concave-convex

deformation (11), for reasons of changing the position
of the middle of the gap between the windings, we
have for radial force:

⋅ ⁄
𝐹 (14)

where 0 - is magnetic conductivity;

Imax - short circuit current amplitude;
 - the number of turns of the winding through
which short-circuit current flows;
1 - the coefficient of reduction of the ideal leakage Fig. 8. Photo of phase “B” of the low voltage winding
field to the real (Rogowski coefficient); of 250MVA / 220 kV transformer, illustrating the loss of the
D12 - the distance of the tank wall to the middle of axial stability of the winding, i.e. the movement of the
the gap between the windings; winding in the axial (vertical) direction under the action of
h - winding height. electrodynamic forces during the flow of short-circuit
𝛷 - deformation range, the central angle within currents.
which the deformation is observed;
𝜙 - is the function argument, the angle that is set Own axial forces Fb (in newton) acting on the
clockwise from the vertical semiaxis. windings tend to reduce the height of the windings,
The expression (14) for the radial force acting on therefore, the derivative of the magnetic field energy
the transformer windings in the event of a radial hoop must be taken along the height of the winding h, i.e.
buckling in case of a short circuit has greater accuracy ′
than other expressions. 𝐹 𝐼
This expression (14) for the radial force more (15)
accurately reflects the processes occurring in the where Fb(2) - own axial force acting on both windings.
windings of power transformers in case of short circuit If we consider the axial deformation as a change in
and the occurrence of radial hoop buckling, due to the the height of the winding, then the axial deformation
use of trigonometric functions in describing the shape formula will look like:
and volume of deformation, 𝛷 - deformation range, the ∆ ℎ ℎ . (16)
central angle within which the deformation is observed, It follows that:
and h - winding height [24-30]. ℎ ℎ ∆ (17)
Calculation of internal axial forces acting on the
7 Axial deformations and axial forces windings of the transformer is presented in fig. 9.

An example of the axial deformation of the LV

winding of 250MVA/220 kV transformer, i.e. the
movement of the winding in the axial (vertical)
direction under the action of electrodynamic forces
during the flow of short-circuit currents (Fig. 8) [31-
Axial forces tend to bend the turns of the coils
towards each other, which leads to the effect of tensile
forces on the insulation layers between the turns of the
inner and outer windings [5, 8]. Axial forces also exert
pressure on the insulation of the winding concentrator.
The change in short-circuit impedance in the HV-LV
mode was 𝛥 Zk = + 20% [7, 8].

Fig. 9. Calculation of internal axial forces acting on the

windings of the transformer.

You can substitute (17) in the formula (16) and then

we get the expression for the axial force acting on the
winding of the power transformer:
𝐹 (18)

E3S Web of Conferences 384, 01001 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202338401001
RSES 2022

Where 𝛿 / 𝛿 , this is the maximum width of Example 4. Setting for a powerful transformer by (4)
with a normal linear current density A=75000 A/m and
the main leakage channel.
a short-circuit current equal to 20 Inom. (nominal
current), the radial force is equal to pr= 10-
8 Elliptical deformation of winding. 7×4π×(75000×20)2 =28260 N/m2
Example 5. For a power transformer with a power
Here we study the case where one or more winding of 30,000 kVA, we take the following values (4):
segments have been slightly deformed from the ideal a=1.25 m, b=0.04 m, c=1.3 m, d=0.1 m, A=75000
circular form to an elliptic form [by 11] (Fig. 10). A/m, Ik=20×Inom., value of ln(a/b ×d/c) is 0.875. Then
the axial force will be
pa = 4×10-7×(75000 ×20)2 ×0.875 = 8000 N/m2 or
8 kg/cm2
As a result, the axial force is 4 times lower than the
radial force. Axial forces from winding layers add up
to the middle of the winding and can reach hundreds of
tons. As long as the ratios a/b and c/d are almost equal,
the axial forces remain acceptable. If the ends of one
winding protrude relative to each other, then logarithm
ln of these ratios increases sharply, and with it the axial
force increases sharply.
It is also possible the occurrence of tangential
winding twisting forces under the action of axial
forces, which are much greater in the LV winding than
in the HV. At a 500 kV substation, the autotransformer
Fig. 10. Elliptical deformation. 250 MVA/500 kV/110 kV was disconnected from the
action of gas protection. There were deformations of
To the first order of approximation in the small the HV winding with twisting and lodging of the turns
parameter 𝜀/R, we obtain the following radial on the edge under the action of tangential forces (Fig.
deformation 𝛿 𝑟, 𝜑 of the elliptic winding compared 11) [6-8].
to the unperturbed circular winding:
𝛿 𝑟, 𝜑 𝛿 𝜑 𝑟 𝑅 𝜀 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2𝜑 (19)
where R - the radius of the undeformed winding, r -
the curve describing the elliptical deformation, 𝜀=R-
For small values of the ratio ε / R, the condition of
maintaining the length of the coil before and after
deformation is satisfied:
𝑙 2𝜋𝑅 1 𝜀 / 4𝑅 2𝜋𝑅 (20)
Substituting the equation of elliptic deformation
into the force formula for radial deformation, we get:
𝐹 𝜇 𝐼 𝜔 𝜌 𝜋 𝐷 𝜀 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2𝜑 /2ℎ
The whole refinement of the formula for radial Fig. 11. Residual deformations of the HV winding of
forces is reduced to the fact that the distance D12 250 MVA/500 kV/110 kV autotransformer with twisting of
changes, which is the middle between the primary and the winding and lodging of the turns on the edge.
secondary windings. Initially, we assume that only one
of the windings is deformed, and then the formula
correctly reflects the processes occurring in the 10 220 kV SF6 power transformer.
transformer winding. In the literature about the second
220 kV SF6 power transformer, produced by Russian
winding in the elliptical deformation is not mentioned.
Federation manufacturer, with a capacity of 63 MVA is
The second assumption with elliptical deformation
a group of three single-phase 220 kV transformers with
is that we mean that the ellipse is as the y axis
SF6 insulation and cooling for normal operation,
perpendicular to the tank wall, but this may not be the
outdoor installation and at an underground substation is
case and will have to enter another angle into the
showed at fig. 12.
equation. But this is a topic for further research.
The design of the main units is determined: the
core, the LV, HV and regulating windings, the LV, HV
9 Residual deformations with twisting and regulating taps, the active part, the transformer
of the winding and lodging of the turns tank and the on-load tap-changer.
The following calculations were carried out:
on the edge. electromagnetic calculation, insulation calculation,
calculation of the electrodynamic withstand of

E3S Web of Conferences 384, 01001 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202338401001
RSES 2022

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1. Calculations of the mechanical impact of short-
circuit current on high voltage circuit-breakers,
disconnectors, electrical machines and power
transformers, calculations of magnetic field induction,
mechanical forces are given.
2. Received and investigated mathematical models:
radial, elliptical, axial deformation of power
transformer windings.
3. Calculations of the electrodynamic stability of
the windings of SF6 gas-insulated transformer 63
MVA/220 kV, produced by Russian Federation
manufacturer, are given.

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