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Vision Mission

Siquijor State College as the Center of Excellence in Higher and Technical- To provide effective and excellent Higher and Technical-Vocational Education in the different
Vocational Education in the Province of Siquijor. areas through instruction, research, extension and production and serve as catalyst and
partner for local, regional and national growth and development.

Produce graduates equipped with knowledge, skills,

attitudes, habits and values for self or corporate
employment required in business and industries.
•Inculcate work ethics, develop an understanding and
appreciation of corporate social responsibility.
•Enhance capabilities in conducting research, community
extension and production activities.
Produce graduates equipped with knowledge, skills,
attitudes, habits and values for self or corporate
employment required in business and industries.
•Inculcate work ethics, develop an understanding and
appreciation of corporate social responsibility.
•Enhance capabilities in conducting research, community
extension and production activities.
Produce graduates equipped with knowledge, skills,
attitudes, habits and values for self or corporate
employment required in business and industries.
•Inculcate work ethics, develop an understanding and
appreciation of corporate social responsibility.
•Enhance capabilities in conducting research, community
extension and production activities.
Produce graduates equipped with knowledge, skills,
attitudes, habits and values for self or corporate
employment required in business and industries.
•Inculcate work ethics, develop an understanding and
appreciation of corporate social responsibility.
•Enhance capabilities in conducting research, community
extension and production activities.
Produce graduates equipped with knowledge, skills,
attitudes, habits and values for self or corporate
employment required in business and industries.
•Inculcate work ethics, develop an understanding and
appreciation of corporate social responsibility.
•Enhance capabilities in conducting research, community
extension and production activities.
 Produce graduates equipped with knowledge, skills, attitudes, habits and values for self or corporate employment required in business and industries.
 Inculcate work ethics, develop an understanding and appreciation of corporate social responsibility.
 Enhance capabilities in conducting research, community extension and production activities.
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Program aims to produce students who:

1. are morally upright, globally competitive, imbued with the ideals, aspirations, values, and traditions of Philippine life sufficiently equipped with entrepreneurial and
managerial knowledge and skills for self or corporate employment;
2. have gained understanding and appreciation of corporate social responsibility;
3. are exposed to actual work environment in various hospitality;
4. can participate actively in local, regional, national and international development programs through linkages and partnership with other agencies and industries;
5. can conduct research, community extension and production activities of the college

Program Outcomes: The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Program aims to produce graduates who: (CMO 17 s. 2017)
6.3.1. Analyze the business environment for Strategic Direction
6.3.2. Prepare Operational Plans
6.3.3. Innovate business ideas based on emerging industry
6.3.4. Manage a strategic business unit for economic sustainability
6.3.5. Conduct business research

Course/Year and Section Instructor’s/Professor’s Name

Schedule Office Designation/Position
Time Office Hours
Venue Contact Number
Semester & School Year 2nd Semester Email Address

Course Information
Course Name Course Code
Pre-requisite Subject None Course Credit 3 units, 3 hours per week
(18 weeks, 54 hours total)
Course Requirements

Total No. of hours: 27 midterm 27 final term = 54 hours

Group Activity
Major Examinations – Midterm and Final Term

Grading System

Midterm Grade Final Grade

Activities --------------------------------------- 60% Activities --------------------------------------- 60%
Major Exam ----------------------------------- 40% Major Exam ----------------------------------- 40%

Course Description

This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of

advertising and the real world. It will help the student
analyze marketing/advertising opportunities and will be
able to know the
process of creating advertising plans. This course
discusses details about advertising foundation and
environment, advertising media, and creating
advertising. This will introduce students to
the richness and variety of the advertising world.
This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of advertising and the real world. It will help the student analyze marketing/advertising
opportunities and will be able to know the process of creating advertising plans. This course discusses details about advertising foundation and
environment, advertising media, and creating advertising. This will introduce students to the richness and variety of the advertising world

Course Learning Outcomes Pos

Covered / Remarks
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Understand what advertising is and its role in advertising and brand promotion and the economic effects of advertising. 6.3.1
2. Appreciate the important global effect of marketing communications on business, industry, and national economies 6.3.1
3. Understand the structure of the advertising industry. 6.3.1
4. Be able to identify, analyze, and understand the advertising environment. 6.3.1
5. Discover what people in advertising and related disciplines do, how they do it, and the wide career opportunities these fields offer 6.3.1
6. Be able to prepare the advertising message and fully integrate the creative process. 6.3.2
7. Understand the importance of placing the message in conventional and “new” media. 6.3.3
8. Be able to identify, understand, and apply integrated brand promotion. 6.3.5

Time Allotment Content Learning Competencies Assessment Suggested Teaching Learning Activities CLO’s/References
Week 1-2 Nature and classifications At the end of the lesson, the Class Discussion Engage: Show video about “What is C.L.O. 1
of Advertising students shall be able to: Advertising” to catch students’ attention
1. Learn the definition Recitation and draw reaction from the class.
and nature of
advertising Quiz Explore: Group Brainstorming: Definition
2. Understand and and Classifications of Advertising
describe the different
classifications of Explain: Lecture: How to best use the
advertising different classifications and types of
3. Take a look at some Advertising
famous advertising
campaigns Elaborate: Take a look at examples of
4. Differentiate different types of advertisements
Advertising vs Public
Relations Evaluate: Have students interpret what
the various ads try to portray.

Week 3-4 Media Plan At the end of the lesson, the Class Discussion Engage: Review quiz result on Nature of C.L.O. 2
Sales Promotion Plan students shall be able to: Advertising
1. Comprehend the Recitation
relevance of media Explore: Take a look at the essential steps
plan and sales Quiz and considerations marketers must make
promotion plan to the when creating a media plan.
success of an
advertising campaign. Explain: Discuss the pros and cons of the
2. Discuss the forms and three main types of media that are
parts of Media Plan considered when building a media plan
and Sales Promotion
Plan Elaborate: Analyze how 12 main types of
3. Weigh the cost and sales promotions can help a business.
benefits of the three
main types of media Evaluate: Evaluate class participation and
that are considered discussion to gauge engagement.
when building a media
Week 5-6 Technology and Evolution At the end of the lesson, the Class Discussion Engage: Show images and play video C.L.O. 3
of Modern Advertising students shall be able to: showcasing the evolution of advertising:
1. Discuss key Recitation the very beginning
milestones in the
Evolution of Modern Quiz Explore: Explore evolving trends in
Advertising Advertising

Elaborate: Elaborate Advertising

campaigns used by popular brands
throughout the years
Week 7-8 Functions and effects of At the end of the lesson, the Class Discussion Engage: Group Brainstorming and C.L.O. 4
advertising students shall be able to: Discussion: Functions and effects of
1. Enumerate some of Recitation Advertising
Growth and status of the most important
International Advertising functions of Quiz Explore: Compare Advertising
advertising styles/practices of different countries.
Reflection/reaction on
print advertisement and Explain: How multinational companies
video advertisement adapt to local culture in their advertising

Elaborate: Local vs Global Advertising

Evaluate: Have students dissect the

message of various print ads and video
ads. Students will give their interpretation
on Puma's print ad and HEINZ Ketchup
2016 Hot Dog Commercial the 'Wiener
Week 9 Multiple Choice Exam Multiple Choice Exam Evaluate: Midterm Exam
Week 10-11 Economic, Social, ethical At the end of the lesson, the Video presentation of Engage: Play advertisements that are C.L.O. 4
and regulatory aspects of students shall be able to: advertisements banned and have students analyze the
advertising 1. Explore the impact of violations that the advertisements may
advertising on Recitation have violated.
competition and
consumer choice Quiz Explore: Explore key areas relevant to
2. Identify common society and advertising
social criticisms of
advertising Elaborate: Elaborate instances where
advertising violates social, ethical, and
regulatory aspects

Explain: Explain the legal and ethical

aspects of advertising

Evaluate: Evaluate class participation and

discussion to gauge engagement. Conduct
a short quiz at the end of the lesson.
Week 12 Advertising ethics and At the end of the lesson, the Case Analysis Engage: Discuss about the importance of C.L.O. 5
social responsibility students shall be able to: business ethics and Social Responsibility in
1. Debate advertising’s Recitation Advertising.
effect on society
2. Describe the Quiz Explain: Explain how companies
important role of the communicate Corporate Social
government Responsibility in advertising.

Elaborate: Describe the role of the

government in promoting CSR.
Week 13 The importance of At the end of the lesson, the Class Discussion Engage: Engage in class discussion the C.L.O. 5
Advertising to Marketing students shall be able to: importance of Advertising to Marketing
1. Define marketing and Case Analysis Explore: Explore ways on how companies
explain how can reach customers through various
Advertising Recitation marketing and advertising techniques.
contributes to
Marketing Quiz Explain: Explain techniques used by how
2. Discuss how popular brands in communicating
advertisers reach the Analyze Advertisement effectively to its target market by
market Videos: Top 5 Persuasive examining video advertisements.
Advertising Examples
Evaluate: Evaluate effectivity of
advertising campaigns practiced by
popular brands through compare and
contrast based on Key Performance
Week 14-15 Marketing and Consumer At the end of the lesson, the Class Discussion Engage: Play the video “The importance of C.L.O. 6 & 8
Behavior students shall be able to: studying consumer behavior” to introduce
1. Outline the consumer “The importance of the topic and gather brainstorming ideas
perception process as studying consumer from the class.
foundation of behavior” video
Advertising Explore: Explore elements that influence
Case Analysis individuals' purchasing decisions

Recitation Explain: Explain the different factors that

influence individuals' purchasing decisions
Elaborate: Analyze how consumer
behavior can be used to predict future
trends through case analysis.

Evaluate: Evaluate class participation and

discussion to gauge engagement. Conduct
a short quiz at the end of the lesson.
Week 16-17 Designing Effective At the end of the lesson, the Class Discussion Engage: Discuss the history of Mass Media C.L.O. 7
Advertising programs students shall be able to: through video presentation
1. Learn how companies Recitation Explore: Explore the different Advertising
set the Advertising objectives
objectives Group project
2. See how companies Explain: Explain factors influencing
decide how much to Quiz Advertising budget
allocate for the
Advertising budget Evaluate: Evaluate class participation and
3. Recognize that mass discussion to gauge engagement. Conduct
media, if used a short quiz at the end of the lesson.
correctly can still
dramatically improve
the fortunes of a
brand or a company
Week 18 Develop an Advertising At the end of the lesson, the Class Discussion Engage: Discuss the role of computers in C.L.O. 8
Program students shall be able to: print production
1. Deciding on the Recitation
Explore: Compare and contrast the pros
advertising message
and cons of print, electronic, and digital
2. Produce Ads for Print, Group project
media when used for Advertisements.
Electronic and Digital
Media Quiz
Explain: Explain difference between
3. Evaluate Advertising
implied and overt messages
Elaborate: Analyze the development
process for ads and brochures, radio and TV
Evaluate: Group project: Have students
create a 30-second advertisement about
products/services of their choice.

Week 19 Multiple Choice Exam Multiple Choice Exam Evaluate: Midterm Exam

Final Output: 30 seconds - 1 minutes video Advertisement

 The class will be divided into groups

 Each group will choose a particular product or service and create a video advertisement (30 seconds – 1 minute long) for the chosen product or service.
 The video advertisement will be graded using the following rubrics.


POWER OF ADVERT Advertisement is very clear of what the product/service can do or offers and shows a need for why audience should buy the product 25%
or avail the service.
TARGET MARKET There is absolutely no doubt who the target audience for the advertisement. Music is geared toward this target market. 25%
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Product name is very clear. All information about products and why you should use it are included. 25%

OVERALL DESIGN The advertisement uses good color, pictures connected to product, models, examples, song, 25%
moving images and words that are easy to remember.



 Hackley, Chris, Hackley, Rungpaka Amy. (2021). Advertising and promotion. 5th edition. Sage Publications.
 S.A. Chunawalla. (2020). Advertising, Sales And Promotion Management 4th Revised Edition. Himalaya Publishing House.
 Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2013). Framework for Marketing Management: Global Edition. Pearson Higher Ed.
 Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2013). Marketing. McGraw-Hill Education
 Mullins, J., Walker, O. C., & Boyd, H. W., Jr. (2012). Marketing management: A Strategic Decision-Making Approach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
 Chunawalla SA, Sethia KC. (2008). Foundations of Advertising [Electronic Resource]: Theory & Practice / S.A. Chunawalla, K.C. Sethia. Rev. ed. Himalaya Pub. House.
 Hackley, C. (2005). Advertising and promotion: Communicating brands. SAGE Publications Ltd.
 Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S., & Kotler, P. (2014). Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia
 Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2008) Marketing Management. 13th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey

Other References:

Prepared by: Checked by:


Approved by: Noted by:


Dean, CBM Vice-President for Academic Affairs

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